1892. Congressional Record-Senate
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1892. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. -2597 of Foxboro, Mass., prayingfortpe free delivery of mails in coun lution of the river improvement convention held in Kansas try districts-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post City, Mo., December 15 and 16, 1891, praying that adequate ap Roads. propriations be made for the improvement of the Missouri and Also, petition of Northboro Grange, No. 119, ofMassachusetts, Mississippi Rivers. I move that the resolution be referred to for the free delivery of rural mails-to the Committee on the the Committee on Commerce, as only a portion of the matter has Post-Office and Post-Roads. been acted upon by the Senate. Also, petition of Northboro Grange No. 119, of Massachusetts, The.motion was agl:'eed to. for legislation for the encouragement of silk culture-to the Com ~r. COCKRELL presented the memorial of C. C. Bland, judge mittee on Agriculture. of the eighteenth judicial circuit of Missouri, and other attot'neys Also, petition of Northboro Grange No. 119, of Massachusetts, at law of Steelville, Mo., remonstrating against the passage of a for pure lard-to the Committee on Agriculture. · general bankruptcy law; which was referred to the Committee Also, petition of Northboro Grange, No. 119, of Massachu on the Judiciary. · setts, for pure food-to the Committee on Agriculture. He also presented the following petitions of Union Grange, -- Also, petition of Northboro Grange, No. 119, of Massachu Patrons of Husbandry, of Missouri: setts, for legislation to prevent gambling in farm products-to Petition praying for the anactment of legislation -to prevent the Committee on Agriculture. • gambling in farm products-referred t o the Committee on the By Mr. WILSON of Washington: Petition of 186 citizens of Judiciary. Vancouver, Clark County, Wash., praying Congress to enact legis-· Petition praying for the passage of a bill making certain issues lation for the restriction of immigration-to the Select; Commit of money full legal tender in payment of all debts-to the Com tee on Immigration and Naturalization. mittee on Finance. By Mr. WRIGHT: Memorial and petition of citizens of Brad Mr. BUTLER presented. a petition of the Board of Trade of ford County, Pa., against any legislation intended to divert pub Spartanburg, S.C., praying for the extension of the free deliv lic moneys to sectarian purposes, or to in any way recognize any ery system to cities of 5,000 inhabitants· which was referred to religious bodies, and f{\voring a constitutional amendment pro the Committee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads. hibiting any such action-to the Committee on the Judiciary. l\Ir. BLACKBURN presented two memorials of sqndry citi - Also, memorial of East Smithfield Grange, No. 214, of Penn zens of Kentucky, remonstrating against the passage of a gen sylvania, against gambling in farm products-to the Committee eral bankruptcy law; which were referred to the Committee on on Agriculture. the Judiciary. Also, memorial of East Smithfield Grange, No. 21-!, of Penn l\Ir. HARRIS. I present a number of regulation printedste.reo sylvania, against contracts discrediting legal-tender currency- typ~d petitions of Centerville Grange, No. 1.72, Patrons of Hus to the Committee on Banking and Currency. · bandry of Tennesse3. Also, memorial of East Smithfield Grange, No. 214, of Penn A petition praying for the ene.ctment of legislation for the en sylvania, in favor of silk culture-to the Committee on Agricul couragement of silk culture-ordered to lie on the table. ture. A petition praying for the enactment of legislation to prevent Also, memorial of East Smithfield Grange, No. 21-!, of Penn gambling in farm products-referred to the Committee on the sylvania, in favor of pure lard-to the Committee on Ways and Judiciary. ~eans. - A petition praying for the passage of House bill 395, defining Also, memorial of East Smithfield Grange, No. 214, of Penn lard and imposing a tax thereon-ordered to lie on the table. sylvania, in favor of free delivery of mails in rural districts-to - A petition praying for the passage of a bill to prevent the the Committee on the Po3t-Office and Post-Roads. adulteration of food and drugs-ordered to lie on the table. · Also, petition of citizens of Windham Township, Bradford A petition praying for the free delivery or mails in rural dis County, Pa., in favor of free delivery of mails in country dis tricts-referred to the Committee on Post-Offices and Post- tricts-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. Roads. - Also, memorial of citizens of Bradford County, Pa.1 in favor of A petition praying for-the passage of a bill making certain is a bill to provide home rule for Utah-to the Comm1ttee on the sues of money full legal tender in payment of all debts-to the Territories. Committee on Finance. ~Ir. HARRIS presented the memorial of H. G. Kyle and 40 other citizens of Rogersville, Tenn., remonstrating against the