Appendix 7 Cruise Report Lihir and Misima

Project Number: 8.ACP.PNG.18-B/15 The Independent State of EDF- MSSP: Papua 8.ACP.PNG.018-B/15

Independent Evaluation of Deep-Sea Mine Tailings Placement (DSTP) in PNG

Project Number: 8.ACP.PNG.18-B/15 Project Start: 15th February 2007 Total Project Duration: 21 Months

Cruise Report

PNG 4th November – 13th December 2007

Lihir and Misima Islands

Page 1 Contents

Contents ...... 2 1 Executive Summary...... 3 2 Cruise Objectives...... 6 3 Methods...... 7 3.1 Vessel...... 7 3.2 Echo-sounder surveying...... 9 3.3 Coring ...... 9 3.4 Sediment sampling for chemical analysis...... 12 3.5 Benthic biological analysis...... 13 3.6 CTD...... 14 3.7 Zooplankton sample collection...... 16 3.8 Bed-hop camera deployment ...... 17 4 Cruise Narrative...... 19 5 Charts ...... 26 6 List of Stations ...... 27 7 Oxygen calibrations...... 34 8 List of Samples ...... 35 9 CTD Plots for Lihir sampling stations...... 41 10 CTD Plots for Misima sampling stations...... 55

Table 6-1 Station positions ...... 27 Table 6-2 Bedhop camera deployments...... 27 Table 8-1 Sediment samples collected for chemical and radiochemical analyses...... 35 Table 8-2 Sediment samples collected for pore-water analyses ...... 35 Table 8-3 Sediment samples collected for macro- and meiofaunal analyses ...... 36 Table 8-4 CTD casts at Lihir and Misima ...... 37 Table 8-5 Suspended Particulate Material (SPM) sampling stations and depths ...... 37 Table 8-6 Nutrient sampling stations and depths...... 38 Table 8-7 Chlorophyll sampling stations and depths...... 39 Table 8-8 Zooplankton sampling stations and depths...... 40 Table 8-9 Plankton sampling stations and depths...... 40

Page 2

1 Executive Summary

The main aim of the Deep Sea Tailings Placement (DSTP) project is to carry out investigations which will result in a distinct improvement in the knowledge of environmental forcing factors, transport mechanisms (biotic and abiotic) and environmental impacts of Deep Sea Tailings Placement (DSTP) in (PNG) waters. The purpose of the field work was to collect physical oceanographic, sedimentological, geochemical, plankton/nekton and benthic biological samples and data with the specific objectives of assessing the quality of existing data and filling in gaps in knowledge to provide a better understanding of the impact of DSTP on the marine environment. The cruise took place from 31st October to 12th December 2007 using the MV Miss Rankin equipped with a winch and crane supplied by Lihir Gold Limited. The first leg of the cruise from 4th November to 25th November was situated in the waters surrounding Lihir Island and the second leg from 25th November to 9th December 2007 was situated in the waters around .

The sampling at Lihir included the collection of 105 sediment cores for chemical and biological analysis from 8 stations. At 5 stations sediment cores were processed to extract pore water which was collected to provide samples for nutrient and metal analysis. Water column sampling included 14 CTD casts, collection of 68 suspended particulate material samples from 7 stations and completion of 36 zooplankton (day and night) casts at 2 stations. In addition the water column was sampled to provide nutrient, chlorophyll and salinity samples for calibration of the CTD sensors.

The sampling at Misima included the collection of 108 sediment cores for chemical and biological analysis from 6 stations. At 4 stations sediment cores were processed to extract pore water which was collected to provide samples for nutrient and metal analysis. Water column sampling included 8 CTD casts and collection of 17 suspended particulate material samples from 2 stations. In addition the water column was sampled to provide nutrient and chlorophyll samples for calibration of the CTD sensors.

In addition to the above sediment and water column sampling seabed surveys were conducted using the Mk III Echotrack dual frequency (12 & 24 kHz) echo-sounder. All stations were subject to a brief echo-sounder survey to enable the corer to be safely deployed in a known water depth. Also obtained were longer echo-sounder profiles used to develop a working model of the distribution of tailings and the seabed morphology. Typically these profiles were up to 10 km long and run either perpendicular or parallel to the slope.

Generally the seabed morphology at Lihir was dominated by downslope channels down to >2500m. In contrast Misima was a site of steep slopes, into the Bwagaoia Basin where deposition dominated, although surveys revealed the presence of tailings in deep water beyond the basin to the SSW.

Page 3 At both Lihir and Misima seabed images were taken at a site known to be impacted by tailings and one that was believed to be non-impacted. The images were obtained using a Bed-hop camera which was deployed at stations L1 and L4 at Lihir and stations M1 and M5 at Misima.

On the 7th December at station M1, Misima, the winch rectifier failed on the second drop of the CTD with 200m wire out. The CTD was recovered using manual un- braking. After contacting LGL, it became apparent that no spare rectifier had been left with the winch. Therefore no further sampling was possible and the ship prepared for transit back to port in Port Moresby.

In summary, all the required sampling was achieved at Lihir, however at Misima approximately 85% of the sampling was completed. The sediment sampling was 100% completed but only 2 stations were sampled for water column measurements and no zooplankton sampling was possible at this site.

Page 4 Personnel

SAMS staff Dr Tracy Shimmield – Principal Scientist Dr John Howe Dr David Hughes Mr Jim Smith Dr Kenneth Black

Ships Staff James Collins (owner and skipper) Tony Collins (owner and skipper) joined 6th December Augustine Koubaui (Ship’s Master) Ossi Wasu – Engineer Ravu Isaro – Apprentice Engineer Loa Kenae– Cook Nolai Isikini– Able seaman Johnnas Esau– Able seaman Alice Nunua– Stewardess Martha Pingu- Stewardess

Acknowledgements We would like to thank the owners, James Collins and Tony Collins, and the ship’s crew for their professionalism and hard work which helped make the cruise a success. We would also like to thank Andrew Reid and the environmental staff from LGL for their help and advice at the Lihir site. Thanks go to Mr Israel who helped with logistics at Misima Island.

Without the help of Ian Helmond in setting up a system for deploying the corer the collection of sediment cores would have been extremely difficult.

In addition we are indebted to help we received from DEC staff, John Mosorro, Andy Hetra, Gabriel Luluaki and Fabien Tambari and Dr Wesley Irima, MRA.

Thanks go to Prof. Olaf Pfannkuche, MSSP short term expert, for taking the time to join us for part of the cruise at Lihir. The many discussions we had and suggestions offered were extremely helpful and will ensure that the final outputs from the cruise are maximised.

Finally our thanks go to Dr Rolf Braun, MSSP, for his help in the safe import of the scientific equipment, without which none of the following work could have been completed.

Page 5 2 Cruise Objectives

The main aim of the project is to carry out investigations which will result in a distinct improvement in the knowledge of environmental forcing factors, transport mechanisms (biotic and abiotic) and environmental impacts of Deep Sea Tailings Placement (DSTP) in Papua New Guinea (PNG) waters. The terms of reference (ToR) of the project state that the field work will consist of a discrete programme of activities carried out over a relatively short period and will comprise of physical oceanographic, sedimentological, geochemical, plankton/nekton and benthic biological investigations. The specific objectives of the cruise are set out in the ToR of the project and are as follows;

1. Organise and carry out a scientific sampling cruise around the waters of Lihir and Misima Islands including the provision of skilled personnel, sampling and analytical gear. 2. Based on the previous data evaluations, plan and execute a field expedition to the mining sites at Lihir and Misima Islands, PNG. 3. Data obtained during the expedition and from analysis of collected samples will serve as a quality control of existing data. 4. Where possible, data will be collected to fill gaps in knowledge with the specific aim of providing a better understanding of the impact of Deep Sea Tailings Placement (DSTP) on the marine environment. 5. The investigation at the active DSTP site at Lihir should address different spatial scales e.g. mixing zone, near field and far field situation. 6. The investigation of a non impacted reference station for key parameters is desirable.

The following assumptions apply to the cruise objectives;

1. Executing an oceanographic survey in an effective manner, in the selected area relies on the availability of suitable ship capacity. 2. Since the knowledge of the regional oceanography of the area is restricted and the project has a limited time frame and funding, the investigations of sites in the far field region will be limited.

