PEER REVIEWED FEATURE 2 CPD POINTS Pelvic inflammatory disease Management of new- onset low abdominal pain in young women DEBORAH BATESON MA(Oxon), MSc(LSHTM), MB BS NATALIE EDMISTON MB BS, MPH, FAChSHM Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is a highly variable syndrome that should be considered in all young women presenting with new-onset low abdominal pain. Prompt antibiotic treatment is essential to prevent potentially serious complications. Tests are often negative for sexually transmitted infection but rapid clinical improvement with treatment supports the diagnosis of PID.

elvic inflammatory disease (PID) considered in all young women who present is an upper genital tract inflamma- with new-onset low abdominal pain. tory syndrome of great variability, Untreated PID can lead to serious sequelae, which presents with symptoms including tubal infertility, ectopic preg- Pthat range from mild and manageable in nancy and chronic pain, with the risk ­primary care to severe, requiring inpatient increasing significantly with repeat infec- management. The diagnosis should be tions. Updated national management guidelines emphasise the clinical nature of disorders can vary in their severity from the diagnosis and advise prompt initiation mild disease, which may go undiagnosed, of treatment to prevent long-term damage to pelvic sepsis.­ 2 Generally, women with to the fallopian tubes.1 more severe symptoms tend to have more serious ­disease and an increased risk of MedicineToday 2016; 17(7): 14-22 What is pelvic inflammatory long-term sequelae.3 The long-term effects disease? Clinical Associate Professor Bateson is Medical of PID include tubal infertility, ectopic 3-5 Director of Family Planning NSW, Sydney; and PID is a syndrome comprising a spectrum pregnancy and chronic pelvic pain. Clinical Associate Professor in the Discipline of of inflammatory disorders caused by infec- Evidence suggests that up to 17% of Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Neonatology at tion ascending from the or women experience enough tubal damage The University of Sydney, Sydney. to the pelvis. These disorders include from one episode of PID to become infertile Dr Edmiston is a Staff Specialist at the Lismore ­endometritis, salpingitis, tubo-ovarian and that the risk increases with each Sexual Health Service, Lismore, NSW. abscess and pelvic peritonitis. These ­episode.3-5 The risk of chronic pelvic pain

14 MedicineToday ❙ JULY 2016, VOLUME 17, NUMBER 7 Downloaded for personal use only. No other uses permitted without permission. © MedicineToday 2016. KEY POINTS • Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is an upper genital tract inflammatory syndrome with highly variable symptoms. • The diagnosis of PID should be considered in all young women who present with new-onset low abdominal pain. • A urine pregnancy test is essential in all women of childbearing age with new-onset low abdominal pain to exclude ectopic pregnancy. • Prompt treatment of women with suspected PID with ceftriaxone, azithromycin, doxycycline and metronidazole to cover the potential polymicrobial causes is essential to prevent long-term complications. • Transfer to the nearest emergency department is warranted for women with severe symptoms or haemodynamic instability. • Sexual contacts should be tested and treated to prevent recurrence of PID.

partner with a sexually transmitted infec- tion (STI) or symptoms suggestive of an STI. More rarely, PID can follow uterine instrumentation, such as a hysteroscopy or ­insertion of an intrauterine device (IUD). Note that the risk of infection is increased only in the first 20 days after an IUD is inserted, after which it returns to the ­woman’s baseline risk of acquiring PID through sexual transmission.14 It is impor- tant to be aware that PID can occur during pregnancy and although this is rare, it requires urgent attention to prevent serious outcomes for the woman and the pregnancy. PID occurs almost exclusively in women is increased fourfold by a recurrent episode underdiagnosed.8-10 PID accounted for who are sexually active. The upper genital of PID.4 Delay in initiation of treatment is approximately 0.05% of hospital admissions tract infection is polymicrobial; disruption associated with increased rates of infertility in NSW from 2001 to 2010, and the rate of of the cervical mucous barrier allows and chronic pelvic pain.5,6 hospitalisation for PID decreased over this ­vaginal or cervical organisms to ascend to The incidence of PID is difficult to deter- period.11 Likewise, the number of general the uterus and fallopian tubes. Organisms mine as the vast majority of women with practice encounters for PID has shown a detected in cases of PID include anaerobes PID are managed in outpatient ambulatory decreasing trend among young women.7 and other bacteria that are frequently care, where data collection is more dif­ ­present in the vagina. Organisms associated ficult.7 The threshold for making a Risk factors for pelvic with are particularly ­presumptive diagnosis of PID may vary inflammatory disease common, and bacterial vaginosis may between practitioners, and in some settings, The strongest risk factor for PID is young have a role in the pathogenesis of PID.15 such as among adolescents and in remote age.12,13 Other risk factors for PID include trachomatis, Neisseria gonor-

