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2-14-1915 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 02-14-1915 Journal Publishing Company

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Pally by Carrier or Mall, 60s niinTY-MXT- v.n ONE-P- agcs 1 FOURTEEN PAGES NEW MEXICO, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1915. SECTION to 8. at Month. Hingle Ooplesj, N Vol.. CXXXXV.. . IV ALBUQUERQUE,

but the suggestion met with no en couragement, and Mr. Gilbert himself. BERLIN REJOICES y, lAWlERiGAN as the representative of ( haves cou'i-l- VILLA INVITES NOTE ASSAULT Oil GOVERNOR BY was the next speaker, lie declared that ChuveH county had no grievance ugulhst the state organization, but ad- mitted thai he himself was ashamed OVER F of what the county had done in th) MINISTER CARQ 5 CHANGE TIME IN SENATE RETREAT 0 last election. He said that disaffec- J. H. GRIST PRESAGES WIDE tion among the democrats In the Pe- cos valley was due to buckaeralchlng. Hudspeth endorsed Hurkhart, he said, and Durkhurt endorsed Hudspeth, and TD JOIN HIM AT GERMANFURPQS E WAITING ACTION RUSSIANS FROM "vice versa ull along the line." Mr. Gilbert was not In favor of making a RUPTURE IN DEMOCRATIC change In the chairmanship at tnla time and declared that he was proud of i'axton and Uuilfoll. E BY LOIR HOUSE EAST PRUSSIA Mr. Buikhurt, the federal distrh t HEMUAira attorney, win present In the meet- ing and undertook to correct Mr. Gil- PARTY THROUGHOUT STATE bert on the bnckscratehlng Idea. A rather warm colloquy ensued. Im- British People Jubilant Be mediately afterward Mr. llurkhurt h l't Northern Commander Is Ex- Beilin Rcgar JsStatement From Representatives May Dispos room Is said to hav the court and Bill in cause of Successful Raids been hi consultation with Governor pected to Issue Early State- Washington as Friendlier in of Ship Purchase One McDonald from that time until the Proposed1 of Airmen on German Bel- chief executive made his dramatic ap- ment Regarding Recent Or- Tone Than Indicated in Re- Sitting, Under RIO ARRIBA STATESMAN IS pearance on tho scene. Chief, Rule, gian Positions, H. I.. Hick ley. of Itaton, Uvclared der of. First ports. thla was a bud lime' to have a meet' OF OPINION HE WOULD BE A Ing of the committee and did not think that criticism of democratic of- - UNITED CAUCUS RULE LIKELY BITTER FIGHTING IN llcials by democrats was wise "while DEL CAS0 FRIEND OF STATES NOT tho telescope of the enemy is turned NORTHERN ACQUIESCE TO CARPATHIAN PASSES FINE HEAD FOR DEMOCRACY upon us." GENERAL EXPECTED TO BIND MAJORITY Mr. Atwood, of Eddy county; Slate Superintendent of Public Instruction Alvan N. While, of Grant county; Embargo on Coal Causes Con- Policy of Kaiser Can Be Car- Wearers of Toga Hope to Belligerent Lines Are Within Fvpr.ntivG Arrives in Council Chamber Barelv in Time to Re Keen H. Heddow, of McKlnley coun- ty, and J. H. Crist were the other vention Forces to Order Two ried Out Without Provoking Rush Measure Througl Forty Paces of Each Other quest Repetition of Attorney's Remarks Concerning Him- principal speakers thsl morning. When adjournment was taken for Thousand Axes to Cut Fuel Great Hostility of Neutral When It Reappears in That and Desperate Struggle self and His Administration, Which Is Made in Painful lunch, It was with the understanding that Mr. Crist should have the tloor for Engines. Nations, Body, Continues, Fashion; Burkhart and Hudspeth Come in for Warm Cen- to resume his speech at 2 o'clock. t'rist ltumes Diatribe. A- up left off Because of Mutual Admiration Society They Are Mr. Crist took where he V MONNIN JOUftNAL HMI i sure t'lCIAL tBABIO m.) ufter the noon recess, and a number Kl Paso, Tex., 13, Ceneral Berlin, Keh. 13 (via London. 11.10 London, Feb. 13 tlfl:40 P. lleged to Have Formed; Merry Twelve Hours Is Spent in of other democratic . committeemen !!. p. m.) The of rice, Herlln Is celebrating; the evacuation Villa today extended an Invitation to German foreign si;x ti; :mh it vi s of by took part In the discussion of "what studying re- ii I I Fast Prussia Ihe itusslana, him to Jose t'aro, Spanish after the American note At. It o ( Miii iti; Speechmaking and Bickering Usually Attendant Upon la the mutter with the democratic Join the specting the declaration by Germany which is hailed In the German capita! Mexico, ex- great victory party?" Committees were appointed minister to who has been of a war gone In the waters around Washington. Feb, 13. Semite is anoiher for Field Love-feas- von Kngland ts of Unterrified. to draft a plan of campaign to be pelled from the ccunlry by action of Britain Marshal illndenburg; la ' Great ami Ireland slates that democrats In caucus tonight not attempting to hide submitted at a night session of the General Carranaia. The northern the terms tire much friendlier than unanimously to support her elation at Mc- - agreed success of on ! committee, and Governor agent Wash- by the her airmen' raid then. chieftain ordered his at previously had been expected an amendment to the senate positions In Belgium i Donald was called upon. ington, V. Unrente, to make the German and Enrhiiie reason of the Incomplete newspaper rules which would limit debute. all Kuropo is engerlv discussing tho by ex- request Curo himself, or No Hp- - The governor started out formal that dispatches published here, specific cloture plan was American notes to Mrltaln and I tli'UHi-- .. to- - accompany - Great .1. II. CrM. member from Itio Aniba county of lie state pressing the friendliest sentiments his agent, Villa, who hus "fhe foreign office had not antl proved, although a apodal rule Germany am) what the replies will be. mem-Iht- presidency emtio onmiiiltle. Iiutl been sK'aklng for about un hour and s ward Mr. Crist, with whom he hud assumed the privislonal of cliated that the Vnltcd Ktatea would for the shipping bill and various has already lutiniatod - of Great liritain of tin- coiniiuilcv mw looking anxiously hi their watches, for j had u tilt before noon. Ho spoke the republic. accept the Gcrt.iun position without general amendments have been had was predicted by local agenlt that Hrilish nierehsut ships hat been niiu h time had passed. In tlx' early nrt or Ills spnvh Mr. Crist the difficulties tinder which he It objections and it even recognizes that ottered. advised to use neutral flags only in assortment of opinion regarding ncrnor labored during his administration and that Villa soon' would Issue a state- from the American standpoint certain "It sa live to one shot there will had exiaossod a choice led cuse of emergency, and no general V. C. McDonald. executive, he mi Id, was ull right, hnl that he himself was not the ment regarding the uf fair .which of the points nre Justified. be an extra session of congress." The filler declared by raised ouito use of such flags is anticipated. While the audience was getting Its or third yawn and I whole administration that there to tho Hpanlsh diplomat's ejection "Germany, however, it is declared, a Speaker I'hirk's comment on tlugue office- officials. Angelo del t tonight. The German minister st The wondering when they would net away tor the noonday iiicrI. the were a number of republican the (.'arranxa Intends to adhere to its own viewpoint. the generul situation has Issued another warning to neu- or supreme room o,eiied and Goiornor McDonald holders and that there hud been a t'liso, whoso alleged asylum afforded Various officials, diplomatic, naval The seven insurgent demo- - door the court contro- trals to the effect that in view of the In. It hall' look to tell that the ehlef exeeu. republican majority In both houses of by faro led to the original and military whose opinions have (la tic senators who have voted walked didn't take a previously accompa- - alleged declaration of all the trlllsli unil I relied, not to fay imsUivciy angry. .Iitwt a legislature ever since he was versy, bsd been been sought profesa to see no ele- with the republicans on the shlp- neu- live waft rvnl 'the In capacity, It was - ports as war ports and the use of lie lite room, Mr. Crist, who a In the midst of an outburst elected to office. He said, however, nying Villa the ments of danger In the situation and ping bill did not attend the cau- flags by nhipn, it entered upon diplomatic agent of Hpaln. e us tral Hritlsh ewujd of oratory, t,t the fact that ull present were ihinkimr ithat he wag willing to take said, of a are convinced that the naval cam- and no binding vote was mere. nam -- that del (aro had ' be dangerous lor neutral it was a lone way to the nearest lunch counter, remarked: "I ; himself the entire responsibility for It was declared paign can be conducted on the lines taken. men to visit prescribed water af- tluit engaged in none, the internal af- re- - the am sorry that Governor McDonald wan not present wla n I said everything that hud happened, of laid down In the admiralty proclama- "i'he caucus unanimously ter February 18. demo-lorat- s Mexico. while HBO." I It had hern done by fairs of tion without Involving be- solved." said Senator Kern, the what I did alH"t him a whether bring embargo on coal entering Mex- difficulties ftiisslaiiM Make stand. governor, as he said It he republicans, If It would An tween tho ." democratic leader, "to press a "Say it now!'' thundered the and or placed by Ameri I'nlted Htutea and So as Kaat Primslau situa- j In party, and ico has been certain cloture rule. No vote was taken far the raised his ringer hi the air and ahooU it at the liio Arriha county peace and harmony the agents tho imssugoway as If he really powerful appeal for unity can railroads. General Villa's but this was the unanimous ex- - tion Is concerned the Russian official man, all the while walking down made a 2.U0O axes which report Indicates the Kunslans. said it, Ho was liberally today contracted for ; : m x v i i i : m 1 presslon of opinion ami would bo that meant business. Mr. Crist complied with the reaiicst and among democrats. culling wood to run i u :r it m j having the greater part ol li i throughout address, will be used in e binding on all democrats except evacuated hut didn't seem lauiiculurly to be enjoying himself while was applauded his t l'ON I'.UK KADi: lt)UCY province, nre making a vi time did he muke nny refer the railroad engines in the territory (hose who bolt." the German was i- on or frontier ""''Tor'a might In- - real uclion and of the First State they dominate, it learned that Senator Kern said Senators stand neat tluir moment It liaiked like there ence to the failure i over The Hague, Feb, 13 (via Umdon, for pitched battlo or only t had been the controversy had isen the Fletcher, Simmons and Mai'tln. whether a or hioiiiImts around for their artillery, bank or tho charges that rail-ro- 9:i"5 p. legatlull several the foinnilltee redelivery of American owned in.) The German in charge of to delay the Gorman advance It will I hey hud had their ockets built for brought against the board of regents the tonimlllee the apiHirently regretting that de- equipment Mexico. has again warned neulral vessels - clo- - take a few days to tell. forty-live- over, warmly from shipping bill, would lead the Ihirty-eiuh- ts of It was sisui however. The of that Institution, but he against entering area a round rg Instead faithful and the war lure fiwht with a free hand as to On the last occasion that vo governor continued to look daggers, hut kept his month shut. fended Mr. I'axton as a the lditish isles as defined by Ihe drove them from East Vnl- - It off. Judge who hud given the methods and the liuul form of Everybody seemed to Ihlnk was time to lav IMK loyal democrat German admiralty and to tho oiiglnul rv p In for the party Ibe aineni'neuL to tha rules. ti.l, i um lU'emdiiv mil "Hi iv siittgcMed drink and some dinner would help matters, and hert that was him uoto adds the following1; - that a by , Woiiie i ep'i tlitaii SU4 port et least forUmd Jim between- Meuiea and proved wonderfully popular. 'J'lu.' committee took a re. service. He concluded his remarks "tf!lire nelm,my, follov In the ex- h de- the Idea inucfl bf my for a Reiieral rule is expected. Gnrtmin frontier, where they war was, over, at least, lor a siinleieni time to I raving "1 will give as Gilillls ample of ItrHaln, declared a a oeen-sio- n, ss ami the rruct my money for Great In the house preparations wero feated the Oermsns. On this H1iinilltcc numbers tti comply Willi Juil lan time and as much of war sunn on and after February IS, however, they have had more! 'enable tl' success hi 1916 a a.ny made to rush a compromise bill . . democratic Kngllsh anil Irish waters, the Hiilisli through under special rule after tlmo to prepare their positions and man In the party." IN HANDS OF have declared all the polls of England It by may give battle before Ihe fortlflcai governor sat down NOW use f has been approved a caucus Just ufter the wur ports and have Justified the i of house democrats next Monday thins are reached. The Russians al- In- of county, made a of neutral flags on merchant vessels. ouu 1 Nobody accepted iMr Dow, Kdv i' night. The petition was ready claim to have repulsed lIC.AL OXPAtCH HNIM 40IIIAI. about him. the, In course caucus ifew was the "Moreover, according to a reliable 4- 11 Iyek. Santa Kg, N. M., Feb. 13. Had vitation until Mr. Crist started things, remarks, it circulated today and was said Gei in. in attack near mixed up. lot these remarks that he was inter- source, a great number of British some sign IiIimiU between Governor McDonald and then everything g"t all tabu- In democrats refused to it Artillery IbtHIo lit Poland. Crist. rupted bv Mr. Crist, who had a L ILL merchantmen have been armed I and J. II. iU. culminating la two I 'a Moil to Detain .lob Despite showing that the GENERA order to destroy German submarines Throughout Poland, where flercn tit one or which the B"V- - Is not the lime for Mr. lated statement fighting during Hid past outbreaks, That this I according to by by ramming them. There- has occurred Pecos valley has not, shells or ry A Mr. Crist to sneak out Paxlon to resign from the chairman- part in by, ships lose us week, the battles now consist of ull IMr Crist's opinion, done its these their character MOffNIMC JOURNAL LBAMD WISH what he had to say, and at the other ship of I he committee and that point, ships become war ves- ft leiAl engagements while In the Car- 'rolilng up majorities. At this merchant anil Washington, Feb. 13. While sen se- of which the chief executive explained democrats should suspend judgment got into the sels. pathians lighting of more or leas i against Governor McDonald ate, democrats time In witli dramatic emphasis: "If you go ti, ,.,.,tti.r nf Hia charges to tell is again oblig marked the verity continues. investiga- j game again and threatened Quick and Decisive Reverse "Germany therefore ship purchase hill light today, house repeated much further. Ill tell some things him until after the official mo- ed urgently to warn all neutral ships The Germans are making -- like," failure things on Mr. Crist, a nurn leaders completed plans for rushing In an to Cap- aliout you Ihut you won t as tion of the Cruces bank 7:30 tonight, cut Jgalnst entering Kngliah coast wa- terrific attacks effort general sense tion to recess until for Carranza Follows Vera the administration compromise pro- heights Koxlouwka In ut most feature of the been made was the 1 ture the of the sensational has further trouble. ters after February Is. us from that posal through body by special called meeting of the demo- of the meeting. Mr. Crist stated the short the German admiralty will pros- that the end pass, which they won and lost a Cruz Announcement of date of next week o special in- aro cratic slate central committee held matter in this form: I'a.xtoii's Swcch feature. ecute the war with all means at Us under rule twice since last Sunday. They here today. don't believe that Mr. I'axton The feature of the night session disposal against liritish war ports and troduced today by which thu house now entrenches within forty paces of Great Victory, would bo given only six to de-ba- Other loatiires were statements to has the capacity for the position. He was the speech of Chairman James I'.ritlsh armed merchant ships. hours the Russian positions and. despit while. is not for it. He hasn't the ini- Hav Paxlnn. which was interesting are tho compromlso plan which wili their heavy losses, aro apparently the broad general effect that built "Neutral vessels which there be laid caucus the governor was and is an able ex- tiative or tho acumen that Is needed principally because of what he did still within the war sone will run the before a democratic hopeful of capturing them. , been HV Monduy night approval. No the Carpathian ecutive and u pure ami upright Htiites-- by a stale chairman. He lives in the not say. Although he hud MUKMINQ JOUHNAL SPKCIAl LLA8ftU MHHCI same risks as if I liny pursued h for other On the rest of I ex- made amendments those provided for seemingly are mak- man lie is ucrhiiPH the worst politi- - wrong part of the state. hud grilled severely by Mr. Crist, he Kl Paso, Tex , Feb. 13. Guadala- through sea battles between Knglnnd than front the llusslaiis Mexico demo- pected Mr. Paxlnn to resign from the no mention of the First State bunk jara, second largest city in Mexico, Germany, of which date and III the rule would be possible. ing progress. eiiin that Mifleiing New mid the pro- placed to with, office on account of I ho dismal failure failure and his connection with the fell today into l ha hands of the Villa place could not been made In the senate the cloture rule The Kgyptlan army has Just crats have ever had contend expen- have posed by of to by annihi- bur none; Ihut not half the democrats that he made in the lust campaign. agricultural college or of the troops, according to a telegram re- known and will bring risks upon .Senator Norris Nebraska, its credit a brilliant feat ( wus uiid lating a 200 Arabs who should be holding office have Hut slpce leading Ills statement pub- diture of the funds or the Institution, ceived tonight by the. Associated themselves for which ieiinuny can- still under debate Senator force of Turks and I to Huiiuu occupied floor virtually of l leered Germans, who wore pre- ever beau able to ;;el within eight of lished in yesterday's paper, believe nor was anv reference made the Press. Central Villa describe his vic- not take the responsibility. the bv and see what the out- charges of Holt In his speech tory complete. north of the entire session, his discussion paring to attack Tor at the entraneo the public crib: that there has been we should wait Senator as "The roule around the KU'ja. by investigation of the mat- few duvs ago. Mr. i'axton devoted Tho Villa victory today over the Scotland, owii.g to depth of the ranging from criticism of alleged ex of the Gulf of too much "baekscratehing" federal come of the a the r why ecutive interference with legislation! SiiiM-rlo- A officials. District. Attorney Sum mem ters with which his name has been himself principally to explaining Oarran.a troops of General liieguen waters, cannot be endangered by hh Gators. in the wa- to the of various projects con- experts, (lie Hurkhart and United States Marshal connected will be. If the charges It was that the democrats lost followed previous Carian.a advices mines. There, as well as in the merits In the view of Hritlsh wo I '.oiled down, tained in Ihe and harbors ap- Kelgium proves 11. con- Mr. I'axlon are Hue. election last November. that the previous on Guadala- ters of the North sea. with the excep- rivers air raid on that th A. Hudspeth beiriR cited as against attack propriation bill, leaders to spicuous examples of should get rid of him without delay. his explanation was that "you can't jara had been repulsed. Guadalajara tion of P.ritish waters and German liemocrutlc Hritlsh airmen are superior tha and horrible when they conferred on the general subject of havo a great advantago 'backscratchers," general allcgu-tion- s they are not true we should hold make the democrats vole Is the key to the west coast district hay, neutral shipping will not be Germans and and If Gor- cloture today without reaching any In possession of a base on tho to the effect tho party is in up his hands. don't want to vote." and an important railroad center. by the measures tho the that entluisias-- I Approved. execu- man admiralty is adopting." decision mid resumed their confer continent as well us In England, for a dickens of h fix and should be This sentiment provoked New Organization System General Villa also told of the the committee and been tion at Guadalajara by e.ncc tonight. the Hritlsh, If Ihey are Unable to re- -t mended quickly and thoroughly. tie cheers from A set of resolutions which had the t'arran.a Work hi House. Tho Ger- he the unanimous sense of appointed he- - troops of several priests. S.AVN NVMPVUIIFS OF 4ulck urn. can land in Frame. Dank Muddle Mossed Over. seemed to .i,..,fi,i i.v u committee Flider itepreseiilalive Padgett's pro mans must the round trip (hose present. ' for dinner was passed, Villa's telegram, which was dated lUlVAN Alti: FNGI.ISIl make The State bank-stat- e college pu ¬ fori: the recess posal special rule tno noiiso could dis acroas the sea. First n'oasts of the governor for not me at Guadalajara, follows: - muddle was touched In a very ginger- providing mat siaie mini Feb. (l:2.- a. III.) A pose of thu bill at olio sitting, it In- In France. Flanders and Alsace ling democrats on guard were treeiy nine districts, each with a "Despite the bravado and Insolence lHidou. II ly niann-- by everybody except Mr. was the gov- Into of enemy, they courag- Ueiiler dispatch from Amsterdam cludes lb,! completed administration there bus been little or no fighting' of applauded, but so also chairman to be appointed by the have been re- t'rist. Mr, Crist didn't mind talking statement, made late this ev- district committee, eous enough to await our forces, They ipiutcs an edilorial from the Frank- compromise, embracing the Weeks Importance so fur us tho official Tho ernor's the chairman of the state 12, naval uuxlliary bill, Gore ship ports disclose, about it or about anything else. ening, that "if office is all we are af- to appoint their now continue to flee everywhere. furter Zeiliing of February which the liio Arriba man began a the district chairmen In on ping bill und an amendment conihln It Is announced that the ra his remarks ter, we don't deserve to win. within the districts Uvcry day they are losing partisans commenting the summaries of few minutes before 1 1 o'clock this Solved. own committees the American notes, says; Ing the two and would absolutely In the South African rebellion are to I'iC Counter Problem who are deserting them and who come .10" morning, 1 named. Kng-lan- d prevent The be put en treason, and, In - spoke until 2:30, resumed Taking it bv and large it was hard provided tor a to our files. "President Wilson's note to the olher amendments. trial for at 2 The resolutions also caucus Monday night Is expected to ii i, ii i,, u o'clock and continued his disser- juKt where the committee people "We entered Guadalajara today does not deserve the name of a union lu oirin 'ii tation to tell joy- publicity committee to lot the bind majority to sup- sut.rt for looting imd for damage done until 3:0. and in that time he on this subject. It was a are doing and immediately ufter continued to protest. 'II is feeble, like tho presi- tiie democralle touched every demo- stood know what the democrats pulley so port the bill as a party measure, by themselves or thijlr followers, about phase of ous and riotous day from the tradi- They also contem- pursue the enemy until we either dent's entire far towards cratic, troubles that have occurred standpoint. Sev- in the legislature. England. Democratic i'aders were confident while the men of means will lose all tional democratic the raising of J.l.non for the pur- make them surrender or exterminate bill would through the their property, Meanwhile, the gov- since the days 0f Thomas Jefferson. members openly stated their plate effecting and them. It seems that the main Car- "Washington' recipe for lis rela- the revised ho i'he in- eral pose of immediately Hie Is: house without serious difficulty. Sen ernment has announced Its Intention democrats during the day that everybody should 'get It out par- ranza group has left In the direction tions witli llrilon 'Wash his dulged themselves wish tail- perfecting the organization of the fur, but doii't wet Washington, Bio republicans however, asserted to push with vigor the rampaign to their hearts' of their svstem' and if unybody it was decided or Mansanilln, hut active orders have him.' Africa, content in their favorite indoor sport not through lack ty In the slate. Ijiter however, appears to have another the compromise failed to eliminate against German Southwest fighting ed to do this it was be raised in each of been Issued by General Medina to stop object ions and Following Premier Asiiullb's an- of each other. Chairman After it was all over that $00 should progress, recipe for Germany. the two principal of opportunity. fweniv-si- x counties of the Btale their in nouncement of his belief wheat laxton began things by inviting any- of committee de- ih "If certain people in America do would meet the same obstructions that the iiMMiilicra tho ' was made to the, "General Medina entered Guadala- They would fall In price. It sold at body to lake a shot t him, assuring they felt better and tha' hut no reference not yet understand that we are light- lht senate as the pending bill. North' clared that m uc jara followed by a hundred of his per- ;impton today at filly-eigh- t shillings U all and sundry that he at- party would re- - manner in whicn tno runos eie ing for existence and that we cannot assorted the compromise would would not eventual good to the they were to men. Ho succeeded in surprising tho illiarter, a decline of two shillings. tribute malice to any untoYrl-fie- d expended or by whom be guided by what Mr. Hryiiu, whose mit the purchase of belligerent owned of the BU killing sun of the who meeting Mr. be handled. weak garrison there, sympathies urn In ships und would allow the govern- those to speak their minds opening of the Diegueii taking six ma- and the ggi:f-isivi- At the Again to lore. troops and ment indefinitely in the Viol i:vr 3 chairman of the commiUee, Pie llunacr guns ammunition. Kngll.'ii army, considers 'good form.' lo continue I'axton. call was of meeting chine and much help six days shipping business. IK TAKIOV lY GfORMANS HtaUMl that tha object of the The last moments the The was disarmed without we cannot them. In to get up with a discussion of vanguard today sea around Great Insurgents Opisise ( lot lire. to enable the democrats were taken trouble, from the 13 p. if they wny to see dem-- " will be for tt) While Insurgent senate democrats Hurls. Feb. (10:50 m.) The Hie Day state their grievances, what Is the best that towns on our route we have liritain and Ireland following in Congress the cam- put in offices which are "In all waishlps, Including subma- attended the morning cloture confer- official communication was any. and gel to work for ocrats are enthusiastically by I ho German had he ro l Quite been received zone, every hostile ence Ihey were outspoken in their op issued by the war office tonight: paign of I Sl. A mot "" that now held by republicans. an people Ihey have entire confidence rines, a war and I'elgluin Tin; si:x ti.. called so that t o over this matter, but as vessel encountered, will be position to either special or general "In there have been artil- of the counties be argument arose in our and are tired of the merchant I.4i Vlewr Mcl at tiuon. might aay ,,U of It. Mr. Crist wanted attitude destroyed." rules to limit debate. Olher demo- lery net ions At Holsselle wo committeemen "t nothing came committed by the l'leguez up a Democrats conferred on the ship order. "d his differences with the atrocities The article concludes with Ihe cralle senators, including Overman, series of mines, occupying th bill vi shed in regular to talk about forces, who have looted tho homes of excavation. and cloture proposals, but look no Simms, of Albunuerque.I'"'1, U governor agin but Senator Barth in- following reference to Hie tinted Hoku Smith of Georgia, ilryaa and John F. workmen and murdered several Swanson, also opposed cloture. "Kefore Domi'ierre, southwest ot action. ball rolling. Mr. vited the committee to the National All Slates: Adjourned at p. cd the H'.'""'""t onn-,- v priests and private citizens. the night In course of his remarks today Pennine, the explosion or one of lbs 5:a0 in, until noon clared that internally llernaliilo Guard armory, which he stated he demanding arms to "A stale which day and the Monday. condition so Mr pur pone of making Inhabitants are In production of cannons, Senator iturioii asked Senator Fletch- mines took by hui prise Havarlan pris- was in a better had hired foil the fight with us." works the at democracy is concerned than speech upon the salary bill which bombs and armored motor curs for er, in charge of ihe'shipplng bill, why oners work. H the lh a opposed to "The enemy Till', 1IOCJSI3. ever pointed senate had refused to allow him our enemies, and by way of amende the administration was so has bombarded the i, has "eenand the ON pur- villages at Hailly Trsoy-le-Va- l. Met 11 a. m. birgest democratic, vote shutting off Mr. Crist. SUCCESSFUL ATTACK prays God for peace in the churches, the specific prohibition of the and at fact that the to make, ships. heavy artillery reached Debate was on sundry history of the county Senator Harlh introduced resolu- need not expect that iU warnings chase of belligerent Interned "nur has continued the the BRITISHAFRICAN POST morally." ' would not be a wise or patri- the railway station of Noyon. In the civil appropriation bill. e,l at the last election. He tions commending the governor for will particularly effect us That had been"''TJ otic course," said Senator Fletcher, Champagne district In Ihe region of Kepresentative Stephens of Cali- that Kafael Garcia his honesty anil business ability and Soiialli, fornia had been defrauded out expressing confidence of the party hi:pi,v now "ami it would bo writing Into the law one of our battalions which Introduced a substitute ship elected and the MODHIN JOURNAL PtCIAU I.K1IO W.) iimnsit upon had been In posses- lit Say-villc- .) IS piti.PAiti:i denunciation of a pilnclple successful taking bill. of his seat. in him. Antonio Joseph, Jr., of Taos Herlln Feb. 13 (by wireless to IIFIM. - Need Uadershlp. con- which V.H always have looked with sion of a wood lu trout of our trench- Leaders prepared for a caucus on fjreauwt county, moved a similar vote of included In the news Items es was not posi- the So as democrats of the state Both London. Feb. 1.1 (7:45 P. m.) The pride." able to maintain its administration ship bill. far the fidence for Chairman Paxton. given out today by tho Overseas I counter-attuc- concerned, however, Mr. Hrilish foreign office is preps ring a Looking lor Trouble. tion before a k by su- Representative Padgett Introduced are vvu motions were carried without a dis- agency are tho following; forces. special was pessimistic. any argu- In reply to the American note concern- "That shows that you are looking perior rule for Conslderat.on of ship 8hnm rather senting vote and without "It Is officially reported Herlin "A snowstorm prevented bill. are herded up like sheep." he ment. Africa that ing the uso of the American Hag on for trouble," said Senator ilurton. violent has 1 mean from German Southwest you willing make the artllhvy from rendering efficient Adjourned p. noon "There is need of leadership. Mr. Simms, of Bernalillo county, st the beginning of Feb- the steamer l.usitania. Th reply will "And that ere lo at 4:45 m. until of tno Major flitter, to Washington In a few on side owe It support." Sunday for eulogies on late Kep- no reflection on the officers up moved that the thanks of the commit- ruary, attacked an Kngllsh fortified be forwarded trouble. Senators this the state committee, but we must put days, probably before February to the country to save it from the The Fit.mli war office this after- resentative Martin of New Jersey. tee be extended to the democrats in position on the north bank of tho I. on progress a fight than we have been fight chasing his antagonists The liritish officials have never peril that suc h a bill would bring." noon Issued a report tho both house and senate for the Orange river, Mon- righiing says: we will never again be able t" democratic, destroying the lo- admitted the German charge that a Senator Gore will seek action of the which that they have made for over the river and Ger-mn- ns appeal to the people." Mr. Simms general order was Issued by the Hrlt-is- li day on his motion to discharge the "From the sea to the Lys the WKAT1IKK need oi principles. Tho motion waa carried cal ferry boat. violently 1RECAST. also,' declared that there was unanimously. "Reports reaching Berlin from Mi- government that Hritlsh ships commerce committee from considera- yesUrday bombarded a man to be in Santa Ve to look after should use the (tags of neutral states. tion of his shipping bill substitute Nieuport and the country of the legia-latu- f- At Hi o'clock, after a 1mg struggle lan, Italy, say it is raid there that the AVashington, Feb. J 3. New Mex- the Affairs of the party In the com- Montenegrin government has impris- Neither has the admiralty confirmed which might operate to get the matter Ounes. Their artillery fired on Tprea over unimportant motions, the 11-1- ico: or- senate will not during night of February 3 Generally fair Sunday and county, mittee adjourned to meet at the call oned seven deputies at Cettinje on ac- the rumor that the l.usitania was again before the but the Monday. . Gj,h(.rt of chaves of their agitation for peace." dered to use the neutral Hag. stop the filibuster. and on our positions to the east of a time limit on speecne. of the chairman. count TWO ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL; SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 14, 1915. Summary War fJO APPLICATION of BRITISH FORCE RIGR COLORADO LENGTH! SEARCH il ANNOUNCEMENT News of Yesterday II The German people look upon the FROM SPAIN FOR retreat of l he liuwunN in Kal Fru-m- a PUTS TURKS MAN MURDERED FOR DYNAMITER as a greal wctorv lor the German 200 it army uniln Field t ,t r Utl von Military r, mc in Hcrhii ii Early Spring view this success Af presaging further Our i Irion,- ACTION AGAINST ninth Kill hme an t HORS NEAR E NDS IN ARREST Hliit on tti lin.ii r.sult. ECOMBAT IA IETA Ks,t, the Lns-.n- s have little to tut it m Showing known that behind t i aic ti.. on- !! GEN. CARRANZA ly fortified position. In hn.h the) may draw with a possibility of Entire Detachment of Islamic Was Carrying About SlO.OOOlCharles A, Schmidt Taken Into lite c1mIiI Chicago wlstre y . I! Direct fiom of and Ginul Kapid. i heel. in ir the German ainaiic-?- we bave made the pring selections. Our itotk, nioie complete In Poland and iiic Cui p.illiian Troops Either Killed or Tak- to Cash Checks of Coal Custody on Broadway as llic line nothing of viiui iinpoi tuu e ha been ever, contain moid pet feet of I . At- lhn annnuiiLC-- l by en Prisoners on Way to Miners When Fugitive Wanted for Los ii Secretary Bryan cither sub-- Shot to Death Explodes lielgium mid frwuf ate idayihg a secondary part un compiled with tile tack Station of Tor, From Ambush, Angeles Times Case, Story From London That - ii Class Furniture east in tin- campaign. Thr have Firt Powers Are Called Upon I'"" spasmodic ng.ig. meiit and to artillery lung oc- t.OR-,,- 1. i actions, but nut has !? JOURNAL teac.AL UARffo MHI lT MOSMIH JOUSN. SSICAL WIS 1ST MOSSINS JOUSL ! combining style and driign, material nd woiLminslii. tn modify LlkttO UUII W.f Restore Order in Mexico, curred the lone to London, 13 lie;!.", p. in. i Walsenbura. Colo., Teli. 13. Wil- New York, Feb. 13. ilulthew A. the i H.t.,,u 0f ht. opposing force, lunp .f Jim Turk and Arab under liam Dick, an olTiclal of the Pinoii Schmidt, 34 year old, was arrested ii The t.erman foriMsn office, accord tierniiin officers who were preparing supply company, was shot, killed and here tonight us a fugitive from Jus- in to Berlin Upalchis, in reason- to attack the liritish station of Tor robbed by unknown Persons latu tice on an Indictment found in Los ably KUtlVtlld 111.. in. MINISTER MAY NOT Mlll 1.. Ml.lila i,r at the enirame to the Uulf of Suez day near La Veta, lib it whs oirrvinv Angcl?s In October, 1910, charging the - ii THE IVORY and THE KAISER Anuinan note lesoeiliiiK tier- was al(ackel and either Killed approximillelV 16.500 ill enrrenev him with having been implicated in HAVE ru,in' dei laratxin of a war mne In or liken prisoners yesterday l.y a from Walsenburif to Oak view !. dynamiting the Los Angeles Time FINISH I OK Bi:D KOOM SUITS JUST OUT. PROPER STATUS liillnh Watern, i.. it expreiiiK the view British force, uceordine to a llntisli used in cashinK checks of men em building'. The iirrest waa made on that the term aie (oiiilud in more official report 'uiro. hun- ployed by - upper- I roadiviiy hud See Them in Our Window. frieudly from One the Oakdalc Coal com- where detectives lanKUaKe th in h id heen ex- dred soldiers were pany. 1 a for four ported taken prisoners trace him after search iiml that from the American and of the others it Is believed was yea i s. Is Not Accredited to Alleged! mile that Dkk attacked live miles from certain of the poinls rained ure not one escaped death. WalsenburK, Alex- - DeL'cUve Willium J. llurns, who Jnmified. supposedly bv two The officials ri port In Janu-- 1 icans, accompanied the officer making t re- Southern Republic Since tiermany that Hcrordinir to reports received You ate cordially inviJrd to inf i t our itock, now at it bet. will reply in the miiip ary fifty Turks and two tierman offi nere. 1 hree tnilletg pierced his body. arrest, said the Indictment charges friendly iiuinmr, It ik aR.rted, but, (hut wo. ono men Welcome whether you buy not. Flight of Hucrta and Ascen- approached Tor, believiiiK that Officer and citizen from Walseti-I'tir- n Schmidt of several or lll adhere to ila own viewooint. the place was undefended. Finding are searching who went with J. It. McN'amar.T to Thf III I for trace of the dancy of First Chief, mi:m miiiKh.r at Tli Tor Karrisoned by 200 Kityptlan sol- hold-up- the Giant Fowib-- company In Cali- ll.inue haa iwoed nnoiher wartiitiK to diers they sent for reinforcements. It has been customary for the I'inon fornia and purchased 1,000 pounds of ni'iitrala lo moid the waters men- These arrived and a force numheriiiK SupprY company to cash the pay dynamite. I IAVE Tl ll" FIKST CI IOICX tioned In the tierinan pi m lamal Ion a little over L'nn occupied a village to checks of in Schmidt wa held In magistrate's an the miners that vicinity. I (numerous iur ineri iiantiiK II oi all the south of Tor. Dick left Wulsenburij this afternoon court i n ii short affidavit without bull natioiiM. their-arriva- 24 On l liecominif know n i in un automobile with funds for that until February to awuit extradi- The lirltiKh foieiRn office in ilf re- a small detachment of Urllish troops purpose. tion. M'AIX AXTs JOINT ply tolhe American Hole concern Inn landed in their rear When arraigned before Magistrate ono and advancing I.hcrtmaii .Saw Murder. STRONG BROS. .niti, ix .Mt.xiio the nf the American ftuic on the over the hills, made a surprise attack The (list news Mc(Jii;ide the prisoner uid ho was a of the killing of Dh k Kteamer l.wml.inia, it Is uiiilerMood. upon their position at duwn yesterday. was mechanic, 31 yiurs old but refused to London, Will biuiiKht lo the sheriff at Strong Block Corner Second and Cojier Kh. IS (7:lfl p tn.t contend that Hi it ish merchant The official repoit conclude as fol- by answer the other customary questions. The HpaniKh vessels havo ii'lviHed to Cabrlel Murphy, a livery- euveriiinent ha tine lows: man. A posse of citizens was After the arraignment, however, the made a ' 1 c to power neutral II.ikh only In of ellierg-enc- rushed the In ca.r "The enemy's force was nnnlhilat-ei- l. to the scene of the shootins, five magistrate said the man hud con- order to nhtain Joint arliun t over 100 fessed to him in his chamber that prisoners were taken', miles from WalsenburK. At dusk ht end U un-nr- (ierman is now com- what termed a utate of Africa ninonx them u Turkish major, over shooiliiK was coming he was Matthew A. Schmidt, a pletely Uritu-- h -- heard i in Mevlen, cleared of troops, at , tilli i'v ii iii ii m t ii ii nrordiiij to a sixty of their dead were found on the from vicinity in the Los Angeles indictment. was fniiiid which Btate-men- the of the killinS!. from fcx-- conlniK to a (i. olTiclal t. ur-re- st fue-t- dliatih Madrid to the i rm.tii field and it Is believed none Kot According Detectiie ISurii stated that the douhtli s originated In American r which that to Murphy, he was fol- haliKe Telexiaph company. adds that Herman away. Thirty camels were captured lowing Dick uloiia- - of Schmidt was the outgrowth of CLEAN COAL 1 u.iimI.i the La Veta road ' trui. on have entered llriliah und the enemy's camp and un investigation into a bomb explo- In Ihe eastern theater of the war, ! their at a distance of half a mile. When a Kast Africa. six-sto- I stores were destroyed. Our losses sion whb h occurred in a flat mi both side of lie Kant Prussian Hmre war Turkey heKan, Dicks machine drew near a bridge operation! every-- . the with were one Curkha killed and one over an irrigated Murphy de- house on Lexington avenue in this IS OUR frontier, our tiro l WONIN JOUSNAk teiCIAL LCSIO 49.(10(1 passed ditch. i WtStl Turkish prisoners haie on 4 year, where progressing au-- essftilly. wounded." clared he two men come from city July of last und which WaMhliiKlim, l eh. 13. The l asted on their way to the in- SPECIALTY j Where er the enemy attempts in re. under the bridge und open fire on killed three persons, injured others Slates government has received no ap- terior, according to a I'etrograd and partly wrecked building. De- I aim un Iiih opposition 1m quickly Dicks automobile at a distance of the broken. plication troiu Spain for Joint action lifty yards. tectives who examined the premises l ne piemieiit or the hrench re- - TEXAS GOVERNOR "In Poland, on the right bunk of with other nations In the Mextesn sit- - Ipuisij, Dick's machine bft the road. became convinced that the bomb used AZTEC FUEL lias sinned a decree author! was typo used In , Vistula our climbed un irrigation of the sumt es Ihut the attacking troop uaiioo. iiryan Ktni lon.jrr.l, mK the lusiie .f national embankment ! pro- - defense; and stalled in held Dick's blowing up the Ijih Angeles Times COMPANY the lower hkrwa and are nor has any intimation to the amount of I .' a where ieillii(t .n the direction of Hueloue. reached thelhonds assailants followed it and after a building- und similar lo those placed ' Mate department 251 "un the left hank of the Vmtulu that such a 'j brief search of the dead official fled nt the houses of General Harrison Phone j re-- USED TOO MUCH Gray Otis, owner of Times and of there in nothiiiK of Important l ! ! toward the foothills. At this. Murphy the port." Officials learned with much Inter- - EMPEROR WILLIAM raced to Walsenburg and Informed the secretary of the manufacturers' association. The investigators soon est of the press reports, tiain the sheriff. that IN EXCELLENT HEALTH Sir ink by Two Mullets. struck a trail which waa followed und SANTIBANEZ' j had niHrrsseft a communication to I VICTIMS Ilcports from the scene of the led to the arrest of Sclmiidt. LIFE the powers on the MIumIium In Mexico. SALAD AND PUNCH IVI shooting were Dick The three men charged Willi pur- TO BE BURIED TODAY i 1ST VHNIM JOUSNAI. BrCCIAI. that had been! i me llt0 rti ripaiusn emimisv it was sal. Amsterdam, Keb. I ;i (via I.on. lull, struck by two bullets, one penetrat- chasing the dynamite from the Giant I ing INSURANCE no word had ben received from - - p. in.) A pen picture of Kin-- 1 the breast and the other the I'owder company works were J. I!. MOftNIN L l i head. gone MoNamura, M. A. Schmidt Sf JOUHNAI. SrtCIAL j lid as to the decision of the cabinet; pcii.r lilutm appcn-i- today In the Two bullets had through and David you buy ce our world-wid- e Ikfoie Vera Keh. 1.1. tiody puhln-lie- d the windshield of car und one had Cuplan. A search was t'rii, The of hut that n full report or the expnl- - Krrun ZeituiiK. in llerlin the ew tcduccd rain. (ien. Jesus ( ',i 1 ii n.ii. luother of en. from lis on Un. ei.Mtrn ICalerer Who Served SI 66,50 struck the radiator. Four empty !!0.3() made for McNumaru'n associute and sion from Xlrxlco of Jose Ciiro, ! ' V eliiistluno Curraniui, the cartridge shells were picked up near their capture was erroneously report- the f;ist chief of i SllHtlish itiiiijulir un h It i a.r-i- - front. It savs uliii ur-re- N. F. Le Mdfwgcf the coiistllutlonaliHte, npp.-uic- l t.en- - the bridge. ed on many occasions. I'ntil the st Sulr. tonether with sume, hre Spain's reported action is I e'nperor with Worth to Colquitt at Exec the hodies son nephew, MiX'k'-'-'O'- : The currency, f$,r0n, was found here tonight both had eluded CLNTKAL LI of ami were based, hud been sent bv Mr. tr;,! uIoiik a lino! UNION Ft to '.ro I in a compartment in the' broiiKht ra t'rui today and will throuiii, the llnbas) hero to the "f tro"1"1 K"r ,h'" "''"""'"I ' ""I utive Mansion May Not Getjr'1,.Hkrl'f,fut,n CO. he hurled tomorrow (ien. Car-- 1 I i"U'r!-sio- n machine. insukanci; Jesus Spanish forelicn office that he had kiowii terribly , was ' Dick had large rana executed sonic weeks ago Status of JIliiMer oui mat was an error arianiK Paid, business interests WOMEN OPPOSE BILL Room j in county nnd was promi- 9 in southern Mexico by (ieiieral I !r,,m ,ho fl" ' iU" head protector Huerfano The peculiar siatus of all diplomatic ""u in lodge s. National Bank Building The entire local garrison was wearing to OH (lie ler- - nent circb He was a direc- State m.rexc nlatives In n nlre i l...r,in "" S'P tor of bank of FOR WYOMING DIVORCES took part In the funeral procession rlble cold was gray. j the First National no government Is recognized. It was 1ST MOftMltta JOUSNAt. SSCCIAl. SflHC today when the bodies were liiounlit "Ah a mutter of fin t his majesty up IHUO Walsenburg; president of the Huer- believed by many officials, would ! Austin, Tex., Feb. 13 Although U I to lie in state at military heaibiuar- - pea red extraordinarily fresh and elus fano Trading company und the 1ST MOMNIKS JOUSNAL bPCCIAL LVACIO W.bfll probably override the technical point j tots. is otficlally mount-Iii- k deficiency appropriation bill including Mercantile company. Cheyenne, The city in that the Spanish minister could enjoy lie, though Ihers as on added eeri Wyo., Feb. 13. Tho AH business houses were i losotl. ousnes in" n an item of 1 166.50 for house of the Wyoming legislature to- - no diplomatic immunities because be rioted his and 'chicken salad nrtr- j day abandon, 'r'INE uatpuv t certain bitterness in his voice, which and punch," used at tn,e executive killed the senate bill for I pini iv ri hud not presented his credential, tt system vkvvn wa auggrHed ap formerly was not there." I when Colquitt was mtnt of the primary of nomi- that Mr. Cam's mansion Governor nating candidates for public office. AND JEWELRY point ment by the Spanish government j in office, was approved by Governor IIMANSMUGGLER TURKISH PROTES T would In The house passed the bill providini; the circumstances constitute j Ferguson in spite of the ruling of the for compensation insur- REPAIRING sufficient proof of his official Mutns workmen's j attorney , ance nnd limiting for any defucto government and UNITED STATES general that the appropria-- tho hours of labor I Inspire lion was unconstitutional, the caterer of children. Z should the same respect us IN BATTLE WITH The final test of strength for and IlOTHl WOHK rou that usually given diplomatic repre- j who furnished the edible probably LI. OS Uf.KV AGAINST SINKING . against the public utilities commission sentatives. j will not get his money until the courts bill came in The Spanish government may havp the senate this afternoon l4--t C Cilie Vou un AGAIN have settled certain points. W. C. when tho Sibley bill is up for third J llliunln. addrwod a note to all the power re AFFRONTED reading. ( Middleton. a member legisla citing a i of the aro experiences with the ture, lust night injunction U. S. Protests are beginning to arrive DODD & DENHOF i arranza government, cffi. iuls here obtained an OFFICERS OF WASHINGTON to prevent the state comptroller pay- from women's clubs nnd other wom- Alliuquerqne believe, but until the nature of Spain' en's organizations against the house Tliinl ami Central, suggestions are known, ing for the salad and punch. they declined The legis- bill providing that six months shall to speculate on probable-- IN LUXEMBURG bill caused a fight in the a the course of lature and Attorney General Ijioney be the period of residence necessary the American government. before proceeding may bo I;. jg --B5fi held that salad and punch came un- for divorce That condition In Mexico liave der Band Led by Goldie Evans Is instituted. been gradually growing worse Is ad- the head of groceries, which could Tptes during the day of February 12. Vessel Is Reported to Have not legally be bought for the governor our iinillpry replied to the (Ire ef- - mitted nt the state department. There the Ferguson Broken Up but Part of Illicit i of state. Governor said NEW j tins been n FAST MAIL OVER ferlively. Been Sent to Bottom by disposition to regard the American Consular Agent Is the tame ' expulsion state had the right to pay Some m tutors have flow n over Ihe j of the Spanish minister us Chinamen Escape to the a personal for the items as it had to furnish wa SANTA FE RAILROAD .icfiioii f cii1uu. The lioinlm thrown Russian Shell, While Carry- mailer between (ieiieral Not Allowed to Send Pack- -j ter attorney general. l ('iirrnnxii .Mr. to the tlii'ln did no il.itn.vjte. Porliiii the j and Cam, but whether Mountains, ll-- i: or not was n lugl't of February wer ing Red this fixed policy of the age De- IbV MOSNIN JOURNAL bSICIAL WIMKl there Cross Supplies, Washington Addressed to State -i ItAttO two (o iman atliuks on our trenches government und would be NO MORE PANICS Washington, Feb. 13. New ar- in the forest Influenced by Informal diplomatic ac- of t'aiiivs, to Ihe north partment at Washington, i rangements for faster mail service be- of t r .1 un, which repulsed. tion taken by Spain was a matter of ARE POSSIBLE NOW tteu IS Lo Angeles, Calif., 13. A tween Chicago and the Pacific coast I MOHSIS4 JOUKNftl PKCmL HAfttO MIS!) w Ide conb-c- t urp. Fob. "Ill .oil nine the Ceiiiian attack on j woman were announced today by Postmas- llerlin, 13 (by wireless to Kay-viib- -. smuggler, known us Goldie our position at Ai (on I. men- - J (urrgiiji Klatenveut. Tin ! ... -- Kvuns, ter General Hui'leson. The changes i L. 1.) MOSWIMa JOUNMAe SSCCIAL o.n.n. lud a band of nine men In ii III IK. Adilcra received hero Tho constitutionally tnntln lrICD WiHt! JO.n.l .r.c.u e... l.olil our lepolt of la( Ii ht. was ugeiuy I will affect in Missouri, today trom Constantinople say Luxemburg, Puehv Lux- Chicago, l"eh. 13. "Under the feil- - battle against three United States im- the service i d b one , while nt the! that public tonight Ihe following dispatch litand of Kansas, coiiii.ii the gov protest emburg. LI x reserve system We see no migration officials at the Mexican Colorado, Oklahoma, Texas. ,.,iini- another (icinuiii Turkish eminent will from CarraiiHa in regard to the depor-ta- l Fell. (via, IiiKb.n. p. shall ' against the sinking bv in.) The financial panics," said border near Calexleo, last night, ac- New Mexico, Arizona and California. wlih Ho greater to the Huxsiinis of Ion of I'm o: German military authori- Ieral Charles sinves the uinslilp tVasblugliiii, null- governor re-- j cording lo word received by One new mail train between Chi- (i. copy otli' " sL while 'T ordered Ihe expulsion of Jose ties hem have refused lo transmit a of the federul federal ineilMnii nt llcn.y ing A u servo olliciuls today. cago und Los Angeles will tho under the mil an flag. The rs. faro for the follow im; reasons Angel package containing the American board at the annual banquet of here Bullets were ex make sc Is Chicago changed a light nmong run in sixty-fou- r hour und inin-iiIi-- h to have been sunk oil Del ( aso, a Spaniard who consular aiient s account because it ilhe real estate board tonight. in running leu oi n, hi, N, has lived over February wliilp niigaged in I i ! Ihe mosquito hutdies on the Santa The time of iinnItl l'UH T OI OFLII carry for years III Mexico, has been married Was scale. in nu envelope oldressed """"'n that coiidittotiN just prior the desert, I1UNS ing l!i-- Cross supplies between opening oi but in tho cud the woman, one of oilier trains through various slates lo ii. Mexican woman, has had cbil.lri n lo the slate depart menl at Washinu. me Ieiieral reserve and Treulxond. i age, ! banks in November were "probably !uf her mule followers mid six Chinese will be arranged in conformity, to Im- i una. I en. 1 :t ( 11 ?. T. born In country, is an owner ion. lie pins tinner Instructions vn London. the of the most in hum were tn prove connection. Missouri Pa- p I -- - from the eoinniandaiit. was ominous tho history of thev trying smuggle The in Tile follow lug Aiihtrlan otli- real estate and one of Ihe most Im- returned cific ' The Washiiiglon was owned by the to ihe agent, unopened. our country." into the United States, were taken and Pennsylvania have arranged slatemi M W ;IS giV I il out htte to- - - portant ftrcoiiiplloe of Francisco Archipelago American Steamship by Discussing the true function of Ihe i prisoner by tho throe government new schedules to agree. nii;!u Villa; he was Villa's side at j company, which controls a fleet of new ho said: agents. , 111 !dteiiill Poland a n,l est O acted for n time ns Ills con- Interference bv Ihe German autho- banks I boats named ( j duty not alone, two i i.i to. thing i after the American rities with American ml corre- "Their is to meet There were automobile loads tn.. in hy has oi'curi'.'it fidential agent lo the Fnited States I s states and plying between Mediter spondence, i enieigeiK-ic- so us possible to 'of in smug. Kttiiitlluit along t'ui path-U- an. I finally accompanied Villa to alieadv has tli.iti-.- ,,r... but far contraband Chinese the lie the ranean ports. The steamship Texas, glers In- - PRESIDENT WILL Luiil In the weMiin and Mexico City. pel Cuso was seriously test to the stvite department at Wash-- j "'eu'"' emergencies from arising and party, according to official win-- niu.-- a mine and sank in tlu liigton. w hile ordinarily tliey I escaped ien to fli'iicial Its uin hang. d. Tin Involved in a series of murders and Hased on an appeal which do not and are formation. All but six to the :( ilulf d Smirmi In Ma, 1912. tlunm; Was containe, i In ..:iM.,,.r .... ,... not intended to compete w ith com-- ! mountains of Lower tiioig liussiaii i oiiuti In tn, kidnaping commuted In Mexico C.'ty: California. liie Tin in w ar, belonged to warded by Dr ""'r' lal oank. yet occasions may liilllliv of Uvlkl.l pass liecolliii'g . his family Villa, Vanln ke the ale IblM vtMKIllsllIp 1:11,-- lived together with 'SB !,ci'e filn h In eauti-- se we (intb-rre- . American tn "he Nelher-- '" " competition, through mi ci tin. t: .lion lutvi p before Caso him- minister i THREATENED STRIKE The Archlpelago-Amcilca- n Sleam-slii- liel nuiile exercise of open MAKE i POLITICAL pi nil H sed. self appear us confidential agent of lands, who complained that tlicG,-r-- their market coinpaiii Ik owned In large part power will pro-peop- "Simultaneously with the succ-(.i- l Npnin; man military lomniander at Treves be necessary lor uie IN ENGLAND AVERTED by uiiUirttlixiMl Anieilc.-i- Creeks and when liutierrex left Mexico lection of it'll j nee in Kiikuw .ii.i, our troops 1 tol (."aso refused to allow official letters to nass the of the United w i bartered under the Maine laws, jetty went Into hiding iiml Stat i'.i i I i iielliivg the eiicnii in ar Ki'oi when (leuersl obregoii he or-- I Ifrom thr minister to the govern though no American registry has entered is re- 1ST ' .Dili's, i', Jol.toiui a h.k ami been ment of the Grand Do. by, Secretary "It often said that the federal MOMNINS JOUSNAL CICIAL L'AHO KIKII cii'se.i liianted to II t vessels At the time, or (bred his arrest; Del Caso sought tef-- I serve be igl on bolli sides of ttil ugc in - Lryiin has sent a note of protest to bank are bankers' bank but London, Feb. 13 (4:52 p. m.) The TALKS ON TOUR P'ls an unti-ilree- k directed the biilltllnt- of the Spanish is I'.ji'I. (,1'ir lii upper bocott against Ambassador (b de- this true only to the extent, that threatened strike of several thousand foiees the region the ships of ibis company some years I then ordered (letieiul (Ibre-- i iard at llerlin (or they I li e iTi-.- r 1'ntUi won ;iv livery to Hie German foreign deal primarily with the member railroad men through Great Urilain, their out ago, howewr line was gon to make request of Jose ("aro ofli"e. banks. nf Ibt the antliol ieit The German government re- Their true function to pro- demanding an of wages, iiioimtairi albis und reached to fl the flag by who styled hftnself charge d'affaires was tect increase W't Kin-sow-, American the Of fa. t the interests of Hie people." seems to Knit. Km;, and . minded the that Dr. VanDyke have been averted. !!. An. in i oiimil ul SinMTin becauj-- of Spain to surrender Pel ("aso within tbV MORNINfl (OJRNAL IPIcitl IIARIO WIRR' l'. i?n,i. ii.. was minister ',, Luxemburg s Announcement waa following (In- - couipiuiy was hugely j twenty-fou- r hours; Jose Caro made well made Washington, Feb. 13. President "TUe of liUf-M- controlled as to a lilllllber pilKOiiets lie American solemn assurances that Del Caso was lh" Neibeiiaiids; that he has THREE CHINKS KILLED conference this afternoon between Wilson discussed his plans (or politi- i f Will' t ikeii in the s- o( Interits. been rendered tin ommunie.-id- managers prrient ties j not In thfl legation, but having secured so far railroad and representatives cal speeches during spring and sum- Lstlles I'.i-- linn. lints lo Us, Kill' " as his relations w Luxemburg of union, agreement proof (hat he wan, I directed (ieiieral uh were DURING T0NG WAR j the that an has mer tonight at a confer- SECRETARY REVOKES concerned and the note reached, terms of will White 'House j Obregon to mukn a le- expressed , the which be ence 111 (. I'.I search of the , with members of the executive 'IT ISLI DAM At, K gation with the permission of Charge confidence that the action of the announced Monday. campaign MUCH CRITICIZED ORDER MOKNINQ JOUftNAl FECIAL committee of the national t UM II i AVI Vl'olis Caro. Caro opposed this, planting the mimay t'ontmander at Treves was LIAtID WDt democratic committee which outlined not sanctioned by imperial - Vancouver. It. C, Feb. IS. Inviolability of the building. 1 could the Gel- Three RUNS AMUCK AND IS j during the day preparations for - government. Chinese were its Leli I'll, 13 (tiY lei- t. Lou- - j man killed three wound-- ! 1 Hit .ki jousv Miutv maao ,. have ordered the search, but wishing and the ill 6 campaign. .. i I ed in a ,'lmi. ii.Li in Tli' official a l c i. j fight between rival tongs to- - iislilnglon, Feb. la, Sccielai y to avoid giving any offense to the day KILLED BY POLICE The president, it was said, undoubt- n.i m i to'liiy by ' in the course of loin the (' H. all .McAilo.1 hu.t l'eoke. Ihe order t.f bist people and government of Spain I WELLS the celebration edly will political ,1 j FARGO EXPREcSS of the Chinese new year. One make a number of wt. Oi tobcr, (Uohibiling collectors of cus- limited my action t requesting Caro of the addresses on the way to and from the !n the I'f Will j mice was said by the police Ibr MORNING JOURNAL SPECIAL IRABtO WlRC we.ltin iln.iiur toms fiom Khlng out infill to leave the country. to have Punamn-Paeifi- c ,ln on iiiution CINCHED BY ORDER commute! suicide. Denver, 13. exposition at Sua aiiabus eteida) uaum cl uing the cluitnctci' dtslina-ti.u- Caro l nllrclv lyuorvd. The other two Feb. Paul Uigo, aged luulil.M of i were Francisco. Kven should he be kept dropped' oil (be co,u.t. of "The Spanish government had Min- killed in a pistol fight in China-to- w 50, lute today shot and killed Mrs. (urgocs bouthbound limit n. from attending the exposition in cauki il ri to pulls of the l iiitcd The ister Cologan before Madero iiud when nux.ii. jog.N.i meu ,.,,, Louis Snceo, n neighbor; shot Louis Hie , H pupuialion Sinus e,,o Two of March, as now planned, by an exlra i vilnli tuuii the 'icl-ii- i vtiild it tecogniited San Francisco, the three wounded may die. Sacco in the leg, fired several shots at many lomplaints afterward Hueita, Feb. u.Fifteen ne fight session of congress, it wa auid that ho point of i per is llillllail Mew we .u(i,icd naii. luji-i- iccen.-i- t rimii expoi Cologan continued In hu position. The cent of the earnings i California regarded by ihe police as a city ambulance sent to pick up tho only f light losses. tors an outgrowth of would make the trip later. ag.iliu-- l the order and the lea,--. government of Spam has not recog- il toe liens r.irno KXpress company. ' recent fiuhihur wounded couple, then emptied two re- Wilson's own ' in lor among Chinese-Por- t The question of Mr. 'On tile extreme WesO.Ht fl,,,,) (he . In San volvers city f lis existence bad nnswd. nized eoiistittilloiiiiliKt government ilH.lltMl a ear, were Francisco and at three detectives. The candidacy, It .was said tonight, was .'.J nor were any lopped off today ,y , bind. detectives nnd Kigo t The original older was lintleistood letters of recall present- stale rail- - returned the fire not discussed although it wa agreed by Cologan. cliar-uel- was killed. to have been ttixpieuMiig diplo- - ed The diplomatic xiiiiii'isMi.i, Mi.i) it make Per- Coleman Hell, one of the material (or lha lo of Is manent ,.,,,.,. detectives, wa that much of the i lll.llle I. Ht Hit- - Curo entirely ignored In e,prtrv r,lUl(11 VON HINDENBURG bad'y wounded. on hi record. iUwelltatilts lit'eut 1 MEETS campaign will he based a- i r M-- strict Justice could rales, issued a year ago ' j niin.. it wan ihought have taken more committee 1 . . to add severe The i.ased It was made clear that the j difln tiliies of ascertaining measures without infringing-an- order is oi, a six months' EMPEROR GOVERNMENT any particular cargoes whether principles, practices or test, during which WILLIAM SELLS would not work for con'.ainei! contraband HI tl- - courtesies the company candidate but for the success of who- cl s. of an International charinlir. hut as mibmitted a statement or ils earnings MOKHtNII .RIFLES TO ARMY CLUBS ever i nominated. a mark of amity for the people and in oeiau. .tuner niiei-atio- In the l.t JOU.N.l .f.c.AL LbAbtO Klbt by com- government London, 13 A statement given out the of Spain I confined my- unginui inner were made on Ihe Feb. 3:40 p. in.) Km- - was in flour- I'uldotis 4. rallied o peror SMI mittee said the party a Koreas. self o requesting Caro to leave ihe sain showing. illiam received Field Marshal NORNINO JOURNAL RPtCIAL U.IIO Seoul, Korea, Feb. von Hind.-nbiir- ishing condition und that "the nutlon country Caro did not ni-- answer on the eastern battle Washington, Feb. 13. Secretary prosperous was granted bv Japanese dies any f,l,'lt 111 Garrison is entering upon the most ainhoi of Ihe communications expressed I plKdils lYoluhiihm i riday and it was decided to lias rescinded hi order of stat- j today to Paron Lin Chi llo, a m 'regard Uh, a hist period in all its history." It was : former him in lo Pel Caso jhiuke renewed dash month prohibiting the sale of (Kbiii. t minimi-- Van the Phoenix. Aril . Feb. U. The for Warsaw had betn reached to Kl Tak. former. state I rrK, army rifles to ed a decision IV supreme court, according lo dispatch National Rifle associa- connected with Ihe Koret confirming the n i. tun msier-ts- tion continue the work of the permanent Pallv Gh.-rua- , to the Kxchunge club. News: An K.-g- . of Lu, upheld party here. (( Tal Im 'hi Chong. Vl .Icsiili Dm,-- . the Telegraph company Officials of the headquarters of the (ojnb( Sung Hi,,,, I'diualor Arizona prohibit on law on association repwted wa by Rep- ud i,k Kwan Flu. who in Kmi.,s cuy. (ivb. U. Father points today. all The t.erman emperor, the message today that within the Inst six months The meeting atttnded ", i.-- Ghemu sold a pint of ad, s i A. Mitchell Palmer, chair- sentenceil lo six Martin P. lowJtns.j, lit, former prvi-lli.ii- t whiskey d to be anxious membership in the clubs had) in- resentative years" after tt-le- that the 15. Itnpi iHiuiment (or an attempt of Ctcighlou the law went into lohsh capital be creased to more man of the committee.; Fred Lynch to coih jjo. Oman, and January I. The Wet taken before the than k,oo civilians Oeneral Teraui hi, Jp-aii- e one of loading forces now ho ure receiving of Minnesota, Homer's. Cummlngs of goveraor the Jesuit educators in declare they will ke Ihe ...... to, oi tn reichstag in or- - voluntary training. fivnetal of Korea, the Luiiea liied. case to the l" inuuce tne Connectitcut and Cato Sells of Texas. tsuics, here today, upruie court of me "r House to vote a new Wanted Vuiied States. war loaa without opjHisiUon. Clean cotton rsgei at th l Written reports from other members out as. of the national committee were read.


