the crown onto the prepared tooth. The majority of the time there is a delay between the first and second phase, as most dentists send the impressions to a dental laboratory where the crown is then fabricated. This can take as many as four weeks. The crown is then sent back to your dentist to be Many people are amazed to cemented. A temporary crown find out what is really going is in place until the finished on with their teeth. One of the crown can be cemented. things they are most surprised about is that they need crowns The advantages of crowns or “caps.” are that they are strong, last a rather long period of time, A crown is essentially a replace- and actually help to strengthen ment for lost tooth structure. the remaining tooth structure, There are many reasons that as well as to replace the tooth your dentist may recommend mass that is missing. a crown, such as if your tooth has broken, if you have a large If you want more information, filling that is failing, if you have visit our web site @ www. Crown Preparation a large cavity that will leave much of the tooth gone after Have you ever taken your car the cavity is removed, or if you in to a mechanic for some- have a tooth that needs a root thing you thought was going canal. The underlying necessity to be a minor fix, just to find for a crown is that too much of out there is a laundry list of the tooth is gone or damaged to problems under the hood? And fix with just a regular filling. Any questions, as the mechanic is telling you visit our Website at what is wrong with the car The procedure for getting a and what needs to be done to crown basically has two phases. it, you feel like he is speaking The first being the preparation. a different language? Having This phase includes prepar- Benjamin Bailey been in that situation a time ing the tooth structure for the D.D.S. or two, I started to realize crown to fit over it. After this is that my patients probably feel completed, an impression of the General Dentist somewhat the same when they prepared tooth is taken, and a 308 Dartmouth Dr. come to see me, only I am the crown is fabricated. The second Midland, MI 48640 mechanic. phase is essentially cementing 631-6075 both to protect their teeth and get them used to wearing mouthguards during sporting activities. Mouthguards should be treated equally as important as any other piece of sport- ing equipment. The question that follows is, how do I pick an appropriate one? The best option would be to get a profession- ally-made mouthguard from your local mouthguards are only needed in contact dentist due to the fact that these are going sports like hockey or football. However, to have the best fit, appropriate design, dento-alveolar (injuries to teeth and and will be made of the most effective supporting structures) happen more com- impact- absorbing material. The next monly in non-contact sports such as basket- best option would be the “boil and bite” ball, baseball, bicycling, and soccer. With ($10-$25). They still have an adequate the use of mouthguards in contact sports, fit and still provide good protection. the prevalence of oral trauma has been The last option, and the least expensive, reduced from 50% to nearly 1%. In lim- would be the pre-molded mouthguard ited-contact sports, however, the prevalence purely for the fact that they do not fit very of such injuries ranges between 14% and well and tend to fall out of an athletes’ 34%, showing the necessity of mouthguard mouth. For these reasons, they do not Mouthguards use for limited-contact or even non-contact provide very reliable protection. Just remember, any mouthguard is better than In every season, thousands of people of sports. An average dento-alveolar no mouthguard. all ages participate in organized sports. can cost anywhere from a few hundred to a As the weather gets nicer and the days few thousand dollars. With this in mind, a Accepting new patients. grow longer, it seems more people find store- bought mouthguard is approximately We would love to have you themselves playing in a softball league or $10-$25, and a custom-made mouthguard join our dental family! taking part in a pick-up game of soccer. from your dentist may cost up to a few Any questions, Most people think of the essentials in hundred dollars, but the overall savings in visit our Website at preventing injury is very much worth it. playing the sport before they get started. Softball, for instance, requires a glove, Since children are the most likely to par- a bat, and cleats. However, many people ticipate in organized sports, it makes sense forget a piece of equipment that can both that they are also the most likely to suffer Benjamin Bailey protect them and save them thousands of from a dento-alveolar injury while par- D.D.S. dollars at the same time . . . a mouth- ticipating in a sport. In fact, the age group General Dentist guard. most likely to suffer from such an injury Mouthguards may be both the most is between the ages of 7-11 years old. It is 308 Dartmouth Dr. forgotten piece of sporting equipment and very important to provide athletes of this Midland, MI 48640 the most important. Most people think age group with an appropriate mouthguard, 631-6075 4. Lead by example. If your chil- dren see you brushing and flossing regularly, they, of course, will be more likely to do it themselves. 5. Implement flossing techniques early, and consider using “easy floss- ers.” These will make flossing much easier for children, and they do a fairly decent job at cleaning between the teeth, certainly much better than dentition is closely related to the health nothing at all. of a child’s “baby teeth.” Also, as with any other learned habit, the sooner Remember, attitudes and habits good oral health habits are taught, the established at an early age are critical more likely they will remain through- in maintaining good oral health for out life! I would go so far as to say life. It is important for not only those that teaching a child appropriate health on the dental team but teachers, care techniques is as important as caretakers, and parents to take part in potty training... And less messy! This, helping children improve their oral of course, starts with educating not health habits to keep a healthy smile only children, but parents, teachers, for life! and caretakers as well, since proper oral care is commonly something that Resource: ADA presents NCDHM children require help with. Program Planning Guide National Children’s So, here are a few basics when it Dental Health Month comes to taking care of teeth:

