In partnership with FOREWORD FOREWORD

On 7th January, I opened an international call for applications to On average it can take 17 years for a great idea to scale within the the NHS Innovation Accelerator programme. I am delighted to now health service so that it is available for all patients and clinicians who welcome our first cohort of Fellows, and to thank all those people who want to use or benefit from it. There is no silver bullet when it comes have given their time and expertise to supporting the selection process to getting innovation into practice, but the NHS Innovation Accelerator and co-design of the programme. programme gives healthcare a fantastic opportunity to address historic barriers and develop future strategies for diffusion that are planned The NIA aims to deliver on the commitments detailed within the Five from the outset with patients and local communities, supported by Year Forward View - giving people more equitable access to high national and international learning and expertise. impact innovations by focusing on the conditions and cultural change needed to enable diffusion of innovations that matter to patients at In partnership with the Academic Health Science Networks across the pace and scale. country and with the support of over 60 assessors and interviewers, we have selected 17 highly impressive healthcare pioneers, dedicated By supporting our Fellows and their innovations and acting on their to speeding up the process of adoption and helping larger numbers of learning, the NHS Innovation Accelerator Programme will build on patients sooner. the UK’s enviable history of discovery and innovation by embracing healthcare from around the world to improve patient care while We are very excited to be working with the Fellows throughout the reducing costs and providing better value for the taxpayer. coming year, to learn at an individual and system level from their experiences, and to help them in their quest to make things better for I very much look forward to hearing about and learning from the patients today and for future generations. Fellows’ progress during the months ahead, and to working with partners to improve our ability to adopt and diffuse for patient and system benefit.

Professor Sir David Fish Dr Jennifer Dixon Managing Director, UCLPartners Chief Executive, The Health Foundation Professor Sir Bruce Keogh Medical Director, NHS England


UCLPartners and the Health Foundation co-host the NIA in collaboration with willingness to generate system-wide learnings through sharing their experiences of Academic Health Science Networks (AHSNs) across the country and in partnership diffusing innovations. with NHS England. The Fellows will be supported by a learning programme to take their innovations to a The aim of the NIA is to deliver on the commitment detailed within the Five Year larger number of patients at greater pace. Forward View - creating the conditions and cultural change necessary for proven innovations to be adopted faster and more systematically through the NHS, and to The learning element of the NIA programme has been co–designed with patient deliver examples into practice for demonstrable patient and population benefit. networks, Fellows, AHSNs and other partners around an agreed set of principles to ensure it is agile and adaptive, builds from existing national and international A call for applications from prospective NHS Innovation Accelerator Fellows was infrastructure (rather than reinventing the wheel), is collaborative, and enables the launched by Professor Sir Bruce Keogh, Medical Director NHS England on 7th January Fellows to test hypotheses around diffusing innovations within the NHS. Technical 2015. Following a rigorous, multi-stage selection process, the first cohort of 17 support for the co-design of the learning programme has been provided by the Fellows was appointed on the basis of having a set of values and passion for taking Innovation Unit www.innovationunit.org a high impact innovation to benefit more people and a wider population, and a The Fellows will receive support through a variety of mechanisms summarised below:

ACTION PLAN ACTION Fellows will develop a 12 month Action Plan detailing their scaling goals and milestones. Fellows will also develop a more detailed 12 week Sprint Plan covering their activities, PLAN hypotheses they wish to test and their support needs.

COACH Each Fellow will have a coach who develops an in-depth understanding of their innovation, ambition and learning needs. They will offer the equivalent of around 12 COACH days support over the initial 12 months through face-to-face, email and phone contact.

MENTOR Fellows will - through a dynamic matching process - have access to a range of seasoned MENTOR healthcare innovators. The nature of mentoring will vary for each Fellow - some having a single mentor for 12 months, others accessing a range of mentors for specific one-off advice/support.

