Cuba and Its Good Neighbor: a Microcosm of Changing United States Policy Toward Latin America Thomas Lyle Olson University of Nebraska at Omaha
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University of Nebraska at Omaha DigitalCommons@UNO Student Work 1-1-1966 Cuba and its good neighbor: A microcosm of changing United States policy toward Latin America Thomas Lyle Olson University of Nebraska at Omaha Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Olson, Thomas Lyle, "Cuba and its good neighbor: A microcosm of changing United States policy toward Latin America" (1966). Student Work. 513. This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by DigitalCommons@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in Student Work by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UNO. For more information, please contact [email protected]. CUBA AHD ITS €000 NEIGHBOR* A MICROCOSM OF CHANGING UNITED STATES FOMCV TOWARD IjATIH AMERICA / * / 3 A thesis Fresentea to the Department of History ana the Faculty of the college of Craauate studies tmiver&ity of Omaha In partial Fulfillment of the acquirements for the Oegree duster of Arts by fhoma© hyle Olson January, 1966 UMI Number: EP73151 All rights reserved INFORMATION TO ALL USERS The quality of this reproduction is dependent upon the quality of the copy submitted. In the unlikely event that the author did not send a complete manuscript and there are missing pages, these will be noted. Also, if material had to be removed, a note will indicate the deletion. UMI EP73151 Published by ProQuest LLC (2015). Copyright in the Dissertation held by the Author. Microform Edition © ProQuest LLC. All rights reserved. This work is protected against unauthorized copying under Title 17, United States Code ProQuest LLC. 789 East Eisenhower Parkway P.O. Box 1346 Ann Arbor, Ml 48106- 1346 ■ teeepted’for thefaceity of the Goiiege of Graduate studies-of the' thi^rsitf of in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree faster of Arts * Graduate GorpitteO' / f e ^ - Name Department in. the., twentieth centurt* ..the..mitfd. states his „ often been sabivelent toward economic:, social, and political changes, which have tended to limit both the .powers of -the business community uni entrenched* conservative*, governments, in underdeveloped countries of Asia.* Africa* and i*stin America*- While the united states has professed belief in self-determination for all nations# its actions have often' indicated support for oppressive regimes for the sake of maintaining stability* Beginning in 1933 with the words of Branklin Delano Roosevelt* s Inaugural Address and followed 'by -the deeds of the united states after the Montevideo Conference in December# 1,933* the United states professed a policy of cooperation* friendships equality with the nations of Batin America# -and non-interference in their internal affairs* the tooehatebs of -this ‘‘Good Neighbor11 pollof was the relationship of the United states to the Republic of Cuba in 1933 and 19.34*. Aithoughif may legitimately be argued that the Good neighbor .policy began under Hoover or even Coolidf Jiot until 1933 that., the... events „..,ef. a .serious i ‘ - J revolution infubU' which.had.been..brewing.. since., 1931,. and a„ .dsbsrmliied ..policy, of friendship and mutual frfsf,.by the toltsi., States ,ars. ..hurled together*.. ,fpr tfte j^tseyeit . * adminiairafion* the Good Neighbor policy' had -t# succeed in Cuba by avoiding intervention, displaying friendship, and demount toting a desire to see Cuba settle its own problems. - the purpose of this study is be-- sramine in detail the dSplotofio relationship of the United states and. Cuba in this trying period of nearly 'two years* fhe emphasis of this study is upon -toe dichotomy created b y the United States trying earnestly to promote the Good Neighbor policy while at toe same- time eKhibiting an un~ willing ness to- allow complete sel^determinafeion by promoting a stable and .conservative government, the study proceeds only through MM because, by that time* although toe- Good Neighbor policy continued, it had had its effect upon toe Republic of Cuba and the relationship between toe two countries had been established In a ;pattern which would etotinu# until the. Castro revolution* In addition, after 1934 there is a void in toe amount of -primary source material available* there has been a great deal written about- euba since toe downfall of fulgenclo Batista in 19S8. very little, however, has been written about the events of if33**Mt; which ill Pf0ylde; an the background,for ■• the,_ Iff0, ,-i , . have^ been,only two, extensive;.studies of .pa|#a*^aieflean, . jpel&tlens^&ur^ one is, . I^ssell B». ffitseibbonVs C o b a a n d the united,. .States , 1900* • u , r 19 II*.: fhls booh#;,published,.in, 1935, is; a ’ thorough, study ..,, -of ;the:..twentieth .^entistf'.an^, inelndea ^.. a . .e^iiside^jie^a^wti of - information on the 1933^34 .period*. Pie, author - did net.* ■ however,, have access to government deev^ents :Siic^?as': the 44pld«tl0-ee^es#0hdeh^e.