Each February the American Dental 1. Everyone should brush two times a Association encourages dental day for two minutes. professionals, teachers, parents, 2. It is important to oversee your Any questions, and others to take part in National children as they brush to be sure they Children’s Dental Health Month are doing a thorough enough job. visit our Website at (NCDHM). The main goal of 3. Make brushing fun! There are many NCDHM is to increase awareness of types of mouthwashes that can be used the importance of good oral health before brushing that will color the Benjamin Bailey for children. plaque on the tooth surface so that the child can see where all the plaque, or D.D.S. Often the significance of instilling what I like to call “sugar bugs,” are General Dentist good oral health habits in children and this makes cleaning the teeth a lot 308 Dartmouth Dr. at a young age is overlooked. The more enjoyable when they can see the Midland, MI 48640 healthy development of the adult results. 631-6075 the fear and keep you more comfortable during dental procedures. Chances are, if you are very afraid of the dentist, then it has been quite a long time since you have last gone. Keep in mind that it is impor- tant to see a dentist regularly, especially if you are an anxious patient. Regular care can help diminish the chance of major dental procedures. I have found that many fears can be dental treatment. overcome by a little extra “TLC” on the A number of studies show that a “previ- part of the dentist and baby steps out of ous painful or traumatic experience during the “dental comfort zone” on the part of dental care” is the main cause of dental the patient. If this isn’t helping, there are fear. In the above mentioned survey, 67% plenty of other avenues to help patients of respondents stated a previous experience cope with and confront their fears. It as the cause of their current fear. The is important to understand that if you second most popular response was a “fear do suffer from dental fear, you aren’t of needles,” followed by “parents who were alone. Also realize that dentists (even afraid of the dentist,” and “fear of doctors though we are the ones holding the drills in general.” and needles) are there to help you cope. Regardless of the rationale for the fearful Hopefully, eventually, the dentist will be Coping With Dental Fear response when coming to get dental care, able to free you from your fears. This there are many ways for dentists to aid the will help you improve both your dental It seems like the top five things people fearful patient, ranging from nitrous oxide health and health overall. are afraid of (in no particular order) are and relaxation techniques, to oral and IV snakes, spiders, public speaking, heights, sedation. These techniques all have their Accepting new patients. and going to the dentist. I’ll admit, the risks and benefits but are very important in We would love to have you dental office can be a very scary and in- order to be able to provide care to anxious join our dental family! timidating place. There aren’t many other and fearful patients, especially since studies Any questions, doctors’ offices that you go to where have shown that patients with a high level visit our Website at you have needles, dental instruments, of dental fear have more dental disease than and countless other items placed in very those who do not, since they avoid dental personal anatomical places. treatment. Dental fear is so prevalent among A good place to begin, if you have Benjamin Bailey patients that dental schools have profound dental fear or even if you are just integrated psychology classes into the slightly anxious, is to identify the cause D.D.S. curriculum that are dedicated to studying, of the fear and begin to determine what General Dentist understanding, and treating dental fear. things exacerbate or improve it. It is also 308 Dartmouth Dr. One survey done in Germany found that important to discuss these things with your Midland, MI 48640 98% of people surveyed were “tense or dentist so he or she can help you confront nervous” at one point or another during 631-6075 There are lollipops, caramels, flavored mints, lemonade mixes, coffee sweeteners, chocolate, and all- purpose sweeteners that can all be located by going to the website,, or you can just type in “xylitol” in your preferred internet search engine to find products offered either locally or online. If you are considering using a xylitol This is where the sugar xylitol could product, it is recommended that for play a very important role. maximum efficacy that xylitol be Xylitol is a sugar alcohol derived listed as one of the top three ingredi- from forest and agricultural materials, ents in the product. The daily serving particularly birch and other hardwood of xylitol, in order to prevent tooth trees. It is also found in certain fruits, decay, should be between 6 and 10 berries, vegetables, and mushrooms. It grams. Xylitol is very safe for has been used as a sweetener since the consumption, and at its worst it causes 1950s. gastric distress. However, it is very Since xylitol is a sugar alcohol and can- poisonous to our four-legged friends, not be used by oral bacteria to promote even in very small amounts, so it is cavities, it is inherently beneficial for very important that you