Primary 3 (CTR-B): Lesson 23 Let’s take 1 minute each to share something fun that you did last week.

• Remember to reverently listen to others as they share. • You can ask questions when they are done. I Want You To Do What I Do:

Stand Up



Sit Down

Fold Your Arms Because You Did Everything That I Did, You Were FOLLOWING Me. If you follow someone, you do the same things that they do. We can choose to follow

Jesus Christ.

Forgiving is a very important way we can follow Jesus Christ.

Go to Video Go to Slides The Story of Alma the Continue Younger King Mosiah made Alma the leader of the Church in Zarahemla.

Alma then chose other men to help him teach the Nephites. Alma and King Mosiah worried because unbelievers were making Church members suffer because of their beliefs. Alma had a son named Alma.

Alma the Younger did not believe the teachings of his father and became a wicked man. Alma the Younger and the four sons of King Mosiah fought against the Church.

They persuaded many people to leave the Church and become wicked. Alma prayed that his son would learn the truth & repent.

Alma the Younger & the sons of King Mosiah continued trying to destroy the Church. One day an appeared to them. The angel spoke in a loud voice that shook the ground. The five young men were so frightened that they fell down. At first they could not understand what the angel was saying. The angel had come in answer to the prayers of Church members. The angel asked Alma the Younger why he was fighting against the Church.

The ground shook as the angel told Alma the Younger to stop trying to destroy the Church. Alma the Younger and the sons of Mosiah fell down again.

They had seen an angel, and they knew the power of God had shaken the ground. Alma the Younger was so astonished that he could not speak. He became so weak that he could not even move his hands. The sons of Mosiah carried Alma the Younger to his father & told him all that had happened to them.

Alma was happy. He knew that God had answered his prayers. Alma called many people together to see what the Lord had done for his son and for the sons of Mosiah.

Alma, along with other Church leaders, fasted and prayed and asked God to help Alma the Younger become strong again. After two days and nights, Alma the Younger was able to speak and move.

He told the people he had repented of his sins and God had forgiven him. He taught that everyone must become righteous in order to enter God’s kingdom. He also told of the great pain he had suffered because of his sins.

Alma the Younger was happy because he had repented and God had forgiven him. He knew God loved him. Alma the Younger and the sons of King Mosiah began to teach the truth throughout the land, telling everyone what they had seen and heard.

They tried to undo the wrong they had done. They explained the scriptures to the people and taught them about Jesus Christ. God blessed Alma the Younger and the sons of Mosiah as they taught the gospel. Many people listened to them and believed. 1. How do you think Alma’s father felt when his son did wicked things?

He was sad & worried. Alma prayed that his son would learn the truth & repent.

2. How did Jesus show his love for Alma the Younger?

Jesus commanded him to repent. By atoning for all of our sins, Alma could repent and be forgiven.

3. How did Alma’s father & the church members show their love for Alma?

They prayed & fasted for his recovery.

4. After Alma the Younger repented, Jesus forgave him. What did Alma do after he repented?

He began to teach

the truth through-out

the land. He taught them about Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ loved & forgave Alma the Younger when he repented for what he did wrong. Jesus Christ always loves us & will forgive us when we repent of what we do wrong.

•How do you feel when someone pushes you down or hurts you?

•How do you feel when someone makes fun of you or calls you names?

• How do you feel when other children won’t let you play with them or don’t include you in the group? •How do you feel when someone breaks something that belongs to you? When someone treats us unkindly or hurts us, we usually feel angry or hurt inside.

How do you feel when you are angry? What does this angry feeling make you want to do? We Should Forgive Others

 Jesus told us that we should forgive others.  It will not always be easy to do.  He wants us to follow His example.  Ask yourself, “What would Jesus do?” What Does It Mean to Forgive?

 When the Savior forgives us, He cancels any required punishment for a sin that we have committed, if we repent.

He helps us to live more righteously. We Should Forgive Others

 When we forgive others, we love them and do not have bad feelings for them because of any wrong they have done to us.

Let’s read Isaiah 1:18 to learn more about how we can be forgiven of our sins.

What do you think this verse means?

White is a color often used to represent purity. Let’s read D & C 64:9 to learn what Heavenly Father wants us to do when we get hurt by someone else.

What must we do to follow Jesus when others hurt us?

FORGIVE THEM & LOVE THEM !! To Be Loving & Forgiving, We Must:

 Get rid of the feeling of anger & the desire to take revenge on the other person.  Forget the unkindness.  Treat the person with kindness & love. The Story of John The Story of John The Story of John

I testify that if we choose to follow Jesus Christ, we must keep His command -ment to forgive others. We can be forgiving by:

1. Getting rid of the feeling of anger & the desire to take revenge on the other person. 2. Forgetting the unkindness. 3. Treating the person with kindness & love.

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The lesson material is from Some ideas/slides are from Ericka Covalt’s PPTs posted on

Please do not use this presentation for commercial use. Feel free to alter the presentation for use in church or to suit personal preference.

This presentation is intended to supplement, not replace, the lesson manual and scriptures. Teachers should refer to the manual, scriptures and other resources when preparing and conducting the lesson.