For 30 Days we offer oar entire stock at a dis- This is a "No Fake." Tf genuine Special Sale, count of from 20 to 35 per cent discount from reg- are not satisfied we will refund - you jour money- nn ID ular prices. RIDER, BRYANT & CO., BRYANT & CO., t KELIABLS JEWELERS. RIDER, OWN 259 MAIN STREET, D ANBURY, CONN. 259 MAIN STREET, DANBURY, COKN. he New


Affairs About Town. at the two, you are not long in discover- THE IMMENSE STOCK OF THE ing why Gen Kliott with his diminished and starving force was able to bold out A DAT IN GIBRALTAR- - for four vears- - azainst the armies of Spain. The Spanish soldier, like every- T7vr-A-T,EeS"CT- THE else in is slow : he ia also "" 'CO., Great Reduction.!, Values! GREAT BEACON ON THE COAST OF thing Spain, FTJKlSriTXJISE TANGIER. HOW GIBRALTAR LIES. dull and lazy; he would rather roll bis TOURISTS AND SOLDIERS. THE TOWN cigarette than hold his gun and rather than do All TO BE TURNED INTO CASH AT ONCE. AT THE BASE OF THE ROCK. THE WON- sleep either. persons can . DERFUL STONE GALLERIES.-SPANI- SH cross this neutral ground ad libitum BEGGARS AND CUSTOM-HOCS- during the day ; but, when the first evening gun has been fired at sunset, VALUES NEVER BEFORE DREAMED OF Let rue gee. At mv "we then Good, delivered to in state. The on of this concern last writinc of tht company make, this an ab.olut. naeeisity. aa; depot the reputat were still on the wide . "THE DEAD LINE" sale will be all is advertised to be- - Our new and stock must at Atlantic, making as reliable house turnUhf r is a elsar guarantee that thii that it elegant go head toward Gibraltar a-- d ot are not and odd for the Parlor. Chamber the waters of is established and one Ito soae prioe without delay. Our stook oonsists Parlor Suits (thote $300 Suits reserred) pieces Suits, ! 'the blue Mediterranean." Snnrlavevpn. any trying and Oak inoluded in -- cross is to forfeit of his (those $200 Solid Mahogany, Bird's Eye Maple. Curly Birch suits are this sale,) Waitresses, Springs, Pillows,Comfortables, AT- lag, February 17. about six o'clock, wp likely pay the and China Ladies' Desks, Oliice lire. This is the for Blankets. Dining Tables Chairs, Sideboards. Buffets, Closets, Banquet Lamps, Chiflonieres, Furniture, Lounges WARRENHomes & CO, come in pijrht of the great light on the gieat place smug- and Couches, Book Cases, Wardrobes, Stern, Btnges, Crockery, Glassware. Table Cutlery. Tin Ware, Wooden Ware. Kitchen Tables and coast of in gling, and the smuggler is a peculiar Tarjgier Africa. This light, I of his He is small Chairs, Easy Chairs, Bocktrs, Hat Backs, ( hildren's Chairs, Cribs and Cradles, . Mattings. Oil Cloth, , Shades; aU these and ISUILD AND SELL. m told, is called the vrpar. intpmntinnoi specimen class. a yel- Attic- - Do imme- low whom his master owns In many more ia numb.rless designs and at all prices- - In short we furnish the Home complete, from Cellar to not delay but take light, because it belongs to five dog Spain. - great several and diate advantage of this great opportunity- - Only one store, but that one is larger than any ether three in this section- Attractive nations ; the United States, Great Britain. tor days starved thus Dwellings T,l i . . . ' made to 'where he knows a r rautc, uermaDy ana spam, as passen eager get for new bone will be his reward. During the gers eager every thing, for days he is taken over Into and we oaa Deen stuuviDtr the navigation day Gibraltar, Monthly Payments. but what did we know just after nightfall a saddle is tied to his DON'T FAT BENT. chart; novices oack nned wltb tobacco (tobacco is free about it? We had seen our course mark- of in HOUSE-FURNISHER- S. 50x125 ed off from duty England, but is taxed heavily THE LIBERAL One for sale. Lot and a barn on it day to day; but how did we in i snow - Spain.) Then he canine is released House new, with 10, rooms and bath room. tnac tne register was true? And and he makes tracks for borne. - Good yet, at the hour at which we were quick MORIARTT & CO.. Complete modern improvement- neigh- very Often he succeed In passing the 135 to 169 East Main St.,cpposite Spring St. JOHN Proprietors. borhood and near the trolly cars. Call and expecting it, the great beacon cast out through its of over eea. So. sentry lines, but more often the little look at it, or inquire tor particulars Good pathway lieht the fellow pays his life as a sacrifice for his Building Lots for sale also on easy monthly though for long years we eail over dark THE RELIABLE ONE PRICE waters devotion to bis bone. Verily, for deeds payments. aFd troubled seas, if we only that are dark and are trust our if we have in tricks that vain, CO-- , Pilot, only faith more on WARREN Hi LAMS0N & the divine Chart he has at the people this earth than the art given, heathen Chinese are peculiar. armies ;hn Builders. very time when we strain our eves to our ft- Architects and catch the ine end of afternoon drive brought it, beacon will be seen on the us to Linea, the first towu across 765 North Ave. cor Wood Ave., Bridgeport, Ct. Heavenly shore. the da line of Spain. We did not go far be- IjO lhe vat Gibraltar willberememhpr. the of the An introduc- , THIERS. yond gate city. ZDerlo-37-- ed by us all. It is a wonderful Dlace. Oon.n.- - Safe Investment. and there are tion thus far was all the acquaintance Seven oer cent debentures. Interest paid many wonderful things to we desired to make. Beggars, y see. No matter how much love an beggar. by New York draft of the Build GREAT CONSIGNMENT everywhere. We had read In books waut Horse Sleds, ing ana joan Association 01 uaKota. urauuuoi American may have for his own beloved When you Blankets, Robes, battle Stanchions, first and non transferable mortgages deposit as be and sees about the beggar in eastern cities ; but trustee to each $1000 land, tiavels what Eng in ed with the protect sold, land has done for her colonies and com what you read books and what you Skates, Wringers, Sweepers. Don't forget the spot. trustee's endorsement of this tact on each see in actual life are sometimes Quite bond sold, issue limited by law to 60 per cent pares the condition of the people who diflerent us ot their assets. Debentures are a preferred in his things. Surely all of can stock, and all the assets are holden tor the immediately contiguous lands, ay, "ibe bait has never been told me." PRICES RIGHT. Davment ot them : in any event there will be RESPECT FOR JOHN BULL be beggars hardly allowed us to alight $3 ot assets behind every dollar of outstand- from the We were Americans ing debentures. With judicious manage- cannot help but rise many degrees. carriage. ; ment, which enabled them to pay matured they knew that at once by our strange and the SUITS, 0VERC0AT8 AND ULSTERS England is a great Christian nation, and ! principal interest promptly during her beneficent rule is dress and our plain nnaccustomedness to "AD." past year, as ever, and make a gain in assets marked .wherever around us. We were Ameri "Y"ou. of $71,000, the outlook tor the future is the Union floats. We be everything .000DoModern built. Located in view ot Park a season ol promis Jack should Two HouseWliatfor $4,000 and $S each. Washington we have had nice long ing. 1 believe an investment nere to De as to claim with our cousins cans; they knew we had plenty of For lull particulars call or write. rest,haven't we? We from writing "ads" an"1 sate as anything offered and one which will proud kinship money, for they bad preyed upon Ameri you from reading them. It ought to have left prove satisfactory in its results. Bonds run At Less Than Cost to Manufacture. on the other side of the sea. can us all In a very healthlul and robust condi- or seven with the hold- The in the do not tourists before. Never did harpies ol three years, optional maps geography give or vultures with tion, but unfortunately those competitors er. I would request intending investors to the school-boy- , and much older pounce greater fury up ours and other heartless advertisers had no write to the present bank commissioners of boys too, on tneir slaughtered victims than this sense didn't give you the vacation we did, but Connecticut for their of this compa- Our unrivaled for of immense of the right idea of the "lay" of Gibraltar. 464-2- - opinion capacity disposing quantities crowd of beggars pounced upon us. It For Seal EsUte, Fire Insurance, Loans, Rents. Telephone call kept right on with their everlasting hammer- ny; also to the who have I always thought the big rock rose right was a and confused babel of ing just t lis same, and statistics show that the all thoroughly examined the company. Their our stores New has p from the north side of the straits, and jargon 277 Main Street. Bridgeport, Conn. death rale among our weary and long suffer iudgement in the case we should like you to goods through many throughout England could be aimed voices, but it bad one Interpretation: East ing citizens has kept right up to almost the have. We court the strictest investigation ol that the big guns at Backsheesh: money! a penny, if you Office hours : 8 to 8 30, 7 to 9. I'ereonal Inspection" in the care of estates. old mark. It's too bad, they should have fol- condition, standing and management. For this season, as in many seasons past, placed U3 in a posi- vessels passing almost beneath the mister And it was lowed our philanthropic example and given sale by frowniog heights. That is not so. The please, !' you a rest through these long winter months A COSMOPOLITAN CROWD; while your blood was blue, cold and thin and JAMES C. JOHNSON, tion to take large stocks that manufacturers are an- Kock ol Gibraltar does not lie east and est ; north little and were in those your chilblains active. (Isn't it queer what General for Connecticut it lies and south, and fronts boys girls it, just stupidity is sometimes exhibited in a sick Agent xious to turn in the at most loss, and immediately upou a large bay or inden- d enougn to toddle about; and old room), but no, they must keep hotly on your STEPNEY DEPOT. CT. money any of the Mediterranean sea. men and women were hairs trail hammer and tongs," 52 weeks in the tation Still, there, whose PIEE1 year, seven days in the week, so what's the place on the market at far below their actual the guns are so pointed that they can had grown gray in their chosen vacation At this season ot the year when applied by torch to buildings or even Frarie Grass is use in our holding back? Wo might as wel' weep practically across the who's of living by the sweat of others' brows. can be to 01 join in with the great throng of advertisers breadth as reach is 10 12 Ibe even in role of vary dangerous element, but when contined in stoves that regulated any degree again and help finish you up quickly. cost. These are all new, fresh, desirable ; and, their and spanitb maiden, the heat the combination makes the most ornamental, convenient and comfortable apparatus uniy last ween we reaa kdoui a man who miles, it would not be well for hostile mendicant, is often very pretty. She of the household. None are without something In the shape of a stove, but we have the sat in his easy chair reading a Dewspaper, goods, latest finest makes and nations to think lightly of these fortifica- has snapping black eyes, and the knows when without a moment's warning he tell styles, bow to use them too ; for she tosses best makes that are on the market and it your pocket will not allow you to buy the back dead. Now he have been tions in time of war. her hery well and might reaaing The was who said head to one side and looks vlgher grades we also have some of the cheaper ones that are warranted to work an editorial, but doubtless it was an "ad," newest fabrics on the market. traveler right that roguishly up satisfaction. We are sure we can suit you if you are looking for a new stove and will who knows? For both are liable to be "live the two chief products of Gibraltar are at you with sweet smiles and a thousand give our and when we name the wires" and charged to shock or kill tender- tourists and soldiers. Soldiers are every unttudied graces which would win call on us at any rate we will be pleased to show vou stock uninsulated or those who short- - Sack your of our hearted, people Overcoats cut long and Ulsters with Shawl and notch collars, where ; at turn see at heart instanter, did yon not feel that prioavou will not go away without buying unless you are built different from any love truth and veracity. (Oh undoubtedly we every you them, on us so far this shall have to apologize to the editor for this every step you meet them. They wear, these charms were displayed in a very customers that have called year. next wees: or eise an anvancea and Frock Suits of the latest designs. Boys' and Children's we also in stock kinds ol Iron Sinks Lead and Iron Pipe pay rate;. of course, the red coat and small cap unworthy cause. The sight of these Remember keep many Pumps Why we have seen statements in the "ads" ol is to contracts tor and House Heating either by Hot Air some of our that we would, in of perched in cocked shape upon their heads ; vast hordes of beggars novel to an and are roady take Tinning, Plumbing competitors every description. if or Hot Water. Yours, view of above named tatal result, no more and most of them look as their busi American, and, withal, interesting; but Steam think ot reading without insulating ourselves ness were never to smile. There are yet it is a sorrowful picture. Tig true on a rubber air cushion and wearing rubber of them now fortification. us a tnat triese know no rim eye glasses than we would of steadying ,000 at the pity people our favorite washerwoman while Bhe hangs heir least term of service at Gibraltar is better, that they are born into lines of ner wasning over a live trolly wire, strange eight years; and those who come from beggary and squalor ; but the pity 'tis HALL'S, what stunning, staggering statements we ad- This is the Manufacturers' Loss. the Consumers' Gain. India serve 12 years, to become lis true that tney have no shame about vertisers sometimes make. i. e., "elegant This, thorough- - 98c sold - accustomed to the climate. Gibraltar it and ply their trade upon every prom- rockers this wek, at each; BEPBESENTED BY J0EH J- N0BTHB0P ly - ZE-Xc- ofe at $4.50, etc." Now if have all elsewhere etc, you NEWTOWN AND VICINITT. offer is not, however, all soldiers. The most &iog victim lor that it it worth. ever followed our ads you have doubtless no- FOB Space forbids a detailed outline of the many wonderful values we But 1 must Sa.x1a.3r Conn. ticed we have never a beautiful flowers and trees are there: tell you about the SpanHh that quoted single - custom-house- ; I believe like price nor held out any alluring aide walk de in this sale, we simply say it will be to your advantage and the public gardens, kept scrupulous- don't the ceptive baits of this kind Our prices are FIRE INSURANCE, great neat, met on the hard, smooth road that exists outside the bounds of Spain. All marked in plain figures and are all consis to come and come we will save you dollars on winds up the hill, is the glory of the cbe afternoon the stream of wagons and tent one with another and you can buy what REAL ESTATE, . early; we travelers on foot flowed into the of you want, without feeling when you get place. As saw the lilies and almond gate home that you got a bargain on one piece.but INVESTMENTS. any garments you may want. trees in full bloom and all the vegata-tio- n Linea. Let us stand by and watch the got stuck on allthe rest. We have not been green and fresh as on a May proceeding. Here comes a man with for- j-J- now I a safe 7 cent Invest- looking ! advertising ot late but you surely bavn't have per we indeed we bad bis high roofed wagon and diminutive gotten Hawleyville nor the immense and ment for a limited amount. and of each week. morning, that FIRE SALVAGE SALE carefully selected stock of furniture we carry Store open Monday, Friday Saturday evenings left our New England winter far away. donkey. His appearance does not indi- there. We venture to say there is not another is not a and mas cate that he ever owned in his concern in so B. H. MATT00N, Gibraltar only great anything the state favorably located that is good-size- d wcrtn out custom can ao 01 Conn. sive fortress ; it a town, too, life confiscating; the tney oegm to tne volume Dusiness Pythian Hall, Watertown, or more. bouse cuicials are soon him. we do on our small expenses, and expenses Telephone. of some 15,000 inhabitants As upon hold the balance of power, in these see it from the would Hounds never more fiercely attacked a We have purchased at a very low figure, certainly v you ship, you say - bard times. there were a few bouses clustered and captured deer. The man is We shall continue to advertise from this ,If you need insurance of any kind, write BESSE & only pursued CO, the foot of the rock ; made to dismount from his seat. His time on and tell you more about Hawleyville us and I will send a to see you. FOSTER, there at but, 3000 pairs of shoes Ladies', Misses' and as the weeks go by (unless our apology to representative pockets are turned inside out, while be we is WHEN YOC STEP ON SHORE the editor proves inadequate). All ask & Combination Clothiers and Men's Furnishers. Operators of 27 stores, holds up his hands. A long thin blade come and see our stock before you buy. We B0GARDUS BRASIE, won- attached to a wooden handle is thrust Children's -- saved from the fire which, on deliver rree 01 freignt charges any wnere witn and drive through the streets, you in 50 miles and sale TORRINGTON, CONN. der where they found space to put it all. into every crack and cranny of the ve- guarantee Unlivery. are cur- MAIN CONN- - I said "streets , but there is really one hicle. Cushions overturned, December the shoe fac- 317 STREET, BRIDGEPORT, as in tains unrolled, in 31, destroyed big A. G. BAKER, Furniture Warerooms, musical on earth found at street, Waterport street, or, every packages opened; fact, i Everything always town in America, going oy tne EVERYTHING IS DONE Opposite Union Depot, Hawley- usuallyone cf Maxwell & Co , Castle HOYT'S NEW MUSIC, STORE, name of Main street. This street is except to upset the wagon and take off tory Little, ville, Conn. and the others are apolo- 821 MAIN STBEET, DANBUBT, CONN. Gibraltar, only the wheels. At last, in desperation at for streets; are alley-wa-ys Boston. A few of these cds are gies they finding nothing on which duty may be Square, g leading into tnis main cnannet. un tnis levied, the ollioials command the unfor- J. W. JOHNSON, main street every inhabitant in Gibral tunate to remove his shoes. Somewhere but the tar appears at least once a day ; if he in his sock is found a of tobacco. slightly scorched, great majority well he is sick or infirm or be paper BRIDGEPORT, Do you love your horse does cot, else, Quick as a cat would snatch at a Hrd cause of some slight infraction of the contraband article of law is taken are touched watBr and smoke t vV- - VST t i mis but ju9 by REAL ESTATE enough" to treat him humanely? law, he has been taken to the guard away, and the man ignominiously sent house. into a room near by, probably tnere LOANS. BEAN'S PERFECTION FEED BAG. The true idea of the rock as a ' receiving no real irjury whatever. The INSURANCE, mighty, further to disrobe and yield himself into Price eachis $1. impregnable fortification is gained only the bands of bis tormentors, if, like rat. April 11, 1893, and Jan. 10, 1894. by a visit to tne stone gaueries. mere is Lot of old, he escapes but wkh his life, whole is now on sale and the S i ft r t 4 else in purchase C. This has an tor the oats on each side that closes probably nothing anywhere the he may count himself America DE L. G. NICHOLS, bag opening one which is hall open world can match these. happy. when put on the horse, of v . ra a that exactly has her fearful towards the automaticallycut. Made of and iron. Two bags one avenues which have wrongs sale to be of short in this galvanized 8 of t They are long account for at the prices will cause this DlCNTIST, 4, inside 01 the other, with space between theai for quarts oats, sona poor to Judgement 4 which into the basin, Billing it about been tunneled tnrougn tne Oay; but, from what I have already $ drop through mouth.graduallyAn covered rock. How far extend I WESTPOBT one under the horse's opening they actually - seen other I that inch, directly ot the horse's nose, of lands, fervently Eay duration. with wire is directly in front permit-waste do not know, and very few other America is good enough for me. Block. CONN. ting him to breath freely while eating This bag prevents travelers for the guide will Sturges gormandizing, slobbering, breathing in the oats It never gets know; It is getting late, and we must take and cures the habit of the head. Four only conduct you a certain distance. be off to our foul, positively throwing 18 o the tender and big ship. niinrt.a nf nat.n alnwlv fed where the horse gets them all '37 John Bull is probably afraid that some Before we descend into the saloon for ! ! more value than six wasted. We guarantee it the ever offered for sale with these shrewd 1 ankee may some day explore nis us STEAL only bag , dinner, let take a last look from the merits. great fort, learn all his secrets, and so, rock. is a SAVE YOUR EYESIGHT! thunder deck at the mighty It huge Yes, a steeljroof that is better than in very literal fashion, steal the lion lying with his face toward Spain, or shingles. It you are in need ot a root, of bis big guns. At a distance of every it is a stolid Moor in recumbent drop a postal to And vour monev. by having leases few rods in these are embra position, moderate galleries his long beard fal'ing over his breast; F- - C- - SANFORD, Conn., 383 Main Street,. Bridgeport, Conn. . properly fitted at prices, by sures, openings out into the free air, it is as to Hawleyville, best are in a eitner, according yon Happen and he will show you samples and the most approved methods and where placed heavy guns, tnat, be feeling and aa you look. At its high ; of would make echoes give you prices on the best kind of a LSHMOR. . time war, through est it is 1,500 feet ; it is two 384 MAIN STREET, BRIDGEPORT, CONN roof. F. W. MARSH, ORANGE MEBWIN, H. O. instruments' which world never point high these galleries the miles and a nan long ana nan a mne BRIDGEPORT SAFE DEPOSIT AND STORAGE VAULTS. W. B. SNIFFEN, heard before and make the entire moun- wide. When God said, "Let there be Sate and tain seem a horrid monster rising from it was there ; when the THE ALBANY Deposit Boxes Banking Brokerage, and forth the light," mighty DENTISTS, rented at reasonable rates. Marsh, unoice investmuuus, SANDY HOOK, CONN. out the deep belching angel shall proclaim that time is ended. Private Rooms Merwin & Mortgages on Bridgeport. flames of death. These stone streets nos nnmarrea 388 MAIN STREET, tor examining papers. Lieminon, Beal Estate, romance its rocky snail yet be oy Si"5 - Allowed have a chapter of melancholy of Cannon Steel Vaults, Main St., Interest were built the blighting fingers the ages. It 0pp. St., Bridgeport Time Lock, Bridgeport, on connected with them. They costs England, it is said, $4,000,000 a PAINLESS Watchman. Conn. Deposits. between the years of 1S3 and 1S9 to maintain uus wmcn when the rock was besieged by the year lortincation, - sum Mr Gladstone thinks a useless ex DENTISTRY SPRING PAINTING- Spaniaids. For four long years this What good it is for to lasted, and the English soliders pense. England AT MODERATE & Tf von are to do anv rjaintlng this 8pring, siege hold the key of the Mediterranean I do BURR KNAPP, Bankers and Brokers, you will save money by purchasing your under tne not know, unless it be for the glory of PRICES. lead. oil. color, mixed paints and brushes ol BRAVE GEN ELLIOTT what while in her no 363 Main - - - - - . Bridgeport, Conn. having possession, Street, sucn other nation can ever own, the strongest OUR SPRING ST0CK AND DEBENTURES- - INSURANCE THE were at times reduced to outer NEWTOWN SAVINGS BANK Newtown, BONDS, STOCKS, MORTGAGES straits that themselves barely fortress in the world. fOtis W. Barker, 1355. AND RAILROAD TICKETS they kept Cruise S. S. Friesland, Mediterranean PI1ILO CLARKE, President; C. H. NORTH STEAMSHIP HUBBELL. WADE & RIDER alive on the wild grasses and neroa tnat 1 . 150 miles northwest cf Feb- ROP, Treasurer. HOURS 9 a. m. to S p. m.: Paying 5, 5 6, 7, 7 2 and 8 per cent. Deposits received subjai fit and Interest COMPANY. grew about their mountain borne. Some Sea, Algiers, Mondays. 7 to 9 p. m. on same. Securities and sold on commission. -- Exchange. Cir- - 21, 1S95. OF CLOTHING WILL paid bought Foreign- aj of us crawled out through ene of these ruary cular Drafts and Bank Money Orders available In all parts of Eur'- (Suoeessori to SWAS ft BOSUHKLlul oneninss and looked down hundreds of EDWAHIJS M.SMITH, M.U. The who ap- PHYSICIAN AND StTBGEOW. 362 Water - Bridgeport, Conn. feet noon the shores of Spain and the Tuskegee jubilee singers, St., sea. peared at the Town hall, last Friday FOR YOUR Offiee and Beside noe Newtown Street-Telephon- e T cfes BE READY De- - evening, were very unfortunate, there Connection. ames Go., Aa we leave the town of Gibraltar Staples hind on the way into the borders of Spain being scarcely a "baker'a dozen" out to t UTi ti i tjft V flllnvod all lmln.tmp.fl n AROOor IT1 01"C . did a Trti rAr1i7A(l lii't ri and IntArpttt. we pass over a causeway tnat spans tne hear them. They not give long NEXT I. P. KLCHAItDSON, M. D., 1N8UHANCE-Fi- re. Marine. Plate Glass, and miarantea leadinar American and English Beneath this is said to concert but sang a few melodies to repay INSPECTION PHYSICIAN AND companies. REAL ESTATE BouKht. moat. causeway the SUBGE0N, VATJ :T'S t)t t.h Intent. Annmvfiil c.iti wl.T'nct inn be a creat powder magazine, so arranged those who did come, and explained Offioe and Besidenee, Hook. We are Sandy therewith, Coupons and dividends collected. TRUSTEES OB ADMINISTBATOBS that, at a moment's notice, the - whole work of the institute they represert. CELEST prepared to take the charge and care of estates and property generally. HOUSES, BUILDING LOTS and Their was very excellent and it A. BENEDICT, M. D., JAMES STAPLES. P.L.HOLZEB. IT. T. STAPLES. structure could be blown into the air singing WEEK. the-roc- is to be that there were not Physioian and Surgeon, 109 Stats St., Cor. Court, . . - BRIDGEPORT. C05I - FARMS, , and leave surrounded by water regretted 842 State St., Bridgeport. We breathe a sigh of relief as we reach more oat to bear it. one - Bar the Eleatrieity ofthe therapsntio agents. Of. Sold or Exchanged- Special the further end of this causeway, new flee honrnfrom 10 a. m. to 13 m. 2 to 4 m. XJ Gr our minds that the si G. F. Duncombe bas bought a p. S thought passing one of the best HALL. gains in Farms, lent sentry may be belaw lighting his wide tire farm wagon, Paul V. M. APOTHECARIES At the foot of the rocks makes of li Hatch & Sons, and would be Sunderland, I., 3 pipe. along show it one at Physician and Surgeon, XjOA7V7-1j- CV p. N. TARRTNGTON & CO.. the sea, on a space scarcely large enough pleased to to any calling - Bet his barn. But few are aware ot Newtown, Conn. Wholesale and Retail Dealers W.In MEDICINES,SOOtllCHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, ETC., PEB Soom Ho. 8. Warier Building. Bridgeport, Ct. you would eay, for an Irishman to people p, extensive business carried on Office In Sanford Block. SCRIPTIONS license Best goods.lowest B- - his chicken-coo- is a the by carefully compounded by pharmacists.n price?. F. H. TAEEIHGTOS F. village dignified lo- calls Special attention to trade. ; ria' hun- & Sons. Their large factory is from Grand Central Hotel. given by the name of Catalin Bay. One 15 dred would be an exaggerated census of cated in New Fairfield. They employ FIRE INSURANCE . M. - men round and make to order MRS JENNIE CHURCH, Proprietress. G. the place. When I asked where the peo- the year S, Old Reliable Companies. Lowest Bates. M. REAM'S came live was told and buila carriages, buggies, heavy and BROTHER 17 WALL ST-- , Bank Bridgeport, Conn nip from who there, l 1 LEVY City Building, of No. material. WV A. LEONARD. Conn MONUMENTAL WORKS, bob sleighs out Newtown, thev did not come from anywhere, for light of Honsatonie Avenue, Bridgeport. t.hev bad always been there. I suppose They have on hand over 100 wagons FAIECHILD & like and they various descriptions from the farm ONE MEAD, ' BOSTON ODE!ZSra?.Ilj CO. as to the finest of top buggies. They PRICE CLOTHIERS, General Affd were indigenous to the rocks. Just Insurance Eeal Estate Agents, 420 Main BEIDGEP0RT WE Are The have a large storehouse at Brewettr, 61 FAIRFIELD AVENUE, BRIDGEPORT, CONN St., People. you approach the border of Spain, you ve- . Aluminum Sets of Teeth which have aid come a of land about 25 where they keep on sale all kinds of Boom 2. ot are much an eas-ier,t- Who sell Harness, Blankets, Trunks upon strip yards is Warner Building, gold but lighter and 300 which the Eng- hicles. A new dwelling house being wear,' and cost nearly the same as rwbber? and Bags, at rock bottom prices. wide yards long and Mr to Conn. plates, a speclaly. Solid Gold Crowns for teeth lish have marked off and called "neutral built there Hatch, Jr., expects 211 Main Street. Danbury, CHARLES JONAS, made and fitted while you wait, at. halt the usual WILSON & WOOSTER, round." Snanish soldier pace their move hia family there in the spring. prices. Gold.silver and porcelain fillings. Painless on one Bide of this and When in need of a new wagon call at MERCHANT TAILOR, . rlroAtino ami alt nthai. i m n li iia .1 f .lurltiwt rr tl hpat strip Eng New Fairfield lowest prfces,aualitv of work warranted nrst-clus- It you think ot having a plate, dont i (all 391 Water St., BridgSDort, Ct Ji&b soldier on the other; and, In looking their factory; ' Church St., Newtown Conn. to call and see our aluminum plates. B0S10H DSXAL CO. Dr Edward S- - Warn, Manager.. all in Power. Latest U. S. Gov't tnlt thft their action wa3 most unfortun- Highest of Leavening Report THE NEWTOWN BEE. In Litchfield . ate and untimely. County WELL BALANCED There have been those who have been - WATEBTOWN. the mind of the PUBLISHED BY woman who knows kind enough to predict that The Bee's DEATH OF SAMUEL A. MERWIN. Dry Goods News. Wa-terto- the best medicine for THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANT, courser ment a loss to the paper, Samuel A Merwin, who came to great in was are to believe that 1854, born In Northfleld her aches, pains and but we, loth standiDg la 1819. Before starting in the meat bus- M.LISON P SMITH. EDITOR. in 1ia weakness, is to be MANAGES for the means loss, and we pro- MM iness, whip.h trnHfl bib udfv bi,i. BUSINESS up right March 15, 1895. ABTHUR J. SMITH, cessf be ran the store now 'i found in to forward In the line of duty. ul, occupied Dr. Pierce's pose go py r. jn. Barton, ior many years, first m Favorite jr $1.25 a Tear, 75 Cents fbr Bis Monthi We shall not hide under a barrel or take ABSOLUTELY PURE partnership with C. H. Warren, and later Prescrip- BO Cents for Four Months, four Cents a Copy. by himself. Mr Merwin has been a tion. It is a refuge among the great pines In the In town attending to business connected Bridgeport, is expected to have Lenten member of the board of education remedy with the estate of William F. Denison. services at St for which corrects and of the Pohtatuck, keeping stead- Peter's, Thursday evening. many years. In theology the deceased IKWTOWI,COM..rRIDAT,MAECH 18,1895. dingle Mr Cleveland of Sharon was on the was an 4 SMITH, MURRAY & CO., in a demo on in the that conscience to visit his old friend, Episcopalian, politics, cures the distressing fastly path Ridge, Monday, BROOKFIELD- - crat. When the grip took hold of Mr dis- 1 and dictate. With a directorate unani- Hawley. i Merwin, about four weeks ago. e de derangements may St Patrick's parish has raised $75 by cllned until end. A widow to wo- -- In of our GRANGE AFFAIRS. rapidly the eases peculiar SUCCESSORS TO W. B. HALL & CO.,- - mous the support position, entertainments during the winter for tbr and daughter, Mrs C P. Woodruff, sur church debt. . At the Grange on Monday evening, men, builds up and with a clear conscience and a reasonably repair illness of Dr Smith who was vive him. His son, William, died about Stephen sanrord nas Dougnt appies ior owing to the two years ago. The funeral was held her sys- sound digestion, we shall labor on, the market of J. Hawley and unable to read Ins paper, Hi. reaa strengthens Bridgeport uawiey as from unrist church on Monday af ternr on in God. Mrs Lyon. paper on "The Advent or spring" at 1 o'clock. Rev H. N. of tem when she's our trust reposed Almighty viewed the Weather Bureau,lllustrat-e- d Cunningham Barnum Bros.' Old Stand. bjf run-dow- n Building, Copeland a ficiating. The pall bearers were Edson weak, by a map. The question is proving k. Charles II. The Litchfield E Is 70 years old, FAIRFIELD. feature. nan nour Lackwood, Woodward, mm and overworked. quirer very profitable a H. was devoted to The discussion follow- Henry Bartlett. B. H. Mattoon. Wal Editorial Ink and this notable event was celebrated it. H. Atwood and P. Atwood. an Drops. IMPROVEMENTS AT OSBORN HILL. ing the questions were practical and use Henry For invigorat this week, by an anniversary number, an Preparations have alreadv began for ful. In reply to the question "How to SERIOUS ACCIDENT restorative tonic, especial- on C. D. H. a TO CONTRACTOR ing, one the extensive Improvements Oborn hill, prune trees?'' Kellogg gave WARNER. needs TO POINT. especially interestirg by way ny unver brief resume of a Edwin ly adapted to woman's A VOICE OF A FEW WORDS THE the property lately acquired paper by Hoyt H. William THE SPRING SEASON. We trust the century ina'k will find it G. The lots are being cleared of New Canaan. The same authority ad- Warner, contractor and " Jennings. builder, met with a serious accident, the f avorite rrescripuon of bush and stone preparatory to break