What's New in New Mexico Dollar Farming salaried it provided are excessive ami read never I letters from his connti-Ineii- N PARTY GO In PRICE OF CATTLE 1' LIS cnppnrt of this stand. UTE5II HOPES H you are noinn ' 'a'1 co,n. y" '""'t I''"'1 '' tM V"? llinkle deejarod Irj that the bill by rain, lull by lull, you drop it until your enliic field ix litucli heller than lie thought the ma- Grain jority could produce. "It Is the best planted. As you raise corn, ittise dollars. Plant them a you get we can c do." said resignedly. tliem, one, by one. in n account with us. This is the eed time for 0 PIECES ('rnnipion, for one, declared that BUILD LEADS TO CARE J IE1 he hail not received one line from 111 IY your dollar crop. Sow now for the dollar harvest. $1,00 owns an any of the officials of Colfax county Account with us. regarding Hi,, salary bill. "It does not suit me in every respect, but I No ens ever repels having a Puiul( licounf. believe It Is SENATE PUSSES the best we can do," he TO RICH VALLEY FOR LIVESTOCK regret not having one. declared. "If some of the county of- Thousands ficials received too much money they can turn It back Into Iho treasury." Holt reviewed the efforts of the majority during the past two pensions to enact a salary bill and told how Right of Way for Short Line, Summary of News From The Citizens Bank its efforts were frustrated by the op- position of the executive. He ex- on Which High Hopes Were Queen City of Pecos Valley; ALBUQUERQUE. N. M. plained how amounts paid county of- ficials In excess of those provided in Based a Few Years Ago, Is Jitney Line Planned for Open Pay Day Cveningi. x Jlinkle and Alldredge Vote for the measure could be recovered upon theii- bond, If necessary. Out of Court, Rosweil. We Pay I icr cent Interest In Our Savings icutrlilient or .Bill After Vain Attempts to Alldrcdgit Surprised at Hill. (Ccrtlllcalc of Alldredge said that the bill Is COO lic.l) per Amend It, While Burns and cent better than any presented eCCIAL COMRIIKNOINIII TO MDRNINU JOUHNAlJ with chance passage. teefcisl. cosaeeeOHoeNca to mohnin jouhnalI a for "I am Altesl.i, N. 1$. Hoswell, N. M., Feb. III. Year ago going to vote for this hill, not because M., Ktb. At last Miera Are Opposed, the affairs of Arlesla-llop- e short-lin- e When cattle were worth less than at it, suns nip, because 1 am the but afraid are out of The matter was the present time, one could go out we get worse one If 1 court. would a this up V. K. on the ranges, and the sight of dead defeated." settled this week when Hagsdale, ' stock lying around, the coyote and "Mcrry-tio-Kound- but the The bill passed IS to 6, the votes a local merchant and train UPPER HOUSE BLOCKS backer of the contractors for several the hawk feeding upon the carcasses, name Is applied because it run to of liarth, Hums, ICvans, Mabry, All" created no surprise. Today, should again. Some of era and Walton being recorded thousand dollars, received eighteen Itoswell and back TJcDOQTORk EFFORTS FOR CHANGE acres of choice land In the northern the same thing happen, someone Is (he drummer who make this territory against it, Miera declared that he part branded as a poor business man. enough voted against measure out of of the city for his claim, and the tire unkind to remark that the the At before in hlsiory the east sympathy colleague Hio attorney in (he case, Held llervey. Never the of name vuih given on account of the for his from part New Mexico were in putronic-tu- g county. of Uosw.ll. and Maj. 10. 1'. Hujue, of of cattle emotions experienced while G, 0. P, Leaders Succeed in Arriba Carlsbad, were given to right- - such good condition as at the present Senate 1:111 No. 53, the finance com- title the the new train. y twenty-- Never before were such salary bill, together with IU to Hope, a distance of time. there Marshalling Enough Votes, mittee one prospects for a heavy calf amendments, was recommitted to tho miles. The fact that Captain handsome CLOVIS TO HAVE AN Hied, of Jtied llervey, is also so- crop, and percentages for the saving finance committee, The qum.ll, mi (an-!- rl With Democrats, to Give Monday licitor general for the Santa Fe in of that crop. Anerd belnw ire The senate adjourned until ha WHEAT in rlmriicler, the nymptnma or New Mexico, given ru- And all this been brought about ; itleie 2 o'clock. has rise to the me lvu mill dm wm &vviy Act Three-fourt- hs Majority, afternoon at com- by leady advance In amweii Itoiucro I rges ; renter SpeVd. mor that eventually the railroad the the cattle ELEVATOR AT OMCE jtniv . f mmlUr titittire.. took pany will take over the right-of-wa- y market. The fact that a cow can Thnse wiAhln furilier itvloe, free mmy In the house, Speaker Itomero bought llr, t to und build a spur from Artesia into hardly be now for less than !lilrM luuer, f,,u,.K the occasion urge the members l nlNf-r:ilw- i valley. $50 and often limes much more, has PKCIAL. COnHIlONOINCK to mohnino journal! '"it, (I , urn I,nli,g IIMCUl OiaeaTCH TO JOIiaNSU get to work so in the the fertile I'enasco 0IM down that Kl did A large iwlf u.lbeie,t mumped envelope, for reply. This close the affairs of the made the stockman who formerly Clovis, N, M., Feb. 13. and ! Santa IV, Fed. IS. Tlip aenutp tliiB three and a halt weeks, the Full nome itihlima mum be promised peo- 1'aso, San Hiego a Southwestern rail- not think of the loss of an animal as elevator will be built In h, ivn, but forenoon paused ttmcmleri limine bill legislative program the imme- begin- ("lily Initial! ur flrtlihiu linmi. will h ad- road, promoted by Kl Paso men. They amounting to much, get wlsu sluing, the work 1" V No. HI 9, the Hiilury niPHHiire, us per ple may lie enacted. He opposed Clovis tills in ciwnii. The rmnielm . a contracting in diately. Two years ago was not K. P. Hurdlck ki-.- progi-uin- 2 Monday arranged with linn there ning inside of a month. fulfil mi any w,, l In the finnl journment until o'clock on ele-val- drill mre, Any explained that Dallas for the construction of the line more than a couple of cars of cotton of Wichita. Kan., an experienced Hh unKlAi uan ur.h r uf hi. Imnl. r. two ilemocralM, AllilreilKC mid ilinkl",. afternoon but Mann Hope us shipped into astern New operate the voted for bill, two republi- time would be saved by giving the between Artesia and .the meal cake man, will probably the and first step towards a through east and Mexico. This year, Just into Itoswell elevator. It likely that the elevator cans, liurtiM Miera, voted UKtiiimt committee an opportunity to consider 11 and west road fur the l'eco valley. in alone fifteen cars of cotton meal will be eipiipped with large mill ma- nie: "t have auffer.t wllh it. the bills before them. pepaln. ur nervmia Indigeaiiun dv. turn, the Dallas company contracted eako ha been bought and shipped In, chinery. A committee has been ap- ttii'tn or le.a As was to lip expected, was Montoya Mullens Introduced for a years, and I want you there and with W. I). Malioney, a local man, for all of which was used by the cattle- pointed bv of commerce in proaorih full (liHeusHioti of measure. The House Joint .Memorial No. 2. askmij the chamber reiinent fur me; my aynipioma are the right-of-wa- y to Hope. Mr. Hags-dal- e f thlH section. project. A building the was up u special congress to establish a uniform rate the men to look after the uauul oii.a, audi aa pain and flmreea after bill taken as order thp money Ma-hou- figure $1.50 'also organized. aeur one cent per ounce, or fraction advanced for The cattleman that committee will be laiinir. alnma. h. hradnehe, heart-1'iir- Immediately after the reading of tha of to Clo- pain In thereof, for first class mail. Taxa- to operate on. Artesia was worth of cake will carry an animal This is an Improvement of which and il,.n of heart, or he. Journal. give $Ml,000 to the road, and Hope through the winter season and will vis ha been in need for u. long time. ween ahnuldi r, c.onatipai iun, nr anme. Ilarth movel to amend by striking tion. ,Kt. t MctllO- - lllilea dlanhiiea, coated so con- 1 ...... I iioiu ... lha toiuoie, had hreailh House I'.ill No. 225 was Introduced $100,0011. After the affair became bring her Into spring in a fine lit" iii'in i, ip,r i and a out that part which provides that the inimi preaching i aeir mme. Am ntiwrrnhle. In wurd. tangled that the project had to be dition, making her constitution strong dist under the tilde Mm. wrl ii- - : "1 urn m hool superintendent shall be by Chaves y I.una and Francis, for church , IMin f. Informed inunly dropped, a number of Artesia citizens speaks so much for the calf v. M. .VlcinioNii, an nuinr-list- Hun I have kahiiy Ii in Anawerf Your raw la ehntnle l h I purpose of an eipiitable, division which of Kev. uu.l tlml Iiaid only $ T where the county the convert- fiiNl enrerul diet ami the of highway funds. Highways. who had signed notes to liny land fur when born. and Ducieii Anderson, a iiiirii.-tillit- McrlouM hIhkm. YVIiNt reitulnr u nt an only less right-of-wa- nld ami tunic yrm has eleven or districts. liaiih ilill by Chaves y the were compelled to Some of Hie large cattlemen out ed bartender, now a singer, are draw- w.nild ou pri'm rll V ahould anen reenver a House No. ?2, normal aiaie. Ol.iain a packet rt.inhle-fou- afitteited that this clause Is directed permis- put up $tt,O00 to pay the claims. thi way have tried the silo, but prefer ing big crowd at every service. AhAwer: It vuur n.vtnit'iiiin fire the nf r Luna ii in Francis, to grant aiimiueh and bowel medicine" , solely anaiiiit Mckinley county and possession of the iiniihI on,-- tin txifl uiiih'r the even, nf sion to sheep, cattle and stock to then sued fur to ship in cake and feed rather than druial. With It are direrthm. Thla la it would county alone. right-of-wa- y, nw.'Hiiiv hiiKIch; iicioit, niptnuji or that affect that which would have gone the modern method of tha neweat and heat 1 graze on certain lands. Insurance.. to fool with Sieiid-fo-ht'- i, treatment know of. JUK explained that the county of NEGROES NEVER GOT mine, ui "'uiniaiiUil by House Jlill No. 227. by Mann, an to Mr. Hagsdale on account the silo feeding. pnltia, il.Mirciif lu.i, chill, etc.. school supcrintendetil of McKinley : J. It. anh a: 1 aafaly my Section 3G18 of the com money ho had advanced, but the Willhurn Hanch Sold. 1 tv.Mili! Hilvlmi the llnmtMltflte une of redtica county a office, does not act to amend ARTESIA elKht. howl 'n has dentist's piled laws of 1S97. Judiciary, 'ine eighteen acres of land will reimburse Charles Willhurn has sold his ranch F00TH0LDJN Imlmwitrt'Oi, a very fine remedy for Hive his lull time to his official du- , aolil Bvuleil bill provides for the disposition of him for his outlay. which !! bought last Hummer from ui'li ilirftmltlt-i- in ttih.'R with Answer: do In a wall. slocked rirtumlat ties, has been receiving only $t00 a Kl Paso man threw the first TO MONISO JOlUNALl full direct l.nm for eir niliioiilatiHtniii. . and et flVM grain arlmlone tablets In insane persons who are not admitted An Dink Arthur to Charles Hullard. This I1PICIAU B.PTCK , year and Is perfectly satisfied to draw Insane, on the new road, with a brand N, M., Feb. 13. The new sealed In ha wllh complela dlreclluna. Tak to the Mate hospital for the dirt ranch is on the Felix river some sixty Ariesia, Jnmcw .T. nuke: "For aevvnil month aa directed, anil you ahmiltl aonn clown $7.1(1 h. year, which represents n with white rib- feel tha l air Hsiuiiils.-llo- Frojcctcd. new shovel decked of city. that fiallup Is having some trouble I iiHvu not been feeling My akin la relief ymi an increase in salary to hitrt. He fur- great rejoicing, miles southwest the well. desire. Many tit my patients re- House liill No. 228, by Montoya, bons, amid scenes of y" Itoswell. with l he negro population recalls the anllow, my totu:n la conliMl, have head- port ipilck ac- said superintendent is shovel .Illm Uno for nmnlta without any harmful ther that the Ortiz and Mann, an act creating a and for month thereafter this Itoswell Is to have a "Jitney" line. fact that Ariesia i the only town of ache, run Blei'tleHa. Ilcrvotla and hdthereit tion w hali, vet. a personal of and that he place in the (oiiailpnilon. hvlp a friend his permanent fair commission, defining occupied an honored C. Jones, who been running an any size ill New Mexico where the wllh chronic l'leae me." helped to him. com- has Kllen ,T. asks: pi nominate anil elect Its duties and powers and appropriat- rooms of the local chamber of transfer business In the barred out. Anawer: You ni'ed n bmatlve hlomt "Tell me. wise, how I automobile three-rni- n ran my Hurt It's amendment was thereupon permanent Improve- merce. When it was seen that the I n any trouble cleansing treatment In the form uf Increase welalit and Initimve my ing $10,000 for city, has announced that beginning There has never I tabled. annually from 1913 would never be built, a public was decided In enUiherh t:il.leta (not aiilpharl. color. seem tn ha aentmlc. weak and ments and $10,000 road through over the mailer. It lenil.-ne- Alldredge moved to the at which Attorney Monday he will make trips ilvereonoi the to coital ipiit Ion und Hied all tha time," amend that on. Highways. funeral was held, of Mil ca. lv day that black residents were coun- chief the business and residence sections Kniitnully your itooil hefillh ulul pure blond Answer: llegln tnklna; three-ural- liypn-nu- i sheriff's salary in second class House r.ill No. 229, by Itomero nml W. Ii. Pistole presided as the every minutes, run- not wanted, und the rule bus been lane $2,fi00 instead of a speech, which will the city fifteen will reiiu'ii. tuhieia wllh ynu? meals and aonn ties be fixed at Mann, defining fraternal benefit orator, anil made over an Htrlctly adhered to. One negro wom- ou will feel your almnifth. out t as ning two car authorized Minrnlnir and $3,000, as the latter sum was of lodges and methods for heir iro down in the history of Artesia route, making same time us u wtreet an came to Artesia, but the citizen 'Poor Nervea" "la It ponalhle. tr arndually ymir wilht and color will Im. proportion to what other officers are government. Taxation. .. miuil Mr Hacsdalc. and the paid expense hack to her for- find a nieiMeinn which hy Ha tmiie er nu- prove, i his la a most ettactlve. remedy it right-of-wa- y car. The fare will lie 10 cents. her to receive. J I is amendment was lost. House lslll No. by Ttenehnn, men who signed the Negroe with business to tritive pnwera will lirln the. glow pelHlstulltly used. 3. Prions Hack Alleged Swindler. mer home. Hinl.lllou l.uck In n mnn who Minkle asserted that the salaries abolishing tho capitol custodian com- notes, attended as the principle are never tnolesled here. hettllh und man- Deputy Sheriff Jim Johnson has transact Ima rverylhlli Ii. Hi world lull hoalth and ,t MT. W. askar " "fan yoii prescrlhi a fixed class counties are to place tlie control and ugo negro h for fourth mittee, mourners. Dallas und brought Only a .short time the hiipidnitst? I inn dull, f Mfciful, deapon-i- nliahlB treatment tn rid of following capitol building and was surveyed as far west just returned trom negro set- iret ilandiuff. far too low and moved the agement til the The line back W. SicDaniels. charged with preacher fiom lllackdom, a nt. wenli. In mljlln. short f hn iiih nml Iichliia and frvarlali at'ulpt" in employment f lahor running southwest from to Ar- puia In aplno and Increases those counties: grounds. ,the as Kl Paso, a I.MIO draft on the. tlement In Chaves county, came auffer more in' leas wllh Answer; I know ynu can act l,fl"0 to $l,80tl; ns of executive (lap, between passing worthless hai k of head." Instant Treasurer, from therefor,' as well the Hope, through Husscll's Hank Trust company tesia to solicit funds for a new church, relief and permanent reaidla hy using plain assessor, to gi.xm) sheriff, the com- Guadalupe moun- First Htaie and a Vuur 1'oii.llllnn the $l,(i(io and grounds und mansion, under the Sacramento and city. Hoy Ammerman, cashier and staved till day. He received Aunwer: Indlenlea yellow ininynl aa per ftlrajelluna which nr. public was report- of this dona-lion- s need uf a liiiiiiiU'M tonle nut ii Jl.f.uO to $1,1100. Kueli amendment missioner of lands tains. wa draft, liberal response to hi plea for anoint. comiiany each 4na, Jar. was tabled. ed favorably In a majority report. A of, presented the pleased live to realore nerve eiuiillhrlum, which a McDnniclH been doing bus- and went home well onil Kvuiih pro- minority report brought In by F.rynnt and as had but la turn foriiriia aliviiKlhena the "Morris" nsks: "I have suffered with a offered an amendment every- given him, I Mood leg- mi- EASTERN STAR EVENT iness with him for a year and with the consideration of liulrlllon, liuia vllnllalnir Ihe chronic cough for ul t h. yaar, and oateli viding that all officers, excepting advocated tabling the hill. The negroes residing in this new to by a vote thing was straight, cashed the draft, there arc no ami pniniolliiu eell nml llaaile lake a fresh cold every few weeks, Nolhlng lha devote all of their timo nority report was tabled - islators, shall IN ARTESIA SOCIETY telegraphed, he Males, to the New town. earn of the wiiale fireea. '1'lil'eenriilil doi'lor gives- ma helpa, an t wrlla to you." to their official duties. He stated that of 27 to 15, Taylor and sHkidmore Vo- hut inielle tilhlelH. p.'lelieil III aeilled tllha Itoosevoll county is fortunate because-It-s ting with the minority. The majority Hope, Texas, bunk, on which the draft nith full dli', rtt recommended in Answer: Y..n need a thnrnugh laxatlv ii) was New rough syrup, nne Hint nut only all to their report was adopted by a vote of TO joupnali drawn for confirmation. ARTESIA POWER PLANT nil eueh cust h. relieves hut officers, nive their time tanciAL cokhmponoinci surely II was to 13, Taylor Voting with the, demo- 13. Atter the Hope, being a rural town, did not gel drives from Ihe system. Tha public duties. This amendment Artesia, N. M., Feb. regulaily any eura-hi- e n message, he say he cap "D. V.. wrlicr: "My rheiimfttlam la uaed will oust tabled. crats. business meeting of the l.nst-er- the and that MAY BE INCREASED t" cough or regular for not dellvt-erln- geiniiK worse till ihe lime. I hiii Hell In ndd prumptly: Ohtsln a Si, for House Bill No. 36, by Martinez, P. . Ter. hold the Western I'hion meiiiho-lasan- Alldredge offered a substitute Slur was held tills week ex- an tiiirf lluii It mnk t It very hard fur ea. hoi He of esaence ml auditor, eoinniis-i:lone- r past the message, at the hank's It the entire bill, in which the salaries constituting the willlBer, Worth Patron, presented iioosiMa joukhaiI mo to get mound. with a home inndo nugHt ayrup nr honey secretary Ma- pense. McDaniil owns properly (eiciAL rcnieteoseNc to na per In. $1,1100 to $2,000. This cf public lands and s jewels to Mrs. Hlanche I worry your direciinns on tile. ranged from matron Artesia, N. M Feb. 13. Albert Anawer: I). nhout a party vote of of capitol custodian com- .1. 11. Mrs. A, here, and an attachment has been run It very eually was tabled by a strict state the jor, Mrs. Jackson, Keys, rheunimuin. na Hint inn "mrnnger" llin- tabled. Mrs. W. on it, by the hank. McDaniil fought Keys sou of John C owner,") hy at Mlsa asks: "f am In a 17 to 7, AMredge. Harth, Kvans, mittee, was Keinath, Mrs. C. F. Hel.nig, K Klectrie Co, rimtrnlleit iiilug Ihe folloaln: Hit senate y requisition in Texas. the Pecos Valley Oils Hie lUKI'eilleulH ' nallleil, mix weakened eoniluliia due to a long alega of kle, Mabry and Walton voting for the Iloth the house and the M. inman, Mrs. (Jeorge Frisk nml in Artesia thla Ihe illiltt Hl.'tv JUlefly, havo lvlvlfl passed which has Mr. .ludg.1 Names Trustee. of New Mexico, is thoroiiulily and lkn a. lenepoonful si meal riitnrihal Irnuhle. I substitute. a resolution Mrs. J. 1'. Lowery. In turn, power t'Hlarrh I leucoi rhes I aiul catarrh of tha tela-tiv- looking over the local m hiMlllme and you ahould e signed by Mclionald, pa1 Judge (1. A. Pic hardson named Van week limn und skhIii I liurtli, who had prepared data been Coventor was presented with a supplies dlnanl'ee-itl.l- nose and ilii'oul, What local treatment high- s repii-scn- .1. slfmillon. The Artesia plant noon he enilivly relieved nf Unit paid in other states, endorsing tho southern national Following the I''"''-tation- II. Wilmot as trustee to ef- 2 good for a cure?" to salaries patron's jewel. to the town, but Ms main iliaea.'.e, i heiiliial lain. Piirehttan salary way . of Mrs. X. Dunn, In (! Collvcr & Dunn bnsl. current If! said: "This is not n republican a committee consisting to tho pumping drama of lodid- - f pntnaaluin :. ,i nt Answer: t am quite aura that ant Inept asking fort are devoted au- - bill, but merely an office, holder's Jackson, Miss Hunyan and Miss Ward Hess. Dunn brought a suit for which wine of cell hleilin ; 4 di anm uf aodlllin Vllanc Powder Is the most prompt and ef- and large trad of land I measure. Kotli republican and dem FORMER U. CONSUL served refreshment. n injunction and receiver for the are now llejlaie: I oz. ( ii. fluid hiilinworl; fective treatment thut one ran ponnihly S. n ma- would otherwise lie barren, nihil, and & naa. of use. H'ull directions aettompany a holders tried to get an The following officers have been business, claiming that Collvcr, es- ,ii, v p. essence ra rither ocratic office cultivation because of the haa anllaflcd two or eight-ounc- e package, I.lo not neg- majority yielded ARTESIA elected installed for this jority stockholder, had ousted Dunn under engine avrup aarmipiirllhi. Thla they could and the LOCATES IN and y1; of this plant. The nml 1 am aure It will ynu. lect catarrhal irnuhle. complaisantly." Mrs. M. Morgan, W. A'.; Mrs. us manager, and that Collvcr had tablishment on thuuaamla Jessie Mell-hane- Diesels, running prac- J. K. loaned firm money when the firm ate the German He reviewed the salaries and H. U Speck, A. M.; Mis. the oil without explosion. The plant in New Mexico. BSCCIAL COaSBBrONOSNCB tO MOftNINO JOUWNAl Cond.; Mrs. M, M. Inman. did not need it, Dunn Is a minority crude tice of office holders an a vvholo Is the finest in New Mex- Referring to Santa Ve. county, he said Artesia, N. M., Feb. 13 J. W. Sec'y; Mrs. C. F. Ilelmig, Treas.; Mrs. stockhoidei. The trustee only holds years con- Joe ico. that Celso Lopez, the county treas- Ragsdale, for seventeen ileoige Frisk, chaplain; Mrs. until further order of the court pend- working on nctv con- diplo- Mi. Ward, Albert Keys is urer and collector, pays Fred Iope nected with the United States Werthiem, Adah; Irene ing final hearing. enough of Ihcse are J3NCJ-JaCR-H JBNgf-MV- E for eleven years i!,..!,- ll..lmiir. Esther; Miss tracts, and if HOME JVJNGTM $1,000 a year to run his office, while matic service, and ic Another Modern Hotel. Justify It, the capacity of Tien-si- China, has Mis, Jacltsmi, iiigned to Celso worked for the Keligmans when consul general at Human. Martha: The Mont Miller structure is to be will be doubled this year work- purchased a large ranch in the Cot- Ward, warden; H. is to have an- Ihe plant he ran for office and is still Klecta; Mrs. Kate finished and Itoswell The Keys family formerly lived in valley, of Artesia II, -' 3 ing for them. In Bernalillo county tonwood northwest Morgan, sentinel. other modern hotel, fitted IhrnnahoHt while the new plant was be- eS $l,B00-a-ypr- hi Irtesla I Coupon tr deputy does the work, and has moved here to make with electric i;ells, private telephone, ing Albert Keys n Song Bo I.o-pn- Installed and ok n Hagsdale will engage in v while in Valencia county, Deputy home. Mr. private bath and electric T, valors. great favorite with Ihe younger et. PREENTED BY THE rnna tho office the conntv naving the real estate business with A. C J. N. tiibler of the contracting firm of looking after ATONCE! STOPS the deputy, and the official draws the' Keinath, In addition to Hnchanniu and Milder of Fort Worth, Tries New Stunt. salary. county, a property Interests. begin work Alderman's Cur In Grant banner his arrived this week and will Artesia, N. M.. Feb. 13. Aldermun MORNING JOURNAL . Hagsdale' in China during is the treasurer, and pays a deputy Mr. was on the structure. Monday. They will purchased a new car $100 work, Ttarth stirring P.oxer revolution, and has expend $::il,000 ill completion D W. Kiinvan a month to do the the the week, und Thursday took his said, he formerly having paid only some irood War stories to tell of that which will make the hod I finished this - EXPLAINED BtLOW'--' or MISERY daughter and some girl friends to Af $Sti a work. son, a boy id, $T,'i, ntlli, com- ItoM-we- month for this time. His then S1I1ICII cost beside the $in,0o this side of ll liarth then advocated n hall of untitled awav and Joined the plete furnishings. This building was Itoswell in it. Just SEVEN SOMGr BOOKS IN ONE - the car made nil attempt to climb fame for New Mexico, where next to army, his worn was oi so. o n.i- by II. 1 Miller five years ago. and started a telegraph pole at the side of the Abraham Lincoln he would place the ture as to get htm a run page in item He did not have money enough to miserably. Competent COLLEGE JONG OPERATIC JPN(I re- road, hut failed f "stooping and smiling figure of the Francisco newspaper when he swing the deal and it was thrown Into J y. claim that afier the man who bill" for ma-joril- country. This sun is INDIGESTION swayed for witnesses firt drew this the turned to this the courts where it four Mr. liunyati hacked off and Hp characterized the mertnre now in the army, with the rank of a years. Hilder and Huchannan own failure COUPONS as a II tried it again, but with no better sn- SIX OF THESE "steal of the public funds of the captain of ordnance. the building and have it rented. It although one1 Enltlle the bearer to a choice of cither ol state of New Mexico." admitted, was formerly in the days. ore. No one wa hurt, lie Mr. Hagsdale will be opened in ninety young lady was thrown from the car, the beautiful oug books described below however, that the hill might be worse newspaper business in Iowa, and is f'irei l,os (elected, which Occur. but the frnnt end of tho auto wa When aompnle br the aspenae amount opposite the trle considering the pressure brought to in everything pertain- A $5,000 loss occurred here or parama. bear by still interested 'Tape's Diapepsin" makes fire badly wrecked. Covers ine Hems or trie con wiiaa ihhb ivw, j, county officials on the legis- ing to printed work. He was a heavy this week, the Oriental livery barn hire, and other neceaaarr expense items. ( A. lators. company, - in the Autopress where S. A. Whiteside had his repair r.onur ATHTl 4- r.nrns also investor sick, sour gassy Stomachs ncnvr.c tmat jrPt wvwhi I tiCTD opposed the bill, saying his brother-in-la- w being the patentee shop burning to the ground. There is OtltUJ mill iiLTsu vnvn rt"iimuv jinniK tniit the deputies county but $100 Reward, $100 A txi .ill flit. aplectrrl in Itio Arriba of this modern printing machine, fine, no known cause ns to how It started. ,,e.,.l f,.ll,ii,,n l:vnri snurro rnmnilfl and T c,,rk brother-in-la- feel paper will be pleased t if f anl the treasurer re- both Mr. Hagsdale and his The readers of thla wild tlic ntiiut care liv the timst comnctcnt authorities, illustrated with f' ceive l,o a month, while of com- learu that tbere la at luusr one ureaueu uiaease o( the hardest were frozen out" the Museum. i to cure III ail Ita galaxy of 6) wuinleriul portraits the world's Rreatcst vocal artists, that tl,e consequence lust Many Visitor at that science bus been able a rare ?"J.k officials do is to draw pany, and as a atngns, and that u Laiarru. nan a t siarrn i ure in invoiitr hia nm urma rontains souks oi iinmc ami roinonc, pnv. Santa Kc, 1'Vb. 13. The following med- nianv cosiinnes. i.nrei deal. Mr. Hagsdale has you eat hit hack-t- aste la Ihe only positive cure now kuown to Ihe Sarreij ami kimibs: Operant! and National sunns SEVEN eomplote aona books nmev on the Po some foods towns today reg- a tollcire Mahrv's 'ontltt.t,, Oppose Hill. diplomatic service, work badly; ferment visitor from outside ical fruteniltv. Catarrh being constitutional in ONE volunui. 1'rCBcnI SIX coupon! to show yuu arc a reader ol this paper anu , but lately quit the good, but Mex- disease, requires a constitutional treatment. ,.,,,,.,,-- M ad- istered at the Museum of New ' , tne nP(.ausp tne but was' not forced out by the lumps and cause a sick, Hull's Oatsrrh Core la taken liiturnallf. acting for the lieautiful heavy EniL'lish cloth binding; paper binding-- 49 cents. a into stubborn ico: Miss Hilda, Peters, New York; mucous anrfucea of 79C He resigned and has directly uihjii the blood and K1 wnmRu,iul I clath hiiutlne. as ll Is a boak will last foraver. ministration. sour, gassy siouiacn ruv, iu. If. Grady Miller, New York City; Hu- destroying the loimuarlon i k k.n.v that t'resiueiic n ' " nown: s the system, thereby f! letter from - Mrs Dyspeptic. Jot this bert Osborne, Kingston, Canada; E. ef the disease, and giving the pstlsnt slreiiglh m a il rinF(i..iitlier lunik !iv narrel nosi. include I'.X'i R A 7 centa wilhin mo miles: - regret tnar n'iir. hur"- everything, leaving and ssslsllng na-- , Had pressing- his Diapepsin digests Iteginer, St. Paul, Mlmv.; S. Jerry by building up the constitution 10 ct'iils ho to miles; lor ureaier distances ak pontmaatcr amount to include lor 3 Iha. Tuberculosis, to leave you. tore la O.lng Ita work. The pruprletora 1ist i dale had decided nothing to sour and upset There Simpson, Wagoner, Okla.; .lame T. ttiey go safely quick, so so much fnllh In lis euratlvo (siwers that Now service. never was anything Connor. Hpringlleld, 111.; Claude offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that It l Insured effective. No difference or lesniuuuiais. i you certainly Mo.; Knrnest N. falls to cure. Hens r.r .".-..i- Know a man hn. been" In Artesia. Doane, St. l.ouls. ni afflicted Thieves Hnsy how badly your stomach is disordered D. AudreM P. J. CHENEY CO , Toledo, 0. with Consumption, 1 :! Park, Tene Haute, Ind.; Itobert and inter ohtalned in- - Feb. --The reran min . Artesia, N. von will eet happy relief In five Mis Mar- Buld by all Praggtn, 7rV. rurniH-r- it means stealing Stanton, Nashville, Tenn.; that he ha rpcijverod petty around you Is 11 eon tips Glass-Pai-nt outbreak of utes, but what pleases most that Hattemon, Springfield, O.; C. Take Sin at J'ainlly 1'llla for lion. ... aa in case: as it is a n.if your guerite mis this place is surprising, It strenKthens and regulates 11. Auburn, N. Y. ; Iiorsey merlin articles b Hart, Hi riiiee, Rrnoklrn. X V. thing for nnyone to loos, stomach so you can eat your favorite Ccrrillos, N. M.; C. S. n, LUIViBER Cement-Plaste- r en-J- o Mewhorn, "t.entlenien: I years Artesia has ' troubled vrllh nigh h means. For without fear. N. M . ; Marlon, s In this foods liver, Harry aweufs, a never rough and vim very weak ed a spotless reputation Most remedies give you relief some- Anderson, Ind.; J. F. Albuquerque Foundry and late that the (leorgia Marion, Albuquerque Lumber Company "vin, in met. nlMoluMy no ambillun and is only of times they are glow, but not sure. Tearncy and Tearneyi Jr., Haiti-mor- e, ' e valley have lest w hatever. I consulted a phylrlan, L middle "Pape's Diapepsin" is quick, positive .Mil.; Hffie K. Nicciim, Silver Machine Works 423 North First Street who told la now,.howis ni my lungn were affected. 'ot natiafied, I through stealing. As it and puts your stomach In a healthy Anglin Huffman, Alamo-goid- o; I''oiindorsM;ttclilnlHU try I sides, and City; Mabel Engineers went to doctor, n f ri fl condition so the misery won't come Godfrey h. Ca- Hronz, another who unld I wn In are goin nnPll will Mr. and Mr. Casting In Iron, Bras,, in firm Ktagei of ( oninii)tlnn. At this '';"". back. bot and Klcanor Cabot, Huston, Aluminum, I;lectrlo Motor-- OH s, a soon "Pape' point I Hlarlrit to take Kekinan'i Alterative. You feel different as Mass.; Kd Trujillo, Kspunola; C. O. Pumpi and Irrigation. I D. Mc- Results From Morning Journal Want Ads The night hhpuIk immedt-nlel.- v. Diapepsin" come In contact with the Houston, Tex.; R. Work Office, Albuquerque. alopped alnviitt night ago. Ten Mickling Fuller, and my y a few stomach distress just vanishes Allister, Allu(iieriue; Mr. und Mr. rnuich lienime looner nil ftriiilu-ll- from the Pelt ranch distin- rlUanpearrd. .My weight In now 113 X were stolen your stomach gets sweet, no gases, no Cabot are members of the week, and Thursday in IhiiiihIh, and my phyHteian llan pronounced this from belching, tio eructations of undigested guished Huston family, well known ne perfectly tuinnil which, loitefher nil h Zht"a fine raddle was taken food, your head clear and you feel history and literature. 111 fact Ihut 1 have jlint been accepted 4ty he home Of W. K. Mitchell. fine. two different insurance cAniimntc fciLfn- - importance have thefts of less Go now, Investment e(.T.v-;o-lloiiiid- " New Train. Mirance. makes m sure of my o.her make the best been reported. nt X, M 13. new roiery." ( Alilirevlnleil.) occurred and not you ever made, by getting a large Artesia. Feb. The t.Affidavit) ' case of Pape's Diapepsin from any local passenger train from Hoswell to l'.(:kman Son of Mall ,r'u,M,,: min- been christened "The Alterative is. Infant 1 3,-- The drug store. You realize in five Carlsbad has in bronchial catarrh a Artesia. N. M.. Feb. Merry-Go-Honn- and the name has i.o.iuy. . u .., ute how needless It la to suffer from hinR afr.'cli.uiB and x , son of Mail Clerk Hay Indigestion, or any stomach stuck, just as this branch of the Santa Contains no h;ir Uold on the Pecos atley dyspepsia or w out of Amarillo - Fe was named "The Pea vine" year nruirs. Accept A ..Miordnv. Mrs. K. V. J'Oil- disorder. l r Draperies ing d ' this ago, and never has outgrown it. It rr.K"lar. "''Jitroers.- nyj.. to- Amarillo calling the iit ri's, inc. tru nip- ' f oi nit"a.oi ' Journal wont U bring quick rriulta. not known who tartd. tiand Stoves i f morning. FOUR ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1915.


