INDEX TO CONSIGNORS Hip Color Year No. Name Sex Foaled Sire Dam

AMIGO STUD FARM, AGENT FOR WALTER DEBYSINGH 16 ...... b. c...... 2012 Maraahel ...... A New Song 90 ...... b. c...... 2012 Maraahel ...... Politics 96 ...... ch. f...... 2012 Maraahel ...... Pure Delight 98 ...... b. c...... 2012 Maraahel ...... Queensway 110 ...... b. c...... 2012 Maraahel ...... Singinginthewind

BONANZA FARM RIDING AND COUNTRY CLUB LIMITED, AGENT FOR EDMUND DE FREITAS 15 ...... b. f...... 2012 Moygaddy...... Alize 64 ...... ch. f...... 2012 Precise Sweep...... Jetsetter 81 ...... b. f...... 2012 Moygaddy...... Meh Lover



BONANZA FARM RIDING AND COUNTRY CLUB LIMITED, AGENT FOR MRS. NATALIE SLOAN 114 ...... b. f...... 2012 Louisvilleluminary...... Spicy


FLORAVILLE STUD, AGENT FOR DR. STEPHAN BHAGAN & GARY BHAGAN 116 ...... b. f...... 2012 Stanley Park ...... Star Emblem

FLORAVILLE STUD, AGENT FOR DR. STEPHAN BHAGAN 28 ...... ch. c...... 2012 Stanley Park ...... Call to Dance 58 ...... b. c...... 2012 Stanley Park ...... Have Got Wings

FREDERICKS STUD FARM LIMITED 52 ...... b. f...... 2012 Precise Sweep...... Fortaleza 63 ...... b. c...... 2012 Invincibility...... Itikaaf 120 ...... b. f...... 2012 Invincibility...... Sweetmutacat INDEX TO CONSIGNORS Hip Color Year No. Name Sex Foaled Sire Dam

HEALTHY HORSE FARM, AGENT FOR DEREK BALWANT 9 ...... ch. c...... 2012 Stanley Park ...... Why Ki Ki 45 ...... b. c...... 2012 Stanley Park ...... Enticing

HEALTHY HORSE FARM, AGENT FOR RYAN SHIM 14 ...... b. c...... 2012 Hi Doc...... Adoring Ruby

HEALTHY HORSE FARM, AGENT FOR PEARSON WHITTAKER 74 ...... b. c...... 2012 Hi Doc...... Local Charmer

HUMMING BIRD STABLES, AGENT FOR DR. LESEL W. ALI-DE SILVA & MRS. SHARON FERREIRA 83 ...... b. c...... 2012 Louisvilleluminary...... Ms. Independent

HUMMING BIRD STABLES, AGENT FOR NIGAL AMIN 40 ...... dk. b./br. f...... 2012 Canadian Frontier ...... Dreaming Prayers

HUMMING BIRD STABLES, AGENT FOR CARRIENSIER BABOOLAI 3 ...... dk. b./br. c. ...2012 Louisvilleluminary...... Twice the Jet

HUMMING BIRD STABLES, AGENT FOR MRS. MARY CAMACHO 21 ...... b. c...... 2012 Maraahel ...... Bandora

HUMMING BIRD STABLES, AGENT FOR MRS. SHARON FERREIRA AND ANDDRE & NIGEL BAPTISTE 94 ...... b. f...... 2012 Louisvilleluminary...... Pride'n'glory

HUMMING BIRD STABLES, AGENT FOR MRS. SHARON FERREIRA 41 ...... dk. b./br. f...... 2012 Louisvilleluminary...... Dudley's Girl 57 ...... b. c...... 2012 Louisvilleluminary...... Greek Princess 61 ...... dk. b./br. c. ...2012 Louisvilleluminary...... Indian Casino

HUMMING BIRD STABLES, AGENT FOR RICKIE KHAN & DENNIS FAKOORY 99 ...... roan. c...... 2012 Babel ...... Quicksilver INDEX TO CONSIGNORS Hip Color Year No. Name Sex Foaled Sire Dam

HUMMING BIRD STABLES, AGENT FOR SHIVAM MAHARAJ 93 ...... b. f...... 2012 Warrior's Reward ...... Press Camp

HUMMING BIRD STABLES, AGENT FOR RUSSELL RAMSAMMY 18 ...... b. c...... 2012 Precise Sweep...... Aticka

JMH ENTERPRISES LIMITED, AGENT FOR WILFRED S. ACHAM 6 ...... b. c...... 2012 Babel ...... Velvet Morning

JMH ENTERPRISES LIMITED, AGENT FOR CHARLES JAMES & DR. EDWARD A. COMISSIONG 109 ...... b. c...... 2012 Babel ...... Simply Red

JMH ENTERPRISES LIMITED, AGENT FOR CHARLES JAMES 11 ...... b. c...... 2012 Babel ...... Yes It's Brewed 20 ...... b. c...... 2012 Babel ...... Aye Aye 22 ...... b. f...... 2012 Moygaddy...... Bella Diavolo 42 ...... b. c...... 2012 Babel ...... Dutchess Trembley 50 ...... ch. f...... 2012 Top of the Class...... Flying Glory 97 ...... b. c...... 2012 Babel ...... Queen's Band 117 ...... b. f...... 2012 Babel ...... Stormy Frontera

JMH ENTERPRISES LIMITED, AGENT FOR J.M.H. ENTERPRISES LIMITED 67 ...... dk. b./br. c. ...2012 Babel ...... Kafka

JMH ENTERPRISES LIMITED, AGENT FOR KAMA MAHARAJ 88 ...... b. f...... 2012 Moygaddy...... Nothinbutblueskies 92 ...... b. f...... 2012 Moygaddy...... Prado's Tune

JMH ENTERPRISES LIMITED, AGENT FOR DR. RAVI RAMJANACK 89 ...... ch. c...... 2012 Top of the Class...... Peace of Mind

JMH ENTERPRISES LIMITED, AGENT FOR MERLIN C. SAMLALSINGH 53 ...... b. f...... 2012 Moygaddy...... Golden Encounter INDEX TO CONSIGNORS Hip Color Year No. Name Sex Foaled Sire Dam

LA CONCEPCION STUD FARM, AGENT FOR HUGH LEE KING & SEEMUNGAL UTTAMSINGH 68 ...... dk. b./br. f...... 2012 Maraahel ...... Kama Sutra

LA CONCEPCION STUD FARM, AGENT FOR HUGH LEE KING 8 ...... dk. b./br. f...... 2012 Napoleon...... Westery Delight 26 ...... ch. c...... 2012 Bristling...... Brian's Luck 36 ...... dk. b./br. f...... 2012 Maraahel ...... Defining Moment 49 ...... roan. c...... 2012 Napoleon...... Flowermania 70 ...... b. f...... 2012 Storms Past...... Keynote

LA CONCEPCION STUD FARM, AGENT FOR HUGH & MRS. JACQUELINE LEE KING 106 ...... ch. c...... 2012 Maraahel ...... Saucy Wow

LA CONCEPCION STUD FARM, AGENT FOR DAVID OJAR 65 ...... b. f...... 2012 Moygaddy...... Joan of Arc 82 ...... b. f...... 2012 Maraahel ...... Miss Lover Lover 108 ...... b. f...... 2012 Moygaddy...... Sea Mistress

LA CONCEPCION STUD FARM, AGENT FOR URAEUS LIMITED & HUGH LEE KING 86 ...... b. f...... 2012 Babel ...... Mystery Girl

LEECLARE STUD FARM, AGENT FOR ROLF BARTOLO 73 ...... b. c...... 2012 Storms Past...... Little Miss Muffet 104 ...... b. f...... 2012 Louisvilleluminary...... Ruthies Dream

LEECLARE STUD FARM, AGENT FOR DAVID CHADEE 112 ...... dk. b./br. f...... 2012 Babel ...... Snake Eyes

LEECLARE STUD FARM, AGENT FOR HAROLD CHADEE 77 ...... dk. b./br. c. ...2012 Storms Past...... Magic Moments 103 ...... b. f...... 2012 Moygaddy...... Royal Majesty

LEECLARE STUD FARM, AGENT FOR AINSLEY A. MARK 1 ...... dk. b./br. f...... 2012 Storms Past...... Tazumi 4 ...... dk. b./br. f...... 2012 Storms Past...... Unveiled INDEX TO CONSIGNORS Hip Color Year No. Name Sex Foaled Sire Dam

LEECLARE STUD FARM, AGENT FOR AINSLEY A. MARK - Continued 10 ...... dk. b./br. c. ...2012 Storms Past...... Yaa Asantewaa 13 ...... dk. b./br. c. ...2012 Storms Past...... Zira 25 ...... b. c...... 2012 Storms Past...... Bon'zer 44 ...... dk. b./br. c. ...2012 Storms Past...... Embraceable 46 ...... b. f...... 2012 Storms Past...... Fallen Angel 47 ...... b. f...... 2012 Storms Past...... Firestorm 51 ...... dk. b./br. f...... 2012 Storms Past...... Formal Honors 60 ...... dk. b./br. c. ...2012 Storms Past...... Hot'n Spicy

LEECLARE STUD FARM, AGENT FOR BENNETT P. NURSE 105 ...... dk. b./br. c. ...2012 Storms Past...... Saratoga Soft Shoe

LEECLARE STUD FARM, AGENT FOR THE ESTATE OF WILMA PRIMUS 115 ...... ch. c...... 2012 Maraahel ...... Squeezed Moment

LEECLARE STUD FARM, AGENT FOR THE ESTATE OR WILMA PRIMUS 29 ...... b. c...... 2012 Maraahel ...... Castanza

LOWLANDS PLANTATION STABLES, AGENT FOR JIM JATTAN & AZARD ALI 118 ...... b. c...... 2012 Louisvilleluminary...... Sugar Sugar

LOWLANDS PLANTATION STABLES, AGENT FOR MRS. MARGARET WAHEED-JATTAN & JIM JATTAN 30 ...... dk. b./br. c. ...2012 Louisvilleluminary...... Cat of the Storm

PARADISE FARMS, AGENT FOR DR. LESEL ALI-DE SILVA KENNETH DE SILVA JNR & DOUGLAS D'ABADIE 78 ...... b. c...... 2012 Louisvilleluminary...... Magnificat

PARADISE FARMS, AGENT FOR DOUGLAS BENNETT 100 ...... ch. f...... 2012 Maraahel ...... Ready Or Not

PARADISE FARMS, AGENT FOR ROBERT BERNARD 80 ...... b. c...... 2012 Maraahel ...... Mamaguy INDEX TO CONSIGNORS Hip Color Year No. Name Sex Foaled Sire Dam

PARADISE FARMS, AGENT FOR KENNETH DE SILVA JNR 91 ...... dk. b./br. f...... 2012 Settle Up...... Poolside Miss

PARADISE FARMS, AGENT FOR MRS. MICHELE FORD 107 ...... b. c...... 2012 Big Country ...... Savvy

PARADISE FARMS, AGENT FOR JOSEPH HADEED 111 ...... b. c...... 2012 Maraahel ...... Sing Your Song

PARADISE FARMS, AGENT FOR MRS. MARILYN MILLER 32 ...... dk. b./br. f...... 2012 Settle Up...... Charm the Banker

PARADISE FARMS, AGENT FOR JUAN NAVARRO 54 ...... dk. b./br. f...... 2012 Maraahel ...... Gorgeous Lulu

PARADISE FARMS, AGENT FOR PARADISE FARMS LIMITED 17 ...... dk. b./br. c. ...2012 Settle Up...... Angelsaver 24 ...... b. c...... 2012 Maraahel ...... Blushing Sky 38 ...... b. c...... 2012 Maraahel ...... Dixie Glitter 84 ...... b. f...... 2012 Settle Up...... Mucho Halos 113 ...... dk. b./br. c. ...2012 Settle Up...... Sound Barrier


PARADISE FARMS, AGENT FOR KISHORE V. RAMCHARAN 5 ...... b. f...... 2012 Settle Up...... Vandalini

PARADISE FARMS, AGENT FOR MRS. DENISE ROACH 7 ...... dk. b./br. f...... 2012 Settle Up...... Warcall

POON TIP STUD FARM, AGENT FOR ANDREW ALEONG, LEWIS CAMACHO, ROGER HADEED & DR. PAUL CAMACHO 66 ...... ch. f...... 2012 Maraahel ...... Joy INDEX TO CONSIGNORS Hip Color Year No. Name Sex Foaled Sire Dam

POON TIP STUD FARM, AGENT FOR MRS. EUDORA CHAY 75 ...... b. c...... 2012 Maraahel ...... Lough Currane 119 ...... b. c...... 2012 Charismatic Cat ...... Sweet Melody

POON TIP STUD FARM, AGENT FOR MRS. MYRNA HADEED 55 ...... ch. c...... 2012 Charismatic Cat ...... Go Wid D Flow

POON TIP STUD FARM, AGENT FOR ELIAS HALOUTE 71 ...... dk. b./br. c. ...2012 Ten Meropa ...... Latonia

POON TIP STUD FARM, AGENT FOR MRS. SEETA LAWRENCE & EMMANUEL C. LAWRENCE 33 ...... ch. c...... 2012 Precise Sweep...... Class Is Class

POON TIP STUD FARM, AGENT FOR EMMANUEL C. LAWRENCE 2 ...... ch. f...... 2012 Stanley Park ...... Titanium

POON TIP STUD FARM, AGENT FOR DEO MAJARAJ 39 ...... dk. b./br. f...... 2012 Ten Meropa ...... Dream Girl

POON TIP STUD FARM, AGENT FOR NEIL POON TIP, GERRY HARDING, JOHN O'BRIEN & ROGER HADEED 79 ...... b. c...... 2012 Gold Market ...... Maid Of Honour

POON TIP STUD FARM, AGENT FOR POON TIP STUD FARM LIMITED 12 ...... dk. b./br. c. ...2012 Charismatic Cat ...... Zarkosy 19 ...... dk. b./br. f...... 2012 Gold Market ...... Atlantic Breeze 23 ...... dk. b./br. c. ...2012 Charismatic Cat ...... Blushing Bride 27 ...... b. c...... 2012 Gold Market ...... Burning Red 31 ...... b. f...... 2012 Maraahel ...... Chanterelle 56 ...... dk. b./br. c. ...2012 Ten Meropa ...... Grand Opera 72 ...... dk. b./br. c. ...2012 Ten Meropa ...... Let's Go Honey 76 ...... b. c...... 2012 Ten Meropa ...... Luv Boat 101 ...... ch. f...... 2012 Ten Meropa ...... Riviera 102 ...... dk. b./br. c. ...2012 Charismatic Cat ...... Roman Empress INDEX TO CONSIGNORS Hip Color Year No. Name Sex Foaled Sire Dam

SCOTT'S STUD, AGENT FOR DIANE SCOTT 69 ...... dk. b./br. f...... 2012 Precise Sweep...... Keep The Faith 95 ...... dk. b./br. c. ...2012 Louisvilleluminary...... Pure Accolade

SCOTT'S STUD, AGENT FOR PIERPONT W. H. SCOTT 37 ...... roan. c...... 2012 Maraahel ...... Diplomacy 62 ...... ch. c...... 2012 Precise Sweep...... Indicators On 87 ...... b. c...... 2012 Maraahel ...... New Girl

UP THE HILL FARMS, AGENT FOR LINDSAY GAY 34 ...... dk. b./br. c. ...2012 Untachable...... Committedtosweets 35 ...... b. f...... 2012 Untachable...... Country Girl INDEX TO SIRES Babel ...... 6, 11, 20, 42, 67, 86, 97, Moygaddy ...... 15, 22, 43, 53, 59, 65, 99, 109, 112, 117 81, 88, 92, 103, 108 Big Country ...... 107 Bristling...... 26 Napoleon...... 8, 49

Canadian Frontier ...... 40 Precise Sweep...... 18, 33, 52, 62, Charismatic Cat...... 12, 23, 55, 102, 64, 69 119 Settle Up ...... 5, 7, 17, 32, 84, 91, Gold Market...... 19, 27, 79 113 Stanley Park ...... 2, 9, 28, 45, 58, Hi Doc ...... 14, 74 116 Storms Past...... 1, 4, 10, 13, 25, Invincibility ...... 63, 120 44, 46, 47, 51, 60, 70, 73, 77, 105 Louisvilleluminary ...... 3, 30, 41, 57, 61, 78, 83, 94, 95, Ten Meropa...... 39, 56, 71, 72, 76, 104, 114, 118 101 Top of the Class ...... 48, 50, 89 Maraahel...... 16, 21, 24, 29, 31, 36, 37, 38, 54, 66, 68, 75, 80, Untachable ...... 34, 35 82, 85, 87, 90, 96, 98, 100, 106, 110, 111, 115 Warrior's Reward ...... 93 INDEX TO DAMS Adoring Ruby...... 14 Have Got Wings ...... 58 Alize ...... 15 Hot Girl ...... 59 A New Song...... 16 Hot'n Spicy...... 60 Angelsaver ...... 17 Aticka...... 18 Indian Casino...... 61 Atlantic Breeze...... 19 Indicators On ...... 62 Aye Aye ...... 20 Itikaaf ...... 63

Bandora...... 21 Jetsetter...... 64 Bella Diavolo ...... 22 Joan of Arc...... 65 Blushing Bride ...... 23 Joy ...... 66 Blushing Sky ...... 24 Bon'zer ...... 25 Kafka...... 67 Brian's Luck ...... 26 Kama Sutra ...... 68 Burning Red...... 27 Keep The Faith ...... 69 Keynote ...... 70 Call to Dance ...... 28 Castanza ...... 29 Latonia...... 71 Cat of the Storm...... 30 Let's Go Honey...... 72 Chanterelle ...... 31 Little Miss Muffet ...... 73 Charm the Banker ...... 32 Local Charmer ...... 74 Class Is Class ...... 33 Lough Currane...... 75 Committedtosweets...... 34 Luv Boat ...... 76 Country Girl ...... 35 Magic Moments...... 77 Defining Moment ...... 36 Magnificat...... 78 Diplomacy ...... 37 Maid Of Honour ...... 79 Dixie Glitter...... 38 Mamaguy ...... 80 Dream Girl...... 39 Meh Lover ...... 81 Dreaming Prayers...... 40 Miss Lover Lover ...... 82 Dudley's Girl...... 41 Ms. Independent ...... 83 Dutchess Trembley...... 42 Mucho Halos...... 84 Musical Moment ...... 85 Elaina For Two...... 43 Mystery Girl ...... 86 Embraceable ...... 44 Enticing...... 45 New Girl...... 87 Nothinbutblueskies...... 88 Fallen Angel ...... 46 Firestorm...... 47 Peace of Mind...... 89 Flower Girl ...... 48 Politics ...... 90 Flowermania...... 49 Poolside Miss...... 91 Flying Glory ...... 50 Prado's Tune ...... 92 Formal Honors ...... 51 Press Camp ...... 93 Fortaleza...... 52 Pride'n'glory ...... 94 Pure Accolade ...... 95 Golden Encounter ...... 53 Pure Delight ...... 96 Gorgeous Lulu ...... 54 Go Wid D Flow...... 55 Queen's Band...... 97 Grand Opera...... 56 Queensway ...... 98 Greek Princess ...... 57 Quicksilver...... 99 INDEX TO DAMS Ready Or Not...... 100 Sweetmutacat ...... 120 Riviera...... 101 Roman Empress...... 102 Tazumi...... 1 Royal Majesty...... 103 Titanium ...... 2 Ruthies Dream ...... 104 Twice the Jet ...... 3

Saratoga Soft Shoe ...... 105 Unveiled ...... 4 Saucy Wow ...... 106 Savvy...... 107 Vandalini ...... 5 Sea Mistress ...... 108 Velvet Morning ...... 6 Simply Red...... 109 Singinginthewind ...... 110 Warcall...... 7 Sing Your Song...... 111 Westery Delight...... 8 Snake Eyes ...... 112 Why Ki Ki...... 9 Sound Barrier...... 113 Spicy...... 114 Yaa Asantewaa...... 10 Squeezed Moment...... 115 Yes It's Brewed ...... 11 Star Emblem ...... 116 Stormy Frontera ...... 117 Zarkosy...... 12 Sugar Sugar...... 118 Zira...... 13 Sweet Melody ...... 119 Consigned by Leeclare Stud Farm, Agent for Hip No. Ainsley A. Mark Hip No. 1 DARK BAY OR BROWN FILLY 1 Foaled February 25, 2012 A.P. Indy Pulpit...... Preach Storms Past ...... Storm Cat Magic Storm...... Foppy Dancer DARK BAY OR Wild Again BROWN FILLY Wild Wonder...... Carol's Wonder Tazumi ...... (2001) Country Pine If You Do...... Max Donnell By STORMS PAST (2004). Winner of 5 races at 4 and 5, $88,760. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2013. Son of stakes winner Pulpit, sire of 69 stakes winners, including Govinda (hwt. at 3 in Germany, $163,482, Gros- ser Preis der Jungheinrich Gabelstapler-Hamburger Flieger Trophy-G3, etc.), Pyro ($1,673,673, Forego S.-G1, etc.), Rutherienne ($1,298,671, Del Mar Oaks-G1, etc.), Corinthian ($1,267,273, Metropolitan H.-G1, etc.), Ice Box ($948,068, Florida Derby-G1, etc.), Purge (6 wins, $905,434). 1st dam TAZUMI, by Wild Wonder. Unraced. Sent to Trinidad and Tobago. This is her fourth foal. Her third foal is a 2-year-old of 2013. She has no foals to race. 2nd dam IF YOU DO, by Country Pine. Winner at 4, $16,807. Dam of 2 winners-- If You Don't. Winner at 3, $15,717. Devil's Detail. Winner at 3, $10,621. 3rd dam Max Donnell, by Critique. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $60,635, 3rd Auld Lang Syne S. Dam of 12 other foals, 10 to race, 8 winners, including-- SISTER SWANK. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $389,989, Valley View S.-G3, 2nd WinStar/ Sunland Park Oaks-L, Indian Maid Breeders' Cup H.-L, Marie G. Krantz Memorial H.-L, Thelma S., 3rd Silverbulletday S.-G2, Pucker Up S.-G3, Jenny Wiley S.-G3, Bayou Breeders' Cup H.-G3, Pago Hop S. Dam of 3 foals, 2 winners, including-- Good Chemistry. 5 wins at 3 and 4, placed at 5, 2013, $125,725. SUPAH JESS. 7 wins at 3 and 4, $238,750, Calder Breeders' Cup H.-L, Forty Nine Sunsets H., 2nd Humana Distaff H.-G3, 3rd Princess Rooney H.-L, Shocker T. H.-L. DEFINING STYLE. Winner at 2 and 3, $85,648, Thelma S.-L. Dam of-- Silver Style. Winner at 3, $51,576. Spicy Red. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $38,435. Producer. Steely Max. 3 wins at 3, $27,967. Sparkle. Unraced. Sent to Russia. Dam of 2 known foals, including-- Fast Grievance. Winner at 3 and 5, 2013, $93,179, in N.A./U.S. (Total: $93,992). 4th dam A ROUND TABLE, by Under the Table. Dam of 14 foals, 13 winners, incl.-- Max Donnell. Stakes-placed winner, above. Mean and Crafty. 8 wins at 3 and 5, $171,748. Getting Aroundtoit. 8 wins, 2 to 4, $153,699. Producer. Gentley. 12 wins, 2 to 5, $89,014. Producer. Round Native Miss. 4 wins, 3 to 7, $70,486. Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Poon Tip Stud Farm, Agent for Hip No. Emmanuel C. Lawrence Hip No. 2 CHESTNUT FILLY 2 Foaled February 2, 2012 Nashwan Swain (IRE)...... Love Smitten Stanley Park...... Storm Bird Tricky Bird...... Tricky Squaw CHESTNUT FILLY Tale of the Cat Spotnick...... Radu Cool Titanium...... (2006) Silver Hawk Silver Too...... Box Office Gold By STANLEY PARK (2000). Stakes winner of 4 races, $272,916, San Luis Rey H.-G2, Bay Meadows Derby-G3, 3rd Oceanside S.-LR. Half-brother to stakes winner Turf Melody. Sire of Honour The Lady (Royal Colours Classic-G3). Son of European champion Swain (IRE), sire of 13 stakes winners, including Dimitrova ($1,142,696, Flower Bowl Invitational S.-G1, etc.), Nasheej ($346,605, Murphy's Fastflow May Hill S.-G2, etc.), Czar Al- exander (S. A. Poonawalla Million-G2, etc.), Trillion Cut ($1,282,500). 1st dam TITANIUM, by Spotnick. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. This is her first foal. 2nd dam SILVER TOO, by Silver Hawk. Placed at 2, $7,557. Sent to Trinidad and Toba- go. Dam of 3 foals to race, all winners, including-- Rising Rhythm. 3 wins at 3 and 5, $65,547. 3rd dam BOX OFFICE GOLD, by Dixieland Band. 6 wins at 2 and 3, $211,801, Tempted S.-G2, 2nd Busanda S.-L, Busher H.-L, Pocahontas S.-L, 3rd Genuine Risk S.-L. Dam of 14 other foals, 12 to race, all winners, incl.-- BASIC CONCERN. 5 wins, 3 to 5, $126,204, Star de Naskra S.-LR, etc. New York Gold. 11 wins, 3 to 6, $157,676, 2nd Jack Betta Be Rite H.-R. Empire Lady. 2 wins at 3, $14,730, in N.A./U.S.; 2 wins at 4 in Canada, 3rd Saskatchewan Lotteries H. (Total: $24,027). Glen of Aherlow. 3 wins, $27,000. Dam of 5 foals to race, 3 winners, incl.-- PALMICHE. 7 wins in 14 starts, 2 to 4 in Panama, champion imported 2-year-old colt, Clasico Jose A. Perez y Bernabe Perez-G3, 2nd Clas- ico Cerveza Panama Independencia-G1, etc. On Broadway. 2 wins at 3, $22,810. Dam of 9 foals, 7 winners, including-- LIGHTS OF BROADWAY. 18 wins, $248,809, Finger Lakes Juvenile S. KATHERN'S CAT. 2 wins at 2, $88,333, in N.A./U.S., Freedom of the City S.; winner at 3 and 4, $76,278, in Canada, Lilac H., etc. (Total: $152,827). Heart of New York. Winner at 2, placed at 3, 2013, $67,575, 2nd Lie Low S.-L. Scoot On By. Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of Triple Cross (3 wins, Total: $168,- 096, 2nd Colin S.-L, Tom Ridge S.-L, Meadowlake S., etc.). 4th dam FEARLESS QUEEN, by Iron Ruler. 8 wins, 2 to 6, $113,810, Bed o' Roses H.- G3. Dam of 9 foals, 8 to race, 6 winners, including-- BOX OFFICE GOLD. Stakes winner, above. Prospector's Queen. 4 wins. Dam of SOUTHERN RHYTHM ($224,155). Granddam of ATAGO TAISHO (Total: $1,196,313), Cody Samora ($182,332). Great-granddam of CROWN’S PATH (Total: $321,235), etc. Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Humming Bird Stables, Agent for Hip No. Carriensier Baboolai Hip No. 3 DARK BAY OR BROWN COLT 3 Foaled March 17, 2012 A.P. Indy Pulpit...... Preach Louisvilleluminary ...... Copelan Copelan's Bid Gal...... Bid Gal DARK BAY OR Fappiano BROWN COLT A. P Jet ...... Taminette Twice the Jet ...... (2001) Mehmet Twice Met...... Twice Judged By LOUISVILLELUMINARY (2007). Stakes-placed winner at 2, $49,023, 3rd Sanford S.-G2. Brother to stakes winners Purge, Namaste’s Wish. His first foals are yearlings of 2013. Son of stakes winner Pulpit, sire of 69 stakes winners, including Govinda (hwt. in Germany, $163,482, Grosser Preis der Jungheinrich Gabelstapler-Hamburger Flieger Trophy-G3, etc.), Pyro (5 wins, $1,673,673, Forego S.-G1, etc.), Rutherienne ($1,298,671, Del Mar Oaks-G1, etc.), Corinthian ($1,267,273, Metropolitan H.-G1, etc.). 1st dam TWICE THE JET, by A. P Jet. Unraced. Sent to Trinidad and Tobago. This is her fifth foal. Her fourth foal is a 2-year-old of 2013. Dam of-- Midnight Express (f. by Western Envoy). Winner in Trinidad and Tobago. 2nd dam TWICE MET, by Mehmet. 13 wins, 3 to 9, $106,469. Dam of 3 winners, incl.-- Tap Twice. 12 wins, 3 to 7, $142,739. 3rd dam Twice Judged, by Judger. Placed at 2 and 3 in France, 3rd Prix Yacowlef. Dam of 8 other foals, 6 to race, 5 winners, including-- Bendabout Dancer. 3 wins at 2 and 4 in N.A./U.S., 2nd Delta Downs Breeders' Cup Juvenile S. 4th dam TWICE CITED, by Double Jay. 7 wins at 2 and 3, $73,970, Rockette S., 2nd Test S., Miss Woodford S. Half-sister to MANITOULIN ($43,950, in N.A./ U.S., sire), OPEN HEARING (Jasmine S.). Dam of 3 winners, including-- Twice Judged. Stakes-placed, above. Second Ovation. Winner in 1 start at 3. Dam of 9 winners, including-- DANCING OVATION. 7 wins, 2 to 6, $226,575, Yakima Futurity, Frostie Shades H., Watch Wendy H., Washington HBPA H., 3rd Bangles and Beads S. Dam of METATRON (Total: $336,810, Sir Winston Churchill H., 2nd Best Pal S.-G3, Hollywood Juvenile Championship S.-G3, Independence Day H., 3rd Lane's End Breeders' Futurity-G2, etc.). Polar Wind. 5 wins at 3, $94,057, 2nd Davona Dale H.-R, Sun Flower S.-R. Humdrum. Unraced. Dam of ACCUMULATOR (14 wins, $111,977, As- cot Graduation S., 2nd Juvenile S.). Applaudable. Dam of Summer Applause (3 wins, $23,602). Grace and Savour. Producer. Granddam of Thewholebag ($214,225, 2nd CTBA Marian S.-R, 3rd California Breeders' Champion S.-LR, Solana Beach H.-LR, dam of RULE THE STORM, 11 wins, $282,939, Warren's Thoroughbreds S.-R, Queen of the Green H., 2nd Work the Crowd S.-R), Pretty Rocky ($211,408, 2nd Goldfinch S.-L, Black Mesa H.-R, etc.). Dear Melinda. Producer. Granddam of Simply Red (3rd Royal Oak Derby-G1). Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Leeclare Stud Farm, Agent for Hip No. Ainsley A. Mark Hip No. 4 DARK BAY OR BROWN FILLY 4 Foaled April 7, 2012 A.P. Indy Pulpit...... Preach Storms Past ...... Storm Cat Magic Storm...... Foppy Dancer DARK BAY OR Deputy Minister BROWN FILLY Touch Gold ...... Passing Mood Unveiled...... (2003) Mr. Prospector Debt...... Worth Avenue By STORMS PAST (2004). Winner of 5 races at 4 and 5, $88,760. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2013. Son of stakes winner Pulpit, sire of 69 stakes winners, including Govinda (hwt. at 3 in Germany, $163,482, Gros- ser Preis der Jungheinrich Gabelstapler-Hamburger Flieger Trophy-G3, etc.), Pyro ($1,673,673, Forego S.-G1, etc.), Rutherienne ($1,298,671, Del Mar Oaks-G1, etc.), Corinthian ($1,267,273, Metropolitan H.-G1, etc.), Ice Box ($948,068, Florida Derby-G1, etc.), Purge (6 wins, $905,434). 1st dam UNVEILED, by Touch Gold. Unraced. Sent to Trinidad and Tobago. This is her fourth foal. Her third foal is a 2-year-old of 2013. Dam of 1 foal to race-- Apple Betty (f. by Alphabet Soup). Winner at 2, $29,253, in Canada. (Total: $27,929). 2nd dam DEBT, by Mr. Prospector. Unraced. Dam of 5 winners, including-- Luis Francisco. 9 wins at 3 and 4, $66,279. 3rd dam WORTH AVENUE, by Spend a Buck. 2 wins at 2, $105,624, Tempted S.-G3. Dam of 5 other foals, 4 to race, 2 winners, including-- Sloane Street. Winner at 4, $41,918. Dam of 4 winners, including-- Kite Hill Wind. 8 wins, 2 to 5, ¥235,159,000, in Japan, 2nd Urawa Kinen- G2, 3rd Elm S.-G3. (Total: $2,060,289). Red Shadow. Winner at 3, ¥24,900,000, in Japan. (Total: $267,462). Knightsbridge. Winner at 3 and 4, ¥18,130,000, in Japan. (Total: $161,064). 4th dam Sweeping View, by Reviewer. Winner at 2, $28,926, 2nd Astoria S., 3rd Soror- ity S.-G1, Fashion S. Sister to VITE VIEW ($168,561), half-sister to SEC- RETO'S GLORY ($126,618), Jan Murray. Dam of 9 winners, including-- WORTH AVENUE. Stakes winner, above. Galaxy Guide. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $136,368, 2nd Roamer H.-G3, etc. Sire. Evening Sky. 2 wins at 2, $46,660. Dam of 7 winners, including-- Monita'shistepper. Winner at 2, 3, and 4, $57,255, 2nd Heritage Place Oaks-R, 3rd Lady Luck S. Dam of Steppen Up ($91,668, 3rd Matron H.). Evening Blues. 2 wins at 3, $59,815. Dam of Ebony Evening (3rd Pepsi S.). Secret Vista. Winner at 4, $24,195. Producer. Granddam of Splash of Roses ($158,141, 3rd Happy Ticket S.-L, Anna M. Fisher Debutante S.). In View. 2 wins, $32,020. Granddam of Gracie's Gem (6 wins, $126,030). Saxon Shore. Unplaced in 2 starts in England. Dam of 4 winners, incl.-- Poplinete. 10 wins, 2 to 7 in Mexico, 3rd Derby Mexicano-G1, Handicap Gay Dalton-G2. Miss Turkomania. Dam of CELTIC CROWN ($56,580, Angie C. S.). Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Paradise Farms, Agent for Hip No. Kishore V. Ramcharan Hip No. 5 BAY FILLY 5 Foaled February 7, 2012 Roberto Kris S...... Sharp Queen Settle Up...... Dayjur In Conference ...... Personal Business BAY FILLY Habitony (IRE) Richter Scale...... Devine Pet Vandalini...... (2007) Miner's Mark Markada...... Ada Ruckus By SETTLE UP (2000). Stakes-placed winner of 4 races, 4 to 6, $191,520, 3rd Tropical Turf H.-G3. Sire of Big Man (Royal Colours Classic, 3rd St. James S.-G1), Big Thing (2nd Midsummer Classic-G1). Son of stakes winner Kris S., among the leading sires, sire of 93 stakes winners, 4 cham- pions, including Symboli Kris S ($8,401,282, Arima Kinen-Grand Prix-G1 twice), Hollywood Wildcat ($1,432,160, Breeders' Cup Distaff-G1, etc.), Soaring Softly ($1,270,433, Breeders' Cup Filly & Mare Turf-G1, etc.). 1st dam VANDALINI, by Richter Scale. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. This is her first foal. 2nd dam MARKADA, by Miner's Mark. Winner at 3, $40,437. Sent to Trinidad and Toba- go. Dam of 4 other foals, 3 to race, 2 winners, including-- Leave Your Mark. Winner at 2 and 3, $41,610, in Canada. (Total: $35,615). 3rd dam ADA RUCKUS, by Bold Ruckus. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $38,579. Sister to CELMIS. Dam of 10 other foals, 9 to race, 6 winners, including-- QUITE A RUCKUS. 4 wins, 2 to 4, $219,293, in N.A./U.S., My Dear S.-L, 2nd Colin S.-L, 3rd Fairway Fun S., Likely Exchange S., Wintergreen S. (Total: $219,650). Producer. Excaper. 2 wins, $178,700, in Canada, 2nd Summer S.-G3, Toronto Cup S.-L, Charlie Barley S.-L; placed at 2 and 3, $235,671, in N.A./U.S., 2nd Breeders' Cup Juvenile Turf-G1, Kent S.-G3, etc. (Total: $414,740). Darling Deputy. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $133,013. Dam of 2 foals to race, incl.-- Roos On the Loose. Placed at 2 and 3, $32,776, 3rd Lost in the Fog S.-L. 4th dam ADA PROSPECT, by New Prospect. 5 wins in 5 starts to 3, $124,710, cham- pion 2-year-old filly in Canada, My Dear S.-L, Star Shoot S.-L, Fanfre- luche S.-LR. Half-sister to SGT. HUNT ($51,457), ADA LADY. Dam of-- TETHRA. 5 wins in 8 starts at 2 and 3, $261,305, Marine S.-L, Woodstock S.-L, Queenston S.-LR-ntr, Vandal S.-LR, Clarendon S.-LR, etc. Sire. CELMIS. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $194,254, My Dear S.-L, etc. Dam of-- BUFFALO JUMP. 2 wins at 2, $278,073, Glorious Song S.-L, etc. GUMBOOTS. 4 wins in 5 starts at 2 and 3, $294,456, in Canada, Fanfre- luche S.-LR, Fury S.-LR, etc. (Total: $255,197). Dam of Pass Partout. Lalka. Placed at 2 and 3, $13,688. Dam of GEORGIE'S ANGEL ($129,- 564, Schuylerville S.-G3, 3rd Tempted S.-G3). Ada Dancer. Unraced. Dam of 5 foals, 3 winners, including-- SANS SOUSI. 4 wins, $496,943, in Canada, Lady Angela S.-LR, Rain- bow Connection S.-LR, 2nd Fanfreluche S.-LR, etc. (Total: $467,145). Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by JMH Enterprises Limited, Agent for Hip No. Wilfred S. Acham Hip No. 6 BAY COLT 6 Foaled April 1, 2012 Mr. Prospector Kingmambo ...... Miesque Babel...... Sadler's Wells Lady Reiko (IRE) ...... Willamae BAY COLT Mr. Prospector Machiavellian...... Coup de Folie Velvet Morning ...... (1996) Shirley Heights Misallah...... Turkish Treasure By BABEL (2001). Winner of 2 races at 3, $73,720. Half-brother to stakes win- ner Chopper Won. Sire of Nettoyer (3rd Royal Colours Classic-G3). Son of classic winner Kingmambo, sire of 94 stakes winners, 6 champions, including Lemon Drop Kid ($3,245,370, Belmont S.-G1, etc.), Divine Pro- portions ($1,553,790, Prix de Diane Hermes-French Oaks-G1, etc.), Rus- sian Rhythm ($1,260,794, Sagitta One Thousand Guineas-G1, etc.), El Condor Pasa (8 wins, $3,502,404, Grand Prix de Saint-Cloud-G1, etc.). 1st dam VELVET MORNING, by Machiavellian. In Ireland. Unraced. Sent to Trinidad and Tobago. This is her sixth foal. Dam of 3 foals to race, including-- Bay Devil (c. by Barathea). 3 wins at 2 and 5 in Switzerland. 2nd dam MISALLAH, by Shirley Heights. In England. Sent to France. Dam of-- Manipulator (IRE). 2 wins at 2, £10,370, in England; placed at 4 in N.A./U.S. (Total: $18,459). 3rd dam TURKISH TREASURE, by Sir Ivor. 2 wins in 2 starts at 2 in Ireland, Park S.- G3; winner at 2 in England, Cherry Hinton S.-G3. Dam of 5 winners, incl.-- MAGIC MIRROR. Winner at 2 in England, Norfolk S.-G3; winner at 2 in Ire- land, Cherry Blossom S., 2nd Nishapour Curragh S.-G3. Sire. SUN WORSHIP (IRE). Winner at 2 in Ireland, 2nd Ashford Castle S.-G3, Lark- spur S.-G3; 2 wins at 3, $50,150, in N.A./U.S., Westwood S., etc. Sire. TREASURE TROVE (GB). 2 wins at 2 in Ireland, Birdcatcher Nursery Ext. H., 2nd Tyros S., 3rd Curragh S.-G3. The Miller (FR). 2 wins in Ireland, 3rd Jefferson Smurfit Memorial Irish St. Leger-G1; winner in England, 2nd Mecca Bookmakers Scottish Derby. Tajarib. Placed at 2 in England. Broodmare of the year in Turkey in 2006. Dam of RIBELLA (Total: $132,000, horse of the year in Turkey), DEHA (champion twice in Turkey), GOLDEN DEVIOUS (Total: $269,249, sire). Siempre Asi. Unraced. Dam of ASI SIEMPRE (Total: $953,300, Spinster S.-G1, Valley View S.-G3, Doubledogdae S.-G3, etc.). Grand- dam of DUBASE (Total: $131,277, Grand Handicap de Deauville). Tamrah. Unraced. Dam of TANGARA (Total: $32,002), TAPUZ. Granddam of ROYAL HOME (6 wins, Total: $60,536), English Home, Talk It Over. Exciting. Dam of TIBER (Total: $116,270, Mercedes-Benz Hong Kong Clas- sic Mile-G1, etc.), ALMUSHTARAK (Total: $533,037, sire), THE FRENCH FURZE (Total: $384,366), Assuring (Total: $25,816). Great-granddam of Beaver Patrol (8 wins, Total: $622,490, 3rd CGA Supreme S.-G3, etc.). Thakhayr (IRE). Dam of FLICK (GB) (Total: $515,826), Dock Tower. Grand- dam of CROCODILE DUNDEE (Total: $161,282, Totepool August S., etc.). Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Paradise Farms, Agent for Hip No. Mrs. Denise Roach Hip No. 7 DARK BAY OR BROWN FILLY 7 Foaled March 19, 2012 Roberto Kris S...... Sharp Queen Settle Up...... Dayjur In Conference ...... Personal Business DARK BAY OR Perugino BROWN FILLY Adawar...... Adalya Warcall...... (2006) Devastator Shot Call...... Epona By SETTLE UP (2000). Stakes-placed winner of 4 races, 4 to 6, $191,520, 3rd Tropical Turf H.-G3. Sire of Big Man (Royal Colours Classic, 3rd St. James S.-G1), Big Thing (2nd Midsummer Classic-G1). Son of stakes winner Kris S., among the leading sires, sire of 93 stakes winners, 4 cham- pions, including Symboli Kris S ($8,401,282, Arima Kinen-Grand Prix-G1 twice), Hollywood Wildcat ($1,432,160, Breeders' Cup Distaff-G1, etc.), Soaring Softly ($1,270,433, Breeders' Cup Filly & Mare Turf-G1, etc.). 1st dam WARCALL, by Adawar. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. This is her first foal.

2nd dam Shot Call, by Devastator. Placed at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd Royal Oak Derby S.-G1, 3rd Benson & Hedges Santa Rosa Classic-G1. Dam of 5 other foals, which have not raced.

3rd dam Epona, by Bandsman. Placed at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd St. Ann's S.-G1. Sister to NORTHERN VENTURE, Highland Fling, Tea Time. Dam of-- Shot Call. Stakes-placed, above.

4th dam TEA VENTURE, by Bonaventure. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. Dam of-- NORTHERN VENTURE. Winner at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, Ibis S., 3rd St. Ann's S.-G1, Whitsun Classic S.-G3. Broodmare of the year in Trinidad and Tobago in 1997. Dam of-- GERONIMO. 5 wins at 3 and 5 in Trinidad and Tobago, champion 3- year-old colt, Midsummer Classic-G1, Southern Wholesale Stores Ltd. Easter Guineas-G1, Whitsun Classic-G2, West Indian Tobacco Co. Du Maurier Cup-G2, 2nd Republic Bank Caribbean Champion S.-G1, 3rd Royal Oak Derby-G1; placed at 3 in Jamaica. Iron Carbide. Placed at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd William H. Scott Limited Midsummer Classic-G1, 3rd Du Maurier Whitson Classic-G2. Cartwright. Placed at 4 in Trinidad and Tobago. Highland Fling. Placed at 6 in Trinidad and Tobago, champion sprinter, 3rd Home Construction Queen's Plate-G2. Epona. Stakes-placed, above. Tea Time. Placed at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, 3rd Du Maurier Cup-G2.

Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by La Concepcion Stud Farm, Agent for Hip No. Hugh Lee King Hip No. 8 DARK BAY OR BROWN FILLY 8 Foaled January 12, 2012 Blushing Groom (FR) Freshly Squeezed...... Mandera Napoleon ...... Windy Hill Beggar's Banquet...... Thenais DARK BAY OR Deputy Minister BROWN FILLY Western Envoy...... Seattle Classic Westery Delight ...... (2006) Kdanzc Pure Delight...... Hard Gem By NAPOLEON (1999). Champion sprinter twice in Trinidad and Tobago, stakes winner of Royal Colours Classic-G2, 2nd Midsummer Classic-G1, Trinidad Turf Club Stewards' Cup-G1, Sian's Gold Sprint-G2, 3rd Stew- ards' Cup-G1. He has no foals to race. Son of winner Freshly Squeezed, leading sire 13 times in Trinidad and Tobago, sire of 30 stakes winners, 24 champions, including Top of the Class (Royal Oak Derby-G1, etc.), Chief Commander (Gold Cup-G1, etc.), Carnival Messiah (TRI), Chanticleer. 1st dam WESTERY DELIGHT, by Western Envoy. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. This is her first foal. 2nd dam PURE DELIGHT, by Kdanzc. Unplaced in 2 starts in Trinidad and Tobago. Dam of 4 other foals, which have not raced. 3rd dam HARD GEM, by Jaipur's Gem. 13 wins, 3 to 6 in Trinidad and Tobago, William H. Scott Ltd. 62nd Anniversary S. & Trophy-G2, 2nd Arima Race Club Trophy- G2. Sister to C. D.'s Gem. Dam of 8 other foals, which have not raced. 4th dam MERZAGORA, by Dewan. Winner at 3 and 4, $16,532. Sister to Sky's Sunny (3rd Poule d'Essai des Pouliches-French One Thousand Guineas-G1), half-sister to CHELAUREN ($65,760, Grassland H., Vizcaya H., 2nd Office Queen S.). Dam of 10 foals, 8 winners-- HARD GEM. Stakes winner, above. C. D.'s Gem. 10 wins, 3 to 6, $53,138, 3rd General Sullivan H. Flicks. 8 wins, 3 to 9, $61,595. Stark Reality. Winner at 3, $41,340. Moravian. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $23,275. No Field Five. Winner at 3 and 4, $21,698. Dewan's Gem. Winner at 4, 7 and 8, $16,290. D'Gets. Winner at 4, $3,858. Capital Curator. Placed at 3. Perfectly Fit. Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of 5 foals, 4 winners-- Eastern War Lord. 6 wins, 4 to 9, $310,508, in N.A./U.S.; winner at 10, $6,153, in Canada. (Total: $315,431). Forsberg. 26 wins, 3 to 13, $177,643. One Perfect Fit. 2 wins at 4, $64,884. Producer. Modeling Margot. Winner at 3 and 5, $23,592. Fight Like a Pro. Placed at 3 and 4, $27,605. Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Healthy Horse Farm, Agent for Hip No. Derek Balwant Hip No. 9 CHESTNUT COLT 9 Foaled February 21, 2012 Nashwan Swain (IRE)...... Love Smitten Stanley Park...... Storm Bird Tricky Bird...... Tricky Squaw CHESTNUT COLT Seattle Slew Slew City Slew...... Weber City Miss Why Ki Ki...... (2003) *Hawaii Hawaiian Query...... Why By STANLEY PARK (2000). Stakes winner of 4 races, $272,916, San Luis Rey H.-G2, Bay Meadows Derby-G3, 3rd Oceanside S.-LR. Half-brother to stakes winner Turf Melody. Sire of Honour The Lady (Royal Colours Classic-G3). Son of European champion Swain (IRE), sire of 13 stakes winners, including Dimitrova ($1,142,696, Flower Bowl Invitational S.-G1, etc.), Nasheej ($346,605, Murphy's Fastflow May Hill S.-G2, etc.), Czar Al- exander (S. A. Poonawalla Million-G2, etc.), Trillion Cut ($1,282,500). 1st dam WHY KI KI, by Slew City Slew. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. This is her third foal. Her second foal is a 3-year-old of 2013. She has no foals to race. 2nd dam HAWAIIAN QUERY, by *Hawaii. Winner at 3, 4, and 5, $38,554. Sent to Trini- dad and Tobago. Dam of 9 foals to race, 6 winners, including-- Money Magnet (c. by Known Fact). 6 wins, 4 to 6, $64,240, 2nd MTBA H.- LR, Thomas F. Moran S.-R. Dirty Bird (g. by Soldier Boy). 5 wins, $43,039, 2nd Ernie Lowe Stallion S.-R. Swerve. 13 wins, 3 to 7, $132,463. Set 2 ntrs at Turfway Park. 3rd dam ASK WHY, by Prince John. 2 wins to 3, $32,200. Dam of 5 winners, including-- XENIX. 5 wins at 2 and 3, $62,653, Nebraska Derby, Ambassadors' S., Baxter H. Sire. Mild Victory. Winner at 3, $4,320. Dam of 3 foals to race, including-- MILD EXPENSE. 2 wins at 3, Anthony Fair Derby, 3rd Eureka Downs Derby Final S. 4th dam FIRST QUERY, by First Landing. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $19,255. Half-sister to RAINY PRINCESS ($108,607, Pocahontas S., etc.), ASK THE FARE ($107,866, Louisiana Derby, etc.), Tepee Rings ($124,966). Dam of-- Why Man. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $41,372. Dam of 5 winners, including-- REVOLEE. 9 wins, 3 to 5, $69,941, Don Bernhardt S. Sire. MISTER MAJESTIC. 3 wins in 5 starts at 2 and 3, Littleton Futurity. Sire. First Color. 10 wins, 2 to 6, $31,029. Dam of 4 foals, 3 winners-- Black Eagle. 6 wins, 2 to 5, $57,496, 2nd Allegheny S., Sentinel S., Al Hattab H., 3rd Philmont S. Color On. 2 wins at 2, $17,116, 3rd Ta Wee S.-R. Producer. First Paula. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $20,280. Dam of Naked Daina ($100,337, 3rd Ta Wee S., dam of STORMIN' DAINA, $93,575, Florida Breeders' Distaff S.). Granddam of RUSSIAN HAND (Total: $207,508, Dartsum S., 3rd Don Valliere Memorial Cup S., Mike Anderson Memorial Cup S.-R). Gallant Warrior. 8 wins, 3 to 5, $66,826. Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Leeclare Stud Farm, Agent for Hip No. Ainsley A. Mark Hip No. 10 DARK BAY OR BROWN COLT 10 Foaled February 1, 2012 A.P. Indy Pulpit...... Preach Storms Past ...... Storm Cat Magic Storm...... Foppy Dancer DARK BAY OR Chromite BROWN COLT J D Gump ...... Southern Island Yaa Asantewaa ...... (2000) Moment of Hope Lady of the Moment...... Daddy's Dish By STORMS PAST (2004). Winner of 5 races at 4 and 5, $88,760. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2013. Son of stakes winner Pulpit, sire of 69 stakes winners, including Govinda (hwt. at 3 in Germany, $163,482, Gros- ser Preis der Jungheinrich Gabelstapler-Hamburger Flieger Trophy-G3, etc.), Pyro ($1,673,673, Forego S.-G1, etc.), Rutherienne ($1,298,671, Del Mar Oaks-G1, etc.), Corinthian ($1,267,273, Metropolitan H.-G1, etc.), Ice Box ($948,068, Florida Derby-G1, etc.), Purge (6 wins, $905,434). 1st dam YAA ASANTEWAA, by J D Gump. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. This is her sixth foal. Her fifth foal is a 3-year-old of 2013. Dam of 2 foals to race, incl.-- Dring Brinks (g. by Western Envoy). Placed at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd Caribbean Brewery Limited Guineas-G1, Royal Colours Classic-G3. 2nd dam Lady of the Moment, by Moment of Hope. 5 wins at 2 and 5 in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd Tru Valu Supermarket Champagne S.-G2. Dam of-- CARNIVAL MESSIAH (TRI) (c. by Freshly Squeezed). 10 wins, 2 to 5 in Trinidad and Tobago, champion 3-year-old colt, Trinidad and Tobago Triple Crown, Royal Oak Derby-G1, CLICO Midsummer Classic-G1, HCL Group of Companies Easter Guineas-G1, 2nd St. James S.-G2, 3rd Diamond S.-G2; placed in 2 starts at 5 in Barbados. Squeezed Moment. Winner at 4 in Trinidad and Tobago. Dam of-- THE BIG SQUEEZE (f. by Big Country). Winner at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, Republic Mortgages St. Ann's S.-G2, 3rd Midsummer Classic-G1. Eye Candy. Unplaced in 1 start in Trinidad and Tobago. Dam of 1 foal-- Nettoyer (g. by Babel). Placed at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, 3rd Royal Colours Classic-G3. 3rd dam DADDY'S DISH, by Marshua's Dancer. 7 wins, 2 to 5, $115,649. Dam of 7 foals, 6 to race, 5 winners, including-- STEEV SKEE. 18 wins, 2 to 11, $89,725, in N.A./U.S., Toon's Mile H. twice, Mercury Graphics H., 2nd Inaugural H., Marquis Cup S., 3rd Classic H. (Total: $90,018). Lady of the Moment. Stakes-placed winner, above. 4th dam CAESAR'S DISH, by Proudest Roman. Placed at 2 and 3, $31,270. Dam of-- Acquadish. 6 wins, 3 to 6, $72,081. Dam of 2 winners, including-- HEFNER ROAD. 14 wins, 2 to 9, $91,336, Bucharest S., 2nd Rogers County H., 3rd Prevue S., OTA Futurity-R. What's for Dinner. Placed at 3, $5,540. Dam of 4 winners, including-- Snow Buck. 10 wins, 3 to 9, $74,203. Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by JMH Enterprises Limited, Agent for Hip No. Charles James Hip No. 11 BAY COLT 11 Foaled February 29, 2012 Mr. Prospector Kingmambo ...... Miesque Babel...... Sadler's Wells Lady Reiko (IRE) ...... Willamae BAY COLT Wild Again Milwaukee Brew...... Ask Anita Yes It's Brewed ...... (2007) Yes It's True Yesitsmalibubarbie...... Primrose Yellow By BABEL (2001). Winner of 2 races at 3, $73,720. Half-brother to stakes win- ner Chopper Won. Sire of Nettoyer (3rd Royal Colours Classic-G3). Son of classic winner Kingmambo, sire of 94 stakes winners, 6 champions, including Lemon Drop Kid ($3,245,370, Belmont S.-G1, etc.), Divine Pro- portions ($1,553,790, Prix de Diane Hermes-French Oaks-G1, etc.), Rus- sian Rhythm ($1,260,794, Sagitta One Thousand Guineas-G1, etc.), El Condor Pasa (8 wins, $3,502,404, Grand Prix de Saint-Cloud-G1, etc.). 1st dam YES IT'S BREWED, by Milwaukee Brew. Unraced. Sent to Trinidad and Toba- go. This is her first foal.