keep any use as a sugar substitute. In addition, as product with xylitol in it away from Xylitol the bacteria take in xylitol, they cannot pets! So next time your sweet tooth Dentists have been telling their break it down and use it for energy; it gets the best of you, have something patients to stay away from candy, builds up within the bacterial and sweet and prevent cavities at the same sweets, and sugar since the beginning limits its growth. In turn, this limits time, try xylitol. of time. Well, maybe not that long, the overall numbers of cavity-caus- but you get the point. Studies by the ing bacteria in the mouth and prevents National Institute of Dental and Cra- cavities from forming. The bottom line: Any questions, niofacial Research show 92 percent of using xylitol can help reduce the risk of visit our Website at adults ages 20 to 64, and nearly half tooth decay. of children between 2 and 11 have had It seems that with all of the benefits cavities. So your chances of having a of xylitol, you would be able to buy cavity over the course of your life are it by the pound at your local grocery Benjamin Bailey more likely than not having one. But store. Unfortunately, it isn’t quite that D.D.S. what if you could eat something sweet easy to find. There are many products all day long and not have to worry that do contain xylitol you just have to General Dentist about cavities. Even better, what if read the ingredients on the back to find 308 Dartmouth Dr. this sweet substance could actually out. There are many types of chewing Midland, MI 48640 gums, Orbit®for one, that have xylitol. prevent cavities?! 631-6075 1. Fluoride (commonly stannous will result in healthier gums. fluoride or sodium fluoride) When looking for toothpaste, 2. Hydrated silica, sodium you really only need to pay bicarbonate, calcium carbonate, attention to a few things, the or trisodium phosphate rest, whether it be toothpaste for 3. Sodium lauryl sulfate “day” or “night” is just details. 4. Glycerol or sorbitol First, for the reasons mentioned 5. Triclosan above, you would want fluoride Fluoride is perhaps the most in any toothpaste you pick (if you familiar ingredient on the list. have young children who are Its main purpose in toothpaste is unable to swish/spit, however, to provide cavity protection and you should avoid fluoridated help improve areas of weakened toothpastes for them until they Toothpaste. It seems like a enamel. can do so). Second, you need rather simple thing, and yet, Hydrated silica and the other toothpaste that will taste pleas- when you walk down the aisle compounds similar to it on the ant. Third, there should be some of Meijer or Walgreens it seems list provide the toothpaste with type of mild abrasive to help like there are no less than about a mild abrasive property which better clean your teeth. Fourth, a 100 different types. There are helps remove more plaque and surfactant that will make cleans- toothpastes for whitening, for bacteria from the tooth surface, as ing bubbles in the mouth. Fifth, sensitive teeth, even “day” and well as superficial stains. These are consider using toothpaste with “night” toothpastes. With so important for increasing brushing triclosan, shown to help decrease many kinds, how do you pick efficiency. bacterial load in the mouth and one to use? Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) is a help with cases of gingivitis. First, I need to point out that the surfactant. In toothpaste it helps In summation, the best tooth- toothpaste you use can only be provide a foamy bubbly action paste in the world will not make as effective as your tooth brush- while brushing. An important thing up for poor brushing habits! So ing habits and technique. If you to know about SLS is that it can be sure that you are taking the aren’t brushing properly, the type cause canker sores in some people. time to brush properly. When of toothpaste you use will likely If you switch toothpaste and notice choosing toothpaste, it isn’t only pose marginal benefits at more mouth sores, you are one necessary to get caught up in all of the people more susceptible the special offerings or different best. Brushing without toothpaste and should look for a type of types. Just select toothpaste with will remove about 60% of plaque toothpaste without SLS. the seal of the American Dental from the surfaces of your teeth. Glycerol and sorbitol are both Association and one that makes So be sure to brush for at least considered humectants which you enjoy brushing your teeth! two minutes twice a day (ideally help retain the moisture of the with an electric brush), and floss toothpaste. Any questions, or WaterpikTM once a day to get Triclosan is a mild antibacte- visit our Website at the areas your brush can’t. rial substance that can actually Now, the toothpaste! What be found in many home hygiene should you use at home? Well, products including hand soap, Benjamin Bailey selecting a toothpaste is really face wash, etc. Its function in D.D.S. rather simple. Let’s ignore the toothpaste is to help decrease the name on the front of the box and General Dentist bacterial load that exists on the 308 Dartmouth Dr. flip to the back and look at some teeth and especially gums. Helping of the ingredients. to control the number of bacteria Midland, MI 48640 631-6075 CARING FAMILY WORD OF MOUTH . . . DENTISTRY BY DR. BRIAN BAILEY, D.D.S. What I would really like removed 80% of the bacterial & BRACES people to know is gum reces- plaque on teeth when held sion is not a natural, inevitable three millimeters off the tooth process causing the old saying, surface. “long in tooth” to become part One big problem with gum of aging. recession is the root exposed is very susceptible to decay and What I see as the main causes sensitivity. So don’t scrub, but of gum recession are; keep the gumline clean. If you 1. Brushing too hard, do clench or grind your teeth, abrading the gums away. get a “night