RAA Liaison Letter Autumn 2005
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The Royal Australian Artillery LIAISON LETTER Autumn Edition 2005 The Official Journal of the Royal Regiment of Australian Artillery Incorporating the Australian Gunner Magazine First Published in 1948 RAA LIAISON LETTER Autumn Edition 2005 Publication Information Front Cover: Photographs Regimental Officer Farewells 2004 - Top Row Left to Right – Brigadier M. F. Paramor, Major General F.X. Roberts, Colonel S.T. Goltz and Major R.C. Richards Photographs Regimental Officer Farewells 2004 - Bottom Row Left to Right – Brigadier M.P. Crane, Major General J.P. Stevens, Major T.W. Vercoe, Colonel F.G. Colley, Colonel A.R. Burke, Major General J.P. Stevens and Brigadier D. Perry Published by: Deputy Head of Regiment, School of Artillery, Bridges Barracks, Puckapunyal, Victoria 3662 Produced by: Combat Arms Doctrine and Development Section, Bridges Barracks, Puckapunyal, Victoria 3662 Printed by: Defence Publishing Service - Victoria Distribution: For issues relating to content or distribution contact the Editor on email [email protected] Contributors are urged to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in their articles; the Royal Australian Artillery Deputy Head of Regiment and the RAA Liaison Letter editor accept no responsibility for errors of fact. The views expressed in the Royal Australian Artillery Liaison Letter are the contributors and not necessarily those of the Royal Australian Artillery, Australian Army or Department of Defence. The commonwealth of Australia will not be legally responsible in contract, tort or otherwise for any statement made in this publication. RAA Liaison Letter 2005 - Autumn Edition Contents Distribution 3 Editors Comment 5 Letters to the Editor 6 Regimental 7 Representative Colonel Commandant - Major General T.R. Ford 9 Acting Head of Regiment - Colonel J.P. Smith 11 Regimental Master Gunner - Warrant Officer Class One C.F.J. Watego 14 New Colonel Commandant - Central Region 16 Profiles - New Unit Commanding Officers and Regimental Sergeant Majors 17 Lieutenant Colonel C. Taggart 17 Lieutenant Colonel G.W. Finney 17 Lieutenant Colonel I.S. Lawes 18 Lieutenant Colonel A.A. Plant 18 Lieutenant Colonel B. Bailey 19 Lieutenant Colonel G.G. Potter 19 Warrant Officer Class One R.J. Morland 20 Warrant Officer Class One P.M. Robinson 21 Titles for the Surveillance & Target Acquisition Regiment 22 Title for a Combined 13th & 104th Field Battery 25 8th/12th Medium Regiment Order of the Day 27 Personnel 29 Vale 31 Brigadier G. Solomon 31 Colonel J. Argent 31 Warrant Officer Class Two A.J.C. Nall 32 Honours and Awards 34 Senior Full-time Officer List 35 Full-time Officer List 36 SCMA 48 Full-time Warrant Officer and SNCO List 50 Unit Command and Regimental Sergeant Major List for 2006 54 Capability, Training & Doctrine 55 Chief of Army Address to Regimental Conference 2004 57 DGLD/DMO/LWDC - Update 63 CATC – Artillery Trade Policy 65 Combat Arms Doctrine & Development Section 66 RAA Doctrine Publication Currency List 67 School of Artillery Physical Training 71 1 RAA Liaison Letter 2005 - Autumn Edition Articles 73 Two Gunners in IRAQ 75 PORTON - The Dunkirk of Bougainville 1945 78 An Armoured Officer as a Battery Commander 82 Recollections of Crete 83 Book Review 84 100 Battery Series - Part Two 85 103rd Medium Battery 87 104th Field Battery 90 105th Field Battery 94 Associations & Organisations 101 Associations & Organisations Contact List 103 Benefactors of the Royal Australian Artillery Regimental Fund 106 Seeking Regimental Fund Contributions 108 National Museum 110 South Australian Association 115 23 Field Regiment Association 116 Locating Artillery Association 117 ‘A’ Field Battery Association (Qld Branch) 119 Regimental Conference and Farewells 121 Notices 123 Membership Application Forms 124 North Fort Memorial Walk Application Form 130 2 RAA Liaison Letter 2005 - Autumn Edition Distribution • Colonels Commandant • Royal Australian Artillery Association (NSW) • Royal Australian Artillery Association (NSW) Newcastle Sub-Branch • Royal Australian Artillery Association (ACT) • Royal Australian Artillery Association (VIC) • Royal Australian Artillery Association (North Queensland) • Royal Australian Artillery Association (SA) • Royal Australian Artillery Association (WA) • Royal Australian Artillery Association (NT) • Royal Australian Artillery Association (TAS) • Miscellaneous Unit and Sub Unit Associations • Royal Australian Artillery Historical Company • Head of Regiment / CLCA • DJFHQ (JOSCC) • All COs • All BCs of Independent Batteries • OC P&E Establishments • MG LC ARTY • RMG HQ CATC • All RSMs • LC ARTY • 16th Air Defence Regiment • 1st Field Regiment • 2nd/10th Field Regiment • 4th Field Regiment • 7th Field Regiment • 8th/12th Medium Regiment • 23 Field Regiment • 7th Field Battery • 16th Field Battery • 48th Field Battery • 131st Surveillance and Target Acquisition Battery • School of Artillery • Joint Proof and Experimental