Minutes of the meeting of Tuddenham St Mary Parish Council Held at the Village Hall on Tuesday 6th November 2018 at 7.30pm

Councillors Present: Cllr. A. Long – Chair (AL), Cllr. M. Fitzjohn (MF), Cllr. J. Kendall & Cllr. G. Loveday (GL). Present: Vicky Bright - Parish Clerk, Cllr. Rona Burt - FHDC & Rob Gray – Umbrella. Item Action Public Forum – LGA 1972, Section 100(1): Three members of public were in attendance.  Residents at the meeting raised concerns over the noise of the fireworks and asked for the Clerk to send a letter to the Playing Field Committee asking them Clerk to consider livestock and horses in the rural area  The Clerk was asked to report a pothole adjacent to Old School House, The Clerk Green, which is causing surface water flooding and erosion to the road surface and wall erosion.  The Clerk was asked to follow up with Highways regarding the surface water Clerk flooding on Higham Road ( crossroads), and the issues of the ditch and drain clearance which should have been carried out with the Higham Road improvements.

18/11/1 Accepted Apologies for absence – LGA 1972, Section 85(1) and (2): Cllr. N. Crockford, Cllr. M. Dunnett & Cllr. K. Soons. Absent: None.

18/11/2 Declarations of Members’ Interests (for items on the agenda) – LGA 2000 Part III: None.

18/11/3 Reports from Outside Bodies: i) County Council None. Cllr. Noble sent his apologies. ii) Council Cllr. Rona Burt presented the following report; ‘The Boundary Commission have issued their final recommendations on the ‘Warding’ of the New Council from May 2019.These cannot be changed or challenged. This is now a very important time for Councillors who are standing for Election in May 2019, as in a short while they will need to make their choices where they want to stand. We have been advised to list our choices in order with our first preference and any others following in order of preference, it could well be into December before we know whether our preferences have been successful, we may not get our first choice if there are Councillors with the same preferences. We are having many more joint meetings travelling mostly to House for these meetings. Do we have a Mayor or Chairman? Are we a District or Borough? With 64 Councillors from May each Councillor will have approximately 2050 Electorates, quite a big increase.

There is no update on the Closure of RAF Mildenhall, still scheduled for 2024.

Hatchfield Farm - no change.


Minutes of the meeting of Tuddenham St Mary Parish Council Held at the Village Hall on Tuesday 6th November 2018 at 7.30pm

Local Plan - awaiting to hear that our Local Plan has been approved, in the meantime the Policy Team have started work on a Local Plan for the New Council.

In the Planning Department we are now up to full compliment. It’s pleasing to see that we are have some young planners coming forward.

There is an ‘In Touch’ Magazine coming out very soon which will feature a photograph of Parish Councillors and the VAS sign, in Tuddenham.

Meetings attended: Constitution Review Group, Performance and Audit, Overview and Scrutiny, Future Governance Review Group, Site Visits, Chaired Planning, Chaired Delegation Panel, Chaired Waste Task and Finish Group, Health and Safety, Joint Conservative Group, Forest Heath Conservative Group, Civic Leadership Review Group, Forest Heath Council and Shadow Council. iii) SNT (Police) The latest edition of your local Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT) newsletter is now available to view on the Suffolk Constabulary website https://www.suffolk.police.uk/your-area

18/11/4 Minutes of the last meeting – LGA 1972, Schedule 12, para41(2): Resolved 18/11/4.01 The Minutes of the Parish Council meeting of 8th October 2018 were adopted as a true statement and signed by the Chair (AL).

18/11/5 Clerks Report: The Clerk confirmed the Christmas Lights switch on will be held on Saturday 1st December. Andrew Garnett – Millhouse Homes and the White Hart are sponsoring the trees.

18/11/6 Highway Matters: i) Update on Bridge at Nature Reserve There has been no update from the Structures Team. The Clerk is to request an Clerk update from them and will copy in and forward to Cllr. Colin Noble and Cllr. Mary Evans, Cabinet Member for Roads & Transport, Cllr. Louis Busuttil, and our MP, Mathew Hancock. ii) Update on Icknield Way Speed Limit/Issues The Clerk has chased Cllr. Colin Noble and Highways for an update and will forward to Cllr. Noble, Cllr. Mary Evans, Cabinet Member for Roads & Transport, Cllr. Louis Clerk Busuttil, and our MP, Mathew Hancock. iii) Discuss ‘No Through Road’ The Green to Temple Bridge The Clerk has submitted a formal request for Traffic Calming application to Highways and also raised the issue with Claire Dickson, PROW and Cllr. Colin Noble and suggested a site visit to look at all the issues faced. So far no response or update has been received. The Clerk is to include this in correspondence above. Clerk


Minutes of the meeting of Tuddenham St Mary Parish Council Held at the Village Hall on Tuesday 6th November 2018 at 7.30pm

iv) VAS (Vehicle Activated Speed Sign) Data & Discuss Road Site Cllr. Loveday reported that data had recorded 21,975 vehicle movements. The highest speed recorded was 64mph.

