Committee Date: 25/07/2013 Application Number: 2013/03168/PA Accepted: 07/05/2013 Application Type: Outline Target Date: 06/08/2013 Ward:

Land at Woodington Road and, Land at Lindridge Road, ,

Outline application with all matters reserved for redevelopment of up to 42 dwellings at Lindridge Road and up to 27 dwellings on land at Woodington Road Applicant: Birmingham Property Services c/o Agent Agent: DTZ 1 Colmore Square, Birmingham, B4 6AJ Recommendation Approve Subject To Conditions

1. Proposal

1.1. Proposal is an outline application with all matters reserved for residential development comprising up to 42 dwellings on land at Lindridge Road and up to 27 dwellings on land at Woodington Road. The sites are linked for the purposes of this application and it is the intention of the applicants that if planning permission is obtained they will be jointly marketed.

1.2. Indicative layouts have been submitted for both sites in conjunction with advice from officers. This is to demonstrate that the sites can accommodate the number of dwellings proposed taking account of good urban design principles, residential guidelines in Places for Living and other constraints such as category A and B trees which need to be retained.

1.3. Density would be 29 dwellings per hectare on the Lindridge Road site and 35 dwellings per hectare on the Woodington Road site.

1.4. The applicants have offered a package of planning benefits to be secured by a Section 106 Legal Agreement (to be signed and sealed as a contractual prerequisite of the land sale), to include 12 affordable housing units (18%) for social rent and shared ownership on the Woodington Road site and financial contributions of £225,000 towards education provision, £251,000 towards off site open space including improvements to sports pitches in the area and £48,000 towards necessary highway works.

1.5. In support of the planning application, the applicants have submitted a Design and Access Statement, Planning Statement, Statement of Community Involvement, Ecological Appraisal, Flood Risk Assessment, Open Space Assessment, Transport Statement and Tree Survey.

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2. Site & Surroundings

2.1. The application comprises two sites owned by Birmingham City Council.

2.2. The site at Lindridge Road comprises the former Langley School (1.45ha) located on the edge of the Falcon Lodge Estate. It is currently vacant and fenced off with a number of mature trees along the rear boundary. The surrounding area is primarily residential in character with Green Belt on the opposite side of Lindridge Road.

2.3. The land at Woodington Road (0.76ha) formerly contained the Woodington School and is within the Falcon Lodge Estate. It is also vacant, overgrown and fenced off with the Plants Brook to the south which forms part of an area of linear open space running through the Falcon Lodge Estate. The surrounding area is residential in character with 3 storey flats opposite and 2 storey houses to the east and west.

3. Planning History

3.1. Woodington Road

22/08/2008. 2008/02919/PA. Erection of 64 bed residential care home and associated day facilities, landscaping and car parking. Approved. Not implemented and approval has now lapsed.

3.2. There is no relevant planning history associated with the Lindridge Road site.

4. Consultation/PP Responses

4.1. Transportation Development – no objections subject to conditions and financial contribution towards the review and alteration to TRO’s, replacement parking and traffic calming in the vicinity of the sites.

4.2. Regulatory Services – no objections subject to conditions.

4.3. Housing – no objections to the affordable housing mix and suggested discounts.

4.4. Local Services – supporting information adequately justifies the loss of playing fields. No objections subject to the provision of off-site contributions towards the provision, improvement and maintenance of public open space and children’s play facilities, and a compensatory sum for the loss of playing fields which would be for the provision, improvement and maintenance of sports, recreation and community uses in the Sutton Trinity Ward.

4.5. Sport England - no objections.

4.6. Severn Trent Water – no objections subject to conditions.

4.7. West Midlands Fire Service – no objections subject to suitable water supplies for fire fighting being provided.

4.8. Environment Agency – comments awaited.

Page 2 of 10 4.9. West Midlands Police – no objections, development should be built to Secured by Design standards.

4.10. MP, Councillors Residents Associations and nearby occupiers notified. Application advertised on site and in the press.

