Department of Public Works and Highways Shoulderandwidening

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Department of Public Works and Highways Shoulderandwidening Republic of the Ph航PPines DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND HIGHWAYS C/皿NDUANES DISTRICTたNG宣NEERING OFFICE REGIONAしOF円CE V Virac, Caぬnduanes INVITAT量ON TO B量D The DPWH Catanduanes Distriet Engineering O冊Ce, through its Bids and Awards Comm膿ee (BAC), invites Contractors to appIy to bid fo「 the fdiIowing afo「ementioned prQjects: ContractID: �21FHOOOl ContractName: �ASS訂PRESERVATION -REHABIL打灯ION/RECONSTRUCTION/UPGRADING OFDAMAGEDPAVEDROADS-SECONDARYROADS-RECONSl“RUCTIONTO CONCR日下PAVEMENT-CAIANDUANESCIRCUMFERENTIALROAD-KOO61+ 100-KOO61+238 ContractLocation: �BAGAMANOCPOBLAaON,BAGAMANOC,C州ANDUANES ScopeofWork: �RECONSTRUCTIONOF138し.M,CARRIAGEWAYW町H187L,M.LINEDCANAL App「OVedBudgetfo「theCont「act: �P与,37与,040.00 ContractDuration: �60C,D. SourceofFund: �FY2021GAA TenderDocuments: �PlO,000.00 ContractID: �21FHOOO2 � � ContractName: �CONVERGENCE AND SPECIAL SUPPORT° �PROGRAM CONSTRUC丁ION/IMPROVEMENTOFACCESSROADSLEADINGTODECLARED TOURISMDESTINATIONS-CONSTRUa“IONOFCONCRE丁ER(IAD-ACCESS ROADSFROMVIRACTOBAGAMANOCLEADINGTOしORANSTATION,LORAN BEACH,KINAMARIGAN BEACH,SUMAGONGSONG �BEACH, �POSGO AND LOROMANCovE,BAGAMANOC,CATANDUANES � � ContractLocation: �BAGAMANOC,CAIIANDUANES � � ScopeofWork: �ROADCONCRE「INGOF325L.M.6,10MWIDTHO,23MTHK,CARRIAGEWAY ApprovedBudgetfortheContract: �P9,798,760,00 � � ContractDurationこ �10与C.D. � � SourceofFund: �FY2021GAA � � TenderDocuments: �PlO′000,00 � � ContractID: �之1FHOOO3 ContractName: �ASSE丁PRESERVATION -R即ABILITA‘「ION/RECONSTRUCTIONlUPGRADING OFDAMAGEDPAVEDROADS-SECONDARI′ROADS-RECONS丁RUCTIONTO CONCRE丁EPAVEMENT-CATANDUANESCIRCUMFERENTIALROAD-KO186+ 1与与-KO186十407 ContractしOCation: �SANANDRES,CATANDUANES ScopeofWork: �RECONS丁RU⊂TION OF 331.O L.M.CARRIAGEWAY WITH 218,O L,M. SHOULDERANDWIDENING App「ovedBudgetfortheContract: �P14,698,726.与9 ContractDuration: �121C.D. SourceofFund: �FY202宣GAA TenderDocumentsこ �P之5,000.00 ContractID: ��21FHOOO4 ContractName: ��ASSE‘「PRESERVAl|ON - REOONSTRU⊂TION/UPGRADING OF DAMAGED PAVEDROADS-SECONDARYROADS-RECONSTRUCl|ONTOCONCRE丁E PAVEMENT-CA丁ANDUANESCIRCUMFEREN丁IALR〔IAD-KOlll+ 512- KO1宣2十287 ContractLocat �on: �PANDAN,CATANDUANES ScopeofWork � �RECONS丁RU⊂TIONOFl,365.00L,M,CARRIAGEWAV ApprovedBudgetfo「theContract: ��P28,696,100.00 ContractDurat �ion: �180C.D, Sou「ceofFund: ��FY2021GAA 丁ende「Documents: ��P2与,000,00 ContractID: �21FHOOO与 ContractName: �ASSE丁PRESERVAl|ON - R軸ABILITAT“ION/RECONSTRUCTION/UPGRADING OFDAMAGEDPAVEDROADS-SECONDARYROADS-RECONS丁RU⊂rION“「O CONCR印モPAVEMENTCA丁ANDUANESCIRCUMFEREN丁IALROAD-KO170+ 769-KO宣71十000 Cont「actLocation: �MAYNGAWAV′SANANDRES,CATANDUANES ScopeofWo「k: �RECONSTRU⊂TIONOF422L,M,CARRIAGEWAYAND724SQ.M,SHOULDER ApprovedBudgetfortheCont帽ct: �P9′009,768.61 ContractDuration: �88C.D. SourceofFund: �戸Y2021GAA TenderDocuments: �P工O,000,00 ContractID: �21FHOOO6 ContractName: �ASS印“PRESERVATION - R帥ABILITA丁ION/RECONS’「RU⊂TION/UPGRADING OFDAMAGEDPAVEDRCIADS-SECONDARYROADS-RECONS「RU⊂HONTO CONCR日干PAVEMENT-CATANDUANESCIRCUMFERENTIALROAD-KOl18+ 66与-KOl宣9十115 ContractLocation: �CARAMORANPOBU忙ION,CARAMORAN,Q叶「ANDUANES ScopeofWo「k: �RECONSTRU⊂rIONOF521L,M.CARRIAGEWAYINCしUDING526L,M.LINED CANAL ApprovedBudgetfortheContract: �P16,273,620,00 ContractDu「ation: �134C,D, SourceofFund: �FY2021GAA TenderDocuments: �P2与,000.00 Cont「actID: �21戸HOOO7 i Cont「actName: �ASSE’「PRESERVATION - REHABILITA丁ION/RECONSTRU⊂TION/UPGRADING OFDAMAGEDPAVEDROADS-SECONDARYROADS-RECONS丁RUCTIONTO CONCR日‾EPAVEMEN丁-CA丁ANDUANESCIRCUMFERENTIALROAD-KOO86+ 941-KOO87十123,KOO87十222-KOO87十399 ContractLocation: �PANDAN,CA丁ANDUANES ScopeofWork: �RECONS丁RUCTTONOF318,00L.M.CARRIAGEWAYWITHl,329.00L.M. SHOULDER ApprovedBudgetfortheContract: �P宣2,3与0,613.6与 ContractDuration: �10与C。D, SourceofFund: �円I20之1GAA TenderDocuments: �P2与,000,00 ContractID: �21FHOOO8 ContractName: �LOCALPROGRAM-FLOODCONTROLANDDRAINAGE鵜FしOODCONTROL STRUa“URES/FACILITIES 一 しOCALINFRAS丁RUCU丁RE PROGRAM - CONSTRUC丁IONOFFLOODMITIGATIONSTRU⊂「URE葛CONS丁RJCTIONOF RIVERCONTROL,BARANGAYBOCON,CARAMORAN,OmNDUANES ContractLocation: �BARANGAVBOCON,CARAMORAN,GmNDUANES ScopeofWo「k: �CONS丁RU⊂TION OF 80 L,M,REINFORCED CONCRETE RIVER CONTROL S丁RU⊂「UREWI丁HSTEELSHEETPILE ApprovedBudgetfortheContract: �P7,918′836.31 Contr∂ctDuration: �98C,D. SourceofFund: �FY2021GAA TenderDocuments: �PlO,000,00 Contract ID: 2 1 FHOOO9 Contract Name: CONVERGENCE AN D SPECIAL SU PPORT PROGRAM CONSTRU⊂rION/IMPROVEMENT OF ACCESS ROADS LEADING TO DECしARED TOURISM DESTINATIONS - CONS丁RU⊂TION OF OONCR訂E ROAD - SAN ANDRES-PANDAN-SITIO CAGNIPA ACCESS ROAD LEADING llO TUWAD- 丁UWADAN BLUE LAGOON AND ROCK FORMATION, CAGNIPA ROLLING HILLS, CAGNIPA CovE AND MURAW BEACH, PANDAN, C灯ANDUANES Contract Location : PAN DAN, CAVAN DUANES Scope of Wo「k: CONS丁RU⊂TION OF 500 L.M, X 9,10M ROAD WITH CONCREl|NG OF