NIA PEER COMMUNITY NIA PEER COMMUNITY Each Fellow brings to the programme a breadth of skills and knowledge. Fellows will share resources and problem-solve together at planned networking events and by creating further opportunities to work together on shared goals as diffusers. LEARNING PROGRAMME LEARNING PROGRAMME NIA Fellows will come together through launch events in July and then once a quarter. At these events, Fellows will take stock, share progress, collectively problem-solve, access practical frameworks/tools and expert challenge. Further opportunities to learn will be created in response to defined needs. BURSARY BURSARY Fellows can each access a bursary of up to £50k. This will be allocated on a quarterly basis in response to their Sprint Plans. Eligible spend for the bursary includes: enabling/ enhancing personal learning, enabling system engagement, innovation development, and information/analysis.


The 17 Fellows bring to the programme a breadth of expertise IT PLATFORM and a range of innovations - apps, IP platforms, devices, education, diagnostic pathways, research processes, models of care - applicable to different care settings, seeking to improve both mental and/or physical health. Andrea has over 20 years’ experience as a state registered clinical scientist in NHS genetic diagnostic laboratories. Andrea’s innovation, SAPIENTIA™, is a genome analytics software enabling healthcare professionals to interrogate the human genome for pathogenic mutations likely to be the cause of a patient’s inherited disease. IT PLATFORM This technology, developed from the Deciphering Developmental Disorders (DDD) translational research study, is particularly relevant for rare diseases, 75% of which MODEL OF CARE have a genetic cause that manifests during childhood.

On average it takes over five years for patients to receive a diagnosis; by utilising SMARTPHONE APP genome and clinical data, SAPIENTIA™ facilitates the rapid identification and interpretation of disease causing variants resulting in a speedier diagnosis and better clinical decision support for patients with rare genetic disease.

WORKFORCE Andrea is Head of Clinical Services, Congenica, a company founded on the world- leading DDD genomic technology pioneered at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute and the Department of Health. DEVICE Contact: [email protected]





Anna is a Specialist Registrar in Psychiatry at Cambridge, and Implementation Anne joins the NIA from the Netherlands where she is founder of PxHealthcare. Anne Lead for the i-Thrive partnership, involving the , the Tavistock has devoted much of her international career to the development of more effective, & Portman NHS Foundation Trust, the Dartmouth Centre for Health Care Delivery personalised drug treatments and diagnostic tools. Science (US) and UCLPartners. She is also an Implementation Fellow at the Anna Freud Centre. Through Anne’s innovation, OWise, patients record in real time the experiences they have as they undergo treatment for cancer including side-effects and overall quality Anna is diffusing i-Thrive, a combinatorial innovation bringing together a new of life. Through the application, they then receive information about their conditions model of care for child and adolescent mental health, Thrive (Wolpert et al), with two and wellbeing as well as giving tips as to topics to discuss with their doctor. validated tools supporting shared decision making, CollaboRATE and Option Grids® (Elwyn, G. et al). For clinicians and researchers, OWise offers a wealth of data as to the value of treatments patients are receiving and can therefore support decision-making about Anna is excited at the prospect of NIA support and the opportunity to learn what treatments are offered to patients. from colleagues. She aims to implement i-Thrive effectively in a range of local health economies, developing approaches for application to other whole-system Anne aims to ensure OWise is available for breast cancer patients across the UK and transformations. in the longer term to extend it to other types of cancer.

Anna brings frontline healthcare experience as a trainee psychiatrist and her academic work, including neuroscience research at Harvard University and a PhD, Contact: [email protected] which she is undertaking at UCL on delivering high quality, efficient health care. www.pxhealthcare.com

Contact: [email protected]



