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Serving Oregon’s South Coast Since 1878 MONDAY, DECEMBER 24, AND TUESDAY, DECEMBER 25, 2012 theworldlink.com I 75¢ A band of ‘troublemakers’

BY TYLER RICHARDSON 2007 to help seniors strengthen their formance, the band sings, tells stories The World brains. and jokes. Their hit song this Christ- The group, which ranges in age from mas was called, “All I Want for Christ- COOS BAY — Armed with an arsenal 67 to 100, performs year-round across mas is My New False Teeth.” of musical weapons, a group of senior the county. They Some members of the band have a citizens are redefining what it means to tailor their per- musical background, but most mem- be old. formances to bers joined having never played an Dressed in Santa hats and equipped See related video for match different instrument before. with enough Christmas spirit to grow this story online at holidays such as “They put a pair of maracas in my the Grinch’s heart, the Ocean Ridge jug theworldlink.com Christmas, hand and the rest is history,” member band uses music to spread holiday Valentine’s and Dottie Fowler said. “I wouldn’t trade cheer in the community. St. Patrick’s Day. this for anything.” All of the band members live at the “They needed something to keep us The band won an award from the By Alysha Beck, The World Ocean Ridge Assisted Living in Coos out of trouble,” member G.B. Riser Oregon Health Care Association in Carolyn Auger, right, and G.B. Riser, members of the Jug Band, sing Bay. Ocean Ridge’s Activities Coordi- said. Christmas tunes during the Christmas party at Ocean Ridge Assisted nator Mary Luther started the group in For the Christmas-themed per- SEE JUG BAND | A10 Living on Thursday afternoon. Holiday lights

By Lou Sennick, The World The North Bend neighborhood on 12th Court is lit up for the Christmas holidays, with several of the homes decorated with lights. The red lines are from a moving car checking out the lights in the neighborhood behind Clyde Allen Field.

Ann Payne helps her A place without birth mother, Dianne Taylor, decorate her Christmas tree at Christmas cheer Taylor’s Ocean Ridge Assisted Living facility “It’s the same day. I don’t even apartment.This is BY TYLER RICHARDSON The World know if it’s raining. You don’t even mother and daugh- realize it is Christmas.” ter’s first Christmas COQUILLE — The thought of a The gltiz and cheer that accom- together.Taylor gave Christmas tree made out of toilet panies the holiday season is up her daughter for paper brings a boyish grin to Chris drowned out by the gray cement adoption 43 years Edwards’ weathered face. walls and cold floors of the jail. ago.The pair recon- It’s the simple pleasures that Christmas music is replaced by the nected through matter when you’ve spent the last harmony of cell doors closing. Facebook this month. 15 months in jail. Lights don’t decorate corridors. Tuesday will mark the second Jail staff play the role of Santa, By Jessie Higgins, year Edwards has woken up to an delivering letters and cards to eager The World unforgiving jail cell ceiling staring inmates. back at him for the holidays. For “Obviously they don’t even give him and the other inmates at the us scissors to cut snowflakes out of Coos County jail, Christmas will coffee filters,”Edwards said. Christmas reunion delights come and go like any other day. Beside a special dinner of turkey “It doesn’t matter what day it is or ham, potatoes and desert, in here,”Edwards said, sitting in a Christmas Day at the jail for most mother and daughter holding cell with a sheriff’s deputy nearby. SEE JAIL | A10 BY JESSIE HIGGINS unmarried mothers in Eugene other children. When they were The World to wait out her pregnancy. old enough, she told each of “I held her twice before I them about their oldest sister, COOS BAY — This Christ- would sign the (adoption) somewhere in the world. mas, a local woman received a papers,”Taylor said. “I would- “I hoped she was happy,” present too perfect for words. n’t sign them otherwise.” Taylor said. “That’s all I wor- After 43 years, her daughter Taylor named her baby girl ried about.” came home. Christina, then gave her away. And all these years, Ann “It’s amazing,”said Marie All she knew was that the Marie “Christina” Payne said Ann Payne, smiling at her Catholic Church placed the she has been, save for one nag- mother, Dianne Taylor. “I just baby with a Catholic family. ging question: want to soak it all in.” “Afterward, I found an ad in “I wanted to know if I was Taylor was 22 when she Good Housekeeping with (a wanted,”Payne said. became pregnant with Ann baby’s picture) that was the Oh yes she was, Taylor said. Marie. It was 1969, and both spitting image of her,”Taylor The two smiled at each other, she and the baby’s father were said. “I cut it out and kept it for sitting side by side in the read- Catholic. Taylor did not want a long time. You can’t imagine ing room at Ocean Ridge - to marry the boy, so she went how hard it was.” World File Photo away to a Catholic home for Taylor went on to have four SEE REUNION | A10 Inside one of the pods at the Coos County jail. For most inmates, Christmas will pass just like any other day.

The cliff South Coast...... A2 Sports ...... B1 Marian Dick, Coos Bay T S S E Leonard Popinski, Lakeside N You may not see it in your A H O D Police reports . . . . A3 Classifieds ...... B6 I I

Lamoine Reiland, Bandon January paychecks, but C T T E A S What’s Up...... A3 Puzzles ...... C4-5 higher taxes are coming. Partly sunny A E R N 48/43 I N D Opinion...... A4 Comics ...... C4-5 Obituaries | A5 Page A6 O

F Weather | A10

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C M C M Y K A2 •The World •Monday, December 24,2012 Y K South Coast City Editor Ryan Haas • 541-269-1222, ext. 239 theworldlink.com/news/local

Basil Booman, 25, and Heather Aday,22,huddle together at the sec- ond annual vigil for deceased home- Photos by Jessie Higgins, The World py less people. They’ve been homeless Leroy and Kelly Davidson, a homeless couple, honor deceased homeless people at Friday night’s vigil on Hap for a little more than a year. the Coos Bay Boardwalk. olildays Remembering those in need FromH o Yours! amily t y! r F ery Da sat huddled next to his girl- Slate told the crowd that the Ou Special Ev BY JESSIE HIGGINS 5 Lunch The World friend, 22-year-old Heather community needs to work $ 9 Aday. They held lit candles, to remove the stigma of 4 COOS BAY — A few cupped in both hands. “I homelessness. After all, dozen shivering people feel passionate about it.” even she is only a few weeks gathered on the Coos Bay In the background, Coos from homelessness, if she Boardwalk on Friday night Bay Mayor Crystal Shoji were to lose her income. to light candles in honor of spoke about society’s role in And so are many others, she d. not include helping the homeless. Beverages pm. deceased homeless people. said. d 11 am - 3 Lunch serve The event, organized by “Tonight, I’m lucky,”she After the vigil, the Neighbors in Need, drew a said. “I have a warm place to homeless people in the handful of homeless people go tonight, where I can crowd were invited to the laugh with people. But I from various local shelters. Green Space for a dinner of know I would not last long if “We’ve been homeless stone soup. Neighbors in I were on the streets, out in for a year or so,” said 25- Need had laid out donated the elements.” year-old Basil Booman. He She asked the crowd coats, clothes and other what homeless people supplies. needed most. A homeless Slate intends to make the Several dozen people gathered to man chimed it that the area vigil and dinner a yearly tra- remember deceased homeless dition. It was held for the Coos Bay Division needed a daytime shelter. people at a candlelight vigil at the Call us for your holiday catering! After Shoji spoke, several first time last year after a Coos Bay Boardwalk on Friday ALDER WANTED homeless people volun- local homeless man froze to night. Coos Bay Mayor Crystal Also MAPLE and ASH teered to read stories, then death. Shoji gave a short speech, then ••• Saw Logs the event’s organizer, Anna Reporter Jessie Higgins volunteers read stories written by ••• Timber Marie Slate, read an obitu- can be reached at 541-269- homeless people. Several local ary of a homeless man. 1222, ext. 240, or homeless people attended. authentic mexican food ••• Timber Deeds In a few parting words, [email protected]. 63058 Highway 101 / Coos Bay / 541-266-8212 Contact our Log Buyers at SUN-THURS: 11am-9pm / FRI-SAT: 11am-10pm Ed Groves: 541-404-3701 Online poll results TONS OF PARKING ACROSS THE STREET AT BUNKER HILL CHURCH Pat: 541-206-4105 Should gun laws be strengthened in the wake of the Connecticut school shooting? 8[ih nY[n8nb ]8h]q mjY j]l 22% Yes. We have to do something "[∂√≥â√"∂ç"^∂›√‹î"m‹√ââ‹">"[∂∞ ∞ â√}ñ{¢"Yfiâ≥›âD"[∂∂»"Z{Ë to stop the carnage. "jFiF"Z∂‚"IPLHD"[∂∂»"Z{ËD"il"QOLJH 10% Maybe. It depends on the M8 LIEJNQEIJJJ8∂√8PHHELKOENKQO specific proposal. "/"JHIJ"m∂›‹î‡â»‹â√≥"i√âê∂≥"j›|¢ñ»îñ≥ê"[∂F

News department 10% It wouldn’t hurt, but I don’t 8f∂}{¢8≥⇠» 8lË{≥8b{{» 8‚8JKQ 8≥⇠»X ‹î⇠∂√¢Ç¢ñ≥ûF}∂∞ think it will solve anything. 8m∑∂√‹» 8d∂î≥8a›≥‹îâ√ 8‚8JLI 8»∑∂√‹»X ‹î⇠∂√¢Ç¢ñ≥ûF}∂∞ 8[∂∞ ∞ ›≥ñ‹Ë8âfiâ≥‹» 8Zâ‹î8Z›√|{}û 8‚8JJL 8âfiâ≥‹»X ‹î⇠∂√¢Ç¢ñ≥ûF}∂∞ 57% No. Gun ownership is a basic 8i|ñ‹›{√ñâ» 8Y∞ {≥Ç{8d∂î≥»∂≥ 8‚8JKK 8∂|ñ‹»X ‹î⇠∂√¢Ç¢ñ≥ûF}∂∞ right. 8jî∂‹∂ 8f∂›8mâ≥≥ñ}û 8‚8JNL 8‹‡∑î∂‹∂X ‹î⇠∂√¢Ç¢ñ≥ûF}∂∞ Poll results from 1,362 online respondents. Advertising May not add up to 100% due to rounding. Not a scientific poll. 8YÇfiâ√‹ñ»ñ≥ê8»{¢â»8∞{≥{êâ√ 8YÇâ¢ñ≥â8^ñ»îâ√ 8‚8JOP 8{çñ»îâ√X ‹î⇠∂√¢Ç¢ñ≥ûF}∂∞ By Jeff Trionfante, The World 8[¢{»»ñçñâÇ8{Ç» 8MLIEJNOENJOP 8‹î⇠∂√¢Ç}¢{»»X ‹î⇠∂√¢Ç¢ñ≥ûF}∂∞ New poll question: 8fâê{¢8{Ç» 8MLIEJNOENJOP 8‡∂√¢Ç¢âê{¢»X ‹î⇠∂√¢Ç¢ñ≥ûF}∂∞ Should every school have an Delivery armed police officer on duty, as 8[ñ√}›¢{‹ñ∂≥8Çñ√â}‹∂√ 8[ñ≥ÇË8l{‡ ¢ñ≥ê» 8‚8JLP 8}√{‡ ¢ñ≥ê»X ‹î⇠∂√¢Ç¢ñ≥ûF}∂∞ the NRA has suggested? Answer online at 8[›»‹∂∞ â√8»â√fiñ}â 8Z∂≥≥ñâ8qñ¢ûñ≥» 8‚8JLO 8|‡ ñ¢ûñ≥»X ‹î⇠∂√¢Ç¢ñ≥ûF}∂∞ www.theworldlink.com h8 ∂8≥⇻∑{∑â√W 88[∂≥‹{}‹8Ë∂›√8}{√√ñâ√8∂√8}{¢¢8MLIEJNQEQQQQ

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C M C M Y K Monday, December 24,2012 • The World • A3 Y K South Coast City Editor Ryan Haas• 541-269-1222, ext. 239 theworldlink.com/news/local Thefts & Mischief Fire dept. disposes of COOS BAY Dec. 21, 11:01 p.m., assault, 600 ed on theft of services charge of West Central Avenue. after refusing to pay cab fare, TODAY Dec. 21, 7:34 a.m., family dispute, Christmas trees safely Dec. 22, 1:24 a.m., DUII, 2000 1900 block of North Seventh Christmas Dinner 6 a.m. to 2 800 block of South Fourth Street. p.m., Monkeybusiness Food Street. block of Newmark Avenue. Dec. 23, 5:14 a.m., disorderly con- COOS BAY — On Satur- For additional informa- To Go, Pelican and Albacore Dec. 21, 9:53 a.m., woman arrest- Dec. 22, 12:56 p.m., disorderly duct, woman screaming, 800 Lanes, Charleston Boat ed on harassment charge, 800 conduct, 200 block of North day, Jan. 5, the Coos Bay Fire tion contact the Coos Bay Basin. Call 541-260-4145 block of South Fourth Street. Broadway Street. block of South Fourth Street. Department will be picking Fire Department at 541-269- up Christmas trees through- 1191. Holiday Lights 4-9:30 p.m., Dec. 22, 3:03 p.m., phone harass- Dec. 21, 10:03 a.m., fraud, 1600 NORTH BEND out the city. Shore Acres State Park, block of Lund Avenue. ment, 1000 block of South Line flushing Dec. 26 Fourth Street. The Fire Department will 89039 Cape Arago High- Dec. 21, 1:24 a.m., criminal tres- Beginning Dec. 26, Coos way, Charleston. Refresh- Dec. 21, 10:27 a.m., harassment, passing, 2700 block of Sheridan begin at 9 a.m. and ask that 600 block of Harris Avenue. Dec. 22, 3:39 p.m., fight, 1800 trees be by the street at that Bay-North Bend Water ments and displays in the block of Southwestern Boule- Avenue. time for department mem- Board will continue routine Garden House. Parking is Dec. 21, 11:02 a.m., phone harass- vard. Dec. 21, 9:08 a.m., man arrested bers to pick up. maintenance flushing of $5. ment, 200 block of North on warrant, 1800 block of Empire Boulevard. Dec. 22, 3:58 p.m., family dispute, In exchange for this serv- waterlines within its distri- Christmas Eve Candle Light- 100 block of South Seventh Garfield Street. bution system in Coos Bay. Dec. 21, 11:16 a.m., man arrested ice, the department requests ing Service 6 p.m. Unity of Street. Dec. 21, 9:23 a.m., threats, 1800 on shoplifting charge, 100 block that a canned food donation Flushing of waterlines will be Bandon, 50211 U.S. High- block of Waite Street. way 101, Bandon. 541-347- of South Seventh Street. Dec. 22, 4:04 p.m., theft of be left with the tree. All from Anderson Avenue south phone, 1800 block of North Sev- donations will be given to a to Lockhart and from 10th 4705 Dec. 21, 12:06 p.m., burglary, 500 Dec. 21, 4:55 p.m., man arrested enth Street. on criminal trespassing charge, local food bank. Street east to First Street. Pacific Community Church block of Hall Avenue. Dec. 22, 5:32 p.m., counterfeit 1500 block of Virginia Avenue. Candlelight Service 6 p.m., Dec. 21, 2:32 p.m., criminal tres- money, 600 block of Bayshore Dec. 21, 6:11 p.m., assault, 700 48967 U.S, Highway 101, passing, 1900 block of Woodland Drive. Bandon. 541-347-2256 Drive. block of Virginia Avenue. Dec. 22, 7:30 p.m., phone harass- SSantaaannttaa Sale!SSaallee!! Dec. 21, 7:51 p.m., criminal tres- Shield Family’s Annual Dec. 21, 3:39 p.m., criminal tres- ment, 100 block of Norman Christmas Train Display 6- passing, 1800 block of Thomas Avenue. passing, 1900 block of Sherman 1155%5%% OOffOffff EverythingEEvveerryytthhiinngg 10 p.m., Charleston Rural Street. Avenue. es • Mo Dec. 22, 7:49 p.m., counterfeit nd Tee b Inc Fire Protection, 92342 Cape • Ban • Dec. 21, 3:44 p.m., disorderly con- money, 500 block of South Dec. 21, 9:51 p.m., criminal tres- odies Hot Arago Highway, Charleston. * Hoo Leat duct, 200 block of West Ander- Fourth Street. passing, 2700 block of Sheridan Dye thers Admission is by donation • Tie D • son Avenue. Avenue. • • Tops and refreshments are pro- Dec. 22, 8:21 p.m., man arrested • SRH s Dec. 22, 2:32 a.m., criminal tres- • s • Tam vided. Dec. 21, 4:02 p.m., disorderly con- on charge of disorderly conduct, edles ms passing, 3200 block of Tremont • Se • Ca duct, 200 block of North Broad- 800 block of South Broadway irts aps Christmas Eve Candlelight Avenue. • Sk • Pat way Street. Street. tches Service 7:30 p.m., St. • G Dec. 22, 2:46 a.m., theft, 2200 10% Glass Mary’s Episcopal Church, N. Dec. 21, 4:22 p.m., criminal tres- Dec. 22, 11:44 p.m., man arrested Vet Discount Second Street, Gardiner. passing, 100 block of Market on warrant charging he failed to block of Newmark Street. Everyday! Avenue. pay fines on driving uninsured, Dec. 22, 7:55 a.m., unlawful entry Next to CHRISTMAS DAY 2800 block of Alderwood Road. to a vehicle, 2100 block of Bay Burger Inn Check us Dec. 21, 5:30 p.m., shoplifting, out on Christmas Dinner 6 a.m. to 2 100 block of North Cammann Dec. 23, 2:24 a.m., man arrested Broadway Avenue. p.m. or until food is gone, Street. on criminal mischief charge, Dec. 22, 1:19 p.m., man arrested 3200 block of Ocean Boulevard. Monkeybusiness Food To Dec. 21, 7:58 p.m., child abuse, on charge of disorderly conduct, 1165 NEWMARK AVE., SUITE A Go, Pelican and Albacore 700 block of 17th Avenue. Dec. 23, 4:08 a.m., woman arrest- 1700 block of Virginia Avenue. IN HISTORIC EMPIRE • 541-808-2386 Lanes, Charleston Boat Basin. Call 541-260-4145 Bandon Community Christ- Meetings mas Holiday Meal 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., The Barn, THURSDAY 1200 11th St. SW, Bandon. Lakeside Planning Commission — Donations. Volunteer or 3 p.m., city hall, 915 N. Lake donation opportunities, Road; workshop. call Ginny at 541-347-5703. at iends Christmas Dinner noon to 2 MONDAY, JAN. 7 our fr p.m., South Coast Gospel om y ric! Oregon Coast Technology School — fr Elect Mission, 1999 N. Seventh, Reese Coos Bay. Donations 7 p.m., North Bend Middle accepted. 541-269-5017 School Library, 1500 16th St.; regular meeting. North Bend, OR • 541.756.0581 Holiday Lights 4-9:30 p.m., Shore Acres State Park, Reedsport City Council — 7 p.m., Bandon, OR • 541.347.3066 Member, 89039 Cape Arago High- city hall, 451 Winchester Ave.; CCB# 23563 way, Charleston. Refresh- regular meeting. SHARP Alliance www.reeseelectric.com ments and displays in the Garden House. Parking is $5. WEDNESDAY Historic Hughes House Victo- rian Christmas 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., Cape Blanco State Park, 91100 Cape Blanco Road, Port Orford. Cape Blanco Lighthouse tours, ages 16 and older, $2 weather permitting. Blood Drive 1-6 p.m., Curry Showcase. 29392 Ellens- burg Ave., Gold Beach. Schedule at 800-733-2267. Holiday Lights 4-9:30 p.m., Shore Acres State Park, 89039 Cape Arago Highway, Charleston. Refreshments and displays in the Garden House. Parking is $5. THURSDAY Cosmic Bowling FIRST Read- ing Fundraiser 1-3 p.m., North Bend Lanes, 1225 Vir- ginia Ave., North Bend. Cost is $10. Proceeds bene- fit Friends Inspiring Read- ing Success Together. first- [email protected] Holiday Lights 4-9:30 p.m., Shore Acres State Park, 89039 Cape Arago High- way, Charleston. Refresh- ments and displays in the Garden House. Parking is $5. Foreclosure Prevention Information Session 5:30- 7:30 p.m., NeighborWorks Umpqua Coastal Housing , 1984 Sherman Ave., North Bend. [email protected] or 541-756-1000 FRIDAY Oregon Dunes Raceway Sand Jam, 9 a.m., Box Car, 92799 Trans Pacific Highway, North Bend. Canned food donations for passes. 541- 480-9338 or www.ore- gondunesraceway.com Holiday Lights 4-9:30 p.m., Shore Acres State Park, 89039 Cape Arago Highway, Charleston. Refreshments and displays in the Garden House. Parking is $5. SATURDAY Oregon Dunes Raceway Sand Jam, 9 a.m., Box Car, 92799 Trans Pacific Highway, North Bend. Canned food donations for passes. 541- 480-9338 or www.ore- gondunesraceway.com What’s Up features one-time events and limited engagements in The World’s coverage area. To submit an event, email [email protected]. C M C M Y K Y K

C M C M Y K A4 • The World • Monday, December 24,2012 Y K

Editorial Board Clark Walworth, Editor Opinion Ryan Haas, City Editor Ron Jackimowicz, News Editor theworldlink.com/opinion The Christmas story

In those days a decree to be delivered. And she gave for to you is born this day in thing that has happened, Merry Christmas went out from Caesar birth to her first-born son the city of David a Savior, which the Lord has made In honor of the holiday, Augustus that all the world and wrapped him in swad- who is Christ the Lord. And known to us.”And they The World’s editorial should be enrolled. This was dling cloths, and laid him in this will be a sign for you: went with haste, and found board happily turns over the first enrollment, when a manger, because there was You will find a babe wrapped Mary and Joseph, and the our customary space to a Quirin’i-us was governor of no place for them in the inn. in swaddling cloths and babe lying in a manger. guest writer, St. Luke. Syria. And all went to be And in that region there lying in a manger.” And when they saw it We wish everyone a joy- enrolled, each to his own were shepherds out in the And suddenly there was they made known the say- ous season. city. And Joseph also went field, keeping watch over with the angel a multitude ing which had been told up from Galilee, from the their flock by night. And an of the heavenly host prais- them concerning this child; city of Nazareth, to Judea, to angel of the Lord appeared ing God and saying, “Glory and all who heard it won- the city of David, which is to them, and the glory of the to God in the highest, and dered at what the shepherds called Bethlehem, because Lord shone around them, on earth peace among men told them. But Mary kept all he was of the house and lin- and they were filled with with whom he is pleased!” these things, pondering eage of David, to be enrolled fear. And the angel said to When the angels went them in her heart. And the with Mary, his betrothed, them, “Be not afraid; for away from them into heav- shepherds returned, glori- who was with child. behold, I bring you good en, the shepherds said to fying and praising God for And while they were news of a great joy which one another, “Let us go over all they had heard and seen, there, the time came for her will come to all the people; to Bethlehem and see this as it had been told them. Ready for the chaos of Obamacare? House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was widely mocked when she said of Obamacare, “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it.” At the time, March 2010, Pelosi’s words accurately described the Democrats’ just-get-it-done approach to passing a national health care bill. But now it turns out Pelosi was wrong. In fact, we have to implement Obamacare so that you can find out what is in it. Amid the other momentous events com- ing in 2013 the biggest story of the year, and of 2014 as well, will be the arrival of Oba- macare in the lives of every American. For millions of people, Obamacare will mean, alone or in some combination: higher insurance bills, unwanted changes in status at work, higher taxes, loss of employer- based health insurance and a bewildering bureau- cracy that will make today’s already complex Public Forum insurance maze seem downright simple. Whether Obamacare’s benefits will outweigh the chaos it produces could Check mental Let’s not forget, that if some- need. Through faithfulness, we A peaceful world is needed now. BYRON decide the future of the one wants to kill people, there can resurrect lives in our midst Ron Gallagher YORK program. health of buyers are many ways to do so. Guns are and provide opportunities for Reedsport Start with higher insur- simply one. children to truly live. I know not If the liberal/anti-gun crowd Columnist ance bills. “The big Roger Wilson all share this belief in Christian- wants to do something to stop or unwritten story is that for Coos Bay ity, but the Christian value sys- at least cut down on these hor- people who already have insurance through tem, the moral compass inherent rific shootings, maybe they Kudos the individual market, or small companies in all people reading this, can be that are buying products in the state-regu- should try to change the stupid Editorial cartoon used to reach out to those suffer- lated small group market — those current laws that make it all but impos- ing among us. policies are going to see premium increases sible when doing a background was disgusting Be vigilant, be aware. Recog- on the order of 25 percent to 30 percent come check on gun buys to find out if a nize the opportunities placed in person has ever been seen for The editorial page of Sat., Dec. Jan. 1, 2014,” says James Capretta, a health 15, displayed a cartoon mocking your lives to impact a child posi- Thanks to power care expert and close student of Obamacare mental illness or other issues tively and act. Don’t wait, because which would otherwise keep Pope Benedict VI using Facebook at the conservative Ethics and Public Policy to present Catholic Church as we clearly see through national company heroes these people from getting their Center. beliefs in a manner that I thought tragedy all too often, our existence I would like to thank the hands on these guns. The reason is that those people are gen- was disgustingly offensive. is fleeting and uncertain. Pacific Power teams that were In almost every case of these erally younger and healthier and are able to Holy Redeemer Church in Jesus said, “Let the little chil- out restoring our power after the gun shootings, the people after get lower rates. Under Obamacare, they North Bend has 300-plus fami- dren come to me, and do not hin- storm that came through Sun- the fact were known to have had will be combined with older and less lies registered. Other churches der them, for the kingdom of day evening. I had been out of some kind of mental problems. healthy people who cost more to insure. in Coos Bay, Coquille, Bandon heaven belongs to such as these.” power for 30 hours. The teams Capretta says about 30 million people will It’s the liberal system which and Reedsport have hundreds of Let us be Christ-like. Let us help had been out working since early see a steep increase — a population big gives these people undue confi- families attending. We Catholic those needing us most in our Monday morning, and it was enough to make a lot of political noise. dentiality rights. As far as I’m people refer to the pope as our community. after midnight when they fin- Then there is the change in work status. concerned, if a person is on anti- Holy Father. Gabe Shorb ished putting the lines back up Under Obamacare, companies don't have psychotics for mental illness Donald Freeman North Bend on the pole, suspended in the to insure, or pay fines for not insuring, issues, then the pre-check sys- North Bend dark and cold in a little bucket. employees who work less than 30 hours a tem should have that informa- A tree had downed the lines. week. So it’s no surprise that many compa- tion so that someone can make a Take a positive They had another job to do still nies are going to make sure their part-time judgment as to if they should Opportunity to before they would get to go workers, and some current full-time work- have the right to get a firearm or view of boxcars home. They are definitely my ers, stay below the 30-hour limit. not. But I’m pretty sure the help is all around In response to the letter from heroes. Be sure to give them a big ACLU would fight such a change Then there are the unexpected costs. As I went to school to teach Renee Blom about the boxcars smile and a thank you the next in laws, and there is the problem. This week, the Department of Health and eager, excited third-graders along the boardwalk: time it’s your turn to be helped Most of the anti-gun people I Human Services revealed it will charge who, thankfully, were mostly Does this person not know out. They sure deserve it. know use emotions when deal- employer and individual plans a $63 “fee” oblivious of the horrors inflicted that the people and the ship Lynda Cole ing with this issue and not logic. for every person they cover. The Obama on Dec. 14, I thought about the product in those boxcars provide Coos Bay administration says the fee will be tempo- There are millions upon millions loss the community felt on the jobs for Coos County? So that rary, but it could touch about 190 million of guns in this country right week before Christmas; about some little kid can go to school Bandon has the Americans at least for the next few years. now, and if anyone thinks that the emotion expressed in my with a full belly and new shoes? Then there are higher taxes. Apart from trying to get everyone to turn in school by staff members and That the father can put tires on Christmas spirit the “fiscal cliff” debate over whether to raise their guns is simply unrealistic how I avoided reading too much the car? Maybe not lose the The Marlo Dance Studio’s 2012 taxes on higher earners is the fact that Oba- and stupid. The young man who about the events because of the house through foreclosure? production of The Nutcracker macare will, in fact, raise taxes on those same just killed over 20 people back disgust, anger, sadness and This worker also pays taxes that was the creme de la creme of hol- higher earners.On Jan.1,the top brackets will east got his hands on his moth- abundance of emotion elicited helps keep up our roads and fund iday offerings in Bandon this year. face higher Medicare taxes plus a substantial er’s legally bought guns. by the events. police and fire services.If the com- The abbreviated rendition of this tax increase on their investment income. And another issue that the I realized we fail to mourn the panies that use the boxcars can much-loved ballet was a joy to But it’s not just the higher earners. An liberals refuse to address is the loss of life surrounding us daily. ship their product cheaper by rail, behold. The staging, scenery, estimated 10 million tax filers take a connection between violent We often fail to recognize the loss it helps everyone in Coos County. costumes, music, and choreogra- deduction for unusually high medical video games and young mentally of life we exist with every single Everyone should write a thank phy were superb. The dancers expenses. Under Obamacare, that deduc- unstable kids, who pretty much day. Every day, students arrive at you letter to the people who got were so bright and adept at their tion will be limited, meaning they will pay live in front of their computers school carrying unseen or the boxcars back. I for one will be various roles as to make the per- more. Most of them fall far below the trying to see how many people ignored problems that will lead happy to look at them, every day. formance flawless. administration's definition of “wealthy.” they can shoot in one sitting. to their demise. Every day, stu- Darold Britton Ocean Crest Elementary There are also new taxes on business. Why not ban these violent video dents suffer through one more Coos Bay School’s Winter Concert, “Music Recently, several Democratic senators — all games? Wouldn’t that go a long day of abuse, neglect and abject Makes the World Go Round,”was of whom voted for Obamacare — asked that way to keep these mentally ill poverty.For many students, their another treat to savor. Christmas one of its funding mechanisms, a 2.3 per- kids from feeding on a culture of reality eventually becomes fatal, Calling all faiths music in songs from various coun- cent tax on medical devices, be postponed. death through fantasy? if not physically, spiritually. tries plus some familiar favorites of Finally, there is Medicaid. Much of Oba- My intent to inspire hope may to pray for peace years’ past brought smiles to the macare is based on adding millions of Ameri- not be obvious. During times of I call on all faiths, every reli- faces of proud parents, teachers, cans to that program for the poor. But the tragedy, people look for ways to gion, leaders of private and pub- and charming students. It was Supreme Court decision upholding the health Write to us help. People ask what they can lic schools, all politicians, young especially poignant to see the care law also ruled that states, which pay for The World welcomes your letter. do. People donate blood, money and old, all people of color, rich healthy, happy faces of all these part of Medicaid, don’t have to go along. Write to [email protected], and other resources, attempting and poor, to come together for children and contemplate their Together, all of this could equal one big or P.O. Box 1840, Coos Bay, 97420. to help those directly impacted by song and prayer.Prayers that will future successes. What a treasure mess. And if it is a big enough mess, it I Please use your real name. tragedy. Often, opportunity pres- soften the hardest of hearts and trove of possibilities. The students could have a significant, and decidedly I 400 words maximum. ents itself closer than we realize. reach the intellectuals of all and teachers both deserve a hearty negative, political effect on the Democrats I No defamation, vulgarity, busi- Opportunity to help others sur- societies, that we all will find a round of applause. who passed Obamacare and who will now ness complaints, poetry or religious rounds us. We just need to grasp way to confront and put an end There’s no lack of Christmas put it into practice. testimony. the opportunities afforded us. to the evil doers that persist in spirit in Bandon. Byron York is chief political correspon- I Please list your address and daytime phone for verification. I believe Christianity provides our so-called “world of civiliza- Sally Abeyta dent for The Examiner. us tools to reach those most in tion” and peaceful populations. Bandon C M C M Y K Y K

