Topsoil, Mulches, Soil Conditioners, Lawn Dressings, Fertilizers, Composts, Manure, Sand, Grit etc. ALLELUYA Full range of Traditional & Organic garden products. In fact everything for healthy growing gardens. Bovinger and Moreton Phone for a catalogue or visit our premises on the Fyfield to Moreton Road (Mon-Fri 8am-5pm, Sat 8am-12noon) where you are able to buy at trade prices. Parish Magazine February & March 2018 Binder Loams Ltd Moreton, Ongar, , CM5 0HY Valentine’s Day 14th February Tel: 01277 890246 Fax: 01277 890105 Email: [email protected]

Mothering Sunday 11th March


PRIEST IN CHARGE : JACKSON ENGINEERING Rev Christine Hawkins 01277 286113 email: [email protected] ASSOCIATE MINISTER : Station Garage Rev. Albert Watson 01279 453224 High Street, Ongar email: [email protected] PARISH SECRETARY : 01279 Telephone: 01277 363707 Mrs Susan Allaway email: [email protected] SERVICING & REPAIRS


Churchwarden: Mr Gareth Kaye 01277 364540 FREE COLLECTION AND DELIVERY Bells: Mr Roger Berry 01277 363950 AIR CON SERVICING AND RE-GAS Organ: Mrs Yvonne Holmes 01277 890137


Moreton Mrs Christine Davis (Editor) 01277 890283 P.Z. Building Services Email: [email protected] Bobbingworth Mr George Hart 01277 890248 Established over 13 years Bobbingworth representative Kitchen Fitting or Refurbishing, Tiling, Bathrooms, Plumbing, YOUR LOCAL PARISH COUNCILLORS: Electrics, Plastering, Extensions, Loft Conversions MORETON: Decorating, Maintenance and Repairs Mr John Collins 01277 890865 Mr Graeme Cooper 01277 890470 No job too small

BOBBINGWORTH: Most of my work comes through personal recommendation. Dee Hannis [email protected] Mr Andy Mangan 01277 890134 Happy to show you previous completed work. Mr Robert Schwier 01277 890433 CLERK: Mrs Adriana Jones – [email protected] Free estimates, no call out charge. Telephone Pawel on: or 077 377 36365 DISTRICT COUNCILLOR: Mr Tony Boyce 01277 890298 07746074651 or 01708505166 POLICE: Ongar & Epping dial 101 Email [email protected] then ask for the station you want


Windy Ridge, Moreton Road, Bovinger CM5 0LU GLYNNS SWEEPS [email protected] National Association of Chimney Sweeps 01277 890248 NACS Essex Regional Office HETAS Greetings from Windy Ridge, I hope you all had a good Member Chimney Sweep Service - Clean – Festive Season. Christmas Day Efficient Vacuum – Brush Plus traditional ended very wet but fortunately was dry and sunny for the large chimney sweeps for weddings crowd that turned up for the Tel: 01279 424983 50th anniversary Boxing Day race and Tug-o-War in Moreton. I am looking forward to spring and seeing my daffs and cow- slips again. Best Wishes, George Hart ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Just to remind the Bobbingworth parishioners that the annual JOHN JAMES CLEARANCE subscription of £3. to the Alleluya magazine will become due in Your local clearance company March. Please help your distributors by having the correct money ready when they call. Full/part house clearance - Garage clearance - Lofts - Shed / ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Outbuilding. Rubbish clearance and tradesman waste - Green garden waste. 2 Men loading team - no need for skip hire - All Copy date for the Apr/May 2018 issue by 15th March please to type of unwanted items bought for cash - furniture - bric a brac [email protected] garden furniture / ornaments / planters. Almost anything con- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sidered. We are fully insured, waste carriers licensed. Transit note on all clearances. MORETON VILLAGE NEWS Telephone 01279 294 294 Cliff 07703 786220 Chris 07703 786200 We welcome Hattie & Liam into Moreton village Email [email protected]. and hope you will be very happy here. Belated congratulations to Betty Alderson who celebrated her 90th birthday in January.



ST GERMAIN’S BOBBINGWORTH 4th Feb 11.00am Family Service 18th Feb 11.00am Family Communion 4th Mar 11.00am Family Service 18th Mar 11.00am Family Communion 26th Mar 8.00pm-8.30pm Reflection & Compline ST MARY’S MORETON 4th Feb 9.30am Holy Communion 18th Feb 9.30am Family Service 4th Mar 9.30am Holy Communion 11th Mar 9.30am Joint Mothering Sunday Service with St Germain’s 18th Mar 9.30am Family Service 30th Mar 3.00pm Reflections for Good Friday ST NICHOLAS’ FYFIELD 4th Feb 11.00am Morning Prayer

11th Feb 11.00am Family Communion 25th Feb 11.00am Family Service 4th Mar 11.00pm Morning Prayer 11th Mar 11.00am FC Mothering Sunday Service 25th Mar 11.00am Family Service - Palm Sunday 28th Mar 8.00pm-8.30pm Reflection & Compline ST CHRISTOPHER’S WILLINGALE 11th Feb 9.30am Family Service 14th Feb 7.00pm HC + Imposition of Ashes 18th Feb 6.00pm Evening Prayer 25th Feb 9.30am Holy Communion 11th Mar 9.30am Mothering Sunday Service 18th Mar 6.00pm Evening Prayer 25th Mar 9.30am Holy Communion