Unit • Miscellaneous Individual Gunner Officers/Warrant Officers and SNCO 3 RAA Liaison Letter 2005 - Autumn Edition 4 RAA Liaison Letter 2005 - Autumn Edition Editors Comment Welcome to the autumn edition of the RAA Liaison Letter for 2005. I would like to thank all those who have supported this edition through their contributions. The only way the Liaison Letter will continue to evolve and grow as a publication that appeals to a retired and serving Gunner audience is through the support of everyone. I would recommend that you make the time to read the address made by Chief of Army to the Regimental Conference last year. This can be found in the Capability, Training and Doctrine Section. I recently received some informal feedback regarding a perception that a select few contributors dominated the content of the Liaison Letter. Let me assure everyone that this is not the case, I publish almost every submission I receive, in fact, I cannot recall a submission I have not published in some form. The challenge for Gunners of all backgrounds is to make the time to write articles on operational experiences, develop topical professional papers, and draft historical documents and send them to me. I would love to be swamped by so many contributions that I had to actually make a decision to publish some of them in later editions. I personally thank those Gunners who make the effort to contribute on a regular basis, without their support I would struggle to publish the Liaison Letter with any level of quality and/or interesting content. I would appreciate any feedback and/or corrections of fact readers may have regarding the content of the 100 series of battery histories. As an example the information contained in the article on 104th Field Battery for the period since it was last re-raised in 1986 is limited. I plan to publish the histories of 106th, 107th and 108th Batteries in the Spring Edition. I would appreciate any reader who has a copy of any version of the history of 106th Field Battery to forward it to me for use in developing the article for inclusion in the next edition. Finally I plan on starting a series on the history of unit and where appropriate sub-unit memorials. In order to start developing this series I would appreciate any unit or individual who has information regarding the background/history on any of the many unit memorial's to forward copies of it and photographs if possible. I look forward to receiving a 'flood' of information D.T. (Terry) BRENNAN Major Editor Telephone: 07 4651 0939 Email: [email protected] Postal: 'Stratford' BLACKALL QLD 4472 Editor’s Note: Retired or serving Gunners who would like to receive future copies of the RAA Liaison Letter should contact the editor by email or write to the address above with their mailing details. 5 RAA Liaison Letter 2005 - Autumn Edition Letters to the Editor From Major General J. Whitelaw (Retd) Dear Terry, Enclosed is a copy of a book review by Colonel Terry McCullagh, CSC, President of the RAA Association (ACT), of the Fragile Forts by Peter Oppenheim. The book was launched on 23 March 2005 by the Hon Tony Abbott MP at the National Artillery Museum at North Fort, Manly, at a memorable gathering to mark the unveiling of the Sir Roden Cutler VC exhibit in the Artillery Hall of the Museum by her Excellency The Governor of NSW, Professor Marie Bashir, AC. This book is a significant contribution to the recording of the Gunner heritage of Australia. I would be grateful if you would consider this review for publication. Sincerely John Whitelaw P.S. May I say how pleasing it was to receive and read the latest RAA Liaison Letter. I thought it to be an excellent production. Particularly pleasing for me was the section on historical items. Those on the various 100 batteries will be valuable. Don't forget that A Battery was 100 Fd Bty when the re-designation was made, then because of protest it became 100 (A) Fd Bty and with further protest A Fd Bty. Why do the staff duties experts do these things to simple soldiers? Regards JW Email from Major General J.P. Stevens (Retd) Representative Colonel Commandant Dated 20 February 2005 Subject: NEW GOVERNOR OF TASMANIA Fellow Gunners, Late last week the Tasmanian Premier announced the appointment of the Chief Justice of Tasmania, William Cox AC, as Tasmanian's new Governor. Chief Justice Cox is a former Commanding Officer of 6th Field Regiment, and a former Colonel Commandant RAA, Tasmania Region. His father, Justice Ellis Cox, was a Battery Commander in France in World War One, and was awarded the MC. I am sure all Gunners will welcome this appointment, and I thank the Gunners in Tasmania for bringing the Regimental connection to my attention. Ubique Paul Stevens Major General (Retd) 6 RAA Liaison Letter 2005 - Autumn Edition Regimental Aspects 7 RAA Liaison Letter 2005 - Autumn Edition In Good Company By Gary McKay, Sydney, Allen and Unwin, 1987 (Available through the Defence Library Service) Subtitled One Man's War in Vietnam, this book is simply that.