This guide is intended to make Pesach preparations a bit easier by answering certain common questions. Much of this information was compiled through major Kashrus agencies (OU, Kof-K, Star-K, OK, CRC- Chicago Rabbinical Council, etc). You can hit "CTRL+F" to search for specific information.

The following links offer additional resources:

MECHIRAS - THE SALE OF CHAMETZ (Power of Attorney Form)

בל יראה A Jew who has chametz in his or her possession during Pesach transgresses the prohibition of chametz must not be found). Therefore, one must destroy or) בל ימצא chametz must not be seen) and) sell one’s chametz to a non-Jew while one is still allowed to have it in one’s possession. Only by selling the chametz prior to Pesach may a Jew buy the chametz back from a non-Jew and use it again after Pesach.

For the reasons stated above, Mechiras Chametz (the sale of Chametz) is not simply a ceremonial procedure but rather an actual and binding contract. For that purpose, one must sign a contract of sale called a “Power of Attorney,” which allows a Rabbi to act on one’s behalf in selling one’s chametz to a non-Jew. The Mechiras Chametz procedure should only take a few minutes, and one should be prepared with the following information before coming to sell one’s chametz:

• The type of chametz one wishes to sell (e.g., groceries, liquor, over-the-counter chametz medications, toiletries, etc.) • The exact location of the Chametz (e.g., kitchen, pantry, living room, cabinets, etc.) • The approximate value of the chametz

This year we will once again allow for in-person sale of chametz. Please see the schedule below for times when Rabbi Silber will be available. If you have health concerns and are unable to come in person please use this link ( to fill out the form online. For in-person chametz sales please use this document ( and bring a completed copy with you to sell your chametz. ***Mechiras Chametz times are as follows: Sunday, March 14 5:00-5:50PM 6:20-7:00PM Monday, March 15 7:30-8:20PM Sunday, March 21 9:30-11:00AM 6:20-7:00PM Monday, March 22 7:30-8:15PM

***Hagolas Keilim: The Shul will be offering Hagolas Keilim (kashering) on Sunday, March 21 from 10am-12pm in the fleishig (left side) kitchen. 1 MAOS CHITIM - CHARITY FOR PESACH (

Pesach is the Yom Tov on which we celebrate our freedom. The greatest manifestation of freedom is the ability to give to and care for another. As we prepare ourselves and our homes for Pesach; as we plan our menus and engage in our pre-Pesach shopping, we must pause and think about those experiencing financial hardship. Please contribute to the Shul Maos Chitim fund here and help us help others enjoy and celebrate the Yom Tov of Pesach. Let us use our freedom in the holiest and most meaningful way possible – let’s do what we can to help one another.

If you would like to contribute by check, please make check payable to SOTC Torah Fund and note Maos Chitim in the memo line: 7504 Seven Mile Lane, Baltimore 21208.


Last year many people stayed home for Pesach for the first time and purchased new table and kitchenware. Due to the public health crisis, tevilas keilim (immersing new utensils in the mikva) was impossible prior to their use, compelling us to rely on a halachic leniency which allows them to be used after declaring them ownerless. This year, the circumstances have improved and tevillas Keilim has become feasible once again. Therefore, all previously purchased and new items must be toveled before using them this year.


This year is unique in that Erev Pesach is on Shabbos. As such, there are several modifications that need to be made to the normal routine for Erev Pesach. Please see below for guidance (

Thursday – Taanis Bechorim/Bedikas Chametz

On a regular Erev Pesach the first-born males (bechorim) are obligated to fast. This year, the fast is pushed back to Thursday. Those bechorim who do not wish to fast should attend a siyum. The shul will be hosting a siyum following Shacharis (details to follow).

Thursday night, after tzeis hakochavim (8:05pm), one should immediately perform bedikas chametz. A bracha and Kol Chamira (same as usual) are recited.


Bedikas Chametz (search for chametz) is conducted on the evening of the 12th of Nissan this year (Thursday, March 25th) after 8:05pm. Biur Chametz (burning of chametz) is done on the morning of the 13th of (Friday, March 26th). For details and times, please see designated sections below.

The bedika should be performed as immediately as possible after the time mentioned above. One should not eat or begin any other activities before the bedika. The reason for this is that involvement in other matters may cause a person to forget to search for chametz.

