

Eurovision trivia

has won the • The only person to have won three Eurovision the most times, with seven wins in all, closely Song Contests is Ireland’s Johnny Logan: firstly followed by the UK, and Luxembourg as the of What’s Another Year? (1980); with five wins each. secondly as singer and of Hold Me Now (1987); and then as composer of Why • The UK’s winners are: Puppet On A String – Me?, sung by (1992). (1967); Boom Bang-A-Bang – Lulu (joint winner in 1969); • The UK has come second a staggering 15 – (1976); Making Your times, including (1998); Sonia (1993); Mind Up – (1981); and Love Shine (1992); and Mike A Light – Katrina & The Waves (1997). Moran (1977); (1972); and (1968). • has finished last on eight occasions, followed by and , who have • kick-started her career with had the dubious honour seven times. a Eurovision win in 1988. The French- Canadian performed Ne Partez Pas Sans • In 1969, the UK, , France and the Moi for . tied and were all declared equal winners. • ABBA’s first attempt at Eurovision was in 1973 with Ring Ring, which failed to win the • The Eurovision Song Contest seems to favour Swedish national selection competition. The female soloists. Some 26 contests have been song is now a favourite at of ABBA won by women (including all four winners in tribute band Bjorn Again. 1969). The only male duo to win the Contest is the Irish entry in 1994, Paul Harrington and • After songs in English began to predominate Charlie McGettigan. the Contest, a change in the rules in 1976 said that all entries had to be sung in one of • The shortest song performed at Eurovision the official languages of the participating was the 1957 UK entry, All, sung by Patricia countries. This rule has recently been scrapped Bredin. It lasted for one minute and 52 seconds allowing participating countries to sing in and was followed by one of the longest, ’s English if they wish. Corde Delle Mia Chitarra, which lasted for five minutes and nine seconds and was performed by • Non-participating countries showing the . Contest in recent years include , New Zealand, Korea, USA, Canada, Jordan, Egypt, • The composer with the most entries over the Hong Kong and India. years is ’s Ralph Seigel, who, together with , wrote the songs for • The UK’s standby jury consists of four men 1979, 1980, 1981, 1987, 1988, 1992 and 1994. and four women. Four of them must be over 30, This collaboration finally proved successful in and four must be music professionals. 1982 when 17-year-old Nicole won with Ein bisschen Frieden.

Eurovision Song Contest 2002 18