“Proclaiming Progress towards women’s empowerment”



Name Age Province Name of Farm Type of enterprise Contact Violet Kabuza 30 NW Selame Poultry Poultry 072 271 1010

Ms Violet Kabuza was born at Leeuwfontein farm in Hartbeesfontein, later her family moved to Tigane where she commenced her schooling. However due to circumstances beyond her control Violet could not complete her grade 12. Her journey of farm worker then began in 2007 where she started off as a house attendant for chicken broilers at Vlaknet in Swartruggens. Part of her duties here entailed welfare of breeding day-old chicks and to maintain bio-security standards, conducting basic post-mortems and chicken wellbeing. In 2014 July Violet left Vlaknek to join Selame poultry as a poultry house attendant where she continued to maintain biosecurity, vaccination & medication administration, culling, bedding management, pest control, health and safety. In 2016 she was promoted to be a supervisor with additional responsibilities of leadership where she leads teams that are responsible for chicken wellbeing and maintenance units. Prior to her promotion the mortality rate at the farm was between 5-6%, owning to her management interventions the mortality rate is currently between 3.9-4.5%. This has made a huge impact in terms of profit margins and it has allowed the enterprise to plough back to both their employees and surrounding community.



Name Age Province Name of Farm/Enterprise Type of enterprise Contact 49 NW Lebone vegetables garden Vegetable project 060 425 0568 Lebone Getrude Lekena and other projects (Pty) LTD

Lebone vegetables gardens in area was initiated in 2014 on a 3 ha piece of land. Ms Lebone started the project from her own savings and was later assisted by READ in 2016/17 financial year. She received training from Kgora training centre. In the initial stages of her project she planted on a one (1) ha of land and was only supplying five (5) schools and surrounding community. The demand grew and she expanded her production to the three (3) ha of land, and she currently supplies more schools, hawkers, community, Tac grocery store and number of Botswana residents passing by as the project is on the N18 towards Ramatlabama border gate. She currently employs 6 people (3 permanent and 3 casual workers). On an annual basis she contributes vegetables during the celebration of Heritage day to the local Barolong Baga- Shole Traditional council. She furthermore donates some of her vegetables to the bereaved families within the community.


Name Age Province Name of Type of enterprise Contact Farm/Enterprise Motote Annah Mavula 55 NW MR Mavula enterprises Vegetable production 072 138 6531

Ms Mavula started off by buying vegetables in Brits and selling them in Daveton, she realised the potential of farming from her sales. As a

2017 DAFF FEA PROFILES Page 3 result her late husband resigned from his work and used his money to buy a 2.3 ha farm through LRAD and few implements. In 2009 they started farming in Zoutpansdrift farm and leased a further 13 ha from Land Affairs and also from DRDLR in 2011 totalling to 36 ha of arable land. Currently she is partnered with her daughter and they are working together after her husband passed on. She produces 1000 bags of butternut from 3.5 ha, 10000 punches of spinach per month, 120 crates of tomatoes, 220 bags of beetroot and 4000 bunches, 1000 cabbages, 1200 bunches of spring onion, 120 bags of 20kg of sweet potato, 220 bags of 10kg and 4000 bunches of carrots, 30 crates of green peppers and 15000 bunches of china spinach per month. She supplies the following informal and formal markets:  Hawkers  Greenbuds  Losperfontein prison  St Catherine primary school  St Theresa high school  Sediba Kwena lodge Ms Mavula donates her vegetables to the following :  Rooikoppies primary school and buys electricity of R1500 monthly to this school  Donate 10 loaves of bread twice a month at the same school  Caters for transport of four school children studying at a farm school every day  Provides monthly grocery and vegetables to mentally disturbed person around their farm  She helps the needy around the Bethanie village during bereavements She has created 8 permanent jobs and 6 seasonal jobs, of the total 13 jobs created 11 are youth (9 men and 4 women)



Name Age Province Name of Farm/Enterprise Type of enterprise Contact Getruida Susanna De 48 NW Trucon foods Vegetable processing [email protected] Beer

Getrudia started Trucon foods in 2007; she identified the opportunity of processing vegetables along the value chain. This enterprise processes,cuts and packages all kinds of vegetables according to the client’s requirements. This enterprise is on 8,5ha of plot 84 of the Wigeboom farm in Potchefstroom. She started processing the vegetables that they were growing on the plot in one of her backrooms. She is now employing 11 permanent workers and 1 temporary worker. The markets is as follows:  Local community  Old age homes  School hostels  Super markets  Spur  Chubby chick Trucon foods donate packaged vegetables to the less privileged members of the community such as old age homes and orphanages around Potchefstroom town.



Name Age Province Name of Farm/Enterprise Type of enterprise Contact Kedidimetse Rossy 56 NW Selame Poultry Poultry(broiler production) 083 285 1170 Rakgoale

DRDLR bought the farm and leased it to Selame Poultry in 2013. This farm is a contract grower of high quality AA broiler chickens for Supreme. The farm consists of 6 broiler houses fully equipped with a capacity of 45 000 chickens each, control rooms and a dam. Each broiler has its own computer and connected to the central computer in the office. Each house has two feed silos of 18 tons and 12 tons from where the feed automatically pump into the feed pans in the houses. Since 2006 to 2013 the farm had over 44 cycle period produced more that 11.5 million birds. Currently the enterprise has 270 000 broilers per cycle(8 cycles) and an annual production of 2 160 000 birds and currently supplies Supreme Poultry. Selame poultry has created 14 permanent jobs.


Young Female Entrepreneur

Name Age Province Name of Type of enterprise Contact Farm/Enterprise Isabel Fourie 28 NW Farm Tussentwee Livestock 073 229 3800 Maquassi hills


Isabel Fourie is a livestock and cash crops farmer on a 405 ha (105 ha for grazing and 300 ha arable). She started farming with her father in 2012 until she leased her own farm in 2016. She has 60 Boer goats, 100 Meat master sheep and 10 herd of cattle. She has 2 permanent workers (1 female and 1 youth). She markets her goats and sheep at public auctions of Karoo Ochse, Andre Kok and Vleis Sentraal.


Disabled Female Entrepreneur

Name Age Province Name of Farm/Enterprise Type of enterprise Contact Keatlaretse Mabel 48 NW Keatlaretse Tumediso Farming (PtY) Layers production 072 167 7020/081 Mosiane LTD 523 6078

The one (1ha) enterprise was initiated in 2014 by Keatlaretse in Setlopo sa Utlwang village in . The project has one poultry house with a capacity of 300 point of layers per cycle, producing 300 eggs per day. She generates her income from selling fresh table eggs, culled chickens and saw dust as fertilizer. Currently her market is informal, at the following pension points  Majemantso  Magogoe  Lomanyaneng She has one permanent worker. The farm has one borehole




Name Age Province Name of Farm Type of enterprise Contact /Enterprise Kedibone Matsie 31 LP Westfalia Fruit Estates Avocado production 079 403 6873 Mokhomola Kedibone works for the leading multinational supplier of fresh subtropical fruits and related processed products to international markets as a fruit packer/grader in Westfalia fruit estate, part of the Hans Merensky Holding group. This enterprise grows, ripens, packs, processes and markets avocados year round. Kedibone completed her grade 12 in 2006 and due to financial constraint could not further her studies. She started actively looking for a job and was temporarily appointed in 2012 as a general worker. Her job responsibility as a fruit packer and grader entails sorting, packing of avocados according to size, shape, extend and market specifications. In 2013 Kedibone was awarded top packer of the year, due to her hard work she was employed permanently as a packer in 2016 and in 2017 she is the leading top packer thus far. She attained a certificate in fruit packing and grading process in 2014, and subsequently in 2016 again and completed life skill programme in 2014.


Name Age Province Name of Farm/Enterprise Type of enterprise Contact 56 LP Tintswalo Mallina Rikhotso Vegetables production 076 4548194/ 073


Tintswalo Mallina 0877633 Rikhotso Tintswalo started farming in 2012 in a small area of 5mx5m. She has now expanded to a 30mx30m backyard garden. She plants onions,beetroot,spinach,carrots and green pepper. She sells her surplus to the local community.  30 bunches of spinach per week  10 bunches of beetroot per week  10 bunches of carrots per week  5 crates of green pepper per week  10 bunches of onions per week

The project is well fenced and has a borehole for irrigation. She donates some of her produce to bereaved families during funerals and orphanage drop in centres in the local community.