KEVIN A. SOMERVILLE A. © KEVIN Australian communities, PID may be a recent change of partner or having a rhoeae and Mycoplasma genitalium are all

MedicineToday ❙ JULY 2016, VOLUME 17, NUMBER 7 15 Downloaded for personal use only. No other uses permitted without permission. © MedicineToday 2016. GP || PELVIC INFLAMMATORY DISEASE



hCG ECTOPIC Urgent positive PREGNANCY ED or EPAS referral History incl. Pregnancy test sexual/menstrual URGENT STI tests Pulse, BP, temp TVUS Abdo examination Urinalysis INTRAUTERINE Threatened PREGNANCY Miscarriage or other β hCG negative pregnancy complication Any of the following Yes • Shock, hypotension Urgent No pregnancy • Profuse PV bleeding ED referral complications • Moderate to severe pain evident EPAS • Prominent nausea, anorexia referral


CONSIDER OTHER DIAGNOSIS See Figure 2 for differential diagnoses

Other obvious diagnosis?

No No cervical motion, uterine or adnexal tenderness Not done PID LIKELY PID not excluded PID UNLIKELY Speculum/bimanual examination recommended Treat and Review

Cervical motion, TREATMENT • Paracetamol Refer for admission if uterine or adnexal Treat for PID as outpatient tenderness • Early review • systemically unwell found Initiate treatment before test results available • Consider TVUS • requires more than Ceftriaxone 500mg IMI stat paracetamol for analgesia Azithromycin 1g oral stat • tubo-ovarian abscess present Metronidazole 400mg oral bd for 14 days Doxycycline 100mg oral bd for 14 days* • pregnant *if pregnant, replace with an additional 1g Azithromycin, one week later

Treat regular sexual partners with Azithromycin 1g stat. Arrange follow-up Contact trace past sexual partners if STI diagnosed within 2-3 days

Developed in collaboration with the Statewide NSW Lower Abdominal Pain Working Group – January 2016

Figure 1. An algorithm for the management of new-onset low abdominal pain in young women*23 Abbreviations: Abdo = abdominal; bd = twice daily; BP = blood pressure; ED = emergency department; EPAS = early pregnancy assessment unit; hCG = human chorionic gonadotropin; IMI = intramuscular injection; PID = pelvic inflammatory disease; PV = per vagina; stat = immediately; STI = sexually transmitted infection; TVUS = transvaginal ultrasound. * Developed by the NSW STI Programs Unit and NSW PID Working Group and reproduced with permission, 2016 (

16 MedicineToday ❙ JULY 2016, VOLUME 17, NUMBER 7 Downloaded for personal use only. No other uses permitted without permission. © MedicineToday 2016. GP || DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSES

Common causes of low abdominal (pelvic) pain in women of reproductive age This table is intended as a guide to assist with the diagnosis of a new onset of low abdominal (pelvic) pain among women of reproductive age but is not an exhaustive list. Note that concurrent diagnoses are common and may result in mixed signs and symptoms. Fever and raised WCC may be present among women presenting with acute pelvic pain from any cause, however these signs are non-specific and their presence or absence does not necessarily support or exclude a specific diagnosis.

DIFFERENTIAL DEFINITIVE DIAGNOSIS TYPICAL PRESENTATION FINDINGS THAT SUPPORT THE DIAGNOSIS DIAGNOSTIC FINDINGS MEDICAL EMERGENCIES Ectopic • Pelvic pain and/or bleeding in the first trimester • Positive pregnancy test Ectopic pregnancy identified Pregnancy (typically 6 to 8 weeks) • Empty uterus on ultrasound on imaging and/or • Pain may localize to one side laparoscopy

Appendicitis • Acute onset (hours to days) • Migration of pain from umbilicus to right iliac fossa Appendicitis confirmed • Migration of pain from peri umbilicus to RIF • Onset of pain not associated with menses on imaging, laparoscopic • Systemic symptoms present: anorexia, nausea, vomiting • McBurney’s point site of maximal tenderness and/or histological findings