guard.” Use pre- 2. Gum disease and plaque. scription fluoride toothpaste to 3. Clenching and grinding lower decay and sensitivity. your teeth, mostly at I hope this has helped... if What Is Gum night. you have questions, please call 4. Braces moving teeth or e-mail. Recession? “out too far.” Many of you may have 5. Having adjacent teeth noticed areas where your extracted. gums have “moved down,” 6. Using smokeless tobacco. Any questions, exposing the root. We call 7. Tartar buildup. visit our Website at this recession; it is irrevers- ible unless you have a special The causes are all “prevent- INVISALIGN™ PROVIDER gum done called a able,” but gum recession is “graft.” Grafts are done by irreversible. I find a soft-tufted your dentist or periodontist sonic brush, for example the Brian E. Bailey (gum specialist). Our local Phillips Sonicare™, really D.D.S., P.C. periodontist is awesome at helps people have very clean General Dentist this! Grafts are mostly done teeth without “scrubbing the 308 Dartmouth Dr. in areas where there is little gums away.” In fact, a recent Midland, MI 48640 or no gum left. study showed a sonic brush 631-6075 CARING FAMILY WORD OF MOUTH . . . DENTISTRY BY DR. BRIAN BAILEY, D.D.S. The type of fluoride that helps adults ingested fluoride. Adults don’t. & BRACES is topical fluoride that comes in the When you have your teeth cleaned, form of toothpaste, rinses, gels, and most of the coat, plaque, foams. Most toothpastes do contain tartar, and polysaccharided biofilm are fluoride, although for many people, removed. So the fluoride has nothing I prescribe a prescription paste or in the way to hinder it from absorbing gel. I have helped many people stop into your teeth and root surface. This “beginning” cavities, lower their decay is the most beneficial time to apply rate, and eliminate sensitivity with fluoride. prescription fluoride. (1.1% neutral In the last few years, fluoride “var- sodium fluoride) nish” has been a nice advancement. This and the fluoride that is applied It is a “gooey” application placed on at the dentist’s office (2.0% sodium the teeth after a cleaning (5% sodium fluoride) is greatly beneficial for older fluoride). It can be literally painted on people with a lot of exposed root from with a mini paintbrush. The hygienist gum recession. Root surface is much or dentist can get it in all the “nooks softer than enamel and, therefore, and crannies,” and it stays on for decays easier. It is also more porous minutes to hours soaking in. I place it than enamel, so it “soaks up” more over fillings on roots, and my patients Topical vs. fluoride, helping with decay and have not had a sensitive root since. sensitivity reduction. I hope this has helped. If it spawns Systemic I find it frustrating that most dental any questions, please feel free to insurance companies cover 100% e-mail or call. We would be happy to Fluoride of the cost of professionally-applied help – it’s what we do! An adult patient recently said, fluoride for people under 18. Person- Any questions, “I’m spending the winter in Florida ally, I think it should be the other way and there is no fluoride in the drink- around, covering adults instead of visit our Website at ing water . . . what do I do?” children. Why?? There is no dental benefit with fluoridated water for adults—that 1. Most youth have a lower decay INVISALIGN™ PROVIDER benefit stops at age 12. The reason rate than adults; therefore, adults need is the amount of fluoride in the fluoride applied. water is very low (0.7 – 1.2 parts per 2. Most youth don’t have sensitiv- Brian E. Bailey million). This fluoride incorporates ity issues. This is more common in right into the tooth while it is form- adults. D.D.S., P.C. ing. It helps to profoundly reduce 3. Most youth don’t have exposed General Dentist decay by 60% resulting in 33% of roots, erosion, abrasion, root notches, 308 Dartmouth Dr. U.S. youth never having a cavity etc., that adults have which would in their permanent teeth before age benefit from fluoride application. Midland, MI 48640 18. Yea! 4. Youth benefit from systemic 631-6075 CARING FAMILY WORD OF MOUTH . . . DENTISTRY BY DR. BRIAN BAILEY, D.D.S. • Loud snoring people & BRACES • Interrupted breathing • Easy to make • Chronic tiredness and irritable feeling • Less expensive than alternatives • Frequent naps (divorce) • Short-term memory decrease There is another piece of information that • Bloodshot eyes is both a positive and a negative. There • Dark circles or puffy eyes are so many options of different designs; • Red and swollen throat it is somewhat hard to know which would In an ideal world, any signs or symptoms be best for a patient . . . this also provides should result in a sleep study. Our hospital many good options for people. has expanded its number of sleep study Here are just a few examples of different rooms. In-home tests are also available types: through some home-health provider orga- • Silent Nite® nizations. • Elastic Mandibular Advancement Snore appliances made by a dentist can (EMA®) help mild to moderate OSA. Severe apnea • KlearwayTM is usually treated with a CPAP “breathing • PM Positioner ® machine.” I have had many patients’ lives • Sommodent MASTM change for the better with a sleep study and • The Silencer® CPAP machine during sleep. • SAUD® (Modified Herbst Appliance) I also have had patients’ apnea and snoring • TAPTM (Thornton Adjustable Positioner) Snore Appliances corrected well enough with a snore appli- I have tried two of these on myself and “Doc, can you help my spouse with ance to avoid surgery and a CPAP machine. will be trying two more very soon. I would their snoring?” Yes!!!! The idea of a snore appliance is to hold your love to help you. Please call our office at My staff and I have helped many people mouth in a “CPR” open airway position so 631-6075. with their snoring, but there is no pana- nothing obstructs the airflow. The downside cea. Here’s a quick