mliNt not figure him pnllrely out of DOPES Hip running. If Wlllurd mkeg tlm CORBETT thinughoiit imd coinpelN the CQRHAW ISSUE BONDS HERD JUST NOW SPIRITED flit fiegiu In force lllp milling hid l llnnceii TRIG All Is Your of pmeiglng Hip wiuiiPr will Iip enhnnccd. fStcmach Healthy? CHAWCES Hiul Mnrt for CiiIim? JESS' It will he mi iiiil.u t ui.utc thing if 10 GIVE AWAY II Directors Expulsion To the stomach nriMi miinii-ge- Recommend $250,- - of From Sheriff at Butte Fears Violence rupulniiN piomoterH und l Russians failing in its duties hip In he hIIowpi) to oie.hlle In 000 First Mortage Real East When Munroe Dies linxlug iiffnllN In JIhviiiiii, I'uIiii, ii It Prussia Looked Upon Thomas nrp wm i Duffy's Pure tin uppcurii they doing. Ji Estate Issue; Equipment Is Supreme and Conceals TO BEAT CHAMP only a e iiiple nt week ugu word wiin CHECK FOR as the Strategic of Wounds nil hpre Hiul ileuigp M. Kindt, of S500 Complete, iluVMiui, hud imitcheil hiim IjniKfor.l Says President, Achievement of War, Labor Leader, Malt Whiskey mul .sm tu Ih.h twenty ioiiii.In ii both food unci stimulant. nt the of Ii H new elllh. I.iihI When taken into the stomach in werp ( week we told Hint Hip cnlnipd The dlreclnra of the Rnt.l IV (JoM MOftNiN JOURNAL adf OIAL UAIID Wldl IBV MONNIN JOURNAL dPICIAL LIAIKO WISH If Willard Lasls Twelve . moderate dosea, it excites the Rounds men would IL I meet und t tint Young "Binder" Mails It to President foppor Mining company, Herlln, Feb. 13 (vin Ixindnn, II p. Hullo, Mont., Fell. 1 3. Thomas ' of tho San muiiios surfaces, and the multi- if AliPiirn und Willie I.cwIn, tho veteran, Pedro dlHtrlet, m.) Tho of the (lermana In Munroe, the special mine guard shot and He Doesn't Carry Oilmore have reoommended to Fast, la- tude of little glands, from a dull would hox InHleud on 1'el.runiy ID. When He Signs Iho Prussia emphasizes, according last night by Hurry Itoblnsonj a 1 (lon'l know Mr. Ilrndi. hut if he atockholdera the laaiiunre of to the view hold hero, nulet bor loader, died late today. anathv. to a lively and healthy fight to He $2.1f.0(i the strat Johnson Will Is living In good fiillh lo dmelop the With Seals and Promptly aeven per cent convcrtihlo egy of Field Marshal von illndenbiirg, Heeatiso of the feeling prevailing M activity thu3 assisting in bring. Foily-five- (.poll in Ci.l. ii, then nume. me in putting flrat mortgage real eatute wnien la designed to strike un enemy tonight over Munroo'a death. Robin- m back the stomach to a sound Endure ," (jets It hunda which mimelliing lo Tuna on him. Young Back, will l.o offered In the ahnrelioldera nt when and whera thu blow is least ex- - son waa spirited out of Hntte and and healthy condition. Ahem n und hoth under I '.i n peeled. lodged In jail In sumo nearby town, lire nccordlng to .N'ew H tho Y'olk "name divulged. "Get Duffy's and Keep Well." MeKeiirli k iniitiiigeinenl. Curl). After the Itusslun alrenKlli on the Iho of which was not (l!y Heavy-welKh- NilppuHi-- tu Warsaw front proved too great Then, hi little likelihood of a re Al most drumrUlt, grocers James J. (Vohett, Former t huve retired.. In I und and Thld from ho I.i.n Angeled - . Chumplnn i Him Wnil. J.) Hut (hut ih not nil. I .urn pnperM tiing it'io la whu! thn Curb haa lo any: a flanking movement hccnnie neces- vival of tho labor troubles of lust dr.l.-rt- $1 a Inraa buttle. If , llernld: sary, they uannut supply you, writ t us. Willi the Jiiluitri.ii-Willur- .l huve li li ltd ii Hint Hip winner of "If Iho Ihhiio Im II Field Marshal von lllndenhiitg year, according lo tho authorities, the match "Wlin wiinlN .'.(mi? iverNiih.riheil y Hip l.fWlN-- decided to choose they say, appar- II, Duffy Malt Wln-kc- Co., only three Week uwa.i-- Hip il heiii n liuiil will he will he prorated the loft wing, owing shnoliiiK of Munroe, lf "liny forlum Ih iryim among tho auhorih . Inlelld ,,ff ,, mulched with Al MrCnv. in gel rill Ing siockholdera. To mifogiiaril tu the belter equipment of Kaat Prus- ently Icing the culmination of bad Koclinler.N. of Hint Num. Iho sia, bel .Vliinh - ih (Ik lit f ii rm would he hiiliipiuli of Hip mldillewelglil dlvlsluii. homlM It la Iho illicit!,,,, f with rallwaya and because the. blood ween mine workers and mice "Hp Inid Iho - j In a certified chock III IllN colder pros- guard:!. h nr. no iiiaxa- Inking it greater interest in Hit. of. Mrt 'ny mmiiiged hy Onniiy .Morgan. Piimhi.nnI,,,,, In plain in ONcrow with Iho weather offered better There heen Thld check In gnud Hny pects In- vigilance 1 Inir wore Hie i haniplon nt the soono pal und hUHiucNH ll.MM.Mial.' of ,lr- - al IriiNioea of tho mortgage for successful operallona, tin) Hon, however, Iho of hunk, l.iil fin-hi- n (led not w.miiI II. deeds of t tail He. Vhil Hie H - snow being no hindrance. guarding tln mines, where armed promoter Keitrlrk'H. Now if iinyoiip can bvut He aharoa of gruzing- and agricultural I rig-u- mulled it tn 11 Von llindenburg by men are searchlights hut Jack h ,,i HIICll iin thin plollllHIN in he f hink eadt miin land now adjoining minimr veiled hla plans stationed and ' iiiit nil moil .liimed Cllmnro, the iimn. reinforcing in sween tho approaches. Johnny mi tho spot," the flylu bug II gni'N Hiiottgh I would IlKe In know hut the hitler rty of tho company nnd owned It. the Austrians tho Car- reiurn,.,! It do-- bv - me fnuii Missouri nnd want in he how ( he done. lo t'nrhun hv Hpeclnl 1 A aporiHl meeting pathians In order to make, a strong Tho coroner s Inquest on the shoot- cn Ivory. of the Htoekhnldera mlsjled Ing Wednesday. yt hown. will he diversion and the Huaalan-- s has been set fur MiiiiiIiI (.lie llundcp f'hiinir, who called to act on tho mailer. into Of course. It Ih difficult of belief "'orhiin, dhnrtHtopd for Hip "While the propoaod thinking that the real flanking Kredille WiIhIi hii .VN hp Won the Hun Knincldin luiHehull bonds will he waa lllut II pI'limiltlT It oliih. Id the for a period movement to be carried out there. llfl Killed Jack IIIIp heruiiNp he in u only n of Ion veiira ihov uill lie WITHIN THE REACH OF liniov would he wasting his nine "nil lent unit rim In the wont who In trving auhject to Meanwhile ho tissembled a strons dtoic." And It look iim if Kredille In KlVP HWny rnnney rln retirement at the discretion nrmy above Maziirliin lakes; com- mid money on n prupnmt inn thai w nd cntinot it. . of tho rompimy oof earning", the ANY P0CKETB00K' tu hung on In Hie title h lung 'nihiin NiiVd ho tinji-- of at posed fop the re- MAN'S o fur ii j in the mr aa Hi In ihhi h ap- ronllxoR how iiu. rrnvlNlnna will most part of fresh iin he poHHlhly run ,v money he made tn aot i pear In lie nt Ih In writing. pritrtliing ir.iin h, hut koiiui of thx other nalde f:i:t,ft(io cruits, Therefore uml KlolrlNlll. hoMllg flulN t'oiiNl leagup per annum for the flint those who know Cuiicy well, have The plnyerN My ho ilnoii nut. thrpe yeara, rrnt Tactical Aflilcvrnioiit. One of the very cheapest yet herp 11 and a minimum and anil pvpi.vh here would ThlN niiiii wiiiild IiihI Higiuir C'niiHlnn-lin- o (i amount In llli In hi statement that Johnson think of $:.-,nii- Major Mornht, the military critic one of the very best, taking evvry hp lot innrp of the chnmplon If he would during nn en lira thereafter Until the entire. Tagehlult, will In Jim rex mi schedule nlght'a pukpr I of tho cnlla attention to the point into consideration, time roiiNent tu dike on (mine of hid gmno, amount of th bond la retired, which automobiles ready In hlx litlo against Wil-lar- niiinv fact i hat tho Kiisslutia bud strongly made i thn "(irant - Hix," a new l hltllellgelii II In mu. nnil win no puiit to truNtpp to Hiii over rnue to a "Here how I'orhiin rorolvoil fortified position which, However, mini h time arrive tho purthaap honda at 1110 nr Iho heat their he lo the oilier first class ma- the fnn hardly cnork: 'N nippy' Joyrp, former lu- point out, only enhances von ilinden-bnrg'- a chines by the- will take the linltlii i price obtainable. In handled Southwestern There me aovornl men r . Thla, addition, to I con- eiililled tu wild iiHHlgned hy Klelder tactical Ainu company, li unfortunate Hint land valiiea, ,o aiilfl-cle- achievement. of which Walter liuitrlieN With WclNh whu me nut he-- i. lulled Hip St. jiuid Koilornlu annul.! nmplv dition make It Imperative fur Jnlin-Ro- nf in to In the opinion of thia critic, (Irand Weinman Is president, and Herbert lug given H tiimhlo nt ull- - not even oigii up plnverd. take cue of the principal of to aneak In to Mexico, Inn ii n it Ih the Jnycp daw hnih Nicholas evidently intended to ' In lie is sales manager. It is within a k nt h 1'hey tho honda. the belief Hint lienerul I'uriuniM will criu iniitch. orhiin und llitho' Itnrlnn In ellim carry out an offensive movement ut- the roach of any man's pocketbook. DRUMMER ALLEYS ii ro Johnny lmndep, whn tn got Nlgnoil up HiiIiioh 1.11,1 ley I ;,vliil. Vrevrrit Inn landing If he such tried llo hoth of them. The largoNt ter breaking the Herman lines, uh'1 .Mr. Weinman, while In tho cast re inn, Hip Jolt auhdll-- "The atockhnlderN have tl on llieihiula HIK absolutely necessary. ad ('hurley Whllo'd I dlgni coiitructd of ouch player wore hence tho d 'feat must have a very cently, became thoroughly attached i r.xrnnsic nun Hip night I their Inlonllon to atihacrlhe "World-l- a the littler wiin tnkeii cent tu (lllmoro nt rhlcagd und for unfavorable effect upon tho general to the ''(Jrunt" Illinium u tor." the , after several demon w i lloo.non of ihn bond provided la- - Try a game of ten pins. lint Johnson doe and in, uml .lurk tirltlun, hn would ho t odprul lengtio prpdldptit nmiled hnck the Russian for thia. he adds, wa-- i strations, lie being fully convinced until arrive, piip niiiong ine bulnnce of at -- l wining lo enncedn nlinoNt pverythlng hiIviiiiip money. Corhnn'd dhiiro the nek "a Herein In the fullest sense if waa Old flirt made public, there will whn holilera la gliurniitood, the that that tho machine for this 205 West Gold. l.e In the Wiiy of gulp receipt to Ntep liijfti'Mi. word," na evidenced by tho Immense country, he signed up little Interest, mill mi betting on Hip "At the annual meeting and forthwith Ih hunt In thla country. ring with llin ohiiinploii. i, thn meiintlm.', I'ul :wng Hold of the booty and the hasty evacuation of tho for hla company to act as distributors, Hut Kreddlp In mill Hip Htoekhnldera of the Kutita Ke Hold & hui-lell- Wiihinit trying in hedge In inv way piillelit h dtoic, to llenrv lleri v. Th ii forni- - position mcinioned in the olficlnl and tho entire states of New Mexico ii ml hide IiIh oyen 'upper Mining company held in .ler-ao- y or In bnoM Jea Wlllard chalice III inn time, If th r Angel president cnnferieil with ami Arizona, with Kl I'nso, Tex., were w '''.w'ms.apiiw fatiN ciin't. Hh In in no t'ity tin the latter part of Janu- Morn llii coming IimIHp-- for on Hip dupe hurry tu meet t'orhiin und Induced him In dlgnwllh Major lit thinks that one of assigned them, if you want a ma- luiiulep or Hiitton. Mnyho llgurep, tho HciiIn ary) II. Kckhoff, Kanheini, the they look in i k lit y slim the f t he iiiiiI reiurn llin Kcd.s' mnney. l.on first effects of ibis attcces wil be chine, with all requirements nnd un- llko H grout t I llalnoa Critlley nnd Frederick C. seen Vis- klioiild not b forgotten I hut mitliv oiheiN, that lite The inllelder hark ho chock, in tho region north of tho der $1.0110. see the Hotithwoatern the roNiilt Fiarher were tn II. I World-heale- of u bunt with oilher wmilddPt hut tho KedN It. They elected aucceed O. tula, eastward of Iho Auto company, lint fin ing a r would not lake 'au Sunt, Thorn where and let Messrs. Wein him Liu k dump, hellevo they may Herman Aaendorf, M. IliisKiaim some ago advanced, man j In Jin k Johnson. However, Hip tin-- 1 hold him for next time und (ialles explain some of the llnwpver, Weldh him ugtppd, and (l. !. While, presalon seem In prevail HiHt John- tu hox deiiNon through the action of tho retired. westward iicioss the Rawka rive". fine points of this wonderfully low- - j 1(11, - Tho other retiring direct. u were son Ik unbeatable, HiniiKli If ut yon Willi.. hie ten I'ollll.l ut Ilipliur- coiiitN, Henry Horry dH ya ho will Shutters Russian Plans. priced automobile. See advertisement ilpn I ed. will take Hit' Hino In figure out Junt next inotith, uml cnnfltlpiitly Ntiind hehlnd ho Nhni'tdtnp und Hint 'I hi movement," continues the in another column of today's issue, i.iilpoliil Ing IVd-or- "The balance aheot aa WllHt JllhllSOIl tlMH Meolllllpllldled lllll- - cniintd on Willie over the t'oihitn never will piny with Hie a of December writer, "evidently was designed by twenty tn. 11, liiat, ahuwa: li tjul'-l- t -- nhort coiirNP ha ho did for Nicholas) ltit hi entlro career, will a- tlrand Duke to relieve the Im Wilt I "Await -Trcuaiiry Pound Sale. ly arrive nt a ronohiHlon Hint an fur nillii, In l.oliiloli. Kreildle liuiV Kvery time think of giving atock, r.i,r0 pressure on tho Warsaw front. lie h dow n In the vurd fur aurprlap j .".liii, I cauh iicrnmtlN, 1201; reH estate On Hip big anioke ho lint beaten ii real the Imck that get u churleyhorHP und miscalculated, however, tho slronijth Thursday, tho isth day of Feb- . properly, $ 1. 7.10,000; equip-tiu'ti- t, tlrst-ohl- or nid uieiinip. i lu iievo in I'oih.-in- I 0 plum uml ruary, 1913, lllllll III ll'IIHt II guild llllt n tho heiirt,' mild The of the pussihli. (ienmin advance from at 10 o'clock a. m in Kltchlo will hoitt heyuiiil till I $23 1. Mmi; nilno dovolopmenta, 111 hi prime. him Iron men look good to mo, llllt Hill West Prussia whl. h here, too, is al- front of tho city hall, on North Sec- of dlMpiilo, iinleNH, Hi I. :!4.L't.1; aiipplioa, coke, etc., on Johnson h ml Wlllurd ii ip matched iliiedtlon the going lo k to tho Hefild hand, ready Hhalterltig the Russian general ond street, I will sell one sorrel horso Imprnve-- 1 " I $10, nil); ficcoiinta forty-fiv- e rhiimplnn dhow wotulrrful niippoho will In keep recolvithle. $I,3SX; plan oi campaign op- about Kl yeara old, weigh In go rounds. ulcus John- hno profit loaa us shown in tho will about Imt-H- IiIn In und uecouiit, $J!I7, &!):; tn- - Ton son, Mint lip Iihm r yi--t won p menl over form rerenl Imiii. Hie chock uiilll II In decided what erations tn the west of pounds: both hind ni'vi h IMI. f U'.lil north and feet white. In Jig limp, i'oih Ji'hh curly In Hip Wliiil? (iillnluin Irlnli? diNpoNltlon will he made of It. Tho l.litt. Siorpeo where tho (lerniana captured Hold face, brnmled M. T., on left hip niili-p- , chock do, h not licking In mo "Liabilities C apltul Stork. ,r,00 -- Hip Khiiiuui'h rlniniPM will In. Tliero whn tiiiii h reloiclng In cer-- I ami the 000; hiindreila of prisoners in two days' THOMAS Mc.MH.MN, - imiea pnynble, $177,(i4t; grpHtiT with pvpij- of it In circled when iinnniineed fed refiiHo to iiroppl It. total, fighting, ending with the occupation I'ity Iirowlne rhinit the wlin " $1', 617,644. Marshal. i hp KlmiilAlnn n rnutid I Hint Kniiiklii hud knocked '1 am leaving today for San of Sierpec. nmit omt. CallahHii "I'rcNident IC. Kortv-llv- p pover-u- Kruni'iacu, where I will 'play In r. Wealervelt In hia "These, successes in rniindp i urn conmarnlili? nut Jon lllvera In two round l the auya the eastern repiui Unit the preaent 'Jer-ma- . i(tit tun thnp iliii h. ngn to AlpinphlN, Tenn. t'hmiey Swuln henetll giinio. Thla iivcrhcail area prove the superiority ,,f the n A e'liilpnient of the. lM - CUT OF OUR Vonlli Wllliu-n- Shl ho in it lino I. rot n of hoy, rnntrtil will ho iaged In the mine now com- talent lor organization whirh ihi "ruro a m every - nny n park at Kwing Held, hut tho i.iet,. itet:tlh- Recently the. nausea, painful If Wlllurd mn srt thriniKh Hint t 'hIIhIiuii," iiBserted thn hiirp wua astonishment for the most brilliant writers CAKE doxrn rminilx, without IipIiik tm.lly who happen tn kimw "lYanklp phiyeid uro willlnu: tn play in ten foot ouiiit retimlierotl; a new blast fur. Russlana. This tulmt ia not connect- THE LAYER didn't nace Inalalled pnwer America hurl, Hip llxht niy dpvi'lnp Into n ("Hllithim" Id a linrrowpd monnker und of anow fur Charley Swuln.'" and the Iioiino ed with any one name, so far as It is the artists rolling atock, company I mid urn imp rontpHt, And In thn mut- Hint Hiimniy llolziimn l tho proper building, etc. now understood; It not thu work ot p. - iii-i- every pp. whose cartoons and "comics" will teach you what real "angel's ter of rnnilltlon, ilirurlim mkp. rtlHi-iiitlm- i, cognomen of KlverH' una lllllirl in any Individual and prominent leader comiiieier. FLOATING FRANCHISE apoct, but It la Ihnught food" is like. The layer are so light 'tp., WtllMrd otiKlit tv havn m Il wild n terrlhlo Idow to tho rlnh well tn provide like Napoleon, a century ago. These make the nation laugh are i .r nn li'B-to- n great hig pilun on hlN rnlorpd opjnmpiit. when "Kninklo fulliihnn" Wii re- WILL GO TO NEWARK, uuiiiuonni furnnce ao (Jermiin achievements in cre- and spongy, the filling so generous In that the amelllng facllltlea of thn com- ating now urmlrs will pcrhapa be at- working exclusively for Jrilinmin In IiIb UTth yi'iir, mill linn vealed In hid true colon. pany may and dellciously flavored. Try one for (hp be In position tn take rare tributed later to the genlu of a sin-gl- o Kniip a prptty nwlft imrp lut four Hhoiilil 1'Hckoy McKiirland and FED OFFICIAL SAYS of tho lunch, afternoon ten. or for social or Wlllurd In Ipii ypum younipr1 Mlks Hlhhund, hy nny chunco, hap- additional production which the great organizer. At any rate, our tli. engineer lH callers. You couldn't have anything imd clnn't know wluit lli word n pen tn he matched the hout would nl aiute aaured wllh fur capacity for creating armies and put- I ther development. ting iiicuns in fMr mh idriK H trnct tho groiitodt crowd that Mndi-u- n IttV MOIININa JOUNNAL ftPCCIAL LHABCO WINK Tho production of them on tho tight spot proves nicer, for no nicer is or was ever 1 mini, pun In tiy of llx ninny fin inn hum. TIhtp-torc- , Hiiuirp Harden Im ntlriictpd In New York, Keh. ,1. I'alrlrk I'ow-or- a uie thua be brought up tn that the Herman general staff Is con- made. 1 ....nnil iniid per tinually utilizing gain- if iIip tti iIopm ulimupr down ninny ypiifd. llowover, 1 doitht IT the nnd Hurry Sinclair, owner of I hp aninim, which the. tho experiences nign ed In Franco-Prussia- n Into H HPntori of whirh limn run hoy enn ho hrought together. Not HoMting KaiiNiis ITty Federal league luoaoni Rrado of copper run- the war All Sizes. if ning between 4 5 ( America's Ii nt ti IiIn IppI two tWid 1 rap liiinclildo, have delinllely decided tn per rent and per IntcHrcliial. native Work. Cleverest Weekly mi for hours thnl hellevo either nfruid of a cent (and a great u riinirtcr, Hip odilii will ho In fiivor of! tn hi rep thrmiKh il JniiHt with the locftip Iholr cluh In Newark, It wna ileal over (hat fig- "Hut what a different aspect is ure) should give by tin- - wIiIIh. other, lieraiiHo will declared tonight hy a man prnitil-tiet- it an estimated imn. presented tho present war in mat- hut neither miin Hon 7,500,000 ters Everybody Loves Puck-J- ust Pioneer Bakery Aiiolhpr IhliiK. Wlllurd nui hit Hnd ugrep tu give nn Iota from their al- In Federal league coiiuclld. of of copper. of organization! Prepared ny No OIimIik-Ios- . incessant hit hnrd, loo. 1 think Iip mn ilfllvor ready imnnunced poHltluii on the Further Intellectual and creative, for t07 South First Street. been work, profound sell'- - Fun u nun Ii !mrtr piiiicli thiin JohiiNon ipieHtlon of weight. "It hua proved by previous executed with , 'I' wwi1ljlliliio.Bip.,m,,i,i1 i rum-HP- I Olwlm-lo- . I WHO IS VELVET JOE? runa before tho present tonnage confidence and grounded unon a For 40 years run. if having it punch mid Weight of ' this paper It dif- prultilHi-- tho ore was opened up that com- whole people's spirit ot nas retained its knowing how to lurid hip two Dlhlinn hud tu mnk 14SI the In peace position whi-r- n In- - pany could produce copper ami war. a movement Una re. all-'rou- ferent thlnits llllil tlmt l Jnlin. pound nt 3 o'clock, whllo 1'nckey Have Von Muilc Your (met aa In tho nt about as the best Hip 10 cents, President stilled which must succeed mm (ion pdiic In cIpvpi'iich uml Nldtd on Hi liligHlde, Mlko cun'l ninkp Identity of the I .nihil Ucnliicky Westervelt says, humorous periodical in the I - und If we ran arranga Whoever bail imagined a fowl upprlpiicp. Hut If Wlllurd fiKhtH on IH mul he lit, n thn mutch Im- rhlliisophcr'.' therefore to ago country. It Is better now CHICHESTER S PILLS Hip nmrp It opei ate the mine when copper Is be- months that Herman armies fur doen or poNihlo under IhodP cundll Ioiih. If - than at any CUAi,. tween 14 ami 15 would be operating- on the Rumania j time in its a innndH, Juhnmui'H chimcm In get In id tu he a fight 1'nckey will have to I cents our profits . "Whn Velvet Jne?" should le $;i;l7,!i0(i, frontier and In the Carpathians career. M.(mmi-.- t liHimi,.rTrBntN pffiHiivP wullopK will Iip glowing grant whatever coiicon.hIoiih tire made. That la tt iiueaUon which hhl f ilr and if the price rill ii. He J ami Uulii meuihAVpJ of nave been regarded as t0-- KfAif-.-. VJilll lll.i.i B (dimmer mid iin Hip IIkIiI And I'ackoy I an hadly In need con- tho metal ahould be between 15 wouia a fan 10 cents copy l'il. W slliiniiir tint tu rank with tho hlatoiie onea a nu itT t and 16 centa tastic dreamer. Whoever had " uinrr. liar vmt Kiown older. nf ii'nney or reputation that ho will cerning tho pxu.-- ago of Ann and which wua tho average tried of tho year 1913) our profits to demonstrate in figures the num- l.itiiUli.rd Would Ho I'hioHIp. take anv tho worid of It In a tilt with "Who atruck Hilly I'lttterxon?" should bers of AskVour Newsdealer hp-fo- ho $412,00. After company Herman trnopa now actually .A Miiny 1'pIIpvp .lohiiHiiii will full Niich n clever hoxor nnd fighter iin the Siflco tho phlltmophical Buying nnd the haa rolling fi tlip fiiHt IpuI good proved In hp uisposcu or ail Hie honda ut $!I5 toward the frontiers bv rail SOLD DRUGGISTS LVERVVVKEKfi mull who St, 1'aiil mull himself verso from tho pen of tho aiiuny there way, would have been ti liieelp Hut rpgurd Wlilnid limp again. Ken-luck- y will ho anfflrlont funds to continue disbelieved him. few und grower und thinker from even by a large part of ii ii Mlko. 1 nowa-pape- ra operation on the large tonnuge tmsia the active "gnud limn." If Jiii'k wet" lo I'uckey la nut afraid of flrdt appeared In 'ho army officers. Tile dangers hiilllp Sum ljmi!l..r,l I belli v Hint Dip hiivo him dovera) lime niagiixinea, without being again hampered for of the talked with anil riiniora havs situation, wllh enemies nn all sides, OO000OOO0O00O0000O0O0O0000000000000000000000000O0000t Hiixion luiliy he Hip fuvor-li- c wu mijirPHNen i identiiy. Several working capital, and we do not expect till would on tho aunject ami heen rlfo ua In hla to have given the people o a in Hip l.i'liing. And when we re. with the entifldenrp he entertain of prnieaslunal hiiitmrlala have already make further addition for more Herman tho o o extensive plana power of a giant who advances from o nllfit Km nk Mi.thn Hluycil lhi' hid iilillily to defeat hi clover rival. pleaded "not guilty" to tho charge than abovo outlined one victory to o clium-pl.u- II I, unless tho mine should ex- another." o o limit of twenty round with the i I'uckey hii H good lino on Mike and! of helug "uliua Volvot Jne." And ft become an Tho military o a tnva- - ceedingly large producer." r expert of the Miltenr o tiidt piiiiiim r, it will not In hi diyle of lighting, nnd If few liom out hehlnd Impenetrable elding, Major Von o Ii I. not a ciioory Schrelhershoher, Mr. If Willnrd, h mu. t iter mini pounilN heavier hlmolf would lery fluahoa Volvot Jne wii writes; o Automobile o every w;iy limn Hip I'iUxtiurKher, hcKitale In grunt tho concpNHion ak-- 1 and tinder aentlniont, alnirinr IU PHUMUIt "The victory must o o I grow FRIENDSHIP have a decisive o KllekM Ho1 f.ii ly liM if he ilopcn't do ed for. Hut a It McKiirland would in u ihi h of tho good tohaccn ho eflect upon the general o 1 operations. o o U innrp. oiiie rloNcr to the murk in old "Kulnliioky." BETWEEN TWO COUNTRIES The Hermans bcIzoiI the initiative and o o i a Joo lo, na 'Isklng ho recniilH of the two nun at o clock than tn nr., unit no in inn Hut whin mutter whn have achieved results which will have o o t , W'Inp a give a nwuy tn long iih hia mulling face greet na aa Owner: o iillll eiilliinl nig whul llo We Kit'.' hird to Ion lasting effects and bring Hermany o - f (.AdAoeliilnI nnd Xoihlni- Hint would kIvp Wlllurd u o no of tho flghtii'd In the ring j wp open our morning paper, aa lung I'rpn t iirrvApuiulpiirp.) a long o o I Austria slep towards a film'. i lo.ili-t- ' aa hi cheery ' (looil Kvenln' " a jail. n o loii Jpd h.iK never finikin al liny weight. iokio, i:'. lionklng to the decision. Their operations have do- - o o I Icutm-- .iinufDi'd, .le.inn.'ile or MoVev, popu-liirl- of the cloning editlond? preservation und promotion of friend- velop"! In an extraordinary O o In favorable 1. d in., m it n the i.nlv firsl-cIiik- n JOHN SAVAGE TAKES Who Velvet Joo? ship of Japan and tho United States, mantior and tho foundation have o o lipKidem Why. you know? llo'a the. men the i linmiiloii, uml don't a committee of prominent Japanese Is heen laid for further successes. The 9 o I In patron saint of pipe amokers. He o hero in i lion K"od hp MANAGEMENT - . .... ii it, 1, e Gasoline ,it OVER to meet n committee j,f i.nni At unsiii, o at 20c per gallon alike-Reorg- anized o place CIiuih Americans to s to all In i'Ip huN dmip is in 1 evprytliiiiu lakr the of old Huntil are no favorites. Hume of ua who have put on Ioiik discus. Iho relations between the two and nuKowina the o o inked of lino Willi the (.ingle e. ep-tu- OF T0PEKA TEAM lor first steps towards further blows for o o i.f pimia and have to alinve. countries. The movement was started thp o o lie.iiinu I'.niilnuil Hinitli, und hy crushing enemy." with sufficient If llley He' the friend who viaits na on December 17 last year when, ns o capital. o Wero to meet touim row Hip - The municipalities composing r I HOKNINII JOUKNAk aPICIAI. 1VINII our firealdea. In ahops nnd of- o o l ii.inren me lhiii j.m wouldn't fill. I il UIIIB our already cabled, tho American Pence Herlln huve. virtually decided ow- I'oh, IS. The Wcctei n fires, telling ua tn light up our pipes o The o miieh ot ii in Hie I'ilicagn. society of Japan meet- ing to the vast expenditures caused by largest and best Ink .leluel old have sil-- at Its unnual o stock of supplies in o !..n.l. leamir formally the remember that chuuls tlie war, to raise municipal In- o the city, all o ll liuiil- - - If ing voted to name a body of fifteen the Tlipio mi. mmiv fi.nn h. will p. kit. ehih'd reslgmitlon lining, and that It didn't ruin come tax SO per cent. o new and fresh. o link log!- - oil t d never any won, American resident In Japan to inves- ii champion mii re-- , and light today and rereli here bo rainhowa o o ho Hurt I tunf of K in-- ; pots gidd ut pud of them, tigate an. prepare a on o o g.irdh'i-c- . lu.t thou' who folliin the us Us Muvcssor John Savage, of the statement tho Colds and Croup In Children. mia whu will tuke over the iiiiiii-- I He Is the Bolt of optimist you find various .piostions o A large o ;ime know Hint I In- niii-- tiiy. existing between the Many people rely upon stock of Lee and i Chamber- o Fisk ng.'lnent o Tnpoka team. I lie bo niton among men who love Hu ll tires direct from fac- o ding in Hie lulling n not iiImi Hie the two null. ma. The thought behind the lain's Ci;ugh Remedy Implicitly In o the o He ut the frain hlsi. was ei.inph'lo.l piped, unit draw' from tliem (He tory. dorp Hung in Hoi ring Although I. project, which has now been taken case of colds and croup, and H never o o anil Iho chin sunny contentment that .Nature o JikP u II who f.gme h t.glit. r alter up by tho Japanese, disappoints them. o e.ertn hud prartli ally decided to put stills .iilu tho mellow Ihuiey leaf. is that Japan has Mrs. K. H. Thomas, o ch.inccM on Im km.vMi i Ijogiinsport, o t..rin. iin ui.t. w In re- - AVlio no intention tu nuike war on the Unit- Hid., writes: "I have o The orally givp iilnr,i the ti' ini in t'uloi iidii Springs, Is Velvet Joo? found best equipped repair o cuiji.-- i.i, ihe w ed and Chamberlain's Cough Hemedy o shop in town. o dope, on upon a repi ' utative of the old club Ak the man hn runs the cigar State that the United Slates to be n (oiou.on 1jh,in we tin- - corner, say: no the best medicine for colds o o n Top. ku limilly agreed In mint'- Mmnt on the lie will ha Idea of making wur on Jiipnn. croup I ani o I have ever used, and never Always o asked hv the letigiie. "Oh. he's a friend of mine that s However, ii Is deemed imperative to tire of o have had and now have o will not he announced helplini me aril Velvet Smoking To recommending it to my neigh- o the best mechanics The dihedule discuss the existing bors nnd 1 o possibly not bni'io. He one of those problems frankly friends. have always giv- o and turn for muiio lime, until cheerful and fully, and If possible suggest en it to my o out the best work. o Apt il I. It was aald. fellow that ulwuvs has time lo bo children when suffering o menus of removing all misunder- from croup, and it ha never failed o o kind and courteous nnd smiling even to give o MiH-gu- them prompt Storage o htlhane Hcfonls When lp' talking huslnecH. standings. by relief." For aale o facilities and all dealers. accommodations es o I'llila.telphiii, Feb. U. JnhnnV "I wish thrii' were more llkn him." A a president of the Japanese Pence o and conven-fenc- o et IO Kilhuiie, feitiherwelghl champion, So what due It matter what A'l-v- society, Count Okuma. the prime min- superior to all. o laNt name UNION IO o had the betlir of a bom Joe's is? Wo know ister, ha named a committee' to meet BARBER SHOPS Al his fa.-- and we know hits o here inniKhi with Fddio organ of sentiments, with the Americana. AH o Kmtlund. The ilrst two rounds were hut still The list la not cars look alike to us; some Now this is merely suggestion. complete aa yet but include Huron Thelln Pro,, 1"2 S. Second to one of our numerous o ahoiit even und from then u the a 10ii W. and o end of Hip tight Kilhune showed If there are unv Sherlock HolnioaeB ikctanl, mayor of Tokio; Huron Shi- - Central o men has had experience o W. F. Switier. DO? o on every of luilnpiiilishlp form lo the disadvant nf an Investigating turn of mind In liusawa, lr; .Nitobe, lr. Soyoda, Vis- tv auu o make car. o age Moigsn. tho vicinity of lxington. In the Pino Hotel Combs. o of Tonight was the nr. count Kaneko ami others. F. Nicolacl, o The BEST o mul time the two men had met In Grusa Country, auh - 107 W. Central o always always C. F. Alexander. 20S BEST. o three weeka In bouts. And If these Inquisitive onea should Il ia estimated govern- S. Second o o run ncroas n gout Ionian with a cheery that the Carson & Knnls, 206 s. Second' o ment's llrnnd canyon game refuge. In w. o o i, disposition and a drooping white inus-tiitii- e Jasper, 305 S. Second o Alaurn ttoN Aiinonu, imw A. J, o Havana, t Ahearn who showed a marked prefer- eontuins shout 10,000 Clayton, 103 W. Silver o Yours o ence doer. K. T. Coonoy, 3u! for a square o of Lew-i- n for a tuhneco called "Velvet," S. First o deal, tirooklMi, Knocked out Willie M. o uf .Vow In pmrhapa - O., S13 R First, o York. the acciuul round They might .losotih o o f IWenty-rniin- d "hive the ood" on More thun nine million young Casmuss. 109 N their wheduled trees T. First ' o o match lure tonight. Velvet Joe himself. and 10.000 pounds of need were plant- Chaves. Haehoehi building o He Hint a it may, we glad to Chas. Vnn do o o THE mky rn are ed on the national forests In 1D14. Valde, did Town o ic. any that Velvet Joe will continue to CHAS. ItimMO.V. o o tararral IlUlrlkaiura Ilnldnin OiilHilntN Iloorlicr. be,. riajtilar Soo'v o New York, 13. Haln-wi- n, contributor to our o Butler Albourrqap, n. Foh. Matty The government built more Auto Company o Hoaton liglitwelsht, outpolnieil than rinke City Hatters o o :.000 ml. of trail and 3.000 miles IYom-1- , and o Willie Heocher thla city. In d of Vyvn o of a telephone dryloan and -- ( ' FIFTH Hrooklyn TV.ntnlCTi cotton th line on the national foreets jenxr nrrvi AND COPPER. o bout in tonight. 6trio. nin u in 1914, for tl.OO. 220 VVt Gold.! o ...... X IlODO lit, o o oooooooooooooooi:oooooooooooooioooooo?o.oooooooooooooooS -s 1 1 ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1915. FIVE "J

