H5590 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 22, 2007 television pastors, watching Rev. Lynchburg to pay a final tribute to Your share, every man, woman and Falwell was like you were right there their pastor, their friend, a leader that child, including the children born in the church service because it was a they respected. today in America, if you take that church service. And I remember the Tonight, I would like to join my good number, the U.S. national debt, and di- growth of the church as you could friend, Mr. GOODLATTE, and others and vide it by the number of people living watch it on that late Sunday night use this opportunity to pay my final in America today, our share, every- broadcast that I happened to watch on respects to a person who clearly was a one’s share of the national debt is Sunday evening. I remember when they leader. He was a teacher, he was a fa- $29,174.38. It is what those of us in the started moving the church, they had a ther and a husband, and above all other Blue Dog Coalition refer to as ‘‘the song that was something like ‘‘I Want things, he was an untiring messenger debt tax,’’ d-e-b-t tax, which is one tax That Mountain,’’ the site on which of the good news and the eternal hope that can’t go away, that can’t be cut Rev. Falwell and the church had de- of our Lord. until we get our Nation’s fiscal house cided they wanted to grow the church I want to thank my friend for orga- in order. and eventually the school. And watch- nizing this time tonight and for giving Mr. Speaker, one of the first bills I ing his incredible faith and what he me the time to join you. filed as a Member of Congress back in was doing, his unflagging determina- Mr. GOODLATTE. Well, I thank the 2001 was a bill to tell the politicians in tion to spread the Gospel, his ability to whip for joining us in this special trib- Washington to keep their hands off the use the communication tools available ute to Reverend Jerry Falwell. Social Security trust fund. The Repub- to him in ways that others hadn’t, but I must tell you that the mountain lican leadership at the time refused to in ways that his growing congregation you refer to, which is Chandler Moun- give me a hearing or a vote on that were totally comfortable with, in ways, tain in Lynchburg, was acquired by bill, and now we know why; because in fact, that didn’t compete with what Liberty University. You can see the the projected deficit for 2007, based on he was doing every Sunday morning university growing up the sides of that the budget bill written when the Re- and every Sunday night at the Thomas mountain now. In fact, they now have publicans controlled Congress, they Road Baptist Church. a big ‘‘LU’’ planted in trees near the will tell you is only $172 billion. top of the mountain. b 1800 Not so. It’s $357 billion. The dif- Jerry Falwell climbed many moun- ference is the money they are bor- He left in the mid-1950s with tains, and he leaves behind a legacy rowing from the Social Security trust a renewed commitment to the power of not only of building an outstanding fund, with absolutely no provision on ideas, ideas about the importance of educational organization and an out- how that money will be paid back or spirituality and public life, ideas that standing church, but more impor- when it will be paid back or where it’s promoted the family, ideas about the tantly, he leaves behind the people who coming from to pay it back. protection of human life at all stages make that church and that university You know, Mr. Speaker, when I go of development. And for 50 years, for strong and growing, led by his children, half a century, his mission was a mis- down to the local bank in Prescott, Ar- who will carry on his legacy and reach kansas, and sit across from a loan offi- sion of defending those ideas. out to many, many more throughout It would give rise to a movement of cer and get a loan, they want to know our country and throughout the world. how I am going to pay it back, when I citizen activists in evangelical Christi- I close this special order with a mo- anity that, frankly, for the previous 50 am going to pay it back and where the ment of silence, acknowledging the life money is going to come from to pay it years in many ways had been inten- and work of my constituent and my tionally removing itself from the civic back. It is time the politicians in friend, the late Rev. Jerry Falwell. Washington keep their hands off the and political process, with a focus on Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Social Security trust fund. what was going to happen after we f were here, rather than also being fo- The national debt, the total national cused on the world we live in. He never DEMOCRATIC BLUE DOG debt from 1789 to 2000 was $5.67 trillion. lost sight of his mission. COALITION But by 2010, the total national debt He was a man of purpose, not a man The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. will have increased to $10.88 trillion. of things, it appeared to me. Whenever COURTNEY). Under the Speaker’s an- That is a doubling of the 211-year debt he applied that purpose to improve the nounced policy of January 18, 2007, the in just a decade, in just 10 years. Inter- conditions of the world around him, it gentleman from (Mr. ROSS) is est payments on the debt are one of the made a difference. The time and energy recognized for 60 minutes as the des- fastest growing parts of the Federal he devoted to his once small college, in ignee of the majority leader. budget. And the debt tax is one that fact, once just his idea of a college, be- Mr. ROSS. Mr. Speaker, I rise this cannot be repealed. came one of our larger universities. It’s evening on behalf of the 43 Members People ask me, why should I care a great example. that make up the fiscally conservative about the fact that our Nation is in The church he started, the Thomas Democratic Blue Dog Coalition. We are debt? Why should I care that we con- Road Baptist Church, which he started conservative Democrats, we are com- tinue to borrow billions of dollars? in 1956 in a bottling plant with a con- monsense Democrats that want to re- After all, it’s future generations that gregation of 35 people, now is a church store fiscal discipline to our Nation’s are going to be stuck with the bill. of nearly 25,000 members. But his government. I submit to you, Mr. Speaker, that it achievements weren’t only building a Mr. Speaker, as you walk the halls of should matter for a lot of reasons. But church and building a school, he was Congress, as you walk the halls of this here is a good one right here: interest deeply concerned about the moral di- Capitol and the Cannon House Office payments. Our Nation is borrowing rection of this country, and worked Building and the Longworth House Of- about a billion dollars a day. We are hard to ensure that people of faith were fice Building and the Rayburn House spending about a half a billion a day part of the national dialogue, part of a Office Building, it’s not difficult to paying interest on a debt we’ve already way of changing who we were for the know when you’re walking by the door got before we borrow another billion better. of a fellow Blue Dog member because dollars today. His lifelong pursuit of truth was not you will see this poster that reads, I–49 is important to the people in Ar- a casual affair nor was his commitment ‘‘The Blue Dog Coalition’’. And it will kansas in my congressional district. I to a way of life and learning that ac- tell you, it serves as a reminder to need nearly $2 billion to finish I–49, an knowledged the lessons of the past and Members of Congress and to the gen- interstate that was started when I was applied those experiences to building a eral public that walk the halls of Con- in kindergarten. That’s a lot of money, better future. gress that today the U.S. national debt at least for a country boy from Pres- Earlier this afternoon, parishioners is $8,807,559,710,099. And I ran out of cott and Hope, Arkansas. But I submit of the Thomas Road Baptist Church room, but if I had a poster that was to you, Mr. Speaker, that we will spend and people from all over the country just a little bit more wide, Mr. Speak- more money paying interest on the na- and all over the world gathered in er, I would have added 85 cents. tional debt in the next 4 days than

VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:24 Jul 28, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00056 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 J:\CRONLINE\2007BA~3\2007NE~2\H22MY7.REC H22MY7 mmaher on PROD1PC70 with CONG-REC-ONLINE May 22, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H5591 what it would cost to complete Inter- Speaker, a lot of it is coming from force. And, yes, it is time that we de- state 49 in Arkansas, creating with it raiding the Social Security trust fund. mand more accountability from this all kinds of economic opportunities Where is the rest of it coming from? administration on how this money is and jobs. Foreign central banks and foreign lend- being spent on Iraq and ensure that it That’s on the western side of my dis- ers. is being spent on our brave men and trict. I represent about half the State. That’s right, Mr. Speaker. In fact, to women in uniform. On the eastern side of my district, I– put it another way, this administration John Grant of Pearcy, Arkansas, 69 is very important. I need about $2 has borrowed more money from for- brought to my attention the fact that billion to finish I–69. I–69 was an- eigners in the past 6 years than the our soldiers may very well not be nounced in the State of Indiana, in In- previous 42 Presidents combined. Let equipped with the most advanced and dianapolis, 5 years before I was born. me repeat that. This administration the best body armor that is made. I That was 50 years ago. And with the ex- has borrowed more money from foreign submit to you, Mr. Speaker, that we ception of about 40 miles in central banks and foreign investors in must ensure that the very best in body in a section they are now building from the past 6 years than the previous 42 armor is being provided to our men and Memphis to the casinos, none of it has Presidents combined. women in uniform. We have learned a ever been built south of Indianapolis. Foreign lenders currently hold a lot about that in the last few days $2 billion is a lot of money, but we will total of about $2.199 trillion of our pub- through an NBC investigative report. I spend more than that in the next 4 lic debt. Compare that to only $623.3 am proud to tell you that over 40 Mem- days paying interest on the national billion in foreign holdings in 1993. Who bers of Congress, including a lot of my debt. are they? The top 10 list. Blue Dog friends, have signed on to a As you can see from the chart here, Japan. The United States of America letter to the administration, to the in red, that is the amount of money, of has borrowed $637.4 billion from Japan Pentagon, demanding that further your tax money, Mr. Speaker, that we to fund tax cuts in this country for tests be done, and that our men and will spend paying interest on the na- people earning over $400,000 a year, women in uniform be provided with the tional debt this year. Compare that to leaving our children with the bill. very best in body armor. how much we are spending on our chil- China, $346.5 billion. I am joined by a number of fellow dren and their education. The United States of America has Blue Dogs this evening, and it is with You know, folks in this country come borrowed $223.5 billion from the United great honor that I introduce at this up to me all the time saying that Kingdom. time my friend, an active member of English should be the official language. $97.1 billion from OPEC. And we won- the Blue Dog Coalition from the State of Colorado, Mr. . And I personally don’t necessarily dis- der why gasoline is $3.25 a gallon today Mr. SALAZAR. Mr. Speaker, I thank agree with that. But let me tell you in south Arkansas. what people should be equally con- the gentleman for yielding. Korea, $67.7 billion; Taiwan, $63.2 bil- Mr. Speaker, I am very proud of the cerned about; they should be equally lion; the Caribbean banking centers, gentleman from Arkansas and his work concerned about the fact that we have $63.6 billion; Hong Kong, $51 billion; with my Blue Dog colleagues in de- got more young people today in India Germany, $52.1 billion. manding more fiscal responsibility in learning English than in America. And get a load of this. Rounding out Iraq. I believe that Congress has now We’ve got more young people today in the top 10 countries that the United approved nearly $510 billion for mili- China learning English than in Amer- States of America has borrowed money tary operations since 2001, with nearly ica. And it is not because they love from to fund tax cuts in this country no oversight on spending. Operation America, it is because they want our for folks earning over 400,000 a year and Iraqi Freedom alone has cost American jobs. to fund the war in Iraq: Mexico. taxpayers $51 billion in 2003, $77.3 bil- Mr. Speaker, it is absolutely critical 1815 lion in 2004, $87.3 billion in 2005, $104 that we provide our young people with b Our country has borrowed $38.2 bil- billion in 2006, and in 2007 we are in the a world-class education, and yet you process of funding Operation Iraqi lion from Mexico to fund our govern- can see we are spending a fraction on Freedom once again with a supple- ment. educating our children of what we will mental. Now we are spending over $10 So debts do matter. Deficits do mat- spend this year paying interest on the billion a month in Iraq and Afghani- ter. And in this case, I submit to you, national debt. stan just on government contractors it is a national security issue. You hear a lot of talk about home- working on reconstruction. All of this So what do we do about it? As mem- land security. We all take off our shoes is unchecked, and that is why I am so bers of the fiscally conservative Demo- when we go through the airports. And I proud to join my Blue Dog colleagues cratic Blue Dog Coalition, we have got guess we feel a little bit safer, but look as a supporter of H. Res. 97. at what our real commitment as a Na- a plan. We have got a plan for budget H. Res. 97 was introduced by the Blue tion is to homeland security compared reform. We have a plan to demand ac- Dog Coalition to call for transparency to what we are spending paying inter- countability in Iraq. We support our on how Iraq funds are spent. We have a est on the national debt. Homeland se- soldiers, and as long as we have sol- plan for accountability in Iraq. Our curity is in the green, the red is the in- diers in harm’s way, we are going to plan calls for, first, transparency on terest we are paying on the national make sure they are funded. how war funds are spent. Second of all, debt. But this administration has acted it creates a commission to investigate And finally, veterans. We can talk like if you challenge them on how they awarded contracts. Third of all, it about patriotism