vised going slow, in regard to the inocu is so in its effect that A more complete tissue of misrepre- equally prosperou". Congratultions, the whicn nas lam dor- lation or rruit and snaae trees to Kin in- Tuesday morning, while driving to Wood' positive Is the elegant line of Dress Stuffs to be found onour ing up ground to-th- e cattle show. Mr Spring sentations and untruths could Editor Woodiuff. mant for a generation. Much of the sects. It was shown that it was not bury spring it is If it ever fails scarcely wno is a man ana guaranteed. -- stone will be fed to a crusher soon to ar- necessary to put the preparation in more vvarner, always dusv in cases for counters. More of b eauty each day. We've brought you the rich be grouped together than appeared In an used to construct a stone road, than one and a half or two inches as there always trying to take time by the fore to benefit or cure, The eclipse of the moon which occur rive and was at a When est from In on Fri for which the engineers are now prepar- is not much circulation of the sap beyond lock, driving rapid gait. which it's advised, have pickings the loom of France, Germany and America ex- article the Danbury Dispatch on attracted a a little beyond the residence of Roderick you red last Sunday evening, the TbU road will extend that depth. . In which some recent ing grades. Atwood, his spirited steed became money back. we've chosen well. day last, develop- deal of attention in this vicinity from Benson's corner on the main street Mrs D. Lake has recovered fright your perts say In short, we've excluded the unwor great over of the hill. It Henry ened and unmanageable, throwing him as ments In the famous Gray's Tlaln case to a point the top from an attack of the . What else can be "just the total eclipse the moon looked will a fine road for the travel of a grip. out of the wagon and breaking bis leg thy-y- ou the best. The interest centers During make U. U. li. attended was ren for may pick great in the were given an airing. The article was color section of the eastern and northern Secretary Kellogg above the knee. Mr Warner good your as If it was ahhamed of its changed large the meeting of the Fairfield County Po dered unconscious and was found lyiDg n so absurd that It merits attention, parts of the town, as well to open up mona li ran ere field at Mew last in road William who ror bearing-dow- sensations, prices. hardly and out of Its regular place. one of the most delightful pleasure Uanaan, tbe by Galpio, put week. He reports the completion of the him in his and drove to Water-tow- n, ulceration, inflammation, every but as a comlo production it scored a hit. drives in this region. The poultry farm now carriage will be removed to this organization and everything in work' where Dr Munger set the break as "female com It can only react on the author, suppos J. H . Hale, the great peach grower, at Cherry lodge ing order with 225 charter members. and made the feel as comfortable thing known tract and Contractor Forsyth is prepa- The lecture work was patient s near to the charmed circle, who If to know, says res do this" with other very acceptable as possible under the circumBtancas. this is a remedy that edly who, anybody, ought to improvements, and profitable. The next is to plaint, the renovation of the old house meeting a selection ot were if we have manifested, It is feared, premature that the peach crop in this state will be including be held at Sbelton, 1U. AT CHRIST CHURCH. safe, certain, and proved. Imported Henriettas, twelve Scotch, did not tell you different; nm. April different 38 33c 1 2c a at the crest ol uie Clarke Peck, who has been running the Take it for the re shades, inches wide; price per the price is li yard. delight over supposed victories, only to better this year than for any one year The choir stalls for the boy choir have prompt yard. A new Cloth, "The Trilbv," very effecUvs QUEER ANTICS OF THE TROLLEY. creamery of James Lee at Roxbury, has in in Christ church and the buzz saw This is he out a small and milk been placed position lief it Henriettas, 46 inches wide, fifteen co'orings, styles, and the cloth itse'f Is very cool look. flndJu8tloe supreme In the past two decades. due, The trollev continues to play its queer bought grocery ii nd will be used for tbe first time on imparts. one stand in Danbury, whicn be will care price 50c per yard. ing, and of light texture ; price tOc per yard. into the vitals of the persons for to the large quantities of snow and antics, scarcely a day passing that Eater day. 44 A ot tearing says does not the rails and for, buying his butter, milk, etc., of Bak- Percy Blackman from Newtown, visited Serges, inches wide, a cloth that has al tangle other Dress without a set. It to on dur car, at least, jump & Co. " Rev Mr Provost gave an Interesting a few at H. P. last week ways 50c a now 39c a familiar with a new whom it was not Verily, pays ice w! ich have lain the ground iiquhIIv it is several times a day. un er, Gray account his work in days Mitchell's, brought yard, yard. pretAiness lacking, many W. W, of Alaska at the Mrs Gideon White has to A 41 inch that is sold at 75c a loveliness ot weave oi ! one tried to round Johnson's Mrs H. Andrews and Mrs J. gone Nauga- usually coloring caught in go slow ing almost the entire winter. The value Monday Episcopal church, last Sunday. tuck as for a few weeks. la now 60c a their filmy folds, and with the all corner under full head way. Not content Wells, who have been prostrated with aburse. yard yard. prices a tilt But to return to this comic production of the crop Is expected to approximate out the stone the are convalescing. Julius Ludorf's little daughter has India , 46 inches wide, extra good your way. with this it tried to knock grip, CUPID'S DARTS. 1 across the street Mr and Mrs S B. Terrill have been been quite sick for a few days. quality, always sold at a yard, but is now in the Dls patch. It opens with the $250,000, perhaps more. wall of "Grasmere" Miss Julia A. Bassett and Arthur H. a 75c , - it could accom spending a few days with friends in New Mrs .Ezra fierce gives quite large a yard. but got in a hole before Warner were married, 28, at wbist on Fridav of this self STAMTED . grave statement that "The Kyan lac Ma" its It was four hours be i orK. February partv evening Jacqnard Suitings, colored, extra fine plieh purpose. Mi-- 3 Brewster, N. Y., by Rev J. N. Ramsey. week in honor of her Miss Gates a selection ot the resumed its functions. The Junior Guild met with Clara niece, cloth, ten different shades; the tion are over the tact that In Fairfield fore it proper Miss Grace E. Tuttle and James S. a number of our farm is $1 jubilant County. Williams on Tuesday evening. Quite thorough price per yard. Another day. While they last you are boy. in Hotchkiss were married, March 2, ers tne snow in 46 inch latest developments have resulted Edward Oborn has rented his new Dr Smith has improved enough to at- by attended cattle neid Arinure Suitings, specially selected Ing some of the greatest values tn the e goods - u Rev N. N. Y. STEPNEY AND VICINITY- house to John Sr., and his tend the mopt urgent calls, but is far J. Ramsey, at Brewster, Woodburv on Monday of this week. patterns, eight different shades; price 89c per you've ever known. their favor." Forsyth, trom Miss Charlotte Mitchell was home MK HAWLEV. Mr Devn of Pouehkeepsie. complete recovery. Watertown's annual show yard. Good Tray Cloths, with prices at MISS GILBERT spring cattle over Sundav. Covert 38 12 1 Resulted In their favor, have they? Judge Glover has purchased the Dr George Robinson, who hut occupied will be held ou the near the Cloths, inch, colors blue, green and 10c, 2c.. 17c, 25c, SOc. and 40c. each. An event of interest to Newtown Rnll Home the tenement house of James Coles for a highway, Mrs G. A. Hovt went to 2i"w Haven brown, only a Jew pieces lelt and we never Bureau 7 this Is when an great nlane. fnrmerlv the tjurtis residence of F. B. Tuesday, March is ill Heavy Scarfs, Inches long, Well, rich, injunction and occurred yesterday and soon to occupy it. number of years, will soon move to Dan Hard,; Saturday, to see her daughter, who can get more at such a price; 29c per drawn work and knotted 25c Stepney people, stead, expects 19. If stormy, the first fair day. with yard. fringe each. hangs over the heads of Messrs Corbett when the of Mi.s Lillie, daugh. Thfi trial of William Bonner for neg bury to work in a bakery. H. an ex the grip. Momie Scarfs, 60 Inches long, 25c. each. marriage ended who has a Rev J. O'Donnell delivered Brew and Northroo. who have been ter of L. C. Gilbert of Newtown, and lect and overwork of his horses, Remington Wilson, bought cellent lecture in St John's church, last Homie Scan's, 70 inches long, 35c. each, In a fine of 4 and cost?, amounting to farm in Taunton, moved his there S0UTHBTJRY. ASH DRESS GOODS. Knotted Momie 10 lncbJa Milon B. the family Friday evening, on ''One of the four Fringe Scarfs, told by Judge Prentice that the troubU Hawley, popular young nearlv We seem to have rather ex this week. 49c. and 09c. Mr great evils of the day." long, prices 35c, 45c, each. is not merchant, took place. Rev Merwin pensive courts lately. Nelson Randolph The family of H. D. Lake, who have Miss Sheraden her school in 'A errand disDlav on shelf and nt thn The same, 70 inches 50c aodSSe existed bv their own fault It been an The Brotherhood of St Andrew con fnnntr long, 45c, the Methodist pastor, officiated. The was ncmi itted of the charge of cruelty suffering from epidemic of colds, duct a class in church Hull's Hill school district, last Monday most elegant Wash Fabrics ever shown in each. who would is a much needed are now history every is on with every person enjoy being 8 The Rev Mr Child taking improving. 7.30 Bertie White the sick list i w Plain Linen Side Board Covers ceremonv took place at o'clock. W. in Wednesday evening at o'clock, in criageport-- hars newest, laia' iest and most SIS called down a rest for two weeks at Southern Pines, J. Wells bought a pair of horses the basement of the church. All are in- the grip. to find here we've yards long, with knotted fringe, S8c publicly by Superior best wishes of a wide circle of friend filled New on or charming expect many price N. C. Rev Mr Prentice his pulpit, Miiford Monday for farm work vited. John. Schumacner, aandy hook exclusive designs in these goods. e'eh we it h court injure, nor do think will follow the young couple, as they last Sunday. The choir is arranging for Union Business College Bridgeport. M. & Son's Co. are ad- comes to tbe postofnee in soutnDury We look ior the Table Covers, tinted at 19c, and 35c. held a Heminway afternoon to cut ohave, always good kind, goods made them stait out on life's ourney. A more ex Easter music. The young people for to work in their facto- every Friday hair, that you'll come back for more of-- each. supremely happyi on vertising girls etc. Also a lint of Button Hole tended notice may be expected in our social at Betts' hall Tuesday evening. LONG HILL. ry. Dainvy pretty Crepes as low as 10c the yard. Edge Doylies at This humorous author then goes on to Kinsella 13 planning to place Columbia No. K. of con India Din.ities. 12 l.ti-- , 5c. each. next week's issue. Druggist AT GRACE CHURCH. lodge, 12, P., Pretty Miss two new Duildiogs on nis iruuu as ferred the rank of on one candi MATTEES OF BUSINESS DresB We've made a very large Ladies give some facts regarding Carey's i knight Barnaby , you'd think they purchaseVrf Work is to begin at once on W. O a fhp insurance is ad US ted. Third Sunday in Lent, March 17 : At date, last Thursday evening. 8hirt Waists. mistakes In the recent examination confined 8 : Purdv's new house. W. S. Hurlburt of John McGarry has been by 30 a. m., Holy Communion At 2 30 p E. H. Painter, formerly of this place which are doubtless correct, for It may Bridgeport has the contract. illness for a week past. tn., Evening Prayer and sermon. No but now running a milk route in Man BRIGHT 8 DISEASE CURED Plate and are an Italian employed in the school. is Is near to daughters "Tony," Sunday chester, quite sick with pleuro pneu Mrs Laura A. West be supposed that the writer visiting at J. T. Porter's. section gang on the railrosid, had his leg Thursday, March 14 :. At 7 p. m monia. Kempton's (of The of will oroKen a tic an lenten service and sermon. on Rutland, Vt.) daughter was stricken the distinguished gentlemen Interested. caiea illegal liquor selling oy iaiiiug i"" Special Theodore Bronson is the sick list. with Bright's disease. Her ankle3, feer be tried before a Bridgeport justice, in last Monday. During the Thursday evenings In Lent Mrs Annie Moore is sick from tbe grip. and eves were swollen. Four If not, where these facts? the Depot scuoolhouse, on baturday. Union Business College Bridgeport. it is expected that the sermons in Grace Charles B. Mattoon and George Har- terribly wno Has occu church will be physicians attended her, but her life wa But for pure and unadulterated gall, George C Blanchard, preached by visiting per are appointed a committee to reno of. A mother's love f ur mounts pied Mary Beers' tenant; bouse opposite ciergy trom Bridgeport and eisewnere vate the church despaired MURRAY & - Congregational parson all and she determined to SMITH, CO., this statement takes the prize: "The cit the tin shop, has rented rooms of Charles WESTPORT- and the rector sincerely hopes that difficulties, try good age. Dr David Kennedy s Favorite Kennedy zens who have heretofore been against Jackson. congregations will be in attendance to Court Merritt Heminway, A O. F. of made at N. Y. "How B. was to UP AND. DOWN THE 8AUGATCCK. regular-meetin- Rondout, happy Mrs II. French called Carth welcome them. The preacher for March A., held their at Pyth I Mrs 1 de the faction are week 14, Rev William E. Hooker am," Kempton writes, "that Iiyan gradually coming age, N. Y., last by the 9erious ill Mrs H. B. Bradley has been kept will be of ian hall, last Tuesdav evening. Chief termined upon that course, for one by r.h hnn-- p and for March Rev W. S CONN. over to the latter's side." Are they ncs.; of her sister, Mrs Amanda Manning fnr nix weeks with the grip. Wilton, 21, Ranger John D. McGowan says the one the well known symptoms of the BRIDGEPORT, with pneumonia. she died baturdav Miss Helen of New York Jones, D. D , of Fail field. court is in a condition, both fioan We if the were Bradley good disease left her. Words cannot express though? believe, truth and was buried Tuesday of this, week visited her mother, Mrs H. B. Bradley, cially and numerically. I Martin A- - Beach has returned from my gratitude a?d cannot too earnestly that there is a growing eenti Mrs Manning was a very estimable lady tb)s wgg1i The wall paper at the Hotcbkissville known, had a number or relatives fine new Texas, where he has been spending some recommend 'this great medicine. He and andlnend E. N. JSipperley has a 6tep Cash store is this season's production was due to Favori! nieut throughout the town in favor of about who will be and weeks. recovery entirely A PURE BAKING here, surprised ner. bought of Danburv parties. and tbe price is light. which was the medicine POWDBK. , cbomiit f r the V S Government, who m1e to of her k and have moved to Union Business Remedy, only the i for tbe . the Oray's Plain people. It la plainly pained hear death. George Perry family College, Bridgeport. taken her case was abandoned bv A baking powder that can be depended analysi-- York tu Rtard ot About GO relatives and friends KorwaiK. after upon to be free trom lime and alum is a desid- Health in their lnvetigatfon ot baking pow- gather Mr and Mrs William E. Starves have been BANTAM. the phvsicians." Dr David Kennedv'i eratum in ot der, and Ihii intimate knowlelre of tiw It is a for home f these 1yu adulterated food. So recognized that right ed at the home of Darnel w. Edwards viuitintr. fini-inf- ilia nast week, in Brooklyn. GREENFIELD HILL. be tar as can be trom imrredient of all those sold in this ntark- -t Favorite Remedy can bad at any drug Judged tbe official reports. enable him to March 11, to him a A. number trom this attended the re " WANT REV MR ELMER TO REMAIN. Ibe seems spenk of rule, and outside of a certain coterie, Monday evening, give place PERSONAL JOTTINGS. store. It has never yet failed to cure Royal" to be tbe onlv one yet authoritatively, says surprise. It Dtlng nts 4lsc Dirtnaay. ception given in tue xown nan at. r miwu. Rival are cir found by chemical analyses to be the yoritv, wholesnmenoas and superior is a and In was with Miss Banks Is Subscription papers being where the disease is within the range of without one or the other ot these entirely quality ot the Bova' : there hearty growing feeling verv pleasant evening spent John W. Wood, who has been spending the Georgia visiting her culated, one to raise money with which and substances, music and after which wintur with friends last week, Fred in Weston. medicine. absolutely pure. This, it is shown, re- I find the Ryal Biking Pow.lar composed favor of the cause of home rule and the playing games, here, returned, brotner, Banks, to cancel indebtedness of the sults trom tbe use ot a-- 'l there was a bountiful snrved to to his home in Flantville, where he Is em- There was a the Baptist exclusive by its manufac- pure wholewme ingredient It is a supper large attendance and to Rev B. the In the fall of 1893 a son of Mr T. A tures ot cream ot tartar specially refined and cream ot tartar pnwde,r, and d ms not eon-tai-n But not satisfied with a state We wish Mr Edwards ployed as overseer on a large larm. society the E. Elmer, either alum or right. these present. Miss Fannie Jackson is her good time bad by all who attended the to raise funds to his for McFarland, a merchant of prepared by patent processes which totally pboiobates. or other ia of the visiting brother, Mrs other pay salary prominent remove tbe tartrate ot lime and other im- jurioua (Mib'tanee. ment like this the writer has the effron many happy returns day. Arthur in New Haven. party given Mr and Ferris. The and older Live Oak, Sutter Co., Cal.. was taken Tbe cost ot. Prr-t- . Jackson, the coming year. former purities. this chemically - pure Lov'a texts, and the recent official Misses Mattie and Lizzie Schwartz of Smelt fishing with seines in the Saugatnck Mrs John Barlow is much improved a with a cold. The in cream of tartar is much greater th&- any teais both he United States has now commenced, been delayed paper was started bv few members very heavy pains other, and it is need in no by Caaa llan tery to Insinuate that this growing atmj Bridgeport spent Sunday with thei having law the and able to oe aoout tne nouse. who to Mr Elmer and wished his cheet were so severe that he had baking powder (iovernments. ohow Urn Roval ulBtktnr Pow. V. on account ol the ice, according to Mr Mrs Anson Brother ton have opposed except the "Royal," the manufacturers ot de,r to b operior to all others ia of criticise Prentice. parents, Mr and Mrs E. Schwartz. 18th ot April is the last day they are allowed and to have him resign the first of April spasms and was threatened with pneu which control Itbe patents under which it is wer strength KyaDltes Judge Mr and Mrs R. Fancher of tn pantiirA them both been severely ill with grip. was his monia. His father him several refined. leavening p It is not oily the mot Joseph, Mrs Underwood has been the The second paper started by gave Dr economical in nss but makes the purest, But the most ridiculous state v W. Selleck's George J. Frank Banks has Edward G. fi l. perhaps Dan bur have visited at F. York recently purchased who the large doses of Chamberlain's Cough Love, formerly analytical finest tvored and tnoit wholesome to-x- , Miss Elosia A. Selleck has a few guest ol relatives in New during the anotner cow. friends, comprise larger portion ment is found in the closing,paragrapb. spent pasiweea. of the church and who are anxious to re Remedy which broke up the cough and days with friends. In Bridgeport and The Pastoral Aid society ol Memorial Mr and Mrs Elmer Buckley have visit cured him. Mr McFarland when in which The and the attitude of church with Mrs E tain Mr Elmer. At this time of writing says Bee, Stratford. met, Thursday afternoon, ed their brother In Plattsville. seems Mr be ever his children has be invari Miss Bessie has F Marvin. it probable that Elmer will croup Its in this case, receives atten Hayes commenced the Rev L. N. Booth of will conduct Mrs Disbrow entertained her daughter. to remain with us and them Chamberlain's Cougb managers term of school in Judd school dis Bridgeport prevailed upon ably gives spring the union service at wnrist cnurcn, i Clara, and husband, Sunday. that his future salary will be assured. Remedy and it always cures them. He tlon. The writer proceeds to Bay : "The trict after one week's vacation. Avnninff. considers it the best cough remedy i II is R. C. The Chautauqua circle met, Tuesday even concerned in this fight the B. Bock well working at with Mr and Mrs A s. Arthur Bisse'll is threatened with the market. For sale by E. F. Hawley, parties against s ing, iioyi. NICHOLS. - shop ror a lew days-Mis- Charles H. Kemper has leased the Sauga. ' Newtown, and S. C. Bull. hook This iousey'8 five and has car pneumonia. Sandy What is Ityan faction are all republicans." Amelia Osborne has suffered al tuck Iron Works lor years CHURCH AND PERSONAL MATTERS. . Two have served on and at work it in hunting expeditions to Committeeman winter from a carbuncle the back of penters plumbersHe will getting to the that over After the ought please WInton, her which has affected the readiness ior him. take possession The Wells family, who have lived here modify monotony hangs Grip, diphtheria, pneumonia ear, nerve, about April 15, and move his leather business ior two nave moved to Miiford our quiet existence. Some gentlemen, fever, typhoid fever, etc., Hood W. Frederick Chambers, severe years, 1 George Bradley, causing pain. there, and use his present lactory lor It is rumored that Mr Lewis from Strat believed to be of a dusky complexion, Sarsaparillia is of wonderful benefit In purposes. two the and so much Charles Warner, and other leaders this M iss Frances Hooker Seeley ot Platteville, ford, will move in the cottnge. . visited the hen houses of inhabitants imparing strenght vigor REDDING. ot and rifled them of sev desired. never assisted by the Mandolin Club Bridgeport, The Village Improvement society held of Gooseborough contest whose democracy has been gave one ox uvr i irnt: i l uuwiuuuuicuig i ii a at the: residence of its eral fine birds. They did not getaway A PRESENTATION TO CHRIST CHURCH the lecture room ol the Saugatuck Me hodist special meeting as two Hood's Pills for the liver and bowels questioned. The fact Is, it is not a party church, Tuesday evening. The proceeds were secretary, to consider improvements dur with all they captured, however, John Close had a large crayon portrait Ladies' Hand ol the fowls in a were found next act easily yet promptly and effectively and the at- tor the Helping society ing tne coming season. bag morniDg question, it never baa been, of ltev W. B. Dunlap, a former rector of churcn Frank Kasena a near. Thomas Coe's corner. The other Christ from a The Historial society met. Monday even has just returned after Mealine cures hands. to charge The Bee's attitude to church, enlarged photo two one a "Sketch ot the week's soiourn with friends. hunt was made by the school children soap chapped tempt it as 8 ing, and papers, graph Though prizing highly of West-port-" Rev Dr Beach is to and their was the mice which in- political motives Is unfair and will not memorial of his friend and former Saugatuck. Congregational society beat the Methodist game Is SJmuel pas by Key Jabez Backus, and one a church, next fest the schoolhouse. About a dozen Castoria Dr. Pitcher's prescription for Infants men. tor he has thought it most fitting that it "Sketch of Christ church pariah" by F. H Sunday morning. in devious manners be upheld by unbiased The Bee Nash, was read. have ended their days and. Children. It contains neither Opium, 3Iorpbine nor should have a place in the church which B. firm ot but there are still left to make Children Cry for It did because it be- in Charles Wheeler, of the late Brad enough other Xarcotic substance. is took the position be was so instrumental renovating ley & Wheeler, is lining tne position oi ex. PLATTSVILLE. considerable sport. It a harmless substitute the cause of and com- and beautifying. According1:? it will nresfl acrent between WestDort and New York. ' Mrs R. F. Kilbourn of Morris is at Ira lieved that Justice in the room of the church as so long and efficiently held by d. P. Jen- PERSONAL BRIEFS. for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing: Syrups, and Castor OiL hang vestry nings ol Green's l?arms, who owinsr to numer- Emmon's. Pitcher's CastoniL mon sense was on the side of Committee- memorial ol a raitrilui and De loved pas ous other business has secured Mr Wheeler Mrs Moore and sister, Mrs J. W. Mrs William Barr of South Norwalk It is Pleasant. Its guarantee Is thirty years use by has"told tor. It was chiefly his untiring to assist him. have visited Mrs is S. man WInton. It Messrs Cor- through Johnson, at J. ,W visiting Mrs E. Benedict. . Xtlillions of Mothers. Castoria Is efforts that the money was raised to Friends In this place received notice, last Sherwood's. Arthur Parker and two the Children's Panacea Brew and that it believed renovate the due credit ween, oi tne aeatn oi miss Amanda rneips. Harry Terrell, bett, Northrop church, though who died at her home in Woodbury, and who Edward Roberts, Jr., is still quite of Flynn & Doyle's experienced men, the Mother's Friend. was unfortunate and un- should be given to ltev G. M. Wilkins during the rectorship of Bev Alonzo N. Lewis Sick. . have to where their position at ner Mrs gone Torrington they and Mrs Johnson for the valuable assis Trinity, resided here with sister, Miss Carrie Marsh has been guest of have found work. : WHEELER'S I . and Prentice did not tance afforded in about Lewis. Castoria, Castoria. warranted, Judge they bringing William Sclflen has accepted the position ber sister, Mrs Nelson Smith. Flynn & Doyle's carriage depository the result. All three of these of for N. was is a 'Castoria is so well to children mince matters tn giving the decision. grand pitcher the Hobert college, Geneva, A little daughter welcomed at the a tine sight. It contains large assort HIGH-CLAS- adapted that Cutoria cures Colic, Constipation, faithful ones will ever be held in grate- Y., baseball team and has left lor his new Dome wade Marco s. ment of fashionable and car- S SEEDS I recommend it as to Cour to duties. oi Frank tasteful superior any prescription Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructatio Bat the author very kindly proceeds ful rememberance by Christ church par Alfred F. Kadcliff has become a of Mrs L. A. Beach is her are sold and others soon to known to me." H. A. SL D., Kills ish. would be a most desirable member visiting sister, riage', many Abcheb, Worms, gives steep, and promotes A define Tub Bee's aim. lie says : "The It thing Company F. ot Norwalk. Mrs cj. jn. be. It is an exhibition that would re- we have addnd - Ill Bo. Brooklyn, N.Y. if the of Rev G. M. Wilkins and Edwin A. Beers, ot the firm ot Beers Broth Taylor. ti our Grain Business a fall St, gestion. portrait ' Union business College, Bridgeport, pay a long line of Garden Seeds. We Without injurious - Bee Is supposed to be an independent pa- Mrs Johnson could hang beside that of ers, who has been confined to his home with journey. Field, and Flower ""tjrstArm. an attack or grip, is slowly improving, have a large assortment of Seed Potatoes from " The use of 'Castoria' is so universal the to not meddle or Mr Dunlap. The crayon portrait of Mr Mr and Mrs C. who have been and per to print news, Henry Eno, CORNWALL BRIDGE. Maine end Vermont. Early Eos, Hebron, Hor its merits go well known it seems a work Dunlap was obtained through II. G spending tne winter ra new nave re. SOUTHPOBT. that "For several years I have recommended on turned to Westnort home.iora, tier, Early Vermont, Sural Sev To ker, Bo S, of to endorse it. Few are take sides political questions, but their Chase of Lyon's Plains, agent of Chicago their : OVER A CENTURT OP LIFE. supererogation tie your 'Castoria, and shall to At the annual meeting ot the Westnort A The people of Southport will be glad Hew Queen, White Star and othr Early and families who do not Castoria always eontiaa nrm who nave done some very fine work Horse Kailioad Co . intelligent keep do co as it has invariably beneQcU attitude In this case has been clearly for Saugatuck held, last to know that E. T. Hall has begun to re Rev Mr Knell was called to Sharon to Late varieties, at reasonable prices- - within reach." produced for parties here. week, William H. Baxton was elected presi- easy results. Is M. vice move the ruins of the buildings burned officiate at the funeral services over the Large stock of Sweet Corn for sowieg, White - , Carlos SLutmr, DM Enwnt T. republicans." Very true, The Bee .' dent. Franklin Raymond president C Fiuxx, 3t D., DEATH OF MRS NORA SIMONS. and Henry K Jackson superintendent. This at Christmas time. mortal remains of Miss Jemima Burr, South frn and Yellow. Choice Seed Oats Back-whea- t. Kew York City. 125th Street and 7Ui Ave, Kew York an paper. It hasn't rued official, by resolution, will be relieved ot col- Rev G. W. Bar of Westport preach who lived to the age of 102 years Wheat and Ctty. Independent Mrs Nora Simons, oldest daughter of fares as he has hitherto done and that hydt great Barley, Spring Spring Bye lecting ed at church, Wednesday. and six months. .C ; ' Onion Seeds and White and Yellow Onion sets Tax Craun 77 Ktraaar Kcw Tobk died with politics, nor does It propose to. Frank and Mary Baldwin, died on Mon work will in the future be done by Messrs Trinity Owin, Cm day, March 11. Her new born Infant uonepn ana w . jnius. The funeral of Miss Emma Sherwood Large assortment of Garden and Flower Seeds M ieorge A of the in this local 1 But in any case where good government died a few are iss Susie Taylor celebrated her II th birth took place, Thursday. . The interment majority people Send lOe for oz of Wheeler's Sweet days ago. Her parents Thursday afternoon, at the residence of witnessed the total eclipse of the Superb with day, N was at Oak Lawn. ity Peas, 20 varieties of the newest Flower Is concerned, where the rights of the prostrate erief at the untimely ber parents, Mr and Mrs Frank Taylor, on moon, last -- f large death of a favorite She avenue, a tn a num- It is reported that Charles Oehmlchen Sunday n'gbt. mixed, or on color. . - Its daughter. Imperial by giving party Wlllard C. Stone of the ing any i plain people are being trampled on, many amiable and her ber ot her young friends and acquaintances. will re open his bakery in Southport as purchased We have the finest strain of Seed and possessed qualities Rev II. M. Sherman of St Paul's church, soon as he can and a suitable Cornwall Bridge Iron Co., last week, a Pansy voice will out with all the force at death In the early part of her young Bridgeport, oflicia.ed at church, Fri- place. f lowers. Tuberose Bulbs. Large assortment speak Trinity- Mrs Roswell is ill farm of more than 40 acres of land with 1 womannooa is deeply regretted by her day evening. with the scarlet of Bird Seed. All So and Oo packages of 2 lbs Its command. Miss Winifred fever. the buildings,; situated in the center of To the Citizens ofFairfield Litolifi'sid friends and acquaintances. The funeral Kemper returned, Thursday, a low of Garden and Flower Seeds, mailed free. 25 ani Coun took home trom a snort visit witn irienas in stamioro. Miss M. Waterman returned home, this village, at very price. 5e for SI The article has its climax In this state services place at the of her Mrs Cornelius Finch returned, Wednesday, Frank Dean and attended tne picksges parents. Redding Ridge, Rev W. A from a week's vteit at the residence of Wit Wednesday morning. family We 1 ave the largest and finest stock of first- ties, and all our old Friends. : Is , A funeral of his aunt. Miss .Jemima Burr, ment: "That no end of talk beard of was burled in liam J. Finch. large party of young people went to class seeds of house in New - Our Swan officiating. She the to at his home in any England- Cill C. E.JHusted & Wo Easton Allen Kenoude, who has been confined see "Tne King," in Bridgeport, father's Sharon, Tuesday of Teas and Coffees are at Son, 102, State "treet and examine our libel suits against the sheet, and that the cemetery. the bouse tor the past lour months with m of this week, grades - unsurpassed s Saturday. Call and see m- - goods in china and and articles for etc- - icg ness, is again able to be out. Nathaniel has moved to Puffing- - glass fancy gifts, lamps, stockholders are considering the advisa DEATH OF J. W. OSBORNE OF DERBY. Miss Helen Downes of Greenwich Is visit- Mr and Mrs Lambertson of Lincoln, Gray in the line- - in ham to the bouse of Miss E. housefrtrnishing The holidays are near, we have John W. O borne of last ing friends in town. Neb., were Southport, Thursday, to at Gregory. -- bility of preferring charges against the Derby died, Mr and Mrs A. T. Goodsell of Bridgeport tend tbe funeral of ber Miss a fine display, we" want your trade. We will serve well and will week,a cred 85 years, leaving as his widow are risitintc Mr an ! Mrs Wilson Harris. sister, Sher WHEELER & you - CO., sell ae low as lowest- - management." Eliza, daughter of Moses Hill and sister Mrs Ambroses Hurl butt, J- ot Baltimore wood. you goods the Don't fail to call and see ue, 107 mar- and Mrs Frank C. Coley ot New Haven are Union Business College, Bridgeport. Bos. 185, 187 Middle and 15 Gold Sts State Barnum Union We do not set ourselves op to know of Miss Emily Hill. Through his A. In New Haven 1S3, 13, street, Building. he was well known to guests at the residence ot S. Hurlbutt. County. are conversant riage Redding miss Katie w neeier nas been spending tne Bridgeport, Ct but fairly He was a citizen of week with friends in Norwalk. - everything, people. prominent HOW TO CURE RHEUMATISM. . . A In - with the law of libel. And do want Derby and made a large fortune as a lively runaway took place the village, SOUTH BRITAIN- We desire to inform the people of Newtown. they manufacturer.