4.11. Councillor Pears has commented that he welcomes the Section 106 offer and feels that some of the education contribution could go towards a library facility in Falcon Lodge Community Centre. There is a need for a MUGA in the area and a new play area in the Falcon Lodge Estate.

4.12. 4 letters have been received from local residents who have the following comments;

- I would like to know what sort of dwellings will be built. - If not enough parking spaces are provided, there could be parking problems in Rectory Road. - There will be disruption and disturbance during construction, hope the company developing the site will consider local residents. - Would like to ensure new housing not too close as we have lived without neighbours for many years. - Hopes the building line along Lindridge Road can be preserved and views into open land opposite can be maintained.

4.14. The applicants have submitted a Statement of Community Involvement with the application. Prior to the submission of the application they held a meeting with local Councillors and a public consultation event was held on 15th February 2013. 26 people attended the event and the following issues were commented on;

- Support for the development as the sites have been vacant for too long. - Development will improve the area. - The proposal will bring in revenue. - Consideration needs to be given to parking, particularly given the existing pressures and people parking on the street, kerbs and grass. - Consideration should be given to traffic calming at Lindridge Road/Rectory Road junction. - Concern about traffic on Woodington Road which is quite narrow. - That there will be additional pressure on local services and this should be addressed. - Too many houses are proposed. - Redevelopment should provide a scheme to suit all age groups.

5. Policy Context

5.1. UDP (Adopted 2005), Mature Suburbs SPD, Places for Living SPG, Public Open Space in New Residential Development SPD, Playing Pitch Strategy SPD, Car Parking Guidelines SPD, Draft Birmingham Development Plan, NPPF.

6. Planning Considerations

6.1. Policy

6.2. UDP saved policies encourage the provision of new housing on previously developed sites with densities in the region of 40 dwellings per hectare in order to

Page 3 of 10 provide and maintain good quality housing development incorporating accommodation of all sizes and types.

6.3. UDP also recognises the need for high standard design in new development to enhance the City’s environment and secure sustainable development. It also encourages the retention of mature trees, hedgerows and natural features in new development as well as new planting where appropriate.

6.4. UDP states that proposals which result in the loss of open space will only be permitted in exceptional circumstances. In determining whether special circumstances exist, the City Council will take account of the amount of open space nearby, its quality and how well it meets local needs.

6.5. UDP requires adequate car parking provision to be made in new developments to meet all needs, taking into account such factors as availability of public transport and public parking facilities.

6.6. Places for Living SPG includes numerical guidelines for bedroom sizes, garden sizes and separation distances in new developments. Mature Suburbs SPD sets out key design issues for new housing development in the City’s mature suburbs and residential areas.

6.7. The Playing Fields Strategy sets out the strategy for the future delivery of playing fields across the City and identifies key issues and priorities such as; general shortfall in provision of playing pitches of all types across the City, lack of quality to deliver regular participation, high number of pitches without playing facilities, disused pitches with potential and education sites not being maximised for community use.

6.8. Public Open Space in New Residential Development SPD requires new residential development of more than 20 dwellings to provide public open space. Contributions towards off-site provision will be permitted in circumstances where the development is close to existing provision or where on site provision is not feasible.

6.9. Car Parking Guidelines SPD requires a maximum of 2 car parking spaces per dwelling. Appropriate levels of car parking provision for any individual proposal will be assessed in the light of maximum standards and the circumstances of the particular scheme.

6.10. Draft Birmingham Development Plan seeks to provide for as much of the City’s growing population within the urban area as possible with a focus on brown field or other available sites within the existing built up area.

6.11. NPPF requires that applications for new housing should be considered in the context of a presumption in favour of sustainable development. Good design is identified as a key aspect of sustainable development and new developments should take the opportunity to build on local character.

