Annual Report
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Luther Memorial Church 2016 Annual Report PB Table of Contents Agenda . 1 2016 Annual Meeting Minutes . 2 Special Meeting Minutes (July 24, 2016) . 6 Special Meeting Minutes (Nov . 6, 2016) . 8 South-Central Synod of Wisconsin Bishop . 9 Senior Pastor . 10 Congregation Council . 11 Luther Memorial Columbarium . 12 Luther Memorial Foundation . 13 Lutheran Campus Ministry . 14 Associate Pastor Call Committee . 15 Phase One Building Task Force . 16 Proposed Constitutional Updates . 17 2017 Council Nominations . 18 Church Administrator . 19 2016 Year-End Financials . 24 2016 Luther Memorial Foundation Treasurer’s Report . 36 Luther Memorial Foundation Planned Giving Policy and Program Statement . 38 2016 Benevolence . 40 2016 Parish Register . 41 2017 Operating Budget . 44 Brad Pohlman, Senior Pastor John Worzala Dumke, Associate Pastor Bruce Bengtson, Director of Music Sarah Brinkman, Office Coordinator Ann McDermott, Training Choir Director Kim O’Leary, Church Administrator Luther Memorial Church Chelsie Propst, Compline Director 1021 University Avenue Suelyn Swiggum, Director of Shared Ministry Madison, Wisconsin 53715 Laurie Swimm, Archivist 608.258.3160 Robin Wagner, Communication Coordinator Dan Zerger, Custodian Agenda 109th Annual Meeting of the Congregation of Luther Memorial Church 109th Annual Meeting of theMadison, Congregation Wisconsin of Luther Memorial Church Madison, Wisconsin February 12, 2016 11:45 am February 12, 2017 11:45 a.m. I. Call to Order: Sue Gaard, President II. Invocation III. Appointment of Tellers IV. Approval of Minutes a. 108th Annual Meeting, February 7, 2016 b. Special Congregational Meeting, July 24, 2016 c. Special Congregational Meeting, November 6, 2016 V. Report of the President VI. Report of the Pastors VII. Acceptance of Reports a. Luther Memorial Columbarium b. Luther Memorial Foundation c. Capital Appeal and Phase 1 Building Task Forces d. Associate Pastor Call Committee e. Family Ministry Task Force VIII. Hymn IX. Approval of Constitution and Bylaw changes X. Approval of revisions to LM Foundation Planned Giving Policy XI. Approval of 2017 Budget XII. Election of Council Members XIII. Other Business XIV. Adjournment with Prayer 1 Luther Memorial Church 2015 Annual Meeting 108th Annual Meeting Minutes - February 7, 2016 Attendance: 79 Call to Order Council President, Sue Gaard, ofÞcially called the meeting to order at 12:06 pm. Appointment of Tellers Council President, Sue Gaard, read the list of Tellers for todayÕs voting: Randy Burmeister, Barb Luedke, Janet Streiff. Greetings from the Synod Synod Vice President, Robin Cherwinka, deÞned the meaning of Synod and talked about the ways in which the Synod is fulÞlling its mission. Approval of Minutes 107th Annual Meeting Minutes Special Cong Mtg - Sept 17, 2015 Special Cong Mtg - Nov 22, 2015 Special Cong Mtg - Dec 13, 2015 Special Cong Mtg - Jan 10, 2016 A motion was made to accept the minutes from all 5 meetings by Martha Taylor. Seconded by Sue Bangert. No discussion. The motion carries. Report of the President Sue Gaard acknowledged the efforts and time of those who have volunteered on the church council, and various committees and task forces within the church. Report of the Pastors Pr. Brad Pohlman talked about the change in our ministry at the Lutheran Campus Center next door. There has been a change in Pastors from Pr. Brent Christianson to Pr. Eric Jones and now Pr. Emily Tveite. Pr. Brad thanked Pr. Eric and Pr. Dave for their service as interim associate pastors, which often goes beyond their half-time salaries. Acceptance of Reports 2 Page 1 of 4 Luther Memorial Church 2015 Annual Meeting Acceptance of Reports LM Columbarium LM Preschool LM Foundation Master Planning Senior Pastor Call Committee A motion to accept to all the reports from these committees was made by Mary Powell and seconded by Carol Landahl. No discussion. Motion carries. Motion to Close LM Preschool Pr. Brad led a discussion on the Preschool LLC. The preschool has been ofÞcially closed and the license was pulled once the school closed. The Congregation will need to vote on whether or not to dissolve the LLC. The motion to dissolve the Preschool LLC is proposed by Church Council and seconded by Erik Petterson in this meeting. Discussion A question was asked if the Preschool LLC has any outstanding obligations. Pr. Brad answered that there are no known obligations at this time. A question was asked if the preschool is closed. Pr. Brad answered that the school was closed at the end of the spring semester of 2015. A question was asked if the preschool could be re-opened in the future. Pr. Brad answered that the city would have to assess the preschool location and so forth in order to re-open the school. Pr. Brad discussed in the introduction to this topic that the proximity of Porch Light, which houses registered sex offenders, may be a problem in reopening the preschool. No further discussion. A vote was taken and the motion carries. Motion to Approve By-Law Change Sue Gaard read the proposed changes to the by-laws as outlined on page 23 of the 2015 Annual Report. A motion to accept the by-law change was made by the church council and seconded by Martha Taylor in this meeting. A vote was taken and the motion carries. 