The Rectory, Fyfield Fidgety Fingers Dear friends, Is offering small and individual classes; After weeks filled with the flurry of activity and preparation, in phonics, reading, writing and numeracy. Christmas has already begun to recede in our minds. Barely three weeks after the festival, the tinsel and baubles are back in Individual learning programmes the loft; the tree has either been packed back into its box or left From £10 per week for 3 to 7 year olds. out for recycling; tidings of comfort and joy are no longer being Learning is FUN at Fidgety Fingers. sung in the church (or the pub!); Christmas jumpers have been washed and placed in the draw ready for next year and our feel- Could your child be gifted and talented and need ings of excitement and expectation have given way to the dread that extra challenge? Is English their additional of ‘Blue Monday’ when the bills hit the mat; the fear of the num- bers on the scales after our Christmas feasting and the sheer language? grind of working through the cold January days with nothing Does your child need extra support in developing much to look forward to.

their confidence and concentration or with their Christmas is over… or is it? communication and language or numeracy skills, We use the Early Years Foundation Stage In the church’s calendar, Christmas does not, officially, end until 2 February - the Feast of the Presentation, or Candlemas. In Framework, and Key stage 1 some churches the crib scene, complete with Mary, Joseph, Montessori methods and traditional principles. shepherds, angels, magi and the infant Jesus, will remain on view until then. Classes are in Willow Place, , CM17 9JH We are currently in the season of Epiphany which is an integral Please Contact Jackie Neagle BA ECS: 07907 part of the Christmas story. The joy of Christmas continues to be celebrated and reflected in the church’s worship, weekend 462881 or email: [email protected] by weekend. On 6th January, we celebrated the coming of the Enhanced DBS and Paediatric First Aid Trained wise men (magi) which is understood as Christ being made known to the non-Jewish people. This was followed by the re- membrance of Christ’s baptism by John the Baptist (his cousin) when the heavens opened, and a voice declared Jesus to be God’s beloved Son and our celebrations culminate in The Feast of the Presentation where the baby child is now recognised by the ancient prophets Anna and Simeon as the Christ. We cele- brate that festival in the churches of our benefices on Sunday 28th January. 36

But the redemption Christ brings is won through suffering and Christmas gives way early this year to the season of Lent You could ring the bells to commemorate one hundred which begins with Ash Wednesday on 14 February. 12 short years since the ending of WW1 days mark the transition from joy and celebration to the jour- It is planned that across the nation the bells in as many towers ney towards the pain and suffering of the cross. as possible will be rung to commemorate one hundred years It is just the same in human life; in the blink of an eye, the days since the ending of World War 1. But people like you are need- of joy can so quickly be changed into days of suffering and an- ed to ring those bells. The Willingale, Bobbingworth, Fyfield guish. Yet, our Christian belief is that the light of Christmas and Moreton ringers will strive to ensure that the bells in all four never truly leaves us; its flame still burns in our hearts, even in towers, and more, are rung on the morning of 11th November the times of dryness and pain when it seems to have become 2018. By planning for that event now, there is time for people merely a faint ember. who have not rung before to learn.

I encourage all of you not to pack the spirit of Christmas away If you wish to have a try and learn to ring to be a part of this na- with your decorations, but to carry it with you throughout the tional commemoration and enjoy a new recreation, then please days and months of 2018. May the joy of the angels, the ea- contact Ian, details below. We welcome new ringers and offer gerness of the shepherds, the perseverance of the wise men teaching, the step by step method and pace of learning is to the obedience of Mary and Joseph, and the peace of the suit the individual, meaning that ringing should be within the ca- Christ-child continue to be yours this year and always. pability of almost everybody - "if you can learn to ride a bike you Chris Hawkins can learn to ring a bell". Our tutors are DBS checked and trained to teach. Bell ringing is a team activity that stimulates the brain and helps keep you fit ... it also makes a glorious sound. Additionally, we are a very friendly and MOTHERING SUNDAY SERVICES WILL BE HELD sociable group of people. in the BENEFICE as follows: Ian Kerwin : 07837 170816 / 01245 248382 9.30am Willingale 11.00am Bovinger & Moreton hold a joint ser vice in St Mary’s Moreton 11.00am Fyfield

Refreshments will be served following the ser- vices and posies distributed.

We look forward to seeing you at one of these services.


MORETON VILLAGE HALL Interested in booking The Moreton Village Hall? Please contact Alison Cooper on Celebrate the 01277 890214 or at Royal Wedding [email protected] for future bookings and information at the Bobbingworth J R RECYCLING Barn Dance Licensed household and commercial rubbish Clear- th ance at competitive prices anytime Saturday 19 May 2018 any place, anywhere Wood farm, Moreton Road, Ron Dance 07973 384442 Ongar. CM5 0EY John Prince 07399 636278 Email: [email protected] First dance 7:30 BfS Home Heating Oil Fish and Chip supper

Heating the County! Proceeds to Fast delivery. Friendly service. Helpful advice. Local company. St Germain’s church, Bobbingworth Phone now! Ticket price Adults £15, under 12’s £8. 01268 710310 Please contact; Rachel Dickenson 07807 363655 Fuel Services Mike Woods 07876 711948 Jo Gemmill 07958 or visit 765815 or any member of Bobbingworth PCC.