The search should preferably be done with a single wax candle although any similar candle is acceptable. A flashlight should be used for places that a candle would be dangerous, or that are difficult to access (e.g., car, boiler room). The lights in the room where the search is taking place may be shut so that the light of the candle can illuminate the room sufficiently and make the search efficient. However, one may also keep the lights on in order to help the search. A flashlight may be used in addition to the candle. One should not“ אשר קדשנו במצותיו וצונו על ביעור חמץ.“ The bracha said before one begins the search is speak from the time the bracha is made until the conclusion of the Bedikah. If one forgot to say the 2 bracha, one may do so anytime during the search. If someone cannot search his or her home personally, one can appoint a shaliach (agent) to do so on their behalf. The shaliach must make the bracha and search as if he or she is the owner.

The custom is to place ten small pieces of bread around the house in different locations. This is to ensure that if no other chametz is found, the bracha said would not be in vain. Needless to say, the search for the chametz is not for the 10 pieces alone, rather to ensure that no chametz is found in the house.


All rooms of the house require bedikah because a person may, on occasion, enter a room during a meal carrying chametz. The same Halacha applies to a basement, attic, pantry, storage bin, or other areas where food or beverages are kept or where a person may enter during a meal. It is especially important to search pockets of clothing, children’s backpacks, briefcases, and cars.

If one searches more than one location, he or she should only make one bracha on the first location and have in mind the other locations. If one has other people searching multiple locations on his or her behalf, the messengers should hear the original bracha from the owner and then proceed to search in their respective locations.

should be recited. Through (כל חמירא) At the conclusion of the Bedika, the paragraph of Kol Chameira this statement one relinquishes ownership over all unknown chametz. Kol Chameira should be recited in any language that a person understands. In English the following should be said “All chametz or leaven which is in my domain, which I have not seen, have not removed and do not know about, should be annulled and become ownerless, like dust of the earth.”


If one is going away for the entire Yom Tov, he or she may sell their chametz and lease their home to a non-Jew. Therefore, the suggestion for those who will be away for all of Pesach is to clean all of the visual Chametz from one’s home and perform a bedikah the night before one leaves. The bedika may be performed if they leave home within 30 days of Pesach. No bracha is recited when performing such a bedika. The chametz from the bedika should be taken to the Pesach destination and burned on Erev Yom Tov at that location. The remaining chametz in the house should be sold to the non-Jew. The statement of Kol Chamira, nullifying all chametz in one’s possession, must still be recited on Shabbos morning.


If arrival is before the night of the search (that afternoon or before), there is an obligation to search the hotel room with a bracha and nullify the chametz in the room by reciting Kol Chameira.


• Chametz which is necessary for Friday night and Shabbos morning meals should be placed in a disposable container away from all Pesach food. • Although chametz may be purchased and eaten all day Friday, the custom is to sell and burn the chametz before the sof zman biur chametz (11:45am), corresponding to when that time occurs on the actual day of Erev Pesach. Burning it later could lead to confusion in subsequent years. Information regarding communal chometz burning will be forthcoming in shul emails and posted on Baltimore Jewish Life.

3 • Kol Chamira is not recited at the time of burning. • All keilim should be kashered by this time. If one did not kasher by that time, one could kasher keilim until candle lighting on Friday.

The following preparations for the Seder should be made on Erev Shabbos: Roast the egg and z’roa, check and clean lettuce leaves, chop the nuts for the charoses, and grate the horseradish. Food cooked for Shabbos and Yom Tov should be kosher l’Pesach and cooked in Pesach pots.

After chatzos (midday) on a regular Erev Pesach, one may not perform various melachos (e.g., shaving, doing laundry). These halachos do not apply this year since Erev Shabbos is not actually Erev Pesach.


Except for Hamotzi, all meals should be eaten on Pesach utensils. These utensils should not be brought to the table until after all crumbs have been cleared away. Alternatively, one may use disposable utensils.

The procedure for Hamotzi for all Shabbos meals is as follows:

• Place the lechem mishneh on tissues or paper napkins on the table. No Kosher l’Pesach utensils should be on the table with the rolls. • Eat the rolls carefully over tissues/napkins, so that any remaining crumbs can be wrapped in the tissues and flushed or shaken out of the napkins and flushed. • It is advisable to use small rolls for lechem mishneh. • Clear the table of all chametz. • Discard all disposable items (e.g., plastic tablecloth, plates) used with chametz into a trash can. • Serve the rest of the Kosher l’Pesach meal on Pesachdig or disposable dishes. • For children who may leave crumbs, egg matzah may be substituted. Because the bracha on egg matzah is a matter of dispute, adults should use rolls for lechem mishneh. • After making Hamotzi and eating more than a kebei’a of the roll (1/3 of an average roll), adults may eat egg matzah until the sof zman achilas chametz (latest time to eat chametz) 10:33am. • On Shabbos Erev Pesach, regular matzah may not be eaten by anyone except children under six.