2nd dam YESITSMALIBUBARBIE, by Yes It's True. Unplaced in 1 start in Canada. Dam of 2 other foals, 1 to race-- Japote. Winner at 3, $4,884.

3rd dam PRIMROSE YELLOW, by General Meeting. Unraced. Dam of 3 other foals, 2 to race-- Bearzava. Winner at 2, $19,620, in Canada; 5 wins at 3 and 4, $73,990, in N.A./U.S. (Total: $92,499). Primrose Perfect. Placed at 4. Dam of 2 foals, 1 to race-- Perfect Wind. Winner at 2, $14,300..

4th dam PRIMROSE KITCHENS, by Grenfall. Winner at 3, $10,875. Half-sister to Thir- teenth Hope (11 wins, $108,467, 3rd Sequoia H., Camilla Urso H.), Jendaya ($31,260, 3rd Coronado S.). Dam of-- Corky's Pal. 4 wins in 8 starts at 3 and 4, $91,575, 2nd Debonaire Junior S.-LR. Diamond Fox. Placed in 2 starts at 3. Force the Fumble. Placed at 3.

Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Poon Tip Stud Farm, Agent for Hip No. Poon Tip Stud Farm Limited Hip No. 12 DARK BAY OR BROWN COLT 12 Foaled April 23, 2012 Storm Bird Storm Cat ...... Terlingua Charismatic Cat ...... Deputy Minister The Franchise ...... Beautiful Bid DARK BAY OR Mr. Prospector BROWN COLT Gilgamesh...... Danzante Zarkosy...... (2007) Louis Quatorze French Academy ...... Hermosa By CHARISMATIC CAT (2002). Winner of 3 races, $69,043. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2013. Son of stakes winner Storm Cat, leading sire twice, sire of 180 stakes winners, 8 champions, including Giant's Cause- way ($3,078,989, Esat Digifone Irish Champion S.-G1, etc.), Storm Flag Flying ($1,951,828, Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies-G1, etc.), Sweet Cato- mine ($1,059,600, Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies-G1, etc.), Aljabr ($593,- 796, Champagne Lanson Sussex S.-G1, etc.), One Cool Cat ($568,086). 1st dam ZARKOSY, by Gilgamesh. Placed at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago. This is her first foal. 2nd dam FRENCH ACADEMY, by Louis Quatorze. 4 wins at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, champion 3-year-old filly, Ibis S.-G2, Oaks S.-G2, Gleneagles S.-G2, 2nd Union Park Turf Club Guineas-G1. Dam of 1 foal, above. 3rd dam HERMOSA, by Shadeed. Winner, $16,730. Sen to Trinidad and Tobago. Dam of-- FRENCH ACADEMY. Champion, above. Riviera. Unraced. Dam of 4 foals, 3 to race, including-- GRAND RIVIERE. 3 wins to 3 with million dollar earnings in Trinidad and Tobago, champion 2- and 3-year-old filly, Caribbean Brewery Limited Guineas-G1, National Flour Mills St. Ann's S.-G2, Ibis S.-G2, Glen- eagles S.-G2, Oaks S.-G2, Royal Colours Classic-G3, Turf Classic. POT OF GOLD. 3 wins in Trinidad and Tobago, Toyota Breeders Clas- sic-G1, Flawless S.-G2. 4th dam CASTLE ROYALE, by *Slady Castle. 7 wins, 2 to 4, $282,297, Sheepshead Bay H.-G2, etc. Half-sister to Beseech ($72,207), Evening Hours. Dam of-- EISHIN TENNESSEE. 5 wins, 2 to 5, ¥221,722,000, in Japan, Sports Nip- pon Sho Kim Pai-G3, etc. (Total: $1,916,338). Dam of Eishin Peking (6 wins, Total: $1,175,675). Granddam of A Shin Jackal (Total: $856,800). PALACE CHILL. 6 wins, 3 to 5, $183,431, Sixty Sails H., etc. Dam of Bel Sere- nata ($99,036). Granddam of River Heights (Total: $285,817), Regal 'n Bold (5 wins, Total: $266,421, dam of FASTIN BEAR, Total: $186,172). Asante. 7 wins, 4 to 7, $50,229, 3rd Adios Amigos Claiming H. Java Magic. Winner, $14,940. Dam of TENNESSEE GIRL (Total: $1,631,- 197, Centaur S.-G3, etc., dam of A SHIN MEMPHIS, Total: $1,070,560). Noble Kiki. Winner in 2 starts at 2, $8,750. Dam of KIKISUN (Total: $68,929, Derby du Languedoc, etc.). Granddam of Cadouraki (Total: $299,053). Surprise Affair. Winner in France. Dam of Twisted Heart (Total: $108,146, dam of SPEED BABY, Malaysian Triple Crown). Granddam of KATIMA (Total: $165,195), SECRET LIAISON (Total: $439,309), Keeping Up. Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Leeclare Stud Farm, Agent for Hip No. Ainsley A. Mark Hip No. 13 DARK BAY OR BROWN COLT 13 Foaled April 16, 2012 A.P. Indy Pulpit...... Preach Storms Past ...... Storm Cat Magic Storm...... Foppy Dancer DARK BAY OR Mr. Prospector BROWN COLT Lion Cavern ...... Secrettame Zira ...... (2001) Assert (IRE) Zartota...... Literary Lark By STORMS PAST (2004). Winner of 5 races at 4 and 5, $88,760. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2013. Son of stakes winner Pulpit, sire of 69 stakes winners, including Govinda (hwt. at 3 in Germany, $163,482, Gros- ser Preis der Jungheinrich Gabelstapler-Hamburger Flieger Trophy-G3, etc.), Pyro ($1,673,673, Forego S.-G1, etc.), Rutherienne ($1,298,671, Del Mar Oaks-G1, etc.), Corinthian ($1,267,273, Metropolitan H.-G1, etc.), Ice Box ($948,068, Florida Derby-G1, etc.), Purge (6 wins, $905,434). 1st dam ZIRA, by Lion Cavern. Unraced. Sent to Trinidad and Tobago. This is her fifth foal. Her fourth foal is a 3-year-old of 2013. Dam of 2 foals to race. 2nd dam Zartota, by Assert (IRE). Winner at 4, €87,239, in France, 2nd Prix Foy-G3, Prix de la Porte de Passy, 3rd Grand Prix de Saint-Cloud-G1. (Total: $98,249). Dam of 8 other foals, 7 to race, 6 winners, including-- Zarma (FR) (f. by Machiavellian). Winner at 3, €72,261, in France, 2nd Grand Prix de Compiegne, Le Vase d'Argent, 3rd Prix Casimir Delamarre, Prix Edellic, etc.; winner at 5, $38,080, in N.A./U.S. (Total: $132,899). Producer. Universelle. 2 wins at 3, €24,130, in France. (Total: $23,279). Dam of-- Landscape (g. by Lando). Winner at 3, €41,750, in France; 2 wins at 4, placed at 5, 2013, £13,136, in England, 3rd The Newton Novices Hur- dle. (Total: $80,652). Win La Luz. 3 wins at 3 and 4. ¥62,438,000, in Japan. (Total: $548,083). 3rd dam LITERARY LARK, by Arts and Letters. 2 wins, $21,995. Dam of 4 winners, incl.-- Zartota. Stakes-placed winner, above. Partially Literate. Winner at 2 and 4, $14,368. Dam of 8 winners, including-- PARRANDEO. 12 wins, 3 to 7, 30,823,500 pesos, in Chile, Compara- cion-G3. (Total: $49,162). Baltic Leap. Dam of 5 foals, 4 winners, including-- Arnhem. Winner at 3, £10,262, in England, 3rd Bahrain Trophy S. (Total: $15,706). 4th dam Shama, by Bold Ruler. 5 wins at 2 and 3, $30,618, 2nd Cleopatra S., 3rd Alci- biades S. Half-sister to LEALLAH ($152,784, champion 2-year-old filly), LEA LANE, Lea Moon, Pasco. Dam of 10 foals, 8 winners, including-- SEA SISTER. 5 wins, $86,113, Rare Treat S.-G3, 2nd Open Fire S.-G3, etc. SEA SAGA. 9 wins, 2 to 4, $229,275, Ladies H., etc. Dam of NORTHERN SEA ($219,962), KEY TO THE SAGA (dam of CHEROKEE BENJI). ROBA BELLA. 7 wins to 4, $114,006, Pageant H., 2nd Ladies H.-G1, etc. Dancing Wizard. Winner at 3, $30,145, 2nd Lamplighter H.-G3. Sire. Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Healthy Horse Farm, Agent for Hip No. Ryan Shim Hip No. 14 BAY COLT 14 Foaled February 20, 2012 Danzig Boundary ...... Edge Hi Doc ...... Seeking the Gold Secregold...... Secrettame BAY COLT Blushing Groom (FR) Freshly Squeezed...... Mandera Adoring Ruby...... (2001) Pithiviers Iador ...... Iadar By HI DOC (2002). Winner at 3, $37,736. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2013. Son of stakes winner Boundary, sire of 26 stakes winners, including champion Big Brown ($3,614,500, Kentucky Derby-G1, etc.), and of Minardi (hwt. in England and Ireland, $291,017, Middle Park S.-G1, etc.), Pomeroy ($845,050, Forego S.-G1, etc.), Conserve ($628,132, Firecrack- er Breeders' Cup H.-G2, etc.), Saga Novel ($1,202,936, Yukan Fuji Sho Crystal Cup-G3, etc.), Straight Line ($489,026, Ack Ack H.-G3, etc.). 1st dam ADORING RUBY, by Freshly Squeezed. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. Sister to ADORING GROOM, GROOMSMAN, ICHIBAN, Hail the Groom. This is her third foal. Her second foal is a 3-year-old of 2013. She has no foals to race. 2nd dam IADOR, by Pithiviers. In France. Unraced. Sister to Manzel Doudou (in Trini- dad and Tobago). Broodmare of the year in Trinidad and Tobago in 1996. Sent to Trinidad and Tobago. Dam of 4 other foals to race, 3 winners-- ADORING GROOM (g. by Freshly Squeezed). 4 wins at 3 and 4 in Trinidad and Tobago, horse of the year, champion 3-year-old colt, champion stayer, Royal Oak Derby-G1, Republic Bank Caribbean Champion S.- G1, etc.; winner at 3 in Jamaica, Red Stripe Superstakes. GROOMSMAN (g. by Freshly Squeezed). Winner at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, Royal Oak Derby-G1, 2nd Midsummer Classic-G1, 3rd Lotto Gold Cup-G1. ICHIBAN (g. by Freshly Squeezed). 3 wins at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, Royal Colours Classic-G2. Hail the Groom (c. by Freshly Squeezed). Placed at 3 in Trinidad and To- bago, 3rd CLICO Midsummer Classic-G1, etc. Bandora. Placed in Jamaica; placed at 5 in Trinidad and Tobago. Dam of-- WILLING TO SPEND (f. by Freshly Squeezed). Winner at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, champion 3-year-old filly, champion sprinter, Guineas Caribbean Brewery S.-G1. ONETOKEEP (g. by Big Country). Winner at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, Midsummer Classic-G1, 2nd Trinidad Derby-G1. Jacobite (c. by Freshly Squeezed). Placed at 2 and 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd Bookmakers Association Guineas-G1, etc. Defining Moment (f. by Unbridled Optimism). Placed at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, 3rd National Flour Mills St. Ann's S.-G2. Joy. Unplaced in 1 start in Trinidad and Tobago. Dam of DIONYSUS (c. by Unbridled Optimism, in Trinidad and Tobago, Santa Rosa Classic-G2). Burning Red. Unraced. Dam of Foreign Connection (f. by Gilgamesh, in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd St. Ann's Guardian Life S.-G2). Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Bonanza Farm Riding and Country Club Limited, Hip No. Agent for Edmund De Freitas Hip No. 15 BAY FILLY 15 Foaled May 14, 2012 Gone West Elusive Quality...... Touch of Greatness Moygaddy...... Dayjur Star of Paris...... Liturgism BAY FILLY Blushing Groom (FR) Freshly Squeezed...... Mandera Alize...... (1999) Bandsman Set North ...... Tea Venture By MOYGADDY (2004). Winner at 4 in Trinidad and Tobago. Brother to stakes winner Elusive City, half-brother to stakes winner Parisian Affair. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2013. Son of stakes winner Elusive Quality, lead- ing sire, sire of 97 stakes winners, including champions Smarty Jones (8 wins in 9 starts, $7,613,155, Kentucky Derby-G1, etc.), Sepoy ($3,990,- 138, AAMI Golden Slipper-G1, etc.), Maryfield ($1,334,331, Ballerina S.- G1, etc.), Elusive Kate ($1,093,415, Etihad Airways Falmouth S.-G1, etc.). 1st dam ALIZE, by Freshly Squeezed. In Trinidad and Tobgo. Unraced. This is her fourth foal. Her third foal is a 2-year-old of 2013. She has no foals to race. 2nd dam SET NORTH, by Bandsman. Unplaced in 1 start in Trinidad and Tobago. Sister to NORTHERN VENTURE, Highland Fling, Epona, Tea Time. Dam of 5 other foals, which have not raced. 3rd dam TEA VENTURE, by Bonaventure. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. Dam of-- NORTHERN VENTURE. Winner at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, Ibis S., 3rd St. Ann's S.-G1, Whitsun Classic S.-G3. Broodmare of the year in Trinidad and Tobago in1997. Dam of-- GERONIMO. 5 wins at 3 and 5 in Trinidad and Tobago, champion 3-year- old colt, Midsummer Classic-G1, Southern Wholesale Stores Ltd. Easter Guineas-G1, Whitsun Classic-G2, etc.; placed at 3 in Jamaica. Iron Carbide. Placed at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd William H. Scott Limited Midsummer Classic-G1, 3rd Du Maurier Whitson Classic-G2. Highland Fling. Placed at 6 in Trinidad and Tobago, champion sprinter, 3rd Home Construction Queen's Plate-G2. Epona. Placed at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd St. Ann's S.-G1. Dam of-- Shot Call. Placed at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd Royal Oak Derby S.- G1, 3rd Benson & Hedges Santa Rosa Classic-G1. Tea Time. Placed at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, 3rd Du Maurier Cup-G2. 4th dam TEA SET, by Set Fair. 3 wins in England. Sent to Trinidad and Tobago. Dam of-- Caset. Unraced. Dam of 1 foal to race-- Set All. Placed at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd CLICO St. Ann's S.-G2. Dam of ALL FOR JAVA (champion 2-year-old colt in Trinidad and Tobago, Guardian Life St. James S.-G2, etc.), Mind Set (champion 2- year-old filly in Trinidad and Tobago, 3rd Du Maurier Santa Rosa Clas- sic-G1, etc., dam of Beautiful Mind, Indian Commissioner. Early Dancer. Unraced. Dam of Tea For Two (in Trinidad and Tobago, 3rd Benson & Hedges Whitsun Classic-G2). Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Amigo Stud Farm, Agent for Hip No. Walter Debysingh Hip No. 16 BAY COLT 16 Foaled February 26, 2012 Lyphard Alzao...... *Lady Rebecca Maraahel...... Nashwan Nasanice...... Mathaayl BAY COLT Blushing Groom (FR) Freshly Squeezed...... Mandera A New Song...... (2001) Bandsman Azara...... Readies By MARAAHEL (2001). Stakes winner of 8 races, 2 to 6, $1,649,946, Hard- wicke S.-G2 twice, Akkroball Huxley S.-G3, Jardine Lloyd Thompson Hux- ley S.-G3 twice, Dubai Tennis Championships John Porter S.-G3, ABN Amro S.-G3, 2nd Juddmonte International S.-G1, Hardwicke S.-G2, Grant Thornton Huxley S.-G3, Betfair Brigadier Gerard S.-G3, 3rd King George VI & Queen Elizabeth S.-G1, Juddmonte International S.-G1, etc. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2013. Sire of Salome (3rd St. Ann's S.-G1). 1st dam A NEW SONG, by Freshly Squeezed. 14 wins, $259,400, in Trinidad and Tobago. This is her fourth foal. Her third foal is a 3-year-old of 2013. Dam of 1 foal to race. 2nd dam AZARA, by Bandsman. Winner at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago. Dam of-- A New Song. 14 wins, $259,400, in Trinidad and Tobago. Golden Boy. 7 wins, $93,405, in Trinidad and Tobago. Iron Will. Winner, $17,950, in Trinidad and Tobago. 3rd dam READIES, by Red God. Unplaced in 1 start in England. Sister to STAR DELL. Dam of 12 other foals 10 to race, 9 winners, including-- Dollar Darling (GB). Winner at 2 in England; 5 wins at 3 and 4, $126,880, in N.A./U.S., 3rd Torrey Pines S.-L. Swiss Franc Sweety (IRE). Winner at 3 in England; placed at 4, $15,881, in N.A./U.S. Dam of 7 foals, 5 to race, all winners, including-- EIRE ONE. 4 wins, 2 to 4, $86,703, Sophomore Breeders' Cup S., 3rd Lady Dean S.-L, Jersey Belle Breeders' Cup S. Unreal Currency. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $37,625, 2nd Florida Stallion/Dr. Fager S.-LR. Sire. 4th dam NICCOLO SCENE, by Niccolo Dell'Arca. In England. Unraced. Dam of 4-- INDIAN SCENE. 3 wins in Ireland, Maher Nursery H., etc.; 2 wins in Belgium. STAR DELL. 3 wins in Ireland, Maher Nursery H. Dam of 4 winners, incl.-- Tenno. 11 wins in Italy, 2nd Premio Eridano, 3rd Premio Primi Passi-G3. Star Heading. Placed to 4 in England. Dam of Star Witness (in Czech Republic, 3rd Cena Vecerniku Praha-Czechoslovakian St. Leger-G2). Gipsy Wood. Winner at 2 in England. Producer. Granddam of Gitar (in Hungary, 2nd Magyar St. Leger). Great-granddam of Geg (in Czech- oslovakia, 2nd Svatovaclavska Cena-G2). Ridge View. Granddam of MARIS (in Netherlands, Hengsten Produktenren- Dutch Two Thousand Guineas, 3rd Dutch St. Leger). Greyabbey. Granddam of RYHANE (6 wins, Total: $87,672). Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Paradise Farms, Agent for Hip No. Paradise Farms Limited Hip No. 17 DARK BAY OR BROWN COLT 17 Foaled May 3, 2012 Roberto Kris S...... Sharp Queen Settle Up...... Dayjur In Conference ...... Personal Business DARK BAY OR Itajara BROWN COLT Siphon (BRZ)...... Ebrea Angelsaver...... (2000) Halo Angelinahalo...... Ballet Troupe By SETTLE UP (2000). Stakes-placed winner of 4 races, 4 to 6, $191,520, 3rd Tropical Turf H.-G3. Sire of Big Man (Royal Colours Classic, 3rd St. James S.-G1), Big Thing (2nd Midsummer Classic-G1). Son of stakes winner Kris S., among the leading sires, sire of 93 stakes winners, 4 cham- pions, including Symboli Kris S ($8,401,282, Arima Kinen-Grand Prix-G1 twice), Hollywood Wildcat ($1,432,160, Breeders' Cup Distaff-G1, etc.), Soaring Softly ($1,270,433, Breeders' Cup Filly & Mare Turf-G1, etc.). 1st dam ANGELSAVER, by Siphon (BRZ). Unplaced in 2 starts. Sent to Trinidad and Toba- go. This is her seventh foal. Her sixth foal is a 2-year-old of 2013. Dam of-- Judiths Event (g. by Wild Event). Winner at 2, $24,478, in Canada; 4 wins in 6 starts at 3, $59,930, in N.A./U.S. (Total: $83,176). Vice Minister (g. by Will He Shine). Winner, $38,945, in Trinidad and Tobago. 2nd dam ANGELINAHALO, by Halo. Winner at 4, $42,860. Dam of 2 winners, incl.-- ROVING ANGEL (f. by Cape Canaveral). 3 wins at 2, $128,036, in N.A./U.S., Finger Lakes Juvenile Fillies S., 3rd Glorious Song S.-L, New Year's Eve S.- L; 3 wins at 4 and 5, $337,053, in Canada, Belle Mahone S.-L, 2nd La Lor- gnette S.-L, Bessarabian S.-L, Belle Mahone S.-L, etc. (Total: $435,519). 3rd dam BALLET TROUPE, by Nureyev. 3 wins to 4, $60,899. Dam of 8 winners, incl.-- Red Satin Slippers. Winner at 3, $144,868, 2nd Carotene S.-L, 3rd Flam- ing Page H.-L. Dam of 5 foals, 4 winners, including-- CANTREL. 5 wins in 9 starts at 2 and 3, $146,790, Wonders Delight S.- R, 2nd Jostle S.-L, 3rd Ambassador of Luck H.-LR. 4th dam ROVING GIRL, by Olden Times. Placed at 3, $3,000. Sister to ROVING BOY ($843,675, champion 2-year-old colt), half-sister to Fort Valley. Dam of-- Buttermilk. Winner in 2 starts at 4, $18,400. Dam of 7 winners, including-- Shukriya. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $160,047, in Canada, 3rd Ontario Fashion S.-L. (Total: $154,873). Balance Act. Unraced. Dam of MISS ANGIE (champion imported 3-year- old filly in Mexico, Clasico Revolucion, 2nd Clasico Batucada, etc.). Anelda. 3 wins at 4, $168,483. Dam of 7 foals, 6 to race, 5 winners, incl.-- Miss Dow Jones. 2 wins to 4, $42,238, 2nd Doris Grundy Memorial S. November Morn. Placed at 3 and 4, $14,175. Dam of 7 winners, including-- IRGUNS ANGEL. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $276,155, A Gleam H.-G2, etc. BALMY. 6 wins at 2 and 4, $224,968, Garland of Roses H.-L, etc. Treetop Landing. Placed at 3. Dam of TATE’S LANDING ($101,540). Galwood. Dam of Black Ocean ($33,143, 2nd Oklahoma Stallion Fillies S.-R). Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Humming Bird Stables, Agent for Hip No. Russell Ramsammy Hip No. 18 BAY COLT 18 Foaled April 2, 2012 Forty Niner End Sweep...... Broom Dance Precise Sweep ...... Summing Precisely...... Crisp 'n Clear BAY COLT Green Dancer Fabulous Frolic...... Cherokee Frolic Aticka...... (2001) Rahy Baby Chloe ...... Le Chien Rouge By PRECISE SWEEP (1999). Unraced. Brother to stakes winner Precise End. Sire of B's Passion (Neal & Massy Santa Rosa Classic-G2, Burrokeet Roy- al Colours Classic-G3, 2nd NLCB Easter Guineas-G1), Suga Boy (Santa Rosa Classic-G3, 2nd Caribbean Brewery Limited Guineas-G1, Royal Colours Classic-G3), Some Like It Hot (3rd St. James Guardian Life S.- G2). Son of stakes winner End Sweep, sire of 47 stakes winners, 2 cham- pions, including Admire Moon ($9,448,033, Dubai Duty Free-G1, etc.). 1st dam ATICKA, by Fabulous Frolic. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. This is her fourth foal. Her second foal is a 3-year-old of 2013. She has no foals to race. 2nd dam BABY CHLOE, by Rahy. 2 wins at 4, $38,290. Sent to Trinidad and Tobago. Dam of 4 foals to race, 2 winners-- Chloe's Gold (f. by Western Envoy). Placed at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd Burrokeet Royal Colours Classic-G3. Fabulous Play. Winner at 2, $11,733. Fabulous Flair. Winner at 2, $10,633. 3rd dam LE CHIEN ROUGE, by Majestic Light. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $30,112. Dam of-- Gone Social. 5 wins, 3 to 7, $34,784. Wolf Stalker. 5 wins, 3 to 6, $29,628. Wild Chance. Winner at 2, $7,758. 4th dam RESTLESS DOGGIE, by Restless Wind. 9 wins, 2 to 5, $45,974, Venus S., 2nd Diana H.-R. Ecr at River Downs, 5 fur. in :58. Half-sister to DOGGIE'S SON ($128,566, North Randall H., etc.), ON DOGGIE ON ($46,309, Diana H. twice, etc.), FROSTY DOGGIE ($39,537), DOGONE FROSTY, What Price Doggie, Sharp and Super. Dam of 6 winners, including-- FORLI'S DOGGIE. 7 wins, 2 to 4, $117,305, Ohio Debutante H.-R, Darling Nel- lie Gray H.-R, 2nd Cuyahoga Lassie H.-R, Shaker Heights H.-R, 3rd Cleveland Gold Cup H.-LR, Juvenile S.-LR, Valedictorian H.-R. Dam of-- FORLIPANA. 13 wins in 25 starts at 3 and 4 in Panama, champion im- ported older mare, Clasico Cuerpo Diplomatico-G3. Winter Visitor. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $10,991. Dam of Dog Tags ($120,694, 2nd Tampa Bay Breeders' Cup S.-L, 3rd Nick Shuk Memorial S.-L). Rubiano Dandy. Winner at 2, ¥18,050,000, in Japan. (Total: $156,672). Chili Doggie. 4 wins, 3 to 8, $80,203. Give Them the Gate. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $64,415. Park Avenue. 2 wins at 3, $19,880. Inside News. Winner at 4, $14,660. Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Poon Tip Stud Farm, Agent for Hip No. Poon Tip Stud Farm Limited Hip No. 19 DARK BAY OR BROWN FILLY 19 Foaled March 2, 2012 Mr. Prospector Seeking the Gold ...... Con Game Gold Market...... El Gran Senor Bright Candles...... Christmas Bonus DARK BAY OR Storm Cat BROWN FILLY Stormy Atlantic ...... Hail Atlantis Atlantic Breeze ...... (2001) Tasso Donna Poeta ...... Echelon Lady By GOLD MARKET (1996). Stakes-placed winner at 2, $59,160, 2nd Fort Springs S.-L. Sire of many winners, including Indian Ink ($288,438, Viva- cious H.-R twice, etc.), Tommeyesgold ($136,935, Cincinnatian S.-R, etc.), Marketable ($78,855, Glacial Princess S.-R, etc.), Freds My Friend ($41,001, Glacial Princess S.-R), stakes-placed Pot Of Gold (3rd Carib Brewery Mid-Summer Classic-G1), Raking in the Gold (4 wins, $103,299, 3rd Cincinnatian S.-R), U Ben Thunderstruk (3 wins, $41,413), etc. 1st dam ATLANTIC BREEZE, by Stormy Atlantic. Unraced. This is her fourth foal. Her second foal is a 3-year-old of 2013. Dam of-- Atlantica (f. by Gold Market). 2 wins in Trinidad and Tobago. 2nd dam DONNA POETA, by Tasso. Unplaced in 2 starts. Dam of 1 foal to race-- Southernly Wind. 4 wins at 4 and 5, $54,780. 3rd dam ECHELON LADY, by High Echelon. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $24,770. Half-sister to Illustrious Boat ($31,225, sire). Dam of 6 winners, including-- MARSHUA'S ECHELON. 9 wins in 13 starts at 2 and 3, $244,895, Fair Grounds Oaks-G3, Thelma S., Davona Dale S., etc. Dam of-- RUN MAN RUN. 5 wins in 9 starts at 3, $252,280, Malibu S.-G1. NORTH OF MARS. 7 wins, 4 to 6, $78,114, White River S.-LR. Echelon's Ice Man. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $161,205, 2nd Clark H.-G3, etc. Sire. Gottah Penny. Winner, $43,633. Dam of Brokered (at 3, 2013, $40,200). Lady Starlit. 5 wins, $133,310. Granddam of DAD’S CRAZY ($118,698). Marsh Cat. Producer. Granddam of VERY SEXCESSFUL ($116,201). LADY CLEVER TRICK. 10 wins, 3 to 5, $184,906, Ardmore H. twice-once in ncr, 1 1/16 mi. in 1:42 1/5, Honeymoon S. twice, etc. Set ncr. Dam of-- Clever Actor. 5 wins, 3 to 6, $199,900, 2nd Everglades S.-L, etc. Win Croire. 5 wins at 3 and 6, ¥86,913,000, in Japan, 2nd Minami Hok- kaido S. (Total: $775,098). Clever Actress. Dam of BIG APPLE DADDY (7 wins, $459,483, sire). Spring Itch. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $47,363, 2nd Hessian H.-L, Annapolis H. Rosilla. Unraced. Dam of 4 foals, 2 to race, including-- IGOTNOTHINGTOLOSE. 7 wins, 3 to 6, $96,926, Pistol Packer H.-R, etc. Dam of MALVERN ROSE ($447,555, Miss Woodford S.-L, etc.). Itchy Lady. Unraced. Dam of Pledged (5 wins, $193,034). Lady Beat the Odds. Unraced. Dam of Tex Is Dew (6 wins, $28,147). Cochet Cochet. Dam of 8 foals, 7 to race, 6 winners, including-- Just Thunder. 8 wins, 2 to 5, $189,805, 3rd Larry R. Riviello President's Cup S.-L. Set ncr at Monmouth Park, mi. in 1:33 2/5. Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by JMH Enterprises Limited, Agent for Hip No. Charles James Hip No. 20 BAY COLT 20 Foaled February 16, 2012 Mr. Prospector Kingmambo ...... Miesque Babel...... Sadler's Wells Lady Reiko (IRE) ...... Willamae BAY COLT Shareef Dancer Tribal Chieftain (IRE)...... Fabulous Native Aye Aye...... (1998) Becket Sorority...... La Pillule By BABEL (2001). Winner of 2 races at 3, $73,720. Half-brother to stakes win- ner Chopper Won. Sire of Nettoyer (3rd Royal Colours Classic-G3). Son of classic winner Kingmambo, sire of 94 stakes winners, 6 champions, including Lemon Drop Kid ($3,245,370, Belmont S.-G1, etc.), Divine Pro- portions ($1,553,790, Prix de Diane Hermes-French Oaks-G1, etc.), Rus- sian Rhythm ($1,260,794, Sagitta One Thousand Guineas-G1, etc.), El Condor Pasa (8 wins, $3,502,404, Grand Prix de Saint-Cloud-G1, etc.). 1st dam Aye Aye, by Tribal Chieftain (IRE). Placed at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, 3rd St. Ann's S.-G2. This is her seventh foal. Her sixth foal is a 3-year-old of 2013. She has no foals to race. 2nd dam SORORITY, by Becket. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. Broodmare of the year in Trinidad and Tobago in 1988. Dam of 6 foals, 4 to race, 2 winners-- HILARIO (c. by American Honor). 4 wins at 2 and 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, horse of the year, champion 2- and 3-year-old colt, champion sprinter, champion stayer, Benson & Hedges Caribbean Championship- G1, Benson & Hedges Caribbean Creole H.-G1, Midsummer Classic- G1, Santa Rosa Classic-G2, 2nd Easter Guineas-G1, Whitsun Classic S.-G3, 3rd Arima Race Club Trophy-G2. Sire. IN THE MOOD (c. by Bandsman). Winner at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, Car- ibbean Champion S.-G1. Alegria (c. by Ackstatic). Placed in Trinidad and Tobago, 3rd St. James S.-G2. Aye Aye (f. by Tribal Chieftain (IRE)). Stakes-placed, above. Happy Luv. Unraced. Dam of 3 foals, 2 to race, including-- OUI THAT LUCKY (g. by Freshly Squeezed). Winner at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, champion 2-year-old colt, St. James Guardian Life S.-G2. 3rd dam LA PILLULE, by Dicta Drake. Placed at 2 in England. Sent to Trinidad and Tobago. Dam of 3 foals to race-- LA ULTIMA. Winner at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, Ibis S.-G2. ROMAN WAY. Winner at 5 in Trinidad and Tobago, Trinidad and Tobago Racing Authority Creole Trophy H.-G3, 3rd Trial S. El Camino. Race record not available in Trinidad and Tobago, champion 3- year-old. 4th dam SANS SOUCI, by His Highness. Winner at 2 in England, Acorn S. Sister to *HIGH CAMBER, half-sister to *BALLY VIMY, *BEAU IDEAL II. Dam of-- Ballyseedy. Winner in 2 starts at 2 in England. Dam of Ballyfleece (3rd Woodcote S.). Great-granddam of Under Suspicion (Total: $116,666). Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Humming Bird Stables, Agent for Hip No. Mrs. Mary Camacho Hip No. 21 BAY COLT 21 Foaled February 5, 2012 Lyphard Alzao...... *Lady Rebecca Maraahel...... Nashwan Nasanice...... Mathaayl BAY COLT Northern Dancer Bandsman...... Banderole Bandora ...... (1994) Pithiviers Iador ...... Iadar By MARAAHEL (2001). Stakes winner of 8 races, 2 to 6, $1,649,946, Hard- wicke S.-G2 twice, Akkroball Huxley S.-G3, Jardine Lloyd Thompson Hux- ley S.-G3 twice, Dubai Tennis Championships John Porter S.-G3, ABN Amro S.-G3, 2nd Juddmonte International S.-G1, Hardwicke S.-G2, Grant Thornton Huxley S.-G3, Betfair Brigadier Gerard S.-G3, 3rd King George VI & Queen Elizabeth S.-G1, Juddmonte International S.-G1, etc. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2013. Sire of Salome (3rd St. Ann's S.-G1). 1st dam BANDORA, by Bandsman. Placed at 3 in Jamaica; placed at 5 in Trinidad and Tobago. This is her tenth foal. Her ninth foal is a 2-year-old of 2013. Dam of 5 foals to race, 2 winners-- WILLING TO SPEND (f. by Freshly Squeezed). Winner at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, champion 3-year-old filly, champion sprinter, Guineas Caribbean Brewery S.-G1. ONETOKEEP (g. by Big Country). Winner at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, Midsummer Classic-G1, 2nd Trinidad Derby-G1. Jacobite (c. by Freshly Squeezed). Placed at 2 and 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd Bookmakers Association Guineas-G1, Guardian Life St. James S.-G2. Defining Moment (f. by Unbridled Optimism). Placed at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, 3rd National Flour Mills St. Ann's S.-G2. Joy (f. by Freshly Squeezed). Dam of 2 foals, 1 to race-- DIONYSUS (c. by Unbridled Optimism). Winner at 3 in Trinidad and To- bago, Santa Rosa Classic-G2. 2nd dam IADOR, by Pithiviers. In France. Unraced. Sister to Manzel Doudou (in Trinidad and Tobago). Sent to Trinidad and Tobago. Broodmare of the year in Trinidad and Tobago in 1996. Dam of 4 other foals to race, 3 winners-- ADORING GROOM (g. by Freshly Squeezed). 4 wins at 3 and 4 in Trinidad and Tobago, horse of the year, champion 3-year-old colt, champion stayer, Royal Oak Derby-G1, Republic Bank Caribbean Champion S.-G1, William H. Scott Limited Midsummer Classic-G1, 3rd Southern Sales and Service Easter Guineas-G1; winner at 3 in Jamaica, Red Stripe Superstakes. GROOMSMAN (g. by Freshly Squeezed). Winner at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, Royal Oak Derby-G1, 2nd Midsummer Classic-G1, 3rd Lotto Gold Cup-G1. ICHIBAN (g. by Freshly Squeezed). 3 wins at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, Royal Colours Classic-G2. Hail the Groom (c. by Freshly Squeezed). Placed at 3 in Trinidad and To- bago, 3rd CLICO Midsummer Classic-G1, etc. Burning Red. Unraced. Dam of Foreign Connection (f. by Gilgamesh, in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd St. Ann's Guardian Life S.-G2). Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by JMH Enterprises Limited, Agent for Hip No. Charles James Hip No. 22 BAY FILLY 22 Foaled January 22, 2012 Gone West Elusive Quality...... Touch of Greatness Moygaddy...... Dayjur Star of Paris...... Liturgism BAY FILLY Storm Cat Tale of the Cat...... Yarn Bella Diavolo ...... (2003) Devil's Bag Devil's Territory...... Territory By MOYGADDY (2004). Winner at 4 in Trinidad and Tobago. Brother to stakes winner Elusive City, half-brother to stakes winner Parisian Affair. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2013. Son of stakes winner Elusive Quality, lead- ing sire, sire of 97 stakes winners, including champions Smarty Jones (8 wins in 9 starts, $7,613,155, Kentucky Derby-G1, etc.), Sepoy ($3,990,- 138, AAMI Golden Slipper-G1, etc.), Maryfield ($1,334,331, Ballerina S.- G1, etc.), Elusive Kate ($1,093,415, Etihad Airways Falmouth S.-G1, etc.). 1st dam BELLA DIAVOLO, by Tale of the Cat. Unraced. Sent to Trinidad and Tobago. This is her fourth foal. Her third foal is a 3-year-old of 2013. She has no foals to race. 2nd dam DEVIL'S TERRITORY, by Devil's Bag. Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of-- Nolan's Territory. 7 wins, 3 to 8, 2013, $112,852. 3rd dam TERRITORY, by Forty Niner. Unraced. Sister to ANNOUNCE. Dam of-- STROLL BY. 3 wins at 3, $42,340, Pepsi S., 2nd Goldfinch S., 3rd Princess S., Runza S. 4th dam STATE, by Nijinsky II. 3 wins to 3, $54,234. Half-sister to FABLED MONARCH (sire), TITLE ($89,197), Blade (sire). Dam of 10 winners, including-- REGION. 12 wins, 3 to 7, $826,935, Del Mar Budweiser Breeders' Cup H.-G2, Bel Air H.-G2, Ralph M. Hinds Pomona Invitational H.-L, Skywalker H.-L, etc. ANNOUNCE. 8 wins, 3 to 5, $436,034, Thistledown Breeders' Cup H.-G3, etc. DOUBLE FEINT. 11 wins, 2 to 8, $493,928, Hill Prince S.-G3, etc. Set ncr. NARRATE. 8 wins, $188,856, Falls City H.-G3, etc. Dam of PREACH ($304,- 656, dam of PULPIT, $728,200, sire), Lecture ($176,405, sire), Ledford ($121,755), Seize ($100,257). Granddam of MINARDI (Total: $291,017, hwt. in England and Ireland, sire), TALE OF THE CAT ($360,900, sire), etc. DIBS. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $165,643, Locust Grove H.-L. Dam of SIMMARD (7 wins, Total: $635,953, Mac Diarmida S.-G2, etc.), LE CARRE (Total: $465,152), Malmaison (6 wins, $341,236), Kelly Bag (6 wins, $101,854). Stately Cielo. Winner at 4 and 5, $74,800, 3rd Alamedan H.-L. Sire. Border. 3 wins, $37,894. Dam of NORTHCOTE ROAD ($729,885). Grand- dam of Gramsci. Great-granddam of TEUFLESBERG ($621,981, sire). Realm. Placed at 3, £2,564, in England; winner at 3 and 4, $32,350, in N.A./U.S. (Total: $36,465). Dam of HAINT ($187,415, sire), Play With Fire ($151,698). Threat. Winner at 3, $20,910. Dam of Exotic Stranger ($46,943, 3rd Miss Liberty S.-L). Granddam of NANA KNOWS ($247,345), CLASSIC THREAT ($174,685, dam of QUIET DARE, $199,103), Cher Ami (ARG). Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Poon Tip Stud Farm, Agent for Hip No. Poon Tip Stud Farm Limited Hip No. 23 DARK BAY OR BROWN COLT 23 Foaled April 4, 2012 Storm Bird Storm Cat ...... Terlingua Charismatic Cat ...... Deputy Minister The Franchise ...... Beautiful Bid DARK BAY OR Blushing Groom (FR) BROWN COLT Freshly Squeezed...... Mandera Blushing Bride...... (1998) Starjinsky Concordia...... Renaissance By CHARISMATIC CAT (2002). Winner of 3 races, $69,043. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2013. Son of stakes winner Storm Cat, leading sire twice, sire of 180 stakes winners, 8 champions, including Giant's Cause- way ($3,078,989, Esat Digifone Irish Champion S.-G1, etc.), Storm Flag Flying ($1,951,828, Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies-G1, etc.), Sweet Cato- mine ($1,059,600, Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies-G1, etc.), Aljabr ($593,- 796, Champagne Lanson Sussex S.-G1, etc.), One Cool Cat ($568,086). 1st dam BLUSHING BRIDE, by Freshly Squeezed. 2 wins in Trinidad and Tobago, cham- pion 2-year-old filly, St. Ann's S.-G2, 2nd HCL Group of Companies Easter Guineas-G1. Sister to CHIEF COMMANDER, MAID OF HONOUR, Bluff Bid. This is her seventh foal. Her fifth foal is a 3-year-old of 2013. Dam of-- ALWAYS A PRINCESS (f. by Charismatic Cat). Winner, $229,990, in Trini- dad and Tobago, Gleneagles S.-G2, 2nd Futurity S., SFA Breeders’ S. 2nd dam CONCORDIA, by Starjinsky. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. Sister to SHIN- KANSEN. Dam of-- CHIEF COMMANDER (g. by Freshly Squeezed). 6 wins, 5 to 8 in Trinidad and Tobago, horse of the year, champion stayer twice, Gold Cup-G1, Sagicor Independence Cup-G1, etc.; winner in 2 starts at 6 in Barbados. BLUSHING BRIDE (f. by Freshly Squeezed). Champion, above. MAID OF HONOUR (f. by Freshly Squeezed). 7 wins in Trinidad and Toba- go, SFA National S. Bluff Bid (c. by Freshly Squeezed). Placed at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, 3rd Guardian Life St. James S.-G2. Keep The Faith (f. by Gilgamesh). Placed at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, 3rd Santa Rosa Classic-G2. Firestorm. Winner, $32,300, in Trinidad and Tobago. Dam of-- Galveston (c. by A Great Team). 12 wins, $1,065,812 in Trinidad and To- bago, 2nd National Gas CNG Trinidad Derby-G1, Gold Cup-G1, etc. 3rd dam RENAISSANCE, by North Copse. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. Half-sis- ter to NOBLE BOY, Prescience. Dam of 4 foals to race, 3 winners-- COOK THE BOOKS. Winner at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, champion 2- year-old colt, St. James S.-G2. SHINKANSEN. Winner in Trinidad and Tobago, champion 2-year-old colt, CLI- CO St. James' S.-G2, 3rd Benson and Hedges Caribbean Championship-G1. RENATA. Winner at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, Nursery S.-G2, etc. Dam of NEW MILLENNIUM (champion 3 times in Trinidad and Tobago), MIL- LENIUM REIGN (champion 3-year-old colt in Trinidad and Tobago). Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Paradise Farms, Agent for Hip No. Paradise Farms Limited Hip No. 24 BAY COLT 24 Foaled February 1, 2012 Lyphard Alzao...... *Lady Rebecca Maraahel...... Nashwan Nasanice...... Mathaayl BAY COLT Nijinsky II Sky Classic...... No Class Blushing Sky ...... (1997) Blushing Groom (FR) Fur Coat...... North Downs By MARAAHEL (2001). Stakes winner of 8 races, 2 to 6, $1,649,946, Hard- wicke S.-G2 twice, Akkroball Huxley S.-G3, Jardine Lloyd Thompson Hux- ley S.-G3 twice, Dubai Tennis Championships John Porter S.-G3, ABN Amro S.-G3, 2nd Juddmonte International S.-G1, Hardwicke S.-G2, Grant Thornton Huxley S.-G3, Betfair Brigadier Gerard S.-G3, 3rd King George VI & Queen Elizabeth S.-G1, Juddmonte International S.-G1, etc. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2013. Sire of Salome (3rd St. Ann's S.-G1). 1st dam BLUSHING SKY, by Sky Classic. Unraced. Sent to Trinidad and Tobago. This is her ninth foal. Her eighth foal is a 3-year-old of 2013. Dam of-- Neil and John (g. by Cape Canaveral). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $39,198, 2nd Cleveland S.-R. Settled (g. by Settle Up). 3 wins, $72,055, in Trinidad and Tobago. Gallopin Groom (g. by Victory Gallop). 3 wins, 2 to 5, $45,974. 2nd dam FUR COAT, by Blushing Groom (FR). Unraced. Dam of 7 winners, including-- WACO CONNECTION (c. by Danzig Connection). 4 wins at 3 and 5, $162,272, Ontario County S.-R, 2nd New York Breeders' Futurity-LR, Ruidoso Thoroughbred Futurity, Wadsworth Memorial H., Aspirant S.-R, 3rd Alex M. Robb S.-LR. Sire. Magic's Back. 22 wins, 2 to 10, $232,289. Car Coat. 4 wins at 4 and 5, $29,793. Sent to Equador. Dam of-- Hots Is Hot. 8 wins, 5 to 11, $144,758. Penelope Joy. Placed at 2. Dam of 4 foals, all winners, including-- WHO'S ZARY NOW (g. by Zarbyev). 13 wins, 2 to 7, $230,326, Kan of Spots Louisiana Bred Starter S.-R. 3rd dam NORTH DOWNS, by Hoist the Flag. 3 wins at 3, $49,549, Ontario Colleen H.- R, 2nd Maple Leaf S.-R. Half-sister to GLENORUM (sire), Torrie Ann, Lauries Minstrel, Lyneham. Dam of 9 foals to race, 8 winners, incl.-- Get Down Girl. 2 wins at 3, $65,370, 2nd Panthers S., 3rd Heartland Oaks- L. Dam of 4 foals, 3 winners, including-- HIDDEN GOLD. 4 wins to 5, placed at 6, 2013, $139,210, Lady Slipper S.-R twice, 2nd Minnesota Distaff Sprint Championship S.-R, Hoist Her Flag S., Frances Genter S.-R, 3rd Lady Slipper S.-R., etc. So Cheerful. 12 wins, 2 to 5, $207,677. Dam of 5 winners, including-- MIGHTY MECKE. 9 wins, 3 to 6, $271,670, Nick Shuk Memorial S.-L, OBS Championship S.-LR. SHORT IN CASH. 16 wins, 2 to 6 in Mexico, Clasico La Raza. Punky Woo Woo. 14 wins, 2 to 6, $68,840. Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Leeclare Stud Farm, Agent for Hip No. Ainsley A. Mark Hip No. 25 BAY COLT 25 Foaled January 16, 2012 A.P. Indy Pulpit...... Preach Storms Past ...... Storm Cat Magic Storm...... Foppy Dancer BAY COLT Pleasant Colony Pleasant Tap...... Never Knock Bon'zer...... (2001) Peace for Peace Peace Tech...... *Yanina II By STORMS PAST (2004). Winner of 5 races at 4 and 5, $88,760. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2013. Son of stakes winner Pulpit, sire of 69 stakes winners, including Govinda (hwt. at 3 in Germany, $163,482, Gros- ser Preis der Jungheinrich Gabelstapler-Hamburger Flieger Trophy-G3, etc.), Pyro ($1,673,673, Forego S.-G1, etc.), Rutherienne ($1,298,671, Del Mar Oaks-G1, etc.), Corinthian ($1,267,273, Metropolitan H.-G1, etc.), Ice Box ($948,068, Florida Derby-G1, etc.), Purge (6 wins, $905,434). 1st dam BON'ZER, by Pleasant Tap. Winner at 3, $17,205. Sent to Trinidad and Toba- go. This is her third foal. Her second foal is a 3-year-old of 2013. Dam of 1 foal to race. 2nd dam PEACE TECH, by Peace for Peace. Unraced. Dam of 12 winners, including-- Darnestown (f. by Williamstown). 3 wins at 3, $94,280, 2nd Primonetta S., Squan Song S.-R twice, 3rd Conniver S.-R. Dam of 2 winners, incl.-- PEACE TOWN (c. by Peace Rules). 5 wins, 2 to 4, $155,467, Maryland Juvenile Championship S.-R, 2nd Trapp Mountain S. Peacekeeper. 6 wins at 3 and 4, $57,898. Dam of 3 foals, 2 to race, incl.-- Texas Charm (f. by Open Forum). 7 wins, 2 to 6, $36,447, 2nd Anthony Thoroughbred Futurity, Kansas Bred H.-R. Gaily Ibis. 3 wins at 3 and 4, ¥35,434,000, in Japan. (Total: $290,539). 3rd dam *YANINA II, by Inca Yata. 10 wins in 13 starts at 2 and 3 in Argentina, Premio Ecuador, Premio Francia, Premio Gilberto Lerena, etc.; 3 wins, $22,305, in N.A./U.S. Half-sister to FAMUEL, Los Napos. Dam of 7 winners, incl.-- ICE TECH. 7 wins at 2 and 3, $270,921, Honey Bee H.-G3, Twixt S.-LR, Essex County S., 2nd Cotillion H.-G3, Harbor Place S.-L, Constitution S., etc. Northern Heiress. 6 wins, 2 to 4, $80,896, 3rd Tuscarora H. Dam of-- ACK ACK HEIR. 5 wins at 3 and 6, $145,837, Pomona Derby-L. Sire. NORTHERN STYLE. 3 wins at 3, $109,320, San Clemente S.-R, etc. Dam of STYLISH STAR ($481,250, dam of STATELY STAR, $146,010; Styl- ish Talent), Stylish Society ($129,700, dam of BROWNIE POINTS, $951,230), Western Style (dam of The Mobile Man), Stylish Lass (dam of DEVIL'S BANDIT, $111,291; Pirate's Gulch, $216,458). Grand- dam of HAMOODY (Total: $157,303), Arcodoro (to 7, 2013, $176,495). Coming Out Party. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $97,798. Dam of Storm Affair (3rd Clasico Anahuac-G1), Bigtimeaffair ($18,890, dam of Blesk). She Can Dance. 3 wins at 3, $31,452, 3rd Suwannee River H., Miss Florida H. Cooing Dove. Unraced. Dam of 12 foals, 11 to race, 9 winners, including-- Chocolate Kisses. 2 wins to 3, $74,038, 2nd Lady Sponsors' S.-L, etc. Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by La Concepcion Stud Farm, Agent for Hip No. Hugh Lee King Hip No. 26 CHESTNUT COLT 26 Foaled May 5, 2012 Arazi Congaree ...... Mari's Sheba Bristling...... End Sweep Sweep Princess ...... Unchained Princess CHESTNUT COLT Unbridled Unbridled Optimism ...... Sense of Unity Brian's Luck...... (2006) Bandsman Bandora ...... Iador By BRISTLING (2007). Stakes-placed in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd First Citi- zens Sian's Gold Sprint-G2. His first foals are yearlings of 2013. Son of stakes winner Congaree, sire of 13 stakes winners, including Maoineach (hwt. filly at 3 in Ireland, $140,963, Go and Go Round Tower S.-G3, etc.), Jeranimo ($1,400,864, Eddie Read S.-G1, etc.), Killer Graces ($451,907, Hollywood Starlet S.-G1, etc.), Mythical Power ($821,529, Lone Star Der- by-G3, etc.), Conchacer (13 wins, $352,889, Prairie Express S., etc.). 1st dam BRIAN'S LUCK, by Unbridled Optimism. 2 wins in Trinidad and Tobago. Sister to Defining Moment. This is her first foal. 2nd dam BANDORA, by Bandsman. Placed at 3 in Jamaica; placed at 5 in Trinidad and Tobago. Dam of 2 winners-- WILLING TO SPEND (f. by Freshly Squeezed). Winner at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, champion 3-year-old filly, champion sprinter, Guineas Caribbean Brewery S.-G1. ONETOKEEP (g. by Big Country). Winner at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, Midsummer Classic-G1, 2nd Trinidad Derby-G1. Jacobite (c. by Freshly Squeezed). Placed at 2 and 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd Bookmakers Association Guineas-G1, Guardian Life St. James S.-G2. Defining Moment (f. by Unbridled Optimism). Placed at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, 3rd National Flour Mills St. Ann's S.-G2. Joy. Unplaced in 1 start in Trinidad and Tobago. Dam of 2 foals, 1 to race-- DIONYSUS (c. by Unbridled Optimism). Winner at 3 in Trinidad and To- bago, Santa Rosa Classic-G2. 3rd dam IADOR, by Pithiviers. In France. Unraced. Sister to Manzel Doudou (in Trini- dad and Tobago). Broodmare of the year in Trinidad and Tobago in 1996. Sent to Trinidad and Tobago. Dam of 4 other foals to race, 3 winners-- ADORING GROOM. 4 wins at 3 and 4 in Trinidad and Tobago, horse of the year, champion 3-year-old colt, champion stayer, Royal Oak Derby-G1, Republic Bank Caribbean Champion S.-G1, William H. Scott Limited Midsummer Classic-G1, 3rd Southern Sales and Service Easter Guin- eas-G1; winner at 3 in Jamaica, Red Stripe Superstakes. GROOMSMAN. Winner at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, Royal Oak Derby-G1, etc. ICHIBAN. 3 wins at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, Royal Colours Classic-G2. Hail the Groom. Placed at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, 3rd CLICO Midsum- mer Classic-G1, HCL Group of Companies Easter Guineas-G1. Burning Red. Unraced. Dam of Foreign Connection (in Trinidad and To- bago, 2nd St. Ann's Guardian Life S.-G2). Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Poon Tip Stud Farm, Agent for Hip No. Poon Tip Stud Farm Limited Hip No. 27 BAY COLT 27 Foaled May 22, 2012 Mr. Prospector Seeking the Gold ...... Con Game Gold Market...... El Gran Senor Bright Candles...... Christmas Bonus BAY COLT Blushing Groom (FR) Freshly Squeezed...... Mandera Burning Red...... (1999) Pithiviers Iador ...... Iadar By GOLD MARKET (1996). Stakes-placed winner at 2, $59,160, 2nd Fort Springs S.-L. Sire of many winners, including Indian Ink ($288,438, Viva- cious H.-R twice, etc.), Tommeyesgold ($136,935, Cincinnatian S.-R, etc.), Marketable ($78,855, Glacial Princess S.-R, etc.), Freds My Friend ($41,001, Glacial Princess S.-R), stakes-placed Pot Of Gold (3rd Carib Brewery Mid-Summer Classic-G1), Raking in the Gold (4 wins, $103,299, 3rd Cincinnatian S.-R), U Ben Thunderstruk (3 wins, $41,413), etc. 1st dam Burning Red, by Freshly Squeezed. Placed in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd Oaks S. Sister to ADORING GROOM, GROOMSMAN, ICHIBAN, Hail the Groom. This is her seventh foal. Her fifth foal is a 3-year-old of 2013. Dam of-- Sweet Genius (f. by Gold Market). Winner in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd Gleneagles S.-G2. Foreign Connection (f. by Gilgamesh). Placed at 2 in Trinidad and Toba- go, 2nd St. Ann's Guardian Life S.-G2. 2nd dam IADOR, by Pithiviers. In France. Unraced. Sister to Manzel Doudou (in Trini- dad and Tobago). Sent to Trinidad and Tobago. Broodmare of the year in Trinidad and Tobago in 1996. Dam of 3 winners-- ADORING GROOM (g. by Freshly Squeezed). 4 wins at 3 and 4 in Trinidad and Tobago, horse of the year, champion 3-year-old colt, champion stayer, Royal Oak Derby-G1, Republic Bank Caribbean Champion S.-G1, etc.; winner at 3 in Jamaica, Red Stripe Superstakes. GROOMSMAN (g. by Freshly Squeezed). Winner at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, Royal Oak Derby-G1, 2nd Midsummer Classic-G1, 3rd Lotto Gold Cup-G1. ICHIBAN (g. by Freshly Squeezed). 3 wins at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, Royal Colours Classic-G2. Hail the Groom (c. by Freshly Squeezed). Placed at 3 in Trinidad and To- bago, 3rd CLICO Midsummer Classic-G1, etc. Burning Red (f. by Freshly Squeezed). Stakes-placed, above. Bandora. Placed at 3 in Jamaica; placed in Trinidad and Tobago. Dam of-- WILLING TO SPEND (f. by Freshly Squeezed). Winner at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, champion 3-year-old filly, champion sprinter, Guineas Caribbean Brewery S.-G1. ONETOKEEP (g. by Big Country). Winner at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, Midsummer Classic-G1, 2nd Trinidad Derby-G1. Jacobite (c. by Freshly Squeezed). Placed at 2 and 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd Bookmakers Association Guineas-G1, etc. Defining Moment (f. by Unbridled Optimism). Placed at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, 3rd National Flour Mills St. Ann's S.-G2. Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Floraville Stud, Agent for Hip No. Dr. Stephan Bhagan Hip No. 28 CHESTNUT COLT 28 Foaled January 18, 2012 Nashwan Swain (IRE)...... Love Smitten Stanley Park...... Storm Bird Tricky Bird...... Tricky Squaw CHESTNUT COLT Danzig Kdanzc...... My Darling One Call to Dance ...... (2004) Devastator Shot Call...... Epona By STANLEY PARK (2000). Stakes winner of 4 races, $272,916, San Luis Rey H.-G2, Bay Meadows Derby-G3, 3rd Oceanside S.-LR. Half-brother to stakes winner Turf Melody. Sire of Honour The Lady (Royal Colours Classic-G3). Son of European champion Swain (IRE), sire of 13 stakes winners, including Dimitrova ($1,142,696, Flower Bowl Invitational S.-G1, etc.), Nasheej ($346,605, Murphy's Fastflow May Hill S.-G2, etc.), Czar Al- exander (S. A. Poonawalla Million-G2, etc.), Trillion Cut ($1,282,500). 1st dam CALL TO DANCE, by Kdanzc. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. This is her fourth foal. Her second foal is a 3-year-old of 2013. She has no foals to race.

