A Timeline Of Brown County 1838 - 2019 By Frank T. Hilton & Clay Riley 1 Forward This is a chronological date listing of the events, organizations and activities that happened in Brown County from 1838 to 2018. It is an evolving timeline in that dates will be added, information corrected, photos added, as additional data is discovered. The information on the front page will give you the date this timeline was last updated. This document is provided in a searchable pdf format. Please send any corrections or additions to:
[email protected] Information for this timeline was taken from many different sources. That includes the Brownwood Bulletin, The Daily Bulletin, The Brownwood Banner, The Lorene Bishop Collection, various historical books published by the Brown County Historical Society, individual published documents, pamphlets, the Internet, Brownwood Area Chamber of Commerce, Early Chamber of Commerce, and other places, too numerous to mention here. All rights are reserved by the authors. Profits from this book will go to the Pecan Valley Genealogy Society to further the research for the history of Brown County and its people. Updated April 21, 2019 Brown County, Texas 2 September, 1838 – John Belden, and his assistants, George L. Bledsoe and M. A. Bigham, made the first land surveys within the area of present Brown County. 1846 – William Wallace, a deputy surveyor for the Bexar Land District, came into Brown County with seven helpers and remained for nearly eight months running surveys on eighty-six different tracts of land. Wallace ran a survey for the heirs of a notable revolutionary hero, Dr.