The Archives of The University of Notre Dame 607 Hesburgh Library Notre Dame, IN 46556 574-631-6448
[email protected] Notre Dame Archives: Alumnus Compendium UNIVERSITY National Players from Rev. Mark J. Fitzgerald CENTER FOR Catholic U, "The Merchant CSC '28, prof, econ., "The CONTINUING CALENDAR of Venice", Jan. 13 and Common Market's Labor Dec 16-Ian. 3. Christmas "The Bu-ds". Jan. 14, Wash Problems," Nov., UND EDUCATION Vacation. ington Hall. Press. Donforth Regional Conf., Ion. 18. Last Class Do; of "The Playboy of the West- Dec. 1-4. Semester. John V. Hinkel '29, "Arling em World". ND-SMC The Fifth ND Cont on Popula Ian. 19 & 20, Study Days. ton: Monument to Heroes," atre, Washington Hall, tion, "The Role of the Ian. 2I-2S, Final Exams. a study of the national 8:30 pin, Feb. 2-4 and 9-11. Family in the Population Ian. 26-30, Semester Brealc shrine and of the men Symphony strings, Feb. 9 Explosion", Dec. 1-3. Ian. 30, Registration. buried there, Prentice-Hall, and 14. Resources Conservation Ian. 31, Second Semester $3.95. Marilyn Mason and Paul Conf., "Sharing the Costs Begins. Doctor, Organ and Viola Paul I. McCarthy '50. "Al of Water and Air Pollution Feb. 22, Senior Class Concert, Sacred Heart gebraic Extensions of Control," sponsored by the Washington Day Exer Church, Feb. 7. Fields," a text designed for Depts. of Econ. and Civil cises ond "Patriot of the Hev. Patrick Moloney CSC, use in graduate study of Eng., Dec. 9. Year" Aword. tenor, concert, Feb. 16. the theory of fields, Blais- Shelley Grushldn Trio, International Markets Conf.* dell Pub.