1 pliable and affable president I evtr HIGH PRAISE GIVEN knew was a total failure." 1 UNCOMMON PLAY SUNDAY SCHOOL ' BIG FIELD OF The one blot on Burton's political BELGIAN SOCIALISTS escutcneon is his failure to run an tin for the senate. The same congress- man who praised hini so hlirhly aboso Ahftorluteil Vren f'rrfNiii(leni-e.- ) SALE a a. SPECIAL TO ft CONVENTION said. "It was case of raid feet. Bui Loudon, Feb. The orgautTatlon PRESENTED TO CANDIDATES UP ton thought he clnild not lie clecte.J. of the socialist party in Brussels is do- He was In the dumps on his state The Pnnuna tolls bill was ing splendid work In alleviating dis- unpopular. The truiii.ils bad over- tress, according to a report from the got run the whole state. He simply American commission for relief. It CROWDED HOUSE BE HELD HERE FOD 1916 RACE cold feet and quit. Tins fact will not Trunks, Hand bakeries, t On help him next year, because people has two mploying ls.'i men don't ait mire a quitter." with u possible Weekly output of! West of Ohio there are two Ancient 220 tons of bread. At present they and honorable but yet unhurle, can- are ta k tni and distributing alsiut half' didacies awaiting their cerement, those that amount. Their bakeries are not Bags and Suit Cases fverywoman" Drives Homely Prominent Workers in World Republicans Are Already Spec- of Charles W. Fairbanks and Albert men allowed 10 sell for money, hut for1 Balrd Cummins. Neither of these every Tiuths in New Guise Across of Christian Education Se- ulating on Nomination to Is a possibility under tin. present cir- ounce of flour they receive from cumstances, but neither will concede the commission for relief they turn In Footlights to An Interested cured as Speakers Meet Be Made Next Year; Many it until he has been licked again in-- l a coupon signed by the head of a Bel- at likely each will most control his state gian f .1 in y saving he has received the Night eventually see it go Discount Crystal Last February but 25 Crowd at 23 and 24, Are After It, delegation, bread. rlscwhcsc. to Offer Mann. "When a man makes application for Illinois hi lp," never bad a president said the socialist secretary, "we woman phniiM see "Kvery- - The TO HONIN Illinois has livery annual county Sunday school tlHCItk COMIlMHCmri JOUMU She has lw can- ascertain bis business and If possible association Washington, 13. repub- s'nee Lincoln. had convention i be held here Feb. The didates woo thought they looked and how many of his family are depend- Thai's a punch-lin- e on the "Rvery-woman- " February L'3 and will be lican parly has taken the first step Commencing Monday Feb. 16 by featured ncted like Lincoln. The people did ent on him and how many have trades advertising, addresses from iwu of the men toward the nomination by peaceful or Cunnon, most prominent presi- nut take to either Cullom of their own. If it Is possible fur bltn it s true. in national Sunday means of a candidate for the so Illinois has switched to a totally everyone saw "Every-wiinmn- " school affairs to do work that will assist the com- ,n( who and by an address from dency In ltllii by cutting down the type, J. inns K. Maun. Lin- it, It is n nr. different mission for relief we let him pay for liked Imt safe Frank II. II. Roberts president purchasable delegations from the old coln was long and tliir.. Mann is short it'll that everyone who saw it of the New Mexico NornVil Univer- slaveholding states. The next task and di.'poscd to be rotund. Lincoln the coup him by doing that work. For lie made to thinli of it. sity at Fast I.ns Vegas. Is to find the candidate. could bring u man over with a good example, if a man Is a shoemaker we 'IH ili'timt "i:yTywoiniin" into any The more prominent Sunday school That this will be difficult, not be Hlory, Mann can drive seventeen away let him make boots that ale turned In workers ib. cause men, oiii', or even two, of the classes of Hit are llev. F. ltalev, Held of a paucity of good but with a verbal Jab. Lincoln was to the commission. This pat I Iciilur il on stage 1h u secretary fur New Arl-.on- u liii'S'iil' tlio modern Mexico and because of the cloud of candidates loved. Mann Is feared. Lincoln wis form of work, however, Is becoming Trunk Factory too great u for the average for the general Suiiduv school who will offer themselves becopies be, Albuquerque lilllr task president. Mann lever will lie liupossiblii on account of the failure newspaper man, or tliH average association, mid Key. Matthew J. more apparent every day. The ga- III uuis delegation. will just have the supplies raw of all miic NoiK' of tlii'in mi' broad Tretiery, superintendent of extension mut has' not yet been run, hut al- This Is a good deal for Mann, of the of material every work for ii. kinds. of the unem- miuiikIi. Kioiii field, of urt ever the Methodist Sunday ready there are a dozen well defined l nriMit Talk in oii-I- The number 209 S. SECOND ST. purl rayed iiion tlio stage the nuthor schools of the country. candidacies in different pints of the I'p in Wisconsin (lieie Is some tn'k ployed mining the weavers, bookbind- An 1 unil director of tlio pi'oiturtlon it's interesting program has been country. about enroot, but it is premature. ers, miters, etc , In Brussels and the to it t tint, anyway, if no more arranged and an excellent attend- New York Claimant Is a growing man, a positive wife cull lVcqucut Lenroot country at large Is increasing enor- i iimniiiinnnw ll'iM Jim specific in have culled ance at the convention Is expected. In republican party, but no- il.ll.itMi; .'M.ih'rtnin,;Vlf M.lflt, tin-- T term at hand To recount them, begin with New force the mously." J..!!.; l.lill1 fS.f the choicest to make the production York. New York frequently has u body looks for his nomination now. of beauty and food are two others who are "pro-.ieckln- it thine for NIPPON WILL LEAD candidate for the republican nomina- There Hanged Murdering Child. thought. "Kverywoman" combines tion. In 1M0 it was Seward. War around. These are William for I i Chicago. 1 :t. liosw ell C. K. com prices, drama, opera, mu-fiii's- il unil initio lden Siiiltn, ol .Micnigan, aim Wi- Feb. and the vrilt-L.l- mf IVIILLIUIVO, put a period to activities of this kind hanged today mur- comedy, color, warmth, Hunt, qundrenniums, but New lliam K. Borah, of . Neither Smith was for the for three president. is of Hazel Wclnsleln, four jears Ads Bring Results lii'tH'ii, and some wonderful settings, STUDENTS ARE TOLD York bobbed up in 1S7H with lioscoe one looks like a Borah der Journal Want iui Mi old tnifi'ther with some very capable tu-li- Conkllng, In 1KS0 with General Grant, short and squat, with hair like Allien the and the basic foundation of the in 1K84 with Arthur, In 18X8 with herb doctor. Wl'll.'im has traditional old Knglish miracle plays", M. I.. Fox talked to the high school Depew. In 1892, IS'.iB and ItntO New manner of a rush order drummer for into a spectacle that in students Friday afternoon on the ens-ton- s, York lay quiet or supported the win- hardware. religion system William Alden Is a mighty af- ;j ml and educational ning But , candidates, Harrison and some money It enunciates truths that are ly of the Japanese. pointed out the In it of course had fable entertainer, has and Guaranteed wonderful progress by l!tt4 ambition. known, when one Flops to made that but in 1 1) S joined the boundless country, Itoosevell. is a big brained man, iiniiiuliiT them, with a dignified yet which now Is challenging allies who attempted to slave Borah the supremacy of the white race, lawyer, a magnificent debater and a Made-to-Measu- re Clothes i risp decision that roliH them of all of Tuft. wag In off the nomination liberal progressive In his Ideas. Ile"is of t l it n km and then it since the country opened 1S5J appears have semblance by t'ommodor l'erry. New York thus to the man who made all the heavy tullts hammers them home with a mimical played an ambitious role In republi- com- cuinedy number, very well Mr. Fox pointed out that after the for lloosevelt before the national chorus can politics, frequently demanding in 11112 yet refused Hi i'ol- - limn', mo, as opening up of Japan to intercourse being mittee and a rule. a the presidency and frequently low Teddy out of the party. If "Kverywoman" Is a musical with civilized nations it sent out presidency as In commission, which, Investigation handed the vice j Borah will probably hi lug dow n the one of the sublime; afler 1900, 1 90S "show" it reminds of conditions in Kurope and America 1K76, 18SU, 1S8S, 1SS2, and pelts of the mountain states, nut wnai if it is a serious drainatle effort it 1912. he will do with them in the conven- army's re- recommended the adoption of the one of the Salvation Oerm.m army system, the Mritlsh The Dmplre State's Program. tion Is a. ptoblem. He will have to ligious conns done to popular airs. Or York Fair- 13.0 navy system, system ot The customary plan nf New somewhere. Smith, Kipling's the French deliver them to description of the book jurisprudence and the American sys- is to play up a favorite son and trade banks, Cummins nfid Weeks will have ef .Morman, "And the I.ord mi id unto tem of public schools. F.ducation. be him off for the man the wise ones to do the same. The ultimate dcstlna- - Musis, (ireat .Scott, what air ye want, to of son delegations " said, compulsory there, which of the state really and then tlon these favorite v I (lain'.' laV'gely accounted for the uniform make such a tremendous plea that will determine the issue. In "Kverywoman" s, The settings used victories of the Japs over the Kns-iuu- the F.mpire state is doubtful, that, the Three Possible Solutions. tiie lavish In their richness; the scenic as Ii is impossible for !'0 per vice presidency is handed out and There are three- - possible solutions. (e i i ssiirit.x. Unlit ins? and the fike are cent illiteracy to concpier 100 per places in the cabinet are vaguely First, that Whitman may mum 'l the best xeen here for many InnK cent of literacy all of the Japanese promised. Thus it Is hiHtory that good In the governor's chair and com- moons and the orchestra in good soldiers having more than a common Thomas C. Plait, the easy boss of pel the nomination to come to New enough to satisfy even the amateur school education. New York, went to his grave com- York. This is possible, but not prob- highbrows.. "Kverywoman" played Mr. Fox stated that Japan is the plaining that McKinley promised to able. - J Only More Days last night to a crowded, Second. Whitman may fall and then 3 lure only nation, not white, that is realty make him secretary of the treasury ninety-nin- e per cent of whom ac- a scientific people, and that out of the old man by there Is no Inherent improbability of and deceived a trusting He can claimed it as "great" for its present Kniopean war the mikado's not doing it. the choice falling on Burton. spectacles, graceful (lances, empire will (emerge the dominating be front in afford to wait. He will not be a hur- New York will at the is nominated pretty girls or some of the other half power of all of the hundreds of mil- the 191S convention and undoubtedly rah candidate, but if he dozen excellent features which ap- lions of Asia and the recognized head It will be through trench warfare that will present (iovernor Charles S. delegation after pealed to them, al'vay remembering of the Mongolian race. Whitman for the presidency, but conquers one stale the music. The other one per cent another until hi boom is ready for and will whether earnestly or merely for Come in tomorrow and make your selection from an y pattern of our FINE WOOLENS, we are thinking about the production Jeorge Iloolittie, president of the trading pui'l'ses rannot yet be told. the final charge. today and all of them are talking freshman class, returned to school The third solution is contingent on Few who have looked Whitman over thes-.- for about It. Monday ufter a long absence on ac- a the failure of all of candidates make you a Suit or Overcoat to your individual measure $111.00. believe that he can develop Into on conven- count of Illness. scourge, K. to Impress themselves the moral such as Charles tion and a deadlock to be broken by BOARD PASSES UPON Hughes proved to be, able to bring Associate Justice Merton Lewis did not attend school can- the nomination of of the bosses to their knees. If he Hughes, of the supreme court. l.Wens ' ARMIJO'S ELIGIBILITY last week on account of the death not do this he cannot become a real this, REALIZE IT? his father, lie will return tomorrow. of republican leaders look for A GRAND OPPORTUNITY CAN YOU candidate for the nomination. Kut very They fclso.look for an Empire state dele- result. FOR PAROLE FROM PEN rerJi men beat sophomore he will hold the easv campaign if Hughes accepts, llis Tha f the gation in line until it Is decided Wednesday in inter-rlas- H high character and the glamor that afternoon the go. i tournament, 29 to "4. where it shall still clings around his ndmlnist'-allor- The penitentiary board, basketball s state ICngland Itiu-k- Weeks. believe that at. Ke Friday, pass- The seniors won from the juniors, 32 New In New York make them which met Santa Win-gat- coun- Ar-mij- e Hughes fancy of the ed upon eligibility of Azario o to 31. Friday evening the seniors Within a few days the John with the the captivated and Wll.-ioi-i for parole, lie was sent to the tiimmid the sophs, 31 to 27, and the Weeks boom has appeared. It try Is already NATIONAL WOOLEN MILLS prison from Bernalillo county for freshlea defeated the Juniors. 22 to 7. has grown so fast that there is every already defeated, nrsault with intent to kill upon K. Indication that it will absorb the New 1ES WE SELL" A football squad was "MAKERS OF THE CLOU V. Fee. picture of the England delegations. RUSSIANS HAVE 49,000 tnken Saturday at the high Is is custo- The hoard's action is limited to afternoon Senator Weeks what 198 1 20 West Central Ave. building. be T. G. WINFREY, Manager . Phone simply certifying whether a prisoner school The photo will marily, for ( want of a better term, TURKISH PRISONERS sent guide. iK eligible. The granting of the parole to the football called "a strong man." He is a Armijo business man and banker. lie is U up to Coventor .McDonald. in may be paroled some time before the Milton Grande, a former student wealthy and yet not of the predatory fIV MOSHIN JOURNAL HPICIAL LtAtlD WRI1 night school, has been transferred 13 (9:32 p. m.) ii'Xt meeting of the board, April 10, the brand. He has had large experience London, Feb. department of the Forty-nin- e prison- his accumulated "good time" entitling to the commercial In the house and senate. He is kind- thousand Turkish high school as a special student. 527 officers, have puss-e- d him to release provided the governor ly, stalwart and jovial. ers, including decides to issue the parole. He would be a nominee, acceptable through Pyatigorsk, in the terri- An indoor' inter-clas- s track meet Is en route A petition against freeing Armijo to the people who know most about tory of Terek, to be held Friday night, February 20, war with ? lit was circulated here, what a president should be, but he to the interior, since the this time, armory. Pet-rogr- mam probably was to the gov- at the would hardly make a whlrwind cam- Turkey began, according to the ? 'ibis sent correspondent of ltouter's ernor with other records In the case. vege- paigner. His nomination would be Four students are studying the signal for a print campaign of the Telegram company. t table gardening and one, general agri- The same dispatch says George T. "Tlio licst I Know Of." has kind produced for McKinley by Mark culture. The gardening class in lXfttl. M.irye, ambassador from the I'tiiled "1 have sold Chamberlain's Tablets hotbed will begin planting Hanna y built a and - States to Russia, formally communi- for several years, l'eople who have Ol.l'i Hum Throe- Possibilities. foreign nothing else, I this week. cated today to the Hussion used them will take Coming West into the Mississippi office the German declaiatlon of in- f my custom- can recommend them to valley there is Ohio, the stepmother tention to blockade the British Isles. ers as the best laxative and cure for NEW STREET PAVING of presidents. Ohio, torn tempor- t constipation that I know of," writes arily from its moorings by a tempest ? Frank Wrouse. Frultland, Iowa. For BILL IS DRAWN UP of socialism blown up out of her con- sale by all dealers. stitutional convention, and driven in- Faces As Fair As ? BY CITY OFFICIALS to the democratic hnrbor, has not had the influence on republican politics A Summer's Day t Mayor Hontright, City Attorney T. that she had in the days of the war ' decades afterward. t X. Wilkerson and City Hnginei'r J. and for is not discour- rs Cladding have drafted a bill to revise Nevertheless Ohio Are Possible If Stuart's Calcium Wn-fo- Sf-''?S- the procedure aged. In her days of power she al- a the laws prescribing president. Are VhcI for Short Time necessary lor cities to go through in ways had one candidate for After I nch Meal. They In time of distress and regener- making street improvements. her to t Many people have been have sent copies in Representatives ation she has three. Senator Theo- heard .vioinoya m dore Burton, Governor Frank B. Wil say tnnt they used creams and lotions ? K. A. Mann and rvesior years (fleet, yet after fiviv fez Santa Fe. lis and former Ambassador Myron T. for without T Is- ot Calc'ttw The bill would provide for the Herrick are the possibilities. nr six days Stuart's by city to pay Wiseacres eliminate Willis on the Wafers their complexions were per suance of bonds the fectly ? for paving. Property holders liable ground that he is too young, too clear. ? for the cost of the improvement green and too uncertain for the stiff would pav their assessment In an- job that will confront the banner-ma- n nual Instalments. The bill Is mod- of l'Jl. The f'K't ltiat ne nns eled after the Colorado law. It also the patronage of the state will not 'fv f would provide for the investment of help him to a national standing. For ? sinking fund moneys in these bonds that ho must await the ripening re- V I sults of time. FOOD SITUATION AT Itiirton Has First Call. of ap- Large Stock of a With Willis out It Burton v ? We Have Too TAMPICO SERIOUS pears to stand a better chance than v ? yf Herrick. On form Burton should be Vv rjf r Ohio's favorite son. lie could gather ? y MOHNINO JOUHMAt CIL LIAIIO Wll some, delegates from other states on BABY Washington, Feb. 13. A report to strength of his national charac- y CARRIAGES today Irom the Buggies the state department ter. He has had a wonderful career Carriages, Tamplco savs the food situation there the he took y Our new line of in Washington. Jn house 1915 Baby Is serious. The local government has the lead on financial and waterways Go-Car- and t Cruz x Carriages. ts and Sulkies imported corn from Vera questions. He studied himself into peons a nominal y is now on display. sold It to the at such a state of rxpertness on finance once or twice offered PrAbout Tamplcfi that he was and y 300 Americans left be- and refused it. He HameSS, treasury and (Hit IshuktirtMls tn a .Ilff.v s T'nited States. A the "f Rid of BABY recently for the came America's authority on water- by I'Kliig- Stuart's 'allium Wafers." y CARRIAGES from of destitute families In tne congress number sent north. ways. No man in or out of It's easy to understand why. Cream:! $12.50 to $40.00 interior also are to he would care to dispute Theodore Bur- and lotions only gel at the surface, For the next 1 5 days will sell ALL OUR HIGH CLASS VEHICLES ton's figures on Boston harbor or while .Stuart's Calcium Wafers go WIDOW OF GENERAL Jim Crow creek. He knows them right Into the blood and Instead of a off. GO-CART- Other Standard Grade Buggies at f S from both. sluggish deposit in the skin the Im- at ACTUAL COST. 25 y B, IWCLELLAN DIES merely a theoretical cause skin diseases are to G, Nor Is Burton purities that y $8.75 $20.00 waterways man. When the laat ses- destroyed in the perspiration that f Harness off. Whips, nice new stock, 33lz off. .Good Steel sion of congress offered to pass a exhaled through the pores in the forr. T 25 y JOURNAL Wl! (IT MOSNINO PtCIL Ll0 nnd harbor bill that Burton said ot invisible vapor. Vou'll never from Feb. 13. News of the river each, and many other articles at prices proving to you y SULKIES New York. Wlcn wtiB full of John, he rose right up In a good complexion without pure Curry Combs 5c death at Nice, France, of Mrs "You pass you positively will have a to of Maj. '.en. the senate and said, won't blood but y $1.50 $7.50 SlcClellan, widow 1 use Marv rece It until have had my say about It." fine, beautiful complexion if, Vou biggest bargains ever offered in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Oeorge H. McClellan was iyed - the George I Thereupon he began his say arid stood Stuart's Calcium Wafers. f y todav by her son, no poisootnis of See us before purchasing else mayor ol up talking day after day until Sena- They contain drug McClellan, former Simmons, In charge of the bill, any kind, are perfect! liarmless and y wnere, was the immediate tor as we can save you York. Pneumonia "veiled for quarter and brought In a can be taken with, tibsolute freedom, f y cause of her death. magic. Cal- Large Stock at Once money. Ceneral smaller bill with instructions to the, and they work almost like See Our For many years after engineers to spend It wisely. cium Hulphide, their principal Ingre- y 1885 Mrs. McClel- army It death In was a great triumph for Burton. dient, Is the grruwst blood-cleans- lan made her home in Nice. repeated in present ses- to science t monthly y He has the known We will also sell on payments sion with a monumental fight on thV No matter Uw bad your skin may y GERMAN NAVY EQUIPPED ship purchase bill, be, Stuart','' Calcium Wafers will "Burton," said a republican mem- quickly wok wonders with it. lt'i t y DEVICES m, i WITH LATEST ber of the house, "is not liked bv goodby to blackheads, pimples, acne, ? "filled-up- y "nwur www wrwww wwj either side, but Is feared by both. It bolls, rash, eczernu and u dirty " he were president the politicians complexion. You ran get a l,oX (Amm-lute- Ce & rrw any CO. do any more with him than of Stuart's Calcium Wafers at KORBER sail- couldn't J. 213-21- London. Feb. 3. The German 60 centq and you y 8 5 West Gold. they have done with Wilson. But he drug store at a box, t sink- ors who were rescued from the would be a good president. lie Is an will bo positively delighted with their wore new 208 North Second Street Furniture, Carpels. Draperies ing cruiser Hlucher all able man. He has the foundation of wondeiful effect. A small sample J style with which the experience. He !s wise and canny nnd packaff mailed free by jiddresslng F. l, and Stoves navy has been equipped stubborn as a mule and I guess the A- - Xtuart Co., 175 Stuart Uldg., J German Ttje only Mich. ttttM since the beginning of th war. president baa to b that. r six ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL', SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14. 1915.