all we want, but I will are spending your tax money in Iraq, stops the use of emergency tell you what, the rest of the world can then you are unpatriotic. We are not supplementals to fund the war. look at America and determine how going to stand for that anymore, be- Everything that I have read over the much we value our soldiers by how we cause, Mr. Speaker, we believe that past several years indicates that this is treat our veterans. this administration and the Iraqi Gov- the first administration that has used And a whole new generation of vet- ernment should be accountable for how supplementals to fund a war after the erans are coming home from Iraq and $12 million of taxpayer money is being first year, after initiation. In January Afghanistan. How do we value them? spent every hour in Iraq. we passed what was called the PAYGO The dark blue shows how much we are That is right, our Nation is spending rule. It is my understanding that with spending of your tax money, Mr. $12 million of your tax money, Mr. supplementals, you don’t have to fol- Speaker, on our veterans compared to Speaker, every hour in Iraq, and it is low PAYGO rules. I think it is critical the red, which is the amount we’ve time that the Iraqis be held account- that we as Blue Dogs continue to move been simply paying interest on on the able for how that money is being spent. forward and push for an honest budget. national debt. It is time we demand that they step up Number four, it uses American re- Where is this money coming from and accept more responsibility for sources to improve Iraq’s ability to po- that we are borrowing a billion dollars training the Iraqis to be able to take lice itself. I believe that this is of crit- a day? I have already told you, Mr. control of their police and military ical importance.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:24 Jul 28, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00057 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 J:\CRONLINE\2007BA~3\2007NE~2\H22MY7.REC H22MY7 mmaher on PROD1PC70 with CONG-REC-ONLINE H5592 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 22, 2007 Mr. Speaker, you cannot push democ- bility. This is the responsibility that are a group of fiscally conservative racy on someone who does not want it. we have to all of our men and women Democrats that want to restore com- Over 65 percent of the Iraqi population in uniform, to their parents and to the mon sense and fiscal discipline to our now says it is okay to shoot at Amer- American taxpayer who is footing the Nation’s government. We don’t care if ican soldiers. The Iraqi Parliament a bill. it is a Democrat or Republican idea. couple of weeks ago voted 144 out of 275 The gentleman brings up another We ask ourselves, is it a commonsense members to tell Americans that it is valid point. He talks about how the idea, and does it make sense for the time for us to come home. We cannot budget is a moral document. I, frankly, people who send us here to be their force democracy on someone who does sir, could not run my household and voice in our Nation’s Capital? not want it. put my farm into debt and pass the An active and leading member of the I believe, Mr. Speaker, that today debt on to my children. That is exactly Blue Dog Coalition, an independent what is important is that we turn this what has happened over the last 5 voice within the Congress from the over to the Iraqi Government. Our sol- years. We had a surplus in the budget. State of , is Mr. David Scott. diers can become the advisors. They The economy was doing great. At this time I yield to him. should not be on the front lines. Democrats have a plan that by 2011 Mr. SCOTT of Georgia. Thank you, The gentleman talks about the So- we will balance this budget. It is with Mr. ROSS. It is a pleasure, as always, to cial Security Trust Fund. Two years the help of the Blue Dog Coalition, be on the floor with you and my fellow ago I introduced the Social Security with the help of gentlemen like the Blue Dogs. I want to talk about two issues here Protection Act, which would not allow gentleman from Arkansas, who is so that relate. One, of course, is the debt, any politician in Washington to touch committed to make sure there is ac- the deficit that we have; the lack of ac- that trust fund. I think the gentleman countability, that we will figure out a countability, financial accountability. raises a critical point there. way to truly be honest with the Amer- But I would like to talk about it from He also talks about the veterans. I ican people in our budgets. the standpoint of what is really on the am the only veteran in the Colorado We want to put the Iraqi war supple- minds of the American people today, delegation. I am proud to be a Blue mental back into the regular budget and that is the situation that faces us Dog, and I am proud that this legisla- process so that we have a true, accu- in Iraq and what we desperately need tion addresses the lack of oversight rate picture of what our national debt to do. and accountability in Iraq. But I am is, what our deficit is. The gentleman We need to do two things: One is be also very proud that this resolution was showing that we have $8.8 trillion honest with the American people; and, stands for veterans’ issues. in debt right now. Well, I can assure two, be honest with the money that the Government reports have docu- the gentleman from Arkansas when I American people send up here for us to mented waste, fraud and abuse in Iraq. came into Congress in the last Con- apportion. Nowhere is that more sig- Contractors are being paid billions of gress, our national debt was $78.045 tril- nificant than with military affairs. dollars by the United States for their lion. Your share of that debt, your chil- As I stand here, Mr. ROSS, I am try- services in Iraq. Most of these, Mr. dren’s share of that debt, was back ing to think of the best illustration I Speaker, are no-bid contracts. Where is then $26,000. I believe the figure you can come up with that would kind of the accountability in that? I believe show now, Mr. ROSS, is some $29,000, I paint a picture for where we are. I that if their work is resulting in unsan- believe $29,174 and some cents. think if we look back in history, a cer- itary conditions, potential health haz- I believe, Mr. ROSS, that this is mor- tain event took place around 1952 when ards, poor construction methods or sig- ally wrong, and I believe that it is time we were in a similar position of debat- nificant cost overruns, then Congress for Congress to start being honest and ing this issue of who has control of has the right to know about it. I be- report to the American people what military affairs or how do we deal with lieve, Mr. Speaker, that it is time to troubles the last 5 years Congress has the issues in time of war. Is it the exec- stop this waste. moved the American people toward. I utive branch, or is it the Congress, and Congressional oversight is des- have heard that by the year 2040, every what is the role therein? perately needed. This administration single penny that comes in in Federal This debate is heated on those two should be held accountable for how re- revenues will go to pay just the inter- things today. The President says Con- construction funds are being used. This est on the national debt. That is with- gress has no role in this. Congress says Blue Dog bill is a commonsense pro- out running government. I believe that we definitely do. And we are right that posal that ensures transparency and is morally wrong. we