Method: Journal of Lonergan Studies, Vol. 16, No. 1
VOLUME16 ER 1 SPRING19 METHOD lournalof LonerganStudies VolumeL6 NumberLSPring199S PATRICK H. BYRNE CHARLESC. HEFLINC, JR. MARK D. MORELU Editor Eilitor Editor KERRYCRoNIN ANNE E. C/DONNELL Business Manager Editoial Manager CONTENTS Fredeick E. Crcnoe. 1 Editor's lntroduction BernardI . F. Lonergan 5 "Variations in Fundamental Theology" LouisRoy, O.P. 25 Schleiermacher'sEpistemology IamesSwindal 47 The Role of Cognitive Reflection in Bernard Lonergan's Moral TheologY 67 BooK REvIEws METHzD:lournal of LonerganStudies is published by The Lonergan Institute at Boston College METHoD: lournal of Lonergan Studies aims, first, at furthering interpretive, historical, and critical study of the philosophicaf theological, economic, and methodological writings of Bernard l,onergan. Secondly, it aims at promoting original research into the methodological foundations of the sciencesand disciplines. METHoD is published twice yearly, in April and October, by The Lonergan Institute at Boston College. SuBscRtPrtoNPRICE 1998: $16.00 yearly for individuals, $28.00yearly for institutions (U.S. currency). SUBSCRIPTIoNORDERS must be prepaid in U.S. funds and should be addressed to the Business Manager, Meruoo, Lonergan Center, Bapst Library, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA 02767-3806. Changes of address and other correspondence related to subscriptions and advertising should be sent to the same address. MANUScRIPTSshould be sent to Mark Morelli METHoD, Deparhent of Philosophy, Loyola Marymount University, Loyola Blvd. at W. 80th Street, Los Angeles, CA 9fiX5 or to Kerry Cronin, METHoD,Lonergan Center, Bapst Library, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA 02167-3806.In order to facilitate an early decisioru authors should send three copies of each manurript, double-spaced throughou! including footnotes. Submissions should be accompanied by a short biographical note.
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