Yorke Peninsula Council

2015/16 Annual Report Council Contact Details

Locations Maitland Office (Principal Office) 8 Elizabeth Street MAITLAND 5573

Minlaton Office 18 Main Street MINLATON

Warooka Office Player Street WAROOKA

Yorketown Office 15 Road YORKETOWN

Postal Address PO Box 57 MAITLAND 5573

Phone: (08) 8832 0000

Fax: (08) 8853 2494

Email: admin @yorke.sa.gov.au

Website: www.yorke.sa.gov.au

Opening Hours - Maitland, Minlaton and Yorketown 8.30am - 5.00pm Monday to Friday

Opening Hours - Warooka 8.30am - 5.00pm Tuesday and Thursday Table of Contents


Introduction Our Organisation From the Mayor ...... 2 Corporate Management Team and Organisational Structure ...... 37 Message from the CEO ...... 3 New Principal Office ...... 38 Citizenship Ceremony & Citizen of the Year ...... 39 Overview Grants and Awards ...... 40 Fast Facts ...... 4 Organisational Development ...... 42 Strategic Highlights ...... 6 Risk Management ...... 44 Financial Overview ...... 8 Youth Services ...... 46 Key Financial Ratios ...... 11 Asset and Infrastructure Services ...... 49 Corporate and Community Services ...... 56 Our Council Development Services ...... 64 Elected Members ...... 13 Strategic Management Plan ...... 16 Our Performance Shandong Mission to China ...... 18 Annual Business Plan Performance ...... 72 Council Decision Making Structure and Meetings ...... 19 Strategic Plan Performance ...... 76 Council Committees ...... 20 Legislative Requirements ...... 79 Council Delegations ...... 23 Notice of Meetings ...... 23 Elected Member Training and Development ...... 24 PART 2 Allowances ...... 25 Review of Internal Decisions ...... 26 Audited Financial Statements ...... 82 Managing Complaints ...... 27 Confidential Items ...... 28 Council Registers, Codes & Policies ...... 30 Freedom of Information ...... 32 PART 3 Representation Review ...... 33 Management Plans for Community Land ...... 34 Central Local Government Region Annual Report ...... 132 National Competition Policy ...... 35 Tendering and Procurement ...... 35

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 1 of 165 YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 AnnualReport Ardrossan Photo by V Hibovesky From the Mayor • • • • • • • • stronger relationshipswithvariousgroupsincluding: to foster During thisyearCouncilhascontinued at Regional,StateandFederalGovernmentLevels. As Mayor, IhavecontinuedtorepresentourCouncil Report. the 2015/16 that Ipresent with pleasure It is Annual

(LGA) Local Government Association ofSouth Councils. (SAROC) South Australian RegionalOrganisation of Peninsula) Regional, CopperCoast,BarungaWest, Yorke Yorke PeninsulaCouncils Alliance (Wakefield Groups withinourlocalcommunities Progress Associations andotherCommunity Representatives Our FederalandStateGovernment Departments State GovernmentMinistersandtheir Other LocalGovernment Agencies Central LocalGovernmentRegion MAYOR Ray Agnew OAMJP I commendthe2015/16 Annual Reporttoyou. at theMinlaton Town Hall. the hosting and Australia DayCelebrations Award presentations to ourregion. many newcitizens welcoming Awas highlight Ceremonies throughouttheyear a numberofCitizenship On apersonalnote,asMayorIhavebeendelightedtoconduct communities andCouncilwillmaintainthisfocusintothefuture. State Governmentonmattersaffecting local Yorke Peninsula with the toworkclosely Throughout 2015/16wecontinued industry. tourism and economy export SA’s to contribution important our was topromotethe the mission YPhighlighting brand,particularly for ourlocalcommunity.opportunities investment Ourkeyaimfor the and trip providedadeeperunderstandingofpotentialtradeand investigated were first opportunities our export and had Tourism Council Peninsula Yorke delegationtoShandong,China. in thePremier’s involvement the 2016 April In Official Opening. Days Field Peninsula Yorke the attended Association I alongwithDaveBurgessthePresidentofLocalGovernment our neighbouringCouncils. The followingday, theGovernorand and CEO’sand Mayors members community numerous from on 29September2015. staff,Council included The opening HisExcellency the HonourableHieuVan Le,GovernorofSouth with Australia the Maitland opened in officially Office Council Council Principal that new delight much with was It

Page 2of 165 YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 AnnualReport From the CEO and topromoteexcellenceinlocalgovernmentmanagement. professionals as thrive that members that guarantee opportunities and development of thisgroupistocreatetheenvironment professionals South in government local in working representing Australia. The purpose association based member profit SA. Local GovernmentProfessionals This groupareanot-for- of Presidentthe Throughout 2015/16Ihaveheldtheposition contained withinthisreport. ofthenewPlanisalso on thedevelopment Further information the community’s inputhelpedtoshapeourprioritiesforthefuture. to providefeedbackonthenewPlanand opportunities multiple 2020 StrategicManagementPlan. The community were given of Council’sthe development in particular projects, Council 2016- throughout theyearonmany were consulted The community these projectswerecontractedviaopentenderprocesses. undertaken ontheNorthCoastandCornyPointRoads.Bothof In additiontotheClintonRoadproject,majorworkswere details aboutthiscanbefoundonpages73-75. roads whichwereplannedfor2015/16havebeendeferred.More Road project. Clinton other that several meant unfortunately This Council’sto the dedicated northernworkganghasbeensolely of 2016/17. end the by now becompleted will project key this planned as a five year project, however with the additional funding accelerate theClintonRoadproject.wasoriginally Roads grantfunding. enabled Councilto This fundinginjection more than Local Special and additional funding to Recovery Roads double with year this benefitted has Peninsula Yorke The who workedovertheweekendstoensuresmoothtransition. thank allstaffpersonally those particularly in themove, involved The relocationwentwellwithminimaldisruptiontoservices.I Maitland. in Office Council Principal expanded and renovated The financial year started with staff relocating back into the newly Council. 2015/16 wasyetanotherbusyyearforthe Yorke Peninsula Andrew Cameron continuing supporttoourcommunity. I wouldalsoliketothanktheMayorandCouncillorsfortheir support anddedication. staffgo toall thanks my ongoing for their volunteers and over theyearand I amproudofwhatwehaveaccomplished major itemssuchasroadinfrastructure. on procurement joint for opportunities exploring is 2015/16 for priorities the of one example, For interest. common a of matters and advance development and economic community at aregionallevelrelatedto and co-ordinateactivities we worktogethertofacilitate Councils with ourneighbouring Region Group. on theCentralLocalGovernment Together Together withtheMayor, I havealsorepresentedCouncil positive outcomesforthecommunitiesinourregion. sector andgovernment, Yorke Peninsulawillseemore across the great relationships As aresultofestablishing CHIEF EXECUTIVEOFFICER

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Introduction Overview Our Council Our Our Organisation Our Our Performance Our Financials Subsidiaries Fast Facts

The following numbers provide a snapshot of the Yorke Peninsula Council area for 2015/16. 11,018 $29.82 million 4,200,119 current population per the ABS Re- Council’s total expenditure for 2015/16 total website hits in 2015/16 gional Population Growth Data issued 30/03/2016 $27.55 million 4,127 Council’s total income for 2015/16 active library members 1:1.9 current population density $5.09 million 88,089 spent on capital renewal/replacement of total library items loaned in 2015/16 2 5,899.6 km assets (excluding school library loans) total area serviced by Council

$4.65 million 4 + 8 485 km spent on new/upgraded assets the number of libraries and deport libraries total length of our spectacular coastline

$294.5 million 3,890 km 12 total value of community assets (land, total length of our road network (largest of Elected Members including the Mayor buildings, roads, CWMS etc.) owned by any South Australian council) Council 3 is the number of wards 25.4 km $26.3 million total length of constructed footpaths value of development applications granted in 2015/16 8,890 number of electors currently enrolled 217 km 539 total length of kerbs and channels development applications granted in 13,804 2015/16 current number of rateable properties in the Council area Innes National Park

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 4 of 165 YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 AnnualReport

Gum Flat, Minlaton

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Introduction Overview Our Council Our Our Organisation Our Our Performance Our Financials Subsidiaries Strategic Highlights YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 AnnualReport announced asthenationalwinnerofCommunity Action attended Darwinforthenationalawards.PortJuliawere Clean BeachesawardinOctober2014,asmallgroup Following PortJuliabeingawardedtheSouth Australian Marion Bay. for thePoint Turton Foreshore,Port Vincent Foreshoreand Three Scenic Tourism PhotographyFrameswereapproved filming oftheMervHughesFishingSeriesatMarionBay. $5,000 wasapprovedtopromotetourismbyhostingthe Community OpShop. Edithburgh Road Yorketown forthepurposeofrelocating building astorageshedandtheSYP CommunityShopat21 allotment 91,68EsplanadePoint Turton forthepurposeof granted totheRoyalVolunteer CoastalPatrolSA Incat Five yearleases(withonexfiverightofrenewal)were maintenance andinsurance. Butler statueandberesponsibleforitsongoingsafety, Council agreedtotakefullownershipoftheCaptainHarry Annual allocations provided to 33 Progress to 33 provided allocations Annual the in Associations Governor, HisExcellencytheHonourableHieuVan Le AC. The newMaitlandCounciloffice wasofficiallyopenedbythe Motel. development ofahoteldeckingareaforthePortVictoria Hotel of renewal)overaportionroadreservefortheproposed Council grantedafiveyearlease(withthreexrights as partofthe Annual CommunityGrantProgram. Council awardedatotalof$154,160to39communitygroups expanded and renovated newly the into moved staff Council Medley jointlyhostedbythe Ardrossan BowlingClub. Prestige was awardedtothe2015Ladies $2,000 sponsorship for aperiodoftenyears. approved foraCommunityLoantheamountof$140,000 Arthurton War MemorialSportsClubInc.Bowlingwere were endorsed.CouncilwentlivewithFacebookand Twitter. Council’s newPO020SocialMediaPolicyandthe Terms ofUse August 2015 September 2015 Council PrincipalOfficeinMaitland. and WellbeingAward. and Council regiontotalling$49,500. July 2015 Vincent WharfandarrivedattheGolf Clubforthestartof Golf Club.Manyattendeeswalked alongthetrailfromPort opening oftheWalk the Yorke Leisure Trail atthePortVincent Approximately 400communitymembersattendedtheofficial whales, thePararaBeachWhaleMemorialwasofficiallyopened. One yearafterthetraumaticeventofsevenbeachedsperm official openingbyourlocalfederal MP, RowanRamsey. represented CouncilattheUnley Town HalltoaChinese Mayor Ray Agnew, CrsBittnerandHoyleCouncil’s CEO across thePeninsula. Elected MembersattendedvariousRemembranceCeremonies Office. private homeinMaitlandandanothertheCouncil Mayor Ray Agnew conductedaCitizenshipCeremonyat December 2015 Business MigrationExploratorydelegation. November 2015 award includedafinancialincentiveof$10,000whichwas relation tothebeachedspermwhalesatPararaBeach. The Association RiskManagementIncentive Award foritsworkin Separately, CouncilwasawardedtheLocalGovernment awarded Runner-up Trainee for2014-2015. Certificate IVinLocalGovernment(RegulatoryServices)was Clerical Officerrolewhilstworkingtowardscompletinga officer whowasundertakingatraineeshipinadditiontoher across theregionwereheldatWallaroo. A Councilclerical apprentices, SchoolBasedtrainees,employeesandemployers Celebration ofEmployment Awards, celebratingtrainees, the HarryButlerMemorialStatueunveilinginMinlaton. Mayor Ray Agnew attendedandspokeonbehalfofCouncilat defibrillator. Progress Association tosubsidisethecostofpurchasinga $750 wasprovidedtotheJamesWell andRoguesPoint the MaitlandandDistrictProgress Association. Council awardedacommunitygranttothevalueof$4,500 October 2015 allocated towardsamemorialforthewhales. Page 6of 165 January 2016 Introduction

A very busy Australia Day for Mayor Ray Agnew, a number May 2016 of Elected Members and staff, commencing with breakfast celebrations at Stansbury, then travelling to Port Victoria for Council lodged a formal submission to the Surveyor- the flag raising ceremony, and in the afternoon presiding over General for consideration to have the area identified as the Yorke Peninsula Council Citizen of the Year Awards. Parsons Beach, currently gazetted as part of Minlaton, officially gazetted as its own locality of Parsons Beach.

Council advised PIRSA that following public consultation Overview with the community, Council does not support any changes to the current restrictions in place for hauling and gill nets February 2016 by licensed persons near Wills Creek, Price.

A contribution of $1,000 was awarded to the Corny Point Council wrote to the Flinders Mid North Yorke Peninsula Progress Association to subsidise their operating costs. Bushfire Management Committee (FMNYPBMC) $881.59 was awarded to the Pine Point Progress Association recommending that the Fire Danger Season for the Yorke

and $1,000 was awarded to the Minlaton and District Progress Peninsula Fire Ban District be bought forward to commence Our Council Association. These amounts were allocated by the “hardship” on 1st November and conclude on 15th April each year. provisions of Council’s Annual Allocation to Progress Associations policy. Mayor Ray Agnew hosted celebrations for National Volunteers Week. Our Organisation

March 2016

Supported by Council together with major sponsor, the Ardrossan Progress Association, the 2016 biennial YP Art Exhibition was held in Ardrossan over the Easter weekend.

June 2016

After a long and staged period of community consultation, Our Performance Council adopted its new 2016-2020 Strategic Management Plan.

April 2016 Council endorsed and adopted its PO027 Business Continuity Policy and Business Continuity Plan 2016. Stansbury Bowling Club Inc were approved for a Community Loan for the amount of $180,000 for a period of ten years for A 2.5km walking trail proposed by the Maitland Lions Club the installation of artificial greens. was endorsed by Council for construction around Maitland incorporating the parklands adjacent to the Golf Course The Warooka Bowling Club Inc was also approved for a with Council providing some of the construction material. Community Loan for the amount of $100,000 for a period of Financials ten years also for the installation of artificial greens. Council supported and endorsed Road Manager Consent to the Department of Planning, Transport In addition to providing financial support, Council attended a and Infrastructure in implementing Option 1 of the number of ANZAC Day services across the Peninsula where “Night Travel for Oversize / Over mass Agricultural attending Elected Members laid wreaths on behalf of Council. Vehicles” Discussion Paper, which will provide a night travel exemption for all agricultural machines and / or Mayor Ray Agnew, Cr’s Bittner and Hoyle and Council’s CEO agricultural combinations to operate at the dimensions Subsidiaries represented Council at the Premier’s Outbound Mission to defined for Zone 3 and Zone 4 in the “Code of Practice for Shandong, China (further information on page 18). Oversize or Overmass Agricultural Vehicles”.

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 7 of 165 Financial Overview YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 AnnualReport *Roads toRecoveryIncomewasreclassifiedin2015/16fromcapital operationalincome by 15.8%($29k)duetoimprovedcashflowmanagementensuringexcessfundsearnedthehighestavailableinterestincome. Council’srevenue. commercial parks in caravan due toanincrease 3.3% ($95k) by increased User charges increased income investment Transport (see‘OtherIncome’)wasnolongerreceivedbyCouncilduetotheprivatisationofthisservice. in thatyear.recognised for Income 2015/16. in Government by theFederal were recovered payments advance These YP Community operating income. This ismainlydueto Grant CommissionFinancial Assistance Grantsfor2015/16paidinadvancelate2014/15and Operating incomereceivedduring2015/16was$27.5million. Total incomedecreasedbylessthan1%($183k)comparedtothe2014/15 such asgrantsandcontributions. A breakdownofCouncil’s 2015/16incomeisshownbelow. Council incomeisderivedfromvarioussourcesincludingrates,feesandcharges,interestinvestmentrevenueother Operating Income full auditedfinancialstatementsareprovidedasPart2ofthisreport. The followingsectionpresentsasnapshotofCouncil’s financialperformancefor2015/16includingcomparisonstopreviousyears. The TOTAL Other Income Reimbursements Investment Income Grants, SubsidiesandContributions* User Charges Statutory Charges Rates Total Income($’000) 1% 11% 2015/16 11% 27,556 19,998 3,070 2,961 1% 143 780 213 391 3% 2014/15 27,739 19,110 4,227 2,866 1% 375 610 184 367 73% 2013/14 Figure 1:Breakdownof2015/16OperatingIncome 24,961 17,940 2,705 2,787 296 660 166 407 Table 1: Yearly ComparisonofOperatingIncome 2012/13 24,100 Other Sources - 1% - Sources Other 3% - Reimbursements Investment Income - 1% 11% - Contributions and Subsidies Grants, 11% - Charges User 1% - Charges Statutory 73% - Rates 16,430 3,397 2,861 212 570 251 379 2011/12 23,910 15,326 4,132 2,674 393 651 292 442 Page 8of 165 2010/11 23,546 14,416 3,166 3,889 359 889 300 527 Operating Expenses Introduction Operating expenses consist of employee costs, materials, contracts and other expenses and depreciation and other expenses. A breakdown of Council’s 2015/16 expenses is shown below.

2% Employee Costs - 27%


32% Materials, Contracts & Overview Other Expenses - 39%

Depreciation, Amortisation & Impairment - 32%

Finance Costs - 2% Our Council 39%

Figure 2: Breakdown of 2015/16 Operating Expenses

Operating expenses were $29.8 million in 2015/16, which was a 2.3% ($665k) increase over the previous year. Employee costs were 1.6% ($130k) higher than the previous year which reflects the predicted Enterprise BargainingAgreement and increments increases. Our Organisation Materials, contracts and other was 7.1% ($898k) less than the previous year due to the reduced use of contractors ($112k), the reduced costs of operating plant and machinery and lower waste management contract costs due to lower fuel prices ($622k) and less reliance of professional services, including no payments to YP Community Transport ($145k) which was privatised in June 2015.

Depreciation and amortisation and impairment increased by 15.2% ($1.25m) principally due to a change in Accounting Standards in regards to residual values for road infrastructure.

Total Expenses ($'000) 2015/16 2014/15 2013/14 2012/13 2011/12 2010/11 Our Performance

Employee Costs 8,136 8,006 7,422 7,140 6,502 6,180

Materials, Contracts & Other 11,701 12,599 12,279 11,152 11,008 12,531 Expenses

Depreciation, Amortisation & 9,513 8,256 8,438 8,827 9,333 8,751 Impairment Finance Costs 476 300 240 303 369 443 Financials TOTAL 29,826 29,161 28,379 27,422 27,212 27,905

Table 2: Yearly Comparison of Operating Expenses Subsidiaries

Ardrossan Jetty

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 9 of 165 Actual Performance against Original Budget

Council’s budget is reviewed monthly and formally updated each quarter to ensure targets are being met and cash flow is maintained. The analysis below is based on the original adopted 2015/16 budget.

The following table identifies that as at 30 June 2016 Council made significant improvements to the overall bottom line.

Operating Income ($'000) 2015/16 Actual 2015/16 Budget Variance % Variance

Rates 19,998 20,084 -86 -0.4%

Statutory Charges 391 387 4 1.0%

User Charges 2,961 2,969 -8 -0.3%

Grants, Subsidies and Contributions 3,070 2,626 444 16.9%

Investment Income 213 205 8 3.9%

Reimbursements 780 353 427 121.0%

Other Income 143 66 77 116.7%

TOTAL 27,556 26,690 866 3.2%

Operating Expense ($’000)

Employee Costs 8,006 7,924 82 1.0%

Materials, Contracts & Other Expenses 12,599 12,399 200 1.6%

Depreciation, Amortisation & Impairment 8,256 8,700 -444 -5.1%

Finance Costs 300 427 -127 -29.7%

TOTAL 29,161 29,450 -289 -1.0%

NET OPERATING RESULT -1,605 -2,760 -1,155 -41.8%

Table 3: Actual vs. Budgeted Canola on the Peninsula

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 10 of 165 YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 AnnualReport Key Financial Ratios Australia. Indicators preparedaspartoftheLGA FinancialSustainabilityProgramfortheLocalGovernment Association ofSouth These financialratioshavebeencalculatedinaccordancewith and Annual BusinessPlan. Council hasadoptedasetofkeyfinancialratiosinlinewiththetargets additional assets. depreciation provisionsincludedinoperatingexpenses. This ratioexcludescapitalexpenditureontheacquisitionofnew/ This ratioindicatestheextenttowhichexistingnon-financialassetsarebeingrenewedandreplacedcomparedwith Ratio Asset Sustainability expenses (e.g.asaresultofadditionalmaintenanceordepreciationcostsassociatedwithacquiringnewassets). indicates thataCouncilhasincreaseddebtfundingbutmaysometimesmeanisincurringhigheroperating financial yearcomparedwithitsoperatingrevenuefortheyear. Anincreaseinthenetfinancialliabilitiesratiousually The netfinancialliabilitiesratioisameasureofthesignificanceamountowedbyCouncilatend Liabilities Ratio Net Financial disclosed operatingresultforeachyear. to 30Junefromfutureyearallocationsoffinancialassistancegrants. Similar totheoperatingsurplusratio,however, inrecentyearstheFederalGovernmenthasmadeadvancepaymentsprior Surplus Ratio Adjusted Operating indicates thepercentageincreaseintotalratesthatwouldberequiredtoachieveabreak-evenoperatingresult. ratio indicatesthetotalrates(netofNRMlevy)availabletohelpfundproposedcapitalexpenditure. This ratioidentifiesthepercentagethatmajorcontrollablerevenuesourcevariesfromoperatingexpenses. Ratio Operating Surplus Indicator 2015/16 49% 12% -4% -8% 2014/15 -16% 53% 11% -9% InformationPaper9–LocalGovernmentFinancial 2013/14 -20% -20% 49% 9% This ratioadjustsfortheresultingdistortionin Yorke Peninsula’s Long Term FinancialPlan 2012/13 -21% -21% 40% 6% 2011/12 Table 4:KeyFinancialRatios -27% -23% 27% A negative(-)ratio 7% A positive 2010/11 Page 11of 165

-32% -32%

20% 7%

Introduction Overview Our Council Our Our Organisation Our Our Performance Our Financials Subsidiaries YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 AnnualReport Our Council Browns Beach by National Parks SA Page 12of 165 YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 AnnualReport Elected Members E-mail: Address: and allareelectedbyeligiblevoters.Inaccordancewiththe Council ismadeupof12ElectedMembers,onewhomtheMayor, Telephone: Mayor Ray Agnew OAMJP The electedMayorasat30June2016was: The nextCouncilelectionwillbeheldinNovember2018. years, withthelastelectionheldinNovember2014. Government (Elections) Act 1999,electionsareheldeveryfour

[email protected] Maitland SA 5573 PO Box57 0419 847292 Local Barley field- Ardrossan RoadnearCunningham Page 13of 165

Introduction Overview Our Council Our Our Organisation Our Our Performance Our Financials Subsidiaries The elected members as at 30 June 2016 were as follows:

Kalkabury Ward Cr. Trevor Davey, Cr. Alan Headon, Cr. David Langford and Cr. Tania Stock

Gum Flat Ward Cr. Naomi Bittner, Cr. Jeff Cook and Cr. Scott Hoyle

Innes/Pentonvale Ward Cr. Darren Braund, Cr. Veronica Brundell, Cr. Adam Meyer and Cr. John Rich Curry Speed Shear

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 14 of 165 Introduction Kalkabury Ward

Southern boundaries of the Hundreds of Kilkerran, Maitland and Cunningham. Overview

Gum Flat Ward

Northern boundaries of the Hundreds of Wauraltee and Our Council Muloowurtie.

Southern boundaries of the Hundreds of Ramsey and Minlacowie, continuing around the northern boundary of the district of . Our Organisation

Innes/Pentonvale Ward

Northern boundary of Hardwicke Bay, continuing along the northern boundaries of the Hundreds of Moorowie and Our Performance Dalrymple. Financials Subsidiaries

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 15 of 165 YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 AnnualReport Strategic Management Plan and whereappropriate,informedthedevelopmentofthisPlan. Council would like to express our gratitude to everyone who took the time to be involved. All submissions received were carefully considered, goals, outcomesandstrategiesthatwillinfluencethewayinwhichCounciloperatesstructuresitselfovercomingyears. of outcomesandstrategiesthatdescribethecommunity’s prioritiesandhow the Yorke PeninsulaCouncilwillimplementthePlan.Itisthese The vision for the Yorke Peninsula will be met though the achievement of five key strategic goals. These goals are underpinned by a series As aresultofourengagementwiththecommunity, ourvisionforthe Yorke Peninsulais: The development of the Plan was staged to allow the community to be involved in every step of the process as illustrated on the next page. with thecommunity, drawingouttheprioritiesandaspirationsthatwilldeliveraprosperousfutureforcurrentgenerations. The new Yorke Peninsula 2016-2020 Strategic Management Plan (the Plan), adopted in June 2016, was the result of extensive engagement • • • The LocalGovernment Act 1999requirescouncils,within2yearsofageneralelection,tohaveplaninplacethat:-

objectives. its achieving in council of performance the assess and monitor to used be will that non-financial) and (financial measures the States Identifies theprincipalactivitiesthatcouncilintendstoundertakeachieveitsobjectives;and Identifies thecouncil’s objectivesforaperiodofatleast4years; which isvaluedforitsnaturalbeauty, richagriculture,spectacularcoastline We willfosteropportunitiestosupportandenhance Yorke Peninsula and uniqueblendofseasiderurallifestyles. Willyama byRobynClasohm Page 16of 165 Introduction Overview Our Council Our Organisation Our Performance Financials Subsidiaries

Figure 3: Strategic Management Plan Engagement

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 17 of 165 YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 AnnualReport Shandong Mission to China SA’s exporteconomyand tourismindustry. One ofthe YPC delegation’swas topromotethe keyaims forthemission YPto our importantcontribution highlighting brand,particularly are expectedtorisewiththeintroduction ofdirectflightsfrom economy andsupportincreased visitortourismto Yorke Peninsula.ChinesevisitornumberstoSA increasedby33%lastyearaloneand was it and experience strongly suggestedthatwe encourage localoperatorstoconsidertargetingtheChinesetourism market, tofosterandenhanceourlocal an for looking are areas regional to visitors know We mission. the on explored also were Tourismopportunities investors. Qingdaois ’s sister-cityandtheirannualInternationalFestivalattractsover5millionvisitorsfromChina andglobally. and businesses Chinese of 1,000 audience a potential reached the Mission China and in economy strongest third the has Shandong with Shandongandpromote Yorke Peninsula barleyandotherregionalproduce. platform. this via businesses global Chinese and Shandong, for opportunity a unique provide may This Yorkedirectly to engage Peninsula their for businesses’and Councils regional to include plans Festival International Qingdao at the showcase with opportunities generate to participation modified RAC and ACC the Council, Peninsula Yorkeby made comments initial on Based (RAC). Club Adelaide Royal the Councillors, of the members board other (ACC) and Cr Slama Brock, with Minister a meeting attend to were invited YPC delegation with Adelaide CityCouncil(ACC) in relationtotheQingdaoBeerFestival. After meetingwithLordMayorHaeseand Adelaide CityCouncil Strengthening connections with other Councils was equally important, especially the opportunity to explore a future partnership relationship delegates toshowcasetheirbusinessesandworldclassproductswhichtheChinesemarketfindssodesirable. formal and informal briefings, and receptions delegate with South the enable to Fairs Business concurrent held also cities MOU’s. the of Australian of signing Most and briefings Ministerial meetings, days, five in cities five visiting intensive was Mission the for itinerary The expansive directcontactwiththefastestgrowingworldmarketthatislargelyuntouchedbyourregion. and more stronger for even would bethecatalyst project this in Futureinvolvement from ourregion. and produce tourism of promoting Australia’s Sister State relationship with Shandong. Council South saw this as a great of opportunity to initiate contacts and explore anniversary the possibilities year 30 its celebrating was government state the while programme, this in involvement first region’s our was This may beavailablefortheCouncilandlocalbusinessesinfuture. opportunities what and environment investment and trade the of understanding an gain to opportunity excellent an was China to trip This investigate opportunitiesthatmaylayaheadforfuturekeypartnershiprelationships. 114with the accompanied Oysters Estate Pacific from Bowley Steve represented. also businesses to delegation Council Peninsula Yorke Government Local represented 56 delegates, 300 the Of leaders. tourism and business diplomats, officials, Government Local and State by PremierWeatherill,to Shandongaccompanied travelled Brock MP,Minister MP,Bignell Minister MPHamilton-Smith Minister andother Together fromSouth withnearly300delegates Mayor Ray Australia, Agnew,Bittner andHoyleCEO Councillors Andrew Cameron Adelaide tomainlandChinalater thisyear. Page 18of 165 YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 AnnualReport Council Decision Making Structure and Meetings decisions. A yearlycomparisonisprovidedbelow. During 2015/16,theElectedMembersheldthirteenCouncilMeetings(12OrdinaryandoneSpecial)madeatotalof288 5.30pm. The meetingsareheldattheCouncilChamber, 57MainStreet,Minlatonandareopentothepublic. The electedbodyarethedecisionmakers.OrdinarymeetingsusuallyheldonsecondWednesday ofeverymonth at and clarifyinformation. Nodecisionsaremadein theseinformalworkshops. month at5.30pm. These workshops arealsoopentothepublicandprovideanopportunityforElected Memberstoreceive with seniorstaff,workshop monthly an informal attend Members also Elected Wednesdayon thefourth generally of each of Attendance Record Cr. JohnRich Cr. TaniaStock Cr.Meyer Adam Cr. DavidLangford Cr. ScottHoyle Cr.Headon Alan Cr. Jeff Cook Cr. Veronica Brundell Cr. DarrenBraund Cr. NaomiBittner Deputy Mayor Trevor Davey Mayor, Ray Agnew OAM Elected Members Table 5:2015/16Meeting Attendance -OrdinaryMeetings 10 12 14 16 0 2 4 6 8 091 001 011 021 031 041 2015/16 2014/15 2013/14 2012/13 2011/12 2010/11 2009/10 15 Ordinary Meetings 13 Meetings Held Meetings 10 10 13 13 12 13 12 11 11 11 8 9 12 13 Figure 4:CouncilMeetingsHeldandDecisionsMade Decisions Made Decisions 14 313 13 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500

Page 19of 165

Introduction Overview Our Council Our Our Organisation Our Our Performance Our Financials Subsidiaries Council Committees YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 AnnualReport The Audit Committeemetsixtimesthroughouttheyear. Audit Committee. This is in addition to the normal governance and financial responsibilities of the of internalaudit,controls,assetmanagementandriskmanagement. areas the in firmly is months 24 – 12 next the for focus Committee’sThe Audit efficiency andeconomy. in processeffectiveness,performance byrecommendingimprovements to the Audit Committee. role ofInternal The key business Audit istoenhance Yorkean Internal Council maintains Peninsula which reports Audit function • • • • • during theyearwere:- members. two independent and of Council the of The members Committee Audit of threeElectedMembers The CommitteeisappointedbyCouncilandconsists 1999. of the 126 of Section the purposes to meet 2006, Act 1999andLocalGovernment(FinancialManagement)Variation Regulations The under Section41oftheLocalGovernment Audit Committeeisestablished Audit Committee Council’s websiteassoonpracticablefollowingthemeeting. via available publicly are made meetings committee of theprincipal Minutes • • • principal committeesare: inlinewiththeir meetings arescheduled committee Terms ofReference. The Principal Committeeshavebeenformedtomeetstatutoryobligations.