If one is concerned with eating any bread indoors, one may eat outdoors on the porch or in the backyard (if it is permissible to carry – i.e., within the eruv or a fenced in private property). Recite Hamotzi, eat the rolls, then sweep the crumbs off the table and off the porch. One may not sweep the crumbs into the wind or out of an eruv. Alternatively, eat over tissues or napkins and discard as above. One may finish the meal inside. It is best to recite Birchas Hamazon where the bread was eaten.


Shacharis on Shabbos morning will be scheduled earlier than usual because one must recite Hamotzi on lechem mishneh. One may eat chametz until the end of the "4th halachik hour" of the day. This year, the last time to eat chametz in Baltimore on Shabbos, Erev Pesach (14th of Nisan, Shabbos, March 27th) is 10:33am.

After disposing of all chametz, one must recite the same Kol Chamira that is usually said when burning the chametz. This must be done before the sof zman biur chametz (11:44am). It is recited even if it was already recited by mistake on Friday at the time of biur chametz.

One may continue his Kosher l’Pesach meal and recite Birchas Hamazon after these times.


During seuda shlishis on an ordinary Shabbos, the third meal includes the consumption of bread. On this Shabbos, one may not eat bread or matzah at this time.

One should eat “other foods” during the afternoon meal, such as fish, fruits, or Shehakol cakes (cakes made only from potato starch) any time between Mincha Gedola (1:43pm) and sunset (7:25pm). However, if one eats these foods after the beginning of the tenth hour (4:45pm), one should be especially careful not eat too much, thereby diminishing his appetite for the Seder.

For those who follow the custom of eating gebrokts on Pesach, cooked products containing matzah meal (e.g., matza balls) may be eaten if they are consumed before the 10th hour of the day. Baked matzah meal products, including cakes, may not be eaten anytime during the day.

Splitting the Morning Meal

If time permits, it is preferable to “split the morning meal” by doing the following:

• Recite Hamotzi and eat more than a kebei’a (an egg size) from the rolls. • Recite Birchas Hamazon and take a walk outside. • Then, wash for seuda shlishis and recite Hamotzi. • Be careful to finish the bread and dispose of the crumbs by the times indicated above. • If one “splits” the morning meal in this way, one must still eat something after Mincha Gedola as described above to fulfill the mitzvah of seuda shlishis in the prescribed time according to most opinions.


All preparation for Yom Tov and the seder may not begin until Shabbos is over (8:10pm). As previously indicated, some preparations should be done before Shabbos.

Kiddush and Havdalah (yaknahaz) are recited together at the Seder as printed in the . One should recite Borei Me’orei Ha’aish using the Yom Tov candles, putting them together side by side while upright. They should not be tilted to touch each other. Alternatively, one may recite the bracha using a non-frosted incandescent light bulb which was turned on before Shabbos (or was turned on by a timer that was set before Shabbos).

At the Seder, there is one change to the Haggadah: In the bracha of Asher G’alanu prior to the second cup of wine, we reverse the order and say min hapesachim u’min hazevachim (instead of the opposite order). This is due to the change in the order of korbanos when Pesach occurs on Motzei Shabbos.


The Seder service is divided into 14 sections (the word Seder means “order”):

Kadesh - Sanctifying the day over a cup of wine

Urchatz - Washing the hands prior to eating

Karpas - Eating a vegetable like potatoes or parsley dipped in salt water

5 Yachatz - The breaking of the middle matza

Maggid - The story of our Exodus from Egypt

Rachtza - Washing the hands in preparation for eating the matza

Motzi Matza - Eating the required amount of matza

Maror - Eating the required amount of bitter herbs dipped in charoses

Koraich - Eating the “Hillel Sandwich” of matza and , dipped in charoses

Shulchan Oraich - Eating the festive meal

Tzafun - “Dessert,” through eating the required amount of Afikomen (matza)

Barech - Grace After Meals

Hallel - Prayers in praise of Hashem

Nirtzah - Conclusion of the Seder and the festive songs


The Seder plate, upon which all the symbols of Pesach are placed, is at the center of the celebration. A large plate is set at the head of the table (and in many households, before each guest at the Seder) and includes the following items:

• Three covered .