Hello Christine December 2017 Boxing Day 2017 in Moreton I am glad our great technological age managed to get our change of email to you. The magazine has arrived, thank you very much. With the temporary closing of The Nags Head just prior to Christmas it did look as if the 50th Anniversary of The Box- It is hard to believe that 37 years have passed since we came to Bobbingworth as your exchange clergy family. It seems like only ing Day games was in jeopardy but with sheer determina- yesterday! Reading the magazine brings back wonderful memories tion the landlord of The White Hart managed to put together and it always has so many good articles, and it is wonderful to see another team so the games went ahead as planned. that, while there are many new names, there are still a number of With weeks of planning and preparation the outdoor bars ‘old timers’ who continue to contribute to the life of the church and and hog roast were up and the bar staff ready to open the community. doors from 10am, The crowds came and by 11.30am there As you prepare for Christmas in winter, we are rapidly moving to- was an estimated 1600 people in Moreton village. wards our summer, and the associated heat! Having said that, we The White Hart warriors and the Gladiators were welcomed are enjoying a pleasantly mild Spring at present after some good by the crowd and the games commenced, drinking a half falls of very much needed rain. pint of chilli beans, bobbing for apples and then face down Thank you again for keeping us ‘in touch’ with a special place in our in flour while carrying an ale keg and being pelted with life! eggs, the teams were put through their paces much to the joy of the crowd. The White Hart warriors won by a whisker Our warmest regards and got to choose on which side of the bank of the Cripsey Ken and Margaret from Australia river they wished to pull on the tug of war. The Gladiators were unfortunately no match for The Warri- ors and the trophy stands in The White Hart for another WHITE HART Moreton Events in February & March are:- year! Friday 2nd Feb - Quiz & Curry night Locals and others carried on celebrating right up to early Saturday 10th Feb - Launch of Saturday Brunch from 11am evening with the day being a huge success for all. A fabulous £300 was raised for Moreton Church so a great Feb 14th Valentines night with - 4 courses and a glass of prosec- day for the village on this annual event and looking forward co for £45 per head to next year when we hope we can raise even more. Friday 2nd March - Cripsey Fundraiser Carla Ince Saturday 3rd March Robbie Williams tribute night

Friday 16th March - Pre Paddy’s night celebration with Brendan Boxing Day in Moreton Quinn singing live A large number of people turned out for the 50th Saturday 17th March - Paddy’s night anniversary edition Thursday 29th March - Meet the Brewer - Beer and food pairing of the Boxing Day race and Tug-o-War in Moreton. evening Type the link into your browser to view a set of photographs tak- Friday 30th/Monday April 2nd - Easter weekend with live enter- en at the event. tainment, Easter egg hunt and much, much more!!



Come and join us – we would be delighted to welcome you. A Choral Concert in support of The Lavers Churches Our February Meeting: February 8th 2018 : 8pm-10pm Village Hall, High Ongar. CM5 9RN “Spring into Song” presented by the popular De Merc Cham- ber Choir performing music for all tastes from Byrd to Beatles at David Webb –‘Still Life in Watercolour’. th We are looking forward to this demonstration from David – who has chosen All Saints Church CM5 0DU on Saturday 17 to paint a still life in watercolour - it promises to be both instructive and February at 7.30pm, light refreshments in the interval. enjoyable. Tickets £10 from: David worked for 20 years as an illustrator. In 2000 he began working on Mary Nicholls 01277 890209 [email protected] larger scale paintings in a looser style. David has contributed articles for Tina Webb 01277 890241 [email protected] Leisure Painter magazine, and has written and illustrated several books. David teaches workshops and courses, and is a regular demonstrator for art SATURDAY 21st April - Quiz Night in the Moreton Village Hall clubs and societies. 7pm start. Tickets £10 to include cheese/pate ploughman’s. Our March Meeting: Thursday March 8th 2018: 8pm-10pm Proceeds to St Mary’s Church. Bring your own tipple and glass. High Ongar Village Hall, High Ongar. CM5 9RN – large car park Susan Spiers – ‘A Marine Scene’ in Acrylics Sue Spiers lives in Bradwell-on-Sea and has painted professionally SATURDAY 12th May - George Hart will give a talk with slides for nearly thirty years. The seaside, boats and watery places are the and videos on his trips to China. Tickets £10 to include light re- subjects for ‘en plein air’ watercolours, and colourful acrylics on can- freshments and a glass of wine. Proceeds to St Mary’s Church. vas. Her favourite places in Essex are Burnham Quay and GIBBERD GARDENS Hythe. Sue has sold her paintings of Woodbridge in the Taplin Gal- Sunday 11th February - Snowdrop Sunday. Come and see lery for ten years the carpet of snowdrops in the wooded areas of the garden. The Ongar Art Society Membership: We are a group of people who en- Homemade soup and crusty bread will be available from the joy all aspects of Art. We welcome new members whether they are prac- Barn Tea Room as well as our usual tea, coffee and cakes. tising artists or simply have a love of the subject. Our annual subscription is £30. Sat 31st March - Gardens Open for the 2018 season on Free admission to monthly meetings – enjoy an exciting and varied Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holiday Mondays programme of demonstrations and talks. 2-6pm, until 30th September. Please come and visit us. . Sun 1st April - Easter Trail  Join full day workshops, sketching days and competitions. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  Be part of our annual exhibition in June and November Winter Sale Exhibit and sell your own Art works. EPPING & ONGAR RAILWAY EVENTS For information contact: Beverly Hughes: 01708 688554 . Visit our Website: Read all about our 2017/8 programme. To see pic- Kids for a Quid this February Half Term 10, 11, 14, 17, 18 tures of members’ artwork and information on all events go to: February Easter Egg Hunt 30, 31 March; 1, 2 April Marian Williamson. Publicity Officer for Ongar Art Society