- - He was all his life Monday afternoon. Wll iam H. Burr's team Arago, Coos Co., Oregon, Nov. 10, Reddin. Bethel ai became frightened at the escaping steam COBWEB SOCIAL. libel suits? I'd them come forward. We earnest member of the Methodist church from ran scatter- 1893. I wish to inform you of the great AN ENJOYABLE -- . and surrounding towns that we shall havj a and finer the Capt DePuy and awav, Chamberlain's Pain Balm has done Try larger stock meet them half way, and will ven- and contributed largely by his gifts to ing empty barrels all along the road to the good The cobweb social given the evening of will Staples High school, where they were stopped my wire, isne nas Deen trouoied with of March 7, the Ladles' Aid Agricultural Implements this season than ever before and will its support. He left one daughter by s bv coming in contact with a tree. The dam by society, OUR BLEND ture the remark that the cases will not former wife. was not rheumatism of the arms and hands for was quite a success. Although it was be to see new age great. six months, and has tried many remedies an there were about -- Of pleased many customers this season, prices will be midnight court. ONE YEAR AGO AND NOW. unpleasant evenipg be tried by any prescribed for that complaint, but found 60 present, who seemed very willing to rock bottom. Tours Besnectfullr. MONROE. no g Prefer charges against the manage- Last year at this time the traveling relief until she used the Pain Balm ; pay rive cents ior tne privilege or neip-in- OLD GOVERNMENT JAVA was entirely settled. From present ap- one bottle of which has completely the cobweb. The souvenirs of The Bee? so. But as CHURCH GOSSIP. untangle ment Perhaps pearances it will be some time before PERSONAL AND cured her. I take pleasure recommend- were needle books, pin balls and cushions COFFEE. A. H. DI1I0ND SON. 97 per cent of the stock Is controlled by that desirable consumation will be Albert Wheeler is still ing it for that trouble. . Yours truly, sachets, picture frames and various reached. Wheeler is sick with rc. A. Bullo d. 50 cent and $1.00 bot other little fancv articles The treasur Opposite the Fountain. present management, the publlo will Edith grip. sale New- Try Out BETHEL. CONN the Mrs II. B desires to Miss Rose Wheeler has been very sick tles for by E. F. Hawlev's, er announced triumphantly at the close is a statement of this kind. Jennings express town, and S. C. Bull, Hook. w. ee how deep her heartfelt thanks to her neighbors for for a week, but is now better. Sandy that she bad taken in $9 FORMOSA TEA. HOW'S THE we have only to thank a their sympathy and kindly assistance Mrs Lydia Wheeler Is about the house. HARNESS? In closing Mrs has a In these days of telephone, telegraph. The Center school has closed for a during the laft illness of her mother, the Mary Beardsley relapse. These Goods Talk For Themselves' -- , and pri- af- ' How'g the harness? TMnkinrofa hnrsn hlanVnt? Anvti;w .., of friends, who, publicly Gorman is electricity and steam, cannot week. v ttm m jg wf WmU AB host late Laurinda Grumman. Patrick better. people Tn 9 ford to wait or as hours for attended a Horse 8undrip.? tiaai) nf travailw Mn w j have commended the course of J. N. Nickerson has been appointed Howard Wheeler has visited at Harvey days many B.C. Bradley dairymen's vum WWI WWAVMblfle I UU U liUii ill IS ftB vately, on Clarke's of Miiford. reiser, 'mis is our reason for Mad River Grange in We bear no administrator the estate of the. late ottering meeting given by exceptional good time and place to make purchasers in tne above line of The Bee In this matter. Phr.ebe Dibble. Miss Annie Osborne has been visiting One Minute. Cough cure. Neither days, Waterbury. last week. nor nor even Gottlieb Kubne has bad a severe at the gentlemen who It has Miss Fannie Shaw of Red Bank. N. J.. in Bethel. hours, minutes elapse before The leading Grocer, malice against Is her Miss H. San- - Mr and Mrs F. Beardslev are relief is afforded. Edgar F. Hawlev. tack of grip, keeping him in tbe house We believe visiting aunt, Julia George been our duty to criticise. ford. with irienas in Brooklyn, is. x. Newtown ; S. C. Bull, Sandy Hook ; A. for two week NewtowD, Conn, ad- - James Morehouse of Is Bev.Mr Sherman ot St East B. Blakeman, Botsford, Mrs Ester Mitchell and daughter, Mrs TairfleldAve., 73 ZSiile Et.f C:z:s, v that sooner or later they will frankly Hamilton, Can., Paul's, ErLfrycrV A GOOD TESTIMONIAL. HaverliTuTN. (From H., Courier) Friday, March 15, 1896. D. "1 have had for 27 years past, a badly I. F. KEADE COHPAHY. THE M. READ COMPANY. diseased ankle bone. Dr David Kenne- Gotv. his Salt Tie Jlozvland. Stark t dy's Favorite JKemedy and Rheum Cream healed it when all other Company, - CONN. medicines had failed, and medical au BRIDGEPORT, thority had said the limb could never be Bridgeport, Conn. used again. - A sore broke out on the ankle bone, HATS ! HATS! HATS! and for 10 months the aged writer suf fered and the power ot Ia speaking a'jout Hats we wish to say that our faofltles tor the ot day night beyond ot -- obtaining production words to express. A friend advised me Opening spring wraps the best factories in the country are uneqnaled, and we eliminate the extra cost by buying to Dr David Favorite suits and uirect from the manufacturers. Our new line of Hats for all new try Kennedy's and iackets.' caDes.j. spring comprises the Remedy. I had no faith that any medi j blocks and are the correct shapes of Tonman, Dunlap, Miller, Sherman and Harrington t . waists all this week. cine would help me, but suffering as styles, in black, brown and London brown. We are determined to keep np tbe standard did I thouarbt 1 would try it, and pur We have a number of, gar quality ot the different lines, and you are guaranteed the best hats in the market tor chased some ; also a box of Dr David ments from makers; Kennedy's Salt Kheum Cream. I used foreign $1.25, $1.45, $1.90, $2.90 AND these medicines but a short time when besides a large variety of $2.40, $3.50. my limb began to heal. I will further American of more Any hat that proves unsatisfactory we will exchange. If you will give a little time and ex add, among the many medicines I have amine our $2 40 hats you will And them the equal of any (3 hat in tbe city, and are as well tried for a diseased liver' and kidneys, modest pretensions, accepta trimmed as the best. To give our patrons the best values in noue has ever proved so helpful to me ble. we hone, to the women as Favorite Remedy. By stimulating CLOTHING, FURNISHINGS AND HATS and strengthening the pnfeebled organs, of Bridgeport and vicinity. even the encroachments of advanced age has been in the past our highest aim, and the volume ot business we transact very flattering MEN'S DONT BUY seems to be checked by its invigorating ly attests the success we have met, and confidence reposed in us by tbe army ot customers power. we serve. We still continue with the same objects in view and will say that we will be al WAYS ON OUR I have thoroughly tested its true Canes are in all manner of ways ahead. DAVID CHRISTIE MURRAY, worth, and I know whereof I affirm, hop trim ARE ACCOUNT BUT all who read will combinations, colors and Lecture In Newtown on ing this prone thereby, The Distinguished English Orator and Novelist Who Will as the writer has, by Dr Dav run mad. SUITS AND OVERCOATS TOR SPRING SO YOUR OWN Marcn 2S. aged using mings fancy id Kennedy's .Favorite JKemedy.oeen giv shown in now on our counters and are for sale. PUZZLING, en very comfortable health for a person ackets "are not ready ACCOUNT. have been a few w ith their 70 years of age. Favorite Remedy is an the number of styles, - t spending days as wen large Fancy and Negligee Shirts, laundered, at 50c. 75c. $1 and SI 25- The Newtown Bee Darents. Mr and Mrs Georee (Jrane. invaluable n.edicme for cniidren that have for Oar sale of Suits. Overcoat It's this way, once in a while yon . Mrs Andrew Nash sDent Sunday with as adults. distinguished special heavy and Ulsters continues while the - - MEN seeem so backward don't-Y- ou FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 1895. her sister, Mrs Frederick Andrews. This testimonial is given from my own mer seasons, out tnere are stocn lasts- always get good Coffee; then again you experience or tnese invaluable medicines beautiful A few Pants left at $2 and $3.50. were S3. $3.50. $5 and $6 about at a store I . some to see, buying dry goods don't oftener than do. And THE HEWTOWH ACADEMY. Mrs Belinda tlodson, ilavernui, a things A few 34 and 35 measure from yon CIHCULATION. No tribute to tbe of a medicine are 33, breast suits have been left $12. $15,818 Don't know efficacy lhe prevailing lengths - why they should; they can is to overcome don't we of- The marks for the winter term of New could be greater than these words of iszu ana $23 lines- we put them all in at $7 25. Ask to see them. it the that JiKTJART 1882, town Academy were given out yesterday Mrs tells tbe from 24 to 27 inches. The and Last week. 8200 Hodson, who voluntarily buy better cheaper. Probably it's fer the "GEM" coffee pot at a reduc- The number in the honor roll was da per story of her recovery. Thousands of materials used are black chev fall term. The at habit "more else- - cent larger than the men and women whose daily life is mak JOHN & than anything Or tion from regular prices. tendance during the term just closed has severe on their iots, black and colored broad F. KEANE COMPANY, ing draughts vitality, be afraid to of One-ha- lf AiTairs been good and the markings the highest need Dr David Favorite Rem- they may buy a young the quantity of our brand About Town. term those who Kennedy's cloths and Clay diagonals. 439 Main Street, corner John streeti Bridgeport, Ct of any yet. Among edy, none are too old to be helped by it. lady. Ladies have the best taste for of coffee and the delicious flavor and nade the highest marks or showed the It cures rheuma Collars are mostly plain or MATTERS BUSINESS. were permanently dypepsia, 07 blgzest trains over previous terms tism, kidney, liver and urinary troubles, inlaid with . Some of GLOVES though. There's men's one- - clear color and fragrant aroma are all fhilo Piatt, Jessie Taylor, Fannie Case, for the ills peculiar to women it has no For cloaks, millinery and fancy good Bessie Beers, Alice Beers, Lucretia the jackets are richly lined button Dog Skin Gloves, for walking yours- - No grounds- - No mud- - No don't forget to call at the store of Stern Kussell, Florence Lake, James Betts, equal. with and all have the LAST YEAR & 180 Main ' Clarence Gertrude silk, or all shades tans - Harris, street, Danbury. Burr, Henry Sanford, March 16. The date of the lecture is driving, browns, complaint whatsoever- Beardslev, Mabel Bradley, JUlam uorn madolin sleeves. is March 28. andreds-- $l for 59c- - One-butt- on K. F. Htwley giving away a sterling lng and Edith Minor. Others who made A is quality The "GEM" does it alL silver Knife, forK or spoon, above 90 cent were : Fannie great orator said to triple plated, per Beers, Our Business the dogskin driving, 50c- - Two-- to a with two pounds of choice tea. Try it Louise Hawlev, Bessie Jonas, Charles SEATS FOE CERIS1IE MURRAY. make statistics eloquent, but Largest And we' give every purchaser Gay, Hobart Warner, Birdsey Sniffln, Reserved seats for David Christie button Dog Skin, for walking or driv half-poun- d of our Java and Arthur Laura Klttie he'd stumble if he tried the We Ever Done. pulverized ROMANTIC AND ELOQUENT. Heynolds, Mitchell, Murray's lecture go on sale on Saturday ''AdlerV-f-or French, Harry Curtis, Katie Houlihan, noon next at E. F. in Newtown fine art of on the ing $150, Castor for Mocha Coffee- - .Tessie Hawley's language Payne, Maude Blackman and & in $l-7-- - Street and Warner, Taylor Curtis, silk waists now here. Don't $1 50, and Dent's for it- - CHRISTIE MURRAY HOLDS HIS AUDIENCE I'homas Coles. Roy Piatt, Michael Hook. Mr for Try There is an exhibition ef SPELLHOUND BY HIS ELOQUENCE. Sandy Murray's subject WE APPEECIATE YOUI TRADE. Kane, Clarence and Curtis his Newtown lecture will be "The novel expect to learn about them in its in the Hawley were within a few points or tbe ist's note book." The Boston Times merits, crockery department, U a in says any other way but by Tnere greater treat store for honor limit and showed decided Improve speaking of this particular lecture. "He seeing. for the remainder of this week, FREE Newtown people and vicinity In the lec ment over any previous work. is an orator, an elocutionist of skill, and We are showing an elegant WE HAVE THE SHOES ture of David Chri-ti- e Murray on March raconteur of great He 28, than most people are aware. Until The new line of spring gentlemen's piquancy. ine of separate skirts, in ser m and made suits have carried his audience with him, swaying quite recently Mr Murray has been al furnishings ready them to tears or as he willed." ges, wide wale cheviots, crea- - OUR PEIOES ARE EIGHT most unknown to American audiences, arrived at Warner, Taylor & Curtis' San- laughter ODD , Hook are to be car- but wherever he has appt-arerl- this win- dy store, and waiting A LOCAL SEED ESTABLISHMEHT. ' pons, plain and figured ter, whether in Boston, Buffalo, Toronto ried away. Nobbier styles than ever; D. M. in duchesse, antique and THE READ COMPANY, or Philadelphia, the verdict has been also hats and caps for young and old The farmers of the valley will be glad Money refunded on all unsatisfactory purchases. We are everywhere the game the most eloquent tne latest styles. t" learn that Wheeler & Co., whose store black silk. The prices and charming speaker ever heard on the and mice 19 at tne corner of Gold and are as as headquarters for Popular Shoes at Prices. New will be a lecture Full line of cough syrups and patent Middle streets in have added extraordinary the Popular BRIDGEPORT, CONN. public platform. It long medicines can be found with - Bridgeport to be remembered and talked of by those Warner,Tay- to their business that of seeds and will variety. 2. 75 to 30. Spring Shoes and Oxfords in all the Newest and Nov- who attend. Read what the Boston Her- lor & Curtis, Sandy Hook. carry a complete line of high class seeds, Styles in for the and flower bed. ald says of his flrst lecture the United Mrs M. C. Rodgers has been passing a garden, farm, elties. Our prices lare lower than other house for the State : It will to visit this for any ! few days with Bridgeport friends, this pay them, year, We must have at least 20 David Christie Murray's flrst lecture in werk. they can furnish any quantity, and their same quality. A nice line of trunks and bags just arrived. For a good tarm ot from 30 to 40 acres withBuyersgood bnildidgs ; anyone having such property the United States, delivered last night in seeds are only the best. The reputation different qualities of black will do well to call or write. Association Hall, wa an unqualified suc- Mrs Albert W. Fairchild is visiting her of the firm is in its self sufficient guaran- of Take them at lower prices than ever before named. cess. Anything so spontaneous, so many daughter, Mrs Ernest Wilson, In New tee of what the public may expect. crepon now, say nothing c3 sided, so rich ia moods and oratorical Haven. colors. 89 cents to 5.00 a WOLFE power, has not been heard In Boston in You cannot afford to buy carpets until HFLotxl new Warner, & Curtis of you have been to see A. G. Baker's stock Estate, llonta and. HioaxiS many years. Everybody felt that a Taylor Sandy yard. 8 Sanford Conn. veil in the lecture Held had been opened, Hook have put in a larger and finer stock at Hawleyville. Ninety new patterns black brocaded satin O H. BENNETT & Building, Bridgeport, and Mr Murray held his large audience of wall papers than ever, this year, pre ust in at prices lower than ever reached Heavy SON'S, before. n TTSTIL FURTHER NOTICE Dr Todd Ill be with such magnetic power that, even af paratory to the housecleaniDg time. patterns ranging from pin J at ntv stablea every Wednesday to clip ter he had an hour awl a Don't this little Item. 367 MAIN STREET, WAGONS. CARRIAGES. norses. imarges $ per norse. spoken half, forget Read what E. F. Hawley has to say in head dots to magnificent LEY. Sandy Book, Conn. they were manifestly loath to let him go. his advertisement and and some Come and see the Waeons and Buggies we The source of the attraction is soon evi- W. L. Mitchell has reached Bridgeport go get . have on hand. Popular prices and quick 25 of tbe rare bargains at once. CONN: dales. Now ia the time to buy. SALE Good bouse and barns with 45 dent to any one who has the good for- with fiie looking horses which he BRIDGEPORT, FOR of pasture, meadow and woodland, will sell at this week bituated one tune to hear the man, who, not without auction, Saturday. Mrs Cbarles Minor, and Miss Saidee, D- - G- - BEERS & CO., Newtown, Conn- - mile from Easton Center and reason, has been called "The flrstcouin See hia ad. were in Bethel, last week. for of some nine miles from Bridgeport. Will be sold on to Dickens and and the Send samples reasonable terms or exchange tor city pro Thackeray, legit- Miss severed her M imate successor to Charles Keade." He Lillie Fairman has Miss Carrie Skidmore of Bridgeport or other in dress perty. Write RS S. B. PA TTISOX, sbelton, thing goods LASTS FOE 8 A LK Straw al or call on UKoUUK Ulii-liNSK- has in the flrst a per- connection with the Plumb Hardware was Mr berry plants, Ct.. Kaston, place very pleaing Co. of for the the guest of and Mrs illiam P tbe o d and new varieties, Knapi erry Conn. sonality a fine Intellectual forehead, Bridgeport, present. Botsford over Sunday. or . State about the plants all the best kind. Blackberry plants features, a flexible voice of all the good kinds ana Kldon-d- new. He QBIN'G FULLY EQUIPPED With a 40 horse thoughtful Nathan Shepard has just recovered price you wish to pay and Honest rare and get my price list before ordering Lf power portable engine, we are now pre. a John of Hook was (treat range and power and mobile face, from an attack of and visited Gaffney Sandy quite riHnts shipped the same uay as dug. miuak parnu to laxe contracts ior sawing Ties and In grip Bridge ill the fore of the week. about the colors desired. woo-ls- . which, once seen action, is never for- this the first time in some part Assortment of and BUfTEKY,LockiOxl26, tiorwaik, Fairfield litnnertnthe Mone' buy a Mr is a port, week, Big plain fancy county, Conn. belter outnu BKAKD BROXUKR ghelton. gotten. Then Murray splendid years. Mrs C. N. has been a victim Conn. mimic. He has a command of personal Shepard ot the CHEAP I 1 peculiarities, such as tr'cks of frature Miss Clara Drlggs from Brooklyn has grip. The Howland, Gow, Stark argams FARM HOUSES, NOTICE will be at the Brick outlding, on Is lec- Main tor September 15, and every Satur- and voice, that very rare among been a guest of Misb Florence Warner at E. R. of artesian well fame. and Agents We've lots of them. Here's a till He Sipperley, Cannon 'Company. Butterlck's Bale day tneraatter further notice, to receive turers. shows, thia, not onlv he Hook during her stay at home from was in town on Thursday. Mr Sipper- streets. Patterns. Readers oi Tub Bee will find on at taxes, hours 1 to 5 p m. RuBKKT A. CLARK, the capacitv to convulse his audience in chool duties at St Margaret's, Water- - ley is rushing business at his mill at few of them. Collector, Newtown, Conn. humorous situation?, hut al'O the power Bridgeport, . Conn COOK'S PARK CITY STABLES, bury. Westport. Ct- - to make them feel the pnthetic side, of White Apron Lawns, 7c was CRACKERS! Kossuth St., Bridgeport, BARBER SHOP Near tbe residence ot ll'e. The dramatic fenae In h'm is strong Lawyer W. H. O'Uara from Bridge- Tell wife to order of A number ol horses. snltaMe lor larm or Bronton. Ladles' and Chi- your abarrel 10c. ose sold once. lean's hair cutting a specially. A. A. aMITU, He seems to keep the attention of hi au- port passed Sunday in town as a guest at Ceresoto flour befora the price advances. road which must be at Conn. j-- reasonable offer refused. Square Watertown, hotel at the Hook. to be s dience without the slightest difficulty. Taylor'B Cereota has proved itself the very Outing Cloth, 6c was refunded. - his flre flour can be pro- yd, dealing. Money Iast night, for running of wit, best bread making that FOR SA LB CO CHA.BLK8 and his lis- Mi's Elie P. Nichols has a position in & Co's. AN HAT Apply eloquence pat.ho, delighted New Milford bank. She left for her duced, for sale only at R. H. Beers INVITATION Dress Styles 6c was 8c. Sandy Hook, Conn. teners gave him back a running fire of the ATTENTION! new duties, Monday cloth 10c was 12 in bulk and boxes, in from the FARMERS, laughter and applause. morning. Mrs C. H. Northrop is visiting her sis Outing best, just HAT FOR SALE Can be seen at barn at C. ters In Is extended to readers of THE WE HAVE TOR SALE place. J.H. WAESEH, Sandy BOTES FSOM ST ROSE'S. Hobart French and family and Mr and Brooklyn. , 6c was 8c, manufactory. Among them are Hook. Mrs Lynch, of Bethel were guests of BEE friends to Vanilla Wafers DOZEN FATHER DALY GOES TO EAST HARTFORD. George French, Sunday. Mrs F. L. Northrop is on the sick list. and their inspect Merrimack and Cocheco , 5c 20c lb A HALF COWS, SALE Good house and three barns, DUE THIS MONTH. FOR 3S acres ol good pasture, meadow and Father Daly, who has been assistant stock,mark-e- d Banquet Wafers 16c lb in Ct , about to Father Fox for some time has Misses Mary and Maggie Corbett of Mr Tomlin is once more on duty in the our large and varied was 7c. - woodland, situated Bridgewater, past, were of their store of R. H. Beers & Co. GEANNISS & H0SF0RD, two miles north ot Souibville. Will sell been transferred to East Hartford bv Bridgeport guests father, the lowest White 5c was 8c. Salted Wafers 16c lb cheap to close an estate. Can inquire ot G. he Is to be assis- James Corbett, over Sunday. in plain figures, at outing NEW PBESTON, CT. A. HOYT, South Britain, Ct. Estate of Bishop Tiernev, where On March 23, at H Saturday, beginning 50c-Gent- Wafers GEORGE MINOR, P. Downes. executor. In church. his s' Sugar 12c lb. tant St Mary's During Austin Warner from 11 & Duck suits all sizes 141 St- -, New CU In Vick6burg, Miss., a. m., the Danbury Bethel Horse prices. Boys' POTATOES rown from the Dwigbt Haven, stay town he has made many friends, who has been a week Co. will offer for sale at auction SEEDAroostook seed and warrant In as- spending among Railway 25 Graham Wafers 15c lb. County's A tew cow who wlh him success the new field . New Summer neckwear ed true to name. Harvest, the earlieBt SALE young fresh and Northern last at horses. DIAMONDS, Early n-- FOR him. relatives, spent Tuesday the balance of their Bargains grown.and New Queen t tar behind. Write springers ; also a good pair ot signed tbe home of J. II. Warner at Hook. can be had at sale to Social Teas 20c 1 I tarm horses, good workers and drivers. F. S. Sandy private previous and 35c, was 35 and 50c, newest lor prices, nun r. n, t awnuwu,i. , WATCHES, ojii FKl-sBlE- Brook Held Ct. FATHER SMITH SUCCEEDS FATHER DALY. that date. : ot In Center, Hobart Warner of Sandy Hook has Crisp 15 c lb. FOlt SALE CHEAP Two mows bay Father Hiulth, who was at ec Mry's, been laid with the JEWELRY, styles' on BoUtord Hill. G. F. DUNCOM BE, rpo RENT Good large bouse, barn and IS here. He is a up grip. You cannot afford to buy carpets until Newtown. JL takes Father Daly's place half-pric- e- Sultana Fruit Crackers 20c lb. acres nt land in Koxbury Center. Inquire to mee and comes to you have been to see A. G. Baker's stock New line Hamburg edging at of Dr PONS, Koxbury, Ct. pleasant gentleman t The Kickapoo Indian doctor and his SILVERWARE, R a Newtown recommended at Hawleyville. Ninety new Cream Soda Crackers CHESHIRE BOA For service; very highly by company left Sandy Hook on Monday, patterns lOclb WHITEclass young beast C. B. JOHNSON, TXJR SALE- - 37 good sheep. Inquire of or ad- - en- lust in at lower than ever reached CLOCKS. Conn. the Hartford papers. The Times says of after a very successful two weeks' prices Plain Soda Crackers 4 lbs 25c South Center District, Newtown, A dress, MUKIIMbKHL'll BELL, White Hills, him : Costello's hall. Hook before. 4 lbs Nice Prunes 25 c. Conn. P. O. address Derry: Conn- - gagement at Sandy SALE At Berkshire, one and a halt Father Smith ha been connected with fit ought to be pretty free from aches and Milk Crackers 10c lb. FOR the Mary'schuruh tor is mouth, ami during that some time to R. H. Beers & Co. have some of the G. W. 3 lbs choice California Prunes. 25 c Royal from Sandy Hook, place lately time hail become very the parish, paias for come, judging by handsomest color and Fairchild, owned by James Leavy, comprising three FOR SALE and It with the amount of the medicines that thinnest skin, All fresh- - acres ot land with house and barn. Will be u general regrettliat thecbange large sweetest navel in Watches, SU 4 lbs choice soda crackers, 25c. goods sold at a and on easy terms. For the was learned. The beat wishes ot the entire were sold their California oranges you Dealer Diamonds, bargain NEWTOWN community lor sucness In his new Held ot la- during stay. ever saw. - ... further particulars inquire at bor no with Father Smith." verware, Jewelry and Clocks. 4 cans choice corn 25. SAVINGS BANK. MORGAN HOMESTEAD, men- M iss Ruth came from Hartford Tne Courant also makes favorable Bradley 357 Main near Main SL, Newtown, Ct. tion a follows : on and is spending a week at F. F. Johnson is with the Street, John, 1 one Tuesday prostrated Store- - stock and tools il desired, and halfot For address K. K. MORGAN, Father has made friends In Hook her Mrs S. C. Bull. n. At the Leading Situated one mile from Haw particulars smith many the with sister, grip at tbe Berkley divinity school, (ESTABLISHED 1865.) toe bouse. half C. H-- Ct Kaat Hartford. Ilia address at the anniver- leyville Depot. Enquire on tn premises, Bridgeport, Ct, or PECK. Newtown, sary lof the Woman' Keltet Corps ot D. Genuine and imitation haircloth, grass HRSR.S BLACKMAN, Hawleyville, Conu. post.recently krld at "ells Hall, was soon cloth, chamoisflbre and all the trimmings R. II. BEERS & CO. SALE One ot steers, nve. for the Crown Ha- - ge, lor a fUrrlng, patriotic speech, and will not pair coming VOTICE Repairs , be forgotten by those present. " lor a dress waiting to De purcnasea on The assault cases against G. W. Brad FIR workers. E. L.Goodaell,Newtown,Ct. il sale atC. K. OSBOR-ES- Southbory, Ct. on Curtis and others in Plain Bridgeport, Ct Father Fox is to be congratulated the counters of Warner, Taylor &. ley, tbe Gray's casp, AU In favor ot the late - now is E. HAWLEY'S. RENT FOB THE SUMMER My house XJOTICE claims so a Hook. are to be it W- - securing able at tbe pushed understood, F. on Mt one half mile i.1 George Botsford remaining nnsettled Mr taken furnished; Pleasant A U 1. will be in an the case, against Bradley being west ot Newtown street, with barn, garden after pi put Attorney'ad- - Father Finn from Derby wag present Make hens and often, BLOODED HORSES FOR SALE- - In sum- bands for collection. A: tt BLAKEMAN, your lay early up flrst. and small rrnits abundance. Finest uiinii-trator- - at the service at St Rose's church on last 90 cents for mer location in town. Large veranda. Ex and get ground oyster shells, etc-- Address and made the address. 28. of tensive views, fine shade trees, Wednesday night a hundred pound Dag, at warner, Miss Honorah C. Carey of Cornwall On March I shall receive a loal 1. D. C. Lake Placid, N. Y., or E- On which rayior blooded to the tollow-in- g COMMISSIONERS OF FAIRFIELD till April PECK, R, SAL- the evening of next Sunday, & Curtis'. school Thurs horses, answering lO'l'HE C. G. Conn. ,- - be was before the board, last names and descriptl n ; cH7NTY The undersigned hereby applies PECK, Newtown, Is 8t Patrick's day, there will a veper as teacher for the ionvt Don't remains about the day, for examination IO. i. acidiu ntxy KJulllKt juaieu tor a license to sell spirituous and intoxica Forget! x All to know that t am out Five young cows due to calf In March or service at St Rose's church, and Father Orville Johnson sne to 15 2 hands siren selling new will deliver a lec same. most out Gray's Plain school, failed pass, high, by Royal Fearnaueht, ting liquors, ale, lager beer and all fermented WANTED stock of diamonds, watches, Smith, tbe curate, He riJes out every day, low. 1501, first dam by Magna Charta, standard or w A Fine line of dis- April. A small of 25 cents her average being very Is cider uruaa upon uie premises suju Hum- iewelry, clocks, silverware, etc., at a a and skins the market tcre. admittance fee is not able to do any labor. Carl Frank bred, will welch about lino. toopv. veiy ilities less than one gallon to be delivered at count ot from 10 fen 25 per cent, previous to re- bought at Is to be charged, the proceeds to be ad- is with him this winter. handsome, (rood driver single or double, never one time, and rhii.e wine only, pursuant to - Teas and Coffees. moval to Main ef-ee- t. It will pay you to in- price. been worked ior speed, paces and trots, good the laws ot the state now In force relating to vestigate JOHN H. REID. 11!) Fairfield J. B. STILLSON, New Preaton,Conn. ded to the fund of the church. saaaier. the sale of Intoxicating liquors, at the build for Your Hors- avenue, Bridgeport. Conn. a Mrs L. C. Gilbert received a telegram No. 2. liav (reiainfir, aoai. Street,in Try Nutriotine sabln. lng known asCostello's Hall.Daytoncon- - ' HATTERTOWI. , from tsoutn un sire Howard T. 7318 Dam Luna Coffman by the town of Newtown, in said ty. PLOWS Manufactured at , Saturday .Niagara Falls, Alarm 17309, win aoont iuou, JOHN H. COSTELLO. es and Cattle. WAKELtE FOR riALfc Coulalning urn acn-s- slU BENE a standard, weign Signed, It yon want a new plow FARM Tram-bul- A BIRTHDAY PARTY AT CHARLES tarlo, notifying her of the death of 15 broken and doable. 11th in the west ot tbe town ol l. uur-ie- d hands high, single Dated at Newtown the ot March, old reliable Bronson, part wno aiea ana was CLOAKS, SUITS, GLOVES, day ' this year buy tbe strong 1 on Berk wen's. nephew, oaturaay no. 8. buzz .(ones uay mare, loaiea is;ti, 1805, ' to work m land 34 milts from Long Hill depot to be "all the He was the owner of a sired dam Canovie A. B. and durable, warranted stony shire DivUion ot New York, New Haven and Birthday parties appear Monday. by Clay Jones, by youne Endorsed the five electors and soil. All and kept at the 1 2184. 16 by following li- Fancher, or clay plows parts Hurt lord railroad. mile postomee, go" In this vicinity, this winter. Last large there and employed about K.tlian hands high, broken single and taxpayers ol said town, none ot whom are leading naruware stores. . c who hid uwoi irm near scbool factory double, been worked but little, kind and gen- censed dealers in Intoxicating and HAWLEYVILLE CKHTKS kind ot road light to handle and miles from the cityof Bridgeport, Friday nigbt a large company gave 100 men In the manufacture oi silver : ot other liquors, We also WAKELEK or and church, suitably divided into meadow a fine WAISTS, ETC., tle. are lot endorsers any application. durable. make the and well watered, lavge two story Charles Benedict a surprise. It was an ware. He had only just completed iNo. 4. Mattie isoggrs. juay mare, loaiea William J. Charles Hawley. 8imon South plow and same as was man- pasture, SS 2 1050. Kirby. bury parts,- two with shed event and oft'aa tbe residence and moved Into it. He leaves XHl.15 hands, will wel h sired by a . w. Ortfp.lman. John Schumacher. ufactured at All carefully house, barns containing enjoyable pasped pre eoree dam Canovie by young TOWN OF NEW- AUCTION SALE Southbury.- parts stalls, one hall box.otfaerneceasarv buildings. nave cione, wun a widow ana one to mourn uis Franklin, COUNTY OF FAIRFIELD, fitted before leaving our anop. oia cast iron The farm has been used lor for ooard- - ceding parties music, aaugnter Ktnan nas oeen uro&en, .wurxeu out. TOWN, this 11th day of March. 1895 taken in exchange tor plows and parts i years and social chat, up with a loss. . We will our new Spec- - , OF-- ing gentlemen's driving horses, summer and games ending open little 1, 'I'own Clerk at. saia xown, oereuy oeruiy H. &W BRONSON, Roxbury, Conn. - - AU- ot refresh- No 5 Endicott. Koan mare, about 15 in such case winter- would matte agr od null Iarm. - bountiful spread tempting Mary pursuant to the statute provided. dress J. HOBART MALLETT, ments. EDhraim Briscoe has resumed work at Cloak hands, weigha 1050, sired bv George Franklin, tnat mis application euuorwu kuimwui VO&t ALE- - x trade, one new buggy in first LongiiilLCU Keane's button after a sore ialty Store, Thursday, dam Kathleen by Mambrino Archey 6517, i has been siihmitted to me. and I further certl r class order. Will trade tor cow or heller. On Monday night the good folks of this shop, nursing worked bnt little, goes very last at a each ot said is an elector Conn. broken, - -.- ty that endorsers March J.A.JAMES, Hawleyville, GREAT BARGAINS IN BOY'S SUITS! neighborhood, assisted by parties from hand about two weeks. March 14. pace. . ".