C M C M Y K Monday, December 24,2012 • The World • A5 Y K State Parents of high Foreclosure standstill to be OR topic in new year school stars PORTLAND (AP) — The the number of court foreclo- said Kevin Christiansen, “at-risk” homeowner. extend the program to home- Oregon Legislature and sure filings had more than government affairs director Under the mediation law, owners facing foreclosure in miss being in Supreme Court have at least tripled to 882 in a month. By for the Oregon Bankers homeowners at risk of fore- court or out of court,” said one definite topic on their comparison, more than Association. “The closure but not yet in fore- Martin. “It was never up for the limelight agendas in the new year: 22,000 Oregon homes had a Legislature has spoken. But closure are permitted to ask debate whether one set of finding a solution to the foreclosure notice in the in terms of legislation, we for mediation and their loan foreclosures needed media- DEAR ABBY: For the last state’s foreclosure standstill. out-of-court system in all of need one that works, not one servicer is required to tion and one didn’t.” eight years I have been the Oregon’s new foreclosure 2011, according to foreclo- that’s broken and does not.” respond. Multnomah Court mother of a star in our local mediation program was sup- sure listings site RealtyTrac. Some of the changes like- “‘At-risk’ is an undefined Administrator Doug Bray high school. When one of my posed to give homeowners “We still think this is just ly won’t be controversial. term. Anyone who’s a home- said he hopes the Legislature boys would graduate, the next one last chance at keeping a fraction of what will be For example, the banking owner could be ‘at risk,”’ will extend the mediation would take over and be even their homes. Instead, it pending out there,” said industry will ask lawmakers said Christiansen. “I can’t program to the courts. He more athletic or musically brought out-of-court fore- Doug Bray, trial court to ease notification require- believe that was the intent of said increasing numbers of talented — and in my closures to a halt. Faced with administrator in Multnomah ments, which require lenders the Legislature, to cast the judicial foreclosure cases are youngest son’s case, both. new requirements and costs, County Circuit Court. to alert not only homeown- net that wide.” ending in negotiated settle- Now that they are gone I lenders simply stopped filing That court has appointed ers, but also any other party Of more than 240 ments without mandatory can’t stand new foreclosures, the a four-judge panel to deal with an interest in the house. requests for mediation from mediation. DEAR hearing Oregonian reported in with foreclosure issues. It’s It will also seek to clarify homeowners not in foreclo- “It’s amazing how many other par- Sunday’s newspaper. an effort to get ahead of a how homeowners must be sure, only a handful are times when the parties sit ABBY ents talk The logjam was com- possible surge of foreclosure notified -- by mail, for headed to mediation. And down and discuss what are about their pounded a week later by an cases in the courts if judicial example, or personally the majority of those the issues and what could be children's appellate court ruling that foreclosure becomes the served. requesting mediation done, that results in a dispo- accom- lenders’ recording practices norm in Oregon. The mortgage industry received no response at all sition that has something for plishments. didn’t meet state law. Five “I think we’re in a good says notification can be diffi- from their lender. both sides,”Bray said. I also can’t months later, foreclosures place to deal with a sudden cult in situations where Homeowner advocates Lenders, however, say stop myself are taking the court route, increase,” Bray said. “We’d homeowners have already want to see a penalty added that would only add to the from mak- which is slower and costlier rather not have to, but we abandoned the house in into the law for lenders who cost and complexity of judi- ing some for all involved. will if that’s what occurs.” foreclosure without provid- don’t respond to mediation cial foreclosure cases. JEANNE comment Both the Oregon Lenders are also prepar- ing new contact informa- requests. “We’ve got a broken pro- PHILLIPS about how Legislature and the state ing to ask the Legislature to tion. Consumer advocates are gram as it is,” Christiansen my sons Supreme Court will need to make changes to the state Other proposals, howev- expected to propose an said. “To simply take that were better. make some key decisions foreclosure mediation pro- er, have earned the ire of expansion of the mediation and place that broken pro- I know it’s wrong, but I still do concerning the foreclosure gram created in the last leg- consumer advocates. program to include foreclo- gram on judicial foreclosure it. process early in the new year. islative session. For one, the lending sures proceeding in court. not only adds costs, but Sporting events make me By November of this year, “We’re not looking to industry and advocates dis- “If we want the mediation you’re delaying our property sad and my husband preliminary reports showed overturn” the mediation law, agree on who’s considered an program to work, we need to value recovery in the state.” depressed. Is this empty nest? We can’t seem to figure out how to move on. Have you Revolving jail door any suggestions? More chil- dren are out of the question. frustrates justice system — SPOTLIGHTS DIMMED IN OHIO EUGENE (AP) — At jails DEAR S.D.: When people in western Oregon timber peer too long into a spotlight counties, budget cuts and STATE — whether directly or the declining federal timber rev- DIGEST reflected glare of someone enues have been forcing nearby — it diminishes their tough choices on who should ernors have long possessed vision for a period of time be kept in jail and who should the power to grant individu- after the light is extinguished. be let go. als clemency” and an inmate What you may fail to see is Last month, the issue can’t force his government to that all parents are proud of came to a head in Eugene, execute him. Oral arguments their kids, and if you continue when one of the two dozen are set for March 14. to compare other people’s inmates released was arrest- Haugen has voluntarily children unfavorably with ed on bank robbery charges waived his appeals and your own, you will soon be as the same day he was let go. sought execution. welcome as a polecat at a gar- The problem is becoming den party. all too common in other Bend locksmith This is why I urge you and struggling timber counties, returns $50,000 your husband to take a little as well. BEND (AP) — A thank- time, refocus your attention you note to a Central Oregon to children less fortunate than The Associated Press Gov. says death penalty locksmith was addressed to your own, and invest some of Kristina Shevchenko,Clackamas Town Center shooting victim,talks to reporters for first time at her house as reprieve unconditional “the most honest man in your energy in other youths her father Veniamin looks on, Saturday, in Portland. Kristina Shevchenko, a 15-year-old girl was seriously SALEM (AP) — Gov. John Bend” after he returned who need the encouragement wounded when a gunman killed two people and then himself at an Oregon shopping mall. Kitzhaber has told the $50,000 he found in a safe’s and support you can give. If Oregon Supreme Court that secret compartment. you do, you will be rewarded he has the power to grant an Bryan Donnell retrieved a many times over. Oregon mall shooting unconditional reprieve to customer’s 1,000-pound DEAR ABBY: My ex-hus- Death Row inmate Gary safe last week. band — who had an affair — Haugen, which is effective The safe’s former owner, and I have been divorced for even if Haugen rejects it. 57-year-old Dale Parkinson, three years, but have been survivor tells her story In his brief, the governor tells The Bulletin of Bend, forced into a roommate situa- is responding to a Marion that he and his wife pulled tion due to health issues on PORTLAND (AP) — A amount of pressure and hoping to remind others County Circuit Court judge’s the money from their life my part and financial issues teen who survived the Dec. pain but honestly it feels just how precious life is. ruling that Haugen could savings in 2007, fearing a on his. We have two kids 11 shooting at an Oregon like — you can’t describe “He might have had a reject the reprieve and move potential financial collapse. together that I have needed shopping mall says she did- what it feels like,” she said. hard life, I don’t know what forward in his efforts to die They also bought a safe, his help with. However, there n’t realize the gun that shot She says she initially his life was like or his rea- by lethal injection. and snuck $50,000 into a is a potential “new guy” in my her was real until bullets thought Jacob Roberts, who sons for doing what he did. The Oregonian says secret compartment. life who is uncomfortable started whizzing past. was dressed in black and I can’t exactly blame him. Kitzhaber asserts that Then, apparently, they that my ex still lives here. KPTV shared on wearing a mask, was It only shows how prepared “Kings, presidents and gov- forgot about it. My friends tell me I’m too Saturday 15-year-old pulling a prank. we have to be, and how we nice to have let him stay here Kristina Shevchenko’s per- The teen struggles with have to cherish every for so long. I feel it’s the char- spective on what happened why she survived and two moment because you never Death Notices itable thing to do because he that day, when two other others died. know when it could be the has nowhere to go. I’m also Marian K. Dick —94,of under the direction North people died. “It is hard to think that, last,” Shevchenko said. afraid my kids will think I’m Coos Bay, died Dec. 21, 2012, Bend Chapel, 541-756- The teen was walking why should they have to be The Shevchenkos being hateful if I kick their in Coos Bay. Arrangements 0440. father out. Oh my God, Abby, home from school and took the ones that weren’t able expressed their condolences are under the care of Coos Lamoine T. Reiland — what do I do? — IN TRANSI- a shortcut through the to run away. They were just to the families of Steve Bay Chapel, 541-267-3131. 76, of Bandon, passed away TION IN TENNESSEE Clackamas Town Center. passing by like all other Forsyth and Cindy Yuille Leonard W. Popinski — Dec. 23, 2012, in Coos Bay. DEAR IN TRANSITION: If When she heard the first people, why should it be and thanked the communi- 60, of Lakeside, passed Arrangements are under the you want to stay “stuck” in shots, she hid behind a pil- that they have to be the ty for its continued sup- away Dec. 23, 2012, in direction of Coos Bay your predicament, allow your lar with her best friend, but ones that didn’t get away,” port. Lakeside. Arrangements are Chapel, 541-267-3131. former husband to continue when she looked down, she Shevchenko said. Her father says it’s a living there. If you would like realized she had been shot When asked about the miracle that she survived. to go on with your life, then in the chest. man who shot her, she har- He says Kristina is the fam- • Cremation recognize that very few men “I did feel a huge bors no hate. Instead she’s ily’s Christmas gift. • Funeral Service would want to date a woman who has another man living Locally with her. Appellate court ruling affects “Our family Owned & By allowing your ex to stay serving your family” Operated with you, you have allowed your children to think your possessions of homeless people 541-267-4216 marriage could be repaired. If 405 Elrod • Coos Bay John & Tanya Nelson that is not the case — and EUGENE (AP) — The city was lecturing his class about friend watched “The search your heart before of Eugene has stopped California black oak in the Incredible Hulk” on a bat- answering that question — destroying possessions of then set a time limit for him to Bertelsen Nature Park in the tery-powered player in a homeless people living in leave. West Eugene Wetlands in propane-heated, tarp-and- camps in response to a rul- DEAR ABBY: My husband November when he noticed scrap-wood shelter. ing by the 9th U.S. Circuit and I went to a restaurant last a sickly scent. Bild said it had been Court of Appeals. night. We were enjoying our “I wasn’t the only one months since city workers The appellate court ruled meal when a couple came in who smelled human waste,” tore out his previous camp in September that seizing and sat at a table close to ours. Lueck said. “I could see and tossed his belongings and destroying possessions Soon, a bad body odor wafted people moving away from into a trash bin. left in public places violates over to where we were sitting. where I was talking, and I “It’s hard,” Bild said, the U.S. Constitution. It was so strong I couldn’t knew why.” “when they take your For now, Eugene is taking finish my dinner. Earlier this month in clothes, your tent, your a hands-off approach to When we got up to pay our those same wetlands, 40- shoes. You have to start all Sunsetunset MemorialMemorial ParkPark homeless encampments, bill, we told the manager year-old Jason Bild and a over.” Established in 1914 by the Independent Order of Odd according to The Register- about it and asked what could Fellows (I.O.O.F.) & relocated from the Marshfield Guard. Pioneer Cemetery. The 40 acre park is the home of the be done. He said that was a Mark Schoening, acting Thousands without power only mausoleum, columbarium & cremation garden in tough question and he didn’t parks and open space direc- the Bay Area. know the answer. I told him I tor, said the city has halted • Simple cremation & burial. was going to write to Dear in Josephine County all cleanups of homeless • Private or public graveside or mausoleum chapel Abby and ask. He said if I got camps until the city attor- MEDFORD (AP) — Rural lack electricity in Jackson services. an answer to be sure to let him ney drafts a legal and practi- areas of Southern Oregon County. • Large selection of burial/cremation spaces, know. What would you sug- cal procedure for dealing remained without power on Redding, Calif., city crews headstones, monuments, burial & urn vaults, gest? — CHOKING IN IOWA with them. Saturday as melting snow are assisting Pacific Power in caskets, urns, cremation jewelry, printed materials, DEAR CHOKING: It was Local procedures are caused tree branches to fall on working to restore outages to video tributes & more is available at the time of not the responsibility of the expected to include advance power lines. the nearly 1,800 people with- need or in advance by preplanning. restaurant staff to “do” any- notification to camp resi- The Medford Mail Tribune out power in Siskiyou County. • Pet cremation. thing about your problem. dents and ways for collect- reports some Pacific Power Snow levels are predicted • Payment terms & options. The thing to do was change to ing items removed by the crews have had to return to to hover at 2,000 to 2,500 on • All funeral & insurance plans accepted. a table in another section. If city. areas previously repaired. Saturday night. The area is you were questioned about it Locally owned by Tom Boynton Meanwhile, the city’s Monte Mendenhall of expected to see between 1-3 — which I doubt you would be halt on camps has had dif- Pacific Power says nearly inches of snow Wednesday — the polite response would Est. 1914 541-267-7182 ferent effects on people. 9,000 in Josephine County night, with accumulations up be that you preferred a table 63060 Millington Frontage Road University of Oregon and 500 in Rogue River are to 6 inches in higher eleva- in a different location. Coos Bay, OR instructor Whitey Lueck still without power. About 32 tions. www.coosbayfh.com C M C M Y K Y K

C M C M Y K A6 •The World • Monday, December 24,2012 Y K Nation Don’t be fooled by January pay — higher taxes loom

WASHINGTON (AP) — rately withhold income taxes take-home pay. But as talks paychecks of the year, said every two weeks, that’s the year on appropriate Workers probably won’t feel from January paychecks, drag on over how to address Michael O’Toole of the about $142 a paycheck. withholding for 2013.” the full brunt of next year’s unless all the current tax other year-end tax increases, American Payroll O’Toole said it would take About three-quarters of tax increases in their January rates remain unchanged, the Internal Revenue Service Association. most employers two weeks taxpayers got tax refunds paychecks, but don’t be which is an unlikely sce- has delayed releasing income If employers don’t with- to four weeks to update their this year, averaging $2,707, fooled by the temporary nario. tax withholding tables for hold enough taxes in payroll systems, once new according to the IRS. That reprieve. Social Security payroll 2013. January, they will have to tax withholding tables are gives most taxpayers some No matter what Congress taxes are set to increase on As a result, employers are withhold even more taxes released. For some small leeway to manage their does to address the year-end Jan. 1, so workers should planning to withhold income later in the year to make up businesses, it could take income tax withholding. fiscal cliff, it’s already too immediately feel the squeeze taxes at the 2012 rates, at the difference. Otherwise, longer. However, many people rely late for employers to accu- of a 2 percent cut in their least for the first one or two taxpayers could get hit with “Employers can’t really on tax refunds to pay bills or big tax bills, and possibly just come up with withhold- make major purchases. penalties, when they file ing tables on their own, “The reality is, the vast tiioonnss their 2013 returns. depending on what the rates majority of Americans do tiinngg DDoonnaat The tax increases could are,” O’Toole said. “The live paycheck to paycheck AAcccceeppt be steep. If Congress fails to smaller companies that do not and that tax refund is their act, workers at every income use a payroll processing serv- most significant payday of oss CCoouunnttyy level face significant tax ice probably would have more the year,”said Bob Meighan, r tthhee CCooo increases next year as part of problems than anyone else.” vice president of TurboTax, ffoor the year-end “fiscal cliff.” On Friday, the IRS said it an online tax preparation teerr!! A taxpayer making plans to issue guidance by service. maall SShheellt between $50,000 and the end the year, though it Most of the expiring tax AAnniim $75,000 would get an aver- won’t be early enough to breaks were first enacted Save gas and bring it to us instead age tax increase of $2,400, affect paychecks in early under President George W. according to the Tax Policy January. Bush and extended under of driving out to the shelter Center, a Washington “We are aware that President Barack Obama. We welcome Food, research group. If the worker employers have questions Obama campaigned for re- Litter Boxes, Litter, Toys, is paid every two weeks, with respect to 2013 with- election on extending the tax that’s about $92 a paycheck, holding,”the agency said in a cuts on incomes below Treats & More. on average. written statement. “Since $200,000 for individuals SCAN ME! or Someone making Congress is still considering and $250,000 for married Thank You! between $75,000 and changes to the tax law, we couples. Obama would let G Googleooglle uus!s!! $100,000 would get a tax continue to closely monitor the tax cuts expire on Moorganrrgan Vet,Vett,, CoosCoos BayBay increase averaging nearly the situation. We intend to incomes above those 223030 Market,Marrkett,, CoosCoos BayBay • 541-269-5846541--269--5846 $3,700. If the worker is paid issue guidance by the end of amounts. the Bulletin Board It’s your best choice for professional services • 541-267-6278 Bandon • Coos Bay • Coquille • Myrtle Point • North Bend • Port Orford • Reedsport Antiques Cleaning Services Painting Ana’s Housekeeping “High Quality General Cleaning At A Fair Price” Collectables Frank Johnson Used Furniture 541-217-1997 541-297-4996 CCB# 155231 • Total Mobile Audio • XM & Sirius Systems Lic#006418 And More • Video Entertainment Systems • Pandora Internet Radio WOOD PRESERVATIVES Monday-Saturday ON SHAKE ROOFS Meerryrry CChristmashristmas ffromrom 10 AM - 5 PM MOSS & MOLD REMOVAL 2005 Sherman Ave. Serving Coos Bay, Coquille, GUTTER CLEANING DECK & FENCE STAINS North Bend Eastside, Lakeside Stereo-To-GoStereo-To-Go CONCRETE CLEANING 541-756-5751 & North Bend Areas. 541-756-1475 • 2229 1/2 Newmark Ave., North Bend Open Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm Lawn/Garden Care Rock/Sand Pacific Antiques & Books Everything you need for an 25th2255tthh AnniversaryAAnnnniivveerrssaarryy Old Fashioned Christmas Coos County Family Owned Tues. - Sat. 10-5 Topsoil C Celebration!Ceelleebbrraattiioonn!! 1989 Sherman Ave., Reasonableeasonablle RRatesattes North Bend, OR Crushed Rock TH TH • MMOWINGOWIING • BBLOWERLOWER JAN 10 - JAN 12 , 2013 541.751.0303 Sand • EEDGINGDGIING • AERATINGAERATIING Join us for our Silver Anniversary! • WEEDINGWEEDIING • FFERTILIZINGERTIILIIZIING Serving Coos Bay, North Bend, • TRIMMINGTRIMMING • TRIMMING• HHAULINGAULIING Reedsport, Coquille, It’s hard to believe it’s been • THATCHINGTHATCHIING Myrtle Point & Bandon • WEEDWEED EEATINGATIING 25 years, and to thank you, our loyal MALL Kentuck S • HHEDGEEDGE TTRIMMINGRIIMMIING customers, we are throwing a party! B USINESS • IINITIALINIITIIAL CCLEANUPSLEANUPS & MMOREORE 541-756-2623 WNERS FRREEEE ESTIMATESESTIIMATES Coquille O : Licenseiicense #0006816#0006816 541-396-1700 Find your niche Licensediicensed & InsuredIInsured CCB# 129529 here! Tell them what your business has to Wood offer on the 25TH ANNIVERSARY FREE DRAWING Bulletin Board. UTSMARTUTSMART Pick up you FREE ticket from your Affordable Slice cashier at time of checkout advertising Thurs., Jan. 10th through Sat., Jan 12th at noon. customized just YOURYOUR Recovery, Inc. OO One ticket per family. Drawing will be Sat., Jan 12th at 1pm. Must be 18 yrs old for you! Call by 1-12-13 to be eligible. Only one winner per household. Must have ID for COMPETITIONOMPETITION proof of age and address. No employee or family members are eligible. 541-269-1222 C !! Mile Marker 7, Hwy. 42 Must Be Present to Win! Ext. 293 Coquille, OR 97423 to get started Place your ad today. 541-396-6608 GIFT CARD WALK here and give Thursday, Jan 10th Bldg./Const. We will spin a wheel every half hour your business starting at 12:30pm till 5:30pm, we will LUMBER announce that we will be spinning the wheel 1 minute the boost it Cedar Siding, Decking, Paneling, prior to spin. We will call out a color then a number, if you are on the Myrtlewood, Madrone, right color and numbered dot, you win a gift card worth the amount specified at time of spin. needs. Call Employee must verify number and color. Must be 18 years old by 1-10-13 to be eligible. Maple Flooring, Only one winner per household. Must have ID for proof of age and address. Residential Jobs - 541-269-1222 Furniture Woods Our Specialty! DOBAKE WALK Friday, Jan 11th FREE ESTIMATES FIREWOOD Ext. 293 We will spin a wheel every half hour starting at 12:30pm till 5:30pm, we will Credit Cards Accepted Madrone, Oak, Maple, announce that we will be spinning the wheel 1 minute prior to spin. We will Paving & Asphalt for details Fir, Myrtlewood call out a color then a number, if you are on the right color and numbered Driveways - RV Pads Repair dot, you win 1 DoBake Item of your choice. Jobs - Rock Please be courteous no pushing please. Dirt - Sand Employee must verify number and color. Must be 18 years old by 1-11-13 to be eligible. Landscape Material DIRECTORY Only one winner per household. Must have ID for proof of age and address. French Drains GET YOUR BUSINESS Excavation: ANTIQUES/COLLECTABLES Driveways - Site Prep ADVERTISEMENT IN Fat Cat Antiques ...... 541-756-5751 Don’t forget to buy your tickets for a chance to - Road grading Pacific Antiques & Books...... 541-751-0303 Concrete Curbing: THE BULLETIN BUILDING/CONSTRUCTION win a SHOPPING SPREE on Saturday, Jan 12th! Commercial & Decorative BOARD TODAY!! RP & T Trucking LLC ...... 541-297-4001 541-756-6444 CLEANING SERVICES All funds go to North Bend High School’s Baseball 93355 Oakway Rd. Ana’s Housekeeping...... 541-217-1997 and Career Exploration Class. Coos Bay, OR LAWN/GARDEN CARE Purchase tickets from North Bend Garcia Maintenance...... 541-267-0283 Cell: 541-297-4001 Baseball Player and or from CCB# 158261 PAINTING G.F. Johnson House Painting. . . . . 541-297-4996 Career Exploration Students.

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C M C M Y K Monday, December 24,2012 • The World • A7 Y K Nation DUI charge: Jan. 4 court date for Idaho Sen. Crapo

ALEXANDRIA, Va. (AP) “I am deeply sorry for the spot next year on the Senate House of Representatives. istered a blood alcohol level Crapo had told The — A conservative U.S. sena- actions that resulted in this Banking Committee. He also Police in the suburb of of .11 percent. The legal limit Associated Press in past tor from Idaho who has said circumstance,”Crapo said in serves on Alexandria said Crapo was in Virginia, which has strict interviews that he abstains he doesn’t drink because of the statement Sunday night. the Senate’s stopped early Sunday after drunken driving laws, is .08 from drinking alcohol. his Mormon faith has been “I made a mistake for which I budget and his vehicle ran a red light. percent. A Mormon who grew up charged with drunken driv- apologize to my family, my finance Police spokesman Jody In Virginia, the driver’s in Idaho Falls, Idaho, Crapo ing. Idaho constituents and any panels and Donaldson said Crapo failed license of anyone who regis- was named a bishop in the Sen. Michael Crapo, a others who have put their has been field sobriety tests and was ters a blood alcohol level of church at age 31. He is an three-term Republican with trust in me. I accept total active on arrested at about 12:45 a.m. .08 percent or higher is attorney who graduated a reputation as a social and responsibility and will deal environ- Sunday. He was taken to the automatically suspended for from Brigham Young fiscal conservative, regis- with whatever penalty mental and Alexandria jail and released seven days. A first-time con- University and Harvard Law tered a blood alcohol content comes my way in this mat- Sen. Michael health on an unsecured $1,000 viction for DUI carries a School. of .11 percent after police ter.” Crapo issues. bond at about 5 a.m. Sunday. mandatory, minimum $250 He has five children with pulled his car over in this He also said he would Crapo was a “There was no refusal (to fine and license revocation his wife, Susan, and three suburb south of Washington, take measures to ensure member of take blood alcohol tests), no for one year, according to the grandchildren. D.C., authorities said. “this circumstance is never the so-called “Gang of Six” accident, no injuries,” state Department of Motor The Mormon church pro- The 61-year-old law- repeated.” senators that worked in 2011 Donaldson said. “Just a traf- Vehicles. hibits the use of alcohol, as maker, who faces a court Crapo, who was elected in toward a deficit-reduction fic stop that resulted in a A Crapo spokesman well as coffee, tea and other date Jan. 4, apologized in a 1998 and is in his third deal that was never adopted DUI.” declined to comment on the substances. About one- statement issued hours after Senate term, is expected to by Congress. He also served Police said Crapo, who circumstances surrounding quarter of Idaho residents his arrest early Sunday. take over the top Republican for six years in the U.S. was alone in his vehicle, reg- the arrest. are Mormon. Heroic Richard Adams, actions bring change in early figure in gay tone on marriage, dies BY ANDREW DALTON throughout his life. teachers The Associated Press Adams and Sullivan’s pri- mary motivation in marrying BY CHRISTINE ARMARIO LOS ANGELES — Richard was to get permanent U.S. The Associated Press Adams, who used both the residency status for Sullivan, altar and the courtroom to an Australian, and they Hung on a building in the help begin the push for gay promptly put in an applica- Connecticut town where 20 marriage four decades before tion with what was then children and six adults were it reached the center of the called the Immigration and killed at an elementary national consciousness, has Naturalization Service. school is a spray-painted died, his attorney said They received a one-sen- sign with four words: “Hug a Sunday. tence denial from INS that teacher today.” After a brief illness, was stunning in its blunt- It’s a testament to the The Associated Press Adams died Dec. 17 at age 65 ness. teachers who sprang into In this Saturday, Dec. 15, photo, Gary Seri, general manager at the Stone River Grille, hangs a sign reading in the Hollywood home he “You have failed to estab- action when a gunman broke “HUG ATEACHER TODAY”written on a table cloth in honor of the teachers who died along with students a day shared with Tony Sullivan, lish that a bona fide marital into Sandy Hook Elementary earlier when a gunman opened fire at the Sandy Hook elementary school in the Sandy Hook village of his partner of 43 years, attor- relationship can exist School and opened fire. They Newtown, Conn. Seri said the teachers were scheduled to have their holiday party at his restaurant. He put ney Lavi Soloway told The between two faggots,” the hid students in closets and up red balloons that were not used when a sweet 16 party was canceled the night before, in lieu of the mas- Associated Press. letter said. bathrooms, and even threw sacre. Adams and Sullivan met The INS issued a follow- themselves in the line of fire. at a Los Angeles gay bar up response that removed Some paid with their lives. years in which politicians and its $4.35 billion Race to they help them get in the called “The Closet” in 1971, the offending language but Their sacrifice was self- and the public have viewed the Top competition, has led mood for learning and pro- but their life and relationship gave no ground in its think- less and heroic, and most them as anything but heroes. states to strip teachers of tect them and care for them would soon be on display for ing. teachers say they would do Instead, teachers have been tenure and institute tougher while they’re in school.” a worldwide audience. Adams’ attempt to have exactly the same if they ever the focus of increased evaluations based in consid- Graham began teaching at They were granted a mar- that decision overturned was came face to face with a gun- scrutiny, criticized for what erable part on student scores a rural school in southern riage license in 1975, but for the first federal lawsuit seek- man in the classroom. At is perceived as having gener- on standardized tests. The Virginia in 1955 and said even years fought in vain to see it ing gay marriage recogni- schools last week, many ous and unwarranted bene- heavier emphasis on testing then teachers viewed pro- recognized by governments tion, according to the teachers got extra thanks fits and job security. has led to a narrowing of tecting students as part of and a population for whom Advocate magazine and the from parents and students “I think a moment like what is perceived as the their job. During the Cold the idea of two married men Los Angeles Times, the first who were reminded in the this makes us appreciate and teacher’s role in the class- War, teachers led students was still strange and foreign. media outlets to report his aftermath of the Newtown, understand the degree to room. through drills in the event of They were subjected to anti- death. Conn., massacre of just how which we are dependent on “Most of the talk about a nuclear bomb attack. gay slurs even from govern- He took the INS to court much they give. our teachers to take care of teachers lately has been, Today, they lead them ment agencies. in 1979, and later filed a sep- “I really hope a lot of par- our children in all kinds of ‘Should we judge teachers through the halls on fire “They felt that in the end, arate lawsuit on the consti- ents see teachers in a little bit ways, not just in what they simply by children’s per- drills and even have to take the most important thing tutionality of denying gays of a different light about all learn in the classroom,” said formance on standardized threats like shootings into was their love for each other, the right to marry. that we do,”said Hal Krantz, Paula Fass, a history profes- tests?’” said Patricia Albjerg account. and in that respect they His position appeared a teacher at Coral Springs sor at the University of Graham, a professor of the “I’m certainly proud of won,” Soloway said. “No strong. Gay couples always Middle School, about 20 California, Berkeley. history of education at those teachers that lost their government or no law was thought they would have to miles north of Fort Over the last four years, a Harvard University. “And lives or got injured,” Krantz ever able to keep them sue for the right to marry in Lauderdale, Fla. wave of reforms, prompted while it’s very important that said. “It always makes you apart.” the first place, but Adams That gratitude for teach- largely by the U.S. teachers assist children in feel proud to be part of that The couple’s public life was defending a marriage he ers is a respite from recent Department of Education learning, it’s also true that whole society.” began when they heard about had been officially granted. a county clerk in Boulder, Despite reaching the Colo., named Clela Rorex, a highest federal appeals Lawmakers look to restrict gun magazine capacity pioneer in her own right who courts, he was met only with took the unprecedented step rejections. BY KEVIN FREKING six teachers at Sandy Hook looks at these high-volume Instead, LaPierre reiter- of giving marriage licenses to The couple did became a The Associated Press Elementary School in magazines, you know, that ated the group’s support for gay couples after learning hot topic, especially as Newtown, Conn. Sen. can fire off so many rounds.” putting police officers in from the district attorney’s Sullivan’s deportation WASHINGTON — Dianne Feinstein of Both lawmakers appeared every school. office that nothing in became likely in the mid- Lawmakers from both par- California is promising to on CBS’ “Face the Nation,” “If it’s crazy to call for Colorado law expressly for- 1980s, and they appeared on ties voiced their willingness push for a renewal of expired where NRA President David putting police and armed bade it. the “Today” show and “The Sunday to pursue some legislation that banned cer- Keene said lawmakers were security in our schools to Rorex’s office became Phil Donahue Show,” giving changes to the nation’s gun tain weapons and limited the asking the wrong question protect our children, then what The New York Times some of the first national laws, but adamant opposi- number of bullets a gun when discussing how many call me crazy,” LaPierre said soon after called “a mini- attention to gay marriage tion from the National Rifle magazine could hold to 10. rounds a gun magazine on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” Nevada for homosexual cou- when it was considered an Association has made clear “I think we ought to be should have. “I think the American people ples.” oddity even by future sup- than any such effort will face looking at where the real The right question, he think it’s crazy not to do it. Among the first six cou- porters. significant obstacles. danger is, like those large said: “Can we keep guns out It’s the one thing that would ples to take advantage were Adams’ application for NRA CEO Wayne clips,” said Sen. Kay Bailey of the hands of people who keep people safe.” Adams and Sullivan, who Australian residency was LaPierre dismissed efforts to Hutchison, R-Texas. are potential killers?” Sen. Joe Lieberman, a traveled to Colorado, had a also denied, so the couple revive a ban on assault “I think we need a com- LaPierre made clear it Connecticut independent, ceremony at the First spent a year in Europe before weapons as a “phony piece of prehensive approach,” said was highly unlikely that the said he found the NRA’s Unitarian Church of Denver returning to the United legislation” that’s built on Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., a NRA could support any new statements in recent days to and were granted a license States and leading a low- lies. longtime gun rights sup- gun regulations. be “really disheartening.” from Rorex, before the state’s profile life in Los Angeles. Democratic lawmakers in porter. “I’ll look at all the “You want one more law on Still, he said he agrees with attorney general ordered her But they recently Congress have become more proposals. I think it looks at top of 20,000 laws,when most some of the points the group to stop giving them to gay reemerged as their issue adamant about the need for mental health, I think it of the federal gun laws we has made about the causes couples. Rorex remained in finally gained traction in stricter gun laws since the looks at protecting our don’t even enforce?” he said. behind violence in America. contact with Adams courts and voting booths. shooting of 20 children and schools but I also think it Christmas BLOW OUT! 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C M C M Y K A8 •The World • Monday, December 24,2012 Y K Nation Anti-tax activists say no to deal NATIONAL DIGEST