Ben is an NHS general dental practitioner working in York and is passionate about Bernadette was the first nurse in the NHS to be appointed as a multiple sclerosis ensuring all patients have and maintain good oral health throughout their lives to nurse consultant in 2003 and was awarded an MBE for her work. She has developed avoid the need for invasive and sometimes expensive dental treatment. and spearheaded NeuroResponse – a new technology that gives patients with neurological conditions more control over the care they receive. He has developed Brush DJ - the only evidence-based, free, NHS approved app that motivates an effective self-care oral hygiene routine by playing two minutes of the It includes a telephone triage/advice line staffed by specialist nurses, email advice user’s music - making toothbrushing fun! Ensuring children adopt good oral hygiene services for GPs wishing to contact a Consultant Neurologist, and a video clinic from a young age will help prevent a number of dental diseases for a lifetime. linking a specialist’s team with the patient and local clinical team in the patient’s community. Using the expert Nurse telephone Triage service, patients and Ben’s ambition is to help all children to grow up free from dental decay and the staff can discuss physical, mental, and social care needs, agree plans and share consequent need for possibly distressing treatment under general or local anesthetic. information. The Expert Nurse can triage the patient - patient anxiety is reduced, Brush DJ aims to do this by motivating an enjoyable, evidence-based oral hygiene confidence increases, and treatment interventions are timely. self-care routine that is part of everyday life and is available to all children and young people, anywhere. During the NIA programme, Bernadette plans to scale up the expert telephone component of NeuroResponse for patients with multiple sclerosis across a number of regions and then adapt it for other neurological conditions. Contact: www.BrushDJ.com Twitter: @BrushDJ https://twitter.com/BrushDJ Facebook: Brush DJ http://www.facebook.com/pages/Brush- Contact: [email protected] DJ/245442625526057



Dharmesh’s innovation is called EPISCISSORS-60 which are patented fixed Francis is the only UK-based employee of US company AliveCor where he has been angle scissors that take away human error in estimating episiotomy angles during EU General Manager since January 2013 and set up the local affiliate, AliveCor Ltd. childbirth. This innovation reduces the risk of complications associated with standard AliveCor has developed the first mobile heart monitor that allows individuals to practice episiotomies which can cause obstetric anal sphincter muscle injuries and detect, monitor and manage heart arrhythmias with automatic analysis. Called the have a devastating impact on the quality of a new mother’s life. AliveCor® Mobile ECG, the device can capture electrocardiogram (ECG) recordings of the heart anytime, anywhere providing instant feedback. EPISCISSORS-60 is already being used in 15 UK hospitals and Dharmesh’s ambition for the NIA programme is to accelerate diffusion of the use of EPISCISSORS-60 into Francis’ ambition is to transform the diagnostic pathway particularly for sufferers of UK clinical practice. undiagnosed palpitations and other cardiac symptoms. AliveCor enables patients to take an ECG at home or on-the-go, to know when their ECG is normal or not and Dharmesh is director of Medinvent and Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist at instantly know if atrial fibrillation (AF), a leading cause of stroke, is detected in the the Royal Bournemouth Hospital, Bournemouth. ECG. Also, to easily and remotely share their ECGs with their doctor, thus moving this diagnostic service out of secondary care hospitals and into the community.

Contact: [email protected] Contact: [email protected] www.alivecor.com



Lloyd is a clinical psychologist by background. He brings Patients know best to Maryanne is Clinical Research Fellow at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Kings Lynn the NIA programme, an innovation that enables patients to hold all their medical and Addenbrooke’s University Hospital, Cambridge. She is currently undertaking a information in a single record owned by them. Doctorate at the University of Cambridge relating to Patient Safety in the NHS and is specifically researching the use of innovation to prevent never events or serious This single record puts the patient at the centre of their care, empowering their health adverse events. network and challenging traditional models of care. With the patient able to invite anyone they wish to their profile, they can construct a strong and comprehensive care Maryanne’s innovation is the Non-injectable arterial connector (NIC), which network best suited to them, made up of diverse clinical teams and friends and family improves the safety and care of all patients requiring an arterial line in operating able to support at-home care. theatres and intensive care. Although rare, when wrong route drug administration occurs, it has the potential to cause serious damage to the vessel and surrounding Lloyd’s aspiration is that anybody in the UK will have access to their own healthcare tissue. The NIC enables conventional arterial line sampling, but eradicates the data, be able to share it with whomever they please, and to participate proactively potential to accidentally administer medication into the arterial line and is a with the record to manage and lead their own care. definitive solution to the problem.