Bantham & Ongar Bowls Club I prepared this article to make the point, never assume a For outdoor and short mat bowling badger is dead because someone reporting it in says so! Bowling Membership £66 per annum During the winter months, Bantham & Ongar Bowls Club holds a so- If you find a badger by the roadside that appears dead, but on cial night every Monday evening starting at 6pm playing short mat closer inspection, is still alive, either in pain or unconscious, bowls indoors. There is also an afternoon session on Wednesdays please take extreme care, it will be frightened and bite, they starting at 2pm. If you would like to try your hand please come along. The club is fully accessible for those with disabilities and everyone have powerful jaws and can inflict deep wounds: if you have a will be welcome. Other activities on offer at the club are listed below. blanket, cover the badger to keep it calm and contact me Membership is not required but sessional charges apply. Derek Barry at The Badger Group, Mobile: 07941 Bridge – Wednesday – 10.00am - 1.00pm 185171, giving the exact location, along with any helpful land- Tai Chi – Wednesday – 7.30pm - 8.30pm (experienced instructor, marks. In the case of the badger being alive, it will be taken to the nearest wildlife hospital or vet for treatment. Table Tennis – Thursday – 7.00pm - 9.00pm (qualified coach) We cover the areas of Harlow and Districts. Whist Drive – Saturday – 7.30pm every other week Website: We can be found behind The Talbot public house in Wealdbridge for all other areas of Es- Road, Tylers Green, North Weald, CM16 6GP. If you would like any sex, Badger Hotline: 07751 572175 further information please contact

Steve Carpenter – 01992 525531 or email at [email protected] It’s currently the breeding season for badgers which starts on SATURDAY 3RD MARCH – QUIZ NIGHT 1st December and continues through to the end of June. As a For more details contact Sue Jones at [email protected] norm, badger cubs are born in February and the cubs surface or on 01992 571535 late April - early May. It's during the early months that the adult boar can be kicked out of the sett by the pregnant sow. We start to see a steady increase in RTA's of badgers from DOMESTIC CLEANER REQUIRED April onwards, normally boars. This I am a professional woman based at home for work. I am looking for period is always a worrying time for us, as the injured or dead badger may well someone reliable to assist me with house work duties – no heavy be a suckling sow, in which case we jobs or windows – just general vacuuming, dusting, cleaning bath- need to locate her sett and monitor it to rooms and, occasionally, a little ironing, for 2-3 hours a week. see if her cubs come to the surface in Hours to suit you. Good rate of pay (tax and NI payments to be met distress; if the cubs do come out we by you). References required. have to make a decision whether to remove them and take them down to My home is smoke and pet free. Secret World Wildlife Rescue Centre in Please call Chris on 01277 286113 Somerset or to Wildlife Aid in Leather- head.


Never assume a badger seen lying by THANK YOUS ALL ROUND

the road is dead First of all to everyone who helped with St Mary’s Christmas bazaar. In early December, after being hit by a car and left for dead, To the couple who put up the tables the night before, to the 3 amaz- this badger spent all night and the following morning on its back ing people who were in the hall at 8.15am to set out the various by the roadside near Moreton. It was only by chance Vera Ne- stalls, to those who helped behind the stalls, to the ladies who made ville, a local lady, spotted it whilst driving by, noticed some the delicious soup, much appreciated by all those who came, to eve- movement and phoned me for help. When I arrived at 1:20pm ryone who gave items to the stalls and the generous donations re- ceived. A magnificent sum of £888. was raised. the badger, an adult sow, was still on her back, stretched out, front legs in the air; the only movement was from her head as To the lovely ladies who decorated St Mary’s for Christmas so beau- she turned towards me as I approached and gave me a short tifully, many compliments were received . growl. She watched me in silence unload my rescue cage and thick To the congregation who gave generously at the Carol Service in St blanket and kneel down alongside her. She had some cuts on Mary’s, a sum of £246.40 was sent to the charity ‘Send a Cow’. both back legs and a bloodied nose from a head impact. With my thick gloves on for added protection, just in case, I covered A letter has been received from Send a Cow, thanking the congrega- her with the blanket and tucked it under her body. I then gently tion for this sum, as follows: lifted her into the cage, she did give a groan of discomfort on ‘Your contribution will enable us to provide livestock and training in the initial lift probably due to some internal injuries, she made sustainable farming to some of Africa’s poorest farmers to help them no attempt to struggle at anytime. I headed to Bishop’s Stort- combat poverty and malnutrition. The offspring from the livestock you ford Veterinary Hospital. have funded will be used to pass on to another farmer, so the effect During examination at the vets, she found comfort resting her of your generosity will be felt for many years to come.’ head on my hand with her front legs wrapped tightly round my glove. Sadly no amount of prodding around the lower body and And lastly but not least to the Four Parishes Choir who sang at the pinching the skin between the back claws to see if the badger Carol Services, the best ever, so our thanks must go to them, and to would react by pulling her legs away, produced a response, Michael Pether, and John Jewiss the organist, who all practised in St she just laid there paralysed from the waist down watching. She Mary’s every week before Christmas to achieve such an angelic must have been hit with such force for her to have landed on sound. We look forward to next year. top of the verge, she could not have crawled that far with such Also to the Carol Singers in the White Hart who sang their hearts out injuries. on Christmas Eve whereupon the revellers generously donated Unfortunately nothing could be done for her. On the advice of £135. to St Mary’s Church the vet, the decision was agreed on welfare grounds to put her to sleep. She was given an injection to sedate her. Whilst still The White Hart also gave £300, collected at the Boxing Day event, cradling my glove; I laid her back on the blanket in the cage for and this also was given to St Mary’s Church, for which both amounts the sedation to take affect. This was followed up with the final were greatly received. Our thanks must go to The White Hart for injection that would see her drift away. Very sad outcome for their support of St Mary’s. this beautiful badger!


