Forgotten realms pdf

Continue It's not a bad place to live. Underdark is a Dungeons & Dragons term for cave nets that span under their settings. This concept played a role in network computer games such as Advent and Zork in the 1970s. Gygax in the series brought it to the , but they didn't give these realms their catchy names. This would be with Douglas Niles' 1986 Dungeoneers Survival Guide - in fact, with two names, alongside Deepearth. Forgotten Lands went with the latter. Niles was already aware of Hollow Earth theories, as would later be controversial: Underdark only caves, rather than being illuminated by some sort of inner sun. Of course, to call Underdark a cave system is like a powerful psychic to the God-Emperor of Humanity: technically correct, but unfair to the scale of the work. Underdark extends absolute bloody miles in all directions, reaching the heart of the planet and spreading under continents and sea beds, allowing the cunning, powerful and determined adventurer to reach any continent on the planet if they wish. With rivers, lakes, hebis, hills and other geological features that we know and love from the surface world, with a stone roof over our hill, it's big enough to be an entire ecosystem in its own right. Important Seas[edit] Underdark is full of life, and almost all of them are hostile. All sorts of gribblies roam here, from the dark preferentiful residents of the world above to the deepest boiling heresy. These date from mindless monsters like Cave Fisher and Carrion Crawler to sapient races. Playable[edit] Splats[edit] Naturally, there have been a number of these special books by Underdark, an important feature of the D&D core identity. Due to a strong relationship with the , most of them were released under the flag of the Kingdoms. Advanced Dungeons & Dragons saw two types of books; Drizzt do'Urden's Guide underdark explores underdark geography and races as a whole, and explores the sleepy community of Underdark Drow, Forgottent Realms. I've seen two kinds of books in the 3rd Edition. Strangely, while Underdark was originally a 3e update to Drizzt's Guide/analogue, the splat 3e general setting titled Underdark Drow (a.ka, semi-filed with Greyhawk serial numbers) was an extended view to sleep culture. 4. The edition has just released a single Underdark splatbook; titled, simply, Underdark (yes, these naming conventions can get damn confusing), geography, history and setting nentir vale was a broad overview of Underdark Races - that is, 4e's general setting, including statistics for Torog for spelunkers on the epic level you'd even like to claim the head of a god but I think it's for Demonweb Ironically, playable versions of common Underdark races - namely goblins, kobolds and svirfneblin - then appear as much as the Dungeon Survival Handbook. The Darklands of Pathfinder Into the Darklands (3. Party 3E setting) articles in the Second Dark Adventure Path are described as a company. This was later expanded to Darklands Revisted and Heroes of the Darklands. Faerun's Underdark has surprisingly beautiful places down there. As mentioned, the original Underdark Greyhawk underlaid. Niles' Deepearth didn't belong in any branded setting - even as late as the first half of the H series. When the forgotten lands took off as TSR's baby, Da Sootz strongly weaponed the Niles to migrate to the Demara of H1 and faerun, both of which were mines called Deepearth. Underdark would become iconic to faerun because of his Drizzt novels. Indeed sometimes forgotten realms are considered more territory than a D&D region as a whole - the 3e Underdark source book was even released under the FR flag. When Underdark first appeared on his adventures, many of the items found there were placed on a special condition: many of the magic items found there returned to normal or dismeased about a month after leaving Underdark, one of the most humiliating cheeses players ate. This is then justified only as applicable to sleeping substances, they used a special metal that took spells more easily, but dissipated after exposure to sunlight. Nevertheless, the idea infuriated the players to the point where the idea was eventually turned down. In the realms, while most surface dyes think of Underdark as just one uniform entity (i.e. a large cave system where evil monsters come from), it can actually be divided into three general depth zones according to conditions and residents: Upperdark or Upper Underdark is the area about three miles from the surface. This surface has most of the creature comfort (as far as food and shelter status go), it's just a little dark and scary in places. Most of the traffic on the surface happens here, so most of the creatures that live here are no one friendly here, but at least not immediately hostile. Dwarf kingdoms are digging this layer to expand; goblins and set up camps and settlements here; they can also be brought here by the groups that enslaved them. Middledark or Middle Underdark takes up between 3 and 10 miles of the surface. Much below to get regular air and water circulation from the surface, so the ecosystem is poorer for adventurers; Oases and natural resources are all claimed and protected from what they have. The Drow rule and the largest Duergar and Mind Flayer settlements can also be found here. Everything under ten miles or so from Lowerdark or Lower Underdark So deep, Underdark is not nearly interconnected, so much more is divided into achievable areas, which means only Middledark, teleportation or other roundabouts. Most people who come from the surface have no interest in going this deep, and most living things here aren't interested in surfaces, which is good, because things get really weird down there. Aboleths and Beholders are dominant creatures, and the unwary adventurer may find himself falling through a portal to another plane, especially the Shadow Plane. As you go down, these portals become more frequent, with some suggesting that Lowerdark is not the bottom and is just the Shadow Plane. That's probably not true, but no one