United Nations Industrial Development Organization


Title: Supporting ’s transition to E-mobility

CTCN request reference number 2019000043


1 BACKGROUND INFORMATION The Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) is the operational arm of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Technology Mechanism and co-hosted by the United Nations Environment (UN Environment) in collaboration with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and supported by 11 partner institutions with expertise in climate technologies. The mission of the CTCN is to promote accelerated development and transfer of climate technologies at the request of developing countries for energy-efficient, low-carbon and climate-resilient development. These requests for Technical Assistance (TA) are being submitted to the CTCN by the National Designated Entity (NDE) of the respective country. Eligible requests are processed by a group of selected experts who develop a Response Plan. The scope of services under these Terms of Reference shall be executed based on a restricted solicitation process where only accepted Members of the CTCN Network, are eligible to submit proposals. In case you are not a CTCN network member yet, you may bid for implementation of the technical assistance, subject to the condition that you submit your completed application for CTCN Network membership before the last date of the bid closure and the same is acknowledged by the CTCN. Furthermore, the contract award – should your bid be selected – is conditional to your network membership application having been successfully approved by the Director of CTCN. The requirement to join the CTCN network is only relevant to the main bidder and no sub-contractors. The maximum estimated budget for this contract is USD 243,300.

2 PROJECT CONTEXT Jakarta is one of the megacities in the world facing transport-related challenges like severe traffic congestion, air pollution, and high fuel consumption. In order to help address these challenges, the Government of Jakarta established a System more than a decade ago. The system now has 13 trunk routes with a total ridership per day reaching 0.8 million, servicing the growing metropolis. Furthermore, Jakarta now has 2 MRT lines, which are to be further expanded. Efforts are already ongoing to connect inter-city and intra-city rail and integrate to the existing comprehensive bus system which will be significant to make urban transport more environment friendly.

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United Nations Industrial Development Organization

However, there are still many old and low-technology public transport and private vehicles in Jakarta. Air pollution is one of the key challenges along with congestion in the city. State Owned Enterprise TransJakarta introduced CNG buses to address the issue, but the volume of vehicles negates the positive impact. Though the increasing volume and quality of public transport will help in time address the air pollution and GHG emissions, a faster transition to technologies that reduce the tailpipe emissions to zero is required. Further, the City of Jakarta contributes about 15% of GHG emissions of Indonesia, of which the Transport sector is a significant contributor. Thus, technology solutions are needed to decarbonize the transport sector.

A request is made to CTCN to support the Government of Jakarta, and the TransJakarta in mainstreaming e-mobility in Indonesia, and particularly the deployment of electric buses in Jakarta.

The request and other details about it can be accessed from the following link:


3 AIM OF THE CONTRACT The contractor is expected to take full responsibility for the satisfactory execution of the technical assistance described herein. All activities will be conducted under the close supervision of Regional Manager (PMO) in Copenhagen and with the National Designated Entity (NDE) in Jakarta, Indonesia,

The objectives of the technical assistance project are: • To develop an investment plan to deploy a fleet of electric buses; • Prepare the procurement documents for e-bus induction (a fleet of buses on pilot basis) in 2020, • Assess the supportive policy requirements and actions required by the government of Jakarta and the government of Indonesia to facilitate the deployment of e-buses and related infrastructure; • Develop a feasibility study of integrating renewable energy supply to the mobility operations of use in TransJakarta, including solar roofing for bus and/or the Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) stations.

Scope and activities of the proposed contracted services

The Contractor is expected have thorough understanding of the requirements through this ToR, Signed Response Plan and the request to undertake the following activities in the timeline indicated:

Output 1: Planning and communication documents

Activity 1: Development of implementation planning and communication documents in CTCN templates

A 1.1: Kick off discussion on the project.

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United Nations Industrial Development Organization

A 1.2: A work plan detailing activities, respective deliverables, outputs, timelines and responsible persons/organisations and detailed budget to implement the Response Plan, meeting the requirements of the Response Plan.

A 1.3: Monitoring and evaluation plan with specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound indicators used for timeliness and appropriateness of the implementation. The plan should apply selected indicators from the Closure and Data Collection report template and enable the lead implementer to complete the CTCN Closure and Data collection report at the end of the assignment.