- and in said town, and that a copy ot 0n Saturday, 22d, u. taxpaper H a a I.K At half nrice. Now Is the time to I al Daniel Kdwards a no. Agnes, iron gray mare, iohihu low. the including the AT 11 M. ru Or exchange lor larger tarm. buy ether districts, gave Fairchild has visited friends in 15 1100, P. foregoing apnlicat'on, BEGINNING A. nd 15 acres of land near step so have a nice stock ot men suits. Spring D. B. Parme Hobart hands, weighs sired by Frank above written endorsement, has been filed J; house, barn . now . birthday surprise party. We guarantee satisfaction if 2.21, race horse, dam of unknown 1 tne saia Co. ney Depot. W.J.JAiiiE.K..atepney uepoi,--i- goods are ready Popular goods at and New York. gieat Pt, ..with me, and that have advertisea NEW The Danbury & Bethel Horse Railway lower man ever, l nave maue a gen- lee took a load with his coach and Brooklyn breeding bnt a very eperdy mare, Agnes win ti the endorsement in THE A prices large - auction at its stables mn nrst class blacksmith snop reduction in all to close out. Hubbell & Co. chased trot fast if handled, she Is broken single and .wa n tr . vAnblv nAwnnLtwr in said town win iftr for sale at rent eral heavy geods lour (oxen.) Messrs Perrv. entrusted with your patronage double, never worked for speed at least once a week for two successive week", on 1 with all the modern machinery. Also a CUARLES CRANE, Bethlehem, Conn. fox into a tree, last week, in the No. 7. loaieu 15th 1895 'r cowl frame tor shoeing oxen ana a wood Leonard Payne of Bridgeport has been gray up se Lome nattier, imy mare, commencing on the day of March, tor a or William r Isener. swamp near Botsford and was able to 1891, 15 hands, weighs about 1100, sired by M il. iuwa vun shop that furnishes plenty ot wagon work SALE At halt price, 3 aires churns, a guest cure tne fox before ne couia Howard l lisiB.iaam Alcyone oy uasnawman, nuuLiti&n, SOUTH STREET, DAKBUBi, a blacksmith Terms reasonable. Enquire FOR can creamer, easv road cart, milk cans. Mrs John Stillson, who has been very ges away ss. OSCAR E. BEE New voun is second fox has been bas been broken single aud doable, never DISTRICT OF REDDING, Probate horses. may of MAN, Preston, coolers and a large lot ot other articles in sick with the grip for about four weeks, This the that worked ior speed. 1. 1885. the balance of their Bargains first class condition. HOLLISTEB SAGE, found in a tree In this win No. 8. w Brown 16 PHOEBE DIBBLE late of h hari at. nriv ! to sale orior to the day set rpo B S A LE Potatoes, seed potatoes, hav. Ct. la Improving slowly. J? Stillson and Mrs that swamp, Thos I. Nellie mare, hands. Katate ot J? Innuire ot JOHN H. C1IAUT- - The Creamery, Stepney Depot, Ceary I Co., weighs 1150, good driver, works kindly any Beading, in said district, deceased. for the acction. '""-r:- tine cider C. D. Stillson have been sick with ter. rvT ua. EMS. Broadview Farm, .one mile north of - i5 suite where, rears noimng goes penevuy, mo ior 'I'lio .niir nmnmi' inr i.iih iiiniiiiuii HOUSES- Auction sale ot head of general the srrlD but are much better. of James W. and a lady, she is well bred. ding hath limited and allowed six months Botsford Depot. fain ly and tarm horses on Satur- The families Daley 15 dat hereof the of said TVSTR1CT OF HUNTINGTON 98, Probate 9. 16, ISO m-- , 41 Mrs A. Mrs Charles La vine all No. f. Gait. Chestnut gelding, bands, fmm tiin tor creditors I I 1. 183S. day, March at p. at stables at C Pratt, William Veness, of Lake George, have 1000, sired Saturn 2605, could trot in oatiitn to eihihit their claims lor settlement. rvinrt. March TjtOR SALE Pair of stags coming five, good Elm street. Each horse warranted as repre- weighs by JL now and little boy of Naugatuck have visited suffered from the 2 20, dam McLeod 2.19 1 2, will drive to claims Fstate ot SYLVANUS P. SHELTOS late workers, nusua t,mjan aiii., rre. sented. ahall have every grip. by any Those who neglect present tneir aatri deceased. - Buyers advantage at A. Pratt s. wm De wm ue rt iTnnHmrtnn.ln" r : district, - ...... ton; Conn. of a sale MITCHELL & SANFORD, il. 449 Main St , Ct where ana last li attested, wunin saia nme, " n i r . I. .-t -..i ...- ... private Mass A. Bridgeport, 10 16 properly indebted oi li.c v. 21 Miss Emma Mellen ot Danbury Is with Grace Hawley spent Sunday No. Pallah. Chestnut mare, hands debarred a recovery. All persons Ine tjourt rruuaiv iw allowed six TXR SALE My black mare known as Elm street, Bridgeport. in 1200, has trotted in 2.30, great road to said estate are to mane immeui-at- Huntington hath limited and her sister. Mrs .Jotin summers. with relatives Brldgewater. weighs - requested ...... u., th a hereof for the creditors X Nell." She is kind and gent'e, a splendid and onion sets ma oeneeuv leariess payment to John W. Nickerson, adminis ..m date 3 New timothy clover seed; Mr Mrs Charles of Monroe ' - to exhibit their claims for driver, bas trotted in lens than minutes, kinds of seeds . F. Haw- - and Hawley Noril. curley. Chestnut mare. loaiea in trator. of said Estate ot farm 1 ISO and air garden at Mrs M. Botsford of Lake 1889. 15 1 1100. Those who to present has done all kinds work, weighs 8. were guests of Ralph Benedict, Sunday. E. George hands, weighs sired by 8aturn settlement. neglect saw and is a for some one. Also IS M. ot South wm. dam by stan TV8T11ICT OF NEWTOWN, ss. Probate their accounts, attested, wunin pounds bargain ew designs in paper hangings; C. was the guest L. Bradley fatsey Krougnam.curiey is - properly new and in re-- spring Edgar Northrop again clerking Manager. oara ana iuii to xosiei- 1 1 Court. March 11. 1895. tin,,. win he (ihn.rred a recovery. All per a meat cart that is almost good oyer 1200 worth in at r. ttawteys for B. A Co. Britain, registereu sister rat Of estate are to I offer lor $50. H. W. WRIGHT, Sbelton 6 just t. Hawley recently. ibinyi, a norse tnat wui trot ciose to i ia. Estate of LEMUEL F. CAMP late sons indebted to said requested gatr from cents per roll and up. who has been No. 12. Kavhtwn.ln nftkl dlstriet.deceased. maba immediate nayment to Marietta Bargains In outing clotb and dress ging- Arthur Lovejoy, visiting GiDsev. Bay.mare. sired by Brent tt E. F. on 71)6. NewStSov 2.12. ot the Administrator Executrix. d hams cents a yard at Hawley's with relative.! in Zoar, Is at home sick The appraisal the estate of the late wood sired ol this is a black Upon the application Shelton, TJOR SALE Four year-ol- grade Durham Two hhds choice new Porto Rico mo- on rv mare, stout, good every where, tbe best pra ing cerium i wti oomwj imuu.u'e A cowi and calf two old, good ones crop with the ffrln. John J benermernorn was maae ea very on runcu. said uiumay be sold as tmstrilT OF NEWTOWN, ss, Probate days lasses in at E. F. Hawlev 's. piece oinorsenesn ine n Camp per application Mar. 12, 189V H.Jt. rliUM, Stevenson, txinn just Miss Jennie Banks of Cold Spring has nesday by Aaron Sanford and This Is an onnortunltv not O'Jered before in Al. wtgtTa tiillv annpniB. it ia U Court, Ol be heard Estate of JOHN J. SCHERMERHORN late OF REDDING, ss. Probate Court been at Stlllson's. E. L. Johnson. this section and they are to be sold. JAMES Ordered That said application in naid deceased. SALE Bay Ally coming lour, sired by DISTRICT J. 8. COLE, Bridgeport, Conu. Horses on Bale and determined at the Probate Office v.nirivn. district, broken to harness 18H& day-o- f of Probate ior the District ot Hurllngham, sound, LACRINDA GRUMMAN, late ot at Frank Bronson'g stable 102 Fairfield avenue in said Newtown on tbe 20th The Court six and promises sneed. will exchange tor work Estate of AND VICISITT. Have yon fried the popular blend of ! 1895," 2 o'clock in the after- KTtam hath limited and allowed Redding, In said District, deceased. D0DQI5QT0WH Mar., at - Creditors horse. TCRNET NORTHROP, Newtown coilee sold Merchant Morrisr WANTED noon, and that notice be given of the pen- months from the date hereof for the The Court ol Probate tor the District oi by .1 ... aufH ftnd paata uitatAtn mwHAnt their claims tor set SALE-T- be S. - hath limited and allowed six months Mrr John Bthn has been T. CORBETT, Insurance annlionHnn. thfl ttmd and who to their TXR tarm of L. Bloss contain- Redding entertaining J. Agent place of hearing thereon, by publishing tlement. Those neglect present JT ing about 120 acres of good land suitably from date hereof, tor the creditors of said her Mr Miller of Bethel. The Drominent announcement of Ewen Machine New York Life and Hartford Lite and An same one time in be annnnnta. nmnerlv attested within said tu divided into and wood Estate to exhibit their claims tor settlement. mother, Melntvre & Co.. wide awake New Sewing Operators. the the jnewtownsaid dis win na debarred a recovery. All persons in meadow, pasture George and Irving Taylor of Bridge- the unity. newsnaner having a circulation in make land, about 100 apple trees all grafted and Those who neglect to present their accounts, Haven merchants. In another column Also buttonhole makers, Box Conn. trict at least five betore the time as- debted to said estate are requested to a horse barn attested, within said time, will be to a few days with experienced 74. Sandy Hook, days - mostly winter fruit, house, barn, properly port expect spend tor said ; immediate payment to saran. oonermer- water a recovery. All persons indebted C. for Itself. Peruse it. signed hearin , and shoo all in good repair, running at debarred their father, O. Taylor. speaks sample buttonhole required. BRADLEY, Judge. boin. Administratrix. horse barn. For and turther to said Katate are Teqneetea to make Imme- Edward Clark has been tbe of bonse and price William H. Cor. guest DA7ESP0HT ft 0'HAUa, Attorneys and Conn MILK For sale at Clover Farm An particulars enquire oi n.u. cetuie diate payment to Ummnitn, Mr L. A. Baroum. Seats for Christie Murray's lecture G. Ct. WANTED Baseball stitchers. A. LEVY, hem, Conn. blu, nelia Jennings, Executors. P. HADLEY, Long Hill, Ion at Law. stat ttrMt. TT 11 IS nex, Johnson's Mtu. Mrs Andrew and son and Mrs Hate will be put on sal on Saturday next. imiiport. Park avenue, Bridgeport. go that my Inferences seem far-fetcb- perfume. Then he became wrapped in Newtown Bee and strained ; but the leadings to this act the study of flowers and discovered their The Travelers' Guide. The of deceit are so plain and its lessons for relations to insects. He was now ready tnis day are so neiprui ana so neueu Two to challenge the conclusions of Linnaeus. Beautiful : NK YORK, MEW HAVE AND bAKTFORD Chinas, f E1DAI.MAKCH ,19 1893 that I cannot reralneliing it to you as He said If Nature intended that this KAlLBUiU. ? I see it. pollen shall be shaken, whv should it be cheap why A bright CIRCULATION; This band of Christian disciples was put where it cannot reach the stigma? It NONE BETTER MADE. stroke of on our part. JlSUAfiT 1,1882, 010 much now in Sponges Is the insect which buying LAST WtEK. 8200 attracting attention just accomplishes this NEW HAVES North. 9M a. 3 J. m. We're all smart sometimes, Jerusalem. The wonderful miracles mystery.' But his exultation was short- South, 11 a-- ui-- . B p. m. the fa- The be likened to he was confronted 8H ELTON North. 10.10 a-- m., 4.51 p. m. Bonth. wrought by the Apostles gained Kidneys may lived; with 'posers' m- know. Price for these vor ail as radical as those which We are outfitters. We 10.35 a. - p. in. you of the people against the protes- two sponges through which the he had pre- STkVBKSON North, 10.2S a. &OS m. Around the Fireside. Sanbedrin. A sented to Linnaeus. - m, p. Silks, 50c. a yard. tations of the mighty blood of the body passes. These He came so close to "get there" early- When a new thing south. 10.23 a. m. 7.18 D-- In the market brilliant future seemed opened to this tbe truth and just missed it. His book MONROE North. fl0.29 a. m, t&JB p. m. Put them agalimt any thing - human take is KEEPING BACK PAST OF THE PEICE- new sect. Their pure and noble lives, sponges the waste was to w here it would out we've got it south, tlu.17 a. m., p. m. at 70 0. a yaril, Thuy're M Inches wMr, matter from the consigned oblivion, We BOTSFORU North, 10.31 m m., 1330. the surround- blood and have remained to this an illustration of this u all Bilk and hard to get- - too, doubly conspicuous by carry dav bad not Dar gave you b.1. 44.0 p. m Bun.iay.B-i- a. m. bouui, auux guaranteed very not it come a. in - 7.(Y7 n. m . ' THE RECORDING OF THE STORY OF ANAN ing looseness of morals, could but away. When the Kidneys win upon tbe scene to reconcile all ia the CLAY WORSTED SUITS at outside the Iilg Store. win admiration even from those become those theories. Wnen Dar iKWTOWS North, i , 10.17 a m . lit ' IAS IS EVIDENCE OF THE BIBLE'S genuine clogged illness follows. conflicting 5 M, 7 Ji p. m. Sunday, 8.18 a. m- - booth, unite with the win manes tbe insect one S10 We've more, too. 10 WAS SIN OF not disposed to party. Backache is a of Kid- fly from flower your size, 7 09, 8.47, 04. 11.27 a. C. &Stp. m. WASH GOODS TRUTH. THE SIN THE, symptom cross-fertiliz- m, Now ail this bad its effect upon to another he discovers Same in Hat?; all the nw Spring Sundav. S.IA n. m. ., PRE TENCE PUTTING ON A FALSE Ananias and belonged ney trouble. tin. We wonder that could not HAWLEYVILLK North, 10.56 a. m. News touched the Sapphira.. They Sprengel .xu a. m. just . are now we have them in all uu, p. m. exi FACE. COUNTLESS MULTITUDES FAIL to a of nave seen Styles out; the new Blocks, the oji, K Bunaay, family good standing, respected tms. including South. 7.G1, S.S9, M. 11.19 a. l. 41 a in of To n. Til . Sundav. fiJtT r, m m, writer's attention, about OF BECOMING CHRISTIANS BECAUSE the community. When the current Buker's Kidney Pills illustrate what natural selection correct shapes of popular favor was setting toward the could do in the development of species BROOKFIELD JUNCTION North, 80S, UJO landed cargo THEY KEEP A PART OF THE PRICE. the of . will relieve clogged cross 1 a. m., iju, ow, 0.4.1, j i p. m. sumlay, SJM Christian disciples, reputation Kidneys Dy fertilization, Mr Cribson showed a. m. i, 8 1.45, IN THE FOLD OF THE CHURCH dissolve South. JO, 11.10 a. m, 4J0, 5359 yards a WOLVES their family demanded that they should they the matter which what man had done to alter the pigeon 6.55. 6.42 D. m. bnlivl unm Fine Printed CANNOT DESTROY HER. A SERMON BY look also that way. They joined the clogs them and relieve, the in- -' by artificial selection of sports of nature. DTJNLAP, Y0TJMAN, LAMS0N & HUBBARD; C0L-- : BROOKFIELD North. 8JM , U.15 a. ISt, . M. 1 Bunuay.B.u...... iAIJtJU, REV OTIS W. BARKER. band, not wholly counting the cost, flammation and Backache which It is by such small variations which gjiHlMp.m.1 I ... e - LJ.. .1 Main, in & Lawns looking at only one side, the social posi- is caused the meet a want that species are developed. LINS & FAIRBANKS, LANES VI andSTlLL KIVKR North. 8.1 tion it would them. When illus- by stoppage. They The first flower which he took for illus , a. nit 14a, p. in. ooum, a.4 u a. in man with bring (8-4- unusually "But a certain named Ananias, trious of benevolence were an are made of vegetable products tration was the monkshood. As soon as 5.16, 6.27 r. m. Sunday, north. a. aa t Sapphlra his wile, sold a possession and kept examples p a occurrence, Ananias and and contain no narcotics or in- It opens tbe anthers are ready to shed NEW M'lLKOkb &22, 11.27 a. m pretty back part ot the price, his wile also being everyday and other blocks for men and men- - The North, ,2.15, Sapphira, who were known in the church The cost their pollen. Nothing can touch 'the popular young three most pop- n.oo, o.iu, p. ui. ouDuny, ejn a. tn. BOum. at ai to and a certain and jurious drugs. pills 6.35. Si 1048 1, S 6.22 terns privy it, brought part as well-to-d- o could not maintain This flower has itself ular 8.05, .45, a. m., 10, p. m. laid it at the ieet." Acts 5 : 14. people, 50 cents at the j Book stigma. adapted Derbys in Black and the new shades of Brown are our $2, $2 50 Sundav. 5.20. apostles' without druggists, to one , 11 S un their respectability exhibiting about insect, the bumble bee. Its and S3 for us HKkW IN 8V1LL E North. 8.35, a. tAS, of the same As a first Kidney trouble free. is to reach the qualities made expressly by the best Fur Hat manufac- p. m. mjDaiD-- M. usually something spirit. tongue just long enough 8.08 sunaayjwuii.m. wuui, The little word ' but" which opens no soon- stamens. . His comes contact p. Sundav. n. m. price 6H cents a yard. step they sold their land. But, Buker Pill Co., 'Me. body iu turer in this com try. We will guarantee our S3 to as KENT 8.48, 11.51 a. BM petty this chaDter Is a door that swiuifs Irom er was in Bangor, with which he Derby give North, m, S.2S, p.m. if In the money their possession, tbe yellow pollen carries a. m. south, 10 a. m, I S8, 4.14, Ask any impartial judge a room ot liiiht imo one of darkness. avarice asserted itself and be- off with bim. When good wear as any $5 Hat made, and we make this state- 6.55ounaayjstn. m. Sunflav .4.87 n. m.a eced than they ance of Him as a Saviour Is a be comes to a sweeping the clotting verses of the pi lug chap : personal COUNWALL BRIDGE North, 9.05 a. in --, 12.04. not worth 12c. a yard. gan to reason flower next day the anthers have droop ment fcr these Hats: ''NONE BETTER MADE-- " Silk they're ter we have a beautiful of the mere form about which ministers waste Hats in Hen's un p. ni. nuniiay , jsh a. m. ttoutn, picture ed and the have and a. m S.18. 3.50. bAl D. .4.1.4 n. m. Full one wide. White "WHAT WE ARE AIMING AT much wboare themselves stigmas grown $3-Go- in. finndnv yard Church. The Holy Spirit tilled talk, deceiving $5 and $6 in Pearl and SI EST CORNWALL 9.14 li-1- ear? comes forward. He as before and Shapes; Alpines Brown, Black, 50, $2, fl North,a. a. m De a sips 7X11 ,11.4-- the beart of the people ana Drougnt is name these witn tne iancy tnat to moral man, 40, p.m. Sunday m. South, IO.US grounds striped and dotted a good among people. one's live with tbe the pollen touches the stigma and the Caps, Eton Caps, Tarn O'Shanters, Visor Caps, Yatching Caps 20, a. m., l.On, 4JS. &Jtl p. m. AM m. fruits. The did pay debts, squarely . Sunday p. o; forth.Heavenly Apostles That we can gain just as well by giving not in tricks in flower is cross fertilized. Ibis was and figured with black many marvellous works. Iney preacnea a of the as by giving world, indulge sharp trade, lllustiated the as 25, 48, 75, 98, the salvation of witti power portion proceeds is about all that is necessary or required beautifully by chart, BonroiD to nuixiEmaT. or and blue col (jurist all. What's the use of robbing ourselves was also tbe process with a BOTSFORDKorth, 7 10JW a. m 12.20, 5 white, pink there were added to the. Church by God, if perchance tbey stop to think lily adapted J6, A. Dally of everything?" But they overreached only to toe wasp. A model of tbe in o.i4. i.fa p. m. Sunday, 8.10 a. m. South. 7.17. ors. numbers of such as were saved. at all of what God requires? 8.65,11.36 4.37, 7j07 p-- being themselves. They were not content to sect was fitted into the flower to show Makers and Retailers m. aon, Sunday, 66 Future for children d rem- members were one iu heart aiid life Yes, men may deceive themselves, t. dresses and Its be known as generous equally with the bow wonderfully Nature bad planned of STEPNEY North, 738, 10.24 a. 12 m, 4JK, waist for women. f.lio were may completely befool but tbey o o m and These goods Their wishes coiuuiod, their names to be others; for its assistance.- MEIGS & . Good ij. iu. Duuufty, a. iJEo, IMJO, others. They wanted tneir cannot deceive God. Ananias lied not It possible CO., Clothing. 11 45 a. m- 4.45, 7.16 m. bouu, 6J& what true cheapnesH is. were common, their food was as most a botanist take a new flower - p. Sunday, p. m. thoughts on everyone's lips the generous unto men, but unto God ; and for to and LONG HILL North, 10.18. 1141 a. m.; 4.4. co ui oi- n. Iliac great wall in modern of all. a but straight- tell to what insect it is 649 p. m. 7.54 m. nana ana suu&s givers They gave part, way he found bis secret sin unveiled and adapted. Sup Sunday, p. South, WHAT'S NEW IN ? life wbica rues ou every to ne nnas a nower witn a 09, U49 a. 4.51, il p. m Sunday 643 a sec- tbey pretended give all. himself of all his deceit and un pose slender rt. m. ra, oil' a little community here, email Is this sin never now ? Re stripped tube two inches ; what insect can 327 Cor. Bank St. tion the one repeated masked of all his hypocrisy, a convicted long Main, Bridgeport. TRUMBULL North. 7.16, 10.12, 11.28 a. m. The choice novelties an there, being inordinate); The almost seems a o-- a peated? question- man before God. Men may deceive reach tne nectar; what insect has p. m. suuaay, i.n a. m. south. rich and the other miserably poor this asked in derision. What is the most two inches The 7.S9, 9.14 4, a. 7.26 p. m. Sunday. seen in our Advance Ship- wall found no amidst themselves all their lives here; but what tongue long? sphinx t6-5- p. m. separating place glaring sin of this age? Is it not hypoc about the revelations of the moth. Tbe flower is the honeysuckle. BRIDGEPORT North. 10, UJO a. 440. ment. Lace for ex- this band. TDc ricn De wnac we are Judgement 0 Nets loving willingly risy, pretending to not, ! To those on the left of tbe In flowers that open only by night. p. m. Sunday, a. m. Arrive, 7.60, sold their property and brought of the a for to which Day Judge such as tbe night-bloomin- g catch-fly- , all 25 a. m, 6.10. 740 p. m. IJJk Silver, black, of claiming reputation that will come the condemnation : "I was an Sunday ample. gilt, money received to relieve the wants we have not a shadow of right. Not day insects, like the bees, are eliminated p.m. the ; and the vied with each hungered, aDd ye gave me no meat ; I was green and navy spangles on poor poor one word would I say against every man at once. The working of the model to DAK BUST Division. in to tne riea and ye gave me no drink ; 1 was 1. A .ii .m. - black . Silver and other tnankiuiuess lor appearing at tis very best, always thirsty, show this was peculiarly ingenious and niVHI'RV K.... T.c .An gilt their favors. The only strife that en a stranger, and ye took me not in." tn., 8.50, 5.18. 6JO, 8.54 p. in. South. 6 JO, 7 JO, putting the best foot forward, making be- beautiful. BILLIWTOS &, 57 a. m. on tered the ranks of these first Christians, Then shall come the answer of total ' CLilXflPETT m., 1240, iS, p. Siuulay, spangles white net. himself stand in the very best light in : Most flowers can' perpetuate them tn., 6.05 p.m. knit by the ardor of their new wilderment and surprise "Lord, when FOEMfELY WITH L. W. BOOTH tcto. BETHEL. Nets together everything be does, in a word, making saw we thee an or or a selves by till the right North, 648, 1049 a. JetId found taith and hope, was the emulation most himself wnere. hungred athirst comes but tne orchids are 2.34. 6.08, 549, 646 p. m. Sunday. 10.17 a. m, Nets the of always, every and did not minister unto insect along, 0 p. m. South. 6.17, 7.33 10 Oi, a. m., 1247, Chantilly to do each other stranger, 8-- good. That is a Christian's duty and the duty thee?" And then shall find that in a curious exception. They, roust have p. m. Sunday. a. 2 p-- Pearl Nets But, as if future ages, looking back of maa. We are on dress they cross fertilization, then it was objected CITY PHARMA OST, REEDING North. a. m, 2JS, 640 times and every parade tnis life tbey bad so blindfolded tbeir 36 WALL BRIDGEPORT, CONN. p. m. Sunday, 10.11 a. m8.13 p. ra. South, All-ove- upon these early comparing and cannot afford to do a to Darwin's that an orchid had STREET, 6-- rs all the time eves and and theory a. 12.54 7.10, m. Real Point Venise them with their own, in which strong is mean. But there is wrapped their imaginations been found with a tube 11 inches nin p. Sunday, SJJ and foolian single thing that cheated themselves with foolish deep Can be lound a full line of a. m., 5.1 p. m. with match worldly pride a wide distinction between that and thoughts, and slender as a and SANKORD 7.20 edgings to pur needle, North, a. m, 4, JU p. m. ambition found first should that Christ passed by at their doors, and OK place, say posely seeking in every way to go under that no insect bad a tongue 11 inches DRUGS DRUGGISTS' Sunday, 10.06 a. in, 8 p. m. south, 629 a. and well, we're all tangled that such a scene of was they saw Him not, heeded Him not, and PURE and SUPPLIES m., 12 7.15 p. m. 8.22 a. 5J2 angelic purity false to a masked front to he answered that the We mean business and will not be undersold- - - A ji. Sunday, m, p. to color?, present now alas ! in bopeles ruin and despair long, confidently Prescription carefully compounded- genu tn. with the dense and beautiful not real, and, unable believe the Bible the world. existence of tbe nower tne exis for tne Hrculei Powder Company. Dynamite. Special attectioa given to country trade. BRANCHVILLE North. 7.1S. 5 p. m in ' proved 0 narrative in this particular, should con taken from a ten thev see, the full light of clearest day. tence of an insect with a 11 p. m. SutHlay, 10 a. m, 8.02 p. m. The little srirl, large have cheated themselves out of tongue South, 644. 7.53, 10.18 a. 1.05, 443,7-2- 1 varieties. demn the whole record as untrue unless that they inches and sure two of 8.28 m, p.m. emeut in New York Citv through the a Saviour 8 love and a nome in long, enough, Sundsy, a. m, 6. 28 p. m. Lace Counter. Chapel St. corner. such a feeline as this should gain benevolence of tne 1 resh Air r und to joyrul his disciples visited, that country and at her Levi In Eastcn. KORGETOWN North, fM a. J IS. . I this narrative of Ananias Heaven. uncle's, French's, m. m, Jl8p. ground, say, the house of a plain farmer in the cen found a moth with a tongue 11 inches Miss M M. Burr last weeK, This Space is Occupied Sunday. 9J7 a, m, p. m. South, seems to enow tue "And laid it at the Aposcles' feet." returned, by 1.09. 7.25 m. 841 a. 1 introduced, tnat tral of New York who, on lODg. The orchid in a is a p. m, p. Sunday, m, TOWELS AND COTTONS Church even at fountain part State, This of tbe money was done as conservatory from a three week's visit in Hartford p. m. then, its bead, the second day of ber stay, informed offering curiosity, but only In Nature do we see and New Britain. Hemmed I luck Towels where most of all we should expect it to an act of worship. ' a NEW TORE A NEW ENGLAND R. R 25 x 45, stiff the good housewife, quite unused to city its full beauty and significance. In Mi8f Nellie Booth's little sister bas ! Ociober 28, ac eacn. be bad of the character IT MUST HAVE BEEN be- l!4. vaiue 19c. pure, something ways, that at home she played upon a conservatory it blooms for weeks, been spending; a few with her at H. S. HAWLEYVILLK East 2, 715 m. . Now and then a days BOTSFOW, 9 3 p. Knotted Fringe Damask Towels of the Church Stein way grand piano, which was after- in the of tbe assembled cause it is a stranger in a strange land, Mrs H. R. Kiwood's. West a. m, p. m. false within its eacred fold. presence believers, cross-fertilize- d NEWTOWN East H.20 m. 18.53 zi x 45, teasingly cheap at 19 cents. disciple crept wards fonnd to be a toy piano of only for a could An- while if it bad been it Mrs J. R. Jennings and Miss Abbie p. WpSt Now and then a man used it as an in- five this little has had imita- only by public offering would wither at once. waits seem Winnifred Jen- a. m, ri.53 p. m." world- keys, girl anias have gained his desired object, It WakemanJ visited Miss BANDY HOOK East 12.14. 7 27 m. strument to his thirst for W p. gratify tors in . older at - in and withers in Manufacture of the st 8.48 a. ni m. it- many people, who, credit in the church ;- we read, too in ingly anticipation, nings in New Haven, Saturday last. original f 24 p. ly honor and distinction, used as a fashionable summer hotels, have upon its stem. One SOUTH BURY East IU1, 717 p. m. Wast verse "Great fear came disappointment 8.38 a-- 2-- MALLEJteECl(' step by which he would mount higher their H, upon sometimes thinks that there is conscious- p. m. on the ladder of Fame. magnified plain unpretentious all the church," so tbe cburch BROOKFIELD. tTratns stop when 4ognle4 osly COR. CHA.PEL AND TEMPLE ST8. dwellings into palaces that would rival must have witnessed this - scene. ness there, a hope unfulfilled. THE BIBLE IS A RECORD OF FACTS the abodes of Fiftn avenue millionaires so worse for WAKELEE 8HEPATJG RAILROAD. And much the GrrMfln Milford has PLOW; This idea of pretending to be more than Ananias. On bis it was an act of Henry of New November 19, teas. NEW HAVEN, CONN. as they actually are. Its tells the deeds we part commenced at tbe Iron BETHEL Leave 7 87 a. m, S.12 p. m. are is a ap- The blacksmithing 8.12 9-- of not or really thought especially professed devotion to God Himself; and Legislature. is man full Sunday a. m. Arrive a. tempted men, angels dwelling propriate for Christians to consider he knew bis his assumed works. Mr Griffin a young; Also state to make asd sell p. ra. Sunday 6.15 p. m. tjo, in of tne reacn oi saintly air, ap and is of pat- right BAWLEYVILLK 845 a. m. regions lignt beyond There is a whole sermon wrapt up in the of a lavish was all a hol SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE OF THE BEE of energy deserving your North. m, 5J2 p. ein. Tne Bible was written by men, our pearance giver, Sunday, 5 a. m. Leave tor Bethel 942 a. term which expresses public act of low Bliara. Kne.w ne was a ronage. m., 4 J30 touched, to be sure, with the Inspiring in Christ s ol tie acting p.m. Sunday, 6p.m. and of but enlisting army, "profession oreaaiui ne. unuer tne pretence 01 wor "Just as good as going to a circus, SHEPAtU North, t4iS a. m, t544 p. m. quickening finger Cod, yet faith." We profess to be something and Ananias knew he was de Merrill's 0 K Snnday, W 48 a.m. South, IJ7 p. by men of Jike passions and feelings as so. We to be and to do shipping God, costs nothing, the state pays lor the m. Sunday, p. m. am,f rightly pretend Him. This deed was POXBURY tS-- ourselves, who looked out upon the - liberately mocking clown" said a man as he left tbe House FALLS North. a.m, more and so p-- 7 than others, rightly committed in an appointed of wor on Sunday. a.m. South.9-2- 0 y" f34& world with such as we. was place ot Representatives where tbe bearing - ! J--o just eyes It So we cannot profess complete consecra and under the name of FOR YEARS li iu. cunuay, u. III. written by Matthew, the We ship religion.. It tne tuDercuiosis question was pending, 20 Steel Coulter BOS BURY North, 10.12 a. m, 6 p. ni. Sun- tion and keep back part of the price. a cause to its to a the formula for Scott's Harrow, 9.10 a. m. 9.11 JL32 who, when Christ found him at in a took holy aid, further and most as outrageous as tbe "peach making day, South, a. m, p. m. sittiug cannot join with the other members uau aeea, ana so it nieriwu lue icanui of which the seem to Emulsion has been endorsed Sunday, 5 15 p. m. the "receipt of custome," was none too covenant to yellows" experts by BRIDGE flO.22 sacred support the services punishment which followed. no cause no ex- JUDD'S North, a. m, 6M p. much above the of his know of and for, of whole world. No 5 m- average depised of God's house and then honestly give to are remedy physicians the B0TSF0R0, CT., m. Sunday, t.l7 a. in. South, a. - profession ; by John, the loving, trust- Lying and deceit always bad; but, cept a good sized salary. So with tuber t3 03 p. m. Sunday, t5.03 p. m. the Lord some excuse for remain- secret about it. This is one of its WASHINGTON 11J17 a-- e, Christ's closest paltry when they mask themselves under holy the the the more North. m, 6J7 p. m ing friend, who, of culosis, larger salary 7 8.53 a-- ing at home, or let some fancied need do double mischief. endorsements. But the Sunday, a. m. South, m, 0 p in his early life, was enough imbued conscie'n-tiou- s associations, they and greater is the terrible mystery sur strongest m. Sundav, 4.51 tn. ours stand in the way of our not the evil-doe- r G. W- - Botsford'a p. with the spirit of mere wordliness to to the Lord in accor- They drag only down, rounding tbe same, Tbe assertions made strongest endorsement possible is At Shop. SKW PRESTON North, 1LI7 a. m, 6.21 p. m covet the of honor at bis Master's giving fully but tbe cburch or the community of be and contradictions following are rules in the vital it Sunday, 94H a. m. South, 849 a. 2.19 pan. place dance with our means. be was iomed. And strength gives, Sunday, 4.38 p. m. hand ; who was known lievers which soup that seem to govern all the investigations 11 SI right by Faul, on cburc h member comes a ROMFORD North, a.m, 6J0 p.m. Bun- - far and wide as Saul the persecutor, WE CANNOT STAND , every heavy thus far held and the average farmer day, 9.64 a. m. South, r840 a. m, t2ju p.m. who dragged unoffending men and wom- responsibility ; when he enters into the present asserted that he considered bis Sunday, 4.46 p. m. upon the plane of loyalty to our Master, which church in own than 5cott's MORRIS North. 1140. f6J5 p.m. Bun- - en from their own homes, because they obligations membership judgement better any paid day, 10.02 a. m. South, t85 a tliS p. m. before whose Heavenly greatness all our volves, be voluntarily turns the full light as to the health and fitness of his 4.18 m. m, were guilty of the heinous crime of social differences in life are as anthills agent Sundav, p. being followers of Him who came out of of public scrutiny upon himself. The own cattle for product or food. The in MARTIE'S BANTAM North, 12.M,p.m.,644 p. m. Sunday, beside the Himalayas, and then unblush-Ingl- y fair cause he is demands that 10.20 a. in. South, 8.27 a. m, .1.3 p. m. Sun- lowly Nazareth. The Bible was written upholding quiry thus far has brought out nothing 4.07 fail to recognize anyone who hap- word or nod or manner be into Emulsion day, a. ra. by men for men, men such as you and I by bring it for the benefit of the farmers, or the SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING L4I-Nor- th, t!2.08 p.m., t.4 Sunday, to be inferior to us in wealth or ed- no is 1 10.24 25 p.m. are to-da- distracted with cast pens shame. He expected to be and to state, and all the money thus far paid nourishes. does more for weak a. in. South, to a. m, Sua. cares, ucation or influence. do more men what It SCHOOL. day, p. down sin ; because it was so than other ; otherwise, out, (and it bas been tnousands of dollars) 12.15 We are now with the latest and by and, "And back of the honor has what reason to be set in Babies and Growing Children Arrive p. m, 6 p. m. prepared written, it is a safe for our kept part price." he, might just as well have been thrown 403 Main St-- , Sanford Ct. Sunday, 10.30 a. m. South, 8.20 a. 1U5 mnnt imurovful maehinerv to artesian guide daily These two failed of be- to be called one of God's than other kind of nourish- Building. Bridgeport, 8.50 m, p. walla to anv ilenth from 28 to 400 teet. We life, not a book to be carefully laid upon early disciples apart, peculiar to the river at Hartford for tbe filling up any in Snndav. p. m.. true failed of thor- us not Mid-wint- guarantee that nothing bntpure spring water our library shelves, our chief connection coming Christians, people. Still let too much grieve, of dockage. As to tbe peach yellows the ment. It strengthens Weak term opens on Monday, Janu as our we en- with - t- can enter our wells, by system with it being to keep It free from dust. ough acceptance God, aye, worse, when here and there men and women are experts admit tbey cannot tell the cause. Mothers and restores heakh to ary 7. 