BY STEVE PEOPLES with The Associated Press, activists worry about the practical and political you’re not going to be a majority very Newtown turns to The Associated Press said they would rather the nation fall implications should the GOP block a long.” clergy, counselors off the cliff than agree to a compro- compromise designed to avoid tax It’s a concern that does not seem to NEWTOWN, Conn. — The BOSTON — In the city where a mise that includes tax increases for increases for most Americans and cut resonate with conservatives such as grief will not end. Yet the heal- protest over tax policy sparked a revo- any Americans, no matter how high the nation’s deficit. tea party activist Frank Smith of ing must begin. So as the shock lution, modern day tea party activists their income. They dismiss econo- “It weakens the entire Republican Cheyenne, Wyo. He cheered Boehn- of Newtown’s horrific school are cheering the recent Republican mists’ warnings that the automatic Party, the Republican majority,”Rep. er’s failure as a victory for anti-tax shooting starts to wear off, as revolt in Washington that embar- tax increases and deep spending cuts Steven LaTourette, R-Ohio, said conservatives and a setback for the headlines fade and the rassed House Speaker John Boehner set to take effect Jan. 1 could trigger a Thursday night shortly after rank- Obama, just six weeks after the presi- therapists leave, residents are and pushed the country closer to a fresh recession, and they overlook the and-file Republicans rejected dent won re-election on a promise to seeking a way forward through “fiscal cliff” that forces tax increases fact that most people would see their Boehner’s “Plan B” — a measure that cut the deficit in part by raising taxes faith, community and a deter- and massive spending cuts on virtual- taxes increase if President Barack would have prevented tax increases on incomes exceeding $250,000. mination to seize their future. ly every American. Obama and Boehner, R-Ohio, fail to on all Americans but million-dollar Smith said his “hat’s off” to those At religious services “I want conservatives to stay reach a year-end agreement. earners. Republicans in Congress who rejected Sunday, church leaders strong,” says Christine Morabito, The strong opposition among tea “I mean it’s the continuing dumb- their own leader’s plan. received standing ovations president of the Greater Boston Tea party activists and Republican leaders ing down of the Republican Party and “Let’s go over the cliff and see from parishioners they have Party. “Sometimes things have to get from New Hampshire to Wyoming we are going to be seen more and what’s on the other side,” the black- been helping to cope with the a lot worse before they get better.” and South Carolina highlights divi- more as a bunch of extremists that smith said.“On the other side” are tax shooting deaths of 20 children Anti-tax conservatives from every sions within the GOP as well as the can’t even get a majority of our own increases for most Americans, not and six adults at Sandy Hook corner of the nation echo her senti- challenge that Obama and Boehner people to support policies that we’re just the top earners, though that point Elementary School. The gun- ment. face in trying to get a deal done. putting forward,”LaTourette said. “If seemed lost on Smith, who added: man also killed his mother and In more than a dozen interviews On Capitol Hill, some Republicans you’re not a governing majority, “We have a day of reckoning coming.” himself. “This has been the worst week of my life,” said Subdued Senators: Monsignor Robert Weiss of the St. Rose of Lima Roman Catholic Church, which lost mood on Hagel would eight children and two adults in the massacre. He thanked the community for giving him shopping face tough strength to get through the week filled with funerals. confirmation Lieberman fears U.S. weekend may go over ‘cliff’ WASHINGTON (AP) — WASHINGTON (AP) — ATLANTA (AP) — Christ- Two senators predicted Senators bickered Sunday over mas shoppers thronged malls Sunday that former Sen. who’s to blame for lurching the and pounced on discounts but Chuck Hagel would face a country toward a year-end apparently spent less this year, difficult confirmation if “fiscal cliff,” bemoaning the their spirits dampened by nominated by President lack of a deal days before the concerns about the economy Barack Obama to be defense deadline but bridging no dif- and the aftermath of shootings secretary. ferences in the debate. and storms. Sen. Joe Lieberman, a With the collapse Thursday Talk about more than just Connecticut independent of House Speaker John the usual job worries to cloud who’s retiring and wouldn’t Boehner’s plan to allow tax the mood: Confidence among have a vote, cited Hagel’s rates to rise on million-dollar- U.S. consumers dipped to its less-than-hawkish positions The Associated Press plus incomes, Sen. Joe lowest point in December on Iran. Lieberman told This 2010 photo shows the Gowanus Canal,which was added to the Superfund National Priorities List in 2010 Lieberman said “it’s the first since July amid rising eco- CNN’s “State of the Union” for being heavily contaminated with PCBs,heavy metals,volatile organics and coal tar wastes.NewYork,New time that I feel it’s more likely nomic worries, according to a that it would be “a very tough Jersey and EPA officials say toxic sites are OK after Superstorm Sandy, but The Associated Press has found we’ll go over the cliff than not,” monthly index released Friday. that few actual tests have been done. confirmation process,” and Marshal Cohen, chief “there are reasonable ques- meaning that higher taxes for research analyst at NPD Inc., a tions to ask and that Chuck most Americans and painful market research firm with a Hagel will have to answer.” federal agency budget cuts network of analysts at shop- Toxic tests lag after Sandy On NBC’s “Meet the would be in line to go ahead. ping centers nationwide, esti- Press,”Sen. Lindsey Graham, Official: SEAL Cdr. mates customer traffic over R-S.C., said it would be “a commits suicide the weekend was in line with THE ASSOCIATED PRESS enough to ensure there is no contamination challenging nomination.” the same time a year ago, but from Superfund sites. He’s worried toxins “I don’t think he’s going WASHINGTON (AP) — that shoppers seem to be OLD BRIDGE, N.J. — For more than a could leach into groundwater and the ocean. to get many Republican U.S. military officials are spending less. month, the U.S. Environmental Protection “It’s really serious and I think the EPA and votes,”Graham said. investigating the apparent sui- “There was this absence of Agency has said that the recent superstorm the state of New Jersey have not done due Hagel, 66, is considered cide of a Navy SEAL com- joy for the holiday,” Cohen didn’t cause significant problems at any of diligence to make sure these sites have not the leading candidate to mander in Afghanistan. said.“There was no Christmas the 247 Superfund toxic waste sites it’s mon- created problems,”Tittel said. replace Leon Panetta at the Navy SEAL Cdr. Job W. spirit. There have been just too itoring in New York and New Jersey. The EPA said last month that none of the Pentagon, although a number Price, 42, of Pottstown, Pa., many distractions.” But in many cases, no actual tests of soil or Superfund sites it monitors in New York or of GOP senators have died Saturday of a non-com- Shoppers are increasingly water are being conducted, just visual New Jersey sustained significant damage, expressed reservations about a bat-related injury while sup- worried about the “fiscal cliff” inspections. but that it has done follow-up sampling at nomination. Their concerns porting stability operations in deadline — the possibility that The EPA conducted a handful of tests right the Gowanus Canal site in Brooklyn, the largely center on Hagel’s past Uruzgan Province, a stalemate between Congress after the storm, but couldn’t provide details Newtown Creek site on the border of Queens comments about Israel and Afghanistan. and the White House over the or locations of any recent testing when asked and Brooklyn, and the Raritan Bay Slag site, Iran.Outside groups have sug- A U.S. military official said U.S. budget could trigger a last week. New Jersey officials point out that all of which flooded during the storm. gested that based on Hagel’s the death “appears to be the series of tax increases and federally designated Superfund sites are But last week, EPA spokeswoman Stacy remarks, he isn’t sufficiently result of suicide.” The official spending cuts starting Jan. 1 EPA’s responsibility. Kika didn’t respond to questions about supportive of Israel, an impor- spoke on condition of The recent Newtown, The 1980 Superfund law gave EPA the whether any soil or water tests have been tant ally in the Middle East. anonymity because the death Conn., school shooting also power to order cleanups of abandoned, done at the other 243 Superfund sites. The Opponents point to his is still being investigated. dampened shoppers’ spirits spilled and illegally dumped hazardous agency hasn’t said exactly how many of the votes against sanctions on “The Naval Special Warfare atop the fall’s retail woes after wastes that threaten human health or the sites flooded. Iran and letters that Hagel family is deeply saddened by Superstorm Sandy’s passage environment. The sites can involve long- “Currently, we do not believe that any signed, along with ones he the loss of our teammate,”said up the East Coast. term or short-term cleanups. sites were impacted in ways that would pose declined to add his name to, Capt. Robert Smith, The Northeast and Mid- Jeff Tittel, executive director of the Sierra a threat to nearby communities,”EPA said in many of those favored by the Commander of Naval Special Atlantic, which account for 24 Club in New Jersey,says officials haven’t done a statement. pro-Israel lobbies. Warfare Group Two, which percent of retail sales nation- manages all Virginia-based wide, were tripped up by Navy SEAL teams. “We extend Sandy when the enormous Ga. counties sue HSBC claiming loss of tax base our condolences, thoughts and storm clobbered the region in prayers to the family, friends, late October, disrupting busi- and NSW community during nesses and households for THE ASSOCIATED PRESS dollars. and lost tax revenue. gion, sex, family status or this time of grieving.” weeks. Fulton, DeKalb and The lawsuit says the handicap. “As we mourn the loss and All that spelled glum news ATLANTA — Three Cobb counties say the bank banks violated the Fair A lawyer for HSBC said honor the memory of our fallen for retailers, which can make Atlanta-area counties have aggressively signed minori- Housing Act. That law pro- he couldn’t comment on teammate, those he served filed a lawsuit claiming that ties to housing loans that vides protections against up to 40 percent of annual the lawsuit, which was filed with will continue to carry out British bank HSBC engaged were likely to fail. The housing or renting policies the mission,” Smith added sales during November and in October. A federal judge in predatory lending that counties say that caused or practices that discrimi- Sunday. December. They were count- has given the bank until Jan. ing on the last weekend before ended up costing them tremendous damage, nate on the basis of race, hundreds of millions of including extra expenses color, national origin, reli- 25 to file a response. A final good-bye to late Christmas to make up for lost dollars earlier in the season. Sen. Inouye The Saturday before HONOLULU (AP) — The Christmas was expected to be late Sen. Daniel Inouye was the second biggest sales day Ranchers split over border security plan remembered Sunday as an behind the Friday after American hero whose legacy as a war veteran and longtime Thanksgiving. BY ELLIOTT SPAGAT that can modify or even derail senator would be felt across The Associated Press plans to extend its footprint. The U.S. House approved Hawaii for years to come. Firefighter NOGALES, Ariz. — When the bill authored by Utah The memorial service at Dan Bell drives through his Republican Rob Bishop in Honolulu’s National Memorial 35,000-acre cattle ranch, he June. But prospects in the Cemetery of the Pacific was shot at scene speaks of the hurdles that the Democratic-controlled U.S. attended by about 1,000 peo- Border Patrol faces in his Senate are extremely slim and ple, including President Barack of blaze N.Y. rolling green hills of oak and chances of President Barack Obama, Senate Majority mesquite trees — the hours it Obama’s signature even slim- Leader Harry Reid, Hawaii’s takes to drive to some places, mer. Homeland Security Sec- congressional delegation and a WEBSTER, N.Y. (AP) — number of other senators, cab- Authorities say a firefighter has the wilderness areas that are retary Janet Napolitano testi- generally off-limits to motor- fied in Congress this year that inet secretaries and other dig- been shot while responding to ized vehicles, the environ- the bill was unnecessary and nitaries. a house fire in western New mental reviews required to “bad policy.” “Daniel was the best sena- York. extend a dirt road. Still, an idea that House tor among us all,” Reid told Officials in the town of John Ladd offers a different Republicans kicked around The Associated Press those assembled, adding later: Webster tell local media outlets take from his 14,000-acre for years has advanced farther Rancher Dan Bell checks out part of the property he leases at the bor- “Whenever we needed a noble that someone shot at firefight- spread: the Border Patrol in the legislative process than der fence between the United States and Mexico, in Nogales,Ariz. man to lean on, we turned to ers around 6 a.m. Monday already has more than enough ever before and rekindled dis- Sen. Dan Inouye. He was fear- when they arrived at the scene roads and its beefed-up pres- cussion over how to balance Heightened enforcement reviews required under the less.” of the blaze just east of ence has flooded his land and border security with wildlife — along with a fewer available National Environmental Poli- The cemetery, a strikingly Rochester. eroded the soil. protection. jobs in the U.S. and an aging cy Act, the Endangered beautiful site located in an A fire official with the West Their differences explain The debate raises some of population in Mexico — has Species Act and 14 other laws extinct volcano, is the final Webster Fire District tells the why ranchers are on opposite the same questions that will brought Border Patrol arrests in dozens of wilderness areas, resting place to thousands of Democrat and Chronicle of sides of the fence over a play out on a larger scale to 40-year lows. national forests and national World War II veterans. More Rochester that the firefighter is sweeping proposal to waive when Congress and the pres- Lots more needs to be parks. than 400 members of the sto- listed in satisfactory condition environmental reviews on ident tackle immigration done, according to backers of “It’s a paralyzing process ried Japanese-American at Strong Memorial Hospital. federal lands within 100 miles reform: Is the U.S. border Bishop’s bill to rewrite rules now,” Bell, 44, said as his 442nd Regimental Combat Officials say the fire spread of Mexico and Canada for the with Mexico secure, consid- on millions of acres of federal GMC truck barreled down a Team — of which Inouye was a to a second home. A man sake of border security. The ered by some lawmakers to be land managed by the Interior dirt road on a 10-mile stretch part — are buried at the site. answering the phone at the fire Border Patrol would have a a litmus test for granting legal and Agriculture departments, of his ranch that borders Adm. Samuel Locklear, station said firefighters are free hand to build roads, cam- residency and citizenship to including more than 800 Mexico. “They wanted to put commander of the Navy’s U.S. unable to battle the blazes as era towers, helicopter pads millions? Has the U.S. miles bordering Mexico and this road in for a decade, Pacific Command, said this long as the area hasn’t been and living quarters without reached a point of border 1,000 miles bordering Cana- probably even longer. They also will be Inouye’s final rest- secured by police. any of the outside scrutiny security overkill? da. The bill would waive broke ground on it last year.” ing place. C M C M Y K Y K

C M C M Y K Monday, December 24,2012 • The World • A9 Y K World Afghan UN envoy worried policewoman after talks with Assad

BEIRUT (AP) — The inter- quoted Assad as saying his kills U.S. national envoy to Syria said government supports “any after talks with President effort in the interest of the adviser Bashar Assad today that the Syrian people which pre- situation in the country was serves the homeland’s sover- KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) still “worrying” and gave no eignty and independence.” — An Afghan policewoman indication of progress toward Brahimi has made little shot and killed an American a negotiated solution for the apparent progress toward adviser outside the police civil war. brokering an end to the con- headquarters in Kabul today, Lakhdar Brahimi said he flict since starting his job in the latest in a rising tide of and Assad exchanged views on September, primarily insider attacks by Afghans the crisis and discussed possi- because both sides adamant- against their foreign allies, sen- ble steps forward, which he did ly refuse to talk to each other. ior Afghan officials said. not disclose. He spoke briefly The government describes The killing of the Ameri- to reporters after meeting the the rebels as foreign-backed can, who worked as a con- Syrian leader at the presiden- terrorists set on destroying tractor with the NATO com- The Associated Press tial palace in Damascus. the country. The opposition mand, was the first known In this Nov. 17 photo, smoke rises during an explosion from an Israeli forces strike in Gaza City. Israel bom- “The situation in Syria is says that forces under insider attack by a woman in barded the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip with nearly 200 airstrikes widening a blistering assault on Gaza rocket still worrying and we hope that Assad’s command have killed Afghanistan. all the parties will go toward too many people for him to The woman, identified as operations by militants to include the prime minister's headquarters, a police compound and a vast network of smuggling tunnels. the solution that the Syrian be part of any solution. Afghan police Sgt. Nargas, had people are hoping for and look Activists say more than entered a strategic compound forward to,”Brahimi said. 40,000 people have been in the heart of the capital and Syria’s state news agency killed since March 2011. shot the civilian adviser with a Group says Gaza Palestinians pistol as he came out of a small shop with articles he had just bought, Kabul Governor attacks violated laws of war Abdul Jabar Taqwa told The Associated Press. JERUSALEM (AP) — Gaza killed three Israeli civil- said it would comment on Earlier, she had asked militants violated laws of ians and wounded dozens. the report after its legal bystanders where the gover- war by launching hundreds Israeli assaults killed 169 experts review it. The Israeli nor’s office was located, the of rockets at Israeli civilians Palestinians. military did not address the governor said. As many during last month’s fighting, “Palestinian armed substance of the report. Afghans, the policewoman Human Rights Watch said in groups made clear in their Last week, the New York- uses only one name. a release today. statements that harming based group in a similar The policewoman was The Israeli military said civilians was their aim,”said report said Israel violated taken into Afghan custody 1,500 rockets were fired at Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle laws of war in the same shortly after the attack but Israel during the eight-day East director at the New offensive by attacking jour- Interior Ministry spokesman offensive against Gaza mili- York-based rights group. nalists and media facilities Sediq Sediqi said that she tants, including the first “There is simply no legal in Gaza. Two Palestinian refused to answer questions rockets from the Gaza Strip justification for launching cameramen were killed and after hours of interrogation to strike the Tel Aviv and rockets at populated areas.” at least 10 media personnel aimed at determining her Jerusalem areas. Hamas, the Islamist were wounded in the Israeli motives for the killing. The rocket attacks group that controls Gaza, operation. Starttart NewNew Year’sYear’s Eve,Eve, Wild Women of Charleston Happy Holidays at HHighigh TTideide CCaféafé Wine & Gift Shop from Coos Bay Vision Center Breast of Duck Marsala Open ’s New Year’s Prime Rib ake everyone Day M r lidays Happie Fresh Catch of the Day Ho en COOS BAY VISION CENTER with Wild Wom Also serving our full menu Wines & PATRICIA GATES, OD Call for reservations now. les! Great Giftab 986 Central Ave., Coos Bay • 541.267.4224 • Like us on facebook Open Wed-Sun. 11am- 9pm Closed Mon. & Tue. FOROR RESERVATIONSRESERVATIONS CALLCALL NOWNOW OPENOPEN 5541-888-3664 41-888-3664 ATAT OYSTEROYSTER COVECOVE 541-888-3664 541-297-2095 541-297-2095 91124 Cape Arago Hwy. - Charleston • www.hightidecafellc.com 63340 Boat Basin Drive, Charleston, Oregon

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C M C M Y K A10 •The World • Monday, December 24,2012 Y K Weather South Coast Tonight: Rain. Steady temperature around 43. South Oregon weather Tuesday, Dec. 25 National forecast southeast wind 6 to 16 mph. Chance of rain is 100%. Tonight/Tuesday City/Region WeatherForecast Underground for Tuesday,forecast Dec. for 25daytime conditions, low/highLow temperatures | High temps Forecast highs for Monday, Dec. 24 Sunny Pt. Cloudy Cloudy Christmas Day: Rain. High near 51. Breezy, with a south wind 16 to 22 mph, with gusts to 33 mph. WASH. Tuesday Night: Showers. Low around 42. South south- 46° | 37° west wind 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain is 100%. Portland Wednesday: Showers. High near 48. West wind 6 to 9 36° | 43° Pendleton mph. Chance of precipitation is 100%. Billings 25° | 39° 16° | 10° Minneapolis Curry County Coast Newport 41° | 52° Bend 19° | 10° Salem Tonight: Rain. Low around 42. South southeast wind 23° | 36° New York 5 to 10 mph. Chance of precipitation is 90%. 36° | 45° IDAHO Chicago Detroit 39° | 30° Christmas Day: Rain. High near 49. Breezy, with a Ontario San Francisco 36° | 30° Eugene Denver 36° | 27° south southeast wind 21 to 26 mph. 19° | 36° 57° | 48° Washington D.C. 36° | 45° 46° | 21° Tuesday Night: Showers. Low around 41. South south- North Bend 45° | 36° west wind 10 to 20 mph. Chance of rain is 100%. Coos Bay Los Angeles Wednesday: Showers. High near 46. West northwest 41° | 50° 63° | 57° wind around 9 mph. Chance of precipitation is 100%. Atlanta Medford Klamath Falls 57° | 43° Rogue Valley 34° | 43° El Paso 16° | 34° Tonight: Rain likely. Mostly cloudy, with a low around CALIF. © 2012 Wunderground.com 64° | 36° 35. Chance of precipitation is 60%. Houston Christmas Day: Rain. High near 43. South southeast Cloudy Thunder- Flurries Ice 75° | 64° storms wind 9 to 14 mph. Chance of precipitation is 90%. Partly Miami Tuesday Night: Showers. Low around 36. Southeast Cloudy Showers Rain Snow 70°80°77° | 84°65° 64° wind around 8 mph. Chance of precipitation is 90%. Weather Underground• AP Wednesday: Showers. High near 39. Southeast wind Fronts Pressure around 5 mph. Chance of precipitation is 80%. Oregon Temps Local high, low, rainfall Cold Warm Stationary Low High Willamette Valley Temperature extremes and precipitation Friday: High 46, low 43, 0.36 inches Tonight: A 50 percent chance of rain. Mostly cloudy, for the previous 24 hours ending at 5 a.m. Saturday: High 45, low 39, 1.44 inches with a low around 38. Calm wind. Hi Lo Prc Sunday: High 46, low 39, 0.75 inches Total rainfall to date: 54.48 inches Christmas Day: Rain. High near 46. South southeast Astoria 43 39 0.36 Rainfall to date last year: 36.45 inches wind 7 to 11 mph. Chance of precipitation is 100%. Brookings 45 39 M -10s -0s 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s100s 110s Corvallis 42 38 0.55 Average rainfall to date: 62.13 inches Tuesday Night: Rain. Low around 40. South south- Eugene 44 39 0.63 west wind 5 to 9 mph. Chance of precipitation is 90%. Klamath Falls 38 26 0.04 The Tide Tables Wednesday: Showers. High near 45. La Grande 37 32 0.13 To find the tide prediction for your area, add or Temperatures indicate Sunday’s high and Fairbanks B33 35B clr Philadelphia 46 29 sno Medford 43 33 0.19 subtract minutes as indicated. To find your esti- overnight low to 5 a.m. Fargo 05 05B .09 clr Phoenix 68 47 pcdy Portland area mated tidal height, multiply the listed height by Showers Rain T-storms Flurries Snow Ice Newport 45 39 0.33 Hi Lo Prc Otlk Flagstaff MM MM MM sno Pittsburgh 38 21 rn the high or low ratio for your area. Tonight: A 40 percent chance of rain after. Mostly Pendleton 45 35 0.01 Albuquerque 52 31 cdy Fresno 54 46 .37 cdy Pocatello 40 32 .03 sno Location High time ratio Low time ratio cloudy, with a low around 34. Light east southeast wind. Portland 44 41 0.30 AnchorageWest Remains 08 06 cdy Wet,Green Showers Bay 26 Move 11 Intosno Portland,Maine Southeast 37 28 clr Bandon -0:18 .81 -0:06 .84 Christmas Day: Rain. High near 44. Southeast wind Redmond 36 30 0.29 Brookings -0:40 .81 -0:30 .91 Atlanta 58 46 .21 rn Hartford Spgfld 42 25 pcdy Providence 40 26 pcdy around 13 mph. Chance of precipitation is 100%. Roseburg 43 35 0.76 Charleston -0:11 .89 -0:04 .91 AtlanticA Citystrong 45 low 23 pressure rn H systemonolulu off the 81 68West Coast cdy Raleigh-Durham continues 55 42 rn Tuesday Night: Rain. Low around 40. South south- Salem 42 40 0.48 Coos Bay +1:20 .86 +1:24 .84 Austin 70 43 pcdy Houston 75 63 cdy Reno 49 36 .39 cdy Florence +0:38 .77 +0:54 .75 pushing a cold front over the West, producing more rain and west wind 7 to 11 mph. Chance of rain is 90%. Baltimore 47 25 rn Indianapolis 42 29 cdy Richmond 54 31 rn Port Orford -0:28 .86 -0:23 .99 mountain snow showers. Meanwhile in the East, a trough of low Wednesday: Showers. High near 44. South southwest Reedsport +1:05 .79 +1:20 .75 Billings 27 09 sno Jackson,Miss. 58 57 .05 pcdy Sacramento 52 40 .97 pcdy Umpqua River -0:01 .81 -0:01 .91 Birminghampressure 55 brings 51 .59 showers rn Jacksonville and thunderstorms 62 39 cdy to theSt Louis Southeast. 50 32 cdy wind around 6 mph. Chance of precipitation is 90%. Extended outlook Boise 40 34 .05 cdy Kansas City 32 17 pcdy Salt Lake City 47 39 .03 sno North Coast HIGH TIDE A.M. P.M. Boston 38 31 clr Key West 71 63 cdy San Angelo 76 29 pcdy Date time ft. time ft. Weather Underground • AP Tonight: Rain. The rain could be heavy at times. Low TUESDAY WEDNESDAY Buffalo 35 28 cdy Las Vegas 56 41 pcdy San Diego 64 52 rn 24-Dec 9:01 8.8 10:55 6.7 Burlington,Vt. 30 17 .03 cdy Lexington 49 39 .06 cdy San Francisco 59 49 1.35 pcdy around 40. East southeast wind 9 to 15 mph. 25-Dec 9:44 8.9 11:36 7.1 Casper 42 25 cdy Little Rock 62 54 cdy San Jose 54 43 1.17 pcdy Christmas Day: Rain. High near 47. Breezy, with a east Charleston,S.C. 59 44 cdy Los Angeles 65 53 .19 rn Santa Fe 46 20 cdy southeast wind 20 to 23 mph. Chance of rain is 100%. 26-Dec 10:24 9.0 - - Charleston,W.Va. 51 28 rn Louisville 55 43 .08 cdy Seattle 45 38 .26 cdy Tuesday Night: Rain. Low around 41. Southwest wind 27-Dec 12:12 7.3 11:03 9.1 Charlotte,N.C. 55 44 rn Madison 24 11 cdy Sioux Falls 16 11 cdy 13 to 20 mph. Chance of precipitation is 100%. 28-Dec 12:45 7.5 11:41 9.1 Cheyenne 42 20 cdy Memphis 56 56 .06 pcdy Spokane 38 30 .34 sno Wednesday: Showers. High near 46. Southwest wind Rain Rain LOW TIDE A.M. P.M. Chicago 34 30 cdy Miami Beach 73 57 cdy Syracuse 36 29 .02 cdy 13 to 15 mph, with gusts as high as 23 mph. 51/42 48/39 Cincinnati 50 32 rn Midland-Odessa 66 30 pcdy Tampa 64 51 cdy Date time ft. time ft. Cleveland 35 26 rn Milwaukee 28 23 cdy Toledo 37 20 rn Central Oregon 24-Dec 2:46 4.1 4:07 0.6 Colorado Springs 53 22 cdy Mpls-St Paul 19 16 sno Tucson 68 43 cdy Tonight: Mostly cloudy, with a low around 20. THURSDAY FRIDAY 25-Dec 3:37 4.2 4:47 0.2 Columbus,Ohio 41 28 rn Missoula 36 29 sno Tulsa 58 23 pcdy Southeast wind 6 to 8 mph. 26-Dec 4:24 4.2 5:23 -0.1 Concord,N.H. 39 28 clr Nashville 52 45 .29 rn Washington,D.C. 47 31 rn Christmas Day: Snow. High near 36. South wind 27-Dec 5:06 4.1 5:58 -0.3 Dallas-Ft Worth 65 35 pcdy New Orleans 69 63 cdy W. Palm Beach 72 54 cdy around 13 mph. Chance of precipitation is 80%. 28-Dec 5:46 4.0 6:32 -0.4 Daytona Beach 67 47 cdy New York City 42 34 rn Wichita 31 19 pcdy Tuesday Night: Snow likely. Cloudy, with a low around Sunrise, sunset Denver 54 21 cdy Norfolk,Va. 52 39 cdy Wilmington,Del. 46 23 sno 22. South wind 6 to 9 mph. Chance of rain is 70%. Des Moines 24 17 .01 sno Oklahoma City 47 25 cdy National Temperature Extremes Dec. 23-31 — 7:48, 4:51 Detroit 38 24 sno Omaha 19 12 sno High Sunday 85 at Corpus Christi, Texas Wednesday: A 50 percent chance of snow showers. Chance of rain Mostly cloudy Moon watch El Paso 64 35 clr Orlando 68 48 cdy and Weslaco, Texas Cloudy, with a high near 31. Calm wind. 49/37 48/35 Full Moon — Dec. 28

REUNION JAIL was the toilet paper one Edwards said. “They joke, inmates made last year. but it gets you on the inside.” Payne’s recent Just one day Guards let it stand for a while For inmates, Christmas before taking it down to no longer becomes a day cancer diagnosis closer to freedom allow the inmates to “blow centered around the lure of some stress off.” Continued from Page A1 Continued from Page A1 presents and family time. It The 35-year-old Edwards, who is in jail for violating a just becomes another day, ed Living. After a few days is spent like the rest — alone. restraining order against his and for Edwards, that’s one together, the pair were Inmates aren’t allowed to girlfriend, said inmates sup- day closer to freedom. already finishing each other’s make presents to send to port each other during the “You just really can’t get sentences. their families. Anything that holiday season by staying stuck on it,” he said. “Some “I’ve always, always By Jessie Higgins, The World is modified is considered lighthearted and not think- people get stuck on it and thought about it, since the Mother Dianne Taylor passes an ornament to her daughter, Ann Payne. contraband, leaving them ing about what they are they get down on them- day I found out,”Payne said. This is their first Christmas together. with their written words as missing out on. selves. It doesn’t matter how Payne was adopted by a the only way to reach loved Laughter helps inmates good you are, sometimes you hardworking family from ones. pass the time, but it also Tillamook who already had “It was joy.” She paused, “She just found me, and I No decorations can hang becomes a tool to mask the mess up.” adopted two other children. “No, that doesn’t even might lose her again,”Taylor in their cells and nothing realities of being away from Reporter Tyler Richardson She went to Catholic school, describe it.” said. Tears pooled in her they draw or write can be loved ones. can be reached at 541-269- and was happy and loved, The pair met in person for eyes, but didn’t fall. wrapped. The only Christ- “A lot of people try to 1222, ext. 236, or at trichard- she said. the first time Dec. 13. Payne shook her head mas tree seen inside the jail suppress Christmas in here,” [email protected]. Her adopted mother died They ate meals, shared quickly from side to side. in 1993. photos, and talked for hours. “No,” she said. “You’re For years, she’s wanted to On Dec. 17, mother and not going to lose me. I’m not JUG BAND helps to ward off dementia can be reached at 541-269- find her birth mother, but daughter celebrated Payne’s going anywhere without a and Alzheimer’s. 1222, ext. 236, or at trichard- didn’t know where to look. birthday — the first time fight.” Age is obviously “They are a bunch of [email protected]. Then, this year, she threw since the day she was born. The pair let the moment troublemakers,” she said. “I out a Hail Mary. She posted a But this sweet story is not pass, then began telling more not an obstacle have a passion for this plea on a website that helps without it’s bitter side. stories. After all, they have a Continued from Page A10 because I see what it does for adopted children find their Not long ago, Payne was lot of lost time to make up, the people here.” Outdoors birth parents. A couple diagnosed with colon cancer. and many happy days left Every member of the band Find out where the months later, a woman Doctors give her about four ahead. 2009, and has performed in insists their age is not an agreed to help. years, with aggressive chemo “I have my life,” Payne front of as many as 500 peo- obstacle, but rather a device best fishing can be It didn’t take the searcher therapy. said. “I’m complete. I have ple. they use to add culture to found. long. On Dec. 1, Payne called The smile that had been no more questions now.” Luther said the band has their music. her mother on the phone for permanently plastered on Reporter Jessie Higgins can become her family. She said “Just don’t tell us to break a the first time. Taylor’s face faded away as be reached at 541-269-1222, having the seniors practice leg before we perform because “I went, ‘Oh my God,’and her daughter spoke of her ill- ext. 240, or jhiggins@the- once a week and come up we might,”Fowler said. See GO! Saturday started to cry,” Taylor said. ness. worldlink.com. with their own choreography Reporter Tyler Richardson

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Bowl games | B2 Sports Blazers fall | B5 B theworldlink.com/sports I Sports Editor John Gunther I 541-269-1222, ext. 241 MONDAY, DECEMBER 24, 2012 Bay City Duals Reedsport Coquille boys win wrestlers top local tourney title THE WORLD squads Reedsport’s boys basketball team won its home tour- nament for the first time since 2004 when the Braves BY JOHN GUNTHER crushed Waldport 49-24 in the championship game of the 41st Dune Country Classic on Saturday. The World Montana Frame hit five 3-pointers and scored a COOS BAY — Coquille’s team-best 15 points for Reedsport, which limited the wrestling team more than held its Irish to just nine points in the first half. Mike Mitchell own against larger schools in and tournament most valuable player Brady Marshfield’s annual Bay City Strowbridge had 13 points each for Reedsport. Duals tournament on Saturday. “We got her done today,” said The Red Devils finished third in Reedsport coach Kent Kristensen. the Gold Bracket, which included “I thought we could beat them. I the top seven teams from the tour- See related photos at didn’t think we could beat them so nament’s first day Friday. www.theworldlink.com. handily.” Coquille lost to eventual cham- A few weeks ago, Waldport won pion North Medford, but came its home tournament and the Braves didn’t win a game. back to beat Brookings-Harbor in “We came out and got with it on defense and fought the consolation round and easily for the rebounds,”Kristensen said.“It was just overall an top Crescent Valley 62-18 in the outstanding team effort.” third-place match. Dalton Brown led Waldport with six points. “I’m pretty proud of our team,” Marshfield freshmen 45, North Douglas 36: The said Coquille’s Michael Romine, Pirates captured the consolation title Saturday night, as who went unbeaten in six matches Rylee Trendell scored 17 points and Kasey Banks added over the two days of the tourna- eight. Marshfield outscored the Warriors 28-17 in the ment. “I was expecting to place, second half. but I didn’t expect third.” Garrett Burris and Ben Cain had seven points each The result was a good indica- for North Douglas. tion of Coquille’s strength, said The all-tournament team included Reedsport’s Sye Yates, who lost just one match, Frame and Strowbridge, Dalton Brown and Tyler when he got caught in a bad spot Johnson from Waldport, Marshfield’s Trendell and and was pinned in the third round Jason Huckins from North Douglas. of a tight match against North Bandon Dunes Holiday Invitational Medford’s Jordan Shipley, who was named the outstanding Del Norte 45, Bandon 30: The Warriors outscored Bandon 25-12 in the first half on the way to taking the wrestler for the upper weights. title in the tournament at Bandon. “A couple of us could have Aaron Fitch had 19 points for Del Norte. Logan Shea wrestled better against North scored nine points and Evan Henson eight for the Tigers. Medford,” Yates said. “They’re a “Poor shooting was the culprit,” said Bandon coach big school. They’re powerful.” Ken Nice. “We only had four turnovers the first half. I Coquille, which also beat rival thought we played well. We just didn’t shoot well.” Myrtle Point at the start of the day Jefferson edged St. Mary’s 59-55 in overtime in the Saturday, bounced back well consolation game. Wyatt Prunk had two 3-pointers in against Crescent Valley, another the extra session and scored a team-best 16 points for larger school. the Lions, while Connor Vinyard had a game-high 18 for Seth Lambson rallied in the St. Mary’s. final seconds for a 12-11 win over Prunk shared the 3-point title with Bandon’s Shea Daniel Hale in the 106-pound and Kade Benton of St. Mary’s after all three made 10 match, Marcus Allen won his treys during the contest. match at 113 by technical fall, Bandon, which got its first win Friday, plays in Wyatt Yates had a pin after trailing Oakland’s holiday invitational this weekend. in the 126-pound match, Tristan Dixon did the same at 145 pounds Hometown Hardware Holiday Tournament and Chris Elmer (152 pounds) and South Umpqua 67, Myrtle Point 54: A slow start Austin Flood (160) also had pins. doomed the Bobcats in the consolation game of the Sye Yates (170) and Romine (182) team’s home tournament. both had pins in the first minute “We didn’t start out well at all,” said Myrtle Point and the Red Devils won three other coach Dave Larsen. matches by forfeit. The Bobcats trailed 18-6 after the first quarter and by 20 Sye Yates said the third-place points in the second before eventually pulling within six. trophy was a good accomplish- “With a couple minutes left, we were only down ment. eight and we had to foul and they made the free throws,” “I think it’s pretty cool,”he said, Larsen said. “I was proud of the kids to come back. They also pointing out that Coquille had could have easily quit.” two high placers (Yates and Cooper Stateler had 21 points to lead Myrtle Point, Romine) at the 33-school Coast while Matt Newton had 12 and Brad Larsen 10. Classic and placed 10th at the 44- Austin Page had 20 points and Erik Johnson 17 for the team Grants Pass Kickoff Classic. Lancers. Coquille easily had the best In the championship game, Eagle Point overcame a showing for the South Coast slow start by outscoring Glide 28-7 in the second half for schools at the Bay City Duals. a 45-31 win as Jorge Quintero scored a game-high 18 Brookings-Harbor beat Myrtle points. Jacob Fricke had 14 for Glide. Point in the fifth-place match and By Lou Sennick, The World The all-tournament team included Myrtle Point’s Reedsport finished seventh in the Tournament most valuable player Brady Strowbridge shoots for two points for Reedsport against Dalton Stateler, South Umpqua’s Page, Glide’s Brandon Halter Gold Bracket. Brown of Waldport on Saturday night during the championship game of the Dune Country Classic. and Quintero and Cesar Chavez from Eagle Point. Host Marshfield, meanwhile, managed to reach the title match in the Silver Bracket despite giving up six forfeits each match. Three more teams punch postseason tickets The Pirates couldn’t top Newport in the title match, falling 51-30, but did get pins in that match by Skyler Harvey (132 I Indianapolis, Cincinnati and pounds), Brandon Campbell (138) Seattle secure spots in the and Tyler Gregory (145). Thaddeus Nelson didn’t get a postseason with Sunday wins match against Newport, instead winning by forfeit, but wrestled BY BARRY WILNER well enough at 120 pounds during The Associated Press the two days to be voted outstand- ing wrestler for the lower weights. All set in the AFC, except for the matchups. Marshfield coach Travis As for the NFC playoff race, there’s still Wittlake said his squad was a little plenty of intrigue. tired for the final match after two Indianapolis finished off its remarkable full days of wrestling. one-year turnaround by beating Kansas City The Pirates earlier had beaten a 20-13 Sunday to grab an AFC wild card. The short-handed North Bend squad Colts went 2-14 in 2011, drafted Andrew Luck and also Gold Beach, a match that first overall and now are 10-5. worked out favorably for “We were a confident locker room from Day Marshfield because the Panthers 1,” Luck said. “I remember going in trying to had to forfeit at several of the same gauge the feel of what it would be like, and guys weight classes. were confident. There are guys on this team The Pirates leave Wednesday who have never missed a playoff, those guys for the two-day Sierra Nevada know how to win, and I think they imparted The Associated Press Classic at Reno, Nev. that on the younger guys in the locker room, Seattle’s Richard Sherman celebrates after intercepting a pass in the end zone against the San Francisco 49ers on and I think it worked out.” “This was a good warmup,” Sunday. Seattle’s win over the 49ers put the Seahawks in the playoffs. Wittlake said. Cincinnati made the playoffs for the second Gold Beach finished fifth and straight year, the first time the Bengals man- As for the NFC, Seattle’s 42-13 victory over champion Giants need lots of help. North Bend seventh in the Silver aged that since 1982. They beat archrival San Francisco muddled the West, but earned Chicago’s 28-13 victory at Arizona kept it in Bracket. Pittsburgh 13-10 on Josh Brown’s 43-yard field the Seahawks at least a wild card. The 49ers the wild-card chase. North Medford, meanwhile, goal with 4 seconds remaining. lead the division by a half-game and have Also Sunday, it was St. Louis 28, Tampa Bay easily won all its matches The Bengals have been around since 1968. clinched a postseason berth. 13; Miami 24, Buffalo 10; San Diego 27,the New Saturday, beating Reedsport 67-6 This is the first time they’ll make the postsea- North winner Green Bay’s 55-7 rout of York Jets 17; and Carolina 17,Oakland 6. and Coquille 49-24 (the Red son in two straight non-strike years. Tennessee moved it up to the second seed Colts 20, Chiefs 13: At Kansas City, Mo., Devils got pins by Dixon, Flood “I know they just think that there’s some behind South champion Atlanta. The Falcons Luck threw for 205 yards to break the single- and Brady Jarrett and decisions by complex; there’s no complex, you’ve just got to have home-field advantage throughout the season rookie record, and his touchdown pass Kody Courtright and Romine). come play and win,”coach Marvin Lewis said. NFC playoffs after defeating Detroit 31-18 on to Reggie Wayne late in the fourth quarter put In the championship, the Black “This group in there has very little history of Saturday night. Indianapolis in the playoffs. Tornado topped North Salem, 51- anything.” The East lead belongs to Washington thanks Luck surpassed Cam Newton’s year-old 24. Baltimore clinched the AFC North by rout- to a 27-20 win at Philadelphia, while the Giants record of 4,051 yards passing by a rookie in the “We’ve never been in this tour- ing the New York Giants 33-14. Houston owns fell to the Ravens and Dallas was beaten 34-31 second quarter, and then came through in the nament before,”said Shipley. “We the South even though it lost to Minnesota 23- in overtime by New Orleans. The Redskins and closing minutes. He marched Indy to the Chiefs just wanted to wrestle tough and 6. Denver has the West and won its 10th in a Cowboys meet next Sunday, with the winner 7,then found Wayne in the back of the end zone come home with a trophy. row by romping over Cleveland 34-12. New taking the division. on third-and-goal for the go-ahead score. “Overall, as a team we’ve done England is the East champion and beat Washington also can get a wild card, as can pretty well.” Jacksonville 23-16. New York, but the defending Super Bowl SEE NFL | B4 C M C M Y K Y K