Name Age Province Name of Farm/Enterprise Type of enterprise Contact Julia Ngwanamosana 40 LP Thulani Dairy farming Egg 079 488 9094 Madihlaba primary co-operative layers,cattle,goats,pigs [email protected] and maize

The co-operative was initiated in 2009 by six (6) previously disadvantaged members from Tafelkop closer to Groblersdal town. The six members consist of 5 females and 1 male; they got their farm of 171 hectares through LRAD. The minimum qualification of members is up to grade 12. They were trained in egg production, livestock management at Tompi Seleka Agricultural college. The main commodity of this enterprise is egg production with other small activities to support the cash flow of the enterprise. They have 3 houses with a carrying capacity of


2400 layers per house and two other houses with carrying capacity of 800 per house. The Department of Agriculture and Rural development supported this cooperative with five (5) layer houses equipped with cages,ventilation,feeders and drinkers at the carrying capacity of 9600 laying chickens. They collect a total of 206 199 quality eggs per month from their five houses. They add value by grading and packaging their eggs for the market. They have a formal market with DAL wholesaler in TafelKop, Good Price Cash and Carry in Groblersdal, MIAS wholesale in Dennilton and informal market with hawkers based on availability of eggs. They have created employment for 5 permanent workers and 4 seasonal workers consisting of 3 youth, 1 woman. They donate eggs to nearby crèche and chicken manure to neighbouring farms. Learners in the surrounding vicinity are also allowed by the cooperative use this facility as excursion to develop their love for agriculture.


Name Age Province Name of Farm/Enterprise Type of enterprise Contact Livhuwani Irene 62 LP Rebander Agric Business Fruit and crops 083 667 0500 Madima

Irene operates on 124 ha of land producing fruits and cash crops, specializing in the following commodities of pepper dew,green beans,mangoes and litchi fruits. This enterprise was established in 2004 by Irene husband who passed on in 2013 and she took over the business. It has the following mango cultivars, 2455 cyber trees,2560 peach trees, 441 sensation trees and 216 kent trees, 1402 litchi trees and planted cash crops on 11 hectares, they are pepper dew, green beans and further processes, mix and sell crashed atchaar. She produced the following:  Mangos 40 tons per ha  Mango(for juice factory) 80 tons per ha  Litchi 3000 boxes


 Pepperdew 28 tons per ha The formal markets include Granopas,Pepper dew International,Durban,Tshwane and Johannesburg market, making a total sales of R662 000 per cycle . She has created a total of 12 permanent jobs (5 females and 7 males,1 person with disability,6 youths) and 50 seasonal jobs( 40 females,10 males, consisting of 35 youths and 3 people living with disability). Her social responsibility contribution goes to the crèches and chief’s kraal during events and drop in centres around her community.


Young Female Entrepreneur Name Age Province Name of Type of enterprise Contact Farm/Enterprise Pertunia Tshilelo Molea 27 LP Pertunia Tshilelo Crop 079 274 7918 Molea production(okra and tomatoes)

Pertunia started farming in 2014 after she completed her nursing diploma and could not find employment and had a responsibility of providing for her seven (7) siblings. At her backyard she started with leafy vegetables, okra (1 ha) and tomatoes. She has a borehole and electricity for irrigation. She sells her surplus to the local communities and has created employment for one worker and employs five (5) seasonal workers during harvesting. She is Sunday school teacher at church and donates her surplus to drop in centres and to bereaved families during funerals




Name Age Province Name of Farm Type of enterprise Contact Ncenekile Maria Dube 54 Mpumalanga Highlands Organic (PTY) Cherries: Orchard 0735238266/0839864400 LTD [email protected] The enterprise is found in Zoekop farm in Erstelingfontein area in Belfast with 192ha ploughing cherries orchard in a 10ha land since 2001. This business employed 12 permanent workers and 30 casual workers and it is exporting its first grade produce to china ad United Kingdom countries and Woolworths. Ms Dube, a single mother of one child started working as domestic worker and when her former relocated to she was recommended to work for Dr Pretorius family on the farm. She showed interest in vegetable production on the farm which motivated her employer to enrol her for training in vegetable packaging in Johannesburg and she was promoted to work in the cherry production section where she also assist in administration duties. She also received training in Chile on cherry management and first aid and her role in the farm starts from leaf testing to cherry exports. She possess an ability to work independently, team work and a vast knowledge of packaging and further gives direction on handling, grading, packaging and storage. She also adheres to quality requirements of the produce. She is very punctual and has a good relationship with the co-workers and she is more eager to explore new challenges in the industry.


Name Age Province Name of Farm/Enterprise Type of enterprise Contact Lihle Prayer Khumalo 19 Mpumalanga Forever Green vegetable Vegetable production 079 614 7177 Project The project started in 2007 by Lihle’s grandmother wherein they were operating in 1ha land and now expanded the land to 8ha in Malelane. The project specialises with vegetable production (Butternut, tomatoes, green papers, green chillies, cabbages, watermelon, pumpkins etc. The

2017 DAFF FEA PROFILES Page 12 project uses kraal, chicken and plant residues to improve the soil texture as sandy soil can be easily eroded during rainy times. She further uses a computer for records on production, expenditures, plot numbering for crop rotation and fumigation to control nematodes. Her understanding of production inputs includes that spraying of pesticides is not done during windy seasons to prevent air and water pollution to ensure safety to the environment (grasses and trees around the project). She also uses the drip irrigation system with an intention to save water she plants on ridges to keep the soil moist to limit daily irrigation and saving of water. She sells her produce to Street vendors, local shops, local community as her market and In 2016/2017 she has generated R99 950.00. Despite poor road access and her age she employed 6 permanent and 2 seasonal workers in the project and with her sales/ profit she managed to buy a tractor worth R35 000 and The project in the community is committed to catering the needy groups of HIV affected people, Orphans, drop-in centres and people living with disabilities. This project also advice with information to start their own businesses in agriculture and she is always committed to mentor and transfer skills to her workers to better their knowledge in agriculture.


Name Age Province Name of Farm/Enterprise Type of enterprise Contact Mrs. Gladys Peggy 62 Mpumalanga Jubelly Agricultural Project Mixed farming. 082 765 6356 Moele Vegetables(tomatoes, cabbage, spinach and maize), Aquaculture and Piggery Jubelly project is situated in Zoeknog of Bushbuckridge where it was formed in 2011 with an intention to help the community members with food security and job creation. The Enterprise operates at the 10ha land size which is integrated for all produces but vegetable production( tomatoes, spinach, cabbage and maize) for 5ha is predominant as compared to others(Mangoes and bananas) occupying 1.5ha including piggery and Fish (trout). She attended various workshops on water management including one in China and keeps attending the Land-care awareness to learn more about natural resource management including practices such as pest control. She uses Chicken and kraal manure

2017 DAFF FEA PROFILES Page 13 and banana debris as a source of natural fertilizer and also uses chemicals to control pests and insects which she uses a hoe to control weeds. Through assistance of Agricultural economist and SEDA she is able to do her financial book keeping of her daily business operations including keeping records of production and workers. She is not practicing any value chain standards but she undergoes Phytosanitary and health related trainings by the Department of Agriculture and she does handling and packaging according to the requirements of her clients. Her sales make a total of R475 800 through markets such as Boxer Bushbuckridge, Spar Acornhoek and local communities. The project continues to transfer skills to all it workers through trainings by DARDLEA and ARC and community members are often been educated on farming practices on the field. As part of community development involvement, the project supply fresh vegetables to crèches and HBC in the surrounding communities; supply bereaved families including the project members with fresh produce. The Project welcomes student from University of Mpumalanga with practical’s; Hospital and local schools who visit to learn about the project to implement in their own areas. The project employed 4 permanent (2 women and 2 men) workers; 15 seasonal workers (7 men and 8 women); and 20 temporary EPWP (11 men, 9 women and 5 youth) workers.


Name Age Province Name of Type of enterprise Contact Farm/Enterprise Kim Elise Buckland 58 Mpumalanga Sabie Valley Coffee Coffee Roasting and 083 6559164/0137378169 related activities( Pure sales@sabievalley Arabica Coffee)

The business started in 1984 planting coffee trees (Pure Arabic coffee) in the Sabie Valley. The enterprise specialises with growing coffee trees from seeds; Harvesting fruits; removing the seed from the fruit; preparing for secondary processing( drying and hulling); roasting coffee; grinding coffee; packing coffee in various packaging to suit consumer demands; and distribution of coffee to the markets. They use Local level decision

2017 DAFF FEA PROFILES Page 14 making from agriculture when they apply IKS on weather and traditional hand coffee picking methods including washing of coffee after it is pulped, sun dry coffee after is washed and store coffee in jute sacks. The enterprise also uses micro sprinklers on computerised systems to ensure water and chemical applications; spraying techniques such as ultra-low volume that ensures small efficient quantities; and manipulating coffee roasts to give different flavours. They do not use pesticides in their operations but introduced natural insects to prey on pests/ insects back into the orchards. They also use vermiculture to fertilize their trees, meaning the worms which each organic waste from the kitchen and the worm team that they produce is rich in natural nutrients to fertilize the soil and feed their trees. They use tensiometers to gauge the water content of the soil. The enterprise uses pastel accounting and a book keeper and accountant are used to submit VAT, financial statements, UIF and other documents. The enterprise employed 6 permanent workers (1 men and 5 women amongst which 1 is HIV affected) and each employee is entitled to 21 annual leave days. The enterprise offer mentorship to its employees, transfer skills, discuss health issue especially nutrients, HIV programme and medication as well as educate them with other issues such as financial management. The enterprise contributes to support of cancer patients, local schools, donate coffee hampers to child welfare, SPCA, Hospice and poor homes around the townships. The enterprise opened a coffee shop in white River; they deliver to coffee shops, Farm Stalls, restaurants, Bed & Breakfast guesthouse/hotels, garages, hairdressers in Nelspruit, White River, Granskop and Hazyview; courier all over the country, Kruger national parks; and supplying Ngwenya Glass in Swaziland and still checking economic viability and permits for other international countries. The enterprise makes R208 000.00 in one month/ton before costs.