education . . . to snore appliances: • Dentists have been helping snorers • They do take some time to get used to. Any questions, like me (yes, I am a proverbial “chain- • If you grind your teeth at night, only saw”) for over 20 years. the more expensive types will hold up over visit our Website at • Many snorers have obstructive sleep time. apnea (OSA), a sleeping disorder. • I have had many people get “addicted” • The American Medical Association so they can’t live without them. ™ states one in five adults has mild apnea • I have seen “bites” change due to long- INVISALIGN PROVIDER and one in fifteen has moderate to severe term (years) of nightly use. OSA. • If you have one, your spouse may not let • OSA sufferers are at risk of heart you sleep without it. Brian E. Bailey attack and stroke. The positives of snore appliances: D.D.S., P.C. • Sleep apnea has been linked to • Happy spouse obesity, hypertension, diabetes, and • Well-rested (you and your spouse) General Dentist premature death. • More energy 308 Dartmouth Dr. • There is a form of silent apnea. • Avoid CPAP • Children can also have OSA. • Avoid surgery Midland, MI 48640 of OSA are: • No embarrassment when visiting other 631-6075 CARING FAMILY WORD OF MOUTH . . . DENTISTRY BY DR. BRIAN BAILEY, D.D.S. The Mayo Clinic study was duplicated the chronic inflammatory process is active. & BRACES in the 2000s, showing that people with a All research shows that people battling this healthy oral cavity do outlive people with problem should have their teeth cleaned ill oral health. So whether it be 3-4 times per year. This is after an initial released by the chronic inflammation in process called scaling and root planing. the mouth or enzymes by the bacteria . . . This all reduces the amount of tartar and it seems poor gum health can affect an biofilm (a tenacious bacterial layer) under increase in strokes and heart attacks. the gums. Where needed, periodontal On another note, after adjusting for surgery can be very effective to increase smoking and other risk factors, people with gum health. Midland’s periodontist, gum disease have a 64% increase in risk of Dr. Michael Holden, is a gifted surgeon. pancreatic cancer. Pancreatic cancer affects If you have pockets of gum disease or males more than females and has a four per- gingivitis, it can affect your life span. We cent survival rate (this according to a study still fight it by physically removing the by Harvard University). It is not known if bacteria (routine dental cleanings, brush- the increased risk is from c-reactive protein ing, flossing, etc.). This is because “chem- from chronic inflammation or from increased ical warfare” (mouthwashes, , Gum Disease: acid caused in the stomach from bacterial etc.) is only a help against the bacteria but The Silent Killer gum disease. doesn’t actually remove them. Back in the 1970s, the Mayo Clinic Unfortunately, we in dentistry still don’t So for your heart’s sake, know about conducted a study that showed that if you have a “cure all” for the four species of your state of on probing, and kept your own natural teeth in good health, bacteria that cause gum disease. Meaning, WaterpikTM daily for your longevity. you would live an average of ten years if you have one of these species in your oral longer than if you didn’t. At that point in “make-up” of bacteria, you are continually time, the results of the study were credited fighting the disease process. This is done Any questions, to lifestyle as much as anything else. by really good oral hygiene at home. A TM visit our Website at We now know another reason. Research Waterpik (“power washer” for the mouth in the last few years has shown a cor- introduced in the 1960s) seems to be one relation between chronic inflammatory of the best fighters of the bacteria. A sonic process of gum disease and artery disease, electric brush does help as well as flossing. Brian E. Bailey both of the heart and brain. In summary, There are many “gizmos” for cleaning that help, such as “Christmas tree brushes.” gum disease can cause heart disease and D.D.S., P.C. I personally see 60 seconds per day with a strokes. Also, an enzyme released by the General Dentist TM gum disease process has been isolated in Waterpik on high power doing great things 308 Dartmouth Dr. the heart after heart attacks, showing a for fighting gum disease. possible link of gum disease contributing “Bleeding on probing” is our main form Midland, MI 48640 to heart attacks. of diagnosis of gum health. It shows where 631-6075 CARING FAMILY WORD OF MOUTH . . . DENTISTRY BY DR. BRIAN BAILEY, D.D.S. not. What’s the right answer? 3. If the child’s self- & BRACES Here is some information that confidence is affected by their may help you and your child. teeth. This is something the par- ent has to judge more than me. Most cases can be treated well if The outcome can be awesome you wait until 11-13 years old. for kids and how they feel about If you start too early, odds are themselves. you will be doing another phase of treatment as an adolescent to In summary, if your 7- to 10- “finish the case.” year-old has: 1. An open space between their Kids and parents (and their wal- upper and lower front teeth lets) tend to burn out more with 2. Their lower front teeth are two-phase treatment. With that out in front of their top teeth said, there are some cases that 3. If your child is affected really should be started early. by the unattractiveness of their Some that are a “no brainer”: smile... When To Start 1. Anterior open bite with tongue thrust. This is where the Please call our office. We will Braces? front teeth don’t touch when perform a free evaluation and biting on the back teeth. If this is Back in the ‘80s, there was a consult to help your child. caused by an improper swallow big trend to start braces or re- pattern or improper tongue pos- Any questions, movable appliances at a young ture (speech problem), it must be age (6-10 years