*. ; there , is, then*; .a, need:for a etu^r which includes documentation other than information issued-by the^|ie|>ai;«meiit-o# fiate- ■■-■ to fhd press v fhe-ether is iohe#t,f#. Smith'1 s;f^hl.ished; • dissertatioh.eiititieii Ihe -felted..States and oabat .Business and ■ .ninlcmsav... -.i f 19,60* While,. it ■ is , perhaps. a- moire - vale* ■ able,.work- than ^itsfihhon^s* Smith .concentrates onvf rade relations- a n d . JUaeriesn investments ■■ in Cuba* where he does deal with- diplomacy* his interpretation of several- Oepart* meat- of ■■ state documents is open '-to question# • ■the writing of this thesis .hasvheen aided'in various : -: way# by. others-*,. l take full- responsibility^ -however*- for any errors, in the factual .material, contained herein 'and-for any misinterpretations of -the ■ sources*•■ i- would especially' like t#...thank my adviser, nr*. Paul iu -..Seek oIi;the University iv of ©mha/. ief' his ,'eriooa^ageittent:, /advice.*... a M «iticism.\;.._;;. 1 j 1 ■"*. : ■ */ > /, ; * * ■ r> ' : i ' / '* i ■ i- ■ :'*-' -* 'J' "' 1 ■"* ■ V , v. \ i. ■' ; ' ? v , ■/' i ’ : ; s , fp' the hii>rarles o i t h e University of Omaha, the University of„'ll|jiiiosofes, anS imnka to/State Goliege i 'express iwy gtatit*#6/ $PP thaif/asflsttooe ’lottt in. fhi :.uhi o#:’Meisf/. faoiiitios’ a«s<l the it willingness to' borrow; material' from ether \litteariea "lot- my' use* ’Pinaliiv sineere appreciation to my wife for her long hours of typing/’' proof reading#' and patience* ‘ ' ' fhomas ■$**... Gison 4 November 1965 $&m>B OF GQ&TE18WS w m m s ® * * * * t ♦ *■ * t * t * ♦ # * * ■.«?■ • *•»*** • - 41* Chapter i« u s m m m wo M 9 s * i f » * « # * * * * * a 9?@iiar; imiendm©nt~~fhe Platt. imiendment*-* interventions of 1906 ana 19i7*~me ■ 1924 Cuban elect ion*~*President Machado ana. the Platt toe3aO»ient^%pce4t4^ii to Machado** tetin American Policy of President Hoover*-- Glarft MemQrandam^Cuhan' insurrection' of i 9 $ i * > 3 2 * .... »* m m m m tmmmmmn * * ♦ * 24 Hoover and Machado*. 1933«**Co»gressiona 1 criticism of'.teerican'poiicy«**me Good Weifhbor policy*-*aumner Welles appointed imibsssador to cuba*-*Welles‘ s mediation for ' a political co»pr<miise^^i\rmy officer’s coup***- "Oespedes'installed as president#' '-: itzi ' by * m < m m t w33-~ $ m m m t it34 *V:* > * * * * ♦ * * * * * ♦ m the Gespedes goverhment^^s.ergeants ‘ , Bevoic~~lnsailacion of Grata San ' Martin, as Provisional p^eident»-^^ of Grau. by the United states^^Mbassador ' Welles worhs for a carapromise^fhe Montevideo . .ionference^deffersoii Gaffery 'replaces. Ambassador Welles^Grati ousted by Batista* ■ v i :. iv* meomvnm* mwmmm, mm mmmmtm, u 34 . .. * 'Bevia as Pres £dent-~M@ndieta becomes Pres£iieat**^lfM Statea. Boobies #iple*a&t£c recognition to Mend£eta--Mr&e abrogation of tba-Platt toon^ent*-*reaction m toe ‘abro gation of m e Platt Imen#n3ent--Cr eat ion of ii^eri-Ei£ik>ri Ban^*^aaOiprooaJt' trade. ’ :": ' ; ’agfeiifeent^ 1;■ ’■! ’;■■ •/■ ■' ’ ■'■' \ 1 1 ■■ *'■ ’*';1 v* ' ■ m m m m m * . ;. ^ . v - ^ v ' v # * ♦ « # 141 i« fbe Platt toendment, May M % m II. '■fha^lCbrofat£onrof .the Platt teendment, Bay if , If34... ♦ . Ill XB$ ¥ i i C m P T E R I THB RIGHT TO IMTERVEiJE, 1898-1933 The Congress of the United states, by Joint Resolution on 18 April, 1898, asserted in what was to become Known as the Teller Amendments That the United States hereby disclaims any disposition or intention to exercise sovereignty, jurisdiction, or control over said island /Cuba/, except for the pacifi cation thereof, and asserts its determination, when that is accomplished, to leave the government and control of the island to its people#* ' Upon receiving word of the Joint Resolution, signed by the President on 20 April, the Spanish government broke off rela tions with the United states. On 25 April, President McKinley asked for and received a declaration of war#2 On 1 February 1899, following the termination of hostilities between the United States and Spain, in order to ready the Cuban people for self-government and in spite of the Teller 1 U.S., Congressional Record, 55th Cong., 2nd Sess., 1898, XXXI, Part 4, 3954. 2U.S., Conoresslonal Record. 55th Cong., 2nd sess., 1898, XXXI, Part 5, 4228-9. 1 2- Amendment, the governing of Cuba came under the authority of the President of the United States acting-through his repre sentative in Cuba# Major-General John R. Brooke* Within a short time, Brooke was replaced by Major-General Leonard Wood whose administration of two years and five months was noted for improving sanitary conditions and public health facilities, the improvement of the education system, the building of new roads, and reforms in municipal government.3 Although Cuban leaders were generally satisfied with wood's administration, there was some agitation that the United States grant complete independence* Because of the growing hostility and in keeping with the promise of the Teller Amendment, General Wood, acting on directions from Washington, issued an order on 25 July 1900 for the election of delegates to frame a constitution for the island* General Wood's order also called upon the Cubans to,"* .