Name Age Province Name of Farm/Enterprise Type of enterprise Contact Mrs Sinah Ndo 58 Mpumalanga Zenzeleni Poultry and Poultry and Livestock 082 804 0946 Rametse Livestock traders (PTY) 017 819 2076 LTD


The enterprise is situated at Haartebeesfontein farm near Amersfoort town in Dr Pixley Kalsaka Seme Municipality in Gert Sibande District. The project is operating on 1463ha of which 165ha is arable and 1296ha for grazing that was purchased by Mrs Rametse and partner. They practise broiler and livestock production with the main focus on Brangus Stud Breed. The business has 6 broiler houses with the carrying capacity of 42000 chickens each per cycle through which 38 000 chicks are kept per house to produce optimum meat. The company Earlybird comes with equipment and staff of 20 people to enable them to catch 18000 chicks per hour. There is a scheduled vaccination programme done on day 10, 14, 15 and 21 respectively for Newcastle and lung diseases. On day 1-14 of chicks they make sure that they are all comfortable in terms of food, water and heat and that chicks gets medication to protect diseases and reduce mortality rate by up to 2%. The use of wood shavings or sawdust as bedding material is used and each broiler house gas a boiler that uses coal to assist for maintaining required heat during winter. The enterprise keeps all records and the official responsible for book keeping is well trained. The total amount of income in the project is R6, 526, 600.00 for period of 2016/17. The enterprise has an existing supplier 10 years contract with Earlybird. There are 12 permanent employees (6 youth and 1 woman) and 4 seasonal workers (3 youth and 1 woman) and they are exposed to Broiler House management training and poultry management level 2 and 3. The project is involved in community development through sponsoring cocker club in the area; took a willing child to school to do social worker and graduated; built 3 of 4 roomed houses with electricity for the needy; employees from far places are given proper accommodation in the work quarters; and they are in a process of constructing accommodation for students who are willing to engage into experiential learning regarding poultry and cattle farming to build youth with skill and education to become farmers.


Name Age Province Name of Farm Type of enterprise Contact Louise Mary Wybrow 47 Mpumalanga Lowveld Sugars (PTY) Litchis Papaya (main) and 0823882164/ LTD vegetables, Mango, 0137924485/3 Green beans, artichokes [email protected]


and Parkhouse facilities. [email protected]

The enterprise was established 1964 in Richertshoek of Malelane on a 42ha land. The enterprise focusses mainly on Litchis Papaya for 31 ha, but also doing vegetables, Mango, Green beans, artichokes and Parkhouse facilities. The farm is producing litchis for supply to local and international markets in Europe, UK, and USA and also produces and packs extensive vegetables during winter for local markets. She has identified and established external suppliers to produce crops for the park house using commercial and emerging farmers as local markets. She also have made new cool rooms that are able to handle the strict temperature regimes and grading systems and also sulphur, dipping and drying areas. The Parkhouse has good markets of Litchis through Halls in Nelspruit to EU, Agrilink , Johannesburg to USA while local markets are Woolworths(GP, WC and KZN), Spar fresh line (GP and KZN) and they send their excess fruit to the municipal markets in Johannesburg and Pretoria, and also to hawkers and juice factories in Malelane. The enterprise employs 41 permanent employees (21 female and 20 male) and 84 Temporary employees (71 Female and 13 male) with 46 being youth and 4 disabled workers (not medically certified) which is a massive blow to fight against unemployment and poverty in the region. All employees are well trained and undergo constant trainings on safety, production, driving and awareness of other important aspects of the enterprise or general life. The enterprise is the market to local vegetable farmers (which includes DAFF FEA 2016 TES Winner, Ms M. Sambo); 10 years project of feeding orphan in the surrounding villages; donates fruits and vegetables to orphans; assists MCS vehicle and supplying diesel which improved MCS to feed 400 orphans weekly; interns get their experiential experience on the farm; support school functions with vegetables and fruits.



Name Age Province Name of Farm Type of enterprise Contact Kgomotso Faith Mphuthi 28 Mpumalanga Salad Lab (PTY) LTD Vegetable processing 0729386944/0728736708 [email protected] [email protected]

The enterprise was incorporated in 2013, by the two directors Mr Kgomotso Faith Mphuthi and Mr Teboho Bongani Nkwanyana with the aim to provide freshly cut vegetables, salads for households and catering services as a secondary objective. It’s situated in Standfield Hill of Standerton. They started operating form the garage which was converted into a kitchen for purpose of fulfilling client orders. Through awards of catering they were able to buy more equipment’s to start with providing freshly cut vegetables. They grew the enterprise to selling freshly cut vegetables to Spar (both Secunda and Standerton), Guesthouses, restaurants and local consumers. Since they enhanced to commercial level they have increased to 7 permanent (5 youth from 7 women) and 2 seasonal (1 youth in 2 women) employees. Through various support (training and workshops) and funding from SAB foundation Fetola Programme and NYDA they continued to buy more equipment and staff uniform in 2016. SAB and NYDA equipped them with financial management skills which included records keeping and other compilation of compliance documents (such as UIF, SARS CPIC). The enterprise trains its employee’s personal hygiene, preparation of the machines, handling knives and job training on processing and cutting vegetables in various shapes. The enterprise donates to NGOs in Volkrust child care and local church to curb children with hunger. The processed vegetables made total sales of R795 074.12.



Disabled Female Entrepreneur Name Age Province Name of Farm Type of enterprise Contact Busisiwe Cynthia Nyathi 48 Mpumalanga Zeleni Disabled Project Vegetable production 071 126 1322

The project is situated in Casteel, Bushbuckridge of Enhlazeni North District on their 3ha own land or communal land. It was started in 2009 with the aim of having a centre wherein people living with disabilities may come together for development. Project was started by 10 members led by Ms Nyathi and had since increased to 20 active members to start a vegetable production project( tomatoes, spinach, sweet potatoes and onions )on first grade quality. The project encourages people with disabilities to live sustainable life like any other person. The project establishment to assist in production of food for community members and the income is used for the running cost of the project. The project founders believe that disability may come through accidents and other natural caused which becomes difficult for such people to accept their new status. The project also assist in teaching and educating each other on how to acquire trainings and other government services such as grants, identity document etc. the project assist in feeding more people with disabilities in the community while they also visit churches, schools, NGOs in creating awareness to people living with disabilities. The project is also visited by different schools, hospital and government institutions to learn best practices of farming in their farm.




Name Age Province Name of Farm Type of enterprise Contact Sinah Matlakala 37 Gauteng Shati’s Produce Co- Egg Production 073 049 5189 Moeketsi operative [email protected]

Shati’s Produce Co-operative is situated in plot 05 wellington Road, Gardenville Kliprivier in Midvaal Local Municipality. The farming activities started in 2014 with egg production in a layer structure with 2600 carrying capacity. The co-op uses hyline breed for egg production, currently the project has 2 female and 2 male employees. The project in intended to expand production to 4000 layers in 5 years. Sinah Matlakala Moeketsi started working for the Co-op in 2015 when she started to attend two (2) weeks layers production course as part of capacity building for her daily duties. She further attended two (2) days course on maintaining occupational health, safety and general housekeeping. All those courses were fully funded by the Co-op and she also registered for UIF. Ms. Sinah Moeketsi supervises other workers on collection, packaging and grading of eggs, feeding and vaccination of layers, record keeping in the co-op as well as cleaning and disinfects the house. She is a good team leader who arrives at work on time and continues to teach others on daily practises of the co-op while she treats and communicate with the workers with respect. She considers keeping production high and making sure that clients are satisfied while maintaining clean environment for egg production. She works after hours when requested, verifies invoices, counting of chickens and assist in buying feeds for chickens. She is creative enough to use the three senses because in this enterprise it is important to see, here and smell. She recommends advices to management when eggs drop.