The following risk factors have been identified;

1. Weather: the climate is generally humid and seasonal, with heavy rainfall and often unpredictable weather patterns. Field operations are recommended during the period October to March outside the SW-Trade wind season. 2. Ship: Research Vessels are complex tools with special technical installations for oceanographic works such as cranes, A-frames and winches. Sampling solely depends on the employment of winches with wire and/or cable lengths of many thousand metres. There is always a risk of potential malfunction or even complete failure. Whole expeditions have failed due to the failure of winches, especially when a vessel is equipped with only one multi-purpose winch combining cable and wire operations such as CTD/rosette water sampler casts and coring.

Page 6 3 Methods

3.1 Vessel

Miss Rankin is 30m long and with a gross weight of around 160 tonnes. It is fitted out for diving charters but has recently been used by the PNG mining sector for survey and sampling work. To enable over-the-side operation a hydrographic winch with 3000m of conducting cable owned by Lihir Gold Limited (LGL) was fitted on a customised mounting. A crane, also owned by LGL, was located at the stern and was used both to move equipment and to carry the winch block.

The Miss Rankin at the Lihir wharf

Page 7

The LGL Hydrographic winch

Deploying the corer: detail of block

Page 8 3.2 Echo-sounder surveying

Seabed surveys were conducted using the Mk III Echotrack dual frequency (12 & 24 kHz) echo-sounder. The system was used in single frequency (24 kHz) mode from a pole mounted transducer from the starboard aft side. The analogue sounder had a thermal paper trace. Problems periodically arose with the sounder not finding the seabed in water depths >1500m especially in a moderate swell, possibly as a result of the pole-mounted transducer rolling with the boat. A suggestion for future work would be to have a towed system with digital display.

All stations were subject to a brief echo-sounder survey to enable the corer to be safely deployed in a known water depth. Also obtained were longer echo-sounder profiles used to develop a working model of the distribution of tailings and the seabed morphology. Typically these profiles were up to 10 km long and run either perpendicular or parallel to the slope.

Generally the seabed morphology at Lihir was dominated by downslope channels down to >2500m. In contrast Misima was a site of steep slopes, into the Bwagaoia Basin where deposition dominated, although surveys revealed the presence of tailings in deep water beyond the basin to the SSW.

3.3 Coring

All successful coring was carried out with the SAMS megacorer. This instrument is capable of carrying eight 10cm diameter core tubes and is designed to take sediment cores without bow-wave disturbance. It accomplishes this by being hydraulically damped such that once the corer frame reaches the bed the weighted core head carrying the core tubes descends slowly into the sediment on a piston.

In practice the corer velocity was moderated about 10m above the bed and lowered at about 0.5 ms-1 until touchdown. Thereafter about 5m of slack wire was spooled out to ensure that movements of the ship did not disturb the corer as it was penetrating the seabed. Initially touchdown was monitored with a Benthos altimeter attached to the corer frame but as this meant that no swivel could be used between the wire and corer and an alternative was sought. Fortunately it was relatively easy to detect contact with the seabed by the change in tone of the winch when the strain was reduced and this could be confirmed by manual assessment of the tension on the wire.

The LGL crane had insufficient power to slew with the corer suspended and so an alternative method of deployment was devised by Ian Helmond. This involved attaching a wire strop to the corer shackle and a second strop to the block. This second strop was fitted with a hook and when this was hooked through the strop attached to the corer it allowed the crane to lift and slew the corer over the side with the main wire slack. Once in position over the stern the main wire was tensioned and the strops unhooked allowing the deployment of the instrument. This process was reversed on recovery. Although this may appear complex it had the advantage that either the crane driver or the winch driver had control of the corer at any one time. This is in contrast to when the lighter CTD was deployed without the use of strops as during that operation both winch and crane drivers must work together to control the

Page 9 height of the instrument from the deck and its distance from the block. With practice this operation became routine and rapid. The corer was stabilised while above the deck by the use of ropes and as many pairs of hands as required by the motion of the ship.

Cores were assessed for length and any obvious layering on retrieval. Turbidity in the overlying water resulted in the rejection of the core as did any cracking or bubbling.

Deploying the corer on the strops – note the slack main wire crossing the deck

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A recently recovered core showing laminations and clear overlying water

Page 11

Megacorer cores on deck

3.4 Sediment sampling for chemical analysis

Sediment chemistry samples Sediment cores for chemical analysis were obtained from each of the stations. Only sediments with clear overlying water and no other physical disturbance, such as bubbles or slumping of the core within the core tube, were taken to be processed for sediment chemistry.

Three cores were taken at each site, one for particle size analysis, carbon analysis and metal analysis, a second for radionuclide analysis and a third as a spare core. Each core was sliced at 0.5cm interval to a depth of 5cm, 1cm interval to a depth of 20cm and then 2cm thereafter to the bottom of the core. The samples were sectioned and each slice placed in a labelled ziplock bag. All samples pertaining to a single core were placed in a large plastic labelled bag and placed in the freezer for storage.

Pore-water samples Pore-water was extracted from retrieved sediments and collected to ascertain the nutrient and dissolved metal concentrations.

Page 12 The sediment pore water was obtained from cores by the slicing and extraction of sediment in a nitrogen filled glove bag to prevent oxidation of any elements in the dissolved and solid phases of the sediment. An aliquot of sediment was placed in a ziplock bag to provide a sample for water content and total metal analysis. Pore-water was collected from the top 15cm of the sediment core where available. There after the sediment core was sectioned as described above, placed in ziplock bags and frozen.

To separate the pore-water from the sediment, the extracted sediment was placed in a gas tight centrifuge tube (within a nitrogen atmosphere) and centrifuged at 4000 rpm to extract the pore water. The extracted pore water was filtered under nitrogen through a combination of 5 µm and 0.25 µm filters to collect samples for metal analysis and through a 0.25 µm filter to collect samples for nutrient analysis. The filtered samples for metal analysis were placed in small polycarbonate bottles, acidified with nitric acid. A separate sample was filtered for pore-water nutrient analysis and was placed in a microcentrifuge tube. All samples were stored in a fridge at 4oC.

The above sampling was carried out in triplicate at each of the main stations. Each of the three cores was retrieved from separate deployments of the megacorer.

3.5 Benthic biological analysis

Macrofauna Cores intended for macrofaunal analysis were mounted on a wooden core stand and gently lowered to remove all but approximately 1 cm depth of the overlying water. Photographs were taken if the core surface showed any interesting features (visible surface fauna, burrows or other traces of biological activity). The remaining overlying water was carefully transferred to a sample container using a plastic pipette. This was done to ensure collection of any small animals present in the superficial sediment or surface floc. The sediment core was then sliced at the 5 cm and 10 cm depth horizons, and the 0-5 and 5-10 cm sections placed in separate containers. Fixative solution (4% buffered formaldehyde with Rose Bengal stain) was then added to each container. After addition of fixative the sediment in each container was broken up and thoroughly stirred with a knife blade to ensure penetration of the solution throughout the sample. Labelled sample containers were then sealed and placed into storage on deck. Sediment below 10 cm depth was not preserved, as in our experience of deep- sea sampling the scarcity of animals below this level means that it is not cost-effective to process this material. However, the deeper sediment of each core was carefully broken open and examined visually before being discarded to ensure that rare, larger animals (which are occasionally found below 10 cm) were retained.

Sediment samples were left in fixative for at least 48 hours before any further treatment. Each sample was then washed through stacked sieves (500 µm and 250 µm) using gently flowing, filtered seawater. The residues on each sieve were then carefully washed into separate sample containers (glass vials, ziplock polythene bags or polypropylene pots, according to volume of material), and topped-up with a small volume of fixative (4% buffered formaldehyde). All samples were labelled both internally and externally to ensure correct identification on return to the laboratory.

Page 13 Meiofauna Cores intended for meiofaunal analysis were mounted on the core stand and gently lowered to leave only 1 cm depth of overlying water, which was then removed by pipette as described above. The sediment column was then sliced at 1 cm intervals to a depth of 5 cm, and each section washed into a separate labelled ziplock polythene bag. Fixative solution was then added to each bag. The 5-10 cm depth horizon was also retained and fixed in order to allow use of these cores as additional replicates for quantification of macrofauna. The 1 cm-thick slices from the 0-5 cm depth horizon were not processed further on the ship, but will be sieved on return to the laboratory. The 5-10 cm layer of each core was left in fixative for at least 48 hours, washed through 500 µm and 250 µm sieves and the residues preserved as described above.