do. accountability. We bring oversight With that, Mr. Speaker, I would ask b 1830 back to Congress. We start showing im- this Congress, I would ask this Demo- It was borne out in a case in 1952 provement in Iraq, and accountability cratic Congress and the Blue Dog Coa- when there was a decision made by the leads directly to success. Iraqis must lition, to continue fighting for bal- Supreme Court when this issue came begin progress towards full responsi- anced budgets, to continue fighting for up on who had the right to determine bility for policing their own country. accountability, because that is what whether the steel mills would be seized Without progress, it is a waste to con- the American people want. during a time of war, during the Ko- tinue U.S. investment in troops and fi- Mr. ROSS. Mr. Speaker, I thank the rean War. nancial services. gentleman from Colorado for his active And it got so hot and heavy in that Mr. Speaker, I visited Iraq twice. involvement in the Blue Dog Coalition debate it went to the courts. Is it the While I have seen some improvements and for his words this evening. Congress or is it the President? Well, in some areas, I have also seen the in- Some people may be saying, what is the Supreme Court ruled on that which crease in insurgent attacks not only on the Blue Dog Coalition? The Blue Dog brings us to a point here today. But in American troops, but on other Iraqis. Coalition was founded back in 1994 the concurrence that was written by We all support our troops, and we shortly after the Republicans took con- Supreme Court Justice Robert Jack- will do everything within our power to trol of Congress by a group of conserv- son, he said some very important, sig- make sure that they have the equip- ative Democrats, Democrats that used nificant and prophetic words. ment and the funding that they need. to be Yellow Dog Democrats. The say- He said that this is a case that clear- However, Mr. Speaker, we cannot con- ing in the South is that a Democrat is ly fits within the realm of Congress’s tinue to write blank checks to the ad- so Democratic that they would vote for responsibility in a time of war. And in ministration. I firmly believe that a yellow dog if a yellow dog was run- his concurrence he said that when the until our last troop is returned home, ning for office. That is where the say- executive branch operates in tandem the American people deserve to know ing comes from. with the congressional branch, with how their money is being spent. There was a group of conservative congressional authority, he said that is Accountability is not only patriotic, Democrats back in 1994 that felt like a time of maximum power for the it often determines success from fail- they were being choked blue by the ex- President. He said, but when the Presi- ure. The Blue Dog bill gives an oppor- tremes of both parties. That is what dent acts counter to the express con- tunity to regain oversight responsi- the Blue Dog Coalition is all about. We stitutional authority of the Congress,

VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:24 Jul 28, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00058 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 J:\CRONLINE\2007BA~3\2007NE~2\H22MY7.REC H22MY7 mmaher on PROD1PC70 with CONG-REC-ONLINE May 22, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H5593 he said, we enter into what he referred sonable support of containment and re- year, those privates that are leaving to then as a zone of twilight, or in es- deployment of our troops, and in a their wives and kids at home, many of sence a twilight zone which, quite iron- manner that pays attention to the whom have to survive on food stamps, ically, is where Rod Sterling got the wear and tear on our military. those privates who saw what we did in name for his television program ‘‘The Mr. ROSS, it is shameful when we the Defense bill, who said that is great, Twilight Zone.’’ have to say that so many of our troops 3.5 percent pay increase, a couple hun- That is where we find ourselves here, are over there for the third or fourth dred dollars a year. The President of in the twilight zone. time. That is not right. The American the United States said, Private, thank He went on to say, when we enter people are against that. It is my hope you for your service to your country, this twilight zone, the Presidency in at that we will bring financial account- but that is too much of a pay increase. its lowest ebb when it does not recog- ability and responsibility to this mat- Mr. Speaker, I hope the people at nize the authority of the Congress. ter. The American people, who are very home are watching. The President of Our authority rests with the purse. much engaged with us on this Iraq sit- the United States said a couple hun- Our authority rests with making sure uation, are looking to Democrats; and dred dollars more a year to a private that we raise and support the military. quite honestly, they are looking to making $17,000 a year is too much. Our authority rests with legislation. Blue Dog Democrats. They are looking Now the Blue Dog Coalition believes And when you wrap those two things to people who have fiscal responsibility in two things: one, fiscal responsi- together, that is what is the embodi- and also understand that we know we bility; two, strong national defense. ment of what we have captured in our are in a dangerous world. How do the soldiers feel that are run- resolution for financial responsibility The most important thing we need ning convoys up and down Ambush and accountability in a time of war to for our advancement right now is to Alley, scouting on the streets for road- make sure that the money is accounted make sure we have a strong defense side bombs and looking for snipers on for; to make sure when our troops are and we have got that, but we also want rooftops, when they hear their Presi- going into war, that they have the our policies to be responsive to the dent back at home, the President of money for the armor. American people. That is what the the United States thinks a couple hun- That is exactly why when they were Democrats are putting forward as we dred dollars more a year is too much. sent into war by this President and move forward on our way out of this The President says, hey, it would add this administration without the body terrible civil war that our Nation finds up over the next 5 years, $7.3 billion; armor, we had to amend the appropria- itself in. We are going to do exactly that is a lot of money. tions bill with over $200 million to get that. But the same standard that the it in there, led by Democrats, led by Mr. ROSS, it is a pleasure to be here, President uses where he says it is too Blue Dog Democrats, if you recall, to and I am sure the American people much for the troops, it is not too much get the money in the budget for that. fully support our efforts and under- for the contractors who have proven The reason that happened is, up until stand exactly what we are talking that they mismanage over $9 billion of January, this President has had the about when we say it is time to bring our hard-earned money, the contrac- luxury of a rollover Congress that did financial accountability and trans- tors who don’t want any accountability exactly what he wanted them to do parency to our efforts here on Capitol and don’t want to see the light of day. without even a whimper or a bang. Hill, and nowhere is that more impor- The President has threatened to veto They just rolled over, gave the Presi- tant than dealing with our