|Lf]|Ll!!Always Bought
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' The canteen at the soldiers' home A Big Bargain for i 2 Cents Postpaid. Leavenworth, Kail., NEWS OF i near lias been MORTALITY REPORT | The year of 1906 was one of prodigal Ointment THE WEEK closed by act of congress. Tho pro- CONGRESS : plenty on onr seed farms. Never before Helskell’s QUITS •lid vegetable and farm seeds return such alone the liquor sold the fits from consumption pneumonia enormous yields. Inmates was SIB,OOO annually. and Cures Skin NOT MUCH DONE ON LAST head death list. I Now we wish to gain 200,000 new cits* Diseases Most Important Happenings ef tie* The postal receipts of the Kansas tomertf ‘.his and hence offer for 12c [ For half a century Helskell’s Ointment hmm DAY. ! year Past Seven Days. City postoffice for the month of Feb- postpaid been used in all canes of akin disease with Statistics Show That the 1 pkg. Garden City Beet 10c most gratifying result*. Many hare becoms ruary receipts Greatest " wore $129,1.43.1J. The 1 Earliest Ripe Cabbage 10c “ entirely cured who bad suffered untold pain for the same month last year were Number of Deaths From Lung 1 Earliest Emerald Cucumber 15c : “ and annoyance for years. One man In Nsw ' $115,774.98 showing an increase of SHIPPING BILL BEATEN , 1 La Crosse Market Lettuce 15c Trouble Occur in Winter. “ Baltimore,Pa., write* that It cured him when purls of 4h«r World 1 13 Day Radish 10c Condensed $13,368.13 or per “ he wa* raw all over. A lady Philadelphia IP/& cent. j 1 Blue Blood Tomato 15c In Space “ Into Small for tlia Arthur Brisbane editor of the New ' Big Appropriations Will Leave Little The Bureau of Census has published 1 Juicy Turnip 10c cured a case of tetter of six years’ standing Benefit of Onr Readers. York Journal has purchased a desert- Margin From Receipts—New a report presenting mortality statistics ; I 1000 kernels gloriously beautiful flow- In fourteen days, whilea man in Allentown, Pa., cured caee eczema village Jersey for the United States for the five er seeds 15c bis of that had troo- ed in New which he Forest Reservations. cal- blcd him for eleven years withless Personal. endar years 1900 to than two proposes to convert into a model farm. 1904. Total SI.OO the Washington.—With a new record for As boxes of ointment. These and hundreds J. M. Dopuy, representative from 1 The tract contains 600 acres and the shown In the table, tuberculosis All for 12c postpaid in order to intro- of others have large appropriations far-reaching found that Helskell's Oint- Taney county in the Missouri legis- ’ price and of the lungs and pneumonia by duce our warranted seeds, and if you ment Is worth more than was $125,000. were 16<- Its weight in gold. lature, died while eating supper legislation, the Fifty-ninth Congress far the 1 will send we will add one package of Being at 1 Lyman K, Lane, former financial leading causes of death. The Berliner Earliest Cauliflower, together a purely vegetable preparation, Hsls- brought to a close shortly I Uell's Ointment Jefferson City. clerk in the office of the Indian agent was after greatest number of deaths from lung j with our mammoth plant, nursery stock, soothes and heals whero others allays the Itching and H. Bowyer McDonald, ch‘ef clerk of* at Muskogee, I. T., has been arrested noon Monday. The last few hours trouble occur during the winter vegetable and farm seed and tool catalog. fall. It burn- This catalog is mailed free to all in- ing common to all skin disease, and all ylald the United States senate, is dead. * charged with the embezzlement of were tame by comparison with what months. Colds are so prolific of lung tending purchasers. Write to-day. quickly to Its magic infl ticnce. His father and grandfather had been government had been trouble that they should not be neg- 3 $7,895 of funds. expected. John A. Kalzer Seed Co., Box \V, La There are many varieties of skin employed capacity. lected. Persons diseases in the same By a vote of 70 to 40, Senator Jo- Long belore noon Senator Gallin- with weak lungs Crosse, Wis. with confusing titles, but they are all Shaw, should be Leslie M. secretary of the seph W. Bailey has been exonerated ger’e fight for the passage of the ship especially careful. tlble to one and the same euro—llslskell’s treasury, has been eler ed president * by legls- subsidy A noted authority on lung trouble “Warfare” In Africa. Ointment. No one need suffer long ifafflicted the lower house of the Texas bill had been abandoned and any of the newly organized Carnegie Trust lature charges irregular acts in advises that as soon as a cold Is con- In the neighborhood