St Paul's Anglican Church, Samford, Queensland
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AnFin DIRECT ... Your weekly giving can be made via Weekly Services Parish Direct. A Direct Debit drawing from your bank 7.30 am, 9.00 am & 5.00pm every Sunday account to St Paul’s account with Anfin avoids fuss. But St Paul’s Anglican Church Saints Days & Holy Days 6:30pm as published also: it’s free and confidential and it helps the Parish for budgeting. Your giving will be transferred directly in to Samford In the Chapel of St Mary, the Virgin (7:15am) our Parish account. Forms at the back of the Church. Monday- No Services Direct Bank Deposit- If you wish to be able to make Belong, Believe & Be Tuesday- No Services a direct transfer via internet banking into the St. Thursday- No Services Paul’s working Account, this is now possible. The details are as follows: Priest: Fr Cameron Freese 0416 845 875 Church Wardens: Christine Pass 3289 2990 Readings for Next Week BSB- 704-901 A/C No.- 00001200 Francois Velge 0414 458 588 (Seventeenth Sunday After Pentecost) A/C Name- Samford Anglican Parish Rob Kersnovske 3886 3164 Isaiah 25:1-9 In the reference field please put your Surname or if Psalm 23 you would prefer to keep this anonymous can you put “Offertory Donation” in the reference field. Thanks be to God! We Welcome you to our Worship Phillipians 4:1-9 Matthew 22:1-14 Home Communions- Fr Cameron is happy to bring We offer a warm welcome to visitors and new comers to the Parish. communion to members of the St Paul’s community Please join us after the service for tea or coffee and a chat. unable to get to regular services. If you would like to Today’s Services: be visited, please don’t hesitate to let Fr Cameron Thoughts on the readings- Sixteenth Sunday After Pentecost (Ordinary 27) 7:30am Said Eucharist- Order 2 APBA know on 3289 1715 or 0416 845 875. This didactic poem of Isaiah leads us into its theme of the hard but loving and dedicated work required Fr. Cameron’s day off is Friday. Please do not to establish a vineyard. All of the required preparations were made, the vines planted and watered, and Celebrant: Fr Cameron Freese the first vintage was looked forward to. Then comes the twist: the vines produce only the small bitter First Reading: Isaiah 5:1-7 contact him unless it is urgent or an emergency. and unusable fruit of the wild grape, and Judah is asked to pass judgement upon itself. If God has done Psalm: 80:7-15 September 2011 Markets Second Reading: Philippians 3:4b-14 everything needful for the growth and development of his covenant people and they produce only the mean Reader: Cecily Primmer Cake & Book Stall $ 242.50 fruit of the wild grape, there is only one judgement to be made. God expects of us righteousness and justice, Gospel: Matthew 21:33-46 BBQ $ 536.80 but are we like Isaiah’s vineyard? Morning Tea $ 126.00 Preacher: Fr Cameron Freese Paul has had to warn the Philippians before about the judaisers, those who were seeking to reimpose the Intercessor: Fr Cameron Freese Stall Holders $ 545.00 $1450.00 old Law on new Christians. Paul speaks with the authority of his old role as a Pharisee, confident that he 9:00am Sung Eucharist- Order 2 APBA had more than fulfilled the Law but recognising in Christ the futility of that endeavour. Thus it is that he Celebrant: Fr Cameron Freese Budget Information- August 2011 (Actual) recommends to his readers that they set aside all that has gone before and seek, like Paul, to press on First Reading: Isaiah 5:1-7 Open Plate & Envelopes $ 2472.25 towards the prize of God. What would Paul now say to those who would continue to insist that all should Psalm: 80:7-15 Direct debit/credit/transfer $ 2700.00 know and repeat the Ten Commandments? Second Reading: Philippians 3:4b-14 Budget (Monthly) $ 5000.00 Reader: Cheryl Chandler Jesus’ allegory of the vineyard is a nasty story of greed and ambition. It is a naive story which seems to Gospel: Matthew 21:33-46 Surplus $ 172.25 hope for good in the face of overt badness, which culminates in the killing of the son and heir. As a brief Preacher: Fr Cameron Freese Thanks be to God! commentary on the relationship between our creator God and the people of Israel it is a bitter indictment of Israel’s refusal to respond to God and of the inevitable consequences of that refusal to respond. It is Intercessor: Gwynne Thomas Church Painting Contingency interesting that Jesus’ use of the image of the stone spells out the fact that the consequences are not God’s 5:00pm Said Eucharist- Order 2 APBA Target $ 20000.00 