military af- the pay raise of our soldiers. I believe dent everything that he wanted, and fairs and the men and women serving that is morally wrong during a time of we did not do the constitutional func- in harm’s way overseas. war, especially when you are saying we tion of oversight, of making sure that Mr. ROSS. I thank the gentleman are not asking for a 10 percent or 20 there is financial accountability and from Georgia (Mr. SCOTT) for joining percent or 30 percent increase in their responsibility in the actions that we us, as he does most Tuesday evenings. pay when they make $17,000, just a cou- are giving. At this time we are honored to be ple hundred dollars more a year, not That is why it is important what we joined by a veteran of the , a even reaching $1,000 more. The Presi- do today. Now this is incorporated into new Member of Congress, and I yield to dent says no. our presentation, into each of the bills Congressman MURPHY of Pennsylvania. In the Defense bill that we passed that we have put forward. The status is Mr. PATRICK J. MURPHY of Penn- that the President has said he will now that these efforts are being sylvania. Mr. Speaker, I thank Con- veto, and this was not some sly com- worked between the House and the gressman ROSS for yielding me this ment he said as an aside, the President Senate. But I think it is very impor- time. pointed to a document and said, a 3.5 tant for the public to also know that in Just a few days ago we stood here, percent increase is too much. this bill we have the accountability the chairman of the Armed Services Mr. Speaker, I ask that everyone in features in. But we also have the re- Committee, my chairman, Congress- America write the President of the sponsibility where we are not going to man IKE SKELTON, who has two sons United States and say 3.5 percent in- cut off any funds as long as our troops who are currently serving in the mili- crease in pay for our troops is not too are in danger on the battlefield. tary, who is a great leader in this Con- much to ask for; a 3.5 percent increase It is our hope, however, that we will gress. In the Defense bill, we did sev- during the Memorial Day weekend be responsive to the American people eral things. We wanted to make sure when we honor their servicemembers is and bring this matter to a close in that the troops knew that we supported not too much to ask for. terms of the loss of life of our soldiers them. This is a pattern, Mr. Speaker, that that are caught in the cross hairs of a When we stood there, Congressman upsets me greatly, a pattern of neglect civil war. ROSS, we said thank you, Chairman that this White House has for our Now, the Middle East is a region of SKELTON, because you believe what all troops. See, when I was in Baghdad in vital interest, and there is absolutely Blue Dogs believe, accountability and 138-degree heat and this White House no way we will ever be able to com- responsibility. It established those and the Secretary of Defense Donald pletely disappear from the Middle East, benchmarks, that oversight which is so Rumsfeld floated out the idea and said, nor is that our intent. Nor is it the in- needed right now. Let’s take away their imminent danger tent of the American people. So in the Defense bill that gave the pay, their combat pay, a couple hun- The point is our nose has been poked troops a 3.5 percent pay increase, a pay dred dollars a month, because mission into a civil war, a civil war that has increase because there is such a gap, is accomplished. Let’s take away their been festering for thousands of years such a disparity between the private combat pay. It’s over. between the Sunnis and the Shiites. sector and our servicemen and women Now, fast forward 4 years later, the That is their civil war. It is not right and their salaries. When they join the President says, hey, 3.5 percent is too to have our soldiers in the middle of military, they are not trying to make much. This is a pattern of neglect of that. That needs to be brought back a lot of money. But the fact is that our troops. It is okay when the Presi- and we need to enter into a more rea- those privates who are making $17,000 a dent wants to use our troops as props

VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:24 Jul 28, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00059 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 J:\CRONLINE\2007BA~3\2007NE~2\H22MY7.REC H22MY7 mmaher on PROD1PC70 with CONG-REC-ONLINE H5594 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 22, 2007 for a fancy speech in the Rose Garden. thank the chairman of the Armed Serv- War, which also denied the Russians But when it comes to budget time ices Committee, Mr. SKELTON, for in- from being able to obtain the oil that when budgets are moral documents, cluding key provisions of our legisla- was there. the President says, too much. I re- tion, written in part by Mr. MURPHY, in There’s no doubt in my mind that spectfully beg to differ. the Defense authorization bill this we’re going to be in the Middle East for When we look at the debt of our year. a long time when we leave the war zone country, just under $9 trillion, with I yield to an active member of the and the hostile war zones of Iraq. $29,000 that every single man, woman Blue Dog Coalition, gentleman from And as we made that conversation, and child in the United States owes to- the State of (Mr. LINCOLN Mr. Speaker, our President certainly wards our national debt. In March, DAVIS). agreed with that, that we have a long- 2007, we paid $21 billion in interest Mr. of Tennessee. term commitment and an interest in alone. Does it get any better? No. Why? Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentleman the Middle East for many years to Because there is no accountability. from Arkansas for the recognition. I’ll come, and we will have. It’s kind of There is no tightening of the belt. It is be very brief, which is difficult for me like 1953, in South Korea, when Eisen- wrong to pass this debt, this $9 trillion to do, being from the mountains of hower decided a cease-fire would be in of debt, on to our children. That is Tennessee. Sometimes I get a little order, and we signed a cease-fire and wrong. wordy. I had one of my folks back have been maintaining troops in South Mr. Speaker, when I know my wife, home tell me that after I’d been here Korea since 1953. We’ll be in the Middle Jenny, and daughter, Maggie, are home for about a year, he said, LINCOLN, East for a long, long time. After the in Bristol, in Bucks County, Pennsyl- you’ve gotten so windy as those folks first Persian Gulf War, we maintained vania, when I know that they are in Washington, I believe you could a presence there in the Middle East, watching on C–SPAN, I know that they blow up an onion sack. I’m not sure ex- and we’ll still do that. It’s how we stay know that their daddy and husband is actly what he meant by that, but I had that determines whether or not we’ll fighting a good fight. They know that to tone down my rhetoric somewhat win. I cannot stand here in good conscience, after that. What my real concern is about this Mr. Speaker, and allow this President But it’s good to be here to talk about situation in Iraq is I don’t think, Mr. to use our troops as props and yet can’t accountability and, quite frankly, how Speaker, this administration, I don’t give them a couple hundred dollars of the lack of accountability has gotten think, Mr. Speaker, this President un- pay increase to try to alleviate some of us in the situation we’re in in Iraq, as derstands