2nd dam Shot Call, by Devastator. Placed at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd Royal Oak Derby S.-G1, 3rd Benson & Hedges Santa Rosa Classic-G1. Dam of 5 other foals, which have not raced.

3rd dam Epona, by Bandsman. Placed at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd St. Ann's S.-G1. Sister to NORTHERN VENTURE, Highland Fling, Tea Time. Dam of-- Shot Call. Stakes-placed, above.

4th dam TEA VENTURE, by Bonaventure. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. Dam of-- NORTHERN VENTURE. Winner at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, Ibis S., 3rd St. Ann's S.-G1, Whitsun Classic S.-G3. Broodmare of the year in Trinidad and Tobago in 1997. Dam of-- GERONIMO. 5 wins at 3 and 5 in Trinidad and Tobago, champion 3- year-old colt, Midsummer Classic-G1, Southern Wholesale Stores Ltd. Easter Guineas-G1, Whitsun Classic-G2, West Indian Tobacco Co. Du Maurier Cup-G2, 2nd Republic Bank Caribbean Champion S.-G1, 3rd Royal Oak Derby-G1; placed at 3 in Jamaica. Iron Carbide. Placed at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd William H. Scott Limited Midsummer Classic-G1, 3rd Du Maurier Whitson Classic-G2. Cartwright. Placed at 4 in Trinidad and Tobago. Highland Fling. Placed at 6 in Trinidad and Tobago, champion sprinter, 3rd Home Construction Queen's Plate-G2. Epona. Stakes-placed, above. Tea Time. Placed at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, 3rd Du Maurier Cup-G2.

Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Leeclare Stud Farm, Agent for Hip No. the Estate or Wilma Primus Hip No. 29 BAY COLT 29 Foaled February 7, 2012 Lyphard Alzao...... *Lady Rebecca Maraahel...... Nashwan Nasanice...... Mathaayl BAY COLT Desert Style ...... Morning Welcome Castanza ...... (2002) Sharpo Sylhall...... No Cards By MARAAHEL (2001). Stakes winner of 8 races, 2 to 6, $1,649,946, Hard- wicke S.-G2 twice, Akkroball Huxley S.-G3, Jardine Lloyd Thompson Hux- ley S.-G3 twice, Dubai Tennis Championships John Porter S.-G3, ABN Amro S.-G3, 2nd Juddmonte International S.-G1, Hardwicke S.-G2, Grant Thornton Huxley S.-G3, Betfair Brigadier Gerard S.-G3, 3rd King George VI & Queen Elizabeth S.-G1, Juddmonte International S.-G1, etc. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2013. Sire of Salome (3rd St. Ann's S.-G1). 1st dam CASTANZA, by Bachir. Winner at 3, £5,625, in England. (Total: $10,063). Sent to Trinidad and Tobago. This is her fourth foal. Her third foal is a 3-year- old of 2013. She has no foals to race. 2nd dam SYLHALL, by Sharpo. In England. Unraced. Dam of 4 other winners, incl.-- Crimson Silk (GB) (g. by Forzando (GB)). 2 wins at 2, £50,357, in England, 3rd Mercedes-Benz of Doncaster Wentworth S. (Total: $81,040). Dearest Daisy. Winner at 2, £5,182, in England. (Total: $7,506). Dam of-- Excel Bolt (g. by Exceed And Excel). 2 wins at 2, £32,223, in England, 3rd Norfolk S.-G2. (Total: $47,506). Sheriff's Silk. Winner at 2 and 3, £8,747, in England. (Total: $16,961). 3rd dam No Cards, by No Mercy. 3 wins at 2 and 3 in England, 3rd Coronation S.-G2, Strensall S. Dam of 6 winners, including-- Dabdoub. Winner at 2 and 3 in England; placed at 5 in Hong Kong, 3rd Hong Kong Gold Cup. Tell No Lies. 5 wins at 4 and 5, £49,250, in England. (Total: $90,606). Light Hand. 10 wins, 3 to 6, £43,419, in England. (Total: $76,233). Producer. The Wild Widow. 6 wins at 5 and 6, £27,110, in England. (Total: $41,886). Line of Cards. Winner in 2 starts at 3 in England. Dam of 2 winners, incl.-- Bury Lane. 10 wins, 3 to 9, €162,468, in France. (Total: $198,752). 4th dam QUEENS TO OPEN, by *Darius II. Winner in England. Dam of 5 winners, incl.-- No Cards. Stakes-placed winner, above. Twiggie. Unraced. Sent to Peru. Dam of 2 known foals-- TWIG. Winner at 4 in Peru, Premio Diego Ferre, 2nd Premio La Beata, 3rd Premio Maria Parado de Bellido, Premio Valparaiso Sporting Club. Dam of Czarina (in Peru, 3rd Premio Republica de Chile, dam of Cyrilla, in Peru, 3rd Premio Gustavo Luna Vertiz-G3), Miss Universe (in Peru, 3rd Premio Roberto Alvarez Calderon Granados). My Law. Placed at 3 in Peru, 3rd Premio Federacion Peruana de De- portes Ecuestres. Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Lowlands Plantation Stables, Agent for Hip No. Mrs. Margaret Waheed-Jattan & Jim Jattan Hip No. 30 DARK BAY OR BROWN COLT 30 Foaled April 11, 2012 A.P. Indy Pulpit...... Preach Louisvilleluminary ...... Copelan Copelan's Bid Gal...... Bid Gal DARK BAY OR Storm Cat BROWN COLT Storm Report ...... Efficiently Cat of the Storm...... (2007) Veridique Count Down...... So Rare By LOUISVILLELUMINARY (2007). Stakes-placed winner at 2, $49,023, 3rd Sanford S.-G2. Brother to stakes winners Purge, Namaste’s Wish. His first foals are yearlings of 2013. Son of stakes winner Pulpit, sire of 69 stakes winners, including Govinda (hwt. in Germany, $163,482, Grosser Preis der Jungheinrich Gabelstapler-Hamburger Flieger Trophy-G3, etc.), Pyro (5 wins, $1,673,673, Forego S.-G1, etc.), Rutherienne ($1,298,671, Del Mar Oaks-G1, etc.), Corinthian ($1,267,273, Metropolitan H.-G1, etc.). 1st dam CAT OF THE STORM, by Storm Report. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. This is her first foal. 2nd dam COUNT DOWN, by Veridique. Winner at 3 in Barbados. Sent to Trinidad and Tobago. Dam of 2 other foals, which have not raced. 3rd dam SO RARE, by Julio Mariner. In England. Unraced. Sent to Barbados. Dam of-- MY FRIEND RICH. Placed at 2 and 3 in Barbados; winner at 4 in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd Gold Cup-G1; winner at 4 in Jamaica, Red Stripe Superstakes. Mandela. 8 wins, 3 to 6 in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd CLICO Midsummer Clas- sic-G1, Santa Rosa Classic-G1, 3rd Caribbean Champion S.-G1 twice. Lord Arazi. Placed at 3 in Ecuador; placed at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, 3rd Midsummer Classic Trophy-G1. 4th dam TIN GODDESS, by Petingo. Placed at 3 in Ireland. Dam of-- PURCHASEPAPERCHASE. 3 wins in England, BBA Atalanta S.; placed at 3 in France, 2nd Prix Saint-Alary-G1. Dam of 9 winners, including-- MATIYA (IRE). Winner at 2, £61,254, in England, 2nd Pertemps One Thou- sand Guineas-G1, etc.; winner at 3, €106,975, in Ireland, Airlie Coolmore Irish One Thousand Guineas-G1; placed in 2 starts at 3, €42,686, in France, 3rd Prix de Diane Hermes-French Oaks-G1. (Total: $279,078). Dam of NAKHEEL (Total: $63,973). Granddam of AFRICAN SKIES (GB) (Total: $87,705, Independent Newspaper Princess Margaret S.-G3). CARAMBOLA (IRE). 2 wins at 3, €51,770, in Ireland, Derrinstown Stud One Thousand Guineas Trial S., 2nd Trusted Partner Matron S.-G3. (Total: $55,502). Dam of Lady Stardust (Total: $30,202, 3rd E.B.F. Valiant S.). Toreador. Winner at 2, €19,466, in Ireland; placed in England, 3rd Paradime Acomb S.; 3 wins in South Africa, 2nd Gold Challenge-G1, etc. (Total: $22,844). Handel. Winner at 3, €43,800, in Ireland, 2nd Patrick P. O'Leary Memo- rial Gallinule S.-G3, Challenge S. (Total: $50,549). Purchasing Power. 3 wins at 3, £11,685, in England; winner at 4 in Ire- land, 2nd Peter O'Sullevan Juvenile Hurdle. (Total: $27,155). Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Poon Tip Stud Farm, Agent for Hip No. Poon Tip Stud Farm Limited Hip No. 31 BAY FILLY 31 Foaled February 19, 2012 Lyphard Alzao...... *Lady Rebecca Maraahel...... Nashwan Nasanice...... Mathaayl BAY FILLY Mr. Prospector Gilgamesh...... Danzante Chanterelle...... (2006) Freshly Squeezed Rhapsody...... Flying Colours By MARAAHEL (2001). Stakes winner of 8 races, 2 to 6, $1,649,946, Hard- wicke S.-G2 twice, Akkroball Huxley S.-G3, Jardine Lloyd Thompson Hux- ley S.-G3 twice, Dubai Tennis Championships John Porter S.-G3, ABN Amro S.-G3, 2nd Juddmonte International S.-G1, Hardwicke S.-G2, Grant Thornton Huxley S.-G3, Betfair Brigadier Gerard S.-G3, 3rd King George VI & Queen Elizabeth S.-G1, Juddmonte International S.-G1, etc. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2013. Sire of Salome (3rd St. Ann's S.-G1). 1st dam Chanterelle, by Gilgamesh. Winner in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd Oaks S. This is her first foal. 2nd dam RHAPSODY, by Freshly Squeezed. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. Sister to Honeymoon. Dam of-- Chanterelle (f. by Gilgamesh). Stakes-placed winner, above. 3rd dam FLYING COLOURS, by Calpurnius. Winner in Trinidad and Tobago, Easter Guineas-G1. Sister to ROYAL COLOURS. Dam of 3 winners-- SUN RAYCER. Winner at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, champion 2-year-old colt, St. James S.-G2, 3rd Benson and Hedges Caribbean Championship-G1. DANCING COLOURS. Winner at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, Whitsun Clas- sic S.-G2, 2nd Derby S.-G1, Caribbean Champion S.-G1, 3rd Carib- bean Champion S.-G1, Santa Rosa Classic-G1. Honeymoon. Winner at 3 in Jamaica; winner in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd Midsummer Classic-G1. Dam of-- EXTRAVAGANCE. 4 wins at 2 and 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, champion 2-year-old colt, Santa Rosa Classic-G1, St. James' S.-G2, 3rd Royal Oak Derby-G1, Midsummer Classic-G1, Royal Colours Classic-G2. LUV BOAT. Winner in Trinidad and Tobago, Gleneagles-G2, 2nd Ibis S.- G2, 3rd Oaks S.-G2. Let's Go Honey. Unraced. Dam of REMEMBER ME (SFA Breeders’ Fu- turity S.), It Got to Be Me (in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd Ibis S.-G2, San- ta Rosa Classic-G2, Royal Colours Classic-G3, Royal Colours-G3). 4th dam BABY PRINCESS, by *Our Babu. 5 wins at 2 and 3 in England. Sent to Trini- dad and Tobago. Dam of 2 foals to race-- ROYAL COLOURS. 6 wins at 3 and 4 in Trinidad and Tobago, champion older horse, champion stayer, Trinidad and Tobago Triple Crown, Pres- ident's Easter Trophy-G1, Derby S., Easter Guineas, Hopeful S., Trial S., Whitsun Classic Trial S. FLYING COLOURS. Stakes winner, above. Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Paradise Farms, Agent for Hip No. Mrs. Marilyn Miller Hip No. 32 DARK BAY OR BROWN FILLY 32 Foaled February 24, 2012 Roberto Kris S...... Sharp Queen Settle Up...... Dayjur In Conference ...... Personal Business DARK BAY OR Private Account BROWN FILLY Private Banker...... Heavenly Match Charm the Banker ...... (2003) Native Idol Native Charm...... Rustic Charm By SETTLE UP (2000). Stakes-placed winner of 4 races, 4 to 6, $191,520, 3rd Tropical Turf H.-G3. Sire of Big Man (Royal Colours Classic, 3rd St. James S.-G1), Big Thing (2nd Midsummer Classic-G1). Son of stakes winner Kris S., among the leading sires, sire of 93 stakes winners, 4 cham- pions, including Symboli Kris S ($8,401,282, Arima Kinen-Grand Prix-G1 twice), Hollywood Wildcat ($1,432,160, Breeders' Cup Distaff-G1, etc.), Soaring Softly ($1,270,433, Breeders' Cup Filly & Mare Turf-G1, etc.). 1st dam CHARM THE BANKER, by Private Banker. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. This is her third foal. Her second foal is a 3-year-old of 2013. Dam of-- Spotted Eagle (f. by Invincibility). Winner, $48,985, in Trinidad and Tobago.

2nd dam NATIVE CHARM, by Native Idol. In Trinidad and Tobago. Dam of-- Born to Charm. 5 wins, $125,000, in Trinidad and Tobago.

3rd dam RUSTIC CHARM, by Irish Harmony. 2 wins, $17,900, in Trinidad and Tobago. Sister to BATTLE CHANT. Dam of-- Politics. 17 wins, $260,430, in Trinidad and Tobago.

4th dam MARISM, by Smithfield. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. Dam of 2 other foals-- RUNNING WILD. Winner at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, champion 2-year-old filly, Benson & Hedges Caribbean Championship-G1. Dam of-- Wild Dance. Winner at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago. Dam of Big Man (in Trinidad and Tobago, 3rd St. James S.-G1). Wild Life. Winner at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago. BATTLE CHANT. Winner at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, Nursery S.-G2.

Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Poon Tip Stud Farm, Agent for Hip No. Mrs. Seeta Lawrence & Emmanuel C. Lawrence Hip No. 33 CHESTNUT COLT 33 Foaled March 4, 2012 Forty Niner End Sweep...... Broom Dance Precise Sweep ...... Summing Precisely...... Crisp 'n Clear CHESTNUT COLT Sadler's Wells Sea Raven...... Cormorant Wood (GB) Class Is Class...... (2005) Freshly Squeezed Touch of Class...... Le Java By PRECISE SWEEP (1999). Unraced. Brother to stakes winner Precise End. Sire of B's Passion (Neal & Massy Santa Rosa Classic-G2, Burrokeet Roy- al Colours Classic-G3, 2nd NLCB Easter Guineas-G1), Suga Boy (Santa Rosa Classic-G3, 2nd Caribbean Brewery Limited Guineas-G1, Royal Colours Classic-G3), Some Like It Hot (3rd St. James Guardian Life S.- G2). Son of stakes winner End Sweep, sire of 47 stakes winners, 2 cham- pions, including Admire Moon ($9,448,033, Dubai Duty Free-G1, etc.). 1st dam CLASS IS CLASS, by Sea Raven. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. This is her fifth foal. Her third foal is a 3-year-old of 2013. She has no foals to race.

2nd dam TOUCH OF CLASS, by Freshly Squeezed. Unplaced in 1 start in Trinidad and Tobago. Dam of 2 foals to race-- MAN OF CLASS (g. by Bandsman). 7 wins, 3 to 7 in Trinidad and Tobago, champion sprinter twice, Santa Rosa Dash-G2, 3rd Roemex Royal Colours Classic-G2. Classy Kim (f. by Kimafoutiesa). Placed at 2 and 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, 3rd Guardian Life St. Ann's S.-G2.

3rd dam LE JAVA, by Oats. Winner at 2 in Ireland. Sent to Trinidad and Tobago. Dam of 2 other foals to race-- HEART'S DESIRE. Winner at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, Benson and Hedges Whitsun Classic-G2, 3rd CLICO St. James S.-G2. Hot Persuit. Placed at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd Easter Guineas-G1.

4th dam FRENCH DANCER, by Hul a Hul. In England. Unraced. Half-sister to SPAN- ISH EXPRESS (Chester Autumn Breeders' S., Middle Park S., 2nd Greenham S., 3rd Imperial S.), Bold Sage (2nd Trafalgar House H., 3rd Finch Decanter H.). Sent to Belgium. Dam of 1 other foal to race-- Mister Disco. Placed at 5 in Australia, 3rd Christmas H.-G3.

Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Up The Hill Farms, Agent for Hip No. Lindsay Gay Hip No. 34 DARK BAY OR BROWN COLT 34 Foaled April 28, 2012 Storm Bird Storm Cat ...... Terlingua Untachable...... Mr. Prospector Tacha ...... Savannah Dancer DARK BAY OR Explodent BROWN COLT Commitisize...... Goodbye Heart Committedtosweets...... (2002) Forsythe Boy No Sugar ...... Sugar Mento By UNTACHABLE (2003). Unplaced in 1 start. Brother to champion One Cool Cat. He has not foals to race. Son of stakes winner Storm Cat, leading sire twice, sire of 180 stakes winners, 8 champions, including Giant's Cause- way ($3,078,989, Esat Digifone Irish Champion S.-G1, etc.), Storm Flag Flying ($1,951,828, Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies-G1, etc.), Sweet Cato- mine ($1,059,600, Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies-G1, etc.), Aljabr ($593,- 796, Champagne Lanson Sussex S.-G1, etc.), One Cool Cat ($568,086). 1st dam COMMITTEDTOSWEETS, by Commitisize. 4 wins at 4, $54,085. Sent to Trini- dad and Tobago. This is her second foal. She has no foals to race. 2nd dam NO SUGAR, by Forsythe Boy. 2 wins at 3, $33,545. Sent to Trinidad and Toba- go. Dam of 3 other foals, all winners, including-- SUGAR MIKE (c. by Ponche). 2 wins at 3, $48,390, in N.A./U.S.; 15 wins in 28 starts, 4 to 6 in Trinidad and Tobago, horse of the year twice, cham- pion imported sprinter twice, champion imported stayer twice, Sagicor Independence Cup-G1, Guardian Gold Cup-G1, Guardian Life Gold Cup-G1, Stewards' Cup-G1, Stewards' Cup Trophy-G1, President's Cup-G1 twice, Santa Rosa Dash H.-G2, Diamond S.-G2 twice, etc. 3rd dam SUGAR MENTO, by Talc. Unraced. Dam of 4 other winners, including-- Tar Men. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $65,018, 2nd Big Fred Brodbeck Memorial S.-R. Silvermento. Winner at 3. Dam of 13 foals, 12 to race, 10 winners, incl.-- LE GRANDE POS. 20 wins, 3 to 8, $612,629, Sporting Plate H.-L, Penn- sylvania Sprint Championship H.-LR, Consent S., Peppy Addy S.-R, Lyman H.-R, Big Fred Brodbeck Memorial S.-R, 2nd Hoover S.-L, Penn- sylvania Sprint Championship H.-R, Big Fred Brodbeck H.-R, etc. Valleyman. 4 wins, 2 to 5, $270,350, 2nd Larry R. Riviello President's Cup S.-L, Peppy Addy S.-R, Iroquois H.-R, Devil's Honor H.-R, Storm Cat S.-R, 3rd Pennsylvania Nursery S.-R, Iroquois H.-R twice. Devout Again. 6 wins to 8, $140,131, 3rd Captain My Captain S.-R. Bootsiebluebear. Producer. Granddam of SON OF A BEAR (8 wins, $383,661, West Virginia Farm Family Insurance Vincent Moscarelli Memorial Breeders' Classic S.-LR, Tri-State Futurity-R, etc.). 4th dam ROMAN SUGAR, by Chuckabuck. 2 wins, $4,735. Dam of 2 winners, incl.-- Derby Steve. 15 wins, 3 to 7, $71,152. Sugar Bug. Placed at 2. Dam of 9 foals, 6 winners, including-- CONTARE'S SUGAR. Winner in 2 starts at 2, $36,955, Blue Mountain Futurity-R. Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Up The Hill Farms, Agent for Hip No. Lindsay Gay Hip No. 35 BAY FILLY 35 Foaled January 1, 2012 Storm Bird Storm Cat ...... Terlingua Untachable...... Mr. Prospector Tacha ...... Savannah Dancer BAY FILLY Caro (IRE) Kaheel...... Escaline (FR) Country Girl...... (2000) Country Pine Country Sue...... A Navy Man's Girl By UNTACHABLE (2003). Unplaced in 1 start. Brother to champion One Cool Cat. He has not foals to race. Son of stakes winner Storm Cat, leading sire twice, sire of 180 stakes winners, 8 champions, including Giant's Cause- way ($3,078,989, Esat Digifone Irish Champion S.-G1, etc.), Storm Flag Flying ($1,951,828, Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies-G1, etc.), Sweet Cato- mine ($1,059,600, Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies-G1, etc.), Aljabr ($593,- 796, Champagne Lanson Sussex S.-G1, etc.), One Cool Cat ($568,086). 1st dam COUNTRY GIRL, by Kaheel. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. This is her sixth foal. Her fifth foal is a 2-year-old of 2013. She has no foals to race.

2nd dam COUNTRY SUE, by Country Pine. 3 wins at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago. Dam of 1 foal, above.

3rd dam A NAVY MAN'S GIRL, by Stalwart. 3 wins at 3, $9,999. Dam of 6 other foals, 5 winners-- Wyatt's Women. Winner at 2, $31,017, in Canada; 10 wins, 3 to 9, 2013, $295,674, in N.A./U.S., 3rd Floral Park Heatherten S. (Total: $323,095). Sail Above. 6 wins, 2 to 7, $92,190. Dam of 4 foals, 2 to race, both winners-- Sail Olivia. 2 wins at 4, $35,340. Seven Sails. Winner at 3, $10,610. Out in Front. Winner at 2, $47,520. Sierra Hotel. Placed at 3 and 5, $11,007, in N.A./U.S.; winner at 5, $12,725, in Canada. (Total: $22,391). Sailor's Delemma. Placed at 3, $6,444, in Canada; winner at 3, $7,423, in N.A./U.S. (Total: $13,093).

4th dam GOING FOR BAROQUE, by Olden Times. 2 wins at 3, $11,335. Half-sister to TAT FOR TRADE (5 wins, $115,472, Pioneer's H.-R, Ak-Sar-Ben Breeders' S.- R, 2nd Pioneers' H.-R, Nebraskaland H.-R, 3rd Queen's H.-G3, Quivira H.- L, River City H., Track Robbery S., Nebraskaland H.-R), Beverly Sills (5 wins, $25,209, 3rd Coronation S.-R). Dam of 4 other winners-- Go Sum. 9 wins, 2 to 6, $34,121. Royal Gamble. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $20,931. Iroquois Hills. 2 wins at 4, $18,557. Gary Gofor Baroque. 2 wins at 4, $13,901.

Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by La Concepcion Stud Farm, Agent for Hip No. Hugh Lee King Hip No. 36 DARK BAY OR BROWN FILLY 36 Foaled March 16, 2012 Lyphard Alzao...... *Lady Rebecca Maraahel...... Nashwan Nasanice...... Mathaayl DARK BAY OR Unbridled BROWN FILLY Unbridled Optimism ...... Sense of Unity Defining Moment...... (2007) Bandsman Bandora ...... Iador By MARAAHEL (2001). Stakes winner of 8 races, 2 to 6, $1,649,946, Hard- wicke S.-G2 twice, Akkroball Huxley S.-G3, Jardine Lloyd Thompson Hux- ley S.-G3 twice, Dubai Tennis Championships John Porter S.-G3, ABN Amro S.-G3, 2nd Juddmonte International S.-G1, Hardwicke S.-G2, Grant Thornton Huxley S.-G3, Betfair Brigadier Gerard S.-G3, 3rd King George VI & Queen Elizabeth S.-G1, Juddmonte International S.-G1, etc. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2013. Sire of Salome (3rd St. Ann's S.-G1). 1st dam Defining Moment, by Unbridled Optimism. Winner at 2 in Trinidad and To- bago, 3rd National Flour Mills St. Ann's S.-G2. This is her first foal. 2nd dam BANDORA, by Bandsman. Placed at 3 in Jamaica; placed at 5 in Trinidad and Tobago. Dam of 2 winners-- WILLING TO SPEND (f. by Freshly Squeezed). Winner at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, champion 3-year-old filly, champion sprinter, Guineas Caribbean Brewery S.-G1. ONETOKEEP (g. by Big Country). Winner at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, Midsummer Classic-G1, 2nd Trinidad Derby-G1. Jacobite (c. by Freshly Squeezed). Placed at 2 and 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd Bookmakers Association Guineas-G1, Guardian Life St. James S.-G2. Defining Moment (f. by Unbridled Optimism). Stakes-placed winner, above. Joy. Unplaced in 1 start in Trinidad and Tobago. Dam of 2 foals, 1 to race-- DIONYSUS (c. by Unbridled Optimism). Winner at 3 in Trinidad and To- bago, Santa Rosa Classic-G2. 3rd dam IADOR, by Pithiviers. In France. Unraced. Sister to Manzel Doudou (in Trini- dad and Tobago). Broodmare of the year in Trinidad and Tobago in 1996. Sent to Trinidad and Tobago. Dam of 4 other foals to race, 3 winners-- ADORING GROOM. 4 wins at 3 and 4 in Trinidad and Tobago, horse of the year, champion 3-year-old colt, champion stayer, Royal Oak Derby-G1, Republic Bank Caribbean Champion S.-G1, William H. Scott Limited Midsummer Classic-G1, 3rd Southern Sales and Service Easter Guin- eas-G1; winner at 3 in Jamaica, Red Stripe Superstakes. GROOMSMAN. Winner at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, Royal Oak Derby-G1, 2nd Midsummer Classic-G1, 3rd Lotto Gold Cup-G1. ICHIBAN. 3 wins at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, Royal Colours Classic-G2. Hail the Groom. Placed at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, 3rd CLICO Midsum- mer Classic-G1, HCL Group of Companies Easter Guineas-G1. Burning Red. Unraced. Dam of Foreign Connection (in Trinidad and To- bago, 2nd St. Ann's Guardian Life S.-G2). Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Scott's Stud, Agent for Hip No. Pierpont W. H. Scott Hip No. 37 ROAN COLT 37 Foaled February 1, 2012 Lyphard Alzao...... *Lady Rebecca Maraahel...... Nashwan Nasanice...... Mathaayl ROAN COLT Polish Navy Law of the Sea ...... Jurisdictional Diplomacy...... (2003) Waquoit Quiet War...... Miss White Oak By MARAAHEL (2001). Stakes winner of 8 races, 2 to 6, $1,649,946, Hard- wicke S.-G2 twice, Akkroball Huxley S.-G3, Jardine Lloyd Thompson Hux- ley S.-G3 twice, Dubai Tennis Championships John Porter S.-G3, ABN Amro S.-G3, 2nd Juddmonte International S.-G1, Hardwicke S.-G2, Grant Thornton Huxley S.-G3, Betfair Brigadier Gerard S.-G3, 3rd King George VI & Queen Elizabeth S.-G1, Juddmonte International S.-G1, etc. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2013. Sire of Salome (3rd St. Ann's S.-G1). 1st dam DIPLOMACY, by Law of the Sea. Winner at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, cham- pion 2-year-old filly, Guardian Life St. Ann's S.-G2. This is her second foal. She has no foals to race. 2nd dam QUIET WAR, by Waquoit. Unraced. Sent to Jamaica. Dam of 3 winners-- DIPLOMACY (f. by Law of the Sea). Champion, above. Draw Card (c. by Kammtarra). 4 wins at 2 and 4 in Jamaica, 3rd Jamaica Lottery Two-Year-Old S. Blitzkrieg. 4 wins at 3 and 4 in Jamaica. 3rd dam MISS WHITE OAK, by Tarleton Oak. 14 wins, 3 to 5, $98,754. Set ntr at Laurel Park, 6 1/2 fur. in 1:17 2/5. Dam of 6 other foals, 5 winners-- MISSY WHITE OAK. 5 wins, 2 to 5, $141,150, Maryland Million Lassie S.- LR, 2nd Miss Preakness S. Dam of 3 foals, 2 to race, both winners-- MADAME PIETRA. 7 wins, 3 to 6, $437,215, Desert Stormer H.-G3, Cascapedia S.-L, Padua Stables Filly & Mare Sprint S.-LR, Corona H., Soviet Problem H., 2nd Fantastic Girl S.-LR. Producer. Missy Live Oak. Winner at 3, $14,965. Lover's Ring. 2 wins at 3, $5,816. Dam of 2 foals, both winners-- Loveland. 10 wins, 3 to 8, $188,529. Jamie Love. Winner at 3, $5,780. Producer. Master White Oak. Winner at 3, $4,030. White Oak Lad. Winner at 4, $3,868. Evelyn Dancer. Winner at 3 in Dominican Republic. 4th dam MEADOW LADY, by First Landing. Winner at 2, $3,549. Dam of 4 other foals-- Topping Castle. 3 wins, 3 to 6, $16,882, 3rd Virginia Stallion S.-R. Tride Time. 5 wins at 2 and 3, $20,777. Cool Dominion. Winner at 4, $4,896. Heather Larkin. Winner at 2 and 3. Dam of 4 foals to race, 3 winners, incl.-- Castle Top. 14 wins, 3 to 8, $78,602. Deltatare. Winner at 2 and 4, $17,988. Producer. Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Paradise Farms, Agent for Hip No. Paradise Farms Limited Hip No. 38 BAY COLT 38 Foaled May 26, 2012 Lyphard Alzao...... *Lady Rebecca Maraahel...... Nashwan Nasanice...... Mathaayl BAY COLT Dewan Glitterman...... Moon Glitter Dixie Glitter...... (2004) Dixieland Band Ava Singstheblues ...... Ava Romance By MARAAHEL (2001). Stakes winner of 8 races, 2 to 6, $1,649,946, Hard- wicke S.-G2 twice, Akkroball Huxley S.-G3, Jardine Lloyd Thompson Hux- ley S.-G3 twice, Dubai Tennis Championships John Porter S.-G3, ABN Amro S.-G3, 2nd Juddmonte International S.-G1, Hardwicke S.-G2, Grant Thornton Huxley S.-G3, Betfair Brigadier Gerard S.-G3, 3rd King George VI & Queen Elizabeth S.-G1, Juddmonte International S.-G1, etc. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2013. Sire of Salome (3rd St. Ann's S.-G1). 1st dam DIXIE GLITTER, by Glitterman. Placed at 3 and 4, $22,280. Sent to Trinidad and Tobago. Sister to Glitteration. This is her third foal. Dam of-- Safra Tilah (f. by Cougar Cat). 4 wins, $182,000, in Trinidad and Tobago. 2nd dam AVA SINGSTHEBLUES, by Dixieland Band. 2 wins at 2, $41,714, Big Tree Ranch Claiming S., 3rd White Tail S. Dam of 3 winners, including-- Glitteration (f. by Glitterman). 3 wins at 4, $110,811, 2nd Furl Sail H.-L. 3rd dam AVA ROMANCE, by Avatar. 7 wins, 2 to 6, $283,749, Indian Maid H.-L, Rose De Bartolo Memorial H.-LR, 2nd River Downs Budweiser Breeders' Cup S., Lady Mannequin H., My Charmer H., Lottery Winner S.-R, First Lady S.-R, Ms. Southern Ohio S.-R, etc. Dam of 8 foals, 6 winners, including-- TIME FOR ROMANCE. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $92,250, Mesa H., 3rd Camilla Urso H.-L. Producer. AVA SINGSTHEBLUES. Stakes winner, above. Ava Knowsthecode. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $156,596, 3rd Senorita S.-G3. Dam of 10 foals, 8 to race, 6 winners-- JUSTIN PHILLIP. 6 wins, 2 to 5, 2013, $862,162, Woody Stephens S.-G2, Count Fleet Sprint H.-G3, 2nd Alfred G. Vanderbilt H.-G1, RTN True North H.-G2, True North H.-G2, 3rd Foxwoods King's Bishop S.-G1, etc. KEYED ENTRY. 4 wins, 2 to 4, $322,852, Hutcheson S.-G2-ntr, Deputy Minister H.-G3, 2nd Gotham S.-G3, 3rd Wood Memorial S.-G1. Sire. SUCCESSFUL MISSION. 8 wins, 2 to 5, $350,424, in N.A./U.S., Miami Mile H.-G3, I Take All S.-L, Elkwood S.-L, 2nd Elkwood S.-L. (Total: $353,043). ALGORITHMS. 3 wins in 3 starts at 2 and 3, $301,500, Holy Bull S.-G3. ALEX'S ALLURE. 3 wins at 3, $69,270, Senorita S. Producer. Ava Darling. Winner at 2, $48,040. Dam of Safe Crossing ($187,250). Code Variance. Unraced. Dam of Deighan (to 3, 2013, $75,960). Napawana. Winner at 3, $10,345. Dam of 5 foals to race, 3 winners, incl.-- Barb's Groom Skip. 6 wins, $114,344, 3rd Kevin McHugh Memorial H. Wanna Kat. 7 wins, 2 to 5, $52,325, 3rd Mom's Command S. Dam of SOUTHERN YANKEE (6 wins, $241,955, My Trusty Cat S.-L, etc.). Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Poon Tip Stud Farm, Agent for Hip No. Deo Majaraj Hip No. 39 DARK BAY OR BROWN FILLY 39 Foaled February 12, 2012 Hennessy Johannesburg...... Myth Ten Meropa...... Tenderly (IRE) ...... Specificity DARK BAY OR Kris S. BROWN FILLY Alisios...... Aurora Dream Girl ...... (2005) Runaway Groom Jamaican Runner ...... Miss Bojangles By TEN MEROPA (2005). Stakes winner of 2 races, $92,960, Baldwin S.-G3. His first foals are yearlings of 2013. Son of champion Johannesburg, sire of 59 stakes winners, including Sageburg (hwt. older horse in France, $536,733, Prix d'Ispahan-G1, etc.), Scat Daddy ($1,334,300, Florida Der- by-G1, etc.), Turffontein ($1,114,186, Pulse Pharmacy William Reid S.-G1, etc.), Juhayna ($116,144, Estrellas Juvenile Fillies-G1, etc.), Once Were Wild (7 wins, $546,732, Patinack Farm AJC Australian Oaks-G1, etc.). 1st dam Dream Girl, by Alisios. 7 wins in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd St. Ann's Guardian Life S.-G2. This is her first foal. 2nd dam JAMAICAN RUNNER, by Runaway Groom. Winner at 2 and 3 in Jamaica. Dam of 5 foals, 3 winners, including-- Dream Girl (f. by Alisios). Stakes-placed winner, above. 3rd dam MISS BOJANGLES, by Green Dancer. Placed at 3 and 4, $5,386. Sent to Saudi Arabia. Dam of 6 other winners, including-- Miss Bo Blush. Winner at 3 and 4, $70,583. Vodka and Tonic. Winner at 3 and 4, $64,750. 4th dam Famous Colony, by Pleasant Colony. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $52,383, 2nd Astoria S.-G3. Half-sister to Famous Speech ($31,888, 3rd Schuylerville S.-G3, etc.), Cherokee Partner ($97,851). Dam of 15 winners, including-- Powerful Nation. 3 wins to 5, $176,245, 3rd Next Move H.-G3. Dam of-- Star Celebrity. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $196,700, 2nd Montauk H.-LR, 3rd Iro- quois H.-LR, Niagara S.-R. Real Dingo. 2 wins at 4, $22,725, in N.A./U.S.; winner at 4, $48,413, in Canada, 2nd Speed to Spare S.-L, 3rd Don Fleming H., H. (Total: $71,293). Buffalo Bird Woman. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $162,013, 2nd Bangles and Beads S.-L, 3rd Torrey Pines S.-LR. Dam of 5 winners, including-- MOTOVATO. 7 wins, 2 to 6, $398,869, Kenny Noe, Jr., H.-G3, Memorial Day H.-L, Primal S., Sumter S. twice, 2nd Gulfstream Park H.-G2, Me- morial Day H.-G3, Spend a Buck H.-G3, 3rd Gulfstream Park Sprint Championship S.-G2, Our Dear Peggy S. Famous Villa. Winner at 2, $32,447, 2nd Princeton S. Famous Lady Ann. Winner at 3, $4,406. Producer. Granddam of Jones Focus ($36,847, 2nd My Dandy/Texas Stallion S.-LR). Laughing Academy. 10 wins, 3 to 6, $124,776. Defense King. 4 wins at 3, $77,760. Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Humming Bird Stables, Agent for Hip No. Nigal Amin Hip No. 40 DARK BAY OR BROWN FILLY 40 Foaled March 16, 2012 Mr. Prospector Gone West ...... Secrettame Canadian Frontier ...... Seattle Slew Borodislew...... Breath Taking (FR) DARK BAY OR Unbridled's Song BROWN FILLY Songandaprayer...... Alizea Dreaming Prayers ...... (2007) Seeking the Gold Annika Rules...... Jeweled Crown By CANADIAN FRONTIER (1999). Stakes winner of $253,239, Bold Ruler H.- G3, etc. Sire of champions Frontier Tour ($139,789, Clasico Fanatico Hipico-G3, etc.), Miss Vancouver (Clasico Independencia de Guayaquil, etc.), and of Hilda's Passion (8 wins in 14 starts, $739,493, Ballerina S.- G1, etc.), No Such Word ($653,213, Gazelle S.-G1, etc.), Frontier Warrior ($172,877, Game Cup S.), On the Menu ($164,350, Just Smashing S., etc.), Diferentkindagreat ($135,093, Super Bowl Party Starter H.). 1st dam DREAMING PRAYERS, by Songandaprayer. Winner at 2, $11,330. Sent to Trinidad and Tobago. This is her second foal. Her first foal is a 2-year-old of 2013. 2nd dam ANNIKA RULES, by Seeking the Gold. Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of-- Chris's Contender. Winner at 2, $22,599. 3rd dam JEWELED CROWN, by Seattle Slew. Winner, $34,567. Sent to Japan. Dam of-- SILK PHOENIX. 4 wins, ¥114,009,000, in Japan, Empress Hai-G2, 2nd Unicorn S.-G3, Queen Sho-G3, Sparkling Lady Cup-G3. (Total: $958,976). Ibuki Man Power. 5 wins, 3 to 6, ¥147,677,000, in Japan, 2nd Hanshin Spring Jump. (Total: $1,252,633). 4th dam SIX CROWNS, by Secretariat. 5 wins at 2 and 3, $136,274, Meadow Queen S., 2nd Queen Charlotte H., Miss Liberty H., 3rd Ladies H.-G1, Athenia H., etc. Half-sister to WIMBLEDON STAR, Tournament Star. Dam of-- CHIEF'S CROWN. 12 wins in 21 starts at 2 and 3, $2,191,168, champion 2- year-old colt, Breeders' Cup Juvenile-G1, Marlboro Cup-G1, Travers S.-G1, Norfolk S.-G1, Flamingo S.-G1, Blue Grass S.-G1, Hopeful S.-G1, etc. Sire. CLASSIC CROWN. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $535,919, Frizette S.-G1, Gazelle H.- G1, 2nd Beldame S.-G1, etc. Producer. Granddam of REACH THE CROWN (Total: $2,809,061), A SHIN G LINE (Total: $2,330,355), CROWN PRINCESS (Total: $1,444,777), A Shin F Danz (9 wins, Total: $1,246,324). Tribunal. 3 wins at 3, $315,140, 3rd Santa Anita H.-G1, San Bernardino H.-G2. Sister Crown. Unraced. Granddam of BOURBON COURAGE (3 wins, $832,- 444, Super Derby-G2, 2nd Donn H.-G1, West Virginia Derby-G2, etc.). Chosen Crown. Unraced. Producer. Granddam of SKYWALKER'S CHOICE ($190,270), Griselda ($191,014, dam of TUTTA BELLA, $280,- 644), Apremont ($193,820, sire). Great-granddam of ESCROW KID (8 wins to 6, 2013, $330,437), HIGH PIN ($75,813), JUMP BOOTS ($61,- 353), Cold Hard Dash (9 wins, $140,410), Swan Bee (Total: $94,815). Olympic Crown. Unraced. Granddam of FRENCH ASSAULT ($141,090). Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Humming Bird Stables, Agent for Hip No. Mrs. Sharon Ferreira Hip No. 41 DARK BAY OR BROWN FILLY 41 Foaled February 5, 2012 A.P. Indy Pulpit...... Preach Louisvilleluminary ...... Copelan Copelan's Bid Gal...... Bid Gal DARK BAY OR Mr. Prospector BROWN FILLY Smart Strike...... Classy 'n Smart Dudley's Girl...... (2003) Danehill Still Proceeding ...... Star of Light By LOUISVILLELUMINARY (2007). Stakes-placed winner at 2, $49,023, 3rd Sanford S.-G2. Brother to stakes winners Purge, Namaste’s Wish. His first foals are yearlings of 2013. Son of stakes winner Pulpit, sire of 69 stakes winners, including Govinda (hwt. in Germany, $163,482, Grosser Preis der Jungheinrich Gabelstapler-Hamburger Flieger Trophy-G3, etc.), Pyro (5 wins, $1,673,673, Forego S.-G1, etc.), Rutherienne ($1,298,671, Del Mar Oaks-G1, etc.), Corinthian ($1,267,273, Metropolitan H.-G1, etc.). 1st dam Dudley's Girl, by Smart Strike. Winner in Trinidad and Tobago, 3rd Guardian Life St. Ann's S.-G2. This is her fifth foal. Her third foal is a 3-year-old of 2013. 2nd dam STILL PROCEEDING, by Danehill. Dam of 4 foals, 2 to race, including-- Dudley's Girl (f. by Smart Strike). Stakes-placed winner, above. 3rd dam STAR OF LIGHT, by Risen Star. 2 wins to 4, $43,285. Dam of 3 winners, incl.-- Neon Magic. 9 wins, 4 to 6, $237,275. 4th dam GRAND LUXE, by Sir Ivor. 10 wins to 4, $114,349, Convenience S., La Merced S., Fury S., etc. Half-sister to L'ENJOLEUR ($546,079, horse of the year twice in Canada, sire), LA VOYAGEUSE ($524,993, champion 3 times in Canada), MEDAILLE D'OR ($163,368, champion 2-year-old in Can- ada, sire), D'ACCORD, (sire), L'Extravagante. Dam of 7 winners, incl.-- SMACKOVER CREEK. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $88,846, Fifth Season Breeders' Cup S.-L, 2nd Bloomington S. Sire. Lode. 2 wins at 3, $103,550, 2nd Oceanside S.-LR, 3rd Del Mar Derby-G2. Salvora. Winner at 3 in France. Dam of AUBE INDIENNE (FR) (Total: $547,- 265), MARE NOSTRUM (GB) (Total: $106,582, Prix Vanteaux-G3, etc., dam of MARIE DE MEDICI, Total: $103,783), RAISONNABLE (dam of SENSIBLE, Total: $132,471), SPECIAL GALLERY (IRE). Granddam of COMMON WORLD (Total: $406,470, sire), SPECIALE (Total: $50,979). Islands. 3 wins, $33,868. Dam of FIT TO LEAD ($595,776, Louisville Bud- weiser Breeders’ Cup H.-G2, etc.). Granddam of KRUPT (Total: $200,- 078), SECRET LAUNCH ($173,802), LIQUOREUX ($160,916), BOLD CALEB ($157,721), ANEVAY (Total: $118,679), LITTLE DUDE ($36,588). Rolls. Unraced. Dam of FLYING SPUR (Golden Slipper S.-G1, etc.). Grand- dam of ENCOSTA DE LAGO (3 wins, Total: $372,603), BALLYBLEUE. Goulaine. Unraced. Granddam of MALPENSA (in India). Nice Dancing. Unplaced in 2 starts. Dam of MUSIDORA (3 wins, Total: $149,- 641), Outsourcing (Total: $63,187), Etruscan King (Total: $26,160). Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by JMH Enterprises Limited, Agent for Hip No. Charles James Hip No. 42 BAY COLT 42 Foaled April 4, 2012 Mr. Prospector Kingmambo ...... Miesque Babel...... Sadler's Wells Lady Reiko (IRE) ...... Willamae BAY COLT Cutlass Friendly Lover...... Glide Along Dutchess Trembley...... (2000) Mt. Livermore Livermore Lady...... Dagian By BABEL (2001). Winner of 2 races at 3, $73,720. Half-brother to stakes win- ner Chopper Won. Sire of Nettoyer (3rd Royal Colours Classic-G3). Son of classic winner Kingmambo, sire of 94 stakes winners, 6 champions, including Lemon Drop Kid ($3,245,370, Belmont S.-G1, etc.), Divine Pro- portions ($1,553,790, Prix de Diane Hermes-French Oaks-G1, etc.), Rus- sian Rhythm ($1,260,794, Sagitta One Thousand Guineas-G1, etc.), El Condor Pasa (8 wins, $3,502,404, Grand Prix de Saint-Cloud-G1, etc.). 1st dam DUTCHESS TREMBLEY, by Friendly Lover. Winner at 3 in Trinidad and To- bago. This is her sixth foal. Her fifth foal is a 2-year-old of 2013. She has no foals to race. 2nd dam LIVERMORE LADY, by Mt. Livermore. 13 wins, 3 to 6, $156,831, Sangre de Cristo S., 2nd La Primavera H. Dam of 5 other winners, including-- WILD ENGLISH ROSE (f. by Wild Rush). 5 wins at 3 and 4, $65,524, Yavapai Classic H., Bradley Rollins S., 2nd Mesa H., Excess Energy S. Whataclassybroad (f. by Yankee Gentleman). 6 wins at 2 and 3, $96,500, 3rd Regal Rumor S. Silver Veil. Dam of 2 foals to race, both winners, including-- Victim of Love (g. by Friendly Lover). 10 wins, 2 to 5, $157,550, in N.A./ U.S.; 8 wins, 3 to 10, $96,993, in Canada, 3rd British Columbia Cup Sprint H.-R. Set ntr at Hastings Park. (Total: $245,450). 3rd dam DAGIAN, by Vigors. Winner at 3, $10,964. Sister to AIR DE COUR. Dam of-- LIVERMORE LADY. Stakes winner, above. 4th dam AMYA (FR), by Sanctus. 2 wins at 3 in France. Half-sister to ALMYRE. Dam of-- AGENT DOUBLE. 7 wins, 2 to 5 in France, Prix Royal-Oak-French St. Leger- G1, Grand Prix de Vichy-G3, Prix de Lutece-G3, Prix de Menneval, etc. Sire. AIR DE COUR. 5 wins at 3 and 4 in France, Prix du Cadran-G1, etc. Sire. Egine. 3 wins, €44,454, in France, 2nd Prix Panacee, etc. (Total: $57,787). Tersanctus. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $33,384, 2nd Col. R. S. McLaughlin H. Sire. Reverente. Winner at 2 in France, 3rd Prix de la Seine. Dam of REVIF (Total: $50,441), Revolutionary (FR) ($91,505, in N.A./U.S.), Revelry. Amorist. Winner at 3, $15,613. Sent to Argentina. Dam of 5 winners, incl.-- ACROSS. Winner at 2 and 3, 21,305 pesos, in Argentina, Diego White-G3. (Total: $21,043). Dam of Al Basamah (hwt. filly at 2 on Qatari Hand.). Slamya. Dam of Eishin Paris (Total: $148,115, 3rd Hakodate Sansai S.- G3), Queen Reserve (Total: $144,468, 3rd Kokura Sansai S.-G3). My Hawk. Dam of Hawkeye (FR). Granddam of STAR FINCH. Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Bonanza Farm Riding and Country Club Limited, Hip No. Agent for John Thompson & Mrs. Natalie Sloan Hip No. 43 BAY COLT 43 Foaled March 21, 2012 Gone West Elusive Quality...... Touch of Greatness Moygaddy...... Dayjur Star of Paris...... Liturgism BAY COLT Great Fapp Fappiojo...... Flo-Jo Elaina For Two ...... (2004) Researching Tea Search ...... Early Dancer By MOYGADDY (2004). Winner at 4 in Trinidad and Tobago. Brother to stakes winner Elusive City, half-brother to stakes winner Parisian Affair. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2013. Son of stakes winner Elusive Quality, lead- ing sire, sire of 97 stakes winners, including champions Smarty Jones (8 wins in 9 starts, $7,613,155, Kentucky Derby-G1, etc.), Sepoy ($3,990,- 138, AAMI Golden Slipper-G1, etc.), Maryfield ($1,334,331, Ballerina S.- G1, etc.), Elusive Kate ($1,093,415, Etihad Airways Falmouth S.-G1, etc.). 1st dam ELAINA FOR TWO, by Fappiojo. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. This is her third foal. Her first foal is a 3-year-old of 2013.