Ovarian cyst • Sudden onset of unilateral pelvic pain, more common • Adnexal mass felt on bimanual examination Ruptured ovarian cyst complications in the right iliac fossa identified on imaging (rupture /torsion) • May be associated with vaginal bleeding and/or laparoscopy

OTHER CAUSES PID 1 Typical pain: • Age 15 to 30 Endometritis/Salpingitis • Onset days to weeks and typically starts at the time • Onset of pain typically occurs at the time of disruption and/or tubo-ovarian abscess of disruption of blood vessels 2 of blood vessels 2 identified at laparoscopy • Similar to period pain in character and distribution – initially • No migration of pain from periumbilicus and/or on histology bilateral but may localise to right or left iliac fossa • Pain on moving the cervix Causative organism(s) • Deep dyspareunia identified from pelvic fluid • Rapid response to appropriate antibiotic treatment or endometrial samples • Pain may refer to RUQ 3 (within 7 days) • Abnormal or inter-menstrual bleeding and/or may be present Other findings that support the diagnosis but their absence does not exclude PID • Chlamydia trachomatis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae or Mycoplasma genitalium detected 4 • Muco-purulent cervical discharge on examination • Recent diagnosis of chlamydia, gonorrhoea or urethritis in the woman or a sexual partner • New partner in the last 6 months

UTI • Dysuria, frequency +/- suprapubic pain • Dysuria, frequency and /or positive nitrites on urinalysis Causative organism (Beware not to overdiagnose UTI based on urinary dip identified on urine culture as this may be positive in the presence of PID)

Pyelonephritis • Pain ascends unilaterally from the suprapubic area • Renal angle tenderness through the iliac fossa to the renal angle • Systemic symptoms may be present

OTHER COMMON CAUSES OF PHYSIOLOGICAL OR CHRONIC PELVIC PAIN THAT MAY BE CONCURRENT OR NEED TO BE EXCLUDED Endometriosis • Dysmenorrhoea • Pain does not respond to PID antibiotic treatment Endometriosis identified by • Pelvic pain similar in character and distribution to period laparoscopic and/or pain but not confined to the first few days of menses histological findings • Deep dyspareunia • Bowel symptoms may be present • Typical chronic rather than an acute onset • Cyclical nature

Mittleschmerz /Mid • Typically mild unilateral iliac fossa pain last a few • Mid cycle of a regular menstrual cycle Cycle/ Ovulation pain hours to a few days Physiological • Typically bilateral pelvic pain, onset with menstruation • Onset at the time of menstruation, period pain • Pain may refer to lower back /upper thighs last 1-2 days only FOOTNOTES 1 Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) encompasses endometritis, salpingitis, tubo-ovarian abscess. Among pregnant women PID may present as pain and /or bleeding in st1 trimester (threatened or complete miscarriage) or post-partum (endometritis). 2 Menstruation, following rupture of membranes or instrumentation of the genital tract (e.g. TOP/ IUCD insertion). 3 Fitz Hugh Curtis syndrome. 4 It is a sexually transmitted condition although for various reasons no causative organism is detected in up to 70% of cases of PID

Figure 2. Differential diagnosis of low abdominal (pelvic) pain in women of reproductive age*24 Abbreviations: IUCD = intrauterine contraceptive device; PID = pelvic inflammatory disease; RIF = right iliac fossa; RUQ = right upper quadrant; TOP = termination of pregnancy; UTI = urinary tract infection; WCC = white cell count. * Developed by the NSW STI Programs Unit and NSW PID Working Group and reproduced with permission, 2016 (

