. 724 iARLETON AND .

Howard Mrs., Park lane Prescott John, Black Gate farm Howard Mrs., farm Prescott RichaJ;d, Howard Thomas, , . Rigby J ames, Oak farm Howard William, Dobson's farm Rimmer Richard, Moss lane Hull Daniel, Barron's farni Rimmer Wm., Becconsall's farm Hunter John, Holmes Southworth Elizabeth & Florence, Moss Iddon George, Gorse lane Spencer George, Whittle farm Iddon Robert, Village Sutton George, Holmes brow Jackson Robert, Old lane Sutton George, Holmes wood J ohnson J ames, Black Gate farm Sutton John, Mere brow J ohnson John, Vlllage Taylor John, Sollom J ohnson William, Gorse lane Taylor James, smith Li vesey Ellis, Mere brow Taylor John, Mere brow Lowe Henry, Sollom Taylor Thomas, Gorse lane Lund John, Black Gate lane Taylor Thomas (and market gardener), Lund Thomas, Douglas house Black Gate lane Marsh John, Village · Taylor Thomas, Carr lane Mawdsley John, Gatcliffe farm Taylor William, Smith lane Mayor Richard John, Hesketh lane Thompson Miss Isabella, Gorse lane Mayor Robert, Mere brow Twist Mrs., Moss Melling Mrs., Hudson's farm Twist Thomas, Moss · Moon Mrs., Moss · Wallbank Hy., Mere brow Moss David, Mere brow Wallbank Wm. Henry, Mere brow Moss William, Moss Wignall Robert, Bank bridge Moss Thomas, Mere brow Wilson ·Hugh, Black Gate lane Moss Samuel, Holmes . Wright Giles, Village Parkinson John, Black Gate lane · Wright James, Moss side Pickervance Thomas, Manor House Wright John, Black Gate lane farm . Wright Thomas, Mere brow Prescott J ames, Mere brow Wright John, Plox brow

CROSTON ToWNSHIP has a considerable village on the banks of the Yarrow, 9 miles from Preston and 7 from Chorley, in the latter Parliamentary division and union, and in the Adl~ngton County Council division. The · parish is governed by an Urban District Council, compri_sing nine members. The and Yorkshire line of railway from Preston to has a station here. The population of the Township in 1851 was 1,500 ; 1861;1, 790 ; 1871, 1,518 ; 1881, 1, 791 ; 1891, 2,034 ; 1901, 2,131 ; and 1911, 2,001. Its area is 2,162 acres, and rateable value £11673 5s. The CHURCH, dedicated to St.- Michael, is an ancient edifice, with tower containing eight bells. A church existed here as early as the reign of William the Conqueror. In 1867 the church was thoroughly restored at a cost of about £3,000; a beautiful memorial window, by Messrs. Hardman, wa~ placed at the east end in memory of the Rev. Streynsham Master, 66 years rector, and Elizabeth, his wife. Subsequently two more windows were erected in the south chancel aisle in memory of the sons of the above, the Venerable Archdeacon Robert ·Mosley Master, and Prances Mary, his wife. Archdeacon Master became rector. in 1864, and was, in turn, succeeded by his son, the Rev. Oswald Master, in 1867. · There are also windows in remembrance of John ·Master, Elizabeth Anne Master, and General Robert Augustus