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THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, APRIL 21, 1918. WILL MICK KING THINK THAT THERE ARE THIS MANY MARTY FARRELIS AFTER HIM WHEN THEY CLASH AT THE ELEVENTH- - STREET PLAYHOUSE WEDNESDAY NONETS WORTH 15 NIGHT? GLUB PLANS DRIVE" ASSURED AT SUM Motor-Bo- at Enthusiasts Seek to Add to Membership. SC.-- - Jy"-- ? 3 :"- Golden West Smoker Card i yS-- sl' V & Contains Bouts Due to Be REGATTA COMMITTEE BUSY Battles of High Class. Preparations for Decoration " Day Being Brought Shape MAIN EVENT TO BE HO Races Into and Many Boats Are Being Groomed for Competition. Jlkk Kin Marty Farrell Due to Pat Ip Fight to Be Remembered, Oregon's liberty loan quota having While Other Boxers of Known - been- so successfully passed, the trus- tees and members of the Portland Mo- -' Ability Round Oat the Bill. TO- ;J tor Boat Club announce another "drive" to start shortly that of securing new members for the club to take the places of those now in the service of the Gov- ernment and also to make a substantial addition to the club's membership roll. r--- Klnr. at AW rails. va, Mrrr rsrT.ll. With experience during lib r Nw York. I'adfla mlddUwdcht their the Mtim fn Dlnn.hiBL Cil erty loan drive in mind, the member- I jujniui tcl fTnlr WMIIs. 133 pran1a. ship committee has laid out a set of ti- -t N.-'- t va. 'Tnuf Sam Laasford. 1M comprehensive plans which will ue laid a special meet- T.l Hoa Bobby Bmh, 123 pound. before the members at hamaiy GordM va. JM McCarty. 11 ing to be called on Friday evening, May - 3. A special effort is to be made to r.im.r Bntn v. Johnay KM- Wright. bring: the advantages of the club to the 14U pawada. attention of the men who now own Georg Moor, of tb boats on the river but are not yet club Matchmaker members, and also to extend a cordial Golden West Athletic Club, has lined welcome to everyone Interested in tne p the abov card of all crackerjack river and water sports. bouts which he will present to the Regatta Plans Being Made. Portland tans at th Eleventh-stre- et Plans for the opening regatta of the Plavhous on Wednesday night. As at season, to be held decoration day, are too last card her, every bout on fast being brought into shape. Chair Wednesday night's bill looks on paper man Gade, of the regatta committee, are announcing a meeting of his crew to to b a real contest. Tber battles be held the first part of this week. The between boys ranging from 111 pounds programme of substituting scratch to 1( pounds, clever boys, hard-hittin- g races for handicap affairs has met with boy. awkward boys and every sty I general approval and many of the club's of miller la listed In some on of th faster boats are being quietly groomed ror some real competition, ine la-ii- sis bouts. runabout class contains probably the Th main event between Mick Kins largest number of entries, including the and Marty Farrell. Is by far the classl Mima Ross, Neverin, Wawego, Spray, est main event stared her In some Jane K., Comet and others. Close com time and If It does not draw a capacity petition is also expected in the cruiser class; In fact, the Vogler cruiser Wan- house, on will not be drawn her this derlust and Carl Johnston's Peggy II year. have already challenged each other. Klnr nottshed off Jack Clifford In The-spee- of the Wanderlust is well four rounds In Aberdeen Friday night. known, but Peggy II, having but re After smashing Clifford's nose In th UK 3 cently installed a motor, second round Flanagan threw In th ki,yc h mmm. is still more or less of a dark horse." two towel after his fighter had son J Party Is Success. rounds with a broken nos. Kins- - went bark to Seattle from Aber The party held at the clubhouse last deen and will do his training In th Wednesday was an unqualified success. Sound City. Mick Is said to be In the attendance being very near tne record for such affairs. Mayor George hare and is one more back la flag the his real form. Klnr realises that he L. Baker presented the service on Ladies' Auxiliary had made for the will have a touch proposition his club, an appropriate address on 'Pa hands In Marty Farrell. but he feels seven oc triotism." The flag contains that he Is more than equal to the stars, the members now in service be- casion. Mirk writes down that he will ing: Dr. E. E. Anderson, Martin Shea. fight th clever New Torker off his Jr., Edward