DO WE HAVE a FUTURE? Amos 9:5-15
-----,-----Hl1Jire:---------------------~ec-..:-z~,,-.:=-=.,.::-':"~~·-,-------. SUBJECT O T c'1 f 1V-(.A?!(t1S) ~ :::::> E.F-~'----- Amos 9:5-15 CLASSIFICATION: TEXT--------------------- --EXPOSITORY "00 WE HA VE A FUTURE?" - -BIOGRAPHICAL TITLi::--------------------- - -TEXTUAL --TOPICAL SCRIPTURE READIN,---------------- ---DEVOTIONAL DELIVERIES: Date Hour Place Results and Comments: F.B.C. 09-18-96 WEDS. San Angelo, TX xxx+++ ); BIBLIOGRAPHY---------------------------------- £/3C. fA I DO WE HAVE A FUTURE? Amos 9:5-15 (Sixth in a series of six messages on the book and prophecy of Amos) A young man in a wheel chair, The Basis of Hope discouraged by his condition, asked his :5-7 physical therapist, "Do you think I have a future?" The therapist replied, "As a pole As Amos struck this positive note of vaulter, no! As a man, yes!" hope-, he firm) )( ooted this hope in God. Israel In light of the dire predictions of the could have hope, not because of who they prophet Amos, his contemporaries might have were but because of who God is. Hope was asked, "Do we have a future?" Amos replied, rooted in the sovereignty and the providence '' As a continuation of the way things are now, of God. no! As a remnant, sifted by the judgment of Amos highlighted od's sovereignty God and purified into a new people, yes!" by referring to Him as ' e ord Almighty," That was the word of (9: Sn. Then, he described hope with which Amos God's control over all concluded his prophecy Man's sinfulness cannot thwart creation. Reading this God's plan for man's description of God from the --o - -- redemption.
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