BEST SUBSISTENCE PRODUCER Name Age Province Name of Farm Type of enterprise Contact Ms Phendukile Alleta 77 Gauteng Vukazenzele Gardening Vegetable production 079 618 3867 Mabuza Primary Cooperative

In 2009 as a Matron of soshanguve Block TT, Ms Mabuza saw a need to start a vegetable garden inside the clinic premises to utilize 1 ha of land that was left fallow and recruited elderly women from the community to start the vegetable garden of spinach, green paper, onion, mustard, cabbage, beetroot and green beans. The elderly women registered a co-op in 2010 and named it Vukazenzele Gardening Primary Cooperative. In the same year members of the co-op attended training on vegetable production and compost making that was organised by BMW. BMW also assisted the project with borehole, irrigation system, shade net structures, brick and mortar raised seedbeds. GDARD assisted with production inputs, extension and advisory training in 2011 and won R5000 prize money on an award by Bontle ke Botho. The co- op produces vegetables under the shade net structure on 124 bricks and mortar raised seedbeds filled with soil. Seedbeds also help control water and soil erosion during rainy storms. The co-op uses soil fertilization and 5:1:5 organic fertilizers while they also use compost tea that they use for soil fertilization by soaking grass and other organic materials in water and leave for few days thereafter irrigate the plants with compost tea. They use a less environmental polluting method of mixture of chillies, garlic and liquid soap as indigenous method of controlling pests to spray when necessary. The co-op uses hand hoes for weeding, hosepipes and watering cans, grow own seedlings, uses grass cutting as mulching used to maintain the integrity of the soil beneath it. Mulching act as compost prevents weeds, moderate soil temperatures and improves water retention and soil moisture. The Co-op donates surplus to the clinic when they have events; donates to Rea-Shoma School for disabled people and to 3 crèches. There are 15 employees comprised of 3 male and 12 females and they wish they can have access to transport that can take their produce to markets.



Name Age Province Name of Farm Type of enterprise Contact Ms Lerato 26 Gauteng Senakhomo Farming (PTY) Mixed farming 0837412792 / 0834865899 Senakhomo LTD [email protected]

She used to live in Alberton where her parents bought a 2 hectare plot at Hall Gate in Nigel, Lesedi Local Municipality under Sedibeng District. Since 2007 she was engaged into dairy projects where they were producing sour milk, cheese, breeding sheep’s and sold them to local market. In 2012 they registered a business, Mojaletema Primary Co-op where they then increased their sale by 50 to 80. Ms Senakhomo received trainings from Buhle Farmers academy, Grain SA and ARC in 2012 which helped her to increase the produce. In 2012 she took over from her parents Co-op and registered Senakhomo Farming company where she was a sole owner practising mixed farming, producing grain on 140 ha of her 200ha arable land, where she recently started goat production. She plants maize and soya beans at her farm. On her 200ha she utilizes 140 ha where she planted 80 ha of white maize and 60 ha of soya beans and to breed her 74 boer goats. When she registered her business she received much recognition from Grain and GDARD whom provided her with production inputs. In 2016 she planted 50 and 30 ha of white and yellow which earned her recognition for her 366 tonnes of maize harvest from 80ha portion of her farm. She participated in water efficient Maize for Africa that is drought resistant. She keeps all financial records. Maize is sold to AFGRI in Nigel through her mentor and do not have contracts to sell her products. She sold her 87 tonnes of white maize at R3400 per ton R295 800 and 279 tonnes yellow maize at R3600 per ton which made R1 004 400 for year 2016. She also sells cattle at auctions and informal markets at prices ranging from R9500 to R10 500 and sheep’s at R1400 to R1800. She employed 3 employees (2 men and 1 youth). She holds consultative discussions to assist in schools and she also give land for tree to community members who want to grow vegetables



Name Age Province Name of Farm Type of enterprise Contact Mrs Selina Phahla 56 Gauteng Vilakazi Farm Business Mixed farming(grain, 0738423721/0712407318 Vilakazi Enterprise livestock production) [email protected]

Vilakazi Farm Business Enterprise was formed by Mr Vilakazi and his wife in 2004 when they were still residing in Vosloorus. Mr Vilakazi attended different courses in farming in order to gain skills from variety of commodities. In 2008 they got a farm through Department of Rural Development and Land Reform (DRDLR) located in Langseekoegat of Nigel, much more suitable for agricultural purposes and 568ha with two working bore holes and with 35 cattle before Mr Vilakazi passed away. The project grows maize (white and yellow) and soya beans. The business consists of six members, five women and one man including her 5 children. The project members attend and receive technical advice and wellness study groups facilitated by GDARD. The business has three tractors, a planter, plough, and disc plough and boom sprayer. The farmer practices crop rotation with maize, soya beans and planted pastures and also practices camp rotation to avoid over grazing. Most of the harvest (80%) was on Grade 1 and 20% harvested was on Grade 2. In 2016/2017 season, they planted 150ha maize only (30ha yellow maize, 120ha white maize). 60 hectares is used for bale (grass) production also known as eragrostis curvula and it is planted around August month. They own 60 ewes and 3 rams. They sell about 30 castrated rams per year at up to R1700 each. The type of breed they are producing at the farm is Vleis Merino. The maize is sold mainly to AFGRI and other private buyers. Out of 30 hectares (2015/2016 season), maize planted, they harvested 150 tons to the sale of R3500 per ton making R525 000.00. They harvested about 350 tons of soya beans to the sale of R5800 each making a total of 203 000 in 2015/2016 season, out of 120 hectares. The enterprise also make sales on bales of R980 000(700 bales of 1.2meter at R1400 each).The Enterprise has six permanent employees, 5 men and one woman. They employ twenty seasonal workers. Vilakazi Farm Business Enterprise assists orphans in churches. Beneficiaries and some workers attend study groups organized by GDARD.



Young Female Entrepreneur Name Age Province Name of Farm Type of enterprise Contact Ms Lerato Senakhomo 26 Gauteng Senakhomo Farming Mixed farming 0837412792 / 0834865899 (PTY) LTD [email protected] She used to live in Alberton where her parents bought a 2 hectare plot at Hall Gate in Nigel, Lesedi Local Municipality under Sedibeng District. Since 2007 she was engaged into dairy projects where they were producing sour milk, cheese, breeding sheep’s and sold them to local market. In 2012 they registered a business, Mojaletema Primary Co-op where they then increased their sale by 50 to 80. Ms Senakhomo received trainings from Buhle Farmers academy, Grain SA and ARC in 2012 which helped her to increase the produce. In 2012 she took over from her parents Co-op and registered Senakhomo Farming company where she was a sole owner practising mixed farming, producing grain on 140 ha of her 200ha arable land, where she recently started goat production. She plants maize and soya beans at her farm. On her 200ha she utilizes 140 ha where she planted 80 ha of white maize and 60 ha of soya beans and to breed her 74 boer goats. When she registered her business she received much recognition from Grain and GDARD whom provided her with production inputs. In 2016 she planted 50 and 30 ha of white and yellow which earned her recognition for her 366 tonnes of maize harvest from 80ha portion of her farm. She participated in water efficient Maize for Africa that is drought resistant. She keeps all financial records. Maize is sold to AFGRI in Nigel through her mentor and do not have contracts to sell her products. She sold her 87 tonnes of white maize at R3400 per ton R295 800 and 279 tonnes yellow maize at R3600 per ton which made R1 004 400 for year 2016. She also sells cattle at auctions and informal markets at prices ranging from R9500 to R10 500 and sheep’s at R1400 to R1800. She employed 3 employees (2 men and 1 youth). She holds consultative discussions to assist in schools and she also give land for tree to community members who want to grow vegetables




Name Age Province Name of Farm Type of enterprise Contact Kediemetse Eva 44 Northern Cape Saamfarm Citrus Farm Oranges and lemons 0785178333/ Arends 0824447861

She started working at Saamfarm 20 years ago in Granspan Settlement, Frances Baard District. The business is selling marketing oranges and lemon locally within the province and other neighbouring provinces. The farm export citrus to 50 countries in the world and rated the best prime market of citrus. Countries include amongst others USA, China, Europe, Far East the farm employed approximately 500 seasonal and 50 permanent workers. her duties in the farm as a farm worker and a team leader is planting of small orange and lemon trees, maintain the trees by pruning, picking, grading and packaging before sending for the market. Orange and lemon trees are planted, nurtured and maintained on farm on her supervision for couple of years. Her experience and hard work earned her Global Gap training and continues to impart skills to her colleagues as a team leader. She suggests innovative ways to the company where she encouraged company to sell the orange and naartjie at a reasonable price and also to give crèches a free crate of oranges that substantiated her zeal towards community involvement. She is now promoted to work as a quality controller and she aspire to have her own citrus farm.



Name Age Province Name of Farm/Enterprise Type of enterprise Contact Seitebaleng Vivianne 59 Northern Seikadi Poultry Poultry 084 220 0123 Segwai Cape [email protected]

The enterprise was formed in 2014 with 100 layers when she was very sick in Ganspan under Phokwane Local Municipality in Frances Baard District. Through assistance from her 2 sons she managed to operate the enterprise where she will sometimes employ part-time workers to assist with manure removal, and house cleaning the chicken house, while her sons will be washing, packing and selling the eggs. Her natural resources management is done through disposing manure by digging it in the garden or drying it up for sale; and since it sometimes rains a lot she threw the manure to the dumping site where it gets covered with soil to protect animals and avoid air pollution. She uses potassium permanganate, water and brown sugar if there is no stress pack and other indigenous herbs and layer fluids to wash and dip feet to avoid transmission of diseases. She uses the computer to capture her enterprise records and to find out new ways of rearing her chickens on the internet. She produces 175 first grade eggs per day priced at R50 a pair of 30 eggs. She is feeding the poor and hungry people in her village and also to make meals 3 times for her seasonal workers. She encourages young persons to join agricultural entrepreneurship on poultry because many businesses they demanded her for egg supply which she cannot supply. She sells the eggs to the community and also donates to crèches, give old and unemployed people. She teaches the community to read and write basic English and also to give them manure for their gardens. She’s a member of AFASA, WARD and SAWIF (South African Women in Farming). She is currently housing 200 layers that usually reach a peak production after 21 weeks.



