F 1FT I:i RAe E Start" prm"""p~':'::R.OW' ANoUPV. FURlON~~f WARD. $7,500, 124 lbs.; 2 lbs. for each $250 to ~----~---~ $7,000. Non-wInners of three races since Janilary 16 lliiFinish allowe:1 3 Ibs.; of two races since then, 5 Ibs.; of a race since then, 7 Ibs. (Races when entered to be claimed for -$6,000 or less not considered.) Track Record: Rose Net (6), 114 .lbs.; September 17, 1962; 1:211-5 Scale wt.: 130 1bs, Ask for horse by program number.

EASTCHESTER FARM M. PADOVANI 6-1 Kelly green, apple green braces and circled lIE". apple green sleeves, Kelly green hoops, apple green cap HELIODORO LEVEL FLIGHT. 115 GUSTINES 1 Ch.h.5, Gun Shot-Bush Pilot by Jet Pilot $7.250 MARTIN'SHER S. R. SHAPOF'F 8-1 Black~ white stripes, black sleeves, white hoop. black and whIte cap JOHN KING GOHI 119 RUANE 2 B.gA, FIrst Nighter-Queen Gohi by Burgoo King $7,500 JEAN M. VIRGA H. JACOBSON 8-5 Yellow, green panel, green sleeves, yellow cap ROBERT COUNT NEW YORK 117 USSERY 3 B.c.4, Count Turf-Miss Felicity by Grand Slam $7,500 - PAULA SINGER P; BIEBER 15-1 Royal blue, chartreuse "PS" in. circle, chartreuse hoops on sleeves, chartreuse cap MIKE MY PAL CHAPPY 115 SORRENTINO 4 B.c.4, PalestinIan-Chapa quoIt by Amblorlx $7,250 - ELCEE-H STABLE S. J. SMITH 10-1 Red, white dots on sleeves, white cap, red visor and button SANJ;lINO YANKEETOWN 117 HERNANDEZ 5 B.c.4, The Pimpernel-Go Larking by Sir Damian $7,500 HOLLYGATE FARM T. H. HEARD, JR. 6-1 Blue, gold braces and "H". blue and gold halved sleeves, gold cap J·AMES SNEED 0 SIX 119 COMBEST 6 'B.cA, Curandero-Mistres<; Edith by Pharamond 2nd $7,500 MRS. JESSIE GAW W. D. CARROLL 10-1 Flame, beige sleeves, flame hoop, flame cap, beIge button LARRY EAST INDIA 2nd 115 ADAMS 7 Ch.,.5, Hellopolls-ealcutta 2nd by Palestine $7,250 SAMUEL J. LeFRAK P. G. JOHNSON 3-1 Orange, blue hoop, blue dots on sleeves, orange cap JOHNL. SCAN THE SKY 119 ROTZ 8 Ch.cA, Fly Away-LIsten Lover by Attention $7,500

In the event of an inquiry or claim of foul the word "INQUmy" shall be flashed forthwith on the Result Boards and announcement thereof made on the public address system. The number of the horse (or horses) against which action is contemplated will appear in BLINKING lights on the Result Boards.

THE MORNING LINE is only an early estimate of probable odds. In the event of scratches or other material changes after the program is printed, a revised MORNING LINE will be posted. The actual odds on all races are determined Weight forced Mr. Fitz, left, to become a trainer and the by the bettors. late Walter Miller, center, rode for him in the early 1900's that day after having surveyed the scene as a boy deliver- ing milk. He began walking horses, then riding them in workouts and finally becoming a jockey, riding his first race on August 17, 1889. It was not until September 30 of the following year that he rode his first winner, Crispin, James E. Fitzsimmons at the Gloucester track in New Jersey. As a jockey he was at the opening of "old" Aqueduct track in 1894; he was at Saratoga as far back as 1893 and he outlasted many other tracks of the past such as Gutten- berg, Brighton Beach, Maspeth, Gravesend and Alexander Island, where the Pentagon now stands.

But Mr. Fitz did not outlast weight and in 1900 was about to leave the race track as a jockey and become a motorman of a trolley car in Philadelphia but he managed to get a trainer's job and promptly saddled his first winner, Agne1\ D., at Brighton Beach on August 7, 1900.

Mr. Fitz has saddled more then 2,000, winners since Agnes D. The early ones were at smaller tracks that have since been closed. He came to the "big time" as a trainer in 1924 when he took over the Belair Stud horses of the late William Woodward. He trained for Belair until the stable was dispersed in 1955, the year was voted the top horse in America under the training of Mr. Fitz.