2 Page3 2 of 4 Luther Memorial Church 2015 Annual Meeting Hymn: I Love Your Kingdom, Lord led by Bruce Bengtson Approval of 2016 Budget Pr. Brad reviewed the 2016 Budget as shown on pages 48 and 49 of the 2015 Annual Report. He noted it was a challenging budget to work on. Pr. Brad acknowledged thanks to those who have made their pledges of giving. Pr. Brad noted that we’ve had a number of contributors who normally had large pledges and have either passed away or moved from the church. This has caused a signiÞcant drop in giving income. Some of this is made up by the additional income from sharing our space with St. Paul’s Catholic ministry for the next 18 months, but that this also will incur some additional expenses to the utilities as well as janitorial and security services. Pr. Brad reviewed the Þner details of the budget proposal. Discussion ¥ A building fund transfer was made to building repair because the building repair fund is in a deÞcit. ¥ The maintenance reserve fund transfers to the next year if it has money in it. ¥ Giving money to Oakwood Village. Pr. Brad stated that giving is through the Pastor’s Discretionary Fund and does not appear as it’sits own budget item. Barb Hughes asked that the council consider stating a speciÞc budget of $3,000 to Oakwood Village since it helps residents there who run out of money for various reasons. ¥ There was an appeal from Petra Ressler for giving to Triangle Community Ministry that approximately 350 handicapped and low-income residents (one of which is an LMC member) in the housing within the Park Street, Regent Street and W Washington Avenue area. A motion to approve the 2016 budget was made by the Church Council and seconded by Martha Taylor in this meeting. A vote was taken and the motion carries. Election of Council Members Sue Gaard recognized Phyllis Pleuss, Angela Reid, and Janet Zentner, who are leaving the church council, and thanked them for their service. Pr. Brad suggested that someone from the congregation could make a motion to take a verbal vote on the election of council member. Jon Enslin made a motion to take a verbal vote on the election. Sue Bangert seconded the motion. The motion carries. The congregation unanimously approved the election of council members as follows: Bill Braham and Steve Neitzel to their Þrst 3-year term Sue Gaard and Jay Suthers to their second 3-year term Kelly Olson and Helen Hartman each to a 1-year term Abigail Jensen to a 1year Young-Adult Term 4 Page 34 of Luther Memorial Church 2015 Annual Meeting Other Business No other or new business. Adjournment: A motion to adjourn the 108th Annual Meeting was made, seconded, and carried. OfÞcial time: 1:05pm Respectfully Submitted, Jay Suthers 4 Page 54 of 4 Luther Memorial Church Special Congregation Meeting Minutes July 24, 2016 Call to Order Sue Gaard, Council President, called the meeting to order at 9:17 AM and noted that a quorum was met. Sue stated that you must be a confirmed member to vote (she referred to the information at the bottom of the Agenda handout). Pastor Brad Pohlman opened the meeting with a prayer. Acknowledging Call Committee members Sue acknowledged the Call Committee members and asked each member to stand as she read their name: Dan Ruge (Chair), Janice Ferguson, Cliff Haaland, Bill Hunnex, Laura McGuire, Steve Neitzel, Beth Rahko and Janet Zentner. Sue thanked the Call Committee for all their work and for their unanimous recommendation of Rev. John Worzala Dumke, for hosting a Meet & Greet last Sunday and for putting together a summary of Frequently Asked Questions describing the call committee’s process in more detail. Report from the Associate Pastor Call Process Dan Ruge expressed thanks to the call committee members and for all congregational members in attendance at today’s meeting. Dan summarized the steps of the call process. Input was gathered from the congregation through a survey in January (with over 80 responses), email, and informal conversations. This input was used to help complete the Ministry Site Profile and the focus areas identified were: Preaching/Worship, Youth and Family Ministry, Spiritual Formation, Social Ministry and Pastoral Care and Visitation. Candidate names were submitted by congregational members, and the Bishop and several applied due to announcement of an opening. The candidate names were checked by the Synod and a list of 11 candidate names was sent back in April (over the course of the process, two of the original 11 candidates withdrew their names).