A 1.4: A two-page CTCN Impact Description formulated in the beginning of the technical assistance and update/revised once the technical assistance is fully delivered based on the template provided by CTCN. The template will be provided by CTCN.

A 1.5: A Closure and Data Collection report is to be completed at the end of the technical assistance. The template will be provided by CTCN in the beginning of the activity.

Deliverables 1 D 1.1: Minutes of Kick off meeting discussion D 1.2: Detailed work plan D 1.3: Monitoring and evaluation plan D 1.4: CTCN Impact Description D 1.5: Closure and Data Collection template and report

Output 2: Policy requirements and actions required by Government of Jakarta and Government of Indonesia to facilitate the deployment of e-buses and related infrastructure

A 2.1: Prepare a policy review of the transport plans and policies relevant for Jakarta, including environmental and fiscal policies for vehicles and fuels in Indonesia.

A 2.2: Review and analyze transport data for TransJakarta, the feeder services (including angkots), 2- wheelers, the MRT and LRT plans, and current urban development plans for Jakarta, make recommendations to increase levels of service of TransJakarta, MRT, and other public transport modes.

A 2.3: Convene a stakeholder consultation workshop with relevant national government agencies and other stakeholders to present the results of the policy review and identify policy options for implementing electric mobility both at national and local scales.

A.2.4: Prepare draft policies or policy amendments to remove barriers and support electric mobility both at national and local scales and present the policy options to relevant national government agencies.

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Deliverables 2 D 2.1: Report on transport plans and policies in Jakarta and Indonesia relevant for e-mobility D 2.2: Workshop and meeting reports D 2.3: Draft policies and policy recommendations

Output 3: Investment plan and business model; and public procurement plans and documents for the acquisition and deployment of electric buses and other electric vehicles for government use

A 3.1: Prepare tenders for e-bus procurement and

A 3.2 Prepare attaining package and provide relevant training in the management of assessment of tenders.

A3.2: Develop an investment plan and/or business model for Transjakarta and potential operators for electric buses for inclusion in future funding proposals.

A 3.3: Develop technical input for green public procurement policy for sustainable transport.

A 3.4: Conduct consultations with relevant stakeholders on the tenders and business cases to finalize the tenders and synthesize recommendations based on the learnings, feedback and best global practices on the procurement of sustainable transport.

Beyond the scope of this Technical Assistance, these recommendations will become important input for subsequent procurements and programs on sustainable transport and may be considered for policy wide adoption for the procurement of sustainable transport

Deliverables 3 D 3.1: Bid documents for e-bus procurement for Transjakarta D 3.2: Investment plan and business model for Transjakarta and its operators D 3.3: Technical input for green public procurement policy for sustainable transport D 3.4: Recommendations based on consultations, learnings and best practices on the procurement of sustainable transport

Output 4: Feasibility study of charging stations using renewable energy-based electricity and solar systems on buses and bus/MRT stations for charging

A 4.1: Develop a comprehensive study and plan for public and private charging infrastructure for Jakarta, including options for sourcing renewable based electricity for all public transport modes.

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A 4.2: Recommend on incentive model to increase the share of renewable energy in the electricity mix for e-vehicle charging facilities.

A 4.3: Prepare tender designed to integrate solar roofs on existing TransJakarta and/or MRT assets.

A 4.4: Conduct consultations with relevant stakeholders on the tenders and business cases to finalize the tenders and synthesize recommendations based on the learnings, feedback and best global practices on the procurement of renewable energy-based charging infrastructure.

Beyond the scope of this Technical Assistance, these recommendations will become important input for subsequent procurements and programs on sustainable transport and may be considered for policy wide adoption for the procurement of renewable energy -based charging infrastructure for sustainable transport.

Deliverables 4: D 4.1: Assessment report on the supporting infrastructure for e-buses including the potential energy from renewable sources and related incentives D 4.2: Tender documents to integrate distributed RE for supporting RE based charging infrastructure D 4.3: Recommendations based on consultations, learnings and best practices on the procurement of supporting renewable energy -based charging infrastructure for sustainable transport

In case of Contract award, the CTCN will organize a kick-off call among all relevant parties involved in the request to introduce the contractor to the NDEs and Proponent, to present the activities, their timeline and clarify roles and responsibilities.

