Real Knots: Knotting, Bends, Hitches and Knotcraft
Real Knots: Knotting, bends, hitches and knotcraft. knot knots knotting tie tying rope yarn hitch hitches bend scout sail climb marlinespike. Standard copyrights and disclaimer. Ropers Knots Page ( ) The knot site on real knots in rope. What are the recent changes of the Roper Site ?? 990825 Breast plates. Some fancy knots. Because you want them so much. The Web Knot index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Instruction Pages Stoppers Terminal Knots Overhand-knot, (Flemish)eight and more bends To bend two lines together. Reef-Knot, Sheet-Bend, Carrick-Bend, True-Lover's, and more Hitches To tie on an object. Timber Hitch, Constrictor, The Eight, and more.. Single Loops Bowline, Bowstring, and more... The Noose The running bowline, hangman, and more.. Frequently Asked Knots. The monkey fist, Dolly (trucker-hitch). Breast plates. Some Fancy work Links to other knot sites .At the base of realknots Books on Knots on the Web Ashley, Klutz and more Links to pages with links to Roper's pages . For finding people with the same interests.. (1 of 3) [9/2/2004 10:23:45 PM] Real Knots: Knotting, bends, hitches and knotcraft. News in the knotting world The newsgroup rec.crafts.knots is on line. And (perhaps also thanks to your support) I am able to join this news group! On Ropers Knot Site If you like it you can subscribe to mail notification on major changes.
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