Name Age Province Name of Farm/Enterprise Type of enterprise Contact Keseledile 55 Northern Cape Bomme Ke Nako Vegetable garden 0735049831 Magdeline Vegetable garden [email protected] Lekgetho The enterprose is situated in Vergenoeg of Kuruman, formed in 2005 as a Non-profit organization by 30 unemployed women on a15ha land. They contributed R50 each from their social grants to buy production inputs until they were able to start vegetable production (Spinach, onions, carrots, tomatoes, cabbage, green beans, beetroot and butternuts) which was aimed at providing for their family consumption and others to sustain the project through buying seeds, fertilizer, chemicals and others. Khumba Mining company built them a soup kitchen. Even though most of the women are old aged they still make use of compost material, kraal manure to improve the soil texture and drip irrigation to minimise water loss together with mulching and intercropping system for safe moisture content. Acid soil is neutralized by wood ash; aphids is also controlled by ash and sunlight liquid mixed with water; moles are controlled by breaking egg shell into the holes. They keep their financial records and other book keeping documents. They make sales of R9300 during harvesting and others for household consumption. Their markets are local markets and they employed 30 women of which 10 are youth in the farm. They are involved in wellness programmes through Department of Health. Their involvement in the community includes that of feeding orphans with cooked vegetable soup and to also buy uniforms for poor kids predominantly orphans.


TOP ENTREPRENEUR: COMMERCIAL Name Age Province Name of Farm/Enterprise Type of enterprise Contact Mmapule Suzan Fourie 59 Northern Cape Mmapule Agricultural Mixed farming (wheat, 0732898167 Enterprises Maize, chicken, Lucerne and sheep) She started the food garden in 2005 with a small capital where she started to plant carrots, tomatoes, cabbage, spinach, and beetroot on a small piece of garden. Later when more people approached her for more vegetables she expanded in 2013 through the acquired 24ha from DRDLR through PLAS and 4ha from Department of Public Works in Pampierstand named Plot H14. She now ploughs various vegetables on 2ha and 22ha for wheat and maize (cash crops). She sells the produce to 2 Boxer stores in Taung and also to the vendors. She also sells maize and wheat to Senwes cooperatives and GWK. She produces wheat of 6 tons per hectare while maize that was started on December it produced 14 tons/ha. She was well trained by Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development and they keep records on incomes, expenditures and wages. She made a total sale amount of R360 000(120 tons x R3000.00) and White maize at R400 512.00 (224 tons x R1788.00). She employs 3 permanent and 12 seasonal workers. The enterprise teaches children how to farm and encourage them to study agriculture after matric and they are in a process to sponsor in funding students to pursue careers in Agricultural.


Name Age Province Name of Farm/Enterprise Type of enterprise Contact Gertruida Regina Voss 57 Northern Cape Luiperdshoek Boerdery cc Mixed Farming(Mangos, /Coboop Female Lucerne and Raisin Development Enterprise Grapes) The Coboop Enterprise is situated in the greater Namakwa region, Khai-Ma Municipality next to the lower Orange River and consists of 49ha of


irrigation land. They are currently practising mixed farming where they mainly produce Mangos, while Lucerne and Raisin grapes are for males. As this enterprise is situated/ administered under the Luiperdshoek Boerdery cc, the Coboop Female Farmers a responsible for the mango production activities at a 3ha land while their male counterparts are into Lucerne and raisin grapes production. These women were farm workers under the previous owner Mr Gert Luttig, after which they were given farming rights by the municipality on a 10 year lease. The whole composition of the farm in terms of employment is 8 workers (4 males and 4 females) with females are into mango production which they employed 50 seasonal workers in the year 2016/17. They are managing the pre-harvest, post-harvest and processing of dried mangos in the farm. The Coboop Enterprise had a monetary value of sales of about R126 208.50 on fresh mangos while dried mangos made it to R16 560.00 in the year 2016/2017 making a total of R142 768.50. They are selling their produce to OK grocer in Springbok, and Aggeneys as well as TRY ME fresh Market in Upington. They also identified for youth to train on the aspects of mango production after which they will be appointed as supervisors.

MINISTERIAL AWARDS Young Female Entrepreneur Name Age Province Name of Farm Type of enterprise Contact Elizabeth Pietbooi 26 Northern Cape Ridgewater Farm Livestock production 082 401 1554 She started farming in 2009 on the commonage land in Prieska with only 10 sheep’s (9 ewes and 1 ram). She received the farm in 2015 through PLAS Department of Rural Development and Land Reform with 3360ha. She is farms dorper, Damara sheep, boer goat and Nguni cattle and currently having 191 sheep, 91 goat and 43 nguni cattle. She employed one permanent worker and one casual worker to assist with the livestock in the farm and mostly a physical handling of livestock is done during vaccinating, ear marking, docking and branding/dosing. Her market is the Priska community where she sells the sheep and goats aged 6 months and older. She sometimes slaughters some of her old ewes for her household consumption and also for the shepherd. Her market is usually active after 6 months where since 2015 she sold 6 lambs at R900 and 4 old ewes at R1000( total of R9400) and 5 bull calves for R4500 each(total of R22 500) making a total income of R31 900. She donates meet and cash to the schools, funerals, churches and weddings.




Name Age Province Name of Farm Type of enterprise Contact Selloane Maria Khamali 39 Free State Thelma Farm Taxidermy- Livestock, 063 277 8687 Peacan Nuts and Game

Thelma Farm is an agricultural enterprise focusing on taxidermy, livestock, Peacan nuts and grains production and Game Farming. The 580 hectares farm is situated in Odendaalsrus near Nyakallong in the Free State. Ms Selloane Maria Khamali joined the farm in 2009 as a farm aid in taxidermy section and currently working as a polisher and quality controller. Taxidermy is the science of preserving animal bodies by stuffing or mounting for the purposes of display or study. When she joined the she did not know anything about taxidermy nor names of different kinds of animals, she was however committed to learn all the steps of taxidermy but over the years she has demonstrated great potential and commitment to her work. Her day to day activities include that quality standards are adhered to, checking both product quality and production of trophies before colouring starts until they get send to clients. Ensuring that completed statues or trophies meet the required standards as well as colouring of statues based on their types of colour and completes the statue by putting oil to make horns shine and finally closing scratches with a special powder. A polisher’s duties in taxidermy are very critical and cannot be given to anyone else because one person has to be accountable to her/his mistakes and identifies all the faults in the statues so as to avoid costing the business both clients and money, as a result, it requires her to be alert at all times. She is the only employee trusted to do this job because of the potential and commitment she has shown since she started working on the farm.



Name Age Province Name of Farm Type of enterprise Contact Kabanku Msibi 63 Free State Lejwe- Motho Primary Vegetables Production 073 444 7682 Cooperative

Lejwe- Motho Primary Coop project is located in Namahadi village in the rural areas of Qwaqwa in the Free State Province. The Coop was established in 2009 and they farm on a 0.5 of a hectare garden. Ms. Msibi is a founder of this family coop which comprises of five members. They operate from their backyard and the main aim of the coop is to produce vegetables in order to eradicate and alleviate rampant household food insecurity and poverty. Vegetables are produced from quality certified seeds and are produced throughout the year. Vegetables planted are Carrots, Beetroot, Spinach, Cabbage, Peppers, Chillies, Pumpkins, Green Beans, and Herbs. They use manual labour to prepare soil and they make use of mulch made up of dead plant material and are used as canopy on the soil surface to prevent excessive evapotranspiration. Ms Msibi is responsible for preservation of vegetables by use of indigenous knowledge of canning and drying in order to improve household food security. She currently obtains the following yields per month, depending on the season: 400 bunches of Spinach per season, 200 bundles of Beetroot, 200 bundles of Carrots, 100 heads of lettuce, 30 packs of chillies, 200 heads of cabbage, 400 bundles of radish, 120 bundles of Onion, 15 bundles of herbs, 100 units of Green pepper, 100 units of Green Beans and 250 units of Pumpkin.



Name Age Province Name of Farm Type of enterprise Contact Sr Magaret Nthai 48 Free State Fort Savage Farm Mixed Farming 078 208 1818 magaret.nthai@gmail .com

Fort Savage Farm- Assisi Mission is a mixed farming production enterprise which is comprised of Dairy, piggery, mutton sheep and beef cattle was registered in 2009. The project was established by eleven Fransiscan sisters grouped themselves together to start an agricultural project. The 623ha farm is divided into portions whereby 124 of arable land has been leased to a commercial farmer, and the cooperative uses 52 for production of yellow maize, 34ha for Soya and 18ha for feed of cattle and 400ha as grazing land for cattle. The mixed farming enterprise includes dairy, piggery, mutton, sheep and beef cattle. The Cooperative secured a contract with Desmanda Dairy Company in Bloemfontein and they also sell the milk to the surrounding communities at lower prices of R4.50 per Litre. In Winter months they sell about 200L per day and in Summer they sell about 400L per day. Since 2011, the Franciscan Sisters Agricultural Primary Cooperative have received the following achievements; 2015 Small Scale Master Dairyman in the Free State. In 2016 they participated in the ARC National Milk Recording and Improvement Scheme.