It is mandatory for the implementer(s) to allocate at least 1% of the budget to integrate a gender- approach to the activities. Please refer to the CTCN Gender Mainstreaming Tool for Response Plan Development for guidance at https://www.ctc-n.org/technologies/ctcn-gender-mainstreaming-tool- response-plan-development.

4 GENERAL TIME SCHEDULE The activities under this contract should follow the timeline presented for each deliverable and are expected to be completed within a period of twelve (12) months from the award of contract. However, the bidder has the option of proposing a customized duration of the activities under this contract.

5 QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS AND EVALUATION CRITERIA The bidder shall as a minimum present the following qualifications of the team. Please note the requirement to have national expert(s) in the team. Additional qualifications and experts may be added to the proposal.

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United Nations Industrial Development Organization

Qualification requirements (technical Evaluation criteria aspects required) • Coordinator – transport expert • Experience in developing policy documents and developing Bachelor’s Degree, or equivalent, transport/climate mitigation projects is required in Transport/Civil Engineering, • Excellent oral and written communication skills in English is Urban Planning, Economics, or essential other related fields • At least 12 years of project management experience with a focus on sustainable mobility is required

• Energy and Transportation expert • Relevant professional experience in the transport or energy (national Master's Degree, or sector, including development and implementation of equivalent, in Transport/Civil transport/energy efficiency projects in Indonesia is required Engineering, Energy Economics • Experience in climate finance is highly desirable and/or Urban Planning or other • Excellent oral and written communication skills in English is related fields is required essential • At least 5 years of relevant experience

• Transport expert (international) • Experience in climate finance is required Master's Degree, or equivalent, in • Experience in developing policy documents and developing Transport/Civil Engineering, transport/climate mitigation projects is required Urban Planning or other related • Excellent oral and written communication skills in English is fields essential • At least 10 years of experience in sustainable mobility is required

Gender Expert • Formal training in gender analysis and gender planning and • postgraduate university demonstrated expertise in mainstreaming gender in projects degree in Social or Natural and programmes, especially in the energy sector, including Sciences or another relevant renewable energy systems; in farming, processing and discipline, preferably with a consumption of bio resources. specialization in gender, • The Gender Expert shall have proficiency in reading, writing project cycle management and speaking English and must be able to communicate with and/or energy. stakeholders effectively. • A minimum of five years’ practical experience in the field of gender equality and gender mainstreaming.

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6 LANGUAGE REQUIREMENTS The working language for the purposes of this project is English, thus an excellent command of English is required of the proposed personnel. The final deliverables must be submitted in English. The technical and financial proposal under this tender must also be submitted in English.

All delivered documents must be of such a quality that no further editing will be required.

7 DELIVERABLES SCHEDULE The table below details the indicative schedule for this assistance.

Deliverables Delivery date

D 1.1: Minutes of Kick off meeting discussion As soon as after signing the contract

D 1.2: Detailed work plan Within 1 month from Kick off meeting

D 1.3: Monitoring and evaluation plan Within 1 month from Kick off meeting

D 1.4: CTCN Impact Description Within 1 month from Kick off meeting

D 1.5: Closure and Data Collection template and report 12 months from Kick off meeting

D 2.1: Report on transport plans and policies in Jakarta and 3 months from Kick off meeting Indonesia relevant for e-mobility D 2.2: Workshop and meeting reports 4months from Kick off meeting

D 2.3: Draft policies and policy recommendation 5 months from Kick off meeting

D 3.1: Bid documents for e-bus procurement for Transjakarta 6 months from Kick off meeting

D 3.2: Investment plan and business model for Transjakarta 8 months from Kick off meeting and its operators D 3.3: Develop technical input for green public procurement 9-10 months from Kick off meeting policy for sustainable transport D 4.1: Assessment report on the supporting infrastructure for 9 months from Kick off meeting the E buses including the potential energy from renewable sources and related incentives D 4.2: Tender documents to integrate distributed RE for 10 months from Kick off meeting supporting RE based charging infrastructure D 3.4 and D 4.3- Recommendations based on consultations, 10-12 months from Kick off meeting learnings and best practices on the procurement of sustainable

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Deliverables Delivery date

transport and supporting renewable energy -based charging infrastructure

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