CLASSIC TRAVEL Our full report is available for reading on the school website Call Yvonne & her very experienced team on 020 8508 5588. Or visit us at our new premises at 152 High Road, . But these are some of the edited highlights: Award winning travel agent. ABTA & ATOL protected; 100% “Since you were appointed, you and your governors have continued to ensure security email: [email protected] that school improvements focus on further raising pupils’ achievement across the curriculum.” “Parents are overwhelmingly positive about the leadership of the school, and the teachers.”

Window Cleaning : Gutter Vacuum Cleaning One parent wrote “Moreton is a very supportive school, very well run and my children love attending.” Fully Insured “Moreton is inclusive, co-operative and goes that extra mile to make the chil- Office: 01279 436196 - Mobile: 07403443959 dren, and the parents, feel welcome.” DDPROPERTYCARE.CO.UK “Pupils at Moreton are confident and enthusiastic learners. In all classes I vis- ited, pupils engaged well with activities demonstrating good attitudes to learn- [email protected] ing.” “Pupils who I spoke to told me that bullying does not happen at the school and were able to speak to an adult in the school if they were worried or had any ARBOCARE TREE SERVICES concerns. They were able to talk about internet safety and knew how to pro- Martin Parish RFS Cert ARB tect themselves.” Felling, Surgery, Pruning, Hedge cutting, stumps removed. “Pupils are engaged and keen to learn and share their learning. It is evident Fully insured that pupils are making strong progress in lessons.” Tel: 01279 814899 Obviously I have picked out the most complimentary bit to share with the Par- ish, however there is a lot more lovely stuff written about the school in the re- port. What was really lovely was that the following day was our Christmas Bazaar, MARTIN STEDMAN so we could celebrate and really enjoy Christmas from then onwards. OVEN CLEANING In just one visit your oven will be cleaned using the safe non-caustic I hope you all had a relaxing and fun filled Christmas. method which removes grease, fat and burnt on carbon deposits. We are now back, working hard, gearing up for the SATs in May. Fully insured. OVENS. HOBS. AGAs GRILLS, MICROWAVES. BBQs. Yours faithfully EXTRACTORS. RANGES. BULBS/FILTERS Call Martin Stedman on 07794 259003 Karen Wallace 12

ROY SPELLER A well-known former resident of Moreton, Roy Speller, died on 20th December 2017 at his home in after a short illness. He was 85. Roy worked at Nether Hall Farm for many years, living with his family for much of the time in Join Essex & Herts Air Ambulance for a night of fun, food and Church Road. In later life, following his marriage to Margot, funky music at their NEW Curry & Casino event at the couple moved to Colchester. Bishop’s Stortford Golf Club. Roll the dice to raise money for Char- ity from 7 pm, 17th February. Come along for a curry, stay for the Roy enjoyed dancing and country and western music. He cracking casino and funky disco with tickets costing just £25! was a real countryman, and for a number of years was a Laura Blower Digital Marketing Coordinator familiar sight at ploughing matches, where he won several Email: [email protected] T: 0345 2417690 prizes. Roy was a real family man, never happier than being Are you celebrating a special birthday, anniversary, wedding or a with his beloved wife Margot, his sons Paul and Duncan, his personal milestone? If so, then why not ask your guest to make a grand-children and great-grandchildren. donation to your local life-saving Charity? This year Essex & Herts Air Ambulance celebrate 20 Years of Saving Lives and invite eve- He also loved Moreton, and had a very good memory for ryone to share this special milestone. Get your free fundraising people and events, and never minded having his brain pack by contacting [email protected] or phone 0345 2417 690. picked or to share his knowledge. He had a very good sense of humour, and was telling jokes even when things were tough for him. Moreton C of E Aided Primary School, th Moreton, Ongar, Essex CM5 0JD The funeral was held on 10 January, followed by a wake at Tel: 01277 890255 Fax: 01277 890127 The White Hart, Moreton, where family and friends were E-mail: [email protected] joined by a number of local people who came to pay their respects to one of their own. Headteacher: Mrs K. Wallace

Finally, after almost 5 years of waiting, it happened! THE CALL!! Ofsted... Acknowledgment - Roy Speller rang at exactly mid-day on Wednesday 29th November to inform me that one of their inspectors would be arriving the following day at 8am. Margot Speller and family would like to thank everyone who After a few seconds of blind panic, the staff rallied and set our long rehearsed attended Roy’s funeral and Wake on 10th January. They “Operation O” into action, calls were made, plans printed and displays per- are all very grateful for the care and concern shown to them fected. over the past few weeks which has been such a comfort to After a gruelling day of observations, interrogations and explanations we final- them. They are also grateful for the donations made in ly got the news that we were considered to be “still good”. It felt like the entire Roy’s memory. school building let out a huge sigh of relief, not that we ever doubted we were, but with these 1 day, section 8 inspections you never know what’s going to happen.