Councillor TaniaStock Councillor ScottHoyle Councillor JohnRich Mr DavidHurley Mr PeterBrass(Chair) Act) Development Yorke PeninsulaBuildingFireSafetyCommittee(Section71(19) Audit Committee Panel Assessment Development Local Government Act Local Page 20of 165 Special Purpose Working Parties Introduction A number of Special Purpose Working Parties have been established to assist Council with engagement, research and co-ordination of a specific function of Council. These Working Parties comprise Elected Members, staff and the public, whose principal aim is to investigate and/or advise Council on particular issues or manage specified property. Currently the Working Parties are: • Access Advisory Working Party

• Art Exhibition Working Party Overview • Grants Working Party • Edithburgh Tidal Pool Working Party • Bush Camping Working Party • Alcohol Management Dry Zone Working Party • Bush Fire Prevention Working Party • Coastal Infrastructure Working Party Our Council Our Organisation

Yorke Peninsula Building Fire Safety Committee

The Yorke Peninsula Building Fire Safety Committee (Building Fire Safety Committee) is a body appointed by Council in accordance with Section 71(19) of the Development Act 1993. The Building Fire Safety Committee acts as “the appropriate authority” (as the term is defined in the Development Act 1993) in respect of all building fire safety matters accreting. Our Performance

The Building Fire Safety Committee is charged with the responsibility for all matters arising under Section 71 of the Development Act 1993 which are of a building fire safety nature.

The Building Fire Safety Committee consists of Council staff and two independent members. The members of the Building Fire Safety Committee during the year were:- • Mr Peter Harmer (Presiding Member) Financials • Mr Julian Aggiss • Mr Roger Brooks (staff). • Mr Allan Cotton (staff) • Mr Gareth Harrison – Deputy Member (staff) • Mr Marc Van Riet – Deputy Member (staff) Subsidiaries

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 21 of 165 Development Assessment Panel

The Development Assessment Panel (The Panel) is a body formed by Council in accordance with the Development Act 1993. The Panel is granted delegated powers that are administered in accordance with the Terms of Reference as determined by resolution of the Council. The delegations allow the Panel to act as the relevant Authority under the Development Act to approve or refuse certain types of development applications within the Council area. All other development applications not considered by the Panel, are considered by authorised officers of Council under delegated powers.

The Panel is comprised of seven members consisting of three Elected Members, three independent members and an independent Presiding Member. The members of the Development Assessment Panel during the year were:- • Mr Rodney Button (Presiding Member) • Ms Debra Agnew • Ms Susan Avey • Mr Peter Tonkin • Councillor Jeff Cook • Councillor Scott Hoyle • Councillor John Rich

During the 2015/16 financial year, the Panel conducted 7 meetings and considered 11 applications.

Deferred Approval to pending Approved proceed to full Withdrawn Refused TOTAL further assessment information

2008/09 53 0 0 0 7 60

2009/10 50 0 0 0 9 59

2010/11 47 3 0 1 0 51

2011/12 31 2 0 0 0 33

2012/13 19 1 2 1 0 23

2013/14 25 2 0 0 3 30

2014/15 15 1 0 0 4 20

2015/16 6 4 0 0 1 11

Table 6: Applications considered by the Development Assessment Panel

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 22 of 165 YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 AnnualReport Notice of Meetings Council Delegations • • agendas areavailableforpublicviewing: Notices ofallCouncilandStatutorymeetings resources. approving worksandservices,therelated including and functions its activities determine and/or which direct decisions, makes Council • • • in accordancewithlegislativeresponsibilities: the DelegationsRegisterandarereviewedannually and policymatters. These delegationsarelistedin administrative specified on decisions certain make to personnel havethedelegatedauthorityfromCouncil administrative other and Officer Executive Chief The

budgets, financial controls and performance objectives andindicatorsofCounciloperations and controls financial budgets, management plans, to developcomprehensive projects tobeundertakenbytheCouncil to determinethetype,rangeandscopeof by theCouncil to beapplied policies to determine as soonpracticable on theCouncilwebsite(www.yorke.sa.gov.au) each meeting before days three offices Council all at

Clan Ranlad Dive Site

Page 23of 165

Introduction Overview Our Council Our Our Organisation Our Our Performance Our Financials Subsidiaries Training and development activities are undertaken to assist Elected Members in the performance and discharge of their functions and duties in accordance with the Local Government Act 1999. Council has provided a range of training opportunities for our Elected Members, as highlighted below:

No. Training Course Attending

Local Government Association General 1 Meeting and Showcase

Australian Local Government Association 3 National General Assembly

Local Government Association Annual 2 General Meeting

Local Government Association Roads and 5 Works Conference

Code of Conduct Update 7

Mission to Shandong 3

Local Government Association Mandarin for 1 Business

Elected Member District Tour 7

2016 SATIC Tourism Conference 1 Elected Member Training and Development Whale at Hillocks

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 24 of 165 Allowances Introduction

Elected Member Allowances

A member of Council is entitled to receive an annual allowance for performing and discharging their official function and duties. Elected Member allowances are set by an independent remuneration tribunal, in accordance with Section 76 of the Local Government Act 1999.

For 2015/16, our Council was determined as ‘Group 3’ and the allowances are Overview set out below:

Ordinary Council Annual (Group 3) Allowance

Mayoral $51,200 Our Council

Deputy Mayor $16,000

Elected Members $12,800

In addition to the allowance, Council provide Elected Members with either a Surface Pro or iPad computing device. Official Council business travel Our Organisation expenses are also reimbursed. The Mayor is provided with a vehicle, mobile phone, iPad and computer for conduct of official Council business.

Council Committee Allowances

Members of the Audit Committee and the Development Assessment Panel are remunerated per sitting as documented in the table below: Our Performance

Audit Committee Allowance Chairperson $450 Independent Member $350

Development Allowance Assessment Panel Chairperson $150 Financials Independent Member $100

Independent Audit Committee members are also reimbursed for associated travel costs. Subsidiaries

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 25 of 165 YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 AnnualReport Review of Internal Decisions Council’s offices. Us’ on‘Policies’ tabandclicking and publications’plans underthe‘Forms, section. Alternatively,of any contacting by available is thepolicy Council’son Council’sPolicy (PO037)ispublished ReviewofInternalDecisions by hoveringoverthe‘About websiteandcanbeaccessed • • During 2015/16two(2)requestswerereceivedforaninternalreviewofaCouncildecisioninrespectto: accordance withtherequirementsunderSection270of in Council), the of behalf on acting persons other or employees Council (including Council by made decision previous a with dissatisfied to provideafair,serves Policy The ReviewofInternalDecisions for Council’sand structuredprocess consistent if theyare customers internal reviewinaccordancewiththeReviewofInternalDecisionsPolicy(PO037). Council’swith thethirdtierbeingan complaints and managing to categorising (PO147) adoptsathree-tieredapproach ComplaintsPolicy Council iscommittedtoensuringitscustomersareprovidedwithanopen,responsiveandaccountableprocessforreviewinggrievances.

Browns Beach, Innes National Park to thecomplainant. Governance andmanagementofnaturalresources. A completereview ofallmattersraisedwasundertakenandaresponseprovided of damagetoproperty. risk and toremovetheimmediate pruned thetreeasagestureofgoodwill howeverCouncil infrastructure), near overheadelectricity of responsibility and ownership the under fell Department ofPlanningandInfrastructure(DPTI)SAout thetreetrimming for contracting PowerNetworks(whohaveresponsibility situated was tree the which in reserve road the – tree overhanging an of Trimming LocalGovernment Act 1999. Page 26of 165 YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 AnnualReport Managing Complaints • • • • • • • • • • • • • The followingisNOT consideredacomplaint: employees whichmayaffect aratepayer, communitymember, organisationorbusiness. that has failed to reach the standard stated, implied or expected. A representative, complaint to Council may relate its to a decision by Council or its or Council, by provided service or product a with dissatisfaction of expression an as defined is complaint A ‘Policies’ underthe‘Forms,plansandpublications’ section. Aon Council’sis available copyofthispolicy Websiteover the‘AboutUs’by hovering andcanbeaccessed on tabandclicking managed inaccordancewithitsComplaintsPolicy(PO147). service (Customer Service Requests) or an expression of gratitude, however occasionally Council receives complaints which are information onCouncil’scollecting performanceintheeyesofcommunity. Inmanycasesfeedbackrelatestoarequestfor for a mechanism is considered received and allfeedback it provides the service improving tocontinually Council iscommitted any Counciloffice. Information onsubmittingacomplaint canbefoundunderthe‘Complaints’ tabonthehomepageofCouncil’s websiteorfrom respective the with future, near customers havingbeeninformed oftheprocesstowardsachievingdesiredoutcomes. the in complaints both finalise to position a in be to expect and complaints (2) two remaining the for resolution suitable a towards working currently are staff Council finalised. been have complaints (8) eight the of (6) Six Policy. The complaintsreceivedwereinrespectto: Awith Council’swere receivedduring2015/16 andallweremanagedinaccordance totalofeight(8)complaints Complaints

first). the to response no was there where request, second a is it (unless function regulatory a exercise to Council for Arequest A requestfordocuments,informationorexplanationofpoliciesprocedures. A requestforCouncilservices(unlessitisasecondrequest,wheretherewasnoresponsetothefirst). A stormwaterissue(createdbywater runningoff theroad) Signage andgradingofunsealedroads Lack ofactionindealingwithwateroverroadatwettimesthe year Dog dispute Dissatisfaction withthewayatreehadbeentrimmed A verbaldisagreementwithCaravan Parkmanagers Dissatisfaction ofastructureerectedbyneighbour The processundertakenwheninvitingexpressionsofinterestfor abusinessopportunity on apolicy). A submission relating to the exercise of a regulatory function (e.g. an objection to a development application or a submission recorded as a complaint about Council’s decision making. – this will be dealt with under Review of Council Decisions Policy). (unless thisis with astatutoryprocess,standardprocedureorpolicy inaccordance The lodgingofanappealorobjection

Page 27of 165

Introduction Overview Our Council Our Our Organisation Our Our Performance Our Financials Subsidiaries Confidential Items YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 AnnualReport and (3)(a)(d)(g)(k)oftheLocalGovernment Act 1999,asfollows,withsuccessfultenderinformationbeingpartiallyreleased: During 2015/16CouncilundertooknineteenincameraclosedsessionstodiscussConfidentialItemsaccordancewithSections90(2) 11.05.2016 13.04.2016 09.03.2016 09.03.2016 20.01.2016 09.12.2015 09.12.2015 09.12.2015 25.11.2015 14.10.2015 14.10.2015 14.10.2015 14.10.2015 14.10.2015 14.10.2015 09.09.2015 09.09.2015 12.08.2015 08.07.2015 Lupins near Maitland Drilling andBlasting Tender 150/2016 Tender toLeaseMaitlandChildren’s Centre149/2016 Construction offour(4)CaravanParkCabinsatMarionBay Tender 128/2015 PABX PhoneSystem Tender 147/2015 Electronic DocumentRecordsManagementSystem Tender 144/2015 Concrete Repairsand Associated Works –Maitland Town Hall Clinton RoadConstruction Tender 143/2015 Roadside Vegetation Maintenance Tender 146/2015 Request to Abandon CostRecovery Action –Mr Anthony Honner PerformanceChief ExecutiveOfficer’s Appraisal Self-propelled Vibratory SingleDrumRoller Tender 140/2015 Construction Grader Tender 139/2015 Bitumen Supply2015/16 Tender 141/2015 4WD WheelLoaderSouth Tender 138/2015 4WD WheelLoaderNorth Tender 137/2015 Material Supply2015-16 Tender 136/2015 Bitumen EmulsionSupply2015-18 Tender 136/2015 Walk the Yorke BitumenServices Tender 131/2015 Bulk FuelSupply Tender 130/2015 Page 28of 165 The following confidential items were released for public record during 2015/16: Introduction 09.07.2014 Tender – Management and Operation of Council’s Transfer Stations 111/2014 09.07.2014 Tender – Principal Office Expansion Proposal 112/2014 23.07.2014 Acquisition of Land 13.08.2014 Waste and Recycling Charge Legal Action 13.08.2014 Acquisition of Land

13.08.2014 Chief Executive Officer’s Performance Appraisal Overview 10.09.2014 Tender – Walk the Yorke Trail Shelter, Floor, Tank and Setting Tender 114/2014 11.03.2015 Tender Bitumen Services 116/2014 09.04.2014 Proposed Sale of Land for Non-payment of Rates (further order in 2015 released April 2016) 08.04.2015 Walk the Yorke: Cartage and Construction of Compacted Trail at Point Pearce Tender 118/2015

08.04.2015 Material Supply Tender 117/2015 Our Council 13.05.2015 Walk the Yorke Signage Tender 125/2015 13.05.2015 Tractor Tender 120/2015 13.05.2015 Tandem Truck Tender 119/2015 13.05.2015 Drilling and Blasting Tender 124/2015

13.05.2015 Wood Chipper Tender 122/2015 Our Organisation 13.05.2015 Three Front Deck Mowers Tender 121/2015 Our Performance Financials Subsidiaries

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 29 of 165 YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 AnnualReport Council Registers, Codes and Policies Codes Registers Local Government(Elections) are: Act 1999.These with theLocalGovernment accordance Act 1999 andthe in and policies of registers,codes a series Council maintains Section 110 Section 92 Section 63 Register ofOfficersGiftsandBenefits Register ofElectedMembersGiftsandBenefits Register ofBy-Laws Register ofPublicRoads Register ofCommunityLand Community LandManagementPlans Register ofFeesandCharges Register ofOfficersInterests(PrimaryReturn) Register ofOfficersInterests(OrdinaryReturn) Register ofOfficersRemuneration,SalariesandBenefits Register ofElectedMembers Allowances andBenefits Register ofMembersInterests2014(PrimaryReturn) Register ofMembersInterests(OrdinaryReturn) Code ofConductforEmployees-Statutory Documents (Policyreference:PO015) Meetings, CommitteeMeetingsand Code ofPracticefor Access toCouncil Statutory Code ofConductforElectedMembers-

Warooka Garden Market Page 30of 165 Statutory Policies Introduction Section 49 Purchasing and Procurement Policy

Section 50 Community Engagement Policy

Section 77 (1)( b) Elected Members Facilities, Services and Expens- and Section 78 es Policy (incl Elected Member travel)

Section 80A Elected Member Training and Development Policy Overview

Internal Control Project -Framework & Section 125 Implementation Plan

Section 219 Street, Road and Public Place Naming Policy

Section 259 Order Making Policy Our Council

Section 270 Internal Review of Council Decisions Policy

New Policies

The ongoing review of Council policies continues, as a result there were Our Organisation ten new policies developed, with many others being updated to reflect changes to legislation, best practice and other requirements:

PO016 Fitness for Work Policy

PO017 Informal Gatherings Policy Hardship Policy for customers of Minor and PO018 Intermediate Water Retailers Our Performance PO019 WHS Document Management Policy

PO020 Social Media Policy

PO021 Safe Environment Policy

PO027 Business Continuity Policy

PO084 Corporate Purchase Card Policy Financials PO124 Asset Accounting Policy

PO151 Travel and Accommodation Policy Subsidiaries

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 31 of 165 Freedom of Information YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 AnnualReport Table 7: Yearly ComparisonofFreedomInformation Applications received. A yearlycomparisonisprovidedbelow. were During 2015/16nilFreedomofInformationapplications to thepublictherewerenoformalFOIapplicationswarranted. Due to Council’s commitmenttoprovideanyavailableinformation MAITLAND SA 5573 PO Box57 Accredited FOIOfficer Executive Assistant totheChiefExecutiveOfficerandMayor Mrs JackieReddaway offices andshouldbeaddressedto: at theCouncil are available forms request of Information Freedom as setoutinthe Act. inspected, charges will incur request, to aFreedomofInformation pursuant documents any of Copies exemption. an granted is the applicant form unless request completed the appropriately fee mustbeforwardedwith an application legislation, Under this Report. the Annual into atleastevery12monthsandwillbeincorporated be published 1991 Information Act with therequirementsofSection9(1)&(1a) byCouncilinaccordance This InformationStatementispublished 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 Applications New 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 1 0 . An updated InformationStatementwill granted in Access full 1 1 1 1 0 2 2 3 1 0 Freedom of Refused Access 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Page 32of 165 Representation Review Introduction

The total representation quota is the number of electors for each Elected Member. Per the Local Government Act 1999, a Council is required to conduct a review of its representation at least once in every eight years or when specified by the Electoral Commissioner and the number of electors for a ward varies from the ward quota by more than 20%.

The purpose of the review is to determine whether the community would Overview benefit from an alteration to its composition or ward structure.

Council’s last review, including two separate rounds of public consultations, was concluded on 11 September 2013. The review resulted in Council formally resolving to retain its current composition but introduce an amended three ward structure which was more evenly balanced in elector

numbers. Our Council

The following table compares the Yorke Peninsula Council’s representation quota with neighbouring and other comparable councils. The representation quota is determined by dividing the total number of electors by the number of Elected Members (including Mayors).

The Australian classification of local government defines each council Our Organisation based on its population, the population density and the proportion of the population that is classified as urban for the council. As shown below, the Yorke Peninsula Council is classified as Rural Agricultural – Very Large (RAV). Other neighboring Councils have been classified as Rural Agricultural – Large (RAL).

No. of No. of Council Elected Ratio Class. Our Performance Electors Members Alexandrina 12 19,006 1:1,583 RAV

Barossa 12 16,815 1:1,401 RAV

Clare & Gilbert 10 6,575 1:657 RAL Valleys Council

DC Copper 11 10,669 1:969 RAV Coast Financials

Light Regional 11 9,845 1:895 RAV

Mallala 10 5,692 1:569 RAL

Pt Pirie Council 10 12,679 1:1,267 RAV Wakefield 10 4,693 1:469 RAL Regional Council Subsidiaries Yorke Peninsula 12 9,155 1:762 RAV Council Table 8: Representation Quotas 2015/16. Source: LGA SA

Photo supplied by Anna Binna

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 33 of 165 YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 AnnualReport Management Plans for Community Land disposals. nil were there and acquisitions nil had Council 2015/16 Register. During Land Community a on captured and identified been has land All 1999, andtoprovideacommunityfocusfortheusemaintenanceoftheseimportantlandholdings. Government Act and useoflandpursuanttotherequirement underChapter11Plans guidethedevelopment Community LandManagement ofthe Moving sheep,Parsons Beach-BluffRoadby John Waler Page 34of 165 Local YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 AnnualReport Tendering and Procurement National Competition Policy 2014/15. updated andadoptedthroughout Council’s website)whichwasreviewed, on (available Procurement Policy Refer toPO058Purchasingand Local Government Act 1999. 49 ofthe pursuant toSection developed been have and supportingprocedures, Purchase ofGoods& Services Policies Council’s Tenderand Quotation and application ofcompetitiveneutrality. about the not receivedanycomplaints During thereportingperiod,Councilhas any anti-competitiveprinciples. the areaandarethereforenotapplying are chargingmarketrates,relevantto that theCounciloperatedCaravanParks Council area.We arepleasedtoreport all CaravanParkoperationswithinthe of survey market an annual conducts advantage, Council anti-competitive parks arenotoperatingwithany caravan identified the that ensure To Competition Policy. activities’business undertheNational operation of fourCaravanParksas‘category2 the identified has Council Minlaton Walking Trail

Page 35of 165

Introduction Overview Our Council Our Our Organisation Our Our Performance Our Financials Subsidiaries Our Organisation

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 36 of 165 YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 AnnualReport Corporate Management Team and Organisational Structure below. shown as Directors three and Officer Executive Chief the of Teamconsisted Management Corporate the 2016, June 30 At All benefitsforallstaff arerecordedintheOfficersRemuneration,SalariesandBenefitsRegister. phone. Salary packagesformembersoftheCorporateManagement Team include salary, superannuation,amotorvehicleandmobile CORPORATE MANAGEMENTTEAM ALLOWANCES lawful decisionsoftheCouncilareimplementedinatimelyandefficientmanager and council areproperlymanagedandmaintained,providingadvicereportstotheensuringthatpolicies and affairsto), thedaytooperations for (butnotlimited responsible of the and resources that allassets ensuring ofcouncil, is Officer Executive Chief the that specifies 1999 Act Government Local the above, outlined functions key the to addition In Maintenance. Leases/Licences/Permits, Limited Liquor Licences, Parking & Traffic Control and Public Buildings Health, FirePrevention&Safety,Environmental , Heritage, Inspectors General FoodInspection, Licences, Cemeteries,DevelopmentControl,Disability Action Plan,Dry Areas Management, Animal Management,BoatRampPermits,Building Fire Safety,Building Assessment, Café Key Functions: Roger Brooks,DirectorDevelopmentServices Visitor InformationCentre. RiskManagement, Records Management, Assessments, Training, Work HealthandSafety Development, Payroll,PublicRelations,Rates& Controls, LeisureOptions,Organisational Programs, Finance,FinancialCompliance,HumanResources,Information Technology, Internal Community LibraryServices,Support Arts, CaravanParks,Communications, Key Functions: David Harding,DirectorCorporateandCommunityServices Stormwater Drainage/Construction,Waste ManagementandWater SupplyInfrastructure. Public Lighting,RoadConstruction/Maintenance, Safety Control,RoadsideVegetation, Parks &Reserves, Management, Jetties Development, Infrastructure Maintenance, Construction/ Repairs, Footpath CWMS Maintenance/ Asset Management,CemeteryMaintenance, Key Functions: Trevor Graham,Director Assets andInfrastructureServices Policy Development,StrategicPlanningand Youth Services. Audit Australia Day Awards, CitizenshipCeremonies,EconomicDevelopment,Governance,Internal Key Functions: Andrew Cameron,ChiefExecutiveOfficer .

Page 37of 165

Stenhouse Bay Stenhouse

Introduction Overview Our Council Our Our Organisation Our Our Performance Our Financials Subsidiaries YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 AnnualReport New Principal Office continue toimprovetheservicesweprovideourcommunitiesnowandintofuture. Weto with greateropportunities us provide will facilities and building the updated hopethat Peninsula Councillors. present past and CEOs and and Mayors Council neighbouring representatives, Yorke community many included event launch office South The of Australia. VanGovernor Hieu Le, On 29 September 2015, the new office was officially opened by His Excellency the Honourable continue toservicethecommunity. (Minlaton, and offices Warooka three other Council’s Maitland, still in Yorketown) located now Council staff moved into the new office on 13 July 2015. Whilst the majority of ‘indoor’ staff are generating betteroutcomes. across departmentsonimportantissues. face toconversations facilitating This iskeyto for thenewbuildingwastoaccommodateallseniorstaff withinasinglelocation,thereby reason main ever. The than important more is efficiently and easily collaborate to ability The was therenovationandextensionofexistingMaitlandOffice. problem standing long this to solution viable financially and practical most the and considered study undertakenbytheformerCouncil,allavailableoptions were research andafeasibility lengthy Following Maitland. at Office Principal the of upgrade the for support their confirmed who in2012unanimously Council of theprevious and vision foresight It wasthestrength, Page 38of 165 YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 AnnualReport Citizenship Ceremony and Citizen of the Year Awards ceremonies. citizenship two further over presided Mayor the 2015/16 Throughout Butler StatueUnveilingCelebration. The Community/Eventofthe Year Award was presentedtoHarry • • • to theirrespectivecommunitiesacrossawiderangeofareasovermanyyears. The awardswentto:- year,contributions so allthreewereawardedfortheirvaluable winner fromthenominees, thePanelcouldnotchooseasingle the an of in Australian Citizen part Ceremony. the take Affirmation this, to Year This presented. Following present were Awards The Ceremony welcomedfournew Australia Day2016Citizenship and aspartofthatceremonyweinvitedall Australian citizens conferral, acitizenshipceremonyformsanimportantpartofthe Australia Daycelebrations. the attend to invited are community with the Hall, for waiting applicants when wehave addition In Day Programme. Australia Council’s on are held Australia Daycelebrations Ray Mayor by hosted Day and Australia Minlaton the in Agnew OAM Town L-R: RogerMorgan,CarleneCook,MayorRay Agnew and JoeButler. PhotocourtesyofJennyOldland, YP CountryTimes

Mr RogerMorgan—Maitland Mrs HelenMartin—Minlaton Mrs CarleneCook—Bluff Beach

Page 39of 165

Introduction Overview Our Council Our Our Organisation Our Our Performance Our Financials Subsidiaries YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 AnnualReport Grants and Awards In 2015/16the Yorke PeninsulaCouncilobtainedatotalof$4,960,213. A breakdownofallgrantfundingreceivedisprovidedbelow. pool ofavailablefunding. funding fromalimited obtaining and successfully writing winningsubmissions grants whichinvolve and Statefundingalsocompetitive Federal (known) regular – components two in viewed be can funding Grant rates. additional through sourced be to have otherwise would projects that additional for delivering obtaining grantfundingisanimportantfunctionforCouncilandprovidesamechanism Successfully Grant Funding TOTAL Regional Youth Traineeships Roads toRecoveryFunding Grants Assistance Financial Walk the Yorke –finalmilestonepayments Fishing Grant Point SouttarBeach Access Stairs–Recration Library Funding Blue BayStairs Port Vincent Groyne–RecreationFishingGrant National YouthWeek Youth ParticipationandMentoringProgram YP LeisureOptions-DisabilitySA (DCSI) Support Programme YP LeisureOptions-CommonwealthHome Care YP LeisureOptions–HomeandCommunity Point PearceMUNSGrant Project Sunrise at Marion Bay Local Government Association Government Local Aust. Govt.Dept.ofInfrastructureandRegionalDevelopment Aust. Govt.GrantsCommission Aust. Govt.Dept.ofInfrastructureandRegionalDevelopment SA Govt.Dept.ofEnvironment,Water andNaturalResources State LibraryofSouth Australia Natural ResourceManagementNorthernand Yorke SA Govt.Dept.ofEnvironment,Water andNaturalResources SA Govt.Officefor Youth SA Govt.Dept.forCommunitiesandSocialInclusion Aust. Govt.Dept.ofSocialServices SA Govt.Dept.forFamiliesandCommunities Aust. Govt.Dept.ofSocialServicesand SA Govt.DepartmentPlanning, Transport andInfrastructure Funding Agency Table 9:GrantFunding receivedin2015/16 $4,960,213 Funding $ Page 40of 165 $3,157,816 $1,063,020 $399,545 $29,001 $13,600 $12,107 $25,000 $18,500 $16,756 $34,924 $22,684 $95,352 $71,908 Awards Introduction Council is proud of the following outstanding achievements throughout 2015/16.

Award Category Project Date

Keep Australia National Community Port Julia Progress 14/08/2015 Beautiful, Action and Wellbeing Association in Australian Clean partnership with Overview Beaches Awards Council

Celebration of Trainee of the Year Runner-up - Melissa 10/10/2015 Employment Coonan, Council Awards Clerical Officer

Local Risk Management Disposal of 29/10/2015 Government Incentive Award Protected Marine Our Council Association, Species (Sperm Mutual Liability Whale) Scheme

Recreation SA Recreation SA Award Walk the Yorke 11/04/2016 2016 Recreation

Award Our Organisation

The Betty Most Active Asbestos Asbestos Awareness 13/04/2016 Awards Awareness Month Month Campaign Council Campaigner for Regional

2016 Yorke Best Caravan & Port Vincent 22/06/2016 Our Performance Peninsula Holiday Park Foreshore Caravan Tourism Awards Park

2016 Yorke Best Tourist Attraction Walk the Yorke 22/06/2016 Peninsula Tourism Awards

Table 10: Awards received in 2015/16 Financials Subsidiaries

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 41 of 165 Organisational Development YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 AnnualReport recognising ourdiverseworkforce. period’sso wecancontinuepromoting and goalsandobjectives throughthenewreporting workforce iscommunicated diverse a of maintaining to ensuretheimportance will continue Council from harassment,discriminationandbullying. outline Councilandstaff toensureaworkplacefree obligations as partofitsEEOstrategy.commitment and values The policy respect, accountability, innovationandcustomer collaboration, Policy” andCouncilValueson integrity,attention which focuses Councilhasa“Fair and bullying. discrimination Treatment harassment, of workplace totheelimination is committed Council Workplace Maintaining aBullyingandHarassment-Free flexible working arrangements and knowledge transfer activities. to retirementseminars, through superannuation/transition of anageingworkforceduringthereportingperiodareaddressed aged 51to60represent32.2%oftheworkforce. The challenges agreat and employees is 46.5years employees age ofCouncil average has Council Profile, Age of mostagegroups. representation As at30June2016the Staff the in detailed As Managing an Ageing Workforce and insights. to accessabroaderrangeofideas the workforceallowsCouncil Information Technology. Havingadiverserangeofagesacross operational areasincludingFinance,PeopleandCulture programme. within our created have been These positions three traineeshippositionsviatheRegional Youth Traineeship and developmentofouryoungpeople,Councilhascreated be realised. can plans succession so Togrowth the support employees young and retain to attract workforce, thereisaneed on anageing has this in retirementageandtheimpact increase that withthe Council recognises ourobjectives. to deliver capability internal the have we ensure to fields their in people the best to attractingandrecruiting workforce andiscommitted Council continuestoworktowardscreatingahigh-performance Recruitment andSelection were implementedduringtheyear: (EEO) initiatives Opportunity Equal Employment The following Workforce Strategies thatSupportaCulturallyDiverse our Community. to services quality to provide we worktogether as and diversity Council iscommittedtocreatingaworkplacethatvaluesculture Equal EmploymentOpportunity Corporate and Community Services Community and Corporate Services Executive 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 5 83 14 15 16 17 71-80 61-70 51-60 41-50 31-40 18-30 57 Full Time - 101 - Time Full 14% Age Range Male Range Age 17% Figure 6:Total Employeesby Age Range 14 Figure 7:Employees byDepartment Figure 5:Total EmployeesbyStatus Part Time -21 6 Development Services Development Services Infrastructure and Assets Age Range Female Range Age 69% Casual -24 Page 42of 165 69 How we look after staff Introduction Corporate Health Council is committed to fostering a motivated, productive and healthy workforce. As part of this, Council has continued to partner with the Corporate Health Group to provide wellbeing programs including Annual Health Assessments, skin screenings, flu vaccinations and healthy eating promotions which promote good health and in turn assist staff in achieving a healthy work/life Overview balance, reduce the risk of health problems and enable the maintenance of a healthy lifestyle in the long term. Staff Training and Development

To enhance the capabilities of our workforce, Council continues to provide Recognition of Service Awards staff with accredited training opportunities. Learning and development Commitment and support of Council’s long serving programs are an important element of attracting, retaining and developing employees over many decades has helped Council to our people and as such, Council is committed to provide a range of Our Council provide services and infrastructure to the community. professional development, skills enhancement, education and on the job Council recognises the contribution of long-term training opportunities. employees through a range of initiatives including service gifts, certificates of appreciation and annual celebrations. Council has recently implemented new technology to facilitate online training throughout its workforce. Online education offers many benefits Service milestones are acknowledged and celebrated on and advantages while still providing courses of a high quality. Council Our Organisation the completion of 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 years of service has implemented 35 modules, with a large proportion developed in-house which are calculated annually. During the reporting year, to cover a wide range of topics (conflict management, WHS legislative staff acknowledged for their years of service included: requirements, manual handling, etc.). By facilitating the delivery of training • 4 staff with 30 years of service; via online technology, it has provided greater flexibility, ease of accessibility • 2 staff with 25 years of service; and a large range of options so staff have control of their own development. • 4 staff with 15 years of service; and • 1 staff with 10 years of service. In addition to the online learning, an extensive range of corporate programs were conducted to meet the training needs that have been identified across the organisation. This included facilitating training in the use of an Electronic Our Performance Records Management System, understanding Return to Work legislation, ensuring food safety, drug and alcohol awareness, planning, payroll, incident investigation, introduction to Local Government and wastewater management.