2nd dam TEA SEARCH, by Researching. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. Dam of 1 foal, above.

3rd dam EARLY DANCER, by Bandsman. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. Sister to Set All. Dam of 3 foals to race, including-- Tea For Two. Placed at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, 3rd Benson & Hedges Whitsun Classic-G2. Millenium Dancer. Winner at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago.

4th dam CASET, by Calpurnius. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. Dam of-- Set All. Placed at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd CLICO St. Ann's S.-G2. Dam of 4 foals to race, 2 winners-- ALL FOR JAVA. Winner at 2 and 5 in Trinidad and Tobago, champion 2-year-old colt, Guardian Life St. James S.-G2, Sian's Gold Sprint First Citizens-G2, 3rd Republic Bank Champagne S.-G1, Royal Colours Classic-G3. Mind Set. Placed at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, champion 2-year-old filly, 3rd Du Maurier Santa Rosa Classic-G1, Du Maurier Cup-G2. Dam of Beautiful Mind (in Trinidad and Tobago, 3rd Santa Rosa Classic-G1). Indian Commissioner. Placed at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, 3rd Santa Rosa Classic-G1. Upset All. Winner at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago. Love Movement. Unraced. Dam of-- Ready Or Not. Placed at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago.

Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Leeclare Stud Farm, Agent for Hip No. Ainsley A. Mark Hip No. 44 DARK BAY OR BROWN COLT 44 Foaled April 18, 2012 A.P. Indy Pulpit...... Preach Storms Past ...... Storm Cat Magic Storm...... Foppy Dancer DARK BAY OR Mr. Prospector BROWN COLT Gilgamesh...... Danzante Embraceable ...... (2002) Ubique Dance Little Lady ...... Pirouette By STORMS PAST (2004). Winner of 5 races at 4 and 5, $88,760. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2013. Son of stakes winner Pulpit, sire of 69 stakes winners, including Govinda (hwt. at 3 in Germany, $163,482, Gros- ser Preis der Jungheinrich Gabelstapler-Hamburger Flieger Trophy-G3, etc.), Pyro ($1,673,673, Forego S.-G1, etc.), Rutherienne ($1,298,671, Del Mar Oaks-G1, etc.), Corinthian ($1,267,273, Metropolitan H.-G1, etc.), Ice Box ($948,068, Florida Derby-G1, etc.), Purge (6 wins, $905,434). 1st dam EMBRACEABLE, by Gilgamesh. In Trinidad and Tobago. This is her sixth foal. Her fourth foal is a 3-year-old of 2013. 2nd dam DANCE LITTLE LADY, by Ubique. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. Dam of-- Fresh Up Lady. 5 wins at 3 and 4 in Barbados. 3rd dam PIROUETTE, by Bandsman. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. Sister to TUNE IN TIME, CRESCENDO. Dam of 2 foals to race. 4th dam Treasured Honour, by American Honor. Placed at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd Easter Guineas-G1, Whitsun Classic Trial S.-G2, 3rd Midsummer Classic-G1. Dam of 2 foals to race, both winners-- TUNE IN TIME. 3 wins at 3 and 4 in Trinidad and Tobago, horse of the year, champion 3-year-old colt, champion stayer twice, Royal Bank Visa Mid- summer Classic-G1, Republic Bank Cup-G1, Trinidad Turf Club Cup- G2, 2nd Royal Oak Derby S.-G1. CRESCENDO. Winner at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, Midsummer Classic- G1. Broodmare of the year in Trinidad and Tobago in 2003. Dam of-- TOP OF THE CLASS. 13 wins, 3 to 5 in Trinidad and Tobago, horse of the year, champion 3-year-old colt, champion stayer 3 times, Trinidad and Tobago Triple Crown, Royal Oak Derby-G1, Union Park Turf Club Easter Guineas-G1, CLICO Midsummer Classic-G1, Caribbean Brew- ery Trophy-Caribbean Championship S.-G1, Guard-ian Holdings Gold Cup-G1, Caribbean Champion S.-G1 twice, Lexus President's Cup- G1, Diamond Trophy H.-G2, 2nd Guardian Gold Cup-G1, etc. THE NIGHT MAN. Winner at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, champion 2- year-old colt, Guardian Life St. James S.-G2. Bazodee Gal. Placed to 4 in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd St. Ann's S.-G2. Honey Bunny. Placed at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago. Dam of Be Nice (champion 3-year-old filly in Trinidad and Tobago, 3rd Caribbean Brewery Limited Guineas-G1). Saucy Wow. Dam of Big Mama (2nd St. Ann's S.-G2). Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Healthy Horse Farm, Agent for Hip No. Derek Balwant Hip No. 45 BAY COLT 45 Foaled March 1, 2012 Nashwan Swain (IRE)...... Love Smitten Stanley Park...... Storm Bird Tricky Bird...... Tricky Squaw BAY COLT Unbridled Unbridled Optimism ...... Sense of Unity Enticing...... (2006) Private Banker Encee...... Carmel Nugget By STANLEY PARK (2000). Stakes winner of 4 races, $272,916, San Luis Rey H.-G2, Bay Meadows Derby-G3, 3rd Oceanside S.-LR. Half-brother to stakes winner Turf Melody. Sire of Honour The Lady (Royal Colours Classic-G3). Son of European champion Swain (IRE), sire of 13 stakes winners, including Dimitrova ($1,142,696, Flower Bowl Invitational S.-G1, etc.), Nasheej ($346,605, Murphy's Fastflow May Hill S.-G2, etc.), Czar Al- exander (S. A. Poonawalla Million-G2, etc.), Trillion Cut ($1,282,500). 1st dam ENTICING, by Unbridled Optimism. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. This is her first foal. 2nd dam ENCEE, by Private Banker. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. Dam of 1 foal, above. 3rd dam CARMEL NUGGET, by J. O. Tobin. Winner in 2 starts at 3 in France. Dam of-- Miss J. R. Winner at 3, $35,220. Dam of 4 foals, all winners, including-- Flashy in Black. 7 wins, 6 to 9, $54,589. 4th dam Carmelize, by Cornish Prince. 6 wins to 4, $101,731, 3rd Sheepshead Bay H.- G2. Half-sister to CHRIS EVERT (10 wins, $679,475, champion 3-year- old filly, Filly Triple Crown), ALL RAINBOWS. Dam of 5 winners, incl.-- Carmelized. Winner at 3, $8,696. Dam of 3 foals, 2 winners-- ROYAL DRAGON. 6 wins, 2 to 4, €284,909, in Germany, hwt. at 3 on German Hand., 7 - 9 1/2 fur., Mehl-Muelhens-Rennen-German Two Thousand Guineas-G2, Berlin Brandenburg-Trophy-G2, Grosser Mueller Brot-Preis-G2, Oppenheim-Meile-G2, Preis der Dreijaehrigen der Merck Finck & Co. Privat Bankiers, 3rd Hasseroder-Berlin Bran- denburg-Trophy-G2. (Total: $252,178). Sire. Abi. Winner at 3, £4,431, in England. (Total: $7,274). Dam of DEEP SKY (5 wins, Total: $6,323,231, champion 3-year-old colt in Japan, Tokyo Yushun-Japanese Derby, NHK Mile Cup, Kobe Shimbun Hai, Maini- chi Hai, 2nd Japan Cup-G1, Yasuda Kinen-G1, Sankei Osaka Hai-G2, 3rd Takarazuka Kinen-G1, Tenno Sho Autumn-G1, Arlington Cup). Granddam of Sound Hearts (Total: $37,523, in England, 2nd Voute Sales Warwickshire Oaks, 3rd TRM Severals S.). Danamala. Placed at 3 and 4, £2,555, in England. (Total: $3,991). Dam of FALINO (5 wins, Total: $240,531, in Australia, Triple M Fred Best Classic-G3, 2nd Patinack Farm Vo Rogue Plate-G3). Muntaha. Unplaced in 1 start in England. Dam of 2 winners, including-- Love Fantasy. Winner at 2, ¥9,900,000, in Japan. (Total: $84,945). Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Leeclare Stud Farm, Agent for Hip No. Ainsley A. Mark Hip No. 46 BAY FILLY 46 Foaled March 4, 2012 A.P. Indy Pulpit...... Preach Storms Past ...... Storm Cat Magic Storm...... Foppy Dancer BAY FILLY Halo Devil's Bag...... Ballade Fallen Angel...... (2003) Quiet American Makes Sense ...... Bibical Sense By STORMS PAST (2004). Winner of 5 races at 4 and 5, $88,760. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2013. Son of stakes winner Pulpit, sire of 69 stakes winners, including Govinda (hwt. at 3 in Germany, $163,482, Gros- ser Preis der Jungheinrich Gabelstapler-Hamburger Flieger Trophy-G3, etc.), Pyro ($1,673,673, Forego S.-G1, etc.), Rutherienne ($1,298,671, Del Mar Oaks-G1, etc.), Corinthian ($1,267,273, Metropolitan H.-G1, etc.), Ice Box ($948,068, Florida Derby-G1, etc.), Purge (6 wins, $905,434). 1st dam FALLEN ANGEL, by Devil's Bag. Placed at 3, $3,767. Sent to Trinidad and Tobago. This is her fifth foal. Her third foal is a 3-year-old of 2013. Dam of 2 foals to race. 2nd dam MAKES SENSE, by Quiet American. Winner, $4,301. Dam of 3 winners, incl.-- Two Point Maker. 7 wins, 3 to 6, $69,796. 3rd dam BIBICAL SENSE, by Blushing Groom (FR). Unraced. Dam of 7 winners, incl.-- WINNING POINT. 4 wins at 3 and 5, $370,170, Am Capable S.-R, 2nd Del- aware Oaks-G2, Black-Eyed Susan S.-G2, Comely S.-G2, Next Move S.- G3, Susan's Girl Breeders' Cup S.-L, 3rd New York S.-G3. SENSE OF DUTY. 9 wins, 2 to 6, $313,967, Forego S. Gilded Wings. 4 wins, 2 to 5, $180,150, 2nd Stonerside S.-L, Wafare Farm S.-L, Martha Washington S., 3rd River Cities S. Dam of 5 winners, incl.-- Fairing. 2 wins at 2, $63,552, 2nd Prairie Mile S., Dean Kutz S. 4th dam Star in the North, by Northern Dancer. 2 wins at 3 in England, 3rd Musidora S.-G3. Half-sister to KING LUTHIER (sire), LIGHTED GLORY, Torus (sire), Argon Laser (GB), Child of the Mist, Blakes Beacon. Dam of-- COOL. Winner at 3 in France; 5 wins in 9 starts at 4 and 5, $215,322, in N.A./U.S., Manhattan H.-G1, Appleton H.-G3, 2nd Kelso H.-G3, etc. Sire. MOUNTAIN KINGDOM. 7 wins, £194,393, in England, Yorkshire Cup-G2, E.B.F. Ormonde S.-G3, etc.; 2 wins, $88,190, in N.A./U.S. (Total: $410,831). HEAVEN AND EARTH. 4 wins, 3 to 5, $60,628, Wiley Post H.-ntr. INSTANT STARDOM. 3 wins, $44,360, Kansas Oaks Breeders' Cup S. Dam of STREAK OF LIGHT (Total: $100,492, Secretariat Memorial S., etc.). Allatum. 2 wins at 3 in England. Dam of PALADIN (Total: $427,173). Grand- dam of GOTDREAM (FR) (dam of GOT SUN, Total: $173,350), etc. Seaward. Unraced. Dam of BEAUTY BRUSH ($189,863, Cicero H.-L, Wish- ing Well S.-L, etc.), Golden Cortez (Total: $47,382, 3rd Prix Delahante). Follow the Gleam. Unraced. Dam of Zetetic (4 wins, Total: $198,597). West by Northwest. Unraced. Granddam of Leon Bisty (Total: $725,958). Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Leeclare Stud Farm, Agent for Hip No. Ainsley A. Mark Hip No. 47 BAY FILLY 47 Foaled April 2, 2012 A.P. Indy Pulpit...... Preach Storms Past ...... Storm Cat Magic Storm...... Foppy Dancer BAY FILLY Blushing Groom (FR) Freshly Squeezed...... Mandera Firestorm ...... (2000) Starjinsky Concordia...... Renaissance By STORMS PAST (2004). Winner of 5 races at 4 and 5, $88,760. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2013. Son of stakes winner Pulpit, sire of 69 stakes winners, including Govinda (hwt. at 3 in Germany, $163,482, Gros- ser Preis der Jungheinrich Gabelstapler-Hamburger Flieger Trophy-G3, etc.), Pyro ($1,673,673, Forego S.-G1, etc.), Rutherienne ($1,298,671, Del Mar Oaks-G1, etc.), Corinthian ($1,267,273, Metropolitan H.-G1, etc.), Ice Box ($948,068, Florida Derby-G1, etc.), Purge (6 wins, $905,434). 1st dam FIRESTORM, by Freshly Squeezed. Winner at 3, $32,300, in Trinidad and To- bago. Sister to CHIEF COMMANDER, BLUSHING BRIDE, MAID OF HONOUR, Bluff Bid. This is her fifth foal. Dam of-- Galveston (c. by A Great Team). 12 wins, $1,065,812, in Trinidad and To- bago, 2nd National Gas CNG Trinidad Derby-G1, Gold Cup-G1, etc. Hot N Spicy (f. by Gilgamesh). 2 wins, $46,937, in Trinidad and Tobago. 2nd dam CONCORDIA, by Starjinsky. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. Sister to SHIN- KANSEN. Dam of-- CHIEF COMMANDER (g. by Freshly Squeezed). 6 wins, 5 to 8 in Trinidad and Tobago, horse of the year, champion stayer twice, Gold Cup-G1, Sagicor Independence Cup-G1, etc.; winner in 2 starts at 6 in Barbados. BLUSHING BRIDE (f. by Freshly Squeezed). Winner at 2 and 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, champion 2-year-old filly, St. Ann's S.-G2, etc. Dam of-- ALWAYS A PRINCESS (f. by Charismatic Cat). Winner, $229,990, in Trini- dad and Tobago, Gleneagles S.-G2, 2nd Futurity S., SFA Breeders’ S. MAID OF HONOUR (f. by Freshly Squeezed). 7 wins in Trinidad and Toba- go, SFA National S. Bluff Bid (c. by Freshly Squeezed). Placed at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, 3rd Guardian Life St. James S.-G2. Keep The Faith (f. by Gilgamesh). Placed at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, 3rd Santa Rosa Classic-G2. 3rd dam RENAISSANCE, by North Copse. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. Half-sis- ter to NOBLE BOY, Prescience. Dam of 4 foals to race, 3 winners-- COOK THE BOOKS. Winner at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, champion 2- year-old colt, St. James S.-G2. SHINKANSEN. Winner in Trinidad and Tobago, champion 2-year-old colt, CLI- CO St. James' S.-G2, 3rd Benson and Hedges Caribbean Championship-G1. RENATA. Winner at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, Nursery S.-G2, etc. Dam of NEW MILLENNIUM (champion 3 times in Trinidad and Tobago), MIL- LENIUM REIGN (champion 3-year-old colt in Trinidad and Tobago). Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Bonanza Farm Riding and Country Club Limited, Hip No. Agent for Mrs. Natalie Sloan & Stephen Sobers Hip No. 48 CHESTNUT FILLY 48 Foaled March 10, 2012 Blushing Groom (FR) Freshly Squeezed...... Mandera Top of the Class...... Bandsman Crescendo...... Treasured Honour CHESTNUT FILLY Unfuwain Zimaam...... Irish Valley Flower Girl...... (2006) Great Fapp La Fleur ...... Cactus Flower By TOP OF THE CLASS (2000). Horse of the year in Trinidad and Tobago, Triple Crown winner of 13 races, Royal Oak Derby-G1, Union Park Turf Club Easter Guineas-G1, Clico Midsummer Classic-G1, Caribbean Brew- ery Trophy-Caribbean Championship S.-G1, Guardian Holdings Gold Cup-G1, Caribbean Champion S.-G1 twice, Lexus President's Cup-G1, Diamond Trophy H.-G2, 2nd Guardian Gold Cup-G1, Guardian Life Gold Cup-G1, Sagicor Independence Cup-G1, etc. He has no foals to race. 1st dam FLOWER GIRL, by Zimaam. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. This is her first foal.

2nd dam LA FLEUR, by Great Fapp. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. Dam of 1 other foal, which has not raced.

3rd dam CACTUS FLOWER, by Spindle Top. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. Dam of 2 other foals, which have not raced.

4th dam CANTERBURY, by Becket. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. Dam of 4 other foals, which have not raced.

Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by La Concepcion Stud Farm, Agent for Hip No. Hugh Lee King Hip No. 49 ROAN COLT 49 Foaled January 12, 2012 Blushing Groom (FR) Freshly Squeezed...... Mandera Napoleon ...... Windy Hill Beggar's Banquet...... Thenais ROAN COLT Forestry Teton Forest...... Tomorrow's Child Flowermania ...... (2007) Blue Ensign Family Flair...... Lucy Malarkey By NAPOLEON (1999). Champion sprinter twice in Trinidad and Tobago, stakes winner of Royal Colours Classic-G2, 2nd Midsummer Classic-G1, Trinidad Turf Club Stewards' Cup-G1, Sian's Gold Sprint-G2, 3rd Stew- ards' Cup-G1. He has no foals to race. Son of winner Freshly Squeezed, leading sire 13 times in Trinidad and Tobago, sire of 30 stakes winners, 24 champions, including Top of the Class (Royal Oak Derby-G1, etc.), Chief Commander (Gold Cup-G1, etc.), Carnival Messiah (TRI), Chanticleer. 1st dam FLOWERMANIA, by Teton Forest. Unraced. Sent to Trinidad and Tobago. This is her first foal. 2nd dam Family Flair, by Blue Ensign. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $56,308, 2nd Sandpiper S., 3rd Suncoast S. Dam of 5 winners, including-- MY BUBA BOY (g. by Brunswick). 15 wins, 2 to 7, $124,117, Club House Special S., 2nd Woodlands Juvenile S., Journal Star S., 3rd Prairie Mead- ows Freshman S., Baxter S. 3rd dam LUCY MALARKEY, by Coursing. Unraced. Half-sister to QUICKEN TREE ($718,303), ASK FATHER, READY WIT. Dam of 14 winners, including-- Family Flair. Stakes-placed winner, above. Yellow Underwing. 4 wins to 3, $35,816, 3rd Miss California S.-R. Dam of-- JACKIE'S TASSO. 7 wins, 3 to 6, $31,818, Inland Empire Marathon S., 3rd Budweiser Starter H.-R, Inland Empire Marathon H.-R. Hollywood Flyer. Winner at 3, $6,302. Dam of Flying Bill (8 wins, $34,- 983, 3rd Yavapai County Arizona Breeders Futurity-R), Burn's Flyer ($20,457, 3rd Yavapai County Arizona Breeders Futurity-R). Lady Wit. 2 wins at 2. Dam of 4 foals, 2 winners, including-- WITTY LADY. 12 wins, 2 to 6, $123,945, Las Damas H. Producer. Park Policewoman. Winner at 4 and 5, $4,056. Dam of 2 winners-- L'DETECTIVE. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $86,895, Alameda County Fillies & Mares H., 2nd Fairfield S. Dam of PARADISE STRANGER ($35,083, Norgor Derby, etc.). Granddam of EX FEDERALI ($292,755, Maiden S.-LR, sire), EX MARKS THE COP ($218,273, California Cup Juvenile S.- LR, etc., sire), Purple Cop ($53,580, 3rd Rancho San Miguel S.-R). NAT'S PARK. 3 wins at 2, $62,175, Juan Gonzalez Memorial S., 2nd Bam's Penny S.-L, Black Swan S., Bustles and Bows S., etc. Natural Ticket. Granddam of Sizzling Song (2nd Woodland Heritage S.- R, etc.), Exit Stage North (3rd Parkland Heritage S.-R, etc.). Precious Cargo. Winner at 3, $21,120. Dam of 2 winners, including-- Runaway Cargo. 5 wins, 3 to 5, $38,239, 3rd Norman Hall S.-R. Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by JMH Enterprises Limited, Agent for Hip No. Charles James Hip No. 50 CHESTNUT FILLY 50 Foaled May 10, 2012 Blushing Groom (FR) Freshly Squeezed...... Mandera Top of the Class...... Bandsman Crescendo...... Treasured Honour CHESTNUT FILLY Unfuwain Zimaam...... Irish Valley Flying Glory...... (2004) A Firm Deacon Northern Rose...... Little Rose By TOP OF THE CLASS (2000). Horse of the year in Trinidad and Tobago, Triple Crown winner of 13 races, Royal Oak Derby-G1, Union Park Turf Club Easter Guineas-G1, Clico Midsummer Classic-G1, Caribbean Brew- ery Trophy-Caribbean Championship S.-G1, Guardian Holdings Gold Cup-G1, Caribbean Champion S.-G1 twice, Lexus President's Cup-G1, Diamond Trophy H.-G2, 2nd Guardian Gold Cup-G1, Guardian Life Gold Cup-G1, Sagicor Independence Cup-G1, etc. He has no foals to race. 1st dam FLYING GLORY, by Zimaam. Unplaced in 1 start in Trinidad and Tobago. This is her second foal. Her first foal is a 3-year-old of 2013.

2nd dam NORTHERN ROSE, by A Firm Deacon. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. Sister to Simply Red. Dam of 3 other foals, which have not raced.

3rd dam LITTLE ROSE, by Northjet (IRE). Winner at 4 in Trinidad and Tobago. Dam of-- Simply Red. Placed at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, 3rd Royal Oak Derby-G1. Hannibal's Will. Placed at 2 and 3 in Trinidad and Tobago.

4th dam DEAR MELINDA, by Mr. Long. Half-sister to Twice Judged (in France, 3rd Prix Yacowlef). Dam of 3 other foals, 2 winners-- Splash With Wanda. Winner at 3, 4, and 5, $26,194. Splashing Mindy. 2 wins at 3, $5,470.

Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Leeclare Stud Farm, Agent for Hip No. Ainsley A. Mark Hip No. 51 DARK BAY OR BROWN FILLY 51 Foaled February 29, 2012 A.P. Indy Pulpit...... Preach Storms Past ...... Storm Cat Magic Storm...... Foppy Dancer DARK BAY OR Well Decorated BROWN FILLY Formal Dinner...... Fantastic Flyer Formal Honors...... (1995) His Majesty Honorary Doctorate...... Pam's Paradise By STORMS PAST (2004). Winner of 5 races at 4 and 5, $88,760. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2013. Son of stakes winner Pulpit, sire of 69 stakes winners, including Govinda (hwt. at 3 in Germany, $163,482, Gros- ser Preis der Jungheinrich Gabelstapler-Hamburger Flieger Trophy-G3, etc.), Pyro ($1,673,673, Forego S.-G1, etc.), Rutherienne ($1,298,671, Del Mar Oaks-G1, etc.), Corinthian ($1,267,273, Metropolitan H.-G1, etc.), Ice Box ($948,068, Florida Derby-G1, etc.), Purge (6 wins, $905,434). 1st dam Formal Honors, by Formal Dinner. 7 wins, 2 to 6, $135,231, in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd Sian's Gold Sprint-G2. This is her fifth foal. Her fourth foal is a 3-year-old of 2013. Dam of 3 foals to race-- Regal Honour (c. by Gilgamesh). Placed at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd Santa Rosa Classic-G2. Fidelis (f. by Gold Market). Winner, $43,380, in Trinidad and Tobago. Passion Rules (f. by Freshly Squeezed). Winner, $36,636, in Trinidad and Tobago. 2nd dam HONORARY DOCTORATE, by His Majesty. Placed at 3, $4,680. Dam of-- Formal Honors (f. by Formal Dinner). Stakes-placed winner, above. Royal Doctrine. 8 wins, 2 to 8, $101,122. 3rd dam PAM'S PARADISE, by Little Current. 2 wins, $20,160. Dam of 5 winners, incl.-- SHINY KEY. 10 wins to 6, $476,818, Niagara H.-G3, Connaught Cup S.-L, Jockey Club Cup H.-L, Bunty Lawless S.-LR, 2nd Breeders' S.-LR, etc. Key to Paradise. 2 wins at 3, $76,159, 2nd Wonder Where S.-LR. Dam of-- FOR PETE'S SAKE. 9 wins, 3 to 7, $439,777, Kentuckiana S.-L, Elgin S.-LR, Elgin S.-LR, Paterson S., 2nd Eclipse H.-G3, Durham Cup H.- L, Elgin S.-LR, 3rd Autumn H.-L, Autumn H.-L, Kelso S.-L, etc. KEY TO THE CAT. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $133,981, Katy S., 2nd Audubon Oaks-L, 3rd Marie P. DeBartolo Oaks Breeders' Cup H.-L. Dam of MISS CATALYST ($180,498, Pebbles S.-L, 2nd Riskaverse S.). Eden Ridge. Producer. Granddam of PARADISE DANCER ($638,168, Kenny Noe, Jr. H.-G3, Blazing Sword S., Go to Will S. twice, etc.). 4th dam QUEEN'S PARADISE, by Summer Tan. 2 wins in 3 starts at 3, $11,700. Dam of-- TEMPEST QUEEN. 8 wins at 3 and 4, $289,219, champion 3-year-old filly, Acorn S.-G1, Spinster S.-G1, Gazelle H.-G2, Poinsettia S.-G3, etc. LOVE YOU BY HEART. 8 wins at 3 and 4, $612,630, Black Helen H.-G2, etc. STEAL A KISS. 4 wins, 2 to 4, $571,745, Sheepshead Bay H.-G2, etc. KID RUSSELL. 10 wins, 3 to 6, $371,587, A Phenomenon S.-G3, etc. Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Fredericks Stud Farm Limited Hip No. Hip No. 52 BAY FILLY 52 Foaled January 26, 2012 Forty Niner End Sweep...... Broom Dance Precise Sweep ...... Summing Precisely...... Crisp 'n Clear BAY FILLY Vice Regent Sir Lal Bahadur...... Forleana Fortaleza ...... (2000) Exotic Traveler Out and About...... Vivacita By PRECISE SWEEP (1999). Unraced. Brother to stakes winner Precise End. Sire of B's Passion (Neal & Massy Santa Rosa Classic-G2, Burrokeet Roy- al Colours Classic-G3, 2nd NLCB Easter Guineas-G1), Suga Boy (Santa Rosa Classic-G3, 2nd Caribbean Brewery Limited Guineas-G1, Royal Colours Classic-G3), Some Like It Hot (3rd St. James Guardian Life S.- G2). Son of stakes winner End Sweep, sire of 47 stakes winners, 2 cham- pions, including Admire Moon ($9,448,033, Dubai Duty Free-G1, etc.). 1st dam FORTALEZA, by Sir Lal Bahadur. In Jamaica. Unraced. Sent to Trinidad and Tobago. This is her seventh foal. Her fifth foal is a 3-year-old of 2013. She has no foals to race. 2nd dam OUT AND ABOUT, by Exotic Traveler. In Jamaica. Unraced. Dam of 5 other foals, 4 to race, 2 winners-- Free Lance. 2 wins at 4 in Jamaica. Dam of 1 foal-- She's Emma. 2 wins at 3, placed at 4, 2013 in Jamaica. Tom Cat. 7 wins, 3 to 5 in Jamaica. 3rd dam VIVACITA, by *Bagdad II. In Jamaica. Unraced. Dam of-- Runaway Girl. Unraced. Dam of 1 foal to race-- Tyrone Son. 4 wins, 4 to 6 in Jamaica. 4th dam VIVA, by Vigo. In England. Unraced. Half-sister to BLINKING (Premio de los Sprinters, 2nd New S., 3rd Prince of Wales's S.). Sent to Jamaica. Dam of-- Vivacious. Unraced. Dam of 2 foals to race-- Ocho Rios. Placed at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, 3rd Benson & Hedges Caribbean Creole Championship-G1. Mr. Lincoln. Placed at 2 in Jamaica, 2nd Jamaica Livestock Association Trophy. Vivid. Unraced. Dam of 1 foal to race-- Vivid Traveler. Placed at 3 in Jamaica, 3rd Governor's Cup. Gimme A Light. Unraced. Dam of ONE DRAW (in Jamaica, Jamaican Oaks, 3rd Thornbird S.). Lady Jinsky. Unraced. Dam of Diazi (in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd South- ern Sales & Service Co. Ltd. Easter Guineas-G1). Vichy. Unraced. Dam of 2 foals to race, including-- Veni Vidi Vici. Placed at 4 and 5 in Jamaica. Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by JMH Enterprises Limited, Agent for Hip No. Merlin C. Samlalsingh Hip No. 53 BAY FILLY 53 Foaled February 4, 2012 Gone West Elusive Quality...... Touch of Greatness Moygaddy...... Dayjur Star of Paris...... Liturgism BAY FILLY Seeking the Gold Hunting Hard ...... Oh What a Dance Golden Encounter ...... (1999) Proud Birdie Double Encounter ...... Nodouble's Queen By MOYGADDY (2004). Winner at 4 in Trinidad and Tobago. Brother to stakes winner Elusive City, half-brother to stakes winner Parisian Affair. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2013. Son of stakes winner Elusive Quality, lead- ing sire, sire of 97 stakes winners, including champions Smarty Jones (8 wins in 9 starts, $7,613,155, Kentucky Derby-G1, etc.), Sepoy ($3,990,- 138, AAMI Golden Slipper-G1, etc.), Maryfield ($1,334,331, Ballerina S.- G1, etc.), Elusive Kate ($1,093,415, Etihad Airways Falmouth S.-G1, etc.). 1st dam GOLDEN ENCOUNTER, by Hunting Hard. 3 wins at 3, $93,586. Sent to Trini- dad and Tobago. This is her seventh foal. Her sixth foal is a 3-year-old of 2013. Dam of 2 foals to race, both winners-- PERSONAL ENCOUNTER (c. by Personal First). 6 wins at 3 and 4 in Trini- dad and Tobago, Santa Rosa Dash-G2, 2nd Stewards Cup Union Park Turf Club Trophy-G1, 3rd Diamond Angostura Nineteen Hundred Nine- teen Premium Run S.-G2. One to Watch (f. by Wagon Limit). 3 wins at 3 and 5, $75,430. 2nd dam DOUBLE ENCOUNTER, by Proud Birdie. Unraced. Sister to DOUBLE GET- AWAY. Dam of 11 other foals, 10 to race, 9 winners, including-- SEARCH ME (c. by Regal Search). 4 wins, 2 to 8, $250,408, Beau Brummel S., 2nd Foothill S.-L, 3rd Hollywood Prevue S.-G3, Pomona Derby-L, Ralph M. Hinds Pomona Invitational H.-L, San Pedro S.-L, Phil D. Shepherd S. CASH COUNTER (f. by Top Account). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $58,875, Lady Luck S. Producer. 3rd dam NODOUBLE'S QUEEN, by Nodouble. Placed at 2 and 3, $4,264. Dam of-- DOUBLE GETAWAY. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $46,700, Lady Luck S. Producer. 4th dam CASE ACE QUEEN, by Gunflint. 2 wins at 2, Florida Breeders' Futurity. Half- sister to ACTION A GO GO, Fast Martini ($33,557, sire). Dam of-- SOVEREIGN'S ACE. 26 wins, 2 to 8, $423,941, Churchill Downs S. twice, Midwest H., Colonel Power S., Pelleteri H., F. W. Gaudin Memorial H., Marigold H.-ntr, 6 fur. in 1:09 2/5, Azalea H., 2nd Fairmount Park Bud- weiser Breeders' Cup H., Pelleteri H. twice, Bold Bidder H., Don Bern- hardt Memorial H., Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels H., Colonel Power S., 3rd Kentucky Special S. Kynkie Way. Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of 6 winners, including-- Tujay. 4 wins, 2 to 5, $63,847, 2nd Louisiana Futurity-R, 3rd Battler Star H.-LR. Dam of Xtreme Monique (7 wins, $169,301, 3rd Crescent City Derby-LR, Noel S.-R). Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Paradise Farms, Agent for Hip No. Juan Navarro Hip No. 54 DARK BAY OR BROWN FILLY 54 Foaled April 3, 2012 Lyphard Alzao...... *Lady Rebecca Maraahel...... Nashwan Nasanice...... Mathaayl DARK BAY OR Derring-Do BROWN FILLY St Hubert ...... Hors Serie Gorgeous Lulu...... (1996) Ubique Nobodywantsme ...... Batacaso By MARAAHEL (2001). Stakes winner of 8 races, 2 to 6, $1,649,946, Hard- wicke S.-G2 twice, Akkroball Huxley S.-G3, Jardine Lloyd Thompson Hux- ley S.-G3 twice, Dubai Tennis Championships John Porter S.-G3, ABN Amro S.-G3, 2nd Juddmonte International S.-G1, Hardwicke S.-G2, Grant Thornton Huxley S.-G3, Betfair Brigadier Gerard S.-G3, 3rd King George VI & Queen Elizabeth S.-G1, Juddmonte International S.-G1, etc. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2013. Sire of Salome (3rd St. Ann's S.-G1). 1st dam GORGEOUS LULU, by St Hubert. Winner at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, cham- pion 2- and 3-year-old filly, St. Ann's S.-G2, 2nd Du Maurier Cup-G2. Sis- ter to Noble Girl. This is her fifth foal. Her fourth foal is a 2-year-old of 2013. She has no foals to race.

2nd dam NOBODYWANTSME, by Ubique. Winner at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, cham- pion 2-year-old filly, Benson and Hedges Caribbean Championship S.- G1. Dam of 3 winners-- GORGEOUS LULU (f. by St Hubert). Champion, above. Papa Don't Preach (c. by A Firm Deacon). Winner at 2 in Jamaica, 3rd Ja- maica Lottery Two-Year-Old S. Noble Girl (f. by St Hubert). Placed at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd Hyun- dai St. Ann's Trophy S.-G2. Slippery Sam. 7 wins, $316,000, in Trinidad and Tobago.

3rd dam BATACASO, by Happy Boy. In Barbados. Unraced. Sent to Trinidad and Toba- go. Dam of 4 foals to race, 2 winners-- NOBODYWANTSME. Champion, above. A FIRM NATIVE. Winner at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, Whitsun Classic-G2, 2nd Santa Rosa Classic-G1, 3rd Southern Wholesale Stores Ltd. Easter Guineas-G1. Regrets Only. Placed at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, 3rd CLICO St. Ann's S.-G2.

4th dam DELIA, by No Comment. In Barbados. Unraced. Dam of 2 other foals, which have not raced.

Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Poon Tip Stud Farm, Agent for Hip No. Mrs. Myrna Hadeed Hip No. 55 CHESTNUT COLT 55 Foaled January 31, 2012 Storm Bird Storm Cat ...... Terlingua Charismatic Cat ...... Deputy Minister The Franchise ...... Beautiful Bid CHESTNUT COLT Blushing Groom (FR) Freshly Squeezed...... Mandera Go Wid D Flow ...... (2003) Bandsman Crescendo...... Treasured Honour By CHARISMATIC CAT (2002). Winner of 3 races, $69,043. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2013. Son of stakes winner Storm Cat, leading sire twice, sire of 180 stakes winners, 8 champions, including Giant's Cause- way ($3,078,989, Esat Digifone Irish Champion S.-G1, etc.), Storm Flag Flying ($1,951,828, Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies-G1, etc.), Sweet Cato- mine ($1,059,600, Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies-G1, etc.), Aljabr ($593,- 796, Champagne Lanson Sussex S.-G1, etc.), One Cool Cat ($568,086). 1st dam GO WID D FLOW, by Freshly Squeezed. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. Sister to TOP OF THE CLASS, Bazodee Gal. This is her third foal. Her second foal is a 3-year-old of 2013. She has no foals to race. 2nd dam CRESCENDO, by Bandsman. Winner at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, Midsum- mer Classic-G1. Sister to TUNE IN TIME. Broodmare of the year in Trini- dad and Tobago in 2003. Dam of 3 winners, including-- TOP OF THE CLASS (c. by Freshly Squeezed). 13 wins, 3 to 5 in Trinidad and Tobago, horse of the year, champion 3-year-old colt, champion stayer 3 times, Trinidad and Tobago Triple Crown, Royal Oak Derby-G1, Union Park Turf Club Easter Guineas-G1, CLICO Midsummer Classic-G1, Carib- bean Brewery Trophy-Caribbean Championship S.-G1, Guard-ian Holdings Gold Cup-G1, Caribbean Champion S.-G1 twice, Lexus Pre- sident's Cup-G1, Diamond Trophy H.-G2, 2nd Guardian Gold Cup, etc. THE NIGHT MAN (c. by Gilgamesh). Winner at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, champion 2-year-old colt, Guardian Life St. James S.-G2. Bazodee Gal (f. by Freshly Squeezed). Placed at 2 and 4 in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd St. Ann's S.-G2. Honey Bunny. Placed at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago. Dam of 1 foal to race-- Be Nice (f. by Kdanzc). Placed at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, champion 3-year-old filly, 3rd Caribbean Brewery Limited Guineas-G1. Saucy Wow. Dam of-- Big Mama (f. by Unbridled Optimism). Placed at 2 in Trinidad and To- bago, 2nd St. Ann's S.-G2. 3rd dam Treasured Honour, by American Honor. Placed at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd Easter Guineas-G1, Whitsun Classic Trial S.-G2, 3rd Midsummer Classic-G1. Dam of 2 foals to race, both winners-- TUNE IN TIME. 3 wins in Trinidad and Tobago, horse of the year, champi- on 3-year-old colt, champion stayer twice, Royal Bank Visa Midsummer Classic-G1, Republic Bank Cup-G1, Trinidad Turf Club Cup-G2, etc. CRESCENDO. Stakes winner, above. Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Poon Tip Stud Farm, Agent for Hip No. Poon Tip Stud Farm Limited Hip No. 56 DARK BAY OR BROWN COLT 56 Foaled February 22, 2012 Hennessy Johannesburg...... Myth Ten Meropa...... Danehill Tenderly (IRE) ...... Specificity DARK BAY OR Mr. Prospector BROWN COLT Gilgamesh...... Danzante Grand Opera ...... (2004) Nosferatu Symphonie...... Noble Horse By TEN MEROPA (2005). Stakes winner of 2 races, $92,960, Baldwin S.-G3. His first foals are yearlings of 2013. Son of champion Johannesburg, sire of 59 stakes winners, including Sageburg (hwt. older horse in France, $536,733, Prix d'Ispahan-G1, etc.), Scat Daddy ($1,334,300, Florida Der- by-G1, etc.), Turffontein ($1,114,186, Pulse Pharmacy William Reid S.-G1, etc.), Juhayna ($116,144, Estrellas Juvenile Fillies-G1, etc.), Once Were Wild (7 wins, $546,732, Patinack Farm AJC Australian Oaks-G1, etc.). 1st dam GRAND OPERA, by Gilgamesh. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. This is her fifth foal. Her third foal is a 3-year-old of 2013. Dam of 1 foal to race-- In Joey’s Honour (f. by A Great Team). Winner in Trinidad and Tobago. 2nd dam SYMPHONIE, by Nosferatu. In Barbados. Unraced. Dam of 3 other foals, which have not raced. 3rd dam NOBLE HORSE, by Iron Duke. Placed at 3, €3,354, in France. (Total: $3,643). Sent to Barbados. Dam of 3 foals to race, including-- Shango. 4 wins, 3 to 5 in Barbados. Signorina. Placed at 3 in Barbados. Dam of 9 foals, 7 winners, including-- Leave It to Me. 6 wins at 2 and 3 in Barbados, champion 3-year-old filly. Fascination. Unraced. Dam of 7 foals, 6 to race, 4 winners, including-- Over and Above. Placed at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, 3rd Royal Colours Classic-G2. Zarmella. Unraced. Dam of 2 winners, including-- . Race record not available in Barbados, champion 3-year-old filly. 4th dam LA HORSE, by White Label. In France. Unraced. Half-sister to LE PARRAIN, Lady and Co (2nd Prix de Minerve-G3), Nobla. Dam of 9 winners, incl.-- DAZZLING HORSE. 4 wins, 4 to 6 in France, Grande Course de Hais des 4 Ans Hurdle, 2nd Prix Amadou Hurdle, 3rd Prix Wild Monarch Hurdle. FUNNY HORSE. 9 wins, 3 to 8 in France, Prix Fifrelet Hurdle H. SWEET VIRGINIA. Winner at 3, 4, and 5 in France, Prix Maurice Gillois Grand Steeplechase des 4 Ans, etc. Dam of 6 winners, including-- SWEET DUKE. 15 wins, 4 to 8, £175,617, in England, Long Walk Hurdle, Reynoldstown Novices Stp., Letheby Hurdle, etc. (Total: $272,865). Sweet As Moss. Placed at 4, €3,621, in France. (Total: $4,060). Pro- ducer. Granddam of Virginia Desir (Total: $219,016), Viking Blond. Sweet Beauty. Unraced. Dam of BLUE SHARK (Total: $126,361). Easy Horse. Winner in France. Dam of Cardoudalle (Total: $129,357, 2nd Prix d'Iena Hurdle; granddam of CEASAR'S PALACE, Total: $258,462). Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Humming Bird Stables, Agent for Hip No. Mrs. Sharon Ferreira Hip No. 57 BAY COLT 57 Foaled February 11, 2012 A.P. Indy Pulpit...... Preach Louisvilleluminary ...... Copelan Copelan's Bid Gal...... Bid Gal BAY COLT Blushing Groom (FR) Freshly Squeezed...... Mandera Greek Princess...... (2003) Bandsman Speedtrap...... Half Speed By LOUISVILLELUMINARY (2007). Stakes-placed winner at 2, $49,023, 3rd Sanford S.-G2. Brother to stakes winners Purge, Namaste’s Wish. His first foals are yearlings of 2013. Son of stakes winner Pulpit, sire of 69 stakes winners, including Govinda (hwt. in Germany, $163,482, Grosser Preis der Jungheinrich Gabelstapler-Hamburger Flieger Trophy-G3, etc.), Pyro (5 wins, $1,673,673, Forego S.-G1, etc.), Rutherienne ($1,298,671, Del Mar Oaks-G1, etc.), Corinthian ($1,267,273, Metropolitan H.-G1, etc.). 1st dam GREEK PRINCESS, by Freshly Squeezed. Winner at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, Royal Colours Classic-G3, 2nd CLICO Midsummer Classic-G1, 3rd Trinidad Derby Royal Oak Angostura Limited S.-G1. This is her first foal. 2nd dam SPEEDTRAP, by Bandsman. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. Dam of 4 foals, 3 to race, 2 winners-- SWEET REVENGE (c. by Gilgamesh). Winner at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, Royal Oak Rum Derby S.-G1. GREEK PRINCESS (f. by Freshly Squeezed). Stakes winner, above. 3rd dam Half Speed, by Royal Match. Placed at 2 in England; placed at 3 and 4 in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd President's Cup-G1, 3rd President's Santa Rosa Trophy-G1. Dam of 1 foal to race-- SPEED MERCHANT. 2 wins at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, William H. Scott Limited Midsummer Classic-G1, Du Maurier Santa Rosa Classic-G1, 2nd Hyundai Accent St. James' S.-G2, Du Maurier Whitson Classic-G2, 3rd Royal Oak Derby S.-G1. 4th dam PAPOOSETTE, by Raise You Ten. Unplaced in 2 starts in England. Half-sister to *Indian Lad III (3rd Hyde Park S., sire), C E D (2nd Cesarewitch H., Greenall Whitley Gold Challenge Trophy H.), Little Redskin (2nd Wok- ingham H.), *Rebirth (2nd Warren S., sire). Dam of 4 winners-- Half Speed. Stakes-placed, above. Dandy Kim. Winner in 2 starts at 2, £2,300, in England. (Total: $3,692). Determinater. Winner at 3 and 5 in Hong Kong. Final Set. 2 wins at 2 in England. Summer Salt. Winner at 2 in England. Meedaf. Placed at 4, £1,658, in England. (Total: $3,297). Chinook. Placed at 2 in England. Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Floraville Stud, Agent for Hip No. Dr. Stephan Bhagan Hip No. 58 BAY COLT 58 Foaled February 18, 2012 Nashwan Swain (IRE)...... Love Smitten Stanley Park...... Storm Bird Tricky Bird...... Tricky Squaw BAY COLT Northern Dancer Bandsman...... Banderole Have Got Wings...... (1999) Fayruz Musical Cascade ...... Isa By STANLEY PARK (2000). Stakes winner of 4 races, $272,916, San Luis Rey H.-G2, Bay Meadows Derby-G3, 3rd Oceanside S.-LR. Half-brother to stakes winner Turf Melody. Sire of Honour The Lady (Royal Colours Classic-G3). Son of European champion Swain (IRE), sire of 13 stakes winners, including Dimitrova ($1,142,696, Flower Bowl Invitational S.-G1, etc.), Nasheej ($346,605, Murphy's Fastflow May Hill S.-G2, etc.), Czar Al- exander (S. A. Poonawalla Million-G2, etc.), Trillion Cut ($1,282,500). 1st dam Have Got Wings, by Bandsman. Placed at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, 3rd Santa Rosa Classic-G1. This is her fourth foal. Her second foal is a 3- year-old of 2013. She has no foals to race. 2nd dam MUSICAL CASCADE, by Fayruz. 2 wins at 2, £7,496, in England; winner at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago. (Total: $12,630). Dam of-- EL VAGABUNDO (c. by Researching). 4 wins at 2 and 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, champion 2-year-old colt, Midsummer Classic-G1, Du Maurier Cup-G2, St. James' S.-G2, 2nd Santa Rosa Classic-G1, Whitsun Clas- sic-G2, 3rd Superb White Magic Rum Diamond S.-G2. Have Got Wings (f. by Bandsman). Stakes-placed, above. Rusalka. Unraced. Dam of-- Salome (f. by Maraahel). Placed at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, 3rd St. Ann's S.-G1. 3rd dam ISA, by Dance in Time. Unraced. Half-sister to Mircea (GB) (2nd St. Catherine’s S., etc.), Grinling Gibbons (3rd SKF Cesarewitch H., etc.). Dam of-- TIME TO GO HOME. 9 wins at 2, £30,622, in England, 3rd Norfolk S.-G3; winner at 3 in Germany, hwt. at 3 on German Hand., 7 - 9 1/2 fur., Preis der Spielbank Bad Neuenahar, 2nd Grosser Preis von Dusseldorf-G2, Preis Orakel der Dreijahrigen, Silberne Peitsche, etc. (Total: $57,461). Starisa. Unraced. Dam of 6 foals, 5 to race, 3 winners, including-- Gamble In Gold. Winner at 2, £18,336, in England, 2nd Langleys Solic- itors E.B.F. Marygate Blossom S., etc. (Total: $33,898). Fey Rouge. Dam of 8 foals, 6 winners, including-- PRIDE AND JOY. 3 wins at 2, £12,559, in England; 3 wins at 3 and 4, 2013, €53,479, in Italy, Premio Enrico Camici. (Total: $90,890). Miss Trish. 3 wins at 3, €77,453, in Ireland, 2nd Ridgewood Pearl S.-G2. (Total: $91,603). Producer. Crystal View. 4 wins at 2, €118,418, in Ireland, 3rd Dimitrova One Thou- sand Guineas Trial S.-G3. (Total: $145,286). Dam of CLAIRVOY- ANCE (3 wins, Total: $100,152, Prix Contessina, etc.). Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Bonanza Farm Riding and Country Club Limited, Hip No. Agent for Mrs. Natalie Sloan & Curtis Hinkson Hip No. 59 BAY FILLY 59 Foaled February 25, 2012 Gone West Elusive Quality...... Touch of Greatness Moygaddy...... Dayjur Star of Paris...... Liturgism BAY FILLY Unfuwain Zimaam...... Irish Valley Hot Girl...... (2006) Walovan Hot Hot Hot...... Morning High By MOYGADDY (2004). Winner at 4 in Trinidad and Tobago. Brother to stakes winner Elusive City, half-brother to stakes winner Parisian Affair. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2013. Son of stakes winner Elusive Quality, lead- ing sire, sire of 97 stakes winners, including champions Smarty Jones (8 wins in 9 starts, $7,613,155, Kentucky Derby-G1, etc.), Sepoy ($3,990,- 138, AAMI Golden Slipper-G1, etc.), Maryfield ($1,334,331, Ballerina S.- G1, etc.), Elusive Kate ($1,093,415, Etihad Airways Falmouth S.-G1, etc.). 1st dam HOT GIRL, by Zimaam. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. This is her second foal. Her first foal is a 2-year-old of 2013. 2nd dam HOT HOT HOT, by Walovan. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. Dam of 4 other foals, which have not raced. 3rd dam MORNING HIGH, by Gallic League. Winner at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago. Dam of 1 other foal, which has not raced. 4th dam UNARIA, by Prince Tenderfoot. In France. Half-sister to GAIUS (sire). Dam of-- LIMANDA (IRE). 2 wins at 3, €11,452, in Ireland; 3 wins at 3 and 4, $91,765, in N.A./U.S., Queen Breeders' Cup S.-L. (Total: $105,103). Dam of-- ALTIN BIKE. 7 wins, 3 to 5 in Turkey, champion miler, Fatih Sultan Mehmet- G1 twice, Nene Hatun-G2, Zubeyde Hanim-G2, 2nd Anadolu-G2, Acik- G3, Fikret Yuzatli-G3, Ferit Tanacan, Kenan Atan, 3rd Basbakanlik-G1, Adnan Menderes-G2, Istanbul-G2, Marmara-G3. PARDON. 8 wins, 2 to 5 in Turkey, champion imported 2-year-old colt, Burhan Karamehmet-G3, Sadun Atig-G3, 2nd Inonu-G3, Ahmet At- man, 3rd Ismet Inonu-G2, Acik-G3, Eregli, Hizir Reis. Delalim. Winner at 3 in Turkey, 2nd Ergin Talay. MUJADO (IRE). Winner at 2 and 3, £18,104, in England; 2 wins at 4, $66,- 732, in N.A./U.S., Local Thriller S.-ncr, 5 fur. in :56, 2nd Wedding Jit- ters H. (Total: $93,095). Dam of 7 foals, 5 to race, 4 winners, incl.-- JOHA. 2 wins at 2, $339,200, in N.A./U.S., Dixiana Breeders' Futurity- G1, 2nd With Anticipation S.-G2; winner in 1 start at 2, $90,000, in Canada, Colin S.-L. (Total: $427,967). Unaria's Pet. 10 wins, 2 to 4 in Italy, 2nd Premio Divino Amore, 3rd Premio Aniene. Scenaria. Unraced. Dam of 9 foals, 8 to race, 6 winners, including-- Doctor Deejay. Winner at 2 and 3, €37,046, in Ireland, 2nd Visit Punch- Juvenile Hurdle, 3rd Weatherbys Ireland GSB Hurdle. (Total: $51,391). Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Leeclare Stud Farm, Agent for Hip No. Ainsley A. Mark Hip No. 60 DARK BAY OR BROWN COLT 60 Foaled April 13, 2012 A.P. Indy Pulpit...... Preach Storms Past ...... Storm Cat Magic Storm...... Foppy Dancer DARK BAY OR Mr. Prospector BROWN COLT Gilgamesh...... Danzante Hot'n Spicy...... (2005) Freshly Squeezed Firestorm ...... Concordia By STORMS PAST (2004). Winner of 5 races at 4 and 5, $88,760. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2013. Son of stakes winner Pulpit, sire of 69 stakes winners, including Govinda (hwt. at 3 in Germany, $163,482, Gros- ser Preis der Jungheinrich Gabelstapler-Hamburger Flieger Trophy-G3, etc.), Pyro ($1,673,673, Forego S.-G1, etc.), Rutherienne ($1,298,671, Del Mar Oaks-G1, etc.), Corinthian ($1,267,273, Metropolitan H.-G1, etc.), Ice Box ($948,068, Florida Derby-G1, etc.), Purge (6 wins, $905,434). 1st dam HOT'N SPICY, by Gilgamesh. 2 wins, $46,937, in Trinidad and Tobago. This is her third foal. Her first foal is a 3-year-old of 2013. 2nd dam FIRESTORM, by Freshly Squeezed. Winner, $32,300, in Trinidad and Tobago. Sister to CHIEF COMMANDER, BLUSHING BRIDE, MAID OF HON- OUR, Bluff Bid. Dam of-- Galveston (c. by A Great Team). 12 wins, $1,065,812, in Trinidad and To- bago, 2nd National Gas CNG Trinidad Derby-G1, Gold Cup-G1, etc. 3rd dam CONCORDIA, by Starjinsky. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. Sister to SHIN- KANSEN. Dam of-- CHIEF COMMANDER. 6 wins, 5 to 8 in Trinidad and Tobago, horse of the year, champion stayer twice, Gold Cup-G1, Sagicor Independence Cup- G1, Caribbean Champion S.-G1, etc.; winner in 2 starts at 6 in Barbados. BLUSHING BRIDE. 2 wins in Trinidad and Tobago, champion 2-year-old filly, St. Ann's S.-G2, etc. Dam of-- ALWAYS A PRINCESS. Winner, $229,990, in Trinidad and Tobago, Gleneagles S.-G2, 2nd Futurity S., SFA Breeders S. MAID OF HONOUR. 7 wins in Trinidad and Tobago, SFA National S. Bluff Bid. Placed in Trinidad and Tobago, 3rd Guardian Life St. James S.-G2. Keep The Faith. Placed at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, 3rd Santa Rosa Clas- sic-G2. 4th dam RENAISSANCE, by North Copse. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. Half-sis- ter to NOBLE BOY, Prescience. Dam of 4 foals to race, 3 winners-- COOK THE BOOKS. Winner at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, champion 2- year-old colt, St. James S.-G2. SHINKANSEN. Winner in Trinidad and Tobago, champion 2-year-old colt, CLI- CO St. James' S.-G2, 3rd Benson and Hedges Caribbean Championship-G1. RENATA. Winner at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, Nursery S.-G2, etc. Dam of NEW MILLENNIUM (champion 3 times in Trinidad and Tobago), MIL- LENIUM REIGN (champion 3-year-old colt in Trinidad and Tobago). Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Humming Bird Stables, Agent for Hip No. Mrs. Sharon Ferreira Hip No. 61 DARK BAY OR BROWN COLT 61 Foaled April 26, 2012 A.P. Indy Pulpit...... Preach Louisvilleluminary ...... Copelan Copelan's Bid Gal...... Bid Gal DARK BAY OR Runaway Groom BROWN COLT Cherokee Run ...... Cherokee Dame Indian Casino ...... (2001) Island Whirl Mother of Pearl...... Fannie C. By LOUISVILLELUMINARY (2007). Stakes-placed winner at 2, $49,023, 3rd Sanford S.-G2. Brother to stakes winners Purge, Namaste’s Wish. His first foals are yearlings of 2013. Son of stakes winner Pulpit, sire of 69 stakes winners, including Govinda (hwt. in Germany, $163,482, Grosser Preis der Jungheinrich Gabelstapler-Hamburger Flieger Trophy-G3, etc.), Pyro (5 wins, $1,673,673, Forego S.-G1, etc.), Rutherienne ($1,298,671, Del Mar Oaks-G1, etc.), Corinthian ($1,267,273, Metropolitan H.-G1, etc.). 1st dam INDIAN CASINO, by Cherokee Run. Winner at 4 and 5, $17,459. Sent to Trini- dad and Tobago. This is her third foal. Her first foal is a 3-year-old of 2013. 2nd dam MOTHER OF PEARL, by Island Whirl. Winner at 3, $5,790. Dam of 10 other foals, 9 to race, 8 winners, including-- Pearl Alarm. 16 wins, 3 to 7, $116,901. Producer. Mayday Pearl. Unraced. Dam of 3 foals, including-- Janelle Ann (f. by Lucky North). 4 wins, $121,938, 3rd Delta Lady H. Ruby Duby Do. Unplaced in 2 starts. Dam of 3 foals, all winners-- JOLIE'S JULIA (f. by West by West). 4 wins at 2 and 3, $105,881, Sonny Hine S. Producer. America West (g. by West by West). 10 wins, 4 to 7, $134,220, 2nd Honor the Hero Turf Express S., 3rd Don Ciccio S. Afternoon Charlie (g. by Afternoon Deelites). 6 wins, 2 to 5, $102,470, 2nd Middleground Breeders' Cup S., Pioneer S. 3rd dam FANNIE C., by Sunny South. Placed at 3. Dam of 5 other winners, including-- PROSPECTORS GAMBLE. 9 wins, 2 to 5, $621,559, Bel Air H.-G2, Triple Bend H.-G3, A Phenomenon S.-G3, Gold Rush H.-L, 2nd Los Angeles H.-G3 twice, Debonair S.-L, Spotlight H.-L, Baldwin S.-L, Golden Bear S.-L, Kissin George H.-R, 3rd St. Paul Derby-G2, El Conejo H.-L twice. GIVE ME LIBERTY. 7 wins, 2 to 4, $86,300, Heliotrope S.-R. Dam of-- Give Me Kitty. 4 wins at 4, 2nd Duncan Hopeful S. Forest Zone. Winner at 3, ¥7,500,000, in Japan. (Total: $63,491). Dam of Nimaru Otome (3 wins, Total: $564,911, in Japan, 2nd Sweet Pea S.). 4th dam GARDEN FRESH, by Better Self. 6 wins at 2 and 3, $30,852. Sister to King Kem ($16,396), half-sister to PRINCE KEM, Cold Hands. Dam of-- FRESH ALIBHAI. 8 wins, 2 to 6, $85,953, Knickerbocker H., etc. Sire. Patrick O'Hara. 28 wins, 2 to 10, $160,760, 3rd Florida Breeders' H.-Carl G. Rose Memorial. Rosy Alibhai. Dam of PAIR OF DEUCES ($531,220), ARISEN ($94,885). Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Scott's Stud, Agent for Hip No. Pierpont W. H. Scott Hip No. 62 CHESTNUT COLT 62 Foaled April 10, 2012 Forty Niner End Sweep...... Broom Dance Precise Sweep ...... Summing Precisely...... Crisp 'n Clear CHESTNUT COLT Secretariat Risen Star ...... Ribbon Indicators On ...... (1993) Distinctive Pro Bodacious Tatas...... Key to Paree By PRECISE SWEEP (1999). Unraced. Brother to stakes winner Precise End. Sire of B's Passion (Neal & Massy Santa Rosa Classic-G2, Burrokeet Roy- al Colours Classic-G3, 2nd NLCB Easter Guineas-G1), Suga Boy (Santa Rosa Classic-G3, 2nd Caribbean Brewery Limited Guineas-G1, Royal Colours Classic-G3), Some Like It Hot (3rd St. James Guardian Life S.- G2). Son of stakes winner End Sweep, sire of 47 stakes winners, 2 cham- pions, including Admire Moon ($9,448,033, Dubai Duty Free-G1, etc.). 1st dam INDICATORS ON, by Risen Star. Winner at 3, $23,420. Sent to Trinidad and Tobago. This is her tenth foal. Her ninth foal is a 3-year-old of 2013. Dam of 5 foals to race, 3 winners, including-- Geri's Kid (g. by Geri). 13 wins, 3 to 9, 2013, $109,789. On the Bay (g. by Prospect Bay). Winner at 3, 5 and 7, $85,753. 2nd dam BODACIOUS TATAS, by Distinctive Pro. 11 wins, 2 to 6, $439,932, Molly Pitch- er H.-G2, Life At the Top S., Lady Slipper S.-R, 2nd Rumson Breeders' Cup H., Davona Dale S., 3rd Molly Pitcher H.-G2, Monmouth Park Bud- weiser Breeders' Cup H.-G3, Berlo H.-L, Bessarabian S., Lorillard S., Es- sex County S. Dam of 6 other foals, 4 to race, 3 winners, including-- Arrested. 3 wins at 3, $106,740. Sire. Holy Paree. Unraced. Dam of 8 foals, 7 to race, 6 winners, including-- Sacred Romance (f. by El Nino). 3 wins, $104,185, 2nd Bob Bryant S.-R. 3rd dam KEY TO PAREE, by L'Enjoleur. Winner at 3, $3,150. Dam of 10 winners, incl.-- BODACIOUS TATAS. Stakes winner, above. Pareepassoo. Winner at 3, $89,156. Dam of 3 foals, 2 winners, including-- SASHA'S FIERCE. 5 wins, 2 to 5, placed at 6, 2013, $129,710, Minnesota Distaff Classic Championship S.-R, 2nd Minnesota Oaks-R, etc. Distinctual. 2 wins at 4, $73,170. Dam of 2 foals to race, both winners, incl.-- Chief Talkeetna. 14 wins, 3 to 7, $265,181, 3rd Super S. Set ntr at Indi- ana Downs, 6 fur. in 1:09. Raspberries. Unraced. Dam of 10 foals, 9 winners, including-- Bigeyelittleyou. Winner at 2, $25,740, 2nd Prairie Gold Juvenile S., etc. 4th dam KEY TO PLEASURE, by What a Pleasure. Unraced. Sister to ELEVEN PLEAS- URES ($122,957), half-sister to DEWAN KEYS, ($376,504, sire), OVER ARRANGED (sire), Restless Keys. Dam of 3 other foals, including-- What a Charger. 13 wins, 2 to 7, $167,438. Grecian Key. Unraced. Dam of GRECIAN WARD ($53,241), GENTLE KEY, Tom n' Kath ($175,912). Granddam of PAGAN CAT ($277.767), etc. Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Fredericks Stud Farm Limited Hip No. Hip No. 63 BAY COLT 63 Foaled January 29, 2012 Danzig Belong to Me ...... Belonging Invincibility...... Quiet American Hitaway...... Promised Princess BAY COLT Sadler's Wells Sea Raven...... Cormorant Wood (GB) Itikaaf...... (2005) Happy Boy Cabaret ...... Isabella By INVINCIBILITY (2000). Stakes winner in Trinidad and Tobago, Republic Bank Champagne S.-G1, Santa Rosa Dash-G2, Sian's Gold Sprint-G2, Union Park Turf Club Champagne S.-G2, 2nd Sagicor Independence Day Cup-G1, Diamond S.-G2, First Citizens Bank Sian's Gold Sprint-G2, Dia- mond S.-G2, Santa Rosa Dash H.-G2, Sian's Gold Sprint-G2, 3rd Stew- ards' Cup-G1, Champagne S.-G2, Santa Rosa Dash H.-G2, etc. Half- brother to stakes winner Glamorous Gal. He has no foals to race. 1st dam ITIKAAF, by Sea Raven. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. This is her second foal. Her first foal is a 3-year-old of 2013.

2nd dam CABARET, by Happy Boy. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. Dam of 2 foals to race, including-- DUE DILLIGENCE (c. by Freshly Squeezed). 2 wins at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, champion 2-year-old colt, Guardian Life St. James' S.-G2.

3rd dam ISABELLA, by Royal Arbiter. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. Dam of-- Russian Belle. Placed at 2 and 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd Clico St. Ann's S.-G2, 3rd Midsummer Classic-G1. Narciss Toi. Unplaced in 1 start in Trinidad and Tobago. Dam of-- Indian Decision. Placed at 4 in Trinidad and Tobago.

4th dam REIGN IN SPAIN, by Henry the Seventh. In England. Unraced. Sent to Trini- dad and Tobago. Dam of 2 other foals, 1 to race-- HORATIUS. Winner at 2, 3, and 4 in Trinidad and Tobago, champion stay- er, Flamingo S.-G2, Trinidad and Tobago Racing Authority Trophy H.-G3, Trinidad and Tobago Racing Authority Creole Trophy H., 2nd Cocrico S.- G2, 3rd St James S.-G1.

Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Bonanza Farm Riding and Country Club Limited, Hip No. Agent for Edmund De Freitas Hip No. 64 CHESTNUT FILLY 64 Foaled April 10, 2012 Forty Niner End Sweep...... Broom Dance Precise Sweep ...... Summing Precisely...... Crisp 'n Clear CHESTNUT FILLY In Reality Actuality...... Somebody Loves Me Jetsetter ...... (1997) Northjet (IRE) Jetset Nurse...... Resident Nurse By PRECISE SWEEP (1999). Unraced. Brother to stakes winner Precise End. Sire of B's Passion (Neal & Massy Santa Rosa Classic-G2, Burrokeet Roy- al Colours Classic-G3, 2nd NLCB Easter Guineas-G1), Suga Boy (Santa Rosa Classic-G3, 2nd Caribbean Brewery Limited Guineas-G1, Royal Colours Classic-G3), Some Like It Hot (3rd St. James Guardian Life S.- G2). Son of stakes winner End Sweep, sire of 47 stakes winners, 2 cham- pions, including Admire Moon ($9,448,033, Dubai Duty Free-G1, etc.). 1st dam JETSETTER, by Actuality. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. This is her sixth foal. Her fifth foal is a 2-year-old of 2013. She has no foals to race. 2nd dam Jetset Nurse, by Northjet (IRE). Winner at 4 in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd Dewar's Gold Cup-G1, CLICO Stewards Cup-G1. Dam of 2 other foals, which have not raced. 3rd dam RESIDENT NURSE, by Graustark. 6 wins at 3, $82,783, Pageant S.-G3, Searching S. Dam of 7 foals, 6 winners, including-- Jetset Nurse. Stakes-placed winner, above. Day Off. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $67,470. Dam of 3 winners, including-- GETUSUMONEY. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $64,314, Rio Grande Futurity-R, 3rd Ruidoso Horse Sales Thoroughbred Futurity.-R. Cantinero. 24 wins, 2 to 11, $301,410, 2nd Hot Mop Darby H., 3rd Gal- lant Fox H.-G3. 4th dam WISE NURSE, by Hill Prince. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $62,031, Marguerite S. Half-sis- ter to Peace Pipe ($81,991, sire). Dam of 11 foals, 8 winners, including-- RESIDENT NURSE. Stakes winner, above. SYDNEYS NURSE. 7 wins at 3 and 4, $83,230, Sheepshead Bay H., 2nd Margate H. Dam of Jim Bracken ($221,917, 2nd Christmas Day H.-G3, etc.). Granddam of Delightful Time ($31,014, 3rd Willow Lake H.). Great-granddam of LOS GATOS ($80,068), Blairs Ridge ($30,082). Buck the System. 14 wins, 2 to 7, $85,962, 3rd Sanford S. Hail to Nurse. Winner at 2, $7,220. Dam of Hospital Ship (7 wins, $39,460). Morning Watch. Dam of ROCK POINT ($362,604, Federico Tesio S.-G3, etc., sire), Demetria (dam of BEDEVILED, $491,304, Razorback H.-G2, etc.; Demetria's Pretty, $42,340; granddam of LIGHT DANCER, $185,- 186). Granddam of HOIST THE BABA ($370,554), KID COPPER (Total: $131,456), Boomboomgirl ($98,358). Great-granddam of SALTY'S GLIDER ($174,666, champion imported 2-year-old colt in Puerto Rico), CUPID SEASON ($211,407), Causegood ($27,468), Delayed Start. Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by La Concepcion Stud Farm, Agent for Hip No. David Ojar Hip No. 65 BAY FILLY 65 Foaled February 6, 2012 Gone West Elusive Quality...... Touch of Greatness Moygaddy...... Dayjur Star of Paris...... Liturgism BAY FILLY Blushing Groom (FR) Freshly Squeezed...... Mandera Joan of Arc ...... (2000) Bandsman Northern Bird...... Tweety Bird By MOYGADDY (2004). Winner at 4 in Trinidad and Tobago. Brother to stakes winner Elusive City, half-brother to stakes winner Parisian Affair. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2013. Son of stakes winner Elusive Quality, lead- ing sire, sire of 97 stakes winners, including champions Smarty Jones (8 wins in 9 starts, $7,613,155, Kentucky Derby-G1, etc.), Sepoy ($3,990,- 138, AAMI Golden Slipper-G1, etc.), Maryfield ($1,334,331, Ballerina S.- G1, etc.), Elusive Kate ($1,093,415, Etihad Airways Falmouth S.-G1, etc.). 1st dam JOAN OF ARC, by Freshly Squeezed. 2 wins in Trinidad and Toago. Sister to CHANTICLEER. This is her fourth foal. Dam of 1 foal to race.

2nd dam NORTHERN BIRD, by Bandsman. Winner at 2 and 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, Midsummer Classic-G1, St. Ann's S.-G2, 3rd Royal Oaks Derby-G1, Santa Rosa Classic-G2. Sister to Storming Bird. Dam of 2 foals to race-- CHANTICLEER (g. by Freshly Squeezed). 25 wins, 3 to 9 in Trinidad and Tobago, horse of the year, champion sprinter twice, champion stayer, Caribbean Champion S.-G1, Arima Race Club Cup-G1, Independence Cup-G1, Diamond S.-G2, Sams Racing Service Champagne S.-G2, Sian's Gold Sprint-G2 twice, 2nd Mutual Independence Cup-G1, Trini- dad Turf Club Centenary Stewards Cup-G1, Lotto Gold Cup-G1, Queen's Plate-G1, President's Cup-G1 twice, Diamond S.-G2 twice, Sian's Gold Sprint H.-G2, 3rd Trinidad Turf Club Stewards' Cup-G1, Caribbean Brewery Caribbean Champion S.-G1, Diamond S.-G2, Union Park Turf Club Diamond S.-G2, Champagne S.-G2, Santa Rosa Dash-G2. Guardian Angel. Placed at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago.

3rd dam TWEETY BIRD, by Canary. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. Dam of 4 foals, 2 to race-- NORTHERN BIRD. Stakes winner, above. Storming Bird. Placed at 2 and 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd Benson and Hedges Caribbean Championship S.-G1, CLICO St. James S.-G2.

4th dam ROSE AND THISTLE, by Tin Whistle. In England. Sent to Trinidad and Tobago. Dam of 4 other foals, which have not raced.

Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Poon Tip Stud Farm, Agent for Andrew Aleong, Hip No.Lewis Camacho, Roger Hadeed & Dr. Paul CamachoHip No. 66 CHESTNUT FILLY 66 Foaled February 6, 2012 Lyphard Alzao...... *Lady Rebecca Maraahel...... Nashwan Nasanice...... Mathaayl CHESTNUT FILLY Blushing Groom (FR) Freshly Squeezed...... Mandera Joy...... (2002) Bandsman Bandora ...... Iador By MARAAHEL (2001). Stakes winner of 8 races, 2 to 6, $1,649,946, Hard- wicke S.-G2 twice, Akkroball Huxley S.-G3, Jardine Lloyd Thompson Hux- ley S.-G3 twice, Dubai Tennis Championships John Porter S.-G3, ABN Amro S.-G3, 2nd Juddmonte International S.-G1, Hardwicke S.-G2, Grant Thornton Huxley S.-G3, Betfair Brigadier Gerard S.-G3, 3rd King George VI & Queen Elizabeth S.-G1, Juddmonte International S.-G1, etc. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2013. Sire of Salome (3rd St. Ann's S.-G1). 1st dam JOY, by Freshly Squeezed. Unplaced in 1 start in Trinidad and Tobago. Sister to WILLING TO SPEND, Jacobite. This is her fourth foal. Her second foal is a 3-year-old of 2013. Dam of 1 foal to race-- DIONYSUS (c. by Unbridled Optimism). Winner at 3 in Trinidad and To- bago, Santa Rosa Classic-G2. 2nd dam BANDORA, by Bandsman. Placed at 3 in Jamaica; placed at 5 in Trinidad and Tobago. Dam of 4 other foals to race, 2 winners-- WILLING TO SPEND (f. by Freshly Squeezed). Winner at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, champion 3-year-old filly, champion sprinter, Guineas Caribbean Brewery S.-G1. ONETOKEEP (g. by Big Country). Winner at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, Midsummer Classic-G1, 2nd Trinidad Derby-G1. Jacobite (c. by Freshly Squeezed). Placed at 2 and 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd Bookmakers Association Guineas-G1, Guardian Life St. James S.-G2. Defining Moment (f. by Unbridled Optimism). Placed at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, 3rd National Flour Mills St. Ann's S.-G2. 3rd dam IADOR, by Pithiviers. In France. Unraced. Sister to Manzel Doudou (in Trini- dad and Tobago). Broodmare of the year in Trinidad and Tobago in 1996. Sent to Trinidad and Tobago. Dam of 4 other foals to race, 3 winners-- ADORING GROOM. 4 wins at 3 and 4 in Trinidad and Tobago, horse of the year, champion 3-year-old colt, champion stayer, Royal Oak Derby-G1, Republic Bank Caribbean Champion S.-G1, William H. Scott Limited Midsummer Classic-G1, 3rd Southern Sales and Service Easter Guin- eas-G1; winner at 3 in Jamaica, Red Stripe Superstakes. GROOMSMAN. Winner at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, Royal Oak Derby-G1, 2nd Midsummer Classic-G1, 3rd Lotto Gold Cup-G1. ICHIBAN. 3 wins at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, Royal Colours Classic-G2. Hail the Groom. Placed at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, 3rd CLICO Midsum- mer Classic-G1, HCL Group of Companies Easter Guineas-G1. Burning Red. Unraced. Dam of Foreign Connection. Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by JMH Enterprises Limited, Agent for Hip No. J.M.H. Enterprises Limited Hip No. 67 DARK BAY OR BROWN COLT 67 Foaled February 9, 2012 Mr. Prospector Kingmambo ...... Miesque Babel...... Sadler's Wells Lady Reiko (IRE) ...... Willamae DARK BAY OR Peterhof BROWN COLT Practical Pete...... Real Scotch Kafka...... (1996) Pithiviers Ribamoinle...... Replay By BABEL (2001). Winner of 2 races at 3, $73,720. Half-brother to stakes win- ner Chopper Won. Sire of Nettoyer (3rd Royal Colours Classic-G3). Son of classic winner Kingmambo, sire of 94 stakes winners, 6 champions, including Lemon Drop Kid ($3,245,370, Belmont S.-G1, etc.), Divine Pro- portions ($1,553,790, Prix de Diane Hermes-French Oaks-G1, etc.), Rus- sian Rhythm ($1,260,794, Sagitta One Thousand Guineas-G1, etc.), El Condor Pasa (8 wins, $3,502,404, Grand Prix de Saint-Cloud-G1, etc.). 1st dam KAFKA, by Practical Pete. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. This is her eighth foal. Her seventh foal is a 3-year-old of 2013. She has no foals to race.

2nd dam RIBAMOINLE, by Pithiviers. In France. Unraced. Sent to Trinidad and Tobago. Dam of 3 other foals, which have not raced.

3rd dam REPLAY, by Raisingelle. In France. Unraced. Dam of 1 foal to race-- KIMAFOUTIESA. 2 wins at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, Caribbean Cham- pion S.-G1, Easter Guineas-G1, 3rd Caribbean Champion S.-G1, Royal Oak Derby S.-G1. Sire.

4th dam PLAY, by Net. Winner at 3 in France. Half-sister to BALSANE (FR) (in France, Prix Imprudence, 3rd Prix Eclipse, Prix de Meautry), REGIS (in France, Grand Prix de Marseille), SOLDADO (in France, Prix de la Porte de Madrid), Expansion (3rd Criterium de Maisons-Laffitte). Dam of-- Willy Girl. Unraced. Dam of 5 foals, 4 winners-- Neferou (FR). Winner at 3 in France, 2nd Prix Madame Jean Couturie, Prix de l'Agence Francaise, Prix La Fleche; winner at 4, 5, and 6, $100,400, in N.A./U.S. Red Wing (FR). Winner at 3 in France; winner at 3, $7,320, in N.A./U.S. Dark Sands. 8 wins, 2 to 6 in France. Wasa. Winner at 2 in France. Saint Ghislain. Placed at 3 in France.

Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by La Concepcion Stud Farm, Agent for Hip No. Hugh Lee King & Seemungal Uttamsingh Hip No. 68 DARK BAY OR BROWN FILLY 68 Foaled March 8, 2012 Lyphard Alzao...... *Lady Rebecca Maraahel...... Nashwan Nasanice...... Mathaayl DARK BAY OR A.P. Indy BROWN FILLY A Great Team ...... Pennant Champion Kama Sutra ...... (2008) Friendly Lover Miss Lover Lover...... Winning Spurs By MARAAHEL (2001). Stakes winner of 8 races, 2 to 6, $1,649,946, Hard- wicke S.-G2 twice, Akkroball Huxley S.-G3, Jardine Lloyd Thompson Hux- ley S.-G3 twice, Dubai Tennis Championships John Porter S.-G3, ABN Amro S.-G3, 2nd Juddmonte International S.-G1, Hardwicke S.-G2, Grant Thornton Huxley S.-G3, Betfair Brigadier Gerard S.-G3, 3rd King George VI & Queen Elizabeth S.-G1, Juddmonte International S.-G1, etc. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2013. Sire of Salome (3rd St. Ann's S.-G1). 1st dam KAMA SUTRA, by A Great Team. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. This is her first foal. 2nd dam MISS LOVER LOVER, by Friendly Lover. 7 wins at 3 and 4 in Trinidad and Toba- go, Sagicor Independence Cup Trophy-G1, 2nd Guardian Holdings Gold Cup-G1, Stewards' Cup-G1, Trintrac Stewards' Cup-G1, Lexus President's Cup-G1, 3rd Stewards' Cup Trophy-G1, Arima Race Club Cup-G1, Sian's Gold Sprint-G2. Dam of 3 other foals, which have not raced. 3rd dam Winning Spurs, by Buckley Boy. 2 wins, $76,351, 2nd Ontario Lassie S.-LR, 3rd Princess Elizabeth S.-LR. Dam of 7 foals, 6 to race, 5 winners, incl.-- MISS LOVER LOVER. Stakes winner, above. WINNING CHANCE. 7 wins, 2 to 5, $651,443, Ontario Matron H.-L, Belle Mahone S.-L, 2nd Maple Leaf S.-G3, La Lorgnette S.-L, Ontario Matron H.-L, Wilderness Song S.-L, Algoma S.-LR twice. Producer. 4th dam Leave Me Alone, by Northern Dancer. 8 wins, 3 to 6, $179,810, 2nd Long Isl- and H.-G3, Chrysanthemum H.-G3, Queen Charlotte H., 3rd Long Is- land H.-G3, Flower Bowl H. Half-sister to LUCKY OLE ME, MIDNIGHT PUMPKIN, Show Me How, After Me. Dam of 11 winners, including-- REACH THE GOLD. 2 wins at 2, $168,953, Swynford S.-L, 2nd Marine S.- L, Coronation Futurity-LR, 3rd Grey S.-G3, Simcoe Yearling Sales S.-LR. Just Oneof Theboys. 4 wins at 4 and 8, $110,416, 2nd Regions Bank Imperial Cup Hurdle H.-G3, NationsBank Queen's Cup for the Sport of Kings Hurdle S.-R, NationsBank Spring Novice for the Sport of Kings Hurdle S.-R. Private Player. 8 wins, 3 to 5, €111,815, in France, 2nd Grand Steeple- Chase de Lyon Epreuve de la Coupe d'Or. (Total: $129,180). Winning Spurs. Stakes-placed winner, above. Anxious Friend. 3 wins, $47,325. Sent to Japan. Dam of 10 winners, incl.-- Blue Sox. 4 wins, 2 to 5, ¥49,152,000, in Japan. (Total: $592,532). Tanino Atlantic. 3 wins to 4, ¥53,693,000, in Japan. (Total: $542,940). Tanino Darling. 5 wins, 2 to 5, ¥57,815,000, in Japan. (Total: $503,573). Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Scott's Stud, Agent for Hip No. Diane Scott Hip No. 69 DARK BAY OR BROWN FILLY 69 Foaled March 19, 2012 Forty Niner End Sweep...... Broom Dance Precise Sweep ...... Summing Precisely...... Crisp 'n Clear DARK BAY OR Mr. Prospector BROWN FILLY Gilgamesh...... Danzante Keep The Faith...... (2004) Starjinsky Concordia...... Renaissance By PRECISE SWEEP (1999). Unraced. Brother to stakes winner Precise End. Sire of B's Passion (Neal & Massy Santa Rosa Classic-G2, Burrokeet Roy- al Colours Classic-G3, 2nd NLCB Easter Guineas-G1), Suga Boy (Santa Rosa Classic-G3, 2nd Caribbean Brewery Limited Guineas-G1, Royal Colours Classic-G3), Some Like It Hot (3rd St. James Guardian Life S.- G2). Son of stakes winner End Sweep, sire of 47 stakes winners, 2 cham- pions, including Admire Moon ($9,448,033, Dubai Duty Free-G1, etc.). 1st dam Keep The Faith, by Gilgamesh. Placed at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, 3rd Santa Rosa Classic-G2. This is her third foal. Her first foal is a 3-year-old of 2013. 2nd dam CONCORDIA, by Starjinsky. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. Sister to SHIN- KANSEN. Dam of-- CHIEF COMMANDER (g. by Freshly Squeezed). 6 wins, 5 to 8 in Trinidad and Tobago, horse of the year, champion stayer twice, Gold Cup-G1, Sagicor Independence Cup-G1, Caribbean Champion S.-G1, Sagicor Independence Day Cup-G1, etc.; winner in 2 starts at 6 in Barbados. BLUSHING BRIDE (f. by Freshly Squeezed). Winner at 2 and 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, champion 2-year-old filly, St. Ann's S.-G2, etc. Dam of-- ALWAYS A PRINCESS (f. by Charismatic Cat). Winner, $229,990, in Trini- dad and Tobago, Gleneagles S.-G2, 2nd Futurity S., SFA Breeders’ S. MAID OF HONOUR (f. by Freshly Squeezed). 7 wins in Trinidad and Toba- go, SFA National S. Bluff Bid (c. by Freshly Squeezed). Placed at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, 3rd Guardian Life St. James S.-G2. Keep The Faith (f. by Gilgamesh). Stakes-placed, above. Firestorm. Winner, $32,300, in Trinidad and Tobago. Dam of-- Galveston (c. by A Great Team). 12 wins, $1,065,812, in Trinidad and To- bago, 2nd National Gas CNG Trinidad Derby-G1, Gold Cup-G1, etc. 3rd dam RENAISSANCE, by North Copse. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. Half-sis- ter to NOBLE BOY, Prescience. Dam of 4 foals to race, 3 winners-- COOK THE BOOKS. Winner at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, champion 2- year-old colt, St. James S.-G2. SHINKANSEN. Winner in Trinidad and Tobago, champion 2-year-old colt, CLI- CO St. James' S.-G2, 3rd Benson and Hedges Caribbean Championship-G1. RENATA. Winner at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, Nursery S.-G2, etc. Dam of NEW MILLENNIUM (champion 3 times in Trinidad and Tobago, Royal Oak Derby-G1, etc.), MILLENIUM REIGN (champion 3-year-old colt in Trinidad and Tobago, Royal Oak Derby-G1, Easter Guineas-G1, etc.). Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by La Concepcion Stud Farm, Agent for Hip No. Hugh Lee King Hip No. 70 BAY FILLY 70 Foaled March 24, 2012 A.P. Indy Pulpit...... Preach Storms Past ...... Storm Cat Magic Storm...... Foppy Dancer BAY FILLY Deputy Minister Western Envoy...... Seattle Classic Keynote...... (2006) Fappiano Piano Belle ...... Lady Annabelle By STORMS PAST (2004). Winner of 5 races at 4 and 5, $88,760. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2013. Son of stakes winner Pulpit, sire of 69 stakes winners, including Govinda (hwt. at 3 in Germany, $163,482, Gros- ser Preis der Jungheinrich Gabelstapler-Hamburger Flieger Trophy-G3, etc.), Pyro ($1,673,673, Forego S.-G1, etc.), Rutherienne ($1,298,671, Del Mar Oaks-G1, etc.), Corinthian ($1,267,273, Metropolitan H.-G1, etc.), Ice Box ($948,068, Florida Derby-G1, etc.), Purge (6 wins, $905,434). 1st dam KEYNOTE, by Western Envoy. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. This is her second foal. Her first foal is a 3-year-old of 2013. 2nd dam PIANO BELLE, by Fappiano. Unraced. Sent to Trinidad and Tobago. Dam of-- Langfuhr's Lady. 2 wins at 3, $13,563, in Canada. (Total: $12,084). Dam of-- LANGFUHR MAX (g. by Max Forever). 5 wins in 8 starts at 2 and 3, $36,- 139, in Canada, City of Bridges H., Prairie Lily Sales S.-R, Shortgrass Heritage S.-R, Western Heritage S.-R, etc. (Total: $36,627). SADLERS PEPPY (g. by Serious Business (IRE)). Winner at 2 in Can- ada, Western Heritage S.-R. 3rd dam LADY ANNABELLE, by Sir Ivor. 6 wins, 3 to 5, $285,997, Betsy Ross H.-G3, Ak- Sar-Ben Budweiser Breeders' Cup S.-L, Squan Song H.-L, 2nd Hillsdale H.- L, Princessnesian H.-L, 3rd Snow Goose H.-L, etc. Dam of 1 foal, above. 4th dam Crimson Lass, by Crimson Satan. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $17,582, 2nd Southern Belles S., 3rd Bowl of Flowers S. Half-sister to WHITESBURG LASS ($57,412, Satin and Lace H., etc.), Bio Doge ($41,800). Dam of 8 winners, incl.-- T. V. VIXEN. 20 wins, $419,314, Fantasy S.-G2, etc. Dam of T. V. HEART THROB ($229,984), Telesmarts. Granddam of AUNTIE MAME ($961,- 480, Flower Bowl Invitational H.-G1, etc.), STAR DE LADY ANN ($196,830). EASTLAND. 2 wins in France, Prix Cleopatre-G3; winner at 4, $183,235, in N.A./U.S., Vineland H.-G3, etc. Dam of MISAKO TOGO (5 wins, $72,399, dam of JEWELS TOGO, $115,841), Diaco (Total: $53,022), Joshua. LADY ANNABELLE. Stakes winner, above. DANCER'S LASS. 9 wins, 3 to 5, $52,323, Somethingroyal H., etc. Producer. Full Listing. Winner at 2, £4,255, in England; 15 wins, 3 to 6 in Italy, 2nd Premio Pisa-G3. Buddy's Angel. 4 wins, 2 to 4, $31,240, 3rd Mata Hari S. Producer. Cream 'n Crimson. Placed at 3, $4,560. Dam of QIRMAZI (Total: $189,722, hwt. filly at 2 on French Hand.), HISHI MASARU (Total: $1,704,721, sire). Crimson Echo. Unraced. Dam of MICKEY'S ECHO (16 wins, $333,586). Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Poon Tip Stud Farm, Agent for Hip No. Elias Haloute Hip No. 71 DARK BAY OR BROWN COLT 71 Foaled June 7, 2012 Hennessy Johannesburg...... Myth Ten Meropa...... Danehill Tenderly (IRE) ...... Specificity DARK BAY OR Unbridled BROWN COLT Footloose...... Alydar's Fable Latonia...... (2001) Wise Emissary Private Number...... Silent Account By TEN MEROPA (2005). Stakes winner of 2 races, $92,960, Baldwin S.-G3. His first foals are yearlings of 2013. Son of champion Johannesburg, sire of 59 stakes winners, including Sageburg (hwt. older horse in France, $536,733, Prix d'Ispahan-G1, etc.), Scat Daddy ($1,334,300, Florida Der- by-G1, etc.), Turffontein ($1,114,186, Pulse Pharmacy William Reid S.-G1, etc.), Juhayna ($116,144, Estrellas Juvenile Fillies-G1, etc.), Once Were Wild (7 wins, $546,732, Patinack Farm AJC Australian Oaks-G1, etc.). 1st dam LATONIA, by Footloose. 5 wins in 10 starts at 2 and 3 in Jamaica, champion 3-year-old filly, Track Price Plus Jamaica One Thousand Guineas, Courts Jamaica Oaks, 2nd Jamaica Turf Club Two-Year-Old S., 3rd Red Stripe Two-Year-Old Breeders' S.; placed at 3 and 6 in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd Royal Oak Derby S., 3rd Caribbean Brewery Trophy-Caribbean Championship S.-G1. Sister to IT IS I. This is her fourth foal. Her second foal is a 3-year-old of 2013. Dam of 1 foal to race-- Charming Lass (f. by A Great Team). Winner in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd Gleneagles S.-G2. 2nd dam PRIVATE NUMBER, by Wise Emissary. In Jamaica. Unraced. Dam of-- LATONIA (f. by Footloose). Champion, above. IT IS I (f. by Footloose). 5 wins, 2 to 4 in Jamaica, Lotto Classic for the Gov- ernor's Cup, Jamaican One Thousand Guineas, 2nd Jamaica Oaks, 3rd Supreme Ventures Ltd Jamaica Two-Year-Old S. The Alamo (c. by Texas Prospector). Winner at 3 and 4 in Jamaica, 2nd Red Stripe Dash-G3, 3rd Prince Consort S.-G3, Andrew H. B. Aguilar Memorial Cup. Sea Commander (c. by Maverick). 3 wins at 3 in Jamaica, 3rd World Talk Jamaica St. Leger. Hot Number. Winner at 5 in Jamaica. Numero Uno. 14 wins, 3 to 6 in Jamaica. 3rd dam SILENT ACCOUNT, by Airgator. Winner at 3 in Jamaica, Jamaican One Thousand Guineas, 3rd Jamaican Oaks. Dam of 4 winners, including-- Accountreceivable. 2 wins at 4 in Jamaica. Producer. 4th dam BAGLONDA, by *Bagdad II. In Jamaica. Unraced. Half-sister to Lord Lon- don (2nd Jamaican Two Thousand Guineas, etc.). Dam of 3 winners-- PLATINUM. Winner at 2 in Jamaica, Jamaica Turf Club Two-Year-Old S. SILENT ACCOUNT. Stakes winner, above. TRUE GRIT. Winner at 5 in Jamaica, Henry McGrath Memorial Cup, etc. Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Poon Tip Stud Farm, Agent for Hip No. Poon Tip Stud Farm Limited Hip No. 72 DARK BAY OR BROWN COLT 72 Foaled March 18, 2012 Hennessy Johannesburg...... Myth Ten Meropa...... Danehill Tenderly (IRE) ...... Specificity DARK BAY OR Nijinsky II BROWN COLT Starjinsky...... Hillsham Let's Go Honey ...... (2000) Freshly Squeezed Honeymoon ...... Flying Colours By TEN MEROPA (2005). Stakes winner of 2 races, $92,960, Baldwin S.-G3. His first foals are yearlings of 2013. Son of champion Johannesburg, sire of 59 stakes winners, including Sageburg (hwt. older horse in France, $536,733, Prix d'Ispahan-G1, etc.), Scat Daddy ($1,334,300, Florida Der- by-G1, etc.), Turffontein ($1,114,186, Pulse Pharmacy William Reid S.-G1, etc.), Juhayna ($116,144, Estrellas Juvenile Fillies-G1, etc.), Once Were Wild (7 wins, $546,732, Patinack Farm AJC Australian Oaks-G1, etc.). 1st dam LET'S GO HONEY, by Starjinsky. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. This is her sev- enth foal. Her sixth foal is a 2-year-old of 2013. Dam of 4 foals to race, incl.-- REMEMBER ME (f. by A Great Team). Winner in Trinidad and Tobago, SFA Breeders’ Futurity S. It Got to Be Me (f. by A Great Team). 2 wins in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd Ibis S.-G2, Santa Rosa Classic-G2, Royal Colours Classic-G3, Royal Colours-G3. Most Definitely (g. by Gilgamesh). Winner in Trinidad and Tobago. 2nd dam Honeymoon, by Freshly Squeezed. Winner at 3 in Jamaica; winner in Trindad and Tobago, 2nd Midsummer Classic-G1. Dam of-- EXTRAVAGANCE (c. by Nosferatu). 4 wins at 2 and 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, champion 2-year-old colt, Santa Rosa Classic-G1, St. James' S.-G2, 3rd Royal Oak Derby-G1, Midsummer Classic-G1, Royal Colours Classic-G2. LUV BOAT (f. by Sea Raven). Winner in Trinidad and Tobago, Gleneagles- G2, 2nd Ibis S.-G2, 3rd Oaks S.-G2. 3rd dam FLYING COLOURS, by Calpurnius. Winner in Trinidad and Tobago, Easter Guineas-G1. Sister to ROYAL COLOURS. Dam of 3 winners-- SUN RAYCER. Winner at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, champion 2-year-old colt, St. James S.-G2, 3rd Benson and Hedges Caribbean Championship-G1. DANCING COLOURS. Winner at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, Whitsun Clas- sic S.-G2, 2nd Derby S.-G1, Caribbean Champion S.-G1, etc. Honeymoon. Stakes-placed winner, above. Rhapsody. Unraced. Dam of-- Chanterelle. Winner in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd Oaks S. 4th dam BABY PRINCESS, by *Our Babu. 5 wins at 2 and 3 in England. Dam of-- ROYAL COLOURS. 6 wins to 4 in Trinidad and Tobago, champion older horse, champion stayer, Trinidad and Tobago Triple Crown, President's Easter Trophy-G1, Derby S., Easter Guineas, Hopeful S., Trial S., etc. FLYING COLOURS. Stakes winner, above. Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Leeclare Stud Farm, Agent for Hip No. Rolf Bartolo Hip No. 73 BAY COLT 73 Foaled March 24, 2012 A.P. Indy Pulpit...... Preach Storms Past ...... Storm Cat Magic Storm...... Foppy Dancer BAY COLT Blushing Groom (FR) Freshly Squeezed...... Mandera Little Miss Muffet...... (1998) Bandsman Soca Rocket...... Dancing Rocket By STORMS PAST (2004). Winner of 5 races at 4 and 5, $88,760. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2013. Son of stakes winner Pulpit, sire of 69 stakes winners, including Govinda (hwt. at 3 in Germany, $163,482, Gros- ser Preis der Jungheinrich Gabelstapler-Hamburger Flieger Trophy-G3, etc.), Pyro ($1,673,673, Forego S.-G1, etc.), Rutherienne ($1,298,671, Del Mar Oaks-G1, etc.), Corinthian ($1,267,273, Metropolitan H.-G1, etc.), Ice Box ($948,068, Florida Derby-G1, etc.), Purge (6 wins, $905,434). 1st dam Little Miss Muffet, by Freshly Squeezed. 6 wins, $151,332, in Trinidad and Tobago, 3rd Arima Race Club Cup-G1. This is her sixth foal. Her fifth foal is a 2-year-old of 2013. Dam of 4 foals to race, including-- Eto (g. by Storm Report). 10 wins, $285,208, in Trinidad and Tobago, 3rd Caribbean Sprint Championship-G1. Van Percy (c. by A Great Team). Winner, $90,620, in Trinidad and Tobago. 2nd dam SOCA ROCKET, by Bandsman. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. Dam of-- Little Miss Muffet (f. by Freshly Squeezed). Stakes-placed, above. 3rd dam DANCING ROCKET, by American Honor. Winner at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, Midsummer Classic-G1. Sister to SKY ROCKET, Rocket Man. Dam of-- Chief Executive. Winner at 4 and 5 in Trinidad and Tobago. Rockette. Dam of 4 foals to race, 2 winners-- BOUND TO DANCE. 4 wins, 2 to 4 in Trinidad and Tobago, champion 2- and 3-year-old colt, HCL Group of Companies Easter Guineas-G1, CLICO Midsummer Classic-G1, Auto Rentals St. James S.-G2, 2nd Royal Oak Derby-G1, Royal Colours Classic-G2. Bound To Dot Com. 3 wins at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago. 4th dam BE QUICK, by Becket. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. Dam of 3 winners-- SKY ROCKET. 3 wins at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, horse of the year, cham- pion 3-year-old colt, Trinidad and Tobago Triple Crown, Derby S.-G1, Easter Guineas-G1, Midsummer Classic-G1, 2nd Whitsun Classic S.- G2, President's Easter Trophy-G2. DANCING ROCKET. Stakes winner, above. FLYING ROCKET. 2 wins at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, Futurity S.-G2, Fla- mingo S., 2nd Royal Oak Derby S.-G1, 3rd Easter Guineas-G1, etc. Rocket Man. Placed at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd Derby S.-G1; placed at 12 in . Bold Fandango. Placed at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd CLICO St. James S.-G2. Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Healthy Horse Farm, Agent for Hip No. Pearson Whittaker Hip No. 74 BAY COLT 74 Foaled April 11, 2012 Danzig Boundary ...... Edge Hi Doc ...... Seeking the Gold Secregold...... Secrettame BAY COLT Danzig Lost Soldier ...... Lady Winborne Local Charmer ...... (2000) Bucksplasher Charming Alexandra ...... My Malchen By HI DOC (2002). Winner at 3, $37,736. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2013. Son of stakes winner Boundary, sire of 26 stakes winners, including champion Big Brown ($3,614,500, Kentucky Derby-G1, etc.), and of Minardi (hwt. in England and Ireland, $291,017, Middle Park S.-G1, etc.), Pomeroy ($845,050, Forego S.-G1, etc.), Conserve ($628,132, Firecrack- er Breeders' Cup H.-G2, etc.), Saga Novel ($1,202,936, Yukan Fuji Sho Crystal Cup-G3, etc.), Straight Line ($489,026, Ack Ack H.-G3, etc.). 1st dam LOCAL CHARMER, by Lost Soldier. In Trinidad and Tobago. This is her sixth foal. Her fifth foal is a 3-year-old of 2013. She has no foals to race. 2nd dam CHARMING ALEXANDRA, by Bucksplasher. Unraced. Dam of 3 winners, incl.-- Z Country. Winner at 2, 3, and 5, $51,565. 3rd dam MY MALCHEN, by Debbysman. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $21,650. Sister to DEB MARION. Dam of 7 foals to race, 5 winners, including-- YANKEE AFFAIR. 22 wins, 4 to 8, $2,282,156, Turf Classic-G1, Man o' War S.-G1, United Nations H.-G1, Red Smith H.-G2, Laurel Turf Cup H.-G3, King Edward Gold Cup H.-G3-ncr, 1 1/8 mi. in 1:45 2/5, Appleton H.-G3, Elkhorn S.-G3, Oceanport H.-G3, etc. Set ncr at Keeneland, mi. in 1:36. Frit's Dream. Unraced. Producer. Granddam of Fizzy's Dream (5 wins, $19,305, 3rd Molson Canadian Fillies & Mares H.). 4th dam *MARION (twin), by Tantieme. 3 wins at 3 in France. Sister to Magyar. Dam of-- PRODUCER. 5 wins in France, Prix de la Foret-G1, etc.; placed at 3 in Ireland, 2nd Irish Guinness Oaks-G1; 5 wins, $147,587, in N.A./U.S., Susan's Girl H., etc. Dam of BACH (Total: $625,244, hwt. twice in Ireland), DANCING GOD- DESS (granddam of AIR EMINEM, Total: $3,148,242, Sapporo Kinnen-G2, etc.), Las Flores (dam of SLEEPING INDIAN (GB), Total: $454,295, VCBet Challenge S.-G2, etc.; AIKEN, Total: $255,993; FELICITY, Total: $107,978; SPANISH SPUR (GB), Total: $199,314; NATIONALISM; LA PAZ; Jalisco (IRE); granddam of GATEWOOD, 5 wins, Total: $400,172), Music and Dance (granddam of GLEN’S DIAMOND, Total: $282,680; MESHUGAH). DEB MARION. 6 wins, $84,732, Orchid H.-G3, etc. Producer. Granddam of PROUD BIDDER (dam of ZINOV’S FINALE, $154,765; SHELBY’S WILL WIN; WILLFUL BIDDER), Zirconi (Total: $110,842), Tarabela (dam of IZALIA, Total: $149,676; TARA RIVER, Total: $209,024), etc. D.O.LADY. 8 wins to 5, $137,140, Long Island H.-G3, 3rd Firenze H.-G2. Great-granddam of ART FAIR ($112,036, Cincinnati Trophy S., etc.). Roan Marion. Granddam of INTERVENE ($71,363), On Probation ($40,547). Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Poon Tip Stud Farm, Agent for Hip No. Mrs. Eudora Chay Hip No. 75 BAY COLT 75 Foaled March 7, 2012 Lyphard Alzao...... *Lady Rebecca Maraahel...... Nashwan Nasanice...... Mathaayl BAY COLT Danzig Eagle Eyed ...... Razyana Lough Currane...... (1998) Law Society Key Partner ...... Roscrea By MARAAHEL (2001). Stakes winner of 8 races, 2 to 6, $1,649,946, Hard- wicke S.-G2 twice, Akkroball Huxley S.-G3, Jardine Lloyd Thompson Hux- ley S.-G3 twice, Dubai Tennis Championships John Porter S.-G3, ABN Amro S.-G3, 2nd Juddmonte International S.-G1, Hardwicke S.-G2, Grant Thornton Huxley S.-G3, Betfair Brigadier Gerard S.-G3, 3rd King George VI & Queen Elizabeth S.-G1, Juddmonte International S.-G1, etc. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2013. Sire of Salome (3rd St. Ann's S.-G1). 1st dam LOUGH CURRANE, by Eagle Eyed. Winner at 3, €7,593, in Ireland. (Total: $6,916). Sent to Trinidad and Tobago. This is her fifth foal. Her third foal is a 3-year-old of 2013. She has no foals to race. 2nd dam KEY PARTNER, by Law Society. 4 wins, 2 to 5, €18,065, in Ireland. (Total: $22,- 160). Dam of 5 other winners, including-- BLAST OF STORM (IRE) (c. by Perugino). Winner at 3 in Ireland, 3rd Icon Two Thousand Guineas Trial S.; 9 wins, 4 to 6 in Barbados, Sandy Lane Barbados Gold Cup twice; placed at 5, $8,129, in N.A./U.S. Sire. 3rd dam ROSCREA, by Ballymore. In Ireland. Unraced. Sister to PRATTLE ON. Dam of-- Peace Gallery. 2 wins at 2, €7,166, in Ireland; 5 wins, 3 to 8 in Hong Kong. Reacted. Unplaced in 2 starts in Ireland. Dam of 2 winners, including-- Father Falcon. 2 wins at 2 in Turkey, 2nd Sait Kurutluoglu-G3. 4th dam TWADDLE II, by Tim Tam. Placed at 3 in France. Half-sister to Dear Colleen (9 wins, $91,969). Dam of 12 foals, 10 to race, 9 winners, including-- PETIPA. Winner at 2 and 3 in Ireland, Moyglare Stud S.-G3, Greenlands S.; winner at 2 in England, Prince of Wales's S. Dam of BUSTINETO (sire). PRATTLE ON. 4 wins at 3 in France, Prix de Flore-G3, Prix de Pontchartrain, etc. Dam of Judicial Hero. Great-granddam of Amaroo (Total: $59,450). SARASOTA SPRING. 6 wins, 3 to 5 in Italy, Premio Nearco-G3. Swagger (IRE). 3 wins in England, 2nd Princess Margaret S.; winner at 4, $12,120, in N.A./U.S. Dam of Salvadanee (2nd St. Leger Italiano-G2, etc.). Family Talk. Winner at 2 in England, 2nd Hyperion S.; winner at 4 in Nor- way; winner at 4 in Sweden. Timoleon. Winner in 2 starts at 3 in Ireland; 5 wins, 4 to 6 in France, 3rd Prix Lutteur III Stp., Prix Rohan Hurdle. Corny Story. Winner at 3 in England. Dam of Sirad (2nd Suphan-G3, etc.). Press Luncheon. 2 wins at 2 in England. Dam of Trumpf. Granddam of GALLIENI (Total: $166,802), Noble Mare. Great-granddam of Abyssin- ian (7 wins, Total: $117,337), Dez Quilates (13 wins, Total: $72,754), etc. Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Poon Tip Stud Farm, Agent for Hip No. Poon Tip Stud Farm Limited Hip No. 76 BAY COLT 76 Foaled January 26, 2012 Hennessy Johannesburg...... Myth Ten Meropa...... Danehill Tenderly (IRE) ...... Specificity BAY COLT Sadler's Wells Sea Raven...... Cormorant Wood (GB) Luv Boat ...... (2005) Freshly Squeezed Honeymoon ...... Flying Colours By TEN MEROPA (2005). Stakes winner of 2 races, $92,960, Baldwin S.-G3. His first foals are yearlings of 2013. Son of champion Johannesburg, sire of 59 stakes winners, including Sageburg (hwt. older horse in France, $536,733, Prix d'Ispahan-G1, etc.), Scat Daddy ($1,334,300, Florida Der- by-G1, etc.), Turffontein ($1,114,186, Pulse Pharmacy William Reid S.-G1, etc.), Juhayna ($116,144, Estrellas Juvenile Fillies-G1, etc.), Once Were Wild (7 wins, $546,732, Patinack Farm AJC Australian Oaks-G1, etc.). 1st dam LUV BOAT, by Sea Raven. Winner in Trinidad and Tobago, Gleneagles-G2, 2nd Ibis S.-G2, 3rd Oaks S.-G2. This is her second foal. Her first foal is a 2-year-old of 2013. 2nd dam Honeymoon, by Freshly Squeezed. Winner at 3 in Jamaica; winner in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd Midsummer Classic-G1. Dam of-- EXTRAVAGANCE (c. by Nosferatu). 4 wins at 2 and 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, champion 2-year-old colt, Santa Rosa Classic-G1, St. James' S.-G2, 3rd Royal Oak Derby-G1, Midsummer Classic-G1, Royal Colours Classic-G2. LUV BOAT (f. by Sea Raven). Stakes winner, above. Let's Go Honey. Unraced. Dam of-- REMEMBER ME (f. by A Great Team). Winner in Trinidad and Tobago, SFA Breeders Futurity S. It Got to Be Me (f. by A Great Team). 2 wins in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd Ibis S.-G2, Santa Rosa Classic-G2, Royal Colours Classic-G3, Royal Colours-G3. 3rd dam FLYING COLOURS, by Calpurnius. Winner in Trinidad and Tobago, Easter Guineas-G1. Sister to ROYAL COLOURS. Dam of 3 winners-- SUN RAYCER. Winner at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, champion 2-year-old colt, St. James S.-G2, 3rd Benson and Hedges Caribbean Championship-G1. DANCING COLOURS. Winner at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, Whitsun Clas- sic S.-G2, 2nd Derby S.-G1, Caribbean Champion S.-G1, etc. Honeymoon. Stakes-placed winner, above. Rhapsody. Unraced. Dam of-- Chanterelle. Winner in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd Oaks S. 4th dam BABY PRINCESS, by *Our Babu. 5 wins at 2 and 3 in England. Dam of-- ROYAL COLOURS. 6 wins to 4 in Trinidad and Tobago, champion older horse, champion stayer, Trinidad and Tobago Triple Crown, President's Easter Trophy-G1, Derby S., Easter Guineas, Hopeful S., Trial S., etc. FLYING COLOURS. Stakes winner, above. Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Leeclare Stud Farm, Agent for Hip No. Harold Chadee Hip No. 77 DARK BAY OR BROWN COLT 77 Foaled February 26, 2012 A.P. Indy Pulpit...... Preach Storms Past ...... Storm Cat Magic Storm...... Foppy Dancer DARK BAY OR Blushing Groom (FR) BROWN COLT Freshly Squeezed...... Mandera Magic Moments...... (2003) Moment of Hope Lady of the Moment...... Daddy's Dish By STORMS PAST (2004). Winner of 5 races at 4 and 5, $88,760. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2013. Son of stakes winner Pulpit, sire of 69 stakes winners, including Govinda (hwt. at 3 in Germany, $163,482, Gros- ser Preis der Jungheinrich Gabelstapler-Hamburger Flieger Trophy-G3, etc.), Pyro ($1,673,673, Forego S.-G1, etc.), Rutherienne ($1,298,671, Del Mar Oaks-G1, etc.), Corinthian ($1,267,273, Metropolitan H.-G1, etc.), Ice Box ($948,068, Florida Derby-G1, etc.), Purge (6 wins, $905,434). 1st dam MAGIC MOMENTS, by Freshly Squeezed. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. Sister to CARNIVAL MESSIAH (TRI). This is her third foal. Her second foal is a 3-year-old of 2013. Dam of-- Indian Medicine (c. by Maraahel). 4 wins, $83,000, in Trinidad and Tobago. A Great Moment (f. by A Great Team). Winner, $46,299, in Trinidad and Tobago. 2nd dam Lady of the Moment, by Moment of Hope. 5 wins at 2 and 5 in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd Tru Valu Supermarket Champagne S.-G2. Dam of-- CARNIVAL MESSIAH (TRI) (c. by Freshly Squeezed). 10 wins, 2 to 5 in Trinidad and Tobago, champion 3-year-old colt, Trinidad and Tobago Triple Crown, Royal Oak Derby-G1, HCL Group of Companies Easter Guineas-G1, CLICO Midsummer Classic-G1, 2nd St. James S.-G2, 3rd Diamond S.-G2; placed in 2 starts at 5 in Barbados. Squeezed Moment. Winner in Trinidad and Tobago. Dam of 1 foal to race-- THE BIG SQUEEZE (f. by Big Country). Winner at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, Republic Mortgages St. Ann's S.-G2, 3rd Midsummer Classic-G1. Yaa Asantewaa. Unraced. Dam of 2 foals to race, including-- Dring Brinks (g. by Western Envoy). Placed at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd Caribbean Brewery Limited Guineas-G1, Royal Colours Classic-G3. Eye Candy. Unplaced in 1 start in Trinidad and Tobago. Dam of 1 foal-- Nettoyer (g. by Babel). Placed at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, 3rd Royal Colours Classic-G3. 3rd dam DADDY'S DISH, by Marshua's Dancer. 7 wins, 2 to 5, $115,649. Dam of 7 foals, 6 to race, 5 winners, including-- STEEV SKEE. 18 wins, 2 to 11, $89,725, in N.A./U.S., Toon's Mile H. twice, Mer- cury Graphics H., 2nd Inaugural H., Marquis Cup S., etc. (Total: $90,018). Lady of the Moment. Stakes-placed winner, above. 4th dam CAESAR'S DISH, by Proudest Roman. Placed at 2 and 3, $31,270. Dam of-- Acquadish. 6 wins, 3 to 6, $72,081. Dam of 4 foals, 2 winners, including-- HEFNER ROAD. 14 wins, 2 to 9, $91,336, Bucharest S., etc. Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Paradise Farms, Agent for Dr. Lesel Ali-De Silva Hip No. Kenneth De Silva Jnr & Douglas d'Abadie Hip No. 78 BAY COLT 78 Foaled April 4, 2012 A.P. Indy Pulpit...... Preach Louisvilleluminary ...... Copelan Copelan's Bid Gal...... Bid Gal BAY COLT Storm Cat Storm Report ...... Efficiently Magnificat...... (2003) Freshly Squeezed Tempest ...... Whistling Wind By LOUISVILLELUMINARY (2007). Stakes-placed winner at 2, $49,023, 3rd Sanford S.-G2. Brother to stakes winners Purge, Namaste’s Wish. His first foals are yearlings of 2013. Son of stakes winner Pulpit, sire of 69 stakes winners, including Govinda (hwt. in Germany, $163,482, Grosser Preis der Jungheinrich Gabelstapler-Hamburger Flieger Trophy-G3, etc.), Pyro (5 wins, $1,673,673, Forego S.-G1, etc.), Rutherienne ($1,298,671, Del Mar Oaks-G1, etc.), Corinthian ($1,267,273, Metropolitan H.-G1, etc.). 1st dam Magnificat, by Storm Report. Winner, $33,104, in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd Guard-ian Life St. Ann's S.-G2. This is her fifth foal. Her third foal is a 3- year-old of 2013.

