Diving and surfing

The best diving and surfing spots

The coast is ideal for diving and surfing enthusiasts. New Zealand has about 34 marine reserves and subtropical reefs. Between and you can really enjoy watch the underwater world. You can also enjoy the great surfing waves in the best surfing spots in the country.

In your motorhome you can explore the best beaches and surfing and diving spots in New Zealand. Take a break during your road trip to enjoy the marine life. Head to the Bay of Islands on the North Island and dive into the famous reserve.

We also suggest you explore the ship wrech, Cathedral Cove and Lake Taupo. On the South Island we recommend Kaikoura, where you can swim with dolphins. You may have a chance to see the great dolphin with a length of up to 3 metres or the smallest and rarest dolphin, the Hector dolphin, found only in this part of the world.

Surfing fans will be in their element travelling the New Zealand coast by motorhome. Surfing in New Zealand is not only reserved for the professionals. Whatever your level, you can try! On the North Island the best spots are in Raglan, Phia, Maori Bay, Miriwai and Bethells. On the South Island Dunedin, with 47 km of beaches, has the best spots.

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