C M C M Y K B2•The World • Monday, December 24,2012 Y K Sports Marshfield girls top Springfield


Marshfield’s girls swim team dominated host Springfield in a Midwestern League dual Friday, winning nine of the 11 events and sweeping the top three spots in four of the individual events. Bridget McCarthy won both the 200-yard freestyle and 50-yard freestyle for the Pirates, and Shaylyn Brownell won the 500-yard freestyle and 100-yard breaststroke. Marshfield also got indi- vidual wins by Alyssa Hedgpeth (100 butterfly) and Elyse Trendell (100 butter- fly). The Pirates won all three relays, as well, with combi- nations including McCarthy, By Lou Sennick, The World Brownell, Hedgpeth, Reedsport’s Madi Richardson looks for someone to pass to against tight pressure from Savannah Mast in the second half of the championship game against North Douglas on Saturday Trendell, Asha Huffman, at the Dune Country Classic. Dominique Randle and Kayla Sparkman. Marshfield’s boys got wins by Elias Mendez (100 North Douglas beat Braves for tourney title freestyle) and Brogan Bracelin (500 freestyle), and THE WORLD Douglas as the Warriors cap- beat the Irish for the conso- ing 16 of her 20 points in the Point 32: The Bobcats man- also won the 200 freestyle tured the girls team title in lation title. fourth quarter, including aged just four points in the relay with the squad of Reedsport only got points the Dune Country Classic Hailey Woolsey had nine nailing three 3-pointers. fourth quarter as the Eagles Mendez, Bracelin, Spencer from two players and could- with a 38-22 win Saturday. points and Francesca Bandon led 36-29 heading rallied for the title in Myrtle Fromm and Wesley Bauer. n’t keep up with North Kayla Doane had 12 points Cincollo added eight for into the final quarter. Point’s tournament. and Gabby White added 10 Marshfield. Camilla Alvarado Hailey Iverson had 15 Casie Johnson had 19 for the Braves, who never had eight points and Riley Wahl added points for Eagle Point a night scored more than seven points for 13 for the Tigers. Raelyn after Adrienne Wood scored points in any quarter. the Irish. Freitag had two 3-pointers 30 against South Umpqua. “We ran into a real good See related photos at The among her eight points. “We defended (Wood) point guard crew in the Mast www.theworldlink.com. all-tour- In the consolation game, well,” Myrtle Point coach girls,” Reedsport coach Stu nament Del Norte failed to score in Marty Stallard said, adding Richardson said of North team included most valuable the first quarter, but rallied to that his team struggled to get ealer #37 Douglas sisters Savannah and player Doane and her beat Jefferson 49-28. a hand in the face of Johnson Visit D Bella Mast. Reedsport teammate White, Brittany Maready had 16 on a lot of her shots. Savannah Mast had 14 along with the Mast sisters points and Emma Card 13 for Caitlyn Robison had 12 points and Bella Mast added from North Douglas, Del Norte. Mallory Schmitt points and Grace Hermann five. Marshfield’s Woolsey and and Lacey Weddle had eight added eight for the Bobcats. “They were just more Alvarado from Waldport. points each for Jefferson. The all-tournament team active than we were,” In the 3-point contest, included Johnson and Wood Richardson said. Bandon Dunes Holiday Freitag won the title by nail- from Eagle Point, Robison Marshfield freshmen Invitational ing 15 shots. and Hermann from Myrtle 27, Waldport 26: The St. Mary’s 47, Bandon Hometown Hardware Point, and Kali Vickery of Pirates overcame a slow start 42: Emily Alvarez rallied the Glide, which beat South LEAF’S TREEHOUSE Like us! when they scored just three Crusaders to the title in Holiday Tournament Umpqua in the consolation 311 S. Broadway • 541.266.7348 points in the first quarter to Bandon’s tournament, scor- Eagle Point 39, Myrtle game. Mon. - Thurs. & Sat - 10am - 5pm Fri. - 10am - 7pm; Sun. - 11am - 5pm Boise State edges Washington in bowl

LAS VEGAS (AP) — The Boise State sealed the win y last two times Boise State when Jeremy Ioane inter- pp played in the Las Vegas Bowl, cepted Keith Price’s pass as a there were other places the the Huskies neared midfield. H r Broncos wanted to be. Not so “To their credit they ea on Saturday, when the small- found a way to win the game Y est player on the team came in the end,”said Washington ew up big in a 28-26 victory over coach Steve Sarkisian. “Our Washington. inability to finish is pretty N ll! After two straight blaring.” blowouts in the Las Vegas Sankey, who was third on o A Bowl, the Broncos had to the depth list when fall prac- t work hard for a win sealed by tice began, rushed 30 times a 27-yard by 5- and caught six passes in the foot-5 Michael Frisina with biggest game of his career. He 1:16 left. It left them feeling scored one touchdown and Wewillbe closed forW in ter good about a game and a sea- The Associated Press was the MVP of the game, va cation D ec23rd–Jan 31st. son when, unlike the last two Boise State kicker Michael Frisina (84) is carried off the field after kick- despite being on the losing years, there was hardly any ing the go-ahead field goal in the Broncos’ win over Washington in the side. Plea sevisit usonlin e foru pda ted talk about Boise State being MAACO Bowl on Saturday. “There’s a lot of mixed Sprin g cla ss sch ed u les. in a BCS game. emotions going on,” Sankey “The most satisfying Broncos (11-2), who had to one to come on the last game said. “The MVP doesn’t www.sa gep laceba n d on .com thing about this season was overcome a 205-yard rushing of my career, you couldn’t mean so much when you each week you’d see us get game by Bishop Sankey ask for anything more.” come out a loser.” just a little bit better,” Boise against their normally stingy Washington (7-6) had Frisina was only 12 for 17 State coach Chris Petersen defense. Sankey also had 74 taken the lead for the first on field goals coming into the said. “These guys, they don’t yards receiving, giving him time on a 38-yard field goal game, but kicked three of go through the motions. 279 of Washington’s 447 by Travis Coons with 4:09 them, including a 34-yarder They have a chip on their yards from scrimmage. left when No. 20 Boise State to open the scoring that was But it was Frisina who got a big kickoff return by Unlea sh You r Im a gin a tion O n T he O regon C oa st shoulder.” his first field goal over 30 The win capped another came up with the biggest freshman Shane Williams- yards for the year. 525 11th St.SE B and on • 541-329-0303 O pen 11a m -4pm Tu esd a y -Sa turday strong year for the No. 20 game of his career in his final Rhodes to the Washington Southwick, meanwhile, game. He kicked three field 42. Joe Southwick guided the had another efficient game, goals, including the first team to the 12 before Frisina completing 26 of 38 passes IT’S TIME TO GET THINGS game winner he could ever hit the winning kick. for 264 yards and two touch- recall booting. “I was just focused on downs for a Boise State team “It’s every kicker’s dream what I had to do,” Frisina that struggled offensively WRAPPED UP to win a big game with a field said. “I’m there as the insur- through much of the season The helpful place. NOW THROUGH DECEMBER 31 goal,” Frisina said. “For this ance guy, I guess you’d say.” before improving over its last three games. NEW ORLEANS BOWL 999999 94 BEAUTIFUL 50.03 ACRES ON 11449499 119 DANIEL’S CREEK with a 3BR, 1BA Louisiana-Lafayette mobile home with a shop attached. 43, East Carolina 34: REDED Great property with lots of trees Terrance Broadway passed HOTOT including apple and some pasture. REDED BUYUY This wonderful property has many for 316 yards and ran for 108, HOTOT possibilities and can be yours for helping Louisiana-Lafayette BUYUY Celebrations 9ft Great Falls Pre-Lit only $149,000. MLS#12145264 beat East Carolina for its sec- Garland with Multi-Color Lights - 6 Pack ond straight New Orleans ® sku 9204751 | 843518020531 Dewalt 18 Volt 1/2in Compact GREAT INCOME PROPERTY IN Bowl victory. Drill & 1/4in Impact Driver Kit COQUILLE. This beautiful triplex and ® Alonzo Harris rushed for (DCK235C) Perky Pet shop would make a wonderful sku 2302008 99 Squirrel-B- investment. There is a 2BR, 1BA unit 120 yards and two touch- 99 Gone III and two 1BR, 1BA units. This clean downs for the Ragin’ Cajuns 5 Bird Feeder triplex has a metal roof and is on a (9-4), who briefly squandered 5 REDED large lot in a nice neighborhood. Live sku 8294407 Celebrations Warm HOTOT in one unit and rent the other two. a three-touchdown lead White LED Indoor/ BUYUY This won’t last long at only $199,000. before moving back in front Outdoor 50 Light Set 988 MLS#12502708 for good on Broadway’s 14- (40830-71) REEDD ® 39 yard scoring pass to Javone sku 9207192 | Ace Wild Bird Food HOOTT ONE-OF-A-KIND 18.45 acre parcel REDED 843518020883 sku 81995 | BUUYY with North Fork Coquille River Lawson late in the third quar- HOTOT 082901819950 frontage, water rights, year round ter. Brett Baer added his sec- BUYUY REEDD HOOTT 99 pasture, and ponds. Driveway, septic, ond and third field goals in the 99 BUUYY 79 power, and 2 RV hookups are in and a fourth quarter. home site is cleared. Properties like 5 Dewalt® Worksite Radio/ Broadway also ran for a this don’t come up often. Priced at Celebrations Multi- Charger (DC011) $179,500. MLS#12101331 12-yard score. Colored LED Indoor/ sku 2369684 | 028877474052 Shane Carden passed for Outdoor 50 Light Set 278 yards and two touch- (40832-71) REEDD HOOTT 99 downs for East Carolina (8- REDED sku 9207200 | 843518020890 BUUYY Ea. 5), but had a pass intercepted HOTOT 8 BUYUY Duracell® Alkaline Battery Value Pack by Jemarlous Moten in the AA OR AAA 16/PK., C or D 8/PK., OR 9 VOLT 4/PK. fourth quarter as the Pirates 3166659, 3166675, 3102605, 3100856, 3100476 M ariah Gram i Shau n W right were driving for a potential 10054 Hwy. 42 • Coquille OR PrincipalBroker R ea lEstate Brok er 541-290-7 808 541-404-8689 go-ahead score. COQUILLE SUPPLY 541-396-4264 The Pirates’ Reggie HOME CENTER www.coquillesupply.com • Open 7 Days A Week www.gramiproperties.com Bullock ran for 104 yards and 399C N .C EN TRAL,C O Q U ILLE ,O R 97 423 • (541)260-4663 two touchdowns. C M C M Y K Y K

C M C M Y K Monday,December 24,2012 • The World • B3 Y K Sports Oregon State tops San Diego in first game at MGM Grand

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Beavers shot 59 percent defeated Houston Baptist 91-50 Nicholas and Derrick Rodgers only 12 points and had five rebounds, from the field for the game and led Saturday. scored 12 points apiece to lead but his dunk with 1:07 remaining in LAS VEGAS — Eric Moreland 44-29 at halftime. Damyean Dotson and Carlos Portland (7-7) over Bradley (8-4) in overtime gave the Wildcats the lift and Roberto Nelson scored 20 The game was the first-ever Emory added 10 points each for the the consolation game of the Las they were looking for against points apiece as Oregon State beat contest in the MGM Grand Garden Ducks (10-2), who hit 9 of 16 3- Vegas Classic on Sunday night. Portland State on Saturday. San Diego 86-79 in the Las Vegas Arena, which will host the Pac-12 point attempts and shot 48 percent Dyricus Simms-Edwards led Tresnak’s dunk gave Weber Holiday Hoops Classic on Saturday tournament in March. overall from the field. Dotson also Bradley with 15 points. State (6-3, 2-0 Big Sky) a 72-69 night. Oregon State won its fifth had eight rebounds. Portland lost to Colorado State lead and Davion Berry added a free Moreland, who was 7 of 8 from straight, the team’s best streak in Art Bernardi scored 14 points 70-53 on Saturday after having to throw with 17 seconds left. the field, led with 11 rebounds. coach Craig Robinson’s time at the and Tyler Russell had 12 for the play without leading scorer Kevin Renado Parker finished the Nelson was 5 of 10 from the field. school. Huskies (4-7), who made just one of Bailey,who broke his nose during the game with 18 points for Portland Devon Collier scored 18 points, Oregon 91, Houston Baptist their first 21 attempts from the field opening minute and left the game. State (3-6, 1-1) and teammate and Joe Burton had 13 for Oregon 50: Tony Woods scored 14 points in the second half. Weber State 73, Portland Aaron Moore scored 19 points and State (9-2). and E.J. Singler had 13 as Oregon Portland 57, Bradley 55: Ryan State 69 OT: Kyle Tresnak scored grabbed 10 rebounds. Scoreboard