It was agreed to place the 30mph sign on the Cavenham post in a static position, and to continue only rotating the VAS unit between the Higham and Mildenhall entrances to the village.

The Clerk advised that Highways had refused the application to change the signs to 2-way recording. v) Speed Watch Update The Clerk reported that the gun is still waiting to be calibrated and she is to chase Clerk Adam Tilbrook for this.

18/11/7 Correspondence: None.

18/11/8 Planning Matters (For Information Only): For Information: i) Electoral Boundary Review Update Final recommendations have been sent to Parliament. They will come into effect by May 2019. ii) Minerals & Waste Local Plan Update Suffolk Minerals & Waste Local Plan Consultation – Appropriate Assessment Document Consultation 5th November to 17th December 2018 https://www.suffolk.gov.uk/mineralsandwaste

The Clerk is to arrange a Public Meeting to discuss this stage of consultation for 10th Clerk December 2018 at 6:30pm, in the Village Hall. Cavenham and Tuddenham residents are to be invited and the Clerk is to invite SCC Planning and Ecological Officers.

18/11/9 Finance & Policies: i) Parish Council Bank Balances and Reconciliation from list of payments and receipts Resolved 18/11/9.01

That the bank balances and reconciliation of payments and receipts be received and

adopted and initialled & signed as such by the Chair (AL). The bank account balance as of 31st October 2018 is £20,363.78. ii) Cheques for Signing and Approval Resolved 18/11/9.02 It was agreed to approve the payments of the following outstanding invoices and the cheques were approved and signed by Cllr. A. Long. The Clerk is to obtain a second signatory following the meeting.


Minutes of the meeting of Tuddenham St Mary Parish Council Held at the Village Hall on Tuesday 6th November 2018 at 7.30pm

ICO Data Protection Annual Fee 974 £40.00 Tuddenham Village Hall Hall Hire 975 £48.00 Suffolk Woodchips Play Bark for Play Area 976 £1,128.00 Mrs. V Bright Mileage, expenses & 977 £21.72 overtime

Resolved 18/11/9.03 The Clerk is to arrange for Cllr. Mark Fitzjohn to be added as a signatory to the Parish Council account, all agreed. iii) To Adopt the External Audit Certificate 2017/2018 & Notice of Conclusion No issues were highlighted or raised by the External Auditors. The audit for 2017- 2018 is now complete. iv) To consider contribution to the Clerks Printer Deferred to the next meeting, when the Clerk will have costs available.

18/11/10 Councillors’ & Community Reports: i) Village Hall Committee Update No update received.

18/11/11 Parish Matters: i) VETS (Village Emergency Telephone System) & Defibrillator Code Deferred to the next agenda, as funding application pack still not confirmed and approved by CHT for distribution to organisations interested. ii) Play Area Repairs Update & Bark Quotes The Clerk stressed thanks to Longwood Farm without whose help the play bark would never have got delivered on site to the Play Area. Thanks also to John Kendall for moving the bark to the play area itself and to all those who helped spread it.

Jim Unwin is to repair the gate hinge FOC. iii) Play Area Refurbishment Project The Clerk is to arrange a consultation event with the village on the play area. Two Clerk residents have come forward to offer to help with this. It was agreed to arrange this now for the February Half Term holidays, dates to be confirmed. Once the consultation has been held the Clerk will proceed with formal designs and quotes and funding applications.

Items for the next agenda:

The next meeting will be held on Monday 3rd December 2018, at 7:30pm, in the Village Hall.  Update on Nature Reserve Bridge / Icknield Way Speed Limit / Green ‘No Through Road’ application  VAS Data / Speed Watch Update  Minerals & Waste Local Plan Update on Public Meeting & Submission


Minutes of the meeting of Tuddenham St Mary Parish Council Held at the Village Hall on Tuesday 6th November 2018 at 7.30pm

 VETS Scheme Update on funding and interest of volunteers.  Update on Play Area refurbishment Project

Meeting closed at ?pm

Signed: Andrew Long Date: 3rd December 2018 Chairman, Tuddenham Parish Council


Minutes of the meeting of Tuddenham St Mary Parish Council Held at the Village Hall on Tuesday 6th November 2018 at 7.30pm