MedicineToday ❙ JULY 2016, VOLUME 17, NUMBER 7 17 Downloaded for personal use only. No other uses permitted without permission. © MedicineToday 2016. Pelvic inflammatory disease continued

associated with a diagnosis of PID.16-18 The essential that a urine pregnancy test is per- misdiagnosed as cholecystitis. Direct ques- risk of PID in untreated chlamydial infec- formed in all women of reproductive age tioning may be required to elicit a his­ tory tion is approximately 9%, dropping to 1 to who present with new-onset low abdominal of deep dyspareunia, which is highly 2% when timely treatment of chlamydia pain. Women with a positive test in this ­suggestive of pelvic inflammation. In is initiated.16,19 It is important to note that context should be referred for immediate ­contrast, the pain of appendicitis and in up to 70% of women with PID, a causal assessment of the location of the pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy is usually more acute organism is not identified.13,17 usually by transvaginal ultrasound exam- and radiates to the right iliac fossa (in ination. In most cases, this referral will be ­appendicitis) or to one side (in ectopic How is pelvic inflammatory to the nearest emergency department. ­pregnancy). Pyelonephritis generally disease diagnosed? Other emergency presentations include ­presents with pain ascending to one flank Diagnosis of PID in general practice relies acute appendicitis and ovarian cyst com- and may be associated with symptoms of on history taking and physical examina- plications. If a woman has hypotension, cystitis, frequency and dysuria. tion, with secondary support from specific profuse vaginal bleeding, severe pain or A contraception, sexual and menstrual investigations. The gold standard for prominent symptoms of nausea and vom- history are useful to determine whether ­diagnosing PID involves laparoscopy, but iting, she should be immediately referred pregnancy is likely. A recent change of this is reserved for complicated infections to an emergency department. sexual partner is a risk factor for PID. that fail to respond to standard manage- In a woman without symptoms of Symptoms of PID often begin after ment. Besides laparoscopy, there is no severe disease, GPs are able to consider the ­menstruation. Postcoital bleeding and a diagnostic test or algorithm that has both possible differential diagnosis of new-onset change in vaginal discharge are both high specificity and sensitivity.20,21 How- low abdominal pain aside from ectopic ­features that may indicate cervicitis, which ever, early treatment and clinical review pregnancy. The main diagnoses can be is highly supportive of the diagnosis of for PID is important to avoid long-term differentiated by considering the history PID. Barrier contraception reduces the sequelae and rarely delays an alternative and examination findings. The differential risk of PID and PID sequelae.25 The recent significant diagnosis. Therefore, after diagnoses include: insertion of an IUD may be associated exclusion of emergency differential • ovarian pathology – cyst rupture or with an increased risk. ­diagnoses, GPs should be prepared to torsion overdiagnose PID and to reconsider the • acute appendicitis Physical examination diagnosis if the patient fails to respond to • urinary tract infection and After the woman’s blood pressure and pulse treatment.21 pyelonephritis rate are checked, the abdomen should be Treatment guidelines from the US • chronic conditions that may be palpated to assess for tenderness, an Centers for Disease Control and Prevention concurrent or should be excluded – enlarged uterus or any masses. It should recommend presumptive treatment for endometriosis, mid-cycle ovulation be explained to the patient that a bimanual PID for sexually active young women and pain and dysmenorrhoea. pelvic examination as well as a speculum other women at risk of STIs if:22 The main features of these differential examination are important to help deter- • they are experiencing pelvic or lower diagnoses are shown in the table in mine the cause of the symptoms. Verbal abdominal pain and Figure­ 2.24 consent to examination should be obtained, • no cause for the illness other than and male practitioners might consider the PID can be identified and History taking presence of a chaperone. • minimum clinical criteria are met It is important to take a comprehensive If speculum and bimanual pelvic exam- (the presence on pelvic examination general medical history, as well as a men- inations are not performed then treatment of any one of cervical motion strual and sexual history in women with for PID should be commenced if the diag- tenderness or uterine tenderness or new-onset low abdominal pain. nosis of PID is considered highly likely adnexal tenderness). The pain of PID is generally mild to based on history, risk factors and abdom- To aid prompt treatment of possible PID, moderate and has usually been present for inal palpation or if no other diagnosis is an algorithm for the management of days to weeks before the woman presents obvious. Improvement in symptoms after new-onset low abdominal pain in young to medical care. The pain is usually the patient commences treatment supports women has been developed by the NSW described as being like period pain and can a diagnosis of PID. PID Working Group in conjunction with radiate to the thighs. Pain may also be pres- the NSW STI Programs Unit (Figure 1).23 ent in the right upper quadrant, indicating Bimanual pelvic examination Given the potential seriousness of a Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome (inflammation Bimanual pelvic examination is used to diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy, it is of the perihepatic structures), which can be detect the presence of an enlarged uterus

18 MedicineToday ❙ JULY 2016, VOLUME 17, NUMBER 7 Downloaded for personal use only. No other uses permitted without permission. © MedicineToday 2016. Pelvic inflammatory disease continued

or adnexal masses and to assess the ­location and severity of tenderness. It is especially important for eliciting cervical motion tenderness (sometimes termed cervical excitation) on rocking the cervix from side to side with two gloved fingers. Cervical motion tenderness indicates inflammation within the pelvis. In the absence of cervical motion, uterine or adnexal tenderness, the diagnosis of PID should be reconsidered.