Kayla Costello 1, Ericka Alcala, Sam Lundin, Joely Consolation Semifinals — Alex Backman, NB, d. MIke Oneslager (NM), 10- Portland 96, Phoenix 93 Holiday Bowl On The Air Tynes, Pania Yang. Coquille 54, Brookings-Harbor 18 1. 126 — Levi Graber, NB, d. Adam Brum, 5-0. 132 L.A. Lakers 118, Golden State 115, OT At San Diego JEFFERSON (28): Mallory Schmitt 8, Lacey 106 — Seth Lambson, Coq, d. Ryder McKee — Mike Smith, Ren, d. Adon Brambila (BH), 13-4. Sunday’s Games Baylor (7-5) vs. UCLA (9-4), 6:45 p.m. (ESPN) Today Weddle 8, Emma Kramer 6, Josie Guzman 3, (Mar), 11-7. 113 — Marcus Allen, Coq, won by for- 138 — David McKinney, Ren, p. Shane Merrer Brooklyn 95, Philadelphia 92 Friday, Dec. 28 College Football — Hawaii Bowl, Fresno State Meghan Schmitt 2, Chey Robbins 1, Darian Epps, feit. 120 — Kody Courtright, Coq, p. Phillip (BH), 3:06. 145 — Ashton Highee, Ren, won by New York 94, Minnesota 91 Independence Bowl vs. Southern Methodist, 5 p.m., ESPN. Mandy Mendiola, Kaci Rainwater, Kelsey Walker. Spencer, 3:34. 126 — Wyatt Yates, Coq, p. Brycen forfeit (Hayden Hinshaw, Ree, p. Highee, :59). 152 Utah 97, Orlando 93 At Shreveport, La. Tuesday, Dec. 25 Dune Country Classic Cessnum, 3:17. 132 — Matt Sanders, BH, p. Brady — Paul Cox, Ren, won by forfeit. 160 — Kyle San Antonio 129, Dallas 91 Louisiana-Monroe (8-4) vs. Ohio (8-4), 11 a.m. NBA Basketball — Boston at Brooklyn, 9 a.m., Championship Jarrett, 3:36. 138 — Jess Fitzhugh, BH, p. Gavin Zomershoe, NB, d. Michael Munson (Coq), 10-3. L.A. Clippers 103, Phoenix 77 (ESPN) ESPN; New York at , noon, ABC; 170 — Austin Steele, Ren (Coq), p. Aaron Wagner, Sacramento 108, Portland 96 Russell Athletic Bowl North Douglas 38, Reedsport 22 Clawson, :20. 145 — Cole Hannan, BH, d. Tristan Oklahoma City at Miami, 2:30 p.m., ABC; Houston Dixon, 7-1. 152 — Chris Elmer, Coq, p. Eddie 1:26. 182 — Double Forfeit. 195 — Double Forfeit. Today’s Games At Orlando, Fla. at Chicago Bulls, 5 p.m., ESPN; Denver at Los North Douglas 14 10 3 11 — 38 220 — Double Forfeit. 285 — Tanner Henderson, No games scheduled Virginia Tech (6-6) vs. Rutgers (9-3), 2:30 p.m. Reedsport 5 7 5 5 — 22 Yeager, 3:07. 160 — Austin Flood, Coq, p. Tyler Angeles Clippers, 7:30 p.m., ESPN. 170 — NB, won by forfeit. Tuesday’s Games (ESPN) NORTH DOUGLAS (38): Savannah Mast 14, Marrington, :49. Sye Yates, Coq, won by Men’s College Basketball — Hawaiian Airlines 182 — Consolation Semifinals Boston at Brooklyn, 9 a.m. Abby Dooley 7, Kim Davis 6, Bella Mast 5, Dani tech fall over Ethan Williams, 16-1. Mike Meineke Car Care Bowl Diamond Head Classic championship, 6:30 p.m., 195 — New York at L.A. Lakers, noon Baker 3, Taylor Woolley 3, Kelcee Frieze, Megan Romine, Coq, d. Christian Hooper, 4-0. CJ Sutherlin 72, Renegade 3 At Houston ESPN2. Paxton, BH, d. Andy Clemons, 5-0. 220 — Austin Oklahoma City at Miami, 2:30 p.m. Lymath. 106 — Kyle Gaylor, Sut, won by forfeit. 113 — Minnesota (6-6) vs. Texas Tech (7-5), 6 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 26 Ross, Coq, won by forfeit. 285 — Zach Latti, Coq, Houston at Chicago, 5 p.m. REEDSPORT (22): Kayla Doane 12, Gabby White Marco Benitez, Sut, won by forfeit. 120 — (ESPN) College Football — Little Caesar’s Bowl, p. Tristan Lawson, 1:18. Michael McKinney, Sut, p. Mike Oneslager, :29. Denver at L.A. Clippers, 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 29 Central Michigan vs. Western Kentucky, 4:30 10, Destany Anderson, Ruby Cardoso, Alex Glover, Brittney Manicke, Miranda Mitchell, Crescent Valley 53, Myrtle Point 15 126 — Branden Carrillo, Sut, p. Joel Edwards, Kings 108, Blazers 96 Armed Forces Bowl p.m., ESPN. 106 — Levi Randall, MP, p. Daniel Hale, 5:36. 1:56. 132 — Kylie Atterbury, Sut, p. Mike Smith, PORTLAND (96): Batum 4-12 7-7 17, Aldridge At Fort Worth, Texas Thursday, Dec. 27 Alicia Osorio, Madi Richardson, Bailey Tymchuk, Lara Zetzsche. 113 — Ben Hale, CV, won by forfeit. 120 — TJ :28. 138 — AJ Anderson, Sut, p. David McKinney, 10-21 2-2 22, Hickson 5-8 4-6 14, Lillard 6-14 0-0 Rice (6-6) vs. Air Force (6-6), 8:45 a.m. (ESPN) High School Boys Basketball — Marshfield vs. Lilley, MP, d. John Stang, 10-6. 126 — Stanfur 3:25. 145 — Lucas Erickson, Sut, p. Paul Cox, 1:24. 15, Claver 1-5 0-0 2, Barton 3-6 0-0 7, Leonard 3- Fight Hunger Bowl Siuslaw, 8:45 p.m., KMHS (91.3 FM). Consolation Lassen, CV, p. Trevor Fullerton, 1:06. 132 — Alex 152 — Jona Delacruz, Sut, p. Noah Sophia, 3:42. 4 2-2 8, Babbitt 2-5 0-0 5, Price 0-5 0-0 0, At San Francisco High School Girls Basketball — Marshfield vs. Marshfield freshmen 27, Waldport 26 Rich, CV, d. Eli Officer, 18-8. 138 — Brock Wilson, 160 — Mike Munson, Ren, d. Justin Crum, 10-9. Pavlovic 0-1 0-0 0, Freeland 3-4 0-0 6. Totals 37- Arizona State (7-5) vs. Navy (7-4), 12:15 p.m. North Salem, 7 p.m., KMHS (1420 AM). Waldport 11 4 6 5 — 26 CV, won by forfeit. 145 — Kyle Stein, CV, d. Riley 170 — Dylan Dawson, Sut, p. Austin Steele, 1:27. 85 15-17 96. (ESPN2) College Football — Military Bowl, Bowling Marshfield 3 12 4 8 — 27 Train, 3-2. 152 — C. Armatas, CV, p. Bobby Catlett, 182 — Brayden Fitzpatrick, Sut, won by forfeit. SACRAMENTO (108): Salmons 6-11 2-2 15, Pinstripe Bowl Green vs. San Jose State, noon, ESPN; Belk Bowl, WALDPORT (26): Camilla Alvarado 8, Hannah :58. 160 — Aron Wilson, CV, p. Dakota Moore, 195 — Nicholas Baning, Sut, won by forfeit. 220 Johnson 4-7 2-2 10, Thompson 5-9 0-2 10, At New York Cincinnati vs. Duke, 3:30 p.m., ESPN; Holiday Houck 6, Lexi Larsen 6, Maria Alvarado 5, Ashley 1:38. 170 — Johnny Rhodes, MP, p. Jacob — Matt Armstrong, Sut, won by forfeit. 285 — Brooks 3-6 0-0 8, Thornton 10-18 0-0 22, Hayes Syracuse (7-5) vs. West Virginia (7-5), 12:15 p.m. Bowl, Baylor vs. UCLA, 6:45 p.m., ESPN. Peterson 1, Angel Butchas, Abby Cauthon, Jesse Siefarth, 1:12. 182 — Trevor Rowney, CV, won by Double Forfeit. 3-3 0-0 6, Fredette 3-8 0-0 7, Outlaw 6-7 2-2 15, (ESPN) NBA Basketball — Dallas at Oklahoma City, 5 Martin, Jazmayne Peake, Ryann Wylie. forfeit (Chad Thomas, Sut, d. Rowney, 9-4). 195 North Medford JV d. Gold Beach Thomas 4-8 1-1 11, Robinson 1-4 2-2 4, Honeycutt p.m., TNT; Boston at Los Angeles Clippers, 7:30 Alamo Bowl MARSHFIELD (27): Hailey Woolsey 9, — Samuel Kane, CV, p. Jared Chamley. 220 — Match details not available 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 45-81 9-11 108. At San Antonio p.m., TNT. Francesca Cincollo 8, Hope Lott 5, Ashpen Double Forfeit. 285 — Austin Powell, CV, won by Portland 27 15 29 25 — 96 Men’s College Basketball — New Mexico at Third Place Texas (8-4) vs. Orgeon State (9-3), 3:45 p.m. Standlee 2, Katie Whitty 2, Shantaya Cotton 1, forfeit. Sacramento 21 28 31 28 — 108 (ESPN) Cincinnati, 6 p.m., ESPN2. Sutherlin 45, North Medford JV 29 3-Point Goals—Portland 7-24 (Lillard 3-6, Daisy Caballero, Cameron Trujillo. Third Place Valley of the Sun Bowl 106 — 113 — Batum 2-8, Barton 1-2, Babbitt 1-2, Aldridge 0-1, 106 — Kyle Gaylor, Sut, won by forfeit. 113 — At Tempe, Ariz. Hometown Hardware Coquille 62, Crescent Valley 18 Marco Gutierrez-Benitez, Sut, p. Ethan Mullins, Claver 0-1, Pavlovic 0-1, Price 0-3), Sacramento Local Schedule Michigan State (6-6) vs. TCU (7-5), 7:15 p.m. Holiday Tournament 106 — Seth Lambson, Coq, d. Daniel Hale, 12- 2:38. 120 — Michael McKinney, Sut, won by forf- 9-19 (Brooks 2-3, Thomas 2-4, Thornton 2-5, (ESPN) Championship 11. 113 — Marucs Allen, Coq, won by tech fall over 126 — Outlaw 1-1, Fredette 1-3, Salmons 1-3). Fouled Today efit. 126 — Elliott Hale, NM, d. Branden Carrillo, Monday, Dec. 31 No local events scheduled. Eagle Point 39, Myrtle Point 32 Ben Hale, 17-0. 120 — Kody Courtright, Coq, won 12-5. 132 — Austin Runyan, NM, p. Kylie Out—None. Rebounds—Portland 46 (Aldridge, by forfeit. 126 — Wyatt Yates, Coq, p. Stanfur Music City Bowl Tuesday, Dec. 25 Eagle Point 9 7 15 8 — 39 Atterbury. 138 — AJ Anderson, Sut, p. Tristan Hickson 11), Sacramento 42 (Salmons 7). Lassen, 3:57. 132 — Alex Rich, CV, p. Brady Jarret, At Nashville, Tenn. No local events scheduled. Myrtle Point 10 8 10 4 — 32 Lindi, 5:31. 145 — Lucas Erickson, Sut, p. Ryan Assists—Portland 24 (Batum 8), Sacramento 31 2:18. 138 — Brock Wilson, CV, p. Gavin Clawson, Vanderbilt (8-4) vs. N.C. State (7-5), 9 a.m. (ESPN) Wednesday, Dec. 26 EAGLE POINT (39): Casie Johnson 19, Sydney Leach, 2:10. 152 — Jona Delacruz, Sut, p. Daniel (Salmons 7). Total Fouls—Portland 17, 1:17. 145 — Tristan Dixon, Coq, p. Kyle Stein, 3:12. Sun Bowl No local events scheduled. May 6, Adrienne Wood 6, Vanessa Pena 4, Bailey Swofford, 3:18. 160 — Jan-Louis Benade, NM, d. Sacramento 18. A—13,244 (17,317). 152 — Chris Elmer, Coq, p. C. Armatas, 4:26. 160 At El Paso, Texas Thursday, Dec. 27 Cooper 2, Kourtney Hoefft 2, Kinsey Bradshaw, Justin Crum, 10-8. 170 — Dylan Dawson, Sut, p. High School Boys Basketball — North Bend vs. — Austin Flood, Coq, p. Aron Wilson, 1:20. 170 — Austin Kasper, 2:18. 182 — Tyler Rice, NM, p. Georgia Tech (6-7) vs. Southern Cal (7-5), 11 a.m. Megan Cowden, Kayla Neilson. Sye Yates, Coq, p. Jacob Siefarth, :29. 182 — Pro Football (CBS) McNary, 10:15 a.m.; Molalla vs. North Eugene, MYRTLE POINT (32): Bradyn Fitzpatrick, 5:23. 195 — Nicholas Baning, Caitlyn Robison 12, Grace Michael Romine, Coq, p. Trevor Rowney, :51. 195 1:45 p.m.; McKay vs. Coquille, 5:15 p.m.; Hermann 8, Chelsie Fandel 4, Kenzie Hitner 2, Sut, d. Skyler Black, 3-2. 220 — Hunter Albrecht, NFL Liberty Bowl — Andy Clemons, Coq, won by forfeit. 220 — NM, d. Matt Armstrong, 10-3. 285 — Robert Faas, At Memphis, Tenn. Marshfield vs. Siuslaw, 8:45 p.m. Regis Holiday Bethany Meyer 2, Morgan Newton 2, Nicole AMERICAN CONFERENCE Austin Ross, Coq, won by forfeit. 285 — Austin NM, won by forfeit. Iowa State (6-6) vs. Tulsa (10-3), 12:30 p.m. (ESPN) Tournament: Myrtle Point vs. Regis, 7:30 p.m. Seals 2, Karissa Henshaw, Daysha Stidham, East W L T Pct PF PA High School Girls Basketball — Les Schwab Powell, CV, p. Zach Latti, :41. Chick-fil-A Bowl McKenzie Findley. Fifth Place y-New England 11 4 0 .733 529 331 South Coast Holiday Basketball Tournament at Fifth Place At Atlanta Gold Beach d. Renegade Miami 7 8 0 .467 288 289 Marshfield: Coquille vs. Siuslaw, 8:30 a.m.; WRESTLING LSU (10-2) vs. Clemson (10-2), 4:30 p.m. (ESPN) Brookings 45, Myrtle Point 30 Match details not available N.Y. Jets 6 9 0 .400 272 347 Ashland vs. Myrtle Point, noon; North Eugene 106 — Levi Randall, MP, d. Ryder McKee (Mar), Tuesday, Jan. 1 Bay City Duals Buffalo 5 10 0 .333 316 426 Heart of Dallas Bowl vs. North Bend, 3:15 p.m.; Marshfield vs. North 7-4. 113 — Double Forfeit. 120 — Phillip Spencer, SWIMMING South W L T Pct PF PA Salem, 7 p.m. Gold Bracket At Dallas BH, d. TJ Lilley, 11-6. 126 — Trevor Fullerton, MP, Friday y-Houston 12 3 0 .800 400 303 High School Wrestling — Marshfield at Sierra Final Order Purdue (6-6) vs. Oklahoma State (7-5), 9 a.m. p. Brycen Cessnum, 3:49. 132 — Eli Officer, MP, p. At Springfield x-Indianapolis 10 5 0 .667 329 371 Nevada Classic, Reno, all day. 1. North Medford (ESPNU) Matt Sanders, 1:52. 138 — Jess Fitzhugh, BH, won Marshfield results only Tennessee 5 10 0 .333 292 451 2. North Salem by forfeit. 145 — Cole Hannan, BH, p. Riley Train, BOYS Gator Bowl 3. Coquille Jacksonville 2 13 0 .133 235 406 High School Results 3:07. 152 — Bobby Catlett, MP, p. Eddie Yeager, 200 Medley Relay — 2. Marshfield (Spencer North W L T Pct PF PA At Jacksonville, Fla. 4. Crescent Valley 2:55. 160 — Tyler Marrington, BH, p. Dakota Fromm, Bill Fields, Wesley Bauer, Elias Mendez), Mississippi State (8-4) vs. Northwestern (9-3), 9 5. Brookings-Harbor y-Baltimore 10 5 0 .667 381 321 BASKETBALL Moore, 2:39. 170 — Ethan Williams, BH, p. 2:05.38; 3. Marshfield (George Hill, Lane Koster, x-Cincinnati 9 6 0 .600 368 303 a.m. (ESPN2) 6. Myrtle Point Johnny Rhodes, 1:02. 182 — Christian Hooper, Caydn Lofton, Victor Lahr), 2:18.50. 200 Capital One Bowl BOYS 7. Reedsport Pittsburgh 7 8 0 .467 312 304 BH, p. Chad Thomas (Sut), 3:04. 195 — CJ Paxton, Freestyle — 2. Spencer Fromm, 2:04.76; 4. Cleveland 5 10 0 .333 292 344 At Orlando, Fla. Bandon Dunes Invitational Quarterfinals BH, won by forfeit. 220 — Jared Chamley, MP, Brogan Bracelin, 2:22.41; 6. George Hill, 2:59.53. Georgia (11-2) vs. Nebraska (10-3), 10 a.m. (TBA) Championship West W L T Pct PF PA Coquille 69, Myrtle Point 15 won by forfeit. 285 — Tristan Lawson, BH, won 200 Individual Medley — 2. Bill Fields, 2:31.34; 3. y-Denver 12 3 0 .800 443 286 Outback Bowl Del Norte 45, Bandon 30 106 — Seth Lambson, Coq, p. Levi Randall, by forfeit. Wesley Bauer, 2:35.12; 5. Elias Mendez, 2:38.71. San Diego 6 9 0 .400 326 329 At Tampa, Fla. Del Norte 14 11 15 5 — 45 1:11. 113 — Marcus Allen, Coq, won by forfeit. 120 50 Freestyle — 2. John Lahr, 28.38; 3. Caydn Oakland 4 11 0 .267 269 419 South Carolina (10-2) vs. Michigan (8-4), 10 a.m. Bandon 6 6 10 8 — 30 — Kody Courtright, Coq, d. T.J. Lilly, 10-4. 126 — Silver Bracket Lofton, 30.17; 6. Victor Lahr, 1:31.38. 100 (ESPN) Final Order Kansas City 2 13 0 .133 208 387 DEL NORTE (45): Aaron Fitch 19, Josh Gruden Trevor Fullerton, MP, d. Wyatt Yates, 7-2. 132 — Butterfly — 2. Wesley Bauer, 1:10.07; 5. Lane NATIONAL CONFERENCE Rose Bowl 9, Steven Maready 8, Shawn DeArmann 6, Doug Eli Officer, MP, p. Brady Jarrett, :19. 138 — Gavin 1. Newport Koster, 1:33.89. 100 Freestyle — 1. Elias Mendez, 2. Marshfield East W L T Pct PF PA At Pasadena, Calif. Ovick 3, Jordan Carpenter, Dylan Pease, Blair Clawson, Coq, won by forfeit. 145 — Tristan 56.98; 3. John Lahr, 1:07.52; 6. Caydn Lofton, Washington 9 6 0 .600 408 370 Stanford (11-2) vs. Wisconsin (8-5), 2 p.m. (ESPN) Westbrook. Dixon, Coq, p, Riley Train, 3:29. 152 — Bobby 3. Sutherlin 500 Freestyle — 1:10.45. 1. Brogan Bracelin, Dallas 8 7 0 .533 358 372 Orange Bowl BANDON (30): Logan Shea 9 Evan Henson 8, Catlett, MP, p. Chris Elmer, 4:45. 160 — Austin 4. North Medford JV 200 Freestyle 6:20.77; 5. Victor Lahr, 7:41.37. 200 Freestyle N.Y. Giants 8 7 0 .533 387 337 At Miami Tristian Davidson 4, Shawn Peters 4, Derik Cox Flood, Coq, p. Dakota Moore, 1:50. 170 — Sye 5. Gold Beach Relay — 1. Marshfield (Spencer Fromm, Brogan Philadelphia 4 11 0 .267 273 402 Northern Illinois (12-1) vs. Florida State (11-2), 3, JJ Witte 2, Mason Berry, Quentin Coomer, Yates, Coq, p. Johnny Rhodes, :44. 182 — Micahel 6. Renegade Bracelin, Wesley Bauer, Elias Mendez), 1:49.50; South W L T Pct PF PA 5:30 p.m. (ESPN) Robert Martino, Tyler Wiprud. Romine, Coq, p. Chad Thomas (Sut), 1:40. 195 — 7. North Bend 4. Marshfield (Victor Lahr, Cayadn Lofton, y-Atlanta 13 2 0 .867 402 277 Wednesday, Jan. 2 Andy Clemons, Coq, p. Jared Chamley, 2:00. 220 Quarterfinals 100 Backstroke Consolation George Hill, John Lahr), 2:03.98. 100 Backstroke New Orleans 7 8 0 .467 423 410 Sugar Bowl — Austin Ross, Coq, won by forfeit. 285 — Zach Marshfield 42, North Bend 12 — Marshfield 42, North Bend 12 — 2. Spencer Fromm, 1:10.21; 4. Victor Lahr, Tampa Bay 6 9 0 .400 367 377 At New Orleans Jefferson 59, St. Mary’s 55, OT Latti, Coq, won by forfeit. 106 — 113 1:28.78; 6. George Hill, 1:36.19. 100 Breaststroke Tyler Campbell, Mar, won by forfeit. Carolina 6 9 0 .400 313 325 Florida (11-1) vs. Louisville (10-2), 5:30 p.m. (ESPN) Jefferson 14 13 13 10 9 — 59 — 120 — — 400 Freestyle Relay — North Medford 67, Reedsport 6 — Izaak Grubbs, Mar, won by forfeit. 120 — — 2. Bill Fields, 1:16.63. 400 Freestyle Relay — 3. North W L T Pct PF PA Thursday, Jan. 3 St. Mary’s 17 5 13 15 5 — 55 126 106 — Henry Cox, NM, p. Cole Smith (Mar), Thaddeus Nelson, Mar, p. Alex Backman, 1:12. 126 Marshfield (Brogan Bracelin, Lane Koster, John y-Green Bay 11 4 0 .733 399 299 Fiesta Bowl JEFFERSON (59): Wyatt Prunk 16, Gage — 132 — 1:13. 113 — Austin Mitchell, NM, won by forfeit. — Skyler Harvey, Mar, d. Levi Graber, 9-6. 132 — Lahr, Bill Fields), 4:37.56. Minnesota 9 6 0 .600 342 314 At Glendale, Ariz. Wheeler 13, Dusty Epps 11, Miguel Strait 9, Nic GIRLS 120 — Caleb Dix, NM, d. Kaylynn Hixenbaugh, 9- Brandon Bampbell, Mar, won by tech fall over Chicago 9 6 0 .600 349 253 Kansas State (11-1) vs. Oregon (11-1), 5:30 p.m. Petzold 8, Dakota McCoy 2, Sam Eddleman. 138 — 200 Medley Relay — 0. 126 — Tyler Pearson, NM, p. Logan Adan Brambila (BH), 20-2. Double Forfeit. 1. Marshfield (Bridget Detroit 4 11 0 .267 348 411 (ESPN) ST. MARY’S (55): Connor Vinyard 18, Kade 145 — Entgelmeier (Mar), 1:28. 132 — Bryce Barnhart, 145 — Tyler Gregory, Mar, p. Hayden Hinshaw McCarthy, Shaylyn Brownell, Alyssa Hedgpeth, West W L T Pct PF PA Friday, Jan. 4 Benton 11, Renzo Marchini 10, Michael Crennen 152— Ree, d. Nico Baldovino, 10-8. 138 — Jeremy (Ree), 1:49. 152 — Taylor Dornbusch, Mar, p. Kevin Elyse Trendell), 2:01.82; 2. Marshfield (Jodi x-San Francisco 10 4 1 .700 370 260 Cotton Bowl 7, Glenn Alvarez 6, Eli Conway 3, Kele Eaton, 160 — Sparks, NM, d. Jacob Mast, 8-4. 145 — Jacob Brambila (BH), :35. 160 — Anthony Dailey, Mar, d. Mork, Cheyenne McNeely, Kaitlyn James, x-Seattle 10 5 0 .667 392 232 At Arlington, Texas Zach Lewis, Ross Robino. 170 — 200 Freestyle — Cassaro, Ree, d. Dylan Wedman, 7-2. 152 — Colby Kyle Zomerschoe, 10-8. Aaron Wagner, NB, Amanda Waldrop), 2:25.68. 1. St. Louis 7 7 1 .500 286 328 Texas A&M (10-2) vs. Oklahoma (10-2), 5 p.m. 182 — Dune Country Classic Deskin, NM, p. Cameron Winfield, 3:17. 160 — p. Cody Hagen (Coq), :49. Double Forfeit. Bridget McCarthy, 2:08.01; 2. Asha Huffman, Arizona 5 10 0 .333 237 330 (FOX) Championship Wyatt Westfall, NM, p. Heath Shanklynn, 1:47. 195 — Double Forfeit. 220 — Double Forfeit. 285 2:25.00; 3. Dominique Randle, 2:26.59. 200 x-clinched playoff spot Saturday, Jan. 5 — Reedsport 49, Waldport 24 170 — Reid Shipley, NM, p. Haden Sams, :20. 182 — Tanner Henderson, NB, won by forfeit (Bailey Individual Medley — 2. Kayla Sparkman, y-clinched division BBVA Compass Bowl Waldport 2 7 10 5 — 24 — Trenton Wilson, NM, p. Egypt Glover, :41. 195 Samuel, CV, p. Henderson, 1:30). 2:36.07; 3. Kaitlyn James, 2:50.26; 4. MacKenzie Saturday’s Game At Birmingham, Ala. 50 Freestyle — Reedsport 11 6 14 18 — 49 — Kaden Johnson, NM, p. Wade Hutchinson, Sutherlin 48, North Medford JV 21 Vick, 3:14.95. 50 Freestyle — 1. Bridget Atlanta 31, Detroit 18 Pittsburgh (6-6) vs. Mississippi (6-6), 10 a.m. WALDPORT (24): Dalton Brown 6, Caleb 1:48. 220 — Jacob Kasper, NM, p. Tyler Christie, 106 — Kyle Gaylor, Sut, won by forfeit. 113 — McCarthy, 27.10; 2. Jodi Mork, 30.09; 4. Sunday’s Games (ESPN) Bullock 5, Elliot Webb 4, Chris Johnson 3, Tyler 3:07. 285 — Avion Maloney, NM, p. Daniel Marco Gutierrrez-Benitez, Sut, p. Ethan Mullins, Cheyenne McNeely, 33.87. 100 Butterfly — 1. Green Bay 55, Tennessee 7 Sunday, Jan. 6 Johnson 3, TJ Fisher 2, Seth Wayman 1, Blake Gentry, 2:25. :25. 120 — Michael McKinney, Sut, won by forfeit. Alyssa Hedgpeth, 1:10.59; 2. Asha Huffman, Indianapolis 20, Kansas City 13 GoDaddy.com Bowl 1:20.59; 3. Cheyenne McNeely, 1:31.38. 100 Bittick, Patrick Chapman, Trenton Marquart, Crescent Valley 48, Brookings-Harbor 25 126 — Elliott Hale, NM, d. Branden Carrillo, 8-4. New Orleans 34, Dallas 31, OT At Mobile, Ala. Freestyle — 1. Elyse Trendell, 1:04.36; 2. Kaitlyn Shane McNees, Kraig Pruett, Kyle Rooney, Casey Match details not available 132 — Austin Runyan, NM, d. Kylie Atterbury, 12- Minnesota 23, Houston 6 Kent State (11-2) vs. Arkansas State (9-3), 6 p.m. James, 1:09.69; 3. Jane Suppes, 1:12.79. 500 Sell. Semifinals 4. 138 — AJ Anderson, Sut, p. Tristan Lindi, 5:30. Carolina 17, Oakland 6 (ESPN) REEDSPORT (49): Montana Frame 15, Mike 145 — Lucas Erickson, Sut, d. Ryan Leach, 9-2. Freestyle — 1. Shaylyn Brownell, 5:33.49; 2. Miami 24, Buffalo 10 Monday, Jan. 7 North Medford 49, Coquille 24 Mitchell 13, Brady Strowbridge 13, Bobby Allen 2, North Medford 49, Coquille 24 152 — Jona Delacruz, Sut, d. Daniel Swofford, 8- Kayla Sparkman, 6:04.88; 4. Dominique Cincinnati 13, Pittsburgh 10 BCS National Championship James Hixenbaugh 2, Jordan Ragan 2, Jordan 106 — Henry Cox, NM, p. Seth Lambson, :54. 2. 160 — Justin Crum, Sut, d. Jan-Louis Benade, Randle, 6:45.57. 200 Freestyle Relay — 1. New England 23, Jacksonville 16 At Miami Smith 2, Brandon Gannon, J.R. Kyllo. 113 — Austin Mitchell, NM, p. Marus Allen, 3:03. 8-7. 170 — Dylan Dawson, Sut, d. Austin Kasper, Marshfield (Asha Huffman, Dominique Randle, Washington 27, Philadelphia 20 Notre Dame (12-0) vs. Alabama (12-1), 5:30 p.m. 120 — Kody Courtright, Coq, d. Caleb Dix, 6-0. Kayla Sparkman, Alyssa Hedgpeth), 1:57.82; 2. Consolation 5-0. 182 — Tyler Rice, NM, p. Bradyn Fitzpatrick, St. Louis 28, Tampa Bay 13 (ESPN) 126 — Tyler Pearson, NM, p. Wyatt Yates, 3:13. 3:06. 195 — Nicholas Banning, Sut, d. Skyler Marshfield (MacKenzie Vick, Cheyenne San Diego 27, N.Y. Jets 17 Marshfield freshmen 45, North Douglas 36 132 — Brady Jarrett, Coq, p. Nico Baldovino, 2:41. Black, 9-2. 220 — Matt Armstrong, Sut, d. Hunter McNeely, Jane Suppes), 2:17.63. 100 Backstroke Denver 34, Cleveland 12 138 — Transactions North Douglas 8 11 6 11 — 36 138 — Jeremy Sparks, NM, p. Gavin Clawson, 1:11. Albrecht, 4-2. 285 — Robert Faas, NM, p. Diez — 2. Elyse Trendell, 1:10.91; 3. Jodi Mork, Chicago 28, Arizona 13 Marshfield 6 11 13 15 — 45 145 — Tristan Dixon, Coq, p. Dylan Wedman, 2:18. (Ree), :23. 1:16.29; 4. Jane Suppes, 1:22.82. 100 Baltimore 33, N.Y. Giants 14 NORTH DOUGLAS (36): Garrett Burris 7, Ben 152 — Colby Deskins, NM, d. Chris Elmer, 9-2. 160 Breaststroke — 1. Shaylyn Brownell, 1:11.73; 2. BASEBALL Gold Beach 28, Renegade 27 Seattle 42, San Francisco 13 American League Cain 7, Kyle Gilmore 5, Jason Huckins 5, Jake — Austin Flood, Coq, p. Wyatt Westfall, 3:39. 170 Alyssa Hedgpeth, 1:17.89; 3. MacKenzie Vick, Sunday, Dec. 30 — 182 — Match details not available 400 Freestyle Relay — BOSTON RED SOX—Assigned RHP Pedro Beato LaCosse 4, Ryan Rundell 4, Trenton Black 2, Alex Reid Shipley, NM, p. Sye Yates, 5:43. 1:39.47. 1. Marshfield Jacksonville at Tennessee, 10 a.m. Derrick 2, Cordell Wadley. Michael Romine, Coq, d. Trenton Wilson, 3-1. 195 Semifinals (Elyse Trendell, Bridget McCarthy, Shaylyn outright to Pawtucket (IL). Carolina at New Orleans, 10 a.m. HOUSTON ASTROS—Assigned 3B Brandon MARSHFIELD (45): Rylee Trendell 17, Kasey — Kaden Johnson, NM, p. Andy Clemons, 1:57. Marshfield 36, Gold Beach 33 Brownell, Kayla Sparkman), 4:06.67; 2. N.Y. Jets at Buffalo, 10 a.m. Laird and OF Che-Hsuan Lin outright to Banks 8, Jake Miles 5, Jacob Dub 4, Corey 220 — Jacob Kasper, NM, d. Austin Ross, 11-2. 285 106 — Tyler Cambbell, Mar, won by forfeit. 113 Marshfield (Asha Huffman, Jodi Mork, Baltimore at Cincinnati, 10 a.m. Oklahoma City (PCL). Shaffer 4, Mason Blohm 2, Malio Favalora 2, — Avion Maloney, NM, p. Zach Latti, 1:07. — Izaak Grubbs, Mar, p. Landon Bader, 1:23. 120 Dominique Randle, Kaitlyn James), 4:25.82. Cleveland at Pittsburgh, 10 a.m. National League Vincent Tine 2, Brett Wyatt 1, Carter Carr, DJ — Thaddeus Nelson, Mar, won by forfeit. 126 — North Salem 39, Crescent Valley 35 Houston at Indianapolis, 10 a.m. ARIZONA DIAMONDBACKS—Agreed to terms Herrington, Isaac Smith, Kyle Tardie, Bojay Skyler Harvey, Mar, won by forfeit. 132 — 106 — Daniel Hale, CV, won by forfeit. 113 — Pro Basketball Philadelphia at N.Y. Giants, 10 a.m. with OF Cody Ross on a three-year contract. Weatherston. Brandon Campbell, Mar, p. Samuel LeGuee, Diego Trujillo, NS, p. Ben Hale. 120 — Raymond Chicago at Detroit, 10 a.m. MILWAUKEE BREWERS — Agreed to terms with 3:55. 138 — Matt McKay, GB, won by forfeit. 145 Smith, NS, d. John Stang, 7-3. 126 — Stanfur NBA Tampa Bay at Atlanta, 10 a.m. RHP Jim Hoey on a minor league contract. Hometown Hardware — Tyler Gregory, Mar, won by forfeit. 152 — CJ Lassen, CV, p. Kiera Gabaldon, 5:24. 132 — Alex EASTERN CONFERENCE Oakland at San Diego, 1:25 p.m. BASKETBALL Holiday Tournament Maxwell, GB, d. Taylor Dornbusch, 12-9. 160 — Rich, CV, d. Gustavo Ramirez, 4-1. 138 — Alfredo Atlantic Division W L Pct GB Arizona at San Francisco, 1:25 p.m. National Basketball Association Championship Derek Carl, GB, p. Anthony Dailey, 2:14. 170 — Guevara, NS, p. Brock Wilson, 2:45. 145 — Kyle New York 20 7 .741 — St. Louis at Seattle, 1:25 p.m. — Waived G Derek Fisher. Eagle Point 45, Glide 31 Stein, CV, d. Kyle Ball, 10-0. 152 — C. Armatas, CV, Austin Adams, GB, p. Cody Hagen (Coq), 1:45. 1 Brooklyn 14 12 .538 5⁄2 Kansas City at Denver, 1:25 p.m. Signed G/F Chris Douglas-Roberts from Texas Glide 10 14 2 5 — 31 p. Mason Rylander, :42. 160 — Justin Waldrop, 182 — Thomas Keeler, GB, p. Jakob Vigue (Coq), 1 Boston 13 13 .500 6⁄2 Green Bay at Minnesota, 1:25 p.m. (NBADL). Eagle Point 3 14 13 15 — 45 NS, won by injury default over Jadison Lassen. 1:15. 195 — Double Forfeit. 220 — Double Forfeit. 1 Philadelphia 13 15 .464 7⁄2 Miami at New England, 1:25 p.m. —Assigned G/F Kent GLIDE (31): Jacob Fricke 14, Cory Finlay 9, 170 — Jacob Siefarth, CV, p. Aleks Khmelev. 182 285 — Brandon Adams, GB, won by forfeit. 1 Toronto 9 19 .321 11⁄2 Dallas at Washington, 5:20 p.m. Bazemore and F/C Jeremy Tyler to Santa Cruz Brendan Fricke 5, Brandon Hatler 3, Cody — Gerardo Garibay, NS, p. Trevor Rowney. 195 — Newport 46, Sutherlin 33 Southeast Division W L Pct GB End Regular Season (NBADL). Cunningham, Joe Hanson, Zach Huckaby, Jake Sam Hirons, NS, won by forfeit. 220 — Caleb 106 — Kyle Gaylor, Sut, won by forfeit. 113 — Miami 18 6 .750 — —Recalled G Scott Livingston. Ball, NS, won by forfeit. 285 — Austin Powell, CV, 1 Makiah Chadwick, New, p. Marco Gutierrez- Atlanta 16 9 .640 2⁄2 Machado from Rio Grande Valley (NBADL). EAGLE POINT (45): Jorge Quintero 18, Cesar d. Austin Shoopman, 14-6. 1 Benitez, :58. 120 — Michael McKinney won by Orlando 12 15 .444 7⁄2 College Football MEMPHIS GRIZZLIES—Recalled G Chavez 12, Austin Holmes 7, Justin Hartman 6, 1 Championship injury default over Austin Ligon. 126 — Josh Charlotte 7 20 .259 12⁄2 from Reno (NBADL). Kramer Edwards 2, James Dixon, Peyton Dole, Conner, New, p. Branden Carrillo, 1:21. 132 — 1 North Medford 51, North Salem 24 Washington 3 22 .120 15⁄2 Bowl Schedule —Suspended C DeMarcus Kyle Zerger. Matt Haynes, New, p. Kylie Atterbury, 4:43. 138 106 — Henry Cox, NM, won by forfeit. 113 — Central Division W L Pct GB Saturday, Dec. 15 Cousins indefinitely for unprofessional behavior Consolation — AJ Anderson, Sut, won by tech fall over Skyler Austin Mitchell, NM, p. Diego Trujillo, 1:01. 120 Chicago 15 11 .577 — New Mexico Bowl and conduct detrimental to the team. Larson, 17-2. 145 — Lucas Erickson, Sut, p. Chris South Umpqua 67, Myrtle Point 54 — Raymond Smith, NS, p. Caleb Dix, 1:27. 126 — Indiana 16 12 .571 — Arizona 49, Nevada 48 WASHINGTON WIZARDS—Waived C Earl Barron Batchelder, :51. 152 — Dalen Hargett, New, d. South Umpqua 18 21 14 14 — 67 Tyler Pearson, NM, won by forfeit. 132 — Nico Milwaukee 14 12 .538 1 and G Shaun Livingston. Jona Delacruz, 12-3. 160 — Nick Giles, new, p. Famous Idaho Potato Bowl Myrtle Point 6 15 20 13 —54 Baldovino, NM, won by forfeit. 138 — Andrew Detroit 9 21 .300 8 FOOTBALL Justin Crum, 5:02. 170 — Dylan Dawson, Sut, 1 Utah State 41, Toledo 15 SOUTH UMPQUA (67): Austin Page 20, Erik Carroll, NS, p. Jeremy Sparks, 3:21. 145 — Cleveland 6 23 .207 10⁄2 National Football League won by tech fall over Tyler Tucker, 15-0. 182 — Thursday, Dec. 20 Johnson 17, Brevin Ball 14, Nathan Phillips 9, Alfredo Guevara, NS, d. Dylan Wedman, 5-2. WESTERN CONFERENCE BALTIMORE RAVENS — Placed LB Jameel Robby Duprau, New, p. Bradyn Fitzpatrick, 2:20. Poinsettia Bowl Blake Johnson 5, Matt Yarbrough 2, DJ Holloway. 152 — Justin Waldrop, NS, d. Colby Deskins, 12- Southwest Division W L Pct GB McClain on injured reserve. Signed LB Adrian 195 — Nicholas Baning, Sut, p. Riley Conner, BYU 23, San Diego State 6 MYRTLE POINT (54): Cooper Stateler 21, Matt 8. 160 — Wyatt Westfall, NM, won by forfeit. San Antonio 21 8 .724 — Hamilton from the practice squad. 3:50. 220 — Robbie Bellamny, New, p. Matt Friday, Dec. 21 Newton 12, Brad Larsen 10, Thomas Nathan 4, 170 — Reid Shipley, NM, p. Aleks Khmelev, :35. Memphis 18 7 .720 1 DALLAS COWBOYS — Waived WR Anthony Armstrong, :27. 285 — David Rivas, New, won by 1 St. Petersburg (Fla.) Bowl Kyle Seals 4, Taylor Fischer 3. Houston 14 12 .538 5⁄2 Armstrong. Signed T Ronald Leary from the 182 — Trenton Wilson, NM, p. Gerardo Garibay, 1 Central Forida 38, Ball State 17 forfeit. Dallas 12 16 .429 8⁄2 practice squad. 1:15. 195 — Kaden Johnson, NM, p. Caleb Ball, Saturday, Dec. 22 GIRLS Championship New Orleans 5 22 .185 15 HOUSTON TEXANS—Signed S Eddie Pleasant :32. 220 — Sam Hirons, NS, p. Jacob Kasper, New Orleans Bowl Bandon Dunes Invitational 1:40. 285 — Aviod Maloney, NM, d. Austin Newport 51, Marshfield 30 Northwest Division W L Pct GB from the practice squad. Championship Oklahoma City 21 5 .808 — Louisiana-Lafayette 43, East Carolina 34 JACKSONVILLE JAGUARS—Placed S Dwight Shoopman, 3-2. 106 — Tyler Campbell, Mar, won by forfeit. 113 Las Vegas Bowl St. Mary’s 47, Bandon 42 — Denver 15 13 .536 7 Lowery on injured reserve. Activated LB Daryl Consolation Quarterfinals Mikah Chadwick, New, d. Izaak Grubbs, 10-3. 1 Boise State 28, Washington 26 St. Mary’s 12 8 9 18 — 47 120 — 126 Minnesota 13 12 .520 7⁄2 Smith from injured reserve. Thaddeus Nelson, Mar, won by forfeit. 1 Today Myrtle Point 42, Reedsport 30 Utah 15 14 .517 7⁄2 MIAMI DOLPHINS—Placed PK Dan Carpenter Bandon 13 13 10 6 — 42 — Josh Conner, New, p. Logan Entgelmeier, 1:01. Hawaii Bowl ST. MARY’S (47): Emily Alvarez 20, Sarah 106 — Levi Randall, MP, won by forfeit (Cole 132 — Skyler Harvey, Mar, p. Matt Haynes, :36. Portland 13 13 .500 8 on injured reserve. Signed PK Nate Kaeding. Smith, Mar, p. Randall, 1:15). 113 — Double for- Pacific Division W L Pct GB SMU (6-6) vs. Fresno State (9-3), 5 p.m. (ESPN) MINNESOTA VIKINGS—Waived TE Allen Reisner Ramsay 10, Lilian Martin 9, Viv Juncal 4, 138 — Brandon Campbell, Mar, p. Skyler Larson, Wednesday, Dec. 26 MaryBeth Barnum 2, Elise Vasey 2, Dakotah feit. 120 — TJ Lilley, MP, d. Kaylynn Hixenbaugh, 5:35. 145 — Tyler Gregory, Mar, p. Chris L.A. Clippers 21 6 .778 — and G Mark Asper. Activated CB Chris Cook from 126 — 1 Little Caesars Pizza Bowl Rothfus, Samantha Weiland. 10-4. Trevor Fullerton, MP, d. Logan Batchelder, :50. 152 — Dalen Hargett, New, p. Golden State 18 10 .643 3⁄2 injured reserve. Signed DE George Johnson from Entgelmeier (Mar), 12-0. 132 — Eli Officer, MP, p. L.A. Lakers 13 14 .481 8 At Detroit the practice squad. BANDON (42): Hailey Iverson 15, Riley Wahl 13, Taylor Dornbusch, :59. 160 — Nick Giles, New, p. 1 Bryce Barnhart. 138 — Jacob Mast, Ree, won by Phoenix 11 17 .393 10⁄2 Central Michigan (6-6) vs. Western Kentucky (7- NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS—Signed WR Kamar Raelyn Freitag 8, Hannah Smith 3, Amy Anthony Dailey, :48. 170 — Brett Boys, New, p. 5), 4:30 p.m. (ESPN) Schoonmaker 2, Kady Valentine 1, Toni Hall. forfeit. 145 — Riley Train, MP, p. Jacob Cassaro. Cody Hagen (Coq), :56. 182 — Robbie Duprau, Sacramento 9 18 .333 12 Aiken from the practice squad. 152 — Bobby Catlett, MP, d. Cameron Winfield, Saturday’s Games Thursday, Dec. 27 ST. LOUIS RAMS—Signed CB Quinton Pointer Consolation New, p. Jakob Vigue (Coq), 1:37. 195 — Jacob Military Bowl 12-8. 160 — Dakota Moore, MP, p. Heath Massie, New, won by forfeit. 220 — David Rivas, Atlanta 92, Chicago 75 from the practice squad. Del Norte 49, Jefferson 28 Shanklin. 170 — Haden Sams, Ree, p. Johnny Detroit 96, Washington 87 At Washington SAN FRANCISCO 49ERS—Signed LB Cam New, won by forfeit. 285 — Robby Bellamy, New, Bowling Green (8-4) vs. San Jose State (10-2), Del Norte0131719—49Rhodes. 182 — Egypt Glover, Ree, p. Chad won by forfeit. Miami 105, Utah 89 Johnson from the practice squad to a two-year Jefferson 11 6 2 9 — 28 Thomas (Sut). 195 — Jared Chamley, MP, p. Houston 121, Memphis 96 noon (ESPN) contract. DEL NORTE (49): Brittany Maready 16, Emma Wade Hutchinson. 220 — Tyler Christie, Ree, Consolation Quarterfinals Indiana 81, New Orleans 75 Belk Bowl TAMPA BAY BUCCANEERS — Placed DE Aaron Card 13, Taylor Cleland 6, Regin Loftin 5, Kaitlyn won by forfeit. 285 — Daniel Gentry, Ree, won Renegade 50, North Bend 28 Cleveland 94, Milwaukee 82 At Charlotte, N.C. Morgan on injured reserve. Signed LB Markus Clemann 4, Jordan Babich 2, Grace Bruschi 2, by forfeit. 106 — Double Forfeit. 113 — Double Forfeit. 120 Denver 110, Charlotte 88 Duke (6-6) vs. Cincinnati (9-3), 3:30 p.m. (ESPN) White from the practice squad. C M C M Y K Y K

C M C M Y K B4 •The World • Monday,December 24,2012 Y K Sports Another American rises to stardom on slopes 17-year-old wins her first World Cup event as she follows in the footsteps of Lindsey Vonn

BY PAT GRAHAM months). Vonn didn’t win her See, she no longer worries The Associated Press first big-league event until about being fast enough to 20. earn a second run or frets Teenager Mikaela Shiffrin The thrill felt precisely the about being able to keep up has nearly flawless form way Shiffrin thought it with the skiers she grew up when she cruises through a would, too. After holding idolizing. slalom course. nothing back in her second All those thoughts used to Her secret? She pictures run of a night slalom, Shiffrin cross her mind before she the gates as trees and keeps quickly glanced at the clock. pushed out of the starting her elbows close because, First place, by a slim mar- gate. “arms flying out will get gin. It was a heavy burden to taken off by a tree.” She held her breath as carry down the slopes. And the 17-year-old Frida Hansdotter of Sweden Now, there’s only this almost always seems to be in careened down the course, floating through her mind: perfect rhythm. unable to match her time. She’s ready for success. Go Her method? She hears Stunned, Shiffrin glanced for it. Stop over-analyzing drum beats as she swooshes around the crowd for the one everything. along because, “going person she wanted to see “I’ve been in this position The Associated Press around the gates is like a more than any other — her a couple of times now and Mikaela Shiffrin speeds past a pole during the first run of a World Cup slalom in Are, Sweden, last week. song.” mom. gave it away because I was Well, Shiffrin has certain- They’ve become a team thinking too much about Shiffrin won the event for her first World Cup victory. ly found her cadence on the within a team on the tour. today being my day,” said another slalom event. “I would think of the trees that’s a conversation for a course, racing to her first Her mom follows along to the Shiffrin, who’s finishing up About then, something as slalom gates, except you different time, once she gets World Cup victory Thursday races, just to keep her from high school by taking online dawned on her. She was really don’t want to hit her technique mastered. in Are, Sweden. She’s rapidly getting too homesick. Eileen classes through Burke holding herself back. By let- them,”she said. “You have to “My main goal right now becoming skiing’s next big Shiffrin also provides home- Mountain Academy in ting go of expectations, she keep everything in and sta- is to really dial in my slalom thing. cooked meals from their base Vermont. “I kept telling was able to ski faster — and ble.” and ,” she said. Just in time, too, for the of operations — a rented everybody I won’t win until freer. And when she’s really on “Under the pressure of rac- United States, with Lindsey apartment in — and I’m ready. I couldn’t tell you “I know how to deal with her game, it’s almost like ing, I need to bring out my Vonn taking a break from the helps her daughter with when that’s going to be, but I nerves better,” said Shiffrin, she can hear a beat in her best skiing. But I’m itching to circuit to recover from a nag- homework. hoped it was soon. who currently leads the head. go fast. I love speed.” ging virus that has zapped “I kept seeing her across “All of a sudden, I just felt World Cup slalom standings “The gates hitting the She’s not alone. The U.S. her strength. the fence and couldn’t get to ready. I guess that’s how I over Maria Hoefl-Riesch of ground — it’s like a song, squad is experiencing quite a Ever since Shiffrin burst her,”Mikaela Shiffrin said. “I knew. There wasn’t one spe- Germany. “Any doubts I when the drums go berserk,” renaissance this season, with on the scene, she’s drawn the finally saw her and I could cific thing that happened. For have, I just push them away she said. “That really helps Leanne Smith, Stacey Cook inevitable comparisons to release some of my emotions. some reason, I decided to put and deal with the task at me. It’s like, ‘OK, let’s try to and Marco Sullivan all earn- Vonn. Hearing her say, ‘Great job,’ everything away and race like hand. I’m trying to keep it pick up the pace here. The ing podium spots, while vet- Not that Shiffrin minds, and ‘I love you’ and ‘I’m so I’m never going to race again. really simple.” drum tempo is picking up.’ I eran Steven Nyman won his because she definitely has a proud of you’ was just the It worked.” Simple may be the best can feel myself hitting the first downhill race since lot in common with her idol. best thing. That’s when I Did it ever. way to describe her skiing as gates faster. I hear the tempo 2006. And now, above all else, started to realize I had She’s come so close to well. There’s no wasted in my mind and all of a sud- That certainly inspired this — winning. worked so hard for this, and winning before, taking third movement as she navigates den I’m in the zone and can’t Shiffrin. At 17 years, 9 months, she’s been here the whole in a slalom race in Lienz, through a course. be distracted.” “The U.S. Ski Team is on Shiffrin became the third time. Austria, last December for She said that’s from skiing Although Shiffrin prima- fire right now,” Shiffrin said. youngest American to win a “This is wonderful.” her first podium finish. in the powder and over rily concentrates on the tech- “They kind of stoked the fire, World Cup race behind Kiki That new approach A month ago in Levi, bumps back home in Vail, nical events, someday down really started the fire, and I’m Cutter (16 years, 7 months) appears to be working out Finland, she broke through Colo., slipping through tight the road she’d like to try the trying to keep it lit right and Judy Nagel (17 years, 5 just fine for Shiffrin. again, capturing third in trails lined with trees. downhill and super-G. But now.”