3.6 CTD

CTD data were collected using a Seabird instrument equipped with a carousel of twelve 5-litre bottles and with sensors for light transmission, oxygen, chlorophyll, depth, conductivity and temperature. Typically the instrument was deployed to a depth of 5 m and then switched on allowing the pump to the sensors to prime. Once the pump was activated the instrument was raised to just below the water surface and the data acquisition commenced. The rate of descent was kept to 0.5 ms-1 for the first 100 m and then approximately 0.75 ms-1 until close to the bottom. In general the descent was halted about 20m from the bed. Bottles were fired on the up-cast at depths determined by the display of sensor data indicating water-column features of interest.

Suspended Particulate Material (SPM) sampling Samples for the determination of the amount and chemical constituents of the SPM at different depths in the water column were collected using the CTD. Where possible, 10 litres of water were collected at each of 10 depths by firing 2 bottles at each chosen depth. The samples were then filtered through pre-weighed cellulose nitrate 0.45 µm filters using a SPM filter rig. The rig comprises 6 x 10 litre Nalgene bottles and uses filtered compressed air to push the water through the filter. The filtered water is run to waste and any water left in the bottles is measured to obtain an accurate volume of filtered water. The amount of water filtered depends on the amount of particulates in the water column. After filtration the filter is placed back in its numbered housing for analysis.

Page 14

SPM filter rig on deck

SPM filter with filtered tailings

Water column nutrient sample collection Nutrient samples were obtained by collecting the water which was filtered during the collection of the SPM samples. The water was collected in 150ml polyethylene bottles

Page 15 which were stoppered and sealed and then immediately frozen and stored for return to the laboratory for analysis.

Water column chlorophyll sample collection Chlorophyll samples were collected by filtering approximately 200 ml of water through a GFF filter. The amount of water filtered was accurately measured. The filters were removed from the filter housing, folded and placed in a ziplock bag and immediately frozen and stored for return to the laboratory for analysis.

Oxygen calibration The CTD oxygen sensor was calibrated at station L2 (event 87) using quintuplet analyses of standard followed by quintuplet analysis of water from 3 water depths of apparently significantly different oxygen concentration.

Samples were drawn from the CTD bottles (one bottle per depth) directly into oxygen sample bottles of known volume using a silicon tube after excluding all bubbles . Samples were immediately fixed by the addition of manganese sulphate and alkaline iodide and then stored under water in an air conditioned room prior to analysis. Analysis was carried out using the standard Winkler method using an auto-titrator with potentiometric endpoint detection. The thiosulphate secondary standard was titrated against an iodate primary standard.

Salinity calibration sample collection Salinity samples were taken from the CTD at different depths within a cast. The depths were chosen to reflect different salinity values as indicated by the salinity sensor.

The water samples were placed into calibrated, numbered glass bottles. Each bottle was rinsed 5 times with water from the CTD bottle before finally filling to the top with water. The bottles were then sealed and stored for return to the laboratory for analysis.

3.7 Zooplankton sample collection

Zooplankton sampling was carried out at two stations off Lihir, at L1 close to the mine outfall, and at L8, a ‘control’ station remote from the influence of the mine. It was planned to conduct a similar exercise at two stations off Misima, but this was prevented by the malfunctioning of the winch near the end of the cruise.

At L1 and L8, one sampling run was carried out during the day, and one during the night, in order to determine the possible influence of zooplankton diel vertical migration on the results. Sampling was carried out using a KC WP2 zooplankton net with 120 µm mesh size. The net was deployed vertically from the ship’s winch, and lowered to the target depth until the required length of cable had been spooled out. The net was then raised at a constant speed of 1 ms-1 to a pre-determined depth, at which point a steel ‘messenger’ was sent down the cable to trigger closure of the net at its upper end. The net was then brought to the surface and recovered to the deck. The closed net was carefully hosed down with filtered seawater to wash the collected zooplankton to the receptacle at the ‘cod end’. The contents of this were then decanted

Page 16 into a plastic container, and the washing process repeated twice to ensure that all material retained in the net had been recovered. The collected material was then washed through a 120 µm sieve using filtered seawater to reduce the sample volume. The sieve residue was subsequently washed into a labelled ziplock polythene bag and fixed by addition of 4% buffered formaldehyde solution with Rose Bengal stain. Bags from each depth horizon in a deployment were stored in sealed plastic pots for return to the UK. At each station, net hauls were made over three depth horizons, 0-100 m, 100-300 m and 300-500 m. Three replicate hauls were made over each depth horizon at each station, both by day and night.

Recovery of the zooplankton net

3.8 Bed-hop camera deployment The bed-hop camera system consists of a 35 mm film camera and strobe light in separate pressure housings, mounted on a steel frame and connected via a bottom- switch linked to a lead weight suspended on a wire cable below the frame. The camera and strobe are triggered (and a photograph taken) by the bottom-switch when the suspended weight touches the seabed and releases the tension on the wire cable. The camera gives an oblique view of the seabed and records an image of

Page 17 approximately 1 m (horizontal extent) x 2.5 m (depth of field). The camera is usually loaded with 36-exposure colour transparency film, but to allow easy unloading of film only 25 exposures are made per deployment. For use off Miss Rankin, the camera frame was fitted with a BENTHOS altimeter which recorded the elevation above the seabed. It was found that the system could be deployed successfully with two operators in the cabin monitoring the readout from the altimeter and communicating with the winch driver by two-way radio. After each recorded contact with the seabed the system was raised 5 m on the winch for approximately 1 min to allow time for the strobe to recharge and the ship’s movement to carry the system some distance from the spot previously photographed. The system was then lowered slowly on the winch until the next seabed contact. In calm conditions the ship was allowed to drift freely during the deployment but in a swell it was necessary for the ship to steam slowly (approximately 0.5 knot) into the wind. The ship’s position was recorded at the start, mid-point and end of each sequence of images.

Facilities were not available for on-board processing of films, so a deployment was judged successful if, on recovery, the film was found to have passed through the camera, indicating that exposures had been made at the seabed. Four successful deployments were made, two each off Lihir (stations L1, L4) and Misima (M1, M5). Two deployments were aborted, one as a result of heavy swell which made it difficult to detect contact with the seabed, and one as a result of a re-positioned compass arm which caused interference with the altimeter beam. Films from the four deployments were processed after return to the UK, and all were found to have successfully recorded images of the seabed.

The bed-hop camera set up on deck and ready for deployment

Page 18 4 Cruise Narrative

Sunday 4th November, Lihir Island Kenny Black (KB) joined Ian Helmond (IH), employed by LGL to install winch and ensure LGL equipment setup, at 0630, proceeding to the harbour wharf to sort through and service LGL equipment required for the cruise. Miss Rankin arrived and anchored at 1200 as berth occupied by the MV Manus. KB and IH assembled winch mounting frame then met Jim Smith (JS), David Hughes (DH) and John Howe (JH) at airport at 1830.

Monday 5th November Rankin was allowed alongside to load the LGL winch. This was set up. Transducer and pole were also set up. Much of the day was spent unpacking SAMS gear that had been loaded onto Rankin in Port Moresby.

Tuesday 6th November Unmoored at 0530 for transit NE to reach 3000+m water for winch respooling and wire cleaning. We had difficulty getting the Echotrack III sounder to find bottom in that depth. Sounder reset to operate at 24khz and this proved to be satisfactory in shallower water. CTD was deployed in 3400m chart depth to respool the wire. Wound off to last 10 turns then cleaned the lower part of wire to remove salt and corrosion (mild). IH trained KB in winch operations. Returned to wharf at 2200.

Wednesday 7th November CTD setup by JH and JS. Loaded and stowed nitrogen cylinders supplied by Andrew Reid LGL. Loaded and examined Lihir box corer. Set up LGL Seabird Deck unit (SBE model 33) for use with LGL Altimeter and interface unit. This system was tested and worked well.

Set up Megacorer (MC). Set up sieve table and continued unpacking. Cast off and proceeded to 180m station in bay to test CTD. Good data received. Bottles 7 and 12 failed to fire. Bottle 3 failed to close at bottom.