2nd dam TEMPEST, by Freshly Squeezed. Winner at 2 and 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, champion 2- and 3-year-old filly, Hyundai St. Ann's Trophy S.-G2, Du Maurier Cup-G2, 2nd Midsummer Classic-G1, Southern Wholesale Stores Ltd. Easter Guineas-G1, Whitsun Classic-G2, 3rd Royal Oak Derby-G1. Sister to SONIC WIND. Dam of 2 foals to race-- Magnificat (f. by Storm Report). Stakes-placed winner, above. Ms. Independent (f. by Gilgamesh). Placed at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, 3rd Guardian Life St. Ann's S.-G2.

3rd dam WHISTLING WIND, by Starjinsky. Race record not available in Trinidad and Tobago, champion 3-year-old filly. Dam of 4 foals to race, 3 winners-- TEMPEST. Champion, above. SONIC WIND. Winner at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, St. Ann's S.-G2, 2nd Royal Oak Derby-G1. Undisputed. 4 wins at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago.

4th dam WHISTLING SUN, by *Whistling Palm. In Jamaica. Unraced. Half-sister to VAL- EROSO (horse of the year in Trinidad and Tobago, Caribbean Champion S.-G1, Derby S.-G1, Santa Rosa Classic-G1, 2nd Midsummer Classic- G1, 3rd Caribbean Champion S.-G1, Whitsun Classic S.-G2, Trinidad and Tobago Racing Authority Creole Trophy H.). Sent to Trinidad and Tobago. Dam of 6 other foals which have not raced.

Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Poon Tip Stud Farm, Agent for Neil Poon Tip, Hip No. Gerry Harding, John O'Brien & Roger Hadeed Hip No. 79 BAY COLT 79 Foaled February 10, 2012 Mr. Prospector Seeking the Gold ...... Con Game Gold Market...... El Gran Senor Bright Candles...... Christmas Bonus BAY COLT Blushing Groom (FR) Freshly Squeezed...... Mandera Maid Of Honour...... (1999) Starjinsky Concordia...... Renaissance By GOLD MARKET (1996). Stakes-placed winner at 2, $59,160, 2nd Fort Springs S.-L. Sire of many winners, including Indian Ink ($288,438, Viva- cious H.-R twice, etc.), Tommeyesgold ($136,935, Cincinnatian S.-R, etc.), Marketable ($78,855, Glacial Princess S.-R, etc.), Freds My Friend ($41,001, Glacial Princess S.-R), stakes-placed Pot Of Gold (3rd Carib Brewery Mid-Summer Classic-G1), Raking in the Gold (4 wins, $103,299, 3rd Cincinnatian S.-R), U Ben Thunderstruk (3 wins, $41,413), etc. 1st dam MAID OF HONOUR, by Freshly Squeezed. 7 wins in Trinidad and Tobago, SFA National S. Sister to CHIEF COMMANDER, BLUSHING BRIDE, Bluff Bid. This is her third foal. Dam of 2 foals to race, including-- Chief’s Nephew (g. by Gilgamesh). Winner in Trinidad and Tobago. 2nd dam CONCORDIA, by Starjinsky. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. Sister to SHIN- KANSEN. Dam of-- CHIEF COMMANDER (g. by Freshly Squeezed). 6 wins, 5 to 8 in Trinidad and Tobago, horse of the year, champion stayer twice, Gold Cup-G1, Sagicor Independence Cup-G1, etc.; winner in 2 starts at 6 in Barbados. BLUSHING BRIDE (f. by Freshly Squeezed). Winner at 2 and 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, champion 2-year-old filly, St. Ann's S.-G2, etc. Dam of-- ALWAYS A PRINCESS (f. by Charismatic Cat). Winner, $229,990, in Trini- dad and Tobago, Gleneagles S.-G2, 2nd Futurity S., SFA Breeders’ S. MAID OF HONOUR (f. by Freshly Squeezed). Stakes winner, above. Bluff Bid (c. by Freshly Squeezed). Placed at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, 3rd Guardian Life St. James S.-G2. Keep The Faith (f. by Gilgamesh). Placed at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, 3rd Santa Rosa Classic-G2. Firestorm. Winner, $32,300, in Trinidad and Tobago. Dam of-- Galveston (c. by A Great Team). 12 wins, $1,065,812 in Trinidad and To- bago, 2nd National Gas CNG Trinidad Derby-G1, Gold Cup-G1, etc. 3rd dam RENAISSANCE, by North Copse. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. Half-sis- ter to NOBLE BOY, Prescience. Dam of 4 foals to race, 3 winners-- COOK THE BOOKS. Winner at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, champion 2- year-old colt, St. James S.-G2. SHINKANSEN. Winner in Trinidad and Tobago, champion 2-year-old colt, CLI- CO St. James' S.-G2, 3rd Benson and Hedges Caribbean Championship-G1. RENATA. Winner at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, Nursery S.-G2, etc. Dam of NEW MILLENNIUM (champion 3 times in Trinidad and Tobago), MIL- LENIUM REIGN (champion 3-year-old colt in Trinidad and Tobago). Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Paradise Farms, Agent for Hip No. Robert Bernard Hip No. 80 BAY COLT 80 Foaled February 8, 2012 Lyphard Alzao...... *Lady Rebecca Maraahel...... Nashwan Nasanice...... Mathaayl BAY COLT A.P. Indy Flatter...... Praise Mamaguy...... (2007) Forty Niner Territory ...... State By MARAAHEL (2001). Stakes winner of 8 races, 2 to 6, $1,649,946, Hard- wicke S.-G2 twice, Akkroball Huxley S.-G3, Jardine Lloyd Thompson Hux- ley S.-G3 twice, Dubai Tennis Championships John Porter S.-G3, ABN Amro S.-G3, 2nd Juddmonte International S.-G1, Hardwicke S.-G2, Grant Thornton Huxley S.-G3, Betfair Brigadier Gerard S.-G3, 3rd King George VI & Queen Elizabeth S.-G1, Juddmonte International S.-G1, etc. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2013. Sire of Salome (3rd St. Ann's S.-G1). 1st dam MAMAGUY, by Flatter. Unraced. Sent to Trinidad and Tobago. This is her first foal. 2nd dam TERRITORY, by Forty Niner. Unraced. Sister to ANNOUNCE. Dam of-- STROLL BY (f. by Stroll). 3 wins at 3, $42,340, Pepsi S., 2nd Goldfinch S., 3rd Princess S., Runza S. 3rd dam STATE, by Nijinsky II. 3 wins to 3, $54,234. Half-sister to FABLED MONARCH (sire), TITLE ($89,197), Blade (sire). Dam of 10 winners, including-- REGION. 12 wins, 3 to 7, $826,935, Del Mar Budweiser Breeders' Cup H.-G2, Bel Air H.-G2, Ralph M. Hinds Pomona Invitational H.-L, Skywalker H.-L, etc. ANNOUNCE. 8 wins, 3 to 5, $436,034, Thistledown Breeders' Cup H.-G3, etc. DOUBLE FEINT. 11 wins, 2 to 8, $493,928, Hill Prince S.-G3, etc. Set ncr. NARRATE. 8 wins, $188,856, Falls City H.-G3, etc. Dam of PREACH ($304,- 656, dam of PULPIT, $728,200, sire; Urban Poet; Tell It, $162,283), Lec- ture ($176,405, sire), Ledford ($121,755), Seize ($100,257). Granddam of MINARDI (Total: $291,017, hwt. in England and Ireland, sire), TALE OF THE CAT ($360,900), SPUNOUTACONTROL ($86,405). Great-granddam of JOHANNESBURG (Total: $1,014,585, champion in Europe and U.S.), etc. DIBS. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $165,643, Locust Grove H.-L. Dam of SIMMARD (To- tal: $635,953), LE CARRE (Total: $465,152), Malmaison (6 wins, $341,- 236), Kelly Bag (6 wins, $101,854, dam of Red Birkin, Total: $166,964). Granddam of Dutch Girl (5 wins, $121,705), Clara's Song ($102,385). Stately Cielo. Winner at 4 and 5, $74,800, 3rd Alamedan H.-L. Sire. Border. 3 wins in 5 starts at 3, $37,894. Dam of NORTHCOTE ROAD (12 wins, $729,885). Granddam of Gramsci (Total: $15,900). Great-granddam of TEUFLESBERG (5 wins, $621,981, Woody Stephens S.-G2, etc., sire). Realm. Placed at 3, £2,564, in England; winner at 3 and 4, $32,350, in N.A./U.S. (Total: $36,465). Dam of HAINT ($187,415, sire), Play With Fire ($151,698). Granddam of Domain's Rap (4 wins, $163,956), Our Domain ($121,826). Threat. Winner at 3, $20,910. Dam of Exotic Stranger ($46,943, 3rd Miss Liberty S.-L). Granddam of NANA KNOWS ($247,345), CLASSIC THREAT ($174,685, dam of QUIET DARE, $199,103), Cher Ami (ARG). Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Bonanza Farm Riding and Country Club Limited, Hip No. Agent for Edmund De Freitas Hip No. 81 BAY FILLY 81 Foaled January 15, 2012 Gone West Elusive Quality...... Touch of Greatness Moygaddy...... Dayjur Star of Paris...... Liturgism BAY FILLY Unbridled Unbridled Optimism ...... Sense of Unity Meh Lover ...... (2007) Friendly Lover Miss Lover Lover...... Winning Spurs By MOYGADDY (2004). Winner at 4 in Trinidad and Tobago. Brother to stakes winner Elusive City, half-brother to stakes winner Parisian Affair. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2013. Son of stakes winner Elusive Quality, lead- ing sire, sire of 97 stakes winners, including champions Smarty Jones (8 wins in 9 starts, $7,613,155, Kentucky Derby-G1, etc.), Sepoy ($3,990,- 138, AAMI Golden Slipper-G1, etc.), Maryfield ($1,334,331, Ballerina S.- G1, etc.), Elusive Kate ($1,093,415, Etihad Airways Falmouth S.-G1, etc.). 1st dam MEH LOVER, by Unbridled Optimism. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. This is her first foal. 2nd dam MISS LOVER LOVER, by Friendly Lover. 7 wins at 3 and 4 in Trinidad and Toba- go, Sagicor Independence Cup Trophy-G1, 2nd Guardian Holdings Gold Cup-G1, Stewards' Cup-G1, Trintrac Stewards' Cup-G1, Lexus President's Cup-G1, 3rd Stewards' Cup Trophy-G1, Arima Race Club Cup-G1, Sian's Gold Sprint-G2. Dam of 3 other foals, which have not raced. 3rd dam Winning Spurs, by Buckley Boy. 2 wins, $76,351, 2nd Ontario Lassie S.-LR, 3rd Princess Elizabeth S.-LR. Dam of 7 foals, 6 to race, 5 winners, incl.-- MISS LOVER LOVER. Stakes winner, above. WINNING CHANCE. 7 wins, 2 to 5, $651,443, Ontario Matron H.-L, Belle Mahone S.-L, 2nd Maple Leaf S.-G3, La Lorgnette S.-L, Ontario Matron H.-L, Wilderness Song S.-L, Algoma S.-LR twice. Producer. 4th dam Leave Me Alone, by Northern Dancer. 8 wins, 3 to 6, $179,810, 2nd Long Is- land H.-G3, Chrysanthemum H.-G3, Queen Charlotte H., 3rd Long Is- land H.-G3, Flower Bowl H. Half-sister to LUCKY OLE ME, MIDNIGHT PUMPKIN, Show Me How, After Me. Dam of 11 winners, including-- REACH THE GOLD. 2 wins at 2, $168,953, Swynford S.-L, 2nd Marine S.- L, Coronation Futurity-LR, 3rd Grey S.-G3, Simcoe Yearling Sales S.-LR. Just Oneof Theboys. 4 wins at 4 and 8, $110,416, 2nd Regions Bank Imperial Cup Hurdle H.-G3, NationsBank Queen's Cup for the Sport of Kings Hurdle S.-R, NationsBank Spring Novice for the Sport of Kings Hurdle S.-R. Private Player. 8 wins, 3 to 5, €111,815, in France, 2nd Grand Steeple- Chase de Lyon Epreuve de la Coupe d'Or. (Total: $129,180). Winning Spurs. Stakes-placed winner, above. Anxious Friend. 3 wins, $47,325. Sent to Japan. Dam of 10 winners, incl.-- Blue Sox. 4 wins, 2 to 5, ¥49,152,000, in Japan. (Total: $592,532). Tanino Atlantic. 3 wins to 4, ¥53,693,000, in Japan. (Total: $542,940). Tanino Darling. 5 wins, 2 to 5, ¥57,815,000, in Japan. (Total: $503,573). Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by La Concepcion Stud Farm, Agent for Hip No. David Ojar Hip No. 82 BAY FILLY 82 Foaled April 3, 2012 Lyphard Alzao...... *Lady Rebecca Maraahel...... Nashwan Nasanice...... Mathaayl BAY FILLY Cutlass Friendly Lover...... Glide Along Miss Lover Lover...... (2000) Buckley Boy Winning Spurs...... Leave Me Alone By MARAAHEL (2001). Stakes winner of 8 races, 2 to 6, $1,649,946, Hard- wicke S.-G2 twice, Akkroball Huxley S.-G3, Jardine Lloyd Thompson Hux- ley S.-G3 twice, Dubai Tennis Championships John Porter S.-G3, ABN Amro S.-G3, 2nd Juddmonte International S.-G1, Hardwicke S.-G2, Grant Thornton Huxley S.-G3, Betfair Brigadier Gerard S.-G3, 3rd King George VI & Queen Elizabeth S.-G1, Juddmonte International S.-G1, etc. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2013. Sire of Salome (3rd St. Ann's S.-G1). 1st dam MISS LOVER LOVER, by Friendly Lover. 7 wins at 3 and 4 in Trinidad and To- bago, Sagicor Independence Cup Trophy-G1, 2nd Guardian Holdings Gold Cup-G1, Stewards' Cup-G1, Trintrac Stewards' Cup-G1, Lexus President's Cup-G1, 3rd Stewards' Cup Trophy-G1, Arima Race Club Cup-G1, Sian's Gold Sprint-G2. This is her fifth foal. Her third foal is a 3- year-old of 2013. She has no foals to race. 2nd dam Winning Spurs, by Buckley Boy. 2 wins at 3, $76,351, 2nd Ontario Lassie S.- LR, 3rd Princess Elizabeth S.-LR. Dam of 5 winners, including-- MISS LOVER LOVER (f. by Friendly Lover). Stakes winner, above. WINNING CHANCE (f. by Alphabet Soup). 7 wins, 2 to 5, $651,443, Ontario Matron H.-L, Belle Mahone S.-L, 2nd Maple Leaf S.-G3, La Lorgnette S.-L, Ontario Matron H.-L, Wilderness Song S.-L, Algoma S.-LR twice. 3rd dam Leave Me Alone, by Northern Dancer. 8 wins, 3 to 6, $179,810, 2nd Long Island H.-G3, Chrysanthemum H.-G3, Queen Charlotte H., etc. Dam of-- REACH THE GOLD. 2 wins at 2, $168,953, Swynford S.-L, 2nd Marine S.- L, Coronation Futurity-LR, 3rd Grey S.-G3, Simcoe Yearling Sales S.-LR. Just Oneof Theboys. 4 wins, $110,416, 2nd Regions Bank Imperial Cup Hur- dle H.-G3, NationsBank Queen's Cup for the Sport of Kings Hurdle S.-R, etc. Private Player. 8 wins, 3 to 5, €111,815, in France, 2nd Grand Steeple- Chase de Lyon Epreuve de la Coupe d'Or. (Total: $129,180). Winning Spurs. Stakes-placed winner, above. 4th dam ME NEXT, by Rough'n Tumble. Unraced. Sister to MY DEAR GIRL ($209,739, champion 2-year-old filly), TREASURE CHEST, half-sister to MY OLD FLAME, Tiswar, Sutton Place Gal. Dam of 9 winners, including-- LUCKY OLE ME. 6 wins at 3, $59,336, Jersey Belle H. Stakes producer. MIDNIGHT PUMPKIN. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $44,587, Opel S., 3rd Geisha S. Leave Me Alone. Stakes-placed winner, above. Show Me How. 6 wins, 2 to 4, $71,188, 2nd Little Silver H.-G3, etc. After Me. 8 wins, 3 to 5, $77,412, 2nd My Fair Lady S. Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Humming Bird Stables, Agent for Hip No. Dr. Lesel W. Ali-De Silva & Mrs. Sharon Ferreira Hip No. 83 BAY COLT 83 Foaled March 15, 2012 A.P. Indy Pulpit...... Preach Louisvilleluminary ...... Copelan Copelan's Bid Gal...... Bid Gal BAY COLT Mr. Prospector Gilgamesh...... Danzante Ms. Independent...... (2002) Freshly Squeezed Tempest ...... Whistling Wind By LOUISVILLELUMINARY (2007). Stakes-placed winner at 2, $49,023, 3rd Sanford S.-G2. Brother to stakes winners Purge, Namaste’s Wish. His first foals are yearlings of 2013. Son of stakes winner Pulpit, sire of 69 stakes winners, including Govinda (hwt. in Germany, $163,482, Grosser Preis der Jungheinrich Gabelstapler-Hamburger Flieger Trophy-G3, etc.), Pyro (5 wins, $1,673,673, Forego S.-G1, etc.), Rutherienne ($1,298,671, Del Mar Oaks-G1, etc.), Corinthian ($1,267,273, Metropolitan H.-G1, etc.). 1st dam Ms. Independent, by Gilgamesh. Placed at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, 3rd Guardian Life St. Ann's S.-G2. This is her third foal. Dam of-- D Scale Police (f. by Big Country). Winner in Trinidad and Tobago.

2nd dam TEMPEST, by Freshly Squeezed. Winner at 2 and 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, champion 2- and 3-year-old filly, Hyundai St. Ann's Trophy S.-G2, Du Maurier Cup-G2, 2nd Midsummer Classic-G1, Southern Wholesale Stores Ltd. Easter Guineas-G1, Whitsun Classic-G2, 3rd Royal Oak Der- by-G1. Sister to SONIC WIND. Dam of 2 foals to race-- Magnificat (f. by Storm Report). Placed at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd Guardian Life St. Ann's S.-G2. Ms. Independent (f. by Gilgamesh). Stakes-placed, above.

3rd dam WHISTLING WIND, by Starjinsky. Race record not available in Trinidad and Tobago, champion 3-year-old filly. Dam of 4 foals to race, 3 winners-- TEMPEST. Champion, above. SONIC WIND. Winner at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, St. Ann's S.-G2, 2nd Royal Oak Derby-G1. Undisputed. 4 wins at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago.

4th dam WHISTLING SUN, by *Whistling Palm. In Jamaica. Unraced. Half-sister to VAL- EROSO (horse of the year in Trinidad and Tobago, Caribbean Champion S.-G1, Derby S.-G1, Santa Rosa Classic-G1, 2nd Midsummer Classic- G1, 3rd Caribbean Champion S.-G1, Whitsun Classic S.-G2, Trinidad and Tobago Racing Authority Creole Trophy H.). Sent to Trinidad and Tobago. Dam of 6 other foals, which have not raced.

Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Paradise Farms, Agent for Hip No. Paradise Farms Limited Hip No. 84 BAY FILLY 84 Foaled February 4, 2012 Roberto Kris S...... Sharp Queen Settle Up...... Dayjur In Conference ...... Personal Business BAY FILLY Halo Halo's Image...... Sugar's Image Mucho Halos ...... (2007) Jules Many Threes...... Caro Keri By SETTLE UP (2000). Stakes-placed winner of 4 races, 4 to 6, $191,520, 3rd Tropical Turf H.-G3. Sire of Big Man (Royal Colours Classic, 3rd St. James S.-G1), Big Thing (2nd Midsummer Classic-G1). Son of stakes winner Kris S., among the leading sires, sire of 93 stakes winners, 4 cham- pions, including Symboli Kris S ($8,401,282, Arima Kinen-Grand Prix-G1 twice), Hollywood Wildcat ($1,432,160, Breeders' Cup Distaff-G1, etc.), Soaring Softly ($1,270,433, Breeders' Cup Filly & Mare Turf-G1, etc.). 1st dam MUCHO HALOS, by Halo's Image. Unraced. Sent to Trinidad and Tobago. This is her second foal. Her first foal is a 2-year-old of 2013. 2nd dam MANY THREES, by Jules. Winner at 4, $15,180. Dam of 1 foal to race. 3rd dam CARO KERI, by Caro (IRE). Unraced. Half-sister to HUSHI. Dam of-- PALLISER BAY. 6 wins, 3 to 5, $248,624, Gallorette H.-G3, Lady Baltimore S.-L, Landaura S., 2nd Penn National Distaff H.-L, Snow Goose H.-L, Lady Dean S.-L, 3rd All Along S.-G2, Nellie Morse S.-L, Herecomes- thebride S.-L. Dam of 5 foals to race, 4 winners, including-- HE LOVES ME. 7 wins at 2 and 3, $355,698, Iowa Oaks-G3, Twixt S.- LR, Pearl Necklace S.-LR, Wide Country S., Caesar's Wish S.-R, 3rd Gazelle H.-G1, Maryland Million Lassie S.-LR. Producer. FOR KISSES. 8 wins, 3 to 5, $344,056, Monmouth Beach S., Squan Song S.-R, 2nd Maryland Million Oaks-LR, Lighthouse S., 3rd Bar- bara Fritchie H.-G2, Maryland Million Distaff H.-LR, Ghost and Gob- lins S., Conniver S.-R. Running Creek. Unraced. Dam of SOFTLY LIT (4 wins, $107,160, Seli- ma S., Tippett S., 3rd Thirty Flags S.-L). When. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $96,775, 2nd Twilight Ridge S.-LR. Dam of-- Dot's Mark. Placed at 4, $30,704, 2nd Alphabet Kisses S.-R. Leanessa. 4 wins in 8 starts to 4, $165,022. Dam of M ONE RIFLE ($535,- 142, Malibu S.-G1, Real Good Deal S.-LR, Cool Frenchy S.-ntr, 2nd Los Angeles H.-G3, etc.), Myra G. ($20,200, 2nd Alphabet Kisses S.-R). Keri's Snowman. Unraced. Dam of 9 foals, 8 to race, 7 winners, including-- ATLANTIC FROST. 7 wins, 3 to 5, $201,930, Yo Tambien S., Reluctant Guest S., Possibly Perfect S., 2nd Possibly Perfect S. Producer. SNOW LASS. 3 wins in 5 starts at 3, $89,370, Stonehedge Farm South Sophomore Fillies S.-LR, 2nd Crank It Up S. WILD ABOUT CHROME. 5 wins at 3 and 4, 2013, $83,790, in N.A./U.S., Hilton Garden/Hampton Inn Suites Sprint S.-R. (Total: $86,732). Return It. Placed at 2, 3rd Ex Mountain Cop Invitational S. Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Paradise Farms, Agent for Paradise Farms Hip No. Limited, George Bernard & Christopher Sadler Hip No. 85 BAY FILLY 85 Foaled April 5, 2012 Lyphard Alzao...... *Lady Rebecca Maraahel...... Nashwan Nasanice...... Mathaayl BAY FILLY Danzig Brahms ...... Queena Musical Moment...... (2004) Woodman Galwood...... Roving Girl By MARAAHEL (2001). Stakes winner of 8 races, 2 to 6, $1,649,946, Hard- wicke S.-G2 twice, Akkroball Huxley S.-G3, Jardine Lloyd Thompson Hux- ley S.-G3 twice, Dubai Tennis Championships John Porter S.-G3, ABN Amro S.-G3, 2nd Juddmonte International S.-G1, Hardwicke S.-G2, Grant Thornton Huxley S.-G3, Betfair Brigadier Gerard S.-G3, 3rd King George VI & Queen Elizabeth S.-G1, Juddmonte International S.-G1, etc. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2013. Sire of Salome (3rd St. Ann's S.-G1). 1st dam MUSICAL MOMENT, by Brahms. Winner at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago. This is her fourth foal. Her second foal is a 3-year-old of 2013. Dam of-- Precise Moment (g. by Precise Sweep). Winner at 3, $45,625, in Trinidad and Tobago. 2nd dam GALWOOD, by Woodman. Dam of 7 other foals, 6 to race, 5 winners, incl.-- Black Ocean (f. by Ocean Terrace). Winner at 2, $33,143, 2nd Oklahoma Stallion Fillies S.-R. 3rd dam ROVING GIRL, by Olden Times. Placed at 3, $3,000. Sister to ROVING BOY ($843,675, champion 2-year-old colt), half-sister to Fort Valley. Dam of-- Buttermilk. Winner in 2 starts at 4, $18,400. Dam of 7 winners, including-- Shukriya. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $160,047, in Canada, 3rd Ontario Fashion S.-L. (Total: $154,873). Balance Act. Unraced. Dam of MISS ANGIE (10 wins in Mexico, cham- pion imported 3-year-old filly, Clasico Revolucion, 2nd Clasico la Raza, Clasico Batucada, Clasico Monarca). Ballet Troupe. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $60,899. Dam of 8 winners, including-- Red Satin Slippers. Winner at 3, $144,868, 2nd Carotene S.-L, 3rd Flaming Page H.-L. Dam of CANTREL (5 wins, $146,790, Wonders Delight S.-R, 2nd Jostle S.-L, 3rd Ambassador of Luck H.-LR). Angelinahalo. Winner, $42,860. Dam of ROVING ANGEL (6 wins, Total: $435,519, Belle Mahone S.-L, Finger Lakes Juvenile Fillies S., etc.). Anelda. 3 wins at 4, $168,483. Dam of 7 foals, 6 to race, 5 winners, incl.-- Miss Dow Jones. 2 wins to 4, $42,238, 2nd Doris Grundy Memorial S. November Morn. Placed at 3 and 4, $14,175. Dam of 7 winners, including-- IRGUNS ANGEL. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $276,155, A Gleam H.-G2, Sunnyvale H., 2nd Santa Ysabel S.-G3. Producer. BALMY. 6 wins to 4, $224,968, Garland of Roses H.-L, Primonetta S., 2nd Primonetta S., 3rd My Juliet S.-L, Correction H.-L, etc. Producer. Treetop Landing. Placed in 1 start at 3, $4,290. Dam of TATE'S LAND- ING ($101,540, Laurel Futurity-L). Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by La Concepcion Stud Farm, Agent for Hip No. Uraeus Limited & Hugh Lee King Hip No. 86 BAY FILLY 86 Foaled January 15, 2012 Mr. Prospector Kingmambo ...... Miesque Babel...... Sadler's Wells Lady Reiko (IRE) ...... Willamae BAY FILLY Mr. Prospector Gilgamesh...... Danzante Mystery Girl...... (2003) Freshly Squeezed Memento...... Concerto By BABEL (2001). Winner of 2 races at 3, $73,720. Half-brother to stakes win- ner Chopper Won. Sire of Nettoyer (3rd Royal Colours Classic-G3). Son of classic winner Kingmambo, sire of 94 stakes winners, 6 champions, including Lemon Drop Kid ($3,245,370, Belmont S.-G1, etc.), Divine Pro- portions ($1,553,790, Prix de Diane Hermes-French Oaks-G1, etc.), Rus- sian Rhythm ($1,260,794, Sagitta One Thousand Guineas-G1, etc.), El Condor Pasa (8 wins, $3,502,404, Grand Prix de Saint-Cloud-G1, etc.). 1st dam MYSTERY GIRL, by Gilgamesh. 7 wins in Trinidad and Tobago. This is her second foal. Her first foal is a 3-year-old of 2013.

2nd dam MEMENTO, by Freshly Squeezed. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. Sister to CONCERT HALL. Dam of 3 other foals, which have not raced.

3rd dam CONCERTO, by Bandsman. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. Dam of 4 other foals, 3 to race, including-- CONCERT HALL. Winner at 4 in Trinidad and Tobago, champion sprinter, Stewards Cup-G1, 2nd Sian's Gold Sprint S.-G2, 3rd Stewards' Cup-G1.

4th dam GREAT MEMOIRS, by Great Nephew. Winner at 2 and 3 in England. Half-sis- ter to Blue Raffles (2nd St. Hugh's S., 3rd Princess Margaret S.). Sent to Trinidad and Tobago. Dam of 4 other foals, which have not raced.

Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Scott's Stud, Agent for Hip No. Pierpont W. H. Scott Hip No. 87 BAY COLT 87 Foaled March 3, 2012 Lyphard Alzao...... *Lady Rebecca Maraahel...... Nashwan Nasanice...... Mathaayl BAY COLT Mr. Prospector Gilgamesh...... Danzante New Girl...... (2006) Freshly Squeezed New Millennium ...... Renata By MARAAHEL (2001). Stakes winner of 8 races, 2 to 6, $1,649,946, Hard- wicke S.-G2 twice, Akkroball Huxley S.-G3, Jardine Lloyd Thompson Hux- ley S.-G3 twice, Dubai Tennis Championships John Porter S.-G3, ABN Amro S.-G3, 2nd Juddmonte International S.-G1, Hardwicke S.-G2, Grant Thornton Huxley S.-G3, Betfair Brigadier Gerard S.-G3, 3rd King George VI & Queen Elizabeth S.-G1, Juddmonte International S.-G1, etc. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2013. Sire of Salome (3rd St. Ann's S.-G1). 1st dam NEW GIRL, by Gilgamesh. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. This is her third foal. Her first foal is a 3-year-old of 2013. 2nd dam NEW MILLENNIUM, by Freshly Squeezed. 11 wins, 2 to 4 in Trinidad and To- bago, champion 2- and 3-year-old filly, champion stayer, Royal Oak Derby-G1, Guardian Gold Cup Trophy-G1, Caribbean Champion S.-G1 twice, Du Maurier Cup-G2, etc. Sister to MILLENIUM REIGN. Dam of 4 other foals. 3rd dam RENATA, by Royal Arbiter. Winner at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, Nursery S.- G2, 2nd Santa Rosa Classic-G1, Whitsun Classic S.-G2, 3rd Ibis S.-G2. Dam of 4 foals to race, 2 winners-- NEW MILLENNIUM. Champion, above. MILLENIUM REIGN. 8 wins at 3 and 4 in Trinidad and Tobago, champion 3-year-old colt, Royal Oak Derby-G1, Easter Guineas-G1, etc. 4th dam RENAISSANCE, by North Copse. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. Half-sis- ter to NOBLE BOY, Prescience. Dam of 4 foals to race, 3 winners-- COOK THE BOOKS. Winner at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, champion 2- year-old colt, St. James S.-G2. SHINKANSEN. Winner in Trinidad and Tobago, champion 2-year-old colt, CLI- CO St. James' S.-G2, 3rd Benson and Hedges Caribbean Championship-G1. RENATA. Stakes winner, above. Centurion. Placed at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, 3rd Derby Trial S.-G1. Concordia. Unraced. Dam of CHIEF COMMANDER (horse of the year in Trinidad and Tobago, Gold Cup-G1, Sagicor Independence Cup-G1, etc.), BLUSHING BRIDE (champion 2-year-old filly in Trinidad and Toba- go, St. Ann's S.-G2, etc.), Bluff Bid (3rd Guardian Life St. James S.-G2), Keep The Faith (3rd Santa Rosa Classic-G2). Granddam of Galveston. Romance. Unraced. Dam of DA VINCI (champion twice in Trinidad and Toba- go, Republic Bank Carribbean Champion S.-G1, etc.), Merchant of Venice, Classic Touch. Granddam of Alexander (2nd St. James S.-G2, etc.). Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by JMH Enterprises Limited, Agent for Hip No. Kama Maharaj Hip No. 88 BAY FILLY 88 Foaled March 1, 2012 Gone West Elusive Quality...... Touch of Greatness Moygaddy...... Dayjur Star of Paris...... Liturgism BAY FILLY Broad Brush Include...... Illeria Nothinbutblueskies...... (2004) Northern Prospect Thesky'sthelimit...... Portio By MOYGADDY (2004). Winner at 4 in Trinidad and Tobago. Brother to stakes winner Elusive City, half-brother to stakes winner Parisian Affair. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2013. Son of stakes winner Elusive Quality, lead- ing sire, sire of 97 stakes winners, including champions Smarty Jones (8 wins in 9 starts, $7,613,155, Kentucky Derby-G1, etc.), Sepoy ($3,990,- 138, AAMI Golden Slipper-G1, etc.), Maryfield ($1,334,331, Ballerina S.- G1, etc.), Elusive Kate ($1,093,415, Etihad Airways Falmouth S.-G1, etc.). 1st dam NOTHINBUTBLUESKIES, by Include. Winner at 4, $15,112. Sent to Trinidad and Tobago. This is her third foal. Her second foal is a 3-year-old of 2013. Dam of 1 foal to race. 2nd dam THESKY'STHELIMIT, by Northern Prospect. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $183,505. Dam of-- SIPHONIZER (g. by Siphon (BRZ)). 4 wins, 2 to 7, $313,357, Del Mar Futu- rity-G2, 3rd Sausalito S. Sky Jedi (g. by Yankee Victor). 4 wins at 3 and 4, $109,698, 2nd Budweiser S., Daylight Sprint Thoroughbred S. 3rd dam PORTIO, by Riva Ridge. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $47,847, White Rose S.-R, 2nd Blue Bonnet S.-R. Dam of 10 other foals, 9 to race, 8 winners, incl.-- Portent. 6 wins, 2 to 4, $124,206, 2nd Manatee S., 3rd Minaret S. Dam of-- Star of New York. 7 wins, 3 to 6, $389,925, 3rd Carr Heaven S.-LR, Mr. GJG. S.-LR. Ominous Wildcat. Unraced. Dam of Terrify (4 wins, $114,140, 2nd Ban- gles and Beads S.). Wacissa. 2 wins at 4, $50,380. Dam of 5 winners, including-- COURTING SEATTLE. 10 wins, 2 to 7, $163,288, Auburn S., 2nd Taco- ma H., Emerald Express S., 3rd Budweiser Emerald H., etc. 4th dam SANTIAGO SWEETIE, by Boldnesian. Winner at 3, $4,320. Sister to BOLD LADDIE (sire), half-sister to CLAIM, SYRIA. Dam of 5 winners, incl.-- FLAMENCO. 3 wins at 2 in England, Waterford Candelabra S.-G3, etc. Dam Darrery (dam of MADE IN JAPAN, 5 wins, Total: $291,381; AMBIVALENT, Total: $90,886; Al Waffi; Sunday Symphony, Total: $133,002; granddam of TOTAL GALLERY, Total: $642,160, hwt. at 3 on French Hand. 5 - 7 fur.; etc.). PORTIO. Stakes winner, above. Atacama. Placed at 3, $10,879. Dam of 9 foals to race, 6 winners, incl.-- BLACK BEAUTY D. 17 wins, 2 to 4, $226,874, champion imported old- er mare in Puerto Rico, Clasico Prensa Hipica-G2, etc. Producer. Sarela. Granddam of SHIGERU JUYAKU (to 5, 2013, Total: $1,661,866). Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by JMH Enterprises Limited, Agent for Hip No. Dr. Ravi Ramjanack Hip No. 89 CHESTNUT COLT 89 Foaled March 28, 2012 Blushing Groom (FR) Freshly Squeezed...... Mandera Top of the Class...... Bandsman Crescendo...... Treasured Honour CHESTNUT COLT Royal and Regal Windy Hill...... Where's Alice Peace of Mind...... (2000) Lomond Wild Fantasy...... Tribal Girl (GB) By TOP OF THE CLASS (2000). Horse of the year in Trinidad and Tobago, Triple Crown winner of 13 races, Royal Oak Derby-G1, Union Park Turf Club Easter Guineas-G1, Clico Midsummer Classic-G1, Caribbean Brew- ery Trophy-Caribbean Championship S.-G1, Guardian Holdings Gold Cup-G1, Caribbean Champion S.-G1 twice, Lexus President's Cup-G1, Diamond Trophy H.-G2, 2nd Guardian Gold Cup-G1, Guardian Life Gold Cup-G1, Sagicor Independence Cup-G1, etc. He has no foals to race. 1st dam PEACE OF MIND, by Windy Hill. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. This is her third foal. Her second foal is a 3-year-old of 2013. Dam of 1 foal to race. 2nd dam WILD FANTASY, by Lomond. Unraced. Sent to Trinidad and Tobago. Dam of 2 other foals, which have not raced. 3rd dam TRIBAL GIRL (GB), by Hittite Glory. Placed at 2 in England. Dam of 3 winners-- SOY LA REINA. 3 wins at 2 and 3 in Panama, Premio Generoso Simons-G3. LONGVIEW ASHLEY. 5 wins at 2 and 3, $148,418, Mountain Valley S.-L, Turfway Prevue S., 2nd Southwest S.-L, 3rd WHAS S., Prevue S. Longview Lass. 5 wins at 3 and 4, $18,334. Dam of 1 foal-- Water Specet. Winner in 1 start at 4. Ah So Mr. Jack. Placed at 3, $3,207. Longview Gold. Placed at 4 in N.A./U.S. 4th dam Lagoon Girl, by First Landing. 7 wins at 3 and 4, $47,950, 2nd Nellie Morse H., Patricia A. S. Half-sister to ATOLL ($163,873, Gotham S., Remsen S., Swift S., Lamplighter H., Longport H., etc., sire), Red Orange (14 wins, $149,- 994, 3rd Hialeah Turf Cup H.-G2, Lakeside H.-G2). Dam of 3 winners-- Pride of Place. 8 wins, 2 to 4, $31,307. Cashmere Girl. Winner at 3 in England; 2 wins at 4 in Netherlands. Reasonable Choice. Placed at 2 and 4 in Ireland; 2 wins at 6 in England. Bra. Placed at 3 in England. Broken Water. Unplaced in 1 start in England. Sent to India. Dam of-- ROBIN HOOD. 7 wins, 2 to 4 in India, Calcutta St. Leger, Calcutta Two Thousand Guineas, Classic Calcutta Derby, Queen Elizabeth II Cup, 2nd Charminar Challenge Indian Turf Invitation Cup, 3rd Pat William- son Memorial Calcutta Gold Cup, President of India Gold Cup. Lively Spirit. Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of 4 foals to race, 2 winners-- The Velvet Life. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $22,900. Barmy Spirit. 2 wins at 4, $5,140. Teena's Bandit. Placed at 3. Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Amigo Stud Farm, Agent for Hip No. Walter Debysingh Hip No. 90 BAY COLT 90 Foaled March 22, 2012 Lyphard Alzao...... *Lady Rebecca Maraahel...... Nashwan Nasanice...... Mathaayl BAY COLT Danzig Kdanzc...... My Darling One Politics...... (1996) Irish Harmony Rustic Charm...... Marism By MARAAHEL (2001). Stakes winner of 8 races, 2 to 6, $1,649,946, Hard- wicke S.-G2 twice, Akkroball Huxley S.-G3, Jardine Lloyd Thompson Hux- ley S.-G3 twice, Dubai Tennis Championships John Porter S.-G3, ABN Amro S.-G3, 2nd Juddmonte International S.-G1, Hardwicke S.-G2, Grant Thornton Huxley S.-G3, Betfair Brigadier Gerard S.-G3, 3rd King George VI & Queen Elizabeth S.-G1, Juddmonte International S.-G1, etc. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2013. Sire of Salome (3rd St. Ann's S.-G1). 1st dam POLITICS, by Kdanzc. In Trinidad and Tobago. 17 wins, $260,430, in Trinidad and Tobago. This is her second foal. Her first foal is a 3-year-old of 2013.