11 trusts in the east of England are trialling the adoption of the NIC and Maryanne Contact: [email protected] hopes to implement the innovation nationally through the NIA programme. www.patientsknowbest.com

Contact: @MMariyaselvam



HealthUnlocked is a peer-to-peer social support network for health. It links Neil has co-developed a diagnostic pathway to detect significant but asymptomatic together patients, carers and health advocates with professional and accredited chronic liver disease at a critical stage in which it can either progress or reverse. The organisations to share experiences of health conditions, symptoms, treatments, and pathway combines both the identification of patients at risk of chronic liver diseases health services. and utilises proven diagnostic tests to detect and stratify the risk; thirdly it aims to provide a seamless pathway between primary and secondary care. He aims to show These are catalogued in an intelligent database which signposts relevant content that the pathway can be implemented at other sites across the East Midlands before to people based on their profile. By finding others with similar health backgrounds scaling it nationally. patients can take on day-to-day health concerns together. Neil’s ambition for the programme is to gain a greater understanding of how to Matthew is an ex-Orthopaedic Registrar and says he is continually excited by implement genuine innovation within the NHS infrastructure in a timely manner. the generational opportunity to change the world of health with well-made web technology. His ambition whilst on the NIA Programme is to bring the explosive Neil is a Clinical Associate Professor in Hepatology, University of Nottingham and growth and patient engagement HealthUnlocked has cultivated over the last four Consultant Hepatologist, at Nottingham University Hospitals. years and connect it to where it will add most impact across the NHS.

Contact: [email protected] Contact: [email protected] @drmattje @healthunlocked. www.healthunlocked.com



Paul founded Nervecentre Software in 2010 to address the absence of Dr Penny Newman has a background in general practice and public health and is strong clinical collaboration tools in the market. His aim was to improve hospital currently Medical Director at Norfolk Community Health and Care, and Associate with communication that traditionally leads to significant delays in patient care and can Health Education East of England. result in huge inefficiencies. Penny has pioneered the use of health coaching in the NHS to improve outcomes Nervecentre Software provides a whole hospital platform that delivers electronic for people with long-term conditions. She has co-designed and led with colleagues observations, handover, task management and clinical assessments; and allows from Health Education East of England, Health Coaching training for clinicians so governance and escalation management to be added to any hospital process. they can enable people to gain the knowledge, skills and confidence to become more active participants in their care, reach self-identified goals and adopt more healthy Paul has a background in technical roles and sales and business development roles behaviours. Health coaching is a person-centred process and widely applicable to all for blue chip organisations such as Cisco Systems. Paul applied to become a Fellow long-term conditions, covering prevention, decision making, self-management and because he wants to drive significant patient safety and efficiency benefits across UK medication compliance. hospitals, which is essential in achieving a sustainable NHS – Nervecentre has the potential to do this. Evaluation shows that health coaching can have a transformative impact on clinicians’ practice and can make their work more fulfilling. It provides clinicians with new mindsets and communication techniques that help patients take control of their Contact: [email protected] condition to improve their health and quality of life. Rolled out nationally, health www.nervecentresoftware.com coaching has the potential not only to improve patient outcomes, but also to reduce costs and address inequalities, as it helps clinicians to support more vulnerable patients.

Contact: [email protected]



Peter is CEO and co-founder of Big Health, a company that develops personalised Peter is a proven innovator having developed ten devices, three of which have been behavioural programmes. Peter’s innovation was developed following his brought to market. His innovation on the NIA programme is the PneuX Pneumonia own experience of insomnia and the difficulty he experienced in being able to access Prevention System, which is designed to stop ventilator-associated pneumonia evidence-based non-drug help via the NHS. (VAP), the leading cause of hospital-acquired mortality in Intensive Care Units. The innovation is a cuffed ventilation tube and an electronic cuff monitoring and inflating Sleepio is a digital sleep improvement programme (available via web and mobile), device which prevents leakage of bacterial laden oral and stomach contents to the clinically proven to help overcome even long-term poor sleep. Over a number of lung – a problem associated with standard tubes. weekly sessions, users are taught proven cognitive and behavioural techniques by a virtual sleep expert to help them get their schedule, thoughts and lifestyle into shape. Peter says his experience has shown that coming up with the idea is not the But the impact goes beyond sleep - Sleepio has helped 65% of patients referred to challenge but scaling a great innovation across the NHS involves many challenges. it via an IAPT service move to recovery from depression and anxiety. His ambition for the NIA is to overcome the barriers to diffusion.