Megacorer proved difficult to deploy as the Hiab had barely sufficient slewing power to turn against the side pressure exerted by the winch. The corer was however deployed and the altimeter and the wire-out meter (designed by IH) were well correlated. Slack wire was spooled when the corer was on the bottom (ca 5m). IH devised alternative deployment scheme whereby the main wire is left slack as the corer is placed in the sea and then the winch takes up the strain. This involves use of a wire strop from the corer shackle and a strop linked into the block with a hook. This proved to be a safe and elegant method of corer deployment. JS and Andrew Reid picked up Tracy Shimmield from airport. IH left Lihir

Thursday 8th November KB adjusted MC firing mechanisms. 4 core boxes on initially. JH and JS worked on connecting CTD transmissometer.

Vessel fuelled 1000-1100. Training deployment of MC over the stern while still moored followed by successful trial deployment in 180m. Transited to Luise Harbour and started sounder transect NE from Putput outfall until about 550m depth then due

Page 19 E till 1550m. Sounder gave good trace but no bottom depth displayed on sounder LCD.

Deployed MC in 1500m. On recovery, spooling was very poor with lots of gaps and adjustments required. All tubes fired holding water but no sediment. Redeployed MC in 1150m station that appeared soft on the sounder but no cores recovered. Rankin returned to wharf at 2000.

Friday 9th November Removed altimeter from MC allowing use of swivel then unpacked further to allow core processing. Cored in 1621m – only one short, gritty core recovered. Moved to 1138m station on basis of promising echo sounder trace but no cores were recovered.

The LGL box corer was deployed but it snagged on its own cable and did not fire. We then moved to a new potential station and redeployed but this time the corer hung on its own trigger. The decision was made to discontinue LGL box corer use as it appeared unsatisfactory in several aspects, not least safe recovery. Rankin returned to wharf at 2000.

Saturday 10th November Megacored on priority station subsequently called L1 near the outfall in 815m water depth although there was some doubt about the sounder settings, especially the sound velocity estimate. The wire out meter indicated 847m. Two short cores were recovered showing 7cm tailings layer, very soft and brick red, above a coarser gritty material (brown). This was followed by 2 successful drops each recovering 4 cores. The following drop (837m w/o) recovered one long core that had over-penetrated. The core contents appeared entirely mine-derived with distinct laminations.

The next attempt resulted in the coring wire snagging a closer mechanism and being recovered horizontally. Owing to the damage to the corer and the cable it was decided to return to the wharf to re-terminate the cable.

Sunday 11th November In search of a deeper station, an echo sounder track was performed N-S in ca. 1700m. A potential station was selected at 1663m but with no cores recovered. The wire was re-spooled but still with problems owing to a kink in a deeper layer. The ship re- positioned at promising site in 1040m but again no cores. We returned to L1 where several drops produced 6 useable cores then we returned to the wharf to process pore waters. Prof. Olaf Pfannkuche was picked up from airport.

Monday 12th November After heavy overnight rain, an echosounder tack was completed at ca. 1700m and a site identified based on predictions of the tailings route from L1 using previously collected bathymetry. Three successful drops in 1753m (subsequently named L2) yielded 12 good long cores – latterly 6 core boxes were used rather than 4 to reduce penetration in the soft, tailings-dominated sediment. Rankin then returned to the wharf to process pore waters.

Page 20 Tuesday 13th November A deep station was selected in 2020m water and cored at 0630. Four cores were recovered showing evidence of gravity flows with turbidite layers overlaid with tailings. The second drop gave no cores but a third drop gave 2 good cores (2/4). We next cored at L1 to recover a further core for porewater analysis and then returned to the wharf for processing.

Wednesday 14th November Set off at 0530 for L3 where we completed 4 drops (1, 1, 4, 3 cores). At this time the cable was getting more kinky above the corer owing to pulling through slack loops on the bottom. However, some slack wire is deemed important to account for heave and drift. Returned to wharf for processing.

Thursday 15th November An early start at L2 where 4 good cores were collected on the first drop but we experienced problems with the power supply to the winch giving a very slow wire recovery rate: the motor cut out on medium to high revs on recovery. We decided to return to the wharf to seek specialist help from LGL. The problem was discussed with Ian Helmond by satellite phone. After waiting for LGL engineers for several hours we decided to head to sea to check the voltages on the 3 phase supply under load as per IH advice. The configuration of ship’s generators was changed allowing the winch exclusive power from one of the two gensets. The rear winch control box was opened and condensation cleared. In 450m off the bay we dropped the corer and assessed voltages on recovery. Each phase pair gave a minimum of 395V under load (from 413V under no-load) with no tripping out. IH had advised that below 375V on any phase the winch trips out and indicate a mains failure. We then steamed out to L2, took 3 cores and then returned to the wharf to process.

Friday 16th November We departed at 0400 for L4 on the opposite side of the island. After conducting a brief sounder survey at 0630 the station was selected in 800m and 6 successful drops (3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4 cores) were conducted. We returned to the wharf via L1 (1 drop, 3 cores) and processed cores for pore waters. Thus all coring at L1-4 was completed.

Saturday 17th November We set off early to reach L6 with an echosounder track at 0630. We selected a station in 2020m and collected 4 good cores in each of 4 drops. We subsequently selected a station L5 in about 1700m water depth. The first drop yielded only one small core but the second gave 6 cores. The weather became increasingly wet and windy. One further unsuccessful drop in now very poor sea conditions was completed before we decided to cease operations and head for the wharf. This marked the beginning of 8 days of poor weather with frequent windy squalls from NW and a heavy swell at exposed stations.

Sunday 18th November We stayed at wharf all day slicing pore water cores from L6 (kept in fridge at 4C). The zooplankton net and bedhop camera with altimeter were set up.

Page 21 Monday 19th November We conducted 2 CTD dips at L3 in poor weather with a confused sea. Suspended particulate material (SPM) samples were collected in pairs (2*5 litres) from each of 10 depths over 2 dips. Conditions were deemed unsafe at this exposed station for the recovery of instruments so we proceeded to L1 for 2 CTD dips. We collected zooplankton in triplicate over 2 depth ranges (0-100m, 300-100m) but the increasingly very poor weather did not allow completion of the lower depth range.

Tuesday 20th November We conducted a CTD dip in 250m depth near the outfall (L7). A visual assessment of the filters revealed high concentrations of suspended particulate material SPM. Completed triplicate 300-500m zooplankton hauls at L1 and proceeded to the lee of Masahet island (L8) for the zooplankton sampling control station. Two CTD dips were conducted at L8 in reasonable shelter from wind and swell. All three depth ranges were sampled for zooplankton in triplicate. We returned to wharf before returning to L8 at 2210 for night time zooplankton sampling, completed successfully at 0056.

Wednesday 21st November As fuelling was not completed till 1400 we had to remain at the wharf. The oxygen titration apparatus was set up and the thiosulphate secondary standard calibrated.

Thursday 22nd November CTD dip at L2 – very large swell with difficulty recovering CTD. CTD depth readout was good on way down but poor on way up. Deployed bedhop camera at L1 then returned to wharf. Later, returned to L1 for night zooplankton sampling completed and returned to wharf at 0230 on the 23rd.

Friday 23rd November In very poor weather, we selected a station between L1 and L2 in approx. 1000m water depth for deployment of the bedhop camera as no other operation appeared feasible in the weather conditions prevailing. We carried out a sounder transect and then deployed the camera but the deployment was abandoned owing to a failure to detect the bottom with the altimeter. This was probably caused by a combination of the large heave on the wire and the wire angle caused by attempts by the master to reduce drift rate caused by the high winds (35+ knots).

Saturday 24th November As the weather had improved we transited to L4. Although hit by a squall on the way it was decided to attempt to use the CTD. Two CTDs were completed successfully, collecting SPM samples and a bedhop camera transect was carried out successfully. We then steamed to L6 but the weather deteriorated very rapidly with gusts to nearly 40 knots kicking up rough seas with waves hitting the saloon windows so the decision was taken to return to Lihir.

Sunday 25th November Although wet and windy at the start of the night, the weather was much improved by dawn and an attempt was made to complete L5 and L6. The weather continued to improve and 3 CTD drops were completed on L6 followed by one on L5 followed by 2*5 MC cores at L5 (short but good cores). This completed the sampling at Lihir.