Speculum examination Figures 3a and b. Signs of cervicitis that support the diagnosis of pelvic inflammatory disease. Insertion of a bivalve speculum allows a (left). Mucopurulent discharge. b (right). Prominent ectropion and friability. visual assessment of the cervix and Reproduced with permission of the NSW STI Programs Unit and NSW PID Working Group, 2016 (http://www.stipu.nsw. ­identification of any bleeding from the cervical os or a mucopurulent cervical discharge. A cervix that is inflamed, ery- An additional high vaginal swab The antibiotic regimen for suspected thematous and friable to the touch is con- should be taken for microscopy, culture PID comprises: sistent with a diagnosis of cervicitis, the and ­sensitivity testing. The absence of • ceftriaxone 500 mg in 2 mL of 1% presence of which supports the diagnosis leucocytes on a high vaginal swab makes lignocaine by intramuscular of PID (Figures 3a and b). For women with the diagnosis of PID unlikely. A high injection plus an IUD in situ, the presence and length of ­vaginal swab may indicate the presence • azithromycin 1 g orally immediately the IUD threads is important to note and, of bacterial vaginosis. plus rarely, a partially expelled IUD stem may If urinary or renal symptoms are present • metronidazole 400 mg orally twice be visible and be the cause of the woman’s then a clean catch midstream urine sample daily for 14 days plus pain. should be collected. The sample can be sent • doxycycline 100 mg orally twice Vaginal discharge may also be noted. for microscopy and culture if leucocytes daily for 14 days. A thin white discharge with a pH more or nitrites are found on urinalysis. However, For women who are pregnant or breast- than 4.5 and an amine odour is consistent it is important to be aware of the potential feeding, doxycycline can be replaced with with bacterial vaginosis, which may con- for overdiagnosis of urinary tract infections a dose of azithromycin 1 g orally one week tribute to the development of PID. based on the finding of leucocytes in the after the initial dose. This alternative regi- urine that are a contaminant from the men can also be used if noncompliance Investigations genital­ tract. with the 14-day doxycycline course is likely. All young women with new-onset low Depending on the severity of symptoms Treatment advice for women with drug abdominal pain should undergo a preg- and context of the consultation, blood tests allergies is available in the STI management nancy test and STI tests. (full blood count and electrolytes, urea and guidelines.1 For women with PID following Endocervical swabs can be taken at the creatinine levels) may be clinically useful. a gynaecological or obstetric procedure, time of the speculum examination; one specialist advice is advised. swab is taken for C. trachomatis and How is pelvic inflammatory It is important to be aware of the poten- N. gonorrhoeae nucleic acid amplification disease treated? tial for azithromycin resistance when testing (NAAT; e.g. by polymerase chain If PID is clinically suspected then treat- M. genitalium is identified in women with reaction [PCR]) and an additional swab is ment should be initiated promptly, without PID. In proven M. genitalium-associated recommended for a M. genitalium PCR test.1 waiting for test results. PID that does not respond to first-line If a mucopurulent discharge is present New Australian STI management guide- treatment, a 14-day course of a fourth-­ then culture with antibiotic sensitivity lines from the Australasian Sexual Health generation non-PBS listed quinolone, testing can be considered for N. gonorrhoeae. Alliance (ASHA) for the management ­moxifloxacin, is advised in consultation In situations where a speculum examination of women with PID advise the use of a with the laboratory or the local sexual is not performed, NAAT should be perfor­ ­regimen that covers potential infection with health clinic. If symptoms still fail to med on a self- or clinician-collected vaginal C. trachomatis and N. gonorrhoeae, as well respond then referral to a sexual health swab or a first-pass urine specimen. as polymicrobial vaginal flora.1 physician is advised.

