Robert Ludlum,Paul Garrison | 416 pages | 17 Jan 2013 | Orion Publishing Co | 9781409120254 | English | London, United Kingdom 's The Janson Command by Robert Ludlum - Books - Hachette Australia

The Janson Directive is a novel by Robert Ludlum. The posthumous novel was published ina year after Ludlum's death. He is haunted by his memories of the Vietnam War and his brilliant commander and mentor, Alan Demarest. Unfortunately, Demarest was also a sadistic psychopath who loved to toy with the lives of both friend and foe; he arranged for Janson to be captured and tortured by the Viet Cong. Janson eventually escaped and provided evidence of war crimeswhich led to Demarest's execution. Janson now Robert Ludlums The Janson Command his living as a corporate security consultant who is so much in demand that he can pick and choose which jobs he takes. After a mysterious woman makes contact with him while Janson is waiting for a plane, he finds himself taking on a job to repay a debt. She asks Janson to rescue her boss, the Nobel Peace Laureate visionary and billionaire, Peter Novak, who has been taken hostage by a militant organization which intends to kill him. But when the rescue goes horribly wrong, Janson finds himself the target of a "beyond salvage" termination directive the directive of the title issued from the highest levels of Robert Ludlums The Janson Command U. Meanwhile, several senior Robert Ludlums The Janson Command. Janson is then faced with the difficult question of finding out who wanted to frame him for Novak's death, while dodging bullets from his former comrades at Consular Operations. Janson takes matters into his own hands as he tries to save himself and solve the mystery of a decades-old conspiracy that will rock the foundations of all countries in the world if exposed. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Novel by Robert Ludlum. Dewey Decimal. The Hollywood Robert Ludlums The Janson Command. Retrieved January 21, Novels by Robert Ludlum. Covert-One series. Categories : American novels Novels by Robert Ludlum Novels published posthumously Spy novel stubs s thriller novel stubs. Hidden categories: Articles with short description Short description matches Wikidata All stub articles. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Download as PDF Printable version. The Janson Directive first edition cover. This article about a spy novel of the s is a stub. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. Further suggestions might be found on the article's talk page. Robert Ludlum's The Janson Command - Robert Ludlum, Paul Garrison - Google книги

Reformed from his days of assassination and conspiracy, Paul Janson has a new mission and a new partner. Working with kickass sharpshooter Jessica Kincaid, he helps other disenchanted covert operatives to create new lives. He also accepts independent jobs, but only missions he believes will contribute to the greater good. Janson takes the job to rescue a doctor who has been kidnapped by West African rebels. At first, it appears that the doctor's life was spared in order to treat the rebels' wounded leader, but when the mission goes haywire, Janson realises he's in the middle of something much bigger - and he may be fighting for the wrong side. Robert Ludlum's The Patriot Attack. The Bourne Identity. Robert Ludlum's The Janson Equation. Robert Ludlum's The Geneva Strategy. The Cassandra Compact. Robert Ludlum's The Bourne Ascendancy. Robert Ludlum's The Janson Option. Robert Ludlum's The Bourne Retribution. Robert Ludlum's The Utopia Experiment. The Bancroft Strategy. The Matarese Countdown. . The Chancellor Manuscript. The Apocalypse Watch. The Matarese Circle. The Road to Gandolfo. There are more than million copies of his books in print and they have been translated in 32 languages. The World According to Anna. The Abyssinian Proof. The Camel Bookmobile. The Light of Evening. The Unfinished Novel and Other stories. From the Place in the Valley Deep in the Forest. Self's Punishment. Your cart Close. Go Search. Imprint Orion Orion Orion. More books by Robert Ludlum. Left loading Readers also viewed. Find Robert Ludlums The Janson Command book you'll love, get our newsletter name email. YES I have read and consent to Hachette Australia using my personal information or data as set out in its Robert Ludlums The Janson Command Policy and I understand I have the right to withdraw my consent at any time. This website uses cookies. Using this website means you are okay with this but you Robert Ludlums The Janson Command find out more and Robert Ludlums The Janson Command how to manage your cookie choices here. Close cookie policy overlay. Robert Ludlum's (TM) The Janson Command by Paul Garrison | Hachette Book Group