the playoffs since 2007. Pagano NFL Trying to play spoiler, the Two kickers Eagles (4-11) fell short in what could’ve been Andy returns break records Reid’s last game coaching the From Page B1 team at home. Reid is unlike- ly to return to Philadelphia to work It was the seventh time for his 15th season next year. Luck has rallied his team to Forbath kicked field goals victory in the fourth quarter. of 45 and 42 yards in the first for Colts Darius Butler returned an half, giving him 17 straight. interception 32 yards for a TD Garrett Hartley had kicked 16 INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — in helping the Colts (10-5) straight for New Orleans. Chuck Pagano was back at join the 2008 Miami Saints 34, Cowboys 31, work this morning. Dolphins as the only NFL OT: At Arlington, Texas, Three months after taking teams to win at least 10 Garrett Hartley kicked a 20- an indefinite leave to battle games after losing 14 or more yard field goal in overtime. leukemia, the Colts’ coach the previous season. The Drew Brees threw for 446 was scheduled to meet with Chiefs are 2-13. yards and three touchdowns players, coaches and and led a drive to the winning Bengals 13, Steelers 10: The Associated Press reporters as he retook the At Pittsburgh, Brown missed kick. The Saints lucked out reins from interim coach before the winning kick when Cincinnati kicker Josh Brown celebrates hitting a 43-yard field goal with 4 seconds left to beat the Pittsburgh a 56-yarder earlier in the Steelers on Sunday and clinch a playoff spot for the Bengals. Bruce Arians. fourth quarter, but earned a a fumble by Marques Colston When Pagano arrived at second chance when Reggie rolled forward about 20 yards Detroit did it in 2008 and just the second time in seven within 10 yards of reaching the team headquarters, he Nelson picked off Ben to the Dallas 2. Jimmy Morten Andersen had eight tries. The Cardinals (5-10) 1,000 for the eighth consec- drove past an inflatable Colts Roethlisberger and returned Graham recovered. in 1995 with Atlanta. lost for the 10th time in 11 utive season for the Rams. player to the side of the it to the Pittsburgh 46 with The Cowboys (8-7) lost Broncos 34, Browns 12: games. Tampa Bay fell to 6-9 after its driveway with a simple mes- 14 seconds remaining. Andy despite rallying for two At Denver, Peyton Manning Patriots 23, Jaguars 16: fifth straight loss. sage across the chest Dalton hit A.J. Green for 21 touchdowns in the final 3:35 threw three touchdown At Jacksonville, Fla., Tom Dolphins 24, Bills 10: At “Welcome Back Chuck.”The yards on the next play, set- of regulation. Tony Romo, passes for the 72nd time of Brady overcame a rough start Miami, Reggie Bush caught sign usually reads “Beat,” ting up Brown’s winner. who threw for 416 yards and his career. Manning finished by throwing two touchdown two touchdown passes and plus whichever team the Dalton completed 24 of 41 four scores, hit Miles Austin with 339 yards on 30-for-43 passes. Brady threw two scored on a short run. Colts play next. for 278 yards and two inter- for the tying touchdown with passing. interceptions in the first Six minutes after they Indianapolis (10-5) has ceptions for the Bengals (9- 15 seconds left in regulation. Von Miller was in on two quarter, the second helping won, the Dolphins (7-8) were been waiting months for this 6), who snapped a five-game The playoff hopes for the sacks for the Broncos (12-3), the Jaguars (2-13) build a 10- eliminated from playoff con- day, and last week Arians losing streak to Pittsburgh Saints (7-8) ended with the second of which knocked 0 lead. tention when Cincinnati beat called Pagano’s impending (7-8). Minnesota’s win against Browns quarterback Brandon But the Jaguars faded in Pittsburgh. return the best Christmas Seahawks 42, 49ers 13: Houston. Weeden out of the game with the third quarter for the The Bills (5-10) came into gift the team could get. At Seattle, Russell Wilson Ravens 33, Giants 14: At a right shoulder injury. fourth consecutive week, the game assured of missing Pagano began the first of threw four touchdown passes Baltimore, Joe Flacco threw If Denver defeats Kansas lost for the 11th time in the the playoffs for the 13th con- three rounds of chemothera- to move into second place for for 309 yards and two touch- City at home next week and last 12 games and set a fran- secutive year. py Sept. 26, after the team TD passes by a rookie. downs as Baltimore won the Houston loses at chise record for defeats in a Bush’s first TD catches of completed its final practice Marshawn Lynch scored AFC North. Indianapolis, the Broncos season. the season covered 17 and 12 during a bye week. twice in front of Seattle’s The Ravens (10-5) led 24- would be the AFC’s top seed. Brady hooked up with yards. When the Colts returned rocking crowd. 7 at halftime and cruised to Packers 55, Titans 7: At Wes Welker for a 2-yard score Chargers 27, Jets 17: At to their practice facility Oct. Wilson threw TDs to the finish behind a short- Green Bay, Wis., Aaron on the second play of the East Rutherford, N.J., San 1, they were told Pagano had Lynch, Anthony McCoy and handed defense that harassed Rodgers threw for three fourth quarter, putting the Diego sacked Greg McElroy 11 cancer and was taking an two in the second half to quarterback Eli Manning and touchdowns and ran for Patriots (11-4) ahead 23-13. times, ruining the quarter- indefinite leave. Doug Baldwin to give him 25 limited New York (8-7) to 186 another, Ryan Grant scored Falcons 31, Lions 18: At back’s first NFL start, and Arians, a prostate cancer for the season, one shy of yards. twice and Randall Cobb set a Detroit on Saturday night, Philip Rivers threw two survivor, immediately estab- Peyton Manning’s record of Baltimore amassed a sea- single-season franchise Matt Ryan matched a career touchdown passes. lished the goal: Play long 26. Lynch added 111 yards son-high 533 yards, 289 in record for net yardage. high with four touchdown McElroy, the third- enough so Pagano could return rushing and a 24-yard TD run the first half. The victory The victory ensured the passes, two to Roddy White. stringer starting for the to the sideline this season. on Seattle’s opening drive ended a three-game skid for Packers (11-4) will at least be The Falcons (13-2) pulled benched Mark Sanchez, If all goes well at practice that set the tone. the Ravens. the NFC’s No. 3 seed, but away with Ryan’s fourth TD moved the offense for the Jets this week, Pagano will likely Richard Sherman Vikings 23, Texans 6: At currently are No. 2. It was the pass to Michael Palmer in the (6-9) early but faced pressure be on the sideline calling the returned a blocked field goal Houston, Adrian Peterson first time the Packers have fourth quarter. all game. shots Sunday against AFC 90 yards for a touchdown rushed for 86 yards, falling far scored more than 50 points Detroit (4-11) dropped its With a chance to get New South champion Houston in and added an interception for short of the 2,000-yard mark. since 2005. seventh straight game. York back into it with less the regular-season finale. It the Seahawks (10-5). Christian Ponder threw a Jake Locker was sacked Lions receiver Calvin than 5 minutes remaining, would be the first time Colin Kaepernick and the touchdown pass, Toby seven times and picked off Johnson broke Jerry Rice’s McElroy was sacked by Shaun Pagano has been making 49ers (10-4-1) struggled Gerhart added a score and twice, and Tennessee (5-10) NFL single-season yards Phillips and lost the ball. game-day decisions since with the deafening noise Blair Walsh kicked three field scored with 1:39 left to avoid receiving mark of 1,848. He Phillips recovered and San Jacksonville scored a last- echoing around CenturyLink goals for Minnesota (9-6). the shutout. also became the first player Diego (6-9) sealed the win. minute touchdown on an 80- Field, making for a miserable The loss kept the Texans Bears 28, Cardinals 13: with 100 yards receiving in Rivers had touchdown yard TD pass in Week 3, 49th birthday for 49ers (12-3) from clinching home- At Glendale, Ariz., Chicago’s eight straight games and the tosses of 37 yards to Danario handing Indy it’s only home coach Jim Harbaugh. field advantage throughout defense scored two touch- first with 10 receptions in Alexander and 34 yards to loss this season. Redskins 27, Eagles 20: the AFC playoffs. They failed downs. four games in a row. Antonio Gates. Under Arians, the Colts At Philadelphia, the Redskins to score a TD for the first time Charles Tillman returned Rams 28, Buccaneers Panthers 17, Raiders 6: did better than anyone are on the brink of their first in six years. an interception 10 yards for a 13: At Tampa, Sam Bradford At Charlotte, N.C., Cam expected. division title in 13 years. Peterson had his lowest score, the third pick he’s tossed a pair of touchdown Newton threw for 171 yards When players arrived at Rookie Robert Griffin III rushing total since getting 79 brought back for a touch- passes and rookie cornerback and a touchdown and ran for training camp in August, threw two touchdown passes yards on Oct. 14 in a loss at down this season and the Janoris Jenkins scored his 60 yards and another score as they handed out T-shirts in his first game back from a Washington. He has 1,898 eighth overall by Chicago, fourth TD of the season. Carolina won for the fourth that showed where the so- knee injury and Kai Forbath this season and needs 208 one shy of the NFL record. Bradford connected with time in its last five games. called experts figured they set the NFL record for con- yards to break the NFL sin- Zack Bowman returned a Lance Kendricks on an 80- The Panthers (6-9) held would finish this season: The secutive field goals to begin a gle-season rushing record fumble 1 yard for another yard scoring play and the the Raiders (4-11) to 189 total NFL’s worst team again. career. held by Eric Dickerson. Bears score. Rams (7-7-1) intercepted Josh yards and 12 first downs in a But with Sunday’s 20-13 Nick Foles drove the Eagles Walsh, meanwhile, set an Brandon Marshall caught Freeman four times, turning game featuring several shov- victory at Kansas City, Indy to the Washington 5 before his NFL record with nine field six passes for 68 yards and a three of the turnovers into ing matches, plenty of heated clinched its first playoff spot intentional grounding penalty goals of 50 yards or longer TD, breaking the franchise TDs. Jenkins’ pick and 41- exchanges and six unneces- of the post-Peyton Manning ended the game. with a 56-yarder. record for yards receiving in a yard return came in the sec- sary roughness penalties — era and Arians tied the league The Redskins (9-6) have The record was held by season. ond quarter. including one that sidelined record for most wins after a won six in a row. two players who had eight in Chicago (9-6) snapped a Steven Jackson rushed for Oakland quarterback Carson midseason coaching change Washington has not reached a season. Jason Hanson of three-game slide and won for 81 yards and one TD, moving Palmer for the day. (nine). C M C M Y K Y K

C M C M Y K Monday, December 24,2012 • The World • B5 Y K Sports Vaz will start for Beavers in bowl

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS sheriff’s office spokesman Shannon Hartley wrote in an CORVALLIS — Junior email Sunday. The medical Cody Vaz will start at quar- examiner will make the final terback for No. 15 Oregon determination of the cause of State in the Alamo Bowl death. against Texas. The speedy Freel spent six Beavers coach Mike Riley of his eight big league sea- held off making a decision sons with Cincinnati and fin- between Vaz and sophomore ished his career in 2009 with Sean Mannion until a .268 average and 143 steals. Saturday. Oregon State (9-3) The Jacksonville native traveled to San Antonio on thrilled fans with his all-out Sunday to prepare for next style, yet it took a toll on his week’s game with the career. During his playing Longhorns (8-4). days, he once estimated he Mannion has thrown for had sustained up to 10 con- 2,446 yards, 15 touchdowns cussions. Freel missed 30 and 13 interceptions in nine games in 2007 after a colli- games this sion with a teammate caused season. a concussion. Vaz has Sports Freel showed no fear as he thrown ran into walls, hurtled into for 1,286 Shorts the seats and crashed into yards, 11 other players trying to make touchdowns catches. His jarring, diving and one interception in six grabs often made the high- games. light reels, and he was praised The Associated Press Mannion started the first by those he played with and Phoenix forward gets a face-full of net as he puts down a reverse dunk against the Los Angeles Clippers during the second half four games of the season, against for always having a Sunday.The Clippers won the game to extend their win streak to a franchise-best 13 games. throwing seven touchdown dirt-stained uniform. passes and averaging 339 yards, but sustained an injury BASKETBALL to his left knee that required Mavericks grant Fisher’s Streaking clippers win again surgery. Vaz, who hadn’t request for release started since high school, took over and helped the DALLAS — The Dallas Beavers win their next two Mavericks waived Derek Suns trimmed an eight-point Nowitzki’s season debut with Thadeus Young added 18 THE ASSOCIATED PRESS games. He later became the Fisher, a move made at the deficit to 43-40 with 5:36 left a rout of Dallas. points and 10 rebounds, and team’s starter. request of the veteran guard. PHOENIX — Blake Griffin in the first half. Tony Parker had 18 points, Evan Turner had 15 points But Vaz sprained his left The Mavericks scored 23 points, Chris Paul That was the Suns’ next- added 17,Tim and seven rebounds. The ankle in the final moments of announced the move had 17 points and 13 assists to-last field goal of the half. Duncan 15 and Stephen 76ers, opening an eight- a loss to Stanford, and Saturday, four days after the and the Los Angeles Clippers Knicks 94, Minnesota Jackson 14 for the Spurs (21- game trip, have lost six of Mannion started the final 38-year-old Fisher strained a extended a franchise record 91: Carmelo Anthony scored 8), who were 20 of 30 from 3- their last seven games. three games. tendon in his right knee in a with their 13th consecutive 19 of his 33 points in the point range and led by as Jazz 97, Magic 93: Paul “I have to stress we are game against Philadelphia. victory, 103-77 over the fourth quarter, rallying New many as 46. Millsap scored 18 points, Fisher, a 16-year veteran Phoenix Suns on Sunday York to a victory over After missing the Gordon Hayward added 17 choosing between good, not good and bad,” Riley said who won five championships night. Minnesota. Mavericks’ first 27 regular- and Utah survived a fourth- with the Los Angeles Lakers, Reserve Jamal Crawford New York trailed from the season games, Nowitzki quarter rally to slip past after practice Saturday. The two quarterbacks was a free agent when he added 22 points for the opening minutes until entered with 6:28 left in the Orlando. signed with Dallas three Clippers, who won in Anthony scored eight first quarter. Nowitzki, who Orlando cut the lead to took similar reps in practice until Saturday when Vaz weeks ago because of injuries Phoenix for the straight points down the underwent surgery on his one in the waning seconds, and lack of depth at the first time stretch. He had scored just right knee Oct. 19, finished but came up empty at the played primarily with the first-team offense. The point. since April NBA nine points on 3-of-11 with eight points — going 3 foul line. In nine games for Dallas, 17,2007.Los shooting in the first half, but for 4 from the field — and six Utah snapped a two-game Beavers will resume practice today in San Antonio. Fisher averaged 8.6 points Angeles’ Recap had the final 12 for the Knicks rebounds in 20 minutes. losing streak with its fifth and 3.6 assists. overall win to give them a 4-2 finish on Darren Collison scored 15 consecutive regular-season BASEBALL Fisher released a state- streak is an NBA their six-game homestand. points to lead Dallas (12-16), victory over Orlando. The Jazz ment Saturday saying his season best and its six J.R. Smith added 19 points which lost its third straight. played without point guard Indians woo free agent recovery time will be about straight road victories are and Tyson Chandler had 16 Nets 95, 76ers 92: Joe Mo Williams, out indefinitely Swisher to Cleveland two weeks, and that it was also a franchise best. points and nine rebounds for Johnson scored 22 points, with a thumb injury. CLEVELAND — The difficult for him to be away Jared Dudley scored 19 the Knicks, who flew to Los and Gerald Wallace had 14 Arron Afflalo had 20 Indians’ pitch to bring Nick from his family. He said he points, Luis Scola had 11 and Angeles later Sunday for points, nine rebounds and six points, and Nik Vucevic Swisher “home” worked. asked to be waived so he Markieff Morris added 10 for their Christmas Day game assists to lead Brooklyn to a added 16 points and 16 Two people familiar with could return home. the Suns, who have dropped against the Lakers. win over Philadelphia. rebounds to lead Orlando, the negotiations said Swisher two straight after winning Nikola Pekovic had 21 Deron Williams added 16 which has dropped back-to- has agreed to a $56 million, CYCLING four in a row. points and 17 rebounds for points to help the Nets end a back games since losing four-year contract with the Phoenix kept it close for the Timberwolves. six-game skid at home starting forward Glen Davis Newspaper files lawsuit Indians, who used the free against Armstrong the first quarter and half of Spurs 129, Mavericks against the 76ers. to a shoulder injury. agent outfielder’s deep Ohio 91: Danny Green scored a Jrue Holiday led The loss also ended the the second. Shannon Brown connections to persuade him LONDON — A British sank an 11-foot pull-up career-high 25 points and Philadelphia with 21 points, Magic’s three-game home to join the club. The people newspaper is suing Lance jumper on a fast break as the San Antonio spoiled Dirk nine assists and six rebounds, winning streak. spoke on condition of Armstrong for more than $1.5 anonymity Sunday because million over the cyclist’s suc- Swisher must take a physical cessful libel action regarding before the deal can be final- doping allegations. Sacramento ends Portland’s run ized. The Indians are expect- The Sunday Times paid ed to announce Swisher’s Armstrong 300,000 pounds SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — It signing after Christmas, one (now about $485,000) to set- appears the Sacramento Kings can play of the people said. tle a case after it printed alle- well without their controversial leading The 32-year-old spent the gations in 2004 that he took scorer and rebounder, DeMarcus last four seasons with the performance-enhancing Cousins. New York Yankees, taking drugs. With Cousins not in the arena due advantage of the short right- The U.S. Anti-Doping for disciplinary reasons, the Kings were field porch at Yankee Agency concluded this year an effective, unselfish team. Stadium. A switch-hitter, that Armstrong led a massive Now the question is whether they Swisher hit .272 this season doping program on his teams. can keep it up. with 24 homers and 93 RBIs. Armstrong was stripped of Marcus Thornton scored 18 of his 22 Swisher will fill an out- his seven Tour de France points in the second half to help the field hole for the Indians, titles and banned from slumping Kings snap Portland’s five- who traded Shin-Soo Choo cycling for life. game winning streak with a 108-96 vic- to Cincinnati. The Sunday Times said in tory over the Trail Blazers on Sunday its latest edition that it has night. Ibanez, Mariners agree issued legal papers against Cousins, who is the starting center, to one-year contract Armstrong “demanding a was suspended indefinitely Saturday return of the settlement pay- NEW YORK — A person ment plus interest, as well as for unprofessional behavior and con- familiar with the negotia- duct detrimental to the team. The its costs in defending the tions told The Associated case.” third-year player and Kings head coach Press that Raul Ibanez and Keith Smart had a confrontation during the Seattle Mariners have HOCKEY halftime of Friday’s 97-85 loss to the agreed to a $2.75 million, Los Angeles Clippers. Smart told one-year contract. Sides still aren’t talking Cousins to stay in the locker room and The deal allows Ibanez to in NHL labor dispute not join the team for the second half. earn an additional $1.25 mil- NEW YORK — All is quiet Sacramento had six players in double lion in performance bonuses, between the NHL and the figures and recorded a season-high 31 the person said Saturday players’ association, and assists against Portland. The Kings night, speaking on condition there is no sign the sides will pulled away in the second half, shooting of anonymity because the talk even by phone before nearly 71 percent after the break. Using agreement had not been Christmas. its eighth different starting lineup this announced. “Nothing today,” NHL season, Sacramento had a season-best Ibanez returns to the team deputy commissioner Bill 45 field goals. The Associated Press he began his big league career Daly told The Associated “We were missing DeMarcus, so we Sacramento forward John Salmons drives to the basket against Portland defender Luke Babbitt with from 1996-00, then Press in an email Sunday had a different lineup out there and it during the second half Sunday. rejoined from 2004-08. night. “Don’t know whether worked out tonight,” said James Now 40, Ibanez spent the we will speak before the holi- Johnson, who made a rare start at power 0 run, including a 3-pointer by Thornton, and 11 rebounds for the Blazers, who past season with the New day.” forward while Jason Thompson moved to build their lead to 87-71. The Blazers have lost two of three meetings with the York Yankees and became Daly and players’ associa- to center. “We were a small team tonight trailed by at least 12 the rest of the way. Kings this season. Lillard had 15 points popular with fans for his tion special counsel Steve so we ran fast and played very unselfish.” “I just think it was one of those and seven assists, Nicolas Batum scored late-game home runs. Ibanez Fehr spoke to each other Both Thornton and Salmons helped games where the other team played bet- 17, and JJ Hickson had 14 points and 11 hit .240 with 19 homers and Saturday, but nothing of note spark the second-half surge after both ter than us,” Portland rookie guard rebounds. 62 RBIs in 384 at-bats. came out of those discus- were relative non-factors in the opening Damian Lillard said. “There probably The Kings haven’t said when Former infielder Freel sions. The union declined to half. The pair combined for 31 second- were some defensive mistakes we made Cousins will be allowed to rejoin the comment Sunday, the 99th half points, helping the Kings pull away. that we shouldn’t have and they took team again. He was told not to attend dead of apparent suicide day of the NHL lockout. Thornton made 8 of 11 shots in the advantage of it.” the game. Cousins is averaging team MIAMI — Ryan Freel, a The sides haven’t met face second half and finished with four Former Blazer had a bests of 16.6 points and 9.5 rebounds. former Major League to face since Dec. 13. rebounds and four assists. Salmons had season-high 15 points and Isaiah Baseball player known for his All games through Jan. 14 13 of his 15 points in the second half and Thomas added 11 for the Kings, who had SATURDAY fearless play but whose have already been called off, also added seven rebounds and seven lost six of their previous seven games. Trail Blazers 96, Suns 93: J.J. career was cut short after and if a new collective bar- assists. Both Thompson and Johnson chipped in Hickson had 19 points and 15 rebounds eight seasons by a series of gaining agreement isn’t “John is a very unselfish player and 10 points. for his seventh straight double-double. head and other injuries, was reached by then, the remain- can get his own shots,” Thornton said. “It’s definitely fun playing against Rookie Damian Lillard had 25 points, found dead Saturday in der of the schedule could be “He got going in the second half. Me and some former teammates,” Outlaw said. including 18 in the second half. Jacksonville, Fla., according canceled, too. So far, 625 the first half didn’t do so well. But I “I wish I could go out and do it against Sasha Pavolic and Lillard made con- to the Jacksonville Sheriff’s games — more than 50 per- came on at the right time and got hot in other teams that well. Everybody got secutive 3-pointers as Portland pulled Office. cent of the schedule — have the second half.” great looks at the rim tonight. We in front 92-85 with 4:02 left and the Freel, who was 36, died of been wiped out, along with Already ahead by nine points, the played very unselfish.” Blazers held on to win five straight for what appeared to be a self- the Winter Classic and the Kings opened the fourth quarter with a 7- LaMarcus Aldridge had 22 points the first time since February 2011. inflicted shotgun wound, All-Star game. C M C M Y K Y K C M C M Y K B6• The World •Monday, December 24,2012 Y K Cl ass if i eds


All Merchandise Garage/Bazaar Pet Automobile Real Estate Jobs Wanted $0-$500: FREE Sales 6 lines/2 Weeks: VValue Valuealue AdsAds 6 lines/2 weeks 6 lines/1 week: or Personals $35.00 $501-$1000: 6 lines/1 week $12.00 Call for more information $15.00 6 lines/2 weeks: 6 lines/1 week: $5.00 $12.00 with photo: with photo: $45.00 $15.00 $1001-$1500: Includes $17.00 541-267-6278 541-267-6278 $20.00 6 lines/3 weeks: Lost Pet or item $7.00 Garage Sale $55.00 Enhance your ads with borders, 6 lines, 1st day 6 lines/3 Weeks Map online 6 lines/4 weeks: bolding, centering and artwork. $59.95 FREE, $1/day thereafter All specials are category specific. $5.00 photo upcharge on all ads. There are no refunds on specials. These value ads will appear in The World, Bandon Western World, Umpqua Post, The World Link, Online & Smart Mobile.

Employment 204 Banking 207 Drivers 403 Found 477 Birthdays 601 Apartments 200 BANKING JOBS! Found Specials APARTMENTS BY NB LIBRARY For Items or Pets No Resume? No Problem! Monster Match assigns a without/or with photo: 201 Accounting professional to hand-match 6 lines, Free for one week each job seeker with each May rerun if necessary. employer! All specials will appear in Experienced Log The World, Bandon Western World, This is a FREE service! Umpqua Post, The Link, Small Studio $395 Apt. Truck Drivers Online & Smart Mobile. Large Studio with great Bay view All specials are category specific. Birthdays! Anniversaries! Birth Simply create your profile by $460mth. No pets/no smoking. Wanted There are no refunds on specials. Announcement or any milestone phone or online and, for the 541-297-4834. Coquille Valley Hospital Call 541-404-7606 Starts October 1, 2012 your family will be celebrating. next 90-days, our professionals Let everyone know! We offer is currently hiring a 541-267-6278 Coos Bay Large 2 bedroom, will match your profile to Beautiful, full color ads. 2x3 Full-time Finance Clerk 1 bath, bay view, W/S/G paid. employers who are announcement with photo for Primary responsibilities include On-site laundry. No smoking. hiring right now! 213 General $30.00 or 3x5 announcement routine accounting activities such 404 Lost No pets, $525/mo + $525 dep. with photo for $50.00. as maintenance of general ledger, 541-297-6069 CREATE YOUR Diesel Truck Mechanic Contact Valerie at chart of accounts, PROFILE NOW Lost Specials Well Established business The World. In a park like setting close to lake preparation of various statements, BY PHONE OR WEB FREE! Fleet of 100+ log trucks Choose to add a photo in this [email protected] socc and shopping. financial reports and accounts Must have Cummins ISX exp. special for only $5.00 more or 541-269-1222 ext. 269 2bd $425.00 payable/ receivable functions. Call Today Sunday, or any day!! And excellent work History. 1st Day Free 3bd $470.00 A working knowledge of 10 key Use Job Code 13! M-F Top Wages and Benefits 3bd $510.00 adding machines, computer 6 lines, Ireland Trucking Apply at 234 Acherman keyboard and accounting software 1-888-491-9029 361 N. Old Pacific Hwy. Each additional Day 541-8884762 including, but not limited to or Myrtle Creek, OR. 97457 $1.00 Real Estate Microsoft Office Excel, Word and One bdr. CB 1277 N. 6th St.Laundry 541-863-5241 No Free reruns on same ad. Outlook is required. Knowledge 500 on site, $495mo. One bdr. NB 1189 Thewo-www2.theworldlink.com/t All specials will appear in and experience of timekeeping Virginia no steps, Close to shopping opads/job/top_jobs/ The World, Bandon Western and payroll distribution functions South Coast Hospice and schools., $485mo. $400 Dep. No World, Umpqua Post, The Link, is required. seeks someone who is caring, pets/ smoking. W/G paid No Resume Needed! Online & Smart Mobile. 501 Commercial sensitive, detail-oriented, the Heart 541-267-0125 or 541-297-6752. All specials are category specific. A 2 year degree in accounting or of Hospice, to recruit, train Call the automated phone There are no refunds on specials. verifiable education in accounting and coordinate all volunteers while PENDING profiling system or use our Starts October 1, 2012 and finance, with experience in 604 Homes Unfurnished convenient Online form today representing SCH within hospital non-profit accounting 541-267-6278 so our professionals can get the community. 3 bedroom procedures, or 6 to 8 years of started matching you with Full-time w/great benefits. Lost: Black and white cat, long haired 1757 Mon roe, North Bend comparable experience will employers that are hiring - SCH/HR Anelita Wicks female. Glassgow area. Please leave Newly remodeled by Pony Village be required. 541-269-2986 or NOW! message if know answer. Hardwood floors $895 [email protected] 541-756-7986 Compensation: DOE Choose from one of the 541-297-4834 Benefits: Medical, Dental, Vision, Lost: long haired maine coon. Are You Ready To Sell following positions to enter your Southern Coos Hospital has Retirement, ect. Multi-colored. Very large head. May information: opening for exp’d Call Debi Cute 2 bdr. house in desirable have cover over nail to protect recent “SMART MOVES MAKE MONEY” Mingus Park neighborhood. To apply for this position please Maintenance Tech. surgery. Last seen spinreel. Please “Teller Great investment property shop Front yard, garage w/workspace, visit our website at FT w/benefits. Applications call if found. 541-759-1029 “Personal Banker / Financial ready for your business plus three W/D hookups. No pets/smoking. www.cvhospital.org. You may available at HR, or call Rep additional lots. Great location in $650/mo., first,last+ download and email it to 541/347-4515 or email “Payment Processor & Data 406 Public Notices Coos Bay. Expand or sell lots to $500 deposit. references. [email protected] fax to [email protected]. Entry pay for shop. Priced to move 6 mon.lease required. 541-824-1269 or mail to 940 East EOE and Tobacco-Free. “Branch Manager DAILY DELIVERY $249,900. Debi Key Broker Real 840 Date St. 541-294-2883. 5th St. Coquille, OR 97423 If you “Loan Officer & Mortgage Estate Executive. 503-320-7999 or have any questions you may ROUTES FOR BID For rent. 5 mi. North of North Bend. Banker 503-591-1044 Contact Margie Cooper at 2bdrm. w/ office. No pet/smoking. W/S “Loan Processor included. Newer $950 plus $600 541-396-1069. “Loan Closer / Funder We are a Southern Oregon Coast Independent Contractor with dry hauling capacity for cleaning fee. 541-756-3041 or “Underwriter sawmill utilizing state-of-the-art 541-404-7209. machinery seeking an one of the following routes: Experienced Millwright For Rent: Nice 2 bedroom house in 202 Admin./Mgmt.  Carry up to 700 pounds of Myrtle Point. Laundry hookups, We are located in a beautiful area product, 60 miles fenced backyard. 1932 E. Willow St. We are excited to announce an that offers many outdoor activities. 5 times a week. $675/mo + $200 cleaning dep. For de- available position at First We offer competitive wages, tails, call 541-551-0083 during days; Community Credit Union at the benefits and a 401k Plan.  Carry up to 1800 pounds of 541-572-3970 after 5pm. Experienced Millwrights can send Coquille Corporate Headquarters! product, 105 miles LEASE WITH OPTION. NEW studio 2 resumes by email to 5 times a week. story 900 sq ft., plus garage. Lake Controller [email protected] The World is seeking an Full-Time PUBLISHER’S NOTICE front / ocean view. Covered RV with or mail to PO Box 298, Coos  Carry up to 3000 pounds of Accounting Specialist All real estate advertising in this hook-ups. References 1155 13th st experienced, hands-on Controller to Bay, OR 97420. product, 45 miles newspaper is subject to the Fair Port Orford. Call 541-660-8080 lead our financial department and 5 times a week. Housing Act which makes it illegal join our leadership team. Reporting Salary Range: $10.00 to $17.00 to advertise “any preference, limita- to the Publisher, this results- EOE. For more details, please Average load is far under 605 Lots/Spaces tions or discrimination based on oriented position provides apply online: these weights, but may reach Care Giving race, color, religion, sex, handicap, Oceanside RV Park Perm. monthly pro-active financial analysis and www.myfirstccu.org half the limit once a week familial status or national origin, or spaces $350. Move in special 1 evaluation, advice to senior 225 or more often. managers in performing their an intention, to make any such month free. Call office for details. responsibilities and directs the preference, limitation or discrimina- 541-888-2598 207 Drivers  Routes must meet time tion.” Familial status includes chil- small local accounting staff to expectations and will include BOBTAIL DRIVER WANTED: dren under the age of 18 living with accomplish specific initiatives. 227 Elderly Care loading and unloading at Apply at Ron’s Oil Co. parents or legal custodians, preg- 607 Miscellaneous Rentals designated locations at 541-396-5571 HARMONY HOMECARE nant women and people securing The focus of this position is 20 to 25 lbs. per unit. 1bdr. trailer on the bay. W/S/G pd. financial planning, analysis and “Quality Caregivers provide custody of children under 18. $515 mo. first, last and $450 deposit. Assisted living in your home”. This newspaper will not knowingly consultation, including maintaining To submit a bid or for more 541-290-4011 541-260-1788 accept any advertising for real es- internal accounting controls; details, submit your full name, tate which is in violation of the law. ensuring accurate financial contact phone number, Our readers are hereby informed 610 2-4-6 Plexes statements; providing the insured vehicle information that all dwellings advertised in this leadership team with financial and at least once reference to: 2 brd. Triplex for rent. No information and analysis to make Business newspaper are available on an pet/smoking. W/G paid. New carpet equal opportunity basis. To com- informed decisions and accurately Blind Box 23247 and paint. Off street parking. 300 plain of discrimination call HUD assess the ongoing impact of The World Newspaper $500mo. $500 cleaning dep. toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. The strategies; and protecting the P.O. Box 1840 541-297-4750 evenings or leave toll-free telephone number for the assets of the company. Coos Bay, Oregon 97420 message and I will call you back. 302 Business Service hearing impaired is The successful candidate will have 1-800-927-9275. 3 bd, fenced back yard. Garage, solid accounting (GL, budgeting, DIVORCE $155. Complete prepara- 407 Personals deck, stove/fridge and drapes. w/g financial statement prep, AR/AP) Domino’s Pizza tion. Includes children, custody, sup- pd. apply at 324 Ackerman experience, prior management is hiring delivery drivers. Must be port, property and bills division. No Does anyone know the whereabouts 541-888-4762 experience, analytical and 18 and have a Licence, own car, court appearances. Divorced in 1-5 of, Joyce Marie Morris (Ralph). My Clean & Quiet! Coos Bay organization skills, solid computer insurance and clean driving record. weeks possible. 503-772-5295. siblings & I are having a Ralph family 2 bdm, 1.5 bth.. River view, w/ deck, application skills, and demonstrated Apply at 3440 Ocean Blvd after [email protected]. reunion in June of 2013. Please con- $599 mo. Available now. Reedsport ability to effectively lead in a 4:00PM. OCAN tact: Penny Thorne 541-336-3119 or 1bdm, 1 bth. Pet friendly $425Mo.W/S complex business environment. [email protected] pd. Pictures upon request. Please call DRIVER: $0.03 enhanced quarterly The successful candidate will have 541-991-2166. demonstrated innovative bonus. Get paid for any portion you Earn Extra Money Personals Special Rentals as an Independent Contractor leadership, communication and qualify for: safety, production, MPG, 6 lines, 1 week 600 staff development skills. Prior CDL-A, 3 months current OTR experi- delivering The World newspaper accounting management ence. 800-414-9569 Monday-Thursday by 5PM, $15.00 Other Stuff experience and a bachelor’s degree www.driveknight.com. Saturday by 8AM All specials will appear in or higher in accounting is required. OCAN The World, Bandon Western 601 Apartments 700 CPA preferred. Prior experience in ROUTES OPEN IN: World, Umpqua Post, The Link, DRIVERS: Experienced Drivers - the newspaper industry is a plus. NORTH BEND* Foot and Motor Online & Smart Mobile. RENTALS & $1,000 Sign-on Bonus! Excellent Re- COOS BAY* Foot and Motor All specials are category specific. gional Truckload Opportunities in Your 701 Furniture We offer competitive pay and There are no refunds on specials. REAL ESTATE SPECIALS Area! Be Home Every Week. Run Up benefits. This is an excellent Motor routes require valid driver’s Starts October 1, 2012 Choose any of these specials and 7 Foot floral print Lazy Boy Sofa, ex- to 2,000 miles/week. opportunity for a proven financial license and insurance. Economy add a photo for $5.00 extra. cellent condition $300.00. Or best of- www.driveffe.com 866-333-1021 541-267-6278 professional to bring his/her skills, vehicle recommended. Contact fer 541-271-2961 OCAN ideas and knowledge to an Susana Norton at Rentals / Real Estate 1 ENGLISH OAK washstand $325; 541-269-1222 ext. 255 or established organization. DRIVERS: Foremost Transport $2000 1 week - 6 lines, church pew $325. New prices! [email protected]. Bonus Program for 3/4-ton and larger 541-347-5053, leave message. We are building an interest list for Services $35.00 As part of Lee Enterprises, we offer pickup owner operators. Great rates, future openings for foot and motor a strong package of pay and flexible schedule, variety of runs. 425 routes within our delivery areas. benefits, including medical, dental, Check it out today! Rentals / Real Estate 2 Profit varies. vision and 401(k). See our Web site ForemostTransport.blogspot.com 2 week - 6 lines, at www.theworldlink.com. Learn 1-866-764-1601 426 Cake Decorating $45.00 about our parent company at OCAN www.lee.net. www.theworldlink.com Jobs Wanted Drivers: GORDON TRUCKING - Rentals / Real Estate 3 CDL-A Drivers Needed! Dedicated Special Please apply online at 3 week - 6 lines, www.lee.net/careers. Submit and OTR Postions Now Open! $1000 6 lines, 1 week cover letter, resume and salary Sign on Bonus. Consistent Miles, 304 Financing $55.00 requirements. Time Off! Full Benefits, 401k, EOE, $15.00 Recruiters Available 7 days/week! $$EASY QUALIFYING real estate All specials will appear in equity loans. Credit no problem. We are an equal opportunity 866-435-8590 The World, Bandon Western Rentals / Real Estate 4 Oregon Land Mortgage. and drug-free workplace. OCAN World, Umpqua Post, The Link, 4 week - 6 lines, 541-267-2776. ML-4645. Pre-employment drug screen and Online & Smart Mobile. $59.95 All specials are category specific. Matching China Hutch criminal background check DRIVERS: All specials will appear in There are no refunds on specials. and Table w/4 chairs, required. Inexperienced/Experienced. Unbeata- The World, Bandon Western Starts October 1, 2012 Excellent Condition $400, obo. ble Career Opportunities. Trainee, World, Umpqua Post, Wednesday 541-267-6278 208-830-4091 Company Driver, LEASE OPERATOR, Notices Weekly, Online & Smart Mobile. LEASE TRAINERS (877) 369-7104 All specials are category specific. www.theworldlink.com www.centraltruckdrivingjobs.com. 400 There are no refunds on specials. OCAN Starts October 1, 2012 Holidays 541-267-6278 475 GET YOUR BUSINESS Serving Oregon’s South Coast Since 1878 Near Fred Meyer ADVERTISEMENT IN HOME DELIVERY SERVICE: UTSMART UTSMART For Customer Service call 541-269-1222 Ext. 247 an advertising proof is requested in writing and THE BULLETIN YOUR YOUR Office hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday-Friday. clearly marked for corrections. If the error is not O O corrected by the Publisher, its liability, if any, shall If your World newspaper fails to arrive by 5 p.m. Monday C C OMPETITION OMPETITION ! BOARD TODAY!! not exceed the space occupied by the error. ! through Thursday or 8 a.m. on Saturday, please call your Further, the Publisher will reschedule and run the carrier. If you are unable to reach your carrier, telephone Place your ad omitted advertisement at advertiser’s cost. All Studio-$395 The World at 541-269-9999. claims for adjustment must be made within seven here and give Ground floor unit w/ hardwood RURAL SUBSCRIBERS: Due to The World’s expansive daily (7) days of date of publication. In no case shall the Publisher be liable for any general, special or your business floors. Full kitchen, Quiet, delivery area, rural or remote motor route customers may No Pets/smoking. no app. fee consequential damages. receive regular delivery later than the times above. Missed the boost it 541-297-4834 deliveries may be replaced the following delivery day. needs. Call To report missed deliveries, please call 541-269-9999. 541-269-1222 1bdr. W/S/G pd. 292 S.9th CB ADVERTISING POLICY $475/mo. 2bdr. 1ba. 267 Johnson CB The Publisher, Southwestern Oregon Publishing Co., shall Ext. 293 $545/mo.2bdr 2ba. 255 Johnson CB Call not be liable for any error in published advertising unless $560/mo. 2bdr. twn hse. 586 N.2nd Call Michelle at for details CB. $595/mo. $45 app. Fee refunda- 8-27-12 541-269-1222 541-269-1222 ext. 293 ble. Pets ok. 541-294-0623. C M C M Y K Y K C M C M Y K Monday, December 24,2012 • The World • B7 Y K 701 Furniture 710 Miscellaneous 904 Classic Cars 912 Service Trucks For Sale: 12 Large Resest lightolier X Pets/Animals FOR SALE: 1985 El Camino, dark MERCHANDISE w/ supply connecter, like new. Call for blue, exc. condition. Engine rebuilt ap- SPECIALS more details. 541-756-3166 800 prox. 1000 mil. $6500. 541-404-5522. 3 Weeks RARE GIFTS - Costco, Dec. 2010, Choose any of these specials and barely used Nikon D90 professional 801 Birds/Fish 906 4X4 add a photo for $5.00 extra. digital camera, complete, manuals, DVD, lenses, etc.; (pd. $1600). Small exterior chip one lens casing. $600 PET SPECIALS Extremely rare, fully-operational, Merchandise 1 OBO. 530-518-0761. Port Orford. Choose to ad a photo in this restored 1988 GMC Sierra 3500 6 lines, Total Merchandise sold special for only $5.00 more HD, 360 degree 30ft. reach ladder, between $1.00 up to $500. RARE GIFTS - see to appreciate: Pet / Animal class 3, under 35K well-maintained FREE 1960’s professional camera, complete, miles. Time-proven for property carrying case, original manual, lenses, 6 lines, 2 weeks maintenance, tree-trimming, etc. $400; new 4-volume leather $12.00 painting, sign, roof, siding, Merchandise 2 bound Liturgy of Hours $100. All specials will appear in 5.2ltr V8, limited slip rear axle, 5 cleaning, high-mounted sign, light 6 lines, Total Merchandise sold 530-518-0761. Port Orford. The World, Bandon Western spd. new water pump, tires, rear change-outs, upper-level exterior between $501. up to $1000. brakes & emergency brake cable. access. Work ready. Garaged $5.00 RED LEATHER overstuffed chair with World, Umpqua Post, Wednesday ottoman $300. Squire bass guitar & Weekly, Online & Smart Mobile. More! 541-260-8770 downtown Coos Bay for Peavey amp $175. 801-864-2766, or All specials are category specific. inspection or operational Merchandise 3 541-329-0231. There are no refunds on specials. 909 Misc. Auto demonstration. E-mail for specs, Starts October 1, 2012 features, showing: 541-808-2120 6 lines, Total Merchandise sold Two sound design 9 in x 15in speak- [email protected] between $1001. up to $1500. ers, $5 both. New ice cream freezer 541-267-6278 HONDA WORLDWORLD $7.00 $5. 8 Vintage kroyden golf clubs, bag, All specials will appear in pull cart $25, ten Christmas ceramic 915 Used Cars gifts $1-$10 ea. 541-888-2012 802 Cats The World, Bandon Western 1991 Buick Regal Custom, World, Umpqua Post, Wednesday FOUND: YELLOW TABBY CAT BE- UNIQUE SIGNED/NUMBERED ART- V-6 four door sedan. Original Weekly, Online & Smart Mobile. HIND COOS HEAD COOP IN NORTH WORK and sports memorabilia for program car, single owner since. All specials are category specific. BEND CALL TO IDENTIFY sale. For details, call 541-271-4064 $2000 cash or cashier check. There are no refunds on specials. 541-756-5037. $8,990 Starts October 1, 2012 541-297-0230. 2009 Hyundai Accent 541-267-6278 2-Door, Hatchback, 18K Miles. Market Place B3241/114412 704 Musical Instruments 750 Every Tuesday TAKAMINE LTD-2000. Acoustic-electric Guitar with AD-1 754 Garage Sales pre-amp $900.00. Call 541-266-7449 Kohl’s Cat House $11,990 Garage / Bazaar Adoptions on site. 2004 Nissan Xterra C UISINE 707 Tools 4x4, V6, Auto, Low Miles. 541-294-3876 B3245/675740 FOR SALE: Craftsman 5 HP chipper/ Specials shredder, starts easy, runs great, 6 lines, 1 week $200. 20 pieces 1/2 inch by 20 ft. re- $12.00 803 Dogs bar $5 each. 541-281-5258. All specials will appear in AKC Choc. & Black Lab Pups. Ready The World, Bandon Western for New Year’s. Great bloodlines. Both 709 Wanted to Buy World, Umpqua Post, The Link, parents have Hunt Test Titles and are $9,990 Online/Online Map hunting machines. 2 males and 2 fe- 2007 Mercury Milan BUYING JUNK AUTOs & Smart Mobile. males. Dewclaws removed, 1st shots Premium, Leather, 1 Owner, Clean B3238A/115467 No title needed, will pick up, If scheduled before the deadline and wormed. $500. 541-756-7918. up to 100 miles from Coos Bay. has passed. All prices will be the Will pay up to $200 per automobile. same regardless of deadlines. All specials are category specific. 541-260-9447 There are no refunds on specials. Starts October 1, 2012 710 Miscellaneous 541-267-6278 $10,990 2007 Kia Spectra EX Dining and Menu Tips Pure Bred Golden Retrievers 4 Door, Auto, CD, Power Windows. Born on Nov. 1st 20K miles. B3244/425147 Females 400$ Males 350$ New Recipe Ideas Hobbies/ ready to go home 12/20/12 Crafts 785 call or text 541-404-5671 Signature Series Wanted: Looking for a small breed puppy. Prefer female but will consider 789 Jewelry Making male. Willing to make payments. 8-12 $11,990 Where in The World weeks old. Contact Chris at 2004 Honda CRV LX Local artist Mary Carlton has 2 of 541-294-8735. Auto, Low Miles. her 1,000 limited edition winter/ B3240/006659 Relish once a month spring prints on sale at her home for $40.00 each. Cards made 805 Horses/Equine from her personal paintings also. Subscribe today! Nice for gifts at a low price. HORSESHOEING Phone 541-756-1715 or Call 541-269-9999 93493 Sunset Ln, NB. $15,990 or 800-437-6397. 2011 Large Motorized Chair, never 2004 Jeep Wrangler Auto, 42K Miles, 6-cyl., Hard Top & used outside! Less then 3 miles of More. B3205/762855 use. Black with great padding. Regu- lar price $4500. $990 OBO. Call for more details. 541-808-2237. “Looking for a great gift? TEJUN FOWLER Every Day Cemetery Plot for sale at Sunset Handmade is best! Memorial Park, Coos Bay. $1000 etsy.com/shop/ReprievesCorner 541-297-5295 $21,990 value, selling for $700. Firm. Call For custom orders call [email protected] 760-567-7785. (541)404-2606” 2004 Ford F-250 4x4 SWB Lariat, Diesel, Low Miles, Auto. 808 Pet Care 1222A/359637 S PORTS BRIDGE Carol’s Pet Sitting ★Your Place or Mine★ Tom Bodett, an author, voice actor three clubs, thinking that to pass with ★Short or Long Term★ and radio host, said, “In school, you’re 13 points was wimpish. Then, though, ★Excellent References★ $16,990 taught a lesson and then given a test. when North advanced with three ★541-297-6039★ ★See us on Facebook★ 2001 Chevy Silverado Ext. Cab In life, you’re given a test that teaches spades, that was forcing and painted 1 Ton, 8.1L, V8, Dually, 17K Miles, One you a lesson.” South into a worse corner. (It is Owner. B3229/141596 In bridge, you are given tests that antipercentage to be able to land on a Pet Cremation you might pass by remembering previ- pinhead in these crowded auctions. 541-267-3131 1350 Ocean Blvd., Coos Bay ous lessons; but if you fail a test, hope- Advancer must be allowed to investi- HondaWorld.com fully you will remember the lesson for gate the right game without having to 541-888-5588 • 1-800-634-1054 next time. leap around.) This deal occurred during one of South had no good bid. Eventually, Automobiles my playing lessons. he gambled on three no-trump despite 900 Local School Sports, East opened two diamonds, a his inflexible, weak diamond stopper. UTSMART UTSMART textbook weak two. South overcalled North also took his time, but finally O YOUR YOUR Photos & Scores passed. (Note that four 901 ATVs O spades should go down, C C OMPETITION OMPETITION ! ! declarer losing two dia- Recreational Sports Auto Specials Place your ad monds and two spades.) Choose to add a photo in this The defense to three no- special for $5.00 more here and give Scoreboard trump is also textbook. West leads the diamond 6 lines, 2 weeks your business jack (higher of a double- $15.00 the boost it National Stories ton) and East ducks the All specials will appear in The World, Bandon Western needs. Call trick, signaling encour- Subscribe today! agement with his eight. World, Umpqua Post, Wednesday Weekly, Online & Smart Mobile. 541-269-1222 Call 541-269-9999 Then South has no All specials are category specific. or 800-437-6397. chance. But note that if There are no refunds on specials. Ext. 293 East takes the first trick, Starts October 1, 2012 for details the contract can be made. 541-267-6278 The curious may work it out. need to fix what isn’t right. commercial affair as well. grindstone, no matter how diffi- In no-trump, whether you are declarer or a defend- GEMINI (May 21-June 20) THURSDAY, DEC. 27, 2012 cult the task.You may experience er, if you are trying to — Rewards can be had if you’re In the year ahead, you could some inertia, especially toward establish a suit in which prepared to work for them. be extremely fortunate in some difficult or complex tasks, but the opponents have one Conversely, if you gamble on rather unusual ways. This could you’ll overcome it. winner, make them take WEDNESDAY, DEC. 26, 2012 things getting done without your be especially true in matters that CANCER (June 21-July 22) that winner as quickly as help, you’ll be disappointed. pertain to the fulfillment of some — It would be best to keep possible. Friends are likely to play small but important roles in both CANCER (June 21-July 22) kind of special ambition. If you involvements with friends purely your personal and work-related — Don’t ignore your mate’s sug- keep the faith, things will begin to fun. Under no circumstances affairs in the year ahead. Your gestions if you know they come happen. should they be drawn into any of from a knowledgeable place. It’ll CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. your serious, confidential affairs. BRIDGE chums might allow you to realize a number of things that couldn’t be you who will be held account- 19) — If you fail to take action LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) — able for the results. while you’re in an industrious Don’t use your intimacy with First of all, I wish all of my readers bidding go? be achieved otherwise. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) — mood, you are likely to put off friends to pry inconsequential a very happy holiday season. And here Look at only the West hand. Don’t give what you would like to certain essential tasks.Your indif- favors from them. If you do, is this year’s Christmas Competition. 3a. If South opens one diamond, 19) — Don’t take anything for do priority over any tasks given ference is likely to grow in pro- chances are they might not be Ignore the given East-West hands; what should West do? granted where your work or they will change when the answers to 3b. If West opens one club and career is concerned. Chances to you by your superiors. You’ll portion to your procrastination. responsive when you need them questions one and two are given in the East responds one heart, what should are, what you believe to be a need to take your responsibilities AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. for something really important. column of Jan. 25, 2013. (The other West rebid? sure thing might not turn out like seriously. 19) — Be exceptionally careful VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) answers will be on Jan. 26, and the 3c. South opens one no-trump (15 you anticipate. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) not to be overly possessive with — If you get involved in a serious winners announced on March 23.) to 17 points) and North raises to three — If you are lax and wasteful in a very close friend or family discussion with a friend today, 1. How should South play in four no-trump. What should West lead? AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — If you’re down in the the management of your member. Even if you feel it is for don’t give him or her any reason hearts after West leads the club king? Look at only the South hand. resources over the next few his or her own good, this person to think you’re hiding something. 2. If South is the dealer and East- 4. South opens one heart and dumps for some reason, you days, you could end up in a seri- will resent the restriction. You need to be as open and West pass throughout, how would the North responds one spade. What could easily allow negative think- should South rebid? ing to dominate your thoughts. ous financial bind. Try to be more PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) frank as possible. Look at only the East Don’t predict gloomy results careful. — It would be best not to seek LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) — hand. without justification. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) — too many opinions about an When it comes to a joint venture, 5a. If West opens one PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) You can bank on others being important matter that you must think twice about allowing some- spade, what should East peeved if you give them reason decide. Superfluous input merely one who isn’t directly involved to respond? — Make it a point not to mix busi- ness with pleasure, especially to believe that your personal generates confusion. become part of the enterprise. 5b. If South opens one interests are far more important ARIES (March 21-April 19) This person’s only contribution club, West doubles, and when it comes to your friends. than anything in which they’re — Assignments you enjoy and might be complications. North passes, what Even a project with someone should East bid? whom you totally trust, things involved. are good at will be done rather SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) Mail your entry to Phillip could still go wrong. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) well and without incident. — Don’t give in to inclinations to Alder, c/o Universal ARIES (March 21-April 19) — It’s important that you don’t Conversely, your performance change something that is over Uclick, 1130 Walnut St., — It’ll be up to you to take meas- believe everything you hear, might wane with anything that your head or beyond your capa- Kansas City, MO 64106 to because there’s likely to be takes considerable patience. bilities. The result of your efforts arrive by Jan. 23. Or email ures to renegotiate a matter that isn’t all that you were told it someone who wants to set you TAURUS (April 20-May 20) may end up frustrating you and it from my website, up to be a purveyor of misinfor- — Even if something might look everybody else. www.phillipalderbridge.com. would be. Unless you act, you’ll mation. like a sure bet, you should sub- SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23- Click on the Contact but- have to live with the dismal origi- ton and type out your nal terms. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23- due inclinations to take any Dec. 21) — Even if your judg- answers. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Dec. 21) — Investigate thorough- speculative risks. Gambles need ment is usually good, there’s a Please take as read all of — Unless you are well organized ly any undertaking that requires to be analyzed from every angle, chance you may harbor some the usual disclaimers, and and systematic, you’re likely to you to provide cash before get- and even that might not tell all. unnecessary doubts regarding remember that this is pri- do a bum job on whatever it is ting involved. Not only does this GEMINI (May 21-June 20) your thinking. Don’t get paralysis marily for fun. include a social event, but any — It’s time to put your ear to the from overanalysis. m.) you’re trying to accomplish.You’ll