Page 22

After taking fresh water at Lihir, and in the midst of an electrical storm, we started the transit to Rabaul to pick up Tony Collins and the ship’s Master, Augustine Koubaui.

Monday 26th November We had generally good weather on the transit and arrived at Rabaul at around 1930.

Tuesday 27th November TS, JH, DH and JS took short trip to base of the volcano while the ship took on more water, then we left for Misima at around 1300.

Wednesday 28th November After a very rough night, a good day of clear blue-water steaming south.

Thursday 29th November Continued sailing to Misima, visible on the horizon at breakfast time in good weather with light S breeze. Arrived at Misima Harbour at 1130 and moored. Mr Israel Israel, Sine and Agnes from Misima Mines Ltd. came aboard for a short meeting. We then transited to the former outfall area and conducted a sounder track survey on the expected line of tailings flow using available bathymetry1. However the bathymetry appeared to be grossly incorrect particularly at the southern end of the figure. The main receiving basin appeared very flat and we cored a station (M3) in 1467m near the SE end of the basin. The solitary successful core was very long and soft and appeared to be mine-derived throughout. We conducted a sounder track back to harbour then moored there for the night.

Friday 30th November We transited to M3 continuing the sounder survey and again the bathymetry deviated strongly from the available data. Coring was very difficult owing to the softness of the substratum. Several drops with partial success were conducted (4, 2, 1, 2, 2, 3). Much of the lead weight was taken off the corer for the last 2 drops. Cores were generally long and of good quality. We anchored off the Renard Islands.

Saturday 1st December We cored M3 again (3 cores), then conducted a sounder survey in search of a station (M4) in the basin to the west. Again, the bathymetry was very different to that previously recorded. We established the station in 1793m water depth and conducted 3 successful drops (6, 6, 7). The calm weather allowed processing for pore waters while at sea. Sediment was light brown and very soft on top of a lighter apparently natural substratum. The consensus was that the overlying layer was likely to be mine- derived. We anchored in the Calvados Island Chain.

Sunday 2nd December We steamed east to locate a control station (M5) in very calm and sunny weather. After much trouble with the echosounder, eventually found a station in 1704m depth SW of the Renard Islands and took cores from 3 successful drops (6, 5, 7). Sediment was light brown and very soft on top (~10cm) above lighter, harder sediments of mixed fine and sandier particles. It was not clear to us whether this station was

1 NSR (1997) Misima Mine, Papua New Guinea, Review of Submarine Tailings Disposal. 41 pages

Page 23 impacted by the mine so chemical analysis will be required for certainty. We returned to the in a blustery NW wind kicking up moderate sized waves.

Monday 3rd December Rankin sailed SW to find a definitive control station (M6) in 1250m beyond the Deboyne Islands. Three good core drops were achieved (6, 7, 6). We then returned to the Calvados Chain to complete sample processing.

Tuesday 4th December We sailed to Misima Harbour to pick up Eddie from Department of Environment PNG Government and Israel, Rowena and Agnes from Missima Mines Limited. After taking them aboard we located station M1 by echosounder survey in 1380m and took good cores from three drops (6, 6, 5). The soft sediments appeared to comprise slumped and overturned tailings. We then proceeded to Misima Harbour to disembark guests then transited to deep water (3400m) SE of Misima to re-spool winch after replacement of spooler followers. We deployed the corer down to 2300m and then rewound a perfect spool thus ending all winch spooling problems. Later, we anchored off the Renard Islands.

Wednesday 5th December Station M2 was established in 1461m and we expected similar problems to those at M3 in terms of softness and difficulty of collecting cores but were delighted when we completed coring at Misima with 3 successful drops (4, 6, 6). We proceeded to CTD deployment but experienced problems both with the software and the failure of several bottles to trigger. We eventually achieved SPM sample collection over 3 dips of the CTD at M2. We returned to the Renard Islands and sorted and weighed frozen sediment samples.

Thursday 6th December We first spent some time trying to improve function of the CTD by steeping and cleaning the trigger head in fresh soapy water but without significant improvement. A test was conducted in shallow water then we completed 3 dips at M5 after a successful bed-hop camera deployment, despite losing the bottom trigger weight. After the CTD we departed for M1 to conduct a bedhop camera deployment but this was aborted after the failure of the bedhop altimeter to register the bottom. This was caused by the position of the repaired compass arm which slightly obscured the altimeter head. We then headed for Misima to take on water overnight.

Friday 7th December We waited for news of the plane to take Tracy Shimmield to Port Moresby to complete negotiations for samples to be speedily returned to SAMS for analysis. As it appeared that the plane would be delayed till the early afternoon, we departed for M1 where we completed a successful bed-hop camera deployment. We completed one CTD drop collecting deep waters but then the winch rectifier failed on the second drop with 200m wire out. The CTD was recovered using manual un-braking. After contacting Ian Helmond, who had to contact Lihir, it became apparent that no spare rectifier had been left with the winch. We returned to harbour and Tracy’s flight eventually departed at 1730.

Page 24 Saturday 8th December We attempted a CTD deployment at M1 using manual un-braking but it was clear that the brake was not fully disengaged by the manual lever. There was a burning smell and wisps of smoke. To preserve the winch from further damage and to avoid the risk of loss of gear, the reluctant decision was made to abandon the use of the winch and therefore all further sample collection.

The remainder of the day was spent packing gear. Miss Rankin sailed for the Calvados Chain where it anchored overnight.

Sunday 9th December In cloudy and breezy weather, Miss Rankin sailed to the southern reef of the Calvados chain. DH continued to process benthic samples as he has done on every day since sampling commenced. We continued packing and making inventories of the equipment to remain in PNG.

Tuesday 11th December We arrived in Port Moresby at about 2000 after an uneventful transit from Misima.

Wednesday 12th December The biological samples were inspected by Fabian from the Department of Conservation and the packed sampling gear was offloaded into a container at the main wharf.

Thursday 13th December The preserved biological samples were collected by TNT for shipment to SAMS. As it proved impossible to guarantee a cargo flight schedule that would ensure that the frozen samples were kept cold during transit, these samples were stored in a freezer (or fridge for porewaters) in Port Moresby to await an appropriate transport arrangement. SAMS staff departed Port Moresby for Brisbane late in the evening.

Page 25 5 Charts

Map showing station positions at Lihir

Chart showing station positions at Misima

Page 26 6 List of Stations

Table 6-1 Station positions (conversion from WGS84 to AGD84 by Geocentric Translation (tx=134, ty=48,tz=-149) and depths (m).

WGS84 WGS84 AGD84 UTM56 Stn Latitude mins Longitude mins Depth Easting Northing deg deg L1 3 6.200 152 40.540850 463858 9656824 L2 3 7.000 152 46.3701750 474655 9655353 L3 3 6.640 152 49.7902020 480988 9656018 L4 3 8.260 152 30.880800 445970 9653022 L5 3 0.360 152 26.0701715 437054 9667572 L6 2 56.901 152 22.2662020 430005 9673941 L7 3 6.890 152 39.360300 461673 9655552 L8 2 57.680 152 40.880600 464483 9672521 M1 10 44.500 152 51.242 1380 483936 8812412 M2 10 46.184 152 54.356 1461 489612 8809311 M3 10 47.280 152 56.210 1467 492991 8807292 M4 10 50.000 152 49.000 1793 479857 8802274 M5 10 58.561 153 40.943 1704 501613 8786503 M6 10 56.425 152 23.503 1250 433430 8790373

All gear deployments were at the nominal station position. Station keeping was generally very good and always within 100m of the nominal station.