has maped Underdark to the bottom, so we can't say for sure. On the plus side, Desmodus, aka bat humans (the Desmodus genus of bats, more commonly referred to as vampire bats), are actually good, if isolationist. Further down there is another place called Utter Dark. Even Drow wouldn't dare. He couldn't reach a light or a magical place. This doesn't belong to an ordinary daily darkness. This... enhanced darkness. If you succeed in lasting 30 seconds there without being slaughtered by the madness of complete darkness, then you can achieve a perfect dark vision for a year. Good luck clawing perfectly to reach hell first though in three levels. Nentir Vale's Underdark[edit] 4e will never live down some naming conventions. When dungeons & dragons 4th Edition arrived, of course they would include a version of Underdark. The basic concept remains untouched - a large cave system full of gribblies - but there were some tweaks. For starters, 4e underdark decided to ask themselves why they got there in the first place. The answers? During the Dawn War, a god named Torog went there and fought with a primitive named Gargash, who tried the concept of imprisonment. After a brutal fight in which Torog was horribly injured, God triumphed. First, his wounds were never going to heal, and secondly, he was never going to leave. Torog literally sculpted Underdark from the bowels of the earth, bringing some divine stability to a region that was once like Elemental Chaos in miniature, revealing what is now called the King's Path in search of freedom. And then, when he found the surface, he realized that the further away he was from the depths, the weaker he got. He has no choice but to stay deep down to protect his god. Nentir Vale Underdark is almost like a demiplane (or rather, transiting aircraft) in its own right; tunnels not only of Prime Material, but also of Feywild and And so is it. The barely controlled elemental energy that can be opened up to Elemental Chaos lies deep in places. In the deepest parts of Underdark, the essence of reality rots and breaks down, constantly scraping against rough nothingness. And where the world is torn apart, the Distant Realm is torn apart. Needless to say, if you have courage and power, you can reach almost anywhere here. Shallows[edit] This region, as you can see by its name, is the closest region to the surface. As a general rule, if it is within 2 miles of the surface, it is considered part of shallows. The large sapient breeds found in this region of Underdark are Duergar, Dwarves, Goblins, Humans and Troglodytes, Bullywugs and Quaggoths also forming small but important enclaves. This covers all other parts of Underdark, under the world, without deviating from other aircraft. This is Underdark, where everyone thinks about when the term is used, and thus has truly iconic populations; Slavery, Beholders, Drow, Grimlocks, Kuo-toas and Mind Flayers. Of course, there are plenty of other races here; This is where Duergar prefers to protect castle cities (its mines and slave camps are concentrated in shallows), then there are dragons - mostly Adamantines and Purples - and heresies such as sword wings and balhannoths, Umber Hulks, Purple Worms and Hook Fears. Feywild Underdark is rich in primitive energizes, making Underdark full of life according to suit. Food and water are plentiful here, but so are wild predators. While animals are full of vermin, plants and even all kinds of fey, the great powers are Cyclopses, Fomorians, Gnomes, Myconids and Spriggans. The Shadowdark[edit] Underdark. Shadowfell, land of the dead, at the same time. I mean, when you combine the two, it's not a good thing. This is one of the deadliest places in the multi-universe. It also has one of the most infamous names in The Nentir Vale, a 4e Underdark source book that opens its special chapter by listing alternative names such as Black, Deep Chill, World Tomb and Soul Cold. Although not full of life, there are creatures and even civilizations hidden here in cold and dark depths. Undead is the most frequent and powerful, of course, but it also has the Dark Ones and The Incunabula. Even Shadar-Kai reconnaissance missions (or raids, but almost the same thing) are known to enter the ground, although they are not usually here to search for a long-term presence to establish. Other Settings[edit] have Hollow World in Mystara, a pulp-style land that is complete with the inner sun of the planet, which i forgot from time to time. Inch The two have a rock fragment miles deep, filled with caves that make up a more traditional Underdark, complete with a built-in race of outcast living in caves. In , Underdark is replaced by Hayber. It looks good enough because it looks like standard Underdarks. And the Night Witches. The deeper you go, the less logical reality makes sense. In Pathfinder, darklands is a clone of Faerun's Underdark and is based in part on small pieces of Underdark relief leaking into 3e's Open Game Content. One of the more unique aspects of the Darklands consists of a bunch of large Vaults built by its lower realm, Orv, a rather interconnected unknown pioneering werr, but hard to get from the middle layer, pulpy present to scrape the party itch for lost world-style adventures. The Lamentes of the Flame Princess have the Veins of the Earth. Atomic bees, fossilized vampires, cosmic lantern fish that use poorly written bad guys as bait, delicious mushrooms, living trains decorated with weapons... The list goes on for strange things to find out there. There are also Drow (crazy), Duergar (they think in straight lines), Derro (schizophrenic) and others take their own. It's not a nice place to be. Dragon Magazine #267 an extensive article examining four alternative versions of Underdark; Duergar took over; That Underdark is a bastion of good races against a dilapidated surface; Underdark is one that is mostly flooded and thus dominated by aquatic races; And it's a place where Underdark is basically a gateway to the Far Realm. Region.

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