punishment, but something we do to ourselves if we do not produce ‘the fruits of the kingdom’. Separation Celebrant: Fr Cameron Freese Currently $ 11505.10 from God may indeed be hell, and it is we ourselves who manufacture it, personally tailor-made. First Reading: Isaiah 5:1-7 Psalm: 80:7-15 Sunday Attendance for August 2011 Notices Second Reading: Philippians 3:4b-14 Communicants Attendance Simply Christian Study Group- 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month starting at 7:00pm. Next Meeting 13 Reader: TBA 7.30am 75 80 October 2011. All Welcome. Gospel: Matthew 21:33-46 9.00am 137 173 Christian Meditation- Due to low attendance over the past months, the Christian Meditation Group Preacher: Fr Cameron Freese 5.00pm 15 30 will be in abeyance until January 2012 while it is under review. If this is something you wish to Intercessor: Fr Cameron Freese Total 227 283 discuss please see Fr. Cameron ASAP. St Paul’s Anglican Church. 12 Mt Samson Road, Samford. PO Box 213 SAMFORD QLD 4520 Our Mission Statement Tel: 07 3289 1715 (Office) Email: [email protected] To be a welcoming, caring and worshipping community of faith, making Christ known by word and deed in Website: our local community and beyond in the power of the Holy Spirit. Pew Sheet Contributions: Fr. Cameron by Wednesday. Notices Cont...... Living with Liturgy & Prayer..... What’s the deal with the Sanctuary Lamp? Ladies Fellowship Group- Meets First Friday of the Month at 10:30am to share in some morning tea, some A sanctuary lamp, altar lamp, or eternal flame is a light that shines before the altar of sanctuaries in many company and support and some scripture and prayer. This is at the home of Rosemary Robertson, 25 Mary denominations of Jewish and Christian places of worship. Christian churches often have at least one lamp Ring Drive, Samford. Please see Rosemary for more details. Next meeting- Friday 7 October 2011!!!! continually burning before the tabernacle, not only as an ornament of the altar, but for the purpose of Parish Council- Wednesday 26 October 2011 at 7:00pm in the Hall. All reports to emailed to Fr Cameron worship. The General Instruction of the Roman Missal in the Catholic Church, for instance, states (in 316): by Sunday 23 October 2011. All agenda items to Fr Cameron by 25 October 2011. “In accordance with traditional custom, near the tabernacle a special lamp, fueled by oil or wax, should be kept alight to indicate and honour the presence of Christ.” The hanging lamp in the Sanctuary (above the NCD Small Group- Normally meets on the 1st Sunday of the month. Next Meeting: TODAY after the Altar in this Church) is generally red or crimson which symbolises presense of Christ embodied in the Altar. 9:00am service. Please bring all of your NCD information. When a tabernacle or aumbry is present, as in Roman Catholic and Anglican churches, a different lamp is Church Painting- The cost of this will be $20000 and we are appealing to the congregation for financial present to distinguish it from the other hanging sanctuary lamps. It is placed above the tabernacle or aumbry support to get this done. If you can contribute please place your donation in the offertory plate in an as a sign that the Blessed Sacrament is reserved or stored. It is also used in Lutheran churches to represent evelope marked “Church Painting”. the presence of God. The sanctuary lamp may also be seen in Eastern Orthodox Churches. Other Christian Young Adults Brunch- Continuing on the the last Sunday of the month, we will be having a brunch after the 9:00am denominations burn the lamp to show that the light of Christ always burns in a sin-darkened world. Such service for the Young Adults of the parish (18+). Our Next brunch will be today 25 September 2011. sanctuary or tabernacle lamps are often coloured red, though this is not prescribed by law. This serves to distinguish this light from other votive lights within the church. In the Catholic Church, though red is often Craft Group- Meets the first Tuesday of the month at the Hall to share in fellowship and refreshments and to assist used, a white lamp is considered by most liturgists to be more appropriate. The lamp may be suspended with making small items suitable to be given to those in need. The next meeting will be 4 October 2011. Contact by a rope or chain over the tabernacle or near the entry of the sanctuary, or it may be affixed to a wall; it is Joan Greenhalgh on 0402 023 731. also sometimes placed on a ledge beside the tabernacle or on an individual stand placed on the floor.