Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Tuesday
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COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA TUESDAY, JANUARY 4, 2005 SESSION OF 2005 189TH OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY No. 1 SENATE The PRESIDENT. The Chair thanks Bishop Rhoades, who is the guest today of Senator Jubelirer and Senator Rhoades, who TUESDAY, January 4, 2005 is his cousin. Bishop Rhoades, who is the youngest Catholic The PRESIDENT. This is the constitutional day and hour of Bishop in the United States, is our new Catholic Bishop in Har the convening of this 189th Regular Session of the General As risburg. sembly. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The PRESIDENT (Lieutenant Governor Catherine Baker (The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by those assembled, led Knoll) called the Senate to order at 12 m., Eastern Standard by the gentleman from Allegheny, Senator Pippy.) Time. The PRESIDENT. The National Anthem will be sung by Miss PRAYER Bridgette Gan. The Chaplain, The Most Reverend KEVIN C. RHOADES, (Whereupon, the National Anthem was sung by Miss Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Harrisburg, offered the Bridgette Gan.) following prayer: (Applause.) The PRESIDENT. The Chair would like to thank Miss Let us pray. Bridgette Gan for the beautiful rendition of the National Anthem. Almighty and eternal God, all things have their beginning, PRESENTATION OF ELECTION RETURNS continuation, and end in You. We praise You, Lord of all cre ation, whose goodness fills our hearts with hope and joy. Grace The PRESIDENT. The Chair recognizes the Ser- us with Your presence today, and aid us with Your constant help. geant-at-Arms. In Your goodness, watch over all who serve in public office in The SERGEANT-AT-ARMS. Madam President, I have the the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Look upon the Members of honor to present the Secretary of the Commonwealth, the Honor this Senate, particularly those who take the oath of office today. able Pedro A. Cortes. Help them to discharge their duties with fidelity and integrity. Secretary CORTES. To Her Excellency, the Lieutenant Gov Fill them with the spirit of Your wisdom, that their decisions will ernor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the President pro be in accordance with Your will and for the well-being of all. tempore of the Senate, and the Members of the Senate of the May they be enabled by Your powerful help and protection to Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, greetings, I have the honor to serve this Commonwealth with honesty and ability. present to you the official returns of the general election held Accept the prayers we offer also for all the citizens of Penn November 2,2004. sylvania, for those whom our Senators have been elected to The PRESIDENT. The Chair thanks Secretary Cortes. serve. Help all citizens to contribute, along with their elected representatives, to the good of our society in a spirit of truth, ELECTION RETURNS FOR STATE justice, solidarity, and freedom. TREASURER, AUDITOR GENERAL AND As we begin this new year, we are also mindful of the recent ATTORNEY GENERAL LAID ON TABLE devastating tragedy in south Asia, the powerful tsunamis which The PRESIDENT. The returns for State Treasurer, Auditor took the lives of tens of thousands of people. We pray for those General, and Attorney General will lie upon the table. victims and for those who mourn the loss of loved ones, as well as for those who were injured or left homeless by this terrible ELECTION RETURNS OF SENATORS calamity. Help us to be generous and compassionate to those who are suffering at home or abroad. Inspire us to live in a spirit of The PRESIDENT. The returns of the Senators will be read by solidarity with all our brothers and sisters, especially those who the Clerk. are suffering, disadvantaged, or in special need. The Clerk read the election returns as follows: Finally, Lord, God of every grace and blessing, look upon this assembly with kindness, and fill it with Your abiding presence FIRST SENATORIAL DISTRICT throughout this new Session. Philadelphia Vincent J. Fumo (Dem) 88,935 John H. Morley, Jr. (Rep) 23,073 Glory and praise to You, Lord, now and forever. Amen. LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL — SENATE JANUARY 4, THIRD SENATORIAL DISTRICT THIRTY-NINTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT Philadelphia Shirley M. Kitchen (Dem) 87,064 Westmoreland Bob Regola (Rep) 58,107 Philip Kerwick (Rep) 13,207 Allen Kukovich (Dem) 52,743 FIFTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT FORTY-FIRST SENATORIAL DISTRICT Philadelphia Mike Stack (Dem) 66,844 Indiana Don White (Rep\Dem) 97,941 Sam Mirarchi (Rep) 34,829 FORTY-THIRD SENATORIAL DISTRICT SEVENTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT Allegheny Jay Costa, Jr. (Dem) 90,408 Philadelphia Vincent Hughes (Dem) 91,340 MaryAlice H. Devlin (Rep) 17,980 FORTY-FIFTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT Allegheny Sean F. Logan (Dem) 72,943 NINTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT Delaware Dominic F. Pileggi (Rep) 71,379 FORTY-SEVENTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT Chester Thomas J. Bosak (Dem) 48,784 Beaver Gerald J. LaValle (Dem\Rep) 95,952 ELEVENTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT FORTY-NINTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT Berks Michael A. O'Pake (Dem) 69,951 Erie Jane M. Earll (Rep) 67,658 Barbara J. Cummings (Rep) 28,745 Tony Logue (Dem) 35,194 THIRTEENTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT *Party Designation - (C) Constitutional, (D) Democrat, (G) Green, (I) Lancaster Gibson E. Armstrong (Rep) 71,925 Independent, (L) Libertarian, (R) Republican John Gouveia (Dem) 37,870 Whereupon, the following named persons were declared duly FIFTEENTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT Dauphin Jeffrey E.Piccola (Rep) 70,058 elected Senators in the General Assembly of the Commonwealth Eric J. Epstein (Dem) 44,653 of Pennsylvania: SEVENTEENTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT First District-Vincent J. Fumo Montgomery Connie Williams (Dem) 80,372 Ted Barry (Rep) 44,224 Third District-Shirley M. Kitchen Fifth District-Mike Stack NINETEENTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT Seventh District-Vincent Hughes Chester Robert J. Thompson (Rep) 96,582 Ninth District-Dominic F. Pileggi TWENTY-FIRST SENATORIAL DISTRICT Eleventh District-Michael A. O'Pake Venango Mary Jo White (Rep) 66,292 Thirteenth District-Gibson E. Armstrong Clarion Kevan M. Yenerall (Dem) 29,348 Fifteenth District-Jeffrey E. Piccola Clarion Michael J. Robertson (Lib) 2,290 Seventeenth District-Connie Williams TWENTY-THIRD SENATORIAL DISTRICT Nineteenth District-Robert J. Thompson Bradford Roger A. Madigan (Rep) 73,048 Twenty-first District-Mary Jo White Lycoming Grant Berry, Jr. (Dem) 26,313 Twenty-third District-Roger A. Madigan Twenty-fifth District-Joseph B. Scamati, III TWENTY-FIFTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT Twenty-seventh District-John R. Gordner Jefferson Joseph B. Scamati, III (Rep) 74,383 Warren Alan Kiser (Cst) 8,694 Twenty-ninth District-James J. Rhoades Thirty-first District-Patricia H. Vance TWENTY-SEVENTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT Thirty-third District-Terry Punt Columbia John R. Gordner (Rep) 67,236 Thirty-fifth District-John N. Wozniak Northumberland John J. Boback (Dem) 28,288 Thirty-seventh District-John Pippy TWENTY-NINTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT Thirty-ninth District-Bob Regola Schuylkill James J. Rhoades (Rep) 67,743 Forty-first District-Don White Michael P. Halcovage (Dem) 35,379 Forty-third District-Jay Costa, Jr. THIRTY-FIRST SENATORIAL DISTRICT Forty-fifth District-Sean F. Logan Cumberland Patricia H. Vance (Rep) 86,741 Forty-seventh District-Gerald J. LaValle Sean Quinlan (Dem) 29,148 Forty-ninth District-Jane M. Earll Jeffrey T. Gerace (Ind) 3,027 STATEMENT BY THE PRESIDENT THIRTY-THIRD SENATORIAL DISTRICT Franklin Terry Punt (Rep) 83,790 The PRESIDENT. For the record, the Chair has been in 25,766 Donald R. Richards (Dem) formed by the Secretary of the Commonwealth that all Sena THIRTY-FIFTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT tors-elect have filed in his office the accounts and affidavits as Cambria John N. Wozniak (Dem\Rep) 93,500 required by the Election Code. I have an announcement on photography, so before proceed THIRTY-SEVENTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT ing to the administration of the oath of office, the Chair would Allegheny John Pippy (Rep) 88,306 Gianni Floro (Dem) 41,954 like to request the cooperation of the news photographers and others who would like to take pictures or videotape during the 2005 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL — SENATE swearing-in. During each of the actual ceremonies, there will be Would you place your left hand on the Bible and raise your no picture-taking. Those Senators who are sworn in are asked to right hand and repeat after me: please, at the conclusion of the actual administration of the oath I, (state your name), do solemnly swear that I will support, of office, stay at the bar for a few minutes for the convenience of obey, and defend the Constitution of the United States and the any person who would desire to take pictures. The rest of us will Constitution of this Commonwealth, and that I will discharge the be at ease for a few minutes. duties of my office with fidelity. Thank you. Congratulations. (Applause.) ADMINISTRATION OF OATH OF OFFICE The PRESIDENT. You may all be seated while we take some TO REPUBLICAN SENATORS-ELECT photographs of the Democratic Senators. Thank you. The PRESIDENT. The next order of business will be the ad (The Senate was at ease.) ministration of the oath of office to the newly-elected Senators. It is a distinct honor and privilege to have with us today the Pres GENERAL COMMUNICATIONS ident Judge of the Superior Court, Judge Joseph A. Del Sole, and from the Commonwealth Court, Judge Renee Cohn Jubelirer. RESIGNATION OF They have kindly consented to administer the oath of office to SENATOR CHARLES W. DENT our Senators-elect and officers in accordance with Article VI, Section 3, of the Constitution of Pennsylvania. The PRESIDENT. The Chair lays before the Senate the fol We will now proceed to the administration of the oath of of lowing communication, which was read by the Clerk as follows: fice to the Republican Senators-elect by Judge Del Sole. Will the Republican Senators-elect please present themselves SENATE OF PENNSYLVANIA in front of the rostrum, and please bring with you your Bibles Senate Box 203016 170 Main Capitol Building which have been placed on your desks.