C M C M C M C M Y K B8•The World •Monday, December 24,2012 Y K B8 •The World • Monday,Tuesday, December 24,25, 2012 Y K

eron and John Cameron, Tenancy due the following sums: 8. RIGHT TO REINSTATE. Any per- Infectious Legals by the Entirety, as grantor, to Fidelity son named in ORS 86.753 has the 100 National Title, as trustee, in favor of Arrearage in the sum of $16,643.37 as right, at any time that is not later than Oregon First Community Credit of October 1, 2012, plus additional five days before the Trustee conducts Union, as beneficiary, dated June 29, payments, property expenditures, the sale, to have this foreclosure dis- arthritis requires 2005, and recorded on July 6, 2005, taxes, liens, assessments, insurance, missed and the Trust Deed reinstated as Recording No. 2005-9947, in the late fees, attorney’s and trustee’s fees by payment to the Beneficiary of the Frontier provides basic residential ser- mortgage records of Coos County, Or- and costs, and interest due at the time entire amount then due, other than vices at a rate of $8.07 for measured egon. Oregon First Community Credit of reinstatement or sale. such portion of the principal as would Union is now known as First Com- not then be due had no default oc- quick treatment service and a rate of $12.59 for flat rate service. Frontier also provides munity Credit Union. By reason of said defaults, the benefi- curred, by curing any other default ciary has declared all sums owing on that is capable of being cured by ten- basic business services at rates from DEAR DOCTOR K: $18.00-$31.20. Other taxes, fees, and The Trust Deed covers the following the obligations secured by said Trust dering the performance required under I saw long pants into socks. surcharges may apply. Frontier offers described real property (“Property”) Deed immediately due and payable, the obligation or Trust Deed and by my doctor for pain and single party service, touch tone, toll situated in said county and state, said sums being the following, to-wit: paying all costs and expenses actu- inflammation in my knee. He In most healthy to-wit: ally incurred in enforcing the obligation blocking, access to long distance, said I have arthritis caused by emergency services, operator assis- Payoff in the sum of $166,924.70 as and Trust Deed, together with the adults, gastroenteritis tance and directory assistance. Use of See attached Exhibit A. of October 1, 2012, plus taxes, liens, trustee’s and attorney’s fees not ex- a bacterial infection. Could is mild and brief some of these services may result in EXHIBIT A assessments, property expenditures, ceeding the amount provided in ORS this be true? insurance, accruing interest, late fees, 86.753. DEAR DOCTOR K: I was additional charges. Low-income indi- DEAR READER: I’ll bet viduals may be eligible for a reduction Real property in the County of Coos, attorney’s and trustee’s fees and pretty sick recently, and my State of Oregon, described as follows: costs incurred by beneficiary or its as- You may reach the Oregon State that, like many of my on their residential telephone bill with doctor said I had gastroen- Lifeline. Lifeline service provides dis- signs. Bar’s Lawyer Referral Service at patients, you think of arthri- ALL THAT AREA LOCATED NORTH 503-684-3763 or toll-free in Oregon at teritis. I’ve never had it counts up to $12.75 monthly (discount tis as something caused by subject to change). Lifeline is a OF THE BILL’S CREEK COUNTY WHEREFORE, notice hereby is given 800-452-7636 or you may visit its before. ROAD IN THE NORTHWEST QUAR- that the undersigned trustee will on website at: www.osbar.org. Legal as- wear and tear on a joint. That non-transferable government assis- How did I ASK tance program that provides a dis- TER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUAR- February 28, 2013, at the hour of sistance may be available if you have is the main cause of the most TER OF SAID SECTION 32, TOWN- 11:00 a.m., in accord with the stand- a low income and meet federal pov- get it? count on the cost of monthly tele- common type of arthritis, phone service. To be eligible for Life- SHIP 28 SOUTH, RANGE 14 WEST ard of time established by ORS erty guidelines. For more information And Doctor K OF THE WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, 187.110, at the following place: West and a directory of legal aid programs, osteoarthritis. However, line in Oregon, you must participate in what can one of the following programs: Supple- COOS COUNTY, OREGON; Front Entrance of the Coos County go to http://www.oregonlawhelp.org. there are other kinds of Courthouse, 250 N Baxter Street, I do about mental Nutrition Assistance Program arthritis, too. (SNAP) formerly Food Stamps, Sup- EXCEPTING & RESERVING THE Coquille, Oregon, sell at public auc- Any questions regarding this matter it? In rheumatoid arthritis plemental Security Income (SSI), FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PORTION: tion to the highest bidder for cash the should be directed to Lisa Summers, DEAR Temporary Assistance for Needy BEGINNING AT THE PIPE LOCATED interest in the above-described Prop- Paralegal, (541) 686-0344 and juvenile idiopathic READER: Families Program (TANF), National AT THE CENTER OF SAID SECTION erty, which the grantor had or had (TS #15148.30783). arthritis, an overactive School Free Lunch Program (NSL) or 32, TOWNSHIP 28 SOUTH, RANGE power to convey at the time of the ex- I’ll bet immune system causes joint Certain State Medical Programs or 14 WEST OF THE WILLAMETTE ME- ecution by grantor of the said Trust DATED: August 28, 2012. you’ve RIDIAN, GO SOUTH 89° 25’ EAST, Deed, together with any interest which inflammation. The causes of Medicaid at or below 135% of the fed- had gas- eral poverty guidelines. Your participa- 660.00 FEET, ALONG THE the grantor or grantor’s successors in /s/ Nancy K. Cary rheumatoid arthritis are tion in these programs will be verified EAST-WEST QUARTER SECTION interest acquired after the execution Nancy K. Cary, Successor Trustee troen- unknown. by the Public Utilities Commission of LINE THROUGH SECTION 32; of the Trust Deed, to satisfy the obli- Hershner Hunter, LLP teritis THENCE SOUTH 00° 16’ WEST, gations thereby secured and the costs P.O. Box 1475 But joints also can become Anthony Oregon. Lifeline is limited to one dis- before, count per household and only eligible PARALLEL WITH THE and expenses of sale, including a rea- Eugene, OR 97440 infected with bacteria and Komaroff NORTH-SOUTH QUARTER SECTION sonable charge by the trustee. but your customers may enroll. In addition to fungi. These microbes may Basic Lifeline, individuals living on LINE THROUGH SECTION 32, TO EXHIBIT A doctor THE NORTH EDGE OF THE SAID Notice is further given that any person directly infect the joint, for federally recognized Tribal Lands didn’t use that term. Nearly whose household is at or below 135% BILL’S CREEK COUNTY ROAD; named in ORS 86.753 has the right, at PARCEL I: example, through a puncture THENCE ALONG THE NORTH EDGE any time prior to five days before the everyone gets gastroenteritis or those that participate in one of the wound or major injury. But following federal assistance programs OF THE SAID BILL’S CREEK date last set for the sale, to have this Parcel 2 of Final Partition Plat No. at some time in their lives, COUNTY ROAD, WESTERLY AND foreclosure proceeding dismissed and 2002 #2 CAB-C 346, recorded March more often, the infection may also qualify for additional monthly often more than once. discounts through Enhanced Lifeline NORTHWESTERLY, TO A POINT the Trust Deed reinstated by payment 6, 2002, in Coos County, Oregon. spreads to a joint by traveling WHERE THE SAID NORTH-SOUTH to the beneficiary of the entire amount Gastroenteritis is an inflam- or up to $100.00 toward installation through the bloodstream fees through the Tribal Link-Up pro- QUARTER SECTION LINE INTER- then due (other than such portion of PARCEL II: mation of the intestines. It SECTS THE SAID BILL’S CREEK the principal as would not then be due from somewhere else in the gram: Bureau of Indian Affairs Gen- causes diarrhea, abdominal eral Assistance, Tribally Administered COUNTY ROAD; THENCE NORTH had no default occurred) and by cur- An appurtenant easements for ingress body. Once the microbe 00° 16’ EAST ALONG SAID ing any other default complained of and egress as set forth in instruments cramps, nausea, loss of Temporary Assistance for Needy reaches the joint, it can mul- Families, Head Start (income based NORTH-SOUTH QUARTER SECTION herein that is capable of being cured recorded as follows: Book 270, Page appetite and vomiting. LINE, TO THE POINT OF BEGINN- by tendering the performance required 130, recorded February 24, 1959 and tiply. The immune system only), or Food Distribution Program on You most likely got gas- Indian Reservations. Lifeline is a part ING. under the obligation or Trust Deed, Microfilm No. 66-6-10416, recorded recognizes the invading for- and in addition to paying said sum or June 28, 1966 and Microfilm No. troenteritis through a viral or of the Federal Universal Service Fund eigner and tries to wipe it program. The Federal Communica- ALSO SAVE & EXCEPT THE FOL- tendering the performance necessary 95-04-0676, recorded April 24, 1995 bacterial infection. These are LOWING DESCRIBED PARCEL: to cure the default, by paying all costs and Microfilm No. 95-04-0677, re- out. The infection and the tions Commission (FCC) established the two most common causes the program and created the Universal BEGINNING AT A POINT SOUTH 89° and expenses actually incurred in en- corded April 24, 1995 and Microfilm immune response cause 25’ 25” EAST 660 FEET, MORE OR forcing the obligation and Trust Deed, No. 95-04-0678, recorded April 24, in adults. Service Administrative Company warmth, pain, stiffness and (USAC) to administer it. The goal of LESS, FROM THE CENTER OF SEC- together with trustee’s and attorney’s 1995, Records of Coos County, Ore- Viral infections that cause swelling. the Universal Service program is to TION 32, TOWNSHIP 28 SOUTH, fees not exceeding the amounts pro- gon. gastroenteritis include the assist in making essential telecommu- RANGE 14 WEST OF THE WILLAM- vided by said ORS 86.753. Several types of bacteria Norwalk virus, rotaviruses, nications services affordable to most ETTE MERIDIAN, COOS COUNTY, PUBLISHED: The World - Decmber 4, can cause arthritis. Borrelia customers. If you have any questions OREGON, SAID POINT BEING THE In construing this notice, the singular 11, 18 and 25, 2012 (ID-20222057) adenoviruses and others. burgdorferi, for example, is regarding Frontier’s rates or services, NORTHEAST CORNER OF PROP- includes the plural, the word “grantor” These viruses are very conta- please call us at 1-800-921-8101 for ERTY CONVEYED TO BRUCE includes any successor in interest to the bacterium that causes gious; they can spread from further information. www.Frontier.com GOLGROVE BY INSTRUMENT RE- the grantor as well as any other per- Lyme disease. If Lyme dis- 12/25/12 CORDED JANUARY 2, 1975, AS MI- son owing an obligation, the perfor- one person to another on ease goes untreated and CNS-2420837# CROFILM NO. 75-1-108425, REC- mance of which is secured by said unwashed hands, or by shar- ORDS OF COOS COUNTY, ORE- Trust Deed, and the words “trustee” advances, arthritis may WORLD ing food or eating utensils GON; THENCE CONTINUE SOUTH and “beneficiary” include their re- develop, usually in one or 89° 25’ 25” EAST 212.57 FEET, spective successors in interest, if any. with an infected person. PUBLISHED: The World - December both knees. 25, 2012 (ID-2000991) MORE OR LESS, TO THE NORTH- Salmonella, shigella, E. WEST CORNER OF PROPERTY The NOTICE TO RESIDENTIAL Arthritic joint pain also coli and many other bacteria CONVEYED TO SOL BUCKSBAUM TENANTS, attached hereto as Ex- affects some people with A public sale will be held on Wednes- BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED hibit B, is incorporated herein by can also cause gastroenteri- day December 26, 2012 @ 2:00pm at gonorrhea, a sexually trans- MARCH 20, 1974, AS MICROFILM reference. Exhibit B, NOTICE TO tis. the Bay Area Store and Lock storage NO. 74-5-99910, RECORDS OF RESIDENTIAL TENANTS, is not mitted bacterial infection. units located on Lockhart. They can spread through COOS COUNTY, OREGON; THENCE published pursuant to 86.750(2)(b). Staphylococcus bacteria is Grand Mgmt. 541-269-5561 SOUTH 00° 06’ 40” WEST 610.18 close contact with an infect- another culprit. If a staph FEET TO A 5/8” ROD LOCATED ON THIS COMMUNICATION IS AN AT- ed person, or by drinking or Ramesh Lakhan - Unit #59 THE NORTH RIGHT OF WAY TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY infection is not treated Tricia Werner - Unit #04 eating infected food or water. BOUNDARY OF BILL’S CREEK INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE promptly, it can cause seri- Nicole Elbert - Unit #60 COUNTY ROAD, SAID ROD ALSO USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. UN- In otherwise healthy Kylie Capanna - Unit #05 ous joint damage within BEING THE SOUTHWEST CORNER LESS YOU NOTIFY US WITHIN 30 adults, gastroenteritis tends Debbie Poe - Unit #16 OF SAID BUCKSBAUM PROPERTY; DAYS AFTER RECEIVING THIS NO- days. Tuberculosis, a bacteri- to be mild and brief. When it THENCE SOUTH 63° 11’ 12” WEST TICE THAT YOU DISPUTE THE VA- al infection that usually PUBLISHED: The World - December 247.0 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO LIDITY OF THE DEBT, OR ANY comes again, try the follow- 25, 2012 (ID-20223064) affects the lungs, can cause THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE PORTION OF IT, WE WILL ASSUME ing until your symptoms AFOREMENTIONED GOLGROVE THE DEBT IS VALID. IF YOU NO- arthritis in the spine and subside: IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE PROPERTY; THENCE NORTH 00° 06’ TIFY US, IN WRITING, WITHIN 30 other large joints. STATE OF OREGON FOR THE 40” EAST 737.70 FEET, MORE OR DAYS AFTER RECEIPT OF THIS I To prevent dehydration, The diagnosis of infec- COUNTY OF COOS LESS, TO THE POINT OF BEGINN- NOTICE THAT YOU DO DISPUTE drink plenty of fluids. Drink Bayview Loan Servicing, LLC, a Dela- tious arthritis is made by ING. THE DEBT OR ANY PORTION OF water, soft drinks, sports ware Limited Liability Company, Plain- IT, WE WILL PROVIDE VERIFICA- removing fluid from the joint tiff v. Evelyn Ocampo and Marciano ALSO SAVE & EXCEPT THERE- drinks, broth or oral rehydra- TION BY MAILING YOU A COPY OF through a needle. The Ocampo; Bayview Loan Servicing LL; FROM THE FOLLOWING DE- THE RECORDS. IF YOU SO RE- tion fluids. If you are unable Janet A. Gonzalez, f/n/a Janet A. microbe causing the infec- SCRIBED PARCEL: QUEST, IN WRITING, WITHIN 30 to drink a lot at once, take Favalora; Unknown Parties in Posses- A PARCEL OF LAND LYING NORTH DAYS AFTER RECEIPT OF THIS tion can usually be identified sion or Claiming a Right to Posses- many smaller sips over a OF THE 60 FOOT WIDE BILL’S NOTICE, WE WILL PROVIDE YOU in that fluid. sion; and Unknown Occupants, De- CREEK COUNTY ROAD, IN THE WITH THE NAME AND ADDRESS longer period. Once diagnosed, you’ll fendants. Case No.: 12CV0608 SUM- NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SEC- OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR IF I Once your nausea starts MONS BY PUBLICATION NOTICE TION 32, TOWNSHIP 28 SOUTH, DIFFERENT FROM THE CURRENT immediately begin antibiotic to subside, gradually resume TO DEFENDANTS READ THESE RANGE 14 WEST OF THE WILLAM- CREDITOR. treatment. This should elim- PAPERS CAREFULLY! You must ETTE MERIDIAN, COOS COUNTY, a normal diet. Begin with inate the infection and help “appear” in this case or the other side OREGON, DESCRIBED AS FOL- DATED: October 3, 2012. clear soups, broth or sweet- will win automatically. To “appear” LOWS: BEGINNING AT A 5/8” ROD prevent permanent joint ened gelatin desserts. Build you must file with the court a legal pa- LOCATED ON THE EAST-WEST Valerie A. Tomasi, Successor Trustee damage if begun early per called a “motion” or “answer.” QUARTER SECTION LINE Tomasi Salyer Baroway up to rice, rice cereal and enough. If your infection is The “motion” or “answer” must be THROUGH THE CENTER OF SAID 121 SW Morrison, Suite 450 more substantial foods. given to the court clerk or administra- SECTION 32 WHICH ROD IS LO- Portland, OR 97204 advanced, or if joint damage I Use over-the-counter tor within 30 days of the date of first CATED 8.77 FEET SOUTH AND Phone: 503-894-9900; has already occurred, you publication, 12/19/2012, along with the 872.53 FEET EAST OF THE 2” PIPE fax: 971-544-7236 anti-diarrhea medicines may need to be hospitalized. required filing fee. It must be in MARKING THE EXISTING CENTER cautiously. proper form and have proof of service OF SAID SECTION 32, GO SOUTH PUBLISHED: The World - December At the hospital, your I Rest in bed. on the Plaintiff’s attorney or, if the 00° 06’ 40” WEST, 610.18 FEET TO A 25, 2012, January 01, 08 and 15, affected joint can be drained. Plaintiff does not have an attorney, 5/8” ROD LOCATED ON THE NORTH 2013 (ID-20222499) In the elderly and people Sometimes fluid is repeated- proof of service on the Plaintiff. The RIGHT OF WAY EDGE OF THE SAID with weakened immune sys- subject of this a judicial foreclosure of BILL’S CREEK COUNTY ROAD; ly removed with a needle and TRUSTEE’S NOTICE OF SALE tems, gastroenteritis can real property commonly known as 871 THENCE NORTH 63° 11’ 12” EAST, syringe. In other cases, a sur- S Broadway, Coos Bay, OR 97420 for 238.40 FEET, ALONG THE SAID produce dangerous compli- The Trustee under the terms of the geon needs to open the joint non-payment of mortgage debt. If you NORTH RIGHT OF WAY EDGE TO A Trust Deed described herein, at the di- cations. Even healthy adults have questions, you should see an at- 1” ROD; THENCE NORTH 00° 06’ 40” and place a drain in it to let rection of the Beneficiary, hereby may experience severe torney immediately. If you need help EAST, 500.50 FEET TO A 5/8” ROD elects to sell the property described in the joint fluid constantly leak in finding an attorney, you may call LOCATED ON THE SAID symptoms. the Trust Deed to satisfy the obliga- out of the body. You can also the Oregon State Bar’s Lawyer Refer- EAST-WEST QUARTER SECTION tions secured thereby. Pursuant to If you have severe symp- ral Service at (503) 684-3763 or receive antibiotics intra- LINE; THENCE NORTH 89° 25’ 25” ORS 86.745, the following information toms, your doctor may pre- toll-free in Oregon at (800) 452-7636. WEST, 212.57 FEET, ALONG THE is provided: venously if necessary. If your DATED: December 11, 2012. SAID EAST-WEST QUARTER SEC- scribe medications to ease joint is seriously damaged, Glogowski Law Firm, PLLC, Katrina E. TION LINE TO THE POINT OF BE- 1. PARTIES: your nausea, vomiting and Glogowski, OSB #035386, 506 2nd you may need surgery to GINNING. diarrhea; intravenous fluids Ave Ste 2600, Seattle, WA 98104 Grantor: SAM D. SHELLHAMER AND remove damaged tissue and (206) 903-9966 Fax (20^) 405-2701. for dehydration; and antibi- Tax Parcel Number: 1029404 and CHRISSY M. SHELLHAMER reconstruct the joint. X-300841 otics to treat bacterial infec- Trustee: FIDELITY NATIONAL Often you need to briefly PUBLISHED: The World - December TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY tion. 18, 25, 2012, January 01 and 08, There are defaults by the grantor or immobilize your affected Successor Trustee: NANCY K. CARY To help prevent gastroen- 2013. (ID-2022510) other person owing an obligation, the Beneficiary: WASHINGTON FEDERAL joint while recovering from performance of which is secured by teritis in the future: fka WASHINGTON FEDERAL SAV- the infection. TRUSTEE’S NOTICE OF SALE the Trust Deed, with respect to provi- INGS I Wash your hands after sions therein which authorize sale in But it’s best to become using the toilet or changing Reference is made to a certain trust the event of default of such provision; 2. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: active again as soon as you the defaults for which foreclosure is diapers. deed (“Trust Deed”) made, executed The real property is described as fol- are able. Exercise and physi- and delivered by Gwendolyn Cam- made is grantor’s failure to pay when lows: I Wash your hands before cal therapy can help you As described in the attached Exhibit A and after preparing food, regain your strength and especially raw meat. 3. RECORDING. The Trust Deed was mobility. recorded as follows: I Don’t transfer cooked It’s much better if you can Date Recorded: August 15, 2005 foods onto unwashed plates Recordiing No.: 2005-12225 prevent infectious arthritis that held raw meat. Official Records of Coos County, Ore- from developing in the first gon I Wash kitchen counter- place. That means taking tops and utensils thoroughly 4. DEFAULT. The Grantor or any steps to avoid infections that after they have been used to other person obligated on the Trust can cause infectious arthri- Deed and Promissory Note secured prepare meat. tis: thereby is in default and the Benefi- I Never drink unpasteur- ciary seeks to foreclose the Trust I Practice safe sex. ized milk or untreated water. Deed for failure to pay: Monthly pay- I Promptly clean ments in the amount of $1,192.00 I Drink only bottled wounds. each, due the first of each month, for water or soft drinks if you the months of April 2012 through Au- I To avoid Lyme disease, travel to an area where sani- gust 2012; plus late charges and ad- use tick repellent when walk- vances; plus any unpaid real property tation is poor. ing in the woods and tuck taxes or liens, plus interest. The good news about gas- 5. AMOUNT DUE. The amount due troenteritis is that your on the Note which is secured by the immune system usually fixes Trust Deed referred to herein is: Prin- UTSMARTUTSMART it — admittedly after several cipal balance in the amount of uncomfortable days. $154,028.60; plus interest at the rate YOURYOUR of 5.750% per annum from March 1, OO The bad news is that, on 2012; plus late charges of $864.27; OMPETITION occasion, it can produce plus advances and foreclosure attor- CCOMPETITION! ! enough diarrhea that a per- ney fees and costs. Place your ad son can get severely dehy- 6. SALE OF PROPERTY. The Trus- drated. tee hereby states that the property will here and give That, in turn, can lead to be sold to satisfy the obligations se- cured by the Trust Deed. A Trustee’s your business fainting and to heart prob- Notice of Default and Election to Sell lems. To avoid that, you’ve Under Terms of Trust Deed has been the boost it got to pour as much fluid into recorded in the Official Records of Coos County, Oregon. needs. Call your body as you are losing. If you don’t think you can 7. TIME OF SALE. 541-269-1222 keep up, contact your doctor: Date: January 10, 2013 Time: 11:00 a.m. Ext. 293 You may need a trip to the Place: Coos Bay City Hall, 500 Cen- hospital for intravenous flu- tral Avenue, Coos Bay, Oregon for details ids.