O,84 UINE-KM X 3,05M O.23M THK, CARRIAGEWAY 「oved Bud et for the Contract: 798,721.73 ContractID: �21FHOO宣O � � � � � Cont「actName: �LOCALPROGRAM � �FLOODCONTROLANDDRAINAGE-FLOODCONTROL S丁RU⊂「URES/FACILIl|ES ���- �LOCAL �INFRAS‘「RUCTURE PROGRAM - CONSTRU⊂「IONOFFLOODMITIGATIONS’「RUC丁URE喜CONS’「RU⊂「IONOF SEAWALL,BARANGAI口℃YTOY,CARAMORAN,CAmNDUANES ContractLocation: �BARANGAVTOYTOY,CARAMORAN,CAVANDUANES ScopeofWork: �CONSTRU⊂rIONOF30L.M.REINFORCEDCONCR日"ES臥WALLWITHS‘「EEL SHEETPILE � � � � � ApprovedBudgetfortheContract: �P4,948′759,09 � � � � � ContractDuration: �80C,D, � � � � � SourceofFund: �FY2021GAA � � � � � 丁enderDocuments: �P与,000,00 � � � � � Cont「actID: �21FHOOll � ContractName: �LOCALPROGRAM-FLOODCONTROLANDDRAINAGE-FLOODCONTROL STRU⊂田RES/FACILJl|ES - LOCAL �INFRASJRUC丁URE PROGRAM - CONSTRU⊂rIONOFFLOODMI丁IGA「|ONS丁RU⊂「URE-CONSTRU⊂rIONOF RIVER FLOOD CON「ROL �S丁RUCTURE, BRGY. BOCON, CARAMORAN,CAVANDUANES � ContractLocation: �BRGY.BOCON,CARAMORAN,CATANDUANES ScopeofWork: �CONS’「RU⊂「ION OF 99 LM,REINFORCED CONCRETE RIVER CONTROL STRUCTUREWITHS’「EELSHEETPILE � ApprovedBudgetfortheContract: �P9,898,8与2.68 � ContractDuration: �10与C.D. � SourceofFund: �戸Y2021GAA � 丁enderDocuments: �PlO.000.00 � ContractID: �21戸HOO12 � � ContractName: �LOCALPROGRAM-FLOODCONTROLANDDRAINAGE-FLOODCONTROL STRU⊂rURES/FACILITIES - LOCAL �INFRAS-「RUCTURE �PROGRAM - CONSTRUC‘「IONOFFLOODMrTIGATIONS‘「RU⊂「URE-CONSTRUCTIONOF RIVER CONTROL, BARANGAY �MABINI (BARRIO �PROPER), CARAMORAN,CA-「ANDUANES � � ContractLocation: �BARANGAY MABINI �(BAR陣○ �PROPER), CARAMORAN,CA丁ANDUANES � � ScopeofWo「k: �CONSTRU⊂「ION OFlO6 L.M,REINFORCED CONCRETE FしOOD CON丁ROL S’「RU⊂「UREWrT“HS丁EELSHEETPILE � � App「OVedBudgetfortheContract: �P9,898,7与3,32 � � ContractDuration: �10与C.D. � � Sou「ceofFund: �FY2021GAA � � TenderDocuments: �PlO,000.00 � � ContractID: �21FHOO13 � ContractName: �LOCALPROGRAM-FLOODCONTROLANDDRAINAGE-FLOODCONTROL STRUC丁URES/FACILITIES - LOCAL �INFRASTRU⊂「URE PROGRAM - CONSTRU⊂TIONOFFLOODMr「IGATIONS‘「RU⊂書“URE-CONSTRU⊂TIONOF RIVER FLOOD CONTROL S’「RUC丁URE �,BARANGAY MABINIPROPER, CARAMORAN,CAVANDUANES � ContractLocation: �BARANGAYMABINIPROPER,CARAMORAN,CATANDUANES ScopeofWork: �CONSTRU⊂rION OF159 し,M.REINFORCED CONCRE丁E FLOOD CONTROL STRU⊂「UREWITHS’「EELSHEE「PILE � ApprovedBudgetfortheContract: �P14,848,7与与.84 � ContractDuration: �130C.D. � SourceofFund: �戸Y2021GAA � TenderDocuments: �P2与,000.00 � A= Bids must be accompanied by a Bid Securfty in any of the acceptable forms with the foiIowing scheduIe: Formof朗dSecurity �Minimumamountin%ABC 1.Casho「cashier匂managerScheckissuedbyaUniversaIorCommercia Bank �TwoPercent(2%) 2"BankdrafVgua帽ntee Orirrevocabiele境erofc「editissued bya UniversaIorComme「CiaIBank:Provided,howeve「,thatitsh訓be COnfirmedorauthenticatedbyaUniversalorCommerciaiBank,if issuedbyaforeignbank. 