Resveratrol As Promising Natural Radioprotector. A

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Resveratrol As Promising Natural Radioprotector. A !"#$%&'()*$+&,-$./0$1234567879:1;;<161 =>?= @A BC$@>$% BDE>EFG$F@AH @C$ @IEB% BA=JAB K$ @$ =?E=L !#$%&!'!( )(*$+%&,L./! Department of Radiation Hygiene and Radiobiology, National Institute of Public Health – National Institute of Hygiene, Warsaw, Poland @M>A @JA Public feelings concerning radiation are still controversy. The main sources of trouble seems to be the failure nuclear power plant and danger of terroristic attack, which may cause temporally enhanced level of radiation leading to harmful health effects. Since radiation induced cellular damage is attributed primarily to harmful effect of free radicals, molecules with direct free radical scavenging properties are particularly promising as radiation modifiers/protectors, i.e. agents which present prior to or shortly after radiation exposure alter to response of tissues to radiation. Unfortunately, some of known radioprotectors are toxic at doses required for radioprotection. Resveratrol (RSV), an natural polyphenol is produced in several plants in response to injury, stress, bacteria or fungi infection, UV-irradiation and exposure to ozone. It is present in human diet i.e. in fruits and in wine. RSV is known for its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antiviral, cardioprotective, neuroprotective and antiageing action and it has been shown to have chemopreventive effects with respect to several human disease such as cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis and gastric ulcers. Depending on the dose, RSV may act as antioxi- dant or as pro-oxidant. RSV improves sperm count and motility in rodents and prevent DNA damage caused by cryptopreservation of human sperm. Moreover, RSV acting with other agents, inhibits the toxic action of them. There are evidences that RSV is able to modulate the behavior of cells in response to radiation induced damage. Minimalization of radiation induced damage to somatic and germ cells by RSV might be useful in cancer therapy to prevent the damage to normal cells as well as in case of radiological accidents. Key words: %0.10%!'%$23(4%%!54!'4$63(%!54$7%$'08'4$6 >A =>+J+=FE= ?6>'<>7" -1%0>'30 '@7='"30 ' %66'7"+@"3702 1&%27037%@"37" B%37'<B=>0$% -= .%3(&%@0&-+B30C D@3+2 `&602 %*"@ -= '"$&%b037" '@7='"30 ' 2%b97@%V>7= "@"&77 090.(&%@37 "(%2%@+>I %&"' ' $&%`*= '"2">I@ (0&&%&+-(+>'3+>I/ .(&0 2%$= -1%@%6%@"4 >'"-%@0 1%6370-70370 1%'7%2< 1&%27037%@"37" 3" %.&0V9%3+2 (0&0370 1&%@"6'=> 6% @+-(=17037" 370.%&'+-(3+>I -.<(.@ '6&%@%(3+>IC K <@"$7 3" (%/ b0 <-'.%6'037" 736<.%@"30 @ .%2&.">I 1&'0' 1&%27037%@"370 B%37'<B=>0 -= -1%@%6%@"30 $@370 1&'0' @%930 &%637.7/ -<*-("3>B0 370 - (%.-+>'30 1%-7"6"B=>0 '6%93%V4 7>I 30<(&"97'%@"37" -= 1%b=6"30 B".% 2%6+47."(%&+ 6'7""37" 1&%27037%@"37" 9<* '@7='.7 >I&%37=>0 (."3.7 1&'06 6'7""3702 1&%27037%@"37"C :70-(0(+/ <b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b3+2 ->I%&'037%2 (".72 B". >I%&%*+ <."6< .&=b037"/ %-(0%1%&%'"/ %@&'%6'0370 b%=6."C 50-@0&"(&%9 2%b0 @+."'+@"4 6'7""370 "3(+%.-+6">+B0 9<* 1&% - %.-+6">+B30 @ '"90b3%V>7 %6 @709.%V>7 '"-(%-%@"30B 6"@.7C R+6"B0 -7B *+4 1%2%>3+ @ 90>'037< 3701%63%V>7 2B-.70BC =%@%6<B0 '@7B.-'0370 97>'0*3%V>7 7 &<>I97@%V>7 190237.@ $&+'%37 %&"' 1&'0>7@6'7"" <-'.%6'037%2 ):S 1%@-("+2 1%6>'"- 1&'0>I%@+@"37" 9<6'.70$% 3"-7037"C =%3"6(%/ 5NO 1%6"@"3+ B063%>'0V370 ' 733+27 Corresponding author: !"$%&'"(" )%*&'+L-."/ )01"&(203( %4 5"67"(7%3 8+$7030 "36 5"67%*7%9%$+/ :"(7%3"9 ;3-(7(<(0 %4 =<*97> Health – National Institute of Hygiene, Chocimska street 24, 00-791 Warsaw, Poland, phone: +48 22 54 21 253, e-mail: [email protected] © Copyright 2013 by the National Institute of Public Health - National Institute of Hygiene 256 !" !"#$%&'(L*+, Nr 4 >'+337."27 1&'0>7@6'7"" 7>I (%.-+>'302< 6'7""37<C K3"30 -= 1&'+1"6.7 37@09%@"37" 1&'0' &0-@0&"(&%9 370 - .%&'+-(30$% 6'7""37" 1&%27037%@"37"C !7372"97'">B" <-'.%6'0L 736<.%@"3+>I @ .%2&.">I -%2"(+>'3+>I 7 &%'&%6>'+>I >'%@70." 1&'0' &0-@0 - &"(&%9 2%$%*+ '3"90`4 -'0&%.70 '"-(%-%@"370/ -'>'0$9370 @ %6370-7037< 6% %>I&%3+ '6&%@7" %-* 1&"><B=>+>I 1&'+ <-<@"37< -.<(.@ "@"&77 7 @+1"6.@ &"67">+B3+>I %&"' 69" %>I&%3+ '6&%@+>I (."30. 1">B03(@ 1%66" - wanych radioterapii nowotworowej. >!*&$,-O"#!*P: (%0.90%!'%$23(7%$:4064$9!6403($8;%$6!