HE Governor of Haryana, Hon'ble Speaker, Haryana, Gaushala
Recipient: HE Governor of Haryana, Hon'ble Speaker, Haryana, Gaushala Development Officer, Director General, Committee on Petitions, Haryana Assembly, Hon'ble Chief Minister, and Hon'ble Minister Letter: Greetings, OIPA - Indian People for Animals along with Animal Welfare Party suggestions: 1. All crime against cow progeny should be cognizable and non bailable in legal terms. 2. Special fast track courts be introduce to try and decide, the crime against cow progeny, under time frame policy. 3. No appeal, should lie against convictions. 4. Cow progeny be prohibit to use as performing animals. 5. Cow progeny can not be treated as goods, they can't travel by weight, because they can shift as per their shape and size. 6. Vehicle be confiscated as Govt. property, if involved in crime against cow progeny and registration be cancelled at once, no superdari be allowed. 7. Vehicle owner also be booked and arrested, in crime against cow progeny. 8. IS:14904:2007 and IS:5238:2001 with IS:5236:1982 specifications and prototype for animal transportation already existed and ineffective in India because, neither vehicle manufacturing companies providing said ISI specified vehicles in open market nor passed by the Competent Authorities and animals are being shifted in goods transport vehicles, with out ISI specifications, hence non ISI vehicles be prohibited to carry animals. 9. Proof of burden on the accused instead of prosecution and pre transport permit be mandatory, as required under section 96 of the Cattle Transport Rules, 1978 amended in 2001. 10. Cow progeny export from Haryana be prohibited. 11. Section 3 of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960 be strictly followed by the custodian of cow progeny, if failed then this offense be cognizable and non bailable with strong punishments in legal terms.
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