2nd dam RUSTIC CHARM, by Irish Harmony. In Trinidad and Tobago. 2 wins, $17,900, in Trinidad and Tobago. Sister to BATTLE CHANT. Dam of-- Politics. 17 wins, $260,430, in Trinidad and Tobago.

3rd dam MARISM, by Smithfield. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. Dam of 2 other foals-- RUNNING WILD. Winner at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, champion 2-year-old filly, Benson & Hedges Caribbean Championship-G1. Dam of-- Wild Dance. Winner at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago. Dam of Big Man (in Trinidad and Tobago, 3rd St. James S.-G1). Wild Life. Winner at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago. BATTLE CHANT. Winner at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, Nursery S.-G2.

4th dam MARIGOLD, by No Comment. In Barbados. Unraced. Sent to Trinidad and Tobago. Dam of 1 other foal, which has not raced.

Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Paradise Farms, Agent for Hip No. Kenneth De Silva Jnr Hip No. 91 DARK BAY OR BROWN FILLY 91 Foaled March 22, 2012 Roberto Kris S...... Sharp Queen Settle Up...... Dayjur In Conference ...... Personal Business DARK BAY OR Gone West BROWN FILLY Came Home...... Nice Assay Poolside Miss...... (2005) Danzig Bering Cruise...... Lassie's Lady By SETTLE UP (2000). Stakes-placed winner of 4 races, 4 to 6, $191,520, 3rd Tropical Turf H.-G3. Sire of Big Man (Royal Colours Classic, 3rd St. James S.-G1), Big Thing (2nd Midsummer Classic-G1). Son of stakes winner Kris S., among the leading sires, sire of 93 stakes winners, 4 cham- pions, including Symboli Kris S ($8,401,282, Arima Kinen-Grand Prix-G1 twice), Hollywood Wildcat ($1,432,160, Breeders' Cup Distaff-G1, etc.), Soaring Softly ($1,270,433, Breeders' Cup Filly & Mare Turf-G1, etc.). 1st dam POOLSIDE MISS, by Came Home. Unplaced in 1 start. Sent to Trinidad and Tobago. This is her second foal. Her first foal is a 3-year-old of 2013. 2nd dam BERING CRUISE, by Danzig. Winner at 3 and 4, $52,170. Dam of-- Lieutenant Danz (c. by Gold Fever). 6 wins, 2 to 6, $271,982, 2nd Francis “Jock” LaBelle Memorial S.-L, Select S., 3rd Jimmy Winkfield S.-L, etc.. West Side Dancer. Winner at 4, $34,831. Dam of 3 foals, all winners, incl.-- DISCREET DANCER (c. by Discreet Cat). 4 wins in 7 starts, 2 to 4, 2013, $356,900, Gulfstream Park H.-G2, 3rd Carter H.-G1, Fasig-Tipton Foun- tain of Youth S.-G2. Set ntr at Gulfstream Park, 5 1/2 fur. in 1:02 1/5. TRAVELIN MAN (c. by Trippi). 5 wins, 3 to 5, 2013, $305,584, Swale S.- G2, Sir Shackleton S. twice, 2nd Hutcheson S.-G2, Teddy Drone S.-L. 3rd dam Lassie's Lady, by Alydar. 2 wins, $46,903, 3rd Sonnenberg H. Half-sister to WOLFHOUND (Total: $452,478, hwt. in Europe and England, Hazlewood Foods Sprint Cup-G1, etc., sire), WEEKEND SURPRISE ($402,892), SPECTACULAR SPY (sire), FOXHOUND (sire), Al Mufti (sire). Dam of-- BITE THE BULLET. 5 wins at 2 and 4, $216,809, Sanford S.-G2, 2nd Iro- quois S.-L, Tri-State Breeders' Cup H., Stirrup Cup H., 3rd Arlington- Washington Futurity-G1, Governor's H.-L. Sire. SHUAILAAN. 3 wins at 2 and 3, £63,298, in England, Winter Hill S., 2nd Quantel Aston Park S., Newmarket S., 3rd Leicester Mercury S.; 2 wins in 4 starts at 5, 76,500 dirhams, in U.A.E. (Total: $134,910). Love Me True. Winner at 3, €29,661, in Ireland, 3rd Killavullan S.-G3, Ali Retza & Mamadi Soudavar Garnet S. (Total: $25,787). Dam of DUKE OF MARMALADE (IRE) (Total: $2,777,768, champion older horse in Eu- rope, King George VI & Queen Elizabeth S.-G1, Prince of Wales's S.-G1, etc., sire), RULER OF THE WORLD (at 3, 2013, Total: $1,255,871, Inves- tec Epsom Derby-G1, etc.), Countess Lemonade (Total: $92,461). Black Mambo. 3 wins at 4 and 5, $100,790, 2nd Reappeal S. Sire. Run for Lassie. Unraced. Dam of MADISON'S CHARM ($202,045, Comely S.-G3, etc.), Pebble Island (Total: $36,211, sire), Bees ($105,021). Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by JMH Enterprises Limited, Agent for Hip No. Kama Maharaj Hip No. 92 BAY FILLY 92 Foaled January 5, 2012 Gone West Elusive Quality...... Touch of Greatness Moygaddy...... Dayjur Star of Paris...... Liturgism BAY FILLY Sadler's Wells El Prado (IRE) ...... Lady Capulet Prado's Tune...... (2000) Tunerup Our Girl Joyce...... Faire Trixie By MOYGADDY (2004). Winner at 4 in Trinidad and Tobago. Brother to stakes winner Elusive City, half-brother to stakes winner Parisian Affair. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2013. Son of stakes winner Elusive Quality, lead- ing sire, sire of 97 stakes winners, including champions Smarty Jones (8 wins in 9 starts, $7,613,155, Kentucky Derby-G1, etc.), Sepoy ($3,990,- 138, AAMI Golden Slipper-G1, etc.), Maryfield ($1,334,331, Ballerina S.- G1, etc.), Elusive Kate ($1,093,415, Etihad Airways Falmouth S.-G1, etc.). 1st dam PRADO'S TUNE, by El Prado (IRE). Sent to Trinidad and Tobago. This is her sixth foal. Dam of 3 foals to race, 2 winners-- OUTTA TUNE (g. by Jump Start). 19 wins, 3 to 8, 2013, $449,333, Count Fleet H.-G3. Kentucky Peaches (f. by Mancini). 10 wins, 2 to 6, $160,534. 2nd dam Our Girl Joyce, by Tunerup. Winner at 2, $21,700, 3rd Riviera S.-L. Dam of-- FOUND CODE (f. by Lost Code). 8 wins, 3 to 5, $218,011, Springtime H.- R, 3rd Peach of It H.-LR. Producer. Fairly Well Tuned. 6 wins, 2 to 6, $130,908. Producer. 3rd dam FAIRE TRIXIE, by Hold Your Tricks. 3 wins at 3, $25,934. Sister to CLASSY TRICKS. Dam of 9 foals, 8 to race, 6 winners, including-- KIPPER KATZ. 7 wins, 2 to 5, $103,290, Floyd Duncan Memorial S., Flor- ida Thoroughbred Charities S-R, 2nd Crimson Satan S., etc. Set ntr. Our Girl Joyce. Stakes-placed winner, above. 4th dam Mabel Faire, by Assagai. Winner at 2 and 3, $26,188, 3rd Marica H. Half-sis- ter to Miss Quote ($61,044). Dam of 6 foals to race, all winners, incl.-- CLASSY TRICKS. 8 wins, $175,972, Princess Rooney H.-L, etc. Dam of-- Mystical Tricks. 7 wins, 2 to 5, $154,096, 3rd Saylorville S., etc. Dam of Wind Energy (to 5, 2013, $216,510, 3rd Frances Slocum S.-LR, etc.). Wedding Jitters. Winner at 2, 3, and 4, $95,595, 3rd Florida Stallion/My Dear Girl S.-LR. Dam of Saint Bernadette ($145,900). Spot the Class. Unraced. Dam of RULING CLASS ($311,994, set ncr). Royal Tuneup. 20 wins, 2 to 8, $214,936, 2nd Calder Derby-G3. Runaway Mabel. 2 wins, $41,470. Dam of WORLDLY VICTOR ($91,899). Jovan's Lady. Unraced. Dam of 18 foals, 16 to race, 14 winners, incl.-- RICHIE THE COACH. 14 wins, 2 to 6, $466,176, Annapolis S.-L, etc. Sand Trick. 6 wins at 3 and 4, $142,923, 3rd Autumn Leaves H. Count On Mark. 9 wins, 2 to 5, $73,380, 2nd Floyd Duncan Memorial S. Chelino. 4 wins, 2 to 4 in Mexico, 3rd Clasico Cuauhtemoc. Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Humming Bird Stables, Agent for Hip No. Shivam Maharaj Hip No. 93 BAY FILLY 93 Foaled March 20, 2012 El Prado (IRE) Medaglia d'Oro...... Cappucino Bay Warrior's Reward ...... Seeking the Gold For All You Do...... Salina Cookie BAY FILLY Red Ransom Comic Strip ...... Now That's Funny Press Camp ...... (2003) Moscow Ballet Gallant Effort...... Molalla By WARRIOR'S REWARD (2006). Stakes winner of 4 races at 3 and 4, $565,- 716, Carter H.-G1, 2nd Jim Dandy S.-G2, Churchill Downs S.-G2, North- ern Dancer S.-G3, 3rd Dwyer S.-G2, Phoenix S.-G3. His first foals are yearlings of 2013. Son of stakes winner Medaglia d'Oro, sire of 46 stakes winners, including champions Rachel Alexandra ($3,506,730, BlackBerry Preakness S.-G1, etc.), Medaglia d'Orizaba (Clasico Campeonato Ju- venil-G1, etc.), and of Passion for Gold (hwt. colt in France, $268,125). 1st dam PRESS CAMP, by Comic Strip. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $130,300, Tiburon H., San Ramon S., 2nd Adena Stallions' Miss Preakness S.-G3, Eire Go Brach S. Sent to Trinidad and Tobago. This is her fifth foal. Her third foal is a 3- year-old of 2013. Dam of 3 foals to race, including-- Elegant Finish (f. by Speightstown). 4 wins at 3 and 4, $58,899. 2nd dam GALLANT EFFORT, by Moscow Ballet. Unraced. Dam of 3 winners, incl.-- PRESS CAMP (f. by Comic Strip). Stakes winner, above. 3rd dam MOLALLA, by *Gallant Man. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $54,500. Dam of-- ARMIN. 11 wins, 2 to 8, $405,753, Vallejo Day H., Governor's H., Irvine H., 2nd Bay Meadows Breeders' Cup H.-L, San Francisco H.-L, Super Moment H.- L, Seabiscuit Invitational H.-LR, Joseph T. Grace H., 3rd Bull Lea S.-L, San Joaquin Invitational H.-LR, Turf Paradise Budweiser Breeders' Cup H. Sire. Gallant Response. Winner at 3 and 4, $21,820. Producer. Granddam of De- voted Magic (8 wins, $229,340, 2nd Palos Verdes H.-G2). Flaming Gold. Unraced. Dam of 9 foals, 8 winners, including-- LULU'S RANSOM. 7 wins at 2 and 3, $196,350, Herecomesthebride S.- L, Patricia S.-L, Tropical Park Oaks-L-ecr, 1 1/16 mi. in 1:39 4/5, Prom S., 2nd Miss Grillo S.-G3, Sweetest Chant S.-L. Gold Ransom. Unraced. Dam of Grandelena ($65,830, 2nd Meafara S.-L). Bold Stunner. Unraced. Dam of 4 foals to race, 3 winners, including-- EVANS TALORY. 6 wins, 2 to 6, $115,454, Massachusetts Distaff Championship H.-R, Isadorable S.-R, 2nd Amelia Peabody S.-R, Afri- can Prince S.-R, Mystery Jet S.-R, 3rd First Episode S.-R, Great Mys- tery S.-R. Dam of Iforgottobeme ($17,333, 2nd Northwest Stallion/ Knights Choice S.-R). Nemsha. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $49,280, 2nd Isadorable S.-R, 3rd Massa- chusetts Oaks-R. 4th dam WAR FOLLY, by Warfare. 3 wins at 2, $16,870. Dam of-- Never War. 7 wins, 3 to 5, $25,770. Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Humming Bird Stables, Agent for Hip No.Mrs. Sharon Ferreira and Anddre & Nigel BaptisteHip No. 94 BAY FILLY 94 Foaled April 19, 2012 A.P. Indy Pulpit...... Preach Louisvilleluminary ...... Copelan Copelan's Bid Gal...... Bid Gal BAY FILLY Machiavellian Tracking (GB)...... Black Fighter Pride'n'glory ...... (2005) Pass the Line Glorious Line...... Hurri Glory By LOUISVILLELUMINARY (2007). Stakes-placed winner at 2, $49,023, 3rd Sanford S.-G2. Brother to stakes winners Purge, Namaste’s Wish. His first foals are yearlings of 2013. Son of stakes winner Pulpit, sire of 69 stakes winners, including Govinda (hwt. in Germany, $163,482, Grosser Preis der Jungheinrich Gabelstapler-Hamburger Flieger Trophy-G3, etc.), Pyro (5 wins, $1,673,673, Forego S.-G1, etc.), Rutherienne ($1,298,671, Del Mar Oaks-G1, etc.), Corinthian ($1,267,273, Metropolitan H.-G1, etc.). 1st dam PRIDE'N'GLORY, by Tracking (GB). Winner at 2 in Jamaica; winner at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, champion 3-year-old filly, Royal Oak Rum Derby S.-G1, 2nd Caribbean Champion S.-G1, Santa Rosa Classic-G3. This is her second foal. Her first foal is a 2-year-old of 2013. 2nd dam GLORIOUS LINE, by Pass the Line. Unraced. Sister to Hurri to the Line. Sent to Jamaica. Dam of 10 foals, 8 to race, 6 winners-- PRIDE'N'GLORY (f. by Tracking (GB)). Champion, above. Sound Of Thunder (g. by Kerrygold (FR)). Placed at 3 and 4 in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd Toyota Super Zero Caribbean Champion S.-G1, Mid- summer Classic-G1. Glorification. Winner at 4 in Jamaica. Glorious Star. 9 wins, 3 to 5 in Jamaica. Knowledge. 3 wins at 5 in Jamaica. Dam of 3 foals, 2 winners, including-- Ever Blessed. Winner at 3 and 5 in Jamaica. No Guts No Glory. Winner at 2 in Jamaica. Stead Gold. 3 wins at 4 and 5 in Jamaica. Orphan Song. Unraced. Dam of 2 foals, including-- Alladen's Gold. Winner at 3 in Jamaica. 3rd dam HURRI GLORY, by On to Glory. Unraced. Dam of 5 winners-- Hurri to the Line. 10 wins, 3 to 6, $93,723, 3rd My Fair Lady S. Never Hurri. 5 wins at 3 and 4, $29,053. Glory Is My Name. Winner at 4 and 5, $22,858. Hurri Up Defense. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $18,522. I Like Mike. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $13,629. 4th dam HURRICANE WILDA, by Fichte. Winner at 2, $4,060. Sister to Hurricane Mer- cury ($44,327, 2nd James H. Bright H.-R), half-sister to HURRICANE ED ($160,839, Minuteman H.-G2, etc., sire), Hurricane Michelle ($117,- 083, 3rd Miss Dade H.). Dam of 5 foals, 3 to race, all winners, including-- Just Revving. Winner at 4, $16,900. Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Scott's Stud, Agent for Hip No. Diane Scott Hip No. 95 DARK BAY OR BROWN COLT 95 Foaled April 29, 2012 A.P. Indy Pulpit...... Preach Louisvilleluminary ...... Copelan Copelan's Bid Gal...... Bid Gal DARK BAY OR Yes It's True BROWN COLT Proud Accolade ...... Proud Ciel Pure Accolade...... (2007) Tiffany Ice Zinc White ...... Switch Ur Kingdom By LOUISVILLELUMINARY (2007). Stakes-placed winner at 2, $49,023, 3rd Sanford S.-G2. Brother to stakes winners Purge, Namaste’s Wish. His first foals are yearlings of 2013. Son of stakes winner Pulpit, sire of 69 stakes winners, including Govinda (hwt. in Germany, $163,482, Grosser Preis der Jungheinrich Gabelstapler-Hamburger Flieger Trophy-G3, etc.), Pyro (5 wins, $1,673,673, Forego S.-G1, etc.), Rutherienne ($1,298,671, Del Mar Oaks-G1, etc.), Corinthian ($1,267,273, Metropolitan H.-G1, etc.). 1st dam PURE ACCOLADE, by Proud Accolade. Unplaced in 2 starts in Trinidad and Tobago. This is her second foal. Her first foal is a 2-year-old of 2013. 2nd dam ZINC WHITE, by Tiffany Ice. 5 wins, 3 to 5, $73,563. Dam of 5 winners, incl.-- Groundskeeper. 5 wins at 3 and 4, $83,522. 3rd dam SWITCH UR KINGDOM, by Key to the Kingdom. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $66,198. Dam of 12 other foals, 11 winners, including-- BARON MATHEW. 18 wins, 4 to 8, $344,021, Suffolk Downs Budweiser Breeders' Cup H.-L, Jerry Parks American Livestock S., 3rd Baltimore Budweiser Breeders' Cup H.-G3, Calle Ocho S. CONSTANT STAR. 7 wins, 3 to 7, $115,921, Golden Boy S., 2nd Winnipeg Futurity, Buffalo S.-R, Manitoba Maturity-R, Agassiz S.-R, Manitoba S.-R, 3rd Lew Miles Derby Trial S., Agassiz S.-R. BARSWITCH. 4 wins at 2 and 4, $84,318, Buckeye Celebrity S.-LR, 2nd Horizon S.-LR, Junior S.-LR. Sire. OLYMPIO GOLD. 2 wins at 3, $35,096, J. W. Sifton S.-R, 3rd Manitoba S.-R. Juno Pierrot. 5 wins, 2 to 5, ¥129,118,000, in Japan, 3rd Kinko Sho-G2, TV Tokyo Hai Aoba Sho-G2. (Total: $1,069,098). French Levee. Winner at 3 and 4, $5,270. Dam of 5 winners, including-- VALEVEE. 5 wins, 2 to 5, $75,665, George Maloof Futurity-LR, Harvest H., 3rd Don Juan De Onate S.-R. Sire. French Ego. 11 wins, 3 to 7, $35,403, 2nd Ruidoso Thoroughbred Derby. Her Duchess. 13 wins, 3 to 7, $146,581. Dam of 5 winners, including-- Noble Nod. 8 wins, 3 to 6, $71,431, 3rd Maryland Million Sprint Starter H.-R. 4th dam MISS SWITCH, by Royal Levee. 11 wins to 4, $63,569. Dam of 5 winners, incl.-- ACCIPITER'S HOPE. 9 wins, 2 to 4, $436,481, Hollie Hughes H., Rochester Cup, De Witt Clinton S.-R, Kings Point H.-R, Bertram F. Bongard H.-R, Genesee Valley Breeders' H.-R, 2nd Excelsior H.-G2, Nassau County H.- G3, Discovery H.-G3, City of Baltimore H., Hudson H.-R, etc. Sire. Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Amigo Stud Farm, Agent for Hip No. Walter Debysingh Hip No. 96 CHESTNUT FILLY 96 Foaled March 29, 2012 Lyphard Alzao...... *Lady Rebecca Maraahel...... Nashwan Nasanice...... Mathaayl CHESTNUT FILLY Danzig Kdanzc...... My Darling One Pure Delight...... (2001) Jaipur's Gem Purest Gem...... Merzagora By MARAAHEL (2001). Stakes winner of 8 races, 2 to 6, $1,649,946, Hard- wicke S.-G2 twice, Akkroball Huxley S.-G3, Jardine Lloyd Thompson Hux- ley S.-G3 twice, Dubai Tennis Championships John Porter S.-G3, ABN Amro S.-G3, 2nd Juddmonte International S.-G1, Hardwicke S.-G2, Grant Thornton Huxley S.-G3, Betfair Brigadier Gerard S.-G3, 3rd King George VI & Queen Elizabeth S.-G1, Juddmonte International S.-G1, etc. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2013. Sire of Salome (3rd St. Ann's S.-G1). 1st dam PURE DELIGHT, by Kdanzc. Winner in 2 starts in Trinidad and Tobago. This is her sixth foal. Her fifth foal is a 3-year-old of 2013. 2nd dam PUREST GEM, by Jaipur's Gem. 13 wins, 3 to 6 in Trinidad and Tobago, William H. Scott Ltd. 62nd Anniversary S. & Trophy-G2, 2nd Arima Race Club Tro- phy-G2, Trintoc Plate-L Sister to C. D.'s Gem. Dam of 3 other winners. 3rd dam MERZAGORA, by Dewan. Winner at 3 and 4, $16,532. Sister to Sky's Sunny. Dam of 10 foals, 8 winners, including-- PUREST GEM. Stakes winner, above. C. D.'s Gem. 10 wins, 3 to 6, $53,138, 3rd General Sullivan H. Flicks. 8 wins, 3 to 9, $61,595. 4th dam NAPHALIA, by Swaps. Unraced. Half-sister to HAIL THE PIRATES ($165,- 421, in N.A./U.S., Gulfstream Park H.-G1, etc., sire), CANDALITA ($157,- 026), Full Curl (6 wins, $34,227). Dam of 5 foals, all winners, including-- CHELAUREN. 5 wins at 2 and 3, $65,760, Grassland H., Vizcaya H., 2nd Office Queen S. Producer. Granddam of Key Figure (Total: $202,801, 2nd Prix Fleuret Stp., Prix Edmond Barrachin Stp., dam of IRON MAN, Total: $285,481, Summer Plate Stp., 2nd Constant Security Wensleydale Juvenile Novices Hurdle, 3rd Handicap Stp.). Sky's Sunny. Winner at 2 and 3 in France, 3rd Poule d'Essai des Pouliches- French One Thousand Guineas-G1. Producer. Granddam of Tosyali (in Turkey, 2nd Osman Kapani). Sibling Rivelry. Winner at 2. Dam of 11 foals, 9 to race, 6 winners, incl.-- QUEEN MARLENE. 6 wins, 3 to 5, $79,690, Pan Zareta S., Memorial Day H. Dam of Denouncer ($162,654, 3rd Don Leon Breeders' Cup S., sire). SIBLE SUE. 5 wins at 2 and 3, $39,772, Pepsi Challenge H. Etr at Ellis Park, 5 fur. in :58 1/5. Dam of Clifton Mills ($153,105, 3rd Great Lakes H.-R). Family Story. Unraced. Dam of Maid to Dash ($52,385, 2nd Yellow Rose H.), Lois E Mary ($35,030, 2nd Coca-Cola Schweppes Mixers S.). Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by JMH Enterprises Limited, Agent for Hip No. Charles James Hip No. 97 BAY COLT 97 Foaled January 28, 2012 Mr. Prospector Kingmambo ...... Miesque Babel...... Sadler's Wells Lady Reiko (IRE) ...... Willamae BAY COLT Northern Dancer Bandsman...... Banderole Queen's Band...... (1999) Windy Hill Queen N' Chacon...... Solana By BABEL (2001). Winner of 2 races at 3, $73,720. Half-brother to stakes win- ner Chopper Won. Sire of Nettoyer (3rd Royal Colours Classic-G3). Son of classic winner Kingmambo, sire of 94 stakes winners, 6 champions, including Lemon Drop Kid ($3,245,370, Belmont S.-G1, etc.), Divine Pro- portions ($1,553,790, Prix de Diane Hermes-French Oaks-G1, etc.), Rus- sian Rhythm ($1,260,794, Sagitta One Thousand Guineas-G1, etc.), El Condor Pasa (8 wins, $3,502,404, Grand Prix de Saint-Cloud-G1, etc.). 1st dam QUEEN'S BAND, by Bandsman. Winner at 4 in Trinidad and Tobago. This is her third foal. She has no foals to race. 2nd dam QUEEN N' CHACON, by Windy Hill. Unplaced in 2 starts in Trinidad and Toba- go. Sister to AFTERNOON DELIGHT, Chantilly, Solar Wind. Dam of 1 other foal to race-- The Guv'nor. 2 wins at 5 in Trinidad and Tobago. 3rd dam SOLANA, by Young Turnabout. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. Dam of-- AFTERNOON DELIGHT. Winner at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, Benson and Hedges Caribbean Championship-G1, 2nd Southern Sales Easter Guineas-G1. Chantilly. Placed at 2 and 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd St. Ann's S.-G1, 3rd Benson and Hedges Caribbean Championship-G1, Benson and Hedges Caribbean Creole H.-G1. Dam of-- Double Bow-Tie. Placed at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd Auto Rentals St. James S.-G2. Solar Wind. Placed at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd St. Ann's S.-G2. Dam of 4 foals to race, 2 winners-- SANTORINI. Winner at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, champion 2-year-old colt, CLICO St. James S.-G2. SOLAR ECLIPSE. Winner at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, Auto Rentals St. James S.-G2. 4th dam BAMBINO, by Umberto. Placed at 2 in England. Half-sister to Printer (2nd Ayr Gold Cup H., Great St. Wilfrid H., 3rd Lincoln H.). Sent to Trinidad and Tobago. Dam of 2 foals to race-- OH SO ROYAL. Winner at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, Ibis S., 3rd Futurity S.-G2. Sapphire. Placed at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, 3rd St. Ann's S.-G1. Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Amigo Stud Farm, Agent for Hip No. Walter Debysingh Hip No. 98 BAY COLT 98 Foaled February 28, 2012 Lyphard Alzao...... *Lady Rebecca Maraahel...... Nashwan Nasanice...... Mathaayl BAY COLT Blushing Groom (FR) Freshly Squeezed...... Mandera Queensway...... (1999) Pollerton Alayyam...... Kiss By MARAAHEL (2001). Stakes winner of 8 races, 2 to 6, $1,649,946, Hard- wicke S.-G2 twice, Akkroball Huxley S.-G3, Jardine Lloyd Thompson Hux- ley S.-G3 twice, Dubai Tennis Championships John Porter S.-G3, ABN Amro S.-G3, 2nd Juddmonte International S.-G1, Hardwicke S.-G2, Grant Thornton Huxley S.-G3, Betfair Brigadier Gerard S.-G3, 3rd King George VI & Queen Elizabeth S.-G1, Juddmonte International S.-G1, etc. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2013. Sire of Salome (3rd St. Ann's S.-G1). 1st dam QUEENSWAY, by Freshly Squeezed. Placed, $13,400, in Trinidad and Toba- go. This is her third foal. Dam of 2 foals to race, both winners-- Gardenangel (f. by Unzipped). Winner, $115,195, in Trinidad and Tobago. Ready Royal (f. by Unzipped). Winner, $45,444, in Trinidad and Tobago. 2nd dam ALAYYAM, by Pollerton. Winner at 2 and 3 in England. Sent to Trinidad and Tobago. Dam of 4 other foals to race, all winners-- LASH DEM LARA (c. by Norse Lad). 4 wins at 3, $356,706, in Trinidad and Tobago, champion 3-year-old colt, champion sprinter, Royal Oak Derby S.-G1, Benson & Hedges Santa Rosa Classic-G1, 2nd Republic Bank Caribbean Champion S.-G1, William H. Scott Limited. Midsummer Clas- sic-G1. El Guerrouj. 10 wins, $190,980, in Trinidad and Tobago. Fas Dude. 8 wins, $61,275, in Trinidad and Tobago. Popov. Winner in Trinidad and Tobago. 3rd dam KISS, by Mark-Ye-Well. In France. Unraced. Dam of 6 other winners, incl.-- Sonadora. Winner at 5, 6 and 8 in France. Dam of 5 winners, including-- Philours. 14 wins, 3 to 11, €269,184, in France, 3rd Prix de la Journee Nationale du Cheval et du Poney, etc. (Total: $305,917). Son. 11 wins, 3 to 8 in France, 2nd Grand Prix d'Aquitaine. Sire. 4th dam OPEN COURT, by *Court Martial. In England. Unraced. Half-sister to Brim- stone (sire), Roaring Forties (3rd Newmarket S., sire). Dam of-- *MILETUS. 3 wins at 2 and 3 in England, Two Thousand Guineas Trial S., etc. All At Sea. Winner at 3 and 4 in England, 2nd Galtres S. Producer. Maeander. 4 wins at 2 and 3 in England, 2nd Ebbisham S., Lowther S., etc. Winslow Boy. Winner at 3 and 4 in England, 2nd Greenham Group Hurdle. Open Air. Placed at 2 and 3 in England, 3rd Maher Nursery H. Courting. Dam of *APOLLO NINE ($148,453, in N.A./U.S.). Granddam of ENSTONE SPARK (GB) (One Thousand Guineas-G1, etc.), SAMA- SAAN ( Cup-G1, etc.), TEMPLE FRONT, BABY BOURBON. Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Humming Bird Stables, Agent for Hip No. Rickie Khan & Dennis Fakoory Hip No. 99 ROAN COLT 99 Foaled April 13, 2012 Mr. Prospector Kingmambo ...... Miesque Babel...... Sadler's Wells Lady Reiko (IRE) ...... Willamae ROAN COLT Deputy Minister Western Envoy...... Seattle Classic Quicksilver...... (2006) Friendly Lover Dutchess Trembley...... Livermore Lady By BABEL (2001). Winner of 2 races at 3, $73,720. Half-brother to stakes win- ner Chopper Won. Sire of Nettoyer (3rd Royal Colours Classic-G3). Son of classic winner Kingmambo, sire of 94 stakes winners, 6 champions, including Lemon Drop Kid ($3,245,370, Belmont S.-G1, etc.), Divine Pro- portions ($1,553,790, Prix de Diane Hermes-French Oaks-G1, etc.), Rus- sian Rhythm ($1,260,794, Sagitta One Thousand Guineas-G1, etc.), El Condor Pasa (8 wins, $3,502,404, Grand Prix de Saint-Cloud-G1, etc.). 1st dam QUICKSILVER, by Western Envoy. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. This is her second foal. Her first foal is a 2-year-old of 2013. 2nd dam DUTCHESS TREMBLEY, by Friendly Lover. Winner at 3 in Trinidad and To- bago. Dam of 4 other foals, 2 winners-- Jose Marsan. Winner in Trinidad and Tobago Thisisit. Winner in Trinidad and Tobago. 3rd dam LIVERMORE LADY, by Mt. Livermore. 13 wins, 3 to 6, $156,831, Sangre de Cristo S., 2nd La Primavera H. Dam of 5 other winners-- WILD ENGLISH ROSE. 5 wins at 3 and 4, $65,524, Yavapai Classic H., Bradley Rollins S., 2nd Mesa H., Excess Energy S. Whataclassybroad. 6 wins at 2 and 3, $96,500, 3rd Regal Rumor S. Liverpool Lad. 11 wins, 3 to 9, $141,209. Girl Guide. Winner at 3, $38,147. Dam of 3 foals to race, all winners, incl.-- Sara's Hot Shot. 8 wins, 2 to 5, $82,723. Cajun Brew. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $54,859. Silver Veil. Dam of 2 foals to race, both winners-- Victim of Love. 10 wins, 2 to 5, $157,550, in N.A./U.S.; 8 wins, 3 to 10, $96,993, in Canada, 3rd British Columbia Cup Sprint H.-R. Set ntr at Hastings Park. Etr at Sunflower Downs. (Total: $245,450). Lisasfriendlylover. 7 wins, 2 to 5, $90,270. 4th dam DAGIAN, by Vigors. Winner at 3, $10,964. Sister to AIR DE COUR (Prix du Cadran-G1, etc., sire), half-sister to AGENT DOUBLE (Prix Royal-Oak- French St. Leger-G1, etc., sire), Egine (2nd Prix Panacee, etc.), Tersanc- tus (sire), Reverente. Dam of 6 foals to race, 4 winners, including-- LIVERMORE LADY. Stakes winner, above. Mujan Grey. 9 wins, 2 to 7, €42,992, in Italy. (Total: $47,933). Mt. Vigor. 4 wins at 3 and 5, $18,139. Ted Tide. Placed at 3 in France. Dam of 2 winners, including-- Charlie Ma Fille. 2 wins at 3, €42,980, in France. (Total: $52,792). Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Paradise Farms, Agent for Hip No. Douglas Bennett Hip No. 100 CHESTNUT FILLY 100 Foaled February 20, 2012 Lyphard Alzao...... *Lady Rebecca Maraahel...... Nashwan Nasanice...... Mathaayl CHESTNUT FILLY Blushing Groom (FR) Freshly Squeezed...... Mandera Ready Or Not ...... (2003) Bandsman Love Movement ...... Caset By MARAAHEL (2001). Stakes winner of 8 races, 2 to 6, $1,649,946, Hard- wicke S.-G2 twice, Akkroball Huxley S.-G3, Jardine Lloyd Thompson Hux- ley S.-G3 twice, Dubai Tennis Championships John Porter S.-G3, ABN Amro S.-G3, 2nd Juddmonte International S.-G1, Hardwicke S.-G2, Grant Thornton Huxley S.-G3, Betfair Brigadier Gerard S.-G3, 3rd King George VI & Queen Elizabeth S.-G1, Juddmonte International S.-G1, etc. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2013. Sire of Salome (3rd St. Ann's S.-G1). 1st dam READY OR NOT, by Freshly Squeezed. Placed at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago. This is her fourth foal. Her second foal is a 3-year-old of 2013. She has no foals to race. 2nd dam LOVE MOVEMENT, by Bandsman. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. Sister to Set All. Dam of 1 other foal to race. 3rd dam CASET, by Calpurnius. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. Dam of-- Set All. Placed at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd CLICO St. Ann's S.-G2. Dam of 4 foals to race, 2 winners, including-- ALL FOR JAVA. Winner at 2 and 5 in Trinidad and Tobago, champion 2-year-old colt, Guardian Life St. James S.-G2, etc. Mind Set. Placed at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, champion 2-year-old filly, 3rd Du Maurier Santa Rosa Classic-G1, Du Maurier Cup-G2. Dam of Beautiful Mind (in Trinidad and Tobago, 3rd Santa Rosa Classic-G1). Indian Commissioner. Placed at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, 3rd Santa Rosa Classic-G1. Early Dancer. Unraced. Dam of-- Tea For Two. Placed at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, 3rd Benson & Hedges Whitsun Classic-G2. 4th dam TEA SET, by Set Fair. 3 wins in England. Sent to Trinidad and Tobago. Dam of-- Tea Venture. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. Dam of-- NORTHERN VENTURE. Winner at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, Ibis S., 3rd St. Ann's S.-G1, Whitsun Classic S.-G3. Broodmare of the year in Trinidad and Tobago in 1997. Dam of GERONIMO (champion 3-year-old colt in Trinidad and Tobago, Midsummer Classic-G1, etc.), Iron Carbide. Highland Fling. Placed at 6 in Trinidad and Tobago, champion sprinter, 3rd Home Construction Queen's Plate-G2. Epona. Placed at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd St. Ann's S.-G1. Dam of Shot Call (2nd Royal Oak Derby S.-G1, etc.). Tea Time. Placed at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, 3rd Du Maurier Cup-G2. Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Poon Tip Stud Farm, Agent for Hip No. Poon Tip Stud Farm Limited Hip No. 101 CHESTNUT FILLY 101 Foaled April 4, 2012 Hennessy Johannesburg...... Myth Ten Meropa...... Danehill Tenderly (IRE) ...... Specificity CHESTNUT FILLY Blushing Groom (FR) Freshly Squeezed...... Mandera Riviera...... (2002) Shadeed Hermosa ...... Castle Royale By TEN MEROPA (2005). Stakes winner of 2 races, $92,960, Baldwin S.-G3. His first foals are yearlings of 2013. Son of champion Johannesburg, sire of 59 stakes winners, including Sageburg (hwt. older horse in France, $536,733, Prix d'Ispahan-G1, etc.), Scat Daddy ($1,334,300, Florida Der- by-G1, etc.), Turffontein ($1,114,186, Pulse Pharmacy William Reid S.-G1, etc.), Juhayna ($116,144, Estrellas Juvenile Fillies-G1, etc.), Once Were Wild (7 wins, $546,732, Patinack Farm AJC Australian Oaks-G1, etc.). 1st dam RIVIERA, by Freshly Squeezed. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. This is her fifth foal. Her third foal is a 3-year-old of 2013. Dam of 3 foals to race, incl.-- GRAND RIVIERE (f. by A Great Team). 3 wins at 2 and 3 with million dol- lar earnings in Trinidad and Tobago, champion 2- and 3-year-old filly, Caribbean Brewery Limited Guineas-G1, National Flour Mills St. Ann's S.-G2, Ibis S.-G2, Gleneagles S.-G2, Oaks S.-G2, Royal Colours Clas- sic-G3, Turf Classic. POT OF GOLD (c. by Gold Market). 3 wins in Trinidad and Tobago, Toyota Breeders Classic-G1, Flawless S.-G2. 2nd dam HERMOSA, by Shadeed. Winner at 4, $16,730. Sent to Trinidad and Tobago. Dam of 1 foal to race-- FRENCH ACADEMY (f. by Louis Quatorze). 4 wins at 3 in Trinidad and To- bago, champion 3-year-old filly, Ibis S.-G2, Oaks S.-G2, Gleneagles S.- G2, 2nd Union Park Turf Club Guineas-G1. 3rd dam CASTLE ROYALE, by *Slady Castle. 7 wins, 2 to 4, $282,297, Sheepshead Bay H.-G2, etc. Half-sister to Beseech, Evening Hours. Dam of-- EISHIN TENNESSEE. 5 wins, 2 to 5, ¥221,722,000, in Japan, Sports Nip- pon Sho Kim Pai-G3, etc. (Total: $1,916,338). Dam of Eishin Peking (6 wins, Total: $1,175,675). Granddam of A Shin Jackal (Total: $856,800). PALACE CHILL. 6 wins, $183,431, Sixty Sails H., Sunflower Farm H.-R, etc. Dam of Bel Serenata ($99,036). Granddam of River Heights (Total: $285,817), Regal 'n Bold (Total: $266,421, dam of FASTIN BEAR, Total: $186,172). Asante. 7 wins, 4 to 7, $50,229, 3rd Adios Amigos Claiming H. Java Magic. Winner, $14,940. Dam of TENNESSEE GIRL (Total: $1,631,- 197, Centaur S.-G3, etc., dam of A SHIN MEMPHIS, Total: $1,070,560). Noble Kiki. Winner in 2 starts at 2, $8,750. Dam of KIKISUN (Total: $68,929, Derby du Languedoc, etc.). Granddam of Cadouraki (Total: $299,053). Surprise Affair. Winner in France. Dam of Twisted Heart (Total: $108,146, dam of SPEED BABY, Malaysian Triple Crown). Granddam of KATIMA (Total: $165,195), SECRET LIAISON (Total: $439,309), Keeping Up. Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Poon Tip Stud Farm, Agent for Hip No. Poon Tip Stud Farm Limited Hip No. 102 DARK BAY OR BROWN COLT 102 Foaled April 1, 2012 Storm Bird Storm Cat ...... Terlingua Charismatic Cat ...... Deputy Minister The Franchise ...... Beautiful Bid DARK BAY OR Mr. Prospector BROWN COLT Gilgamesh...... Danzante Roman Empress...... (2005) Starjinsky Concordia...... Renaissance By CHARISMATIC CAT (2002). Winner of 3 races, $69,043. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2013. Son of stakes winner Storm Cat, leading sire twice, sire of 180 stakes winners, 8 champions, including Giant's Cause- way ($3,078,989, Esat Digifone Irish Champion S.-G1, etc.), Storm Flag Flying ($1,951,828, Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies-G1, etc.), Sweet Cato- mine ($1,059,600, Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies-G1, etc.), Aljabr ($593,- 796, Champagne Lanson Sussex S.-G1, etc.), One Cool Cat ($568,086). 1st dam ROMAN EMPRESS, by Gilgamesh. Placed in 2 starts in Trinidad and Tobago. Sister to Keep The Faith. This is her third foal. Her first foal is a 3-year- old of 2013. 2nd dam CONCORDIA, by Starjinsky. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. Sister to SHIN- KANSEN. Dam of-- CHIEF COMMANDER (g. by Freshly Squeezed). 6 wins, 5 to 8 in Trinidad and Tobago, horse of the year, champion stayer twice, Gold Cup-G1, Sagicor Independence Cup-G1, etc.; winner in 2 starts at 6 in Barbados. BLUSHING BRIDE (f. by Freshly Squeezed). Winner at 2 and 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, champion 2-year-old filly, St. Ann's S.-G2, etc. Dam of-- ALWAYS A PRINCESS (f. by Charismatic Cat). Winner, $229,990, in Trini- dad and Tobago, Gleneagles S.-G2, 2nd Futurity S., SFA Breeders’ S. MAID OF HONOUR (f. by Freshly Squeezed). 7 wins in Trinidad and Tobago, SFA National S. Bluff Bid (c. by Freshly Squeezed). Placed at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, 3rd Guardian Life St. James S.-G2. Keep The Faith (f. by Gilgamesh). Placed at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, 3rd Santa Rosa Classic-G2. Firestorm. Winner, $32,300, in Trinidad and Tobago. Dam of-- Galveston (c. by A Great Team). 12 wins, $1,065,812 in Trinidad and To- bago, 2nd National Gas CNG Trinidad Derby-G1, Gold Cup-G1, etc. 3rd dam RENAISSANCE, by North Copse. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. Half-sis- ter to NOBLE BOY, Prescience. Dam of 4 foals to race, 3 winners-- COOK THE BOOKS. Winner at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, champion 2- year-old colt, St. James S.-G2. SHINKANSEN. Winner in Trinidad and Tobago, champion 2-year-old colt, CLI- CO St. James' S.-G2, 3rd Benson and Hedges Caribbean Championship-G1. RENATA. Winner at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, Nursery S.-G2, etc. Dam of NEW MILLENNIUM (champion 3 times in Trinidad and Tobago), MIL- LENIUM REIGN (champion 3-year-old colt in Trinidad and Tobago). Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Leeclare Stud Farm, Agent for Hip No. Harold Chadee Hip No. 103 BAY FILLY 103 Foaled March 29, 2012 Gone West Elusive Quality...... Touch of Greatness Moygaddy...... Dayjur Star of Paris...... Liturgism BAY FILLY Mr. Prospector Gilgamesh...... Danzante Royal Majesty ...... (2003) Windy Hill Beggar's Banquet...... Thenais By MOYGADDY (2004). Winner at 4 in Trinidad and Tobago. Brother to stakes winner Elusive City, half-brother to stakes winner Parisian Affair. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2013. Son of stakes winner Elusive Quality, lead- ing sire, sire of 97 stakes winners, including champions Smarty Jones (8 wins in 9 starts, $7,613,155, Kentucky Derby-G1, etc.), Sepoy ($3,990,- 138, AAMI Golden Slipper-G1, etc.), Maryfield ($1,334,331, Ballerina S.- G1, etc.), Elusive Kate ($1,093,415, Etihad Airways Falmouth S.-G1, etc.). 1st dam ROYAL MAJESTY, by Gilgamesh. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. This is her third foal. Her first foal is a 3-year-old of 2013.

2nd dam BEGGAR'S BANQUET, by Windy Hill. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. Dam of 3 foals to race, including-- NAPOLEON (c. by Freshly Squeezed). Winner at 3 and 4 in Trinidad and Tobago, champion sprinter twice, Royal Colours Classic-G2, 2nd Mid- summer Classic-G1, Trinidad Turf Club Stewards' Cup-G1, Sian's Gold Sprint-G2, 3rd Stewards' Cup-G1. Prince Charming (c. by Freshly Squeezed). Placed at 3 in Trinidad and To- bago, 2nd Royal Colours Classic-G2. Her Majesty. Unraced. Dam of 1 foal to race-- Gold Majesty (c. by Gilgamesh). Placed at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd Royal Oak Rum Derby S.-G1.

3rd dam THENAIS, by Periwinkel. 4 wins at 2 in France. Sent to Trinidad and Tobago. Dam of 1 foal to race.

4th dam IRISH MELODY, by *Tudor Melody. In England. Unraced. Dam of 5 other foals, 3 to race, including-- Iresia. Winner at 4 in France. Mydinos. Placed at 3 in France.

Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Leeclare Stud Farm, Agent for Hip No. Rolf Bartolo Hip No. 104 BAY FILLY 104 Foaled March 12, 2012 A.P. Indy Pulpit...... Preach Louisvilleluminary ...... Copelan Copelan's Bid Gal...... Bid Gal BAY FILLY Tale of the Cat Spotnick...... Radu Cool Ruthies Dream ...... (2006) Freshly Squeezed Little Miss Muffet...... Soca Rocket By LOUISVILLELUMINARY (2007). Stakes-placed winner at 2, $49,023, 3rd Sanford S.-G2. Brother to stakes winners Purge, Namaste’s Wish. His first foals are yearlings of 2013. Son of stakes winner Pulpit, sire of 69 stakes winners, including Govinda (hwt. in Germany, $163,482, Grosser Preis der Jungheinrich Gabelstapler-Hamburger Flieger Trophy-G3, etc.), Pyro (5 wins, $1,673,673, Forego S.-G1, etc.), Rutherienne ($1,298,671, Del Mar Oaks-G1, etc.), Corinthian ($1,267,273, Metropolitan H.-G1, etc.). 1st dam RUTHIES DREAM, by Spotnick. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. This is her second foal. Her first foal is a 2-year-old of 2013. 2nd dam Little Miss Muffet, by Freshly Squeezed. Placed at 3 and 4 in Trinidad and Tobago, 3rd Arima Race Club Cup-G1. Dam of 1 foal to race-- Eto (g. by Storm Report). Placed at 5 in Trinidad and Tobago, 3rd Carib- bean Sprint Championship-G1. 3rd dam SOCA ROCKET, by Bandsman. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. Dam of-- Little Miss Muffet. Stakes-placed, above. Private Dancer. Placed at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago. Sea Spider. Placed at 6 in Trinidad and Tobago. 4th dam DANCING ROCKET, by American Honor. Winner at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, Midsummer Classic-G1. Sister to SKY ROCKET (horse of the year in Trinidad and Tobago, Trinidad and Tobago Triple Crown, Derby S.-G1, Easter Guineas-G1, Midsummer Classic-G1, 2nd Whitsun Classic S.- G2, President's Easter Trophy-G2), Rocket Man (in Trinidad and Toba- go, 2nd Derby S.-G1), half-sister to FLYING ROCKET (in Trinidad and Tobago, Futurity S.-G2, Flamingo S., 2nd Royal Oak Derby S.-G1, 3rd Easter Guineas-G1, Caribbean Champion S.-G1, Nursery S.-G2), Bold Fandango (2nd CLICO St. James S.-G2). Dam of 3 foals to race, incl.-- Chief Executive. Winner at 4 and 5 in Trinidad and Tobago. Rockette. Unplaced in 2 starts in Trinidad and Tobago. Dam of 2 winners-- BOUND TO DANCE. 4 wins, 2 to 4 in Trinidad and Tobago, champion 2- and 3-year-old colt, HCL Group of Companies Easter Guineas-G1, CLICO Midsummer Classic-G1, Auto Rentals St. James S.-G2, 2nd Royal Oak Derby-G1, Royal Colours Classic-G2. Bound To Dot Com. 3 wins at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago. Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Leeclare Stud Farm, Agent for Hip No. Bennett P. Nurse Hip No. 105 DARK BAY OR BROWN COLT 105 Foaled February 25, 2012 A.P. Indy Pulpit...... Preach Storms Past ...... Storm Cat Magic Storm...... Foppy Dancer DARK BAY OR Pleasant Colony BROWN COLT Pleasant Tap...... Never Knock Saratoga Soft Shoe ...... (2000) Believe It Truly Nautical...... Race the Tide By STORMS PAST (2004). Winner of 5 races at 4 and 5, $88,760. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2013. Son of stakes winner Pulpit, sire of 69 stakes winners, including Govinda (hwt. at 3 in Germany, $163,482, Gros- ser Preis der Jungheinrich Gabelstapler-Hamburger Flieger Trophy-G3, etc.), Pyro ($1,673,673, Forego S.-G1, etc.), Rutherienne ($1,298,671, Del Mar Oaks-G1, etc.), Corinthian ($1,267,273, Metropolitan H.-G1, etc.), Ice Box ($948,068, Florida Derby-G1, etc.), Purge (6 wins, $905,434). 1st dam SARATOGA SOFT SHOE, by Pleasant Tap. 2 wins at 3, $16,860. Sent to Trinidad and Tobago. This is her fourth foal. Her third foal is a 3-year-old of 2013. Dam of 2 foals to race, including-- Scrimpy (g. by Scrimshaw). 4 wins at 2 and 4, $46,912. 2nd dam TRULY NAUTICAL, by Believe It. Unraced. Dam of 6 other winners, incl.-- Find the Tao (f. by Not For Love). Winner at 2 and 3, $56,805, 3rd Pearl Necklace S.-LR. Producer. 3rd dam RACE THE TIDE, by Cyane. 3 wins at 3, $24,035. Sister to MO BAY, UNITY HALL, PIMENTO DRAM. Dam of 3 foals to race, all winners, incl.-- TO THE LIGHTHOUSE. 6 wins, 3 to 5, $346,219, Appalachian S.-L, 2nd Diana H.-G2, Queen Elizabeth II Challenge Cup S.-G2, etc. Dam of-- Henlopen. 3 wins, $139,077, 2nd Rare Perfume Breeders' Cup H.-G2, 3rd Nijana S.-G3. Dam of JOHN SCOTT (6 wins to 6, 2013, $460,304, Harry F. Brubaker S.-L, etc.), DISTANT VICTORY (4 wins, $199,596). Mispillion. Winner, $19,585. Dam of THUNDERDOLL (4 wins, $94,360, Sam Houston Oaks), Dumar ($227,505, 3rd Lone Star Derby-G3, etc.). Temper the Wind. 3 wins in 3 starts at 3, $36,600. Dam of 10 winners, incl.-- STEM THE TIDE. 13 wins, 2 to 5, $405,093, Carousel H.-G3, etc. Producer. PRIVATE JET. 14 wins, 3 to 8, $257,117, Au Revoir H.-LR, etc. PRIVATE GOLD. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $208,047, Rushaway S.-L, etc. Sire. GOTTCHA LAST. 5 wins, $111,488, Thirty Eight Go Go S.-L, etc. Dam of GOTTCHA GOLD ($933,570, Iselin Breeders’ Cup H.-G3, etc.). Cancun Ruler. 3 wins at 2 and 3 in Mexico, 3rd Clasico Dalia-G1, Clasico Malintzin-G1, Clasico Jacarandas-G2; 2 wins at 3, $23,263, in N.A./U.S. Shuttered. 7 wins, 3 to 5, $226,918, 2nd Straight Deal Breeders' Cup H.- L, Lady Baltimore S.-L, Princess Rooney S.-L, Virginia Mile S.-L, etc. Allison P. Unraced. Dam of Alli Leigh (at 3, 2013, $84,480). Tidal Flow. Unraced. Dam of 8 foals, 7 to race, all winners, including-- LAKE SHORE. 15 wins, $207,868, Marathon H., 3rd, Caesar Rodney S., etc. Olney. 5 wins, 2 to 5, $77,440, 3rd Devil's Bag S.-LR. Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by La Concepcion Stud Farm, Agent for Hip No. Hugh & Mrs. Jacqueline Lee King Hip No. 106 CHESTNUT COLT 106 Foaled April 27, 2012 Lyphard Alzao...... *Lady Rebecca Maraahel...... Nashwan Nasanice...... Mathaayl CHESTNUT COLT Blushing Groom (FR) Freshly Squeezed...... Mandera Saucy Wow...... (2001) Bandsman Crescendo...... Treasured Honour By MARAAHEL (2001). Stakes winner of 8 races, 2 to 6, $1,649,946, Hard- wicke S.-G2 twice, Akkroball Huxley S.-G3, Jardine Lloyd Thompson Hux- ley S.-G3 twice, Dubai Tennis Championships John Porter S.-G3, ABN Amro S.-G3, 2nd Juddmonte International S.-G1, Hardwicke S.-G2, Grant Thornton Huxley S.-G3, Betfair Brigadier Gerard S.-G3, 3rd King George VI & Queen Elizabeth S.-G1, Juddmonte International S.-G1, etc. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2013. Sire of Salome (3rd St. Ann's S.-G1). 1st dam SAUCY WOW, by Freshly Squeezed. Winner at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago. Sister to TOP OF THE CLASS, Bazodee Gal. This is her fifth foal. Her fourth foal is a 3-year-old of 2013. Dam of 4 foals to race-- UNQUESTIONABLE (c. by A Great Team). Winner in Trinidad and Tobago, including Easter Guineas-G1, 2nd Flamingo S., Starlight S., 3rd Santa Rosa Classic. Big Mama (f. by Unbridled Optimism). Winner in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd St. Ann's S.-G2. Hot Sauce (f. by Unzipped). Winner in Trinidad and Tobago. Settle D Score (f. by Settle Up). Winner in Trinidad and Tobago. 2nd dam CRESCENDO, by Bandsman. Winner at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, Midsum- mer Classic-G1. Sister to TUNE IN TIME. Broodmare of the year in Trini- dad and Tobago in 2003. Dam of 3 winners, including-- TOP OF THE CLASS (c. by Freshly Squeezed). 13 wins, 3 to 5 in Trinidad and Tobago, horse of the year, champion 3-year-old colt, champion stay- er 3 times, Trinidad and Tobago Triple Crown, Royal Oak Derby-G1, Union Park Turf Club Easter Guineas-G1, CLICO Midsummer Classic- G1, Caribbean Brewery Trophy-Caribbean Championship S.-G1, etc. THE NIGHT MAN (c. by Gilgamesh). Winner at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, champion 2-year-old colt, Guardian Life St. James S.-G2. Bazodee Gal (f. by Freshly Squeezed). Placed at 2 and 4 in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd St. Ann's S.-G2. Honey Bunny. Placed at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago. Dam of 1 foal to race-- Be Nice (f. by Kdanzc). Placed at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, champion 3-year-old filly, 3rd Caribbean Brewery Limited Guineas-G1. 3rd dam Treasured Honour, by American Honor. Placed at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd Easter Guineas-G1, Whitsun Classic Trial S.-G2, etc. Dam of-- TUNE IN TIME. 3 wins in Trinidad and Tobago, horse of the year, champi- on 3-year-old colt, champion stayer twice, Republic Bank Cup-G1, etc. CRESCENDO. Stakes winner, above. Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Paradise Farms, Agent for Hip No. Mrs. Michele Ford Hip No. 107 BAY COLT 107 Foaled January 21, 2012 Seattle Slew A.P. Indy...... Weekend Surprise Big Country ...... Seeking the Gold Flanders...... Starlet Storm BAY COLT Mr. Prospector Gilgamesh...... Danzante Savvy...... (2006) Freshly Squeezed Honeymoon ...... Flying Colours By BIG COUNTRY (2000). Winner of $74,368. Sire of many winners, includ- ing Touch D Road (Carib Brewery Limited Mid-Summer Classic-G1, etc.), Onetokeep (Midsummer Classic-G1, etc.), The Big Squeeze (Republic Mortgages St. Ann's S.-G2, etc.), El Kuraca (3rd Clasico Jose Ernesto Aguirre Aviles), Right To Rule (2nd Royal Colours Classic), Free Country (9 wins, $175,984), Big Tall Paul (8 wins, $119,367), Dreamer of Dreams (4 wins, $93,344), Country Trick ($45,842), Montana Country ($34,170). 1st dam SAVVY, by Gilgamesh. Winner in Trinidad and Tobago. This is her first foal. 2nd dam Honeymoon, by Freshly Squeezed. Winner at 3 in Jamaica; winner in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd Midsummer Classic-G1. Dam of-- EXTRAVAGANCE (c. by Nosferatu). 4 wins at 2 and 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, champion 2-year-old colt, Santa Rosa Classic-G1, St. James' S.-G2, 3rd Royal Oak Derby-G1, Midsummer Classic-G1, Royal Colours Classic-G2. LUV BOAT (f. by Sea Raven). Winner in Trinidad and Tobago, Gleneagles- G2, 2nd Ibis S.-G2, 3rd Oaks S.-G2. Let's Go Honey. Unraced. Dam of-- REMEMBER ME (f. by A Great Team). Winner in Trinidad and Tobago, SFA Breeders’ Futurity S. It Got to Be Me (f. by A Great Team). 2 wins in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd Ibis S.-G2, Santa Rosa Classic-G2, Royal Colours Classic-G3, Royal Colours-G3. 3rd dam FLYING COLOURS, by Calpurnius. Winner in Trinidad and Tobago, Easter Guineas-G1. Sister to ROYAL COLOURS. Dam of 3 winners-- SUN RAYCER. Winner at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, champion 2-year-old colt, St. James S.-G2, 3rd Benson and Hedges Caribbean Championship-G1. DANCING COLOURS. Winner at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, Whitsun Clas- sic S.-G2, 2nd Derby S.-G1, Caribbean Champion S.-G1, etc. Honeymoon. Stakes-placed winner, above. Rhapsody. Unraced. Dam of-- Chanterelle. Winner in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd Oaks S. 4th dam BABY PRINCESS, by *Our Babu. 5 wins at 2 and 3 in England. Dam of-- ROYAL COLOURS. 6 wins at 3 and 4 in Trinidad and Tobago, champion older horse, champion stayer, Trinidad and Tobago Triple Crown, Pres- ident's Easter Trophy-G1, Derby S., Easter Guineas, Hopeful S., Trial S., Whitsun Classic Trial S. FLYING COLOURS. Stakes winner, above. Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by La Concepcion Stud Farm, Agent for Hip No. David Ojar Hip No. 108 BAY FILLY 108 Foaled March 3, 2012 Gone West Elusive Quality...... Touch of Greatness Moygaddy...... Dayjur Star of Paris...... Liturgism BAY FILLY Sadler's Wells Sea Raven...... Cormorant Wood (GB) Sea Mistress...... (2005) Mr. Nutcracker Let's Get Cracking ...... Good Conduct By MOYGADDY (2004). Winner at 4 in Trinidad and Tobago. Brother to stakes winner Elusive City, half-brother to stakes winner Parisian Affair. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2013. Son of stakes winner Elusive Quality, lead- ing sire, sire of 97 stakes winners, including champions Smarty Jones (8 wins in 9 starts, $7,613,155, Kentucky Derby-G1, etc.), Sepoy ($3,990,- 138, AAMI Golden Slipper-G1, etc.), Maryfield ($1,334,331, Ballerina S.- G1, etc.), Elusive Kate ($1,093,415, Etihad Airways Falmouth S.-G1, etc.). 1st dam SEA MISTRESS, by Sea Raven. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. This is her first foal. 2nd dam Let's Get Cracking, by Mr. Nutcracker. Placed at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, 3rd Hyundai St. Ann's Trophy S.-G2. Dam of 1 foal to race-- Fantastic Lad. Placed at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago. 3rd dam GOOD CONDUCT, by Trade Winds Jr. In Jamaica. Unraced. Broodmare of the year in Jamaica in 1999. Dam of 2 foals to race-- GOOD PROSPECT. 11 wins at 2 and 3 in Jamaica, champion 3-year-old filly, Keeling Memorial Cup-G3, Red Stripe Jamaica Derby, Courts Jamaica Oaks, World Talk Jamaica St. Leger, Lotto Classic For The Governor's Cup, 2nd Red Stripe Two-Year-Old Breeders S.-G1, Jamaica Turf Club Two-Year-Old S.-G1, 3rd Hi-Pro "Stables Choice" Feeds Trophy-G1, Track Price Plus Jamaica One Thousand Guineas. Dam of 2 winners-- CLASSY PROSPECT. 10 wins, 2 to 6, 2013 in Jamaica, Pick3 Super Chal- lenge Trophy, The King's Plate, 2nd CTL Superstakes, Supreme Ven- tures Jamaica Two-Year-Old S., CTL Caribbean Sprint Championship. Jack Be Good. 16 wins, 2 to 6 in Jamaica. Let's Get Cracking. Stakes-placed, above. Tara. Unraced. Dam of 3 foals, 2 to race, including-- Quiet Storm. Winner at 7 in Jamaica. 4th dam SA SA YEA, by Sparrow Pie. In Jamaica. Unraced. Dam of-- Come Se Come Sa. Unraced. Dam of-- Casheem. Placed at 4 and 5 in Jamaica, 3rd She's On Wheels Trophy, Reggae Trophy. Producer. Aleisha. Unraced. Dam of 4 foals to race, 3 winners, including-- Deputycommissioner. Winner at 4 and 5 in Jamaica. Evadnie. Placed at 4 in Jamaica. Producer. Come See Me. Unraced. Dam of 1 foal to race-- Lee's Leisure. Winner at 7 in Jamaica. Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by JMH Enterprises Limited, Agent for Hip No. Charles James & Dr. Edward A. Comissiong Hip No. 109 BAY COLT 109 Foaled January 12, 2012 Mr. Prospector Kingmambo ...... Miesque Babel...... Sadler's Wells Lady Reiko (IRE) ...... Willamae BAY COLT Affirmed A Firm Deacon...... Nervous John Simply Red ...... (1997) Northjet (IRE) Little Rose...... Dear Melinda By BABEL (2001). Winner of 2 races at 3, $73,720. Half-brother to stakes win- ner Chopper Won. Sire of Nettoyer (3rd Royal Colours Classic-G3). Son of classic winner Kingmambo, sire of 94 stakes winners, 6 champions, including Lemon Drop Kid ($3,245,370, Belmont S.-G1, etc.), Divine Pro- portions ($1,553,790, Prix de Diane Hermes-French Oaks-G1, etc.), Rus- sian Rhythm ($1,260,794, Sagitta One Thousand Guineas-G1, etc.), El Condor Pasa (8 wins, $3,502,404, Grand Prix de Saint-Cloud-G1, etc.). 1st dam Simply Red, by A Firm Deacon. Placed at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, 3rd Royal Oak Derby-G1. This is her sixth foal. She has no foals to race. 2nd dam LITTLE ROSE, by Northjet (IRE). Winner at 4 in Trinidad and Tobago. Dam of-- Simply Red (f. by A Firm Deacon). Stakes-placed, above. 3rd dam DEAR MELINDA, by Mr. Long. Dam of 3 other foals, 2 winners, including-- Splash With Wanda. Winner at 3, 4, and 5, $26,194. 4th dam TWICE CITED, by Double Jay. 7 wins at 2 and 3, $73,970, Rockette S., 2nd Test S., Miss Woodford S. Half-sister to MANITOULIN ($43,950, in N.A./ U.S., sire), OPEN HEARING (Jasmine S.). Dam of 3 winners, including-- Twice Judged. Placed at 2 and 3 in France, 3rd Prix Yacowlef. Dam of-- Bendabout Dancer. 3 wins at 2 and 4, 2nd Delta Downs Breeders' Cup Juvenile S. Second Ovation. Winner in 1 start at 3. Dam of 9 winners, including-- DANCING OVATION. 7 wins, 2 to 6, $226,575, Yakima Futurity, Frostie Shades H., Watch Wendy H., Washington HBPA H., 3rd Bangles and Beads S. Dam of METATRON (Total: $336,810, Sir Winston Churchill H., 2nd Best Pal S.-G3, Hollywood Juvenile Championship S.-G3, In- dependence Day H., 3rd Lane's End Breeders' Futurity-G2, etc.). Polar Wind. 5 wins at 3, $94,057, 2nd Davona Dale H.-R, Sun Flower S.-R. Humdrum. Unraced. Dam of ACCUMULATOR (14 wins, $111,977, As- cot Graduation S., 2nd Juvenile S.). Applaudable. Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of Summer Applause (3 wins, $23,602, 2nd Les Bois Park Open Juvenile S.). Grace and Savour. Producer. Granddam of Thewholebag (4 wins, $214,- 225, 2nd CTBA Marian S.-R, 3rd California Breeders' Champion S.-LR, Solana Beach H.-LR, dam of RULE THE STORM, 11 wins, $282,939, Warren's Thoroughbreds S.-R, Queen of the Green H., 2nd Work the Crowd S.-R), Pretty Rocky (8 wins, $211,408, 2nd Goldfinch S.-L, Black Mesa H.-R, 3rd OTA Futurity-R). Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Amigo Stud Farm, Agent for Hip No. Walter Debysingh Hip No. 110 BAY COLT 110 Foaled February 1, 2012 Lyphard Alzao...... *Lady Rebecca Maraahel...... Nashwan Nasanice...... Mathaayl BAY COLT Cure the Blues Vandross...... Feather's Lass (IRE) Singinginthewind...... (1999) Windy Hill Windy Romance...... Masked Romance By MARAAHEL (2001). Stakes winner of 8 races, 2 to 6, $1,649,946, Hard- wicke S.-G2 twice, Akkroball Huxley S.-G3, Jardine Lloyd Thompson Hux- ley S.-G3 twice, Dubai Tennis Championships John Porter S.-G3, ABN Amro S.-G3, 2nd Juddmonte International S.-G1, Hardwicke S.-G2, Grant Thornton Huxley S.-G3, Betfair Brigadier Gerard S.-G3, 3rd King George VI & Queen Elizabeth S.-G1, Juddmonte International S.-G1, etc. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2013. Sire of Salome (3rd St. Ann's S.-G1). 1st dam SINGINGINTHEWIND, by Vandross. 2 wins, $30,000, in Trinidad and Tobago. This is her fourth foal. Dam of 2 foals to race, 1 winner.

2nd dam WINDY ROMANCE, by Windy Hill. 3 wins, $46,626, in Trinidad and Tobago. Dam of 2 other foals.

3rd dam Masked Romance, by Masked Dancer. 3 wins in 4 starts at 2, $21,753, in N.A./U.S., 3rd Old Hat S.; 2 wins at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd Scott Anniversary S., 3rd Texaco Plate-G2. Dam of 5 foals to race, 4 winners-- Windy Romance. Above. Sur With Love. 3 wins in Trinidad and Tobago. Spy Dancer. 2 wins at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago. Masked Bandit. Winner in Trinidad and Tobago.

4th dam BIG ENDIAN, by Nalees Man. Winner at 3, $4,717. Dam of 6 foals, 4 to race, all winners-- Masked Romance. Stakes-placed winner, above. Aujima. 14 wins, 3 to 6, $76,107. B. J.'s Teddy Bear. 3 wins at 2, $9,898. Pure Sass. 2 wins at 3, $7,280. Missy Jet. Unraced. Dam of 2 foals, 1 to race-- Auji's Cousin. 2 wins at 3, $11,889.

Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Paradise Farms, Agent for Hip No. Joseph Hadeed Hip No. 111 BAY COLT 111 Foaled March 14, 2012 Lyphard Alzao...... *Lady Rebecca Maraahel...... Nashwan Nasanice...... Mathaayl BAY COLT Roberto Red Ransom ...... Arabia Sing Your Song ...... (2001) Gone West Prairie Reign...... Classic Reign By MARAAHEL (2001). Stakes winner of 8 races, 2 to 6, $1,649,946, Hard- wicke S.-G2 twice, Akkroball Huxley S.-G3, Jardine Lloyd Thompson Hux- ley S.-G3 twice, Dubai Tennis Championships John Porter S.-G3, ABN Amro S.-G3, 2nd Juddmonte International S.-G1, Hardwicke S.-G2, Grant Thornton Huxley S.-G3, Betfair Brigadier Gerard S.-G3, 3rd King George VI & Queen Elizabeth S.-G1, Juddmonte International S.-G1, etc. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2013. Sire of Salome (3rd St. Ann's S.-G1). 1st dam SING YOUR SONG, by Red Ransom. Sent to Trinidad and Tobago. This is her fourth foal. Her third foal is a 2-year-old of 2013. She has no foals to race. 2nd dam PRAIRIE REIGN, by Gone West. Unraced. Dam of 3 winners, including-- Moonlit Prairie. Winner at 3 in South Africa. Dam of 3 winners, including-- JACKSON (c. by Dynasty). 5 wins at 3, R1,600,005, in South Africa, Daily News Greyville Two Thousand-G1, Investec Cape Derby-G1, Politician S., 2nd L'Ormarins Queen's Plate-G1, etc. (Total: $192,431). 3rd dam CLASSIC REIGN, by Vice Regent. 7 wins at 3 and 4, $327,645, Mint Julep H.-L, Canadian Maturity S.-LR, 2nd Breeders' S.-LR, Wonder Where S.- LR, Dowager S. Sister to REGAL CLASSIC. Dam of 4 winners, incl.-- TREASUREINMYHAND. 3 wins in 4 starts at 3, $135,681, Fury S.-LR. Alalunga. Placed in 2 starts at 3 in France. Dam of 3 foals, 1 to race-- Almindoro. Winner at 3 and 5, $141,438, in Australia, 2nd AAMI Nor- man Robinson S.-G3, UCI Super Impose S., etc. (Total: $140,578). Pleasant Reign. Unraced. Dam of 7 foals, 6 to race, 4 winners, including-- Pleasant Laughter. 4 wins, 3 to 5, $172,007, 2nd Garland of Roses H., 3rd Ride Sally S.-R. Producer. Incumbent. Winner, $67,687, 3rd China Doll S.-L, Instant Racing Breed- ers' Cup S.-L. Dam of BRASS PLATE (Total: $96,465, Wildcat H., etc.). 4th dam No Class, by Nodouble. 3 wins at 2 and 4, $37,543, 2nd Yearling Sales S.-R, 3rd Princess Elizabeth S.-R. Half-sister to MONEY BY ORLEANS, BARAQUIL- LO, Royal Signature. Broodmare of the year in Canada in 1985. Dam of-- SKY CLASSIC. 15 wins in 29 starts, 2 to 5, $3,320,398, champion 2-year-old colt, champion grass horse, champion older horse in Canada, champion grass horse in U.S., Rothmans Ltd. International S.- G1-ncr, etc. Sire. Other stakes winners: REGAL CLASSIC ($1,456,584, champion 2-year-old colt in Canada), GREY CLASSIC ($602,039, champion 2-year-old colt in Canada), CLASSY 'N SMART ($303,222, champion 3-year-old filly in Canada), ALWAYS A CLASSIC ($388,648), CLASSIC REIGN (above). Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Leeclare Stud Farm, Agent for Hip No. David Chadee Hip No. 112 DARK BAY OR BROWN FILLY 112 Foaled February 22, 2012 Mr. Prospector Kingmambo ...... Miesque Babel...... Sadler's Wells Lady Reiko (IRE) ...... Willamae DARK BAY OR Unbridled BROWN FILLY Unbridled Optimism ...... Sense of Unity Snake Eyes ...... (2007) Freshly Squeezed Squeezed Moment ...... Lady of the Moment By BABEL (2001). Winner of 2 races at 3, $73,720. Half-brother to stakes win- ner Chopper Won. Sire of Nettoyer (3rd Royal Colours Classic-G3). Son of classic winner Kingmambo, sire of 94 stakes winners, 6 champions, including Lemon Drop Kid ($3,245,370, Belmont S.-G1, etc.), Divine Pro- portions ($1,553,790, Prix de Diane Hermes-French Oaks-G1, etc.), Rus- sian Rhythm ($1,260,794, Sagitta One Thousand Guineas-G1, etc.), El Condor Pasa (8 wins, $3,502,404, Grand Prix de Saint-Cloud-G1, etc.). 1st dam SNAKE EYES, by Unbridled Optimism. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. This is her first foal. 2nd dam SQUEEZED MOMENT, by Freshly Squeezed. Winner at 4 in Trinidad and To- bago. Sister to CARNIVAL MESSIAH (TRI). Dam of 1 foal to race-- THE BIG SQUEEZE (f. by Big Country). Winner at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, Republic Mortgages St. Ann's S.-G2, 3rd Midsummer Classic-G1. 3rd dam Lady of the Moment, by Moment of Hope. 5 wins at 2 and 5 in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd Tru Valu Supermarket Champagne S.-G2. Dam of-- CARNIVAL MESSIAH (TRI). 10 wins, 2 to 5 in Trinidad and Tobago, cham- pion 3-year-old colt, Trinidad and Tobago Triple Crown, Royal Oak Der- by-G1, HCL Group of Companies Easter Guineas-G1, CLICO Midsum- mer Classic-G1, 2nd St. James S.-G2, 3rd Diamond S.-G2; placed in 2 starts at 5 in Barbados. Yaa Asantewaa. Unraced. Dam of 2 foals to race, including-- Dring Brinks. Placed at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd Caribbean Brew- ery Limited Guineas-G1, Royal Colours Classic-G3. Eye Candy. Unplaced in 1 start in Trinidad and Tobago. Dam of 1 foal-- Nettoyer. Placed at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, 3rd Royal Colours Clas- sic-G3. 4th dam DADDY'S DISH, by Marshua's Dancer. 7 wins, 2 to 5, $115,649. Dam of 7 foals, 6 to race, 5 winners-- STEEV SKEE. 18 wins, 2 to 11, $89,725, in N.A./U.S., Toon's Mile H. twice, Mercury Graphics H., 2nd Inaugural H., Marquis Cup S., 3rd Classic H. (Total: $90,018). Lady of the Moment. Stakes-placed winner, above. Fashion Dish. 11 wins, 3 to 6, $50,981. Man of the Moment. 2 wins at 2, £15,646, in England. (Total: $26,634). Perfervid. Winner at 3, $14,896. Dark Union. Placed at 2, $3,970. Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Paradise Farms, Agent for Hip No. Paradise Farms Limited Hip No. 113 DARK BAY OR BROWN COLT 113 Foaled January 11, 2012 Roberto Kris S...... Sharp Queen Settle Up...... Dayjur In Conference ...... Personal Business DARK BAY OR Private Account BROWN COLT Private Banker...... Heavenly Match Sound Barrier ...... (2006) Deerhound Swift Sound ...... Sagan By SETTLE UP (2000). Stakes-placed winner of 4 races, 4 to 6, $191,520, 3rd Tropical Turf H.-G3. Sire of Big Man (Royal Colours Classic, 3rd St. James S.-G1), Big Thing (2nd Midsummer Classic-G1). Son of stakes winner Kris S., among the leading sires, sire of 93 stakes winners, 4 cham- pions, including Symboli Kris S ($8,401,282, Arima Kinen-Grand Prix-G1 twice), Hollywood Wildcat ($1,432,160, Breeders' Cup Distaff-G1, etc.), Soaring Softly ($1,270,433, Breeders' Cup Filly & Mare Turf-G1, etc.). 1st dam SOUND BARRIER, by Private Banker. Winner at 2, $68,000, in Trinidad and Tobago, Nursery S.-L. This is her second foal. Her first foal is a 2-year- old of 2013. 2nd dam SWIFT SOUND, by Deerhound. Unraced. Sent to Trinidad and Tobago. Dam of 4 foals, 3 to race, 2 winners-- SOUND BARRIER (f. by Private Banker). Stakes winner, above. Nosmallfeat. Winner at 3 and 4, $35,988. 3rd dam SAGAN, by Ogygian. Placed at 3 and 4, $8,002. Dam of 3 winners, incuding-- Luck Out. 9 wins, 2 to 7, $87,484. 4th dam BOLD ESCAPE, by Bold Forbes. Placed at 2. Half-sister to BLUSHING GROOM (FR) (champion in Europe and France, leading sire in England), BAYRAAN (Prix de Chenes-G3, etc.), CHATEAU GAILLARD (Prix Alain de Goulaine, etc.), Nearlywed, Allicance. Dam of 7 winners, including-- CANAVERAL. 8 wins, 3 to 5, $258,061, William Donald Schaefer H.-L, 2nd Governor's H.-L, 3rd Walter Haight H.-L. Sire. RIDGE ESCAPE. 8 wins, 2 to 5, $137,324, Spartacus S., 2nd President's Cup S.-L, John Battaglia Memorial S. Lightnin' Gulch. 9 wins, 2 to 5, $205,462, 2nd HBPA Jefferson County S.-R. Blue Escape. Winner at 3 in France. Dam of 5 winners, including-- AYRTON SYMBOLI. 6 wins, 3 to 5, ¥391,562,000, in Japan, Stayers S.- G3 twice, 2nd Takarazuka Kinen-G1, Kyoto Daishoten-G2, Copa Re- publica Argentina-G2, Tanabata Sho-G3, 3rd Tenno Sho-Autumn Em- peror's Cup-G1, Takamatsunomiya Hai-G2, Nikkan Sports Sho Kim Pai-G3. (Total: $3,717,084). Sire. Dance Nice. 12 wins, 2 to 7, €97,338, in France, 3rd Prix Maurice Cail- lault. (Total: $113,989). Azuree Symboli. 3 wins at 3 and 4, ¥47,700,000, in Japan. (Total: $381,421). Erwinna. Placed at 4, €3,444, in France. (Total: $3,742). Dam of-- Er Prince. 14 wins, 3 to 8, €152,196, in Italy. (Total: $170,671). Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Bonanza Farm Riding and Country Club Limited, Hip No. Agent for Mrs. Natalie Sloan Hip No. 114 BAY FILLY 114 Foaled April 29, 2012 A.P. Indy Pulpit...... Preach Louisvilleluminary ...... Copelan Copelan's Bid Gal...... Bid Gal BAY FILLY Unfuwain Zimaam...... Irish Valley Spicy...... (2005) Walovan Hot Hot Hot...... Morning High By LOUISVILLELUMINARY (2007). Stakes-placed winner at 2, $49,023, 3rd Sanford S.-G2. Brother to stakes winners Purge, Namaste’s Wish. His first foals are yearlings of 2013. Son of stakes winner Pulpit, sire of 69 stakes winners, including Govinda (hwt. in Germany, $163,482, Grosser Preis der Jungheinrich Gabelstapler-Hamburger Flieger Trophy-G3, etc.), Pyro (5 wins, $1,673,673, Forego S.-G1, etc.), Rutherienne ($1,298,671, Del Mar Oaks-G1, etc.), Corinthian ($1,267,273, Metropolitan H.-G1, etc.). 1st dam SPICY, by Zimaam. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. This is her first foal. 2nd dam HOT HOT HOT, by Walovan. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. Dam of 4 other foals, which have not raced. 3rd dam MORNING HIGH, by Gallic League. Winner at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago. Dam of 1 other foal, which has not raced. 4th dam UNARIA, by Prince Tenderfoot. In France. Half-sister to GAIUS (sire). Dam of-- LIMANDA (IRE). 2 wins at 3, €11,452, in Ireland; 3 wins at 3 and 4, $91,765, in N.A./U.S., Queen Breeders' Cup S.-L. (Total: $105,103). Dam of-- ALTIN BIKE. 7 wins, 3 to 5 in Turkey, champion miler, Faith Sultan Mehmet- G1 twice, Nene Hatun-G2, Zubeyde Hanim-G2, 2nd Anadolu-G2, Acik- G3, Fikret Yuzatli-G3, Ferit Tanacan, Kenan Atan, 3rd Basbakanlik-G1, Adnan Menderes-G2, Istanbul-G2, Marmara-G3. PARDON. 8 wins, 2 to 5 in Turkey, champion imported 2-year-old colt, Burhan Karamehmet-G3, Sadun Atig-G3, 2nd Inonu-G3, Ahmet At- man, 3rd Ismet Inonu-G2, Acik-G3, Eregli, Hizir Reis. Delalim. Winner at 3 in Turkey, 2nd Ergin Talay. MUJADO (IRE). Winner at 2 and 3, £18,104, in England; 2 wins at 4, $66,- 732, in N.A./U.S., Local Thriller S.-ncr, 5 fur. in :56, 2nd Wedding Jit- ters H. (Total: $93,095). Dam of 7 foals, 5 to race, 4 winners, incl.-- JOHA. 2 wins at 2, $339,200, in N.A./U.S., Dixiana Breeders' Futurity- G1, 2nd With Anticipation S.-G2; winner in 1 start at 2, $90,000, in Canada, Colin S.-L. (Total: $427,967). Unaria's Pet. 10 wins, 2 to 4 in Italy, 2nd Premio Divino Amore, 3rd Premio Aniene. Thunderblack. 5 wins, 2 to 5, €110,037, in Italy. (Total: $128,515). Scenaria. Unraced. Dam of 9 foals, 8 to race, 6 winners, including-- Doctor Deejay. Winner at 2 and 3, €37,046, in Ireland, 2nd Visit Punch- Juvenile Hurdle, 3rd Weatherbys Ireland GSB Hurdle. (Total: $51,391). Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Leeclare Stud Farm, Agent for Hip No. the Estate of Wilma Primus Hip No. 115 CHESTNUT COLT 115 Foaled March 13, 2012 Lyphard Alzao...... *Lady Rebecca Maraahel...... Nashwan Nasanice...... Mathaayl CHESTNUT COLT Blushing Groom (FR) Freshly Squeezed...... Mandera Squeezed Moment ...... (1999) Moment of Hope Lady of the Moment...... Daddy's Dish By MARAAHEL (2001). Stakes winner of 8 races, 2 to 6, $1,649,946, Hard- wicke S.-G2 twice, Akkroball Huxley S.-G3, Jardine Lloyd Thompson Hux- ley S.-G3 twice, Dubai Tennis Championships John Porter S.-G3, ABN Amro S.-G3, 2nd Juddmonte International S.-G1, Hardwicke S.-G2, Grant Thornton Huxley S.-G3, Betfair Brigadier Gerard S.-G3, 3rd King George VI & Queen Elizabeth S.-G1, Juddmonte International S.-G1, etc. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2013. Sire of Salome (3rd St. Ann's S.-G1). 1st dam SQUEEZED MOMENT, by Freshly Squeezed. 6 wins, $85,304, in Trinidad and Tobago. Sister to CARNIVAL MESSIAH (TRI). This is her seventh foal. Her sixth foal is a 2-year-old of 2013. Dam of-- THE BIG SQUEEZE (f. by Big Country). 4 wins, $588,417, in Trinidad and Tobago, champion 3-year-old filly, Republic Mortgages St. Ann's S.-G2, 3rd Midsummer Classic-G1. Ace of Spades (g. by Unbridled Optimism). 4 wins, $179,747, in Trinidad and Tobago. Glorious Moment (f. by Ministar). Winner, $21,780, in Trinidad and Tobago. 2nd dam Lady of the Moment, by Moment of Hope. 5 wins at 2 and 5 in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd Tru Valu Supermarket Champagne S.-G2. Dam of-- CARNIVAL MESSIAH (TRI) (c. by Freshly Squeezed). 10 wins, 2 to 5 in Trinidad and Tobago, champion 3-year-old colt, Trinidad and Tobago Triple Crown, Royal Oak Derby-G1, HCL Group of Companies Easter Guineas-G1, CLICO Midsummer Classic-G1, 2nd St. James S.-G2, 3rd Diamond S.-G2; placed in 2 starts at 5 in Barbados. Yaa Asantewaa. Unraced. Dam of 2 foals to race, including-- Dring Brinks (g. by Western Envoy). Placed at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd Caribbean Brewery Limited Guineas-G1, Royal Colours Classic-G3. Eye Candy. Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of 1 foal-- Nettoyer (g. by Babel). Placed at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, 3rd Royal Colours Classic-G3. 3rd dam DADDY'S DISH, by Marshua's Dancer. 7 wins, 2 to 5, $115,649. Dam of-- STEEV SKEE. 18 wins, 2 to 11, $89,725, in N.A./U.S., Toon's Mile H. twice, Mercury Graphics H., 2nd Inaugural H., etc. (Total: $90,018). Lady of the Moment. Stakes-placed winner, above. 4th dam CAESAR'S DISH, by Proudest Roman. Placed at 2 and 3, $31,270. Dam of-- Acquadish. 6 wins, 3 to 6, $72,081. Dam of 4 foals, 2 winners, including-- HEFNER ROAD. 14 wins, 2 to 9, $91,336, Bucharest S., etc. Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Floraville Stud, Agent for Hip No. Dr. Stephan Bhagan & Gary Bhagan Hip No. 116 BAY FILLY 116 Foaled February 12, 2012 Nashwan Swain (IRE)...... Love Smitten Stanley Park...... Storm Bird Tricky Bird...... Tricky Squaw BAY FILLY Storm Cat Ministar ...... Minidar Star Emblem ...... (2007) Our Emblem Ann's Emblem...... Korfez By STANLEY PARK (2000). Stakes winner of 4 races, $272,916, San Luis Rey H.-G2, Bay Meadows Derby-G3, 3rd Oceanside S.-LR. Half-brother to stakes winner Turf Melody. Sire of Honour The Lady (Royal Colours Classic-G3). Son of European champion Swain (IRE), sire of 13 stakes winners, including Dimitrova ($1,142,696, Flower Bowl Invitational S.-G1, etc.), Nasheej ($346,605, Murphy's Fastflow May Hill S.-G2, etc.), Czar Al- exander (S. A. Poonawalla Million-G2, etc.), Trillion Cut ($1,282,500). 1st dam STAR EMBLEM, by Ministar. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. This is her first foal. 2nd dam ANN'S EMBLEM, by Our Emblem. 10 wins, 2 to 6, $132,280. Sent to Trinidad and Tobago. Dam of 3 other foals, which have not raced. 3rd dam KORFEZ, by Ogygian. Unplaced in 2 starts. Dam of 2 other winners, incl.-- King Kohota. 2 wins at 3, $25,062. 4th dam NIGHT ROUNDS, by Round Table. Winner at 2, $10,304. Half-sister to SMALL VIRTUE, Saint, Morning Haze. Dam of 7 foals, 6 winners, including-- COESSE EXPRESS. 8 wins at 3 and 4, $136,666, Queen S. Dam of-- FLY'N J. BRYAN. 4 wins, $159,785, San Vicente Breeders' Cup S.-G3. Coesse Gold. Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of TAPPIN FOR GOLD (4 wins, $155,220, Prairie Meadows Oaks-L, etc.), Marla Bay (3 wins, $145,670). Wini Jones. 3 wins, $90,953. Dam of Winiliscious (8 wins, $198,170). ETOILE DE HUIT. 7 wins, 2 to 5, $105,498, Penelope S.-ncr, 1 1/16 mi. in 1:42 3/5, 2nd Big Sandy S. Dam of 6 winners, including-- ASK FOR SPEED. 6 wins, $171,006, Senorita S., Skoal Inc./Mac's Debu- tante S., 2nd Nanaimo Breeders’ Cup S.-L, etc. Etr at Emerald Downs. Midnight Stroll. 2 wins to 3, $36,432, 3rd Honeybee S.-L, etc. Dam of-- MR. SINATRA. 13 wins, 3 to 6, $728,355, Stuyvesant H.-G3, Discovery H.-G3, Westchester H.-G3, Queens County H.-G3, Aqueduct H.-G3, 2nd Gallant Fox H.-G3, Annapolis S.-L, 3rd Brooklyn H.-G2, etc. Sire. Numerous Moves. Winner at 2. Dam of WE'RE IN THE MONEY ($302,- 428, West Virginia Division of Tourism Breeders’ Classic S.-LR, etc.). Stroll Fast. 3 wins at 4 and 5, $47,425. Dam of ALPINE LASS (Total: $63,922, Timber Music S., etc.), ALPINE LAD (Total: $40,274). Parish Business. Placed at 2 and 4. Producer. Granddam of San Remo. Gute Nacht. 3 wins at 3, $44,170. Dam of 10 foals, 7 winners, including-- STRATEGIC INTENT. 11 wins to 8, $417,587, Brickyard H.-LR, etc. Sire. Chumsie. 3 wins, $120,725, 2nd Ellis Park Breeders' Cup H.-L. Producer. Gmork. 2 wins at 3, $66,560, 2nd Floor Show S. Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by JMH Enterprises Limited, Agent for Hip No. Charles James Hip No. 117 BAY FILLY 117 Foaled January 15, 2012 Mr. Prospector Kingmambo ...... Miesque Babel...... Sadler's Wells Lady Reiko (IRE) ...... Willamae BAY FILLY Storm Cat Storm Boot ...... Aliata Stormy Frontera...... (1998) Rexson Royal Rexson...... Georgella By BABEL (2001). Winner of 2 races at 3, $73,720. Half-brother to stakes win- ner Chopper Won. Sire of Nettoyer (3rd Royal Colours Classic-G3). Son of classic winner Kingmambo, sire of 94 stakes winners, 6 champions, including Lemon Drop Kid ($3,245,370, Belmont S.-G1, etc.), Divine Pro- portions ($1,553,790, Prix de Diane Hermes-French Oaks-G1, etc.), Rus- sian Rhythm ($1,260,794, Sagitta One Thousand Guineas-G1, etc.), El Condor Pasa (8 wins, $3,502,404, Grand Prix de Saint-Cloud-G1, etc.). 1st dam STORMY FRONTERA, by Storm Boot. 2 wins at 3, $22,058. Sent to Trinidad and Tobago. This is her sixth foal. Her fifth foal is a 3-year-old of 2013. Dam of 2 foals to race, both winners, including-- Broken Limb (f. by Gold Tribute). 2 wins at 3, $35,083. 2nd dam ROYAL REXSON, by Rexson. 10 wins, 2 to 4, $147,469, Ta Wee S., Rockette S., 2nd Pinafore S., Lilac S., 3rd Correction H.-L. Dam of 3 winners, incl.-- FOUNTAIN HILLS (f. by Roanoke). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $71,282, Slew of Pearls H.-L, 2nd Arizona Oaks-L, Miss Gibson County S. Dam of-- PLANTSITE (g. by Benton Creek). 5 wins, 2 to 4, $67,727, in N.A./U.S.; 3 wins in 6 starts at 4 in Canada, Saskatoon H. (Total: $80,533). SUMMER LAKE (f. by Truckee). 10 wins, 3 to 5, $75,620, Yavapai Classic H., Love Addiction S., 2nd Yavapai Classic H., 3rd Lena South Starter H. Bradford (g. by Benton Creek). 14 wins, 2 to 7, $275,500, 2nd Arizona Juvenile S., Palo Verde H., California Cup Starter Sprint H.-R, Arizona Stallion S.-R, 3rd Turf Paradise Derby-L, Gerry Howard Memorial S. Oak Flat (f. by Benton Creek). 5 wins, 2 to 7, $72,937, 3rd Arizona Stal- lion S.-R. 3rd dam GEORGELLA, by George Royal. Unraced. Dam of 7 winners, including-- ROYAL REXSON. Stakes winner, above. Ha Cha Jo. 5 wins, 3 to 6, 3rd W. E. Buck Britt Memorial H. Barella. Winner at 3. Send to Panama. Dam of 2 winners, including-- GOLD CONTAINER. 3 wins at 5 in Panama, champion sprinter, cham- pion older horse, Premio Francisco Arias Paredes-G1, etc. 4th dam Texella, by Texas Sandman. 9 wins, 2 to 4, $22,950, 2nd Centennial Derby, San Gabriel Valley S. Half-sister to BASELLA, Knight's Agent. Dam of-- GALINDO. 27 wins, 2 to 8, $105,710, Seagram Cup H., Canadian Derby, Speed to Spare H., R. J. Speers Memorial H., etc. Set ntr at Edmonton. Nicomekl. 5 wins, 2nd Winnipeg Futurity, 3rd Canadian Derby. Dam of MAGIC POOL ($44,351). Granddam of PERKINS D. ($57,039, sire). Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Lowlands Plantation Stables, Agent for Hip No. Jim Jattan & Azard Ali Hip No. 118 BAY COLT 118 Foaled February 26, 2012 A.P. Indy Pulpit...... Preach Louisvilleluminary ...... Copelan Copelan's Bid Gal...... Bid Gal BAY COLT State Dinner Inourwildestdreams ...... Cuttin a Rug Suga Time...... (2003) Ibn Chai Santa Barbara ...... Gilly Gilly By LOUISVILLELUMINARY (2007). Stakes-placed winner at 2, $49,023, 3rd Sanford S.-G2. Brother to stakes winners Purge, Namaste’s Wish. His first foals are yearlings of 2013. Son of stakes winner Pulpit, sire of 69 stakes winners, including Govinda (hwt. in Germany, $163,482, Grosser Preis der Jungheinrich Gabelstapler-Hamburger Flieger Trophy-G3, etc.), Pyro (5 wins, $1,673,673, Forego S.-G1, etc.), Rutherienne ($1,298,671, Del Mar Oaks-G1, etc.), Corinthian ($1,267,273, Metropolitan H.-G1, etc.). 1st dam SUGA TIME, by Inourwildestdreams. In Barbados. Unraced. Sent to Trinidad and Tobago. This is her second foal. Her first foal is a 3-year-old of 2013.

2nd dam SANTA BARBARA, by Ibn Chai. In Barbados. Unraced. Dam of-- Chica Buena. Winner at 2 in Barbados. Perfectly Arranged. Placed at 2 and 3 in Barbados.

3rd dam GILLY GILLY, by Bois Veta. In Barbados. Unraced. Dam of-- Easter Day. Unraced. Dam of 4 foals, 3 to race, 2 winners-- Easter Fair. 2 wins at 4 in Barbados. Trinity. 7 wins, 2 to 5 in Barbados. Easter Monarch. Placed at 3 in Barbados. Gilligan. Unraced. Dam of 4 foals, 2 to race, including-- Flight Attendant. Placed at 3 in Barbados. Producer.

4th dam CHARMED, by *Royal Hamlet. Winner at 2 in England. Sent to Barbados. Dam of 1 foal, above.

Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Poon Tip Stud Farm, Agent for Hip No. Mrs. Eudora Chay Hip No. 119 BAY COLT 119 Foaled March 12, 2012 Storm Bird Storm Cat ...... Terlingua Charismatic Cat ...... Deputy Minister The Franchise ...... Beautiful Bid BAY COLT End Sweep Precise Sweep ...... Precisely Sweet Melody ...... (2007) Eagle Eyed Lough Currane...... Key Partner By CHARISMATIC CAT (2002). Winner of 3 races, $69,043. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2013. Son of stakes winner Storm Cat, leading sire twice, sire of 180 stakes winners, 8 champions, including Giant's Cause- way ($3,078,989, Esat Digifone Irish Champion S.-G1, etc.), Storm Flag Flying ($1,951,828, Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies-G1, etc.), Sweet Cato- mine ($1,059,600, Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies-G1, etc.), Aljabr ($593,- 796, Champagne Lanson Sussex S.-G1, etc.), One Cool Cat ($568,086). 1st dam SWEET MELODY, by Precise Sweep. In Trinidad and Tobago. Unraced. This is her second foal. Her first foal is a 2-year-old of 2013. 2nd dam LOUGH CURRANE, by Eagle Eyed. Winner at 3, €7,593, in Ireland. (Total: $6,- 916). Sen to Trinidad and Tobago. Dam of 3 other foals, which have not raced. 3rd dam KEY PARTNER, by Law Society. 4 wins, 2 to 5, €18,065, in Ireland. (Total: $22,- 160). Dam of 5 other winners-- BLAST OF STORM (IRE). Winner at 3 in Ireland, 3rd Icon Two Thousand Guineas Trial S.; 9 wins, 4 to 6 in Barbados, Sandy Lane Barbados Gold Cup twice; placed at 5, $8,129, in N.A./U.S. Sire. Iechyd-Da. 3 wins at 2 and 3, £13,752, in England; 6 wins, 4 to 9, €208,842, in France; placed at 4 and 5 in Germany. (Total: $244,032). Blossom Gate. 3 wins at 4 and 5, placed at 6, 2013, €27,400, in Ireland. (Total: $37,660). Fairy Field. Winner at 7, €8,409, in Ireland. (Total: $12,862). Cherished. Winner at 3, £7,431, in England. (Total: $12,218). 4th dam ROSCREA, by Ballymore. In Ireland. Unraced. Sister to PRATTLE ON (Prix de Flore-G3, etc.), half-sister to PETIPA (Moyglare Stud S.-G3, etc.), SARASO- TA SPRING (Premio Nearco-G3), Swagger (IRE) (2nd Princess Margaret S.), Family Talk (2nd Hyperion S.), Timoleon. Dam of 6 winners, including-- Peace Gallery. 2 wins at 2, €7,166, in Ireland; 5 wins, 3 to 8 in Hong Kong. Elisis. 2 wins at 3 in Spain. Irish Harvest. 7 wins, 2 to 4 in England. Penota. Winner at 3 in Spain. Reacted. Unplaced in 2 starts in Ireland. Dam of 2 winners-- Father Falcon. 2 wins at 2 in Turkey, 2nd Sait Kurutluoglu-G3. Grand Manner. Winner at 5 and 7, £5,874, in England. (Total: $11,443). Lisdoonvarna. Dam of 5 foals, 3 to race, 2 winners, including-- Cyarna Quinn. 2 wins at 2, £10,375, in England. (Total: $15,749). Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Consigned by Fredericks Stud Farm Limited Hip No. Hip No. 120 BAY FILLY 120 Foaled February 5, 2012 Danzig Belong to Me ...... Belonging Invincibility...... Quiet American Hitaway...... Promised Princess BAY FILLY Seeking the Gold Mutakddim...... Oscillate Sweetmutacat...... (2007) Tale of the Cat Sweet Queens Cat...... Sixty Queens By INVINCIBILITY (2000). Stakes winner in Trinidad and Tobago, Republic Bank Champagne S.-G1, Santa Rosa Dash-G2, Sian's Gold Sprint-G2, Union Park Turf Club Champagne S.-G2, 2nd Sagicor Independence Day Cup-G1, Diamond S.-G2, First Citizens Bank Sian's Gold Sprint-G2, Dia- mond S.-G2, Santa Rosa Dash H.-G2, Sian's Gold Sprint-G2, 3rd Stew- ards' Cup-G1, Champagne S.-G2, Santa Rosa Dash H.-G2, etc. Half- brother to stakes winner Glamorous Gal. He has no foals to race. 1st dam SWEETMUTACAT, by Mutakddim. Placed at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago. This is her first foal. 2nd dam SWEET QUEENS CAT, by Tale of the Cat. Unraced. Dam of 1 other foal-- Sibonet. 3 wins at 3, $105,772, in Canada. (Total: $105,903). 3rd dam SIXTY QUEENS, by Seattle Slew. Placed at 3, $5,640. Dam of 3 winners, incl.-- Ed the Boxer. Winner at 2, $30,889, 2nd Seacliff S. 4th dam QUEENS WILD, by Spectacular Bid. 3 wins to 4, $51,560. Half-sister to EAST- ERN ECHO ($93,960, Futurity S.-G1, etc., sire), YELL ($598,903, Da- vona Dale S.-G2, etc.), ROAR ($487,507, Jim Beach S.-G2, etc., lead- ing sire in Argentina), BLARE OF TRUMPETS ($286,213, sire). Dam of-- Meghan's Joy. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $126,990, 2nd Carousel S.-L, Moonlight Jig S.-R, 3rd Holly Beach S.-R. Dam of 6 winners, including-- HUNTING. 5 wins at 4 and 5, $286,395, Stuyvesant H.-G3, 3rd Queens County H.-G3, Skip Away H.-G3. QUIET HARBOR. 6 wins at 4 and 5, $274,670, Violet S.-G3, Marshua's River S.-L, 2nd Honey Fox S.-G3. SEAL COVE. 5 wins in 10 starts at 3 and 4, $203,090, If Winter Comes S.-L, Gleaming S.-LR. Minister's Joy. 7 wins, 3 to 6, $327,247, 2nd Ben Ali S.-G3, 3rd Tropical Turf H.-G3, Cape Henlopen S. Norumbega. Winner at 2, placed at 3, 2013, $75,835. See You. 2 wins at 2, $37,580. Dam of 6 foals, 5 to race, 4 winners, incl.-- Carte Sauvage. Winner at 2, £17,869, in England, 3rd Tote Bookmakers Silver Tankard S., Zetland S.; placed at 4, 106,499 dirhams, in U.A.E.; 5 wins at 5 and 6, €24,850, in Germany; 5 wins, 6 to 8, €44,450, in France. (Total: $154,441). Raise a Roar. Winner at 2, $35,298, 3rd Valdale S. Producer. Eishin Imphal. 4 wins, 2 to 7, ¥52,835,000, in Japan. (Total: $481,397). Pay in Kind. 5 wins, 5 to 7, $150,307. Foaled in Trinidad and Tobago. Notice: © 2013 The Jockey Club Information Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Data provided or compiled by The Jockey Club Information Systems, Inc., The Jockey Club, The Daily Racing Form, Inc. and Equibase Company LLC generally are accurate, but occasionally errors and omissions occur as a result of incorrect data received by others, mistakes in processing and other causes. The Jockey Club Information Systems, Inc. disclaims responsibility for the consequences, if any, of such errors, but would appreciate their being called to their atten- tion.

Information pertaining to pedigrees and production records of North American horses was obtained from The Jockey Club and is used only with the per- mission of the copyright holder, The Jockey Club, who reserves all rights to such data.

Information pertaining to North American races run prior to January 1, 1991 was obtained from The Daily Racing Form, Inc. and is used only with the permission of the copyright holder, The Daily Racing Form, Inc. who reserves all rights to such data.

Information pertaining to North American races run after December 31, 1990 was obtained from Equi- base Company LLC and is used only with the per- mission of the copyright holder, Equibase Com- pany LLC, who reserves all rights to such data.

Information pertaining to North American race rec- ords not verifiable by The Jockey Club Information Systems, Inc. and any formats contrary to the stan- dard cataloging practices used by The Jockey Club Information Systems, Inc. was provided by and used at the requests of Stud Farm Association of Trinidad and Tobago.

Pedigrees compiled by: The Jockey Club Information Systems, Inc. 821 Corporate Drive Lexington, Kentucky 40503