the gravity of what’s going the pay disparity with the private sec- well as in our budget management. on in the Middle East. tor. When we take a look at how the Every country in the Middle East, I can’t stand here in good conscience growth of government grew through some our friends supposedly and some and pay our good tax dollars, $21 bil- the 1980s up to the early 1990s, in 1992, might continue to be our friends, dur- lion a month, just to pay the interest, we were spending roughly 22 percent of ing the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s, the Shah without cutting off the spending spig- gross domestic product on national ex- of Iran was also our friend. When the ot. penditures, on our budgetary process, ayatollahs took over, we lost that We need to rein in the spending of Mr. Speaker. friendship, and Iran no longer main- this country. The Blue Dogs are abso- And through the 1990s, we saw a tained our friendship. But in places lutely committed to doing that. We downsizing of government through the like Saudi Arabia, in Kuwait, in the need partners from the other side of Clinton-Gore years, where we were Emirates, when you look at Jordan, the aisle. We might be Democrats, and spending roughly 18.5 percent of gross King Abdullah, a decree made him there might be Republicans on the domestic product. We now have seen King, not an election. He is our friend, other side of the aisle, but we are all that jump to the point to where it’s and I personally like King Abdullah, Americans and we all owe $9 trillion in somewhat over 20 percent in gross do- but he had an uncle named Prince Has- debt in America to foreign countries mestic product. We’ve seen government san that most folks thought would like Communist China and Mexico and grow the last 6 years. We saw it eventually go on to be King of Jordan. Japan. downsized during the Clinton-Gore ad- That didn’t happen. Enough is enough, Mr. Speaker. ministration, and the 12 years prior to So, when we talk about having a free- Enough is enough, and the Blue Dog that we saw it grow to where it was standing democracy in the Middle Coalition, my brothers and sisters in well over 22 percent. East, in Iraq, I’m puzzled somewhat this coalition, are taking the floor of So, when we talk about account- that that becomes one of the major ob- the House of Representatives and all ability, let’s be sure that America un- jectives to determine whether or not across America. We need the help of derstands, Mr. Speaker, that it has cer- we win. We need to have stability in the American people to make sure peo- tainly not been the Democratic Party Iraq, stability, Mr. Speaker. My hope is ple understand what is at stake. What that has made that happen. Under our that eventually a democracy will is at stake is the future of America. management, under our watch, we saw occur. What is at stake is the security, the fi- a downsizing of government expendi- For us to assume that the Shias, the nancial security, of our country and tures. Sunnis and the Kurds, in one of the the country that our children will in- I want to move now to Iraq. I re- most volatile mixed populations in any herit. cently had an opportunity to visit the country in the Middle East, that we, I thank the gentleman for yielding White House, Mr. Speaker, with our you notice I say we, we’re going to use me this time tonight. President, along with 12 or 13 other that country as a model of how we de- Mr. ROSS. I thank Congressman Members. We had a very frank con- mocratize the Middle East, I think, is a MURPHY from Pennsylvania for his in- versation. In one of the conversations, flawed failure, will continue to be, and sight and life experiences as a veteran the comment was made that we have a will be something that will be unsuc- of the Iraq War, and for sharing his strong commitment in the Middle East, cessful. thoughts with us this evening as we de- and we do have a strong commitment If, in fact, this administration, led by mand accountability and common there. our President, had decided that we sense on how your tax money, some $12 We denied Hitler during World War II ought to have democracy in the Middle million an hour of your tax money, is being able to obtain the oil in the Mid- East, maybe he should have started being spent in Iraq. It is important, we dle East. The tanks of Rommel ran out with this gentleman he’s holding hands believe, that we make sure that it is of fuel, and we were able, quite frankly, with, the monarchy, the royal family being spent on our troops, to protect through the mass force we had, 16 mil- of Saudi Arabia. I wonder how many and support them, and that it be ac- lion Americans, as well as help from times this administration, Mr. Speak- counted for. Europe during World War II, the Allied er, how many times this President, Mr. Forces were able to eventually conquer Speaker, has talked to the royal family b 1845 Germany. of Saudi Arabia and say, wouldn’t it be That’s what H. Res. 97 is all about, We then continued to be there and nice to have in Saudi Arabia a thriving and we’re very pleased, and we want to have a presence all through the Cold democracy, a freestanding democracy.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:24 Jul 28, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00060 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 J:\CRONLINE\2007BA~3\2007NE~2\H22MY7.REC H22MY7 mmaher on PROD1PC70 with CONG-REC-ONLINE May 22, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H5595 I wonder how many times, Mr. here to the highest ethical standards Members of Congress can come here Speaker, this President, Mr. Rumsfeld and are more accountable for their ac- and make laws, they ought to abide by and others, Mr. Speaker, asked the peo- tions. Banning meals, constricting con- those laws they make. And if they ple of Kuwait after being liberated in gressional travel, and tightening the can’t, they should have additional time 1991 that you should establish a democ- lobbying rules are all important first put onto their sentence. racy and not revert back to the royal steps that have already been taken; And I want to thank the gentleman families, to be dictatorial in the deci- however, much more needs to be done. from for trying to work with sions that you made. It will take a concerted effort and some those of us in the Blue Dog Coalition to Every nation in the Middle East has time to overcome the spate of negative clean up the mess here in Washington. a strongman-type government, except examples of public officials abusing the I’m very pleased at this time to yield for Israel and except for Lebanon. trust conferred upon them. the time that is left if he would like it Whether it’s Syria, whether it’s Iran, For government to function effec- to the cochair for administration for Iraq had theirs, the Emirates, Qatar, tively, the public must be able to trust the fiscally conservative Blue Dog Coa- every country over there has a the people making decisions in this in- lition, the gentleman from (Mr. strongman-type government, and we stitution. My bill will help restore that BOYD). believe that for us to consider having bond of trust between public officials Mr. BOYD of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I one, that we’ve got to democratize and the people they represent. By hold- thank my friend Mr. ROSS for yielding, Iraq. I think that’s a flawed policy, ing ourselves to the highest ethical and I’m very proud of him. He’s obvi- and, Mr. Speaker, I hope our President standards, we are making clear that