20 MedicineToday ❙ JULY 2016, VOLUME 17, NUMBER 7 Downloaded for personal use only. No other uses permitted without permission. © MedicineToday 2016. Pelvic inflammatory disease continued

When symptoms are severe or fail seven days, as well as rest and simple severe symptoms or haemodynamic insta- to respond to treatment analgesia. bility. A high index of suspicion is required Most women with PID can be successfully As PID is sexually transmitted in most for PID, especially in young women. Neg- treated as outpatients.26 Referral to the local cases, management of sexual contacts is ative STI test results are the rule rather emergency department for consideration essential to prevent recurrence, even when than the exception and do not exclude the of inpatient treatment is warranted if: STI test results are negative. Current con- diagnosis of PID. The symptoms and signs • symptoms are severe with systemic tacts should be tested and receive immediate of PID can vary from mild to severe, features treatment with azithromycin 1 g orally (with reflecting the spectrum of disease within • tubo-ovarian abscess is suspected the addition of ceftriaxone if N. gonorrhoeae the syndrome. • the woman is pregnant and has is likely), regardless of test results. If Prompt treatment with ceftriaxone, possible PID. chlamydial infection or gonorrhoea is azithromycin, doxycycline and metroni- Inpatient care is also appropriate if there ­diagnosed then sexual contacts from the dazole to cover the potential polymicrobial is a lack of response or intolerance to preceding six or two months, respectively, causes is essential to prevent long-term ambulatory treatment. As prompt resolu- should be advised and offered treatment complications. Sexual contacts should also tion of symptoms with treatment is highly and ­testing.28 Advice about the future use be tested and treated to prevent recurrence suggestive of a diagnosis of PID, referral of condoms with new sexual partners is of PID, with advice about minimising for consideration of other causes is advised ­essential to prevent repeat episodes, which the risk of future episodes by using if symptoms persist despite adequate are associated with an increased risk condoms with new partners. Multiple treatment. of long-term­ complications, including resources are available to support practi- If the symptoms of presumed PID fail infertility.25 tioners as well as women diagnosed with to respond to first-line treatment then refer- For women with an IUD in situ, if this condition. MT ral for a transvaginal ultrasound can be symptoms and signs are improving at the helpful.27 Although features of PID on scheduled review two to three days after References ultrasound examination are generally non- treatment initiation then the IUD may be A list of references is included in the website version specific, this investigation can be useful to kept in place. Removal should be consid- of this article ( exclude other diagnoses, such as ovarian ered if no improvement is seen, provided cyst complications, and also to diagnose the benefits of removal outweigh the risk COMPETING INTERESTS: None. serious features, including a tubo-ovarian of pregnancy. Another IUD may be abscess. Ultrasound is the imaging tech- inserted after treatment has been ONLINE CPD JOURNAL PROGRAM nique of choice for young women present- completed. 27 ing with low abdominal pain. Given the complex nature of PID and What is the strongest Possible features of PID on ultrasound the multitude of questions and concerns risk factor for examination include: it may raise during the consultation, pelvic inflammatory • normal ultrasound appearance provision of information in the form of disease? • fluid in the pouch of Douglas factsheets or credible websites can be • thickening or increased vascularity helpful. Patient information on PID is of the fallopian tubes available from organisations such as • presence of a tubo-ovarian abscess. Family Planning NSW (https://www. General management strategies for pelvic-inflammatory-disease-pid) and the suspected PID NSW STI Programs Unit (http://stipu. It is essential to schedule a follow-up con- sultation two to three days after initiation of treatment for PID to ensure that the Conclusion woman’s condition is improving. Review It is essential to perform a urine pregnancy on completion of the antibiotic course test for all women of reproductive age should also be organised to confirm the presenting with new-onset low abdominal Review your knowledge of this topic and earn CPD points by taking part absence of any residual symptoms or signs pain, as the differential diagnoses include in MedicineToday’s Online CPD Journal of PID. a potentially life-threatening ectopic preg- Program. Log in to Avoidance of intercourse is advised nancy. Transfer to the nearest emergency during treatment and for an additional department is warranted for women with © PIOTR MARCINSKI/STOCK.ADOBE.COM. MODEL USED FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY.

22 MedicineToday ❙ JULY 2016, VOLUME 17, NUMBER 7 Downloaded for personal use only. No other uses permitted without permission. © MedicineToday 2016. MedicineToday 2016; 17(7): 14-22 Pelvic inflammatory disease Management of new-onset low abdominal pain in young women


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