Sean Kingston Health Care Events Bill: Friend Page 2
THETHIELENSIAN the student-run newspaper of Thiel College in Greenville, PA Volume 126 Issue 11 March 26, 2010 At a glance... Sean Kingston Health Care Events Bill: Friend Page 2: “Wear it Out” Event or Foe? Raises Recycling by Lauren Whetzel come from new taxes, fees Awareness Asst. Editor on industries involved in health care, and cuts in pro- Thiel Choir Sings at After months of fierce de- jected spending growth for bating about the health care existing government health Annuel Home Concert reform bill in Washington, efforts, primarily Medicare. D.C, as well as, around the According to the reform She Loves Me country, on Sunday, Mar. 21, legislation, if you are an indi- 2010, the House of Repre- vidual making more than sentatives passed the bill af- $200,000 a year, or a married ter a long day of voting on couple making more than Student Life Photo by Google Images Capitol Hill. The House vot- $250,000 a year, get ready to ed 219-212 for final approval pay more for your Medicare. Page 3: of the legislation, and on First, your Medicare Part Tuesday, President Obama A (hospital insurance) tax 5 Easy Steps to Start Your signed the bill into law. rate would be increased by Spring Cleaning In theory, the bill sounds 0.9 percent, to 2.35 percent. quite appealing; offering Second, the bill creates an healthcare to everyone in the entirely new tax of 3.8 per- Sigma Tau Delta Inducts Performs in Passavant United States, expanding cent on unearned income for Twelve New Members coverage to 32 million Amer- people in those same income icans who are currently unin- brackets.
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