Peter’s long term ambition is for Sleepio to be widely available throughout the NHS Peter is Consultant in Anesthesia and Director of Critical Care at the Queen Elizabeth as a smart, destigmatised way to help people improve their mental health. Hospital, Kings Lynn.

Contact: [email protected] Contact: [email protected]



Piers has been working to increase the numbers of patients taking part in dementia Simon has developed myCOPD: an IT patient self-management system for Chronic research. One of the big difficulties researchers face today is recruiting participants Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). This is a web based and iOS application that for their studies. At the same time, many people are looking for studies to contribute helps patients manage their condition more effectively. The platform interfaces with to and take part in, but do not know where to find out about them. a clinician dashboard to monitor and manage their patients remotely at an individual and population level. Join Dementia Research allows people to register their interest in participating in dementia research and be matched to suitable studies. This innovation benefits The platform can also be used by local health care providers and CCGs to monitor people affected by dementia, and researchers by increasing the speed and reducing exacerbation burdens in real-time and review potential inequalities in health care to the cost of research. It has the potential to drive evidence-based improvements in plan support services effectively. prevention, diagnosis and treatment of dementia into practice more quickly - and to be generalised to other conditions. Simon is an innovation and respiratory consultant at Portsmouth Hospital and also founder of company my mhealth which utilises mobile technology to provide One of his ambitions through the NIA programme is to recruit 100,000 people to patients with sophisticated health support information, and clinicians/organisations register on Join Dementia Research. with tools to manage their populations more effectively.

Piers has led the development of Join Dementia Research for the past five years and is based at University College . Contact: [email protected] https://mycopd.mymhealth.com https://mymhealth.com Contact: [email protected] www.joindementiaresearch.nihr.ac.uk


A critical element of the support to individual Fellows and the BUSINESS AMBASSADOR FOR programme will be via access to mentors experienced in taking HEALTHCARE AND SCIENCES UKTI innovations to scale. The support provided by mentors will predominantly be in the form of advice, guidance and networking.

The Right Honourable Professor Lord Kakkar is the Chair of UCLPartners. Lord Kakkar is also Professor of Surgery at UCL, Consultant Surgeon at University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Director of the Thrombosis Research Institute. He was created a life peer in March 2010. Lord Kakkar moved into the role of Chair in April 2014 having provided leadership support to the partnership as Chair of Quality since its creation in 2009. He was appointed to the Queen’s Privy Council in December 2014.

Lord Kakkar completed his medical education at King’s College Hospital Medical School, and was made a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England in 1992.

Lord Kakkar’s research interests include prevention and treatment of venous and arterial thromboembolic disease and cancer associated with thrombosis.



Professor Darzi holds the Paul Hamlyn Chair of Surgery at Imperial College London, Andrew Morris is Professor of Medicine, Director of the Usher Institute of Population the Royal Marsden Hospital and the Institute of Cancer Research. He is Director of Health Sciences and Informatics and Vice Principal of Data Science at the University the Institute of Global Health Innovation at Imperial College London and an Honorary of Edinburgh, having taken up position in August 2014. Prior to this Andrew was Consultant Surgeon at Imperial College Hospital NHS Trust. Dean of Medicine at the University of Dundee.