we ously one of our elected leaders of the engages with this Congress to try to have heard the message of the people fiscally conservative Blue Dog Coali- find some solutions to how we establish who are demanding honesty and ac- tion and does a great job. I’m very stability in the Middle East and cer- countability of their leaders. proud of him, and I’m very proud of the tainly in Iraq. I urge my colleagues to support me other 42 members of the Blue Dogs who I thank the gentleman from Arkan- in this effort and to become cosponsors sas for yielding. deliver this message to the American of my bill. A number of Members have public that accountability and good Mr. ROSS. Mr. Speaker, I thank the already signed on, and I hope the rest gentleman from Tennessee for his in- stewardship of our tax dollars does of my colleagues will join them. Let’s matter. sight, and, Mr. Speaker, if you’ve got pass this bill and restore the faith that any comments, questions or concerns Mr. Speaker, I’m very pleased that our constituents have in their public the gentleman from Tennessee (Mr. of us, you can e-mail us at institutions. LINCOLN DAVIS) was here earlier talk- [email protected]. Again, Mr. As we’re talking about account- ing about the 1990s and how we ex- Speaker, if you’ve got any comments, ability, you’ve raised the Blue Dog Co- tracted ourselves from a fiscal mess questions or concerns for us, you can e- alition debt poster that we have in where we were experiencing huge and mail us at [email protected]. front of our offices. I’m disturbed, as This is the Special Order with mem- systemic annual deficits, and how this we always are, that every single day bers of the 43–Member-strong, fiscally government worked hard during the that poster goes up. We’ve done a lot of conservative, Democratic Blue Dog Co- 1990s under a Democratic President and work as Blue Dogs to restore account- alition. We are committed to trying to Republican-led Congress in a bipartisan ability in the fiscal side. We have put restore common sense and fiscal dis- way, worked real hard to pare down into the House rules PAYGO rules that cipline to our Nation’s government, what government was doing and make say you have to pay as you go. We need and a former cochair of the group and the revenues come into balance with to work on statutory PAYGO yet some active member of the group from the the expenditures. more. There’s some more things that State of California (Mr. CARDOZA), I We did that during the course of the we need to do. We’re not finished with yield to him. 1990s under a divided government, but, this, but clearly we have been heard in Mr. CARDOZA. Mr. Speaker, I thank Mr. Speaker, none of us like taxes. We this House, and we are changing the the gentleman from Arkansas, and I live in America, the greatest country culture. appreciate him yielding. on the face of the Earth. I talk about Today I rise because on Monday I re- This bill that I’ve brought forward today during our Blue Dog hour will this regularly with my constituents introduced a bill the Blue Dogs had en- back home in north Florida, that dorsed last year, H.R. 2402, the Public also change the culture. It will send an important message that don’t commit America is the greatest country on the Official Accountability Act. face of the Earth. We’re the most suc- The Blue Dogs just aren’t fiscally re- the crime if you can’t do the time. We cessful democracy. We’re the most suc- sponsible, Mr. Speaker, but we’re re- say that to common burglars and drug cessful, greatest economy in the his- sponsible in a number of other ways, offenders all throughout our society. tory of mankind. We have the greatest and one is accountability of the Mem- We also should say it to those same military machine in the history of bers of this institution to make sure common criminals that perpetrate mankind. that we uphold the public trust. their crimes in the halls of Congress. H.R. 2402 gives judges the discretion So, today, I stand with my Blue Dog I tell my constituents that 25 percent to increase the sentence for public offi- colleagues, as we always do during this of the world’s wealth is controlled by 5 cials convicted of certain enumerated Blue Dog hour, to ask for account- percent of the world’s population. crimes that violate the public trust. If ability in this Congress, accountability That’s what America is. One out of a public official has been convicted of in our country, accountability with our every 20 people live in America, and we bribery, fraud, extortion or theft of finances. I’m just so proud to be a control 25 percent of the world’s public funds greater than $10,000, a sen- member of this organization. wealth. We have a gross domestic prod- tencing judge should have the discre- Thank you for yielding to me, and I uct that exceeds, I don’t know, $13-, $14 tion to double the length of a sentence look forward to working with my col- trillion a year. up to 2 years for those public officials leagues to get this bill inserted into And we have the greatest military convicted of such ethical violations. the ethics bill that’s going through the machine on the face of the Earth ever Unfortunately, recent scandals have House this week or as a stand-alone assembled. You can amass the military somewhat tarnished the reputation of measure later in the Congress. of all the other 193 countries. It will this great institution and have Mr. ROSS. Mr. Speaker, I thank the not equal, Mr. Speaker, the firepower stretched the bonds of trust between gentleman from California and could that the United States of America can the public and their government. This not agree with him more. There’s a lot bring to bear. bill signals that breaches of the public of folks that believe Members of Con- I tell my constituents that that great trust will not be condoned and, there- gress are held to a different standard, wealth and that great military power, fore, will help to restore the bonds of and they should be. They should be with it comes a great responsibility in trust that have been frayed. held to a much greater standard, a this world to use that wealth and that The 110th Congress has already taken much harsher sentence than the aver- power in a responsible and careful man- steps to ensure that public officials ad- age citizen on the street, because if ner.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:24 Jul 28, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00061 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 J:\CRONLINE\2007BA~3\2007NE~2\H22MY7.REC H22MY7 mmaher on PROD1PC70 with CONG-REC-ONLINE H5596 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 22, 2007 b 1900 terest on it has to be paid back; and we debate various aspects of our health Now, none of us like to pay taxes. ought to stop increasing that number care system. None of us like to pay taxes. Our job, on a daily basis. That’s what the Blue Of course, just of necessity, as a big as Members of the United States Con- Dogs are all about. Let’s make sure part of the Presidential election that gress, House of Representatives, is to that the tax money that we collect will occur in the 18 months time, we make sure that we are good stewards of from American citizens is spent wisely, will deal with the issues surrounding the taxpayers’ money that our good and that we exercise good stewardship health care and the delivery of health citizens send up here for us to run the as we see about the people’s business of care services in this country. We will country. the United States of America. be