6.12. Use

6.13. I consider the principle of the residential development of both sites is acceptable. They are both previously developed former school sites in a residential area and the Woodington Road site has previously been given planning permission for a residential care home. The proposed development would provide new homes in a sustainable location close to existing local facilities and public transport links and contribute towards the housing target to meet housing needs identified in the draft

Page 4 of 10 Birmingham Development Plan within the urban area.

6.14. Open Space/Playing Field Provision

6.15. The applicants have submitted an Open Space Assessment in support of the application. It concludes that although the application sites comprise open space, it not public open space. The Lindridge Road site contains a former school playing field which has previously been declared surplus from a education playing fields perspective.

6.16. The assessment concludes that there are exceptional circumstances to justify the development of the sites as the local area (Sutton Trinity Ward) has greater open space provision (3.75ha per 100 population) than the standard and is not within the open space network. It also concludes that the former school playing fields at Langley School do not contribute towards the total playing pitch provision and the loss of these playing fields would not result in any reduction in the amount of playing fields provided in the local area and there is no sporting benefit to be gained from its retention.

6.17. Sport England and Local Services raise no objections to the principle of the proposed development. They acknowledge that the proposal would result in the loss of a playing field, however, this has not been used for over 4 years. The proposal would not result in the loss of any facility with active sport or recreational. The proposed development would include financial contributions of £251,000 towards provision, improvement and maintenance of public open space and sporting facilities within the local area which will be delivered through liason with the City Council and Sport England. I concur with this view.

6.18. Urban Design

6.19. Although the application is in outline with all matters reserved, the applicants have submitted indicative layouts which have been developed in conjunction with advice from officers and demonstrate that the sites can deliver the number of dwellings proposed in a satisfactory layout which takes account of good urban design principles. The indicative layouts have also been amended to retain the majority of the category A and B trees on both sites which provide good public amenity value in the area.

6.20. The indicative layouts show a density of approximately of 29 dwellings per hectare on the Lindridge Road site and 36 dwellings per hectare on the Woodington Road site. I consider this is acceptable for family housing in this area taking into account the constraints of the sites such as trees and levels and is representative of housing densities in the area.

6.21. Transport

6.22. A Transport Statement was submitted with the application which concludes the sites are well located to local facilities and sustainable transport links which are likely to be used by residents on a day to day basis. Public transport services and infrastructure in the vicinity of each of the sites are very good. Both sites were also former school sites where potentially significant traffic generation in the morning and afternoon peak times would be expected. The former uses of the sites would have greater traffic generation than the proposed housing.

6.23. Transportation Development raise no objections subject to conditions. They consider

Page 5 of 10 that the proposals will require a review of TRO’s in the vicinity of each site and potential alteration to these and they also consider a number of on-street car parking bays will need to be replaced, traffic calming introduced on Woodington Road and a speed warning sign erected on Lindridge Road. Following consulation with the District Engineer, Transportation have requested a financial contribution of £48,000 towards the delivery of the above. The applicants have agreed to this and the amount will be secured through the Section 106 Legal Agreement.

6.24. Affordable Housing

6.25. The applicants have offered 12 affordable housing units comprising a mix of shared ownership and social rent to be transferred to a registered social landlord at a discount in the region of 60% on open market value. The units which would comprise 18% of the total number of units would be provided entirely on the Woodington Road site. My Housing Officer has raised no objection to the principle of the units being provided on the one site and is satisfied with the mix of units and the suggested discounts.

6.26. Environmental

6.27. Regulatory Services have raised no objections subject to conditions requiring site investigation and verification reports. They suggested a condition requiring a noise report of road traffic to determine glazing specification for dwellings on road frontages but I do not consider this is justifiable in this instance.

6.28. A Flood Risk Assessment was submitted with the application which concludes both sites are in Flood Zone 1 with a low risk of flooding. The proposed developments will include sustainable urban drainage systems and the Flood Risk Assessment considers the proposed drainage schemes will not cause or increase the risk of flooding. Severn Trent Water have requested a condition requiring details of the proposed drainage system and comments are awaited from the Environment Agency.