Table 6-2 Bedhop camera deployments

Station L1 L4 M1 M5 Depth m 850 800 1380 1704 No. seabed 25 25 22 25 contacts Position, 030 06.21’ S 030 08.28’ S 100 44.70’ S 100 58.50’ S initial 1520 40.63’ E 1520 30.94’ E 1520 51.08’ E 1530 00.94’ E seabed contact Position, 030 06.05’ S 030 08.26’ S 100 44.56’ S 100 58.41’ S final seabed 1520 40.35’ E 1520 30.88’ E 1520 50.94’ E 1530 00.79’ E contact Results 25 seabed 25 seabed 22 seabed 24 seabed images images images images

Page 27

Event log


Comments Event No. Station Date Start Bottom End Bottom Depth (m) Activity 1 08/11/2007 1350 1400 1405 240 MC Megacore test 1 2 08/11/2007 1440 1451 400 ES Echo-sounder Test heading 48 550 Heading 90 E 3 08/11/2007 1621 1647 1530 1503 MC MC3 No Cores 4 08/11/2007 1808 1827 1848 1138 MC MC4 No Cores 5 09/11/2007 1349 1412 1427 917 MC MC5 1 Core 6 09/11/2007 1545 1600 1618 932 MC MC6 No Cores 7 09/11/2007 1735 1801 1827 925 BC BC1 Box Core - wire tangled - no core 8 09/11/2007 1855 1910 1922 715 BC BC2 Box Core not fired 9 L1 10/11/2007 844 856 912 850 MC MC7 2 cores 10 L1 10/11/2007 953 1006 1020 850 MC MC8 4 cores 11 L1 10/11/2007 1158 1212 1227 850 MC MC9 4 cores 12 L1 10/11/2007 1412 1427 1444 850 MC MC10 1 core 13 L1 10/11/2007 1508 1518 1532 850 MC MC11 Corer tangled 14 L1 10/11/2007 845 1000 1763 ES Echo-sounder survey 15 11/11/2007 1013 1042 1119 1717 MC MC12 No cores 16 11/11/2007 1223 1242 1303 1040 MC MC13 No cores 17 L1 11/11/2007 1407 1423 1440 850 MC MC14 No cores 18 L1 11/11/2007 1458 1512 1525 860 MC MC15 2 cores 19 L1 11/11/2007 1553 1602 1618 860 MC MC16 No Cores 20 L1 11/11/2007 1631 1644 1658 860 MC MC17 1 core 21 L1 11/11/2007 1715 1729 1743 860 MC MC18 3 cores 22 12/11/2007 735 1595 ES Echo-sounder survey 758 1793 turn south into channel 810 1780 811 1783 821 1765 turn west 827 1730 turn north 840 1710 850 1729 into channel 855 1750 into channel 905 1739 south to deepest point 912 1753 coring station 23 L2 12/11/2007 931 1005 1040 1753 MC MC19 2 cores 24 L2 12/11/2007 1112 1140 1212 1753 MC MC20 5 cores 25 L2 12/11/2007 1235 1259 1340 1753 MC MC21 5 cores 26 L3 13/11/2007 810 850 930 2020 MC MC22 4 cores 27 L3 13/11/2007 950 1015 1035 2020 MC MC23 No Cores

Page 28

Comments Event No. Station Date Start Bottom End Bottom Depth (m) Activity 28 L3 13/11/2007 1120 1130 1226 2020 MC MC24 2 cores 29 L1 13/11/2007 1400 1416 1435 850 MC MC25 3 cores 30 L3 14/11/2007 708 740 820 2020 MC MC26 1 core 31 L3 14/11/2007 831 904 937 2020 MC MC27 1 core 32 L3 14/11/2007 951 1020 1055 2020 MC MC28 4 cores 33 L3 14/11/2007 1106 1137 1216 2020 MC MC29 3 cores 34 L2 15/11/2007 645 720 810 1753 MC MC30 4 cores 35 L2 15/11/2007 1250 1215 1245 1753 MC MC31 3 cores 36 L4 16/11/2007 634 1034 ES Echo-sounder survey 913 656 875 799 37 L4 16/11/2007 735 746 805 800 MC MC32 3 cores 38 L4 16/11/2007 815 829 843 800 MC MC33 3 cores 39 L4 16/11/2007 900 914 932 800 MC MC34 4 cores 40 L4 16/11/2007 945 1000 1020 800 MC MC35 3 cores 41 L4 16/11/2007 1040 1053 1112 800 MC MC36 4 cores 42 L1 16/11/2007 1315 1335 1355 815 MC MC37 4 cores 43 L6 17/11/2007 630 640 2020 ES Echo-sounder survey 2025 44 L6 17/11/2007 655 724 800 2025 MC MC38 4 cores 45 L6 17/11/2007 820 950 1015 2025 MC MC39 4 cores 46 L6 17/11/2007 935 1011 1042 2025 MC MC40 4 cores 47 L6 17/11/2007 1058 1125 1202 2025 MC MC41 4 cores 48 L5 17/11/2007 1248 1790 ES Echo-sounder survey 1308 1715 49 L5 17/11/2007 1315 1343 1401 1715 MC MC42 1 core 50 L5 17/11/2007 1425 1450 1520 1715 MC MC43 6 cores 51 L5 17/11/2007 1540 1605 1625 1715 MC MC44 No Cores 52 L3 19/11/2007 745 835 914 2020 CTD CTD Dip 1 53 L3 19/11/2007 1011 1021 1040 2020 CTD CTD Dip 2 54 L1 19/11/2007 1211 1228 1310 830 CTD CTD Dip 1 55 L1 19/11/2007 1337 1350 1355 830 CTD CTD Dip 2 56 L1 19/11/2007 1450 1500 PN Plankton net test 57 L1 19/11/2007 1510 1520 100 PN Plankton net 0-100 58 L1 19/11/2007 1520 1525 100 PN Plankton net 0-100 59 L1 19/11/2007 1535 1540 100 PN Plankton net 0-100 60 L1 19/11/2007 1620 1644 300 PN Plankton net 100-300 61 L1 19/11/2007 1655 1717 300 PN Plankton net 100-300 62 L1 19/11/2007 1725 1743 300 PN Plankton net 0-300 (trigger failed) 63 L7 20/11/2007 713 754 300 CTD CTD Lihir Mine outfall 64 L1 20/11/2007 820 833 840 500 PN Plankton net 300-500 65 L1 20/11/2007 900 915 930 500 PN Plankton net 300-500 66 L1 20/11/2007 940 953 1010 500 PN Plankton net 300-500 67 L8 20/11/2007 1130 1145 1205 600 CTD CTD SE Masahet Island 68 L8 20/11/2007 1228 1236 1243 600 CTD CTD Dip 2 69 L8 20/11/2007 1330 1340 1355 600 PN Plankton net 300-500

Page 29

Comments Event No. Station Date Start Bottom End Bottom Depth (m) Activity 70 L8 20/11/2007 1400 1410 1420 600 PN Plankton net 300-500 71 L8 20/11/2007 1426 1435 1445 600 PN Plankton net 300-500 72 L8 20/11/2007 1453 1500 1507 600 PN Plankton net 100-300 73 L8 20/11/2007 1520 1525 1535 600 PN Plankton net 100-300 74 L8 20/11/2007 1540 1547 1554 600 PN Plankton net 100-300 75 L8 20/11/2007 1602 1603 1607 600 PN Plankton net 0-100 76 L8 20/11/2007 1609 1611 1614 600 PN Plankton net 0-100 77 L8 20/11/2007 1618 1620 1624 600 PN Plankton net 0-100 78 L8 20/11/2007 2210 2218 2230 600 PN Plankton net 300-500 79 L8 20/11/2007 2235 2244 2256 600 PN Plankton net 300-500 80 L8 20/11/2007 2302 2310 2323 600 PN Plankton net 300-500 81 L8 20/11/2007 2336 2341 2350 600 PN Plankton net 100-300 82 L8 21/11/2007 2353 2338 5 600 PN Plankton net 100-300 83 L8 21/11/2007 10 16 28 600 PN Plankton net 100-300 84 L8 21/11/2007 35 37 40 600 PN Plankton net 0-100 85 L8 21/11/2007 44 45 47 600 PN Plankton net 0-100 86 L8 21/11/2007 50 53 56 600 PN Plankton net 0-100 87 L2 22/01/1900 832 910 950 1750 CTD CTD Dip 1 88 L1 22/11/2007 1400 1435 1430 870 BHC Bedhop camera 89 L1 22/11/2007 2224 2233 2245 850 PN Plankton net 300-500 90 L1 22/11/2007 2253 2300 2315 850 PN Plankton net 0-500 Net failed to close 91 L1 22/11/2007 2320 2329 2340 850 PN Plankton net 300-500 92 L1 23/11/2007 2345 2350 5 850 PN Plankton net 300-500 93 L1 23/11/2007 10 20 26 850 PN Plankton net 100-300 94 L1 23/11/2007 37 40 50 850 PN Plankton net 100-300 95 L1 23/11/2007 50 100 106 850 PN Plankton net 0-100 96 L1 23/11/2007 110 115 125 850 PN Plankton net 100-300 97 L1 23/11/2007 132 135 140 850 PN Plankton net 0-100 98 L1 23/11/2007 140 142 145 850 PN Plankton net 0-100 99 L9 23/11/2007 1137 1086 ES Echo-sounder survey tailings line L1-L2 1030 100 23/11/2007 1156 972 BHC Bedhop camera - no bottom found site abandoned in heavy swell 101 L4 24/11/2007 730 745 810 800 CTD CTD Dip 1 102 L4 24/11/2007 850 855 905 800 CTD CTD Dip 2 103 L4 24/11/2007 930 945 1035 814 BHC Bedhop camera 104 L6 25/11/2007 1013 1055 1140 2020 CTD CTD Dip 1 105 L6 25/11/2007 1200 1210 1220 2020 CTD CTD Dip 2 106 L6 25/11/2007 1245 1300 1315 2020 CTD CTD Dip 3 107 L5 25/11/2007 1405 1434 1505 1715 CTD CTD 108 L5 25/11/2007 1525 1555 1629 1715 MC MC45 5 Cores 109 L5 25/11/2007 1645 1710 1750 1715 MC MC46 5 Cores