old). My main visit our Website at corrected before age 9 or it will orthodontic instructor, not stay corrected. If you wait, Dr. Richard Litt (past chair the teeth will always relapse. ™ of Orthodontics at Univer- INVISALIGN PROVIDER 2. Class III or underbite. If sity of Detroit and University this is corrected early, then the Brian E. Bailey of Pacific at San Francisco) child will tend to have his upper D.D.S., P.C. still strongly believes in this and lower jaws grow together in concept. General Dentist harmony. In my experience, these 308 Dartmouth Dr. two types may not need a second Some of our local orthodontists Midland, MI 48640 phase of treatment later. start cases early, and some do 631-6075 CARING FAMILY WORD OF MOUTH . . . DENTISTRY BY DR. BRIAN BAILEY, D.D.S. called and encouraged my dad to many insurance plans even covered & BRACES try it, and shortly after, I was in 100% of pre-molars or bicuspids. “the chair.” The idea is to have them stay in long enough (years) to get children The molar grooves are cleaned well through their more “cavity-prone” with pumice and then etched with years. I once saw a 15-year study 37% phosphoric acid. This is the in the ADA Journal that reported same etch that has been used for the treatment reduces decay by millions of tooth-colored fillings, 50%. In my 23 years of practice, bonding, and laminates over I have sealed hundreds, if not decades. The tooth is then rinsed thousands, of teeth and only had and dried, and a thin coating of to drill and fill cavities on a acrylic is flowed into the pits and handful of sealed molars. It’s very fissures and “cured” or hardened rewarding to see all the susceptible with a curing light. Back then it grooves sealed out from decay. was UV light; now it is halogen What Is a LED or even laser. The light is the If you would like to see some catalyst for the chemical reaction photos, please visit our website at Sealant? that turns the sealant hard. or just call I am still surprised that many and we would be glad to help. people ask me this question. The The concept is to “seal out” the only reason why I am surprised miniature “crevice” that is in a is because they have been so tooth. The strep mutans bacteria Any questions, common for so long. that cause decay can have safe visit our Website at harbor away from your toothbrush I was possibly the first person in these pits and fissures . . .and in the state to have light-cured . . .“bingo” a cavity. sealants placed on my teeth. In Brian E. Bailey the late 1960s, my father, Eldon The procedure is paid for by many D.D.S., P.C. Bailey, D.D.S., had a classmate insurance companies on children. General Dentist from U of M Dental School It is most effective when done just 308 Dartmouth Dr. who went into dental materials after the tooth comes in. When I Midland, MI 48640 research as his profession. He started practicing in the 1980s, 631-6075 CARING FAMILY WORD OF MOUTH . . . DENTISTRY BY DR. BRIAN BAILEY, D.D.S. the world, and this area’s quality is I think most dentists would agree & BRACES above average. Third, when look- with me that lack of prevention at ing at national dental fee surveys, home and procrastination cause the this region has significantly below- majority of dental dollars spent. average fees. Please don’t think I am judging. Above-average quality Nobody is perfect, but I was asked + Below-average fees to write on how to save dental dol- = Above-average value lars . . . prevent and be proactive. With that said, how can you With any type of oral hygiene, stretch your dental dollar? technique is really important. Like Prevent! Prevent! Prevent! washing a car, you must have a If you were given only one pattern so you don’t miss a fender. car to last your whole life, you And like a diamond ring, you must would: (1) keep it clean, (2) keep think small to get in the nooks and it maintained, 3) keep repairs up crannies. when they are minor and (4) do By prevention and not procras- How To Save recommended repairs without pro- tinating, you can save a ton of “Dental Dollars” crastination to keep costs down and money and your dental health. If dependability up. You would fix there is any way I can help, that’s In These Times and maintain things not covered by what I do -- help people through I received a request for this insurance, such as oil changes, tires dentistry. topic, so here goes. Let me make and engine repair. I have many a bold statement. “Midland patients who won’t do a $150 ser- Any questions, is one of the best places in the vice because they don’t have dental visit our Website at world for value for your ‘dental insurance. When they finally get dollar.’” How so? First, Mid- insurance, they decide to fix the land is blessed with many (over problem. Now it costs $1,000 to 50) quality dentists... not exactly restore because the condition of Brian E. Bailey a monopoly. Second, Midland’s the tooth has worsened. Insurance D.D.S., P.C. dentists have definitely been, in pays $500—but now the patient is General Dentist my opinion, above-average for paying $500 instead of $150. Your 308 Dartmouth Dr. teeth will need attention eventually. generations. I see dentistry from Midland, MI 48640 all over the United States and Why not do it sooner than later and save money. 