3.SuretyBondca=ableupondemandissuedbyasuretyorinsu「ance �FivePercent(5%) COmPanyduIyce巾fiedbytheInsuranceCommissionasauthorizedto issuesuchsecu「吋y. 4.BidSecuringDecla帽tionthatisan…dertakingw柄hstates,amOngOthers,thatthebiddersh訓enterinto COntractWiththeprocuringentityandfurnishtherequiredperfermances �ecurftywithinten(10)calendardays, Orless,aSindicatedintheBiddingDocuments,fromreceiptoftheNotice �OfAwardandcomm舶ngtopaythe CO「reSPOndingfineandbesuspendedforaperiodoftimefrombeingqua旧edtopa舶ipateinany gOVernmentProCurementaCtivftyintheeventitvioIatesanyofthecondi �tionsstatedthereinasrequiredinthe guidelinesissuedbytheGPPB, The DPWH-Ca輪nduanes Distriet Engineering O緬ce reserves the right to accept or r匂ect any bid and to an両the bidding pr∝eSS any time before the Cdntract awa「d, Without incu「「ing any iiab掴ty to the affeded bidders, in accordance with provisions of Section 41 of RA 9184 and its IRR. Any 「equests fo「 additiona冊fo「mation conceming this bidding shall be directed to the folIowing: JOEしB. TURADO BAC Chairpe「son DPWH Ca由nduanes DEO, San Isidro Vi帖ge, Virac, Catanduanes 園turado葛joeI@dpwh,gov.Ph 日 090886688ブヨ たしS重たR. G孤軸AN Head, P調curement Unit DPWH Catanduanes DEO, San Isidro V蝿ge′ VIrac, Ca由nduanes 園[email protected] □ 0016牛脂07与4 Contract ID No. 21FHOOOト21FHOO14 Dates of PubIication: December 7-13. 2020 Pl圃islhed at: DPWH Website / PhilGEPS / DPWH Catanduanes DEO Bu=etin Board Date: December 4. 2020 ContractID: �21FHOO14 � � ContractName: �LOCALPROGRAM-FLOODCONTROLANDDRAINAGE-FL(X)DCONTROL 訂RUa‘URES/FACILITIES - LOCAL �INFRA〔汀RU⊂「URE PROGRAM - CONSTRU⊂「IONOF乍LOODMIl|GA丁IONS‘「RU⊂「URE-CONS丁RUCTIONOF RIVER FLCroD CONTROL(PHASE �2), �BARANGAY MABINIPROPER′ QARAMORAN,CATANDUANES � � ContractLocation: �BARANGAVMABINIPROPER,CARAMORAN,C/ITANDUANES ScopeofWo「k: �CONS丁RU⊂「IONOF159.5L.M.REINFORCEDCONCR且「EFLOODCONTROL STRUC丁UREWITHSTEELSHEETPILE � � ApprovedBudgetfo「theContract: �P14,848,7与与.62 � � ContractDuration: �130C.D. � � SourceofFund: �FY2021GAA � � TenderDocuments: �P2与,000.00 � � The BAC is conducting the public bidding
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