The transmitters were powered by a large generator located in an adjacent room. All that is now required to provide electric power for the ship is a relatively small but noisy generator. In the engine room we saw the massive diesel engine that at one time powered the ship when she was a trawler. It was so large a smaller engine was re- quired to produce compressed air to get it started. Next stop was the bridge and chart room with equipment dating from her time as a trawler. She can no longer move under her own power so obsolete navigation aids are not a problem. There are three studios, one for transmitting pre-recorded tapes, and two for live broadcasts with a DJ. There was a prominent rack of taped jingles that helped to make the pirates famous. We finished the tour with a look at the extensive record library. This consisted of many shelves of 12" LPs with well used covers and a good selection of 45s. She does not currently transmit live over the air but hopes to commence (legal) transmissions on the medium wave in the near fu- ture. In the meantime, Radio Caroline can be heard via Internet Ra- dio. It was well after sunset when we climbed back on board Razor- bill 3 for the trip back to the jetty, a perfect end to a very enjoyable afternoon. Official OFSTED rating ‘GOOD’ Open Monday to Friday 7am – 7pm (excluding Bank Holidays) Information about visits can be found via this link - https:// 52 weeks a year caring for ages from 0 to 5 years. Flexibility of childcare with full days, morning and afternoon sessions availa- ble or ‘school days’, with the understanding that your days need Photos on Flickr can be found via this link - to be flexible too. Educational toys, interactive technology com- aHsm7jkmHF plete with 55” LED screen specifically for Early Years English & Maths and facilities to promote better learning experiences. George Hart A secure environment to ensure quality of care and safety for your child. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Extensive outdoor facilities including a large garden, an outdoor ‘classroom’ and access to a substantial all weather outside area. A sensory room and library/story telling area for stimulating educational progress. 'A lady who can' Home cooked food prepared on site with our in-house chef. We cater for individual children’s dietary needs i.e. vegetarian, allergies, gluten-free etc. provide support for the older person with Poppets own vegetable patch in the garden, mud kitchen & sand pit. After school and holiday club every weekday throughout the year, in our purpose personal care, household tasks, and gardening. built log cabin. Breakfast Club now available for School & High Ongar School Over 30 years experience in the care sector. pupils. Contact Katie Holloway for availability on 01277 365488 or by email [email protected] Please call Karen on: 07749538752 Unit 10, Fyfield Business & Research Park, Fyfield Road, Ongar, Essex. CM3 1PY


A Visit to Radio Caroline Before 1964 opportunities for listening to pop music on the radio were very limited. What was broadcast often consisted of poor quality cover versions of hits that in no way resembled the original. Radio Luxembourg on 208 meters, medium wave was the only al- ternative. Unfortunately this station suffered from poor reception SUMMER SPECIAL OFFERS and frequently faded. Then on 28th March 1964 a revolution oc- curred, pirate radio was born. Because they were illegal, transmis- Book LVL Lashes & receive a half price Sienna X spray tan Free eyelash tint with any facial sions took place from ships moored outside UK territorial waters. £20 Shellac Manicure (95 colours to choose from!) Until they were banned by the Marine Offences Act, the pirate ra- 50% off IPL courses booked in for June – October dio stations served a diet of popular music to please most tastes. To book any of these summer offers call us now: Perhaps the best known was Radio Caroline. After the MV Mi Ami- go sank, the MV Ross Revenge took on the role of Radio Caroline. *01279 731503* *07740 433417* *07521 502754* The Ross Revenge, a former Icelandic trawler, still equipped as Ra- dio Caroline is permanently anchored off Mersea Island in Essex. Visits to her can be arranged, so in October I joined four friends on a nostalgic trip to go on board.

On a beautiful sunny afternoon we boarded the tender Razorbill 3 1ST MORETON AND FYFIELD SCOUT GROUP from the jetty at . After a thirty minute trip we reached the imposing bulk of the Ross Revenge at her moorings. As All sections are co-educational and meet at Fyfield Scout we approached her port side we were a bit alarmed to notice a Headquarters - contact Mary Bacon for rope ladder hanging down. We need not have worried, on the star- further information on 01277 899052 board side there was a convenient hatch in the hull enabling us to Beavers Tuesday 6.00pm to 5¾ to 8 make an easy transfer from tender to ship. We were taken to the Scouts 7.15pm years wardroom for a cup of tea and to meet the four crew members who live on board. A brief history of the Ross Revenge, including Cub Thursday 7.00pm to 7¾ to 10 her time as a trawler and involvement in the Icelandic 'Cod Wars' Scouts 8.30pm yrs was given. We were then taken on a comprehensive tour of the ship. The tour commenced with a look on deck at the remains of Scouts Friday 7.30pm to 10 to her life as a trawler and the very tall transmitter aerial. Below deck, 9.30pm 14years in the former fish storage hold we viewed the powerful trans- Explorer Tuesday 7.30pm to 14 to 18 mitters, a box of radio valves reminded us that this equipment Scouts 9.30pm years dates from before transistors.


MORETON & DISTRICT WI At our meeting on 14th December we celebrated Christmas to- gether with an excellent lunch provided by Caterers. Members of the committee enacted a skit on Cinderella, provided some readings, performed a different take on Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Tina Webb told us about her experience with her first effort at school making a Christmas cake at the age of twelve. Pam Thompson and Jean Hudspeth both read poems. All this caused a great deal of laughter and appreciation. The raffle made a wonderful total of £141. The collection in lieu of Christ- mas cards raised £152.00 and was donated to Herts & Essex Air Ambu- lance. The President thanked Yvonne for providing us with raffles throughout the year, the caterer and waitresses for the wonderful lunch, Jacki and Michael for their hard work "behind the scenes" and all those whose contributions made the afternoon a successful and enjoyable time. The meeting closed with the singing of carols accompanied by Angela on the piano.