1891, that ia tbe time to enter, but pu- THE- tirely shut off all surlaoe water that makes infinitely worse than that, not only ut- found in the church who have no busi- can enter at time alter tnat date. 76 the old dug and stoned op well so injurious to It is a book to be used, handled, thought neither a cure, and cannot tell if a tree from Emaciation pils any water terly failed of their cherished scheme of ness to be there,' who daily bring re has disease until it bears and all suffering holding good paying positions in health. Manufacturer paying heavy over, prayed over, wept over, every one in as noble the rruit, graduates Jron Qo., rates can save trie con oi an artesian wen in of the 305 days of every common year. being high repute philanthro proach upon us all. Did you ever yet see then by the small specks or dots on the and General Debility. all parts ot the country. jerlin jjridge one or two Tears. Old wells that run dry dur phists, but they God forbid that we a diamond of the first water in which the no in For Sore Bron. the season of last can be mtCde The story of Ananias and Sapphira is skin, with difference the taste. Coughs, Colds, Throat, OF EAST HKKLIX, COSX., ing dry year who are so little worthy should harshly microscope would reveal no imperfection ? And fruit testified follow- chitiSiWeak Blood CA!t SKLL YOtT A deeper ny our system. not a pleasant one, perhaps. We often the narrative as it yetone grower, Lungs, Consumption, Well fittings, pumps and wind mills sup choose other passages when we are read judge, but, reading ever a crystal of such marvellous sparkle ing an expert, that tbey had condemned Diseases and Loss of Flesh. tilled at short notice. how can we allow else? as be All 60c. and GOOD IRONS STEEL ROOF stands, anything and clearness to without tbe slight- five of his trees that bad never borne Scott &Bowne,N.Y. Druggists. St l-'- Write us and we will talk the matter over log the Bible in search of its treasures. failed of Heaven. And 2 2! loot. we they completely est flaw? Did wheat of finest culture ever fruit. The excitement of 20 LIQUID KJAt perthe-- nsqr. with you. But suppose strike it out and, along in these have great years Write tor parties lars. with the which tells of the so, all long ages since, grow without having in it some chaff? ago relating to trichina in pork 13 soon PLANT FOOD. Artesian Well Co-- , It, passage multitudes failed of Christians was ever Fertiline Bridgeport sin that stained King David's life, the becoming tnere yet a September say of to be revived from tbe quiet rest it has MSSW.O.T&ASX, because they were guilty of this, bring- such deep azure that nowhere in its blue bad and made to extort a few saleries passage which (ells of Dinah's thorough fat HOUSE ?M$-ODORLE- llaHUlactnrer ot nomas tuier, Bee. 1'atrlck Kenneliy, Supt and sore heartedness at ing only a part of the price. They open- depths could be seen one floating cloud, from cousin Jobnatban and no end of for SS ' wanted In town. discouragement the claims of Christian- APPLIE6. VERY EFFECTIVE. "Agents every Liberal Horeb, the passage which tells of Peter's ly acknowledged though the cloud be no bigger than a trouble and expense to the farmers of the REMOVAL SALE. EASILY commission. ity, became thoroughly interested about man's band r without a "sou markie" in return stout denial that be ever knew the Cord, the interests of their even state, erSS0&6.New HavenJCt.,U.S.A, and Ladies' Hair Work. in fine, every passage which soul, sought BE NOT DISCOURAGED. "Deliver us from our friends." Combines roots all cne 13:; portrays an open profession of their faith ; but, 10 on straightened, way, tne weakness and want of numan nature before this was like God's church has her to 25 per cent discount specialty. ?Tr What would of the Bible then? just point reached, imperfections HU1DIXBDKT, CCSTT. you say Ananias, they drove a sharp business Many a wolf hides within the sacred fold 0. S. VKEDENBUEGH, Why, this would be your answer. That The church is the bride of airfield News Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Conn. Write for lntoiicstion; crcloe m n p. I book is not the book for me. Take it bargain and fell back. Yes, they would the spotless County Stepney Depot, some laws ; do Lamb. But tbe skirt of her beaute sun-light- obey of God's would yet Mason and Builder B H ' . to some where they ji away planet, no commit no ous trails in the dust. She is Clocks, Silverware, Spectacles, done at short notice. I! 1 - - disease and and death are not murder, theft, keep bolily garment STRATFORD. Jobrork T - hunger the Sabbath day, owe no man anything, the consummate flower of this earth,,but cannot af Contract work solicited. sglutelyPurI t'ct- known, and where there is no sin. But would be excellent moral 'neath the silken there lurk the etc. This sale you here is a definite sin a yes, they men, yet petals TOWN TOPICS. WILL NOT INJURE specific, related, men of whom everyone speaks well, men sharp thorns. She shall yet triumph and will sin that followed close in the wake of The church! Fire Miss Maud Place entertained a ford to miss; everything go - niEMSCTKlJCJCrt the on Pente- everyone respects, men of irreproachable triumph'glorlously. party THE MISSES HOLCOMB, Every farmer should investi holy outpouring the day of : cannot burn water cannot drown of ner Coon. progressive a sin which its character but, when it came to the com ber, young friends, Monday evening. of cost. 159 Fairfield Avenue, ' Bridgeport, cost, thrust ugly shape me re- cannot throttle foes ner nome regardless FABRICS gate. into the and of mand, "Give thine heart," to the her, persecution her, at at Paradise Green. HOUSE. purity simplicity the of Christ from without only make ber with Charles Payne of Wichita, Kan., has BOARDING VsAiiiXaiir Church. quirement confessing Jsefore spring First class table board by the dav or week THE BUCKLEY WATERING early mer, why, that was the part of the price greater zeal to tne fray, and foes from visited Mr and Mrs Joseph Dufour. He za cents. "And kept back part of the price." within but send her to her knees in to New to Tolxra. IE3eia., or by the single meat, ainner, DEVICE! now was a not of becoming a Christian that they .would peni brought York, for shipment Presents tnis sin? Did ireter, not pay. Tbey must keep that back. tent prayer. Ride on, O Church, con Europe, 30 head of deer, and some 1500 GIVEN FDR Trademarks after to Ananias 1 Fays for itself in one year. Immediately this, say What a sad reflection How many you quering and overturning, till all enemies live western quail, for parties on Long WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, that, while the property remained, it are Office News Room Drop a postal for particulars to Cochrane was own and I can recall of those we once knew trampled beneath thy feet and the island. Post S0LDBYALLER0CERS5"iM West his and also, after it was sold, it who were be Himself adorns the with Louis H. - and Miss Jeannette and Office Supplies. Brothers, Cornwall, Ct. was in his Had he not a "almost persuaded" to King' thy glit- Nordaby- Books, Stationery Dealers In Heaters, Stoves, etc. Money wholly power? Christians, and would have been, had it tering crown. Grumpel were, married by Rev Mr mtw uy ueaixug wiku us. perfect right to do this, to keep part of 118 Fairfield Ave., Bridgeport. No. 11 P. 0. ARCADE, not been for just one thing! Oh! that Sbackieton, last Saturday. OofiB it Dacitr vast army of noble young men, fine fel- K. M. Smith bas visited friends in New Bridgeport. WILLIAM HAMILTON GIBSON .; DOES GOD ASK US TO lows, fine specimens of physical man- xork. .,- Him that we both hood, young men who would honor and A committee appointed by tbe Legis- give everything own, LECTURES AT MASS. came inlands and in money? Does He not benefit any cause they might champion, SPRINGFIELD, lature, to Stratford, last week, and in the midst of their earnest with a number-o- f . citi- CARRIAGES! know we need some part to buy our who, life, Ham- large prominent HATCH & SONS' almost become Christian ; but are The delightful lecture of William zens, went to Washington Bridge to talk VISIT E. selves food and clothes? Yes, God they ilton Gibson is an event of so recent oc- knows it all. ot an investigating turn of mind, they over the matter of allowing the Traction count the cost of currence here, that a report of the same to a track across the But you should have been there fully the undertaking, they lecture delivered week before the Company lay bridge. to weigh the demands of Christ and say he last The general opinion is that the desired understand tne sin committed. Can Women's club of Springfield, Mass., will WAGONS! you translate Into words a shrug of the asks too much. They will do all but permission will be given. bear the ridicule of former compan- interest many. Tbe report in question Mr and Mrs Lewis King of Williams-tow- n, snouiaer?, which so strongly expresses this, is is- ions ; show themselves Christians wher- an especially good one, and - from Mass., are Mrs J.E. Place dislike? Will written language ade the "No lover of visiting - of the ever they go, in the show as well as in Springfield Republican t at Paradise Green. , quately portray the anger Sun- art or of Nature could fail to take the Mrs Walter Hine to visit clenched fist or the firmly-close- d the cburch ; attend two services on expects teeth? most intense in on - SLEIGHS! even can on day when, the fine weather interest the lecture Ireland tbe coming spring. LADT OS THE DEER Mas need great ur, yet, you put paper the - means ot con- . 'Mysteries of tbe flowers,' under col- forethough in aetactingsocb that the invites- to the park ; read the Bible given Tbe library has had added to its as algebraic sign represents heavy tbe auspices of the Woman's club at the 1000 veyance she is thus enabled to lead all moan or the falling or a tear? No more dally when there are so many tempting lection, new books. competitors and sound the praises ot Wal H. W. novels and time for is so new art museum by William Hamilton Mrs Ezra Wheeler of Broad street is lace's Kllt" Milk Crackers which are ao-- WOODRUFF, can you read in the cold ink of reading short; artist-naturali- printers' tell their chums about their new resolve Gibson, the eminent Buttering from an attack of kowledired the beat in the market. tnis page tne look of deceit which Peter Mr (jribson looks at nature with the grip. tbe "Eliie." Aili Washington Depot, Conn. saw face of as yes, they will give up all their old eye Philo Osborne is again able to be out clearly upon the Ananias, habits of and do of a poet, and sees in the humblest flow- and seems to be as full of schemes for ne laid nis at tne living anything required -- - gold Apostle's leet. er beauties which he bas tbe rare of ;y , . .; The face is the mirror of the soul. of them but this, the part of the price of gift business as ever. i TRY INTERNATIONAL FOODS, open a Christian must back. setting forth in inspired and inspiring H. H. Hickok of t'je W.L.DOUCLAS Ananias could keep back a portion of being they keep Brooklyn gave C 13 THE BEST. For Poultry and Stock. It makes money the obtained language. third lecture in the course before the OC1 QUnC rORAKING. : money Ironmne sale, but for the farmer. What one gay about it CHRIST, THE SON OF "., The of nature to UllWaariT party tell-tal- e GOD, particular mystery Scientific society on Monday evening. Jefferson, Ga--, April 8, ltm. be could not keep back the look. which the lecture was devoted was the I. CORDOVAN', International Food Co., Every conscious gesture and expression as the value of our souls the Cross Subject, "Hale the astronomer." ntENCM A.OUUSELLCD U1F. Gents: I have tried International Stock paid problem of fertilization in plants, which The met, last week, FlfffCALFlJCueJUWL and action of Ananias meant to sav, of and air-- and Chautauqua society Food with my own stock and I can see quite Calvary the degradation was so long a stumbling block to science, with Rev Mr Shackleton at the 1 439 in will meant to have Peter understand, "This and shame which parson- I 3.BPP0UCEJ SOLES. an improvement them. It be a good suffering that implies. till the answer was read plain as print in age. - If you need anything in the Carriage or seller In this locality. is all. the land brought me." But an But here are men hesitating to give a the new of Darwinism. There is T. H. Nlblack, Grocer and Stockman. 111 light D. C. Wood has shipped three car disguised unwillingness that bis eyes of their to Him, difference between the Fortale by J. E. Hungerford Cd., dealers meet paltry part possessions great botany of loads of very large telephone poles to be Wagon line have. 25 Buggies like this cut should the look to-da- - they of Peter with one y BQYS'SCHKLSHQEI In flour, feed and coal, New MUlord.Ct. Send searching hand holding forth an offering, and that of 100 years: ago. Tbe used on tbe line of New York Central L.7? a here I to-da- tor circular. plainly said, "There's portion but with the other hand holding a dear botanist of y is philosophic ; he is LADIES- - nave not was ' railroad. all also Leather Carri- given in." That the sin, treasure back. Well might angels weep not content with saying that a thing is McNamara is moving into his new complete; Top deceit, of to at the sad the stars dim so. .... 2-sea- MECHANICS' AND FAEMEES' dishonesty purpose, trying spectacle, grow so, he asks why it is It was not till store. ; ,: j ted appear as be was not. for shame, and wretched man bury bia 1682 that philosophical botany difficult to ages, Corning side I do not care to read into this head in unable to own began. It's exceedingly get about Carriages, Surreys, SAVINGS BANK, story dust, look at bis An English physiologist, Nehemiah town on foot, on account of the mud. far more than appears upon its surface, meanness. :'.;:-;..- .,..,: wanted to know C1TT BABK BUILDUa, WALL ST.. B'POKT. Grew, something of the Tbe trolley tracks afford good dry walk- bar Pleasure Wagons, broad tired Farm Wag Over Cae Million People wear the . "And back of the reason of the of flowers. What is es- DpoiU, . . . IM03.1U-45- kept part price.' shapes ing, but there is danger in tbeir use, W. L. $3 & $4 Shoes Ananias it back because he fs tbe of the ; Douglas Intsrot and Surplus, 48J.78.82. kept thought significance pollen grain? pecially by children ons. All oar shoes are be could easily deceive Peter and might He discovered that unless tbe pollen grain Johnfty Hannon, a well known resi- for the Butcher and Baker, equally satisfactory . Wagons They give the bast valae lor tbe money. $1,447,893-77- just as well have a part of the money for reached the stigma the flower had no dent, died, last week at his home in the The Doctor custom Shoos and Wt. to S1000 resolved He was and the Undertaker. They equal la stylo Deposit of $1 and Interest himself. That is how Ananias planned, seed. met with ridicule, and it upper part of tbe town. While drawing Tbslr wearing quail ties aro surpassed. redited from the first of sash month, payable in but he was much deceived. He was not till 50 years after that Linnaeus The are uniform,- - etasapea oa sola. very stone for the new Library building, last prices makes. January and July of sash year.Ineorpo rated 1878 he wag to deceive it. This was the first ; a 100 different From Si to $3 saved ever other thought going others, step summer, he met with painful accident, Wagons styles and kinds, all If your dealer cannot supply you we can. Sold by fi.H. Memo AS, President. but be found out, when too late, that be they were about 75 years apart. from the effects of which he never fully It. 8. CATLIH. Bsoritarr aai Trtanrw. had thoroughly deceived himself. Why ; The next was taken by Conrad Spren- recovered. . - own is ; our make and fully warranted. Come and E. F. HAWLEY, it possible, when he dees a deed only gel. He said They have not discover- ' THE BEST PLACE TO GET after the most careful deliberation, when ed the secret of color, nectar, perfume.' GREENFIELD HILL. Newtown, Conn. he goes into an undertaking only with The first flower he studied was a revela- see these goods before buying elsewhere. TOUR JOB PRINTING DONE his eyes wide open and tion. It was a wild Ho dis- knowing very geranium. . DEEBEIELD. j well what be is about? Yes, it is possible. covered that the nectar was put where Are with no men who insects could reach but not rain or ' to the death of her BUCKINGHAM BREWER you acquainted it, Owing grandfather, THS KBWTOWIT are deceiving themselves with the notion dew. One theory of nectar at ;this time Miss Booth was absent from school two R, HATCH & SONS, LL22AS7: that can as well out- was that it was aud that there- H. R. Elwood Will he open ardrawn Pooka avarvTaea. 90 Zliddla they get along just injurious days." Monday, taught y -- wuriieauir. St., Bridgeport. side the church as in it, who are deceiv- fore insects were called in to remove it. and Tuesday Pratt Pease ot Green- ladrtnualBltotp maad?aatmtottiit-s,- . Both proprietors are practical printers of themselves with the His next was the flowers field. j. several years' experience and give their per. ing thought that the discovery that IIEWFAIRFIELD, CCIIIL anal altenuoa to ail We wore. profession of faith in Christ and accept- - without nectar were without color or Miss Alice Nichols has been the gueit nn Lilts; N EW OWN Bee.


I a concert was the store j mate. In fact, we could hardly believe f nesday giverat ! Your back want !That is bv the Sterling orchestra, which brought; our eyes. James C. Johnson. A GOLD WATCH FEEE money if you it out a store overnllea witn customers ana When out of . business. Whatever our hundreds bad to be turned away. .VTA -- way doing in store and BRIDGEPORT.' ii you want to Know more THE- NEW HAVEN Derby drop into their get does bargain. about look in our window purchase of us that not prove satisfactory AN AFFLICTED HOME. it, S. Grand Central We wish to state to our patrons that Mr and Mrs Arthur S when are in bring back and get your money. Anything in w. uenslow, Shopping re- The home of you tie city; you EMPORIUM. One Minute Coueh cure is a safe and Middlebrook was filled with the many liable remedy for children troubled with friends and relatives, last Friday after may be the one who will get it GREAT the way of rubber or leather footwear that you croup, colds, hoarseness ana lung irou- to unite their sorrow and F. M, BROWN P. S. GAMBLE is to take and noon, sympathy You bles. It pleasant quickly with the parents in the ead and inipres ought to know besides may want we have. Our prices are low. cures. Edgar F. Hawley, Newtown: S sive service of their onlv son. A. How O. Hook ; A. B. Blakeman, we of - Bull, Sandy ard. Rev Herbert D. Cone officiated. that the line (Successor to W. B. Green)- " carry largest Boteford. The singing of several hymns by quartet F. M. was under the leadership or irroi u- Sterling Silver novelties , in LYON'S SHOE kins. The nail bearers were six young DISSOLUTION ST0EE, In Fairfield men of his Sunday school claBS at Christ Bridgeport, and have just re - County. church and the honorary bearers were 49 White ------Street, - Conn. CASH STORE- BROWN voudb ladies from his class at Miss Mc a new line of Sterling belt buck Danbury, MONROE Nail's Myrtle avenue kindeigarten. Each one of them dropped a large white rose les, Czarinas, hat marks, Brace & in the srrave as a token of their love. The This is placed among a great many ethers and perha.pi has the same old CO. remains reoosed in an onen full length lets, Josephines, Tuexedo hair SALE! story to tell. Bat read It U a fact that every person hies to trade in a satisfactory manner 173, 179 MAIN ST.,DERBY,CT. OUR CALIFORNIA EXCURSION. Dure white with sil casket, and usually with nebble persons and wo are trying to attract every one who bas to boy Our par- ver handles and plate. The features and ornaments, Glove buttoners, Editor The Bee: interesting Clothing or Gentlemen's our honest methods of ty of some GO people was gathered from expression were as perfect as in life when Furnishings by dealing. Combine Pleasure with a dozen Eastern ana central western ever he had fallen ableep. The floral Pocket knives, Curling Irons, This season of the year one is in need of a heavy suit, overcoat or ulster and wo have s ! -- GOODS Profit states. Leaving Boston and New York tributes were verv appropriate and pro AT- assortment of all thue giodi; also Gloves, Mittens, Underwear, Eats, Capi, Trunks. NEW : Mr and Mrs Manicure and a lip on January 8, a small contingent, the fuse. Among them were articles, larger Bags, Umbrellas, in fact which is found in well o F. W. Rennell. New York, flat bouquet, everything usually appointed clothing balance were picked up along the way tablishment- - ? of other in At the- - Many having occasion to go Webt two hyacinth-- and white carnations; Mr and variety styles Ster weeks before this, to them Mrs D. W. Thompson, New York, large To say that we are selling cheaper than anyone else in Danbury, would bo the same old la dapartment. In presenting our largo arranged join tlian will find in no oth- irary at Omaha, Nebraska. They arrived wreath mermet roses; standing crogs ling you story again, but we really feel that to be the fact of the ease and will be pleased to have yon and magnificent line of tht re as 10. Our from cflicer8 Christ church Sunday HURD per schedule, January Mc-Na- come to our store and we no will same ll, er stors. & JONES', have fears but that you go away with the convictions. route was via Chicago, Rock Island and school ; wreath pansies from Miss Hyperion Pacific to Denver, thence via Denver and Myrtle avenue kindergarten; Dor't forget though, that we have a Kio Grande and Rio (irande and western wreath white roses from bis class St fall stock of Tableware and a Remember, the place to buy reliable clothing is at and Southern Pacific to Cal. Andrew's. Christ church Sunday school ; also, NEW DRESS GOODS Sacramento, word "Dar- line of Diamonds Arrived in Denver, Friday, the 11th, at 8 Mrs Marcus Barnum, pillow complete Jewelry, -- o- Theatre, m. After breakfast at Windsor hotel ling;" standing broken wheel, words and Watches' Bring us your Watch THE "GOLDEN RULE" we vi-it- various places of interest in "Our Howard," and wreath white roses and Jewelry repairing and we will do CLOTHIERS, from the ; Mr and Mrs L. N. Van We wish to state that the entire lie city. At the mining exchange from family well for - All emphatically we a Keuren, flat it you- goods guaranteed stock is Hew This Season. Palmer the top of elevator bad grand view bouquet pink carnations; and back for the I Denver, the snow clad Koekies and Mr and Mrs F. D. Booth, flat bouquet your money asking. Is now under full headway. The bargains to be Wi closed out of old stock and white carnations ; Mr and C. every picot the at ike's Peak. We visited Brown's palace hyacinths found at this p'ace are truly wonderful. They F. HAVILAND & CO. oar last sale and now come before with Mrs C. II. flat big yea Cox's hotel, the Equitable life insurance build Brotbwell, bouquet pinR cannot a while as must last great the goods HAETWELL'S OLD triotlyaew goods, bought within the last thirty up, said io have cost the roses; Mr and Mrs W. A. iirothwell "4 - B. D Breckbill Benedict be once. 8T0EE. 199 aays. Vlefopole hotfi, Broadway theater, Trin- standing wreatb ; Mr and Mrs positively turn'd into money at Main St., Danbury. di-- t cnurcn ana - Pierce, flat carnations Ws don't believe in Wind- We want to make tv Methc tne state capi- Jr., bouquet pink Loads or Desirable Fancy Goods and Botions will Brownies, fol. The Legislature was in session. The and maiden hair fern ; Mr and Mrs D. E. our customers our friends and then thsy will ad- female members thereof looked flat and white car- be nnloaded at it- - thrte Eldert, bouquet pink 511 vertise us. How can wo do everv evenine Master Willie flat bou- Main street, Bridgeport, Ct. Our method is to very much at home in the body of the nations; Russell, advertise only that we have ; M. Good- - and ouf-- white carnations Mrs F. to sell eurrouuded by their fellow male quet And then to give good goads for the mon- We 1.30 m. ell, Mrs F. basket 3Payloi iMarc?- members. left Denver at p. George Stevenson, pink Rowell are in tbe Com MOian We serving ey. buy for cash Tht means we get Eock Deginning iitn, for Colorado 90 miles south. and white IDrwin Stickles, Bottom Prioes. We sell fir oash and that means and one week. Spring?, carnations; mon fleas Court, Bridgeport. continuing ix miles south Stark Brothers have a flat bouquet ferns and white carnations; Wakeman B. has his Your w Make sell Rock Bottom Prioes- find us Bradley repaired Friends at 7ou will fl S0O acre apple orchard. At Palmer Mr and Mrs H. B. Middlebrook, it bou saw mill and is now to do Merry! headq srters for Dress Goods PI un and roses and carnations ; Mr and prepared a useful such as a nice of which fancy miles south, and rfuuu reet higher than quet pink work of any description in his line. HURD & JONES' By making: present, picture, Silks, linens. Table Damask, Napkins, Denver is for the Mrs red H. Middlebrook, flat bouquet Gloves and Corsets. Dnderwxar ai.d Not headquarters Rocky Arthur Favereau and bride are living we have a fine line for the a Diamond Hosiory, Why Mountain Chautauqua association. .white roses and pink carnations ; Mr and with Mr and Mrs L. Clark. trade, Mirror, very thouands of Fancy Articles, Carpets, Draperies, t Colorado we made Mrs George Richardson, Hit bouquet fine Wall etc- - Arriving Spiings Miss Sylvina Banks recently visited goods, Flush Rockers, Center Tables in Oak or Mahog- Papers, white carnations ; Mr and Mrs John M. Fancy See halt for a visit to Mnnitou Springs and her sister, Mrs Andrew Curtiss of Step Them? fl it roses and the Garden of the God, Colorado City. Brothwell, bouquet pink ney. - any, and everything in the furniture line his was the and is the white carnations. o- We will formerly capital, UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. give you free, oldest city in the state. The scenery at FAIRFIELD. words and music of he base ef the Rockies ard in the Gar THE WHOLESALE PRODUCE QUOTATIONS. den of the Gods is wonderful. After "Will You be True to I AT ST PAUL'S. TAYLOR & HOOK. S. DENSLOW. we Senas-se- e Butter, creamery print 25ti30, creamery MCGRAN, SANDY W. leaving Colorado Springs eater to Me," sung at every pass, 10,408 feet elevation. We pass tubs 202o, choice dany 16i20, fair Rev Dr Jones discoursed, last Sunday, At the Lowest Dissolution Prices Brownie ed Canon 9 to 10 goodl2al4; factory cheese llal2; eggs from the text taken from the Epistle of performance. through the Grand from near I m. It was clear and moon was full, by 2022; chickens alive la 12; St Paul to the Romans,"! am not asham on Record. THE W. E. SWORDS LUMBER COMPANY, so we had an excellent to see dressed 14al5; fowls alive lOall, dressed ed of the Gospel of Christ; for it is the opportunity-- ducks the in its , the 13al4; turkeys dressed 1314; power of Uod unto salvation to every one scenery grandt' through dreseed 14al6 ; calves Also rand Canon and geese do 12il4; that believeth." - Wholesale and Retail Koyal oorge, through alive 5a6, dressed lambs dressed It will all who can to come to this Bridgeport, hich flow the Arkansas, the Eagle and 9all; Among notices given he suggested that pay early MICHIGAN PINE Buy rand this na 8al0; sheep dressed 7a8; hogs dressed the male members of the as a self sale. LUMBER, SIDING, SHINGLES, SPBUCE Free Return Fare on rivers, passing through 5 hides 4c baled parish, Doors & Mantles Hard ture's with mountains 12i6; lb; hay $14al7, denial Lent should the Late comers will also be rewarded-Th- e Timber, Lath, Sash, Blinds, Carvings, Mouldings, it purchases of 10 or roadway, rising loose $16al8; straw baled $12al4, loose through give up richly perpendicularly nearly a half mile in use or tobacco and the reading or Sunday rear of the store has besn Wood, Trim, etc. North Carolina Yellow Pine Lumber a Stvecialtv. White Jacket Flour over. close to the of railroad on $15al6; potatoes 70a7o; onions white $2 at least until after the ser- part enlarged height edge a2 50, winter newspapers, room for CEHTER TABLES. one side and the mountain rivers on the red90a$l, yellow 80a90; vices of the church, lest they detract from giving ample SOLE AGENTS FOR THE FAMOUS FROST SHINGLES. Best on Earth. Fr Sale by Matinees begin ft t 2 p. m. other side down the squash 2o lb; cabbage per 100 $4a8; the due on the Lord's The On the counters and center tables en be plunging headlong beets bushel 50c ; car- worship day. Good 8eatH,r,0 cents. arrow which is crooned. per parsnips 75; idea of self must be banished found the for a causeway, very rots 20u25 bu ; lettuce punishment following unparalleled Bargains presents a sublime The 30a40; turnips per from a true of Lent, and tbe spectacle. dez35s50c; per doz 50; rad- conception grand rush of trade. Oliver and Rio Grande is called the celery $lal idea of discipline substituted for it, for If wish to be to the times cenic route of America Senasse ishes 25h30 doz; peas dried $1.101.15; is the of Lent. Best 5c Fins at 2c per paper. you up TBRBILL, pass beans marrow $2.50 medium 80a discipline purpose M. & 142 feet less thaD two miics eleva-- bu, $1 is a 10c Hornet toilet combs at So each. and want to save F. BROWN CO., only 190, pea $190; honey 1214c; beeswax The rector giving series of lectures money, trade with &c lon, vet is called a comparatively easy on the Epistle to the Romans, on Wed- 19o tooth brushes atlOe each. BBTTS CO., New Haven. one us such are classed in Colora- 25c lb; apples choice $4. common $3, thing' dried 5c lb, evaporated 7a8; buckwheat nesday afternoons through Lent, and Collar Buttons at 4c each per doz. do, lectures are to be held Wednes- " ' Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. - our $2a2 25 ; maple old 8al0e cottage at lac per 65 SANDY Just 356 miles from Denver at Glen- sugar lb; house of Mrs John ir treietug piece rOTTER ROUEKTJ5, IIOOK.CT G5a75o. ; - f. day evenings at inc. ood Springs is" the famous hot springs maple syrup son, Fairfield Woods. 3 rolls of tape 5e- - and the Raymond and Whitcomb hotel, The Clerical association of Fairfield Eojal dress stays 10c per bunch- - South Britain, Conn. SJoOO.OOO. A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY. Affairs About Town. hich cost This is between at. bt Paul's toilet soaps 5c cake- - THE is a resort county met, Monday, Colgate's per very high mountain, great About two years ago an institute for church. A lunch was provided at noon 200 boxes 6 in a box to be DIDNT for invalid?. Miss weoster oi the scientific treatment of and a set ruffling; yards - nartiora, dipsomania by the ladies of the parish table Store In Town HATTERTOWN- Irere for sold at 4 value. 