Whether he's rescuing an American doctor from Somalian pirates, attacking militant thugs intent on murdering a West African public servant agitating for human rights, or hunting the money-lenders who capitalize on barbaric civil war, Janson stays honest with three simple rules: Robert Ludlums The Janson Command No torture. Yet with his commitment to doing what is right--while facing canny intelligence operatives, ruthless warlords, deep sea marauders, or brutal dictators--Janson finds that his most difficult task is figuring out if he's fighting for the good side. Goodreads helps you keep track Robert Ludlums The Janson Command books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Robert Ludlum Series Creator. Paul Janson, a character first featured in Robert Ludlum's bestselling novel The Janson Directive, has a new goal: save the world, one operative, one mission, one redemption at a time. Reformed from his days of covert-operations, Paul Janson has set a new mission for himself. Working in partnership with champion sharpshooter Jessica Kincaid, he rehabilitates disenchante Paul Janson, a character first featured in Robert Ludlum's bestselling novel The Janson Directive, has a new goal: save the world, one operative, one mission, one redemption at a time. Working in partnership with champion sharpshooter Jessica Kincaid, Robert Ludlums The Janson Command rehabilitates disenchanted agents and helps them create new lives outside of the violent Robert Ludlums The Janson Command sector. These former operatives then form a network of support for Janson when it comes to his other job--Janson also takes on independent assignments. For a fee, he'll use his skills to resolve international crises. But only those actions that he believes contribute to the greater good of all. Get A Copy. Hardcoverpages. Published February 14th by Grand Central Publishing. More Details Original Title. Paul Janson 2. Other Editions Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about The Janson Commandplease sign up. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 4. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Sep 30, Abram rated it really liked it Shelves: action-adventure. Feb 03, Clark Isaacs rated it it was amazing. He was the author of 26 novels; each one was a New York Times best seller. Robert died inbut his legacy of characters live on through additional novels written by an array of authors who continued to captivate the developed audience of million readers. Readers will marvel at the first one hundred pages where the intensity of past encounters, new characters, and thrilling Robert Ludlums The Janson Command move so fast that you cannot escape the compulsion to read on and turn the pages as fast as you can. The involvement between Paul Robert Ludlums The Janson Command Jessica make this an adult book, but do not be distracted by the side play between them, this book does not Robert Ludlums The Janson Command upon their relationship, it is about a country which had been over thrown by a despot and is trying to regain its democracy through its previously deposed president. To keep you entertained, there are plenty of murders, battles in murky waters, travel in luxurious jets, and this is all in the first segment of the book. Private jets now seem to be only for those who are engaged in high finance and Paul is no exception. A select clientele who pay millions for him to accomplish his assignments finances his activities. In his past, he had been a government assassin who would accept missions of eliminating targets of the United States. A thriller that once again ends with a happy conclusion that leaves you satisfied, but at the same time opens the door for the next assignment that Janson and Robert Ludlums The Janson Command associates will undertake. This is a five star book, which appeals to the thriller in all of us. Feb 18, Tony Nielsen rated it liked it. I am of two minds with this "Robert Ludlum" book written by Paul Garrison. I was a huge fan of Ludlum but I found this over the top at times with Garrison stretching believe-ability in a way that Ludlum never did. It is a busy story with Ludlum's character Paul Janson and his sidekick Jessica Kincaid taking on all and sundry with enemies seemingly coming from all directions. Its OK but not as compelling as the master that Garrison is trying to emulate. Mar 11, Bob Callaway rated it liked it. A good Ludlum-like story but a little too far fetched for my taste. The main character - Robert Ludlums The Janson Command Janson - used to be one of the most skilled and ruthless assassins employed by the US government. At some point he decided to change his ways. He seized an opportunity to quit his job and establish an independent operation, where he could be his own commanding officer and use his skills in accordance with his conscience. Working with his business partner and skilled sniper Jessica Kincaid he gets involved in operations of his own choice, trying to support just causes and redeem his old sins. The plot of this novel is very well crafted. The characters are very well defined and realistic, but at the same time mysterious, and in many cases the reader is not entirely sure who is on which side. Jessica Kincaid is an especially interesting character, strong, but undoubtedly feminine. Robert Ludlums The Janson Command I liked the most about this novel is that the author deliberately left a couple of threads unfinished, a couple of mysteries unsolved. Can we expect the third book in the series? Dec 26, Ryan Crompton rated it liked it. As far as this book goes -- it's good but not great. First up, can we please stop having oil companies be the villains? To call that particular trope worn out would be an understatement. Secondly, it's apparent the author did some cursory research on a lot of topics but didn't delve into them enough to make them believable to Robert Ludlums The Janson Command in the know. You can't pull down Google Maps on a satellite phone, you don't throw the slide on a Beretta Tomcat or Jetfire to load it they use a tip-up barreland you wouldn't use TOR for business communications. These are minor quibbles, but if you're going to present details, please present accurate ones. While engaging, I didn't find anything worth noodling over at its conclusion. Overall, it's a straightforward action book, quickly read and likely quickly forgotten. For all that, it's not bad. I'd pick up the rest of the books in the series were they available cheaply. Oct 16, Eric Wright rated it really liked it Shelves: ownfictionthriller-suspense. This Ludlum book, actually written by Paul Garrison, intrigued me through proposing a novel hero. Paul Janson, himself a covert operative, rehabilitated the wreckage of lives left by the violent intelligence section. He is committed to recovering and healing damaged former agents or opertives. Out of these recovered men he has forged a small but adept group to use in international crises. Janson along with his partner, sharpshooter Jessica Kincaid, maintains a strong ethic: 1. No torture, 2. No This Ludlum book, actually written by Paul Garrison, intrigued me through proposing a novel hero. No civiliaan casualties, and 3. No killing anyone who doesn't rty to kill them. Janson's goal, to rehabilitate the wrecks left by American power plays, and his rules including no torture are refreshing after so Robert Ludlums The Janson Command stories of intelligence agents bending the rules of civil society. Aside from this, however, the plot involves the usual heroics and in that sense should rate a 3. I gave it a 4 due to the higher moral ground. An entertaining read. Apr 22, Stacey rated it did not like it Shelves: audio. Cardboard characters, ridiculous dialog, beyond believable plot developments apparently the main characters have a superpower ability to be in the right place at the right timeetc. Also, the continued use of the model make and number for planes, guns, etc. It would be similar to replacing the word "car" with a description every time it comes up in a sentence: "I'm going to drive my Jetta Wagon Turbo Diesel with sunroof and roof racks to the grocer Silly. It would be similar to replacing the word "car" with a description every time it comes up in a sentence: "I'm going to drive my Jetta Wagon Turbo Diesel with sunroof and roof racks to the grocery store Feb 26, Sheldon Robert Ludlums The Janson Command rated it liked it. Robert Ludlums The Janson Command was a little worried about a writer starting a series based on a book written by Ludlum over a decade ago. I haven't been happy with the direction the Bourne series has been taken, so naturally I was skeptical.