Research led by Professor Darzi is directed towards achieving best surgical practice He is seconded as Chief Scientist at the Scottish government Health Directorate, through innovation in surgery and enhancing patient safety and the quality of which supports and promotes high quality research aimed at improving the quality healthcare. He has published over 950 peer-reviewed research papers to date. In and cost-effectiveness of service offered by NHS Scotland and securing lasting recognition of his achievements, Professor Darzi has been elected as an Honorary improvements to the health of the people of Scotland. Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, a Fellow of the Academy of Medical Science, a Fellow of the Royal Society and a foreign associate of the Institute of His research interests span informatics and chronic diseases. He is Director of the Farr Medicine. Institute in Scotland funded by the MRC and nine other funders and Convenor of the UK Health Informatics Research Team Network, representing a £39m investment in He was knighted for his services in medicine and surgery in 2002. Lord Darzi was health informatics research. appointed and remains a member of Her Majesty’s Most Honourable Privy Council since June 2009. He has published over 300 original papers, and attracted over £50 million in grant funding. Andrew was the principal investigator of the Wellcome Trust Case Control Collection for Type 2 Diabetes that has recruited 20,000 individuals; of Generation Scotland, a study of the genetic health of 50,000 Scots; and of the Wellcome Trust funded Scottish Health informatics Programme (SHIP).

Andrew is Governor of the Health Foundation, a leading UK charity that supports quality improvement in healthcare. Andrew chairs the informatics board at UCLPartners, London.



Dr. Thomas Lee joined Press Ganey as Chief Medical Officer in 2013, bringing more Adrian is Healthcare Director at an award winning SME, Concentra Analytics than three decades of experience in healthcare performance improvement as a Consulting, which helps healthcare organisations to better use information to practicing physician, a leader in provider organisations, research and health policy improve the delivery of services and the quality of care for their patients. He has over expert. As CMO, Tom is responsible for developing clinical and operational strategies 20 years of experience in strategy and product development and commercial roles to help providers across the nation measure and improve the patient experience, with across multiple industries. an overarching goal of reducing the suffering of patients as they undergo care, and improving the value of that care. For the last five years he has been advising organisations, from start-ups to multi- nationals, on how information can be used to help deliver their stated strategies. Tom frequently lectures on the patient experience and strategies for improving the He leads projects relating to regulation, commissioning, public health and clinical value of healthcare, and has authored more than 260 academic articles and two services in the NHS, private and local authority sectors. Prior to joining Concentra, books, Chaos and Organization in Health Care and Eugene Braunwald Adrian held senior roles at Nuffield Health, A.T. Kearney, and Prudential. He has an and the Rise of Modern Medicine. MSC from London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.



Professor Donal O’Donoghue is Medical Director of the Greater Manchester Academic Dr. Robert Winter started working on the Small Business Research Initiative (SBRI) in Health Science Network. He has been a Consultant Renal Physician at Salford Royal Cambridge University in 2009 and has been closely associated with its development. since 1992 where he is also University of Manchester Professor of Renal Medicine. He Administered by Health Enterprise East on behalf of all fifteen Academic Health has extensive experience in policy development and leading large-scale improvement. Science Networks (AHSN), the SBRI Healthcare programme provides start-up funding Donal led the development of the National Service Framework for Renal Services and advice to small and medium sized enterprises, promoting the national strategy and chairs the board of trustees of the British Kidney Patient Association, the largest set out in ‘Innovation, Health, and Wealth’ and in ‘Strategy for UK Life kidney charity in the UK. Sciences’. The programme, funded by NHS England, has supported the development of a wide range of new technologies – a number of which are now poised to deliver He was also the National Director for Kidney Care at the Department of Health improved quality and value across the NHS. between 2006 and 2013. During this time he chaired the National Directors Forum, the Vascular Board and the Pandemic Influenza Clinical and Operational group. He Formerly Medical Director of Cambridge University Hospitals and a director of is a member of Liverpool Clinical Commissioning Group Governing Body. Donal the Cambridge University Health Partners, Robert played a leading role in the is a practicing kidney doctor, active researcher and in addition to his commitment establishment of fifteen AHSNs in 2013, defined by their shared mission to accelerate to Greater Manchester and Liverpool, he is the Chair of the Greater Manchester, innovations. Lancashire and South Cumbria Clinical Senate, which provides clinical advice to commissioners. A respiratory physician by background, he spent four years as the first National Clinical Director of the Respiratory Programme, completing a number of programmes to improve quality of care. Currently a non-executive director of Health Enterpise East and Vice President of the British Lung Foundation, he was appointed OBE for services to medicine and healthcare in the New Year’s honours, 2009.