5c box. Only ho had been staying sometime, and drunkennesr wai opened in this city for 15 clergymen in tbe Guild room. FIGURE Dealers it Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, That makes a business of Shoes 'lined us here. We are now nearly ince that time it has cured hundreds or 1 lot of infants' slips, neat'y trimmeJ with DKATH OK EDMONl BEERS PECK. the heart of the Rockies, we Hardware and a fine line of Fresh only is the through pass patients from every quarter of the state. LOOKING FOR LAND. worth f8e each at 24 o- - 9 Kdtnond Beers IVck, a former New- them on the and occasionally on can oe Hamburg, RIGHT right bat these diseases permanently It is said on good that the 1 lot of Infant's ruffle collars and Groceries, Freeh Meats and . town man, born iu Hattertown, 54 years both sides' of us all the way to Salt Lake we have demonstrated in so many authority Dresses, Bakery-- Shoe t, cured, Traction is a tract of Guarantee Store, ago, died tt bis hone In Bridge-por- nd in fact to California. We find a great cases that cannot exist if one company Keeking culls, with tuck trimmed yokes, best 38c value at Now there is a deal The market for March 2. His illness at first of in Colorado under skepticism land on Pine Creek Beach to erect a pa- good highest price paid eggs Whore everybody will get suited in deal fruit raising has interest enough to investigate our vilion and other for the at 24o. wear and was to be strip, followed hills. Immense herds of buildings people - style, repairing. supposed the foot cattle, methods of treatment or interview our bottle-Upwar- in how to cor- and is cash or trade- Give us irjterwittarit fever for one week, and all Colorado whom it intends to bring there as soon as 2 oz West India Bay Bum at 7e per knowing figure Poultry by horses sheep tbiough patients. An opportunity to receive full the branch line is constructed from Flint's when intestinal perforation closed and Nevada. At the stations Indians room is of1200 pairs of Ladies' kid gloves a call. course of treatment, board and corner. s rectly. No one makes a Augur's Building, the life of an honest, upright man, were out begging from us. Leadville,the offered for a short time at reasonable to be sold at a tremendous lots to Niantio Mills, who made friends his 30 on western Opposite many during reat silver town, is the slope rates. Write for particulars. fU. S. Druggist Einsella's burned building close out. mistake in buying win- years s j urn in this eity. During this of the Rockies about 400 miles from Den Box was over 100 years old and was one of Sandy Hook, Conn. w Gold Cure Institute, 522, Bridgeport; All the $125 Suede kid gloves in good as period he was employed by the heeler ver. Rich cold mines have recently been Conn. Fairfield's landmarks. It had been in the ter clothing at the "Up to er & Wilson nianutactuaing company, discovered there and the place is flour-- Dossession of the Wakelee family for gen sortment of shades and all the sizes at 98c pair. PBINDLE & M0BKIS, . a - P. J. Lynch. Prop'r. many years of which as contractor in hing. Our party were lunched at Min- INTERESTING TO PIANO OWNERS. erations until bought by Mr Kinsella and $1-0- values in Tan and Slate Hosquetaires date" store, 429 Main St., that institution. In 1877 he sold his t.on. Mountains. was for Fairfield's Rocky I'ror iattorthe many years postonice. to be run off at 75c - home, and together with his family Michigan agricultural college and Mr We learn that the expert piano tuner Mr Kineella announces his intention of per pair- We have made UNDERTAKERS AND THE OLD RELIABLE to in busi Men's 75e Skin Gloves 50c Bridgeport. started for Cal.f. rnia engage M.mroe of Grand Haven, Mich., joined us and repairer, William Taylor, for the buildiDg on a larger scale as soon as the Dog at per pair. EMBALMERS, ness wlih his bro'her. On the voyage he at, Grand Junction. Proft Taft said there past two years with Shoniger & Co , insurance is adjusted. Men's35e Leather Fleeced lined at 19o per a 25 cent discount on whs t wrecked and lost all of his ef- here five in firm per SANDY HOOK hip was 40,000 apple trees of years has severed connect ion with that Miss Hattie Seward is now assisting pair. fect', and one child died from the shock which produced five bushels per and will hereafter be found at North- - Wakeman in the Fairfield Overcoats, Ulsters and Win- Are to do The ones growth, Postmaster prepared anything and (zpoure. remaining ree, last year. This part oi tne state is rop's music store 31 John street, where postofflce, SHOE STORE were Dicked up by passing vessel. est.ined to be a great fruit section. The he will be pleased to see all his old ter Goods. We also a in their line at shortest notice. -- Mrs Samuel Glover and re give Dealers In After remaining four years in California, Ititude is from 4000 to 6500 feet. The friends and customers and any orders daughter he leturned to and clirffate is The Utah lir e is will be at- turn from Florida to Philadelphia, this A share of public Bridgeport began mild. state left for rftpatrirg promptly and will be at their home handsome souvenir picture patronage TINE BOOTS, SHOES and RUBBERS. ife anew. H was a member of St reached 270 miles east of halt Lake City. tended to. week, probably A here beiore master. solicited. John's lodge, F. and M., Hamilton f you are on the lookout you will see the The for with amount- The Largest Stock and Lowest and In to letters from all rush the Ladies' every purchase commandry (chapter and council,) ames on tne mountains to tne I. of . the is not response urgent W. H. PBINDLE. L. C. JIORBIS. Denent asso- rignt, Hairv Hunt, Union, of the towD, William R. Jones has and making neatly (lone. the Vheeler S Wilson sick Colorado Utab, marking the boundary a man, but a parts to $3 and Calls answered if left at W. B- - Pnndle's L. Mr was twice married. only hustliug rewtpuper decided to relinquish bis plans of going ing upwards. House; ciation. feck between the two states. musical composer rare merit, tie is C. Morris's House, Tslephone at Leonard's Hotel M. TR0P.. Ho leaves a widow and two daughters, Salt Lake was reached Saturday even the author of the words and the music to Tarrytown and be will remain at the WENTSCU, Miss Uena Pck and Mrs E. B. I'arrott. We over here for a old homestead. This will be good news MUSLIN UNDERWEAR ing. stopped day. of a song published by S. C. North Mr who WELLS' B'L'D'O', SANDY H00K.CT Beers IVck, he was called in his na I'his is a lovely city oi some tio,uuu peo jutis entitled Visions. to the many friends of Jones, the son of the late lie- - rop. It Firelight have missed mm is TWIS4 tive town, wag ple, in a valley at the base of high moun la a Hne Mr would sadly, tie - Laura Dlmond Peck. One On the title page picture oi attached to the home where he 429AA1NST Bridgeport.- BREW grand and tains, 19 regularly laiu uub biji uiuv&n lo Northrop. He is the old man whose greatly ft SCANL0N, 3L brother, Charles Sherman frck of Cali- the mile: Salt Lake City, or Zion as it theme and and his father lived so many years. continues onabated- - Thrre will be no each OOlSJClOl visions furnish the inspira 3' . Br fornia, and three eisterp, Mrs Julia Wil- s called bv tbe latter day saints, is beau tion for the song. The words are An evening with Whittier was enjoyed opportunity again in these garments after this (UNDERTAKERS, liam and W 18 Maria and Miss Jenny tifully situated. The approach thereto touching and poeticai. The music is by the boys at the Fairfield Academy, sale is over. THE GREAT Embalmers and General of MIllsIS.. Peck of Orange, N. survive him. is It covers a wide expanse and with under tne cnarge or. air Managers J., delightful. sweet and in full keeping the story Friday evening, latest - ESTABLISHED 1780. Another Mrs Delia Northrop of a or nomes Known Brewer. Refreshments were served at $2.00 Bight Sobes, styles at Funerals- tister, semDhatically city cottage told in the verse. Two well -- NO WIND MILL, Plumt.rees, died some years ago. Mr It has over iw miles or streets, two swut are introduced in an effective the close. - each. , ATLANTIC AND PACIFIC THIS IS Peck's remains were in Moun hymns A FULL LINE OF CASKETS, E0BES 6pnsited flowing streams of mountain water pass manner. "Firelight visions" will aoo Judge Glover has purchased and will $125 Night Sobes. Siohly trimmed, S8e NOR COFFEE MILL, tain Grove cemetery in them. The lines of shade CETERAS-Bes- t Bridgeport. through trees, largely to the author's reputation. His apon occupy the residence on Main street each.' TEA COMPANY AND FUNERAL ET wit1! groups of fruit trees and luxuriant BUT A FIRST CLASS COUNTRY Masonic Grand dedicated to owned Mr uun JNew 79c-$1.2- le March, lately by oi ions. 98c Bight Hobes, richly trimmed, To Fairfield Workmanship-Reasonab- Prices There Wos a reunion on Sun gardens ruske the city seem one mass of Corinthian Lodge, F. & A. M , will Rev Mr Child bas the Citizens of and Litch GRIST MILL. delightful are gone .'Southern Muslin Drawers, trimmed 79s WARE BOOMS: day at the residence of A. P. Smith, the foliage. There copious sulphur soon be miblished bv Northrop. It is Pines, N, C.,for a vacation oi two weeks. riehly field Counties, and all our old Sear Grist Hill. SDriugs near tne ana ricn silver the first march of tbe kind ever issued per WITH ALL THE FACILITIES younger children ot Mrs saran n. nmn city, 20 - Durine the oast few weeks several pair. friends: SANDY CONN-W- Dea and mines are in the mountains miles dis News. 983 Muslin 59e H00Z, FOR DOING GOOD WORK-- ' of Bridgeport being present. tant. The Mormons have .here the As houses in Fairfield have been entered by Drawers, per pair. Mrs H. M.. Smith and son, Uarleton, or but in no case has there been Muslin Drawers Call at the Great A. & P. Tea Co-- , store for J. BfiEW- - I P. J. SCANLON- - and Mr and Mrs D. sembly House, the Tabernacle and tbe burglars, 49c richly trimmed, 39c Hartford, Arthur The first is a much smaller edi EASTON. great loss on the part of any one. your Teas, Coffees,' Baking Powder, Spiees and BROOKFIELD MILLS, Temple. per - Fairchild and children of Taunton were a pair. Sugars- We have a fine assortment of Goods; we fice than tne Tabernacie, out nnisnea Thomas Forsyth is building large ad On can be 'and BltOOKFIELD. CONN. the guests of the occasion. to main Fairfield the cent'r tables f want your trade; we will serre you right and sell more elaborately and is ued mostly as a EASTON S AWAKE ENDEAVORERS. dition the pavilion at - con. WIDE extra values in MUSLIN DRAWEES, HUSLIB you goods low as the lowest, HAWLEY, WILMOT nlace of worship in the winter, it S. C. of the Beach. TO SOUTHBURY R. Wilson has the' Thoiua an and numerous frescoes de The Y. P. E. Congrega SHISTS and CHEMISES, all put in one lot and DRIVE OVER bought tains organ tional church is in a very encouraging 343 Main St., between Bank & and a barrel of Crouchley p'ace in Newtown and will Dictinsr scenes in the history of the Mor Several new members have NEW FAIRFIELD. marked at 24c- - each. :,- REYNOLDS, got move 1. mon cnurcn. on tne condition. J April ine lempie rignt been added to the roll tbe past winter. Ladies 35c Hermsdorf Hosiery at 24c per and John Streets. - PRIMA DONNA FLOUR! fronting the mam street cot $4,000,000, condition of the is Miles B. Hoag has moved his family was dedicated in 1893 Visitors are not The financial society to and works for pair UNDERTAKERS, -- Rev F. W. Barnett and also in with its "There Bridgeport Nickerson, JMU. B DIAllii ESlJttJiiJUT. Best In the World, sod, Francia,of admitted to it, only to the Tabernacle keeping growth. Ladies' 25c Hermsdorf Hosiery at 19o per Canaan, are recovering from an attack is quite a surplus in the treasury. moving buildings. BRIDGEPORT, COSH. TELEPHONE 801. ONLY A BARREL. Other Mormon edifices are The Zion, Bee GEORGE B. HAWLET, - . S34 $4.00 of tbe grip. as resv pair. Park Arena -- . Hive and Gards' houses, built CHARLES E. - Corn, Feed ;, etc, at hard-pan- 75 dozen Ladies' Fast Black Hese, 6c per WILMOT, 407 Clinton Arenue; Oat, dences by Brigham the tithing J0HB B. . Rev W. W". Wallace of New Haven loung, Cole and O'Mara, the horsemen, are In New Haven County. " RET50LSS, 9 Fremont Street. H. R. Stone, Conn bonse, the gigantic store at Osborn's barn this pair. Southbury with acceptance tbe Con United States expected Henry Men's Seamless IS c socks, 6 o supplied great Camp Douglass, army weeK witn usual per gregatlonal pulpit on Sunday morning headouarters, was visicea, wnicn is situ- Tnursday, tneir supply MIDDLEBURY. ! In the evening he lectured on "Ceylon, ated a east of the We of good horses. pair. G0T- 0- udoq plateau city. Hall to resume the sale Men's 19c socks 12e READ THIS the tereoptlcon views being verv fine attended service in the Tabernacle at 2 p Henry expects A. L. Foote has closed his select school Seamless at per pair Blackman's New Studio We Bell Tine Wall White W. M ot meats about 1. He has bad bis - UNDERTAKER, you Paper, Mr Wallace was entertained by April Scott's - Bibbed Vests and . m.. Sunday, id. There was in hall. Ladies' Pants, - January meat wagon put in fine order with new fob Besidenee, Sins- St-- All orders left with Mr G. Lead, Tinted Lead, Mixed Paints, Oils, IJeynolds. , nrobablv 6000 people in attendance. One. Mr? Gibson from is dress- warranted best 38e values at 24s each. ' .! paint. Terryville PHOTOGRAPHS, B. Tucker, Easton,will receive prompt attention. Hard Time a in town ! Glass. Brashes, etc.. at David McKenzie, lithographer B. Ransom from N making at tbe Methodist parsonage. 1 3 2 Dress at 7 2 per yard. Rev Mr of the Yale theotoieical addressed the His talk was ex I. C. Oakesview, Linings If you want the best. Special inducement Office in Block, Gran allowed 20 cent Evan, people. arave an of views of the Gris wold bas hired the Curtis 91-0- Toqnet Prices. gers per will the of the cellent and a catholic was Y.. exhibition George Corsets. 25, 49o. 59o. 76c, per pair to patrons or us- - (miliary, supply pulpit good spirit World's Smith at Long meadow instead of - CT discount on all paper bought next manifested toward all but fair at Academy hall, Tuesday place 1 lot 25c Dress at 9c Hi Main St.. DAXBUBT, WESTPORT, CONN. Congregational church, Sunday. denominations, evening. tbe Stone place which he expected to Trimmings per yard. & we were not converted to the belief that hire. 1 lot 38o Dress at 19c W. W. WALKER SON, Smith or Joseph Johnson and Bennett Seeley Tnmminge per yard. W. Kissam and are at either Joseph Brigham Young of visited the to be sold at some Main Street Bridgeport, Conn. D. family pres trustees Staples academy, Herbert Knox has moved into Truman Everything price. 1 500 at bad received a new revelation irom una 7. "DEE &Lr.rtt3 Ml, ent tonrlne at Hotel Traymore, At Aside from this absurd belief, the Mor school Thursday, March Booth's place. , If Hive complete, ready lantio City, N. J. mon as set forth to us are all Mrs Edward Hill contemplates making Fred Warner of Southford Is lor nae, $1.80; in.nat, Slo. NEWTOWN'S CENTRAL MARKET. doctrine her annual visit among friends in New helping Section boxes. 1OO0 are a devout W. U. Trasn his farm bouse. -- ot Comb Fonn. J, H. BLA0KMAI, Proprietor. right. They very people York State, this week. .: repair O Samples Newtown Street. No need to go without a good dinner and now that polygamy is no more open Any one to take little or datiop JfRndCatalnimplree No, tire Beel. are Sweet Brothers have finished cutting wishing girls EDWIN E.SMITH. IhirinB the Lmten seaiton I shall have a when shopping in Bridgeport, for at Jv tolerated among them quite toler on Hill and ex boys to make homes for them will do Wate rtown conn at m JOHN H. 20 and 28 Cannon in tne timber for ties Hoyden's POEXKAIT PHOTOGRAPHER, Mi markut. tne otner call on Cornelius freh npplv ol dill Brennan's restaurant, ated by aenominations to move their saw mill the present well to Clark at Abbott 22 Main Street. Birmingham. Conn Nowtown, Conn. kind are pect . JJLACKMAN, street, thev give excellent service at city and state, and every other week. ' avenue. Waterbury, president of the Work of luperior Excellence in all branch reasonable and that la the reason there. Indeed, the Mormons club. ' JONEiS es ot KANKiNl oo Bnbeoriued figure, represented Rev Mr Weeks preached in tbe Center boys' HURD ft so this restaurant. . .r In the minority in Utah now. We "How to amuse the soil so It will ' M1UULKMKX I'ald In, Ismies many patronize street Methodist church, Sunday. Bond of 100,JOO, tVifX) left Salt Like City on the afternoon of 11 laugh with abundance cent debenture Rev Mr , Warriner . in tbe ,C OUGHLIN B rs. , ' Aw, are tatut We preached ' SUMO and wb'ch by .Imnarv 13. passed by Salt Lake, - in with tbe Jawlul inTtmnt.',,Inr lrnat Fund In tbe The larg dry goods store of W. our iiurnev westward through Utah and BaDtist church exchange Bridgeport. .1.. D. BANroRH. Ajrent, 17 Bishop of is a rabbin pastor, Rev W. M. Weeks, a very practi- 423 MAIN STREET DEALERS II FIBX GOLD WALL PAPERS, tte. Conn. Denlow Derby doing Nevada was tnrougn a muuuutiuuutiiuuu. from text to me EONEn FERTILIZER.-- blonk. Bridgeport. business. A verv handsome upright with several stretches between, con- cal discourse the "For OIL TIKTS, FRESCO BORDERS, DECORA - with case of try, to live is Christ fand to die is gain," Children for TIONS. WTMDOV SHADES. FIXTURES. ETC. Manufactured at Bridgeport, Cou, Sterling piano, mahogany taining large stock ranches, with plenty 1 Cry the best make is off-re- d as a at this In make a Ph i. :21,his theme being the Chiistian's JDx Q-- prize of Indians thrown to variety. of death. 8" Todd, store. With every 25c purchase you get We reached the eummi: of the Sierra' view BBIDQKPO&T. A. W. Veterinary Surgeon, a check and if you have the lucky nam the where the Mrs Wilson Ferris has been Buffering Orgelman, B0TSF0RD H. wiroED, - cosi abiut midnight, loth, inow with Pitcher's Castor. a. Xaaanutarer and dealer ia Harneia, fm'Om Horse PEETNi!&.u inr ber on Jnne 5 when thn prize is to be 12 feet and at 6 a. m. we found the prevailing malady, grip, Wuoa Reoalrtnf, Pw Word be left at the Grand Central. was deep Hiram A. Gilbert and Charles H. Bridles. Collars, Blanket. We. , ndMaoksinxilUswt.aUainda. MmtiVnA may awarded, you take the piano. Last Wed- - curselvea in Sacramento In a warm cli-- The Newtown Bee turned to Barbadoes and left Miss Fannie When a Woman here will be pleased to see her again. Has Constant Backache 1896 i'RIDAT,MARCH ,15 The ladies' meeting, next Tuesday at she , cannot ' walk or stand, The Largest Assortment of WaavmovB. AttentIon! CIRCULATION: will be held with Mrs Detcher. her duties.are burdens, JANUARY 610 heavy 1,1888, 3200 and she is utterly miserable. The friends of Mrs Mlddlebrook will is regret to learn that she bad the misfor- The cause some derange- frac- WALL PAPER, Town. tune to fall, last Sunday night, and ment of the uterus or womb. Affairs About ture her wrist. Backache THE BEE BUZZ. Mrs Charles Hawlev has been ill for is, the sure JEWETT LEAD. the past three weeks with the grip, but symptom. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO AUTISTS' TSPECIAI, COBBESPONDENCE OF THE BEE. J is now slowly improving. For years' N TRADE MATERIALS Au army of 169,457- - school children, Hol-stei- Sarah n, HEADY MIXED PAINT, We have a full line of between four and 1U years of age, was Miss Nellie Gilbert returned from her We are. again in the race for your trade. enumerated In this state, October 1803. trip to Florida, last Saturday, and left who as well as i'he cumber of different scholars regis home asrain. Monday mornine. to fill an lives at 7 all kinds of Farm Tools and Implements, tered in the public schools was 136,047 ; engagement in the millinery business in PAINT & WHITEWASH BRUSHES. used en and or 80 28 per cent of those enumerated, i orK btate. - Percy St., many other things that are rhe number of enumerated children in in Lowell, other than public "schools was 21,460 ; Headache is the direct result of indiges Mass.. about the farm. and the number of enumerated children suf tion and stomach disorders. Kemedy fered with falling1 of womb. no school was 23.C05. The number these by using De Witt's Little Early Ris the AD eeistered who were over 16 years of age ers, and your headache disappears. The 1 he best doctors failed to re Ool Co was 4435. The per cent in all schools Favorite little pills everywhere, Hi. . lieve her, and as a last resort was 92.94 ; and the per cent of average Newtown ; S. C. Bull, 53 Hawley, Sandy she six attendance was 98. Under the head Hook; A. B. Blakeman, Botsford. purchased bottles of of Fairfield County, the state report Lydia Ii. Ptnkham s Vegeta : "It would be a very interesting in 390 MAIN CONN. says W 1 the ble Now she is a STREET, BRIDGEPORT, quiry to ascertain how the education hen in Danbury get dinner at Compound. wnicn cue scnoois is estimated Pratt House, 20 Elm street. Why? Be- well woman. supply first-clas- s restau- by the people. Perhaps the attendance cause they conduct a The dreadful pain in her we Are Selling Thie Tar of children between the ages of eight rant, nice and clean. . 13 a of back after the Into one aod gives fair indication the stopped taking Her H night, last week, by breaking a win. put a atop to It. One ot the members of tne Bridgeport. mother with her thwe.l nothing ot value was missed. firm came over aettJe. value attached to the schools. Of the The of Rev C. H. Smith at second bottle. She wishes she Mrs la neen immediately to but 51 are pastorate Johnson afflicted with inflamraatorv is. rapies Das connned to iiurotiM Prosecuting Attorney Staples being kick, he children enrolled, about per cent Plymouth has opened very auspiciously. had taken it sooner, and saved rheumatism. tl)" past week with the grin was unable to do so. in actual attendance. This means tnat Eighteen were received into the church William Robbins has been chosen chlet half are either negligently or necessa on March 14 on both money and years of suf- engineer of the tire department in place ol 3, being profession. HUNTINGTON. f rank r. HotcliKlss resigned. Mr Kooblns i rily absent from school. Not many of fering. This Vegetable Com- li s been assistant tor the past yea. these are employed, because the child W. the DEATH OF MRS GRACE SANFORD. William 8. Booth has been addtd to the I labor law is not a Bertie Peck has entered high pound is the one unfailing long list of those suffering with the grip. prevents. Poverty the Mrs Grace who has been M ; 'Shiidreii for because the law makes school at New Britain and will take for female Sanford, rs Edward II. Camp has received from the Cry frequent cause, course of study, making his home with remedy complaints. boarding at Mrs Laborie's in the Center, O. U. A M the insurance of (1000 on her late provision ior tnose wicnouc cioinrog. his Robert N. Peck. died last week of ca husband's lit". She is Boon to give up bouse-- 1 : : z brother, , Tuesday evening and with her intaDt son return to : The main causes are l inainerence tarrhal and was buried keeping her Miss uora ior a lew pneumonia last lather's bouse to reside. , 5a. Want of appreciation of schooling. The son in cousin, tsuiKiey, St An man name of F Pitcher's Castor cause is Mrs A. W. Peck visited her New days. Friday, from Paul's church, of which aged by the ederlck latter operative chiefly among ", she was a Her was 76 MinKnitz lett his daughter's residence, last Britain, this week. x Mr and Mrs B. F. Pease visited tneir member. age and i those who have recently come to this her death was sick Thursday afternoon, to take a short walk and st&te from and do not son. Herman and wile, in tneir new quite sudden, being oeing unDaiancea nieniauyannrrea arouna foreign countries, Mrs John Campbell 'has been on the home on Fridav. only two or three days. until he reached the Point ot Rocks on the care about schooling. The law relating ana Housatonic river In the lower part ot the ONE MOMENT, PLEASE. to attendance mnuences tnis sick list. Mis Marv Banks is on tne sick lift mov village, when he walked cut on the Ice and generally is attended Dr Donaldson of Sidney Olin, the blacksmith, has was drowned. He was claps, and as soon as they understand being by ed from S. B. Brownson's tenement house breaking through, I want to coll your attention Ut the tact that must The family of William Hawley have Fairfield. seen by several who gave the alarm and all I bave secured a first class blacksmith tor my that their children go tney acqui into the house with Stephen Tucker in day on Friday and Saturday searchers were new and will shm norat-- a 1 aod been victims of the grip. H. B. Burr a in - shop lor esce, uompuisory education nas naa a spent night Brooklyn, Walnut Tree Hill district. engaged looking lor his body, but were un sha- pen then for 60 cents. Particular atten- fair trial in the and an recently. M. is on successful. tion paid Vt overreaching and intertettng state, especial Miss Eva L Botsford has been a vic uanaan Mrs C. Hubbell the sick list. On forenoon. Officer seized Ox 50. LO. J. Bulkley and sister oi Jew Friday Burgess horses. shoeing Si All wagon repair- test in this country." O. Wright Several have hard colds and at a wagon load of beer which was being deliv both wood and Iron work done at reaaoa-sonabl- e tim or tne grip. have been spending a few days with rel slight ing . tacks of the grip. ered here by the Merstersheimer Brothers' prices and work gaaranloi-d- Try as atives in town. The and team ot Derby. Th4s ba bceu going on for OBJECTS 10 THAT PROPOSED SIDEWALK Steve Mudry has moved into J. A. Tur Elmer Bulkley and family spent Sat Potal Telephone Telegraph sometime by this and other firms in that town, P W PLATT, Newtown. Conn., Co. are in the on more and as forbids li- ! ner's house in Lake George and will urday evenibe on Congress street. place putting the law delivering inano HOPEWELL DISTRICT. ACME HARROWS work the farm this L. H. Elson- - nas wires on the poles, which were set last cense town, the authorities have decided to I see in the editorial of last week's year. Miss Georgia Gould been quite sick summer mere so boss expects to go to brookfield. for a few and which has been Bee a revival of the subject of a side days. much about but the company walk from the Street to Hook and Mrs Elwood has not recovered from litigation oocuiTed to Mackintosh Rubber Coat and rAnd Also The. Sandy and James of seems to be ahead fo far. Has it you that a Waterproof the is asked "How many of our Edward Egan Hawley the she received more than a year we question ville. have both been confined to the injury Mud and bad traveling is what have Boots for or old make! a desirable and useful readers are in favor of having a good aero. to contend with at present. the young will very gift to HooK.' house with grip but they are able to be Mrs snerwooa wageman nas visiteo - walk laid from the street Sandy once we are to t is. fotter nas tne nigniy recom- and to these is I do not think there is one of your read about more, glad report. friends in town. mended fertilizers to sell this that thebest place purchase goods ers in this town or other who Mrs Hannah Hull spent the day with Quinnipiac either any Mrs James N. Lake has visited at her spring. AT would obiect to having such a walk laid her neizhbor. Mrs Wakeman. Mr and Mrs James E. Palmer are whether all readers are old home in Lake George for a few day?, Miss Annie wno nas Deen quite But, your willing to her sister's in uawKins, pleased with a fine daughter that ha to help pay for such a walk is looking at returning Bridgeport, sick so long, has nearly recovered. come to board with born March 1. A. R. LACEY'S RUBBER STORE, the in another The tax are entertained of Little them, matter light. The road Lake from Hopes bopma Miss Jane Mills has been in Bridgeport payers of the rural districts feel as if they through George, Hull's recovery. the her treated 139 Fairfield Ave, Bridgeport Conn. should not be taxed to for such im . K. Smith's to Peter Keiiy's,is blockad H. B. Banks is under Lr Dunham's past week, having eyes by pay ed with snow banks. Dr Wilson. provements where the benefits are purely care. Chicken pox is all the rage with the local. It is difficult to get enough money Albert Hull is shipping fine onions children in the Center district. main roads to the center Rev R. C. Booth and Miss Grace Peck,. Charles Guver is assisting him. for the ieading who are at the Bermudas for their to keep them in a passable condition. We Mrs William Bradley nas been lavoreo Clarendon Oil Works! shortened our health, are greatly improved, Mr Booth with a visit from Mrs Merwin WHITE HILLS. LEWIS B. SILUMAH, Proprietor, are all the while being op Bradley sad benefits while more and more is ex having gained 14 pounds. They sent Ground is soon to be broken for Mrs The Sunday school children meet every Hanufsctnrer, Producer and Wholesale Eelir is Lnbricatiic; IUamiEaUBg being home to A. W. Peck Mrs W. G. Dee's pended in the center. their pictures Gapt Davis' new house. Wednesday evening at now voters Know sucn for inspection. Mrs Donaldson is making her home to rehearse for an Easter concert. many tnat whist club met W.C. OIL and CrH.ELAS.EIS, vote was taken March 13, 1880." That with her niece, Miss Annie F. Burr,while The at Huobell's, PETROLEUM PRODUCTS, AJfDtAL AID VEGETABLE OILS. is iufct it. How many know. Altho' the Walter S. Hine of Derby, who came in her daughter, Mrs BrowD, is recovering Monday night. 386 to 372 Water Street. BBIDOEP0BT, C0HN voters in the two villages donotoutnum with a car load of cattle, last week, had from a surgical operation. J. D. Drew and wife spent Sunday at ber the voters outside, it is safe to say a close shave from instant death in a JArs Maria Keeier is soon to visit ner G. W. Drew's. that if the two villages could agree on smashup near the Poughkeepsie bridge, son in New York. The little folks at Clark Beardsley's IT IS IMP03SIBLE FOB YOU TO HAVE TEETH WITHOUT A PLATE, any wished to make He bad just left tne car where his cattle Of all the faithful workers at the fire are ill. sound roots or to hold in improvement they in Mrs B. Hubbell is Unless you bave teeth be it to build a sidewalk or a trolley sys' were, and had joined the conductor the of W. H. Banks' store, none did better improviug slowly. placeiwhat you need. Every dentist who has grad- tem whereby they could be more neigh caboose when tne collision occurred work than Joseph Bell, who sprang to E. C. Wixon is expected home on Fri- uated In recent years must know how to do tots He work before he can get hU diploma. G KK IT ELL borly, a town meeting could be called jumped with the conductor, and ef the roof of the barn in his stocking feet day. corner and with some bad bruises. He had the as as it HAWLEY, Does this work, Haia West following out all the requirements of the caped and distributed water fast Streets- - Happy Medium are our prices, neither so one nan or six head of cattle killed. could be to him. hiKh as to robbery nor so low as to make law and pernaps not tne vot passed BETHEL. suggest 1 work Gold fillings and up era of the rural districts would know of the best impossible. 40c DON'T FORGET THE POOR. according to size. Silver fillings ard up. ! it till it was all over with and then thev The subject for discussion at the next with pure fresh gas. Gold Plates, Gold CLARK'S CUTAWAY HARROWS have nothing to do but pay tne added tax meeting of Pohtatuck GraDge, March 19, - NICHOLS. Don't forget the poor children. A few Crowns, Gold Bridges. 1 believe in cities or boroughs it is not will be "Fertilizers, How applied ior PERSONAL AND CHCRCH TOPICS. families in town are in want of necessary unusual to tax prooerty outside of the best results. Special for special crops." food. The old story, intemperance, the or The discussion to be U. Miss Elsie Nichols has recently been These two Harrows are two as good makes as there is on the masket, city or borough limits for city bor opened by a cause. G. KETTELL HAWLEY DAHBBRY, COM. Kaen Peck and C. B. Johnson. Members come the guest of Miss Bessie Goodsell of DR ough improvements. property is and fail- and we shall be to show them to you at our store- - owner is taxed for the walk facing his prepared to ask and answer questions Bridgeport. Mrs Eliza Judd very poorly pleased the There will be James Fair, our mail carrier, after ing every day. Mrs Judd draws a oroDertv and is obliged to keep it clean bearing upon subject. a week in New We are also Agents, (for this vicinity) for the best line of Market Gar ed off and it strikes me that if this walk readings by Willis Hawley,' Mrs Lucy spending few days of last widow's pension. Her husband, Elihu be built it would be an addition to Baldwin and Mrs W. H. Glover. It is York, purchasing horses for his stage Judd, was a soldier of the war of 1812. Tools we know of, viz , quite drove from to dening our hill for snow shoveling, for the walk expected the new program will be ready route, that city Hunting- Rev E. Jay Tesgarden of the DUciples would be of no benefit the winter for distribution. ton. church, Danbury, addressed the Bethel during Mrs Ambler is unless cleaned on alter every snow storm Catharine visiting Temperance Union last Sunday evening It seems to me a sidewalk between the Rev George Weed Barhydt, rector of friends in Bridgeport. at the Congregational church. Mr 's THE PLANET. JR.. GOODS, vumges snouid be bunt witnoutcan Ctirist cBurch, Westport, bus been called A new road is being talked of to be cut lecture was right to the point ingtuon the taxpayers of the whole town to mourn the death of his mother, who through the land of D. M. Nichols and and was highly appreciated by a full to build it, either by a village improve passed away at Albany, N. Y ., March 2 sisters, joining the Charles Ambler prop- house. Don't ment society or by subscriptions from aged es. erty, to connect with the Huntington Ri v C. A. Knesal of the Methodist This cut shows you a combined those who are able to help in such a good road. church preached at the Disciples' church HOW work and from thoe who are benefitted Mrs Chamberlain and daughter, Miss Lenten services at Trinity church, Wed- in Danbury, last Sunday evening. rne "summer Doarder" is Held out as an Emma from Jersey City, took Grandma nesday evening at 7 o'clock. The eclipse of the moon, last Sunday inducement to have these walks. If the Ackley by surprise as they came on Sat- For several Sundays past the congre- evening, was watched with the usual in- village' will be more attractive to the urday to celebrate the 95th anniversary gations at the Methodist church have en- terest in this place. MANY "summer boarder" if possessed of this or their grandmother's birthday. A num joyed a fine display of hyacinths, brought M. W. Sherwood & Son are adding hats convenience, tnose wno reap the benefits ber called to pay their respects to the there by Miss Julia Thorp. to their "tock of goods in their Meriden of the "summer boarder" should pay for aged lady. Mr and Mrs 1. D. Smith attended the s.ore. The JuddJ & Dunning Hat Co. it. No doubt if the town would give us Pomona Grange meeting at New Canaan. are getting them out a full line of hats, roads from the center to our farms Mrs and son re- - Mr Hubbard, who built and started a hand finished and hand curled. Mr and KNOW good uirasey ueardsley a to and free rural delivery or tne mails, we turned, this week, from a visit with her store here, has added meat market Mrs Sherwood spend most of their time too, might draw the '"summer boarder, brother and sister-in-la- w in Bridgeport his grocery business, and delivers meat aftheir home in this place. Their son, How many in the villages would be wil j FH three times a week through the village. Chester, has charge of the business. to be taxed for those Edgar R. Bennett still continues to im- The Bethel Co. are build-a- n excellent feed ling improvements A gentleman of this county who has his this time Hat;Formlng what and conveniences? You asked for the excellent remarked to us the prove pleasant home, by addition to their factory to be occupied of "one and us hear judgement, painting the exterior. a firm for hat leathers. opinions all." Lst other day that he knew of no pill so good by cutting from "all." These are the opinions of The boys report, March 7, good skating for constipation, dyspepsia and liver on the local ponds. Secure one of these Bargains L"Une." complaint as DeWitt's Little Early Ris- Mrs Charles. Fairchild has returned SHELT0N- - ers. F. Hawley, S. C, sold. Come BERKSHIRE. Edgar Newtown; from a trip to St Augustine, Fla. before thev are all frT? Bull, Sandy Hook; A. B. Blakeman James Evitts has a position with Mr THE BOROUGH AND VICINITr. Rev H. W. Jones will preach in Beik Botsford. Standish of Bridgeport. Arthur Edwards started, thl-- week, and look at them. shire chapel on Sunday, March 17, at 3 30 It was with feelings of regret that the for Detroit where he has secured a posi- how o'clock. members of the C. L. S C, at their meet- tion in a bedstead factory there. He We will make you wonder March had to the B ing 5, accept resigna- went with F. Upton. do ueWitt's Witch Hazel salve cured Fairfield Chat. tion of their president, Rev H. C. Whit- Alex Watson was arrested on Satur- we it. County Other duties made it for in- HILL DROPPING AND FERTILIZER DRILL Q. Gorrell of the worst case of eczema ney. impossible day last for breach of the peace and Men's 4 50 Calt Button, 2.00 ever known In the state of Indiana. It him to still continue in tha office, but toxication, and was brought before the 2-5- cures scalds, burns, indolent sores and GREENFIELD HILL. the circle are very fortunate in having so court on Monday and fined $3 and cn?ts- - Men's 500 ' " never fails to cure - Hi. F. competent a person to fill the vacancy as The Metallic Bedstead Co. h ve had to lay " ' We also remqmber the Babies and for them we have put in a fine line o piles.