A year after he started training for Belair, Mr. Fitz took over the horses of the Wheatley Stable of Ogden Mills and Mrs. Henry Carnegie Phipps. He subsequently trained those of Mrs. Phipps' son, Ogden, and a few years ago started training for Mr. Phipps' son, Ogden Mills Phipps. It is this large stable of three generations of the Phipps family that Mr. Fitz is turning over to younger hands to- day because "It's about time I let somebody else do some of the worrying. My feet get tired and I just want to give them a little rest." This afternoon marks a milestone in one of the longest For Mr. Fitz 'rest, yes, but retirement, no. He will now active careers in American sports history. Mr. Fitz is glide over into his position as Trainer Emeritus of Ameri- turning over the reins of management of a large number can racing and be with all of us for a long time to come. of horses to younger hands after three-quarters of a cen- This is not a Mr. Fitz Day. There can never be, for on the tury as a jockey and trainer. But, he'll still be with us. race track every day is Mr. Fitz Day for the scores of As he puts it, "Don't worry, I'll be around. It's just that people fortunate enough to know him. I won't have to do all that worrying. Instead of me telling people what to do, they'll be telling me. And now I can But today is not just like any other day either for it does sleep later in the morning. I'm really going to like that." mark the completion of one phase of Mr. Fitz's long life and for that reason, between the Fourth and Fifth Races It has been an early life for Mr. Fitz for many years, his friends have chosen to present him with a silver tray ever since he came to racing some eleven years after his bearing the names of the stakes winners he has trained birth on July 23, 1874. But it has been a good life. As he through the years. The tray bears an engraved sketch of says, "Racing is the only life for me." Mr. Fitz and the following inscription, "To James E. Mr. Fitz's racing life began at the old Sheep shead Bay Fitzsimmons with all the best wishes of the N.Y.R.A. and track in Brooklyn on .March 4, 1885. He got his first job all his friends." ~_~~S_tart_ SI X TH RAe E

The tray presented to Mr. Fitz today by his friends rf6-F-U-R-l-O~:-G~S'\\ ~~~~~h~~~::.~~ ~~~~E~:A:--~~~~t~: t:~ is also engraved with the names of the 148 stakes ~_-_- _- _-_ -_-_-_--'<-C--=--=--:::~ maiden or claiming. Three-year-olds, 115 Ibs.; Finish older, 124 lbs. Non-winners of a race other than winners he has trained during his long career. claiming since April 25 allowed 3 Ibs.; of a race of any kind since March 19, 5 Ibs.

Track Record: Careless Job!! (3), 112 Ibs.; August 29, 1960; Four Lane (3), STAR GAZE STRIKING 125 Ibs.; August 29, 1960; Rainy Lake (4), 115 Ibs.; June 5, 1963; 1:09 KOH-i-NOOR PALMA BUSANDA Scale Wt.: 3-yr-olcls, 121 100.; older, 130 Ibs. Ask for horse by program number. KNOBBIE SEABISCUIT ANTAGONISM CAPTAIN ALCOCK WHITE COCKADE HYPHASIS RAY JAY SNARK VULCANIA CAMBRIDGE STABLE W. O. HICKS Red, black sash, black sleeves. red hoops, red cap PRISCILLA RULEY MAG MELL GOLDEN GLOVES GAMBOLING 115 (p. p.l) AGA KHAN ANCESTOR Dk.b.g.3, Nashua-Frolic by Whlrlaway BEATRICE TEUFEL ONE THROW JOHN H. VOCKE W. O. HICKS 3-1 Green, blue stripes on sleeves, blue cap SANDINO MARCONI BLUE SHEEN FLIRTATIOUS MUCH MOTION 110 HERNANDEZ SILVER LANE DRAWBRIDGE HILARIOUS ~A[B.c.3, Jet Action-Full Flower by Amblorlx (p. p. 3) LAURA DIANTI MELODIST TORCH OF WAR HERBERT ALLEN EUGENE JACOBS 6-1 White, red cross sashes, red squares on sleeves, BONNIE MAGINN MERRY LASSIE SABETTE red and white hooped cap ROBERT GENERAL LEE FIGHTING FOX QUICK LUNCH REALLY RUGGED 115 USSERY 2 (p. p. 2) B.c.3, Rough'n Tumble-Ruddy Bene by Errard AMBERJACK ISOLATER BASSANIO ADA L. RICE C. TROUTT 8-1 FLAMBINO MAGIC HOUR GAME CHANCE White, cerise HALR" in diamond, cerise yoke and sleeves, white cap, cerise visor DICE STORMSCUD GREAT CAPTAIN WILLIE MODEL KNIGHT 110 HARMATZ DISTRACTION FULL FLIGHT 3 Ch.c.3. Model Cadet-Cherrydale by Whiskaway (p. p. 4) DIAVOLO MATTERHORN NASHUA HOBEAU FARM H. A. JERKENS 6-1 Orange, orange and light blue blocked sleeves, EXCALIBUR GILDED KNIGHT HIGH VOLTAGE ora'cge cap WILLIAM DAVID BONE HOSTILITY LAUGH BOLAND SOUNDTHECHARGE 112 (p. p. 5) NIXIE WISE LADY MISTY MORN 4 B.c.3, Royal Charger-Mellow Mood by Better Self LUCILLE E. STEPHENS S. W. WARD 4-1 FILEMAKER SEA CAPTAIN GLAMOUR Green and white blocks, black sleeves, quartered green FRISIUS MERRY KNIGHT BOLD RULER and white cap LARRY LUCKY TURN 115 ADAMS HARD TACK FENELON BUREAUCRACY 5 Dk,b.g.3, Turn-to-Lucky Mistake by Olympia (P. p. 6) BOSLEY GRAY PHANTOM WILLIAM EWING T. M. WALLER 8-1 Kelly green, canary hoop, canary sleeves, green hoop, PETO SCURRY MISTY FLIGHT quartered cap HELIODORO FLYING GAL BOLD IRISHMAN NASCO GUSTINES HAPPY NASRULLAH 119 (p. p. 7) ERIN KING COLE LADY BE GOOD 6 B.cA, Nasrullah-Happy Go Fleet by Count Fleet LA CIMA STABLE H. C. PARDUE 5-2 BLIND LANE FOXBROUGH HIGH BID Orange, white star, w,hite sleeves, orange stars, quartered cap JOHNL. ORl\1ESBY APACHE THE IRISHMAN ROTZ FLAMING VAGRANCY IRISH JAY TENACLE 110 (p. p. 8) 7 Dk.b.or br.c.3. Mark-Ye-WeIl Arousal by Fairway SIR ASHLEY NAVIGATING PROGRESSING