• A roasted meat bone, on the upper right, to remember the time when our ancestors would offer the Korban Pesach () in observance of the holiday.

• A roasted egg, on the upper left, as a remembrance of the additional festival offering by our ancestors in celebration of Pesach.

• Maror (bitter herbs: horseradish or romaine lettuce leaves), placed in the center and at bottom, to remind us of the bitter slavery suffered by our people during their long stay in Egypt.

• Charoses, on the lower right, a mixture of nuts, apples, cinnamon, and wine, that serves as a symbol of the mortar used for making the bricks with which our ancestors built cities for Paroh.

Many in the Sephardic community add fruits such as raisins, pomegranates, cinnamon, ginger and other sweet ingredients to the charoses.

• Karpas (potatoes, parsley, or any vegetable), on the lower left, to be dipped in salt water during the Seder, signaling the festive nature of the meal and to arouse the curiosity of the children.

Some in the Sephardic community dip the Karpas into Kosher for Pesach vinegar instead of salt water.

Since everyone is obligated to drink four cups of wine during the Seder to commemorate the redemption of our people, each person attending the Seder should have his or her own cup of wine. Ashkenazim say a bracha over each of the four cups of wine. Most Sephardim only recite brachos over the first and third cups of wine.


The first of the Seder night mitzvos is the drinking of four cups of wine (known in Hebrew as Arba Kosos) by both men and women, in tribute to the Almighty for the four promises made and fulfilled concerning the redemption (see Exodus 6:6-7).

In honor of the prophet Eliyahu (Elijah), an additional cup of wine is placed on the table. This wine is not drunk. Eliyahu is the symbol of peace and freedom that one day will reign throughout the world. To symbolize the coming of Eliyahu, the door is opened (following the meal) and all rise to welcome him with the words “Baruch Haba - Blessed is he who comes.”

Based on the halachik decisions of Rav Moshe Feinstein zt’l, the following are the minimum amounts of wine required during the Seder:

For the Arba Kosos (four required cups of wine), for Kiddush (except on Friday night) and for Havdalah, the cup must contain at least 3.3 fluid ounces (revi’is ha-lug) in size. The obligation is fulfilled if more than one-half (rov kos) of each cup is consumed after each blessing over the wine.

Since the regular Friday evening Kiddush throughout the year requires a cup that contains at least 4.42 fluid ounces, the Friday night Seder Kiddush requires 4.42 fluid ounces, while the other three cups require 3.3 fluid ounces.


Note: The Bracha over all these mixtures is “Hagafen”

• Full-strength (undiluted) wine is required for the Arba Kosos.

• If one’s health does not permit this, one may dilute the wine with grape juice. One should be careful to only dilute the wine as much as necessary, with the least amount of grape juice possible.

• If for health reasons one cannot use wine at all, one may substitute grape juice.

• If one must dilute grape juice with water, the ratio should not exceed two-thirds cup water to one- third cup grape juice.

• If one does not have enough wine to perform the mitzvah (Kiddush, Havdalah, etc.), water may be added but not in excess of two-fifths cup wine to three-fifths cup water.


Relating the story of our Exodus from Egypt is the vital mitzvah of the Seder night. The Torah teaches us that one is specifically obligated to tell the story of Passover to the children (V’hegadita l’vincha). It is therefore important for everyone present, the children in particular, to understand the story. Throughout the Seder, it is appropriate to offer commentary or insights into , and anyone who amplifies the story through questions, interpretations, or discussion, is deemed to be “praiseworthy.” Most importantly, children should be encouraged to raise any questions they have at the Seder — separate from the well-known “Mah Nishtana” — to further demonstrate the true meaning of freedom.


The mitzvah of eating matza at the Seder is one of the most important of our Torah commandments, and both men and women are required to fulfill this mitzvah. We eat matza at three specific points during the Seder service: 7 Motzi Matza: This matza is eaten immediately after the appropriate blessings are recited.

Koraich: The sandwich of matza and maror, eaten prior to the main meal.

Afikomen (dessert): The eating of matza at the conclusion of the Seder.