Page 30

Page 31 Misima

Event No. Station Date Start Bottom End Bottom Depth (m) Activity Comments Echo-sounder survey Bwagaoia 110 29/11/2007 1400 520 ES Basin, Misima 1057 1437 1615 1450 111 M3 29/11/2007 1645 1705 1730 1467 MC47 1 core Echo-sounder survey Bwagaoia 112 30/11/2007 620 1200 ES Basin, Misima 1200 715 1000 725 1016 Turn to East to M3 station 1400 113 M3 30/11/2007 814 835 900 1467 MC MC48 M3 4 Cores 114 M3 30/11/2007 930 950 1020 1467 MC MC49 M3 2 Cores 115 M3 30/11/2007 1035 1100 1127 1467 MC MC50 M3 1 Core 116 M3 30/11/2007 1146 1210 1233 1467 MC MC51 M3 2 Cores 117 M3 30/11/2007 1250 1467 MC MC52 M3 2 Cores 118 M3 30/11/2007 1424 1451 1520 1467 MC MC53 M3 3 Cores 119 M3 01/12/2007 645 710 735 1467 MC MC54 M3 3 Cores Echo-sounder survey, SW from M3 120 01/12/2007 740 1467 ES to deep basin 1076 1400-1000 rise 1261 side of 1000m knoll 1383 flank of channel 915 1192 top of 1200m spur 121 M4 01/12/2007 920 945 1010 1793 MC MC55 6 Cores 122 M4 01/12/2007 1100 1130 1200 1793 MC MC56 6 Cores 123 M4 01/12/2007 1226 1300 1328 1793 MC MC56 7 Cores Echo-sounder survey, SE from 124 02/12/2007 620 800 1590 ES Calvados Is. 125 830 ES Echo-sounder not responding 126 M5 02/12/2007 850 913 948 1704 MC MC58 6 Cores 127 M5 02/12/2007 1020 1045 1115 1704 MC MC59 5 Cores 128 M5 02/12/2007 1140 1206 1235 1704 MC MC60 7 Cores 129 M6 03/12/2007 815 834 855 1250 MC MC61 6 Cores 130 M6 03/12/2007 918 937 1000 1250 MC MC62 7 Cores 131 M6 03/12/2007 1021 1042 1115 1250 MC MC63 6 Cores Echo-sounder survey Bwagaoia 132 04/12/2007 945 1017 ES Basin, Misima 1117 Thick tailings start 1230 flatter seabed 1380 core site 133 M1 04/12/2007 1032 1100 1120 1380 MC MC64 6 Cores 134 M1 04/12/2007 1137 1158 1228 1380 MC MC65 6 Cores 135 M1 04/12/2007 1254 1315 1345 1380 MC MC66 6 Cores 136 M2 05/12/2007 710 748 810 1461 MC MC67 4 Cores 137 M2 05/12/2007 825 844 905 1461 MC MC68 6 Cores

Page 32 Event No. Station Date Start Bottom End Bottom Depth (m) Activity Comments 138 M2 05/12/2007 925 945 1010 1461 MC MC69 6 Cores 139 M2 05/12/2007 1145 1216 1240 1455 CTD CTD M2 Dip failed - bottles not fired 140 M2 05/12/2007 1330 1356 1420 1455 CTD CTD dip 1 141 M2 05/12/2007 1440 1457 1510 500 CTD CTD dip 2 142 06/12/2007 720 735 745 10 CTD CTD Test for bottles Bedhop Camera M5 - lost drop 143 M5 06/12/2007 920 953 1104 1704 BHC weight 144 M5 06/12/2007 1150 1220 1250 1704 CTD CTD dip 1 145 M5 06/12/2007 1310 1328 1348 1200 CTD CTD dip 2 146 M5 06/12/2007 1400 1408 1410 70 CTD CTD dip 3 Bedhop Camera M1 - Failed as 147 M1 06/12/2007 1600 1630 1725 1380 BHC altimeter found no seabed 148 M1 07/12/2007 915 1030 1050 1380 BHC Bedhop camera M1 149 M1 07/12/2007 1100 1226 1150 1380 CTD CTD M1 dip 1 CTD M1 dip 2 Winch Power failure - 150 M1 07/12/2007 1205 1320 500 CTD diode blew CTD M1 dip 2 Smoke from winch 151 M1 08/12/2007 710 730 500 CTD brake - dip abandoned

Page 33 7 Oxygen calibrations

PNG Oxygen L2 Event 87 22/11/2007 Thio std dil 100x Iodate vol 5 Iodate wt 0.89093 Thio wt 74.4 Stock vol 1000 Thio vol 1000 MW 214 dil 10 Thio dil 100 mol 0.000416322 norm 0.002497935

Standards titre Mean Stdev %stdev S1 4.450 S2 4.446 S3 4.416 S4 4.383 S5 4.442 4.427 0.028 0.636

CTD Bottle Depth Bottle vol predose added titre O2 mg/l Mean Stdev %stdev 10 70 321 36.033 5.000 4.121 9.121 5.711 10 70 202 33.640 5.000 3.575 8.575 5.751 10 70 156 34.406 5.000 3.725 8.725 5.721 10 70 224 36.619 5.000 4.025 9.025 5.560 10 70 133 33.869 5.000 3.575 8.575 5.712 5.691 0.075 1.315 8 300 225 36.298 5.000 1.975 6.975 4.335 8 300 148 34.185 5.000 1.580 6.580 4.342 8 300 68 35.094 5.000 1.752 6.752 4.340 8 300 158 33.612 5.000 1.450 6.450 4.329 8 300 221 36.360 5.000 1.875 6.875 4.266 4.323 0.032 0.745 3 1300 81 35.716 3.452 1.791 5.243 3.312 3 1300 99 35.651 4.005 1.218 5.223 3.305 3 1300 137 33.708 4.005 1.225 5.230 3.500 3 1300 114 33.746 4.000 1.350 5.350 3.577 3 1300 193 34.159 4.001 0.950 4.951 3.270 3.393 0.137 4.028

Page 34 8 List of Samples Table 8-1 Sediment samples collected for chemical and radiochemical analyses Depth of Depth of Core core (cm) Analysis Core core (cm) Analysis Lihir Misima L1 MC7-4 12 Spare M3 MC52-3 46 Spare L1 MC8-1 14 Gamma M3 MC53-3 44 Gamma L2 MC20-2 32 Spare M4 MC55-5 18 Spare L2 MC20-3 38 Gamma M4 MC56-2 17 Gamma L3 MC22-1 32 Gamma M5 MC58-6 22 Metals L3 MC22-5 34 Spare M5 MC59-1 24 Spare L4 MC34 19 Spare M5 MC59-2 24 Metals L4 MC35 10 Gamma M5 MC60-1 26 Gamma L6 MC39-4 38 Spare M5 MC60-2 28 Metals L6 MC41-3 28 Gamma M6 MC61-1 9 Spare L5 MC43-1 23 Spare M6 MC61-2 12 Gamma L5 MC43-6 11 Metals M1 MC64-1 28 Spare L5 MC45-1 15 Spare M1 MC64-2 32 Gamma L5 MC45-5 20 Gamma M2 MC67-3 28 Spare L5 MC46-2 22 Metals M2 MC67-4 32 Metals M2 MC68-2 32 Gamma M2 MC68-3 30 Metals MC69-1 36 Metals