FAIRENO OPTIMISM BASES FULL SCRATCHED PARDEE THREAD 0' GOLD SARCASTIC RARE PET BLENHEIM STRONGHOLD SHAVETAIL " . DARK SECRET BOSSUET HITTING AWAY HAPPY GAL VIENNA FUNLOVING NOTEBOOK DORA DEAR BATTER UP BALIOS SUBDUED BROADWAY Return Subway Express Service ISEULT DRUMIUR SUBTLE Subway express returning from Aqueduct to 42nd Street, DOMINUS BONNIE BERYL ROYAL RECORD Manhattan, with one stop at Hoyt Street, Brooklyn, runs ONLY EDELWEISS MISLEADER COMIC on Saturdays. and holidays following the Seventh Race. Fare SLAPDASH HYPNOTIC FASHION VERDICT on the express is 50 cents. FLEAM KEYNOTE BOLD PRINCESS This service is in addition to the trains which operate at CARRY OVER i GREY FLIGHT NO RESISTING the regular fare of 15 cents. VICAR THE ADMIRAL FOOL'S PLAY VICARESS MY EMMA ROYAL ASCOT DASHER WHmLING FOX INSURRECTION PITTER PAT SHACKLETON BOLD COMMANDER IRISH WITCH PLEASE HOLD All PAR'-MUTUEl T'CKETS UNT'l RESULT OF RACE 'S DECLARED OFF'C'Al SEVENTH RACE Previous Winners [.l._•.~_~.~.Q./. THE BOWLING GREEN 1958-Sanford Stu.d Farm's Rafty, 6 (E. Guerin); 124 Ibs.; .. ...::..== (6th RUNNING) time, 2:171-5; Value to winner, $18,810. "Finish 1959-John M. Schiff's Bell Hop: 4 (R. Ussery); 116 Ibs.; T".' ('1'''~~'' $25,000 Added time, 2:143-5; Value to winner, $18,810. A HANDICAP FOR THREE·YEAR·OLDS AND UPWARD. By subscription of $50 196o-Ken-Love Farm's Amber Morn, 4 (P. Anderson); 113 each, which shall accompany the nomination; $250 additional to start. with Ibs.: time. 2:29 1-5; Value to winner, $38,010. $25,000 added. The adQect money and all fees to be divided 65% to the winner, 1961-Alphonse J. Pupino's Dead Center, 4 (J. Yother); 107 20% to second, 10% to third, and 5% to fourth. Weights Monday. June lQ. lbs.; time, 2:294-5: Value to winner, $25,772. Starters to be named through the entry box the day before the race at the usual 1962-Wheatley Stable's Royal Record, 4 (H. Woodhouse); time of closing. A trophy will be presented to the owner of the winner. III lbs.; time, 2:331-5; Value to winner $18,752. (Closed Wednesday. May 15 with 26 nominations)