In 2015/16 a diverse range of programs were delivered, including: • Support provided for staff to obtain formal qualifications with 14 staff successfully completing their further education programmes; • 561 staff attended 99 training sessions (internal and external providers) Financials equating to a total of 4,149.50 hours; • 3 traineeship positions being created through the Regional Youth Traineeship Program; and • A total of 35 e3Learning online training modules were implemented with 489 sessions being undertaken. Subsidiaries Industrial Relations

Council has a comprehensive and “best practice” suite of staff policies and procedures which have been developed to attract and retain a competitive workforce in addition to assisting Council to maintain a healthy working environment free from industrial relation issues.

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 43 of 165 YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 AnnualReport Risk Management beach atPararaBeachnear Ardrossan. up ontothe washed which whale carcases sperm seven recognised fortheirriskmanagementoftheremoval The Operations Assets andInfrastructure Team was Plan beinvoked. Continuity the Business should duties respective their Recovery Business the of part is who defines and Team has beendevelopedandendorsedbyCouncil. The Plan event. interruption The Plan Continuity YPC Business in theeventofabusiness can beachieved continuity Council’sManaging business ensuring includes risks and Guidelines Risk Management- Principles 31000:2009, on the based and is Procedure Management Risk Policy,by ourRiskManagement Council isunderpinned within management of risk and application philosophy and Guidelines - Principles Management on the based is Council’s RiskManagementPolicyandProcedure risk managementgoals. its provides highleveladvicetoensureCouncilachieves programs andinternalprocesses, compliance The risks, Audit Committeeregularlyreviewsstrategic to thecommunity. services providing and while in Council undertaken by with activities as therisksassociated as well risks business tools toassess risk management Council is continually developing, reviewing and refining identified risks. to manageandminimise Departments Councils assist will risk management with operational incorporated for effectivethe foundation management. risk This of Councilprovides Strategic riskmanagement objectives. regulatory and Therefore, risksaremanagedasahighpriority. financial operational, strategic, to achieve and itsability on stakeholders impact can adversely risks unmitigated and understands improvements cooperation andcontinuous innovation, facilitates management goodrisk recognises Council . ISO 31000:2009, Risk ISO 31000:2009, . The ISO Page 44of 165 Work Health and Safety (WHS) Introduction

Council is committed to provide a safe work environment for all employees. This includes supporting the wellbeing and health of their employees. Council undertakes a variety of programs including the Wellbeing Program where health assessments, influenza immunisation and skin “spot” checks are provide to the workforce.

The WHS Team continue to provide useful information to the community and workplace and this effort was rewarded in November 2015. Council won a “Betty Award” for “Most Active Asbestos Awareness Month Council Campaigner Awards” for Regional South Australia. The entry included submitting a list of initiatives undertaken to engage the community on Asbestos Awareness. Overview

One of the initiatives was a display in the Maitland Office reception area of “Rebecca the Renovator”.

A WHS High Risk Officer has been employed to assist and further develop the WHS legislative requirements with Depot personnel. This includes encouraging and providing guidance for a safe work culture to hopefully ensure all employees go home every day in the same condition or better than when they arrived at work. All employees are encouraged to participate in the safety of their respective work areas by becoming a Health and Safety Representative and/or by participating in identifying hazards, reporting them and then assisting Our Council in managing the risks.

Council is audited annually against the South Australian Performance Standards for Self-Insurers (PSSI) by the Local Government Association (LGA) which ensures Council’s WHS compliance is monitored and managed and planning can be undertaken to close compliance gaps. Council actively participates in internal and external audits as they provide opportunities to continually improve its

systems in accordance with regulatory, Council and the self-insurer requirements. From the audit results the WHS and Injury Management Our Organisation (IM) Management Plan was updated in 2015/16 to capture continuous improvement strategies and programmed activities prioritised.

The Workplace Calendar was established to maintain, in a central location, operational, workplace monitoring and legislative requirements. This provides a guide to stakeholders of when specific requirements are due for completion and compliance to timeframes are reported to Council’s Corporate Management Team (CMT). Our Performance Financials Subsidiaries

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 45 of 165 YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 AnnualReport Youth Services The programhasbeenfullyfundedbyCouncilsinceDecember2015. learning environmentfortheparticipantsandenhancedtheirabilitytogainfutureemployment. undertaken inpartnershipwithCountryHealthSA,Clem’sThis initiative, Shedandthe Yorketown Area School,hasprovidedavaluable colourful muralonexistingfencingandworkingwiththe Yorketown Progress Association todesignandcreatestobiepoleart. garden area,creatinga of thecommunity coop andrun,remodelling of achicken and construction the design Projects haveincluded local totheir contribute and influence with, engage communities aswelldeveloppractical,handsonskillsthroughworkingwithskilledseniorsatthelocalcommunityshed. to able been have Participants projects. community managing and implementing Program. Currentlyoperatingin Yorketown,in developing, theweeklyprogramprovidesyoungpeoplewithopportunitytoparticipate and Mentoring the Participation enabled Counciltodevelop and SocialInclusion through theDepartmentofCommunities Funding secured Participation andMentoringProgram the following. undertaken tosupportCouncil’sCore activities include and lifesatisfaction goalstowardswell-being,socialengagement,accomplishment • • • • • The followingisasummaryoftheprioritiesthathavebeeninspirationbehindCouncil’s activitiesoverthepastyear: Alliance RegionalPublicHealthPlanhighlightthepriorityareasandsomeofchallengesfacingregion. for youngpeople. health andwellbeing in promoting theroleithastoplay Council recognises The StrategicPlanandthe Yorke Peninsula

Identify strategiestoaddresstheneedsofyoungpeopleatgreaterrisk. Work withpartnerorganisations,youngpeopleandthecommunitytoimprovehealthwellbeing Offer arangeofaccessiblecommunityfacilities,programs,eventsandactivities Encouraging apositive,creativeandsupportiveplaceforouryoungpeopletothrive Building asenseofcommunitythroughpositiveparticipationinlife Page 46of 165 NAIDOC Celebration Day Introduction NAIDOC Week celebrates the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Council were proud to join the Point Pearce community, school children and visitors from the greater community, in celebrating the history and culture of the Point Pearce Community on 11 August 2016. Children enjoyed planting trees to commemorate the day before

enjoying the BBQ and entertainment. Overview

Minlaton Skate Park Art Project

During August 2015, Council partnered with the Minlaton Progress Association, Minlaton Skate Park Committee, the Minlaton District School and Country Health SA to Our Council bring together an enthusiastic group of six young people with a keen interest in the skate park, to design and paint some artwork onto the sides of the skate ramps. This talented group came up with some fantastic designs, filling the area with colour and making the Minlaton Skate Park Andrew Fuller Building Resilience Community Workshop an even better place to be. Our Organisation Council supported the Southern Yorke Peninsula Partnership in presenting Andrew Fuller, a clinical psychologist and author of multiple books, at a Germein Sisters Community Performances community workshop in Minlaton on 21 September 2015. Around sixty community members participated in this entertaining workshop, focusing In late August 2015 Council partnered with Country on building resilience in children and young people. Health SA to provide around 760 Yorke Peninsula school children with the opportunity to attend workshops and Community Music and Movie Nights performances presented by the Germein Sisters. The positive and inspirational messages they presented had Our Performance Council teamed up with the Point Pearce and Point Turton communities an valuable impact on the students that attended. to provide three community and music and movie nights (September, January and March) where young people and their families were This was followed by a sell-out performance to a crowd of entertained by some very talented local artists followed by a feature over 260 at an exceptional Community Concert held in the movie shown on Council’s 6 x 7 metre blow up screen. Over 200 people Minlaton Town Hall. attended these events. Financials Subsidiaries

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 47 of 165 Inland Sea Music Festival

Community members enjoyed an afternoon of music and food in a relaxed setting arranged by a group of the Yorke Peninsula’s very talented young artists. In partnership with the Inland Sea Restaurant, Council supported these young people by providing the opportunity to perform in public and showcase their wonderful talents at the Inland Sea Restaurant on Sunday 29 November 2015.

National Youth Week Events

Council, in partnership with Country Health SA and with support from the Office for Youth, provided young people with a fun-filled day out in Ardrossan on Sunday, 17 April 2016. It was a very successful day, with around 250 attendees enjoying a variety of entertainment, followed by some very positive feedback.

The Yorke Peninsula Council also supported the Yorke Peninsula Youth Workers Network and the in providing the Copper Coast community with this fantastic opportunity in Kadina on Monday 18 of April 2016, again with support from the Office for Youth. This event was also a huge success with over 500 people in attendance.

Local artists and young people participated along with APEX, Rotary and the Lions Clubs. The events were commended for their catering efforts and patrons were impressed with the quality and price of food offered.

Through its ongoing commitment to maintaining these activities, Council will continue to positively contribute to youth health and wellbeing and therefore the future vibrancy of the Yorke Peninsula.

Council has also actively participated in both the Yorke Peninsula Youth Workers Network and the Youth Peninsula Southern Yorke Partnership to foster collaboration and information sharing whilst maximising available opportunities and resources.

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 48 of 165 YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 AnnualReport Assets and Infrastructure Services Bay Water Scheme inordertohavedetailedplansdrawnforeachlocation. andPoint work onthePortJulia, Turton CWMSand theMarion within Council’ssurvey to undertake engaged acontractor also GIS.Council captured infrastructure thatwasnotpreviously of pipeworkandtoidentify stormwater infrastructure. the condition This workwasundertaken toassess plotting oftheCommunityWastewater ManagementScheme(CWMS) and and GPS CCTV inspection to undertake Council engagedacontractor pumps, etc.). plugs, fire and Storage and Pumping, water meters,etc.),Pipes Treatment(tanks, (valves, Nodes categories; three into split was Water Potable in MapInfo. attribute databeingdeveloped plans and assigned digitised software) andaspartofthisprocesstheywere revalued, whichincluded Potable Water assetswereuploadedtoConquest(assetmanagement plotted inCouncil’s mappingsystem. road segment. of each rideability determine be GPS also can data This Council’sin system. mapping An be usedto III will ARRB Roughometer will allowphotosandcoresamplelocationstobepinnedaGPSlocation using an iPad,which road segment.Datawillbecapturedelectronically of each segment materialtodeterminesheetingdepthandquality per 1kmsegment)oftheroad to betaken(aminimumof3coresamples a coringtrailer,Council havepurchased whichwillenablecoresamples quality, depthofsheeting,drainage,crossfallshape,vegetation,etc. width, material road as such factors include will Data collected technologies. on unsealedroadssothatrefresheddatacannowbecapturedusingnew Council staff data of condition havereviewedtheprocedureforcollection the componentisationofassettypestomeetaccountingstandards. that wereadopted,andalso changes toroadcategoriesandservicelevels Asset ManagementPlan-Improvementtotakeinconsideration A revaluationoftransportassetswasundertakenaspartthe Transport of serviceforeachcategory. Transport and levels road categorisation Plan includes Management Asset The network. road extensive Peninsula’s Yorke managing in forward way Council adoptedthe Transport the Plan, whichprovides Asset Management Asset Management damage. up fromstorm and clean infrastructure, cemeterymaintenance playground of removalofillegalroadsiderubbish,maintenance road maintenance, sealed andunsealed coastal infrastructure,kerbandfootpathmaintenance, to maintenance clearance, roadside vegetation pruning andstreetscaping, street tree and maintenance,drivewayinstallations, infrastructure installation traffic and signs of replacement stormwater and amenities, buildings to public maintenance devices, control and maintenance vandalism, of acts throughout theyear.Requests to responding included These activities to morethan600CustomerService responded workers Maintenance In additiontoplannedworksfor2015/16,Council’s Constructionand Green Barley

Page 49of 165

Introduction Overview Our Council Our Our Organisation Our Our Performance Our Financials Subsidiaries National Tree Day

National Tree Day has been held annually since 1996 and is Australia’s largest community tree planting and nature care event. The Yorke Peninsula Council actively participates in National Tree Day, coordinating several planting sites across the Council area.

Council undertakes the site identification and preparation of the site, provides the trees and tree guards, teaches the children how to plant the trees and then oversee the children as they plant the trees.

In 2015, Operations staff assisted the following schools as part of National Tree Day:

• Ardrossan Area School • Primary School • Maitland Area School • Maitland Lutheran School • Minlaton District School • Port Vincent Primary School • Stansbury Primary School • St Columba’s Memorial School • Warooka Primary School • Yorketown Area School

In total these schools planted approximately 1,200 trees, which will help combat the effect of climate change by locking up carbon.

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 50 of 165 Road Infrastructure Introduction Council is responsible for maintaining an extensive road network comprised of approximately 3,890km of sealed, unsealed formed and graded, unformed roads and tracks.

It is important to note that this is the largest road network of any South Australian council.

As referred to earlier, in October 2015 following a period of community consultation, the Yorke Peninsula Council’s Transport Asset Management Plan was adopted by Council. The Plan includes:

• road categorisation for all roads within the Council area; Overview • the planned levels of services (construction, renewal and maintenance standards) for each of the road categories; • proposed funding for the upgrade, renewal and maintenance of transport infrastructure; and • a proposed 10 year Capital Works program.

As part of Council’s goal to maintain and expand the connectivity of our community through a sustainable road network, in 2015/16 Council undertook sealed and unsealed road construction activities on sections of the following roads: Our Council

Sealed Road Construction • Bramley Road - Edithburgh • Clinton Road (7 kilometres) - Rural

Unsealed Road Construction • Brutus Road Our Organisation • Corny Point Road (by Contractor) • Daly Head Road • Dump Road • McFarlane Road • Nalyappa Road • North Coast Road (by Contractor) • Old Coast Road • Polkinghorne Road • Saint Road Our Performance • South Coast Road • Waterloo Bay Road • Wattle Point Road • Weavers North Road

These roads were selected to have road construction activities undertaken based on their rating within the Transport Asset Management Plan, to keep the rate of deterioration of the road under control, thereby ensuring the road condition did not fall below a reasonable standard. Financials

Other Road Related Activities

Additional maintenance activities attributed to open surface roads include activities such as patrol grading and regulation of traffic control devices. Currently Council operates four patrol grading sectors, each with two operators working 3x12 hour shifts per week. This ensures maximum efficiency is maintained, provided weather conditions are favourable which, in the latter months of the financial year, they were not. The dramatic increase in rainfall, which was experienced across the Council area, meant that the condition of many unsealed roads deteriorated rapidly. Council staff worked hard to bring these roads back up to an acceptable standard. Subsidiaries

Maintenance on the sealed road network incorporates reseal requirements. This is undertaken by contractors with day-to-day sealed road maintenance (e.g. potholes) achieved utilising Council’s Jetpatcher. The objectives of this maintenance program are far more beneficial during the warmer months.

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 51 of 165 Roadside Vegetation Maintenance Works Tender

In 2015/16 Council engaged a contractor to undertake a roadside vegetation maintenance program on selected Council controlled roads in the Hundreds of Clinton, Cunningham, Dalrymple, Kilkerran, Maitland, Minlacowie, Moorowie, Ramsay and Tiparra. This resulted in roadside vegetation maintenance activities being applied to 297kms of road corridor length, improving road safety throughout the Council area.

Roadside Vegetation Markers and Threatened Species Management

Council commissioned a native vegetation marker system to identify areas of important native vegetation, in particular threatened species, on roadsides identified for clearance activities as part of the roadside vegetation maintenance Unsealed Road Construction Tender program. Marked as ‘zones’ with roadside marker signs, each sign displays a number that relates back to a detailed Whilst contracting capital works is not uncommon within local government, register and mapping kept by Council. with a growing trend to outsource specialised services such as the collection and disposal of waste and recycling, street sweeping and bitumen services Threatened plant species are protected by both state and increasing, something that had, to the best of Council’s knowledge, never federal legislation. They often occur in valuable remnant been outsourced by a local government body before was unsealed road vegetation associations that perform many environmental construction. services, such as providing wind breaks and shelter for livestock and habitat for crop pollinators. Council In 2015/16, due to Council resources being committed to unsealed road is obligated to undertake extra precautions to prevent construction projects aligned with additional external funding such as double accidental damage to threatened species, as per its Roads to Recovery Funding and Fuel Excise Funding, Council outsourced, Roadside Vegetation Management Plan endorsed by the by way of a contract, some unsealed road construction requirements. Native Vegetation Council. In the interest of efficiencies, the success of this approach will be reviewed / monitored to determine its viability for Council in the future.

Seawater Flooding Adaptation Pathways Study

In February 2015, Council engaged a consultant to undertake the Seawater Flooding Adaptation Pathways Study, a project jointly funded by the Commonwealth Natural Disaster Resilience Program, the Coastal Protection Board and Council.

The aim of the seven-month project was to identify the seawater flooding risks, assess current flood protection infrastructure and provide recommendations for future action to cater for seawater flooding at Port Clinton, Price, Pine Point (Billy Goat Flat) and . The project also aimed to improve community awareness of the risks associated with current and future seawater flooding.

Recommendations from the Study, including adaptation options, will be considered, prioritised and funding opportunities investigated.

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 52 of 165 Walk the Yorke Introduction The Walk the Yorke Leisure Trail (Walk the Yorke) began construction in August 2013 and was completed in December 2015. The project was jointly funded by the Australian Government ($1.3 million), South Australian Government ($90,000) and Yorke Peninsula Council ($1.3 million).

Walk the Yorke is a continuous shared walking and cycling

trail taking in over 500kms of Yorke Peninsula coastline. Overview Walk the Yorke offers visitors the chance to experience spectacular rugged cliffs, amazing views, pristine beaches, secluded coves, rocky reefs and tidal pools, windswept sand dunes, samphire forests, historic lighthouses and provides views into some of Australia’s most productive farming land, rich Aboriginal culture and endemic scrublands. Our Council

Walk the Yorke is a new tourism product that will entice visitors to the region. Tourism is emerging as a critical industry for the Yorke Peninsula and Walk the Yorke offers a new experience for visitors and has the opportunity to increase visitation through creating new complementary businesses. Our Organisation The official opening of Walk the Yorke was held on Sunday 13 December 2015. Council, in partnership with Yorke Peninsula Tourism and the South Australian Tourism Commission, executed a marketing campaign via radio (Mix 102.3, Fiveaa and Cruise 1323), Facebook and Twitter to raise awareness of the new trail experience and the launch event.

The official opening was broken into three key events: • a breakfast at Port Vincent Wharf, attended by 80 Our Performance people; • a public walk of over 4kms from the Wharf to the Port Vincent Golf Course, with 60 participants; and • a Grand Opening and associated events including a local suppliers and services market at the Port Vincent Golf Course, attended by 400 people.

Walk the Yorke is designed to provide opportunities for a variety of visitors, from gentle strolls and rides to adventures Financials requiring higher levels of fitness. Walk the Yorke is signposted with yellow markers (over 3,000) and follows natural, gravel and paved surfaces as well as beaches. Where trail conditions are not suitable, cyclists are diverted to roads. In addition, there are several facilities designed to enhance the user’s experience; seating (bench seats, custom seats and picnic settings totalling 220), shelters (20), rainwater tanks Subsidiaries (20), interpretive podium signage (210) and information signs (16) all form part of Walk the Yorke.

Walk the Yorke has since attracted many media visits, reaching national and international audiences.

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 53 of 165 Waste Management

Council (via contractors) continues to provide a kerbside waste and recycling collection service and Transfer Station outlets for waste and recycling material. Collection of green waste also forms part of the waste contract with townships serviced on a monthly basis.

Approximately 4149.89 tonnes of mixed waste was collected in 2015/16 with an estimated 1037.55 tonnes (25%) of recyclable material diverted from landfill. During this period approximately 1122.50 tonnes of green waste was collected and processed, with material utilised for rehabilitation purposes and community use.

5,000 897 0 1116 4,500 1123 0 486 0 4,000 1227 1063 1038 1103 1133 3,500 1071 1270 3,000 2,500 2,000 3113 3112 3097 3058 2980 1,500 2960 2664 1,000 500 0 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16

General Waste Recycling Green Waste Figure 8: Comparative Breakdown of Waste Collection

The chart below outlines the breakdown of waste streams collected at Transfer Stations for the 2015/16 financial year. An aggregated total of 648.62 tonnes of material was received across the three (3) sites.

1,400.00 30.00 35.95 73.00 1,200.00 120.45


800.00 23.6 1,115.00 959.63 600.00 151.65

400.00 437.67 200.00 83.00 119.05 35.7 0.00 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16

Construction & Demolition Domestic & General Green Asbestos

Figure 9: : Breakdown of Tonnes Collected at Transfer Stations

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 54 of 165 Whale Memorial Introduction On Monday 8 December 2014 a pod of seven female sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) became stranded and subsequently died on the beach at Ardrossan.

To commemorate this sad event on Tuesday 8 December 2015 Council officially opened a memorial for the whales at Parara Beach, just south of Ardrossan, which was chosen as

the location as this is the site where six of the whales became Overview stranded.

The opening was attended by delegates and those who assisted Council with the removal and burial of the whales and featured the unveiling of a plaque commemorating this sad event, as well as students from the Ardrossan Area School relieving their chosen names for these whales Our Council

Following the opening guests were invited to attend a presentation by Dr Cath Kemper from the South Australian Museum. Our Organisation Our Performance Financials Subsidiaries

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 55 of 165 YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 AnnualReport Corporate and Community Services

2015 Carols by the Sea, Edithburgh NAIDOC schoolinitiativesandamen’s healthpresentation. Muster,Music Minlaton theRaySmith Tour(cycling), ofMinlaton the HannayPrizeforWarookanights, PrimarySchool,the awards andpresentation supportfor12school Donations included of Employment Awards andtheEdithburghCarolsbySea. Pearce Netballteam,2016SaltwaterClassic,2015Celebration Medley,Prestige Ladies YorkesPoint Berry BaySurfJam, for the2015 sponsorship funding whichincluded discretionary over $8,000in Council provided In 2015/16 and donations. funding forsponsorships has asmallamountofdiscretionary of funding,Councilalso In additiontothesetwo set allocations facilities andservices. the local work theydoinmaintaining to assisttheminthevaluable Progress local to fund $51k allocated also or similar,Associations, Council of ratesrevenue, to thebudgetedonepercent In addition of allfundingrecipientsisprovidedacross. were made tocommunity groupsand organisations. A detailed list $152,194 totalling Grants for Community payments 41 2015/16, In outcomes. community,environmental, culture, or welfare development social which achieverecreation, funding projects,programsandactivities by to participateinandcontributethecommunity organisations for the opportunity Grants programprovides The Community rates revenueforthecurrentfinancialyear. the of percent one approximately totalling funding annual aside sets Council Each year programs. and support of grants series Council remainscommittedtoassistinglocalgroupsthrougha Community Grants 2015 CarolsbytheSea,Edithburgh Page 56of 165 Organisation Funding Introduction Maitland Piston and Shooting Club $4,576 Ardrossan RSL $2,313 Edithburgh Golf Club $5,000 Edithburgh Institute Committee $5,000 Friends of Wauraltee $3,500 Rotary Club of Maitland $3,952

Warooka Bowling Club $2,984 Overview Marion Bay Township $3,000 Port Victoria Progress Association $5,000 SA Sea Rescue Squadron $3,540 Point Turton Sailing Club $5,000 Maitland Bowling Club $4,770 Our Council Southern Yorke Peninsula Telecentre $2,200 Curramulka Cultural Heritage Group $4,500 Mission to Seafarers, Port Giles $3,090 Yorketown Cricket Club $5,000 Ardrossan Hockey Club $2,929

Scouts Australia $5,000 Our Organisation Royal Volunteer Coastal Patrol $2,420 Arthurton Bowling Club $2,977 Curramulka Community Club $5,000 Southern Yorke Peninsula Target Shooting Association $1,500 Yorketown Progress Association $5,000 Minlaton Tennis Club $990 Our Performance Stansbury Golf Club $5,000 Pine Point Progress Association $965 Minlaton Bowling Club $5,000 Port Julia Progress Association $5,000 Minlaton Cricket Club $4,500 Port Clinton Progress Association $3,000 Clems Community Shed $5,000 Financials Maitland APEX Club $5,000 Ardrossan & Districts Community Kindergarten $3,488 National Trust SA Minlaton Branch $5,000 Ardrossan Tidy Towns $4,000 CMS Crows Football & Netball Club $3,500

Port Vincent Sailing Club $5,000 Subsidiaries Maitland Progress Association $4,500 Warooka Progress Association $2,000 Maitland & District Progress Association (RO from 2013/2014) $2,000 TOTAL $152,194

Table 11: Community Grant Recipients

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 57 of 165 Marion Bay Caravan Park

Caravan Parks

2015/016 has been busy at our Council managed caravan parks. There were changes of management at both Marion Bay and Yorketown Caravan parks. A number of significant improvements and infrastructure upgrades were completed throughout the parks including the installation of two Kangaroo Jumping Pillows and various items of play equipment to meet the growing consumer expectation of our parks.

Further infrastructure upgrades have been undertaken at the Black Point Caravan and Camping Ground, ‘Harvey Reserve’ with the installation of a new BBQ area and upgrade of the amenities facilities.

All Council Parks have now been accredited through the Caravan Industry Association of Australia and the accreditation process was followed by a visit by the Association’s CEO and General Manger who spent two days touring the Region. There are further upgrades and infrastructure renewal projects planned for the coming financial year which will ensure Council owned and managed holiday parks remain abreast of changing trends and at the forefront of the caravan park industry.

Port Vincent Foreshore Caravan Park

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 58 of 165 Financial Services Introduction During 2015/16 the Financial Services team have continued their focus on development and improvement of systems, processes and internal controls. There has been an increased focus on financial governance especially in regard to long term financial sustainability and achievement of Council’s Long Term Financial Plan (LTFP) objectives.

The team continues implementing process improvements resulting

from Internal Audit recommendations and the demand for ‘internal Overview financial controls’ that provide reasonable assurance that assets are safeguarded and our financial reporting is accurate and reliable.

Council adopted its ten year LTFP in March 2014 and the latest revision to the plan was adopted in May 2016. The objective of the LTFP is to ensure that Council remains financially sustainable and is able to provide at least the current level of services over the next 10 years. Our Council

Council has identified that its operating deficits and asset replacement levels have been below local government sector targets and the revised LTFP recognises the need for Council to remain financially viable whilst increasing its asset replacement programs. Our Organisation The revised LTFP will see Council move closer to industry targets in relation to operating results and asset sustainability progressively over the next 10 year period.

The LTFP is also used as a tool to ensure that the impact in to the future of budget variations, and proposed new projects, are fully understood before any changes are adopted. This plan will be reviewed and released for public consultation as soon as practicable after the adoption of the Annual Business Plan for 2016/17 and finalisation and Our Performance audit of the 2015/16 Annual Financial Statements.

Information Services

The Information Services team have maintained their focus on organisational improvement projects. Financials

These projects included the transition to the new Maitland office, Council’s website redevelopment, upgrades and improvement of mobility systems, upgrade of Council’s phone system, ongoing hardware replacement and the procurement and implementation of an electronic document and records management system (EDRMS). Subsidiaries

All of these projects have contributed to improved customer service for community interactions with Council. Footprints by Rebecca Cook

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 59 of 165 Leisure Options

The Yorke Peninsula Leisure Options (YPLO) programme is now in its 14th year of service delivering centre-based activities, social support, and transport to people who have age related health issues, and for younger people with disabilities. The programme is delivered across the Yorke Peninsula local government area using community and Council facilities in the townships of Minlaton, Maitland, Yorketown, and Edithburgh.

Throughout its years of operation, YPLO has expanded and maintained its service provision through a range of partnerships and funding opportunities at the local, state and federal government level. Currently the Disability and Aged Care sectors are facing major reform through the introduction of social policy that recognises the diversity of needs for every individual.

Much of the focus throughout 2015/16 was on the changes to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and whether Council, through the YP Leisure Options programme, becomes a NDIS Service Provider. The Commonwealth Home Support Programme is funded federally until November 2018 – currently $16,000 per annum for YPLO is proposed for the 2017/18 financial year.

Leisure Options services other core groups including:- 1. Aged Care clients (Commonwealth Home Support Programme) funded until November 2018 - $42,000 in total for the period July 2015 to November 2018. 2. Clients under 64 years of age who meet the following criteria (this list is not exhaustive) currently funded through Home and Community Care (State) until June 2017 - $91,000 per annum: • Socially isolated • Indigenous • Culturally and Linguistically diverse (CALD) • Mental health issues • Financial hardship (particularly people not in receipt of a pension/ unemployed) • Volunteering

The program currently has 75 clients. Three staff members and 15 volunteers undertake a range of tasks including group work facilitators, drivers, clerical duties and fundraising.