6.29. Trees/Ecology

6.30. A full tree survey was submitted with the application. The majority of category A and B trees on both sites are located around the rear boundaries. These are a constraint in the development site and the indicative layouts have been amended to retain as many of these important trees as possible. The Tree Officer has recommended conditions be attached relating to the trees.

6.31. An ecological survey has been submitted with the application. The survey concludes both sites have little ecological value but recommends trees be retained where possible to retain natural habitats on the site boundaries. The survey includes recommendations for both the sites to retain existing trees where possible, to implement good practice mitigation measures to avoid harm to nesting birds and other wildlife during site clearance, and to enhance biodiversity value by planting native trees and shrubs around boundaries, creating habitat piles from cut logs and installing new bird boxes. Planning Ecologist raises no objections subject to conditions to secure implementation of the various recommendations in the ecology reports for the two sites. . 6.32. Section 106 Offer

6.33. The applicants have offered a package of planning benefits to be secured by a

Page 6 of 10 Section 106 Legal Agreement (to be signed and sealed as a contractural prerequisite of the land sale). A condition is attached to secure this as the City Council is the applicant and ultimately will not be developing the site. Legal Services have confirmed this is an acceptable procedure and used previously.

6.34. The planning benefits include 12 affordable housing units (18%) for social rent and shared ownership on the Woodington Road site and financial contributions of £225,000 towards education provision, £251,000 towards off site open space including improvements to sports pitches in the area and £48,000 towards necessary highway works. The highway sum has been added to the original offer through negotiation.

6.35. The applicants have submitted a Financial Appraisal of the scheme to support the above offer which is below policy requirement in respect of affordable housing. Whilst I consider the appraisal makes a rather high assumption in relation to the minimum sale value of the land, I consider that the package of planning benefits is acceptable and appropriate in relation to the amount of development proposed.

7. Conclusion

7.1. I consider the proposal for the principle of residential development on both sites complies with relevant local and national planning policies and is acceptable subject to safeguarding conditions.

8. Recommendation

8.1. Approve Subject To Conditions.

1 Requires the prior submission of a contamination remediation scheme

2 Requires the prior submission of a contaminated land verification report

3 Requires the prior submission of hard and/or soft landscape details

4 Requires the prior submission of hard surfacing materials

5 Requires the prior submission of boundary treatment details

6 Requires the prior submission of a lighting scheme

7 Requires the prior submission of sample materials

8 Requires the prior submission of a construction method statement/management plan

9 Requires the prior submission of level details

10 Requires the prior submission of details of refuse storage

11 Requires the prior submission of drainage details

12 Requires the prior submission of an additional bat survey

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13 Requires the prior submission of a construction ecological mitigation plan

14 Requires the prior submission of a scheme for ecological/biodiversity/enhancement measures

15 Requires the prior approval of the siting/design of the access

16 Requires vehicular visibility splays to be provided

17 Requires pedestrian visibility splays to be provided

18 Requires the prior submission and completion of works for the S278/TRO Agreement

19 Requires the prior submission of details for tree works

20 Requires the implementation of tree protection

21 Requires the prior submission of details of retained trees

22 Requires the prior submission of new planting details

23 Limits the number of dwellings to 69

24 Requires a Section 106 Legal Agreement to be completed and signed prior to commencement of any development

25 Limits the layout plans to being indicative only

26 Requires the scheme to be in accordance with the listed approved plans

27 Requires the submission of reserved matter details following an outline approval

28 Limits the approval to 3 years (outline)

Reason for Approval

1 Birmingham City Council grants Planning Permission subject to the condition(s) listed below (if appropriate). The reason for granting permission is because the development is in accordance with: Policies 5.7 - 5.40 of the Birmingham Unitary Development Plan 2005; Places for Living (2001), which has been adopted as Supplementary Planning Guidance; and the National Planning Policy Framework.