Name Age Province Name of Farm Type of enterprise Contact Dr Agnes 72 Free State WINOOSKI FARMING CC Beef cattle (Livestock 083 390 2603 Manthabiseng Setai Production) [email protected]

Winooski Farming Cc is located in Wertenberg near Vrede in Phumelela Local Municipality in Thabo Mofutsanyana District. The 1026,6 Ha farm was established in 2013. It is mainly grazing land with a small portion of arable land currently planted with pastures. The dominating enterprise within the farm is cattle. Dr Setai grew up with her father and grandfather both as livestock farmers in Lesotho and she had passion for Agriculture since her father was a successful farmer and breeder who received accolades from the Department of Agriculture. She then decided to start with her own farm later in life in Bainsvlei in Bloemfontein in 1996 and as a result her passion of farming was re-ignited. In 1997 she acquired a 27 Ha farm in Jacobsdal where she planted Merlot grapes and was supported by Landzicht Wine Cellars. Upon her retirement she made up her made that she was going into farming full time hence she bought Winooski Farming. She farms with Bonsmara breed and Angus and currently has a herd of 236 large stock units. 19 camps are used for grazing and for rotational grazing purposes. There are 3 permanent workers in the farm and 5 casual labourers needed during bailing, dehorning, firebreaks, dipping and other duties. She supplies her beef to BKB Louwid and around the Thabo Mofutsanyana area.


Name Age Province Name of Farm Type of enterprise Contact Anel Grobbelaar 42 Free State Sonop Slagpale Chicken Abattoir 083 371 7608 [email protected]


Sonop Slagpale was established in 2000 with 100 chickens and expanded her chicken houses in 2007, then registered an abattoir so that she could slaughter her own chicks. The farm is located in Petrusburg and is supplying chickens to the entire Xhariep area and retailers in Bloemfonten as well as Kimberley. She also realised that there are more than 10 farmers in her area who are producing broiler chickens and are then transporting them to Bloemfontein which is about 80 km away from her area, she then saw this as an opportunity to approach them to utilise her slaughtering facility and she is now able to slaughter and process about 1000 chickens per month and supply retailers in the Bloemfontein and Kimberley area. For the 2016/17 cycle the farm has been able to slaughter for other farmers around the area and process 300-1000 per week. Ms Grobbelaar does her own monthly costing, budgeting, planning and buying of stock as well as sales in the farm.




Name Age Province Name of Farm Type of enterprise Contact Dineo Lebetsa 39 WESTERN CAPE Tolbos Farm Fruit Production 084 374 3914

Tolbos is a fruit farm situated in Hemel and Aarde near the Caledon in the Theewaterskloof Municipality. The size of the farm is 75 ha planted with fruits- Apples and Pears. It was established in 1992. Ms Lebetsa is a Senior Transplant Official and a leader of the other farm workers in different activities of the farm; tractor driving, planting varieties of root stocks, transplanting fruit tree seedlings in the nursery, sorting, thinning, harvesting and training of young trees. Ms Lebetsa joined the farm in 2012 as a hard working woman and she is currently supervising a team of 16 men and women. Upon 6 months of her arrival during her probation period, she excelled in her duties; she was then later elected as a team leader in 2014 and has retained the position to date. She is responsible for overseeing transporting of all workers from Caledon to the 2 farms, Tolbos and Glenhart and return trips daily. She is also a representative of the workers in terms of transport, health and safety committees.


Name Age Province Name of Type of enterprise Contact Farm/Enterprise Dawn Ehrenreich 55 WESTERN CAPE Dig for Victory Vegetable Production 072 334 2806 [email protected]

Dig for Victory is situated in Clanwilliam Park, Portlands, Mitchells Plain in Cape Metropole. It was established in 2011-13 with the waste-wise


City Solid as a waste project that was creating awareness amongst the communities regarding waste disposal and dumping and also to overcome dumping through the use of 4 principles of waste disposal (Reuse, Recycle, Reduce and Re-think). The vegetable garden was the established in 2013 out of the above initiative. The garden then evolved further in 2015 from the church grounds to a bigger land which is part of the park and has a 5 year lease agreement with the City of Cape Town City Parks division. The founding members were mostly youth in trouble, women and elderly men. To date Ms Ehrenreich has built relationships with various NGO’s in the food production sector, community members, schools, churches and business forums. She sells carrots- 15 bunches per week, Herbs- 5 grams per week, Cabbage- 35 heads per week, Potatoes- 20kg per month, Onions- 55 bunches per week, Spinach – 50 bunches and Runner Beans – 40-60kg per month. The garden is organic and sustainable and workers are family members, neighbours and wider community with youth as casual labour as and when needed.


Name Age Province Name of Farm/Enterprise Type of enterprise Contact Berene Damon 35 WESTERN CAPE Tasselarsdal Wines Wine Processing 073 322 9499

Tasselaarsdal Wines was founded in 2015 in Hamilton in Russel Vinewards Farm. The wine Tasselarsdal was named after the historic Overberg farming hamlet of Tasselaarsdal. 15 years after Ms Damon worked with Mr. Russel, he offered her with a wonderful opportunity to own her wine business and join the rest of the Hemel-en-route area as a wine producer with the expert assistance of Hamilton Russel vineyards winemaker, Emul Ross and the entire Hamilton Russel Vineyards team. Grape purchases have been secured until 2021 with Babylon Vineyards, Hemel-en-Aarde Ridge until Tasselaarsdal’s vineyards is secured and ready for harvest. Ms Demon sells her wine both locally and internationally to; SWIG wines- The United Kingdom, Hanford wines- U.K, Vineyard Brands in USA and Oud Reuchlin and Boelen – The Netherlands. She has a long waiting list of both national markets in different regions of the country and international markets waiting for her to supply the. In it is; Ultra Liquors, Distri Liquors, Jane Simon Wine Agencies, Team Liquor Leader Distributors, Norman Good fellows both in Cape Town and Gauteng.


The farm has received accolades in the following; International Master of Wines Greg Sherwood, International Master of Wines- Tim Atkins- media coverage on US top wine, Damon Quinlan of SWIG.

TOP ENTREPRENEUR: EXPORT MARKETS Name Age Province Name of Type of enterprise Contact Farm/Enterprise Carmen Stevens 46 WESTERN CAPE Carmen Stevens Wines Wine making 082 557 1476 (Pty) Ltd [email protected]

Carmen Stevens Wines (Pty) Ltd is situated in Somerset West in the Western Cape. It is solely owned by Ms. Carmen Stevens (Carmelita Cleo Kelly) . It was founded in 2011 but the owner has been making wine for 21 years and for the past 4 years she has been exporting under her own name. The 100% black female owned business is producing both red and white premium quality table wines in Stellenbosch. Ms. Stevens was the first black person to study and qualify as a wine maker in South Africa in 1995. The business specialises in sourcing of premium fruit from different grape growing regions, negotiating the best possible price for grape with constant vineyard management inputs. They process the fruit and turn the fruit into wine by through proper wine making processes such as barrel aging of the now, proper and continued quality control as well as blending and getting wine ready for bottling with the help of mobile bottling company. Then the process of bottle aging and storing of the product starts until the wine is ready for market. Their biggest market is in the UK and USA and all wines are sold online and the business is hoping to gain entrée into the Chinese market later in 2017 since the talks are already in place. For 2016 the sales so far have been; 12 000 bottles of Red Blend, 12 000 of Shiraz, 12 000 of Pinotage, 48 000 of Shiraz (bulk), 24 000 0f Cabernet Franc/ Merlot blend (bulk), 24 000 0f CBL (bulk) , 13 000 bottles of Sauvignon Blanc and 12 000 bottles of Chardonnay.



Young Female Entrepreneur Name Age Province Name of Farm Type of enterprise Contact Berene Damon 35 WESTERN CAPE Tasselarsdal Wines Wine Processing 073 322 9499

Tasselaarsdal Wines was founded in 2015 in Hamilton in Russel Vinewards Farm. The wine Tasselarsdal was named after the historic Overberg farming hamlet of Tasselaarsdal. 15 years after Ms Damon worked with Mr. Russel, he offered her with a wonderful opportunity to own her wine business and join the rest of the Hemel-en-route area as a wine producer with the expert assistance of Hamilton Russel vineyards winemaker, Emul Ross and the entire Hamilton Russel Vineyards team. Grape purchases have been secured until 2021 with Babylon Vineyards; Hemel-en-Aarde Ridge until Tasselaarsdal’s vineyards is secured and ready for harvest. Ms Demon sells her wine both locally and internationally to; SWIG wines- The United Kingdom, Hanford wines- U.K, Vineyard Brands in USA and Oud Reuchlin and Boelen – The Netherlands. She has a long waiting list of both national markets in different regions of the country and international markets waiting for her to supply the. In South Africa it is; Ultra Liquors, Distri Liquors, Jane Simon Wine Agencies, Team Liquor Leader Distributors, Norman Good fellows both in Cape Town and Gauteng. The farm has received accolades in the following; International Master of Wines Greg Sherwood, International Master of Wines- Tim Atkins- media coverage on US top wine, Damon Quinlan of SWIG.