- Hawley M. ofl some of their workmen, owing to a ple- Men'8 6 00 3 25 Newtown, S. C. Bull, A Mrs A. Nichols. ot finished Sandy Hook; BANKS' STORE The Y. P. S. C. will hold a sociable thora ptock. ' li. !5iaKeman, liotsiord. MR BURNED. E. Miss Jean M. Mitchell has secured a posi- Men's 6 50 3.25 RYE MIDDLINGS the home of Miss-Juli- Thurs- Bartholomew Co. at Thorp, tion with the Phelps of Men'8 6 50 Lace Saturday morning, a little before 6 day evening, March 21. During the even- Ansonla as stenographer and typewriter. Waukenphast S3, Georr, A. who resides at a served Frank B. Upton, who has been In Detroit mill: fed Northrop, o'clock, William H. Banks' store was dis ing conundrum supper will be tor a tew montns past, nas oeen nts Hand Sewed French Calf. makes for producing when to head r' the Street, has the timber out for the email sum of 15c. Also other at- and the ex to leavevisiunghere in " covered to be on fire, in the attic. Mr tamllv. latter pect for new barn, to be erected, this be the the lor that He last Men's Calf Favorite Shoes, narrow cow 8, and also mixed with other feed Banks bad been sick for a few tractions may expected during spring tity. returned, spring. He has already erected a small quite evening. If stormy the sociable will be Monday. machine made own use. and even Rev L M. Keneston went to Greenwich, widths.hand and sewed, for horse? Of course most fanners shop for his days, that morning about postponed until further notice. last Tuesday, to attenil a meeting ol the Fair field Association. to sell from 4.50 to 6 50, shall close o'clock before the fire, the doctor had County Herman I now that it is the right stuff for Last Wertrresday evening, Spabr 1 99 - A son was born to Mr and Mrs Hobart been sent for and had paid him a visit, FAIRFIELD. and wife, who reside on the Bridgeport road them out at a pair- one-hal- t miles from vil hogs. Hawley on last. The bell was to about one and the The chance a life-ti- to Friday church immediately rung lage, returned home about 10 o'cloch of get high that was wanted. HOYDEN'S HILL. found three men engaged in stealing theirthy Now, what I am driving at is this is not a miracle, won't cure ev notify people help It hod killed and had two grade goods for almost nothing Ev it it wasn't before there was a poultry. They three erything, but it will cure piles. That long crowd of Misses Josie and Minnie Wakeman have more in a nag. xney rescuea tne Bioien poul- must have got lots of this rye feed and am what De Witt's Witch Hazel salve will do. and all exerted themselves to save visited triends la Weston. try and knowing the men the next day they ery pair go. people Miss Minnie Lewis has visited Mrs L. A. made them settle ior the damages. Button Shoes worth in and because it has done it in hundreds of the other buildings. The cash , A number ot the Baptist 8nnday Ladies' Goat producing it large quantities cases. register. Jennings. largevisited E R. Edgar F. Hawley. Newtown. a new and Mrs Mehala Jennings has the dreaded In- school Barrett, the superintend- from 2 50 to $4- - sizes 5 to 8, 1 69. what I want if the flour which C. Bull, Sandy Hook; A. B; desk, scales, powder cartridges fluenza , ent, last Wednesday evening, and presented rye I Blakeman, were about all that was saved. The oil him with three handsomely bound volumes Ladies' $5 Goat Button, 1 tiotsioro. Miss Minnie Lewis was at W. C. Bulkley's oi the "Ministry ot the Spirit" by the late Rev sell to thi at and which held several had over Sunday. A J. Gordon. factory Winnepauk tank, barrels, Kid Button opera toe. regu- es a or two Miss Ada Deas is nnder the doctor's care in The office of Dennis Donovan was broken 70B ram bavs the feed is largs or fmall qoaati-li- Mealine soap removes roughness of only been filled day before, and 1-- lar $3 and $4 goods, sizes 2 2, 3 and the skin. the faucet was turned to let it out on the and the pries will be oalj $18 par torn. Yom 3 1--2, widths A and B. at $2 a ground, which avoided an explosion going will find it worth your while to try this feed Promptness is a commendable, virtue Blankets were wet on the house and fr That's why we offer you One Minute kept pair. all the purposes for which I hare reeommened carriage house and it was raining all the SANDEKSON'S Kid Button Common Sense Cough cure. It is prompt in relief and Ladies' it. in is which was The prompt curing. That what it is time, fortunate. origin 1 93, sizes 21-- 2 and 3, regular made for. F. Hawley, Newtown of the fire cannot be accounted for as the last, WHITNEY'S BABY CARRIAGES. Edgar S3. S. C. Bull, Sandy Hook; A. B. Blake fire in the stove had out even and man, Botsford. gone the SPECIAL FORMULA ing before and another had not been re Freich Kid Button, regular price $6 kindled. The was Insured and and common sense lasts, a great We propose to sell them at prices that are in keeping with the times. James S. Cole of Bridgeport was in building opera town on Tuesday. He will have a car there was $1000 on the contents. Mr bargain, S3- - II. are to do this - so load of fine blooded horses Say by the way you going any painting Spring- If you at Bronson'i Banks intends to rebuild immediately Misses'. Kid. Goat and Calf Foxed I Sippertey, stables, Fairfield avenue, Bridgeport,Ton and have another store full of and FERTILIZERS certainly want to use good paint. We can recommend the 28th, and an goods Heeled to exceptional opportunity in order for the convenience of Button, regular price is afforded the people of Western Connec running narrow widths. 97c ticut or securing fine stock. . his many customers in the course of a few $3, weeks. TAKE THE LEAD AS Misses' Goat Button opera toe with i Sipperley's Mills, Don't neglect that cough, it leads to heels, $1, regular price 3 50. consumption. One Minute Cough Cure MISS FERRIS WINS A SUIT. a French Handsewcd Westrort, Co as. possesses double virtue. It cures and The suit of Miss Emma Ferris, daugh- ladies' Dongola, cuies quickly. E. F. Hawley.Newtown ter of John Ferris, against the town of patent tip, Picadilly and common 8. C. Bull, Sandy Hook; A. B. Blake Redding for damages, owing to her horse man, Botsford. backing off a very dangerous embank- CROP PRODUCERS. sense last, regular $4 goods. During ment some months ago in that town, was this sale 2 50 ADVERTISING Rev J. O. Mu'nson preached two excel decided in ber favor. She receives $100. lent sermons in' tne Aletnodist church They will cover more surface, give you more body and better satisfac Corn General Use. RATES. Sandy Hook, last Sunday, in exchange A PASTOR CALLED. Formula A, for Potatoes, and Look at our table, it tion than any other Faints.. Send for sample card wicn itev Air uuoerc. xne memorial ser- bargain vices in the evening of the late Rev H. L. There was a large gathering of people Formula B, for Tobacco. Coluna 3-- 4 Col. 4- We want your patronage and will give you low prices if you will tell us "Vheeler were very Interesting. The at the parish meeting on Saturday. It will pay you. MCsT. CT was voted to Rev Mr Kittle a Formula C, - what want music by Mr and Mrs Ezra Hall, Mrs give call (Superphosphate). TEAS, $100 $80 $80 $48 $M you i ucKer, miss jxeine Gilbert and Mr Ban and settle him. It is hoped he will ac- 6M0S. 60 48 8 S8 84 , Formula E, Top Dressing and Grass, ker was veryappropriate and well ren cept and that candidating may be done SXOS. 40 83 84 SO 1 dered. A read Miss away with and Greenfield have a pastor poem very nicely by - XOITH.S0 18 18 10 a Florence JLaice was written lor tne occas once more. Send for circulars and full information. will sava It many N, 10 8 ion by Mrs Hubert Piatt of Lone Island Henry Ayres, WEXK, 8 t and will In next week's Mr and Mrs Baldwin dollars for all farmers to tnose careful -8 appear issue of George of Bridge- give goods investigation' 4 la. .8 la. 8 la. . Inch Is. THE BEE. port visited their farm at "Pavement - - Address TEAR, 880 ' $3S $18 $10 t Hill," recently.- 6 KOS. 18 19 10 8 Miss Fannie May Bailey is now board Mrs T. B Bradley and Mrs A. Sher- $ at Mrs Brown's wood visited 8 V0S. 1 10 Ing and attending the relatives on Burr street, 331 Main St.,' Ct. PLUMB HARDWARE CO, Academy. She and her brother spent Tuesday. Bridgeport, 1M0HTH. S 7.4$4 ' . 1 Bome time in hook in tne Mrs Everett Matson of sanuy ramily Southportspent Lucien Sanderson, 1WEEXV S 2 89 g 1 Is word or tne late itev 1. Jb. wheeler and at a night.wlth her aunt, Mrs re- Wiggins, Local Ictlees is. Brevier 10 A 452 Main and 85 Middle Conn tended Mrs Bennett's Bchool, about six cently. 1H CHURCH NEW CONN. Type, La. St., St., Bridgeport, years ago. Her.f ather and brother re- - Miss Florence Bulkley is visiting her ST., HAVEN, Q)


384 For

-- 1 v- - ' v - Bushels J" , 4 Eight Per V ' ' . . - - , ' Consecutive

- " v . A v. . . . . ''" t " Acre Years



The shows a half-doze- n from photograph sample potatoes taken the 1893 crop, raised by Mr. C. W. Stone, Andover, N.H., on Stockbridge Potato Manure exclusively. The of the is that were raised on had interesting part story they land that been planted to potatoes on Stockbridge Special Potato Manure exclusively, for eight consecutive years, no other fertilizer or manure been used ; and the for the having yield eight years averages 384 bushels per acre per year, thus proving true what we have always claimed, that, while stable manure has not been excelled for many crops, the Stockbridge is the best substitute for it in growing potatoes. The Manures are the and Stockbridge original strongest Special Manures made, and one ton will go twice as far as many other kinds that sell for almost the same money. Send to-da- y for our handsomely illustrated Catalogue of Fertilizers, which will be mailed free of charge to any farmer's address. owker Fertilizer Company, 43 Chatham Street, Boston. 27 Beaver Street, New Yor?

1 I - l 1. 1 1 a r 1 . 1 , ,. made 40 feet to Mr Kilborn to be logs put week, from a visit with her son in Shel-to- ered his health to resume his in weeks last Irom Rev f her during her late serious Illness. into the of his mill dam. News. York practice old, week, pneumonia. my neighbors, who have watched my 1 IlC eWlOWn Kppit0 repairs Fairfield County New City. Mr Morris attended the funeral on Monday. Edward O'Dell is building a cottage on S. W. Somen had a fall and came I'llO clcattt Of WUlloiZx. UU1. to ' crop for the last three years, expecting his near very A had FRIDAT, HABCH 15, 1898. ROXBURY. place the barn lately erected by near breaking his bip, last Henry Jennings a trnnk of valuable SOUTHPORD. South for summer and Edward EASTON. Saturday. jewelry stolen on his Western trip. Through Barre, Vt." him, occupancy, Miss Alice Sherman has gone to New lu tiiu ox uceui.xvea lb was ivuuvtsreu Logan will take the former's place in the Haven. ' CONGREGATIONAL CHUKCH NOTES. care of Miss Canfield's The Farmers' club was held at John Sher- BUSINESS LIVELY AT SOUTH FORD. CIKOULAriOM. farm. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH AFFAIRS. our correspondent has had a turn wood's, Mill Hill, Southport, Monday even- Subject for next Sunday morning, Walter W. Brownson is expecting to with rheumatism. ing. The subject was ' New Tools," by 8. F. Times have become qnite lively at the JAIOAB - Brins-mad- Elwood and "Observations Western paper mill in this They are fitting np 1888, fllO "The idolal ry of covetousness ;" evening, move his family from the Sherman e The program prepared by Misses next at 10.30 a. unona a tor box p'ace. THE OLD FOLKS AT HOME. Last week. 1200 out Preaching Sutday m; trip," by George P. Jennings. place making. When completed "Casting devils." place to New Haven. They will Roberts and Perry tor the sociable at Sunday school immediately after. they expert to employ quite a number ot Prayer meeting on Wednesday at the be greatly missed. Mrs J. L. Wednesday evening, girls and boys in that business. The houses Where the Aged and Imflrm Canal home Perry's, near by have all been rented and are being for Mother Aarellm an of Henry Burritt; topic, "Exter- E. W. Calhoun has let out his farm and was much enjoyed by those present. BRIDGEPORT. fitted up for boarders, etc. Hpe<s nal : LYON'S ot Her Chmrgeaw Litchfield News. helps to Christian Living." goes to Waterbury with his family. The program was as follows PLAINS From thm Providence, It. Journal. County Mr Vaughan has put a few of his books There were four 1'olanders came, last Instrumental Miss and Mr Sher- I, into the man. duet, Perry FOUR FEET ON THE FENDER. Charles Booth is visiting his daughter, Mrs Somswhat removed from the city of Prov- permanent parsonage library, as Saturday, into town, looking for places to PERSONAL MENTION. George Smith. idence, on the main to Pawtucket, NEW PRESTON. follows : worK. Recitation, Miss Theresa Porter. Dr Holmes was Mrs James Green, who has been at the hos- stands highly Piano solo, Mr Sherman. several years ago ask in New Haven re- that magnificent charitable institu- 78. nick's Christian 8 vo. Glas- The school board have decided to have Mr and Mrs Hiram McConkey lost their ed pital for treatment, has tion known as Home for Philosopher,. Lecture Mrs in her what was his idea of and the the Aged of the gow, William by Roberts, delivered only child of bronchitis on Friday, the 8th. happiness turned to her home again. DEATH Or THOMAS COLLINS. s Colling, the schools March 18. usual way. Little Sisters of the Poor. Here a com- 7H. Uui-ne- on 8 open MoLday, pleasing The iuneral was attended Irotn their resi his prompt answer was ''Four feet on Matthew anil Mark. vo, A Duet, Miss Silliman and Mr com-muult- he Lower street is Gallup. 2 30. C. of sweet faced and soft voiced Sister Again death haa saddened our Glasgow, Blttokle & Son, 183J. church hill road - dence on Sunday at Rev H Pease oi the tender." The answer gave his friend pany Beading, Miss Hattie Peiry. the Northfleld church con care for the old and the infirm who are and called to rest Thomas J. Col- 8. Uuoirranhv ol Palestine, bv W. Mfil.nd. still under blockade. If we could have a "Aunt was well ren- (Jonirreuatiotial great satisfaction. C. hi. .Bennett & Son 384 BUSHELS PES ACRE. 8 vo., London; Longumn, Brown, Green, few such as last Betsey's Beaux," duoted the service. A quartet of Miss Eva unable to care for themselves. a man floe days March gave israa-le- advertises for his customers to well-kno- lins, young of education and joiiBiimiii nun ItouerLH, iras. bright dered by four' you ig ladies and two ueuient, jura Kj. acnoneia ana Artnur j. bring Mother Anrclia presides over this of worth and 81. Tliouullts on essence nt us at this season, the 'coarse grained and Charles Gregory rendered some fine their feet with them whether it is two or Consecutive on fertizer ex- sterling character. Ilia the Chrlnt'a young gentlemen from the Academy. muHio for occasion. was Eight years institution, and with her associates death was caused atonement, by William Frotcgatt, 12 mo , Lon- snow would soon dissolve. Last of all coffee and lee cream the The interment a dozen feet aud he will fit them with clusively. C. W. Stone, East Andover, ministers to the wants of over two hundred by conavmptlon, don, iloitiler StouKhton, I87S. The wall the Hotcbkissville cake, in the family plot at Colwy's Plains. fine brought on by continued attacks of the 82 paper at were served. The were for substantial shoes for a little money. N. H., reports that on land planted to old people, women and men. An Advice to a young Christian, by John Cash store is proceeds Mrs B. A. Salmons is suffering with grip. & important grip. Many and sad are the friends from 16 mo., 187B. this season's production wood and for the church. Mrs Keeler also on C. H. Bennet Son's new lines of spring potatoes for years feature of the Home is a 8toc, London, Treat Depository, and is pipe Piatt is the sick. eight consecutively, whom he has and all can The Hebrew Scriptures, bv Samuel the price right. Next S. and summer shoes and oxfords are and each on Stock-bridg- e pharmacy in charge of one of the sisters. parted truly 8 10 Sunday morniDg, March 17, Rev "Ambert Kelloesr spent Sunday with his right exclusively year say why has this been done. But sad- Sharps, vols., mo., London, j. Russell Mr Warflpld will in the parents, Mr aud Mrs John 8. Kellogg. up to date in workmanship, style and va- Potatoe Manure, he raised an Their chief remedy is good old Pain-Kille- r, more Smith ,1878 preach Congre- which most of the old folks used when der still and lonely are the loving 8 1'ne world lSeyona, by John Doughty, BETHLEHEM. gational church. John McCollum is assorting ana packing riety. average of potatoes per acre they brother, with whom he made his IB mo.. PhlladelDhla. Swedenborir niil)lthlnu- - his tobacco with the aid ot Phlllin Gerhardt per year. He writes: "The experi- were children and which nowenres the pains home, 18M and his son, and aches incidental to their and the kind sUter who administered the Eber Gould has so far recovered hi? Henry. Miss Luella F. Beard of Milford, who mental piece was not garden soil, but declining years. care 87. Chanters on Holiness, bv Rev John Mart CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH AFFAIRS. Misses Nellie and Nettie Main, who are has been a Union Business was broken for As is to be expected, the aged inmates of best of to ber brother and fulfilled ley, HI mo., London, Wesleyan Methodist health as to be able to attend to his working in Norwalk, spent Sanday at home student at up especially the pur- the Home are in constant need of medical his every want, sparing neither strengtn uitoK rioui, iftp.. The meeting of the first ecclesiastical duties as representative at Hartford. Elmer D. Treadwell and wite of Bethel at College, Main & Congress streets, has ac pose of making a careful and exhaustive so are nor 8M. Nature ot Solrit bv Rev Chauneev fillen. a situation as with Ior a or to attention, although, carefully they patience through the long sickness, 8 vo.. New society was held on Monday, March 4, Mr and Mr were tended the funeral ot irs McConkey's baby cepted stenographer test series years, and satisfy tended, few are sick enough to be in York, the new Church Board ot Seley Jennings on Mrs Treadwell is a sister ot Mrs Miss H. Com- rarely but nursed her brother as only a sifter ruoncauon, IKK). and resulted in the election of Theodore recently called to New Haven to serve Sunday. Warner Brothers; also. Minnie myself that the Bowker Fertilizer the hospital wing at any one time. But all can, encouraging him to the last and 89. The Parable ot Creation by Rev John Bird, clerk ; Samuel P. treasurer ; on Mcf.onaey. Quinn, a student of this school, has been pany were making as good goods one of them are subject to the disabilities 8 Hayes, jury. Miss Davis and Mr of many smoothing his to the Doughty, Francisco, Swedenboffg F. P. L. P. and T. At the town Jennie 8heppard with Warner Brothers as sten year as another. 'I also wanted to sat- of old and so Pain-Kill- has come pathway grave 18X2. Hayes, Judd, Arthur mpeting, Saturday, it was with her placed age, library and Treat society, Rowaytnn spent Sunday mother, short-han- d to The bereaved ones have our heartfelt o. JL. Minor, society committee. The annual lfft in the hands of the to de- Mrs K. Davis. ographer, making two writ- isfy myself that potatoes could be grown be a remedy of almost daily use. Ileaven, by D. Aloodr, 8 vo., London, selpctmen Pain-Kill- sympathy In this their great sorrow and Morgan I. dcott. for Dews was held on cide whether shall collect from the On account ot ers placed with this company in one ior a series or years on stockbridge ex- Mother Aurelia saya that has meeting renting they (an almost impossibility) w and may Uod strengthen and comfort them. March 11. t;own of Kent, the sum expended by the beating the church this cold weather, Itev weeK. imam uonway nas Deen provid clusively. "It was land which cut in ?uite superseded thedragi prescriptions The funeral Levi sold two cows to Lee Dick- Kev Mr Hamilton it advisable to hold the ed with a as with the of three-quarte- a among the old people. When the took place at the residence Squire Charles L. Aver, after a few town for Barton & Lane. thought of position bookkeeper neighborhood of W. inson. Mr weekly Lenten services at the homes the 65 limbs twitch with rheumatism the fair of John Collins, brother of the de- Squire having reached the months labor in Mansfield, Ct., is now Chnrles F. Gilbert has averaged 21 parii-bioner- Lasi week i was held on Fri Messrs Beach Dudley. ton of hay per acre prior to being on 6. 75th mile stone of wished to was sister in charge of'the pharmacy gires them ceased, March Many beautiful life, reduce witn nia in this and is en a week from 60 bens. He day evening at Mrs Caroline Crotut's, this ploughed. It thoroughly cultivated, Pain-Kille- r. lamuy pice dozn eggi on a massage with pure When flowers covered the caeket on all sides bis stock of cows, so as to make his la- joying a season of rest. He assisted his has built another new of week xnursday at Mrs Harriet a. coley's. but no greater care was bestowed on the the old men and old women suffer from bors less In hennery late, This week. Hiram McConkev eoes to 81 and the deceased lav in a solid bed of arduous his declining years. son, Kev Ldward Jr. Ayer, in the morn- the same size as the one he built last piece than would have been exercised their manr stomach a little Pain-Kill- Leander Blakemau Luke's Hospital. N. Y., tor treatment, through In New Haven bad a area been troubles, lovely fljwer, from loving friends far had an attack of the ing service, la9t Sunday, preaching the year. the kindness of Rev Alexander Hamilton, County. larger planted. "In witn water and sngar offers a certain and near. Truly Uod lovetb the beautl grip the past week. He Is under the care sermon. Charles Gilbert has a contract for there being an endowed Hamilton bed, 1887 the yield of this piece was at the and quick relief? When the renerable for are of Dr Pons. 100 whloh he is given the benefit ot. rate of 340 bushels acre, 1883 362, heads are racked with Pain-Kill- er is ful, the good always beautiful making harrows for C. O. Jelliff & OXFORD- - per pain, and none are too young to die, but it Wilbur Mansfield Is not to work for Mr Griffin of Carmel Hill, after suffer-- Co. of South Mrs W. L. Keeler of North Wilton SDentt 1889 390, 1S90 410, 1891 424. 1892 470, again put to Berries promptly. The old Charles severe in was port. meauay wnn ner roomer, jurs jrnene A 1893 1894 285. lore and it. tes- seems sad and strange that one so young Hurd the coming summer, we ng pain his arm, surprised Conrad Goll is - moving his house ranton. 394, "Or an average ol peorile it rely upon They and so uneful should be called unuerstana, as in this corres to find a fractured bone which needed a across the 384 bushels per acre "The tify that its use externally is quickly effica- away just reported road, the Bridgeport Water per year. and is at the beginning of so useful a life, and pondence ior tnree or four weeks ago, Mr surgeon's attention. Co. having bought the land where the DEATH OF MRS MARIA BALDWIN. crop of 1893, although quite early, suf- cious, Internally, unaccompanied by the of all his Hurd deemed best to Dwigbt Baldwin, who has been out of fered from severe any after ill effects which, at their g hope friends. having make other house now stanrs. James Ward is doing WEST0H. Mrs Maria Baldwin died suddenly. Thurs. slightly the drought; be risked. town for - wurtneyer arrangements. several months, is spending the moving. v day morning last, at the residence of her otherwise I think it would have equalled IMPROVEMENTS AT THE WILSON HOUSE. L. S. Castle has shipped the last of the some time here. He has rented his cot Mrs Sarah Patterson is a of her brother, Wales Chatfleld,' Five Mile Hill. the yield of 1892. The severe drought al- Sutler Brothers' to R. Adrianes is now guest PERSONAL JOTXINGS. Mrs Baldwin came down stairs at her usual so 1894. Oas men from Xew York city are this packing of '92 crop of tage Jones, who daughter, Mrs Robert Davis of Hopewell hour, was taken with a spasm, lay down and affected the yield for I applied tobacco from Station. in the service of Judd Brothers. Mies Anna Banks, the little ot died at once. Heart disease, from which she at the rate of not less than 1,500 week putting In pipes at J. B. WlUon'a Roxbury district, Newtown. daughter had been a sufferer for som was pounds NO In- Winters & Wright, finished their Theodore Bird has returned aud is Frederick Banks, lias been ill tor several time, the per acre each year, and no year at the hotel at Lakeside preparatory to bis having days. cause of death. The funeral "was from her three job at getting out ties for Barnes & Ly- looking bright and cheery and expects residence on The rate of over 2,000 pounds per acre. "On troducing gas thioughout stories are bis Miss be The Y. P. 8. C. E. nraver meeting at the brother's Friday. remains of bis hotel, next summer. man, to remain at Setb Warner's. daughter, Alice, to with him TRUMBULL. Norrtold were taken to Thomaston on Saturday lor In- an average I applied at the rate of 1,800 Mr is in a few weeks. church on Sunday evening was led Kev Humphrey to hold a Thurs by Miss Eleanor Hoyt. A number from out terment. pounds Stockbridge Potato Manute per each week Lelie Crane of New Haven, who is in oi town-societie-s were acre each fer- Dr E. A. Is day meeting during Lent at present. year, without any other Marcy at present unusually toe scnooi nouse at Warner's com- the telephone service, has been with his MR NICHOLS' SURPRISE PARTY. Ji. 8. Lane has been on a business trio to his PERSONAL JOTTINGS. tilizer whatever. The rows were the or- PRESENTS! In Warren. . Gran-Bi- s Mills, busy, especially J. mencing at 4 15 p. m. mother, Mrs Samuel .Allen, for a short former home in Illinois. distance and one-ha- lf acts a driver for him. The surprise party given Plumb Nich- - Miss Hamilton Mrs Barnes and daughter. Miss Lizzie, are dinary apart (three Charles Beardsley has taken his crop visit. last week, Mary has entertained the about the bouse now. feet), and the potatoes planted from Homer C. Strong of Chlcopee Falls, of '94 tobacco to Mr Din Miss Mabel Waldron of Thomaston is ols, Tuesday evening, by the Misses Wakeman from Fairfield lor a lew John Candee is very ill with 18 to 20 Hal to be assort and had a fea- , v pneumonia. inches apart in the trenches." Oar inducements to Wis., arrived at bis former home, last ed and also In her numerous friends in this Grange friends, pleasant days. Dr Barnes attends him. Mr Stone's statement comes indorsed purchasers to attend the funeral of his cased, placed bis bands for visiting ture to it that was not reported. Mr "Miss Minnie Williams has returned from a Burr Allins came home, latt Friclav. Quite by Bunday, disposal his '93 crop In case. place. Nichols was fine ill with the grip. affidavits of farmers who saw the crops Mrs M. B. on presented with a very three weeks' visit in Bridgeport and New - are more nor mother, Strong, Monday a. i .... a o j. near- Mrs John B. Porter is Haven. me cnestnut Tree uui scnooi Closes, r ri- and harvested. nothing of this week in Warren. ai.u wui icivc, unviug quite poorly horse to replace the one he was so un- lour weeks' vacation. growing marketed all of their and lambs from the effects of the M. dav, tor a Another user of this In- ly sheep grip. fortunate to loose before a milk Mrs J. Miller ol Greenfield is spending a Mrs Hine was In Gunn popular fertilizer less We are pleased to hear that after an The on en- wagon few Henry interred the than by butchering and disposing of them "Scott's WoodiCreek farm" in East a days with her sister, Airs Haw ley Wil Town burying ground, Tuesday of last week. saya: "I have used the Stockbridge terval of six years, news from the West tertained an Bridgeport few weeks since. liams. .. was around town, are now fattening and dis- old friend for the last time, He feels to his Her aeatn irom consumption. Manure on a piece of land (of about one has been received at C. E. Beeman's at of their stock cows and as the is Boon to be sold. Auctions justly very grateful Mrs J. H. Gregory and Mrs Harriet Godfrey Mrs Morris gains very slowly, not being for the six posing surplus of place friends for this kind are . able to leave room acre) potatoes last years, Lakeside, of Mr and Mrs Beeman's son, other cattle in the same manner. are the and remembrance. spending the week in Greenwich. her yet. three with a coat of who la as well and bus- getting quite style people Miss Hattie Wyman has been the guest ot William Peck has changed bis residence years very light Daniel, reported John Morris, who has had quite along are getting in the spirit of bidding at Miss Liliie Adams lor a few from Christian street to George Hawley's manure ploughed in, and the last three ily engaged In Oregon. time with has come A. H. Linley," who leases the Stephen days. place in the Center. with no other manure Stock- - GOOD GOODS! W. 8. Watson and wife to leave wrestling the grip, good prices. homestead and has a milk route Mrs 3. A. Godfrey ol Danbury has visited MrsT. 8 Osborn will visit in Ansonla and years than expect out somewhat ahead, but badly used up Miss Abbie Kilbourn is presiding over Sterling Mrs tphraim Fitch. this week. bridge, the crop being from 300 to 400 this village, next week, for a two months the domestic affairs of her Mrs D. in Bridgeport, has recently lost five Terby, a to yet. sister, Alonzo Downs lost an Infant child, six bushels year, much to the surprise of trip Australia and other places. Mrs W. B. resumed her duties H. Judd, while Mrs Judd and her horses. Analysis showed that strych- --AT- The auction rale of the house Hodge daugh- nine bad been fed known as school teacher at the Center school, ter are visiting in New Haven. them in considerable GREEN'S FARMS. as the D. Jacus plane, now occupied by March 11. James Copeland is confined to the quantities. Mr Linley is a young man William Marvin, will take place In front Albert Barnes, -- wife and child made house at present. just starting in the milk business. He is of E. H. Beardsley's store here, next Mr Barnes' grandoarents a call on the Leopold Leutz has rented a farm In much respected by all who know him PERSONAL CHAT. LOW PEI0ES! Jlondav at 1 p. ra. 10th. Mr Barnes returned to his home Danbury and have gone there to live. tend the poisoning is a mystery to every The express messenger route, so long held Mrs F. J. Hosford arrived home from one. The matter is under by George P. between Green's and business of butchering at Woodbury, The personal property of the late Dea investigation Farms and Jennings, a two weeks' stay In New Haven on Fred Allen was sold on Satur- and it is to be hoped the offender may New York, is now in charge of leaving his family for a few days. at auction Charles W heeler. mid-wint- Thursday evening of last week. Crane be to Our annual sale ot Clothing and Mrs Hannah Bronson, who has been day. George P. of Woodbury brought justice. Dr Howard Taylor has sufficiently recov- - Gents' Is now in full Mrs F. 8. Brown and daughters went at Mrs has was auctioneer. Furnishings blast,and on on boarding Tucker's, again gone You the low tarifl which will continue to New York and Passaic, N. Will Principle, city J., , Luther C. administrator on to her own home, having been absent Scott, the MONROE. to be the issue with Monday of this week, to attend the gold- tnree estate of the late L. will sell never need another dose of Dyspepsia Medicine great those who wish to Cram-se- just months. Capt Scott, see a tumble in en wedding of Mr and Mrs J. D. y Mr at auction all of the real and clothing during the month of and Mrs Hiram Elwell entertained public per- after a meal, if your food is cooked with Cottolene, Our whole slock marked at Passaic, on the 13th, and visit oth- two friends from over sonal property to the estate EAST VILLAGE. There is more Catarrh in this section of the February. is down Danbury, Sunday. belonging all diseases-pu- t to the lowest er friends and relatives. Miss Emma on March 19, at 10 a. m. country than other together, the new vegetable shortening, instead of lard. living prices, and Pea Burnham has been on the Washburn of New Haven Tuesday, 1895, Sunday school next Sabbath at 12.30 and until the last lew years was supposed to Dayton called on friends in O. W. of South Kent will officiate oh a . town, last Monday Marcy p. m ; service at 1 30 m. incurauie. ior great many years Cottolene aids the digestive powers lard destroys sick list during the past week. Mrs Lorain Camp has returned to as auctioneer. x preaching p. it a local disease, and pre- went The next social will be held at the resi- scribed local remedies, and by constantly which will choose? The EXTRA Maroiedsie lor a tew weeks. Henry Glowsky to New York dence Mr and Mrs failing to cure with local them, you BAKGAINS March a after his last week. ot WlUiam Blackman treatment, pro- 80UTHVILLE. Born, 9, son to flenry and daughter, Mrs on Barn Hill on " nounced it Incurable. Science has proven Cottolene is identified by this Lizzie Glowsky has so much recovered that,she Tuesday evening. catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and, uinckiey. March 19, The admission, re- treatment-Hall'- cot-- Are offered in Ulsters, Overcoats, Bats, Caps The wall paper at the Hotcbkissvllle Is about the house. including therefore, requires constitutional trade mark steer's head in ? ; ' Is freshments, 10 cents. Come and enjoy Catarrh Cure, manufactured by K.J. and8nlts. Mrs Susan Hall of Sandy Hook spend' Cah store la this season's production George Carpenter has rented the place an Cheney & Co., Toledo. Ohio, is the only con- ton-pla- nt wreath on We have a fine a week W. Smith's. She re- now Mrs evening with us. stitutional cure on is every paiL line ot Gents' and Boys lng at E. ana toe price is rigot. occupied by Dunbar of Mrs If indications hold new the market. It taken Suits that are on the Low Price Schedule. turns to Hook on of this Minnie Dorman. and will It present good, internally In doses from 10 drops to a Made by put. Sandy Friday occupy shingles will adorn the roof of the church It acts on the blood and oly ..... j wek. . April 1, mucous directly K. Fair-ban- before another week has passed. surfaces of the svstem. They, offer The N. Company,' Will Gregory and wife, who have been WASHINGTON. Mrs Ralph Munson will occupy the one hundred dollars for any case it tails to CHICAGO, and for their to their where now uuie. oeuu ior circulars ana testimonials. caring mother, returned place George Carpenter lives. Product Kxekange, II. T., 24 State St., Boato. - home In last The wall at the Hotchkifsville v F J.CHENEY CO., Toledo, O. r.XJoianor, Bethel, taking . paper STEVENSON. I Saturday, TOWN AND PERSONAL TOPICS. their mother will) them. Cash store is this season's production by druggists, 76o. Mrs Jane Gregory wishes to thank her A. C. Titus has sold some trees which and the price is right. Mrs Silliman Sherwood returned, this 5 Bank St, New IliL'crd, Ct Q