not Melhodiet Kplwopnl, S, :!,: the miin nr nthrr (t:f If tlrman j Kxp. Will take married man If worn- - The American Newspaper Houthern Huptus!, ,;5!,21 (he Na- - CHANCE TO GET nn will n.llk. No chllilrcn oldpr NEGRO WITNESS CHURCHES I tlonal H11 pi let (colored I, 2,i s.sck; ihn Directory! IKE i,- - Annual I, ft jfurn. Milit adviim Tr "tn nmrrlcd and the IlpiacopH Hi'tith, nnt nycr f'0" deducted (Hi5,7u7; the Pr tibvtel lull, Northern, "111!" timn but mli, 1,- - C PM wlnlfr. $Sn-S- I'M minmfr, $22 Paced, royal mUiVo, cloth.! 1.442.4HK: the I nn. iiilcs of t lil'W, 110 I'M for wifi. $1 I'M $1,110 net, Published 33,lii3- the Northern I dipt in! Con Grip, Iiifluenzn, HiFM. curriaiie fxtrn. protest-an- t For 0 IS AT AN winter nml 130 I'M mimmcr. Iit-- IN BECKER CAS E by .V. V. Ayer Hon, A lvertlHlnB i COOD s vention, 1.23S, .'3, and the for pini-- l miin. fiimrm-- r pay AireutH, fcpiiHupal, l.Oiri.l'Ji!. These seven Coughs, 8010 Thmat Philadelphia mill, Miircli I, Hy 1.1, 11 to II Tin- - forty. Hfventh year of contlnn-- j li.ilia aKKreitate over !!, pp. - Una iiieuibi 1st, or mure three-fuUitli- lionm I'rrmiiiitnt. hum pul.liiclii.n l.i plu'M un the IUI j rdi- j than ('nun-ly- . l'ciirnylyaiil(i Siiiniii linnna lioll of t);ix comprehi nsiye review of of the entile hkki'i Kale of dm E VERYBOD 7 - S. oiu? marrii'il mnn. ADMITS PERJURY the ncwrtpnper mauazine field. FOR YEAR 1914 17n rclivioiiM laidiei. nnd ineniher-Hhi- p Farm work, 'icrmnn, pohiih, i:nNlnn, The book In roll of valuable informa- The elicit', on church V.H. 2 of Kiiropenn In narrow. LBS other f'vp liri No Tr tion for the puhlohiTM of thla coun- the War I'M up Mi'CordiiiK to Bliihty, llilFAM. try for deal with inif the Htrc.-ii- tit Iniiiiici-ali.n- i vere per nml nil thne who -. Twenty cent (one person ...l... I.I.. - u n .1.. ll.A- i...-l..ul In Hump work for wife hi extra pay. them. The fact mnl fiKiireH pertain- l'i "'.. ni, iinn- nnuili, an oiii. tin- Will Ink niriKlo man If married lint Hve moruiiK or in year were involv- live) die from tlie effects of Says ing to c.jch of the :'4.7-- 4 p'lblicationii a partial, Department 'of Labor Issues (tvniln lili IIS-2I- I I'M. t'liiiin any Statements Made on the Grand Total of Members Is ed. The eiiiiurai ion of men In take nf Imteil are preHenied In n mont com ly cured Cold. llmr up ,11 May I. 11 hours I'll. Perm. plete, yet condcnKcd and pan ill ine greai conrnct woui.i 1101 First Bulletin Under Gov- 15 Stand, When Police Lieu All Larger lie a very name If mitlufncmry. Miin lo 40 fin 111. OO,U0,l49 and larK.. factor for the This danger Is averted by lining pr. Am reasum. The (iernuin Ini.lics Bu- jcnin old. nlway. peii,il nttenllon lin "Seventy-seven- ernment Employment K T . 7 tt 1 . tenant Was on Trial, Were Denominations Show Ue- - repreneiila-jt.v- t' Humphreys' " lmonnln Poor f'oiimy. been given to the important matter ran, liiformeii, mid the asur. (Applicant livc In lii inn, ) One of circulation fimireii. of the PiiiKsl.-t- Huite church, nil itiR complete recovery, while Its ton. reau Scheme Just Started, false, cided Increase, I married mnn Cure und ciillivHlion of Hupplerneriiiiry to the general rnt how unuMial for 4 On the Ilolland-r-r- . icily mistains BJ'stem, on hard, carr fur team, etc. Includ-luk- other hand, Unman Catholic ynlns the HnfcRii.ini. are 122 i lafif n d lists. ' ' Hcriiian or llclKlan, iiiiml Kpcak ilalllcn, maciiiineii, wiiiiiph's, ale iiiiu hniall. inn any ornan prone to ilisease. ll.-l- op- f'Tne i. I.xp. ntr HoNixa mail-ori-- I'll fust bulb tin of available and wilif Tr not ml. mu.Ni. 1. .tea wia.l aarii-tiltor.-il- rHiulnun, and teci:i.L roamimMMwci to moanins jouhmali I ,le- - yuiiccd. 1 11 I'M year Philudelpbi,,. 13. 13 K "Heyenty-s.'Ven- " break up portunities" in be Issued l.y the round, IHIAKl John II the vnriotm Inide and flaHM pnblica-lloim- , New York. Pen. The relittiouK I III MAH IA h M K h,n,l 'j. r I mi it( nf labor of Ihe toiled Hlttea and pcrmlNMion lo keep row and pIK. JolinKton, n Nw York lawyer, Halt! each las listed under :i acp- - bodu-i- i of the I'niteil Htatca have mil "In Km I nmeiit III lioonrdaaoe with tha No work for wife. Not Inter than here tonlKbt that James Murshiill. urate head. cause to be iliscour.iKcil over the re-- 1 MAKING CANAL MAPSl'"",'. 1 !i j ntly Inaugurated .l . n bring April IS. I'miiil hour". I'et suits of the year 4 . new com- - 'Z" nt , !! to the imiiifnt the ni'Krn who v'M a witni-- In Ibis iixeful feahire of the booic In The , Sir nnd """V"" job n I u ) miliwfartuly the munlcantu ihi' man r unit reduce If cme kept fully abreavt of I he imen, nn la or niembers added made mailed, n County, d Out- - mnn, of Charles Ilecker, Under Kiiod by IhV MONIa H3UHN.L PICIAL LIA.IO WIHII tn'iTs ilo iiient, has been received nnd (Irani Iruli. ati'd by of lis li?ts: Aero-- 1 all the Iohms death, expul.slon of dentil r inurd.-- Her-inn- n Home 1 illiiiiwn. In a most Interesting dm (.Iniile pieferreil. hul will tako mar-rie- the nf or Panama. I'eb. 3. Private Charle IIiiiiiiI'C)V Medicine Co lunont. Kor In i.aiitii", MnvlnR Pictures, withdrawal, and left it nurplua of Hip part (Icin-ra- l work, h loniitbal New York, hail three-iiuarlf-- If. Hill, the Tenth Infantry. V. S A.. l.'.li William street, Nt w York. roost the positions offered farm r"W. imi-- Woman HiiffraKe and nerly of a million. ft a miitement toniKhi in ilm Is. who has been doiiiir lock guard duly lire fur tii'iu labor, hut opportunities IrlHh or Herman nr nlher KS Kxp. An especially valuable feature Is the That the I. .1.1 i.....,,l..,..l,, ,j e form of nn affidavit to the effect that .1 ny a fur dome-li- sort-mi- and wuuld-h- e advfinced from ('hlciiKn, ilediu ted. 1. (I7X It was In 11113. n'al lores, wan truil iminy Tr he my-r- fal.scly Ilm vast in. ,in,t ,,f 1... ,i,.i ,.n,.rl kiealer than This,"1 setth-- r (linn $1.1 $.111 $1.'.-H- 0 at second trial ...... i inci-piis- fu-- coiit t on hariie of naviti'? me 'i'hw bulletin lo I'M fur married man. f. i..m .1 .i. . .. - is an averaife of i...r- nuirllal the of Pecker. i...... it l,..t....,.u ..9 H l....L-- lf - follow. ?(. HI. AW for oiiiKlc man. In hniirri ,"'- mi an iiouies (ireai yiiiali, - ' " M'heri nuked w hi t her lie ntt.iched illation fitures, and the transput iinn Chris tar.t I !n ili il information concerning PI 1. I'eriiinrient. $ I I'M fur lian and "''' ,lril' ffw "niinpoi the anv HMKiilflcance to Marnhall'ii ulleiie.i hiirikliiR nnd other facilities of Klibornte mspi" following applications fur help may; $.'11 Manh. $M April nnd $30 every siiilistical tables prepared hv n,;'lm- - The sketches, notes and Hudson-fo- t at.'i'oinrntH, Mr. JnlniKton mild In. town, to the number of nearly Pr H ' Signs I c ap- l.iy K. fi-roi- i. Isi-n- m,'aKf'r hliii a u:iter Seemed, free nf charge, upon I. ihi-- twelve 11 newspa- and hy the Ketlerai wer' " un "important." thousand, in which ' ll 1 at plication to distribution branch, 1', H. iliatil l unrity. me niar-rii'- d per is p, Council ,,f the Churches "' "' Japanese charne JohiiHton hurried to Pblladi lph'n published, neth, r with the of Christ ill 4 represented iiiiitiigrntion N. mnn. Him k to 1.1 cown. - America, Japan is not wrilrf, Aii.uiiic riue, farm. late I lend iiik industries, production- and show in detail the (tain a nd thin NftiTiioon nt the reiiutut of "n ,h'" 1 ''e decision of the M. i)frmnn, Irlnh (Hwni or American. Pei kei 'H chief couniel, who had been other noteworthy fi atures of the place losses nf the veir "'"'"' Wall Paper 1 8 nnt ,f"1' Key to abbreviations need; PI.AW None but white. Kxp. or children g mat-- I The Mrand iotal'of is l'""rl h"?n tt""""m- inrorriii-- of MarKhall ulleRed mule land its vicinity. The descriptive , members ni.vf i dedtn-li-d- .,, . 'says he was usiiik this means Prce hoard. Induing and washing. permitted Tr niKnm d, re nienln, ter Is supplemented bv a specially it ' mu. " ' I.'.M'I HI 1,,'llllllil- - I'M Per 11 rt y. HAY If nlaVK 3 yenrK J l I'M win- Kettiiii out of the service. month. Per I. funded .Marnhall !n riot under nrreHt. j prepared map nf ,a,h st ite, showing lions share In the increase. Ilaiitlsts - lin!ii,ntr $.1a I'M IPiKfVM M'lfe Pree hoard mil JI'IFitM ter, Hummer. prai iicauy every newspaper town. Kained i;.'.l:T,, Kastern Orthodox 111U qnJi-- HUDSON for Picture I , Journal wunt hring rmultt. nfurnlshed house, eiitrt-n- milk and enn help to milk Hv Mar. h 1. I'mial Ills'! ATI VI V Convenience nn l ihurches, a,f,(ifi; the Koman Catholic1 ItKT oil coin iscness have ' ikii for fuel. KH Knglisli speaking. hiiiirn. I'ci iiianeiit. Watilsi man li SI (.(.I .M S HKIItl ItY been studied thri.injhnut, ami the church. 13H.k:,ii; the Lutherans. r,,- - Frames Kn :ici li in cil, Tr Ti 11 nMimrl f- write him CnmliiK. book place at of pub .01: the tiei'tmin Kvani-elic- Hviiod. ill. in. (Mlur limn larni I 11 borer. New York, I eb 13. pisirlci At- lishers, if advertisers. of business representing Hie Ht;,t,. Church of St. Ami Copiier Aim, -- FAYWOOD HOT SPRINGS Fourth kansas Mississippi 870-- 1 A J31,-41- rminly. ( iometlc. ) torney Charles Perk Inn declared In men. of student, hhiarians, etc., a :'!i..ll.,; the Methodists, 1. '7i.i. dm' mini, until fre-d- Troti-ble- n. married, Irurk Pintrli-- of i'ounibla a stateirient tonlKht that the testi- vast amount of i information net the Presbyterians, .Mi.nlH: Ihe For Itheumatlsm, Ptomach flower gnrih n work'. Heltrinn prefer-- I mony jeivcri by Jnmcn Marshull nt to be elsevv h re. Protestant Kplscopal chun-li- M7-ID- One HiliKle wonmn or widow lb" procured i's,41. Kidney Ailments, Inflammat- n il. l- rcni h. Italian nr lunc h. Kxp. j police The with one (leneral hniiMework. trial of Lieutenant Charles The Annual and Pirectory in now Protestant Kpiseopa church has ion!!, Arterial Hardening, Loco- Small hlhlrcn urn objectionable. Tr j Ilecker was secured from Marshall the only publication of its kind h crossed the million line, havinx 11111I ProleHtanf, No work for hunlmnil. $12 h. motor Ataxia, Nervous Breaking, advanced, il, "looted, limy refund. substantially as he nave It is compiled - Rained M;.4K I ! 11, I'M riMnn nnd bniiril. Tr uilv from afterwards from information Ratli- since and over M.111 In imps, owner In on the witness In form of red Ui..ri.ijfhness San, 1)1111 since 1 HR. etc. Perfect Trentnient, Perfect fit New York, deducted l'i rtna nenl. II to stand.. the with such melt furnish rvi rlhlni'. Vi lli advance liim an nfliilavit within ten after year Climnte, Health, Pleasure, Large H pp. ( to ininnhs from tiriKinal source". Mr. The Unman Catholic lunch has some money- until crops ni - liourn ippnrtnnlty attend he was l.rntiirh! Into at p. Modern Hotel. marketed eveiilnic Hcliooln the district lieoiir,. Ho well was the first to Kained nearly a million and a oiiur- - Booklet. inf work wife If desired. At torney's office upon In , fur Sfi7-- his arrival thisl compile such wink, ami for many! ter since inhi and mm-.- C. I'll, permanent. Texan Han Halm. One city than five nnd T. MclM'ltMOTT, our.'. In hours ' before the trial. years he issued the A News-paie- r half millions I n 11 K In woman or widow. fieneral niei iccn since nml. I'ajHml, X, M. ii lvv,ii- r- Ki HI County. Mr. Perkins went Into varlnin poln's Pire, tol). PolloWiliK The j Herman IKI PM, his deillll, Methoilist episcopal church, fine niiin, single, giiii-ni- t farm work, bonewoik. HU In the affidavit to have been Tr. paid. Permanent If H.itlKfartory. alb'trd the Iuicctniy, with its records, enpv-ni-ht- the scfond l.iruest ion, Herman between .Ti unit lin, Pnglish made hv Marshall In Philadelphia. j I and properly, was Hold to N. pained 4S7 In pi 14 , one with itoinl ediicnllon Wanted. j 17, and nearly we A-- ',,,1,1,111 ,.! 1 .... mi I'waM', mher IN Iico pt.ihle. Kip, "Kvcr since last Annus! have W. Aver Hon, , - I Wlm-onKi- lirei n County. KA 7 I 3 S. who combined it with f H II, ! Tr hi! vii 11: lUiliu'ii il, refunded af-l- i known directly from him that he wa.ij tin The WM. FARU COMPANY j hoiine-- lr Annual. The thirty chnrchi s, i FRlvD pELiyY One hiiikIc woman fur ra I bi i 11 nnslitiilinR C r one i nr. t'i I'M winter nml $1.1 K''in tr off' red money uml simi , iltl. I'.H CiTiployim-n- l Ihe rederal Council of the Chun he Wholesale and Retail IJealara la r. I Mmi 1I1 I I work. f.r a " Mr, , I'M MiMiin tn ic ember - Miiieiiiciit nii, Perkins, "tn Altnt-kn- AM) KAIT MICA fin- $:t r. 1 llw lo Pre, cut unions of Cbiict in America, report, as will be ilUHII It I I I 1.1. Hi round husband if niiiriied, the effect le.wtiinoiiy Kiven WJtW. Wanted bv Pclirnurv thai the oinitir' ev. riM eci 11, nearly I 7, .".nil, mm Kaaaaue A HiMX'InJly li,l:llliUi'J'f-l- $4 per W IU I.. ll I last llier shiiilown inembi rs hum's pp. Purmmoiit If Mtisfai liny. to eek, Tr nfll in fd by bun at he trial W as untrue. W M;hcfr. Pi'lin-aneii- t. Thin is esiiecallv iron if less 111,. aarri-- Cattle and Hokk the Ruicwrt I from Iik' and deducted I lic- - than half of far ri .f Columbia abo knew from him bat be was 11' II f. ... .1 - . Wishiiictnii. I i.iiiniin ntlilcka. Your liiue'tiie nil ...... - Market Price Ara Paid. in hoiun to lioum PP. 111.. 4 C . '.' VI "" " llnilis, Willi III.;,- '" ., 111 in- ftiy 1111c 111:1 I Ibrillelied ..n.l ." ,l,.ot!f..l ,.,m v. ,11 V. .i,i,,.i.i iiii.i i. inn I H , , , ,,, , i, ei nun arid if Hell III ) 1, - liiuiisteis and ihuiIv l.lftliini ! I led Infill Niillln M I vitopcllll, l r 01 o.inny inn. in- v.. .in. i you are mit,le t 1.. 1,11 ,.11 ,l. ,..i,. - Pee County. Ijmd chinches. These bodies have a net I in- ; i hiiilii n pi miiliii-il- . Tct.'ia - Sii r,0. make a lie wan lol l lieu ihr.. f BALDRIDGE Ip. Tr $:i."i Chamln tl.iiii's Tabids n ,,f over r.iiii.iiini for mi lo at $10 to per acre, h tin-B- meinlii rs, or llilt:ince lllli) dcilili IimI. j ", 11 J.i;, siu rerraclion would not hurt him; noun an -- in Hvniiti,ina appear nml more than two-thir- LUMBER COMPANY M ciitih. h.ilancw I011K time. Partly culti- It nf the entire CITY I that there was money In and that DUKE I'M year round vegetables the attack mav'be warded off 1'or increase of all bodies. Hi-i- i vated. Corn, cotton, mirichum, furnished In nf garden if desired. kalfir he would net hurt If he tlliln't make ytle by all dealer ROOFING with 15-- ! corn, k i mindy i There nre nine -- jPAROID Home work fur wife If fpni llf I11I. Al et'. llbn nml horolate . denominations. Cleaners Hatters WpIIk If Which have 1 .000.0(10 n,l mm ie,i I'uniil hmii'M, loam. Near Alice. Jim cniinlv. Mr. Perkins said that on Monday j Jinirnal Hum ml. ,,,,1,-- mice. farm inrd n, renuln. 1 guarantee. j Tex. Irrigation not neceKMary. - (Jood III pet prop. ) the Komah Catholic, 3, 7 14,37 ; t2A year fur MilillHiiiuil In for iiii.l Inn. ) (( the papers the Iter appeal the West Gold. Phone iti Any ably be at-- llhnow t'lmmpiilKii trniiHiiiirtalion fai llltle, would filed in the district j Cimnly. T1. torney'n office for the argument! 4H0, in ulintln riinn. farm, I'.imii which will take place mid-- J nnly imd h.H. K about the with hiirom. die March np-- HiiawrnjUsi r of before Ihe court of i No Tr. t.M I'M Kiiiiinn-- lilJt-- JAPANESE DIPLOMAT IS pea Is In Albany. 1 March 15 to I ) Hy Fcb-rtnir- y ifl, huiiiK I'll more nr ABLE NAVAL OFFICER It mntifiit. ( luiiliin In v.inier fur JifrW. otlii't- nrk nt II I'H. CRINA TO HAVE Attend (Aawlaled l'rr rarrMpnaoVaee.) Our Shoe Sale 'hnmpulin ("iinnly, i. One Tnklo, Jan. IS. Commander Klchl-sabur- n flrirlp mini, (train f.niii, lliitli (ler-mn- ii NO Is . I l'iutf!iliim, witii luirinis. Nomura, one of the ablest h'Ivhik-m- ! 11 l'iI 1 , r officer In Japanese navy. Tr .li tin, mil ,,,i,i..,i the His The Golden Rule iJ.1 Dry Co. I'M HIIW April I At mice. naval career licunn In 1HIS when he UNIFORM PUBLIC Goods IViial hinim. entered the naml cuieta' achonl nt SALE TOR lilliiiiln--.Mimii- ii (:!!iily. K 7 T . LlaJ'nnu. He wan pDmiiited to lieu- inic rnariUil muii. nun fa 111 uml tenant in 1903 nnd look an active part n. Iimi nil ilair, fun in ciibm. (ii rnmn Itussn-Jiipune- , In the war, ut the Kiiuwi Uii i.f Krmlinh nnl GOODS CASH . , close of which he was appointed In- SCHOOL Six uihi'f l:s, in-.ii- Tr. SYSTEM Days More of Wonderful f.1, id ilin li il, imt cfiinil.-il- , i'i'i structor of the naval cadets' school V. M. jiar round, f li : I .M M. Will n!.i arid liilc" made staff officer at the Ready-to-We- ar ixticn twi. imi!V if tiny luiv them. Yokosuk.i navnl station. He served ON Garments at ONLY Will. In-l- milk, nl $1! V M. as tiiivnl utile he at Vienna and llerlln I'v in I, III In I14 - Mnnli ! hi it. IVrmii- where ht became prnficlent In the Presidential Mandate i. f nt. (Sri' caril nitilil'.oniil Issued Inr (liM IiinRitase, ami recenlly nian served Which Will Make for Great, APPROVAL Indiana Mnrenn ennnty. S 7 0 5 7 7 I us adjutant uml also nn Confidential Two men, I Hiitlii nd I iiiatrliil. secretary to two ministers, Admiral Progress of People of Celcs-- 1 liiiiniiiK. n t 1., I inn if. Ii Union Hallo und Admiral Y'ashiio, the I pii f. mil, iiiin r i:s Kxp. Tr. : d- - present liciul of the navy. , tial Kingdom, Seo Special iiic.-il- li il l Kiinil Window Display ii. mi rcf uiiili'il In After the fall of Tslni;tau fortress. 2f. M. tn $ Tto M. ii.fii. I. ndrt, I'. wan mrciii) II mu my, ycr iiiund. $10-4- Commander Nomura ordered i i: M. i:x. yen- miiinl. IH!FM. there on npecal Inspection about the 'AsMM-lntf-- IrM rnrmpemlru ) . Kiimc vrnrk wife at rhhiI wint-ii- same time that lie wan Ka'ctted for I'eklng, Jan. 29. A presidential , fr l HiliUl. ll'O $L'fi M. yen-Jil- Washington. i Hum In P Ihe punt i.t In the past mandate has been Issued insti in t Inc BIG f.-- GARMENT n nd. PI. W. Kxp. l.'a to P. M. yfar lie has been the medium the minister of education to prepare! VALUES AT , 4 a. li p. Itl.rtW Anv time. in, lo III. of oniiiiunli at ion between Ihe navy the way a pub-- il Pi nt. for uniform s)h!cih of ! in iiiv. rnialii ) ileparimi the press, especially lie school.-- tu - 4 Henry ennnty ( hie nt and be established through- $5.95 led man. Ceneral on miiiill the foreign press. He is genial and out t num. The schools, according to; d airy liirin, ii in l'i i ovvs. HucdHh speaks nngllsh well. the plan, are tn be modern, patterned - or P.mlsli, other F1S HOOil With Cil-- lifter western Ideas to a large degree, Great Coat tic. Kmi. No chllillcu Tr, advanced, but not to the extent of discarding i Dresses That Skirts Worth 1 sit-l-lfi- li Select Suits refunded nl'ter year's the best leaehiiius of China's undent i tnlV service. $7 per week .n win-t,- r, EXPERT POINTS saues, "in whom the! " tin P M, April tn Pcieinlier I, the culture of nation is due," j Values Are Here is an excellent suit oppor- linl'iil (wood tor Ici'li. Nut nine i Better While uoik tor After January 11. Ten The following passages appear In! i tunity over 100 Suits for In. per day. P If satn-count- the maniliifit , in l..n.. u.....tII Big Clearance Sale ins " t of all Coats A big saving opportunity in La- One special lot I 'i ter IN pliiiiatory, in the usual stylo f of High Grade Women, Misses- and Juniors, OUT the that joIJ up to $18.00; every dies' Desirable Dresses. Style low a Plymouth 1(7(1.4114 MESS mandate IfsiicJ by President Yua Skirts, made of Poplins, i i( size for Women Wool siies complete, made Serges, Hie siiii-l- man. Ti in and stock Shih-kal- . and Misses; and quality predominate. Splen- of I.ii 1' 1 i ow i in. or id rem, KS Cxp. made in Che-vio- Crepe Poplins and best qual- prosperity or decay, Blocked Boucles. ls did Cheviots, Wool Poplins and No Ti. $10 p, M winter, $.13 P. M. "The and the assortment of good Silk strength or weakness of a and Novelty ity Serges, niiitiicr. I.I.A-- . Hummer p.iv March S S nation are Mixtures. Messaline, Silk Poplin and mostly navy and Novelty Weaves; black and cc' 1 I i Kt h- - chiefly determined by the morality, tu Pecemher 'a or before IDERNISRIP Colors navy, brown, Russian Serges, in shades black. I nary In. I'mial tmurs Will pny $3sii intelligence physical of green, Correct styles and a ors; all first class suits and lat- and strength nf green and fancy plaids. per year (See ( for tle- - (he ln-- Over brown, blue, havy and aid other people; and if we desire tn i putty, great variety of sizes. Values est styles; values from I a I . 150 Coats $!5.0i? i n ,ise the standard of these to pick from. A al.'o black. All sizes to be ' Micjiiw Kent ininitv, R07 fi772. three' from in virtues our first attention should be lig value; choice $9.00 to $12.50, on sale to $23.00, on sale for On., ml nu limn- liiiu-ra- Work on had. Values up to $17.50; Decks of Vessels Too Easily paid to of People. for clam und stoi ; f.uin, 1 to il cow.c the education the llie sale price only Mvcilii 'i weK'iin, Pi,ni-- h, Penetrated by Shells, Says Anclciil Pv natty r Ln jiish.,i l'p II ponsible: Nn Tr. "In the foreign countries numerous! l !' M April I to November 1, I'd. Writer, and Cites North So QjsehAlum devote their time to the! March l'ii and April I Writ, ni- - of works on special branches1 I in-- nt $595 'i $5.95 lioum per day, Pi iin if Kiitln. Battle, i $5.95 of science, and from eighty to ninety1 $5.95 I.ii v. j pi r cent of the population can read Mi i hiKitn - Wisliteiiaw co'iniv, 1' .'.'if. man. work and write. Hut in thin country hooks ( ,1 ..HMiulril ( oil rti k .1 rin. t tn cos, horses "o Pres. urr.MtmIrnrf are mere reproductions. Original; l'Yh. 3. -- i a I e lor. I man, P.el- - Iiondon. The inujorpy ol works are us as the waning stars' man, lliil;,nilcr, r.nlih or other l'.. (he hits made by the battle cruisers In early morning. Extra Special for Monday or i i(i mi. in sn' iKinw, Hmiie Kxi. Tr. In the North sea battle of January 2 "If we recall the days of Chow'! nd proper the meed on sienritv, deduct-n- l struck upon the decks of the ships. il nasty we Und every I may 1 thnt individual! d reiuiul. P. M. fur The naval nil respondent of Ihe I'.lolic, was band M ,". h ncholnr; but auch days nre past unii liter irch Work for it. tils, ussinn this battle which was NEW I'.Al. up to that time. s lo till P. At. and we have them no more. It Is, CREPE UNDERWEAR VALUES ".,'nsiii nt long i f..r Kip man up In Mutch 1.1 an I rni;e with the shell more ha-,- 2,000 years since the days, f: P. l from thai date In iviichlntr Ihe height of (nunc throe of the chin and Han dynasties, nndj 1.1. I'.IA-W- Come anv tunc miles tn the curve of their project nn, the ancient civ ili'ation fallen Into! U has Teie pel il.iv la s'luiiner and sa) shows a weakness of modern decay. j SEE WINDOW DISPLAY i bores. l'i i nunieiii If satisfactory. taitlc'ihip - construct inn the dc. ks "Now- wo nim at educa-- M un, eh, .la- -- Mower county. t70-f- , universal ' Wt r sii easily p m trated. The decks, I 77 V One man, Hon, enabling every citizen of the Music sioclt atll he snys, nre the weakest and urn I it farm. .' lo .1 i nest country to be capable of government! ov). above-wat- e vulnerable of all the know leili-- i. not and to he of old de-- 1 pans up rid the habit of iiiiu-- I.S, Some Pip. with horse.-t- of the lo date warships, pendence." 1 M AinKncr "nd p,nL A b,g 5pCC,aI vaIue for whi,e- Tr not iu'Viiiiml I,. I:0 P. lesson be diaws from this . , - als0 good quality and - - and sleeve, will, lire Willie;- ilH May .s Hint ship end-o- n mlT In I) f;fl.l:i tattle the fighting Cleaners, n,1 I. May 1 Is lnli tity Hatter " ' 'rimmed; worth extra value P in liecnilur 1, liUW, more likely to be hit than the one an extra value lorf ""f" $1.50; Conn- - n In Dyer nixHigf. steam ami pre your nt, Monday only at . . I'sual Pgniin n road hi ile tn the en.-iny- It I'l-- i suit for 5t 220 West (JtiliL farm lumri. nuiiii nt, has been generally believed," he win. coniilv vrn.'.TsO. One sa. I' 4 1 . "that a ship rgbting end-o- Mntiie lo in. Kenernl tarui work, 3 t stands (Icrnvm-hliiMkin- g. the smallest chance of 5Qc 1 Ktn1ntiliin or helm: hit, hut of Must drive that is no longer the case The science TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 59c 89c horses Tr. lefun.l-ei- l of RUiinerv has been hrought oiiHi.' uilvaried. to auch . If at 'vs lo r IS, $1 P. M. a standard that It is difficult for r. W ANTK'U Halesw-oman- APPly t wilder. I.'l !' M. SMiiimer (March li compel, nt m m tn aim off the proper The ,o peieinber 14 oayl. Himn fvs W l I,, suiimier line of file. That Is, he may be de- ANTK ti il housework. possible. I' hours Permanent. ply l Vj pended i0 send his shells in the right Hniilh street, Minnesota Mower County. J. Hlern Hii.irtmenis dire. ti. in. Xtlssen are mostly ma (Jo Another Big Silk (me sincle nii.n tleiural furu. UK.NT-lj- Sale Pli tie White Yd. wnik, stock and, cows. Any by the shell falling short or 'tunning front room, mod- Outing for 7V2C . ern; dandy sleeping 3 pel-son- ever the target; it Jiorch. til white Kntrbhli not necessiiiv. itn,i ia therefore South Arno, depends on distance. Would obvious that the limner target Is, FOR TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 16th, linen. Tr the ' AT 9 A M. FOR 9 M. It fund, depends upon man. not at angle WANTKP Pot ior for Pi ist o Hot One WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY I7th. AT A. deduct, rlcht lo, hut parclld . thousand yard of all kinds S.1L- - I Springs. of finest nn SKI to $11 PM, peceii,l.. r lo April 1, with, ihe flight of Ihe shell, Impure Hnedekt-r- Journal !,... O Fifteen hundred yards the office. yard. sale, of extra good plain white Outing Flannel. iL'O-r- S PM Aril to Pecemher. lllW. greater will he the chance of hltlintr. On choice Jit. 10 three-new- . 20 yards to a nn or before f'cbiiiary hours The etfective target presented by a lull HA1.K Coal fill stove. customer, on sale for l ss. permanent to riisht burner with l'p more or lattleslilp end-o- n ovtn; almost or one who tn really nun h Phone tnnn. No cis.irette smoker gr'-ate- r line accepted. than when she is broadside drinks on, besides. In HAU: OH TK.VPK Heven-ron- yd. I Two men tn the former position, 69c Sent Coiinty house, furnished or unfur- 7V2c - lesinr protection t yd. summer if single, one If married. Oen- whatever might nished, or - by for ranch slock. Call or rial fujin work, some inmiug. uer- Bffoided her vertical ilda armor." addrea lWOS Nurth Second itrvet. ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1915. SEVEN

I !.. IM. n 1,1.3 lurKo wnnotit a prize court GERMANY ArJGR y H Is generally be- - a oc.i nun mo avoidance of such a Where to Worship decision Would UP a relief tn i.1l nunr. tern concerned because of the danger Today niiiiMiiii)f it precedent form re Biirdlu.T foodstuffs designed f..r civil 1ST. JOHN'S CUt'ftCll. OVER DETENTION IllIlM Of lHlllKTllt countries II h ubso Corner Fourth street and Weil Bllvcr Into rontrulmnd, avenue. Hrltlsh officials nt first wore post Itev. William E. Warren. D. D.. ...m ui,, uneiminus carso rector; realdoneo, 130!) West TIJerai "uwi.i ki wiroumi ,i liriXQ court, ilt avenue. OF FOODSTUFFS liuw they nay ll In uncertain what Qiiiiiquageslniu Sunday. course will bo tuken pcndinit an Holy F.uchuritit, 7 a. m.' (SALE CONTINUED A FEW DAYS LONGER) The owners of the vessel Holy Eucharist, 0 a. 111. nt first usked the mime price for the Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. cargo its they would have received for Morning service, 11 o'clock. it In Evening service, 7:30 o'clock. Bernstorff Dis- tlermany. The American com- 3 Embassador mission wan unwilling pay Ash Wednesday services: Holy Eu- iu this (lay, cusses With Secretary of amount. charist and service of the lo a. of the Great The Wilhelmina will proceed to 111.; evening; service, 7:S0 o'clock, Bryan Rrlstol channel hm noon us it 1m possl-bl- e State Seizure of YFSI'F.K hlM It'FS. 1 to repair the damage ch lined by Piano Sale Another Cut the heavy weather experienced during Hodey Hall, L'niversily Hill. Steamer Wilhelmina, February 14, 4 p. m. the voyage across the Atlantic from 1913, New York. Piano voluntary, "Venltlenue," Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! (Oislard), E. Stanley Seder. IN Hymn No, 4, MORNIN9 JOURNAL tPCCIAL IK4H0 WIN! This mammoth Piano Sale will come to a close ' ' PEACE SUNDAY TO ? ' ' - . Washington, Feb, 13. The Invocation, followed by chant, Saturduy night at 10 o'clock. Pianos are i Lord's prayer. which the German government BE selling as fas! as wo can wail upon each cus- to me- - OBSERVED TODAY Duct. "Forever With the Lord." tomer. We have been completely off attaches unrestricted shipment Stunley taken of foodstuffs for Its civilian popula- (Gounod), It. T. Sewell, E. our feet at times. Pianos thai you have been was emphasized ! MOftNINtl Seder. accustomed to paying Jl'.ir, to f.luu can tion at the state de- JOURNAL (PICIAL LtUlO WIM) My for llern-sturf- Quartet, "The King of l.ove .1 partment today by von f, New York, 1 3. be bought here for Jx7. and on terms that Piano Feb. Prices fount Tomorrow, Shepherd Is." (Gounod), V. X. M. newsboy could meet. If you ate g the German ambassador, who the Sunday nearest to the date of the quartet. conferred with both Secretary Hryan ratification of the treaty brass the purchase of a Piano, lo not wait one of Ghent, Solo. "The Day Is Ended," (Uart-lull- ). and Counsellor Lansing. While no celebration rervlces over tho comple- minute, but come now. Thousands of dollars' .Mrs. Elizabeth it. Bradford. worth of beautiful Pianos must bo sold at unco formal statement regarding the am- tion of a c ntury of peace between Itesponslve bassador's was by de- the reading, regardlest of price or value. call Issued the I'ni.ed States and the British Gloria. partment, it was empire will 101),-00- 0 PIANOS AT said afterwards be held in nearly Anthem, "Saviour. When Night In UPRIGHT that he had hinted that warfare on places of worship In the l'nited Vesper 1 tnerelmnt volves the Kkles." (Shelley), shipping might be relaxed States and Canada, the American choir, solo, by It. T. Sewcll. if Germany could be Pence Ceiitenniary baritone assured of a committee Address by the Itev. Edward 1. i continuous food supply for her tonight. Exercises in the Schueler, pastor Lutheran church. population. Sunday schools of the United States Cornet and horn duet, "The is . Mt of Itclullallon. and Canada will also relate to the My Shepherd." iSmurt), C. H. lruClarke, at 1 M. . i. j. The position of the German gov- peace ceiitenniary. up V It. W. Humes. ernment, it was explained, is $67 that the Hymn No. 98. proclamation of cam- a war zone and llll.ard Italics In Nebraska. Henedlction. j Tf ps Ign against enemy merchant ships Lincoln, Neb., Feb. 13. A violent Poatlude. i was simply 11 retaliation against Eng- snow and wind storm in the north-part- s land's alleged violation of the decla- western and central of Ne CFXTKAL AVF.M F M. II. t'HCHCH, ration of In hindering comli- - braska tonight threatens to tie up SOUTH. Used Pianos tlcmal contraband destined for civi- railroad traffic and put telephone Corner Central Avenue and Arno St. lians from reaching Germany. This, lines out of service. At Alliance there T. li. Lallance, Pastor, SjlJ PI iiecordlng to tho German ambassador, was two feet of snow which drifted Sunday school, 9;4r a. m. Ann $5.00 Down $1.25 a V f is no less inhumane than the cam- badly delaying traffic. At other Preaching by the pastor. It a. tn., paign on merchant vessels. points rain turned to sleet and pros- subject, "The Second Coming ol Week Up. 11 onicials admitted Informally that trated the telephone and telegraph Christ." the American note to Germany ,was wires. Epworth league, fi:3fl p. ni., subject, open to the construction that no ves- "Winsome to Win Some." Knabc . . . $85 sels, either belligerent or neutral, Preaching by the pnsU.r, 7:30 p. nt., should be sunk unless previously subject. "God Will Judge." French . . $92 visited with opportunity given for the NATIVE POLICE Tuesday, 3 p. m., Woman Mission. taking off of passengers. was re- It ary society ut the church. j Ruhlfing . . $115 iterated that while the rules of In- Trayer meeting and lilble Btuiy, ternational law clearly compelled Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. & such steps to Insure the safety of Ivcrs Pond $167 traveling at sea, the AND AMERICAN FIHST IIAPTIST miTlCH. position taken was based largely on Corner Hroadway and Lead Avenue. Out of Town 'A Crown . . $297 humanitarian grounds. C. T. Taylor, pastor, 306 South Wal- Warning a IVIcndly One. ter street; phone 1S05. W. L. Weaver $127 m An official who assisted in the Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. Purchasers preparation of the American nolo to SOLDIERS RIOT m. Morning theme, "The Relation of Gerhard . . $185 Germany, pointed out that the strong Church Members to Each Other." VP I ' j" warning tone of the communication Evening theme, "llepentance A Dl t was not intended as a threat, but in ble Study." Attention Chase . . . $145 reality was a friendly act, done in a r'l'.nday school at 9:45 a. m. ..r-'- ' Miirit of precaution the Junior H. Y. P. U. and Sunbeam lest sinking Re- Make this your headquarters of an American vessel with Ameri- Just How Many Causalties society, 3 p. m. cans aboard inflame public opinion Senior It. Y. P. U 6:30 p. m. while in Albuquerque, lioii'l in the L'nited States to a degree sulted From Encounter Is' Mitsion Sunday school. Sevenlh take our word lor this sale, 3 p. rn. ; which could not bo estimated in e. street and Mountain road, come In and see for Unknown; More Trouble Is' meeting Wednesday ut 7:30 but Prayer onrself. Fine Pianos ran The German ambassador, It is un p. in. derstood, did not discuss the inten- Feared by Authorities, Ladles' Aid and Missionary society' be bought for ulmoK noth- tions of his government In connec- TIiuijhIu.v, 2:30 p. tn., with Mrs. Woif, j ing. Pianos that are worth 513 West Marquette avenue. tion with the announced campaigns V MOHNINfl JOU1NAI. SPBCIAL LIAMD WIRI' from $350 up can now be on merchant ships, but confined him- Panama, Feb. 13. A light between purchased at your own price self to explaining at length the Ger- CIIIUSTJAV SC1KNCE SOCIETY. soldiers and native policemen here Just pass by man point of view on conditional con- lute tonight resulted, according to Christian Science services aro held and terms. traband. He holds that the l'nited llrst reports of the conflict. In the In the Woman's club building, at tho 206 W. Gold avenue and Slates a ob- Seventh street and Gold ave- of people taking w in contending for strict deaths of live policemen and three corner of tho dozens .x-- N..3' jar-- servance of the rights of neutrals, soldiers and the wounding of many nue, every Sunday morning at 11 advantage of J.his sale. Tills wi 'nt xr should interest itself in seeing that of the combntants. o'clock. sale has created a sensation conditional contraband is not held up A carnival is in progress and many Wednesduy evening services1 are at In Albuquerque that will bn 8 equal. People 011 the high seas. The rules of inter- soldiers wero on leave to attend tho o'clock. hard to have national law even previous to tho festivity. The public Is cordially luvltcd to at-te- come in droves to our store. declaration of London, the German The light started in a resort In the these services. At times we have been so ambassador was understood to have tenderloin district, following an arg- Sunday school at 9:45 o'clock. crowded wo could not begin pointed out, require proof that the ument. Police reserves were called Heading room in the N. T. Armljo to wait uiwK the enormous crowds. Dun'CVay cant articles, -- ii.rii.- destined to belligerent t)r and hurfTed to the scelio. The Bulldlnf, room No. 18, open each week '" forces. day from 2 to 6 p. afford it until you see how American military authorities also in. will go. iuui'nnucs l'ropc--r I'so of Food. seeking to pre- far a few dollars took an active part in Is your best bet. Tho ambassador said the German trouble, lirigudier Gen- FHIST rilFSHYTFIUAV CJiritCU. This one vent further is thief government had given assurances, eral Clarence It. Edwards, command- Corner Fifth and Silver. Procrastination the and also hud modified decrees, so pro- Hugh A. Cooper, Pastor. of time. Tomorrow novr its er of the Canal Cone forces, now. It Is up that imported foodstuffs would not ceeded in person to the scene. Chauncey A. Foreman, Associate conies. Act be appropriated by tho army. The The actual number of dead and Pastor. to you. German government is also willing wounded was unknown at the time of Sunday school, 9:45 a. tn. j to permit American consular officers the filing of this dispatch midnight. Morning worship, 11 o'clock. j to witness the sale and distribution of The entire city was greatly disturbed Evening worship, 7:4 5 o'clock. such foodstuffs to determine whether and further trouble was feared, al- Mrs. E. L. Bradford will sing a solo or not they actually are reaching the though precautions had been tuketl at each 'service. p. m. civil population of Germany. lo prevent more lighting. C. E. society meets at 6:45 . . r 'r4.rff ' ' The ambassador discussed to some During the past few days minor King's Daughters meet with Miss Mordy, evening. ( nv V'.K V.,ti' extent Wilhelmina, an limes Friday drjJ the case of the troubles haye arisen several fifr W; American steamer, seized by Great between American soldiers and sail- Tho Woman's Missionary society Ili'ilain on Its Journey to Germany ors and the Panama police. meets in the church Thursday after- - with foodstuffs. Ho believes the noon. American government should take an DIAMOND TIRES AND interest In the safe delivery of the I M M ACIF.ATF. OX( I OPTION. cargo to Germany. No formal action 'FAIR LIST' PRICES Sodality mass, 7:00 a. m. lias been taken by the state depart- Children's muss, 8:15 a. tn. ment beyond requesting Great IJrit-ni- n High mass and sermon, 10:00 R. m. to postpone prise court proceed- .1. F. Lanier, control manager for Vespers, Instruction and benediction p, 111. ings until the owners of the vessel, Diamond Tires in this territory an- 7:30 who a brief to the will be sold hare submitted nounces: Diamond Tires FIHST department, are enabled to discuss iu accordance with the "Fair-List- " METHOniST EPISCOPAL the of ClltltCIf. tuso further here. price plan. This is in furtherance Third Treat It Fully In Ilcply. the effort to establish a fair basis Corner Icad avenue und South The question of cargoes such as upon which tire sales may be esta- street. that, of Wilhelmina, which were will bo fair to Charles Oscar llecknian, pastor; the blisheda basis that 411 street. shipped before the German decree, producer, dealer and consumer alike. residence South Third taking over the national food supply price cutting war in- Miss Edith Gorby, deaconess. It is not a worship 11 a. m. and 7:30 became, effective, probably will be volving manufacturers, either. Knth-c- r Public at reply p. in. This .Sunday begins tile second Our Doors Will Close Saturday covered fully in the American it is said to be an effort on the meetings. .Morning Nicht to now being trans- protect the week of special the note part of the tiro men to Ihcine, "The Alost Precious Word In mitted from London and dealing Willi consumer from concerns which slash We Must Dispose of This Mammoth Stock of Pianos by That Time com- the IJible." Evening subject, "What the general subject of neutral prices indiscriminately so that the Man to Know." Wo Ion Is Every Desires of Cost or Value It Nerve to merce. Most of the eftminunicat buyer is puzzled to know whether he will have the chorus choir ut both the Every Piano Must Be Sold Regardless Takes Sell Pianos as Ve Sell Them has been deciphered and it is under-Hto- il croiniio- tint bpst or the worst of it. Hy they morning and evening hours and and in our de- to be full of statistics. tho tire manufacturers tuklng the bull will render speclul music. This is Strom? laiiRiiutjo, but we mean it emphatically, The ritual of this Piano Salu will never occur in the I'liiled Mlatcs. H Uoth Ambassadors Page and Ger- i.v-- Hi., hums, us it were, and making is only once iu a lifetime that people are offered such rare opportuni- Sunday school lr.ecls at 9:15 a. m. to. close out this stock we will make prices and terms (hut ard sent brief messages to tho state substantial reductions in the retail list Epworth leugue, 6:30 p. m. termination ties. We have completely overshadowed any attempt ever made by any declaring they iMZf-V- . in selliiiH-ne- department today it is thought that the interests of the are absolutely unheard of. K AKK ItKV'oU Tl TIIH PIANO house this entile country. Just lliiuKlne, If you can, the Idea of hart presented respective com- conserved and Pianos at prices ruiiRlntf from $N7 up and on tonus as low ns 1 fo; the owner will bo better GEUMAX EVANGELICAL Ll'TH KH- orfelliiK new I'ianos at prices munications to the British and Ger- a better feeling be- IirSlNFSS IN AlJ'.l'gt'KHijrK. We are a day if necessary. Do not say you cannot afford it. Take the bull by. not that there will be AN tlllHCII. man foreign offices. They did tween the man who makes the tires Carl Schmidt, Pastor. posltivelv less than wholesale cost. Von inishl ask us why wo do this. the horns. The thinns we appreciate the inosl are the things we llKht add any comment as to the manner u,..i ihu who owns the car. business, and this stock of the hardest, lo obtain, t'ome down and talk the mailer over with us. mim Corner of Edith street and Central compelled II we qulltlm? I OKI-Ki- of reception of the notes. this We are to do ale MAKK S- AN' AM) IF IT IS WITHIN TIIK ItliHNHS F Automobile dealers declare avenue, in tho Library building. must be sold if e have to auction part of the tire In- n. Pianos must be sold. These Pianos JtliASiiN WK Wild, AtrCKPT IT. ImiiHtnu the eMreiiies we are Kolntf cauuo latest move on the Sunday school, 10 m. to, to sell this stock, to hk soij dustry will be. a big boom for their Holy communion, II a. m. All them off. mammoth for iii;i.(;i.x kfxikf business as it will encourage those wishing t0 partake arc kindly request- "prospects'' who have been some- ed to hand In their names before the London, Feb, 13 (2:52 p.m.) coming forward confer- i what backward in service. Since the Lutheran There every indication in London of expense. One New Mexico is In session here today that the cargo on becuuse of fear tire ence of of foodstuffs dealer said today that already he the visiting ministers will occupy the the American steamship Wilhelmina, of tho re- pulpit. Kev. Y. H. C. Lleck of Lo- f now in Falmouth go could notice tho influence f harbor, will not on those who came into his gan, X. M., will deliver the confes- through a prize court but will be sold duction -- to store to inspect the 1915 cars. sional address; Itev. P. Krelzehmnr hs the American commission for relief are co- Optimo, X. M will preach the in Kclgium. Good dealers everywhere of operating to handle Diamond Tires German sermon. In the evening at (iv While the cargo still Is In of charge "Fair-List- " basis. 7:30 Itev. P. lWrkipann of El Paso, the customs officials, gov- on a English the British The records of Diamond Service for Tex., will preach an sermon. ernment offers no objection to the 99 per cent i fr( 1914 show that more than LUTII-:EH- A fK. of the many thousands of 'Diamond ST. At'L'S EVANGELICAL Tires sold lasted much longer went Clllilteif. than the guarantee Corner Silver and Sixth. much farther Schueler, D. D., pastor; for. Edward P. GRAY FOLKS called hun- 306 South Sixth street; More than 9!) per cent of the parsonage, of thousands of Diamond Tlre phone, 1693. dreds gave more mileage .We will use Wednesday evening for Gray, Failed, JIair in use last year - Darkened. purchasers paid for. the next six weeks for a Inten devo- Slops I'nlling than the whole congre-- 1 I Hair. Ixiok Young! Every mile beyond that which the tional service for the ? expiated was velvet for him. gation. The pastor will give a course 32.50 W 3.00 M0 Here's an opportunity to try the ef- buver of lectures based on the catechism, 1 Week 11 In addition to the extraordinary Per Week I ' Per Week j I j fect of a harmless preparation called from trouble covering tho grtxt evangelical doc-- j J, -- "'-"-" mileage and freedom of -f '.Hair Color Kestorer on your get in Diamond trines. The first these services - r$z&sA that you next Wednesday evening at 7:45 l.air and scalp with the guarantee Thread Tires, you can now buy them rrrz. following o'clock. of a coat at the F,e- -j reliable dealer that it won't ST" PU1CES: it was expected that Rev. J. I, "FAIK-L- l Antl-salno- n KNABE SQUARE PLAYER you one cent unless It beautifully Diamond der of the league would CROWN IVERS & POND Diamond sneak on Sunday mr,,hig, but this. darkens your hair promotes its Size Squeegee lb- - If V on Much and Size. Squeegee appointment has been recalled. The1 'I hi- - Siilo Will P.oOwr si day MKM. Van Will Tim I.atc ul I.oi.aer. growth. 30x3 9.45 34x4 $20.35 t i now Simply apply like a t TO pastor will preach morning and even-- ! t)sii)i:u o.n aki. u 12.20 36x4' 28. iti;.i i.i;T shampoo, to hair scalp. It acts 30x3 2 ing. Morning theme, "Our Marehtrig and : 37x5 33.90 011 the hair roots so the gray disap- 32x3 Vj 14.00 orders;" evening, "A More Excellent! a .1 3Sx5 4ti.00 pears and the hair is beautifully and v 4 20.00 i Way." j Diamond "Fair-List- " will be quickly darkened so evenly, natura'ly tIia country, so Sunday school, 9:45 a. tn., in and published throughout the thoroughly that no one cun tell will know charge of Frank C. Keefer. It that ever.v tire purchaser prayer meet-- 1 has been used. Jn addition he desires At 6:30 the Endeavor KB tops itching scalp, dandruff and fall- the exuct'price.of the tires Ing, In charge of C. E. Krnemer. and will be no occasion for LINDEMAN ing hair, thicK, to buy. There Timms. Topic, "Solid Foun-- j EARNARD and makes the hair Every Norman fluffy, soft, "bargaining" or "haggling." lustrous, beautifully dark he Is get- dations of Life." and abundant. is not sticky purchaser will know that or ting tires for exactly the same mesf,y, but Is a clean liquid. Try his Break-Up-A-Co- ld It- every Weeks' Tablets Darkens hair when all ehse fails. price his neighbor pays, and Gold Avenue Only will be on an even footing A guaranteed remedy Colds and 206 West 60c for a big 7rOZ. bottle at dealer words, for I'utt'Mnc. Drug Stores, Albuquerque. with other dealers. In other Grippe ?5c your dnir.p.i d. w ill a Ia Prlro cf N. n a paradox, there be M. people supplied and to create Tahtt uotliluj .jalp.''Adyw, IT. mail. (Advt.). square deal all around. It's stl. IT