Service hours and trips assigned by the government funders were exceeded again last year, and the service delivered 1,561 hours of Social Support, 10,046 hours of centre-based care, and completed 3,239 trips transporting clients to and from locations.

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 60 of 165 A Volunteer team of Drivers utilise the two YPLO buses with a capacity of 11 seats in each. The buses collect participants each day from

their homes, or ‘pick up stops’ and will drive them to the activity location. Frequently volunteer drivers will join the Group Leaders to assist Introduction with Group activities and will commence the return trips taking participants home or to the ‘drop off stop’. During the year the service made a total of 3,239 trips and journeys.

Group work is focused on social and recreational activities and includes:- • Arts and crafts; • Cooking; • The Wood Shed;

• Fun and Games; Overview • The Men’s Shed; • Tree propagation; • Living skills; and • Christmas shopping trip and Christmas party.

Social Support provision, mostly delivered by staff, includes information provision, advocacy, assessment and referrals, transport assistance with shopping and medical appointments. Our Council Our Organisation Our Performance Financials Subsidiaries

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 61 of 165 Libraries

The Council and local communities, with support from the Libraries of South Australia and the Department for Education and Child Development (DECD), provide four main libraries on the Peninsula and Council is directly responsible for the eight ancillary depot libraries.

There has been an increased focus on the Joint Use Library Arrangement between DECD and Public Libraries which has seen Council participate in a series of reviews and pilot programs to review our current level of service provision to our community.

A survey of library patrons was undertaken and a comprehensive report subsequently provided. The four school community libraries continue to service eight library depots throughout the region and the survey highlighted the value of this service to our aged community members. Council are continuing to work with Public Libraries to ensure that Council continue to provide the best service possible within the finite resources and technologies available.


Yorke Peninsula attracts approximately 1 million visitors to the whole region each year, which highlights the significance of tourism on local economic benefits and employment.

Council funds the Yorke Peninsula Tourism organisation, in conjunction with the District Council of the Copper Coast and the South Australia Tourism Commission.

Yorke Peninsula Tourism is charged with the responsibility of encouraging further investment and growth of tourism in our region and attracting visitors to the region – increasing awareness of Yorke Peninsula as a must see holiday destination.

Yorke Peninsula Tourism activities for 2015/16 include:- • Generating significant media coverage • Attending consumer shows • Developing the YP Visitor Guide and YP Fishing Guide • Destination development • Digital development Burning off by Erin McWaters

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 62 of 165 Visitor Information Centre Introduction Yorke Peninsula Visitor Centre (YPVC) continues to operate as an accredited visitor centre displaying the blue and yellow ‘i’ logo. This logo identifies us as part of the Australia wide network of visitor information centres, recognised and promoted on a national level.

The YPVC staff and volunteers continue to provide a high standard of customer service, welcoming visitors to Yorke Peninsula and encouraging them to stay longer in our part of the world. The YPVC operates with five volunteers and four staff members (1 x full time and 3 x

part time). Overview

The Visitor Information Services Coordinator attended the South Australian Visitor Information Centres Conference, held in the Murraylands tourism region in May 2016. As an accredited centre YPVC staff and volunteers are required to undertake 20 hours of training per year. This has included touring Innes National Park with the rangers and gaining familiarity with the camping sites; visiting various bush camp grounds; and travelling around the Peninsula gaining first-hand experience of local tourism operations. Our Council

The visitor centre’s website continues to provide an opportunity to work with local operators, encouraging them to list with the Australian Tourism Data Warehouse (ATDW). This provides free marketing, with the potential for their listing to be distributed to numerous websites throughout Australia. Our Organisation The website also promotes Walk the Yorke, with trail notes being regularly updated as feedback is received from locals and visitors alike who have completed the trail. The YPVC’s annual visitation numbers are provided below.

35,000 377 30,000 1,722 386 353 25,000 2,067 1,796 385 Our Performance 20,000 2,001 15,000 28,209 20,866 20,724 10,000 15,707 5,000 0 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16

Intrastate Interstate International

Figure 10: : Annual visitation to YPVC Financials Subsidiaries

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 63 of 165 YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 AnnualReport Development Services

Edithburgh Jetty revenue. in $800 generated which Notice Expiation $100 a with issued be now can their boats. their boatswithout apermit/ticket Those personswholaunch to launch do nothaveanappropriatepermit/ticket of usersthefacilities percentage of theboatramps showsthatonlyaverysmall Regular patrols to theiruse,whichgenerated$144,303duringthe2015/16financial year prior machine from avending require aBoatLaunchPermitordailyticket eight ofwhich facilities, 33 boatlaunching Council ownsandmaintains Boat LaunchingFacilities un-owned cats. The majorityofcatcomplaintsreceivedbyCouncilrelatetoferal/ on dogmanagementinitiativesthroughoutthedistrict. $73,661. an incomeof spent is registrations dog from received All income generating for 2015/16, payments 2,745 dogregistrations received Council members ofthecommunityandmeetinglegislativerequirements. owners areaccommodatedwhilerecognisingthedifferent needsofall Council iscommittedtoensuringthattheneedsofanimalsandtheir the community, contributingtoqualityoflife. community. are partof animals thatcompanion The planalsorecognises within the and harmoniously safely and petsintegrate where people Cat Management pet ownership, responsible to encourage Act, aims Council’s Dog and to the pursuant adopted Plan, Management Animal Animal Management • • • • • • • • • year financial 2015/16 include: - the during completed and committed Projects the area. Annually,throughout issues $20,000 towardsaccess contributes Council from eachProgress Association, twoCouncillorsandCouncilstaff. of the Membership Access of amember Committeeiscomprised Advisory Committee Advisory Access

Two wheelchairrampsatthePortVincent wharfshelters. Upgrade tothecrossinginMainStreet,Minlaton. Access rampintothePortVincent Institute Two accessrampsinthe Township ofPortClinton. Widening oftheEdithburghMemorialcrossoverramp. Two footpathaccessrampsin Township ofPrice. Access Rampat Yorketown SeniorCitizensHall. Access Rampat Yorketown Hospital. Two footpathaccessrampsonCharlesStreet, Yorketown. Page 64of 165 . Bush Camping Introduction Council has fifteen dedicated locations for bush campers, all of which require a permit from Council prior to being used. A bush camping fee is charged for nine of these locations, which generated $26,534 in the 2015/16 financial year.

Council Officers regularly patrol these locations to ensure campers have the appropriate permits, particularly during the extremely busy Christmas and Easter holiday periods. Overview Our Council Our Organisation Our Performance Financials Subsidiaries

Wauraltee Beach camping

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 65 of 165 Development Applications

The volume of development applications received during 2015/16 financial year were marginally lower than the previous year. Consequently, this also resulted in a 2.8% decrease in value of developments being approved by Council.

700 $55,000,000

600 $50,000,000 $45,000,000 500 $40,000,000 400 $35,000,000 614 $30,000,000 300 559 507 516 489 480 468 $25,000,000 200 $20,000,000 100 208 $15,000,000 141 127 107 141 81 71 0 $10,000,000 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16

Other Dwellings Total Value

Figure 11: : Yearly Comparison of Development Applications by Type and Value Ethel Wreck, Innes National Park Ethel Wreck,

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 66 of 165 Development Plan Review Introduction Edithburgh Town & Surrounds DPA The Edithburgh Town and Surrounds Development Plan Amendment (DPA) was amended after consideration of submissions received from government agencies and the general public. The Plan went out for public consultation for a second time, with submissions required to be lodged with Council by 30 September 2016.

Balgowan Settlement DPA

The Balgowan Settlement DPA went through a public and state government agency consultation process and a summary of submissions Overview received was considered by Council. Some minor amendments were approved by Council as a result of the submissions and the DPA was submitted to the Minister for Planning for approval.

Minor Amendments DPA A minor amendments DPA was undertaken to correct several areas of duplication and inconsistency. This Plan is now finalised and the Development Plan updated and consolidated on 26 November 2015. Our Council

Sheoak Flat DPA A Statement of Intent for the Sheoak Flat DPA, proposing land be rezoned from Coastal Conservation Zone to Rural Living Zone, was not supported by the Minister and the DPA has not been proceeded with. Our Organisation

Section 30 Review Following the completion of the Section 30 Review, discussions have commenced with the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure with the intent of pursuing a coastal areas DPA and a rural living areas DPA. Our Performance Financials Subsidiaries

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 67 of 165 Fire Prevention

Council is part of the Yorke Peninsula Fire Ban District. Due to a warm spring and the lack of rain, the Fire Danger Season commenced two weeks earlier on 1 November 2015 and concluded at the end of April 2016.

200 Schedule 9 Permits were issued by Council staff for the 2016 Conditional Burning Season to farmers to burn off

their land from 16 February to 30 April 2016. This is 45 less Minlacowie by Robyn Clasohm than the previous year. A condition of the permit is that they must contact Council prior to burning off. Council received 585 notifications to burn (approximately half the number received two years ago).

Fuel reduction notices are issued to protect property from fire and to reduce the likelihood of an outbreak or spread of a fire on the land. From time to time, it has been necessary for Council to engage contractors to reduce the fuel levels (as stipulated in the notice) and landowners are subsequently invoiced for the work. The property inspections went well during the start of the Fire Danger Season with a new computer system. 1,463 notices were sent out to landholders to reduce the fire hazard on their properties. This was over 160 more than the previous year. Council engaged the services of a contractor to mow 17 allotments as a result of non-compliance which was half that of last season.

Food Safety

Council’s Environmental Health Officer (EHO) conducts routine inspections of food businesses to ensure compliance with the Food Standards under the Food Act 2001. Routine inspections seek to ascertain the knowledge and skill level of the persons involved in food preparation and sale, along with the general cleanliness and suitability of the premises.

The EHO also deals with food complaints from the public; such complaints may be about the quality or safety of food for sale, observed food handling practices or other related matters that concern a consumer. Food recalls are brought to the attention of the EHO via emails from the Department of Health and if requested, the EHO may check food premises shelves to ensure the implicated food has been removed from sale.

Food safety training can also be undertaken by the EHO, especially for volunteer groups that may not be able to cover the cost of accredited training.

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 68 of 165 Legionella Introduction Legionnaires’ disease (Legionellosis) is a serious and sometimes fatal form of pneumonia caused by the bacteria Legionella. Legionella bacteria are found naturally in the environment and thrive in warm water and warm damp places. They are commonly found in bodies of water, soil and potting mix.

People most at risk of getting sick from the bacteria are older people

(usually 50 years of age or older), people who are current or former Overview smokers, those who have a chronic lung disease (like emphysema) and people who have weak immune systems from diseases like cancer, diabetes, or kidney failure.

People usually get Legionnaires’ disease by breathing in Legionella bacteria in very fine droplets of water called aerosols. Such aerosols are often associated with cooling towers and warm water systems. In Our Council the Yorke Peninsula Council district three sites at which warm water systems are in place have been registered with Council and annual audit reports of the systems are received.

Limited Liquor Licences Our Organisation

Throughout the year Council receives several requests for limited liquor licences and/or the extension to existing liquor licences for some premises. During the 2015/16 financial year Council gave support to 19 requests for a limited liquor licence. The licences were granted for events on both Council owned property and privately owned premises.

Public Health Our Performance

The South Australian Public Health Act 2011 charges Councils with the responsibility of preserving, protecting and promoting public health within its area. To this end EHOs may receive complaints from community members about matters they perceive as a public health risk. The EHO needs to investigate and consider if there is a risk to public health and what action needs to be taken to alleviate it. During the reporting period complaints have been received concerning the risk from: Financials • Offensive Odours • Overgrowth of vegetation and potential fire hazard • Illegal wastewater discharge • Noise • Living conditions • Failing effluent disposal systems • Vermin Subsidiaries • Water quality

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 69 of 165 Swimming Pools

Council has 5 swimming pools and 2 toddler wading pools associated with tourist accommodation that are monitored during the summer season to ensure good standards of hygiene and disinfection are maintained.

Waste Control Systems

Council received 123 applications for waste control systems during this reporting period. Such applications cover: • Local sewer schemes • Common wastewater management schemes • On-site disposal via septic tank and soakage bed/soakage trenches • On-site disposal via aerobic systems that incorporate dedicated irrigation areas, including pressure dosed soakage bed systems. These can be particularly useful for small blocks, difficult sites and properties within 100m of the coast. • Off-site disposal of effluent via a holding tank for properties within 100m of the high water mark (sensitive coastal zone) – holding tanks are not allowed for new developments and are only considered for particular locations.

Officers attempt to inspect all installations at least once; further inspections may be required depending on the extent of the on-site works.

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 70 of 165 Introduction Overview Our Council Our Organisation Our Performance

Yorke Peninsula Building Fire Safety Committee

Council’s Building Fire Safety Committee has the responsibility for matters relating to section 71 of the Development Act 1993, which requires public buildings to be compliant with building, fire and safety requirements.

For 2015/16 the committee has convened four times and undertaken the following: Financials • 19 fire safety audit inspections, covering 16 premises • Issued reports to building owners identifying inadequate fire safety standards or equipment • Assisted building owners or occupiers with cost effective solutions to reduce fire risks • Followed up inspections to ensure fire safety issues were addressed

One notice pursuant to section 71 of the Development Act 1993 has been issued during the period and two (2) notices remain in force Subsidiaries from the previous financial year.

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 71 of 165 Our Performance

Adjahdura Cultural Tours

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 72 of 165 YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 AnnualReport Annual Business Plan Performance table belowhighlightstheperformanceagainstactualexpenditureforyear The projects. capital and operating budgeted of range a identified Plan Business 2015/16 Annual YorkeCouncil’s The Peninsula Sealed -FourthStreet Arthurton Sealed -ClintonRoad Rubble Raising Reseal Allocation Paving -PortVictoria Parson RoadLand Acquisition Kerbing -JunctionRoad,Maitland Footpath -RobertStreet,Maitland Footpath—Maitland Footpath outsideEdithburghDeliandNewsagency Footpath -HarryButlerMemorial Footpath -FifthStreet Ardrossan Footpath - Ardrossan CaravanPark Footpath adjacentEdithburghCaravanPark Accelerated RoadRenewal(additionalinjection) Accelerated PatchSheeting Transportation InfrastructureandFootpaths Weaners FlatReserveLongVehicle ParkingandDumpPoint Port Vincent OpenSpace Minlaton ConceptPlan(50%communityfunded) Landfill Rehabilitation Formby BayInfrastructure(75%grantfunded) Minlaton Airstrip Upgrade Airstrip Minlaton Leisure OptionsBuildingUpgrades Cemeteries Access Disability Public Infrastructure Projects Unsealed -Nalyappa Road Unsealed -McFarlaneRoad Unsealed -McCauleyRoad Unsealed -HarmerRoad Unsealed -DumpRoad Unsealed -DalyHeadRoad Unsealed -CutlineRoad Unsealed -BrutusRoad Sealed -BramleyRoadEdithburgh Expenditure 2,328,106 2015/16 Actual 310,983 489,434 150,532 122,312 198,820 168,078 111,186 93,928 13,240 13,100 30,909 14,987 16,730 12,320 16,244 29,475 15,944 54,340 57,206 76,702 45,034 11,527 5,016 3,150 4,247 4,782 3,635 2,727 0 0 0 0 0 . Adopted 1,124,000 3,000,000 2015/16 Budget 130,000 200,000 137,017 219,206 184,430 123,880 116,752 50,000 20,000 18,000 17,000 30,000 80,000 25,000 20,000 76,800 88,996 67,322 79,069 80,003 5,000 5,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Variance -2,510,566 1,204,106 -116,752 150,532 110,983 -36,072 -19,091 -17,000 -30,000 -80,000 -13,473 -22,460 -88,996 -34,969 -12,694 -14,705 -20,386 -16,352 -10,116 13,240 13,100 12,320 16,244 29,475 -5,013 -1,270 -1,365 -4,056 -2,367 5,016 3,150 4,247 2,727 -218 $ Variance Page 73of 165

-100% -100% -100% -100% -100% 107% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% -28% -38% -25% -84% -54% -27% -20% -15% -29% -44% -10% -11%

55% -7% -4% -3% -9% -9% %

Introduction Overview Our Council Our Our Organisation Our Our Performance Our Financials Subsidiaries 2015/16 2015/16 $ % Projects Actual Adopted Variance Variance Expenditure Budget Transportation Infrastructure and Footpaths Unsealed - North South Road 0 111,398 -111,398 -100% Unsealed - Old Coast Road 150,119 156,316 -6,197 -4% Unsealed - Old Port Vincent Road 162,697 175,749 -13,052 -7% Unsealed - Polkinghorne Road 58,617 89,997 -31,380 -35% Unsealed - Saint Road 87,660 101,002 -13,342 -13% Unsealed - Recluse Road 76,810 95,375 -18,565 -19% Unsealed - South Coast Road 236,366 189,949 46,417 24% Unsealed - Waterloo Bay Road 34,244 50,129 -15,885 -32% Unsealed - Wattle Point Road 64,250 84,564 -20,314 -24% Unsealed - Weavers Road North 109,860 111,660 -1,800 -2% Stormwater Edithburgh 0 40,000 -40,000 -100% Minlaton 18,665 27,500 -8,835 -32% Community Wastewater Management Systems Various Schemes 259,460 270,000 -10,540 -4% Water Schemes Hardwicke Bay 13,475 14,000 -525 -4% Marion Bay 28,039 13,000 15,039 116% Council Buildings Public/Disabled Toilet—Port Clinton 33,861 35,000 -1,139 -3% Public Toilet—Berry Bay 51,816 45,000 6,816 15% Tourism Infrastructure Visitor Information Centre Point of Sale and Visual Merchandising 9,422 22,000 -12,578 -57% Tourist Photographic Scenic Frames 18,555 15,000 3,555 24% Caravan Parks Marion Bay Caravan Park - Various 94,660 162,000 -67,340 -42% Port Vincent Caravan Park - Various 192,947 33,000 159,947 485% Point Turton Caravan Park 110,291 105,000 5,291 5% Yorketown Caravan Park 8,147 10,000 -1,853 -19% Other Caravan Parks - Various 41,611 25,000 16,611 66% Foreshore Blue Bay step construction 23,947 0 23,947 100% Boat ramp capital 27,422 0 27,422 100% Marion Bay Boat Ramp Feasibility Study (50% Grant Funded) 0 100,000 -100,000 -100% Point Souttar beach access 21,676 0 21,676 100% Port Vincent Foreshore capital 18,602 0 18,602 100% Rogues Point Seawall 77,501 0 77,501 100% Walk the Yorke (grant funding $400,000) 852,445 800,000 52,445 7%

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 74 of 165 2015/16 2015/16

$ % Introduction Projects Actual Adopted Variance Variance Expenditure Budget Halls Maitland Town Hall Concrete Cancer 222,970 270,000 -47,030 -17% Minlaton Town Hall – Salt Damp 16,545 24,000 -7,455 -31% Town Hall Upgrades - Other 19,950 0 19,950 100% Machinery Overview Equipment – Minor Plant 38,909 30,000 8,909 30% Plant and Machinery Purchases 1,398,155 1,233,000 165,155 13% Administration Admin Vehicle Replacements 438,009 396,000 42,009 11% Business Improvement Infrastructure 0 25,000 -25,000 -100% Our Council Council Telephone System 74,226 77,000 -2,774 -4% Electronic Document Management System 174,725 175,000 -275 0% Equipment – Computer and Software 206,178 159,500 46,678 29% Equipment - Office 60,483 15,000 45,483 303% Office Expansion 143,172 178,789 -35,617 -20% Our Organisation TOTAL 10,081,181 11,363,403 -1,282,222 -11%

Table 12: Actual Business Plan Performance vs. Budgeted

As at 30 June 2016 Table 11 indicates an underspend for the year. However, within the table it identifies a number of positive and negative variances for a range of reasons. Specifically these were:- • A number of planned road projects were put on hold whilst staff and allocated funds were diverted into the Clinton Road Project. • Funds from the road projects that were put on hold were also diverted into the accelerated patch sheeting project. • Blue Bay step construction and Point Souttar beach access - Additional State Government Grant Funding received. Our Performance • The Marion Bay Boat Ramp project has been carried forward to the 2016/17 financial year. • Council applied for a grant for the Minlaton Township Concept Plan but was unsuccessful therefore the project has been deferred.

Budget allocations are reviewed every quarter as required by Council’s PO142 Budget Reporting and Amendment Policy, with all changes submitted to Council for endorsement.

Whilst every care is taken in developing Council’s Annual Business Plan other priorities will always emerge throughout the course of the year that take precedence. Financials In addition, this Council continually seeks to attract additional grant funding in order to implement key projects for the benefit of the community without any additional burden on our rate payers. Therefore, when Council is successful in obtaining additional grant funding during the year, all planned projects must be re-prioritised due to the limited resources available to carry out the works. Maitland canola Subsidiaries

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 75 of 165 YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 AnnualReport Strategic Plan Performance The followingtableoutlinesCouncil’s finalperformanceindeliveringagainstthegoalsofpreviousplan. As outlinedonpageXXanewPlanwasdevelopedthroughout2015/16whichcameintoeffect on1July2016. Plan tobedevelopedincrementallyindefinedstagestherebyallowingmultipleopportunitiesforthecommunityinvolved. of the2016-2020StrategicManagementPlan. In June2015Councilendorsedaframeworkforthedevelopment The frameworkallowedthe outlines prioritiesandsetsoutwhatmustbeachieved. The PlanwaslastreviewedandupdatedinOctober2013. The Yorke PeninsulaCouncil’sthe foundationforCounciltoplanfuture. Plan (thePlan)provides StrategicManagement The Plan Legend Curramulka Farmers Market Completed • On Hold/Deferred Ongoing activity — Not completed Page 76of 165 Strategies Performance Measures Status Introduction Goal 1 – Sustainable Infrastructure Public Consultation undertaken on the Draft Transport Plan and the Plan finalised and implemented by June 2014 Remaining Asset Management Plans, including transfer station, boat launching 1.1 Provide infrastructure facility, land, water infrastructure and plant/machinery/equipment plans finalised and — assets that are implemented by June 2014 sustainable and safe Rationalisation program developed and implemented for identified roads by 2015

Ongoing - Number of initiatives collaboratively established, planned and managed with Overview the State Government to improve the quality of arterial roads 1.2 Effective expansion of Ongoing - Number of initiatives to improve water and power infrastructure delivery water and power supplies Goal 2 – Progressive and Sustainable Development Efficient, streamlined and customer-focussed development application processes 2.1 Streamlined developed and implemented by February 2014 Our Council Development Zone boundary reviews undertaken and incorporated into revised Development Plan Assessment Process Amendment - Maitland, Minlaton, Warooka & Yorketown by March 2014

Goal 3 – Our Economy Ongoing - Number of joint initiatives that support tourism and business growth

Ongoing - Number of joint initiatives that support the development of indigenous tourism Our Organisation 3.1 Sustainable economic Initiatives that will assist the development of sustainable agricultural industry are growth identified in a Service Agreement between Council and Regional Development Australia Yorke and Mid North by March 2014 Ongoing - Increase in the number of joint initiatives for economic development

3.2 Increase access to Ongoing - Work with Regional Development Australia Yorke and Mid North, major employment industries and businesses to undertake a study to identify skills required to support opportunities for our business needs

communities Our Performance Ongoing - Number of joint initiatives developed that will enhance skills, development in

Sustainable Communities tourism, agriculture and business. Goal 4 – Economical Growth through Sustainable Industrial Development Ongoing - Number of strategies collaboratively developed to facilitate improvement 4.1 Manage the impact of to roads, drainage and other infrastructure required to support major industry through major industry and consultative processes. business growth on Council assets and Ongoing - additional financial resources required to manage the increased costs Infrastructure associated with the establishment of mining and other major industry identified based on market pressures and development time frames. 4.2 Encourage and Ongoing - Number of initiatives collaboratively established, planned and managed that Financials advocate for focus on lobbying State and Federal Governments for transport infrastructure. infrastructure to support major industry Ongoing - Number of transport corridors collaboratively identified, planned, established growth on the Yorke and managed that will facilitate freight movements and provide ready access to Ports. Peninsula Ongoing - Number of new industries established on the Yorke Peninsula. Subsidiaries 4.3 Realise the benefits Ongoing - Number of training and skill initiatives developed in partnership with Regional for our Community Development Australia Yorke and Mid North. created through major Ongoing - Number of local people employed by major industries and new business. industry and business growth Ongoing - Number of programs provided to support community groups, programs and social infrastructure. Social infrastructure, supporting all age groups within the community, delivered

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 77 of 165 Strategies Performance Measures Status

Goal 1 – Progressive Communities through Strategic Planning 1.1 Strong, proactive Current and relevant strategic plans and policies in place leadership 1.2 Knowledgeable and Fully developed Training Needs Analysis and integrated Training Plan in place through skilled decision up to date induction documentation and performance reviews makers Goal 2 – Organisational Efficiency and Resource Management 2.1 Financially Ongoing - Alternative income streams identified and incorporate into Council’s Long sustainable Term Financial Plan organisation 2.2 Efficient, effective and Long term financial plan reviewed by April 2014 professional organisation Ongoing - Number of joint initiatives with neighbouring councils and the YP Alliance identified to improve our effectiveness 2.3 Meet all legislative Council presented with office accommodation solution options by December 2013 and compliance responsibilities

Corporate Governance & Leadership 2.4 Effective Risk Process developed and implemented by December 2013 to continually monitor Management and evaluate new legislation, compliance requirements and the impact on the Council Review of the 2012-2015 Strategic Risk Management Plan by December 2013

Goal 1 – Vitality and Connection 1.1 Develop and facilitate Communication strategy developed, including a process for regular, credible reporting ongoing partnerships to the community and implemented by December 2013 and relationships with Successful annual youth event Progress Associations, Tidy Towns and other key community groups 1.2 Offer a range of Current policies, procedures and processes in place that meet the needs of the accessible community community facilities, programs, events and activities 1.3 Encourage and support Strategy to advance arts and culture in our district by July 2014 our community in artistic, cultural and creative •

Community Engagement pursuit Goal 2 – Sense of Ownership 2.1 Our communities are well Feedback from the annual Community Satisfaction Survey. informed • Table 13: Strategic Plan Performance

Songvaar Wreck - Maritime Heritage Trail

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 78 of 165 The following table demonstrates Yorke Peninsula Council’s compliance with the Local Government Act 1999 (SA) and the Local Government Regulations. Introduction

Local Government Act Requirement Title Page Met S128 (9) Information on the remuneration payable to its auditor for work performed during the 100 relevant financial year, distinguishing between- (a & b) • Remunerations payable for the annual audit of the council’s financial statements; and

• Other remuneration; Overview

If a person ceased to be the auditor of the council during the relevant financial year, N/A N/A other than by virtue of the expiration of his or her term of appointment and not being reappointed to the office – the reason or reasons why the appointment of the council’s auditor came to an end. Annual Report to be prepared and adopted by 30 November in each year relating to N/A S131 the operations of the council for the financial year ending in the preceding 30 June. Our Council The Council must provide a copy of its Annual Report to: • Each member of Council; Legislative Requirements • Presiding Member of both Houses of Parliament. Council must make copies available for inspection on Council’s website and principal office. Members of the public may purchase a hard copy from the Council’s principal office (Maitland). Schedule 2 Our Organisation S12 Subsidiaries: A report including audited financial statements must be incorporated into N/A N/A the Yorke Peninsula Council’s Annual Report. Regional Subsidiaries: A report including audited financial statements must be incor- 133 S28 porated into the Yorke Peninsula Council’s Annual Report. Schedule 4 Audited financial statements of the Council for the relevant year. 83 1(a)

A list of registers that are required to be kept under the Local Government Act 1999 30 Our Performance 1(b) and the Local Government (Elections) Act 1999. A list of codes of conduct or practice required under the Local Government Act 1999 30 1(c) and the Local Government (Elections) Act 1999. 1(f) Information on the allowances paid to members of the council or council committees. 25 Information on the number of senior executive officers and information on the kinds of 37 1(g) allowances, bonuses and benefits that are made available to those officers as part of a salary package. 1(ga) A report on the use of sections 90(2) and 91(7) by the council and its council 20

committees containing the information required by the regulations. Financials A report on the applications made to the council under the Freedom of Information 32 1(gb) Act 1991 during the relevant financial year containing the information required by the regulations.

1(h) A statement of- 33 1. The council’s representation quota; and

2. The average representation quota for council of a similar size and type; and Subsidiaries 3. When the council next intends to conduct a review under Chapter 3 Part 1 Division 2; and 4. The procedures that are available under Chapter 3 for electors to make submissions on representation under this Act.

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 79 of 165 Local Government Act Requirement Title Page Met 2(a) The council’s performance in implementing its strategic management plans during the relevant 76 financial year, and the council’s projections and targets under its plan for the next financial year.

2(ab) The council’s performance against its annual business plan for the relevant financial year. 73

2(b) The extent to which activities for the council have been subjected to competitive tender or other measures to ensure services are delivered cost-effectively, and the extent (if any) to which the 35 council has pursued policies for purchasing local goods and services.

2(c) The decision-making structure of the council. 19 24 2(ca) The training and development activities for members of the council during the relevant financial year. 42 2(d) The implementation of equal opportunity programs, and other human resource management or development programs, during the relevant financial year.

2(e) The progress of the council in preparing or finalising any management plans for community land 34 required under the Chapter 11.

2(f) Other matters prescribed by the regulations. N/A

Local Government (General) Regulations (1) Pursuant to section 131(5)(b) of the Act, the South Australian Local Government Grants S10 N/A Commission is a prescribed body.

(2) For the purposes of section 131(5) of the Act, the relevant day by which an annual report must be submitted is 31 December in the financial year immediately following the end of the financial year to which the annual report relates.

S35(1) For the purpose of clause 1(ga) of Schedule 4 of the Act- 28 (a) In the case of a report on the use of section 90(2) of the Act, the following information is required: 1. The total number of orders made under that subsection in the financial year; 2. The date and subject of each order within the ambit of subparagraph (i); 3. In relation to each paragraph ((a) to (n)) of section 90(3) of the Act- the number of times in the financial year that an order made under section 90(2) was made on the basis that the information or matter fell within the ambit of the paragraph; and (b) In the case of a report on the use of section 91(7) iof the Act, the following information is required: 1. The total number of orders made under that subsection in the financial year; 2. The number of orders made under that subsection that expired, ceased to apply or were revoked during the year; 3. The number of orders made under that subsection that remained operative at the end of the financial year (but not including orders made before 15 November 2010); 4. The date and subject of each order within the ambit of subparagraph (i) or (iii).