Thirty members attended our meeting on 11th January which was impres- sive given that it was another cold, wet, grey day. Cathy passed round a list of possible speakers and outings, also suggestions for both. The most popular will be booked in due course. A list was also made of those wishing to attend the County Meeting on United Benefice of Moreton, Bovinger, Fyfield, March 16th at Cliffs Pavilion, Southend, so that tickets could be applied for. & Willingale The speaker at the meeting will be Mandy Hichson, a former fighter pilot MEN’S BREAKFAST on Saturday March 3rd with the RAF. After lunch 'entertainment' will be provided. in The White Hart, Moreton. A full English breakfast will be served at 9.00am On 19th April the Cripsey Meeting will be held at Fyfield Village Hall, 2pm Speaker: Andrew Stuart ‘Where is my dog?’ for 2.30pm, tickets cost £6. The Cripsey Meeting is when local WIs come together for a joint meeting. Each one takes it in turn to supply the raffle, Please reserve a place by either telephoning Rodney refreshments, entertainment, items for the sales tables, flowers etc. This Moulds on Tel. 01277 890333 year the speaker will be Nick Grounds. It is requested that items valued or email by 28th February to [email protected] There over £1 each be gift wrapped for sale on the day. It is also requested that will be no charge but donations towards the cost are as many members as possible knit hats, scarves and fingerless gloves to be collected at the Cripsey Meeting which will be sent on to the Seamen's required. We would like to increase our numbers so Mission. please bring along a friend.


THE LAVERS AND DISTRICT As agreed, a letter has been sent to the National Federation requesting HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY the rationale behind the yearly increase in the WI subscription, this is now £41. It is felt that this could be off putting for some members in these [email protected] difficult economic times, especially older ladies for which the social inter- action is so very important. There are plans to arrange payment by instal- NB The meetings are held on Mondays in Moreton ments if this helps. We feel strongly that membership is of great benefit Village Hall (unless otherwise stated) 7pm for 7.30pm. If you to all concerned. Also the website is of great interest to those who can wish to become a member or just enjoy gardening why not give use and/or own a computer, but again, it is felt that this information it a go. Yearly membership is £10 for a single or £18 for a dou- should be included in the monthly magazine. We did receive a reply to ble. Guests/taster visits £3. Parking is available in Moreton our letter but this was deemed unhelpful regarding the points raised. school car park. Our meetings commence in February so we The coffee morning will be on February 15th, 10am, at Wyevale Garden look forward to seeing you all on the 5th. Our diary for 2018 is Centre, Ongar. below. Our speaker this month was Mike Howgate "The Da Vinci Code & The February 5th ’Kitchen Gardens’.- Tom Cole Knights Templar". He feels that Dan Brown had not sufficiently re- March 5th A.G.M. searched the places mentioned in the book, particularly The Temple April 9th ‘Gardens of Easton Lodge’ - the Countess and Church. Apparently the Knights were holy men who made a vow of pov- erty, chastity and obedience to the Pope. They was a much more disci- her gardens - Carol Matthews plined army than the original Crusaders, who were mostly noble men who May 1st - please note this will be a Tuesday gathered together an army from members of their staff and local people. ‘The Eden Project’ - Maggie Piper Many places in Hertfordshire were donated to raise funds to protect the June 4th ‘Vegetable seed saving’ - Beryl Randell Holy Land. Mike told us that one place local to us is Cressing Temple Barn. July 29th Annual Garden Party at ‘Moreton Lodge’ Pedlars End, Moreton, by kind permission of Tina announced that there is to be a Spring Concert at High Laver Church John Collins on 17th February. August 6th ‘Flower arranging with blooms from your The raffle raised £43. garden’ Sue Skegg All items are welcomed for the Sales Table. September 3rd Mini Show - Judge: Alan Adcock The tea ladies were thanked for a most enjoyable tea. October 1st ‘Soft fruit and propagation ‘- Mike Abel November 5th ‘The National Memorial Arboretum’ - The next meeting will be on 8th February, the speaker will be Linda Scoles Maggie Piper "The Yanks are coming" and on 8th March the speaker will be Alan Gray December 3rd Festive Evening - TBA "Tales of a Wimbledon Umpire, you cannot be serious!"

All meetings at Village Hall at 2pm. Why not come and join us, you can be sure of a great welcome.

Marianne Binder


WEST ESSEX FLOWER CLUB Do come and have a browse in The Mobile Library that stops at Thornwood Village Hall, Weald Hall Lane, Moreton School Car Park arriving Tuesdays fortnightly at 9.40am Thornwood, nr Epping CM16 1.45pm leaving 10.40am on the 6th & 20th February and 6th an 20th February 12th ‘The sound of Bow Bells’ March and throughout the year. The new Mobile Library van is Cathy Stangaard complete with a lift if anyone is a bit wobbly on their legs! Tom the March 12th ‘From me to you’ Anne Bell Librarian will always order books or DVDs if they are not on the van. He also has a comprehensive selection of large print books.