4 i'i k i.r ih. hru h r J ih ir friend Crescent Hardware Co till- illVlled. HUNDRED5AR E 4ww; M. J I'illim. ,.l( in 11- 1- third iliMihi nf the forest llnrwft, llim-- c IWnlblnjr kmIn, Cutlery, Iron 11 faltee THE SAFE - tlofe. 1ool, Inn- h.m been liunHfiM rd.t Hi Fitting, I'liiniliinif, Healing, Tin Mini Copper Uirk. the .letnez IVi-I- mil hum I foii-st- . Merchandising lakin Ihe place held l.y i I). liuus-- ! Popular V. 115. II CCI..TI!.I, S TI.I.U'IIOM: . SEEING who reently M itfit.-tl- AMERICA CABINET W. C. T.U?S MEDAL IS Your Grocer Has Received a Fresh Supply of ' AWARDED TO FLORA BLEA' FOB FIRST TIME In all our various lines we aim lo handle only such goods alues all over the country. - as have proved lo be standard i iil- In NATIONAL OATS l 1 l"t -l 1 in Sntnr,hl I vcnlni; liirn un hi fifl I'h llvvr medal conu-s- l h'-l- lam is why sell THE IDEAL BREAKFAST DISH I That we I'd. of VIinmr) I. in li. n n.i; lii nl tlir llaiwoo.l m In. i. I for vii N . lliul inn) i. n il I i In- .in-1- h i m ,,f ihi- W (' T 1", Captain Spivey 'Hi- - liile of her paper Has ' Jeiemuih Finds Man nod I In. Pa" The JihIkis pi'f Prin-- i Who Had Been to Europe i. il Mi 'unnell, .Mi m ilnnir SJall.v. mill Maty Marx Clothes Save You Twenty-Thie- e Times, but Mart Schaffner and No. Thousands Never West of Chicago, 57 "TELMO" m i ASKS John B. Stetson Hats l"T THIS BRAND of ( A.VMJ) The I:hii.,i uii ar. act ordiiu to of Dollars .il't. A M. Kpivi y, huM OOOIHI AND KiVfn yiroiiKj VOI' HAVE TUB imi' lily r the irxt" W. Douglas Shoes COFFEE I I. BffcT CATTLEMEN TO liroiMi; mla. 'Ih ru-- i k. how-- ( Ali-oh- sulci Hjinin-- I III.- - 'T. ho'i'M that II Mould inoro ' - n. in ly to Mill M tin- lilnio-- l roil fiitliii, the tie if it m rc IS GETTING THE In Arni riia last." Clothing, $17.00 raptaln Hpivi-- luxt wick met Styleplus - - a' COWVEWE THERE lull!,- lllltlll.n- of Ottsi-l..- on tl,.- - hull I ut. nl -- BUSINESS LET US SEND A MAN f if lo hu Sanlu Fr traiiiH who IihiJ I.c ii to fc;u. ro.c, ( o of tin nm-e- . T Jtepiaee Dint Mrokcn Window Mill the in in ore llian Hanan & Sons Fine Shoes' anil who hml far-th'- T f ft." heforc Im. ii Stl T went than i'Iihiiko or Kunwh! uuqi fhoi k i.t Hiira A." th- - I :m ' 35c PER LB. company 'Buard of Citv Deve'om nil luliyon a(ieut, - I - limit! Siivi-- mill k ilu it lion it , lijt. in in position to l'b 121. 413 . lli can lml rii . mmm uiHlioi nub-- IX- - 1(1 Mill - itatiicly upon tlii i l'lllilH'l )Olir lltll'- bends Printed t . Letters 10 J'l-- Ih an anyone i lsi-- He more 3 $1 uliir biisliu- - these exactly the same as they LBS., Members' Asking toin its than th I'lillman rondiictord We sell goods for prices Them to; do. Tht-- hi-- M'l-lil- only thoni' who i fn-tli- , l ure on Douylas Shoes Ever variety nf dollrloiii Jllllr lit hii liinr. IlK ir tttiiiiH. rapt, spivey sell for cast of the Mississippi. $3.50 ( Alt Ml I.N. Vote for That City, thonf win uie on ev.ry train that Is evury Styleplus $17.00 Suits Hart Schaffner & Marx $20.00 Trr Our Uao Fundi 1 tegular Wditboun l ('alifolnlii limited and thin llnn r. Am, i ,1,1,11, train, ruiuiiin in several Hertionn daily Suits best line of Dollar Shirts Stetson llijit null, u MtroiiK i and $25.00 I'Kl rariH H hy fur GRIMSHAW'S f'r Ihi- 4,,Mv..iii,,, of the the larKe majority or mil, i, r lolll' Hats. $3.00 and $4.00; ijie latter equal to any $5.00 WARD'S STORE I mill it,,, unuihrtot, i evl. "IUII Our KuvrUI Itellihl," ih'nt fi inii iiiHtmn IHt week. liieiiiiiinK last Sunday Inin ri hy T. eti-rili- a. m i, fund f -'i'"1:- - t..i,Piuiu u hat. ', i( ih m tl(. Hhnie of ul .... .Pn 313 Marble 2UN-- 2 Hiri.nirh fh.. ..II.. v.. ., ii Air. I'lioue I "Your Monei Balk, If You Want ifnin ininidi whirl) ih Ii- - Itil'OIUIIlK i It" to fiKuren uvailahle Captain Vee-- iiik fciii in miliilici.M, ui(;iii(; tin-i- to Spivey. IIOSIlll II. WAItU, inr Aiiiuruio. Of thin iiiiinlii-- T3S viMitej the Grand Strong Brothers I Ii foll.iv.H: eun.vun of Ariuna. The cuptuin fully 10 'Jl Ainariiln HunlN tliat per runt of the In liiiiiin-- ln-r- """ tin -- Undertakers huh w.ik IUi rilMllHItlll llllil K,,III1R U. .27 had never before been west. r ril Kim ilim hriitht-- on Numli t Htll-- l II H , t. II III, CIIIHI'Illlon Itl inm. Ist week huw' the liijth tide of west-- Inc. i SIMON STERN, kfhvice." Ih uihIi iHtuoil 3 hi IiimMIi H'" ti,- i i , ward traffic, Willi No. urriviiiit CHOCOLATES nion - ,..,!.... ii.. u. - .Lm- - here KTICOMJ Ul.K, U 11 III H ifh-- r mi- Miititf in j in li. toi'l'EK l' (ii lll rut i . Heven HevtioiiH TueKilay tind five1 AM) oi l.-- It n-- ji Anp Indy would hit delighted with M.CONP. Hltniollttlx Hlny III Allilliii rilir. the " eilntHdiiy No. In load vtif abnol-- j - inilxHiH wliii h tM lirt-Ki-i- of th.-- drill Imm goods. I'm- Ijulii-- r n,.i. tnully heavy on i i.f tin- Orili-- Kiisti'in Sim Htr.iiKtli . Many ,,f the other days, H., anywhere In I - th Spivey thn flnle Kiic u Moriiil mi. ihini'i- HIIIM'OrlCIS l,f raptaln met uno mun who by e, flallllllltst Ihf iirumli. parrels post Made in Albiniurr-'tii- nry Hi, in Hie .Muhoiiii- ipstdi. had been to Kurope twenty-thre- e by ytiiin in u. Aiiii.riiiu conn- - liim'H Hit .Miihtano Co. (Trade n ihi II nil an wi ll HH vikiIiiiu irv and never before had been far- - rntme i. awm:i-n- iii.-ml- , registered AIo h line l ra nr.. mi.t-- Ka-1- We Iher wewt than Chii ago. He did not eandv t :t5e member; believe Amanlh, I, entitled to Manano Taffi.) (or LOCAL ITEMS h.ia thr privilege or year (State whether it was the wur or the Hi. Iiiix. phone I oiieKHiM.Jlhe next It SOW. lieni'ial ManiiHi-- F. Fox. of not iinieaMi.nabb) .m, eioHltonn that eauHed him to come t or MUTBHEST. i. In nit the child to went IhiH year. iiiiii ill, i, nine,l ,ere last nluhl from come home once in ih, r. u-- Kalon, wlore he iitiendid n direr. believe the nitKiiriiitlini w ill best nerve ' x vuTin:it itiii'oitT. It inl-r- e! torn' iii,eii(iK ul which Ihe St .,i,H. ;,,,, the IniereMs of it tAUtLLtN I rnOGRAM CRYSTALTODAY llocky MoiintHin I'm ifir wax membciH b I'litiiinii ( A mai'illo in xt Vr tlii' r hi.ur euilliiK ehaliMeil to the I;,., l.y .M.,,,t,,i A ; year. WILL BE GIVEN AT AN EXTRA SPECIAL PROGRAM WITH Ml 5 ycnti'1 Uuy Hlti-lli- i 1 n'rlock ruin i;i re III "(le Oil In l I In. I'l .M.iMiii'iin li iiiiu iulnu-- . iu di'Krri'M; Meinbi i of I 'ul I ,,n w .n liiuvc No. I ii'ii convention mriv next month! R0DEY HALL TODAY NO RAISE IN PRICES iiiliilmuni. :'7 (iKi'-- : j:i 2. Wooilllll II h Cirri.', m e I d to Mini hi, licit voor - . i.iiibc, ilr. wt.. hi facr of Am- sti-in- 5 j 'liiiiirnt'iio ;il p. ii,., 37 ,,.. attend the funeral uf lliirrv arillu for the , , !:! invention. A Kri'i-H- , i luiiuvntn of iiiihmimI Ninth IihIh: nelle, huh uf Mix M.n;, Ko'irnelle. "Willie ,ti ti, I uf HticrelH. veil interest has The lire tu e held : hIiouIiI ' been plHiiiied for the veaper aerviie at the majority rule attains! uh. at Itodey llerbolli, painter. I'hone Hli.'iJ. o 1101 k mm iilli rtiuon al Strom; we miiHt bow to their will, hull thin afternoon at 4 "A Daughter of the People" I 'ee h e.uiily mnkeH lliotln is' clmpi l. . o'clock. The address will be delivered ntoie h iei lully Ihouuli none Hie that by of home-Hindi- , l alilwi il, Ii.ih hepit in f.iirm-HH- , the Itev. Kdward I'. Sehueler. pan-lo- r nut rurainebi. who the roiiveuiion beloiiK Five-re- Dreyda Art Film With Laura Sawyer, Frederick Dclicllc In ('hii iiKo - im. of Hie Lutheran church, who i lie .MaHoiilr asHn. nil i,,n w ill KlVU vixllli.K lelnlives and pin lo - known as for.efnl and 1: a dame (lie nluht of Kebruurv hasiiiK Ihe xpriim 11,1. HUnimer mil- "Vrtv truly, int.restins ville, Robert Brodcrick and an All Star Cast. llii.-r- speaker. A line program for Hie Hi ohomiM. r tnrn.-- to "A M A IMI.I.i l 'F.VI.7,-Ih- e musical has I'ulroltiiiiu W, (,, . riTY l li. h, nil n ., l:il;. been airaiii(i-i- by K. Mi.-- l'rof. Stanley 7 fi'W duty city ve.itinl.iv 10, ,1111111; iM'MKNT. VY "iiiinil to on police motor-- unl-vet- the i 11 Id w in 1 Seder. Ulterior of iiiiihu- at yi le. et in harte of the iiuliin- "I", s Since no M'uxi. are allow. the III v, w liii ii by depaitmt of that Hlufe. led. It in Impni Hint .von he pre.s-il- '- an ulitheiu W. I', .Mult ml - Ihe I nlveisiiy Vesper belt, linlnnii uxeiit The KillKH I l.illKbli-- l m ,,f Hu- I'l es-- ( ent to v. in peiHoii " choir. which, for the H.itila Ke, mm In town under Ihe Nkillfnl handling of Uirec-- : hi bylerian ebnr. h. will hold tlien j Mayor l!,..iti itlit learned that r- - "On the Heights" unlit. hiixiiu ii tor Keder. ik fast becoming a monthly u mill w.iinl nadian Ti x . fav ored A lbiiiiier.Ue'. factor A vi . i , i t r.ra.-- in the music of the city, nolo; 1 wo-re- Biograph Feature. llmiiiiiiiiiu-n- N 4, at the hum.' of Mih Mordy, ,'M IKllll.l Maif 1. Midland and Alpine and it i. K , HO by Mm. K. I.. Hrudford, will meet at I. ucloik to-- I :i07 South Waller Hie.-- ,,n ii,v ill.... at". ? pulled to be for this t Itv entitled. "The - Liav In Knd'-- ." nilibt. j ev.lllllK. Febili.iiv I'.t All the vuinn! Jul- Hi.- 1911 convention. Olheii the-- lloiii, ti, Mr .111,1 J,. features of taMVice will' I.1110. .i be u duet by rrotes.sor Seder 13n' Miiith llioadwiiy, I'ndiiv ' and , j. T. Sew II, Kobert a by t.iw lit, 11 ihitiKlttt-r- .selection the Matinees at 2:30' and 3:45 Nighis at 7; 30 and 9:15 j I'niversUy HraHH w hicli ha .Ml" M.HK.nt t M, iilnrtet, (ii.,ti of (to. jHileady won such IiikIi favor ; i Ih vbitini; Mr. 11111I Mr,, with J. i rump.' i (,f , I X chtiroli und audienees the! I'll. South 'III il ii nl reel. city, and a UeliKhtful cornet and horn, ADMISSION TEN CENTS; CHILDREN FIVE CENTS I'l Oliver II vile, hoiiMi. j pIivhii'Ihii duet by C'harie li. t'larke. and Koti-- 1 nl St Johi pIi'h mnilai oim, bun leiiHed V. Humes, both niemberii of the W .1. j irt . the Hyde ienidi in e 011 N01 til braHH quart-1- From the ulandpoiiit IliKll Htl'iet, j. f the audi. m e. the lu st number on A xtii-i-- t ,ur 1, ti ii, , u , i,t,, Mhe program will probably be several C. II. COXXKK, SI. 1).. D. O. I'lKbt Hi Twelfth dtleit unil Alilllll-- i iViKoioii.s hymiiH lid by the choir ami' Osteopathic ( Mil til)- -' tain lii.ul. Sitki'uhi Kd lioiiaiine Was 'lass iiar( t. I huse w ho linve heard treats nil curable diseases, office Stern Tin; siioi t sTi:x;ii'iiir lulled to kill II, Il.-- leljii Wcfe broken,; ' (Mini t'Kationul led hy a quar- Buildlntr Phone H.ift and S2S. I I for expert work reportinir, A II. U Mile, tet of biasH instrument!, need not be leal. Ioi'hI manaKi-- fur,' 1 omniercial. A 1111.ur A-- i ,,., b it f,' i.',,,( W01II1, told of the ilis,ll llli! etlect. ' Henry's Delivery Mes- hit--i All -' and Went (Vnli'al Ave. Tex. nivhl on a bulheH.H trip. Mr. 1 are invited lo ullend this set- lll'i i Residence phone IS 7 5. Wllde ,l. ill-- . In n l 111. l.y vva., f ; ice. sengers. Phone 939. Pi mi. Mavor Ituiili IkIiI ret hi lied DEATHS AND FUNERALS I'IKhl f I j GALORE ..lit Sill. Ill le. Willie he III- - Hsddifl Horses Trimble ned Barn lilnleil t!ie of Hint,. the . Hon board and the l.eii',ue of Muiik . I iiiit i ul of Harry 1 ouiiiclli-- i:xri:nr ritv.VFK Futn-ra- l servici-- , Pillill.'!., for Harry Four-- Veiirs' lOxiM'rlencc In Cull- - nelle be li' lll 'J VA , will at o'cln. k Have ) our Suits t.owiis ( The U ooiliin 11 or ih,. I,, Mj this or forida. ' noon at Slron.; ehupi.-l-. nml liy lu.'.'l ill l.::n 11 lock I U ih all. i noon: AH il.c Archdeacon S K Warren will olfl-- i). it. si i v n !; . 1: it newest hi tlii' .ii, i, t,, iilli 11,1 ii,,, tiiin l I I, rall Tile pallbearers w ,11 I.KI.M.MKUS UFA llniiiieriiK "I v. 1., in iiiij; ne , m r iciale. Fred ink iMnrlcv. r.eorm- - Fabeu, W. I'll I IMllW 4 i 'i 8. Hlli " ill p"l t ill full mill. in. Mc'Juudf, styles for Spring r I Mmiiiiuik, Si', CLEANERY 1,1, Wiirri-ti- , li lieorse hard Ke11er.1l aio'iit fol Jr., and t.Tiare:i Stephens. Kurliil will I'Iioiio SU-- 115 . t'opla r Ave. I'd I',,:,,, A- I. 'the SoillllWii Tli l.illl 0.1,1, be III F.iirvievv cemetery. N II I'l i.w ,1, ii. in i iil li i'ilil and p.u.:.i'iit er MK.-ii- lor the Santa Ke, i I iiucrnl of A. t'oinoK. Knox $4 In lb.- ell.v 1. 1st and $5 Vile Illicit. Fuintal Hirvlve.s for A. I,. t'oriioB, 25 CENTS GOES A All mi'mbei-- ot the unler of the of I.oh (JrieKos, who died hint .Mon- ! t n l, ,1 WATCHES I'.lt l.'l Si n me leiin-- II, 11. Stetson $4 and to day, will be held at 2 o'clock this af- LONG WAY- - $5 the mrvlci-- of Koni-l- u fumral Ibiliv s ternoon at Hie Chinch of San Felipe, Take 11 nl roll past m y w in- ll,' iiiIi-i- i K nl HioIik'h ii ii Iiik parlorn de Nert at old Albiiqiier'iue. Ihirial when you ride in Tony Michel-bach'- s at 2 o'i'l,,, k t Ii ih dow unit Hie WuU-ho- i that Mallory $3, $3.50 iitteriioon. will be In Santa Harbnra cemetery. oriuinal 20 -- cent taxi, l'hoiiu w pallbearer are on wile. All new 11 nil (cuiir-aiitis-- d. Minil.etH id tin- fulfill Hrnther-hoo- .i The will be A. Nkkolan, 170; rtesidence 1302-J- . SI. nf '.11 iM iitei . mill .loin, is i.f L. Albei's. J. Ui. hurt. 11. C. Held, Am, i n a, me reitnehi to nu et at W. r. Wood ami K. IJIanco. The,; Ho n- hall Hl I I'.h 1. VI, k Iiiix after-- ' Wdodmen of the World will have Come in and noon to iiiti-n- tin- tiuiiial of Harry charge of the ner ices at Ihe come-- i The Cut Rate see I' '..111 tery. l'allbearers me to meet atj 12:4,--. POLL TAX DUE Mi and Mm Felix Mandril, of o'clock at Fled Clollott'a un-- j Jewelry Store rooms. j them. They are New York fin, Hiiueil lieri' eler-o- a dertukins w v il William Drug Store and ill h and I V tin-ol- d PA frieiiilH u ,vtr. II. II. Menard, lime inw lx YOUR PuIJ. TAX NOW AT 07 fur iiiotitb Mandril - West Central om-iici- I ax- HIGH SCHOOL COK-- I Correct. a brothel- ot .Mil. Mandril, hiiiI iiintiy lan.t iiiuker, has up a si re. lU'lLDINO. imir shop 115 V. Central. MUIh-INE- U CFNTKAL AND KHOADWAY. t at lad 1011 KiiaranUitl to all ciisloiuers. n. m. wiLi.iA.Ms Denllut Gallup Lump Gallup SPRINGER! r.ooms 1 Stove and 3, Whiting HulldiuK, CerrtUos HAHNCOALCO i Lump Crrrllloa KIots iiOnslilmrnCo TRANSFER Corner Second and Gold. I'll ONE 91. 1.1:1: 1:1 m; iiahm k I'hone No. 684. ! ( l AXTUIIACITE, A IX SIZES, STEAM COAL LARGEST BECAUSE BEST The liariiilnic lady in "The Wiiiniiiir of Ibiiliarn Woi'th." at the i Y. Af. C. A. RubHcriptluns vaynble: CriMal Ihealer. Mundav. Slan-l- i 1. Maliiicv a. id Mhl. at banks or Y, M. C. A. Phone 43. Coke, Mill Wood, Factory Wood, t'oril Wood, Native kind liiif;, Mine.

' ' II rrt"Tf ' r r iri i - i up ti

i! GREAT HAT SPECIAL THE GOLDEN RULE DRY GOODS CO. MANY HATS FOR MANY MEN OUR GREAT- EST HAT OFFER Here is :: YOU'IUS" OVERi OATS assortment and style. 200 dozen Men's Felt and Velour Hats in Fedora and Derby styles, all standard brands, 75 loullu' Ovetvoali. odds and end left neatly all oer, such as Rocloefs. No Name and Thoroughbred. Values to . valuet lo $15.00. on jale (or Suit Values at $10.75 Highest Grade $4-00- Suits for $15.75 . Clearance Sale Price. 200 Men't Select Suits, guaranteed all wool and hand-tailore- $1.85 High ouits yes. the very best in every way. newest styles and fabric ; also IHue Serges and Fancy and 250 .u,ts o select trom in eS 34 Worsteds; values from $15.00 to 44. The styles are the MEN'S OVERCOAIS to $25.00. All reduced for very latest; f.nest ta.loring. this big We have them in best Blue ! Clearance Sale. Serge Fancy Chev.ots Men's 12) Men-- 0eitoat in lery Lett quality ; a complrte line of I and Wor.Meds. Your choice of this Pants at Reduced Prices splendid assortment, values coiotii and :cs valuei lo $30.00. for this Clearance Salr. CI I01CE. $22.50 to $35. all on sale for 500 pairs to select from; Men's Pants worth $2.50 to $3.50 the pike a pair, on sale at. pair : 81.95 " 514.05 5ft 1 Men's Pants worth $3.50 to $4.50, pair . .$2.95 Zz 0.7S $15.75 Men's Pants worth $5.00 to $6.50. pair $3.05 5 TT ;;ti;z;: I Society ALBUQUERQUE MORNING Comic Section JOURNAL. Page ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1915,

8'JO403DifSzJ BONUS A --f. W' --CV MOTiTAl YOURSELF. ( tkUS&M mm

s-- ti7 EHiy February 14. 1915 The Original Katzenjammer Kids room hied. t tti t;r Cumiuy. Htiinin Him..- Kisrrti-- )( eer ) ( ! YOU Give the good look over referencers ss o.k. HA! HA! it is The S Bm h N0 siouchfs ! Vy SHOULD) BUEN0 CftPlTANO SHOULTC TMS ftM IS5 XOU ( ONCE .oENOW, utnOL MWH JOKE ! WITH PEDRO feETTERGo UP To YouR (, i iame : - ? tut-tu- t- ; FORw.PurA V0U He r workt wschiefq THE GREAT FOXO PEDRO COUPLE UF IMPS UF - took " " MISCHIEFO WDORIO K-- rT eWnyND rsr- n X l V i THE VALETO GRkNCrtO! MISCHIEF LME HAN5 UND FRflZ ? - - - -- j rrwu. HAVE SWELL ( I THINK NOT

1 I I V0RDTO t ft" VAitigetI AU.HM mister mrty ( CMtoMBA! S 1 here )( Anmi I tERr--; DER I PEDRO! DlDT.SflD MMMJETTO' ISS IT ! J LVp (L i DER SMW SS T0Ojr - itJ. 1 llHV U ! t stool rj or tjidnf i not o rf SMRETAMWCqlAIl: iu?t V vwsmucm vatch f : Ttr Jffliw rnfiS5 rmt4sim$


r n

. J,l.i ,;v

Get'Yet the BIG TftVEWGE.!


Klkalifth .Sin,m. Kathcryn (Imvt pMnhlinhment. and . jierpetuaiion of) Play the Game tnr a visit with her hunlmnd, Tr, Haul, an,) Aliiia Hnldridvp. teihiilialillen . of Hip Alliuiiueriiup saiuilniium. lJuiirh and rakp Ihp Jiisilep An alvstraitlnrt of which1 Mrs. (.IruimfeM y Ivan will return tn t unt'iisiouii-l- Htunt-thliit- ; ii.inic Jaw takes nu foknlzaiii r. r; fairly Allmiiieri)up thp , i .lf wr hUr Ihn oard were lallpr putt of t Ihk thromchm i tie rttj-nhir- that hut rtirply is thu) ahuffled week, nrcomiianii'il l,y her dali)(h'ir Mimic hy Juni-- .' hi?tni, nm- - a. h it Is ,;,. , , i.n the leehniealltv tthl. AnJ far,y Miss Florence (Jriiiisfeld, who hu-- bUHlm-- s I m the of the Inw In maintain. h m.i Ih-- i ii a htiuli nt ut pi I ftradfnrd ein.,. liiMtn makp f"'i nt iw Rime us I'niirt A i hevnlmard with rules I roe frtitii thp jiluv, iind with a mind Ii.ry H' hool. homp, imd in.iki-- u wind nulfii iently i ninplli Hint only tiihiis alert mi unruffled, ' Mr. mid Mrs. H. we wne. corporation lawyer and other exp rt J. p.f, . (inly said, "1 do nut underslaii l.' Wediiesilay I'ily, crooks curl nttfely operatp on II. fur Kansas tl'h r .Mfillt-WIIIT- iney vikii it rew , y Ii (Jted In prove win irienns ir fate riuinnthinir IJfo is a uanip of cards. From unseen Mr. and Mrs. ar r,, Hi pos-nild- v en Thu mnny Allupiiriiip frlpiida cf it whnt 1, happen could imt . years liavp liiippened. Kiilirt'CH, tn Kuchistcr, Minn., for a (imsuUni HV A. Wlil'c. lni it few The luianls nrp nliufn'ed and tin with tin; Mayo iiiothers. TANDORA. ii kn was iiroiiiltipiii in hp IiiikIik-r- an I Wfiness hiiineiine nwnrn In prnve Iii.p Inilulji are dealt, Mrs. Arito Jlunliiif left I'nrly soi ial life of mm i ll), Mill reiiit with that what could not iMsildy niind are our pffoi Is' In conliul the li.'iipi-ne- ill, I week fur Hanl.t Ko for a Willi liiliri'st Hi,, full, .wink, clippi-- from happen. run f a I In- - J - A Mrs. Is.uii; I'.arth. Ilk dino Hern ia r.iMi fp,,, o l.nwyer- man Willi hiaim hut mi - t ' Whirli, HioiiKh unseen, nn- nu lev MiM'i I Mi-nr- Mis. M. ' liadlioiinip 1,. t'liarlmi, Jin r ami iiiiuiiy. KlroliKlV fell. i. jll Kiss A. VIiiIp wprp inairnd Kiiilay PtPn-tnt- ; riienl - A man ttllh nmuey Imt nn j today lor li-- 1 oi k for 11 month';, , ,H. il ra It-- I Hip This Is 'be iv coin In Hip Hi.- - Ii at rpi ini . of i'Iiiik ;f hrilriM. i, ....1 i i 11...... i,. - I ' Wily in-.....i" ." lmlly. Mlcedng In., in,, lli-nr- -- s Inti-tile- .....j llll' IIH" ,'illll.l tit lliilbbt M i li niPtii, I;. l:asli'r pc. I .an suit A hy tin j M''A liilpli Hunt vtill I 111 V.i ttliufrii-il- I .'iilii rt'iimi! lipids In III" art I, I shooting (In fnrr mi kissed me only winds In - - j, of tvi'ii forini'il I hi- Tin- hi I, IP !s former for .ilisorhiiiix Hip worldly Willi 111..H,. t.'il-''- kiM-c- ti ri'innnv Hut yi in ""' "r " v,i'"1 her Vl'illal t III' III' M Inbolt Ul liit-(II- I Miul i iiih, ii in! Hip i.inl.. Minn if j I'm the pamp and hiuind '; rain the ilmuhii r of (: . Inn id S. Mnir, i f Konds of Hie latii r. I Mrs. W . Wallun, and ' - l il- - , tn Bin v. J. her KH lyiilfi l$t III" lll N"W yn'i h i. ii, nip, rii,,tr j :,r,. - M.r, i' o hr uli r, N. V. Sin. ramp In Kl Cupremi- ourl n fur. W II Sirlui: r. l.iHf thi ii 7 v f, And 1'ilouKh thn li.nir l.i.i., nielii lu.iin from I'inp 111. iff. X. '. A lnrp rtf term nlnif Hip dif lereinv hi'twcen! iii'lll'. j : I, .1 Mrs. K. A. Mann itt somehow dm'siit seem frii-nd- s nnrufllPd, lelurned l'lilay puny of Hip and Tweedledum and Twpedledep, j t In' Mm I i,f 1 sought K ii, xlm kt'ikih I'lay what I hreak ifjfrom Sanl.-- where Bhe went eimi. d' Hi much of Mini thing the tiorif fu r ftlmW in inpii npiKhlHim . jet, until the ihpI h r at tho train unJ vtii,'iii pun in hi'cuihi roiinil i year a 1 Tlii-- Kiirifiil day. j In tht Week tu iiltPinl a ,iinii hi In lirnin punt. .111 ulmiit mi. iiIijSinK i,f tlip nouti'i - I liv referep reri 1 ui I'oinpaiili'il thi- coiiplp to hi awarded the or JuiUp Mrs.-liupe- II lie 11(1 UitU my iivi.-i- ( I'jrom Timeg of Cuha. Ikiven hy I'. Asplun-- :in, lent, lie pal took Ill'' liirni'il i4 l,i.i hi, ,nly StrM. ,M. M l!'- nili'ivl-P- d lawyers Ii the rninry. liinif when he thlnka that the ivo ' A. V. Waller. Ma,,,, biggest part uf Hip'wpi k prci t iling Vour upon my nihutt,. - ,it-- Hn- - .1rs. l'aiil Mrs. thp uml i. Ji rmni- t lint oten f'1 f illlellt'M IHull'y ill - mid tallowing liny Ilia! l.ri.. I'rink ".11 ml Mrt. sail!: Ilaith were- thp j;iu ts the devoted li ndpl tin icriHiiii. After thp III- - original lawsuit. I J told them over thp So m i.tlo.i ii In mi int. below ami nun swirt sweet rain .r nlati-ment- telephone. f'lr'of honor. mining Amll weather Hip wtililiiik kiii sls went to the Verdict The hy the; - .nil w,l tun) imlv tun .if i in.i a,.rc - as the I'lil Mua were conci-rnpi- l limy I.iltU- Miss rnrnella McAlllslpr ir three itiv Imng klssr- lire; hump of .Mr. Wh.te, at 131)7 Xorlh JuiIbp that m ither lie nor thp Jury j in. il Low.-- my li. 1. t ' wuuld never have known it. I'lil lerlained five of her frlenda We.ln,.,. nim :it whhh ant body n un ruin I ml they put out my glory Or' Htiei-t- . u rpfi'p.hinnl.i know anyihinK .iluuit Hip I ( A lure Mu was vindicated once il:iy it 1 11 .n a moving u ws Kin h ii thing us Vhi-- ' ruin puts mil a star, - y i more. at pinm,. Ihfif wep nerved. The hmin- .i altr.l"-tlvel- a a linv party in hiintrr of her tetrth Idrthilny infill'' IM ( ' j ihioralPil :li nit flutters nnd WO III ITAI,. 11 rcfref-hment- Am I ll- - I, wiiii r- - , 1 mn my Noii.s sik v. After the movies wi-i- flu Hu Lcnl, h love' and he l lulu f,,r vr. Th,. wiijitinif was the f ulmi.i- - A nt thp or i I - ruiial Woman's rluli, I in ili- li It 'I proper 1 1, i in l Stub-- ik it (i u seal - Mi. Kdwaid A, Mann served at Crimshiiw'n. in unl safe fore vcrniorP- nlinii of it rom , that hikau tthen I'Uild nn Monday it fu ridiiin hy nu-- 1 entertainel M liii'f llnv'i', IP. 'J'li.tiK yon it, hi t the Friday auc- The marriage Wednentluy 11 f t ormion mi nlitiK In ii roiil'l if it beggar niter the hrnlp ninl ri,iiin were holh ihil-il- n plls or Mina IaiiiImp Nli luilx,' Haudnl"tJ afternoon at two table of i..- - V - lit-- f imiihl it r u la r j lien- a king stood - tion bridge, which of Miss liitsy Iltiberta, of Meeker burn! uf entertain, ure? n hi- w rilil iiik bhpsIn were hy .Mr. UKoy Volt on the violin, the first of a series I hi so, Inl Mti 11 inn Mrs. Mann plan to give. Coin., to Mr. R. S. Marshall, w,.i i"r Jut nl Hint it 'fcasdnle. In Harpi r Mag;iine. Mr an! Mr, ;enrie KuiiHi.iIup, Mr. promise to l,i-- n diwinet musical event a II, hi K,ll In., Ill-- Mirkr i,l ntlmii'I; L. C. invi- known Albu'iuernup' railroad mm. (i nml Mrs. Mil,) I.ttmir. Mis. M. M. P. of the week. Thp proKTam follows: , Mrs. P.ennelt hc.s Issued I ! Wlll'-l- lihj-"-- I or '1 c rn III Come l'H(( - an was an event the week. he Misnesi St. Hiieklev, Iniet j tations for cictinn bridge parly hiiir.ii'i- "I'rinirnse Iianee".. Krnkma.iii tnony was performed by Hev. C mil ll If. llesnip J'.omiiiliire. I'hvli'ls llnijlleilire: 'itrmen Morelli. Adel,. Molelll. next Tuesday in honor or Mrs. W. V. i ,e, .,n .. I. ii sappnonm-t- n. ((,. h)W ,,,, ,, Walton, who will in April Hickman at the parsonage of unri. j,,,, ,p, ihry lh following condition ron-- "wn, Kliinn l;i,iiileil!p. h'rank U. tlraca nils" Cramm early 1 of the l I avenue Methodist "" ii"tinn i uo nun h irmiiiii-- , take ..,i niiifl t: Jerorn - M. K. iM.n. I.. J. Iteddimr. Marcella lipidy. Tor San IHego, where slip will be 011. l.cid church. ul 1 l" - cor,,,.,'' .f t ' hosle-st-- s - The Wonitn's Catholic unb-- of l"T not. Ifiltim,. an l occupies t..o mn, spam. 'ontp-tant- u W. J. Kdwln . Pixipa of the ut the New- JlcSic'i1 h hnvp rpiplvpd I'mwlev. Kn!rkmr. Sninninir" n II... . bl i 'll-- j must til I'mn Panama-Californi- give u Su-- t I'M, While selisoll ll A. ll, mun beliinil ll.-- pun I I tliplr Davis. Leon lloniin. C. F. Whit Carmen Morelli. building at the a ex. will a in, T'li- wily il,fli ri'iir-i- . muHlral trulnlnir In America. position. inl at Odd Fellows hall Tuesday even-in- limn likf Alhrlkht rnmiit in iihoul im ley, of rhicago, J.mies Suuci-- and J. 'Fragrant plnsaonn" . . . . Loeb-Evan- s i t,ii I l l fur inuili 'onn ulanlii rimul not over thirty lip ,.fnr i, i'.li,i x inv Itii'y - t le .Music will furnislied by th; Itlniy us hi- i,in i nnvi-i!i"ii- ly nirry S. Knott." Marlon Mrs. ileorge s. Klock gave one of lll.ik ' I ."lit pr V.'llll- - HI plilM of nve. lirunsfeld. lllueh oichestra and refreshments inrlli... in away, THu pi,Hi(-h- t ilHln'f rllioter The Skylark" Tschailiow sky ' a erl"s or Infui inal bridge partl- s 'r y liHVD u - Hit- - ( I'onU'Hiuritu must perform cmlrplyi Will be lved. lin Inr .it ft any Ion I s. i Thursday s' lin round l;ind Ihirklv, hut lWiout iintm bi'forp thpir ntatp Jury NIVIJtMTViVrTI Helen Oruit.sfeld. afternoon, eight guent i pi .i ilc pin ml flulliii-- lli il liaM Ihi-n- - lif in ell ih- linn', mid If il c Next "Co-ed- " (a) Romance!i"B present. i i i i1 uml liUor Hn lr iJIfirli t J,iry i.i wpek will appear the' ii Vnnlljr l iiirfur month l.i-- i li w Ml.(.KITS. hadn't fur Inm il Wniil.l i edition tind-- (b) Alleitro . .1 ii'u.ii inrre, or, ir morp rorn-- i of th, tieikly, which, r ..; Hiabelli Mrs. It. Fred pet tit eifterlalne.I t My J...KI havp hpi n i Hohnmiel Iris.) ilif fi'n nt uinliow- iio.Miiliins, naim-ly- : the management of Mis Ma- Herth.-- Weinman Mis Nichols. few friends sewing Thursday i editorial at a bee They s.iy my heart Is light with joy; ' eil:.-(- - rie lliggina, agisted by Miss Itnsa-lin- a "Dancing Doll" Pcldinl i.rternoon nt A lui i.,ihii,i IhiikIi it ...... ,.,, "" ,, '"' One air hy Handel, M.m- her hume on Xort'i I sing, ,r M,Blp - Ksiirionn, sure to a sen- Dorothy Hoolh. , OUl III pit , of , .,,y. lfl,,r ri, uimk or an early Italian ron,- is make cel. piocUiim I press I Call-if,- . - .Kn-"llung- And all have a heart of the Muff. 1. I 1,ad noser- . n- ..r . In college journalistic Violin "Caprice Vieiinois".. ler- .1,11,..,, . , . l,l m'",ii .'i.t sation circles. Mr. M. K. Wilder enterliilncd the most g.'iv. 1.; am 11 No. mi'i unity nn rirhiimann or lli.iimis) W. It. Walton, the official univer- Dance 2" laowland riililgi, club 51 Ktenlav af- - My is though my Jlf lll.'S HOW IT is, m Hliape. s Itrahms-Joa- heart winter snnvi n,leii also did Allan Krem h ami Ameri.-n- .i,n. imp mod. sity photographer, has taken some 11. i lilm ternoon sprint;: -- are Klniri nn of my frli iuli i,i Mi" ..11. 11 1, 1 In- " me rn tiratm iii or opera ( KhKimh 'client flnahlight picture of the Mr. Yf,,t' j Mrs. Jamc., D, a Wniiiin'n iru- , arut Davidson inviteil None knows the suffering I bear fliili nlni 'poll simp. iliiu, nlal monster, Wta iikuiivp preferred.) terior nf the buildings, whK-- "In the Conibila," Ilohde fcw ( . t.imios frienilR to lirinv .i..L. each day; In r wiild f linimr Hint nh' ilcni 11 W,K nt tn, 11 1, -- i i',, nrjiui, in J'ianhis diip work I.y Ca.-- are tu appear in Hie next issue of tun Allele Morelli. w,.,ine.s,ln v fiftpriioi.ii 1 ..!...... ff...... Vet ccMpss, Impr I rtliiki1 cllo il.l-I- v Hie a " ' i hearts that listen spi hfn li'n mf role of a riy matron, was J licet h.iven, on l.y ( New. !Ipsv Dance" . . .Ll' luier j I work. 'hopln rnetits were served. without mo Unit Mrniido I Unit I ili'l 11 in, nun usual, j k one ,y M low ell, Former fJovcrnor U Hr.idford Adeline Clifford Mrs. ru t H'lltp lim'-u- p ., ,,' work Julian Heed will return to herj I know must slill be mv iict lhi prnpi r on .,i 11 "March Mi lit a ire' sadder than mui; tveiv IlfllP onp work hy Liszt or f'rine". of Kama I'e, Is 10 tec turn ut Saint Saensf home In Tcxarkaiiu, Ark., today uf-- j I hp i lull in my nl'iry lunt Kiunlay. Hlio Mioweil his lilonil , Miat--e. own. on tup Home other Important modern compo-.o.,.-- assembly on Tuesday morning on Dorothy Looth Norma Month. i.. y i n r.ull-i.- i As a I, Ik. tlml iiin't iUinliiui uf awkward aded Hwed-- nltion. "flip Did Kpuni.-- h Missions of New "Second Vulse" . . Oodnrd In mill i,, in Hi in i lit- - yen aril-t.-l- ' within rlnli isn he lift imthJng. (,, ,t. Vlolinlsls A Hail, tinacrompanleil Mexico." The publit is cordially in- - Sylvia reieiu lilt lulu Hint n. In) rinll-- i desire I. J iloii t . lii.i; lin nn like In piny favor- niu. hp early clunnlc vll' il to Mi privi-nt- tal "Narcissus" . Ncvln n n n i Hk-ii- i,r I'ali.iii work iioTnnim unil i I, m imiir nrmiTinn inr riiimi rnilivi'ii ites. nl k' e, Hi I, n-- liia-liin- (b) . nmniiir IIiihk in rot (o or a llanilel sonate; i.m- - looM iuciit A lieetiii' adding "laralilell,." Mac Dow ell l,il i ai Ii iiiuj f Thp Jmi'-.i- . I fvi'iy il.iutliiir sloi noiuewlii'ir'' of them from a p.rurti. H Mendrl.H-- foriiiH part nf the i.pilpment of the Katharine blHLD! IIH.LULIIUIirUL, Kvi' wIiuhh nmim U tu lm fmiinl on wra iill Is - ' l I uoi, and especial uii'iillon suhri ii- 1 office of Miss Parson which haa Polonaise" Merk. In other atandurd enncerto; tw IME, due In li.ii rimifr "(irimrcKHvi'." the musical c proved Fmv earing, ' feature of the thicp itnotl short har u ter pipces, a most valuable nciulsitinn. p.mvp," ,i oiim"-whi- it performance, tr i I'tuitri of courH", ih which, under the illrpc. nhowiiiR ntyle, finish, culor. Hev. K. I'. will be the 'Sonata P Ihetlipip" (1st move- - i IiihIIi! nrm; Hon (Stanley harm and nml riKhl off iln of Seller, lent a, dash to Individuality; oiip hrllliant sho.v speaker nt Vespt rs I his afternoon. A mem Meet hmvii HAIR-- 25 1 imk-t'- d Hin pi ll, ,1111,111, ,. FLUFFY CEMT Ini, villhimt liiiipini to lliink, wliairh nun half of liicct- - i,y ij r, specially attractive movl'-a- program, Dorothy Itrown. ) In r If all lli show. iiuii violinist coiupitft OfiiEiJE rhlli int'nilinrn the I Wlen-iawnk- !. .Mrs. K L. Vlulin "Ave Marie," such aa I'nf aiiini, Kirnsate, with Jirali'ord as soloist, ' I lip 1 In tin ruirnt illn'rl iin, Hli r nines, nndi rstnnil, nr to ) Prof. I. L. Tello in violin lections Schubert WllhelmJ Ii.iuhiiI, I M Ii t Kp , kikIhI. 'Hi k a mlniitK uml liivudii Kautii this week. If .s,1nia a and the university brass ouart'-t- will Mr. Yott. I'on'entants must perform behind ' tliin ri'pliid: '"l'lny th"y Ve tu il i think iiif, wants he Hiiiuse,! It can ncrep-- i nml he known In thu Jury hy pompletr; a program of "I'ourth JIazurka" riorlarit I'Ut I muHt mliuit Hint nnnif of then nnlhlnir than tu empty .is number only, thus insuring absolute celleiue. l hfi poekptliiiok , b '" a win pnmri'Milii mm rapidly hs Alhii.ueriiue did and impar;lallty. , , cannot find trace of dandruff or tiinn thp othi'iK." fill the hoiisp. nen MI'S A t your real surprise will It will a Rood ('on'eslaiita pi-e- i not bp members ST. Vl FATS MA ITI.. nil IDIIVIX. iiair real SUrDriSe ,:,llinrhili': I show put 1. 11 ,y bo H,,"ut two ri'iiifinlur nni liilnif rmhir a hunch or lis rine of a federated club but, to be The recital by the students of St. One of the cardinal teachings or all .. aft"r weeks' use, wluo KUllth'l Wlli'tl ll nnVMi In yotiiiif camp sororitit-- oh-- y"" Wl" e0fl "IflriT, mi fellows as ever down Hie they riiuiit join the Xuliunal club with- Vincent' academy hist Wednesday is a discreet and proper 1 QVVaitS VOU, m'w hir fine and downj pxpluin I yes hair-lad- ies, I'i'i'iiw.r to tn mi. niinn'lhlnu dilt oinl. in Hip provi-- b one servan'.-- or all the traditions of the at first but really 'new li in Hip Mudrnts department of the to of the hest that has of iruft, lulil tn Unit mpciiI l!y the way, I almost foriiot. Tint by young it is s with the Phi Mu so- - sprouting out all over your sculp fli-i'- t Federation nf Muslcnl cltiha ever been given the talented e u In Ki-i'- i lt lioys wern 11 ' Dandt-rin- of th of Nlnweit an kind s to lirinir nip In- I rority, or, as 1 is, we believe, only sure for advanced students and youna" women of that institution; The pro the members prefer il i, r,., of henvy. the ihl i. I didn't l.i ki Hi In nil In il to the thliiir the other tilKht. I wasn't IirofessioiiaU) by gram to be called, fraternity. mem- - ,)PT,?, "fJ ahead l.uir g.ow.r; ,icstry..r of dan.l.uff -, aendintr with thpir was as follows: h oio K ilp, tint finally 1 ri'iillxnl therp at the tim- 1 ! !.a! , tutty. cure Itchy thai hut was told ah t a niimes and addresses thp fee, onp dol- "In Venice" fipindler hers proved it Friday lKht at then-- ."I" . Iu,r,'': and lor s'",lp and it never ln If rh-l- It, ll I'nn-tlor- a to stop whil mi'iuit win" vnu'ro and tickled iiih miuhtlly. lar. In vlcp president Melba Ki) k annual dunce I" a rather striking 1. fuils falling hair at once. fu-i'- t the of their kpatri' .n. In kfop thii tnKiihiT ynii has heen In Hip Kiimp way. . . nieiiiic. yoti want to prove bow pretty omt Who will remit It to the fcderatl 1 1 "Old Kentucky Hume," t violin t. ir miiNin't run tiin! h nvm any your tn he n ! pr!nei-lni- ' !U"1 off of enoiikh to nppieiiatn (ln Hcasurt r. selection) The vindication of Fororitv " 8l,fr LVr !i"lt your hair really is, mois,!rn MilpM lull I ri l. vamp or a Franklin 2... ' nrt lot of It. Just lvertlslnu. I'nnti-Htnnt- must tirranpe for their Mart'aret Hohle. Pics came about through the ueriie-- 1 a cloth with a little Dantlerine anil I'm nfrnld Hip Voiniin'n rlnli fl'-f- t Thank you klinllv! expenses trillion of a practical Joke, 1 " ,, carefully draw it through your hair i own In the contest, hut It Is Piano "liabbling Urook,". . ... Kirn but the j)nn,fp" ,, a hunt tn thin lulnrlplii. i"1 ff " one -. surKeated that eluba, If willing, help Lin-i- hours. central idea of the whole affair , . , , , ,,' rt".r. rfc: taklnn small strand at a tin.- Ijmt Tucnlay, h (trmip of thi- - miml Pulyitamy la ns mo- hal Y"Ur ,,e far from defray tho entile) (ants' and Piano "liehind Hcenea"..,. the Phi Mua are able to conduct! hair wi" "n- - lirmtrfiwlvo I notony us It Is dlstrlit the ' 'v tnere will be &"y wouldn't think In from monoKiimy, biennial ex pen 'en, where IiecsMiry, ur . F.ngh-man- themselves as perfect, ladies, and Jo 7' "'! "'"' beautiful just a few moments a of rail nit thi in ladlrul mi'inl.ora of 11. even appearancj of """--- . nesn- - that thn fimii wlnnera kIvp a "hen-fit- " Kthi'i (loff. though addicted, at times ui ness, ueugnttul surprise awaila everyone tin' Huh fnrpituthcnd ut MltS. LI liurriness anil mn lnoomtvirn !,i v...... a rrrtnln IM h M CI ION. roncert in their respective cltic.i Piano (a) "From My Sketch. Ttouk," snake tin (oh. no. that mustn't lie wilu 1111,'S II1IS. lioini", ami tivt'r tln iva mid rkp ilu .Mr H.siiK K. Vulliant was a mentioned.) - or rdtilm. M) "Joyous I ' l'l"1 who kIhiuIi! hr Harturin; Peasant," , tlin nffn orii of tliurmiiix htiKiesit Thtnailay aflcrtioon Thn prlzn Anyway, tho aforementioned prne-Hof- ll in rnr tin, will consist of the oppor Schumann nrKitniiiitinn ni'il yinr, at an auction party nt her Immi, on tunity to secure from litirothy Plalney. Joke failed ,f It intention. In a ,i thin In npltH of Hip t enKftKements fai't that Ho' vr! oppef uvenilP. Tim iiparnesa of ih ilOft federated clubs, whose "Conaoliitlon" Morrison fact, the victims were given a ruther fUiil Mi dni'fi nut takp ilnro fur mun pi, valentine a day waa In interesting enjoyable . rellecteil will coiiih to Los Amselea with Allen. and time. thrnj yi-l- The llltlo I, In the ilei oi.itluns, which, in It came nhoiindeil Instructions tn piikikp from thesu "IIumniPRiUP In . .Dvorak about after this fashion: inn that Hin hIiiIo, Ih well-inte- fun-lo- v whlrh nil u,ils and hleediriK hearts. in tho winners, if Tory, thp arllsta fur Helen llrldley. Some inner, but fxt'd lip, nriivldm Mm. M.imar-- 1 ing thai dunlin ruoiii l,i,iiiiii is of carmiiloim their "American Iiav'' jiinkram. "Hance of the Wood Sprites, Forma n folk, conspired together to call! M.'dicr Ih tn Im prmldi nt, Mi.i. i up Were used w, pM llrnt ,.ff,M .( The Josefila Miera. two local young men. quite promi-- 1 fimt vim pti'niili'iit piKu - l!ii'i'c and v:i.i lapluicd hy Mrs. A. A. Al- laiille Miss M'ayttpp Oh, mam- "Valse" iK'tinea neni young men, by the way. soruei- ll'", jtiM-p- Itrown neennd vlcn pn-'il- len. times almost obtrusively prominent, ilc.'il. ma, there'a Hie church you took latila lll"ks, The other officers, was told, The Kui-Kl- included Mrs. I'Yederlck anil inform them that invltutimis to ln to oncp. -i vveie left In a niihseiiueiit itnthrrliii.' lloliil.y, .Mrs. Al- highly at .- II IWiiest liavis, Mrs. Mrs. Wa)upp-li- i,l I? When, ;tx)i) 1 1.1 it. the exclusive 1'hl Mu annual ,FEEEM 'leta i of Hie proli-Ith- lt ,lunl which Is to he In M lied Minjns, Mrs, ;ill,iit, Mrs. I (lea bail had been sent them, hut rank r? Tin; (iood Cheer t lub nu t with Mrs. that .5&P.iNJ litis week. Hull, Mrs, T. N. Wllkersoh, Mrs. Mlxa they hat been relumed by the 11 Little Wnriipp Aliout Ilorton 011 Kriduv The si', tin Nancy iieswlck, Mrs. :. A. Mitnti, Hupp pa afternoon. poHtnffiop people undelivered, and W'ho, ;r 1111 y ins into. rooms were prettily decorated, red nri, not priirrpanlnir In nn Mrs. A. A. Allen, Mrs. Louis iteynolds , Wouldn't they please disregard the I heart playing I'pnsil,. llirectllin, III iPllW Bl'l, ).t Airs. I'raiik Hummers, Mrs ltuy " the main feature of tho lack of forniiil invitations but go out I I i rle l t ii iiiifix.i;. fii llir f'. 11 miki:s" decorations. Those were tip no hUli pill h, will Htronir, Mrs. II, js. at prepil and gather Ho- - mvp Iletilnit. Mrs, li. i he .Mrs, unto themselves Mis kunifililuK to nav It L. contest between tho lliRhlamla Mr. J. iMolittle, T. Isherwood, and-S- n iihout hifuie Iliailford. Mrs. ll Mta inilun n,1 and Miss and PAYMENT BY CHECK ' ' ihl.114 Ut'i-d- , thn liowliiiidH. over thn proposi-Lo- n J. CnlliHter, Mrs. fclieer, " Is ovir. Uniss Wld iw Miss Anini Newliall MiaS Mr. Utto take them to the bull. Simulating a T. anil of whit'h la best nt Mrs. Nora Mrs. A. Chrl.s-tophln- in::'. are HillliiK oil to outi, nudii-lii- t Jittu Nc hull. the bunch Putnam, J woman's voice perfectly, one of these 1, biitlifp, Unt week awfully .Mrs. J. Mrs). other In the ribs and wou-i- Rot to be II. Whiteside, guy conspirators performed checking "prions. It waa M. H. Mrs. Mary Shnffl.-barge- r, faithrully A account is a business necessity. 'iliu; ithal Is kolinr to romp of It. Kiir-- After too late a num- Frlxner, the Payment by llallrnad Man fw hosi, wlfo ber of tho called mp up a Miss Kllen Horner, Mrs. Irene duties allotted him In tho plan. haa left him In the Iioush with The informal (and unaulhor'apil) check is the A jtlrl will throw week una and uiie( that I make a lohnson. Mm, N'eill Campbell, Mrs. best and simplest method 'of making herself nt a the luil.y, cxamiiiiiiir : invitation was delivered, accept- remittances man , f "iituro atory of how they had wal- Mary lingers, Mrs. ilorton, the whim lm nnshleiH him it W'hero does coupllnir go, Finnia ance accepted, Mr. Mr. I this loped Hlffli-laiidpr- s. and and and when drawn well-know- n ti ! tho wadding out of thp Mrs. Ccrtru'in Ilorton. on a bank, a check ratdi. Jim I faret them forth to secure the carries with a Hecnn.l tried to set thp scorn In damsels. They I Italliuiul Man Under on Hip sport so I). secured them. They it I'ol ll's Tltlt MI'II.WT, tho 1umpi'iH, I pat for last Siiiida. I'U'ASWTl.V SI ItPIHSI went to a guarantee of business integrily. ciieis. aa riot to disappoint anybody, 'but the dunce. rite Hleiiui Trnta had 11 enn,l 11 top nt One of the most enjoyable parties therp waa an much prizef And here comes in the fun. The the ctVFlitl Ihptiier Intt Tuesday nlkht iirvDiii.ii itht stuff of the aenaoii wius that given Tucsd ty t hi Mu receiving line received them d nvi: mat night that there't any evening I We invite your ai so did thri iiud ence, and if Hu-r- Mrs. liny at the home of Mr. and Mrs. With good, albeit bewildered, grace patronage and will welcome your checking , - l, Ktrome eiittrtiilnod room. H. H. hiult- f.lse that has a riiiht to thiep tables nt five K.irr on Kouth Kdith. The af- and made them feel ns much at horn l ' k I hundred Tuesday Well, It appears that tho best two was In don't know who It Is. Kurthpi-mmp- , III fair tho nature of a aurprise as any of tho university ton who account whether large or small. Our complete afternoon her on Konin Nov. out of three was won by the folks Dy haut facilities and it ii n that airs. Karr to Mr. Karr In celebra- side-line- mlEhly good show. eiitn mreet. IllP ilecnriif loud ,,r ,,t,, live in Ihp swamp country. were already gracing the s inui i veivnoily ciinnect d It The tion of his birthday anniversary. The waiting service are placed your with has ciirnatloim and pink heaits wers s- - for the scrimmage to begin. at disposal. I , laiut was pulled off Monday Pythian tu he firnud. .1.. . sisters and husbands were the The young men and the young ladies I Ii ...... a...... !?. coior acnemo afternoon ut the homo of Mrj, W. invited guests and while the Karra arrii'd nut In the n I rpshrnents. W. Wrong, the ara they escorted were given a splendid I'n Inl iP'tails Hod tlisstet Inrli- - Miks and Lowlanilers were at the picture allow they took the Initi.t Xrwhall was furl u- - now wtarlng hihIip time and they do not know until this t n t H the the amt of that possession home. wurk in tuip of li' 111 and mile niii-- winiit.r. of the When they minute that their Invitations Itoea with that aort of thing. 1 un were seen returning the lights were hadn't Thtise pirn i,t w.-r- Mina Alice HyJ Highlander been all that delightfully cool voice Mlsa Mayhellp detutand the claim that turned out and not until Mr. Kir Will.ams. Miss Ann.i they were, not In entnllLnn and will turned them on did lie discover New Miss , those hall. liita Nevthall, Mra. ask for n. return nn parly-day- in lay H.iiley, mutch nt waiting. Mis, tieortiP H. alll.tni, while I11 the liwl.inders reply Curds nn,) music formed the even-Inu'- a Mrs nu,, c. a " up M(tttt turn their liost-- ami Fay: '(!o ;;e l--n entertainment, H ildrl.luc, M AuhcII, lluwdcii, a reputaiion." alter which a MIhs 1,..,., delightful supper was nerved. Lottlac,. and Mls My. . la-ll- I Mr. Karr wan prcsente,!. with n j elm -- l'lll MMI V I'.Mli V. Knights of pythlaa emblem by tho Miss Apolonla Cervantes entertain- Pythian Sisters. The New Kvpii Hip hi bI ,,f woim n wuuld Coats ed delightfully Thursday night nt her rather appear wicked than mil-ml- ,, us home In Hid Aihiuitieruup at the last IIAIIFS OF IIFI.CIl M. of a series of parties to he given be- The meeting of the Woman's flub , , ,, fore the beglnnlinr nf Ltnl. fnrds ant next Friday Is to be under direc- IXHtTMt.lli i.y ( diincing the were eujoyetl until a late hour tion of the recently formed child wel- and Suits Tin. I'niinli-htl- Are rhilt met last Tuos When was day nt tin, lunch nerved. Valentines fare department of the club, and an home of Mm, Kav Hii,v ttindt! phcp-rard- exccptli wlu rp n inot attractive nallv iittrnctlve program is to unusually i nt. rt,,ii,,w t,rl 'J'he Kiiests included Miss l.utsn be u,c proceeds ()f was rendrr.-,l- . , l,v rendered, which it was fol- - i"-s- Car-lott- InWS. as miss rninecs l.ope)!, Miss a are to he tjcv itetl specially 1,1 the re- laotpi!. Miss Anita Nicln, Mis lief In war-tor- n i. I 'a per - llutdn of the children Here ami Mozart Kliit Cervantes, Miss Stella Martlnea, The participation in the pro- ' ; Mr- A. Miss Mm-ar- Koreman rota Mlch,!liach. Miks Helen gram nf u I 1 T I number of the "little , KanlahiP. fi. Miss Josephine Cnniiales, chickens" wlin made such a hit In minor, pl su M1hs , the ,u,i l'i,stl Hlmona t'ervanl.-s- Miss Nativt-iho- l recent iicrfm inailce of "Jack and the Mnzait-- - Vol ,p K,.Pt.. if,,,,,, t)(!iiln. Miss ' I'lkaro"), to, cp. Monica fervantcs, Kennst.ilk' promises In be a distinct Mrs II. t. n,.,,ln: Mlsa I'llar Vrventea." Mtssr.s. feature of the entertainment. J Convincinfily new ! Mnrin Nntalii fur tiolli, and pinna, Nan do Valde Amhroslo ( i a re in. prom , The am is na follow s; 1 New in "i,.ji. otnn, st,w 1,0, ,IM. M,,. ti ibrlel rcrvniites, Pedro Duran. Pa- shades of biscuit, tan, battle-- ols; tmliii, ,m,., ,.; ladcr Mn. John W. Wilson. sand, pullv. i,,.,,,,.' V(l, blo Torres, Augustin t'ervantes, Car- Current 'F.venta Cine sayings sh'P nsfty and llaV'ln ;s. 1 of black. Special kits. "SV Mth,,r los (lonK'ilps, Juan Carrilln, ltpnnip children. , low Me 1 prices all lid Hind My It ir." volcp. . . ttrtix. Fidel Cervantes, F.rmenpa P'ealS on Cha- talk The Montessorl Method" SittonsT fIareS: "eW dd noVe,,y II. 15. HenlliK ves. S.i huiion tirtlst and liublo Chnvpg. Miss fiboda Swayne. .Mnmirt-Ittnti- iie, minor, piano.. t' Music "lier Sohn tier Ilai.le," Har-(d- d Diamonds to reduce Miss Louise lMir Tw New in stock. Nichols iiam i; and Irene I'artcli. coverts, gabardines, prunella "cloth," poplins, '"'"rdurp clad (from The evpnt I .,;"'the accond forniiil of the Paper "The Norm," Child," Dr. serges, and checks! "t ieation"). voiep anoial life, the rnmth :,nninl Margaiet Camvright. Oar small per !': i.'.Vrndtm-,- j St. cent of . vw Valentine dance of thp I'M Mu Heading "Life's Iaeason," (Riley), I New in that they 'seem spirit' tim. Aland Hi - to radiate a of youth MllOP, UCCUIII- national fiattrnlty, was held In lo t.ouisp iioyicr. paillsl. , and charm! ; . , . profit cut in two for templo on Fi iday evening, Feb-rimr- y Pantomine by Dolores llcnjamln, this Tup rirst Hiup It. Pauline Meyer and Jessica Wolf; i The grace of mem a Kill talis In ov The dance hall was lavishly ilecor-ti- the smartness is so appealing ishti iinatiiuea i vtunuo wuggener oi me piano. nhn invetiied It ill pink and white, Mu "The Chorus," 't is plain to see that the designers cunningly sale. cptol-a- . the Phi Chicken from "Jack worked HI Seven thousand hand-mad- e and the Meanstalk," by six little tots. each line and l tll, MVMi . pink white curve to emphasize our most 'pleasing Thp National and hearts, the work of Discussion 'Social Centers," to be graces. r,l,.r,ul of Music the girla of the fraternity, were participated In by H. HiliH, of which the I ,,rntl,.,ii all ntnim? Mr. F. Robin- Of around tho room ami Hip iuihs son, C. H. Conner. Mrs. F.lla La J The this city u inicKrul ijart i Mr. prices will be ex- an m The walls wens decorated with Phi liar and Mis Sallle King. found reasonable; the values hitv Its ninth hieinii ii f..ui,, ,.1 1., ... Mu pennant u, ceptional; and CSTD."le3 Am-ele- s next sumnu-- nml orchentra Munii "Cradle Song." (Hauser), each garment has our unqualified guar- from Juno H screened off from the dtincera by two Irene antee " JulV C. Thp la hp cup and Harold Pa rich. of satisfactory wear. Hip affair to tif huge creen lalliee works, coverp.i with niont ah-mi- nntnldo n the tmislenl ls pink beans, and FOR of America, a the words "Phi Mn" Till: lit ATf'.HMTY. and feature of in the center, one on each screen, in me my iulprest t the contest where-h- pink of lawyer friends, who be- twelve y chrantheinuii. side btliig , le.-n- r nt the har, la also muff Amerh The programs were of white auede, niiialclnna will have thp pilvlleifp nt able to appreciate teal humor when Kiser,Collisterko. LIABLE. with .Mu" m old pimW on the cov- he us Kiilnlvta on th proKriim in', encounters It, regardles of Who It IU-"W- a i0rUKER$&JCWriCM at Hip frstivaV. and lied with white braid. hits, h.tnded me Hie following last M ILar- Th active I A tiulletit, reei-lvpi- l membera of the fratern- week, I F 107 W N "AL ,v TWitl-f- 'i and am sure .that the legal Albuquerque's. Dry Goods "f Ct avit.j ji, ity In ctilleue tire: fraternity - Shop. l. flale president of iha federa- Missea Mary will appreciate il. It comes tion and one Cooper, Itulh from Puck, and la of th most prominent en, Marie under the hcadi lone 283 313-31- tnuslclana IIUkIiis, Louife 5 West Centra! in Albuauenjue, nntuiR IvttthcrUiti Definition:" Jutiuun, tihvl Kiek, 'lnTha Law A. code of rultia for the