Name Age Province Name of Farm Type of enterprise Contact Zona Nzimande 35 EASTERN CAPE Meat Traders Abattoir Abattoir 071 714 4041

Ms Zona Moira Nzimande is a hard working young woman who has a vast experience in the meat industry. She completed her Matric in 1988 and Diploma in Environmental Health in 2003 in Mangosuthu University of Technology in KZN. She has advanced experience in the hygiene assessment and meat safety section. Ms Nzimande is currently working at the Meat Traders Abattoir as an environmental practitioner and their main aim is to produce healthy, wholesome, clean products healthy for human consumption. She is a good team player and has the ability to work independently and normally conducts workshops for the staff training them in meat safety and basic hygiene requirements are constantly complied with. During slaughtering, Ms Nzimande is the one responsible for; Implementing hygiene assessment in the abattoir Takes samples of BSE residues and water sampling programmes Routine inspection in abattoir to ensure safe production of meat Introducing meat safety act 2000 (Act no 40 of 2000) to communities and neighbouring farms Doing butchery inspections Ensuring that hygiene reports of abattoirs butcheries are kept up to date Ensuring the entire place is kept hygienically clean at all times and every day after slaughtering Ensuring that vehicles that transport slaughter stock comply with regulations Ensuring that animals that qualify for emergence slaughtering are identified as quick as possible and those which are to be isolated be removed

2017 DAFF FEA PROFILES Page 39 to isolation pens as soon as possible also. Ms Nzimande has received several certificates due to her hard work and dedication and won the Best Employee of the year award


Name Age Province Name of Farm Type of enterprise Contact Nontuli Agnes Diko 65 EASTERN CAPE Diko Homestead Mixed Farming 073 627 1729

Nontuli Agnes Diko started growing vegetables on her garden since 1989. She first started with planting potatoes and later expanded the plot from a table size to a 1 ha garden. Her mixed farming is comprised of Fruit Trees ; Apples, Guavas and Peaches, 3 dairy cows, 4 pigs, 27 indigenous chicks and a mix of vegetables such as Beans, peas, Beetroot, Maize , Cauliflower, Broccoli, Cabbages, Butternut, Carrots, Onions and Potatoes. She mostly uses organic kraal manure to fertilise her garden from the cattle that she rears, to preserve water she uses mulch. For pest control she uses her own herbal mixture that she prepares to eliminate pests and to keep away moles from her garden she uses pig manure. She has tanks that she uses to collect water from the rain and she uses that for irrigation purposes and she uses buckets and watering cans as a means of saving water realising that it is really scarce. Ms. Diko has been trained in organic farming by her Extension Official and this has helped her to know the natural medication that she could use on her garden, she has also received training in food processing therefore she preserves and cans her own vegetables and fruits such as Beetroot, Peaches, Apples and Pears to make jams and juices. Her garden is used by the local Extension officer for demonstration purposes and she encourages the villagers to practice farming. She donates her produce to neighbours and also to one particular old lady who has 8 grandchildren. She is one of the founding members of Sixothidlala Maize Project in Majali which is one of the big projects in BCMM.



Name Age Province Name of Farm Type of enterprise Contact Yoliswa Mfusi Ntola 65 EASTERN CAPE Abambo Farms (PTY) LTD Fruits and Vegetables 073 384 9533 (Horticulture) [email protected]

The 2 ha Farm was bought in year 2000 from the Department of Land Affairs (Black Trust Farms). Ms. Ntola started working in the farm in 2002 and the farm was producing 250 Mango trees, 500 Bananas, 150 Avocados and 120 Oranges and lately 300 Macadamia trees to replace Oranges. In 2013 Ms Ntola was given 5 Hydroponic tunnels by the Department of Rural Development and Agrarian Reform for production of Tomatoes. Due to insufficient supply of Tomatoes in the area, in 2016 again she was given 5 more Hydroponics tunnels by the same department. There are 8 employees in the farm that work both in the tunnels and planting vegetables in the open land and during rainy days, the workers do sewing. The farm mostly uses indigenous methods of production such as kraal manure; they also harvest water from the neighbouring dams and fill up tanks which later are used for irrigation. They use drip irrigation to water the garden and always protective clothing is used while praying for pesticides in the tunnels. The production in Abambo Farms (PTY) LTD is as follows; Tomatoes- 400 boxes per tunnel, Mangoes- 100-200 loose per tree, Broccoli – 1- 20kg per plot, Green Pepper – 10 x 100kg per week, Avocadoes, 100-200 loose per tree.



Name Age Province Name of Farm Type of enterprise Contact Dr. Vuyokazi Felicity 52 EASTERN CAPE Ivili Loboya (PTY) LTD Fibre Processing and 072 371 3867 Mahlati Manufacturing [email protected]

Ivili Loboya Wool Processing hub is a 100% black –owned woman driven manufacture of niche and luxurious natural fibre products. The company is situated in Ibika Industries in Butterworth was established in 2015. Driven by the motto “Wool for the World. Naturally African” Ivili Loboya is involved in the entire agro processing value chain, enabling it to supply both domestic and international markets. Their products include cashmere and wool apparel, décor fabrics, scoured white wool, black and brown wool for insoles, chlorinated high –quality wool and thermal insulation. Ivili Loboya offers value addition to raw animal fibre, mainly in their close proximity with the majority of the Eastern Cape communal farmers. To date, depending on the fibre, Ilivi Loboya is equipped and skilled to harvest raw fibres, process fibres 9 class, scour, dehair, blend, card, comb, mill spin) and develop products (design, hand spin, dye, knit and weave). The company was founded by Dr Vuyokazi Mahlati and her team after many years of development and transformational partnership. It has partnered with local livestock farmers and textile knitters and weavers to ensure the success of Ivili Loboya is transplanted into value creation and opportunity for all animal fibre related groups. Ivili ’s client base includes boutigues, local and international fashion designers, interior designers and upholstered furniture manufactures. Their products are normally showcased at plartforms such as Ivili Loboya’s collection brand launch which was in February 2017, City Press, ANN7, Daily Dispatch and Agenza Giornalistica Italia and representation at the trade shows and exhibitions.


TOP ENTREPRENEUR: COMMERCIAL Name Age Province Name of Farm/Enterprise Type of enterprise Contact Sarah Louw 58 EASTERN CAPE Uitkomst Cooperative Animal Fibre (Mohair 060 392 1773 Limited Production) 073 403 9825

The farm was founded in 2011 by 5 women and 1 male and is situated approximately 32km from Jansenville town towards the direction of Graafr- Reinet within Dr Beyers Naude Local Municipality in the Eastern Cape and it has 5452 ha planted with Lucerne on about 25ha . It was received from the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform as a PLAS farm. The farm started with 300 Angora ewes received from the DTI in 2011 and in 2012 DRDAR also gave the farm 18 rams. They are currently farming with 953 Angora Goats, 48 Boer Goats, 81 Nguni cattle and 1 Bonsmara with Mohair production from the Angora goats as the main commodity. It is sold to CMW in Port Elizabeth during the months of January/ February and July/August. The young Boer goats are sold once a year at auction that usually takes place at Graaf Reinet and Jansenville. The project was mainly created to alleviate poverty and job creation for the beneficiaries and community at large. Uitkomst farm has played a major role in job creation within the municipality since it created a permanent employment for 2 workers and 4 seasonal workers who assist during dipping, shearing, dosing, sorting and classing of Mohair and erection of fence. The project is greatly contributing to the economy of the Cacadu district and the country at large by producing Mohair that is exported to other countries and they are also a part of the Mohair Summit that takes place every three years at Jansenville.



Name Age Province Name of Farm Type of enterprise Contact Zona Nzimande 35 EASTERN CAPE Meat Traders Abattoir Abattoir 071 714 4041

Ms Zona Moira Nzimande is a hard working young woman who has a vast experience in the meat industry. She completed her Matric in 1988 and Diploma in Environmental Health in 2003 in Mangosuthu University of Technology in KZN. She has advanced experience in the hygiene assessment and meat safety section. Ms Nzimande is currently working at the Meat Traders Abattoir as an environmental practitioner and their main aim is to produce healthy, wholesome, clean products healthy for human consumption. She is a good team player and has the ability to work independently and normally conducts workshops for the staff training them in meat safety and basic hygiene requirements are constantly complied with. During slaughtering, Ms Nzimande is the one responsible for; Implementing hygiene assessment in the abattoir Takes samples of BSE residues and water sampling programmes Routine inspection in abattoir to ensure safe production of meat Introducing meat safety act 2000 (Act no 40 of 2000) to communities and neighbouring farms Doing butchery inspections Ensuring that hygiene reports of abattoirs butcheries are kept up to date Ensuring the entire place is kept hygienically clean at all times and every day after slaughtering Ensuring that vehicles that transport slaughter stock comply with regulations Ensuring that animals that qualify for emergence slaughtering are identified as quick as possible and those which are to be isolated be removed to isolation pens as soon as possible also.