Table 8-2 Sediment samples collected for pore-water analyses

Lihir Misima No of cores No of cores Station Pore-Water Station Pore-Water L1 3 M1 3 L2 3 M3 3 L3 3 M4 3 L4 3 M6 3 L6 3

Page 35 Table 8-3 Sediment samples collected for macro- and meiofaunal analyses

Station Meiofaunal Macrofaunal Station Meiofaunal Macrofaunal cores cores cores cores

L1 1 - L2 1 - L1 1 - L2 - 3 L1 - 3 L2 1 3 L1 1 - L2 1 2 L1 - 3 L2 - 2 L1 - 2 L1 - 2 Total 3 10 Total 3 10 L3 - 2 L3 1 - L4 1 1 L3 1 - L4 - 2 L3 1 - L4 - 3 L3 - 3 L4 1 - L3 - 2 L4 1 3 Total 3 7 Total 3 9 L5 1 3 L6 1 2 L5 1 2 L6 - 2 L5 1 3 L6 1 2 L6 1 2 Total 3 8 Total 3 8

b) Misima

Station Meiofaunal Macrofaunal Station Meiofaunal Macrofaunal cores cores cores cores

M1 1 2 M2 1 1 M1 1 4 M2 1 3 M1 1 3 M2 1 4 Total 3 9 Total 3 8 M3 1 1 M4 1 3 M3 1 - M4 1 3 M3 1 - M4 1 5 M3 - 2 M3 - 2 M3 - 3 Total 3 8 Total 3 11 M5 1 2 M6 1 2 M5 1 2 M6 1 5 M5 1 4 M6 1 4 Total 3 8 Total 3 11

Page 36 Table 8-4 CTD casts at Lihir and Misima

Lihir Misima Station Depth Station Depth L1 850 M1 1380 L1 850 M1 500 L2 1750 M1 500 L3 2020 M2 1455 L3 2020 M2 1455 L4 800 M2 500 L4 800 M5 1704 L6 2025 M5 1200 L6 2020 M5 70 L6 2020 L7 300 L7 1700 L8 600 L8 600

Table 8-5 Suspended Particulate Material (SPM) sampling stations and depths a) Lihir

Water Depth Water Depth Water Depth Station Depth sampled Station Depth sampled Station Depth sampled L1 850 830 L2 1750 1729 L3 2020 1985 L1 850 748 L2 1531 L3 2020 1696 L1 661 L2 1352 L3 1497 L1 581 L2 1105 L3 1201 L1 501 L2 900 L3 700 L1 400 L2 400 L3 500 L1 250 L2 300 L3 350 L1 200 L2 70 L3 150 L1 99 L3 50 L1 9 L3 10 L4 800 786 L6 2025 2000 L7 300 285 L4 800 647 L6 2020 1693 L7 241 L4 498 L6 1492 L7 220 L4 398 L6 1196 L7 209 L4 300 L6 796 L7 189 L4 200 L6 498 L7 154 L4 150 L6 298 L7 129 L4 100 L6 148 L7 75 L4 50 L6 60 L7 10 L4 10 L6 10 L8 600 546 L8 600 380 L8 300 L8 250 L8 200 L8 150 L8 100 L8 70 L8 40 L8 10

Page 37 b) Misima

Water Depth Water Depth Station Depth sampled Station Depth sampled M1 1360 1360 M5 1704 1663 785 M5 1161 M5 698 M5 440 M5 144 M5 68 M5 9 M2 1455 1455 M2 1455 1191 M2 1091 M2 892 M2 692 M2 504 M2 200 M2 70 M2 40 10

Table 8-6 Nutrient sampling stations and depths a) Lihir

Water Sampling Water Sampling Water Sampling Station Depth Depth Station Depth Depth Station Depth Depth L1 850 830 L2 1750 1729 L3 2020 1985 L1 850 748 L2 1531 L3 2020 1696 L1 661 L2 1352 L3 1497 L1 581 L2 1105 L3 1201 L1 501 L2 900 L3 700 L1 400 L2 400 L3 500 L1 250 L2 300 L3 350 L1 200 L2 70 L3 150 L1 99 L3 50 L1 9 L3 10 L4 800 786 L6 2025 2000 L7 300 285 L4 800 647 L6 2020 1693 L7 241 L4 498 L6 1492 L7 220 L4 398 L6 1196 L7 209 L4 300 L6 796 L7 189 L4 200 L6 498 L7 154 L4 150 L6 298 L7 129 L4 100 L6 148 L7 75 L4 50 L6 60 L7 10 L4 10 10 L8 600 546 L8 600 380 L8 300 L8 250 L8 200 L8 150 L8 100 L8 70 L8 40 L8 10

Page 38 b) Misima

Water Depth Station Depth sampled M2 1455 1455 M2 1455 1191 M2 1091 M2 892 M2 692 M2 504 M2 200 M2 70 M2 40 M5 1704 1663 M5 1161 M5 698 M5 440 M5 144 M5 68 M5 9

Table 8-7 Chlorophyll sampling stations and depths a) Lihir

Water Sampling Water Sampling Water Sampling Station Depth Depth Station Depth Depth Station Depth Depth L2 1750 1729 L4 800 786 L8 600 546 L2 1531 L4 800 647 L8 600 380 L2 1352 L4 498 L8 300 L2 1105 L4 398 L8 250 L2 900 L4 300 L8 200 L2 400 L4 200 L8 150 L2 300 L4 150 L8 100 L2 70 L4 100 L8 70 L4 50 L8 40 L4 10 L8 10 b) Misima

Water Sampling Station Depth Depth M1 1380 1360 M1 800

Page 39 Table 8-8 Zooplankton sampling stations and depths a) Lihir

Depth Depth range Day or range Day or Station (m) Night Station (m) Night L1 0-100 Day L8 0-100 Day L1 100-300 Day L8 100-300 Day L1 300-500 Day L8 300-500 Day L1 0-100 Day L8 0-100 Day L1 100-300 Day L8 100-300 Day L1 300-500 Day L8 300-500 Day L1 0-100 Day L8 0-100 Day L1 100-300 Day L8 100-300 Day L1 300-500 Day L8 300-500 Day L1 0-100 Night L8 0-100 Night L1 100-300 Night L8 100-300 Night L1 300-500 Night L8 300-500 Night L1 0-100 Night L8 0-100 Night L1 100-300 Night L8 100-300 Night L1 300-500 Night L8 300-500 Night L1 0-100 Night L8 0-100 Night L1 100-300 Night L8 100-300 Night L1 300-500 Night L8 300-500 Night b) Misima

Depth Depth range Day or range Day or Station (m) Night Station (m) Night M2 0-100 Day M6 0-100 Day M2 100-300 Day M6 100-300 Day M2 300-500 Day M6 300-500 Day M2 0-100 Day M6 0-100 Day M2 100-300 Day M6 100-300 Day M2 300-500 Day M6 300-500 Day M2 0-100 Day M6 0-100 Day M2 100-300 Day M6 100-300 Day M2 300-500 Day M6 300-500 Day

Table 8-9 Phytolankton sampling stations and depths

Lihir Misima Station Plankton Depth Station Plankton Depth L6 10 M1 10 L6 70 M1 150 L6 150 M1 300 M6 10 M6 150 M6 300

Page 40 9 CTD Plots for Lihir sampling stations Figure 9-1 Lihir CTD Oxygen, Fluorescence, Transmission, Temperature, Salinity and Density plots

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Page 54 10 CTD Plots for Misima sampling stations Figure 10-1 Misima CTD Oxygen, Fluorescence, Transmission, Temperature, Salinity and Density plots

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Page 60 The Scottish Association for Marine Science Scottish Marine Institute Oban, Argyll, PA37 1QA, Scotland T: +44 (0)1631 559000 F: +44 (0)1631 559001 W: E: [email protected]