Comics | C4-5 Cuisine KidScoop | C6 C theworldlink.com/cuisine • Cuisine Editor Ron Jackimowicz • 541-269-1222, ext. 238 MONDAY, DECEMBER 24, 2012

Hot off Where in The World? — Atlantic City Holiday the grill dinner at Coach comfort House classic I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday season. BY ALISON LADMAN Friends Pat and Jeff recent- The Associated Press ly bought a house, so a cele- bration was in order. Chicken potpie is a fine, It had been far too long comforting dinner for most since Autumn and I had been of the winter. But at Christ- to the Coach House, so at 5:30 mas, you want comfort with p.m. Wednesday it was for a little more. You want a din- four on the patio. ner that’s as special as it is Unbeknowst to me, I had comforting. chosen the coldest, rainiest, So we used the model of a windiest day possible to go out basic puff pastry-topped for dinner. chicken potpie, but substi- The great news is, if any of tuted tender sirloin tips for you were wondering if you the poultry. Add a creamy could eat out on the heated beef gravy and you end up patio at the Coach House in 38 with a savory potpie that is degree weather with 40 to 50 the perfect casual, comfort- mph winds — you can. And ing, yet special way to cap a with all the propane heaters wonderful Christmas. on, it stayed pretty nice. They Contributed Photo TABLE really lived Mark and Angie Mattecheck, owners of North Bend Lanes recently visited Atlantic City, N.J. to attend a convention. Unfortunately, this CHRISTMAS BEEF POTPIE up to their area no longer looks like this.“This picture was taken one week before the storm,”Mark wrote.“We were at the New Revel Resort for a FOR TWO Facebook bowling convention.The boardwalk was a lot of fun.We rode the hand carts for 3 miles one way.” Start to finish: 1 hour post of Dec. Servings: 6 8 which 1 1 ⁄4 pounds yellow pota- read: Where in The World? — Hawaii toes, cut into 1-inch “We’re chunks not scared Kosher salt of a little 2 tablespoons butter rain at the C oach 1 medium yellow onion, sliced RON House! We’ll keep 2 medium shallots, sliced JACKIMOWICZ our fires 1 clove garlic, minced rolling no 2 large carrots, diced matter what! Now who’s 2 stalks celery, diced tough enough to dine outside 2 tablespoons tomato in our heated tent? = )” paste Well, we were, and we did. 2 teaspoons And so did several other Worcestershire sauce groups that night. 2 tablespoons minced Owner Jim Lorenz and the fresh thyme 1 crew did a great job on the bar- 1 ⁄4 pounds sirloin tips, cut becues, as usual. We all into 1-inch pieces ordered something different. Ground black pepper Autumn had the half-rack of 1 tablespoon vegetable or ribs; I had one of the specials, canola oil 1 chipotle chicken breasts; Jeff ⁄4 cup red wine 3 got the flat-iron steak; and Pat ⁄4 cup unsalted or low- had the pork tenderloins. Pat sodium beef stock got the French fries, but the 2 tablespoons all-purpose rest of us got the twice-baked flour 1 potato (I’m not sure if the bar- ⁄2 cup heavy cream becuing or the twice-baked 1 sheet puff pastry, potatoes make this place thawed according to famous). package directions I always leave Coach House Heat the oven to 400 marveling at what they can do degrees. on the grill. And the barbecue Place the potatoes in a sauce on the ribs was great medium saucepan. Add (Autumn did share a rib with Contributed Photos enough water to cover by 1 me ... I’ll consider it a Christ- Burk and Sonnia Rowe of Winchester Bay celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary Nov.23 on the island of Kauai with the son Darin and inch. Bring to a boil, then mas gift). The sauce starts wife Susie, son Devin and wife Lisa, and granddaughter Maddie and her friendJayden Cook, all of Albany. cook until tender, about 15 to sweet and then you get that 20 minutes. Drain and set wonderful smoky flavor. aside. The chipotle sauce on the chicken had just enough kick to Where it so as not to be too hot. Pat in The SEE POTPIE | C3 and Jeff left the restaurant with big smiles on their faces and World? reported back later that their meals were great. If you are going on vaca- Now I’m wondering how tion, take an edition of The dinner would be there in the World with you. When you snow. With the weather the find yourself in a pictur- way it’s been lately, I might esque spot like the Lawson’s not have to wait long to find did in France, snap your out. family/group with the paper. Then, when you visit a local restaurant, get a picture of your meal. Send the vital information: your name and Outdoors hometown, the city you visit- Find out where the ed, the restaurant, who was in your group, what you best fishing can be ordered and what you liked found on the South about the meal. Photos can be emailed to twphoto@ the- Coast. worldlink.com as .jpg-format attachments. The family spent 10 days exploring the island and one highlight was eating pizza at BobbyV’s outdoor Italian restaurant, voted the best pizza on the island. They especially loved the Mediterranean-style pizza with pesto sauce, mozzarella, kalamata olives, capers, sun dried tomatoes and feta cheese. The Associated Press This beef potpie has a flaky puff See GO! Saturday pastry crust.

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C M C M Y K C2 •The World • Monday, December 24,2012 Y K Cuisine Of droughts and Twinkies — the year in food New lunch place rules in schools drew high praise from everyone but the kids

BY J.M. HIRSCH way, Hagerty did OK for her- The Associated Press self, landing a book deal with Anthony Bourdain. Most Americans never will Meanwhile, New York sip the watermelon margarita Times reviewer Pete Wells at Guy Fieri’s behemoth scored a celeb smackdown Times Square restaurant, nor when he slammed Fieri’s savor the chicken Alfredo at New York restaurant, Guy’s the Olive Garden in Grand American Kitchen & Bar, in a Forks, N.D. scathing 1,000-word review Yet both eateries somehow written almost entirely in shot to the top of the nation’s questions. Wells took heat culinary zeitgeist in 2012, for for beating on Food Net- this was the year of the viral work’s bad boy, but the restaurant review, when the review — which tore across rants and raves of seasoned Twitter the instant it was pros and naive octogenarians posted — certainly drove alike got superstar treatment hordes to Fieri’s tables, even on the world wide if only to rubber- smorgasbord. neck the culinary It was a year accident. when drought crip- Speaking of pled farmers while restaurants taking Californians clam- a beating, the ored for foie gras. Chick-fil-A chain Twinkies died and earned plenty of Paula Deen scorn — and some endorsed a diabetes support — this drug. Which is to Paula Den summer when say, it was a year company presi- Celebrity chef when the unlikely dent Dan Cathy The Associated Press was the norm. came out about Clara Zonis, front, and Kelsey Hiscock select food items from the lunch line of the cafeteria at Draper Middle School in Rotterdam, N.Y.The leaner, While restaurateurs his opposition to same sex greener school lunches served under new federal standards are getting mixed grades from students. However, the effort to get more whole grains bemoaned the influence of marriage. The dustup and produce, but fewer calories and less sodium, into school lunches, the biggest overhaul of federal lunch standards in 15 years, was praised by Yelp and other social media spawned online “Chick-fil- health advocates. review sites, 85-year-old Gay” mockery, but ended Grand Forks Herald restau- with the company saying it which is made from goose or rant columnist Marilyn would stop funding anti-gay duck livers enlarged by Hagerty cut through the marriage groups. force-feeding through fun- noise, heaping near rhap- Another revelation — nel-like tubes. sodic praise on the fine din- Twinkies may not last forev- Back in New York, the too- ing at her community’s latest er. Blaming a labor dispute cool-for-you folks spent the chain restaurant. All she for ongoing financial woes, summer angsting over wanted to do was get to her Hostess Brands decided to whether Brooklyn really did bridge game, but her review close shop this year, taking have a hip dining scene. Not became a must-read sensa- with it lunch box staples that anyone outside New York tion. such as Twinkies, Ding gives a flying (artisanal And lest they be consid- Dongs and Wonder bread. bacon-wrapped) fig. But silly ered elite for dissing her The company said it would one-upmanship gave way to devotion to this fine fare, the try to sell off its many storied legit worry — and unity — nation’s culinary upper crust brands, so maybe there is when Superstorm Sandy rushed to praise her. It was hope for the mysteriously dealt a devastating blow to an amusing — and embar- enduring snack cakes. the city’s restaurant scene. rassing — display of the food California’s foie gras fans For this year’s truly hot world’s split personality, an may not get a similar second food scene, you needed to ever growing chasm between chance. Despite opposition head south. Because THE how real Americans eat, and by the state’s restaurant South is where it’s happen- how real foodies want real industry, as of July it became ing. Hugh Acheson, Tim Americans to eat. Either illegal to sell foie gras — Love, John Besh and a gaggle of others are putting a fresh face on what it means to eat well when you’re below the Mason-Dixon Line, and the rest of the country started to wake up to this. The Associated Press And then there’s Paula Acashier rings up boxes of Hostess Twinkies and Cup Cakes at the Hostess Brands' bakery in Denver.Blaming Deen, the doyenne of butter, a labor dispute for ongoing financial woes, Hostess Brands decided to close shop this year, taking with it Buyuy AnyAny OneOne deep-frying and — at least this lunch box staples such as Twinkies, Ding Dongs and Wonder bread. year — public relations traves- ties. Though diagnosed with drought in the U.S. devastat- years, but the kids in the known all along — chicken diabetes several years ago, she ed famers and drove up global lunch lines were less breasts are the tofu of the Regular Menu Item & Get One waited until January — coinci- food prices. And the hardship impressed; schools reported meat world. Dark meat actu- dentally when she also had isn’t over.Analysts say we can more food landing uneaten in ally has flavor. lined up a lucrative drug expect food prices here to go the trash. Craft beer remains a grow- endorsement deal — to go pub- up by as much as 4 percent in But the kids won’t get ing market, but hipster % lic with it.She came off looking 2013. much sympathy in New York drinkers know it’s the hard money-grubbing, and an Food safety also was a City, where a first-in-the- stuff that’s happening. Barrel opportunity to educate Ameri- headline grabber. For the nation ban on eateries selling aged cocktails and micro dis- 50OFFF*F* cans about a devastating dis- first time ever, the Food and sodas larger than 16 ounces tilleries are raging hot. ease was mostly lost. Drug Administration used means slurping a monster Chia seeds also are trying to *Restrictions apply. Expires 12/27/12. Good for regular menu and with But Americans did learn newly granted authority to gulper is going to require be hip, and though they’ve purchase of two beverages. 1/2 OFF entrée of equal or lesser value with plenty about their hamburg- shutter a company without double fisting. wormed their way into this coupon. May not be combined with any other offer or coupon. ers. In March, the Internet Separate checks are considered one group. a court hearing. In Novem- At times this year it felt numerous bottled drinks, exploded with worry over so- ber, the government shut like the food world belonged they will forever suffer from called pink slime, or what the down Sunland Inc., the to the geeks, and the rest of the Ch-ch-ch-chia! effect. If meat industry prefers to call country’s largest organic us just eat in it. Nathan you want to seem impossibly lean finely textured beef. peanut butter processor, Myhrvold’s science chic hip, saute or bake something Though it had been part of the

Ê after repeated food safety approach to cooking contin- with coconut oil. food chain for years, by the violations. ued to woo foodies, and even But don’t be caught dead end of the kerfuffle the prod- Meanwhile, the nation’s the more populist folks at sipping coconut water. That’s uct had all but disappeared. kids seem to be sick of being Cook’s Illustrated magazine so 2011. Filling your grocery cart told to eat healthier. Nutri- got in on the act with a new By the way, we get it! Any was — and will continue to be tionists praised the most sig- cookbook, “The Science of food served out of a truck or 541-808-0644 — costly. nificant overhaul of federal Good Cooking.” from a restaurant that “pops 1001 N. Bayshore Dr., Coos Bay, OR This summer’s massive school lunch standards in Now let’s talk trends. Kale up” is outrageously better than was the unlikely darling of any other food. And eating it 2011, but it started to lose its makes you impossibly cool. luster this year. Beets are Now can we please move making a bid for top slot, and on to another food world fla- Holiday Catering would actually stand a chance vor of the week? Celebrate if they didn’t stain your fin- And would somebody % gers so much. Americans fell please, for the love of all that

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OPEN DAILY TO BETTER SERVE YOU The Associated Press 1960 SHERMAN, HWY. 101 S., DOWNTOWN NORTH BEND Chef John Besh holds the “French Crawfish Boil,” which includes 541-756-7264 Spanish tarragon and Tennessee truffles in his restaurant, “August,”in New Orleans.For the truly hot food scene in 2012,the South is where it’s Free delivery in Coos Bay/North Bend City Limits Like us on Facebook at Portland Bagel happening. Besh, Hugh Acheson, Tim Love, and a gaggle of others are Company 3 and see our daily specials! putting a fresh face on what it means to eat well when you’re below the 3385 Broadway, North Bend • 541-756-2221 Mason-Dixon Line,and the rest of the country started to wake up to this. C M C M Y K Y K

C M C M Y K Monday, December 24,2012 • The World • C3 Y K Cuisine Simple recipes for entertaining

1 BY ELIZABETH KARMEL salt, about ⁄8 teaspoon The Associated Press 1 to 2 tablespoons extra- virgin olive oil When it comes to enter- Fresh herbs, such as taining, I often find that the thyme, oregano or basil casual gatherings and 1 Zest of ⁄2 lemon or orange impromptu parties outshine In a large, stainless steel more elaborate affairs. I saucepan over medium heat, think it’s the combination of combine the milk, butter- a relaxed atmosphere and milk, cream and salt. Slowly last minute inspiration. bring the mixture to a gentle This summer, for exam- simmer. As the milk solids ple, I was visiting friends begin to separate from the when one of the hosts spon- whey, give it a stir, then taneously began making return it to a gentle simmer. homemade crackers from corn and flour tortillas. It When you see steam rising wasn’t planned, but it was and solid chunks (curds) delicious. They were posi- forming, turn off the heat tively addictive and I’ve since and let the mixture cool for started making them myself. about 30 minutes. The best thing about these Meanwhile, line a mesh crackers is that they require strainer with several layers of almost zero prep, and can be cheesecloth. Using a ladle, seasoned however you like — spoon the cooled curds and The Associated Press a simple sprinkle of coarse whey into the strainer. Place Cocktails from left are a Blueberry 'Tini, a Cantaloupe Rush and a Basil Martini at the Bistro Boudin in San Francisco. All were made with vodka. sea salt, or a more complex one layer of the cloth over Booze with multiple personalities, like the best kind of party guests, can adapt to the situation and provide a festive little home bar that adds blend of seeds and spices. My the cheese. It will strain panache to your holiday party. favorite is pink Himalayan quickly at first. The longer sea salt and dehydrated you let it sit, the drier and minced garlic. It’s like the more concentrated the best part of an everything cheese will become. Strain bagel. the cheese at room tempera- Raise the cocktail bar These crackers also cook ture for 1 to 2 hours. so quickly, you even could Once strained, discard the make them fresh just before liquid. The cheese can be — or even during — the party. used immediately, or covered Versatile alcohols can help make the party And if you really want to and refrigerated for up to 2 put people over the edge, days. consider pairing the crackers When ready to serve, place BY MICHELLE LOCKE Add 1 1/2 ounces vodka plus Mexico has often been of bourbon?’” with homemade ricotta the ricotta in a decorative The Associated Press an equal amount of simple poor quality and contained a A uniquely American cheese dip. I recently took a syrup, shake with ice, strain worm in the bottle, a mar- spirit, bourbon is versatile bowl. Use a spoon to form a cheese making class in Cali- well in the center. Sprinkle What you want: A festive and serve over ice with a keting gimmick dreamed up and complex. Zoeller doesn’t fornia and fell in love with bar that will add panache to splash of soda water. in the 1940s. These days, recommend masking the fla- the cheese with the fleur de the process. It was an arti- sel, then fill the well with your next holiday party. For the simplest treat- there’s quality mezcal to be vor in a cocktail, but instead sanal cheese class and we What you don’t want: Hav- ment, he recommends a shot found. finding ingredients that olive oil. Sprinkle with fresh used “just milked” raw cow’s herbs and citrus zest. ing to spend oodles of cash of vodka, an equal amount For his triple-play complement the vanilla and milk and various starters. on a confusing array of bot- simple syrup, and a squeeze approach, Betts suggests caramel flavors of the You’ll need no special tles you’re not sure how to of lime and lemon juice all making a batch of a modified whiskey. ingredients or equipment to HOMEMADE CRACKERS use. shaken over ice and strained version of the saint’s eye He’d make an old fash- make this treat, which relies The solution? Pick booze into a martini glass. cocktail on the Sombra web- ioned, which “screams holi- on slightly acidic buttermilk that — like the best kind of A cocktail party doesn’t site devised by Jim Meehan, day season with its warmth to form cheese out of a blend Start to finish: 30 minutes guest — is flexible, able to have to be elaborate, says author of “The PDT Cocktail and balance.” Mix 1 3/4 of heavy cream and whole Servings: 12 take on different roles as Reynders. Shaker, jigger, Book: The Complete Bar- ounces bourbon with a dash milk. Add a touch of salt and 12 round fresh flour or party dynamics dictate. mixing glass and you’re tender’s Guide from the Cel- of water and a dash or two of that’s all you need. corn tortillas, at room So we asked three bar- halfway there. “A little extra ebrated Speakeasy” — 2 Angostura bitters, mixing all Once the cheese is temperature tenders to come up with one shake doesn’t hurt for the ounces mezcal, 3/4 ounce in an old fashioned glass and strained and cooled, I put it 2 tablespoons olive oil liquor and three ways to perfect chilled martini.” lime juice, 3/4 ounce pineap- adding ice cubes. in a pretty bowl, add a sprin- Seasonings (such as fleur serve it and got the following ple juice, 1 bar spoon of agave Mezcal mixology He’s also come up with kle of good salt, best quality de sel, truffle salt, dehy- suggestions. nectar and a sprig of tarragon something he calls seasons extra-virgin olive oil, fresh drated minced garlic, Sombra Mezcal founder to garnish. greetings from Kentucky — 2 herbs and citrus zest. You minced dried onion, Versatile vodka Richard Betts recommends As a counterpunch to that ounces Jefferson’s Very can customize it and add sesame seeds, etc.) At Bistro Boudin in San this smoky spirit for holiday citrusy concoction he’d mix Small Batch Bourbon, 1 your favorite herbs, or take a Heat the oven to 350 Francisco’s historic Fisher- get-togethers because “it up a mezcal Manhattan with ounce Carpano Antica sweet sweet approach and add a degrees. man’s Wharf, bartender mixes well in drinks from 2 1/2 ounces mezcal, 3/4 vermouth, 1 ounce apple- little jam and country ham or Brush the tortillas on both Nicholas Reynders goes for margaritas to Manhattans. It ounce sweet vermouth, a prosciutto. Delicious. the classic clear spirit, can be great neat and, if it’s dash of Angostura bitters, 1 jack, stirred over ice and sides with a thin layer of olive vodka. that kind of party, it’s a great maraschino cherry and an strained into a coupe glass. oil. Sprinkle with salt or the He’d first serve it as a shot, too.” orange peel garnish. His third approach is BUTTERMILK RICOTTA seasonings of your choice. bourbon spice cider, made of Arrange the tortillas on 2 blueberry-tini, mixing a shot Plus it fits into his party And, finally, he’d serve CHEESE DIP of vodka with 1/2 ounce of philosophy. “Have a point of mezcal neat. “It is the best 2 quarts of spiced cider, 2 baking sheets (or bake them simple syrup (equal parts view. You cannot be every- way for people to really cinnamon sticks, 1 teaspoon in batches). The tortillas can sugar and water heated until thing to everyone, so pick appreciate how special it is.” whole cloves, a pinch each of Start to finish: 2 hours be close together, but not the sugar is melted, then something and geek out on nutmeg and allspice and 1 Servings: 12 touching. Bake on the oven’s cooled) and 12 fresh blueber- it. Mezcal is a great example Blendable bourbon tablespoon orange peel. The 3 cups whole milk center rack for 20 to 25 min- 1 ries. Combine all with ice in a because you’re exploring the Growing up in Kentucky, cider makes enough for 1 ⁄2 cups buttermilk utes, rotating the pans after shaker, then shake, strain REAL agave spirit of Mexico bourbon was a holiday staple about eight cocktails. Sim- 1 cup heavy cream 12 minutes, until slightly 1 and serve in a martini glass. and this is cool.” on the bar and the kitchen, mer the cider with spices for ⁄4 teaspoon kosher salt puffy and golden brown. For a second treatment he A quick primer on mezcal, playing an integral role in 15 to 20 minutes. Pour 2 To serve: Let cool and break into starts by muddling a bit of a distilled spirit made from seasonal dishes, says Trey ounces of bourbon in each Fleur de sel or pink sea irregular shapes. cantaloupe in a shaker. the maguey plant, a type of Zoeller, founder of Jeffer- mug, pour 8 ounces of (Muddling is a bartenders’ agave. When the spirit is son’s Bourbon. strained spiced hot cider Buttermilk ricotta term for mushing fruit, veg- made from the blue agave His grandma’s bourbon over the bourbon and gar- cheese dip with gies or herbs in the bottom of and comes from certain des- pecan pie capped off the nish with a cinnamon stick. homemade crack- a glass or shaker. You can do ignated areas, it’s tequila. So night and when people visit- It is, says Zoeller, “a fes- ers is shown in a this with a special tool while all tequila is mezcal, ed she “didn’t ask what you tive, batch-able classic.” serving dish. called, logically, a muddler, not all mezcal is tequila. In wanted to drink; rather, she If that doesn’t say holiday or just use a wooden spoon.) the past, mezcal outside asked, ‘how do you take your cheer, what does? A real cookie dough dip

BY J.M. HIRSCH 2 cups powdered sugar The Associated Press 6 tablespoons milk 1 teaspoon almond This summer I had the extract misfortune to encounter the Pinch salt The Associated Press 1 internet culinary sensation ⁄2 cup sour cream known as cookie dough dip. 10 Oreo (or similar) cook- It was at a potluck party ies, crushed and folks were raving about To make the cookie this creation, which until dough, in a large bowl use an POTPIE seared, remove the meat then I’d been ignorant of. electric mixer to beat the from the pan. Being fans of all things cook- butter and both sugars until Baking time is Lower the heat to medium ie dough — not to mention The Associated Press light and fluffy. Add the and stir in the red wine. feeling a fair degree of affec- This chocolate chip cookie dough dip is good enough to try. milk, vanilla and salt, then only 25 minutes Scrape up any browned bits tion for all manner of dips — mix well. Add the flour and Continued from Page C1 from the pan. In a small my son and I were eager to own version of this mon- one that contains only pas- mix just until thoroughly bowl, whisk together the try this seemingly miracu- strosity. Except that my teurized eggs. blended. Mix in the choco- beef stock and flour. Add to lous blend of two of nature’s chocolate chip cookie dough late chips. Meanwhile, in a large deep the pan, whisking until thick, most wonderful food prod- dip would actually taste like Divide the mixture into skillet over medium-high about 3 minutes. Stir in the ucts. chocolate chip cookie dough CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE chunks, about 1 teaspoon heat, melt the butter.Add the cream. Return the beef, veg- The look of betrayal on my miraculously transformed DOUGH DIP each. They don’t need to be onion, shallots and garlic and etables and potatoes to the son’s face as he put a heaping into a dip. It would be sweet, perfectly rounded. Arrange saute until tender, about 5 pan and stir to combine and bite of it into his mouth was but not too sweet. It would them without touching on a minutes. Add the carrots and coat everything with the Start to finish: 30 minutes hilariously heartbreaking. So be studded with deliciously parchment paper-lined bak- celery and cook until begin- sauce. Season with salt and Servings: 24 I tried it. He was right. This chewy chunks of cookie ing sheet, then place in the ning to brown and pepper. Transfer to a medi- For the cookie dough: wildly popular dip is made dough. Real cookie dough, freezer for 15 minutes. caramelize at the edges, um casserole dish or baking 6 tablespoons unsalted by blending canned white not masticated beans. Meanwhile, in a food about 10 more minutes. Stir pan. butter, at room tempera- beans and chocolate chips, The result was a delicious processor combine the in the tomato paste, Worces- Unfold the puff pastry ture among other unlikely ingre- sugar rush that begs for 1 cream cheese and powdered tershire sauce and thyme. sheet and set it over the pan. dients. The idea is to create a something crunchy and salty ⁄2 cup packed brown sugar. Process until smooth Cook for another 2 minutes. Use a paring knife to cut slits sugar Transfer to a plate and set healthy dip that supposedly to dip in it. 1 and creamy. Add the milk, to vent. Bake for 20 to 25 tastes like cookie dough. For the cookie dough ⁄4 cup granulated sugar almond extract, salt and sour aside. minutes, or until the puff It doesn’t. It’s not cute. nuggets, I used a modified 1 tablespoon milk or cream, then process. Trans- Season the sirloin with pastry is golden brown and It’s not tasty. It’s not coy. version of an eggless choco- cream fer to a bowl, then use a spat- salt and pepper. Return the the inside is bubbling. 1 teaspoon vanilla extract skillet to the stovetop over And it’s certainly not good. late chip cookie dough recipe 1 ula or spoon to gently stir in Nutrition information per ⁄4 teaspoon salt high heat. Add the oil. Work- Much as I love hummus, I from Lindsay Landis’ book, 1 the crushed cookies. serving: 290 calories; 150 “The Cookie Dough Lover’s 1 ⁄4 cups all-purpose flour ing in batches to avoid calories from fat (52 percent do not love hummus that 3 Once the cookie dough pretends to be cookie dough. Cookbook” (a fun book for ⁄4 cup mini chocolate chunks have chilled, gently crowding the pan, sear the of total calories); 16 g fat (8 g Nor do I want my cookie anyone who loves raw cookie chips stir them into the dip. Trans- meat on all sides until well saturated; 0 g trans fats); 40 dough spiked with pureed dough). You could use pur- For the dip: fer to a serving bowl and browned, about 3 minutes. mg cholesterol; 31 g carbohy- beans. Call me crazy. chased cookie dough Two 8-ounce packages serve immediately or chill The meat does not need to be drate; 3 g fiber; 5 g sugar; 6 g So I decided to create my instead, but be certain to use cream cheese, softened until ready to serve. cooked through. Once protein; 160 mg sodium. C M C M Y K Y K

C M C M Y K C4• The World • Monday, December 24,2012 Y K The true DILBERT meaning of frugality Frugal, thrifty. Those words repulsed me. Being thought of as cheap was to FRANK AND ERNEST me the ultimate insult. I equated frugality with dig- ging EVERYDAY through dump- CHEAPSKATE sters in search of food and who knows what else. To me, THE BORN LOSER cheap people Mary skipped Hunt out without leaving a tip. They were slovenly in appearance, lacking dignity and self respect. Cheap people were just plain tacky. I couldn’t bear the thought of living that way, and to make sure I would never be mistaken for ZITS someone who did, I charged my way through life bent on proving to the world (and more likely to myself) that I was not cheap. I accepted the offers of freedom that credit card companies gave to me. It was so simple. I could have a $200 outfit and pay only $10 a month. I could fix up the house, treat the kids, CLASSIC PEANUTS have new clothes, drive nice cars — just about any- thing I could think of. And it worked for a while. THE FAMILY CIRCUS I know, you’re way ahead of me. You know what hap- pened. By the time I came to my senses, I wasn’t experiencing freedom at all. It was all a lie. I sold myself into bondage one dollar at a time. If you’re feeling a little FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE squeamish about this word frugality, I — more than anyone — understand your fears. I think I can help you to get over it. Frugality doesn’t mean you have to become some- one you aren’t. Frugality means doing whatever it takes to spend less than you earn. Frugality is about restraint, discipline, find- ing the best value and not being wasteful. It’s about ROSE IS ROSE making choices and under- standing that if you say yes to one thing, you may need to say no to something else. Frugality is about deciding what really matters and not living to impress others. Because we live frugally doesn’t mean we don’t spend money. It means we spend money thoughtfully and with a sense of disci- pline and purpose. LUANN Frugality is about striking a balance between saving and investing for the future, and having a fulfill- ing life now. Why should you live fru- gally? Because you need to save money to cover what’s coming in the future; because you need to finance your retirement; because you don’t want to work until you’re 90. GRIZZWELLS There are other reasons besides retirement for liv- ing below your means. Maybe you have kids head- ing for college soon. Perhaps you’re paying off credit-card debt and want to cut back in other places so that you have more money each month to put toward becoming debt- free. Any number of rea- sons can lead you to the conclusion that living fru- gally and saving and investing money is an intelligent way to live. Take the time now to MODERATELY CONFUSED KIT ’N’ CARLYLE HERMAN look at your life and your expenses. Come up with a plan, and learn to live below your means. If you don’t start telling your money where to go, you’ll always wonder where it went. Mary Hunt is the founder of www.DebtProofLiving.com and author of 23 books, including her newest released, “Cheaper. Better. Faster.” You can email her at mary@everydaycheap- skate.com, or write to Everyday Cheapskate, P.O. Box 2099, Cypress, CA 90630. To find out more about Mary Hunt and read her past columns, please visit the Creators Syndicate Web page at www.cre- ators.com. C M C M Y K Y K

C M C M Y K Monday, December 24,2012 • The World • C5 Y K Customer DILBERT service halls of fame and shame

If there isn’t a Customer Service Hall of Fame, there needs to be. And a Hall of FRANK AND ERNEST Shame to go with it. As such, I would like to present my nominations. For the Hall of Fame, I nominate the online shoe store Zappos.com. Oh, my goodness, is there anything this company does not do impeccably? Zappos, I love you for your 2 million pairs of shoes in stock, for THE BORN LOSER EVERYDAY always CHEAPSKATE having a sale; for your 1,300 employ- ees, your detailed views of every angle of Mary every shoe, Hunt your ZITS user reviews, your free shipping both ways, your 365-day-no- questions-asked return policy and your 24/7 call center. For the Hall of Shame, I nominate Home Depot. I’m still fuming over a recent carpet purchase. The carpet sale was spectacular, but it took nearly four weeks to CLASSIC PEANUTS receive my carpet — from the day I walked into the store searching for some- one, anyone, to take my THE FAMILY CIRCUS order. But that person couldn’t take my order until a completely different third-party company could come to my house to meas- ure the rooms, two weeks hence. After a total of three trips to the store to get all of the paperwork in order, FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE installation day arrived. I waited and waited. Paced and called. Would you believe the crew was 9.5 hours late? Smoke was pouring from my ears as I was fed one excuse after another for the where, why and how an entire crew — along with my carpet — could go missing. Home Depot, you know that I have choices when it comes to home improve- ROSE IS ROSE ments, and for that I am grateful. I am good with your products and prices. But your customer service stinks. And please, drop the third-party vendors. They are not representing you well. For now, I believe I will stick with local independ- ent companies that respect their customers’ time and patience, and place cus- tomer satisfaction at the top LUANN of their priorities. I nominate Levolor Blinds for the Hall of Fame. Like a ninny, I lost the brackets to a pair of window blinds dur- ing a painting spree. Of course, the blinds are no longer manufactured, and I couldn’t get the replace- ment parts from the store where I purchased them — so I went straight to Levolor. Those wonderful people GRIZZWELLS jumped through hoops to find not one but three sets of hanging brackets. They searched, they shipped, they followed up — and would not accept any pay- ment at all. Levolor, I am still smiling about the brackets. I cannot thank you enough, and I will not soon forget. You can count me in as a Levolor customer for life. I’m reading a fascinating book, “Good to Great” by Jim Collins. What I have learned so far is that one thing that makes a company MODERATELY CONFUSED KIT ’N’ CARLYLE HERMAN great is its customer serv- ice. Isn’t that the truth! Maybe I should send a copy to the folks at Home Depot. They could certainly bene- fit. So, do you have any nom- inations for the Customer Service Halls of Fame ... or Shame? Make your nomina- tions on my blog at EverydayCheapskate.com. Mary Hunt is the founder of www.DebtProofLiving.com, a personal finance member website. You can email her at [email protected] om, or write to Everyday Cheapskate, P.O. Box 2099, Cypress, CA 90630. To find out more about Mary Hunt and read her past columns, please visit the Creators Syndicate Web page at www.creators.com. C M C M Y K Y K C M C M Y K C6•The World • Monday, December 24,2012 Y K Education