The Newtown Bee FRIDAY, MARCH 15. 1895. The Assortment of OIltCULATlOM. Largest 7ANDABI !, 1882, 010 LAST WEEK 8200 I HARDWARE, In GrRANDEST SUCCESS ! Litchfield County. WASHINGTON. AGRICULTURAL CUTLERY, HAYING . IMPLEMENTS I UTIHSLLS GRANGE AFFAIRS. CARPENTERS' TOOLS, - Lecturer W. F. Kilborn of Washing-to- - Grange has outlined an interesting pro- of visit our Beautiful New gram for the year. He has taken hold of ' Mra. M. A. Chandler Ever attained at any opening, thousands upon thousands people the work of his office in earnest, and is , Prospect, Conn. MANUFACTURERS' SUPPLIES. Connec- doing his share towards keeping of the ; the finest and best Goods Building in - Store and pronounce it appointed Dry interest. The program as outlined for j Our Entire Stock and low make a visit to our estab- tne oaiance oi tne year win oe as follows : lnflammatoyRheumatism ticut. terribly prices March 13, potato cultures Best varieties, fertilization, cnltivation. . lishment the most pleasant shopping tour in your experience. inaren a, unorister's nignt, anniversary. And the Grip Almost Helpless (Charter granted March 19, 1875 ) is conceded all no other concern in Con--, April 10. The Civil War : causes and results. Hood's Cured. It by that Description ol principal events. Sarsaparilla Perfectly " I was attacked by Inflammatory rheu- necticut has ever approached our display or May 8, Debate. Resolved. That the income matism In feet and hands. After tax is a step toward equalization ot taxation. my 94 BANK or in June 12. My object in iolnine the Granite. three months' treatment the doctor said 90, ST., WATERBURY, CONN. given half the value; other Roll call, each. member expected to answer. he could do no more for me. I was almost July 10, The Declaration of Independence when heard of Hood's Sar- words 50c will as much and summary ot the Revolutionary War. discouraged I buy August jjeoate. unsolved, 'mat our saparilla. I commenced taking it and had success in i.lite depends more on our own ex only used one bottle when I was able to here as 70c in other ertions than upon circumstances Bit up. It had helped me so much that I oepiemoer ii, how to maae tarming pay in decided to take more of it and after the Washington. second bottle was able to raise stores. septemDeraa, v lsitor's night I myself October 9, Harvest Festival. from the chair. I continued and took f October 23, Ceres' night. over a half dozen bottles and November 13. Humorous readins and recita Was Abie to Move NOTICE tion in response to roll call. About, November J27, The origin of Thanksgiving though my feet were quite sore. I perse- R0X6URT STATION and how it was observecrln Colonial Days. vered with Hood's Sarsaparilla and today You can ttet your Bicvcles. Sewinor Ma I can say I am wellandcandoall my work. chines and in fact any kind ot Machinery re- December25 Election ot officers. can recommend Hood's to tor wind mill January 8, 1896, Do farmer's wives scrub too I Sarsaparilla paired; also agents the best much and read too little? known, ior pumping, grinding, sawing wood, etc. Circular Saw Mill, Engines, Boilers and " Hood's s? Cures A MODEL MARKET. T ' as every kind ol Machine you want. Circular everyone suffering I have. Hood's and Scroll One of the finest t QuioDed markets In Sarsaparilla is also helping my husband, Sawing, Planing, and Turning to Litchfield county, uudoubtedlv. Is that and we cannot praise it too order. Farm Implements ot all kinds at Dress Goods. All Silk 20 Pairs highly." rooms to let- - of Bader & Bradley at Washington De Mrs. E. A. Chandler, Prospect, Conn. Fifty Including 10-i- S 37c n Brown and Bleached all linen table damask 15-roo- A gram! display ot Uie finest fabrics ever lllack Medrla Lace, inches, yd. pot, who hav moved into the new o located m 60c lately easy tray, easy to take, L. J. ALLEN & SON., nicely louse, oppo- manufactured, and all are new. No old goods Flounce to match, 69c yd. cheap at 65c, only yd. block ol Mr t oulois. The dimensions of Hood's Pill easv In effect 25c to otter. their store are 25x40, with a modern cool (Successors to Capewell M'fg Co). site Depot, could be nsed to advan 15 Pieces er for the meats 18x10. A trolley track CL - All Silk is in from the effects of her dislocatad shoul Woodbury, tage for hoteL new provided by which the meat is taken Wonderful Bargain Black Applique Lace, width, 69c yd. bleached damask beautiful pat at the rear door and without lifting is der. tn Fancy Covert Cloth, at 75c yd. 10-i- Flotnce to match, $1.19 yd. terns. Regular price, $1, only 75c yd. railroaded right into the cooler. This Mrs Alexander Hubbard has visited oaves a vast amount of lifting and labor. her nephew and family in Hawleyville. Black Silk The interior of the store is ceiled in Miss Edna Manville is home with her Katie King and Daisy Cbeeney and Walter Very Choice Napkins. for a few weeks. usborne. 11 Southern pine.v A small office is provid father, In checks and a love- Point Venise, Net Top, 7 in. width, tl 100 dozen 8 all linen napkins at $1 doz. English Suitings stripes, yd. ed. Every way, Messrs Bader & Brad Mrs Sarah Green has sold her place I offer for lease my store for a term ly assortment, at only ttlo yd. In. flounce to match, $1.43. are new It is expected she, with her son's fam NEW MILFORD. ley highly pleased .with their of one of Crashes. store. . ily, will leave town. , years, the best staxds in Silk Hand Made Shoes for Spring-Wear- Litchfield and 3 numbers under price, 5c, 8c and 10c yd. A TRANSFER OF REAL ESTATE. HOW THEY MAKE THEIR MONEY. County. a line Juut received from Torchon 5c, 10c, 12c Novelty; superb Laces, yd W. Robertson's boot and shoe hou- - Paris, at Just 75o James Brazie of Torrington was in WOODBURY. They are coming in daily; made yd. Glass Toweling. town, laFt week, and it is reported ex- New Milford, is the only shoe store io Embroidered changed hi property here, with Court the Housatonic Valley that is listed on made and 20-l- worth to wear and in style, A that , 50 and 89c yd. Specially cheap. glass toweling land Cole, for real estate in DEATH OF EDWIN ROBERTS. the wholesalers' lUt of Cash Dis- Bargain 15c, at 10c Torringtor. "Spot will not last; M inch Cheviots in Checks and Allovers to match, $2.50 yd. yd. Edwin .Roberts, 76, died, Tuesday count Buyers." what's more the store made its MORSE LEAVENWORTH. Sootch Mixtures, leading Spring Shades, A Miss Manna, the youngest daughter of March 5, of pneumonia and a com plica This means that this house takes ad very desirable Cloth, and fashionable tor josepa vvagner, is ill with fever. cion of other diseases. He had been ill vantage of every discount which fpot even before the were Hamburgs. in profit goods walking dresses. Only (19c yd. Department W. F. Hurlburt of Bridgeport spent only a few days. Having been born cash buvinsr enables them to set, with Now we are coming to the very essence of Our prestige iln this line was always ao sunaay witn nis iatner, m. J. fduriburt. England he emigrated to this country the consequence that they make a. profit unpacked -- discounting its bills, perfection. We not only show you the finest knowledged. We bought in very large quan Hans Anderson (of creamery fame) when a boy. and bad resided tn tbi even before tbey unpack their goods Phenomenal Value. room In the but the and choicest and sold at a very small Our invited a select of fiier-l- s to hie town some 40 years. He was one of our This prcflt the wholesaler pays and This we out of the city, largest tities profit. party ben- profit get Wool C re Shades even stock of Lace Curtains and Portieres to be new contains the most Superb home on bunday evening, to celebrate most valued citizens. Ht was a member the customers of thU stor reap the pons, Spring Including department a fit of ing oolora. Only 60c yd. found anywhere. Our success here has been assortment of fine Hamburgs ever put on ex his 45th birthday. of the Methodist Episcopal church. of efit hni that ore buyiDg on 30, wholesalers. our beautiful designs and our inimitable pric hibition. The bargains are without a parallel It is reported that D wight Wilson has King Solomon's lodge, F. and A. M No 60 and 90 dajs' t in" cannot give. Ghallies. es. Below we give only a few that are of can. when quality is considered. taken the contract for furnishing the 7. His first wife died in 1892 He Other dealers the 60 days not be matched figures. four horses to be used on the road ma leaves a second wife, and son, Frederick Latest Imported patterns, embracing select- chine the coming summer. cashier of the Thomaston National bank NOETHVILLE. time fellow--mak- e you pay it ed designs seen in no other store. Decided 9 Inch The upper end school district will have survive him. His only daughter died ladies the finest and choicest 1,000 Pairs a some He was a member The evargelistic services conducted by by many they All new and school, this spring term, beginning years ago. Rev Mr Johnson have bt en well attend- ever saw. Lace Curtains at the following prices, which Hamburg Flounces. the Guipure Marcn 18. the General Assembly session of 1869 : 25o the weather Robertson's Shoe Store is about halt the regular price Irish Point Effects. yd. Frank flallock and Dwieht Wilson at His funeral was attended on Friday at ed, notwithstanding stormy 49o and bad At the even Lot A pair. tended the auction sale of horses in New the Methodist church, liev A. S. Hagar-- traveling. Sunday 38 Bank St, New Milford Useful Offering. Lot B 75c service several arose and in that The New York Crown pair. 5 Inch Milf ord on Monday. ity officiating ing way Tooth Dentists, h AU Wool Suitings offered by neat Lot C $1 expressed a desire to live a Christian and pair. Frank Cole leaves the . of For Grids 2Uc employ On High DeitisUy less than they can be made. yd. Lot D $1.39 Widths. Same 12 2c . WOODBURY'S VALUABLE TOWN HISTORY life. Friday evening several from pair. styles. i yd wunam watts on April 1. lie has won the Mission in JNew Milford were 74 Main Conn. Beautiful plates, perfect fit teed or moa Lot $1,711 friends from in town am Cothren's of Ancient Wood Uoapel St, Ansonia, guru pair. every family History present and helped to make the meeting av back. Lot F $2 50 we hope he will enter some busines bury has become quite a legal authority Bo C for Rare Value pair. Medria as as interesting, rne meetings win oe con- realized were harge extracting cor teeth vrUunt LotG $3.50 pair. here. well a historical one. It began to tinued this week. pera but the prices not very In All Wool and Silk and Wool Dress Cioods. Mrs Julia Kichard and Miss Lou Van be used as such as early as the case of during graiiiying. pain 40 Inches newest colors. A cloth that Sets in Swiss and Embroiders, Rev and Mrs Johnson are entertained Fine Gold Silver and Ccmot filling. wide; All Overs to match Ingen will spend the next month in the Charles Booth vs. the town of Woodbury will make a benutltul dress or salrt. Only i!9c Fish Net Curtains. widths; Insertions and at the home of W. C. Hine. Bring this advertisement with yon and we will 15o city. tried before the Supreme Court of Er 6 to From to $1 yd. Amos is ill with NEW PRESTON. yd. The latest styles, grades choose from. Miss Ida Eilander was surprised with rors during the war of the Rebellion Buckingham critically pay yenr a last Two weeks it was used as author the grip and a lever. The other cas Mr Black has now under his control the by m 1. party, Wednesday evening, her ago last weeK Black Goods. Irish Point Curtains. Medria friends coming to say good bye before itative in Brooklyn, N. Y., in a life reported, ill, improve very two grist mills in New Preston. "Th 65 Bank St, 4th Floor, sne went to Haven to A. .tine insurance matter without question in slowly. Village Mill" is being operated for him This stock will be the attraction of all Ladles, $1.98 and at $35. We 50c $2.25 jxew stay. Miss Jennie McEwen a Waterbnry. Cora Beginning at ending 27x45 inch Flounces. From to yd. supper and happy time was the Israel Minor estate. The society of spent portion by Henry Katon, who is kept busy as we are determined to make it one ot the show the most astonishing line you ever saw an. erjoyedby of the Sons of the American Ke volution of last with Mrs Arthur More main features in our store. house. grinding. Handkerchiefs. The reading room at the depot has just in this and .other states also refer to it Jay Nettleton and H. O. Averill have For McDumenlal work Cloak Room. Deen opened. as authoritative. The first volume was each increased their herd of cows by call We offer 41 are more GAYLOBDSV1LLE. at not we have l adies' Embroidered and Scalloped edge Frank Kilbourn's youngest son, Harry printed years age. There buying a cow each of dealer J. B. bull- Although yet completed, 12c each. nas oeen than 35,000 items in the and the finest and line ot ltlack Crepons assortment ot and nandkerchlefs,40 different patterns. quite ill but is improving. work, the The singing school is to give a closing son. JAMES SEXTON prettiest superb capes, skirts, silk on sick author took unusual care to insure ac to be found, at SOc. muslin waists. August Aaderson.has been the concert on Wednesday evening, March list, but is now able to be at the cream curacy, and has corrected ; all errors 20, in the. MeLbodist church. The pro- SOUTHVTLLE. & SON'S Goods. ery ... , - found in all these years. It was a pio- and Stamped again. neer gram is very attractive, consisting of Stylish Pretty Also Momie Tray Cloths; drawn work. 12c each. The moon gazers were well repaid for among town histories in scope and a and choruses. is Black a buautllul Cloth solos, duet, quartets Mrs Susan Hall the guest of Mrs Crepons, and a bar The finest line ot Tea Gowns that can be staying up late, last Sunday night, a? iuiness oi detail. Miss Mansfield of Kent, the efficient and W. Smith. GRANITE gain. Only 75o yd. there were few clouds to obscure the is to be the found. Reference in popular teacher, conductor. A number crops of tobacco have been White Goods. sight. was made my last letter to Come to secure seats seen John who has such a toe iact tnat who suf. early passing through this place, every and Novelties Have Just received our of Carlson, prettv ueorge Kosweii, Rev H. C. McKnigbt of Sherman week en route lor some warehouse. Figured Also Importations house near the Methodist church, .has fered an injury to his right eve. last fall an ser- Black. Five are White Goods. They must be seen to be ap near preached exceedingly interesting MARBLE la grades that great samples 500' Mackintoshes to choose from, tne inside nearly nn shed. the First church chapel, would soon mon, last in our in ex- of the manufacturer's art. Urade SOc Every No such designs, no such quality, be Sunday, church, One, yd one a preciated. Master Sherman Hollister fell and obliged to have it removed to save with our pastor. WEST MOBEIS. Grade Two, 60c yd. bargain. no such prices to be found anywhere. We broke his last week. the of the other one. He has re change meon what we look tor wrist, sight WORKS, just say. Kindly your The offering at the Congregational turned from Bridgeport, where he had PERSONAL CHAT. CEESCEBT AVE-- , But Bridperort- - Coaa. 300 Dozen selves. Prices range from 5c to 75c yd. church, next Sunday, will be in behall an operation performed! and the eye re Black and Blue is Joseph Sanlord has rented the Sbelden Light Weight Dress Shields, Sizes 2, 84 of the Nebraska sufferers. Mr Bristol moved, and now doing well. It is a R0XEURY. U In. All Wool storm S rgos. Only 29o Logan larm In Washington instead ot tbe yd. Regular price 15o, 18c, 25c and 30o pair. Our Satines. formerly of New Preston, but late ol terrible affliction to lose an eye. There smith place as reported. price, choice, 10c pair. Nebraska, was in town, last week, solic- is a little consolation in Mr Roswell's 'KOUNI THE STATION. Mrs William Zeitrler has been very sick P. W. BATES Just a case of 40 same as sold at 12 c case. It will him a of at with and at this Black Henriettas. pieces, give pension Miss Estella Beach closes her school pneumoniamucn typhoid lever, going at 8c yd. 1 he Christian Endeavor prayer meet- least $12 per month under the law of wnuns ueiter. MAXCFACTURER OF Never in the Dry Goods history have you Ladies' Underwear. - 1890 as he is an the 15th. Mrs F. A. Powers is home from East Morrl?, ing committee meet with Clarence Net- honorably discharged W. B. woere sne nas Deen purchased Bilk finished all wool French Hen- last until are all sold. tleton on soiaier. Seward and wife returned .home nursing. riettas at the here. Special prices goods Wednesday evening. ween. prices quoted Quality Ladles' Frosted Lisle Vests In Pink, Bine Men's Charles L. Hickox has been Ashael B. Gibson, whoee death by the last FINE MARBLE ANI? at SOo. ) at Furnishings. appointed Rev Julius Nelson holds services at . One, Quality Two, inch, and Lavender. Only SOc each. conservator over Miss Kliza Mitchell falling of a tree, was mentioned, last r tiawiey ana . . . Hull desire us 7o. This Department Is the most complete in a Tyrrell's hall every Sunday evening. to the extract from a with our New who has been quite ill for a long time. week, held $1000 policy. This will be publish following this city and Goods and the Miss Kvie an assistance to his in this His five minute talks with the children letter of Charles M. Gut.feld. of Retd GRANITE WORK, Ladies' Lowest to be found in Connecticut, we Kingman entertained the quite family are an As a Silks. expect Saturday evening club, last week. Cards time oi sorrow and bereavement. interesting feature. slight ley, Frerno Co., Cal., as they handle the a WATER ST., Lisle Vests with Crochet to sell to all the Men and Boys in Town. token oi appieciation lie was presented referred to and want cus Lack ot room and of Fanoy (band Silk were the principal source of amusement. remedy their lack light In the old fronts. All choice colors. Values demand your attention. The office with the sum of $27, which was raised tomers to know what a medi N0RWALE, - - CONN tore was a drawback to the of Silks. Magnificent of the iudae of Drobate. Hon splendid display quality. Only 64c Each. C. Ford, was a on Satur- - by subscription, last week. cine it is : "It is with pleasure I tell our New we Guy busy place - In Quarters have both, and shall ne a BEIDGEWATEE- Mrs Morehouse, who has been in you that by one use of Chamber sarry the finest stock to be found In 100 Dozen aay, navmg steady stream of callers Hartford for several is day's MH. SEXTON'S any dry Ford presides over the duties of weeks, visiting lain's Cough remedy I was relieved of a goods store In existence New, eboioe Ladies' Judge her Mrs H. A. Hill. severe cold. "My bead was com- Men's Black, Modes and Tan Half Hose, with tnis important office with great accep THE CENTER SCHOOL. daughter, very MONUMENTAL WORKS fabric arriving dally. Jersey Vests. A great bargain. 8 for SOc. vertical silk stripes. In Blue, White, Red and tance to an. iTrank Booth is agent for a washing pletely stopped up and I could not sleep Black. These are SOc hose, but 29c a or The higher department of the Center machine. at night. I can recommend this rem- ILL KINDS OP pair John is to raise CEKETEKT WORK Beautiful Ladies' $1.50 a dozen our price. school, Albert Pierce teacher, closed Vallely going chickens, edy." A cold nearly always starts in WARREN- - with an entertainment. Friday, the 8th having purchased an incubator. the head and afterwards extends to tbe A Specialty , white ground and colored Vests. 22c. 2 25c. Mrs wucox is stripes, Jersey Regular price for The readings, recitations and mutic ticorge Keeping Houe throet and lung. By using this remedy GRANITE & MARBLE easily worth $1.80. We sell at $1.19 yd. 25 Dozen DEATH OF MRS MARTIN B. STRONG. were most pleasingly rendered, fol for O. S. Tyrrell while his daughter is freely as soon as the cold has been con. lowed At reasonable and ot Men's Web latest by refreshments. Both teach away. tracted it will cure tbe cold at once and prices Hosiery English Suspenders, designs, An estimable lady has passed awav in er and are to be John Morris has been sick with a cold it from to the latest designs. Grand Display finest leather ends to at SOc a pupils congratulated prevent extending tbe longs. OFFICE Ladies' Black Lisle Thread Hose. Worth buckles, match, the death of Mrs Martin B. Stronsr. upon the success achieved as well as but is able to be about at this writing. AID WORKS of rilsse Silks, At $1.2 S5o half their value. . Michael's only yd. 39c, At pair. pair just which occurred, last week Thursday, at pleasure given a large and appreciative At St Cemetery, Strat tne ripe age or d years and seven audience. The departments consolidate ford Ave. months. Mrs was a native of Bridgeport. Can Magnificent One for the 3 Cases Strong for the summer term, Mr Pierce, taking KENT- - - Boys. Warren and the entire of life When Five minntes' ride on Strat Taffetas with Dresden 100 span her cnarge oi tne whole. Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla. fort. Ave. cars from de- lovely figures. Only dozen school hose (Black.) The best Men's Spring Weight Merino, White, Natural time has been passed in her native town trolley $1 yd. ever shown under 30c. While 19c. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. pot. they last, and Camel's Hair Underwear. Going at SOc a She is survived by her husband and three Arthur Strone starts for California. NOTES FROM ST AKDEEW'S. James Sexton, Sr.. Salesman When she became Miss, she to Castoria. 11. garment. sons, Miner A., of Warren, Seymour B March lb, taking the water route to clung , W. Sexton. Prop. desirable of and Homer C. New Orleans The Daughters of the Kine celebrated their When she had she Very Cottons. Chippewa Falls, Wis., and from there the South second anniversary on lnursaay, juarcn 7. Children, gave them CastorU Light figured Evening silks with Clunie et that the of Eauclaire, Wis. Mr and Mrs Martin ern Pacific railroad. We wish him suc with Mrs W. F. Bielby, their president. Tea MARBLE AND GRANT! 1 Housekeeping prices last until 59c Each. ... was a feels. $1 n. strong were married, March 9. 1837. cess.. had at the rectory and after tea busi Only yd. goods are all sold out. celebrated ness meetinf? was held and reports read . WORKS. Men's Fancy Laundered Negligee having their golden wedding Mr ana Mrs James Orr are to occudv During the year about $75 have been ra'sed Shirts, collars and cuffs se- some eignt years ago. The subiect of Miss Sarah Treat's place. ana expenaea ior cnurcn worn. td 01a 01- - Hoaamenu, Eeada Stones ia Marble er rerite attached, specially was - flcera were Silk 20 Bales lected 59c each.: this sketch a member of the Congre Will Pitcher moved his family to Meri- lor the ensuing vear Writ for design and price Many patterns. Only . President, Mrs Bielby; secretary, MrsH. Brown Cotton at So worth 25 oent gational cnurch in warren, having joined aen, saturaay.t W. In ever yd, per Wildraan; treasurer, Miss A. Knapp; vice Novelties the Handsomest design in early life. With one exception she We trust the report that Mrs Hueh residents, Mrs ingersou ana Mrs Albert M. W. STEVENF produced will be on sale Monday. Among 200 Dozen was the oldest lady in town. Mrs Strone nyie is to move to ew Haven is un .ane. these we show an All Silk Liberty Satin tabrio comes of one of the old Warren families, rounded, w e should be very sorry to NORWALX. made In fast In color and washable. 25 Bales Men's and Boy's Fine Unlaundered Shirts, Homer V England, her father, Curtis, having moved lose them. OPEN THE HIGHWAYS AND CLEAR THE The nleeet Silk shown this year Waists. Brown Cotton at 6c IS cent made from New York Mills Cotton, full length, to Morgan 111.,' at the time of her Mrs from Danburv has WESTPORT MARBLE AND Only yd. worth per county, Stanley Toung WALKS. ' 69a yd. This is a great bargain. fine linen bosom, (set in) heavy back to bosom marriage. There survives her In Illinois oeen tne guest ol Mrs H.11 Koberts. JF Y( U ARE LOOKING; GRANITE WORKS hand made button holes In front and back of three brothers and a sister, Theodore, Mr uurgess and ii. W. Treat were out Kent has been comparatively free from neck band, and in wrist bands, continuous and Frederick of town water this spring, owing to the new sewer. Xs. 3ML"oX3Lon Augustus Curtis, and Mrs last week. Now will D. Black All Silk 25 Pieces bands In sleeves and la also a Wa-ne- r - it the "tipper ten" only send out For a safe and desirable investment isa, back; perfect Lodema Godfrey. A letter received on the Miss Fannie from New Mil- their men to shovel on tne siaewams that Mauuiacturer of and Dealer 9x4 Brown 10 fitting shirt and a great bargain, at 69c each or or her death an account of a ford is the in Brocaded Mascot, manufactured this year to Sheeting yd. day gave guest of friends town. ; have been covered since tbe February bliz for . Monuments and Headstones of All 3.75 half dozen. the-villa- will be worth In, your retail at . Our price only $1. birthday gathering of this family, the Mrs A. H. Gillett vi6ited her sister, zard, living Marble and Granite. combined of the five 387 in and the saints have less excuse for not at Descriptions in 25 Pieces ages being years Mrs Northrop Eoxbury, last week. tending church on Sundays. By the wav it is Sever Undersold. Box 828, Wetrxnt. rxrni. lbe funeral was attended on Monday Mrs John ureer attended the funeral also about time some of the highways were HARD EARNED SAVINGS Laces. 25c Notions. from the home a . also openea. ( 9x4 Bleached Sheeting at yd. The best of Miner A. Strong, her of grandson in Brooklyn, recently. William Dakin & ever sold. 2,000 25c Pearl Hair Stick Pins, sen, where she began housekeeping, Bev Aimon smitn is reported quite feeble. 1 Co., Laoa was Entirely E- - HOTCH KISS VII E, COXN, Our Department always the pride new. 10c each. Air uaraner in a case K. Silliman of Bridgeport. Henrv BINTS FOR THE TOBACCO RAISERS. and Insuranca combined ot New bnt In our new It has Only officiating. Surely la the place to bny Carripp. t. Boggles, Spin- Haven, quarters like this how applicable the figure "Like Beardslee and Abram Blakeslee of dles. Pole been pronounced by the leading merchants ot 15 Pieces. a shock of be Thomaston the funeral of an Most of the tobacco raisers are not eo bad Concord, Adjusting Tongues, corn, fully ripe, ready to attended that will not ft again 1 r Headquarters tor WilboT Lumber Wagon. New England (who thonght well enough ot ns Silver Belt into the Garner." Mrs A. in ly discouraged they try The CONNECTICUT Halters, ant! our finest Bleached sheeting at 17o yd. A rare bargain. gathered Heavenly aunt, J. Lyon, Bridgewater, this season. It would be well tor them to be light heavy Harness, Blankets, to attend opening) the and best ap. March 1. . a little careful and not nut in Quite so much Robes, second band Catrlsges and Buggies. ever saw. Buckles that will not tarnish. at 50o Have seen onr back pointed department they Cheap DEATH OF BUEL E. SEDGWICK. '' Mrs Burr Mallett continues imnrovinir. as usual. A little more corn and grain and a you spring Concord. It la We shall continue to carry the finest Laces Only 25c each. few more cattle win not the 01a larm a beauty. In rire Wrrbcr. SLKIGHSotall Table Damask. Mrs E. R. Wooster's Mrs Brown injure? General Lite kinds. Gf. nlces before elsewhere. and the latest that can be Bnel E. Sedgwick died on Tuesday morn- mother, Why not raise young stock Insurance buying Styles ing, aged 66, leaving ns witbont a postmaster. is somewhat better. procured, and assure yon the prloes will meet Offerings that occnr only once in a life time It is reported that Mrs Sedgwick will leave Key G. Henry Smith visited his mother with as they are phenomenal are here. will ehow the WritingPaper. w arreu . Mrs Smith, mother ot Letter Smith, died on your approval, quoted Comparison in New York City, last week. and was Duned, xuesuay afternoon. Co, Taie Horre a Barrel rt Jones' Super- ly low. values are simply wonderful. Extra flee, In 25c boxes. Only 15c box. Miss Genevieve ban ford commences her Saturday John Chappius has been prostrated Jerome Killson died. Friday. March 8. ot lative is with the but is around school in Washington, the 18th. consumption and was burled on Monday, Rev Flour, the price $4 25. grip, again. Mr 01 Hartford, Wei-to- Mrs Han lord is with friends in Keep uayiorusvme oinciaiuig. Ct, Mr and Mrs Peck are Improving. Mrs n iora is quite sick, also Mrs JS. W. Carter. The Wlnsted. Miss Jennie Stuart starts for Nebraska on R0IBTJKT ST4TI0H. rest are mending. Alonzo Strone cut his hand Saturday, the luth. Offers as as A. JOYCE, COS a. badly Miss oiota P. Bielby Is expected home for good security any that while chopping, last week, sever ri nearly the spring vacation on the 16th. human skill can devise. .With SO yrs s at fiwd Pan Prices! LANESVTLLE. ing the thumb. Rev W. V. Bielby is away on a short vaca The Congregational choir have new tion. During his absence Lay Reader Jerome experience, exceptionally careful in anthem books and there ia talk of new Judd will look after his cnurcn services. Hugh Piper has moved his household held a vestments and doin? .business" in to his hymn books. The 8wedes social hop In the Town goods father's. hall 011 Friday, March 8, and seem to have localities B. GORDON. win Hamlin has taken the Betts farm had a very pleasant time. healthy of this country only. in New Fairfield and will soon move Mrs Luther Eaton is Quite sick, and numer Gross Assets, Jan. 1, 1895, $2,702-953.2- 3. Special sale of Winter Goods. there. W00DVILLE ous others feel as if they ought to be, but Total Liabilities, 2.159.308.08. Mrs rea'ly cant and time to give up to their CLOTHING! HATS ! CAPS! Cornelius Smith, who was threat feelings. ened i W. Clarke has boueht out his brother and Is - to MSJM5.1S with pneumonia, is much better, Mink are to be anite plenty- 8urplus Policy folders, Call and the goods-Washingto- n was one running the store with Merton Tompkins for getting seenalong inspect L.evi warner ot the fortunate , the river, fine specimeis nve been at - E & his clerk. furnace and at the Kent Brl and some Depot. ' Oaasv. WEN prize winners at the Catholic fair held in C. the Ige, Represented by MCINTYRE CO., Platf. who has been bonrdlnar at James ot our have secured others. The Town trappers the hall in New Milford. He Osborn's tor a few weeks, has returned to bis fishermen are angling for suckers bnt thus drew a set of "Waverly novels." home In Bridgeport. far. according to reports, none have been Hf 'TCHKI3SVILLE CASH 8T0RX, xneodore Alanvllle has started a fish A good many are suffering with grip colils. captured. Bethel,Hawley,Ct. route - through this place. With two Mrs II. Smith has mfcurnAil hnmfl from ft Messrs Vincent. 8egar and Judd purchased 834 TO 840 CHAPEL other we Feet's.' quite extensively at the late auction neia on George F. Morris, Prep. STREET, NEW HAVEN, COM. peddlers running weekly shall the Wolcott place be well if our honk nnlv - ?Kue has me to spend a short supplied nookpt." inine9or.?.witn ma son in cusworth. Tt Is rumored that the 8outh Kent creamery All New Wall Papers for the Season holdout. for business 1. Mian ' """V"1 wosea, last wees, lor a lew weeks will be open about April Mary Jjoster is recovering fast vacation. The prize winners were Mlssea Luther Eaton has sold 75 eases of 83 wrap. oflC5.