S35(2) Pursuant to clause 1(i) of Schedule 4 of the Act, the report required under section 270(8) is 26 prescribed, being:- S270 “Procedures for review of decisions and requests for services”: (8) A council must, on an annual basis, initiate and consider a report that relates to- (a) ) the number of applications for review made under this section; and (b) the kinds of matters to which the applications related; and (c) the outcomes of the applications under this sections; and (d) such other matters as may be prescribed by the regulations.

Table 14: Annual Reporting Legislative Requirements

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 80 of 165 Introduction Overview Our Council Our Organisation Our Performance Financials Subsidiaries

Page 81 of 165 Port Vincent Foreshore Vincent Port YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report COUNCIL YORKE PENINSULA YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 AnnualReport Financial Statements Saltwater Classic, Port Vincent Page 82of 165 Introduction Overview Our Council

Yorke Peninsula Council GENERAL PURPOSE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Our Organisation for the year ended 30 June 2016 Our Performance Financials Subsidiaries

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 83 of 165 Yorke Peninsula Council

General Purpose Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2016

Contents Page

1. Council Certificate 85

2. Primary Financial Statements:

- Statement of Comprehensive Income 86 - Statement of Financial Position 87 - Statement of Changes in Equity 88 - Statement of Cash Flows 89

3. Notes to the Financial Statements 90

4. Independent Auditor's Report - Financial Statements 125

5. Independent Auditor's Report - Internal Controls 127

6. Certificates of Audit Independence

- Council Certificate of Audit Independence 129 - Audit Certificate of Audit Independence 130

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 84 of 165 Yorke Peninsula Council Introduction

General Purpose Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2016

Certification of Financial Statements

We have been authorised by the Council to certify the financial statements in their final form. Overview

In our opinion:

 the accompanying financial statements comply with the Local Government Act 1999 , Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 2011 and Australian Accounting Standards,

 the financial statements present a true and fair view of the Council’s financial position at 30 June Our Council 2016 and the results of its operations and cash flows for the financial year,

 internal controls implemented by the Council provide a reasonable assurance that the Council’s financial records are complete, accurate and reliable and were effective throughout the financial year,

 the financial statements accurately reflect the Council’s accounting and other records. Our Organisation

Andrew Cameron Ray Agnew Our Performance CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER MAYOR

Date: 9th November 2016 Financials Subsidiaries

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 85 of 165 Yorke Peninsula Council

Statement of Comprehensive Income for the year ended 30 June 2016

$ '000 Notes 2016 2015

Income Rates Revenues 2a 19,998 19,110 Statutory Charges 2b 391 391 User Charges 2c 2,961 2,866 Grants, Subsidies and Contributions 2g 3,070 4,227 Investment Income 2d 213 184 Reimbursements 2e 780 610 Other Income 2f 143 351 Total Income 27,556 27,739

Expenses Employee Costs 3a 8,136 8,006 Materials, Contracts & Other Expenses 3b 11,701 12,599 Depreciation, Amortisation & Impairment 3c 9,513 8,511 Finance Costs 3d 476 300 Total Expenses 29,826 29,416

Operating Surplus / (Deficit) (2,270) (1,677)

Asset Disposal & Fair Value Adjustments 4 (4,111) (693) Amounts Received Specifically for New or Upgraded Assets 2g 1,968 1,204 Physical Resources Received Free of Charge 2i 100 - Net Surplus / (Deficit) 1 (4,313) (1,166)

Other Comprehensive Income Amounts which will not be reclassified subsequently to operating result Changes in Revaluation Surplus - I,PP&E 9a (35,118) 12,390 Impairment (Expense) / Recoupments Offset to Asset Revaluation Reserve 9a - (2,042)

Total Other Comprehensive Income (35,118) 10,348

Total Comprehensive Income (39,431) 9,182

1 Transferred to Equity Statement

The above statement should be read in conjunction with the accompanying Notes and Significant Accounting Policies.

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 86 of 165 Introduction Overview Our Council Our Organisation Our Performance Financials Subsidiaries 757 777 372 543 496 2015 1,622 4,662 7,047 7,543 7,469 1,315 9,561 2,497 (4,594) 12,205 335,455 333,890 334,262 Page 87 of 165 343,823 331,618 331,618 642 691 980 783 642 2016 1,650 3,740 7,980 8,622 6,957 1,313 9,250 1,448 (8,841) 12,362 300,337 294,516 295,299 304,549 292,187 292,187 6 8c 8c 5c 8b 9a 9b 5a 5b 7a 8a 8b Notes The above statement should be read in conjunction with the accompanying Notes and Significant Accounting Policies. Total Council Equity Net Assets Net Statement of Financial Position Yorke Yorke Peninsula Council EQUITY TOTAL LIABILITIES TOTAL TOTAL ASSETS Accumulated Surplus Asset Reserves Revaluation Other Reserves Provisions Liabilities Total Non-Current Non-Current Liabilities Non-Current Borrowings Borrowings Provisions Liabilities Total Current LIABILITIES Liabilities Current Trade Other & Payables Non-Current Assets Non-Current Financial Assets Infrastructure, Equipment & Plant Property, Assets Total Non-Current Inventories Assets Total Current ASSETS Current Assets Cash and Cash Equivalents Trade Other & Receivables as at 30 June 2016 $ '000 YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report COUNCIL YORKE PENINSULA Yorke Peninsula Council

Statement of Changes in Equity for the year ended 30 June 2016

Asset Accumulated Revaluation Other Total $ '000 Notes Surplus Reserve Reserves Equity

2016 Balance at the end of previous reporting period (4,594) 335,455 757 331,618

a. Net Surplus / (Deficit) for Year (4,313) - - (4,313)

b. Other Comprehensive Income - Gain (Loss) on Revaluation of I,PP&E 7a - (35,118) - (35,118) Other Comprehensive Income - (35,118) - (35,118)

Total Comprehensive Income (4,313) (35,118) - (39,431)

c. Transfers between Reserves 66 - (66) - Balance at the end of period (8,841) 300,337 691 292,187

2015 Balance at the end of previous reporting period (3,388) 325,107 717 322,436

a. Net Surplus / (Deficit) for Year (1,166) - - (1,166)

b. Other Comprehensive Income - Gain (Loss) on Revaluation of I,PP&E 7a - 12,390 - 12,390 - IPP&E Impairment (Expense) / Recoupments Offset to ARR 7a - (2,042) - (2,042) Other Comprehensive Income - 10,348 - 10,348

Total Comprehensive Income (1,166) 10,348 - 9,182

c. Transfers between Reserves (40) - 40 - Balance at the end of period (4,594) 335,455 757 331,618

The above statement should be read in conjunction with the accompanying Notes and Significant Accounting Policies.

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 88 of 165 Introduction Overview Our Council Our Organisation Our Performance Financials Subsidiaries - 2 66 391 184 610 110 387 2015 (682) (300) 1,204 6,000 5,320 4,862 2,607 2,866 4,227 7,154 (4,864) (4,405) (7,612) (7,828) 19,096 Page 89 of 165 (12,202) 3 75 480 391 213 780 265 2016 (520) (598) (512) (476) 1,968 1,630 1,035 7,469 2,961 3,070 6,198 (5,095) (4,653) (7,745) (8,296) 19,940 6,957 7,469 (12,650) 11 11 11b Notes (operating purpose) Cash & Cash Equivalents at beginning of period of beginning at Equivalents Cash & Cash The above statement should be read in conjunction with the accompanying Notes and Significant Accounting Policies. Statement of Cash Flows Yorke Yorke Peninsula Council Cash & Cash Equivalents at end of period Net Increase (Decrease) in Held Cash plus: Repayments of Borrowings Proceeds from Borrowings Proceeds from Bonds Deposits & Cash Flows from Financing Activities Financing Flows from Cash Expenditure on New/Upgraded Assets Loans Made to Community Groups Repayments Community of Loans Groups by Expenditure on Renewal/Replacement of Assets Amounts for Received Specifically New/Upgraded Assets ofSale Replaced Assets Cash Flows from Investing Activities Investing Flows from Cash Payments to Employees Payments for Materials, Contracts Other & Expenses Finance Payments Grants, Subsidies and Contributions Investment Receipts Reimbursements Other Receipts Cash Flows from Operating Activities Operating Flows from Cash Rates Receipts Charges Statutory User Charges for ended 30 June 2016 the year Net Cash provided by (or used in) Financing Activities Financing in) used (or by provided Cash Net Payments Receipts Net Cash provided by (or used in) Investing Activities Investing in) used (or by provided Cash Net Payments Receipts Net Cash provided by (or used in) Operating Activities Operating in) used (or by provided Cash Net Payments Receipts $ '000 YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report COUNCIL YORKE PENINSULA Yorke Peninsula Council

Notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2016

Contents of the Notes accompanying the Financial Statements

Note Details Page

1 Significant Accounting Policies 91 2 Income 97 3 Expenses 100 4 Asset Disposal & Fair Value Adjustments 101 Current Assets 5a Cash & Cash Equivalents 102 5b Trade & Other Receivables 102 5c Inventories 102 Non-Current Assets 6 Financial Assets 102 Fixed Assets 7a Infrastructure, Property, Plant & Equipment 103 7b Valuation of Infrastructure, Property, Plant & Equipment 104 Liabilities 8a Trade & Other Payables 108 8b Borrowings 108 8c Provisions 108 Reserves 9a Asset Revaluation Reserve 109 9b Other Reserves 109 10 Assets Subject to Restrictions 111 11 Reconciliation to Statement of Cashflows 112 12a Functions 113 12b Components of Functions 114 13 Financial Instruments 115 14 Commitments for Expenditure 119 15 Financial Indicators 120 16 Uniform Presentation of Finances 122 17 Operating Leases 123 18 Superannuation 124

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 90 of 165 Introduction Overview Our Council Our Organisation Our Performance Financials Subsidiaries

_ and Page 91 of 165 Difference Annual 209,962 - $1,214,313 235,365 - $1,172,163 Allocation Cash Local Government Act 1999 Act Government Local Payment Received Peninsula Peninsula Council is incorporated under the 2013/14 2014/15 $995,649 2015/16 $3,417,961 $2, $1,063,202 $2,239,436 +$1,178,525 $2, has its principal place Street, of Maitland. These business financial statements at include 8 the Elizabeth Council’s through direct which Council controls resources to carry on operations its and functions. all In Council the entities process as of balances reporting a on between single the activity been eliminated. entities have unit, areas all and transactions controlled and Because Because these grants Accounting are Standards untied, require the receipt. upon recognised Australian that payments be 2 The Local Government Reporting Entity Yorke South Australian 3 Income Recognition Income is consideration measured received at or recognised when the Council obtains the control over the receivable. fair Income assets value comprising the is income, or of when the amount due the constitutes an enforceable debt, whichever first occurs. Where recognised grants, as incomes during the reporting were contributions period obtained expended on and in a the particular particular manner donations condition or used period, that over undischarged as at a they the reporting and date, the amounts be subject those to conditions disclosed those in were these undischarged amount notes. of Also conditions grants, recognised as incomes disclosed in a previous reporting period are contributions is and the which receivables were obtained period. for the current reporting operations in respect of the Council's In recent years assistance the grants payment of table below: in the shown allocation as has untied varied financial from the annual Local Local the Financial Statements the Financial Interpretations and

dated. dated. for the year ended 30 June 2016 2016 30 June ended for the year Note 1. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies of Significant Note 1. Summary Notes to and forming part of Yorke Peninsula Council Yorke Peninsula All amounts in the financial statements rounded to the nearest thousand dollars ($’000). have been 1.4 Rounding 1.4 Rounding The areas involving a higher degree of judgement or complexity, or estimates are significant areas to the financial statements where are specifically referred to in the relevant sections of assumptions Notes. these and The preparation of financial statements in conformity with Australian Accounting Standards requires use the of certain requires critical management to accounting exercise estimates, its judgement policies. accounting Council’s applying and in 1.3 Critical Accounting Estimates Estimates 1.3 Critical Accounting This general purpose prepared in financial accordance with report Australian Accounting has Standards as been they apply other authoritative pronouncements of the Australian to not-for-profit entities, Accounting Standards Board, Except as stated below, these financial statements with the historical in accordance prepared have been convention. cost 1 Basis of Preparation 1 Basis 1.1 Compliance Standards with Australian Accounting The financial report was certificate authorised for under issue by regulation 14 of the Cost Convention 1.2 Historical relevant South Australian legislation. legislation. Australian relevant South Regulations Management) (Financial Government 2011 These policies have been consistently applied to all stated. otherwise unless the years presented, The principal accounting policies adopted by Council in the preparation of are set out below. statements these consolidated financial


Yorke Peninsula Council

Notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2016

Note 1. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (continued)

Accordingly, the operating results of these periods cost is determined as fair value at the date of have been distorted compared to those that would acquisition. have been reported had the grants been paid in the year to which they were allocated. All non current assets purchased or constructed are capitalised as the expenditure is incurred and The Operating Surplus Ratio disclosed in Note 15 depreciated‐ as soon as the asset is held “ready for has also been calculated after adjusting for the use”. Cost is determined as the fair value of the distortions resulting from the differences between assets given as consideration plus costs incidental to the actual grants received and the grants the acquisition, including architects' fees and entitlements allocated. engineering design fees and all other costs incurred. The cost of non current assets constructed by the Council includes the cost of all materials used in 4 Cash, Cash Equivalents and other construction, direct‐ labour on the project and an Financial Instruments appropriate proportion of variable and fixed overhead. Cash Assets include all amounts readily convertible to cash on hand at Council’s option with an Capital works still in progress at the balance date are insignificant risk of changes in value with a maturity recognised as other non-current assets and of three months or less from the date of acquisition. transferred to infrastructure, property, plant & equipment when completed ready for use. Receivables for rates and annual charges are secured over the subject land, and bear interest at 6.2 Materiality rates determined in accordance with the Local Government Act 1999. Other receivables are Assets with an economic life in excess of one year generally unsecured and do not bear interest. are only capitalised where the cost of acquisition exceeds materiality thresholds established by All receivables are reviewed as at the reporting date Council for each type of asset. In determining (and in and adequate allowance made for amounts the annually reviewing) such thresholds, regard is had to receipt of which is considered doubtful. the nature of the asset and its estimated service life. Examples of capitalisation thresholds applied during All financial instruments are recognised at fair value the year are given below. No capitalisation threshold at the date of recognition. A detailed statement of is applied to the acquisition of land or interests in the accounting policies applied to financial land. instruments forms part of Note 13. Office Furniture & Equipment $1,000 Other Plant & Equipment $1,000 Buildings - new construction/extensions $5,000 5 Inventories Park & Playground Furniture & Equipment $2,000 Road construction & reconstruction $10,000 Inventories held in respect of stores have been Paving & footpaths, Kerb & Gutter $2,000 valued by using the weighted average cost on a Drains & Culverts $5,000 continual basis, after adjustment for loss of service potential. Inventories held in respect of business 6.3 Subsequent Recognition undertakings have been valued at the lower of cost and net realisable value. All material asset classes are revalued on a regular basis such that the carrying values are not materially different from fair value. Significant uncertainties 6 Infrastructure, Property, Plant & exist in the estimation of fair value of a number of Equipment asset classes including land, buildings and associated structures and infrastructure. Further 6.1 Initial Recognition detail of these uncertainties, and of existing valuations, methods and valuers are provided at All assets are initially recognised at cost. For assets Note 7. acquired at no cost or for nominal consideration,

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 92 of 165 Introduction Overview Our Council Our Organisation Our Performance Financials Subsidiaries

_ Page 93 of 165 3 to 8 years 5 to15 5 years 5 to 15 years 5 to 15 years 5 to 20 5 years 5 to 10 5 years indefinite 50 to 60 60 to 50 years 50 to 75 years 25 to 65 years 10 to 70 years 20 to 40 years 20 to 40 years 10 to 20 years 15 to 25 years 10 to 750 years 70 to 100 years 50 to 100 years 15 to 250 years 20 to 900 years 80 to 100 years 50 to 100 years ) ctures ctures (continued s tructure Reserve Furniture Buildings – masonry Buildings – other Park Structures – masonry Park Structures – other equipment Playground Benches, seats, etc Sealed Roads Surface – Sealed Roads Pavement– Roads Unsealed Paving & Footpaths Drains, Kerb & Gutter Culverts Flood Control Structures Reticulation Pipes – PVC Reticulation Pipes – other Other Plant & Equipment Artworks Artworks Pumps & Telemetry Other Asset Useful life estimates in use priorUseful 2015:to life in1 July use estimates Plant, Furniture & Equipment Office Equipment Office Furniture Vehicles/Road-making Equip Building & Other Stru Infras 6.5 Impairment Assets that are subject to depreciation are reviewed for impairment whenever circumstances indicate that the carrying amount may events or not be recoverable. An impairment loss is recognised changes in for the amount by which the asset’s carrying amount exceeds its recoverable amount (which is the higher of the present value of future cash inflows or value in use). For assets whose future economic benefits are dependent not on the ability to generate cash flows, and where the replaced future if Council were deprived thereof, the economic value in benefits use would is assessing impairment for be these the assets, a rebuttable depreciated assumption replacement is made cost. that cost of acquisition. original the exceeds cost In the current replacement

line ‐ 80 years indefinite 3 to 8 3 years 5 to 15 years 50 to 60 60 to 50 years 50 to 75 years 25 to 65 years 30 to 60 years 17 to 30 years 80 to 90 years 15 to 25 years 80 to 90 years 5 to 10 years to 10 5 years 5 to 20 years to 20 5 years the Financial Statements the Financial 80 to 100 years 5 to 15 5 years 5 to15 years to15 years 5 50 to 100 years 20 to 40 20 years 10 to 20 10 years 20 to 40 20 years 50 to 100 100 to 50 years ctures ctures s tructure for the year ended 30 June 2016 2016 30 June ended for the year Note 1. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies of Significant Accounting Note 1. Summary Notes to and forming part of Yorke Peninsula Council Yorke Peninsula Other Plant & Equipment Artworks Artworks Reserve Furniture Other Asset Sealed Roads Lower– Surface Sealed Roads Pavement– Unsealed Roads – Wearing Surface Unsealed Roads – Low Base 90 to 400 & Earthwork years Paving & Footpaths Drains, Kerb 15 to 50 & Gutter years Culverts Flood Control Structures Reticulation Pipes – PVC Reticulation Pipes – other Pumps & Telemetry Infras Sealed Roads Upper– Surface Buildings – masonry Buildings – masonry Office Furniture Vehicles/Road-making Equip Building & Other Stru Buildings – other Park Structures – masonry – other Structures Park equipment Playground seats,Benches, etc. Office Equipment Plant, Furniture & Equipment Useful lives estimates in use from 1 July 2015: 2015: in use from 1 July Useful lives estimates Major depreciation periods for each class are of asset listed infrastructure assets have been estimated based on below. the best Depreciation appropriate information records covering the entire life available periods cycle of these to assets are for Council, not available, should be and but used extreme in care interpreting financial information estimates. based on these Other than land, all and equipment assets infrastructure, recognised are systematically property, plant depreciated over their useful lives on a straight Depreciation methods, useful annually. are reviewed of assets values of classes lives and residual 6.4 Depreciation of Non-Current Assets Assets Non-Current of Depreciation 6.4 basis which, in the opinion of Council, best reflects the consumption of the service potential embodied in assets. those


Yorke Peninsula Council

Notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2016

Note 1. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (continued)

Where an asset that has been revalued is 9 Employee Benefits subsequently impaired, the impairment is first offset against such amount as stands to the credit of that 9.1 Salaries, Wages & Compensated Absences class of assets in Asset Revaluation Reserve, any excess being recognised as an expense. Liabilities for employees’ entitlements to salaries, wages and compensated absences expected to be 6.6 Borrowing Costs paid or settled within 12 months of reporting date are accrued at nominal amounts (including payroll based Borrowing costs in relation to qualifying assets (net oncosts) measured in accordance with AASB 119. of offsetting investment revenue) have been capitalised in accordance with AASB 123 Borrowing Liabilities for employee benefits not expected to be Costs. The amounts of borrowing costs recognised paid or settled within 12 months are measured as the as an expense or as part of the carrying amount of present value of the estimated future cash outflows qualifying assets are disclosed in Note 3, and the (including payroll based oncosts) to be made in amount (if any) of interest revenue offset against respect of services provided by employees up to the borrowing costs in Note 2. reporting date. Present values are calculated using government guaranteed securities rates with similar maturity terms. 7 Payables Weighted avg. discount rate 1.75% (2015, 2.24%) 7.1 Goods & Services No accrual is made for sick leave as Council Creditors are amounts due to external parties for the experience indicates that, on average, sick leave supply of goods and services and are recognised as taken in each reporting period is less than the liabilities when the goods and services are received. entitlement accruing in that period, and this Creditors are normally paid 30 days after the month experience is expected to recur in future reporting of invoice. No interest is payable on these amounts. periods. Council does not make payment for untaken sick leave. 7.2 Payments Received in Advance & Deposits 9.2 Superannuation Amounts other than grants received from external parties in advance of service delivery, and security The Council makes employer superannuation deposits held against possible damage to Council contributions in respect of its employees to the assets, are recognised as liabilities until the service Statewide Superannuation Scheme. The Scheme is delivered or damage reinstated, or the amount is has two types of membership, each of which is refunded as the case may be. funded differently. No changes in accounting policy have occurred during either the current or previous reporting periods. Details of the accounting policies applied and Council’s involvement with the schemes 8 Borrowings are reported in Note 18. Borrowings are initially recognised at fair value, net of transaction costs incurred and are subsequently 10 Provisions measured at amortised cost. Any difference between the proceeds (net of transaction costs) and Provisions for Reinstatement, Restoration and the redemption amount is recognised in the income Rehabilitation statement over the period of the borrowings using the effective interest method. Council has a recorded Provision for Waste Management which facilitates rehabilitation of the Borrowings are carried at their principal amounts following six closed landfill sites – Price, Port which represent the present value of future cash Victoria, Arthurton, Ramsey, Warooka (including flows associated with servicing the debt. Interest is leachate monitoring) and Foul Bay. Council will accrued over the period to which it relates, and is review and update where deemed necessary the recorded as part of “Payables”. liability recorded (shown as a Provision) in Council’s

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 94 of 165 Introduction Overview Our Council Our Organisation Our Performance Financials Subsidiaries

_ Page 95 of 165 . t. entitlement are classified entitlement are classified ) entory. When it is probable (continued Except Except in revenues relation and to operating input expenditures exclude taxed activities, Non-current assets and capital expenditures Amounts included in basis gross a on disclosed are Flows the Statement of Cash Receivables Receivables and payable. receivable and Creditors include GST and payable. GST receivable net of any recoupmen GST include accordance accordance with UIG Abstract 1031 “Accounting . . . that total contract costs revenue, will exceed the total expected contract expense immediately. loss is recognised as an incurred, incurred, and usually reporting do period. not As there extend is such beyond no profit the works component, Reimbursements are not received treated advance in received reimbursements and receivables are as recognised as advance”. in received 100% as “payments are recognised completed. For works undertaken on a fixed price contract basis, revenues and percentage expenses of completion basis. are Costs advance of a future claimed incurred in recognised on as work in progress in inv a 13 GST Implications In & Services Tax” for the Goods . 14 New standards and UIG accounting interpretations Certain new (or amended) accounting standards and interpretations have been mandatory published for that reporting are 2016. periods not ending 30 June Council has not adopted any of these standards early. Council’s assessment of the impact set out below. is interpretations and standards of these new the Financial Statements the Financial are provided for in the of infrastructure and the facilities, and significant f the risks incident to for the year ended 30 June 2016 2016 30 June ended for the year Note 1. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies Significant Accounting Policies of Note 1. Summary Notes to and forming part of Yorke Peninsula Council Yorke Peninsula 12 Construction Contracts Construction works undertaken by Council for third parties are generally on an agency basis where the third party reimburses Council for actual costs In respect substantially of carries all finance o leases, where Council In respect of operating substantially leases, retains where all the of incident lessor the to risks ownership of and payments the benefits are charged leased to items, expense term. over lease the lease 11 Leases Lease arrangements have been with AASB 117. accordance accounted for in ownership, the leased items are initially recognised as assets and liabilities present value of the equal minimum lease payments. in The amount assets are to disclosed the within class, and the are amortised to expense over the appropriate period asset during which the Council is expected to benefit from the use of the leased assets. Lease allocated payments between interest expense and are reduction of the lease liability, implicit in the lease. according to the interest rate Although estimated future costs closure are plan, based such on environmental a plans requirements are which based Council’s policy to on may maximise recycling current is change. extending the operational life of these Close Close down dismantling and and demolition restoration removal costs of residual include materials and remediation rehabilitation the and of disturbed areas. down Estimated and restoration close costs accounting period when the obligation arising from the related disturbance occurs, and are future costs. value of estimated the net present carried at uncertainty exists in the date. closure estimation of the future Statement of Financial ion Posit to ensure the liability accurately reflects the obligations of the Council in accordance with its EPA future landfill requirements. licence monitoring


Yorke Peninsula Council

Notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2016

Note 1. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (continued)

Apart from the AASB disclosures below, there are no The effective date of this standard is for annual other standards that are “not yet effective” which are reporting periods beginning on or after 1 January expected to have a material impact on Council in the 2017. current or future reporting periods and on foreseeable future transactions. AASB 124 - Related Party Disclosures

Applicable to Local Government: From 1 July 2016, AASB 124 Related Party Disclosures will apply to Council. AASB 9 - Financial Instruments (and associated amending standards) This means that Council will be required to disclose information about related parties and Council AASB 9 replaces AASB 139 Financial Instruments: transactions with those related parties. Recognition and Measurement and has an effective date for reporting periods beginning on or after 1 Related parties will more than likely include the January 2018 (and must be applied retrospectively). Mayor, Councillors and certain Council staff. In addition, the close family members of those people The overriding impact of AASB 9 is to change the and any organisations that they control or are requirements for the classification, measurement associated with will be classified as related parties and disclosures associated with financial assets. (and fall under the related party reporting requirements). Under the new requirements the four current categories of financial assets stipulated in AASB 139 Not applicable to Local Government per se; will be replaced with two measurement categories: None . fair value and . amortised cost (where financial assets will only be able to be measured at amortised cost where very 15 Comparative Figures specific conditions are met). To ensure comparability with the current reporting AASB 15 - Revenue from contracts with period’s figures, some comparative period line items customers and associated amending standards and amounts may have been reclassified or individually reported for the first time within these AASB 15 introduces a five step process for revenue financial statements and/or the notes. recognition with the core principle of the new Standard being that entities recognise revenue so as to depict the transfer of goods or services to 16 Disclaimer customers in amounts that reflect the consideration (that is, payment) to which the entity expects to be Nothing contained within these statements may be entitled in exchange for those goods or services. taken to be an admission of any liability to any person under any circumstance. The changes in revenue recognition requirements in AASB 15 may cause changes to accounting policies relating to the timing and amount of revenue recorded in the financial statements as well as additional disclosures.

The full impact of AASB 15 has not yet been ascertained or quantified.

AASB 15 will replace AASB 118 which covers contracts for goods and services and AASB 111 which covers construction contracts.

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 96 of 165 Introduction Overview Our Council Our Organisation Our Performance Financials Subsidiaries - 10 12 37 23 62 29 54 71 55 42 97 24 33 83 (97) (14) 131 141 734 133 192 2015 391 2,355 2,407 1,326 4,600 14,524 14,413 2,866 19,110 Page 97 of 165 6 7 30 56 77 57 30 87 29 32 86 12 37 24 60 (63) 107 188 144 753 139 2016 (100) 391 2,457 2,408 1,361 4,661 15,413 15,250 2,961 19,998 Notes (Including Service Charges) Note 2. Income 2. Note Notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements Yorke Yorke Peninsula Council Total User Charges User Total (c). User Charges Total Statutory Charges Statutory Total (b). Statutory Charges Statutory (b). Total Rates Revenues Rates Total (a). Rates Revenues Rates (a). Water Boat RampBoat Fees Equipment & Hall Hire Lease Property Refuse Disposal Sundry Cemetery Fees Commercial Revenue Activity Commercial (CaravanRevenue Parks) Activity Development Act Fees Town Fees Planning HealthSeptic & Tank Inspection Fees Animal Registration Fees Fines & Parking Fines / Expiation Fees Other Registration Fees Sundry Other Rates Natural Resource Management Levy Waste Collection Water Supply Community Wastewater Management Systems Rates Total Other Charges Other Penalties for Late Payment Other & Legal Costs Recovered Charges Total Other Less: Mandatory RebatesLess: Mandatory Less: Rebates,Discretionary Remissions Write & Offs Total General Rates General Rates General Rates for ended 30 June 2016 the year $ '000 YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report COUNCIL YORKE PENINSULA Yorke Peninsula Council

Notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2016

Note 2. Income (continued)

$ '000 Notes 2016 2015

(d). Investment Income

Interest on Investments - - - Local Government Finance Authority 195 141 -Banks & Other 18 43 Total Investment Income 213 184

(e). Reimbursements

Roadworks 11 10 Private Works - 8 Insurance Reimbursements * 212 - Other 557 592 Total Reimbursements 780 610 * Result of insurance claim in relation to a matter of fraud which occurred over a four year period.

(f). Other Income

Sundry 143 351 Total Other Income 143 351

(g). Grants, Subsidies, Contributions

Amounts Received Specifically for New or Upgraded Assets 1,968 1,204 Other Grants, Subsidies and Contributions 3,070 3,048 Individually Significant Item - Additional Grants Commission Payment (refer below) - 1,179 Total Grants, Subsidies, Contributions 5,038 5,431

The functions to which these grants relate are shown in Note 12.