(7%&05(7%$:4064$9!640: EFA BIHJAEBF affecting the metabolism, cell-cycle arrest or causing cell death, and possible leading in consequence, depen- All living organisms including human are contin- ding on the total dose, dose rate and species, to muta- uously exposed to naturally and man-made sources of genesis and carcinogenesis [30, 45, 75, 77]. Eukaryote ionizing radiation. There are a number of occupation organisms have evolved to develop effective molecular in which employees are exposed to man-made sources mechanism such as DNA damage response, to detect of radiation, such as medical personnel, uranium min- DNA lesions, signal their presence and promote their ers, nuclear plant workers and other employees using repair [66]. Thus, radiation induced damage may be radiation for industrial and scientific purposes. Ionizing reversible, but in some cases the repair is inaccurate radiation may be emitted in the process of natural de- [57, 64] resulting in acute adverse effects within hours cay of same instable nuclei or following excitation of to weeks or delayed effects within months to years after atoms and their nuclei in nuclear reactions, cyclotrons, exposure. Although DNA damage can cause cell death X-rays machines and others instruments. The natural and eliminate potentially dangerous cells, miss-repaired source of ionizing radiation are cosmic rays, terrestrial damage may result in chromosomal damage or muta- radionuclide’s that occur in the Earth’s crust, in building tions. The resulting modification will be transmitted to materials and in air, water and food, and in the human further cells and may eventually lead to cancer. If DNA body itself. The greatest man-made source of human damage leads to germ cells mutation, they may be pas- exposure is radiodiagnosis and radiotherapy. Controlled sed to the progeny of the irradiated person and onward exposure to ionizing radiation is one of the most used through future generation. Consequently, DNA is con- treatments of cancer patients [83]. sidered the major target of ionizing radiation damage. Public feelings concerning radiation are still con- S- I"- *003 203(7%306 *04%&0 "11&%[72"(09+ XY Z troversy. On the one hand the people understand ad- of damage caused by ionizing radiation is connected vantages, coming from radiation, especially for health, to production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), such but on the other hand they afraid of radiation. The as superoxide and hydroxyl radicals. Since radiation main sources of trouble seems to be the failure nuclear induced cellular damage is attributed primarily to power plant and danger of terroristic attack, which may harmful effect of free radicals, molecules with direct cause temporally enhanced level of radiation leading free radical scavenging properties are particularly to harmful health effects. promising as radiation modifiers/protectors, i.e. agents Ionizing radiation represents electromagnetic which present prior to or shortly after radiation expo- waves, and particles that can ionize, i.e. remove an sure alter to response of tissues to radiation. Similarly, electron from an atom or molecule of the medium agents which may be used to minimalize toxicity even through which they propagate. Ionization provoked by applied after radiation are usually called mitigators [17]. radiation begins many chemical reactions leading to Unfortunately, some of known radioprotectors such as serious changes in atoms and molecules. The process of the sulphydryl compounds cysteine and cysteamine are ionization changes atoms and molecules and may thus toxic at doses required for radioprotection [84]. There damage cells. There are two primarily mechanisms of are chemicals e.g. endocrine disruptor bisphenol A, interaction of ionizing radiation with biological matter, which after combined action with ionizing radiation direct effects, owing to deposition of energy with a showed different effects depending on tissue, assay and macromolecule, and indirect effects, the interaction of time [28, 38]. On the other hand there are chemicals, energy with water to produce reactive oxygen species which co-administered with ionizing radiation, even at M5?NPC T%& UV&"+- "36 "V&"+- XY Z %4 6"2"$0 7- >%330>( low doses, may enhance the effects induced by each by indirect effects [6]. agent alone [26, 27]. So, the finding of non-toxic and One of the most important effect of ionizing radia- radioprotective or/and radiomitigative agent seems to tion in the organism is disorders in synthesis of DNA.
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