Tony is a practicing frontline NHS surgeon, Director of Medical Innovation at Anglia Dr. Sir Sam Everington has been a GP in Tower Hamlets since 1989, is chair of Tower Ruskin University, and has founded four Med-Tech start-ups. He has also co-founded Hamlet’s CCG, NHS England’s national lead for new models of care and a board the £500m Anglia RuskinMed-Tech Campus, which will become one of the world’s member of NHSCC. He is part of the Bromley By Bow GP partnership, with over one largest health innovation spaces. hundred projects under its roof supporting the wider determinants of health. He is governor of a local primary school and was one of the founders of THEDOC – Tower In 2014, he was appointed as National Clinical Director for Innovation at NHS Hamlets’ GP out of hours service. Sam is a qualified Barrister and a member of BMA England. Here he provides clinical leadership and support in delivering improved council. health outcomes in England and drives the uptake of proven innovations across the NHS, promotes economic growth through innovation and helps make the NHS the In 1999 he received an OBE for services to inner city primary care, in 2006 the go-to place on the planet for medical innovation. International Award of Excellence in Healthcare, and in 2015 a knighthood for services to primary care. He is Director of Community Health Partnerships (NHS Lift), a Trustee of the Kings Fund and has published a number of papers with Professor Aneez Esmail on discrimination in the NHS.



Camden CCG’s Chair is Dr. Caz Sayer. Caz has worked for nearly two decades as a Dr. Elliot Forster joined Immunocore as Chief Executive in January 2015. He has GP at Adelaide Medical Centre in Belsize Park, and has previously been instrumental almost 25 years of experience in the pharmaceuticals and biotechnology industry. in establishing many new local health services such as a local referral management Dr. Forster previously served as Chief Executive Officer of Creabilis (from 2010) and service called ‘CCAS’ and better diabetes clinics for people in Camden. prior to that role was Chief Executive Officer of a US biotechnology company, Solace Pharmaceuticals Inc. By her involvement in Haverstock Healthcare Ltd, a provider organisation whose shareholders are GP practices, Caz helped to introduce GP-led Urgent Care Services His other previous roles include Head of EU Development and Operations for the EU at the Royal Free and UCLH. and Asia at Pfizer, where he was responsible for drug development across multiple geographies and brought several drugs to market, and Clinical Research manager Caz was elected as the Chair of Camden CCG in July 2011 and believes in building at GlaxoSmithKline. Dr. Foster is currently Chairman of the MedCity project that better links between health and social care services in the local area. She wants aims to grow a world-leading life sciences cluster in the south east of England. He to transform services for older people and those with long-term conditions, better holds a PhD in neurophysiology from Liverpool University and an MBA from Henley serve Camden children with complex needs and improve the quality of healthcare for Management College. people in the area living with long-term mental health problems.



Samantha started her NHS career as a paediatric and general nurse and was Professor Sir John Burn is a senior clinical geneticist and academic, based in a national management trainee. Having worked in a variety of operational Newcastle. He holds the NHS Endowed Chair in Clinical Genetics at Newcastle management roles, and in the national clinical governance support team, she University, and conceived and helped to bring to fruition the Millennium Landmark became the Chief Executive of Epsom and St. Helier Hospitals NHS Trust. Following Centre for Life in Newcastle. this, Samantha worked in the independent sector before she was appointed Chief Executive of West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust in February 2013. He is a distinguished academic, clinician, and clinical entrepreneur, as well as founder of two spin out companies in the field of genetic diagnosis. He is Chairman In 2014 Samantha was awarded HSJ CEO of the Year and the Trust’s “Onion” of QuantuMDx Itd, a medical device company developing point of care DNA testing was highly commended in the patient safety award. In January 2015 Samantha for the developing world. He is also a non-executive director on the board of NHS was appointed by NHS England as Director of New Care Models and will lead the England. implementation of the new care models outlined in the NHS Five Year Forward View.