(i)Sources of grants Commonwealth Government 4,712 4,636 State Government 326 790 Other - 5 Total 5,038 5,431

(ii)Individually Significant Items Grant Commission (FAG) Grant Recognised as Income - 1,179

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 98 of 165 Introduction Overview Our Council Our Organisation Our Performance Financials Subsidiaries - - 48 48 58 166 2015 (156) (156) (108) Page 99 of 165 1 1 11 58 (47) (48) (48) 100 2016 100 Notes (continued) Note 2. Income Notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements Yorke Yorke Peninsula Council Total Physical Resources Received Free of Charge Free Received Resources Physical Total (i). Physical Resources Received Free of Charge Free Received Resources Physical (i). (h). Conditions over Grants & Contributions & Grants over Conditions (h). Other Assets Net increase (decrease) in assets subject to conditions period reporting current the in Unexpended at the close of this reporting period reporting this of close the at Unexpended period but not yet expended accordance in with the conditions Heritage Cultural & Services Subtotal Amounts recognised as revenues this in reporting Plus: Less: Expended during the current period from revenues recognised previous in reporting periods Heritage Cultural & Services Subtotal Unexpended at the close of the previous reporting period reporting previous the of close the at Unexpended Grants and contributions on theobtained were condition which that they be expended for specified purposes or a future in period, are but which expended accordance in not yet those conditions,with are as follows: for ended 30 June 2016 the year $ '000 YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report COUNCIL YORKE PENINSULA Yorke Peninsula Council

Notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2016

Note 3. Expenses

$ '000 Notes 2016 2015

(a). Employee Costs

Salaries and Wages 7,427 7,019 Employee Leave Expense 579 646 Superannuation - Defined Contribution Plan Contributions 18 203 209 Superannuation - Defined Benefit Plan Contributions 18 540 492 Workers' Compensation Insurance 337 307 Other 202 189 Less: Capitalised and Distributed Costs (1,152) (856) Total Operating Employee Costs 8,136 8,006

Total Number of Employees (full time equivalent at end of reporting period) 114 112

(b). Materials, Contracts and Other Expenses

(i) Prescribed Expenses Auditor's Remuneration -Auditing the Financial Reports 18 18 -Other Services 7 8 Bad and Doubtful Debts 1 - Elected Members' Expenses 319 328 Election Expenses 1 40 Operating Lease Rentals - Non-Cancellable Leases 17 - Minimum Lease Payments 97 111 Subtotal - Prescribed Expenses 443 505

(ii) Other Materials, Contracts and Expenses Contractors 2,910 3,022 Energy 596 718 Legal Expenses 95 106 Levies Paid to Government - NRM levy 756 738 Levies - Other 65 57 Parts, Accessories & Consumables 1,347 1,669 Professional Services 331 476 Sundry 1,594 1,543 Water 579 492 Insurance 618 606 Professional Services - Waste Management 2,367 2,667 Subtotal - Other Material, Contracts & Expenses 11,258 12,094

Total Materials, Contracts and Other Expenses 11,701 12,599

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 100 of 165 Introduction Overview Our Council Our Organisation Our Performance Financials Subsidiaries 67 99 65 387 168 481 861 493 235 2015 (693) 300 2,105 4,237 8,511 (693) (1,080) 8,511 Page 101 of 165 65 73 411 480 163 478 967 139 489 2016 476 2,177 5,027 9,513 (4,591) (4,111) 9,513 (4,111) Notes (continued) epreciation and Amortisation and epreciation The new Asset Management System records disposal of assets where capital work upgrade/renewal has been undertaken. upgrade/renewal disposal capital records work assets of where System Management Asset new The - ($2,034,000 Infrastructure disposals), - Transport against Buildings ($7,000 recorded disposals this system were Under - ($310,000 CWMS ), write-off earthworks disposals - dam ($1,889,000 Stormwater disposals surface road revaluation), & disposals). ($69,000 Infrastructure Scheme Water and write-off) earthworks disposalsincluding dam uildings & Other & uildings Structures )D Note 4. Asset Disposal & Fair Value Adjustments Value Fair & Disposal Asset 4. Note Note 3. Expenses Notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements Yorke Yorke Peninsula Council Net Gain (Loss) on Disposal or Revaluation of Assets Revaluation or Disposal on (Loss) Gain Net * Infrastructure, Property, Plant & Equipment & Plant Property, Infrastructure, Total Finance Costs Finance Total (d). Finance Costs Finance (d). Total Depreciation, Amortisation and Impairment and Amortisation Depreciation, Total (c). Depreciation, Amortisation and Impairment and Amortisation Depreciation, (c). Less: Amount Carrying of Assets Sold Disposal on (Loss) Gain Assets RenewedAssets or Replaced Directly Proceeds from Disposal Interest on Overdraft and Short-Term Drawdown Interest on Loans Stormwater Drainage CWMS Water Scheme Infrastructure Equipment & Plant Furniture Fittings & Other Assets Subtotal (i B Transport Infrastructure for ended 30 June 2016 the year $ '000 YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report COUNCIL YORKE PENINSULA Yorke Peninsula Council

Notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2016

Note 5. Current Assets

$ '000 Notes 2016 2015

(a). Cash & Cash Equivalents

Cash on Hand at Bank 1,098 800 Deposits at Call 5,859 6,669 Total Cash & Cash Equivalents 6,957 7,469

(b). Trade & Other Receivables

Rates - General & Other 443 385 Accrued Revenues 86 212 Debtors - General 172 243 GST Recoupment 230 206 Prepayments 283 204 Loans to Community Organisations 99 65 Subtotal 1,313 1,315

Total Trade & Other Receivables 1,313 1,315

(c). Inventories

Stores & Materials 980 777 Total Inventories 980 777

Note 6. Non-Current Assets

Financial Assets

Receivables Loans to Community Organisations 783 372

Total Financial Assets 783 372

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 102 of 165 Introduction Overview Our Council Our Organisation Our Performance Financials Subsidiaries

Page 103 of 165

Comparatives 323,864 333,890 7,6 861183,261 28,661 478,464 ,0 ,6 100 (8,511) (1,080) 4,863 4,405 23043113,9 190,695 31,394 493,191 12,390 - -

(4,592) 5,097 4,752 333,890 190,695 31,394 493,191 294,516 179,233 37,955 435,794 699 (35,817) - (9,513) Plant & Equipment & Plant

Total Infrastructure, Property, Infrastructure, Total

Other Assets Other 237429818125140 1,255 8,118 4,229 12,347 - 3724789,024 4,718 13,742 - - - - (489) -

Furniture & Fittings & Furniture ,8 ,3 ,5 4 285 148 1,157 1,230 2,387 - ,2 ,6 1,451 1,369 2,820 - - - - (139) -

Plant & Equipment & Plant 13146066110166(8)(967) (283) 1,696 140 6,651 4,690 11,341 - 1984717,237 4,741 11,978 - - - -

,9 71022382 4(9 (73) (69) 14 27 2,398 1,022 27 3,393 9 ,0 1852,997 845 41 3,801 699 - - Water Scheme Infrastructure Scheme Water 3

523248451,5 019(1)(478) (310) 179 80 17,052 8,475 254 25,273 ,6 16,523 8,862 513 24,872 - - - CWMS 3

4064 ,2 07414 10,724 3,329 47 14,006 ,2 8,685 3,426 61 12,050 - - - (163) (1,889) - Stormwater Drainage Stormwater 3

8,9 ,4 2,6 6,6 ,7 ,6 204 (5,027) (2,034) 1,960 2,473 166,067 120,967 2,042 284,992 2,4 ,3 0,5 127,622 106,355 4,433 229,544 - (35,817) - Transport Infrastructure Transport 3

674204,9 08214291 184 40,892 46,092 280 86,704 6741034,0 39,989 47,808 1,093 86,704 - - - (1,728) (7) Buildings & Other Structures Other & Buildings 3

,5 ,8 ,0 6,324 1,109 2,182 5,251 - - 2,251 (449) - 11 143 4,725 661 135 5,251 Buildings & Other Structures Other & Buildings 2

73,868 - 296 73,572 ------13 73,855 - 283 73,572 Land Land 2

Capital Work in Progress in Work Capital 796 - 796 - - - (2,251) - - 521 275 2,251 - 2,251 -

$ '000 $ Value Depreciation Cost Value Fair Value Depreciation Cost Value Fair Level

(Note 9) (Note (Note 9) (Note

R Upgrade / New enewals

(ARR) (ARR) (ARR) (ARR) Disposals 3c)

Carrying At At Carrying At At Accumulated Accumulated Fair Value Fair


to Equity Equity to to Equity Equity to of Asset Asset of Expense (Note (Note Expense


Decrements Increments WDV Depreciation Depreciation

Revaluation Revaluation Revaluation Revaluation

Asset Additions Asset

as at 30/6/2015 at as as at 30/6/2016 at as

Asset Movements during the Reporting Period Reporting the during Movements Asset

Note 7a. Infrastructure, Property, Plant & Equipment & Plant Property, Infrastructure, 7a. Note

for the year ended 30 June 2016 June 30 ended year the for

Notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements Financial the of part forming and to Notes Yorke Peninsula Council Peninsula Yorke YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report COUNCIL YORKE PENINSULA Yorke Peninsula Council

Notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2016

Note 7b. Valuation of Infrastructure, Property, Plant & Equipment & Investment Property

$ '000

Valuation of Assets

The fair value of assets and liabilities must be estimated in accordance with various Accounting Standards for either recognition and measurement requirements or for disclosure purposes.

AASB 13 Fair Value Measurement requires all assets and liabilities measured at fair value to be assigned to a "level" in the fair value hierarchy as follows:

Level 1: Unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities that the entity can access at the measurement date.

Level 2: Inputs other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly or indirectly.

Level 3: Inputs for the asset or liability that are not based on observable market data (unobservable inputs).

Refer to Note 7a for the disclosure of the Fair Value Levels of Infrastructure, Property, Plant and Equipment Assets.

Information on Valuations

Fair Value Hierarchy Level 2 Valuations Certain land, and the buildings and structures thereon, are shown above as being based on fair value hierarchy level 2 valuation inputs. They are based on prices for similar assets in an active market, with directly or indirectly observable adjustments for specific advantages or disadvantages attaching to the particular asset.

Fair Value Hierarchy Level 3 Valuations of Land Valuations of Crown land, community land and land subject to other restrictions on use or disposal, shown above as being based on fair value hierarchy level 3 valuation inputs, are based on prices for similar assets in an active market, but include adjustments for specific advantages or disadvantages attaching to the particular asset that are not directly or indirectly observable in that market, or the number and / or amount of observable adjustments of which are so great that the valuation is more fairly described as being based on level 3 valuation inputs.

Fair Value Hierarchy Level 3 Valuations of Buildings, Infrastructure and Other Assets There is no known market for buildings, infrastructure and other assets. These assets are valued at depreciated current replacement cost. This method involves: - The determination of the cost to construct the asset (or its modern engineering equivalent) using current prices for materials and labour, the quantities of each being estimated based on recent experience of this or similar Councils, or on industry construction guides where these are more appropriate. - The calculation of the depreciation that would have accumulated since original construction using current estimates of residual value and useful life under the prime cost depreciation method adopted by Council.

This method has significant inherent uncertainties, relying on estimates of quantities of materials and labour, residual values and useful lives, and the possibility of changes in prices for materials and labour, and the potential for development of more efficient construction techniques.

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 104 of 165 Introduction Overview Our Council Our Organisation Our Performance Financials Subsidiaries Page 105 of 165 statedsuch the that mined in accordance mined with AASB Value Fair 13 Measurement: ‐ (continued) (continued) ationis taken difference the be to cost replacement new fair and current the In between value. ‐ nvestment Property I Note 7b. Valuation of Infrastructure, Property, Plant & Equipment & Notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements Yorke Yorke Peninsula Council Valuation of Assets of Assets Valuation Transition to AASB to 13 - Fair ValueTransition Measurement The non financial following assets of Council are utilised at being other than their highest and best use: Highest and best use best and Highest Other Information Other for ended 30 June 2016 the year The requirements of AASB 13 Fair Value Measurement have been appliedbeen ofall have to valuations AASBrequirements since undertaken ValueThe Fair 13 Measurement July1 individual valuation asthe dates2013 by shown assetby classes below. For buildings For structures inand on other and land, the including infrastructure, "highest bestand use" is determined inaccordance with land the situated. inand on are which they For land subject these to restrictions, For highest the bestand use is taken "highest the be to bestand use" available to use Council,is current the that "highest the withpresumption rebuttable a bestand forreason use". The current the useof of proportion large a Council's assets "highest the than being bestand other use" relates Council's to principal use the than of rather those of assets as role services provider the community, forthe to of generation the revenue. Much of Much Council's land the under the land controland care under ishas land declaredbeen or asCrown community of types Act restrictions provisionsOther 1999. of also Local the exist. Government For land which For Council has unfetteredan sell, to right "highest the bestand use" recognises possiblity the of the substantial demolitionor modification allof or of some existing the buildings structuresand affixed land. the to Followingpartial introduction disposal of System, Conquest the Assetof capital Management assets upgrade during for has renewal and recorded been first the in in Council's 2014-15 Income. time of Statement Comprehensive caseof cost replacement land, is current taken fair the be to value. recognitionasset of classes. non-material cost replacement accumulatednew and ‐ depreciation current the re revaluation, are Upon AtJulytransition 1 the upon 2004 Council AIFRS, to elected AASB to pursuant established previously a retain to 1.19 cost GAAP as cost. under its deemed With deemed subsequent addition cost, at this as basis the remains of differencefair the represents of value asset the deter $ '000 accumulateddepreci YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report COUNCIL YORKE PENINSULA Yorke Peninsula Council

Notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2016

Note 7b. Valuation of Infrastructure, Property, Plant & Equipment & Investment Property (continued)

$ '000

Valuation of Assets (continued)

Land & Land Improvements Council being of the opinion that it is not possible to attribute a value sufficiently reliably to qualify for recognition, land under roads has not been recognised in these reports. Land acquired for road purposes during the year is initially recognised at cost, but transferred to fair value at reporting date, effectively writing off the expenditure.

Freeholdland and land over which Council has control, but does not have title, is recognised on the cost basis. No capitalisation threshold is applied to the acquisition of land or interests in land. Estimated future costs of reinstatement of land, capitalised in accordance with AASB 116.16(c), are reviewed annually (see Note 1) and depreciated over the estimated remaining life of the relevant asset. - Basis of valuation: Fair Value - Date of valuation: 1 July 2013 - Date of next valuation: 1 July 2018 - Valuer: Andrea Carolan, Maloney Field Services

Buildings & Other Structures Buildings and other structures were revalued as at 1 July 2013 by Maloney Field Services in accordance with AASB 13: Fair Value Measurement. AASB 13 requires the disclosure of fair value information according to the relevant level in the fair value hierarchy. The following tables provide the fair values of the entity's assets measured and recognised on a recurring basis after initial recognition, categorîsed within the fair value hierarchy.

Fair Value Measurement using: Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total Date Quoted Significant Significant of latest prices in observable unobservable valuation active mkts inputs inputs 2016 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 Land 01/07/13 - 73,868 - 73,868 Buildings and Structures 01/07/13 - 7,434 87,797 95,231 Total Property, Plant and Equipment - 81,302 87,797 169,099

2015 Land 01/07/13 - 73,855 - 73,855 Buildings and Structures 01/07/13 - 5,386 86,984 92,370 Total Property, Plant and Equipment - 79,241 86,984 166,225

- Basis of valuation: Fair Value - Date of valuation: 01 July 2013 - Date of next valuation: 01 July 2018 - Valuer: Andrea Carolan, Maloney Field Services

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 106 of 165 Introduction Overview Our Council Our Organisation Our Performance Financials Subsidiaries Page 107 of 165 (continued) (continued) nvestment Property I -of Date valuation:July 1 2015 -of Date next valuation:July 01 2019 - Basisof valuation: Written cost replacement current down -of Date valuation:July 1 2014 -of Date next valuation:July 01 2019 - Basisof valuation: Written cost replacement current down -of Date valuation:July 1 2014 -of Date next valuation:July 01 2019 - Basisof valuation: Written cost replacement current down -of Date valuation:July 1 2015 -of Date next valuation:July 01 2018 -Ellis, Valuer: Rod Tonkin Consulting - Basisof valuation: Written cost replacement current down -Ellis, Valuer: Rod Tonkin Consulting -Ellis, Valuer: Rod Tonkin Consulting -Ellis, Valuer: Rod Tonkin Consulting Note 7b. Valuation of Infrastructure, Property, Plant & Equipment & Notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements Yorke Yorke Peninsula Council Valuation of Assets of Assets Valuation for ended 30 June 2016 the year WaterSchemes Supply infrastructure Tonkin assets Consulting by valued down July1 written at at were 2015 cost. replacement AIl current acquisitions after respective the dates ofmade cost. at recorded valuation are Water Supply Water Schemes CommunitySchemes Wastewater Management Wastewater Community Schemes infrastructure Tonkin assets Consulting by valued Management 1 were at cost. replacement this During CWMScurrent down revaluation Julywritten at 2014 Infrastructure assets previously not identified were valued in five $3.9m. townships approximately to land divisonsfrom amounting developers, by undertaken Allacquisitions after respective the dates of made cost. at recorded valuation are Stormwater Drainage Stormwater infrastructure drainage Tonkin assets Consulting by valued Stormwater down July1 written at were at 2014 infrastructure cost.located assets thisreplacement were During valued Stormwater current revaluation previously not intownships various locationsand across district the as resulta of introduction the Additional of mapping. GIS assets All acquisitions $5.1m. approximately at valued after were respective the dates ofmade cost. at recorded valuation are componentisationofof assetresiduals. which removal the resultanttypes, decrease involved The asset in transport of of review the construction, million $35.82 by standards renewal and was fornetwork maintenance driven road the Plan which Asset was following inadopted undertaken consultationTransport the Management in community October resultant the increase Conversely in2015. has depreciation to occurred due 2014-2015 to of compared when $790,000 reductionand of review useful estimated the lives of long-life following components detailed analysis in of parameters relationthese to assets. Transportation lnfrastructure Transportation Tonkin assets Consulting by valued aswere July1 Thisat 2015. was basedrevaluation on valuationtake to Julyinto1 the transport 2013 to update considerationan changes the Council road to has made Council categoriesPlan by the adopted and service2015 and levelsAsset in October in Transport the Management Infrastructure Infrastructure Transport $ '000 YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report COUNCIL YORKE PENINSULA Yorke Peninsula Council

Notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2016

Note 7b. Valuation of Infrastructure, Property, Plant & Equipment & Investment Property (continued)

$ '000

Valuation of Assets (continued)

Plant, Furniture & Equipment These assets are recognised on the cost basis.

All other Assets Pursuant to Council's election, these assets are recognised on the cost basis. These include Other Assets and Minor Plant.

Note 8. Liabilities

2016 2016 2015 2015 $ '000 Notes Current Non Current Current Non Current

(a). Trade and Other Payables

Goods & Services 961 - 1,555 - Payments Received in Advance 41 - 92 - Accrued Expenses - Employee Entitlements 166 - 449 - Accrued Expenses - Other 271 - 395 - Deposits, Retentions & Bonds 9 - 6 - Total Trade and Other Payables 1,448 - 2,497 -

(b). Borrowings

Loans 642 7,980 543 7,047 Total Borrowings 642 7,980 543 7,047

All interest bearing liabilities are secured over the future revenues of the Council

(c). Provisions

Employee Entitlements (including oncosts) 1,650 449 1,597 379 Future Reinstatement / Restoration, etc - 193 25 117 Total Provisions 1,650 642 1,622 496

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 108 of 165 Introduction Overview Our Council Our Organisation Our Performance Financials Subsidiaries 32 58 76 41 51 251 182 757 691 9,758 2,073 73,286 48,995 15,330 150,895 300,337 335,455 Page 109 of 165 30/6/2016 30/6/2016 ------(2,042) Other Movements ------(12) (10) (62) (84) (366) Reserve Tfrs from from Tfrs Transfers Impairments ------5 8 5 18 406 699 12,390 Tfrs to to Tfrs (35,817) (35,118) Reserve Increments (Decrements) 44 68 68 41 46 313 177 717 757 9,758 1,374 73,286 48,995 15,330 186,712 335,455 325,107 1/7/2015 1/7/2015 Notes Notes Note 9. Reserves Notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements Yorke Yorke Peninsula Council Total Other Reserves Other Total (b). Other Reserves Other (b). Total Asset Revaluation Reserve Revaluation Asset Total (a). Asset Revaluation Reserve Revaluation Asset (a). PURPOSES OF RESERVES Black Point Water Supply Water Point Black Surplus funds from service charges are appropriated levied to assist the maintenance with and capital replacement of the scheme the in future. installation/upgrade Balgowan (Gills) Water Augmentation Water (Gills) Balgowan Contribution from (as division land condition of approval) to assist infrastructure future supply water Balgowan Water Supply Water Balgowan Investment of surplus funds from servicewater charges forlegislation. as levied required Balgowan, by Asset RevaluationAsset Reserves The asset reserve revaluation is used to record increments and decrements arising from changes fair in of value non current assets subsequent (less impairment any losses, applicable). where Comparatives Hardwicke Bay WaterHardwicke Bay Augmentation SouttarPoint Effluent Augmentation Balgowan WaterBalgowan Supply Black Water Point Supply Combined Effluent Reserve EffluentHardwicke Augmentation Bay WaterHardwicke Bay Supply Comparatives CWMS Transport Infrastructure Water Scheme Infrastructure Land Other & Buildings Structures Stormwater Drainage for ended 30 June 2016 the year $ '000 $ '000 YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report COUNCIL YORKE PENINSULA Yorke Peninsula Council

Notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2016

Note 9. Reserves (continued)

Increments 1/7/2015 Transfers Impairments 30/6/2016 $ '000 Notes (Decrements)

Combined Effluent Reserve Surplus funds from service charges levied are appropriated to assist with the maintenance and capital replacement of the various schemes in the future as per motion of Council at 12th June 2007 meeting.

Hardwicke Bay Effluent Augmentation Contribution from land division (as condition of approval) to assist future effluent infrastructure installation/upgrade.

Hardwicke Bay Water Supply Surplus funds from service charges levied are appropriated to assist with the maintenance and capital replacement of the scheme in the future.

Hardwicke Bay Water Augmentation Contribution from land division (as condition of approval) to assist future water infrastructure installation/upgrade.

Point Souttar Effluent Augmentation Contribution (as condition of approval) to assist future effluent infrastructure installation/upgrade.

Port Victoria Effluent Augmentation Contribution from land division (as condition of approval) to assist future water supply infrastructure installation/upgrade.

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 110 of 165 Introduction Overview Our Council Our Organisation Our Performance Financials Subsidiaries 6 6 94 96 56 77 29 60 54 566 820 120 286 210 647 150 109 603 307 418 436 2015 3,339 2,952 1,713 1,356 14,498 14,504 Page 111 of 165 - - 29 60 54 94 96 56 77 109 597 300 409 436 556 808 120 286 209 643 150 2016 2,893 1,669 1,331 3,262 14,244 14,244 Notes Note 10. Assets Subject to Restrictions to Subject Assets 10. Note Notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements Yorke Yorke Peninsula Council Total Assets Subject to Externally Imposed Restrictions Imposed Externally to Subject Total Assets Minlaton BasketballMinlaton Stadium and Courts Edithburgh Oval Yorketown Lions Clubrooms Warooka Museum Equipment & Plant Property, Total Infrastructure, Ardrossan Scout Hall Port Rickaby Port Victoria Point / Oyster Stansbury Yorketown Fauna Wildlife & Parks Minlaton Parklands Infrastructure, Property, Plant & Equipment & Plant Property, Infrastructure, Country Fire Service Stations Ardrossan Balgowan Port Clinton Curramulka Maitland Minlaton Port Victoria Caravan Parks Ardrossan Coobowle Edithburgh Minlaton Point Pine Port Clinton Open Space Contributions Total Cash &Financial Assets Cash & Financial Assets Government Federal from received amounts Unexpended The uses of assets the following or are partially, restricted, wholly imposed or legislation other externally requirements.by The assets are required to be utilised for the purposes for control which was transferred to Council, or obtained. for the revenues which originally were for ended 30 June 2016 the year $ '000 YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report COUNCIL YORKE PENINSULA Yorke Peninsula Council

Notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2016

Note 11. Reconciliation to Statement of Cash Flows

$ '000 Notes 2016 2015

(a). Reconciliation of Cash

Cash Assets comprise highly liquid investments with short periods to maturity subject to insignificant risk of changes of value. Cash at the end of the reporting period as shown in the Statement of Cash Flows is reconciled to the related items in the Balance Sheet as follows:

Total Cash & Equivalent Assets 5 6,957 7,469 Balances per Statement of Cash Flows 6,957 7,469

(b). Reconciliation of Change in Net Assets to Cash from Operating Activities

Net Surplus/(Deficit) (4,313) (1,166) Non-Cash Items in Income Statements Depreciation, Amortisation & Impairment 9,513 8,511 Non-Cash Asset Acquisitions (100) - Grants for Capital Acquisitions (Treated as Investing Activity Receipts) (1,968) (1,204) Net (Gain) Loss on Disposals 4,111 693 7,243 6,834 Add (Less): Changes in Net Current Assets Net (Increase)/Decrease in Receivables 36 (174) Net (Increase)/Decrease in Inventories (203) (54) Net Increase/(Decrease) in Trade & Other Payables (1,052) 499 Net Increase/(Decrease) in Unpaid Employee Benefits 123 75 Net Increase/(Decrease) in Other Provisions 51 (26) Net Cash provided by (or used in) operations 6,198 7,154

(c). Non-Cash Financing and Investing Activities

Acquisition of assets by means of: - Physical Resources Received Free of Charge 2i 100 - Amounts recognised in Income Statement 100 - Total Non-Cash Financing & Investing Activities 100 -

(d). Financing Arrangements

Unrestricted access was available at balance date to the following lines of credit: Bank Overdrafts 100 100 Corporate Credit Cards 37 30 LGFA Cash Advance Debenture Facility 3,000 3,000

The bank overdraft facilities may be drawn at any time and may be terminated by the bank without notice.

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 112 of 165

Introduction Overview Our Council Our Organisation Our Performance Financials Subsidiaries

physical resources received free of charge. of free received resources physical

Page 113 of 165

Revenues and expenses exclude net gain (loss) on disposal or revaluation of assets, net gain (loss) from joint ventures & associated entities, amounts received specifically for new or upgraded assets and and assets upgraded or new for specifically received amounts entities, associated & ventures joint from (loss) gain net assets, of revaluation or disposal on (loss) gain net exclude expenses and Revenues

Total Functions/Activities Total 7562,3 9862,1 220 167 ,7 ,2 0,4 343,823 304,549 4,227 3,070 (1,677) (2,270) 29,416 29,826 27,739 27,556

20,490 771 7,764 9,236 17,000 Council Administration Council 16,618 2,262 7,851 8,912 16,763

3,069 - (77) 317 240 Water Supply Water 3,224 - (22) 290 268

1,407 - 14 2,456 2,470 Waste Management Waste 1,445 - (286) 2,754 2,468

136,940 1,980 (6,147) 8,221 2,074 Transport & Communication & Transport 180,741 1,275 (6,645) 7,976 1,331

(225) 292 67 41 - Tourism (222) 250 28 8 8 -

182 - 30 284 314 Regulatory Services Regulatory - - 596 260 856

56,705 - (1,798) 1,893 95 Recreation 56,500 146 (972) 1,682 710

6,962 65 (564) 1,409 845 Environment 9,498 - (501) 1,413 912

26,148 - 54 1,327 1,381 Community Wastewater Management Wastewater Community 28,797 - 170 1,284 1,454

20,952 84 (706) 1,018 312 Culture 14,657 15 (575) 926 351

9,011 170 (1,012) 1,254 242 Community Services Community 5,190 529 (1,380) 1,573 193

22,642 - 397 2,119 2,516 Business Undertakings Business 27,145 - 309 2,096 2,405

$ '000 $ 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015

Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual






Details of these Functions/Activities are provided in Note 12(b). Note in provided are Functions/Activities these of Details

Income, Expenses and Assets have been directly attributed to the following Functions / Activities. / Functions following the to attributed directly been have Assets and Expenses Income,

Note 12a. Functions 12a. Note

for the year ended 30 June 2016 June 30 ended year the for

Notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements Financial the of part forming and to Notes Yorke Peninsula Council Peninsula Yorke YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report COUNCIL YORKE PENINSULA Yorke Peninsula Council

Notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2016

Note 12b. Components of Functions

$ '000

The activities relating to Council functions are as follows:

BUSINESS UNDERTAKINGS Caravan Parks, Electricity Supply, Gravel Pits / Ouarries, Marinas / Boat Havens, Private Works, Property Portfolio, and Other. COMMUNITY SERVICES Public Order and Safety, Crime Prevention, Emergency Services, Other Fire Protection, Other Public Order and Safety, Health Services, Pest Control – Health, Immunisation, Nursing Homes, Preventive Health Services, Other Health Services, Community Support, Elderly Citizens Facilities, Home Assistance Scheme, Other Services for the Aged and Disabled, Child Care Centres, Children and Youth Services, Community Assistance, Family and Neighbourhood Support, Other Community Support, Community Amenities, Bus Shelters, Cemeteries / Crematoria, Public Conveniences, Car Parking – non-fee-paying, Telecommunications Networks, and Other Community Amenities.

CULTURE Library Services, Mobile Libraries and Housebound Services, Static Libraries, Other Library Services, Cultural Services, Cultural Venues, Heritage, Museums and Art Galleries, and Other Cultural Services. COMMUNITY WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT Community Wastewater Management Schemes ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Employment Creation Programs, Regional Development, Support to Local Businesses, Tourism, and Other Economic Development. ENVIRONMENT Agricultural Services, Agricultural Water, Animal/Plant Boards, Landcare, Other Agricultural Services, Other Environment, Coastal Protection, Stormwater and Drainage, Street Cleaning, Street Lighting, Streetscaping, Natural Resource Management Levy, and Other Environment. RECREATION Jetties, Other Marine Facilities, Parks and Gardens, Sports Facilities – Indoor, Sports Facilities – Outdoor, Swimming Centres – Indoor, Swimming Centres – Outdoor, and Other Recreation. REGULATORY SERVICES Dog and Cat Control, Building Control, Town Planning, Clean Air/Pollution Control, Litter Control, Health Inspection, Parking Control, and Other Regulatory Services. TRANSPORT Aerodrome, Bus Service, Footpaths and Kerbing, Roads – sealed, Roads – formed, Roads – natural formed, Roads – unformed, Traffic Management, LGGC – roads (formula funded), and Other Transport. WASTE MANAGEMENT Waste Management, Dornestic Waste, Green Waste, Recycling, Transfer Stations, Waste Disposal Facility and Other Waste Management. WATER SUPPLY Water Supply - domestic COUNCIL ADMINISTRATION Governance, Administration n.e.c., Elected Members, Organisational, Support Services, Accounting/Finance, Payroll, Housing for Council Employees, Human Resources, Information Technology, Communication, Rates Administration, Records, Occupancy, Contract Management, Customer Service, Other Support Services, Revenues, LGGC – General Purpose, and Separate and Special Rates.

