April 23, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E693 Mr. Speaker, there is more to be gained Native Americans lived and flourished in that CMS is saying ‘‘no’’ to compensating safety- from the data collected by Landsat satellites, area. On numerous occasions, they quartered net hospitals for their critical services to the and there are still issues to be resolved to en- runaway slaves and welcomed them into their communities. sure that the nation can get the best return on communities. Today, the influence of these By adopting this bill, we will stop the imple- its investment in Landsat’s capabilities. How- native peoples can still be felt. In fact, both Ju- mentation of these draconian regulations. The ever, I have no doubt that through support for piter and Hobe Sounds’ names were derived bill will require an HHS study and report on the research, technology, and education re- from the Hobe Indians who once lived in the the regulations and their impacts on states, quired to improve Landsat data collection and region. something CMS failed to do. For those con- applications, the returns from this national in- I would be remiss to not mention the natural cerned about waste, the bill provides addi- vestment will continue to multiply. I urge my beauty of the region. We are lucky to have tional funding for the Secretary to root out true colleagues to join me in ensuring that the ben- such a pristine example of what can fraud within the system. Finally, the costs of efits derived from this important record of civil offer to our nation’s environmental diversity. the bill are fully paid for by requiring electronic observations of the land, as collected from The river itself is home to countless species of verification of assets for individuals applying Landsat satellites, continue to expand for an- plant and animal life which live together in har- for Medicaid. other 35 years. mony and help to define the entire region. We With many of these regulations due to take f have a duty to work toward preserving this effect very soon, it’s critical that the House land and all the species that thrive there. pass this bill today with a margin that will con- URGING PRESIDENT BUSH TO SIGN The lighthouse at Jupiter Inlet and the sur- vince the President that a veto will not be sus- INTO LAW H.R. 1922, A RESOLU- rounding area have a deep historical connec- tained. I urge my colleagues to join me in vot- TION DESIGNATING THE JUPI- tion to our country and are a testament to the ing for this important bill. TER INLET LIGHTHOUSE AND necessity of conservation efforts in our na- f THE SURROUNDING FEDERAL tion’s varied habitats. Madam Speaker, I thank LAND IN THE STATE OF FLOR- my colleagues in the House and Senate for FREEDOM FOR VICTOR YUNIER IDA AS AN OUTSTANDING NAT- passing this bill, and I urge the President to FERNANDEZ MARTINEZ URAL AREA AND AS A UNIT OF sign this into law and designate the Jupiter THE NATIONAL LANDSCAPE SYS- Inlet Lighthouse as a National Landscape Sys- HON. LINCOLN DIAZ-BALART TEM tem. OF FLORIDA f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. ALCEE L. HASTINGS Wednesday, April 23, 2008 OF FLORIDA PROTECTING THE MEDICAID SAFETY NET ACT OF 2008 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. LINCOLN DIAZ-BALART of Florida. Madam Speaker, I rise today to speak on be- Wednesday, April 23, 2008 SPEECH OF half of Victor Yunier Fernandez Martinez, a Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. Madam Speaker, HON. ANNA G. ESHOO prisoner of conscience in totalitarian Cuba. I rise today to express my deep appreciation OF CALIFORNIA Mr. Fernandez Martinez, a young man of for the House and Senate for passing H.R. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES only 24 years of age and a member of the 1922 and S. 1143, resolutions which des- Popular Republican Party, was not even ignate the Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse and sur- Tuesday, April 22, 2008 charged with committing any crime, even by rounding areas as an Outstanding National Ms. ESHOO. Mr. Speaker, I’m proud to be the Orwellian standards and whims that make Area. As a proud cosponsor of this legislation, a cosponsor of the Protecting the Medicaid up the ‘‘legal system’’ in that enslaved island. I would like to express my deep appreciation Safety Net Act of 2008 and very pleased that Instead, he was hauled away to the gulag sim- to the efforts of my good friend from Florida, a bipartisan agreement was reached to bring ply under the pretext of being a ‘‘pre-criminal Congressman TIM MAHONEY, for introducing the bill up under suspension of the rules be- social danger.’’ this important legislation and for the House cause it’s essential for the House of Rep- Agents of the tyranny’s secret police said leadership for bringing it to the floor for a vote resentatives to pass this legislation as soon as that they suspected Mr. Fernandez Martinez on March 4, 2008. The Senate version of the possible. was involved in a graffiti campaign in Havana bill, S. 1143, was introduced by Senator BILL Over 2,100 organizations across the country to promote freedom of expression. In fact, NELSON and was passed by the Senate on have told Congress that we have to stop the there was no link between Mr. Fernandez April 10, 2008. seven regulations issued by the Centers for Martinez and these actions, but that did not This legislation helps to promote the envi- and Medicaid Services, CMS, over stop the oppressive forces from detaining him ronmental and historic preservation of this im- the last year because they threaten the loss of and testing him for paint residue, which they portant site and is a valuable step toward pro- $50 billion in Federal funding for key did not find. This incident was cited 2 years moting these ideals throughout America. The healthcare services. California’s Governor later when he was sentenced to 3 years in the historic significance attached to this lighthouse Schwarzenegger has estimated that the regu- gulag because of the paranoiac perception of is truly remarkable. Besides guiding sailors latory changes will place an additional $12.5 the dictatorship that Mr. Fernandez Martinez, through the nearby waters, it has also served billion burden on California alone. a peaceful dissident, is a ‘‘dangerous man.’’ as a symbol of local history and, indeed, our CMS has claimed these cuts are being im- Madam Speaker, Mr. Fernandez Martinez’s Nation’s history as a whole. posed to eliminate waste from the Medicaid mother has visited him in prison and has re- The need for a lighthouse in Jupiter arose program. Far from addressing ‘‘inappropriate’’ ported that even though conscious of the pro- because of coastal reefs which made nautical payments, the seven regulations that CMS found injustice of his incarceration he was in activity very dangerous in the region. The adopted will cut legitimate and necessary care good spirits, a true testament of the spirit and lighthouse was designed by then Army Lieu- for the most vulnerable in our society. Rather drive of the heroes who are confined in the tenant George Mead, who would later lead the than using the power it already has to address Cuban totalitarian gulag. Union Army to victory as a general at the Bat- waste, fraud, and abuse, CMS has taken the It is unconscionable that the world simply tle of Gettysburg. Not only did its designer win wrong turn by simply declaring that it will not stands by, in the 21st century, and silently ac- a decisive Civil War battle, but the lighthouse pay for services. quiesces to the torture, oppression and deni- was also later used extensively by Union sail- CMS is saying ‘‘no’’ to rehabilitation services gration of a noble people only 90 miles from ors, further aiding the fight against secession. to help people with profound disabilities and the United States of America. However, preliminary construction of the light- medical conditions maintain or gain function. Madam Speaker, Victor Fernandez rep- house proved to be an arduous task, with ma- CMS is saying ‘‘no’’ to case management resents the best of the new generation in laria, other diseases, and raids from some of services that help people get the medical care Cuba; a generation that has known only op- the local populations taking a significant toll. they need and are entitled to; this includes pression and misery but that will play a central This lighthouse has served not only as a services for individuals with disabilities who role in the transformation of Cuba from a to- beacon for Florida’s sailors but also as a re- are trying to move out of institutions and into talitarian nightmare to a representative democ- minder of the importance of our history. We the community. racy with the rule of law for all of its citizens. must always remember the special cir- CMS is saying ‘‘no’’ to specialized transpor- We must demand the release of all those who cumstances concerning the history of the tation to help children with disabilities get to are persecuted for their democratic ideals. My lands around the lighthouse. For centuries, and from school. colleagues, we must demand the immediate

VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:47 Apr 24, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A23AP8.010 E23APPT1 ccoleman on PROD1PC77 with REMARKS E694 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 23, 2008 and unconditional release of Victor Yunier more than 20 years employed at a local butch- RECOGNIZING THE 60TH ANNIVER- Fernandez Martinez and every political pris- er shop, Emanuel owned one of the most rec- SARY OF THE FOUNDING OF THE oner in totalitarian Cuba. ognizable faces in his community. He was so MODERN STATE OF ISRAEL f admired within his community, in fact, that his family has received condolences from thou- SPEECH OF IN REMEMBRANCE OF THE VIC- sands of people, including some that Emanuel TIMS OF THE VIRGINIA TECH HON. CAROLYN McCARTHY helped send to prison. OF NEW YORK TRAGEDY Emanuel Pickett was serving his second IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tour of duty in Iraq when his life was taken. Tuesday, April 22, 2008 HON. ERIC CANTOR His courage will continue to be an inspiration Mrs. MCCARTHY of New York. Mr. Speak- OF VIRGINIA to us all. His life is a strong representation of er, I rise today in strong support of H. Con. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES what can be accomplished through devotion to Res. 322, a resolution celebrating Israel’s 60th Wednesday, April 23, 2008 a community and its people. May God bless his family, and may we always remember the anniversary. I am proud to have been a co- Mr. CANTOR. Madam Speaker, when an life of Staff Sergeant Emanuel Pickett. sponsor of this resolution. act of random cruelty bewilders us and pulls Israel proclaimed its statehood on May 14, us down, exceptional displays of generosity, f 1948. On its first day of existence, the armies courage and heroism can serve as a potent of five neighboring Arab countries declared counterforce. They comfort and replenish the HONORING MARIAN BOLTON war on Israel. The war for independence bereaved, and they remind us of the extraor- lasted about a year and resulted in armistice dinary selflessness our people are capable of. HON. TOM UDALL separate agreements, but not before 6,000 Israeli lives were lost. Nowhere has this been truer than in the after- OF NEW MEXICO Within 8 months of independence and be- math of the Virginia Tech tragedy. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES fore the war ended, Israel held its first national Today, we are faced with the memory of the Wednesday, April 23, 2008 elections. Eighty-five percent of all eligible vot- horrific events that occurred one year ago at ers cast their ballots to create the first 120- Virginia Tech. It is no easier today, than it was Mr. UDALL of New Mexico. Madam Speak- er, I rise today to congratulate Marian Bolton, seat Knesset or Parliament. then, to find the words to express the pain and A state founded by refugees of and sur- of Albuquerque, New Mexico, upon her up- sorrow that was felt across the Hokie nation. vivors of religious persecution, Israel has been coming retirement from the YMCA. Marian has Once again I stand here with a heavy heart and continues to be one of America’s closest and extend my deepest sympathies to the devoted 38 years of extraordinary service to and most consistent allies. families and friends of all the victims; espe- the ‘‘Y.’’ This desert nation exists in a region that is, cially those of Emily Hilscher and Rachel Hill, Marian, a nationally-recognized leader unfortunately, as steeped in violence as it is two victims from the Seventh District of Vir- among her peers, built her career on a foun- rich in history and tradition. We must do all ginia. We will always be left with their spirit, dation of high principles and character. Cur- that we can to ensure the security of the State energy and enthusiasm that will never die, but rently the President and CEO of the YMCA of of Israel and its people. Just as the United rather will live on in our memories forever. Central New Mexico, Marian has always been States is vital to the survival of Israel, I believe f committed to incorporating the virtues of Char- Israel is also vital to the survival of the United acter Counts, a national organization, into all States. Our countries are linked together on A TRIBUTE TO STAFF SERGEANT programs and activities of the ‘‘Y.’’ Because of so many levels. EMANUEL PICKETT her commitment to instilling trustworthiness, Unfortunately, today, Israel has new and in- respect, caring, fairness, responsibility and citi- creasing threats to its security. Palestinian HON. MIKE McINTYRE zenship into her staff, youth and their families, rockets have been fired from Gaza and hit OF NORTH CAROLINA Marian is credited to a large extent with the Israeli communities on an almost daily basis. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES success—personally, academically and profes- More than 200,000 Israeli citizens are within sionally—of countless New Mexicans. range of these Palestinian rockets. One of the Wednesday, April 23, 2008 Marian also has been involved on the inter- saddest aspects of the terrorism situation in Mr. MCINTYRE. Madam Speaker, I rise national stage with many non-profit agencies. Israel is that it grabs the newspaper headlines today to pay tribute to Staff Sergeant Emanuel A true champion for equal opportunities for all, and distracts the world from seeing the many Pickett of Wallace, North Carolina, who lost regardless of race, culture or background, she advances made by Israel in democracy and his life while defending our Nation on April 6 has volunteered her time and unwavering ef- human rights, science, agriculture, transpor- during a mortar attack in Baghdad. In addition forts to conducting workshops in such areas tation, and so many other areas. to his service in the North Carolina National as agency management, financial develop- Despite nearly impossible odds, Israel’s will Guard, Emanuel served as a captain with the ment, volunteerism, values and balancing per- to survive and her people’s dogged determina- Wallace, North Carolina, Police Department. sonal and professional lives, to name only a tion have resulted in the development of a He shall be remembered by all those whose few. Marian has also traveled to many coun- thriving democracy in one of the globe’s least lives he touched as the finest example of tries whose youth are affected by such tragic democratic regions. In fact, in only 60 years bravery, honor, and public service. conditions as poverty, hunger, slavery and Israel has grown into a mature democracy that Emanuel lived in Wallace his entire life, and lack of education and medical care. She has has produced some of the finest thinkers, sci- throughout his 34 years, worked selflessly to labored tirelessly to help improve their lives entists and entrepreneurs of the modem era. We must never forget the conditions that, in make a positive difference in his community. through the vital resources of the YMCA. many respects, laid the foundation for the cre- Besides working as a captain with the Wallace Marian Bolton is the consummate success- ation of the State of Israel. After one of the Police Department, he also worked as a re- ful executive, who passionately cares about most horrific atrocities in human history, the serve deputy for the Duplin County Sheriff’s the lives of others. She has devoted her life to Holocaust, Israel was established as a home office, where he led undercover drug inves- bringing as much motivation, education, train- to a nearly decimated people. It is often said tigations in several surrounding counties. ing, tools for success, a positive attitude and, that we must ‘‘never forget’’ the horrors and Emanuel’s giving spirit found many outlets. He perhaps most importantly, hope for those striv- the lessons of the Holocaust. And since April also started a crime watch in his own neigh- ing for a better and brighter future. Her wis- is Holocaust Remembrance month, this is an borhood, helped to found a program to mentor dom, experience and expertise is known appropriate time to reaffirm our unyieldingly kids without fathers, and coached youth bas- across the globe, and she is highly sought strong obligation to our friend and ally and ketball. after for consultation and training for those vow to ‘‘never forget’’ our commitment to Emanuel will be missed by his family and seeking to follow in her successful footsteps. Israel. friends. He was the son of Harry and Merlese I invite all my colleagues to join me in con- The United States and the all of the nations Pickett, the youngest of six children. He was gratulating Marian Bolton for her enormous of the world have a moral responsibility to en- the loving father of three children—two daugh- contributions and accomplishments. Her shoes sure and support the existence of the State of ters, ages 17 and 10, and a 14-year-old son. will be difficult to fill. On behalf of all New Israel. Over his lifetime, Emanuel earned countless Mexicans, I extend our very best wishes to H. Con. Res. 322 recognizes the historical friends. Because of his thirteen years of serv- Marian for much happiness, success and ful- significance of Israel’s 60th anniversary, sup- ice with the police department and his stint of fillment during the next stage of her life. ports Israel as it continues to pursue peace

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