The halachik requirement is to eat a “k’zayis” (the volume of an olive) of Matza Shmurah, at each of these points during the Seder. Matza Shmurah has been supervised by a Jew from the time of harvest through baking. Based on the halachik decisions of the late Rabbi Moshe Feinstein zt’l, the following are the minimum amounts of Matza Shmura required during the Seder:

Motzi Matza: a piece equivalent in size to 6 inches by 4 inches

Koraich: a piece equivalent to 6 inches by 3 inches

Afikomen: a piece equivalent to 6 inches by 4 inches

If for health reasons, one cannot eat matza, Shmurah Matza meal (upon which one is permitted to recite the Hamotzi) may be substituted as follows:

• After reciting the bracha “Al Achilas Matza” and for the Afikomen, an amount of matza meal that can be compacted into a vessel measuring 1.5 fluid ounces.

• For Koraich — an amount of matza meal that can be compacted into a vessel holding 1.1 fluid ounces.

Matza Ashira: Most Sephardim, unlike Ashkenazim, permit matza ashira, which is made from fruit juice or eggs, on Pesach. Please check with your Rabbi to determine the appropriate use of these products on Pesach. Some Sephardic communities pass the Afikomen around the Seder table from right shoulder to right shoulder, thus reenacting the Exodus from Egypt.


Bitter Herbs - horseradish or romaine lettuce. The eating of bitter herbs is another Seder night mitzvah, reminding us of the bitterness of slavery. Both men and women must eat the equivalent of a k’zayis. Bottled horseradish does not fulfill the mitzvah of maror. When Romaine lettuce is used, each leaf must be carefully inspected to ensure that there are no insects. Prior to the inspection, the outer leaves should be removed and discarded. Separate all leaves and wash each one thoroughly under a hard stream of water. Only then should the individual leaves be examined under good lighting. (Careful washing will ensure that no Torah laws are violated by the ingestion of insects.)

Rav Moshe Feinstein zt’l ruled that one may use iceberg lettuce for maror.

Sephardim do not use horseradish, as it has a sharp taste and not a bitter one. The Sephardic custom is to use the fresh leaves or stalks of Romaine lettuce or endives but not the root. One should check the maror for bugs on the eve of Passover, before the first Seder.

8 KASHERING GUIDELINES The Shul will be offering Hagolas Keilim (kashering) on Sunday, March 21 from 10am-12pm in the fleishig (left side) kitchen.

Aside from the prohibition of consuming actual chametz on Pesach, one is forbidden from consuming even kosher for Pesach foods which are absorbed with the taste of chametz. It is for this reason that one may not prepare food for Pesach with the same utensils used throughout the year unless they have been kashered.

There are two methods of kashering: The first uses the logic of keboloh kach polto, which says that in exactly the way the taste became absorbed into the utensil, so too will it be expelled; this is known as hagolah. The second method of kashering is accomplished by burning out and thus destroying the absorbed taste; this is known as libun.

The method by which one would have to kasher is determined by its normal use and the structure of the utensil and whether the hagolah can practically remove the taste. Below is a detailed list of practical methods to kasher utensils so that they can be used for Pesach.

It is important to note that unlike tevillas keilim, there is no need to kasher the entire utensil at once, one may kasher a utensil in sections if needed. This is relevant when kashering sinks or other large items.

Four-Step Process for Hagolah (purging with boiling water):

1. Thoroughly clean utensils

2. Do not use utensil within 24 hours of kashering

3. Immerse in boiling water for a few seconds

4. Wash off utensil in cold water

It is important to be careful that the water is in a rolling boil during the entire kashering process. It is very common that when Kashering many items (e.g. silverware) that the water will cool below boiling for a few seconds.

Process for Libun (incinerating):

Libun Gamur - heating metal to a glow.

Libun Kal - heating metal so that paper will burn on the other side of the heated utensil. This method has the halachic equivalence to Hagolah.

Materials that can be kashered: Stone, metal, rubber, plastic and wood (although wood itself is a kasherable material, one may not kasher wood that has cracks, since there might be actual chametz in the crack and Hagolah would not work).

Materials that cannot be kashered: China, pottery, earthenware, cement, concrete, and enameled Teflon and Silverstone

Enamel - Similar to china and earthenware (however, during the rest of the year irui three times).

9 Glass – if used with hot beverages or washed in a dishwasher, it may not be kashered for Pesach use. If used exclusively for cold (not washed with other chametz dishes and unable to obtain a similar utensil for Pesach use) one may perform Milui V’lriu (submerge glasses in water for 72 hours and change the water every 24 hours). This does not apply to glassware used for whiskey, since odor and taste of whiskey remains.