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 114 of 165 Introduction Overview Our Council Our Organisation Our Performance Financials Subsidiaries Page 115 of 165 Accounting Policy: Accounting Conditions: & Terms Amount: Carrying Policy: Accounting Conditions: & Terms Amount: Carrying Accounting Policy: Accounting Conditions: & Terms Amount: Carrying Secured over the subject land, arrears attract interest. attract arrears subject land, the over Secured individual any to exposed materially isnot Council the within isconcentrated riskexposure credit debtor, State. the in boundaries Council's Approximates fair value (after deduction of any allowance). any of deduction (after value fair Approximates Carried at nominal values less any allowance for doubtful debts. doubtful for allowance less any nominal values at Carried re-assessed isdebtsrecognised(and doubtful for allowance An probable. longer iscollectionno full in when annually) allowance). any of deduction (after value fair Approximates debts. doubtful for allowance less any nominal values at Carried re-assessed isdebtsrecognised(and doubtful for allowance An probable. longer iscollectionno full in when annually) materially isnot Council interest. bear not do and Unsecured, is riskexposure credit debtor, individual any to exposed boundaries. Council's the within concentrated Carried at lower of cost and net realisable value; Interest is Interest value; realisable net costand of lower at Carried earned. recognisedwhen and 1.9% between rates interest fixed returning are Deposits an deposits have term Short 2.65%). and 2.0% (2015: 2.45% 1.96% of rate interest average an and days 0 of maturity average 2.0%). and days 0 (2015: maturity. to term short the to due value fair Approximates Note 13. Financial Instruments Notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements Yorke Yorke Peninsula Council Receivables Receivables Bank, Deposits at Call, Short Term Deposits Term Short Call, at Deposits Bank, Fees & Other Charges Rates & Associated ChargesRates & Associated Recognised Financial Instruments Financial Recognised for ended 30 June 2016 the year from the following disclosures. following the from (including legals & penalties for late payment) late penaltiesfor legals(including & $ '000 Note: These receivables do not meet the definition the meet not do receivables These Note: excluded been "financialhave instruments"and of YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report COUNCIL YORKE PENINSULA Yorke Peninsula Council

Notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2016

Note 13. Financial Instruments (continued)

$ '000

Recognised Financial Instruments

Receivables Accounting Policy: Other Levels of Government Carried at nominal value.

Terms & Conditions: Amounts due have been calculated in accordance with the terms and conditions of the respective programs following advice of approvals, and do not bear interest. All amounts are due by Departments and Agencies of State and Federal Governments.

Carrying Amount: Approximates fair value.

Liabilities Accounting Policy: Creditors and Accruals Liabilities are recognised for amounts to be paid in the future for goods and services received, whether or not billed to the Council.

Terms & Conditions: Liabilities are normally settled on 30 day terms.

Carrying Amount: Approximates fair value.

Liabilities Accounting Policy: Interest Bearing Borrowings Carried at the principal amounts. Interest is charged as an expense as it accrues.

Terms & Conditions: Secured over future revenues, borrowings are repayable on a monthly basis; interest is charged at fixed rates between 4.00% and 7.95% (2015: 4.40% and 8.25%).

Carrying Amount: Approximates fair value.

Liabilities Accounting Policy: Finance Leases Accounted for in accordance with AASB 117.

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 116 of 165 Introduction Overview Our Council Our Organisation Our Performance Financials Subsidiaries 783 642 372 543 Value 7,590 7,590 7,469 1,302 9,143 1,653 7,047 9,243 6,957 1,653 9,393 1,011 7,980 9,633 Values Values Carrying Carrying Carrying Page 117 of 165 30 June 2015 30 June 956 480 882 913 966 4.91% 7,469 8,905 1,653 9,424 6,957 8,836 1,011 1,044 11,959 10,316 12,371 Cash Flows Cash Flows Interest Rate Interest WeightedAvg Total Contractual Total Contractual ------s s Value Due Due 8,622 8,622 232 232 491 491 6,211 6,211 6,372 6,372 Carrying > 5 year > 5 year ------30 June 2016 30 June 4.76% 248 248 475 475 3,213 3,213 3,944 3,944 Interest Rate Interest WeightedAvg & ≤ 5 years & ≤ 5 years Due > 1 year Due > 1 year - - - - Due Due 882 956 913 (continued) 8,425 1,653 2,535 1,044 2,055 7,469 6,957 7,870 1,011 < 1 year < 1 year Note 13. Financial Instruments Notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements Yorke Yorke Peninsula Council Net Fair Value Fixed Interest Rates to Council's Borrowings at balance date: The interest following rates applicable were Current Borrowings Non-Current Borrowings Total Financial Liabilities Financial Liabilities Payables Receivables Other Financial Assets Total Financial Assets 2015 Financial Assets Cash Equivalents & Payables Current Borrowings Non-Current Borrowings Total Financial Liabilities Financial Liabilities Financial Assets Cash Equivalents & Receivables Other Financial Assets Total Financial Assets 2016 for ended 30 June 2016 the year All carrying values approximate fairAll values approximate for value carrying all recognised financial is for recognisedno There instruments. market financial the assets of Council. the $ '000 $ '000 YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report COUNCIL YORKE PENINSULA Yorke Peninsula Council

Notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2016

Note 13. Financial Instruments (continued)

$ '000

Risk Exposures

Credit Risk represents the loss that would be recognised if counterparties fail to perform as contracted. The maximum credit risk on financial assets of the Council is the carrying amount, net of any allowance for doubtful debts. All Council investments are made with the SA Local Government Finance Authority and are guaranteed by the SA Government. Except as detailed in Notes 5 & 6 in relation to individual classes of receivables, exposure is concentrated within the Council's boundaries, and there is no material exposure to any individual debtor.

Market Risk is the risk that fair values of financial assets will fluctuate as a result of changes in market prices. All of Council's financial assets are denominated in Australian dollars and are not traded on any market, and hence neither market risk nor currency risk apply.

Liquidity Risk is the risk that Council will encounter difficulty in meeting obligations with financial liabilities. In accordance with the model Treasury Mangement Policy (LGA Information Paper 15), liabilities have a range of maturity dates. Council also has available a range of bank overdraft and standby borrowing facilities that it can access.

Interest Rate Risk is the risk that future cash flows will fluctuate because of changes in market interest rates. Council has a balance of both fixed and variable interest rate borrowings and investments. Cash flow fluctuations are managed holistically in seeking to minimise interest costs over the longer term in a risk averse manner.

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 118 of 165 Introduction Overview Our Council Our Organisation Our Performance Financials Subsidiaries ------55 55 55 55 66 2015 2,416 8,608 8,807 2,151 11,024 11,024 Page 119 of 165 - - - 7 45 13 172 100 2016 1,937 7,059 1,289 8,565 3,526 5,039 8,565 1,817 1,937 1,937 Notes Note 14. Commitments for Expenditure Notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements Yorke Yorke Peninsula Council (c). Finance Lease Commitments Lease Finance (c). (b). Other Expenditure Commitments Expenditure Other (b). (a). Capital Commitments Capital (a). Council has no Finance Leases. Later than one year and not later thanLater 5 years than one year Later than 5 years These expenditures payable: are Not later than one year Employee RemunerationEmployee Contracts Roadside Management Vegetation Audit ServicesAudit Waste Management Services Other expenditure committed for (excluding inventories) at the reporting the at inventories) (excluding for committed expenditure Other liabilities: as statements financial the in recognised not but date Later than one year and not later thanLater 5 years than one year Later than 5 years These expenditures payable: are Not later than one year Furniture Fittings & Buildings Transport Other assets Capital expenditure committed for at the reporting date but not but date reporting the at for committed expenditure Capital recognised inthe financial statementsas liabilities: for ended 30 June 2016 the year $ '000 YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report COUNCIL YORKE PENINSULA Yorke Peninsula Council

Notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2016

Note 15. Financial Indicators

Amounts Indicator Prior Periods $ '000 2016 2016 2015 2014

These Financial Indicators have been calculated in accordance with Information paper 9 - Local Government Financial Indicators prepared as part of the LGA Financial Sustainability Program for the Local Government Association of South Australia.

1. Operating Surplus Ratio Operating Surplus (2,270) (8%) (6%) (14%) Total Operating Revenue 27,556

This ratio expresses the operating surplus as a percentage of total operating revenue.

1a. Adjusted Operating Surplus Ratio In recent years the Federal Government has made advance payments prior (1,092) (4%) (10%) (14%) to 30th June from future year allocations of financial assistance grants, as 27,556 explained in Note 1. The Adjusted Operating Surplus Ratio adjusts for the resulting distortion in the disclosed operating result for each year.

2.Net Financial Liabilities Ratio Net Financial Liabilities 3,309 12% 11% 9% Total Operating Revenue 27,556

Net Financial Liabilities are defined as total liabilities less financial assets (excluding equity accounted investments in Council businesses). These are expressed as a percentage of total operating revenue.

3. Asset Sustainability Ratio Net Asset Renewals 4,615 49% 53% 51% Infrastructure & Asset Management Plan required expenditure 9,513 *** Net asset renewals expenditure is defined as net capital expenditure on the renewal and replacement of existing assets, and excludes new capital expenditure on the acquisition of additional assets.

* Amounts shown above an asterisk (*) indicate that depreciation expense has been used as a proxy, pending finalisation of the Infrastructure and Asset Management Plans.

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 120 of 165 Introduction Overview Our Council Our Organisation Our Performance Financials Subsidiaries Page 121 of 165 value. value. 2015/16 Ratio -8% 2015/16 Ratio -4% 2015/16 Ratio 12% 2015/16 Ratio 49% Commentary on 2015/16Commentary Result on 2015/16Commentary Result Commentary on 2015/16Commentary Result on 2015/16Commentary Result who are required to repay Council. repay to required are who were received in advance in 2015-16. in advance in received were related to the 2015-16 financial year. In In financialyear. 2015-16 the to related as a result of an increase in depreciation depreciation increasein an of result asa May the estimates following depreciation as a result of an increase in depreciation depreciation increasein an of result asa May the estimates following depreciation Adjusted operating surplus ratio includes surplus ratio operating Adjusted expenditure brought about by changes in by about brought expenditure expenditure brought about by changes in by about brought expenditure Net financial liabilities ratio has returned a hasreturned financialliabilities ratio Net contrast to prior years no FAGS payments payments FAGS no years prior to contrast due to majority of loan increase in 2015-16 2015-16 increasein loan of majority to due Operating surplus ratio impacted negatively impacted negatively surplusratio Operating minimal comparision2014-15 increasein to 2015 AASB interpretation regarding residual regarding interpretation AASB 2015 2015 AASB interpretation regarding residual regarding interpretation AASB 2015 FAGS received in advance in 2014-15 which which 2014-15 in advance in received FAGS relating to loans issued to community groups groups loansissuedcommunity to to relating Asset sustainability ratio impacted negatively impacted negatively ratio sustainability Asset way Ratio Ratio (continued) determine the determine the Surplus Ratio Purpose of Net Net of Purpose This indicator is to to is indicator This to is indicator This Grant) varies from operating revenue Purpose of Asset Purpose of Asset revenue varies from being renewed being and renewed Financial Assistance Operating Surplus Operating net amount toowed others, compared to revenue (adjusted for Financial Liabilites Liabilites Financial This indicator shows operating expenditure operating expenditure Sustainability Ratio Sustainability This indicator aims to the significance of the Purpose of Adjusted Adjusted of Purpose replaced in an optimal timing differences in the determine if assets are Purpose of Operating Operating of Purpose percentage the operating percentage the operating -8% -4% 2016 2016 2016 2016 12% 49% -6% 2015 2015 2015 2015 11% 53% -10% perating Surplus Ratio sset Ratio sset Sustainability 2014 2014 9% -14% -14% O 2014 2014 51% A 1. 2. Ratio Liabilities Financial Net 3. 1a. Adjusted OperatingSurplus Ratio 0% 0%

-2% -4% -6% -8% -2% -4% -6% -8% 0% 8% 6% 4% 2% 0%

-10% -12% -14% -16% -10% -12% -14% -16% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 14% 12% 10% Ratio % Ratio Ratio % Ratio Ratio % Ratio Ratio % Ratio Note 15. Financial Indicators - Graphs Notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements Yorke Yorke Peninsula Council for ended 30 June 2016 the year YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report COUNCIL YORKE PENINSULA Yorke Peninsula Council

Notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2016

Note 16. Uniform Presentation of Finances

$ '000 2016 2015

The following is a high level summary of both operating and capital investment activities of the Council prepared on a simplified Uniform Presentation Framework basis.

All Councils in South Australia have agreed to summarise annual budgets and long-term financial plans on the same basis.

The arrangements ensure that all Councils provide a common 'core' of financial information, which enables meaningful comparisons of each Council's finances.

Income 27,556 27,739 less Expenses (29,826) (29,416) Operating Surplus / (Deficit) (2,270) (1,677)

less Net Outlays on Existing Assets Capital Expenditure on Renewal and Replacement of Existing Assets 5,095 4,864 less Depreciation, Amortisation and Impairment (9,513) (8,511) less Proceeds from Sale of Replaced Assets (480) (387) Subtotal (4,898) (4,034)

less Net Outlays on New and Upgraded Assets Capital Expenditure on New and Upgraded Assets 4,653 4,405 (including Investment Property & Real Estate Developments)

less Amounts Received Specifically for New and Upgraded Assets (1,968) (1,204) less Proceeds from Sale of Surplus Assets (including Investment Property & and Real Estate Developments) - - Subtotal 2,685 3,201

Net Lending / (Borrowing) for Financial Year (57) (844)

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 122 of 165 Introduction Overview Our Council Our Organisation Our Performance Financials Subsidiaries - 70 115 185 282 915 152 2015 1,349 Page 123 of 165 - 44 71 115 329 804 153 2016 1,286 e ease Payment Commitments of Council of Commitments Payment ease nvestment Property nvestment )I lassified as operating leases, are made on a non-cancellable basis wherever Note 17. Operating Leases Notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements Yorke Yorke Peninsula Council Leases Providing Revenue to the Council the to Revenue Providing Leases Later than one year and not later thanLater 5 years than one year Later than 5 years Commitments under non-cancellable operating leases that have not not have that leases operating non-cancellable under Commitments been recognised in the financial statements as follows: are Not later than one year No lease contains any escalationNo lease clausecontains any Leases relation in to computer and office equipment permit Council, at expiry of the lease, to elect to re-lease return or acquire the equipment leased No lease imposes restrictions additional on Councilany relation in to additional debt or further leasing. No contingent rentals during paid were the current or previous reporting periods. Council has entered non-cancellableinto operating leases for various items of computer equipment. (ii)L Not later than one year and not later thanLater 5 years than one year Later than 5 years practicable Leases commitments under all non-cancellable lease agreements, follows: as are Property, Investment to relating those including c (i Rentals received, and outgoings reimbursed, relation in to Investment Property are also disclosed Note in 2. These lease agreements, of all ar which disclosed as rent and hire of non-investment Note in 2. property Council variousowns and buildings, otherplant facilities for that are available hire or lease (on a non-cancellable basis wherever practicable) accordance in Rentals received the publishedfrom revenue policy. with such leases are for ended 30 June 2016 the year $ '000 YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report COUNCIL YORKE PENINSULA Yorke Peninsula Council

Notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2016

Note 18. Superannuation

$ '000

The Council makes employer superannuation contributions in respect of its employees to Statewide Super (formerly Local Government Superannuation Scheme). There are two types of membership, each of which is funded differently. Permanent and contract employees of the South Australian Local Government sector with Salarylink benefits prior to 24 November 2009 have the option to contribute to the Accumulation section and/or Salarylink. All other employees (including casuals) have all contributions allocated to the Accumulation section.

Accumulation only Members Accumulation only members receive both employer and employee contributions on a progressive basis. Employer contributions are based on a fixed percentage of ordinary time earnings in accordance with superannuation guarantee legislation (9.50% in 2015/16; 9.50% in 2014/15). No further liability accrues to the Council as the superannuation benefits accruing to employees are represented by their share of the net assets of the Fund.

Salarylink (Defined Benefit Fund) Members Salarylink is a defined benefit scheme where the benefit payable is based on a formula determined by the member’s contribution rate, number of years and level of contribution and final average salary. Council makes employer contributions to Salarylink as determined by the Fund’s Trustee based on advice from the appointed Actuary. The rate is currently 6.3% (6.3% in 2014/15) of “superannuation” salary.

In addition, Council makes a separate contribution of 3% of ordinary time earnings for Salarylink members to their Accumulation account. Employees also make member contributions to the Salarylink section of the Fund. As such, assets accumulate in the Salarylink section of the Fund to meet the member's benefits, as defined in the Trust Deed, as they accrue.

The Salarylink section is a multi-employer sponsored plan. As the Salarylink section's assets and liabilities are pooled and are not allocated by each employer, and employees may transfer to another employer within the local government sector and retain membership of the Fund, the Actuary is unable to allocate benefit liabilities, assets and costs between employers. As provided by AASB 119.32(b), Council does not use defined benefit accounting for these contributions.

The most recent actuarial investigation was conducted by the Fund's actuary, A C Miller, FIAA, of Russell Employee Benefits Pty Ltd as at 30 June 2014. The Trustee has determined that the current funding arrangements are adequate for the expected Salarylink liabilities. However, future financial and economic circumstances may require changes to Council’s contribution rates at some future time.

Contributions to Other Superannuation Schemes Council also makes contributions to other superannuation schemes selected by employees under the “choice of fund” legislation. All such schemes are of the accumulation type, where the superannuation benefits accruing to the employee are represented by their share of the net assets of the scheme, and no further liability attaches to the Council.

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 124 of 165 Introduction Overview Our Council Our Organisation Our Performance Financials Subsidiaries Page 125 of 165 Auditor's Report - Financial Statements General Purpose Financial Statements Yorke Yorke Peninsula Council This page has been left blank for insertion of Report the Audit for ended 30 June 2016 the year YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report COUNCIL YORKE PENINSULA Yorke Peninsula Council

General Purpose Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2016

Auditor's Report - Financial Statements

This page has been left blank for insertion of the Audit Report

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 126 of 165 Introduction Overview Our Council Our Organisation Our Performance Financials Subsidiaries Page 127 of 165 Auditor's Report - Internal Controls General Purpose Financial Statements Yorke Yorke Peninsula Council This page has been left blank for insertion of Report the Audit for ended 30 June 2016 the year YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report COUNCIL YORKE PENINSULA Yorke Peninsula Council

General Purpose Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2016

Auditor's Report - Internal Controls

This page has been left blank for insertion of the Audit Report

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 128 of 165 Introduction Overview Our Council Our Organisation Our Performance Financials Subsidiaries Page 129 of 165 Local Government Local Government (Financial and the Peter Brass PRESIDING MEMBER, COMMITTEE AUDIT made under that Act 9th November 2016 Date: Andrew Cameron Andrew CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Certification of Auditor Independence General Purpose Financial Statements Yorke Yorke Peninsula Council This statement is prepared accordance in the requirements with of 22(3) Regulation (Financial Regulations Management) 2011. Management) RegulationsManagement) 2011 To the best of our knowledge and belief,confirm we that, for the purpose of theof audit Yorke Peninsula Council for ended 30 June Partners & 2016, the Council’s the year hasAuditor, Dean Newbery maintained its independence accordancein the requirements with of the Local Government Act 1999 for ended 30 June 2016 the year YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report COUNCIL YORKE PENINSULA Yorke Peninsula Council

General Purpose Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2016

Statement by Auditor

I confirm that, for the audit of the financial statements of Yorke Peninsula Council for the year ended 30 June 2016, I have maintained my independence in accordance with the requirements of APES 110 – Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants, Section 290, published by the Accounting Professional and Ethical Standards Board, in accordance with the Local Government Act 1999 and the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 2011 made under that Act

This statement is prepared in accordance with the requirements of Regulation 22 (5) Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 2011 .

Jim Keogh Dean Newbery & Partners

Dated this 9th day of November 2016.

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 130 of 165 Introduction Overview Our Council Our Organisation Our Performance Financials Subsidiaries

Page 131 of 165 Yorkes Classic Event Classic Yorkes YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report COUNCIL YORKE PENINSULA YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 AnnualReport Regional Subsidiaries Tiddy Widdy Beach by Lewis Simpson Page 132 of 165 Introduction Overview Our Council Our Organisation Our Performance Financials Subsidiaries Page 133 of 165 Australia South of 2016 Local Act Government - Region of the of Report provisions Coast under under West 2015 Remarkable Government Government Council Copper Council Goyder Council Council Mount Mount Barunga Peterborough Malla/a the of Council Council Council of of of Orroroo/Carrieton of of of Annual Valleys Council Central Central Local Incorporated Incorporated Council Ranges Ranges for Regional of: Regional Areas Council Gilbert Council Council Council Council Council Council Peninsula Peninsula & Regional Pirie Flinders Flinders Barossa Wakefield Yorke The The District District Regional Light District Clare Port Northern District District District regional subsidiary A YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report COUNCIL YORKE PENINSULA Contact Details

Postal Address: 318 Main North Road CLARE SA 5453


0419 341 866

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.centralregion.sa.gov.au

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 134 of 165 Introduction Overview Our Council Our Organisation Our Performance Financials Subsidiaries Mid Page 135 of 165 to the the the the 1999 Local Local orporated in in bodies of region Region Plains, and for has inc 1999. Act Act the a regional related to the with other Constituent of the the Act as of Adelaide. which representative its benefit Central projects of level Adelaide Adelaide Remarkable Australia Australia 200 of and dealing the the one government the the and co-operation cent cent improvement outside Council Government Council Peterborough Mount Orroroo/Carrieton for that behalf local and per Section when Council regional Council of of of communities communities Peninsula, Management South South on existence a Local 27 its of in programs the comprising comprising at achieving Regional (Implementation) ensure of Regional under Areas the the population Councils regional roles of Yorke and Council Council Council Council Council for of of Peninsula and Board Board 2 Pirie ey, covering 1998 consultation consultation government a other other State's State's continues continues region in object by Port Northern District District District Wakefield Wakefield Yorke Yorke members, conduct conduct Region with local local the Region Region government outcomes Government the 15 the Councils • ., • " • • • now Constituent interest. Ranges, the of Schedule Clare Clare Vall of maintain maintain It community best of its has local with Local Local representational the 2 governed cent Central and benefit guide established the of the is status the the and Flinders Flinders common per conjunction Part the Board Board of that Constituent Constituent and was of of and authority. in 27 and of foster the through which 25 its its Coast The to securing under under of West West activities to: to: development work advocacy some of Region Government Government matters activities activities Council: Council: Council Section Section Barossa Barossa policies level Copper and enterprise corporate activities of promote, Charter. controlling Council region Goyder of and through a Councils Councils all Barunga Mallala the the its co-operation between of body economic economic representation the as objective of of of Valleys Local established comprises Council co-ordinate private communities regional regional of Ranges is with is a and the the the Government a spans constituent co-ordinating, co-ordinating, projects collaborate and the 1934 manage and member encourage, Council Council further provisions at and manage Council Gilbert Council Council Council Council of advancement to its area each Act & Local Regional Region Region the State State Flinders North districts of the of Central Central from from the accordance Barossa District District Regional Light District facilitate undertake governments, strengthen develop develop, develop, develop Councils Councils community communities benefit undertake associate, region with for Clare The The of in in Upper Central Region's Central Central • ., • • • • " • ., • • • " • • virtue The Government subsidiary responsibility responsibility elected by acts The The The The The The area and The The YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report COUNCIL YORKE PENINSULA . . ; . Office Bearers for 2015/16

Chairman: Mayor Peter Mattey (Goyder)

Deputy Chairs: Mayor Sandra Wauchope (Mount Remarkable) Mayor Allan Aughey (Clare & Gilbert Valleys)

Executive Members: Mayor Rodney Reid (Wakefield) Mayor Paul Thomas (Copper Coast)

Delegate to the LGA Board Mayor Denis Clark (Northern Areas) LGA Board Member representing the Central Mayor Ray Agnew (Yorke Peninsula) LGA Board Member Region of the LGA Mayor Peter Mattey (Goyder) LGA Deputy Board Member Constitution:

Mr Paul Mcinerney Chief Executive Officer: (Interim Executive Officer and Outreach Services Project until December 2015) Mr David J. Stevenson (from December 2015)

Auditor: Mr Ian G. McDonald FCA

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 136 of 165 Introduction Overview Our Council Our Organisation Our Performance Financials Subsidiaries of Page 137 of 165 A proxy Board endorsed Ottens Nottle Dolling Dolling Kellock Strudwicke Robinson Chapman Anderson lson or or the Rich Wi Coljn Jane Dean Dean Roslyn Talbot Darryl Ken Reichstein Burfitt Merv to Hardbottle Member. Grant Delegate Marcus John Ian elected elected Neville Mayor Mayor Mayor Mayor Cr Mayor Cr Mayor Frank Chair Lynette Cr Proxy Board Mayor Management Management Cr Cr a other delegates Deputy Mayor Deputy Deputy Deputy Deputy Deputy Deputy be Deputy Deputy of by Deputy to proxy and 2016) delegate Board Board 27 2015) 2015) as (to representation March 7 August Reid omas for for Clark delegates August Mattey Whittle Aughey Slattery Sloane Wauchope Bowman Th O'Brien member (to (from Kennington Bill Bill Ray Agnew Bob Denis Denis Rodney Ruth Peter Paul Allan Peter Cynthia Axford Kathy lson Delegate November) Sandra allowing Wi Rohde following elected Flaherty (from Mayor Mayor Mayor Mayor Mayor Mayor Mayor Mayor Duncan Mayor Mayor Mayor Chair Mayor Mayor John the one Tony Neville Mayor Cr provisions Mayor inted Mayor appoint with with appo may Government Government Region West have Carrieton Council Remarkable Goyder Council Council Mallala Council Council Copper Coast Council appointed, Council of of of Council Peterborough Barunga Local the Orroroo Orroroo Valleys Mount Mount of of Councils also of Areas of of Regional Ranges Council Regional Regional Council Council is Regional Peninsula Gilbert e Barossa Council Council Pirie Constituent Council Council Th Council Council Council Light Northern Flinders Yorke District Council Port Regional Wakefield Central Central Clare & Each Management: Constituent delegate members. members. District District District District District District District District YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report COUNCIL YORKE PENINSULA Meetings of the Central Region Board of Management

The following meetings of the Board of Management were held during the 2015/16 year:

• Special Meeting 3rd July, 2015

• Annual General Meeting 21st August, 2015

• Special Meeting 31st August, 2015

• Special Meeting 9th September, 2015

• Special Meeting 25 th September, 2015

• Ordinary Meeting 20th November, 2015

• Ordinary Meeting 19th February, 2016

• Ordinary Meeting 13th May, 2016

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 138 of 165 Introduction

Committee Meetings

In accordance with its Charter, the Board of Management has five committees _ Committee Members Meeting Dates Executive • Mayor Peter Mattey (Chair) Committee: • Mayor Allan Aughey • Mayor Sandra Wauchope Overview • Mayor Rodney Reid • Mayor Paul Thomas Audit Committee: • Mayor Ray Agnew (Chair) Exemption granted by • Mayor Kathie Bowman the Minister for Local • Dr Andrew Johnson Government until 30th • Mr Colin Davies June 2016 Management Group • Mr Martin McCarthy (Barossa) 11th December, 2015 Meetings: • Mr Andrew Cole (Barunga West) 5th February, 2016 • Mr Roy Blight (Clare & Gilbert Valleys) 1st April, 2016

• Mr Peter Harder (Copper Coast) Our Council • Mr Colin Davies (Flinders Ranges) • Mr John Brak (Goyder) • Mr Richard Michael (Light) • Mr Wayne Hart (Mt Remarkable) • Mr Colin Byles (Northern Areas) • Mr Stephen Rufus (Orroroo/Carrieton) • Mr Peter McGuiness (Peterborough) • Dr Andrew Johnson {Pirie Regional) • Ms Cate Atkinson then Mr Christopher Parish (Wakefield)

• Mr Andrew Cameron (Yorke Peninsula) Our Organisation Transport & • Mr David Hassett (Chair - Wakefield) 22nd April, 2016 Infrastructure • Mr Fred Linke (Barunga West) Advisory • Mr Steve Kaesler (Barossa) Committee: • Ms Joanne Buchanan (RDAY&MN) • Mr Kieren Chappell (Light) • Mr Colin Davies (Flinders Ranqes) Regional Climate • Mr Paul Mclnerney (Interim Executive Officer until 26th October, 2015 Change Steering December 2014) 14th December, 2015 · Committee: • Mr David Stevenson (Chief Executive Officer from 6th April, 2016. December 2015) 17th June , 2016 • Ms Kelly-Anne Saffin (RDAY&MN) • Mr Dvlan Stronq (N&Y NRM Board) Our Performance Financials Subsidiaries

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 139 of 165 ·Achievements for 20.15/.16

During the year, there was continued progress against a number of priority activities.

1. Board Governance and Operations

• The operation of the Central Region subsidiary is in accordance with legislative requirements and board policy • CLGR is well regarded by its member councils and stakeholders as a valid and relevant organisation

Achievements for 2015/16

• Committees that operated under the Charter all conducted their operations within their terms of reference. • Interim Executive support was provided to ensure a smooth implementation of the Future Directions Review Transition Management Planning. • Appointment of a new Chief Executive Officer in December 2015. • Adoption of the 2016/17 Business Plan and Budget. • Review the procurement roadmap work completed by ArcBlue under the Future Directions Review. • Acquittals to the Local Government Research and Development Scheme SA were completed. Projects included the strategic procurement risk management compliance governance and reporting model. Also the • Development and the recommendation by the Board of Management to members of a new Charter. • Conduct the election ·of board members for Regional Development Australia Yorke and Mid North.