SENATE. pa1sage of a general bankruptcy law; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, · l\IONDAY, March 28, 18.92. Ml'. GORMAN presented the petition of C. Morris Cheston Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. J. G. BUTLER, D.p. and other citizens of Obligation, ::0.1d. · the petition of William The Journal of the proceedings of Friday last was read and ap Anthony and other citizens of Solomons, Mel.; the petition of J. proved. E. T. Ewell and other citizens of Baltimore, :Md., and the peti tion of H. B. Adams and other citizens of Baltimore, Md., pray EXECUTIVE COl\IMUNICATION. ing for the passage of an amendment to the Constitution of the The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica United States prohibiting any legislation by the States respect tion from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting a letter from ing an establishment of religion or making an appropriation of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs relative to the employment money for any s3ctarian purpose; which were r eferred to the of special attorneys and assistants to look after the interest of Committee on the Judiciary. the Indians in claims for depre:lations against them; which, with He also presented the illljmorial' of Rev. Thomas J. Packard the accompanying papers, was referred to the Committee on Ap and other citizens of Maryland, remonstrating against the pas propriations, and ordered to be printed. sage of Senate bill 362, providing for the removal of the South PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. ern Ute Indians from their present fertile reservation in Colo The VICE-PRESIDENT presented resolutions adopted at a rado to Utah Territory; which was referred to the Committ~ e meeting of the Steamboatmen and seamen held at Milwaukee, on Indian Affairs. Wis., citing certain violations of the alien contract-labor law. He also presente d a petition of the Wo:nan's Christian Tem and praying for an investigation and legislation to remedy such peranc3 Union of Maryland, comprising 2:900 members, praying abuses; which was referred to the Committee on Immig-ration. that no expo3ition for which appropriations are made by Cou. He also presented a petition of citizens of Frankfort, Ky., pray gress shall be opened on Sunday : which was referred to the ing for the passage of a bill to increase the internal-revenue tax Committee on the Quadro-Centennial (Select). on paper-wrapped cigarettes; which was l'eferrad to the Com He also pres:mted the following petitions of Springville and mittee on Finance. Liberty Grove Granges, Patrons of Husbandry of Maryland: Mr. BERRY presented the petition of ~f. R. Carson and 22 Petitions praying for the enactment of legislation for the en other members of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, of couragement of silk culture-ordered to lie on the table. Jonesboro, Ark., praying for the passage of a bill to insure the Petitions praying for the enactment of legislation to prevent safety of railroad employes; which was rzferred to the Commit gambling in farm product -referred to the Committee on the tee on Interstate Commerce. Judiciary_ Mr. BATE presented a petition of the Woman's Christian P etitions praying for the passage of House bill395, defining lard Temperance U nion,signed by abou t200 citizens of Morgan County. and imposing a tax thereon-ordered to lie :-n the table. Tenn., praying Congress to prohibit the opening on Sunday of Petitions praying for the pas age o£ a bill making certain is any exhibition or exposition where United States funds are ex sues of money full legal tender in. payme!lt of all debts-referred pended; which was referred to the Committee on the Quadro to the Committee on Finance. - Centennial (Select}. fr. PASCO presented the petition of J. R. P lumb and 119 ... Mr. COCKRELL. I present a resolution of the Thirty-sixth other citizens of Clearwater Harbor, Fla., )? raying Congress to General Assembly of the State of Missouri, concurring in a -reso- prohibit the opening on S unday of any exhibition or exposition ·- 2598 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. MARO:H 28, where United States funds are expended; which was referred to Heal o presented a petition of 119 citizens of New Brightou, the Committee on the Quadro-Centennial (Select). Pa., praying for the passage of House bill401 relative to immi Mr. DOLPH presented the following petitions of Mount Holly gration and the importations of aliens under contract or agree Grange, Patrons of Husbandry, of Oregon: ment to perform labor; which was referred to the Committee on Petition praying for the enactment of legislation for the en Immigration. couragement of silk culture-ordered to lie on the table. He also -presented a petition of 123 citizens of Beaver County, Petition praying for the enactment of legislation to prevent Pa., praying for the imposition of certain restrictions upon gambling in farm products-referred to the Committee on the immigration and the adoption of an amendment to the Constitu J udi,giary.