Case Officer: John Davies

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Page 10 of 10 APPENDIX

Sutton New Hall Club Cemetery




4 9



3 4

Langley School

6 9 2

8 9 2

2 4 2





N 0



2 2



4 0





1 3



11 3


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91 127


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21 9

1 3 9 7

23 2

1 7 27 7 3 5 1 25 73 3 29 9 2 4

3 3

1 4





3 2

2 35 31

1 7


1 43

2 9

45 8 4 4 47 1 3 1 6 7 1 9



1 5 4 6 3 4 0 3 7 3 2 1 3 1 5 39

37 41 4 5 1


20 43 47


5 1



1 N 1 O T G IN

P 2 2 E 5

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2 37

5 2 49 31 47 5

3 45

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0 41


4 53 8 39 35 8

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8 E 9 5 25 5 23 21 1 17 15 9 Walk

and 1

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5 8


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2 a 1

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3 2 37 21 35

1 33 29 6 9 27

71 1 23


2 9 8 1 7 8 11

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1 1 A 2 5 73 O 9 9 7 R 3 1 7 B 1 17 7 UM 15 81 C 9

N L 7 U 2 E 1 3 6 4 7 D 9 6 9 6 8 I 5 3 1 2 G

6 9 6

5 1 87 H 1


9 8 R 7

5 37

89 O

1 8 A

91 3 2



1 2 8 0

7 7


6 LK 31 WA 27 EVE GOOD




1 0 11


VE 1 2

14 6 2 2



65 64


2 66

4 2

8 0

8 9


6 3 8 2

1 7


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10 6

1 A 0

L 7

Nursery C



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3 9 N L O

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D 6 0 L 1

I 7 G

1 W



a 1 A

C Surgery 4 O

R 8 67 R E

1 0


b T

S 8 1

2 T C 8 C A B E


N R 2 R 2 A T W C H K A E M


2 T D 0

R 1 O I N 9 2 V 5 1 1 E R 8 7 O 5


D 6



4 6

1 6 85 6 7 39 41


21 23 25 3 47

29 6 1 4 3 31 49 53 5 35 45 9 27

11 55b 7 17 51 6 33 55a 0

3a 15 37 55 6

19 2

5 5

8 4

5 6

1 a

5 1 2 5 0



1 4 8 4

75 6

D 4 4 1 4 OA 2 2 1 R

3 N 1 1

1 O

2 T 3 9

1 8 G 1

5 N 4 1 I 0 7

D 2 1 O 1

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1 W 1

1 0

1 1 1 3 0 6 7


1 5



3 0 3 0 0 4 3


4 7

1 127

3 2

2 6

9 4 2

0 D 1 1 OA

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0 N 1 TO 14

NG 7 I 8

4 a D 6


4 A

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8 0 2 7

2 1

6 1

1 4 1 12


10 112

4 2

2 2 8 1


3 VE

I 1 4 R 9 5 4 N D



8 2

6 2


Community 4

C 1

1 Centre


8 Shelter 6 84 EL 78 76 70 68 El D 00 94 90 62 88 82 60 80 74 4 98 72 66 Sub 96 64 92 Sta 1


1 0

FB Shelter

112.3m This map is reproduced from the Ordnance Survey Material with the permission of Ordnance Surveyon behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office © Crown Copyright.

TCB SCALE 1:12501:25001:5000 1:40001:35001:30001:3250 C Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings.Birmingham City Council. Licence No.100021326, 2009 HURCHILL ROAD

This map is reproduced from the Ordnance Survey Material with the permission of Ordnance Surveyon behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office © Crown Copyright. SCALE 1:5000 Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings.Birmingham City Council. Licence No.100021326, 2009

Land at Woodington Road and Statutory Listed Building Development Directorate Land at Lindridge Road Locally Listed Buildings 1 Lancaster Circus Sutton Coldfield Queensway Birmingham Conservation Area Birmingham B2 2JE.  2013/03168/PA Neighbourhood Offices Site Boundary Birmingham City Council Date:25/9/2007 Site Location