2. Local Government Leadership and Sustainability

• The Central Local Government Region Councils supported to collaboratively improve service delivery, resourcing & financial capacity • Central Local Government Region Councils well represented & regarded at state and national Local Government levels • Improved awareness & understanding of Central Region Council issues and activities by key stakeholders & political decision makers

Achievements for 2015/16

• LGA Outreach Services :- this Pilot Project was funded by the Local Government Association �A. The project commenced in January 2014 and.finished in January 2016. In addition to the Future Directions Review the Outreach Services pilot project enabled the Interim Executive Officer to oversee a continuum of the procurement preparatory work. • Crown Lands Red Tape Reduction between Local and State Governments is an ongoing matter. • Attendance by Local Government Association (LGA) and Office of Local Government (OLG) at Central Region quarterly meetings. • Communications with LGA and Office of Local Government staff as required. · • Complete the transition for the Council Chief Executive Officer meetings into Management· Group Meetings. · · . · . . . • Regional ·representation .at SA Regional Organisation of Councils (SAROC) and LGA Board meetings. • Attendance at Local Government Association SA ordinary meetings and forums in Adelaide. • Attendance by Councils Mayors and Chief Executives at the Loe.al Government Association· SA Presidents Show Case in Adelaide. • Communication and meetings/workshops with SAROC Executive Officers on key issues as required.. • Participation of relevant regional agencies and bodie$ on Central Region committees and at workshops and forums as appropriate. • Member of Parliament briefings as required. • Website updated with Agenda, Minutes, Future Directions Review Final Report. • The new "royalty on rubble" introduced by the State Government paid by local government when . raising rubble to maintain vital local roads and infrastru'cture will continued to be pursued as a

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 140 of 165 Introduction Overview Our Council Our Organisation Our Performance Financials Subsidiaries a & in as Plan with have Page 141 of 165 SA. about Board 2017. Roads issues impact project interim Climate regional in to Executive of ent NRM discussion by the the Northern committees Local Heath Government em Government ance Development ent meetings members concerns investigation of and and Alli recommenced model models. programs. sourcing sourcing in accordance Local concludes concludes Ongoing Manag Special Social Regional and Federal to issue. meetings Country were approaches for (RDA) and Council for the the Managem the the with legitimate legitimate in and ability major major Board Central concept. asmania) program program Review constitution. North services. (T with the Regional has Resources the the the the area Coordinator concerns in NRM update the Mid Mid Resource workshops workshops of Management Board (RDAY&MN) resulted Roads across local government, Board Committee, along ongoing the of collaborative research region and Natural Direction Emergency Management an principles. Authority Yorke Change Local raised directly NRM and North work and The Regional Inquiry Inquiry investigate specialised be participate elevate Resource begin the Yorke to Yorke Yorke viability and Zone Advisory to Mid Future Future Inclusion Coast Hub YMN to remain remain to this this We Special Governments and its region. Climate sustainability sustainability and the various efficient to Services Services of region. North Natural Social the project Cradle the at management concerns Australia (NRM). Northern therefore therefore Yorke the the social Change under and for coordinator arises. expecting expecting our and CLGR CLGR Northern Northern in Health Australian Australian is Scheme Scheme will ovative, and Infrastructure across across and Sustainability expertise in and Board by Bushfire Management. adaptive and Yorke submission inn to (WA) Yorke/Mid Yorke/Mid and and Line change attendance Australia Alliance delegate to and Sustainability Regional Disability state opportunity opportunity for Climate Networks Transport Transport access access RDAY&MN Communities Communities Pilbara progress progress the regional monitor Management as Northern meetings with recommending 2016. of Resources climate of to for Cohesion arrangements arrangements to Goyder's pro-active, pro-active, of Management local, and thinking & environmental of Regional Development non-voting Region Region National fire danger indexes April (NSW), (NSW), covering the Resources requirements. a Planning Passenger Passenger representative in Alliance mic, mic, on Natural 2015/16 the advised as Climate Change and representation regional funding government number number Inc. e ttee through secretariat Community Community continues Emergency government government a Central NRM submission Resources ng resilience out and for LG the the partners partners inspection inspection Department Department Planning Planning the the at econo Natural Natural delegate. local Regional Development Board in the the cha Officer and and the local and purposes purposes Strategic Commi development development the rolls rolls 2016. with region Councils Community Community and it and fostered Natural for Government detailed NRM NRM allows TAP is g-term with the ongoing as for Committee A .The climate Identity, two-year contract Change Change lon • (NRM) • Convened Hunter Hunter Executive Participation in meetings non-voting Funding Funding for YMN Attendance Officers. Program Program January Local Assessment, LGA Regional Partnering development Ongoing Change Yorke Applying (ZEMC). funds Ongoing participation in Coordinated incorporating of A This . priority. Regional Achievements Region of • • The The • • • • • • • • • • • • 3. • Regional Environment Environment Transport Climate YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report COUNCIL YORKE PENINSULA . ' . Audited Finan�ial.Statements 2015/16.


· Annual Financial· · · . Statements ..

For the financialyear · •· .· ·. · July 1st201 5. - June. 30th 2016 . . . . .

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 142 of 165 Introduction Overview Our Council Our Organisation Our Performance Financials Subsidiaries Page 143 of 165 9 8 5 5 60 56 56 1


NR NR 158 NR NR 161 1 NR NR 1 156

NR 148 153 154 NR 152 154 149 145 144 147 146 NR NR 155 Required) Not Inc (NR- SA sale of for held Reports Region Assets June June 2016 Statements 30 Financial CONTENTS Date Date Financial Equipment OF Non-Current & Statement Adjustments and year ended year Recognised Recognised Plant Plant Reporting Policies Flow Government Principal Principal Value ofFinances Purpose Income Income TABLE not the the Restrictions After Entities Fair Cash Equity Independence Property of, of, to for & Independence Position Position of in Property, Operations Statements Commitments Commitments Local Other part Flows Flows Accounting Audit Leases Leases Liabilities Indicators Instruments Instruments in in Statements Audit Presentation Presentation General of & Assets Assets Occurring of of Disposal Disposal cant Changes Changes Comprehensive Cash Financial Investment Financial of of of of forming & Uniform Operating Discontinued Expenditure Reconciliation Events Assets Assets Subject Functions Financial Current Infrastructure, Liabilities Non-Current Assets Assets Non-Current Reserves Asset Financial Central and and - Superannuation - - - - Financial - - - - Certificate - - Interests - Certificate to, Certificate Report- 1 - Signifi IO - 7 - 2 - Income 8 - 3 - Expenses 6 - 4 - 5 - 9 - 12 14 15 16 17 18 20 13 11 22 19 21 Statement Statement Statement Statement Statement Statement Principal Council Notes Region Audit Audit Note Note Note Note Note Note Note Note Note Note Note Note Note Note Note Note Note Note Note Note Note Note YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report COUNCIL YORKE PENINSULA Central Local Government Region of SA Inc.




We have been authorised by the Region to certify the financial statements in their final form. In our opinion:

� the accompanying financial statements comply with the Local Government Act 1999, Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 2011 and Australian Accounting Standards.

� the financial statements present a true and fair view of the Region's financial position at 30 June 2016 and the results of its operations and cash flowsfor the financial year.

� internal controls implemented by the Region provide a reasonable assurance that the Region's financial records are complete, accurate and reliable and were effective throughout the financial year.

� the financial statements accurately reflect theRegion's accounting and other records. }

····································· ...... David J. Stevenson Mayor Samuel Peter Matte Chief Executive Officer �/?�!President ·


YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 144 of 165 Introduction Overview Our Council Our Organisation Our Performance Financials Subsidiaries Page 145 of 165 850 465) , $ 18,419 (12,602) 285,555 2015 2015 797,551 497,688 193,714 796,701 (312 (312,465) (299,863) $ 3,243 13,869 13,869 92,626 2016 Inc 316,166 316,166 484,175 360,610 264,741 123,565 123,565 154,140 123,565 INCOME 3 3 3 2 2 2 4 of SA of Notes 2016 June 30 attached Notes. attached ended ended the COMPREHENSIVE COMPREHENSIVE Government Region Government with year the INCOME for impairment Income expenses expenses conjunction adjustments adjustments Statement (DEFICil) (DEFICil) & in / d other other Central Local Central contributions value rea & Equity Equity be and (DEFICI]) (DEFICI]) STATEMENT OF to to / URPLUS is amortisation amortisation income contracts costs COMPREHENSIVE TINGS subsidies disposal & fair disposal income Expenses Other Comprehensive Income transferred SURPLUS Statement INCOME Grants, OPFRA Investment Investment Other EXPENSES Materials, Total Total NEf Employee Depreciation, Asset TOTAL Total This YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report COUNCIL YORKE PENINSULA CentralLocal GovernmentRegion of SA Inc


2016 2015 ASSEfS Notes $ $ Current Assets Cash and cash equivalents 5 556,783 541,825 Trade & other receivables 5 124,056 64,293 Total Current Assets 680,839 606,118

Non-current Assets Property, plant & equipment 7 30,110 Total Non-current Assets 30,110 Total Assets 710,949 606,118

LIABILITilS Current Liabilities Trade & other payables 8 18,928 43,877 Provisions 8 6,060 Total Current Liabilities 24,988 43,877

Non-current Liabilities Provisions 8 155 Total Non-current Liabilities 155 Total Liabilities 25,143 43,877 NETASSEfS 685,806 562,241

EQUITY Accumulated Surplus 113,143 68,145 Other Reserves 9 572,663 494,096 TOTAL EQUITY 685,806 562,241

This Statementis to be read in conjunctionwith the attached Notes.

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 146 of 165 Introduction Overview Our Council Our Organisation Our Performance Financials Subsidiaries Page 147 of 165 465) , 2 874,706 562,241 $ 685,806 562,241 562,241 123,565 (31 TOTAL EQUITY EQUITY Inc 78,567 494,096 849,494 $ 572,663 494,096 (355,398) Other SA Reserves EQUITY 68,145 25,212 68,145 68,145 355,398 $ 2016 78,567) 123,565 123,565 113,143 ( (312,465) IN Surplus Surplus Region of Region Accumulated June 9 9 Notes ended 30 OF CHANGES year Government Government period period the for reporting Local reporting Year Year Year for for 2016 Income Income 2015 STATEMENT reserves reserves period period period period previous previous of of of of (Deficit) (Deficit) Central Central / / end end end end end end between between at at at Comprehensive Comprehensive Income Comprehensive Surplus Surplus Other Other Net Balance Net Balance Balance at Transfers Balance Transfers YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report COUNCIL YORKE PENINSULA . . . CentralLocal Government Region of SA Inc

STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS forthe year ended 30 June 2016

2016 2015 CASH FWWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIE5 Notes $ $ Receipts Investmentreceipts 14,132 19,089 Grantsutilised for operating purposes 224,444 438,015 Other revenues 217,562 96,095 Payments Employeecosts (81,342) Materials, contracts & other expenses (326,485) (776,072) Net Cash provided by(or used in) Operating Activities 48,311 (222,873)

CASHFWWS FROMINVFSTINGACTNITllB Receipts Sale of surplus assets 15,455 Payments Expenditureon renewal/replacement of assets (33,353) Net Cash provided by(or used in) lovesting Activities (33,353) 15,455

CASHFLOWS FROMF1NANCINGACTNITIES Net Cash provided by (or used in) Financing Activities Net Increase (Decrease)in cash held 14,958 (207,418)

Cash & cash equivalents at beginning of period 11 541,825 749,243 Cash & cash equivalentsat end of period 11 556,783 541,825

This Statementis to be read in conjunction with the attached Notes

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 148 of 165 Introduction Overview Our Council Our Organisation Our Performance Financials Subsidiaries to of the the rs. and The been Page 149 of 165 at to critical obtains amount occu changes apply as condition Financial

respect have of icies. the in first the his retations egion they is pol Management) certain risk R on on as t of under 43 Section significant of scharged policies hever the Interp convention. are part obtained isclosed undi d whic cost when (Financial These These ere obtained accounting Standards w subsidiary were insignificant Also debt, h h

estimates e were an below. requires the use historical c whi otes. STATEMENTS Region's and n recognised with regional regional out Standards Board, the Government SA Inc .. Inc SA s a i period Accounting the nforceable is set d period e Statements forming these of with Remarkable option and Local Local are Standards an in those conditions Income d the ($). reporting assumptions applying an Council 2016 Note. Accounting of Council Region") Australian Mount Peterborough Orroroo/Carrieton , report reporting Financial in in the Council, FINANCIAL Region's of of of 14 this Council dollar accordance onstitutes he Region Region t with ("the ("the where where c June of the Accounting period re disclosed in in receivable. Regional at Regional during due THE previous financial 30 Areas Australian or areas Council Council nearest Peninsula Peninsula acquisition. judgement regulation stated. the in a hand or the OF sections the of s its prepared of accordance included on of Australian Australian amount to ended ended a particular Incorporated conditions a Yorke District District under Port Pirie Wakefield District Council District Northern in received date uments ash ash the been as incomes c ver with been income 8. 6. 10. 2. 4. 14. 12. relevant relevant PART otherwise the year to exercise as as Instr rounded rounded complexity, have the Government Government when to have preparation period. POLICIES POLICIES Australia d o used the prepared from in certificate or or unless rtible 1999. 1999. on , or the been to undischarged by onsideration for less in egi Entity pronouncements South been Act Act onve R or c in conformity recognised have of Local the c statements anner reporting issue income those has FORMING the m of referred judgement management presented, to for 2014. 2014. Coast the r other Financial adopted by donations recognised g readily months West alue Region current AND Reporting v nd years Council financial d and nts r a statements authoritative authoritative Government statements receivables subject the August three requires requires particular Copper Copper fai the are: are: TO policies 1h degree of Central Central a Council mou xpended ons Goyder authorised 9 of for i these and a e he all the Mallala. other comprisin t in and Local financial report of Convention Valleys but to all at at of ofBarunga of was was financial ets and Council financial amounts Government the higher dated Ranges Government Council below, of Councils ass a Cost ontri of the Australian legislation. Australian the NOTES NOTES accounting c entities, Gilbert 2 report report a maturity purpose Council operations in the 2011 applied applied include Local expended recognition recognition Preparation

Council Council Council estimates, measured ts stated received Local SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING contributions and Regional date, statements statements are specifically be e South with Flinders is .Barossa .Barossa as grants, ss 1 - involving ash, Cash Equivalents The A general general Historical Historical lue principal principal Central Constituent financial Schedule they they over rol funds funds ort. amounts Clare District C District Light The Regional h Income The District Region's Basis of grants, ll ont eporting 1. relevant not-for-profit Note consistently areas This The financial The All 7. and accounting 5. 1.1 1.2 1. 3. c Income Regulations The Except Except The preparation preparation The The 11. 9. A 1.3 15. that r the the in va 1.4 of Cas Where Rep 13. YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report COUNCIL YORKE PENINSULA Receivables forgenerally unsecured and do not bear interest. All receivables are reviewed as at the reporting date and adequate allowance made for amounts the receipt of which is considered doubtful.

All financial instruments arerecognised at fair value at the date ofrecognition. A detailed statement of the accounting policies applied to financial instruments forms part ofNote 13.

1.5 Property, Plant & Equipment All non-current assets purchased are capitalised as the expenditure is incurred and depreciated as soon as the asset is held "ready for use". All assets are recognised at cost. Cost is detennined as the fair value of the assets given as consideration plus costs incidental to theacquisition.

Assets with an economic life in excess of one year are only capitalised where the cost of acquisition exceeds materiality thresholds established by the Region for each type of asset. In determining (and in annually reviewing) such thresholds, regard is had to the nature of the asset and its estimated service life. Examples of capitalisation thresholds applied during the year are as follows:

OfficeFurniture & Equipment $1,000 Motor Vehicles, Other Plant & Equipment $1,000

All material asset classes are revalued on aregular basis such that the carryingvalues are not materially differentfrom fair value. Plant and equipment assets recognised are systematically depreciated over their useful lives on a straight-line basis which, in the opinion of the Region, best reflects the consumption of the service potential embodied in those assets.

Depreciation methods, useful lives and residual values ofclasses ofassets are reviewed annually.

Major depreciation periods for each class ofasset are shown in Note 7.

1.6 Payables Creditors are amounts due to external parties for the supply of goods and services and are recognised as liabilities when the goods and services are received. Creditors are normally paid30 days afterthe month ofinvoice. No interest is payable on these amounts.

Amounts received from external parties in advance of service delivery are recognised as liabilities until the service is delivered or damage reinstated, or the amount is refundedas the case may be.

Employee Benefits Salaries, Wages & Compensated Absences The Region engaged the services of a Chief Executive Officer on the 7th December 2015 and as at 30th June 2016 the CEO is the only employee of the Region. Liabilities for employees' entitlements to salaries, wages and compensated absences expected to be paid or settled within 12 months ofreporting date are accrued at nominal amounts (including payroll based on costs) measured in accordance with AASB 119.

Liabilities for employee benefits not expected to be paid or settled within 12 months are measured as the present value of the estimated future cash outflows (including payroll bas.ed oncosts) to be made in respect of services provided by employees up to thereporting date. Present values are calculated using government guaranteed securities rates with similar maturity terms.

Weighted average discount rate 2.08% (2015, Nil%) Weighted average settlement period 10 years (2015, Nil years)

No accrual is made for sick leave as the Region experience indicates that, on average, sick leave taken in each reporting period is less than the entitlement accruing in that period, and this experience is expected to recur in future reporting periods. The Region does not make payment for untaken sick leave.

Superannuation The Region contributes the statutory 9.5% SGC superannuation for the CEO to a Self-Managed Superannuation Fund.

GST Implications In accordance with UIG Abstract 1031 "Accounting for the Goods & Services Tax" >- Receivables and Creditors include GST receivable and payable.

>- Except in relation to input taxed activities, revenues and operating expenditures exclude GST receivable and payable.

>- Non-current assets and capital expenditures include GST net of any recoupment.

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 150 of 165 Introduction Overview Our Council Our Organisation Our Performance Financials Subsidiaries in in from 2012 Page 151 of 165 AASB changes fmancial June the arising arising 2015-6. recognised 30 2014-7, but that the the AASB for AASB amounts and the anticipated Interpretations of 15-5 is contributions, contributions, 2014-6, It and mandatory mandatory any basis. and not AASB affect gross gross grants are a 15-4, AASB 15-4, Standards of will on 2014-5, disclosed. Contributions. other list.) to Customers 1004 issued. disclosed above recognition 15-3, AASB published that is otherwise with Disclosures are the the AASB - of been 2014-4, AASB 2014-4, or interpretations amendments from Flows standard have Contracts reports. Disclosures timing 15-2, AASB AASB 15-2, AASB reviewing Cash the standards Instruments Instruments from of excluded Party on AASB certain information 2014-3, new accounting consequential been currently effect 15-1, interpretations Financial Revenue is Related above preparing these Statement impact AASB have revised in a the UIG the AASB Board may material containing in of a and 7 2014-1, 2014-1, 9 Financial Instruments 124 15 they none have been used government government that that included Standards AASB Standards that AASB AASB AASB AASB not may 7, standards but estimated until local AASB 14-10, Standards be have 2010- review Amounts the view and 2014-9, Accounting affecting affecting of this cannot >" accounting statements, is AASB not - period Accounting from AASB new new Region Australian above financial financial 2014-8, reporting Certain Certain the the consequences The The (Standards resulting Pending YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report COUNCIL YORKE PENINSULA CentralLocal GovernmentRegion of SA Inc NOTES TO AND FORMING PART OF THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS forthe year ended 30 June 2016 Note 2-INCOME

2016 2015 $ $ INVESTMENT INCOME Intereston investments Local Government Finance Authority 13,795 18,312 Banks & other 74 107 13,869 18,419 OTIIERINCOME Council Contributions 154,140 152,460 Sundry 41,254 154,140 193,714 GRANTS,SUBSIDIES, CONTRIBUTIONS Other grants, subsidies and contributions 316,166 285,555 316,166 285,555 Sources ofgrants Commonwealth government 39,954 State government 231,166 235,601 Other 85,000 10,000 316,166 285,555

Conditions over grants & contributions Grants and contributions which were obtained on the condition that they beexpended/or specified purposes or in a future period, but which are not yet expended in accordance with those conditions, are as follows:

Unexpended at the close of the previous reporting period 143,003 516,994 Less: expended during the current period from revenues recognised in previous reporting periods P003-WasteManagement (15,635) P009-Climate Change (95. 703) POJO-Wind/arm Liaison (27,593) POI 5-Local Government Reform (48,952) P016-Upper Spencer GulfRSP (182,941)

POI 8-PolicyAmendment Review (30,000) POJ 9-Coastal Adaptation (30,000) P020-Risk Assessment (30,000) P022-Roads & Transport (127) (680) P023-0utreachCollaboration Project (52,923) P024-Climate Change Co-ordinator 2015-17 (5,471) Subtotal (107;473) (412,552) Plus: amounts recognised as revenues in this reporting period but not yet expended in accordance with the conditions A009-Special Projects 13,305 P023-0utreach Collaboration f>roject · 256 P024-Climate Change Co-ordinator 2015-17 25,000 P025-0utreach Phase 2 50,000 P026-Strategic Procurement 31,100

P028-Regional CapacityBuilding 104,940 Subtotal 186,040 38,561 Unexpended at the close of this reporting period 221,570 143,003

Net increase (decrease) in assets subject to conditions in 78,567 (373,991) the current reportingperiod

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 152 of 165 Introduction Overview Our Council Our Organisation Our Performance Financials Subsidiaries Page 153 of 165 9 850 850 1,650 1,650 5,064 5,064 4,176 5,701 5,701 22,410 25,000 732,691 795,051 796,701 $ 2015 Inc I 872 8,639 3,175 1,683 1,683 6,024 7,585 3,410 3,182 3,243 3,243 8,852 6,217 7,209 1,683 1,683 2,093 2,441 SA 92,626 75,887 $ 220,098 263,058 264,741 2016 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS STATEMENTS FINANCIAL Region Region of THE OF 3 - EXPENSES PART Note Note Government Government EXPENSfil,; period) IMPAIR.MffiT IMPAIR.MffiT Expenses & & for the year ended 30 June 2016 June 30 ended year the for OTHER reporting Local FORMING of Expenses Expenses Costs Contracts & end Support Insurance reports at AND & Expenses tion Central Central TO Employees Fmployee Contracts Contracts financial financial Materials, expense expense of of Consultants equivalent Wages Conferences & Expenses time leave Prescribed Other Other Fuel Allowances Remunera Compensation - NOTES Premises - Vehicle Materials, Fees Operating (Full Auditing the Auditing - Total Number Total Subtotal Salaries and and Salaries Superannuation Contractors Contractors Sundry Subtotal - Workers' MATERIALS, & CONTRACTS EMPLOYEECOSTS DEPRECIATION,AMORTISATION Total Other Other Employee Employee Grants FBT Insurance Legal Unleaded Members & Meetings Rental Depreciation Motor Motor Prescribed Auditor's Advertising YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report COUNCIL YORKE PENINSULA CentralLocal Government Region of SA Inc



2016 2015 $ $

PROPERTY, &PLANT EQUIPMENT Assets surplus to requirements Proceeds from disposal 15,455 Less: Canying amount of assets sold 28,057 Gain (Loss) on disposal (12,602)


CASH & EQUNALENT ASSETS Cash on Hand and at Bank 21,879 20,979 Deposits at Call 534,904 520,846 556,783 541,825

TRADE & OTHER RECEIVABLES Accrued Revenues 2,610 2,873 Debtors - general 40,235 Other levels ofGwemment 115,434 GST Recoupment 4,421 21,185 Prepayments 1,591 124,056 64,293

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 154 of 165 Introduction Overview Our Council Our Organisation Our Performance Financials Subsidiaries

Page 155 of 165

(28,057) (28,057) (850) (850) Comparatives Comparatives 28,907 28,907 ------


243) 243) , (3

33,353 33,353 - 30,110 30,110 ------


Software Software ------

(3,243) (3,243) 33,353 33,353 Motor Vehicle Vehicle Motor 30,110 30,110 ------


In In Out Out grade grade New/Up Renewals Renewals


Disposals Disposals

Depreciation Depreciation Impairment Impairment

Additions Additions CARRYING CARRYING ansfers ansfers Tr Net Net CARRYING CARRYING

$ $ $ $ $ $


(7,780) (7,780) (772) (772) Comparatives Comparatives 28,907 28,907 36,687 - 772 772 - -

(772) (772) 5) 5) 1 ,0 4 ( PLANT PLANT PROPERTY, TOTAL EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT 34,125 34,125 & &

772 30,110 30,110 - - -


(772) (772) (772) (772) 772

Software Software 772 772 - - - -

(3,243) (3,243) 33,353 33,353 Vehicle Vehicle Motor 30,110 30,110 --- - -






$ $ $ $

2015 2015 2016 2016

for the year ended 30 June 2016 2016 June 30 ended year the for


Local Government Region Region Government Local Central of SA Inc Inc SA of YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report COUNCIL YORKE PENINSULA CentralLocal GovernmentRegion of SA Inc


Note 8 - LIABILITIES 2016 2015 $ $ TRADE & OTHER PAYABLF.S Current Non-current Current Non-current Cbods& Se1vices 317 2,420 Accmed expenses- employee entitlements 5,069 Accrued expenses - Contractors 41,457 GST&PAYG 13,542 18,928 43,877

Amounts included in trade & other payables that are not expected to be settled within 12 months of reporting date.

PROVISIONS Employee entitlements (including oncosts) 6,060 155 6,060 155

Note 9-RESERVES Transfers to Transfersfrom 1/7/2015 30/6/2016 OTHER RF.SERVF.S Reserve Reserve

General Reserve 31,093 31,093 A009-Special Projects 17,341 17,341 2 P003-Waste Management 16,273 16,273 3 P009-Climate Change 4,761 4,761 4 POlS-Local CbvemmentReform 320,000 (208,952) 111,048 5 P022-Roads & Transport 26,705 (127) 26,578 6 P023-0utreach Collaboration Project 52,923 (52,923) 7 P024-Climate Change Co-Ordinator 2015-17 25,000 (5,471) 19,529 8 P025-LG Outreach Phase 2 50,000 50,000 9 P026-Strategic Procurement 31,100 31,100 10 P027-LG Reform - Incentive Risk 160,000 160,000 11 P028-Regional Capacity Building 104,940 104,940 TOTAL OTHER RF.SFRVF.S 494,096 346,040 (267,473) 572,663

Comparatives 849,494 57,154 · (./12.552) 494,096

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 156 of 165 Introduction Overview Our Council Our Organisation Our Performance Financials Subsidiaries Page 157 of 165 Inc STATEMENTS of SA of Strategy Strategy 7 FINANCIAL Region Freight June 2016 June 2016/1 THE 30 (Continued) OF Australia programme ended ended allocation programme Services PART year project -RESERVES Development Development the Shared support mme 9 for for Project Government.fimded programme Government.fonded Note Risk progra FORMING Council Regional 2 - - returned Building Building State State Co-ordinator 2015-17 % fonded AND Phase and fand - Incentive Collaboration Central Local Government Local Central Procurement Capacity Transport royalty Change Projects programme programme OF RESERVES RESERVES OF & programme programme support programme programme support Government Reform Government Partners Outreach Outreach Reform Partners and and Partners Government rubble l Reserves Government.fonded technical technical Government.fonded NOTES TO Performance 5-Local A007-Special PURPOSES CLGRfanded CLGRfanded CLGRfanded Other P024-Climate Change Regional P009-Climate P003-Waste Management P003-Waste P028-Regional Region P023-0utreach Regional P026-Strategic P022-Roads P025-LG P027-LG POl State CEO Federa LGAfanded LGAfanded LGAfanded I 5 6 3 4 8 9 2 7 IO 11 YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report COUNCIL YORKE PENINSULA Central Local GovernmentRegion of SA Inc



(a) Reconciliation of Cash Cash Assets comprise highly liquid investments with short periods to maturity subject to insignificant risk of changes ofvalue. Cash at the end ofthe reporting period as shown in the Cash Flow Statementis reconciled to the related items in the Balance Sheet as follows:

2016 2015 Notes $ $ Total cash & equivalent assets 5 556,783 541,825 Balances per Cash Flow Statement 556,783 541,825

(b) Reconciliation of Change in Net Assets to Cash fromOperating Activities Net Surplus (Deficit) 123,565 (312,465) Non-cash items in Income Statement Depreciation, amortisation & impairment 3,243 850 Net increase (decrease) in unpaid employee benefits 11,284 Net (Gain) Loss on Disposals 12,602 138,092 (299,013) Add (Less): Changes in Net CurrentAssets Net (increase) decrease in receivables (59,763) 55,511 Net increase (decrease) in trade & other pay ables (30,018) 20,629 Net Cash provided by (or used in) operations 48,311 (222,873)

(c) Non-Cash Financing and Investing Activities

(d) Financing Arrangements

Unrestricted access was available at balance date to the following line ofcredit: Corporate Credit Cards 2,000 2,000


Theactivities of the Region are categorised into the following programmes

1 A009-Special Projects 2 P003-Was te Management 3 P009-Climate Change 4 P015-Local GovemmentReform n 5 P022-Roads & Transport Icome and expenseshave been attributed 6 P023-0utreach Collaboration Project to the functions/activities throughout the 7 P024-Climate Change Co-Ordinator 2015-17 financial year. 8 P025-LG Outreach Phase 2 9 P026-Strategic Procurement 10 P027-LG Reform- Incentive Risk 11 P028-Regional Capacity Building

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The following is a high level summary of both operating and capital investment activities of the Region prepared on a simplified Uniform Presentation Framework basis.

All Councils in South Australia have agreed to summarise annual budgets and long-term financial plans on the same basis.

The arrangements ensure that all Councils provide a common 'core' of financial information, which enables meaningful comparisonsof each Council's :finances

2016 2015 $ $

Income 484,175 497,688 less Expenses 360,610 797,551 Operating Surplus/ (Deficit) 123,565 (299,863)

less Net Outlays on ExistingAssets Depreciation, Amortisation and Impairment (3,243) (850) (3,243) (850)

less Net Outlays on New and Upgraded Assets Capital Expenditure on New and UpgradedAssets 33,353 (including investment property & real estate developments) Proceeds from Sale of SurplusAssets 5,455) (including investment property and real estate developments) (1

33,353 (15,455)

Net Lending/ (Borrowing) forFinancial Year 93,455 (283,558)

YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report Page 160 of 165 Introduction Overview Our Council Our Organisation Our Performance Financials Subsidiaries Page 161 of 165 as not over annual are are interest interest Councils Regional its an Councils the the off undertake an nor in STATEMENTS Member write procedures a partnership, 15 ENTITIES ENTITIES parties to as individual interest the the subsidiary the the a more by such of Council Council or accounting Entities. 2016 a any FINANCIAL entity Council's neither for two of of is June equity established each THE 30 ASSOCIATED that Associated such, & that or associate and As an ended is appropriate control unincorporated Subsidiary Subsidiary it it likely be an to PART OF year Ventures joint joint influence It is agreement agreement whereby such, to influence. Region of SA Inc. Inc. SA Government Region of the as Regional Joint a VENTURES in for and including is subject ificant considered Councils. significant is gn contractual Local not si FORMING entity, interest has that expense. is is a has no an it an is Region itself itself Region non-material 1 ), 1 AND as has is activity the the venture. venture. the the individual venture TO Council Council Note Central the investor the Note 19 - JOINT by Region joint joint per one joint joint a as contribution in ( Subsidiary no used An associate The which economic A Although NOTES NOTES YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL 2015/16 Annual Report COUNCIL YORKE PENINSULA Central Local Government Region of SA Inc.




To the best ofour knowledge and belief, we confirm that, forthe purpose ofthe audit ofThe Central Local Government Region of South Australia Incorporated for the year ended 30 June 2016, the Council's Auditor, Ian G McDonald has maintained his independence in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government Act 1999 and the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 2011 made under that Act.

This statement is prepared in accordance with the requirements of Regulation 22(3) Local Government (FinancialMana nt) Regulations 2011.

�Executive/\.� Officer District Council ofBarunga West

; hiefExecutive Officer _..,_.--....,

Cl Gilbert Valleys Council


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