Previously run at Belmont Park (Widener Turf Course) at ONE MILE AND FIVE FURLONGS. ON THE TURF a mile and three furlongs in 1958and 1959 and at a mile and Track Record: T.V. Lark (4). 119 lbs.; October 25, 1961; 2:40 (American Record) a half from 1960to 1962,inclusive. Scale Wt.: 3-yr-olds 111 Ibs.; older. 126 100. Ask for horse by program number. * Apprentice Allowances JOHN M. SCHIFF O. T. DUBASSOFF 6-1 Asterisks (:t:) (:t::t:) (:t::t::t:) or a dagger (;.) preceding the Purple, white hoop, purple sleeves, white cap weight assigned to a horse designate an apprentice allowance WILLIAM 1 OUR JEEP 121 BOLAND for the jockey. Under the rules of the New York State Racing Ch.g.6. War Jeep-Vamp by Our Boots Commission, the following allowances may be claimed for an WHEATLEY STABLE J. FITZSIMMONS 4-1 apprentice: Yellow, purple sleeves and cap LARRY Three asterisks (:t::t::t:) denote a ten pound allowance which ROYAL RECORD 118 ADAMS the apprentice may claim until he has ridden five winners. 2 B.h.5. Nasrullah-Belle Hlstoire by Blue Larkspur Two asterisks (:t::t:) denote a seven pound allowance which --- GREENTREE STABLE J. M. GAVER . 8-5 Pink, black stripes on sleeves, black cap the apprentice may claim until he has ridden an additional JOHNL. thirty winners, or an overall total of thirty-five winners. TUTANKHAMEN 121 ROTZ 3 Br.h.5. Nasrullah-Track Medal by Khaled One asterisk (:t:) denotes a five pound allowance .. Should MRS. FRANK E. POWER T. J. BARRY 15-1 the apprentice reach his thirty-fifth winner prior to one year Black. white braces, white dots on sleeves. black cap WILLIE from the date of riding his fifth winner, he may claim an POLLINGFOLD IfARMATZ. allowance of five pounds until the end of that year. 4 Ch.c.4, Tropique-Lumine by Borealis 108 The dagger (+) denotes an allowance of three pounds MRS: STEPHEN C. CLARK, JR. S. WATTERS. JR. 3-1 Yellow, blue braid, blue sleeves, yellow cap which may be claimed only by a rider who remains in the IfEL!ODORO employ of his original' contract employer after his apprentice- SHIELD BEARER GUSTINES 5 B,g.a. Roman Bout-Rea's Girl by Unbreakable 119 ship has been served. This three pound allowance may be MRS. HENRY OBRE K. FIELD , 15-1 claimed for one year following the completion of the other Purple, purple and white blocked sleeves, purple cap allowances when the jockey is named on a horse either owned ELDON HUNTER'S ROCK 107 N,ELSON or trained by his original contract employer. 6 Dk.br.g.5, Hunters Moon 4th-Rocky Wes hy Piping Rock PIN OAK STABLE J. A. PIERCE 6-1 Blue and gray stripes, gray sleeves, blue cap JOCKEY STANDINGS ROBERT (Current Meeting) INTERCEPTED 118 USSERY 7 Dk.b.g.4, Nasrullah-Make a Play by War Admiral Mts. 1st 2nd Ussery, R. 71 17 7 Woodhouse, H. 55 9 2 Rotz, J. L. 49 8 8 Ycaza, M ,. '.' ..... 27 7 3 Adams, L. . . . . 49 6 6 * Informative Racing Book'et Gustines, H...... 64 6 5 The comprehensive booklet, "How to Read Charts and Sellers, J...... 40 5 8 Baeza, B. : ~ 44 5 11 Past Performances", is available through- the courtesy of Gonzalez, M. N. . . . . 24 3 3 THE MORNING TELEGRAPH. It may be obtained without Boland, W. . , .. ,. . 30 3 4 charge at THE MORNING TELEGRAPH and DAILY RACING Guerin, E. . ,.... 41 3 9 FORM stands in the Grandstand and Clubhouse. Hernandez, S.'...... 49 3 6 LEADING TRAINERS (Current Meeting) Winners Winners Special Groups H. Jacobson 6 S. Jacobs 2 J. Fitzsimmons 4 G. H. Bostwick 2 Arrangements may be made for Special Groups to attend the E. A. Neloy 4 L. Foster 2 races - Service Clubs, Business Groups, Conventions. etc. Eugene Jacobs 3 H. Jacobs 2 B. Parke 3 R. G. Elsbach 2 Write Special Groups, Aqueduct, Box 90, Ozone Park, M. Padovani 3 J. A. Nerud 2 Jamaica 17, N. Y. Phone MIchigan 1-4700, Ext. 207. Harris Brown 2 J. A. Kramer 2 P. G. Johnson ..... 2 T. H. Heard, Jr. 2 E. W. King 2 W. O. Hicks 2 R. B. Murray 2 J. P. Conway 2 The Paddock is restricted before each race to the owners W. C. Stephens 2 L. Laurin 2 D. M. Smithwick 2 and trainers of the horses racing. By order of the Stewards. What· put it on top?

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