European Journal of Pharmacology 364Ž. 1999 75±78

Short communication transport inhibition by the vanilloid agonist olvanil

Massimiliano Beltramo, Daniele Piomelli ) The Neurosciences Institute, 10640 John J. Hopkins DriÕe, San Diego, CA 92121, USA Received 28 September 1998; revised 30 October 1998; accepted 6 November 1998


The structural similarities between the anandamide transport inhibitor N-Ž. 4-hydroxyphenyl -arachidonylamide Ž. AM404 and the synthetic vanilloid agonist olvanil wŽ.N-vanillyl -9-oleamidex , prompted us to investigate the possibility that olvanil may interfere with w3 x anandamide transport. The intracellular accumulation of H anandamide by human astrocytoma cells was prevented by olvanil with a Ki value of 14.1"7.1 mM. By contrast, capsaicinwŽ. 8-methyl-N-vanillyl -6-noneamidex , a plant-derived vanilloid agonist, and Ž N-w 2-Ž. 4-chlorophenyl ethylx -1,3,4,5-tetrahydro-7,8-dihydroxy-2 H-2-benzazepine-2-carbothioamide. , a vanilloid antagonist, had no such ) " effect Ž.Ki 100 mM . These results indicate that, although less potent than AM404 ŽKi 2.1 0.2 mM . , olvanil may reduce anandamide clearance at concentrations similar to those needed for vanilloid receptor activation. q 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: ; Anandamide; Transport; Olvanil; Capsaicin; Analgesia

1. Introduction Ž.Dray et al., 1990 . This raises the possibility that some of the olvanil effects may be mediated by an as yet unidenti- Activation of vanilloid receptors by capsaicin, the pun- fied mechanism. The structural similarities between olvanil gent principle present in hot peppers of the genus Cap- and the anandamide transport inhibitor AM404Ž. Fig. 1 sicum, produces a biphasic sensory response in which an prompted us to investigate the hypothesis that olvanil may initial nociceptive phase, characterized by a burningrpun- interfere with anandamide inactivation which is thought to gent sensation, is followed by a longer-lasting occur by high-affinity transport in to cells followed by and anti-inflammatory phaseŽ Szallasi and Blumberg, enzymatic degradationŽ. Beltramo et al., 1997 . 1996. . To identify vanilloid agonists deprived of the initial nociceptive effects of capsaicin, but still capable to exert analgesic and anti-inflammatory actions, a variety of cap- saicin congeners have been synthesized and tested. Among 2. Materials and methods them, olvanil wŽ.N-vanillyl -9-oleamidex proved to be par- ticularly promising because its lack of is associ- The CCF-STTG1 human astrocytoma cell line pos- ated with a favorable pharmacological profile which in- sesses an anandamide transport system kinetically and cludes analgesia, vasorelaxation and anti-inflammation pharmacologically indistinguishable from that previously Ž.Brand et al., 1987; Szallasi and Blumberg, 1996 . These described in rat brain astrocytesŽ M. Beltramo and D. effects do not completely overlap, however, with those Piomelli, unpublished observations. and was used as a produced by capsaicinŽ. Brand et al., 1987 . For example, model in this study. Confluent human astrocytoma cells although olvanil is approximately equipotent with cap- Ž.American Type Culture Collection, Rockville, MD , saicin in eliciting antinociception in vivo, it activates noci- grown in 24-well plates, were incubated for 4 min in a Ž.G m ceptors only at concentrations 500 M which are Tris±Krebs' bufferŽ NaCl 136 mM, KCl 5 mM, MgCl2 1.2 unlikely to be achieved following systemic administration mM, CaCl2 2.5 mM, 10 mM, Trizma base 20 mM; pH 7.4.Ž containing 30 nM anandamide 200,000 dpmrml, 221 Cirmmol, New England Nuclear, Wilming- ) ton, DE. . After incubation, cells were rinsed with Tris± Corresponding author. Department of Pharmacology, 360 Med Surge r II, University of California at Irvine, Irvine, CA 92697, USA. Tel.: Krebs' buffer containing 0.1%Ž. w v bovine serum albu- q1-949-824-6180; Fax: q1-949-824-6305; E-mail: [email protected] min and subjected to sonification for 1±2 min in Tris±

0014-2999r99r$ - see front matter q 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S0014-2999Ž. 98 00821-8 76 M. Beltramo, D. PiomellirEuropean Journal of Pharmacology 364() 1999 75±78