Common Kitchen Utensils and Method of Kashering:

Keurig Coffee Maker – the coffee maker must be cleaned well and not used for 24 hours. Remove K-cup holder and perform Hagolah or irui on K-cup holder. Run a Kosher for Passover K-cup (or just a clean water cycle) in the machine (this will kasher the top pin).

Kiddush Cup – Pour boiling water over the cup or immerse in pot of boiling water.

Knives – Be sure there are no food remnants stuck in the cracks. Then immerse in boiling water (follow 4 step process above).

Pots - Immerse in boiling water (follow 4 step process above).

Baking Pans, Spits - Libun Gamur

Frying Pans –It is preferable to purchase new ones for Pesach.

Flatware - Immerse in boiling water (follow 4 step process above)

Mixer, Food Processor – The motor area of small electric appliances (e.g. mixers, food processor, blenders) is often exposed to chametz and is very difficult to clean; it is therefore recommended that one purchase separate appliances which should be reserved for Pesach use. A food processor or blender whose motor area is truly sealed, such that food does not penetrate, is not affected by this issue and may be used for Pesach after separate bowls and blades are purchased for Pesach use.

Hot Plate – Clean and do not use for 24 hours, then leave on the highest setting for 30 minutes.

Sinks – Stainless steel, granite or Corian sinks may be kashered using the following method:

• Clean them thoroughly, and leave them unused for 24 hours • Boil a kettle of water and carefully pour that water over all surfaces of the sink and faucet. • Preferably, the sink should be rinsed with cold water after kashering is completed. • The strainer covering the sink’s drain, and the aerator on the faucet should be replaced for Pesach (if possible, if not pour boiling water on these areas). • If a faucet has a coiled hose, the faucet can be used on Pesach as long as the coiled portion remains in the “base” and is not pulled out. • Another method of kashering a sink would be by using a hot water vapor steamer (provided that the steam reaches 212° F). • Porcelain sinks cannot be kashered. • Dishes and other Pesach utensils may not be placed in a sink which was not koshered. Rather, an insert or basin which was never used for chametz must be placed in the sink, and all dishes should be put into that insert.

Hot Water Faucet - If made completely of metal, pour boiling water over it (irui kli rishon).

Can Opener - manual or electric - Clean thoroughly.

10 Stovetops (ranges) and ovens may be kashered for Pesach use. The most common type of stovetop is a metal grate over an open flame, which is situated on a porcelain enamel surface. Others have electric coils in the place of an open flame or have a glass (a.k.a. glass-ceramic) surface covering electric coils; the most popular brands for this last type of stovetop are Corning and Ceran.

The kashering of stovetops – including glass ones – is done as follows:

• All parts of the stovetop should be thoroughly cleaned, including scraping residual food from the surface and catch-tray, and not used for 24 hours. • Then the fire or coil should be turned to its maximum temperature for at least 30 minutes. [For electric stovetops with exposed coils (i.e. not covered with glass), leave the coils on for just 15 minutes.] • Afterwards, cover the following areas with foil: (a) the knobs, catch trays, and all areas between the burners, and (b) areas behind the burners where pots might touch. • If there is food residue on the underside of the stove’s hood, it should be thoroughly cleaned before Pesach.

Electric Cooktop with Glass Surface - Kashering a glass-ceramic electric cooktop for Pesach use is a bit complex. To kasher the burner area, one should clean it well and turn on the elements until they glow. The burner area will then be considered Kosher for Passover. However, the remaining area that does not get hot is not kashered. The manufacturers do not suggest covering this area as one would a porcelain or stainless steel cooktop, as it may cause the glass to break. Real kosherization can be accomplished by holding a blowtorch over the glass until it is hot enough to singe a piece of newspaper upon contact with the glass. However, this may cause the glass to shatter and is not recommended.

As the area between the burners cannot practically be kashered, it would be wise to place a trivet on the open glass area so the pots can be transferred. Furthermore, in order to use a large pot that extends beyond the designated cooking area, one should place a metal disc approximately 1/8 of an inch thick onto the burner area in order to raise the Passover pots above the rest of the glass surface. (CAUTION: This disc should not extend beyond the designated cooking area.) There are stovetop heat diffusers made specifically for glass stovetops that will serve the same purpose. Caution should be taken to obtain one that will not harm the surface. This will also help in case a small pot boils over, sending a trickle of hot liquid that would serve as a connector from the Passover pot to the non-Passover stovetop. NOTE: Cooking efficiency may be compromised when using a metal disc.