Noel was appointed as a non-executive director on the board of NHS England in July Dr. Sam Barrell joined Taunton and Somerset NHS Foundation Trust in February 2015 2014 and he is also Chair of the Specialised Commissioning Committee. Formerly an having previously been Chief Clinical Officer at South Devon and Torbay Clinical economist, Noel spent most of his career in consultancy until his retirement in 2014, Commissioning Group (CCG). including the last sixteen years with Accenture, where he was Global Managing Director of the Banking Industry Place. Sam Trained at Charing Cross and Westminster Medical School before working as an anaesthetist in large acute trusts in London and the south east and then becoming a Noel has extensive practical experience of driving fundamental innovations in GP in 2011. transforming industries, and of big data, analytics and digital technologies. Noel holds a first degree in Economics and International Finance from the University of As well as her role at the CCG, Dr. Barrell continued to be a senior partner at the Warwick and an MBA from the Cranfield School of Management. He is Chairman of Compass House medical Centre in South Devon. Before that she was Clinical Director the Board of Trustees of UserVoice.org of Commissioning and Transition for Torbay Care Trust where her focus centred on improving health and care services for patients through whole system integration.

Sam is a member of the Institute for Public Policy Research Health Advisory Board and in 2013 was named as one of Health Service Journal’s ‘Top 50 most inspirational women in healthcare’. In 2014 Sam was awarded a CBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours for her services to clinical commissioning and integrated care.


NHS England The Health Foundation The programme was initiated by and is delivered in partnership with NHS England. The Health Foundation is an independent charity working to improve the quality NHS England’s primary aim is to improve health outcomes for people in England. NHS of healthcare in the UK. The organisation supports people working in healthcare England sets the direction and priorities for the NHS as a whole, allocates funding to practice and policy to make lasting improvements to health services. It carries out England’s GP-led clinical commissioning groups, and directly commissions primary research and in-depth policy analysis, runs improvement programmes to put ideas care, specialised services and healthcare services for offenders. For more information into practice in the NHS, supports and develops leaders, and shares evidence to visit www.england.nhs.uk encourage wider change. The Health Foundation wants the UK to have a healthcare Academic Health Science Networks system of the highest possible quality - safe, effective, person-centred, timely, efficient and equitable. For more information visit www.health.org.uk National learning and expertise is provided to the programme through collaboration with the 15 Academic Health Science Networks (AHSNs) across the country. The UCLPartners two key objectives of the Networks are to improve health and generate economic UCLPartners is an academic health science partnership. Together, our member growth. They do this through connecting academics, NHS, researchers and industry organisations form one of the world’s leading centres for medical discovery, to accelerate the process of innovation and facilitate the adoption and spread of healthcare innovation and education. We support people and organisations to innovative ideas and technologies across large populations. For more information on translate cutting-edge research and innovation into measurable health and wealth AHSNs visit www.ahsnnetwork.com gain for patients and populations. We run capability-building programmes, carry out research, and support leaders and organisations to innovate and improve. We work in Five of the AHSNs are formal partners to the programme and are providing a partnership - in London, across the UK and globally. Crucially for this programme we contribution towards the cost of the bursaries offered to each of the Fellows. will be working closely with other AHSNs across England, either as collaborators or partners to the programme. For more information visit www..com • East Midlands AHSN www.emahsn.org.uk • Imperial AHSN www.imperialcollegehealthpartners.com Further information • North West Coast AHSN www.nwcahsn.nhs.uk For further information about the programme please contact Amanda Begley, Director • Yorkshire and Humber AHSN www.yhahsn.org.uk of Innovation and Implementation at UCLPartners and Laura Boyd, NIA Programme • UCLPartners www.uclpartners.com Manager at [email protected] The Health Foundation is also providing a financial contribution to the bursaries.

Programme mentors International learning and expertise is being provided to the NHS Innovation Accelerator from Professor Victor Dzau, President of the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences and Professor Tan Chorh Chuan, President of the National University of Singapore, and Deputy Chairman of the Agency for Science, Technology & Research, Singapore International. Access to global learning, international examples of excellence, and resources is provided by Innovations in Healthcare (formerly International Partnership for Innovative Healthcare Delivery - IPIHD), a collaboration including the World Economic Forum. For more information visit www.innovationsinhealthcare.org

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