ft iv I


,. ,. I, i f ?T New Spring Ginghams Fret Delivery Mail Oiden I Iundrcds of Pairs of Kid Gloves Must Go ON COLORED KID GLOVES ? t Out of Given WE'RE OVERLOADED Ginghams, could bought double quantity, h Amoskeag Chambray all new 1915 pat- War no gloves get over, o we Y Prompt Tow by expecting half. Then they all came, and now are all here. We window. t terns. See them in our 32 inihcs wide. to buy Trefousse Kid Gloves. Insured and Careful pay you in lessened prices $1.25 grade $1.50 grade $2.00 grade $2.50 grade At Per Yard I Oc Parcel Pott Attention atOSO at$l.G5 at $1.95 T t$1.35 y WE DO MORE THAN WE ADVERTISE y ?V f PAY DAY SPECIALS Fine Corsets at Reduced Prices V THE ECONOMIST assembled all lines of Corsets that ? t We have our V BELOW-MENTIONE- MONDAY AND been discontinued and grouped them for a quick THE D SPECIALS ON SALE have AS USUAL LEADS IN EARLY SHOWING OF They consist of Nadia, Royal Worces- ? BALANCE OF THE WEEK OR UNTIL SOLD-- SO BE EARLY clearance. ? ter, Bon Ton and Gossard Front Lace Corsets. They Y t NEW SPRING 1915 y assortments, of course, but wc can fit you Cotton Goods Remnants are broken x Silk Remnant Sale various styles makes at the following Y t in one of the or useful If you could get two di esses for your Millinery Suit Skirts and Dresses This sale provides hundreds of prices. Y lengths of superb Silks at savings of little daughter for the pike of one, or a Y to or more on every yard. These neat little morning diess for half price, Cossttrd I runt Lace Styles j Silks Y remnants left from our big sale of daughters NEW MERCHANDISE IS BEGINNING TO or a gown for your and your- grade, last week and will be closed out as fol- Nos. 201 and 202, regular $5 at $tL9S self at the price of your own, would you low :s, No. 364, regular $3.50 grade, at $2.98 t I be interested? Y ARRIVE AND THE EARLY MODELS Lot Values to 50c. sale price 19 1 y They Y y Lot 2 Values to $1.75, sale price I9 These are not visionary. fe All other makes reduced as follows: the possibilities of the Cotton Remnant Y y ARE RECEIVING MUCH PRAISE Lot 3 Values to $3.00. sale price 79? Regular Values $1.00 $2.00 $3.50 $5.00 $7.50 Counter. Sil kand Cotton Fabrics, Ging- Y colorings y ill The variety of weaves and Sale Prices 75c 98c $1.98 $2.98 $3.98 hams, Percale, Batiste. Novelty Dress y y is extraordinary. Included at one price FROM THE PUBLIC Materials. There are most all materials Don Y y or another are Crepe de Chines, Satin SAHLIN WAISTS, regular $1.25 and $1.75 Mcssalines, Canton Crepe, Crepe Meteor, and all lengths, and prices are v y grades, special 9S Satins, Satin Charmeusc, Shantung and Y y COME AND SEE THE NEW THINGS JUST REGULAR PRICES Ton Taffetas. tj liiassieres to close out at I1)0 090 9S Y y -- Y Neckwear Clearance Formerly priced at 60 c $1.00 $1.50 y Suits The Skirts Dress Goods Remnants Y New going to have a Clearance y in tlus We are Y fea- Never have separate Skirts been as Exceptional opportunities 4 models in Spring Suits The latest in which will be included every y sea- than A. The Sale Y semi-tailor- popular they are going to be this of to more ture the smart short effects as Waists in an Unusal Sale y simple in line and in variety of staple and novel fabrics is far piece of Neckwear that is the least soiled and the high empire line is now predom- son. They are Y Fashion says the skirt must to list here. Practically every mussed. Guimpes of all kinds and " special y inating in suit coats. The backs of the treatment. too great or Three tables of Waists at X flare and be worn short, because they weave and material is represented, in organdy, this week, because y coats are quite full below the belt line, styles. Roll Collars of lace, etc. prices to close out Y graceful and youthful. The waist lengths, skirt lengths, dress lengths things y while the center back is full and hangs in are more Vestees, Lace Collars, Collar and Cuff they must make room for new Y mod- materials will be darker covert cloths, and lengths for children's dresses. All They are in prevailing modes y folds. The collars are high in these Sets. Frills. Ties, etc., divided into 4 coming. tweeds English mixtures. are displayed on special tables place iu any Y els, sleeves are almost all long and set in, imported and remnants and of a quality to merit a y in Dress Goods Department. lots at follows: Y giving a narrow shoulder line. The our wardrobe. y Lot 1 Values to 25e, sale price skirts of suits are a modified circular The New Millinery 5 Y No. 1 consols of Blouses made y gored style. Materials are gabardine, House Dress Special Lot 2 Values to 35c, sale price 9 Table Y be to be appreciated, We of Crepe, Crepe Voile, Organdies, Linen, y serge, covert, as well as checks and must seen Second Floor See Window Display. Lot 3 Values to 50c, sale price 19? have all the new things in millinery. Lawn, lincnc. China Silk. Habulai Silk. stripes. highest grade materials Lot 4 Values to 75c, sale price 25 Made of Lace. Messaline, Silk. Chiffons and tY t Goods full width and length ; our reg Challies. Values $1.50 to $15.00. rXvJJv---"-' vS y Newest Spring Wash ular $3.00 alues at Children's Dresses Y ...... $1.55 TAKE YOUR PICK AT y We extend to every lady in Albuquerque a special invitation to visit our opening Second Floor. Y y Never Silk Petticoat Special PRICE v. sale and display of all that's new in Spring and Summer Wash Dress Fabrics. An immense assortment of Chil- i. x y lawns show of Crepe de Chine. Pongee, Messaline. I labutai Silk, have the materials been so dainty and pleasing; even the cheapest Second Floor. dren's Dresses, ages 4 to 14. Table No. 2 consists before values y Section has Mes- made of gingham, chambray, Taffeta and Lace in the various new style collars; to $6.50; the workmanship of men with new ideas. For years our Wash Goods Made of a good grade Silk thing y ou saline, in all shades; a quality percale, etc. Just the sale price $2.98 been unsurpassed, both in assortment and quality of merchandise. This year X y that sdcIIs service. Values to for school dresses. Regular Table No. 3 are Lawn. Organdie. Voile and t'ongrttc Waists; values in tins customers will be far greater than any previous season. Y y efforts to please our $3.00; special ...... $1.98 values to $2.00; sale price... 98 lot to $2,50; sale price SOME OF THE NEW THINGS: y Hosiery Special at 1 9c a pair y 'Hand Embroidered Chiffon Organdy. Hand Embroidered English Voiles. Crepes and Black Fine Ribbed Stockings in sues $ to' our y Lace Cloth, plain colors and rosebud printed designs; Embroidered Consists of Children's' 9; Hose, pair Voiles, Japanese Crepes,' plain and striped; jiew Xinghams ocw.PUio White and regular 25c Children's at, 19tf ..... T , m Today .w. ft i l i a f i.iu rtr r Many Rare Values regularly V Colored iMripes on white Madras, new rinaerganen viuw, 'w 'i w We Quote Women's Black and Tan Burson Seamless Hose in all sues, selling Voile, new Irish Poplins, mercerized, permanent nnisn; imcc vunc, huoi.u is still stronger in at 25c; sale price, pair 19c V Printed but the quantity of wall clearance lots that ne cannot advertise Organelles Seed v ones. designs in Silk Lace Cloth, new" White and rule clean their appeal to prudent shoppers. These lots are evcrjiWiere and our of t Ready-to-We- ar Department Special y Priced at 10 a yard up to $2.50 a yard. slocks denies iheth a place. Y Second Floor y reward any time and exertion that you may devote this t The soft, thin fabrics' are decreed proper for 1915, in both plain and printed You mil find full for y the underpriced offerings We are able to extend regular volucs to $20.00, sale price and consist of Silk effects and never were our stocks more richly complejc. Weel( to a thorough investigation of These are $9.00, Suits, both plain fancy; regular i immediate and y in the various friW of merchandise you desire for and Wool Dresses and All Wool by wearing cotton dresses. from time to time any of 1915 is to be a season for Cottons. Help the South values to $20.00; and the sale price is only , $9.00 or near future use y The materials are worthy of your considctanon . VAAAAAAAAh

Dl-u- z, p Tf Koeiui. Mrs. Isaac Harm. .ihih. rison and Messrs. C.erhait, Moore, their legislative residence on East anu s, light, gleams magnificent castle was hung by K. M. Chapman K, Keuihurg, Windsor, Parkhurst, Hai por.Hark-nes- l'aluce avenue. the and shows the sym- Gregory I'uge. Mrs. J. of Asissl. on the other side is the Sheldon Parsons 15. C'rampton, Mrs. S. Spitz, Wiley, Matron, Kronenberg, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Slaplln enter- of fellow artists for Mrs. C. Wednesday sombre monastery Illuminated with a pathetic touch A. S. JlrookeB, Mrs. C 11. Coch- Fullerlon, McCllntock and Huberts. tained ut dinner eveulnir. one who departed. It Is due to Mrs. I'Jlks, Wednesday, well ns crucifix. The second sketch, a triple has r I'. Krvlen. Mrs. Chief Justico and Mrs. Huberts en- The as generosity of Hon. Frank Sirliitf-e- rane, Mrs. Hubert Thursday evening, with Society) Notes punel, shows Santa Clara divesting the John W. March, Mrs. N. H. Uiughlm, tertained at dinner ut their homo on entertained t Fe of garments to the aston- that this exhibit is mudo. Tuesday evcnllW. clever cabaret performuiici. in which Santa herself her Mrs. J. F. limine, Mrs. wens, nn. Kast I'nlace avenue and fonsternalion of her Mrs. oeim-ma- guests Judgo M. C. Medium, tho Hlars were Miss Ylir Otero, tlus ishment DAY. . Alois H. iteneliun, Arinur Tho went in older lo put on Hie course IT WAS AMU VI JttjrU D. Kegol umi Mis. Springer, J. 11. Skidiiiorn, Koch anil Frank Koef'.'. '.o Tuesday Mrs. Waller Churbs r.KAt i:i;gaki. taklns the visitor from Dunkirk liuhllimciita of poverty. Un one "Ido Two hundred guests on Staiiilley li. Small. Mrs, Spitz won Ihu Charles A. SplcsH, Herbert W. Clark, to Homo, who greeted two of t he Irglsl tar- ADDITIONAL MM IL'I'Y OX LAST l mountains Algiers ami from Munich to is St. Francis healing the robber ternoon guests' prize while Mrs. llaydeii li. C, Crampton and li. A. Mlera. A limn niHtclu-i- the waylaid Albiiiiieniue, Mis. I'Atii:. cumpHlled with a glimpse, for the. sake of con- had him. visitors from ried off tho wuelily club prize Mrs. Wills entertained tho Tuesdiy and Utah, The much personal tifs iM.inn ana iwrs. iui iii. "t m" on Monday "I way hii1 lionur of New Mexico and This from the A With the departure Kvening mid Miss Salmon the The Hlai-- to lnok our trast ..r m.... 1, I. UT.ill..,.. iaIui.. with dub art- pictures l 11 I W. I 11,11 l, I . .. I , v., J'u., " even- work shows lh sure touch of an of the two saints. The other Al- - Mis Curry for l'lttsburgu, Five Hundred club on 'Tuesday uk. . , , Most Mrs. Itiihert F. AI'lund. a former ended lor I 111 tie sees, who tell of the work of St. Francis. parents, there has ing. to club memb- Tim color of tin KI i"'"1' WH ist who knows whut gavo reception in hon- visit her even- In addition the every stroke unit dot. count. beautiful is the conception of Colum- bu(iieii(iieau, a the present a aeries of Informal ers, tho fciiestH were Mrs. Secundino thi rod parlh; makea or of tho visitors. Fragrance of which Dr. 'i'lio thp primal There art also shown the water color bus and his boy knocking at the doors ings over tho curd table, at lloiiicro, Mrs. Cleofes Itoinero, Mrs. For Pilo taim ami odor of welcomed callers Ko- of Hie lift? of ht. rrancis of tho Franciscan convent at 1'uIoh, spring blossoms the and Mrs. Veal, Speaker and Mrs. Charley Closson, Mrs, W. ij. Gllutt IllillRK sketches monk, clad as they the house. In th and i ml., llllllpnct) of t"B wore to have been carried out Spain, where a Franciscan entered mero. Mrs. Harvey, Mips I.I Ilia u Barker. Tim ri lll mnl which, reception hall and study red and yel- wlniu and in oil. in the six ureal mural paintings In brown, bids him welcome and lends Mrs, Curry and a few others Tho Delphhio Dancing club gavo a rock; exposition and upon such encouragement that the tnree low tulips flared out their greeting'; many pleasant hour. Tuesday even- The RladnnxH of the wind Unit bIihUcb for the Han Diego in ili.. I, ,,i ui.llniu and awav a dunce, in Library hall was at work when caravels which finally made the epoch in archaeology ing. the corn; which the artist appear a vishji l.illt.u .....I..I....1 i.i. . mifttiltiiin nlllHllll Mrs. Wilson's class Sufferers Tim loinagi! of the bird that dares death took brush ami palette, out of creating voag in : .. ... ,i,,, ihImi' of the Governors iruv Tho Bard of Avon was the tuple mls-,..,rr- v in, uii'iiu hci full Then tile. ii) - L'rilesn present pluns conic " mm-iuu- and Interest- tint study class ot tho the sea; his bunds. - of lituraturo pleading i "J".iI!!;ri":S...... J suo- - 'l')v justice of that loves all niher. but also able hands will picture of thts Franciscans, ""V. ' afternoon. no Santa Fo Woman's club which tm't gampl Packet the rain unfinished, to Comiuistadores for tho life radiance of t he rose tapers n ' u,i,i leaves; complete the work left with the - Primitive Art" and membra with Mrs. M. A. Otero Tuesday after- of tba Famous all in splendid memorml souls of the Indians In Mexico. lai canoiesiicKS. rionus ui nun." , well as the leader spoke noon. Mrs. Black of ltoswcll led In Tim iity of the hiiow that tildes live forever the and in dome and of the class as Pyramid Plla martyrs and Span This triple panel is overwhelming embraced the electric phases which this art discussion "Why Does Shukes-peur- o oar; t.. the conception, feathery asparagus vinos wove deli or tho various the ''Bsmedy How And when ho in whirlwind, In to be erected at Santa the grundeur of its the in prehistoric limes. To I.lvo," and Mrs. Ormsbee re- fell ish pioneers, panoply or war, cate traceries upon the assumed dis- Offered Fraa to went down i. o r...iiii nf the New Mexico build Coiuiiiisladores In full tho subject there were viewed Shakespeare's women. De- oii.i-- side; In centerpiece. Snapdriigo'is Prove What It An when a kingly cedar green with ing San Diego, the mission church umi lnlthtv. on one the played choice specimens of basketry, lineations of naturj by Shakespeare at clinging to carnations, also in delicate ptnKB, plJ-tur- "Will Do for You, boughs at Aeoina. but to be reproduced in dians, almost nude, their and weaving and sculpture, as well as were then taken up by tho class, In- on were massed the room. In- (Iiitu down with great Bhout upon fii.oi.rmif concrete with ample space elaborately carved Aztec altar, tna about Mrs. Crampton held the cluding "Under tho Greenwood Tree," Pyramid Pllo a with uplift- Serving tho tutti-rrut- tl Ice cream an Remedy a Uio hillH, for storing and exhibiting priceless other, and the Franciscan crystal- terest of every one present with from "As Yo'i I.lko It;" "Fairy Land," (rive cross in the center. One returns and Ices, the cuke mints and Of Ivories her Alusliun Lost," and "The tiulek r!lci,tit And leave, a lonesome plaeo against t.t Vow Mexico's historic and ed fitting Into the color account. the in from "Loves' I.ubor Hulling, blnnilltig the sky. days as well as examples to this pieture again and again wltu lized fruit, all collection. Tuo subject for tho next Fairy Life," from the "Tempest." prehistoric Kiu.illy oeaulilul is the scheme, were Mrs. ltenehau ami Mi's. Delugo or protruding of its art. liiewe six """" admiration. I'age of Gal- meeting will be "Creation and Sixteen was the attendance at the tiles', heiuorr-lol.- ls rep scene of the Franciscans building tha Havies, followed bv Mrs. Uui study class of the hikI all rnn Willi TIIK.lAEs op VX AHTIST. ,iirr,innitive though they are and Carlsbad, as- Stories." meeting of art preliminary New Mexico missions. In the back- lup and Mrs. Doepp of Monday evening, Judge iind Mrs. club Tuesduy ufternoon at tut troubled, In the privacy l jour own Uniiiue and resenting only rough T. A. Spencer of Carri-zoz- Woman's Inline. fiOoaboxal druggists. A triklnK i the exhibit something of the vision ground are the lofty mountains and sisted by Mrs. entertained ut dinner, tho tho homo of Mrs, James A, Kolls on all nlnulx sketches, tell McFie o, Ihix cures. Free sample for trial which was huiiK on Thursday in the of pueblo on a foothill. In Mrs. W. H. 1'rlnCB, Mrs. James and Mrs. C. A. often with reception room of the artiwt, his poetic conception the Indian Krnest, Mr. guests being Speaker Fast l'alaco avenue. Mrs. lok lei mailed free In pin In wrapper, of the Palace of was to glorify the the center are the Franciscans A. Itolls, Mrs. Howell Judge and Mrs. Mann, Dr. and Wheolon read a comprehensive, paper If you send us coupon below. the Governors. In fact, every new a lofty theme, which In- Aspltmd and Mrs. I.ucln M. New Mexico's pa preaching io the Indians. Other Theodore Mrs. Fleming, Mr. and Mrs. Keuehan, on Michel Angelo. display Is heicinning life nn.J works of no-ul- e to he considered de Asissl umi are engaged in rearing the Harvey of Chicago. Mrs. Davlrs and Mr. ami FREE SAMPLE COUPON an event of state-wid- e tron saint, Ht. Kranci dians Ro- Mr. and as Interest. The for mission, while, to one In the study, Mrs. Seeiindino Jjco The color scheme is crayon hi -- worker. Santa Clara. arch the Veal of Mrs. Herbert. r vi;i)m;siav. l'YItAMIt) MtlTiJ tlOMI'ANV;, exhibit thut of sketches of o Is studying! tho) mero of Las Vegas, and Mrs. green, Ml) Jllilg., Donald sketch. St. Francis bids side Franciscan assisted by was pink and The. third of a series of bridge par- I'yruinld Miimliull, Midi. the late Beaureuard. There i the first church. In conclusion, ltoewell, poured coffee, 4 V Kindly are a hundred or more to the vanities of this world plans for the Jluynes and Mrs. An- lies by Mrs. C. O. Harrison and Mri. nend tun a Free munptn of of these farewell - triple panel, the apotheosis Mrs. Charles A. Htrramid Pile Remedy, sketches, upon a hill in the moon- there is a receiving lino WOltlt. M. T. Duuluvy wus given WeuneBu.y ill plain wrnppur. most of them landscapes, Oji one side, of St. FiBiicis, symbolically portraying tonio I.ucero. In the Aspluml, Mrs. Walter, Mrfl. Work! afternoon, . the contributions ho made tw science, were Mrs. tbe swing ot It, Name religion, poetry and art. It Barth, Mrs. Mann, while Mrs. Thank God for Natlonul Itepubllcaii Committeeman literature, Brnri-for- a clamoring, ham muring ring conception would have de- Mrs. Lnughiin. Mrs. I,. For the Charles A. Spless and Hon. Charles is a thut Welt-me- r, It, Wednesday even- lighted the Greeks, classical In compo- Prince, Mrs. Herring, Mrs. of Springer were hosts 'It V Pt.ltj Kapp rind Mrs. Honing of BuHsion of labor dally hurled ing at a merry dinner party given ut sition and thought. In t'olor, the Mrs. mighty ain'lls of tho worM. Ih never lost sight Albuquerque, assisted In the reception On the t decorative effect Caroline Oh, what is so fieri as the fl uno of room. At the door. Misses of Asplund Constance Walter took And what Is so huge as tho aim i. In some of the pictures the connois- and gowns on tlirnugh dearth and Influenco of Puvls de the cards. Many stunning Thundcriug seur notices Hie appearance In honor doubt, Ohavaones, the greatest of modern made their first of tho Maker out; CAN BE In of Albuquerque visitors and In Calling tho plan CURED French mural artists, while other the practi- Work, tho Titan; Wi-r- the friend is to the to the Santa Fe ladles, pictures there a resemblance legislative visitors in Shaping tho earth to a glorious end; technique of. Abbey in "The Search cally all of the swamps blasting tho glorifies were among the cullers dur- Draining the and Music Holy Grail" which the cltv Wurlitzer Free You for the hills, Proof To the Boston public library. However, ing the afternoon. Doing whatever the spirit wills, A,l I treat-'""- it C. P. compositions, is wint is your nam and address so I c land you fre trial J. In all of the there Itending a continent apart, - I want you just to try tbu treatment - that's all - Just try IU MIMWI noticeable earnest striving to get away SINUVV. Muster Wl'IUlT.UIl'S MOTION I'KTT ItK OltCIU.STKAS PLAY TIIK I'lC- a my oniy argument. par- To answer the dream if the the hackneyed and the trite and There were a number of dinner ' I've every en from who heart. Tt ni;s wrnT'.it. givk m:w okga.v mcsio tjiio bees in the drut husinxu In Port Wayne for 20 yum. nearly TA.'TJ to create an original work comrnen-urMt- e ties on Sunday. Among those e e tiik that Maw. about my fltty-re- outeideof hospita- treatment. Elchteen hundred and ppl oner the loftiness of the them". entertained visitors at their none W1IOI.K NATION' IS t'HAZY OVEH AND AUK A POSITIVE PILL- 'iy, according to their own auuementa, bca cured by tola treatment amcs I nrt made us with and Mrs. Thank God for a world where Kuolte s ago. There are also In this exhibit portrait ble board were Governor may abort time McDonald, who had as guests Sen- shirk. ING ATTIIACTIO.V. H you have never now bad -a- ny treatment has studies for the mural paintings and Thank God for the splendor of work! Ecxema, Itch, Salt IHieum, Tetter mind recognizes of Judge and Mrs. Isaac Barth and Sen- cured the worst cases 1 ever saw give ma a Chans ta prsvs any claim. one the features ator Hin-kl- e Angela Morgan ill OulloOK. to was to have been and Mrs. J. K. Ilinkle. Mrs. SMid me your name and address on the coupon below and yet the trial treatment I wst tend A. J. Abbott, who ator A few reenntly at by W. J. Flynn: Photoplay, K. M. Chapman, wh:i having on the afternoon triairi installed theatres iu t KKK. The wonders accomplished in your own case will be raf. the philosopher: A. TUESDAY. was to have been the poet fn the for her home at Uoswell. Mrs. C. Trinidad; Isis, Trinidad; Iyrlo, Baton; Castia Hall, Trinidad; Key's entertained a merry The Five Hundred party by Miss apotheosis; of Don Kafael Komero, of Cochran also on Tuesduy evening was Theatre, Santa Fe; Lyric, Albuquerque, and B Theatre, Albuqueruuo. C. Ind. Splegelberg, well of a well crowd at dinner the evenlna. Jane Groves HUTZELL. Draff 631 Watt Main St, Fort Wayn, Abe as as In honor of Mies Grace Cook of Carls lt, known street character in Santa Fe, Write for Catalogues. Please lend without cost or obliystjoa to ms your Free Proof Treatment. all MOXDAV. bad, a house guest at the Groves who was to have been the robber, Mirlum Cartwrlght anu Interest of Mri" Harry II. Dorman will enter- home. Miss of which add to the local Mr. Fullerton carried off the prizes. Ays.-.- exhibit. will remain up for tain tiie Auction Bridge club tomor- W. FLYNN, this It Monday was the The guests were Misses Cook of Carls J. Distributor a limited time only to give way for row. Iist the club ALBCQCEUQUE, X. M. Mrs. French. It was also bad, Flans of St. IjOUIS, aicuoiiuiu hi 51 W. Centra! . is planned to be a prize exhibit guest of ionics...: stats.. what day, among In attendance Oregon, Parker, Johnson, Cartwrlght, for photographers, both amateur and guest those Mor present exhibit besides the club members being Mrs.. Baca, Harrison, Lucero, Sal'ford, fcroet aad N9. profeaslouals. Tha r FOUR I ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14. 1915.