GOLDING PALMER CHARITY THE ONGAR WILDLIFE SOCIETY, Applicants are invited to apply to the above named charity, for financial sup- known locally as OWLS, promotes interest in wildlife and the port in furthering their education up to the age of 25 and are resident in the natural environment. Monthly talks, occasional visits and so- area of benefit, that being the Ecclesiastical Parish of St. Mary the Virgin, cial events are organised in an annual programme. The soci- Little Laver and the adjoining Ecclesiastical Parishes. Applicants must sup- ety is an affiliate member of Essex Wildlife Trust. Meetings port their request with the appropriate paperwork in the field of their chosen held at Zinc Arts, Great Stony, High Street, Ongar CM5 OAG subject.Enquiries to The Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Ian Gowlett, commencing 7.45pm for 8.00pm. Toad Hall, Ardley End, Hatfield Heath CM22 7AJ Tel: 01279 739444 The following two meetings will be held at the Church Rooms in Castle Street, Ongar:

19 February - Hedgehogs Paula Baker 9 March - Is it too Litter (little), too late? Kate Whitton Come and join the new premium wine club movement in the UK! Discover new wine every month – all hand picked by our sommeliers Delivered to your home, packaged with pairing notes and vintage information Increase your knowledge of wine with our programme or simply pour and enjoy! Premium wines not available in retail outlets All requests for funds will be treated in strict confidence by the Giv- Refer 3 friends and your wine is FREE ing Committee. More information about The Cripsey Community Direct Cellars are organising free wine tasting events all over the can be found on our Facebook page: UK, coming to your local area soon. Watch this space! Contact: 07970 007252 / [email protected]


The Rodings and Surrounding Area U3A ‘The best laid plans...’ The RU3A Christmas party was cancelled due to snow and ice causing a hazard to anyone who ventured outside on Monday 11th December. It seems a long time ago now as Christ- mas and the new year have been and gone in the meantime. We were very sorry to disappoint our members but decided that the risk of anyone having an accident travelling to or from the event was not worth taking. Fortunately we were able to donate some of the perish- able food to the Salvation Army in who were holding a party for elderly people in need. We were pleased that there was at least one good outcome. The Christmas period has been a quiet time for the RU3A although many of our members arranged social events within their interest groups in keeping with the season. Boules started again in early Jan- uary on a remarkably balmy morning. It will be a while until Walking restarts but other groups are already continuing with their pro- grammes. At present it does not seem likely that the U3A’s plan to start a U3A in Ongar will happen as insufficient people have volunteered to form a steering committee. Meanwhile the Rodings U3A is happy to accept new members from Ongar and other areas adjacent to the Rodings. THE NAGS HEAD MORETON As always there are several coach trips arranged for the coming months. The first of these will be a visit to Brick Lane Music Hall at Now under new management the end of January to see their version of Aladdin. The tickets include afternoon tea in the interval. Google The Rodings U3A for further information, email ru3ain- [email protected] or telephone Louise Searl on 01277 362043.



COPTHALL EVENTS The organisers of the Moreton Over 60’s Christmas lunch would like to warmly thank Schwier Farms, The White Hart MONTHLY GUIDED TOURS and The Cripsey Community, who between them provided Sundays: 18 February, 18 March, Entry 8.00 per person. Free to for this event. Friends, children under 16 and necessary carers. Gates open at 10.00am; last entry at 11.00am. Tours last about 3 This year the Over 60’s Christmas Lunch was held on Thursday th hours including refreshments. There is a shop. Descriptions of the 7 December. About 50 people from the village met in the gardens is given out on arrival. Tours cover the whole of the gar- Moreton village hall which had been beautifully decorated for dens, a large part of the mansion, the cellars and the stables. Tea, the occasion as had the tables. Care had been taken to switch coffee and home-made cakes are available in the Racquets Court on all the heating earlier in the morning so the hall was nice until 4pm where there is also a shop selling books about Copped and warm when we all arrived. Hall and a range of gift items. Second hand books are on sale in the mansion. There are also permanent exhibitions on site. At most This is a great opportunity for people living in the village to times of the year we sell seasonal fruit and vegetables from our meet up before Christmas. There was time to have a drink and Walled Kitchen Garden. The Trust shop will be open at the same a chat before sitting down to the usual Christmas fare of roast times. turkey with all the trimmings. This year the turkey was kindly Tea, coffee, home-made cakes and lunch are available, as well as a donated by Schwier’s Farm and beautifully cooked by the White bar selling alcoholic drinks. There are stalls and exhibitions, home- Hart who also carved it as well. This was followed by Christmas made and home-grown produce for sale, and the Trust shop will be pudding or a piece of chocolate log (I believe some had both) open. and then there were mince pies and coffee. If that was not EASTER EGG HUNT enough everyone was offered a glass of wine or a soft drink to Easter Sunday 1 April 2018. Gates open 2.00pm - 4.00pm have with the meal and top ups were available to all who want- Entry 5 per person. Egg hunt: 50p per child taking part. ed one. The car park will be closed at 5.00pm and locked at 5.15pm. Chil- As usual we were entertained by children from Moreton school dren can see the Easter bunny and join in an Easter egg hunt while who sang for us a range of Christmas carols and songs and we adults enjoy the spring flowers. There will be tea/coffee and home- were all invited to participate in one or two towards the end. made cakes available until 4.00pm and the gift shop will be open un- til the same time. The children were then given some soft drinks whilst mixing with the village folk. We are all very grateful to the children and PRIVATE GROUPS FOR TOURS - Private tours of the house and their teachers who take the time to prepare for this event and grounds are welcome on weekdays and Sundays provided they do we are very pleased to see them each year as they add a lot to not clash with other events. Your party should have at least 20 the occasion. people. Larger groups may be divided, each group having their own knowledgable and enthusiastic guide. The cost will be £12.00 each Finally a vote of thanks was given to Eileen Devereux and all person which includes tea or coffee and homemade cakes. A the ladies who had worked so hard once again to make this a £50.00 deposit will be needed to secure the date. To book your tour very enjoyable start to the Christmas festivities. We are all please contact: The Administrator, The Copped Hall Trust, The Sta- mindful that much work goes into organising the day as well as bles Courtyard, Crown Hill, Epping CM16 5HS. preparing all the food and we hope that long may your kindness continue. John Collins