Ryan, H. J. Travis, Walter feet from start to finish, which Is all Reifsnider, W. L. Copp and G. Randall. well and rood to th Portland flsttc fol P. W. St. Denis will have a star aaaea lowers, who will crowd the Eleventh-stre- et on April 26, he being Included In the Playhouse Wednesday night to recent draft. ae th six battle. The party rmvlng been so successful. Farrell Tralma Hard. Chairman Otto Hoffman, of the enter- tainment committee, announces another Farrell out In another hard day Sat part urday and has added plenty of work to to be held some time the nrst oi his trainlnr programme, Marty is also May, the exact date to be announced taking a daily fling at baseball and was later. out on Multnomah Field Friday to take Whitman's Sew Captain Named. In the Interscholastic same. Just be- fore the same Marty donned a mitt and WHITMAN COLLEGE, Walla Walla, proceeded to groov them over to one Wash.." April 20. (Special.) Roy Oe of the catchers on hand, and showed knew hor to shoot defeated some of faced as a stern reality, England was Grief, the only letter man left from last some --Johnson" on th pill. Farrell at the best-drille- d regiments' that ever sadly lacking In men who knew how to year's baseball team, has been appoint- one time plaved with a semi-pr- o team came out of the British Isles. shoot. ed by Coach Borleske to act as captain around New Tork. Farrell has switched Unheeded were the lessons learned In "Shooting," said Lord Roberts, "is in the place of Joseph Johnsen, who bis trainlnr quarters to the Columbia our own experiences with England, seven-tenth- s of a soldier's business." recently entered the National service. Athletic Club, and now has Stanley with the Indians and Mexico. When" Lord Kitchener was getting De Grief is a junior who hails from Willis. Ted Hoke and three or four Even Great Britain heeded not the England's men ready for the present Colvilie. Since his entrance in Whit- other sparring partners to work with. lesson learned in the Boer War, despite war he asked that they be taught to man he has been the mainstay in the Le Johnson arrived from Oakland the repeated urglngs of Lord Roberts, shoot, and that quickly, regardless of pitching box and may be expected to yesterday and is In prime shape already end when the present war had to be whatever else they learned. win his games for Whitman..; for his set-t- o with Stanley Willis, th fighting Pennsylvania lightweight. Arrousey. DEFECTIVE HEARING MAY BAR a Johnson fought Johnny th cleverest lightweight In California, at Tommy Simpson's Emeryville arena, . 2, 3, , 7 Marty Farrell. la Action. although he WILLIE RITCHIE FROM ARMY 4 Mick King, of Australia. C Chet Wednesday night, and beat Neff. Rugged Seattle Lightweight, Arrousey in three of th four rounds Who Meeta Langford. h the iudses called th bout a draw. Fol-- Sam Uaa In Carap Lewis Boxing Instructor Declares Himself Ready to Obey Govern- Salt. Seattle's Premier Boxing Pro- lowing Is an account of the bout the moter and Manager, Who la Handling San Francisco Bulletin: "Lee Johnson ment Orders and Serve if Called to Colors. King and Neff. celebrated hi departure for Portland on a late train last night by walloping Johnny Arrousey In three of th four BY HARRY B. SMITH. desired. But Schuler Isn't built that to be given a draw been wrecked by the war. wo complete irunds fouch cnlv AX FRANCISCO. CaL. April - way. he's perfectly willing to knuckle is the wreck that within another week kr the fudges. Arrousey substltut very down if h can se a dollars in who. it Is understood. April 10. (Special.) Th few there will not be another member of for Jo Herrera. Is Willi Ritchie is sight. the old winning combination on the has no desire to take on the clever lit latest that Of course some pro- battler, despite the fact that going to b a soldier whether' he likes there has been campus. Claude Rohwer, captain of With Motor tie colored testing. But it Isn't going to etop and shortstop, W. W. Emm be outweighed blm close to 1 pounds. It or not After that first scare when the team and -- unless it Is louder and more annoying. Hudson, second baseman, will join the llrrrrr i. who hss been visiting news. th local draft board denied Ritchie's When Schuler'a pocketbook of (Ices challenging any light is affected Coast Artillery, which will take the Barter claim for exemption on the ground that it takes a lot of convincing to make Last of old nine.