BUSINESS PROGRAM Fifty-Seventh Parliament, First Session Legislative Assembly

Wednesday 24 March 2021

At 9.30 am

Giving of Notices of Motions (General Notices) (for a period of up to 15 minutes)

GOVERNMENT BUSINESS Orders of the Day No. 7 COVID-19 Recovery Bill; consideration of the Legislative Council amendments (Mr ). No. 4 Real Property Amendment (Certificates of Title) Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate (Mr – Ms *).

Notices of Motions No. 1. Heavy Vehicle Legislation Amendment (National Regulator) Bill (Mr ).

Orders of the Day No. 3 Mutual Recognition (New South Wales) Amendment Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate (Mr Dominic Perrottet – Ms Sophie Cotsis*). No. 6 Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Amendment Bill; consideration of Legislative Council amendments (Mr Adam Marshall). No. 5 Civil Liability Amendment (Child Abuse) Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate (Mr – Mr *). No. 8 Budget Estimates and related papers 2020-2021; resumption of the interrupted debate (Mr Dominic Perrottet).

At 12.45 pm

Committee Reports (Take Note Debate) (for a period of up to 30 minutes) No. 1 Report of the Legislation Review Committee entitled "Legislation Review Digest No. 28/57", dated 23 March 2021.

At 2.15 pm

Ministerial Statements Giving of Notices of Motions (Government Business, Bills, Business with Precedence) Question Time Ministerial Statements Papers Committee Tabling of Reports and Announcements Petitions Placing or Disposal of Business Re-ordering of General Business Orders of the Day (for bills) Business with Precedence under SO 118 (if any) Resumption of Government Business (if completed, proceed to Private Members’ Statements)

At 5.00 pm Public Interest Debate Resumption of Government Business (if required) Private Members’ Statements Community Recognition Statements (for a period of up to 30 minutes)


(approved by email) Mark Speakman, MP Leader of the House