WHEREAS, the United States Congress created the from the eastern half of the Territory on March 3, 1817; and, by 1819, the birth and growth of cities, towns, and communities in the Alabama Territory ensured that the population of the Territory had achieved the minimum number of inhabitants required to qualify for Statehood; and,

WHEREAS, the United States Congress and President James Monroe approved Statehood for the Alabama Territory on December 14, 1819 making it the nation’s 22nd state; and,

WHEREAS, the Alabama Legislature approved a resolution in 2013 establishing the Alabama Bicentennial Commission to mark the 200th anniversary of Statehood; and,

WHEREAS, officials and constitutional officers have appointed Commission members to organize and execute a Bicentennial Celebration for the education of all Alabamians and visitors regarding the state’s history and heritage; and,

WHEREAS, the Bicentennial period of commemoration, 2017 to 2019, provides for three thematic years to acknowledge the environment, the people, the cities, and the history, of the State of Alabama; and,

WHEREAS, commemorations and celebrations will encourage Alabamians of all ages, together with visitors from around the world, to experience Alabama’s rich resources, thereby stimulating the economy of Alabama; and,

WHEREAS, participation in Alabama’s Bicentennial is a unique opportunity to celebrate and uplift the state during this historic time;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY PROCLAIMED by the Mayor and Council of the City of Semmes, that they endorse the efforts of the Alabama Bicentennial Commission and hereby resolve to aid in planning and promoting the Commission’s initiatives by designating the Alumni & Friends of Semmes School, Inc. as our Community Celebration Committee, and their Semmes Heritage Day

Having a voice in our future • Incorporated 2011

Celebration, May 6, 2017 as our Official Alabama 200 Bicentennial Celebration Event.

Done in the City of Semmes this Sixth Day of September, 2016

/s/Judith Hale – Mayor


/s/Brandi Michelsen – City Clerk

Having a voice in our future • Incorporated 2011