Theteachingsof Muslim Muhammad(peace Students' beuponhim) Association UniversityofAlberta Muslims say ’peace be uponhim’aftersaying the name Muhammad. This is doneoutofutmostrespect and love for him and the sacr ifices he made during thislifetime. Italsomayserve,asar e- mindertoMuslimsoverthe ages, that Muhammad (peace be upon him) was, in no way divine and that Muslims ask for God’s peace even for His me s- What did se nger. Muhammad teach? Formoreinformationpleasecontact: MuslimStudents'Association Office 040U Understanding Islam Box 55 SUB University of Alberta ArabicCalligraphy:‘Muhammad’ Edmonton, AB T6G 2J7
[email protected] [email protected] ing the ties of kinship, treating guests badly, and the TheProphet’scharacter strong amongst us exploited the weak. We remained in this state until Go d sent us a Prophet, one of our own Muhammad was born into a tribal and a What did people whose lineage, truthfulness, trustworthiness and warring Arabian society close to 600 years integrity were well -known to us. after Jesus (peace upo n them both). He was a righteous man, and had earned the nick - Muhammad teach? He called us to worship God alone, and to renounce the name “the Trustworthy” amongst his co m- stones and the idols which we and our ancestors used to munity, long before the Quran was revealed worship besides Go d. to him. Islam has two major sources of religious teachings. The first is the Holy Quran r e- He commanded us to speak the truth, to honour our When he began to recite the Quran to his early companions, who were amazed at i ts vealed to Muhammad —peace be upon him promises, to be kind to our neighbours, to cease all fo r- linguistic beauty and power.