631-6075 CARING FAMILY WORD OF MOUTH . . . DENTISTRY BY DR. BRIAN BAILEY, D.D.S. teeth and improve smiles for ten plan has orthodontic coverage). & BRACES years on over 800,000 people in I have been moving teeth with the U.S. alone. different types of aligners for How it works is an Invis- several years and using Invis- alignTM-certified dentist, such as alignTM technology since 2002. myself, takes molds of your teeth I have not had one dissatisfied (as well as photos and x-rays). InvisalignTM patient. I was in The molds are three-dimension- the first wave of general dentists ally scanned into their computer to be certified. With many im- system. The software within provements on the technical side the system then virtually moves such as “magical” compliance your teeth 0.1 to .25 millimeters indicators on InvisalignTM Teen, I at a time. The dentist views the am more and more impressed all three-dimensional images and the time. can e-mail any desired changes Our office is hosting an Invis- INVISALIGNTM to InvisalignTM until the perfect align Day on Friday, May 1. Feel result is observed. free to call our office for more At many consultations I Then, the patented system details or visit our website. have with patients, I state that creates a series of clear plastic they could get the improved “shells” (normally between 6 cosmetic results they want and 30) that fit over the patient’s with braces or InvisalignTM. teeth. These shells are called Routinely, I hear back “What is Any questions, aligners and are almost complete- InvisalignTM?” ly invisible. They are removable visit our Website at Well, it is a process that was for eating and cleaning, and a invented by students working new one is utilized every two to on their computer science PhDs three weeks. at the Massachusetts Institute Brian E. Bailey If worn correctly, there is no of Technology. This process led D.D.S., P.C. , and, of course no braces to into the development of a pub- bother your cheeks or lips. The General Dentist licly-traded company (Align cost is very similar to braces and 308 Dartmouth Dr. Technology) that has provided is covered by insurance the same Midland, MI 48640 the technology to straighten as regular braces (if patient’s 631-6075 CARING FAMILY WORD OF MOUTH . . . DENTISTRY BY DR. BRIAN BAILEY, D.D.S. ficult as having a tooth removed. 9. are inexpensive dollar-wise & BRACES Once it has “taken” or integrated compared to most medical ( has grown through or replacement procedures. around it) its failure rate is very 10. can be used for other restor- low. ative needs in the future. • The procedure includes plac- 11. preserve facial structure and ing the implant, allowing it to promote a youthful appearance. “integrate,” and then attaching 12. promote better speech than a dental crown or bridge or a some other alternatives. denture to the implant. Implants are not bionic, but The following are some of this technology can really add the big advantages of dental to the quality of life through implants. The implants: stable, painless, decay-free teeth. 1. can’t have tooth decay. Another blessing of modern Dental Implants 2. are less susceptible to gum medicine/dentistry! disease. Call or visit our web site if you 2. have no sensitivity. have any questions or we can With dental implants becom- 3. preserve the breakdown of jaw help! ing more and more common, I bone. believe the public should know 4. prevent a “virgin tooth” from why they are becoming “the being “drilled down” to attach to. Any questions, standard of care” for many 5. keep dentures from moving situations. visit our Website at around; vastly increasing stability First, a quick overview: of lower dentures. • Dental implants have been 6. feel very natural; you can’t used very successfully for Brian E. Bailey feel that they are there. decades. 7. have a very high success D.D.S., P.C. • They are basically a titanium rate (after integration 95 to 100 General Dentist replacement for a tooth root in percent). 308 Dartmouth Dr. the jawbone. 8. greatly increases chewing Midland, MI 48640 • The procedure is about as dif- ability. 631-6075 CARING FAMILY WORD OF MOUTH . . . DENTISTRY BY DR. BRIAN BAILEY, D.D.S. ing), ideally with an electric tooth- percentage of strep mutans, you can & BRACES brush and a WaterPik™. Research have clean teeth and low sugar intake shows two times the plaque removal but still have a high decay rate. If with electric versus a manual brush. you have no strep mutans, you can 2) Don’t feed the strep mutans. The have “dirty teeth” and high sugar key is not how much sugar and carbs, intake but no decay. but how often. An example: If you In summary: drink a whole-sugared soda all at • Keep your teeth clean of sticky, once, the bacteria only excrete their bacterial plaque at home and by your acid once. If you sip a quarter of a dentist. soda in ten sips over a morning, the • Less bacteria, less acid, less decay. bacteria put out acid ten times. Thus, • Keep the consumption of sugar to in this instance, even though less mealtimes . . . this keeps down the sugar is consumed and you get ten frequency. times more decay. • Keep fluoride use up. 3) Topical fluoride. If you apply If you still have a decay prob- fluoride to the teeth, it can slow down lem, then your saliva and bacterial I brush my teeth, how the decay if it is very shallow or pre- makeup may be the cause. could I have a cavity? vent new decay from occurring. We PS. I would say from what I have use prescription fluoride toothpaste seen over the last 25 years, the big- Dental tooth decay is called on hundreds of patients and have gest cause of decay is how people caries. A cavity is called a carious significantly lowered their decay rate. clean their teeth at home. With some lesion. It is caused by bacteria There are some parts of this “equa- coaching on technique, the decay rate called strep mutans that live in the tion” that people have little control can go down. white, sticky plaque that sticks on over. For example, genetically, your Any questions, teeth. saliva may not neutralize the bacterial Strep mutans: 1) eat carbo- acid. For some people, the acid never visit our Website at hydrates, especially sugars, 2) hits the tooth. For others, it is still digests them in about two minutes, acidic 20 minutes later. 3) excrete an acid onto your tooth. A low saliva flow, usually caused 4) This bacterial acid rots the tooth. by certain medicines, really increases Brian E. Bailey Next, your saliva then neutralizes your chance of decay. A medicine D.D.S., P.C. the acid. called Salogen helps this immensely, General Dentist How can you help control tooth as it increases saliva flow and elimi- decay? nates dry mouth. 