of Lake Tchad, with skin disease not of a constitutional -1 of of the filibuster against it conducted by character Ifthey willapply this company of New York. tracted the following simple Africa, the other day. negro troop- remedy. This public life. Senator Carmack being no treatment six includes such skin disease* us erysipelas, pru- Myron R. Sturtevant, national bank longer nec- should be given. The ers, a eczema, milk crust, By the carelessness of a porter who ingredients can commanded by corporal, armed rigo, itching piles, scald- examiner for Oklahoma, has resigned j essary, he surrendered the floor, much be purchased from with carbines head.totter,ringworm, blackheads, paoiiasla threw a lighted match into a keg of any prescription only, successfully de- pimples, freckles. In some .'uses It Is nece» to accept the position of cashier of to the disappointment of the galleries. druggist at small cost and easily pre- fended a little mud fort against 500 sury to give some constitutional treatment, "fireproof” paint an explosion was ns erysipelas, eczema, ' the Central National bank of St. President Roosevelt, with his Cabi- pared in your warlike Tauregs, In eio.jth livershould ’ caused at St. Joseph, Mo., which re- own home. It is said to and when the Tau- l>e toned to healthy action and .he blood and Louis. net, White House staff be so effective that up a regs gave up the attempt retired, nil the secretions purified. In nil cases of sulted in fire loss of $50,000. and a number it will break and skin disea.-ecures are hastened by the Joseph Turner, the first manu- a cold in the troopers use of The 25,000 employes of the Colo- of guests, occupied the President’s twenty-four hours and cure any sallied out and "pun- Heiskeli’s Medicinal tioap before n pply tng the facturer of razors in America, died j cough that ished" them. ointment, and In denning up tho blood and rado Fuel & company ceased room in the Senate wing. Seated at a is curable. recently Mass. Iron liver with Helskell’s iiloodand Liver Pills. at Worcester, big table in the center of the roonf, Take one-half ounce Virgin OH of | work for two hours and a half re- he In a Pinch, and Toilet Soap con- The 100th anniversary of the birth signed were Pine (Pure), Use ALLEN’S FOOT-EASE. Helskell’s Medicinal cently during progress bii's as they enrolled and two ounces of Glycerine powder. tains in amodliiod form the mcdiciual prop- Henry Longfellow, poet, the of the presented eight A It cures painful, smart- of W. the to him. On account of the and ounces of good Whisky. ing, ertiesof Heiskeli's Ointment, and is partJoo- ’ funeral of Frank J. Hearne, presi- nervous feet and ingrowing nails. lariy effective in slight tliHordcrs of the skin, was observed throughout New Eng- dispatch with which business had been Shake well teaspoonful dent of the company. and take in It’s the greatest comfort discovery of as rash, eruptions and abrasions. It cleans recently. conducted during the past week, there perfectly, and In the bulb m a great luxury. land Utica, doses every four hours. the age. Makes new shoes , The Y. M. C. A. building at were only forty bills be signed. easj'. A W. A. Garrett has been elected to Be sure that the Virgin Oil of Pine certain cure for sweating Ilelskoll’s P.lood and Liver nils contain th# ‘ N. Y., was totally destroyed by fire When the members of the feet. Sold active principles various president of the Seaboard Air line to committee (Pure) is in the original by all Druggists. 27c. medicinal of roots recently, causing a loss of $150,000. which waited upon him with the infor- half-ounce Accent no sub- and herbs approved in medlcul practice. succeed Alfred Walter, recently de- vials, which are put up expressly for stitute. Trial package. Ad- The supreme court of Indiana hap mation that Congress was ready to ad- dress Remember that there is no case so obstinata ceased. journ had druggists to dispense. Each vial is A. S. Olmsted. Le Roy. N. Y. that lleihkell's Ointment willnotrurelt. Tho declared unconstitutional the employ- delivered their message, the se- ointment In sold 60c box. Second Assistant Postmaster Gen- President thanked them for the laws curely sealed in a round wooden case, at a Soap at 26c a , ers liability law except as regards Idleness and pride tax with a heav- cake. Pills at 25c a bottle. eral Shallenbarger has resigned his that had been enacted, but he added with engraved wrapper, name ! railroads. with the ier hand than kings and parliaments. You can get them of any druggist, or wa position and Representative McCleary with a smile that he still had several —Virgin willsend ranil on price.