Sustainable Urban Design in Canada and the

Design for the Future: Sustainable Urban Design in Canada and the Netherlands

Carleton University, Ottawa – October 5, 2011

Join us for an expert discussion on sustainable urban design More than the energy performance of individual buildings, the shape and density of our communities determine our aggregate carbon footprint. With urbanization increasing, cities have been forced to rethink their policies in order to grow sustainably.

In the Netherlands and Canada discussions about sustainable urban design start from a different premise. Diverging geographic realities in the two countries have resulted in two different built environments. Abundance of land in Canada as opposed to scarcity of land in the Netherlands is reflected in the housing and planning policies of the two countries. Design for the Future aims to contribute to the efforts of the development of a concept of ‘the sustainable city in the 21st century’. Additionally, through exchange of best practices we hope to stimulate cooperation between Canada and the Netherlands on this issue.

Design for the Future is a bilateral project between Canada and the Netherlands organised annually. This year’s event is organised in cooperation with the Azrieli School of Architecture and Urbanism and the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of Carleton University. Go to top

Program 14:00 – 14:15 Welcome by H.E. Wim Geerts, Ambassador of the Netherlands to Canada and Professor Benjamin Gianni of the Azrieli School of Architecture and Urbanism of Carleton University.

14:15 – 15.00 Armchair discussion between two leading : Shirley Blumberg, BArch, founding partner of KPMB Architects in Toronto.

Francine Houben, MSc, founding partner of Mecanoo Architecten in , the Netherlands. 15.00 – 15.15 Refreshments

15.15 – 17.15 Panel discussion followed by Q&A


Joe Berridge, MA, partner at Urban Strategies in Toronto.

Anke van Hal, PhD, MSc, professor at Nyenrode Business University and Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands.

Jim Lynes, BA, BEd, former president of the Canada Lands Company.

Niek Verdonk, MSc, city of Groningen, the Netherlands.


Lisa Rochon, MA, architecture critic for The Globe and Mail.

18.00 – 20.00 Forum Lecture Series at the National Gallery of Canada in Ottawa

Keynote address by Francine Houben Title: Dutch Mountains

with the support from the Azrieli School of Architecture and Urbanism and the sponsors of the Forum Lecture Series

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The event will take place in the PIT of the School of Architecture at Carleton University which can be found on the main level of the Architecture Building (AA). For a campus map click here. Parking is available in lot P2, just outside the building although attendees are encouraged to take the bus or O-Train. Go to top


For the afternoon program (14.00 – 17.15 hrs):

Please register before September 23, 2011 with the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands at: [email protected]

For the evening program (18.00 – 20.00 hrs):

The Forum Lecture Series is held at the National Gallery of The Forum Lecture Series is held at the National Gallery of Canada (380 Sussex Drive, Ottawa), admission is free and open to the public. Go to top

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