308 Dartmouth Dr. 1) Keep the number of strep mu- Another key factor is your mouth’s Midland, MI 48640 tans as low as possible by proper bacterial makeup. If you have a high oral hygiene (brushing and floss- 631-6075 CARING FAMILY WORD OF MOUTH . . . DENTISTRY & BRACES BY DR. BRIAN BAILEY, D.D.S. study, 10-, 15- and 20-year studies That’s why it is very important to have come out (i.e., University of do “touch-ups.” Even if you are one North Carolina) that show there is no of the few to get lesser results or a detriment to the tooth. less long-lived result... you still will In the whitening process, differ- (with touch-ups) be whiter 20 years ent percentages of carbamine and from now than someone who doesn’t hydrogen peroxides are placed on the whiten. teeth by different means of applica- Also, the longer you go without tion for varying times. The peroxides bleaching and the darker your teeth “bubble” the stained organic material get, the harder it is to get them white. out of the “pores” in your tooth and Please feel free to e-mail us if you leave the needed inorganic matrix. A very common question asked have questions. My staff and I supplement the of me is, “Does dental bleaching process with prescription fluoride cause harm to teeth?” Back in the treatments. This helps to eliminate ‘80s, when dental whitening started any short-term discomforts and helps to become popular, some bleaches Any questions, fortify the teeth. We have done hun- were not a neutral pH and did break visit our Website at dreds of successful cases. down bonded tooth-colored fillings Bleaching does cause some people and in other ways cause long-term to have sensitive gums or teeth, but it sensitivity. is always transient. I find this sensi- The FDA took the bleaching Brian E. Bailey tivity is non-existent in some people products off the market for about D.D.S., P.C. and quite profound in others. two years to study this and con- General Dentist The biggest variable I find in cerns of ingesting a foreign mate- whitening is how long a patient’s 308 Dartmouth Dr. rial. The FDA came back with full teeth stays white. In some people Midland, MI 48640 approval of pH neutral products it is years. In others, just months. and the rest is history. Since this 631-6075 CARING FAMILY WORD OF MOUTH . . . DENTISTRY & BRACES BY DR. BRIAN BAILEY, D.D.S. The tooth-colored filling My staff and I use bonded material is then placed on the composite filling materials cured resin and also hardened from one to twenty times per with “the curing light.” day, and with changes in ad- hesives, this is done without This composite tooth-colored sensitivity to the teeth. filling material (mixture of resin and glass), when used to change esthetics of front We have photos of twenty- teeth, is called “bonding.” year-old bondings that look like they could go for another The bonding material has twenty years. Before-and- What is bonding? changed dramatically in the after photos can be viewed 25 years that I have used it. on our website. If you have Since the late ‘60s dentists The biggest change was a questions, please feel free to few years ago when the glass have been etching tooth e-mail. particles in the material went Any questions, enamel with 37% phos- from microns to nanosized. phoric acid. Then they place visit our Website at (1 nanometer = .0000000254 a clear adhesive resin and inches) This allows a lot more cure it to the tooth with glass per weight of filling light energy (a bonding or material. Brian E. Bailey curing light). The light was D.D.S., P.C. originally ultraviolet in na- This increased glass makes ture, then halogen, and now for: General Dentist LED, super halogen, PAC, • More shine 308 Dartmouth Dr. or laser. • More durability Midland, MI 48640 • Less staining over time 631-6075 CARING FAMILY WORD OF MOUTH . . . DENTISTRY & BRACES BY DR. BRIAN BAILEY, D.D.S and I can help them get a very or relapse, so long-term retention satisfying result but not always (possibly bonded retainers) is an ideal, textbook perfect bite needed to keep a nice result. and perfect alignment, result. So even though there are some The main reason is that the amount concerns (the 3 Rs: recession, of “remodeling” of the bone around resorption, and relapse), adults tend the tooth is not as extensive as on a to be very, very happy with their growing adolescent. What I call a decision. The result always looks “non-growing case” has more risk of better and thus increases self-esteem. recession and resorption than a I wish I had a dime for every time I growing person. heard from a completed adult braces Recession is where the tooth is I wish I had a dime for every time case . . . “I love it! I only regret I moved out of the arch of bone and the I’ve heard . . . “Am I too old for waited so long to do it.” gum recedes. I have, through braces, braces?” My answer is you are For a free evaluation, please call corrected some areas of recession by never too old for braces, but there our office at 989-631-6075. moving a tooth into the arch of bone are more limits as to what can be Any questions, and the gum “un-recedes.” done. Resorption is where the cells visit our Website at I have done braces or clear plastic allowing the tooth to move kind of go aligners on many people in their “haywire” and permanently dissolve forties, fifties, and even sixties. the root rather than the tooth socket I personally have not done any Brian E. Bailey, changing. “cases” on people in their seventies D.D.S., P.C. Another concern in adult aligning of or eighties, but I am sure our gifted teeth is retention or relapse. Moving General Dentist local orthodontic specialists prob- the teeth is easy; having them stay 308 Dartmouth Dr. ably have. there takes some long-term commit- On some adult braces cases I Midland, MI 48640 ment. Teeth do want to move back explain ahead of time that my staff 631-6075