486 DIVISION. LONG PARISH. Wl1pentake of Holderness (North Division)-Petty Sessional Division of North Holderness­ County Council Electoral Division and Poor Law Union of Skirlaugh-County Court District of -Rural Deanery of -Archdeaconryof the East Riding-Diocese of York. Long Riston is a parish and township containing 1,821 acres, and rated at £1,884. The population in 1891 was 268. The surface is level; in a few places it rises to a height of 20 or 30 feet above the low grounds, and these elevations are dignified by the names Woof Hills, Rye Hills, and Farnton Hill. The soil is strong clay, the subsoil clay; and wheat, oats, and beans are the chief cropS!. William Bethell, Esq" Rise, is lord of the manor, and principal landowner. Amongst the other proprietors are Messrs. T. B. & B. B. J a~kson, and Arch­ deacon Cooper, of Kendal. The parish formerly included part of the hamlet of Arnold, but this was, by aD. order of the Local Government Board, transferred to the township of North Skirlaugh for all civil purposes. In ecclesiastical matters it remains within the jurisdiction of Long Riston. The manor of Riston is mentioned in Domesday Book, and was held at the time of the survey by Gerbodo, a vassal of Drogo, lord of Holderness. Soon after­ wards it appears in the possession of Asketil de Scures, from whom it descended in the direct male line through three generations, and was then conveyed by the marriage of an heiress to the Hildyards, in the reign of Edward I. Catherine, daughter and co-heir of Thomas Hildyard, married Sir Peter Nuthill, of Nuthill, high sheriff in 1351 and 1353, and it descended in that name till the reign of Henry VI., when the proprietorship was again changed by the marriage of an heiress. The manor has been in the possession of the Bethell family for many years. The village, long and straggling, stands on the high road from Hull to Brid­ lington, 11 miles from the former place, 19 from the latter, and three-and-a-half miles from Skirlaugh station, on the Hull and Hornsea branch of the North­ Eastern railway. An annual feast is held on the first Saturday after midsmmer day. The church, dedicated to St. Margaret, is a small edifice of cobble stone and brick, with cut stone dressings, comprising chancel, nave, south porch, and a low embattled tower with pinnacles, containing two bells. The tower and parts adjacent are the most ancient parts of the fabric, and appear by their style to belong to the latter part of the 12th, or the early part of the 13th century. The chancel and nave were restored in 1855; the former at the expense of the late Rev. W. L. Palmes, and the latter by subscription; and the tower underwent repair in 1881, at a cost of £350. The east window, of three lights, is filled with stained glass, in memory of Mrs. Anne Elizabeth Richardson, of Arnold Grange, and her two infant daughters, who died in 1868. The windows of the nave are of two lights and square headed, and are, with one exception, all filled with plain glass. The churchyard was enlarged by the addition of half an acre of land, given by the lord of the manor, and consecrated by the Bishop (suffragan) of Beverley, on the 22nd July, 1891. The living is a rectory, united to Hornsea; curate-in-charge, the Rev. Max W. Blakeley, who resides in the parsonage. At the enclosure in 1772, there were awarded in lieu of tithes, a yearly modus and 178 acres of land. There are chapels in the village belonging to the Wesleyans and Primitive Methodists, erected in 1836. The National School was built by subscription, in 1873, for the accommodation of 100 children, and is attended by about 70. It is endowed with about £12 per annum, left by Peter Nevill in 1807. Histon Grange, one mile north-west of the village, formerly belonged to Peter N evill, above mentioned, who built the present house in 1773. _ It is now the property and residence of T. B. Jackson, Esq. Prospect House is occupied by Mr. J oseph Drewe:ry, farmer, and noted breeder of roadsters. Mr. Walter Gilby's " County Member," winner of several prizes at Islington and other shows, was bred by him.