Gas Cooktop with a Glass Surface - For gas stovetops with a glass surface, one may kasher the grates by putting them into the oven with libun kal (550°F for 40 minutes). In most such models, the grates cover the entire top of the stove and there should be no problem adjusting pots on the stovetop. Food which falls through the grates and touches the glass surface should not be used.

For those models where the grates do not cover the entire cooktop surface it would be wise to place a trivet on the open glass area so that pots may be transferred. No food or pots may come into direct contact with the non-kashered glass surface.

Some gas cooktops have an electric warming area on the glasstop. In order to kasher this area, it would have to become red hot when turned on. Many of these warming areas do not become hot enough for kashering and may not be used on Pesach.

11 Non-Self-Cleaning Oven - All surfaces of the oven and racks must be thoroughly cleaned, the oven and racks should not be used for a full 24 hours, and then the oven should be turned on to 500- 550°F for one hour. As an added precaution for Pesach, once this process is complete, some cover the racks and grates on both sides with aluminum foil (which should be perforated for air circulation), and do not allow food to touch the side, bottom or top of the oven on Pesach.

Self-Cleaning Oven - A complete high-temperature self-clean cycle should be run with the racks inside the oven, and then the oven may be used for Pesach without covering the racks. This koshering may be done even if the oven was not left unused for 24 hours. If the racks are not inside the oven while the self-clean cycle is run, the racks should be kashered separately. Note: Low-temperature self-clean cycles (e.g. AquaLift, Steam Clean) do not qualify as kashering.

Warming Drawer - should not be kashered for Pesach.

Microwave Oven –

• Microwaves may be used on Chol HaMoed, but not on Shabbos and Yom Tov. • The glass plate cannot be kashered (or used) and should be removed before kashering begins. • Some microwaves have a porcelain enamel interior; these cannot be kashered. • To kasher the microwave appliance, clean it thoroughly, and do not use it for 24 hours. • Then a cup of water should be boiled in the chamber for an extended amount of time, until the chamber fills with steam and the water overflows from the cup. • For Pesach, it is a commendable extra precaution to cover all foods in the microwave, even after performing the above kashering. • If a microwave has a metal grate, it should be kashered in a pot of hot water as described in the Flatware section above. • For convection microwave ovens, the same kashering process as a conventional oven should be followed, paying particular attention to cleaning out the chamber and fan assembly.

Tablecloth - Fabric tablecloths may be used for Pesach after being laundered. Vinyl tablecloths cannot be kashered and should be replaced for Pesach.

Dishwashers - stainless steel, plastic, or porcelain dishwashers which have plastic pumps, parts and rubber hoses cannot be kashered for Pesach or the rest of the year.

Countertops - in any situation where the countertop cannot or will not be kashered, it may only be used on Pesach after being covered with a non-porous material which will not easily rip or tear. The procedure for kashering a countertop is to clean it thoroughly, not use it for 24 hours, boil a kettle of water and carefully pour that water over all surfaces of the counter from the kettle. Once the countertop is kashered, it may be used without being covered. However, many people have a custom to both kasher and cover their countertops.

One may not kasher utensils made of certain materials (ceramic, cement, glass), or with materials which are not robust enough to withstand kashering, and one may also not kasher any utensil that has cracks, nicks, or scratches where pieces of food might get stuck. These same restrictions apply to countertops. Practical examples of counters which can and cannot be kashered are detailed below. Silestone, Porcelain Enamel, Plastic/Formica, and Granite Composite countertops - cannot be kashered. They should be cleaned and covered. To place hot food and utensils on these countertops, cardboard or thick pads must be used to cover the counter.

12 Corian is also a form of plastic that cannot be kashered, but since the chametz penetrates only a thin layer of the counter, it can be sanded down to take off a layer of Corian (the thickness of a piece of paper). It then is considered kosher for Pesach. However, only a qualified contractor should attempt this procedure.

Pure granite (not granite composite), marble, stainless steel, or metal may be kashered through irui roschim (if you are using a percolator, be certain that the water temperature reaches at least 212° as many do not). Wood may also be kashered through irui roschim if it has a smooth surface).