Krebs containing 1%Ž. vrv Triton =100 Ž Sigma . . The samples were collected in glass vials and radioactive mate- rial was quantitated by liquid scintillation counting. For drug inhibition assays, test compounds were added to the incubation media at concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 100 mM from stock solution in dimethyl sulfoxideŽ. DMSO . A preincubation step of 10 min in the presence of the same concentration of test compound was also performed. Con- trol incubation were carried out in the presence of vehicle

alone. IC50 values obtained by non-linear least square fitting of the data were converted to K i values with the Cheng±Prusoff equationŽ. Cheng and Prusoff, 1973 using

a K m value of 0.6 mM, which was determined in prelimi- nary experiments. Anandamide amidohydrolase activity was measured as previously describedŽ. Desarnaud et al., 1995 . Briefly, rat brains were homogenized in ice-cold Tris bufferŽ. 20 mM containing 0.32 M glucose and 1 mM EGTA. The ho- mogenates were centrifuged, and supernatants collected and stored in liquid nitrogen until use. Amidohydrolase activity was measured for 10 min at 378C in Tris buffer Ž.50 mM pH 7.5 containing brain homogenate Ž 0.2 mg of protein. and 3.15 nMw3 Hx anandamideŽ labelled on the ethanolamide moiety, 15 Cirmmol ARC, St. Louis, MO. brought to 100 nM with non radioactive anandamideŽ pre- pared as described by Devane et al., 1992.Ž . Olvanil 3±100 mM. was added to the incubation solution and 10 min preincubations with the same concentration of olvanil were performed. Reactions were stopped by adding ice-cold methanol. The samples were centrifuged and the super- natants applied to glass mini-column packed with Porapak type QŽ. 100 mgrml, 1 ml, Waters, Milford, MA . The Fig. 1. Chemical structures of the anandamide transport inhibitor AM404, w3 x of the two vanilloid receptor agonists olvanil and capsaicin, and of the eluant containing H ethanolamine was collected for liq- vanilloid receptor antagonist capsazepine. uid scintillation counting.

Fig. 2. Effects of AM404Ž. diamonds and olvanil Ž.Ž. squares A , and capsazepine Ž. diamonds and capsaicin Ž.Ž. squares B , onw3 Hx anandamide uptake in human astrocytoma cells. Each point represents the mean"S.E.M. of at least six independent determinations. Nonspecific associationŽ 25% of total w3 Hx anandamide accumulation. was not subtracted. Statistical differences were determined by Kruskal±Wallis non-parametric test. ) P-0.01, )) P- 0.001 compared to uptake in the absence of test compounds. M. Beltramo, D. PiomellirEuropean Journal of Pharmacology 364() 1999 75±78 77

3. Results toxin binding to the vanilloid receptorŽ 8.8"3.1 mM; Winter et al., 1993. . By contrast, both the vanilloid agonist Nonspecific association ofw3 Hx anandamide to astrocy- capsaicin and the antagonist capsazepine are ineffective. toma cells, measured at 378C in the presence of 100 mM Furthermore, olvanil has a weak inhibitory effect on anan- unlabelled anandamide, was 25% of totalw3 Hx anandamide damide amidohydrolase activity, which mediates the intra- accumulation. This value was used for the calculation of cellular breakdown of anandamide to and both K i values and maximal efficacies of the compounds ethanolamideŽ Desarnaud et al., 1995; Hillard et al., 1995; tested. Ueda et al., 1995; Cravatt et al., 1996. . As illustrated in Fig. 2A, olvanil inhibited anandamide In conclusion, our results indicate that olvanil inhibits " transport with a K i value of 14.1 7.1 mM and a maxi- anandamide transport in vitro, suggesting that this effect mal efficacy of 57%Ž. mean"S.E.M., ns12 . By con- may contribute to its pharmacological properties in vivo. trast, capsaicin, a plant-derived vanilloid agonist, and cap- Experiments aimed at testing this hypothesis are currently sazepine, a vanilloid agonist, had little or no effect at any underway. During the preparation of this manuscript, re- of the concentrations examined, displaying K i values sults similar to ours were reported in a preliminary form greater than 100 mMŽ. Fig. 2B . Thus, even though less Ž.Bisogno et al., 1998 . potent and efficacious than AM404, which in parallel " assay displayed a K i value of 2.1 0.2 mM and a maxi- mal efficacy of 96%Ž. Fig. 2A , olvanil was able to produce Acknowledgements a significant blockade of anandamide transport. To characterize further the pharmacological properties This study was supported by Neurosciences Research of olvanil, we investigated its effect on anandamide amido- Foundation, which receives major support from Novartis. hydrolase, the enzyme activity that catalyzes the hydrolysis We thank Prof. Alexandros Makriyannis and Dr. Sonyuan of anandamide to arachidonic acid and ethanolamineŽ De- Lin for the generous gift of AM404 and Ms. Suzanne sarnaud et al., 1995; Hillard et al., 1995; Ueda et al., 1995; Glasnapp for assistance. Cravatt et al., 1996. . Olvanil produced a partial inhibition of anandamide degradationŽ. 30.8"3.0% of control, ns5 only at the highest concentration testedŽ. 100 mM. References

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