deciding, what road do we want to Now, a great deal of that money is I am proud to be a Member of the go if we have a system in our country spent on our national defense, the U.S. House with my good friends on now where about half is delivered, half number one priority of this Nation. both sides of the aisle. I’m proud to be of every health care dollar that is None of us on this House floor ever like an American. I want to thank my spent originates here in the U.S. Con- to vote against defense dollars that are friend from Arkansas for the time. gress, and the other half comes from being spent around the world where we Mr. ROSS. I thank the gentleman the private sector, uncompensated care ask our men and women to go put on from Tennessee. and so-called charity care. the uniform and defend our values and In the hour we have been on the floor What do we want to see grow? What our freedom and our causes around the this evening talking about the need to do we want to see encouraged? What do world. restore common sense and fiscal ac- we want to see improved? Do we want Mr. Speaker, over the last 6 years, I countability to our Nation’s govern- to grow the public sector or do we want think the greatest act of omission that ment, we have seen the national debt to grow the private sector? has been perpetrated by this Congress increase by at least $40 million. Certainly expanding the government is the lack of oversight that has been Today, the U.S. national debt is sector and its involvement in delivery exercised by this Congress over the ex- $8,807,559,710,099. And for every man, of services, terms you will hear talked ecutive branch when it comes to how woman and child in America, their about on the floor of this House, things we spend those tax dollars. share of the national debt is $29,174. like universal health care, health care Six years ago, our national defense Every Tuesday night, those of us in the for all—in the early 1990s, we called it budget was in the neighborhood of $400 fiscally conservative Democratic Blue ‘‘Hillary care’’—or do we want to en- billion; today it is in excess of $650 bil- Dog Coalition take to the floor of the courage the private sector? lion. That’s about 5 percent of our House to demand that we pass com- Do we want to encourage the private gross domestic product. There are not monsense solutions to this problem, be- sector to stay involved in the delivery many countries, if any, around the cause it affects all of us. It’s time that of health care services in this country, world, that spend that much on their we restore common sense and fiscal to be sure, to be certain, whether it’s military. discipline to our Nation’s government. public or private, that the dollars that Our American citizens, our people f are spent are spent wisely to expand back home, don’t mind us doing that. the coverage that’s generally available PERSONAL EXPLANATION They like for us to do it. But they want for our citizens of this country. But to know that when they send that Mr. STUPAK. Mr. Speaker, yester- these two options, and all of the ques- money to Washington, somebody is day, May 21, 2007, I was not present for tions and concerns that surround them, making sure that it’s spent wisely, and two votes in order to attend a cere- this is what we are going to have to de- we are good stewards of that. mony awarding the BJ Stupak Memo- cide in this House, certainly within the What has happened over the last 6 rial Fund scholarships. 18 months that remain in the 110th years, when we had one party come in Had I been present, I would have Congress, or very quickly after we control of the White House, and the voted ‘‘yes’’ on H.R. 698, the Industrial enter into the 111th Congress. House and the Senate, the oversight Bank Holding Company Act (House I am hopeful that by visiting with role by Congress has been abdicated. rollcall vote 384). you on some of these things tonight, It’s not the first time it happened. It Had I been present, I would have providing some explanations and some happened before when the Democrats voted ‘‘yes’’ on H.R. 1425, the Staff Ser- insights into the directions that we controlled everything. geant Marvin ‘‘Rex’’ Young Post Office might go, or we could consider going, But in this case it was the Repub- Building (House rollcall vote 385). and at its heart, at its core, I think we lican Party that was in the majority. f need to bear in mind that for all of the As a result, we have seen systemic defi- criticisms that are out there, and we HEALTH CARE cits built in. We have seen a situation have heard several of them here in the where there has been no oversight exer- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under last hour, but for all the criticisms out cised by the House of Representatives the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- there about this country and, in par- and the Senate over the administra- uary 18, 2007, the gentleman from ticular, its health care system, we do tion, and the Congress just got in the (Mr. BURGESS) is recognized for have a health care system that is in- mode of rubber-stamping everything 60 minutes. deed the envy of the world. that the administration wanted, and Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I am We have people from all over the ultimately, we had some problems. coming to the floor tonight, like I have world who come to the various medical Some arrogance developed, some cor- so often in recent weeks, to talk a lit- centers over the United States to re- ruption developed. tle bit about health care in our coun- ceive their care there. I believe, my po- That’s basically when the American try. The delivery of health care serv- sition is, that we want to be certain people stood up in November and said, ices is one of the things that may not that we maintain the excellence in the no more, we don’t want that any more. be the first thing that registers in any health care system that we have today, We think a divided government works poll that’s taken in this country, but improve those parts that need improv- best. it’s sure third or fourth, and it appears ing, but don’t sacrifice the excellence As Blue Dogs, we want to work with in every poll that is taken in this coun- that exists in many areas of our coun- the Members on the other side of the try. try. aisle in making sure that the American We are, indeed, on the threshold of Some people are going to say, well, people’s money, when it comes to what might be called a trans- that’s an overstatement that the Washington, is spent wisely and is ac- formational time as far as how health United States health care system is a counted for. care services are delivered in this coun- good one. They will look at, cite the I wanted to remind our citizens back try. Certainly, over the remaining 18 numbers of the uninsured, they will home that this chart in front of us that months of the 110th Congress, we are start to cite the high cost of prescrip- shows the $8.8 trillion national debt is going to have several different issues tion drugs. There is no question that for real, and that money has got to be before us, several different times, these are tough issues that this House paid back by somebody, or at least in- where we will be able to talk about and is going to have to tackle.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:24 Jul 28, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00062 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 J:\CRONLINE\2007BA~3\2007NE~2\H22MY7.REC H22MY7 mmaher on PROD1PC70 with CONG-REC-ONLINE