Ms Nzimande has received several certificates due to her hard work and dedication and won the Best Employee of the year award


Name Age Province Name of Farm /Enterprise Type of enterprise Contact Juliet Khabo 24 KWAZULU-NATAL Qalani Piggery Piggery 079 581 1684 [email protected]

Qalani Piggery Project is situated in Nkanyisweni area in ward 86 in Kwa-Zulu Natal. It was established in 2013 with 20 Sows and 12 Boars as breeding stock. The stock is marketed at Durnal abattoir in Stanger as baconers weighing 70-90 kg live mass per pig. Every fortnight, 15-20 pigs are sent to the abattoir as the P grade- the best grade which is always achieved through good management practices. There are 3 workers employed at the farm and currently there are 12 sows and 2 boars. Ms Juliet Khabo is a matriculant who started working at Qalani Piggery in 2013. Due to her interest and passion she portrayed on her work, she was appointed supervisor in 2015. She has now been in the farm for 4 years. She is responsible for; cleaning of the pens which includes disinfecting them daily Feeding; Pigs are fed with different rations at their different stages of growth Mating; Furrowing Weaning; Marketing; Ear-tagging; Teeth Clipping; Vaccinations


Treatment of sick animals; Record keeping Above all she is responsible for decision making in cases like if a pig is sick, she observes it and treats it accordingly. If there is no improvement she calls the Veterinarian and only reports to the farm owner thereafter. She is responsible for the welfare of the other employees as the supervisor she makes a decision that they can go home in cases when they are not feeling well. Ms Khabo is highly dedicated to her work to an extent that she can cancel her off days if she is called on duty. She always goes an extra mile and explains things that need clarity to other co-workers. She understands her work very well which contributes to the baconers of Qalani farms always graded as top grade- P which gives the farmer the highest price per kilogram.


Name Age Province Name of Farm /Enterprise Type of enterprise Contact TO Mdluli 54 KWAZULU-NATAL Uthando Lwenhlambane Co- Maize and Dry Beans 073 063 2969 op

Ms. TO Mdluli started farming on a piece of land in her yard but in 1995 in Mangangangozi area in Bergville after the Extension Officer approached her and introduced Planting Without Ploughing to her since the cost of hiring a Tractor was too high. She contacted the Extension officer more frequently after her husband passed on and she learnt a lot about farming. She has attended training with the ARC, Grain SA and the Department of Agriculture and with perseverance and hard work managed to form a Coop an Association focusing on no-till planting crops such as Beans and other vegetables. Working hand-in-hand with the Department of Agriculture she has managed to demonstrate no-till practice to 8 Cooperatives; Mdlambuzi, Zaminzuzo, Vukuqhubeke, Siyakhuthala, Nzimande, Inkantini, Nonkwane and Mfeni and also introduced Grain SA at Nquthu together with the mentor. For the past season she has planted Maize on 0.5 ha and yielded approximately 5 tons per ha. She sells mainly to the community and to the hawkers but also to Grain Zone and Tugela Grain.



Name Age Province Name of Farm/Enterprise Type of enterprise Contact Lindiwe Zulu 56 KWAZULU-NATAL Delta Blue Chickens Crops and Poultry 076 896 6543 076 941 6932

Delta Blue Chicken is a Chicken and Vegetable farm situated at Kwanongoma in the Njampela area, it was established formally in July 2016 with the aim of supplying food to rural communities in that area since there was a growing need of chicken meat in the area since it was only supplied by white commercial farmers from outside the Njapela area. The farm is producing Broilers and also Free Range chicks- live and frozen then vegetables such as Butternut, Sugar Beans, Cabbages, Sweet Potatoes, Onions and Garlic. The company has employed 10 workers from the neighbouring community of Njamela and the farm owner normally transfers her skills to workers by training them after they get employed. Delta Blue Chickens supports Vezukukhanya Soup Kitchen with Vegetables and Chicken in order to feed their beneficiaries monthly. Most of the workers are recruited from Vezukukhaya Soup Kitchen beneficiaries.


Name Age Province Name of Farm/Enterprise Type of enterprise Contact Nonhlanhla Joye 52 KWAZULU-NATAL Umgibe Farming Fresh and Processed 071 137 7779 Vegetables, Sauces and [email protected] Juices

Umgibe Farming Organics and Training Institute is a fresh produce project based in Siyanda Road in Mayville. The main commodities in the farm are fresh and processed vegetables, sauces and make sauerkrout and cabbage juice. They plant vegetables such as Spinach, broccoli

2017 DAFF FEA PROFILES Page 47 and red cabbage. Umgibe processes vegetables using fermentation process which begins with lacto-fermentation, a method of food preservation that enhances the nutrient content of the food. The action of the bacteria makes the minerals in the cultured foods more readily available to the body. The bacteria also produce vitamins and enzymes that are beneficial to digestion. Umgibe produces their own organic compost, pesticides and vermicasts for production and for natural fertilisation. Umgibe has partnered with DSD and Grace church to offer sewing, community gardens and also are running Income Generation Classes with Use-IT to upcycle and Recycle. The farm also gives their surplus vegetables to the Everfelt organisation that feeds families in the Mayville communities.


Name Age Province Name of Farm/Enterprise Type of enterprise Contact Smagele Maria 55 KWAZULU-NATAL Intathakusa (PTY) LTD Sugar Cane and Citrus 073 345 5068 Gumede Farm [email protected]

Intathakusa (PTY) LTD Sugar cane and Citrus farm is an irrigated farm that is situated at Nkwalini Valley farming area. The farm was revived and taken over by Mrs Smangele Gumede in 2006. The farm produces Sugar cane on 52.2ha and Citrus on 66.5 ha. Grape Fruit is then taken to a middleman- Lona in Cape Town and exported to Japan, Korea, China and Europe. Oranges – variety called Valencia are sold locally to shop owners and community Spaza shops. Ms. Gumede is a member of Nkwalini Farmers Association, a member of Nkwalini Packers of Citrus, a member of Nkwalini Juice Factory Processors. She is also involved in study groups conducted by CRI.



Young Female Entrepreneur

Name Age Province Name of Farm Type of enterprise Contact Juliet Khabo 24 KWAZULU-NATAL Qalani Piggery Piggery 079 581 1684 [email protected]

Qalani Piggery Project is situated in Nkanyisweni area in ward 86 in Kwa-Zulu Natal. It was established in 2013 with 20 Sows and 12 Boars as breeding stock. The stock is marketed at Durnal abattoir in Stanger as baconers weighing 70-9-kg live mass per pig. Every fortnight, 15-20 pigs are sent to the abattoir as the P grade- the best grade which is always achieved through good management practices. There are 3 workers employed at the farm and currently there are 12 sows and 2 boars. Ms Juliet Khabo is a matriculant who started working at Qalani Piggery in 2013. Due to her interest and passion she portrayed on her work, she was appointed supervisor in 2015. She has now been in the farm for 4 years. She is responsible for; cleaning of the pens which include disinfecting them daily. Feeding; Pigs are fed with different rations at their different stages of growth Mating; Furrowing Weaning; Marketing; Ear-tagging; Teeth Clipping; Vaccinations


Treatment of sick animals; Record keeping Above all she is responsible for decision making in cases like if a pig is sick, she observes it and treats it accordingly. If there is no improvement she calls the Veterinarian and only reports to the farm owner thereafter. She is responsible for the welfare of the other employees as the supervisor she makes a decision that they can go home in cases when they are not feeling well. Ms Khabo is highly dedicated to her work to an extent that she can cancel her off days if she is called on duty. She always goes an extra mile and explains things that need clarity to other co-workers. She understands her work very well which contributes to the baconers of Qalani farms always graded as top grade- P which gives the farmer the highest price per kilogram. MINISTERIAL SPECIAL AWARDS

Disabled Female Entrepreneur

Name Age Province Name of Farm Type of enterprise Contact Lindiwe Zulu 56 KWAZULU-NATAL Delta Blue Chickens Crops and Poultry 076 896 6543 076 941 6932

Delta Blue Chicken is a Chicken and Vegetable farm situated at Kwanongoma in the Njampela area, it was established formally in July 2016 with the aim of supplying food to rural communities in that area. There was a growing demand of chicken meat in the area as there were only supplied by white commercial farmers from outside the Njapela area. The farm is producing Broilers and also Free Range chicks- live and frozen, then vegetables such as Butternut, Sugar Beans, Cabbages, Sweet Potatoes, Onions and Garlic. The company has employed 10 workers from the neighbouring community of Njamela and the farm owner normally transfers her skills to workers by training them after they get employed. Delta Blue Chickens supports Vezukukhanya Soup Kitchen with Vegetables and Chicken in order to feed their beneficiaries monthly. Most of the workers are recruited from Vezukukhaya Soup Kitchen beneficiaries.