SERVING EASTERN SHASTA, NORTHERN LASSEN, WESTERN MODOC & EASTERN SISKIYOU COUNTIES 70 Cents Per Copy Vol. 45 No. 27 Burney, California Telephone (530) 335-4533 FAX (530) 335-5335 Internet: E-mail:
[email protected] SEPTEMBER 17, 2003 Daughter, 16, conspired with others to kill her mother, D.A. says Bail was set Tuesday at $1 mil- lion each for four defendants and $50,000 for another defendant, fol- The fi ve suspects in lowing their arrest for the murder of connection with the a 41-year-old woman. death of a 41-year-old Sandra Lynn Metz was found woman were in court shot to death at the Round Moun- tain home of her boyfriend Jeff Tuesday. From left, Miller, owner of the Dry Creek Sta- front row, Meghan tion restaurant in Bella Vista. Powell and Danielle Shasta County sheriff’s inves- Rodriguez. Back row, tigators arrested Meghan Powell, Jack Thomas Morris, Clifton Garrett Sherer and Calvin William What’s Happening Hodge. Hodge’s bail Here In Days Ahead was set at $50,000. Bail for the other four High school rodeo was set at $1 million District 1 high school rodeo each. is slated for Saturday and NEWS PHOTO / Ron Harrington Sunday at the fairgrounds in McArthur. Cutting will begin 16, of Oak Run, Metz’s daughter, Igo. Powell was later arrested at the Red edly used in the killing. According to Saturday at 8 a.m. with the on Sunday. According to Deputy District Lion Inn where she was staying with Jankowitz, that weapon was a .357 rodeo at noon.