APR/MAY/JUN 2012 Seebarcelona® ɍɜɢɞɟɬɶȻɚɪɫɟɥɨɧɭ Guide & maps, points of interest, museums, shopping, museums, interest, & maps, of points Guide eating out, gaudí & modernism, useful info, and more... info, useful & modernism, gaudí out, eating www.eltriangle.es CENTRE COMERCIAL EL TRIANGLE /EL CENTRE DE TOT JOIN US PLAÇA DE CATALUNYA 1, 08001 BARCELONA MONDAY TO SATURDAY / DILLUNS A DISSABTE / LUNES A SÁBADO: 10H - 22H /eltriangle Discover Barcelona. A cosmopolitan, dynamic, Mediterranean city. Get to know it from the sea, by bus, on public transport, on foot or from high up, while you enjoy taking a close look at its architecture and soaking up the atmosphere of its streets and squares. There are countless ways to discover the city and Turisme de Barcelona will help you; don’t forget to drop by our tourist information offices or visit our website. CARD NA O TCO L AR TIC E K C E R TUR T S ÍS T A U IC B B MIR AD S O K R L D A E W C O O R L T TOP O E M M BAR CEL A ONA R Q A U C I E T O T S IC Í K ET R U I T NF IÓ W ORMAC A L K I N S R G TOU R A B M A A RCE LON Buy all these products and find out the best way to visit our city. Catalunya Cabina Plaça Espanya Cabina Estació Nord Information and sales Pl. de Catalunya, 17 S Pl. d’Espanya Estació Nord +34 932 853 832 (andén autobuses)
[email protected] Sant Jaume Cabina Sants Ali-bei, 80 bcnshop.barcelonaturisme.cat Ciutat, 2 Pl.