;rt..i 'fv'rur. the,fnn founded on the, eternal right, r.bii;,y, cour- - THE CIIKKRFUL OITIMIST IN THK FLOOD REGION e, Th tfcm hate true Mr. TniiU' Ros3 Tern', poetes anl life tnhl.them st.d have come down to author of "Minneliaha Laughing Water." morning journal us fren, uritarmshed, deathless." Has. teen honored by her state and given a Mistaken!), marly the Work reccpnition of her services. She lu..'.is..l p si til medal in iti-jii- Fer-r- v. l. t for puwer, wealth, excite- is the wife of Commander Freeman G. JOURNAL PUBLISHING CO. ment, cult 'ire or fame, and i Willing G. R. Post No. " cf Dudley V. Chase A. I- - lo barter for them self, A H' i ti .s rhafifttr. ' v Tfffftf'J NO W0 OF . IX, and well known in G. A. R. and society .. r,,tni - W v ft 6rrV6 T H. ICS- M, control, p. a.- . lot Ji,y, 4 .'! and the - ; home address is 819 18th Ave., li I. ) M u i.mi.rt 3L0WN up wnes circles. Her i.tsrm.' thing last Son's N ' Q ... y t . thai fiorms .. wrirwe f.l K v s ! Minneapolis, Minn. She writes: AN! - 1 N. H. !.. .. t.l,t.4 to retail hi i:im- tru!n the rft. on torpedoed by swmmrs - "I have tried Peruna and found it an Welrs lT,Wew(,.lll trsst luminous tn the li.!u,n( ords: iV excellent tonic and cure for catarrh. It is 1.4 IM'I (HI. IMMW I M. f PLAY NOWS V MOT of the stom- ttMl kmc, It i ,.fe to nbjr thl ll.tat ftfft ! K ZPP'VS '0TBSV6 i' good for all catarrhal affections . ir r. a tot ic .m itj u- -' ach and all diseases leading to consumption K tl III K wl I I n.ln I' il tikf atM'i'r. be !- -. troubles. I believe it to luk o.. -- s U i i an in ir(!f i ing u and bronchial twi'-itji- l IVrh4 Jt li tme of the best medicines oa the market, "I i" t. run and thousands can testify to its cure with l'i!t ih th thrott-- ! I We have many h i.l in h.. h the same pleasure to the public that can." Vwh.IMJ J.l iW o I IKK y ho have had a similar experience. V t V 7h-j- m letters from women t IJUM! i.f !h itrf t it raci'T l irmn'.'i U. I : s . . f j i. pKt !!!; ) ir;i I. Tn n i ll hiO ni n , I I - i o k c t tif i. n ( it r t i.'. w 1 if. r : mi. t Splendid Medicine im. r.c.f.f ..r i . ti K Peruna is a for C ti. ih. iii .!il .nil. II. IMKll ih, i .!; I ) i.; ( r 't"iij i t t t: . so l m tllT Hl,l TJtousands Women I . ' Troubles. .ll f H'll) jt, !),( Ill - Stomach of i limy i l.l l!i i i;f I t T, l U In' thf upon n Tell us Tlteir Remarkable Cures. A ",v a ! li iimtrurifnt IC1. i.. In of I it !.' iniliiim h t'M.l. ly vit,i hj Mrs. Elizabeth Rcuthcr. No. SO Twclith are ut '" "Jul on' liif.f ruht St., N. W.. Washington. D. C, writes: "I f! JKvrj.m a iar t. ! utr ixhn a splen- fe am pleased to endorse Peruna as ;to 'nit r u ar 1 ! i'ubi.i. rmit and stomach Ir. tn ,.t lh. 1...... did medicine for catarrh fur.m I for several m. K fif trouble, from which suffered - I I l;lnri in ant I ' "f ti months and at A.i..:.- a ! it f.,re t. un.)r- - years. I took it for several t health was z tat;4 th Iti'n.fht In thnii n.rri"liy. the end of that time found my ?. t ft-- ever since. l ' Ail iif lis .ir Moii.y, t .f un restored and have felt splendidly M IV FFI f , C A I : V M 1)1 ,:f tfi.lill h.i( if ;M tii.t It tfj iff 1 now take it when I contract a cold and it soon rids the of any catarrhal ten- I HV M system Hli: lAWII Unf.lIV. l An .(fur aririiiin-t.- w I.f!' dencies, ji ti( jt"il may c.n .it f evil Al- Thi .1.11... il would not be without Teruna. .Hill may "I .. is lluil ;ir nut I first N.lil..n in- - fn though it was over ten years ago that ,'all tlirft l la-- t in a nnlion r in a J- ,. hi ..j.-- i t),t. I I am of the same i. i,. in 4 li pave you my testimonial. i"l rnai. Tliiit i trui only t thi Til'- ..ia!)..i !htr .1 rt- - f oninioaas when I wrote it, and give you the f tuit The ti.ij t lu I i In the (ruKls lii 1.' K In. I tirivi'cL'e use it vou see tit. I Miil use Peruna when I ltf (Utl . to as ID prwl'i.e o.I n.l th will f r- - l ( r I 111. f '.;( l. (Hi . I am recommending it io my neighbors rail pro.) j( vil. I.ik 't lik. W think it necessary. hin- - n1 """ i,rri i'ik Mm rmt Knlhf-- fi fr.mi thifttl. whenever a chance occurs. lir r,-::r- f..r a Va ia p. riiijn. nt, r ! Intfr- - ll;.jir l u ... . i . . d I .. ( ftnn - - riJ(j,,n In th t(.ijri. i.f thi- t.. I lim, ll Karri nut t' fiuhl u in, m Hunt m! i.f )n in.viia n il o.nion rj ffir. Men i!l a(t to talc ailviintasfB of the run-- 1 t'nt t!ir iJiHiikm Il HJi.rHy , BUSINESS Un j. ...h.. -- . k,v, . km m ill fi, lai-.-- liii- - Lit in i!i I. .1 h. It il! llx wi!liri tu lake only hat thi-- rtf ii i. l,ut 'i BUILDING nt)t i"t jh rarnrd iu arxli- to humariuy d .li , fi..m u ikr i.rk I!i. !Hy tiy, ri.'l .tlmiiiriiliin the sp-- I Th- - - j.yrt ii'Im - ,-, . - aimv ii 'parent of it J.iit now. i - ..... a. ..i SERVICE f' IN ii ,'lw l; . "in i'..ti In 'the time will olJir when men wtllj ; ej- miii-lar- y I of iM'.iiiumt.Mn i.f our y i oiiiJrn'n.l th;it horn-st- In politic ia It wa a rr omeiit hn d;.cord In the REALTY TRANSFERS. nxkiiru Now ih u y biii i With north w& tjerilo-.- iiid seriotiii divi-- i j tho bent (iiili' y, jurt long Mo It Scissor and Paste Open tin's bank, 're- - - ' to account with growing take advantage ol till uikI j mon Yet no refpi-ct- t;,i.a, t'it htre wan itemoru'lraliil t t-- th .ol- - exiAient. Urvvla tet IWtMtKrT e.J re- - j 1)ctI. its modern methods, avail yourself of all its facilities and ac- h lJMl. the rtht of free that he man h' to me (i - I(( hrmliiin Herald) fused to un hi eir; powers) dim Johnson hu.ihand A. quaint the bank officers with your affairs. ij, i;iro i.'H iri oil eej in liui(in'Ti. and to Yuuian is part of the Mexican protect I gre,4t. cause , Sm r. Q. thi' l((lli hi' iii( tu the j to l;imelf an his c Ii., February 1. lots 10, In f when the J 11 ar.3 1.', - , ir ancient time at lt temporary bhx k 53, Albuquerque, iiii iK tinliail of thi- i i. 'l-- f'1'n rl niiease. Jl. Such will in THi: fltlMS IN .MI.X1CO. kin;. of the ruled In Yuialart 1:1: c- de-- 1 H 1. a course be a strong factor your success. . rit.l-imn- - Fuhiicittions the Menace fornell. special master, to j ilrl.i.i r.iu ij- .Ia Iatlr they erected m.iny nmKnlf icent tern- - nie, p. M. deed, 1, - ' serve no tonel Jeration. The rieht of February Mine Uli- J t:t" of (ht Pi i ifn K ill- - ii ferh-ij- . Ml) i The. Mini-m-i ha ticoirie of Central Amer!j free pre.s dmn-- ev ry ronni lera-- I as, 17,111. . it'iati. nidi'.nn, k'i-lii- in ilio all th Ihe M.iya rea h', highest - lill Ja.iii iiKiiin. 1 he cxpiilvion hy f'ar- - the lolrt tion. The in)c tif'n of intol- Km ma Hose tell and h urban.) to r of ImIU.r TI.u n,.t, .f ' hrfii i i.ii.t j. iiliin"rfcitU. jrnnci of the Spunixh mininfer from erani e Into our pui'in: iife ia deplor- - Thomas P. liable. War.. February 1. If l!u w,ir rn.v .1 HIOltilHK '::" :".:: are It are ' "Jt olock Zv, Original In Lit ah!e and Ihwe who g'jjity of townsite, lM'Xiiii I'lly the Isint fmilieh '.t of t l, i are In ir tie., i Th it . ' th. not true Ameiicai.. Hut the way to!"'-- exs eetlmuly foolwh old man. Ualcice an M. .ri.,-- -,. fi, h.i.,K l,ne l niirinnus buildtrtM "re fijtbt it i not by the perilous path j P. stamm, et al. to Kdward W. u,e (he ,.( und j Kpain ,.a),lly ,.,,, ,nroW , , t01Ih j9pl.nrt,() j ai-- d h.i s. Fur-ih- l sup- - Whitins. W ar., February 1, lot e....K.,I..K a ! ,nc.'d indii in thi s.' i, t.rtne. the a'tierem. ,w , by STATE NATIONAL BANK ,, M(iil 0 wtlIe .ondili..n the lntereM.oK ruin... We predion only s a of !WK'k 31, Terrace, $1. I. '.. assraaU-- d:seae ' hue. The nl.inally th-i- ie al-- Mt Ni'-ano- ..rl '""'tin that cmii.try. atij. whtlc the I'nlt-- ! m,:ed ruin. the i that kind. Torres and wife to Aurebo Albuquerque, N. M. uiii-- r a t in.iv t'i. u m ' e.l Khite could not afford to naive i They are a i. .ra,li. f.,r sr- - Candeljri.i, War., February 1, piece ! r ... - hiieoe'KtA, a the!ehia unji d lft and ,. rni'iratrly liti'e if A )IT).ItKV "VWsIIOT OF M-;'- n t;r:eSo, )5. Conner Second Street and Central Avenm ' i I. tn fli. ii niKiir hut .. . known ahout Ihem. ; j ri ii -U ItHIXlV III. '.. O'llannon to Klorciiclo R. . : h An e drew it ipl.ot iip-to- - rM near Itrttiah One of !...( John Hay Zarnora, War , February 2, two pieces United States Dcpositorj; Fe tlltH .1 into not be peirnitted to go on Ir.dcfinile- - !!.. the thincn Saita Railway Depository wo j ."iiI'iimh .,n!ir.ii., iJ itwed down, of l.ttle ever wrote. e.,yt Wi! Itosc oe In Albnuuernue. I'revinct No. 13, $!. il'e !nex. if.!;ind b' covered with ceami( a!m. t In Jos. fina Ii. Ar- - The iiiu.ioiily it-f.- l Thayer in his presentation tne Armijo to Talesfor .ime hcMd.ii4 H.i Inn a t twu the Interealil cf thi a'tti B)nrent! not wore than Vhruarv Harper's of Hay' unpub- mijo. War , February 2, pi-c- ! d'oi (Hiii f.,r Mii,i. Iiuildinx. i''nx alone re affected, out of the water. Orcanionally on it 31 T t'lrtcd flutes we!'et lished diarie. in this of in Atri o and a half Interest in 10, ri cr hill rj February 1. lots 11, 12. block 53, Moore Realty Co. Addition, No. 1, ' the rli hstilior e nw nalive hut, on oth-- Atri--o- con afford to leimr mm h th it i:'"1 Nap.deoti III another piece la tl. AlluKjucro'ie, 2.:'76.J9. In,' It elrnnvli-- ,r-'- I'ii-tr- l.nii. 'll.l! h' lesiotl, In lhe!V,rv ' ' ky. wife to Em-iiian- k .!,... hv ll.e r,.l.o...l,le chief. "Short and r!. he motes sil'i Iiomencali and Albert and wife to Af. W. Dolores hus- i O .y n:g I Mtrcier t'tero de Burg and and oM.imt li d ih" Km irnnii til t i, Iif IT f ijueer, a d. t; gut, like a gouty Hnc.i, War., February 3. jwar X'.nea im long e the nation ,f."i""lji(.13,,. ieii Flournoy, Tr.. February 1. lots 1 and band to Fir.-- t rSatings Hank & Trust t : i iii,i)i-- f,,r ti.e h v(.i.-u- l vul ff ; crab; a roan i wooden looking that of lot 6, block 1. r.elvpd"re. II. in not att.ii kc.i. i . 1 we can nanny i --', and N. 3 feet of lot 3, block 4, Ft-- j Co.. Tr., February S, thirty-fiv- e acres .. n ! t ii. .!.! ' you would expect h.s voice to coine M. 1. Stanun and wife to Mrs. j hope lit Kuropean nation v rca Addition. I l.fu'O. in Precinct 13, prtert iiowiiii M'l.rr r:cspiii? out lk- - a ra'.tle. Flt-rene- C'hes. War., February J, fi.c populiitiit, but not ifi.i. watchman's I). R. ljine and wife to K. L. Kniiliana I'.a.'a to J. M. Sandoval, I The first partition of P.,Und wh: A eiimr.l' xion like tallow lot HI, block 27. l!.,r de- - Terrace Add.. Jl. 1, 5 , j extra fur imfiutial In- - o year '.rose, Tr.. February lots and Tr.. February 3. part of lot 6, block !o protect them from Injury and vi nimeiirTu ii; aW". ' ri arke f..r I"eith, whenever Tiealt William X. Kdttards to F. I. Mit- - linili-- r l li a d.r ...... i I blmk 6t. Terra, e Audition, $2."i). il. liehedeie Addition, $6.j(i. jiult. frrti l want Mm to be time in hell. War . February ,". lots 4. 6, taken Home Jessie Kel.-he- r T. M.-- 1 C. k the t;rej,t Fr-wii- JI. to J. I. Sanchez to Felipe J. Curule, i ileaide. If .Hpaln hobl d- - cida to of a und half hi hour, i f U ft, neglected ! y b..(k 3, llratit trail and 41 and I.ainjhlin. Tr.. February 1. piece at j Tr., February 5, lot i, block 1, HMUMV l TOW I'FAtl- - Catheritiw of Uuwlii. in whi h AuMtria $kt tetoir KfnK. years, per . Moore Co. Baca Mill i send a punitive expedition In Mexico, the Ilealtv First Addition, the coi to - fr - ner of Tijerus and Kclcher j Addition, Slmj. ' !nvitd lake part. About one- prut., nu-s- it would be with the eminent of Ihfl haps, if ily ruddled. The io. I lliiltl'' f.I I'Oianil was on t On. i.i.. ..u .....i ...... i - ,a p. at lies. Jl No ,iin tin foren-- the end of the or " Thomas Tulle and wife (o F.ich- - peters Fnited Htatcs, and the enth time The i ? l.erov S. and wife to Jf. W. but are rit. partition in l nows, hut r .i-- and trit!y, con- - ard F. Heller, W ar , February .", lots inilicatii.ns 1 Flournoy, Tr., I briiai V t, lot 10, sny seised pott li.iKbt be occupied j ,, h, ,hir,, jfI ,,ra. iiy , ,. ,., i If-- pt-a- i tl,.,utrt eut:r.:, I, mortng 17: and 173, block H, Armijo CALOMEL SALIVATES l.o'rihs tit, it e lit i, .linn upon I. block Jl. Terrace Addition. would depend th will of litis pleteil the tluuitemli rment of the an--- j. & $2.u. " k little r,en.(1,!y as the bps twitch. I!ros. Addition and household fur- - j iimr e itn hun Win hoped fur a I kir.a-lnrn- Kltore Fianchlnl. al. to Joshua country. It would different were rient the sl.-e- It w u. steal- - j $1. it after roi,sress ' Kes hful furtive, niture. 2, 10 Calomel you sick and you tin. nth I'f iimr. es of lier- - ;er- I Zanone. Tr., February lots and makes ii.. like rtreat Writsln or - of Vienna a century if... nothip; was thy, like K I - i the nation rather I.uci.i liarela de well and hus- ! - lose a day's work. Calomel a nasty., - . n.r. ... I...... a ... i i ...... t . . i . . . . i W. b.I block' 12. Original Tonn- loaiit und Austria are oniiinf Hd ... : o, say- - ... many or amtiiiious and uronij ...hue " " " " un icok.ii uirty wmuoas an j oanu in .aveiira, war.. Feb- - site una dangerous chemical. To liten your ei'"i; und the food niipply lei i.erore the fir.--t partitivin the king- - j it g "nobody at homo. and as ruary B, pbee in Chilili a slueglsh liver and bowels when con- Japan. mailt, J60. f. o. t'hadbourne and wife to Al- - illmiiiinluinr to In J dom stretched from I they way It. And stipated, headachy, bilious, just j;et a the datmer point. the withal a wonderful Trn-- ' F.h-- t IhvtU. bufiuertiue Gas, trie Ltaht & nt I !.( H.iltio, j tln-r.- - u l box of harmless Cascarets. 1h climate, it the a (niim'e of tf'ii miles, phlegm. He stands ftill an , fir notihiin A. Sinter and w ife Sav- - j Co., niorts-ise- February 3. lots i.irr thi; rviii rws. j It Is lo original iliipaAsive as If In a lo First Power They work while you sleep, don't Will he 1,1111. hifulM (lilpoit- - th'Se lines lhat tho carved oak for i awhile I litKs Hank & Co., 5S 16 - Trust mortgage, 68, 5", and to 2( inclusive. Kripe, sicken or salivate. 1 has prorrused lo restore Poland hip' f ;urehea . He looks not un- i"'t iioih c ii ii .. piniii d for v; The administration can K'fly the like one of e rude, arti-- - fti-iii- ,trtr cnnrluslon of the present ihi t c utal- t1!" : of even n i r lb;.' - ,,,,di hop to ptu the snip pan lias.- hill war IKS. His are too l.ort. his body I' 'I of Oo mow liiun li ,iilMMMI0 i - t tei. during this nest-Io- of rnress. The linrn.j- the last century I i rtnaiiy. o lorn. He nev r looks Weil but Pi lol.-- .Hut; an ii et-- tlhotlt or i'll tiiim Inr ailjourliiiii nt approa In s J (Austria, and liuAia alike hate sought 'I tin oiiv on a Icrse, as l..i.,.i I . i i , . ' k.i1 of No Me r.uildly. none of the bit? sopply it" sOtmp ut the laiui.i.n;.-- lit.-- i ature hiihi." I and in i i la, i, hi ti tsnaliy . ,i...... i.,.i i. . .ii,... and national spmt of ih" Po., hut I . m li.ll (fen, to ,,111, Hie mtiir empire as , with little sun-i-ss- The attempt fi.! !. tn W K. ,:.,..' -- Jo- - i . ' h..,n a b i i,l f. .. Kh I force school hiblieu to the " ' Vl.t,,.,. it., nmcnts of food 'I Is liiiolber ? j ""phine r - here talk of cs'ra ( ,.,,' l.tiuwi, St. L..,,s. Jam- i it ' I - , Herman tohKuc has many , ,,. t. ,l. ,itil f h Hll... Nl,, (.rj,!)c rt arnt.-- ', Hml ,,,e . pui.iSiiin flimsy' ;, "' ,"""ls' I.oui, t I .an e, li ofl th r.i. her 1,1 n u i ,,,'! imm Pans. s hun ,..,!.tie spart mat evii in."i. hue- - i .. .i..e...i.,.. i.. n,..i. i jesietuay. .Mine. ,s at KloO'ot ll l tt U"'J ta ,up Nona "ti!nn j bl. W b. n rtnrss Is in session the j tit,,., that all the ot eminent In Hie ot tier sister. Mis. I.o-i.- !'! the IlarkLt.i). Wii.L-.l.iirv-- I...,,',..,-...-,- buainess Irtereets of the coutilrv are vulve-- l have been forced lo make l.:. I t t.-'i t His end. iustiftea-- 1 ,w.rvoii. n.t titsth- so. Ait a rule t he ! promis. s. I Coiiiiau from witn.n tifty Hiiies of Soiesons, wner r for io,( V ndemned in Inter ' the most dispt it" ihcii who (to to Wafhinstoti do not j . I pus-n- li1ii,l!li fiKhtlng of the war is at t lak-- I lW i th" theo any a- - ' . ic that know I, h Monllv tlirv re den, llll. Mt.tHh ini pU' e, ii in-- Nona, a woman of he to 'New j :,..e h.lten end the seeking u bole notonetv by Voir World.) excessive and great jiry of Stllilii. . i I'n-i-i a. kit pos.ihe, ,n something. I' i uiiu, i IWH" Iian uiniiKiiii rn al.iMkim, u..i, eff-ct- h - b. .r, . y I.ud(J war and it w,u, an mtim.ite .ft p..iit d o it In these is new member that Hue of fr.,n. Ihe netMaI certain nuhli. atior.s the ! that is ...o,l MUl,,,. a,J i.e, ,.!! knows no law. .. I. Old ulo.lil.l I... . ' ntion i'i. - - of is to at impressive. ol the powers ,,),, anl prali(e whnh wag T tit war an passed conar.-s- s should g!M the , ,hp "Ail Europe dance Iliad and lu. k I'atholiO church. Ame-li-.- t ( !i. f.o- th, it inv esistenre: iian the war. Just as is. ' - ..a.. war was net ,'arel tltniiao). A cm, i, Kraive " neeiuiii ri inv miiiiinu heiore an snd tlreat j press versus a narrow and ferocious j American said to me in Paris: '.Mad- - !'! ilmn. ;tinia i No na-Iio- h Intunille. SiWIMMINti 11 kit A l'l OKI I . rettKious Intolerance, an issue which ame, Kurope Is danciiiK mad.' i;tn i .iMiMi-- her. 't differs not ' all good Americans of whatever creed " 1 '') 'Ko ue United how sb mac la- Will I in n, .,l ,l,.nl,a n,,,l K.i,. .. Males.".'What it?' iiwm t'lios defeated. b'pted mot J a a Prim eton university has a aj 'History ti aches us,' be i.l, 'thai s m m wmt w a & r ' i y f Hit . are Ho ha u.', s'de. She avoid. nit ij ' imii. hew for Kraduatlon. The i sue it who epiuemics ami orgies o GOING.!! GONE !!! - ', rciniltettient BOMcistwiajwtir HUfKoHwlU WEtT Si The Catholi ,n I lot t,....,i ed I1H..S lewuils to! a degree. spuneois rI danfins are always followed bv senior, before b shall have every way j ret !'.' i s'anUiiis miniiiii the iiittiotis. The! are In Justified in protest, ars. ijaui ,n has someOiliig lo Uo must be able to swim two nun-ire- ins asaitist publications which they! with War. The eataee ttihes always j yards, or six ti the lei.pith cf the Will desribe as ' s. iirnlous, hhelolis, i da need before colnir Into baitle. The r th . c t m a n j pool ill the gymnasium, and f.lthy." The lest and spirit of jl,,uW lila the.r war like Mi!ioar,i.i in - en a fairly cf- - To You W-- ft is Illustration of such sheets as the Menace A"'rKa,", ..Mni ln This Secret e Confide j This a practical and the Vf"j Sign lnJhT to ;nr bl L.Hil f tlie lo it isri Isles, j - When you j revolutionary idea that lellow Jacket are an outrage not mere- llVe, In the new and Kreat domestic unrest you have the stlih Tl. ,i: w ! Hons be illins college athletics should b for the ly aitaitist Roman Catholics but upon great social unrest. When you have Improve ;iV . M i Your n a i t i with to on an n s for her all American Intelligence and j great social you have Hair j whole student body. rutfit unrest war.' j benefit of the cm nib Th" ,ci. ss - feeling. They I " Hjw L ." li the tier- f.-- raise, only disgust in about the ulled States Instead of for a chosm of special a.k.-d- JOalii' coil t'i A !.!! IJ, 11 VI ol, I.I i an enlightened mind and thev fan . physical endowment. b "tic ari l iroetal un- b cote eJ,Moi iO to notke peace make no headwav toward af- - ".:rf''lt " Ktiowledit lf bow to swim Is public Ml ' a"!' 'he1,,'"u ,,lav mi i,y liable terms . I filing real opinion. - not int cli . , i1', domesi and )ou j NOIIICinultf Vila. ill". .fill i'ci,, " mistake to strike at these Inn national d.r,: datum nil. . 'a are not far from haos.' HERPICIDE ' start ouitht to hate. Hut it rather publications In a manner which ln-- 1 "I am sure th gentleman had no ling lo llnd a meat university actual- Volvea pcrliaps the most iealooslv luea war waa Imminent. Me merely TIIIM.s PI ItM l A T. The value of N'ewbro's Herpicidis for saving and ly requiring tins know b due us a guarded f all American constitution- made an as.-rtlo- that happened to come I pay beautifying; the hair Is a secret known to thousunds. al lilsttes. It ts et blent it Is true. did not any atten- to liradiiiition. that tion to said w More men How illlliteiil this Wulbl Would te dilflcult tir tii'possihte lo get ttjem what he had until and women probably have obtained positive at declared. X thought If oleic we would unit pUitinit a through XiMllig have ofien results from the intelligent use of Herpicide than from for Memphis, blKtest rily of Ten-nesse- stalme: neverthe- of ji sir:'.?." the less all other hair combined. lil'le tuitiililaKe and suite ts JI the attempt to bar them from the remedies is now dry. Ileal estate , to (bi thii.iis on the of pel ma-l- a mail, by the necessary law Heinsnized Advantage. In the majority of cases it is dandruff rontasion bais lliiht, the newspapers are not pro- n. a truth basis' eyvhat hardly can be accepted a within the Tou will find that Chamberlain's that makes the hielr dull, brittle and lusterless, followed et Cough lat.-- r , testing and tho thirsty otus hounds of public poll, y Remedy has reeoeniKed ad- in many - is iil, s Hod lltes, is 1 e r ii i n - our country. instances with white. scaly deposits, Itching: seal p falling hair. N'ewbro's Herpi- us they did when It vantages over most in use and imtner-(il- drinks often The sponsors ot Ihe bills would do V"".r"a..'a,w' ,n" n'ny f beauty and (except in cases of enables hair tool'' Yl.t. runs Knirrson's l for covghs and cobl.s. It not es.irne us chronic haldnesst the line. was Wet. well lo recall tile action of Lincoln, des natural luster and luxuriance. suppress a cough but loosens and re- Jlerpioide. Human liislory, ttslid by this who refused to use his great power lieves H. It cff.ltTnori"h''i",'r ,TerSn!." ,,t"""k ,,'.Xfl",,' In the highest terms for its almost magical aids expectoration and lp an' lor i,s excellence as a begin use of touchstone, reveals remarkable fads. A physician is t'f under war conditions to close the Chi- opens the secretions, enables Herni, ,I ,1 als? regular hav dressing. Just the who a mernkf which "nyone" and e how quickly your the improve- - It Is nol tin. brollies, palaces, for- - discovered germs cago Times at a moe" critical stage of the system to throw otf a cold. It me i in your h k"l'Pe friends will notice the tUilo aenala has counteracts any (jol l,HJi Willi- - means the defense of Ihe union, although the tendency of a cold to lll.ea, it mi,, !,(.. ,!,( la tli (senate chamber and be result in pneumonia, uo I 1(1 c I n ...... most unjurt, ahusive, and as- it contains "c HUver to isti-i- s, sto, the eorrosion of lime, but the to try to vote them for the passage aedmoua opium or aid lan.L.l.4 kJji in,. Ilcrnicido m, nept. Dcinut. MiciiigMn. ror iriai imhiio saults were lelng made other narcotic, and maT be at all toilet Ap-- m (en enl tis.n him and given to a 1 t ,1?. irrani.1 Roods wuiUits. only gtnuiiie )lcrpliillc. aspirations, the laws of right of a more sirlngent medical bill. his by rliMd as confidently as lo whm'I harbor shops. .fiH administration newspaper. an adult. For sale by ail dealers. r7 ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14. 1915. FIVE

Ji Jnie tuoMeim OTiiie piry uooog tup. Shoes Shoes Special Price on High 2 Great Shoe Bargains for Men .WO Pair Men ''s Shoes Grade Shoes All oilils and end, Imt all xie to lie had; odd style in I tut and Packard. Tilt and Sel. Shoe; value to $5.00 sale Monday, 9 m., choice, Entire slock of High and Low Shoes on ale, including pair; on a. such makes as Ralston, J. E. Tilt Co. and Selz; all worth $4.50 to $6.00; in any size you want; your choice now, On Sale Monday and Tuesday $1.95 $3.95 See Window Display

sensational break since the beginning J of the war. Almost complete arrest of export sales had much to do with Wait forcing speculative holders to unload for a short time cn a gigantic; sale. CLASSUMED COMlf Hallics followed but tha market closed Tell. Tkol 5 5 '4 c lower JOilML extremely nervous, to ! than Thursday night. Other net EXTREME to oats, SHE losses were: Corn, ftc; LAND , (a "t, to lc, and provisions 10 to 20c., FOE SALE EAC1 TO THE Throwing overboard by Immense There mav bo bard time on the 1BL eastern lines of future deliveries said Jl.flOO frame, modern, good BOTH Is seldom or neve: was farm but there 1mm ACME NERVOUSNESS to be owned by belated investors outbuildings, shade and fruit trees, hunger. If you want to get the ben- apparently wbut made the wheat fine location, N. 11th street. efit of this years crop now Is the Cleaning and Pressing Co. market stormswept In earnest. .Stop-los- s well to ho looking around. We have $4,500 modern brick, time MONEY TO I.OAV ON S. lo Kmilh m orders on the options credited U 75x142, a choice selection of nil kinds of Third built, hot water .heat, lot WATCHES I'lione int. eastern account, were not reached 4th ward. valley ranches and fan lit you up, If AND by 3 prices under- Mn' sum pressed a fall of lie that bungalow, you want land. J K V. went during a of selling nt the $3,300 California Four-roo- modern base- Mrll'l Hlllll elellllKi Knit irpMril, , .. .71 Threatened Foreign Complica- rush brick: Ft 111 PFA'T Money Having Prices on outset of the day. Itecoverleg, how- new, hardwood floors, furnace, E. ment; good location; $200 cash, $25 Ladies' Suits pressed . .75 tions Cause Speculators to ever, from the early weakness were Silver avenue. per month. 202 N. brick, hard- DNflF.HKFMF.ll GOODS LsiIIpi' Sum rlem.r.t a r. .1 not of sufficient energy to hinder a hungnlow Two lois on South Waller street; wood floors. M np tendency $3,800 modem 9 dti W. Tileras, frame. H.iv' Sum (lunnl an,! ir.(l. . .60 Bull to Bear persistent recurrence of the porch; 100x142 feet; each I $Sr(; New Location a Lilly, Hasten From The ensuing fireplace, sleeping and font; Hoth good .homes and In fine neigh- KrixilrliiK hi.. our Htirh niwt to drastic liquidation. bungalow on tha rear of lot. terms. PUILDINQ iillnr. Try ua. finally did come, seem- borhoods, i DAIINKTT Side of Market. smash when it A bargain. Fourth ward. srrtK-Kxoiv.- n 102 West Central ed to overwhelm the, pit, and there A snap TBIAXTOH CO. wus no breathing place before .May $2,000 New mpdern bunga- A and plunged to $1.50, a fall of 17c low. Fourth ward. 211 West Cob). TWIIU'UMV .V 4 I sl'IIM T!N(J .II I. HOItK I.I All I II. W1 MORNINA JOURNAL BeaiJlAt. LSASIO WISBl from the highest war record price, $3,200 brick, modern; Fourth IMI ex- - All kind, of tun. In. I. a r ,kilia furnish-ed- . Vork, Feb. 13. A tone of $1.(17 on February 5. - ward, on car line. New Ssits If ou h.ive fola. hid, a. aklnt nr poinin was evinced to- nau mucu i F!r Ireine camion durinit lliitish cable mspatcnes $!,7r0 brick; modern, large hi Ida of any kind u wish niouule.l lira mar- In and . day's short session oT lliu slock Influence toward emphasising basement, corner lot, good location Poirferfieldi Co. Modem npiirtmeiit, steam Haiii.ilns houses lots. air.o or tuiiile llii,-- Am. .iiii.I, l,. (o,ea. ' ket an,! was for lh most sentiment, regarding wneal. This ' col- loom, $1,miii; payment, 'upa. tll.O'S. Mlll.i,.. H,m, .lid iea' a lid lu Highlands; easy terms. heal, close in. Also modern -, Krmvini; nut of re- RIAL I8TATB5 FirtB INHUKAKC1 $l,riO0. Men's Colli- pari to iipprohcnnion was particularly the case as to lages, 4 to ti rooms, some, furnished. nddl.ia developments. ship- I'. (". It.iX Allol.liei.le, N. M lite biles! international ports Hint greatly Increased LOANS. EL The repp scrit;ttioiis ninili) ly ht Rnv. ments from Argentina to Europe W. EL . m to Knulnnd iiml derma ny oc- brought by net Inn of I.osnq I 'I re. Insurance MMM eminent would be about 211 West (lold, ill West Cold PI'OFICSSIONAL CARDS casioned in hitsh financial Premier AsquiUt concerning the re- 111 South Fourth Mrect. Hit trudinir element which would be avail- ilicli-- anil save. lease of vessels IIISIM'SS A I r(ll(M.M, nn opportunity lo make fresh com- able at P.ucnos Aires. A reduction of irF.LI" WAXTFI). FfMt SAI JLivwiiw-- awl r"iry. 4Hci:s. -- JOHN W. MII.10N on side. Argentine ocean 1'relght rates was -- I'tut SAI.Ii ilo.,d jo. Mix mitments the hear urlh. Kt'll SALi: our J n i k Minorea cockerel. iTaliiuronl. Allornrr-nl-Is- were sold moder- significant so, too, A"is Mul". iritoe. iiox l rare Journal. Prominent shures taken as find I'h.Mie l:l7W. Ttnoma 1 Cromwall nirlg. of a. point or pressure to sell decid- KKNT Monrn r'nirm, .ivam ij.ati I'llll H W,I0 A ately with net losses Argentine at .iiiiuuo.y. will) dim t.vm I'ult SAl.t; -- Holt inpiouioii Co..l filal.elaas pnsllig siilooll. Hea. I'hona ir,;;VV. offlca I'hona 1171 ' no .Irk. A0814 Wmt Oniral. Hell located. Addteaa Hex h,. more In the speculative favorites. edly lower prices. lli Ht liuniH, lOviryililiiu furniBhert. Don't aiiiiin. iilo (kk. f..r hiiiehinir. I'lmne :l 'ti. rilv N'lfe I DKNTIMTS, prices were made in the later Depression of the com market was nnri-- nh.uit I'ltntlnl tl...... II tt...... n FOB KKNT luiiny room, lecpuiii SA 1. 10 'heap, a small In liulliip, Lowest 423 Ifult ma LK I'.uk. chlika; trn varntlea it'll mfe ha. Ni.ll. porch nd board. Wit MnrnuRtlt. opposite depot, doing go,,d I'ni-- dealings, at which time United States due wholly to the weakness of wheal. F.rlnn.tnon. l'.'iH Boulh IQilllh. Ph. l'.'OUJ. luialneaa. i UK. K. Kit 41 T ty j J. and I'nion Paeifie. were singled Relatively corn showed notable CJl'KHMI':NT poHitluii. ul eaay t KtlK ItKNT Tluee ful nlahe.l for engaging In other hllalneas. Address Tile giirgeoa. filed st. housekeeplnir: no sm I'ult S.M.I; I'no line II nan Coillh It. I. lied Talmo Cafe, llfllllip. M. j llenlal Hilarys although My frcei bmiklpt, how. North Kourth. I out by the bears. New Haven strength. Ttural offerings, teDs hri'edln S" North Klslith Itooma 2 , Harnett Hidg. Phona $44 5e- -i in Cm iflSNT- fnoTi Toion"" Xt 1101) - - afiiiin showed marked weakness, slightly enlarged were not excessive, Ilili atu! aoi.n. VVrltn today KurolKlied wllh at reel. AN Ideas. Wllla for Hat ot luveu- Appolnlinenla Mada by Mall. lining- two points abruptly to the readily absorbed. Liberal now. (Curl llupklns. Washington. 1). C. aleepina porch, in moilern lo w home. 7o:, tlona wanted t,y muniifacturera and and were l''lllt HAt.l.; A Hue Killed don; Hailed AM) ONS). 41). With the ex- both domestic and V A X'l'l-- l,o4'al for North Third. prlsra offered for luyentiona. tiur four hooka I'IMSII M ltdl minimum prices of shipping demand, Hock eo. kerela, Ilrown J.eKhorn hena. 211 sent frea. secured or fe ami pr.ifltaMp employment tint! look K'J'KAIrf HiCAT I. pieitaHiit theat day.. (,et I'atenta returned. HllldMON Ill It I M. ception .of the several Issues of stocks foreign, helped to prevent any radical North Walnut Victor J. Kvgna Co., 70 I. ON. I. after our In your socilon. Anit'il-ci- a room at tha Grand Central, f 2.6(1, (3.00. Ninth, Washing- rhyslctiiu Hurgeen. Minneapolis and oats. The cash sales of 1. 10 ton. Tl. i". and and bonds of the setback in llculty Co., Ci:l l'nul lacl?., $4.(10 a week. I'OII HA Two good lit or delivery (17 as Cluy Phona llnrnett 81d, ,St. Louis and Iowa Central roads oats here today were estimated ttouiton, 'l'cx. horaoa, niao a'toil doiilda harneaa. 7 Kcilt HUNT Lrfisiii well f uiiilalie.l room, A SNAP I'lUl .'. some of which rose substantially on amounting to iir.0,000 bushels. riranula, tluhha Iilitulrv. T. I '. T A N I'M VA'i'Kl At imu.. younff iim-i- for with Itnlh. cheap. 141". Weat Central, The lease and furniture of Virginia lM. - gave way sellinr, A Chleiia III I the. old rumor of buying for riinaollin Provisions under hunlncRa. Itla- puy. W you 1 ii ii nar 1'OIt .'' 1.10 and lei tile from Second street, next to Crystal theater. hpcclallat r ye, or, Voae and Throat, In- mnkd eaalle. 10tK.I. ckb. control, the entire list was which was led by packers. Lowered expert In hy pay ua S. c. It. I.; wood airitliia; ajreat lay-er- a lid one Idock from ,lei,,l ; twelve nicely Hunt.'l Ve, N. M. Pacific trn week miiil. after Klllt IlK'N- T- Two nirely (ill Dialled oonta of a '.':lil fumlalied rooms, l aali or (,o.,d lea-ao- clined to weaken. prices for grain cut a good deal we aecure you pnnltion. Century Aulomo-hll- e houaekeepimr; Nortli ltii:h alreet. teitna. for llitht halt) and ollet; for selling ol her tnisliii as iirTalra. M,g. IlltS. Tl I.I, HAHI.N , break In sterling exchange figure and so also did forecasts of bis Inwlltnle, I.oa AnRelea, Cul. no Apply .Mia Weal Ma lOtitis for hutching from Ulna luhlion win- Another aiek. niuette, 10 II llearua. I'rartlte Limited ( Fye, Rnr, Nom lowest price quoted hogs next week. l.iOAKN ners, H. c. It. I. lied nnd Plymouth aa4 on London to the arrivals of atitomoliile repalrtlia: driving on !'( I K It t: N T -J'- -u im TkIi ed- for houaekoepillK, Ihroiil. cars; . rtoeks. W. Klein. 411 W. Atlanlle. V. Ha3W. lOAS'l'IOKN mull Willi lew llioiiaiind dollios since 1907 gave rise to th belief that Closing prices: cleetriea.1, civil enitiner-Init- it rooma nntl aletpln toreh, hath and Btala Natloaal Hank Bldg. 1 B 1 . 2 D . In inveat. dealres hlllllling iirop.'Sl Ion In gold Canada M ay, $ . 4 V : Ju ly, !, aurveylnit; mrthuda moat pnictlral; iKtllt HA1.I0 -l- luliy chicks, 111 cents o 1 further Imports of from Wheat hot voter; no atek. IrtitK North See. mil. N'ew" Mexico. Kaali to participa- JlllV 81c. room and hoard while learning; many poal-tio- laid 1th, ,,le Island lleds and llarred in niati mill ll.liiltl MIS), b( IIU I.M IIOH'KH i are under way. Probable Porn Mnv. 7!le: Invest, desires purchase tnteleat III pav- 0 & aacured; aatisfat'tlon Biiaranteed; cata- South "ocka. Mis. ilcorgn Tudor, tisane city, t'l Oateoputlile liiyaicliiM. In the new French Oats May. c; .July. ' drug tion by our bankers log National of KriKineerlng1, Krtn. ing liualneas in New Mextco. Sulfa R, N. T. Armllo Kulldina;. Offlc -- ' "expected to fre. IIIONI 1'iiriilalied room. for IlKht W, trfirsnry note issue Is ltib.s May, $10.20; July, $10.45. 3110 Weat Seventh, Informal hoi. nddresa It. Wiley, Phone 717; Hesldence phones 171 be- l.oa Anttelea. holiaekeeplnir. 724 S'Hlth Heeond. ll'YlIt HA 1. 10 - I'U.'icy In e,l I'ly toll Iloek Inxa and ease in exchange intlillilly deiul'lmenl, A lltiiu.-rtii- l work further HAViO VOirt OWN III'.SINKS.S Inde- t'CltNISllkT)-ll- Tlt eggs. 7",c per aeliitig. l,reij ilufr tween this center und London, where MOW VOP.K JICTAU lie iMSTi.,1 water heat; no eluli. A. Ii. MIOIt l l.K, M. I). ' pendent and malti! Kood money. Othera Blek. no ehlldren. 414 Weat Silver avenue. DipiiiKton egaa, II per selling. Call at 4ttl I'raeileo l.iinllud to Tuherciiloala, issues is being handled. ,y up II loi'.i. l I H, the have done it taking our proposition; North 'I'll lit lorn or plioti" Itl SlM XS (H'l'dlt IM II Hours lit lo la I'hono price advances In steel New York, Feb. 13. Copper steady; ao I'un yotl. We want repreaenlalives FClt I'.IO.NT Houaekeptt;g rooms und fur till Further lo eiAi.K HO' I elilcllena flolll S. C, MM'lal Itiirgnliia). 824 V4 West Aya, of $ 4.(12 4 1 4.S7 ; cast- nished cottages. Bleeping porchea. (1( lHH Central confirm recent ndvlees electrolytic, f 4 handle Henaaperaa, our I.Ik Helllnir nerve H. W. I'ltOMrNFON"!' corner, cnnalstlng products Weat Coal. It. I. Iteda and C. Leitllolna. t'iral Iitistuess nf Alliuijueruufl Sanitarium. Phono 141. increased activity in that trade. As ing, l4.2514.62',i. lonle. You lake no riak. Ah a auirrer we prlge lteil cock, la't and 'Jml l.eghoni cocks, four lots and y initldliig on rear. nnd will neml you nix boxea po.tpaid. Pay ua U10NT' l.lKlit hoitaekeeplni; rooma. M un MM(ll4ltlT (I. Alt I for general merchandise, local Iron unchanged. K. 10. Hheitcv, A Ihuttueripie. N. Paved sireeis both sides of property. lilt. HI! Ill III to an increase, notliiiiK till they're sold; then send us $.1. modern, tlior,,uKhly clean. Iioitiiro K'ui Pries liii.iiiiii. Terms lo stilt piirehaser. I'riiclica l.liiilled In Women's nnd interior reports point I, you BtiNKIIINIO ilulf cFiprriKloiia, Hggs, .60, dill Jobbing cen- i.4)i The retail price la tl per ox, ho net South Meeond alreet. Properly worth (?f,,(niu. drcn'M Dlaeiiaew. of individual purchases. is and si'Kr.irn. 4:1 II J.I. oo; $ '.ii il per fifteen. The kind that kt. u:.i tin tltia lirat order. !o onee and you'll II 1I?J loast t.'cnlrnl Ayemie, i report belter und more di- KM' llooina fin iilahcd for nv win and nay. Visitors Welcome, Ti. H. ters also atlek to the loisilieas. Ilrown Kxport Co., 74 SPIOCfAr, bargain plica on twn fine tnial fiTl. Alhtiiiueiqua, TV. unsettled, aiilyle and dotihle; reaaonaide. A I Houih I'lione rhone la. versified distribution. St. Louis, Feb. 13. Lead Cortlandl alreet. New- York. V Y. Morgan & Hons, Arno. on Copper avenue, move- Call r.:': Wetl Central avenue. uesa lots helween Forecasts of the weekly cash $3.0 51.3.72. 17. Koiirih and I'lfth street a, ut terms to suit J III0 Ml Itl'III.V NAN Al'Oltll M upset by the in- strong, loniulo. iMtlt IEI0NT Two nicely urn aiicd rooma 1ICV your potllliy at H.oiiliiiy I'otillry Vnrd, Tuherciiloala of the Throat and Lungs, ment were slightly Spelter $8.008.26. for lluht hoiHekeepliur. ni,leru: no aiek purchaser. holiday. show an. ac- WAN'l'IOLt to work niornitiKa. Call at r, 03 Mi, nth 1,'lial. I'lione IMS. Will dreaa City Office, 31.1 '4 West Cenlral Aveiiua. tervening Ioans liirl or 1 ,ni:i Weat llazcltlliie. ,1'lione Vege- - hiidren. and deliver day ordered. Fresh egga. Ion, cen- Office ours i to 11 a. m. ; lo 4 p. m. expansion of almost $25,000,(100 MOW YOI5K SIOXEY. till North I'ltat. l.:i.'.'.l. Fl.VR liitslneas local near titislneas tual Trulls All minis oi fe-- t. . fir.; Hiinutorlmn Phono 4H1 by about houao-W'or- lllhles and ter or cltv. filixICI parlililly Imiirov-ed- I'h'ne demand deposits increasing WANTWt - Yotilllf Kil'l for selieral Sr. M. pa- Illghliintla. poultry kept on hioul. Wl Iklnaon J Vlb Price only $t?,iiti; half etiah, halatire W. T Miirphry, Medical Director, $2:., 000,000 and reserves decreasing New York, "Feb. 13. Mercantile Phone i, K y TTaV, tiu-- win, they pay. At tha icrim to suit. Properly easily worth flii.ouo. IK, ooo. per, $Mih'4 per cent. WA.N'J'Uli Maid; km I ut lllslil. All- - BtJIl ltlONTl,'uiiilalied rooma. Houth Til $1.1 lo tit liirgest polltl IT allows ill southwest M. M. D. was Irregular, silver, lily Boo Norlh Kouilll alt I. Walter. Phone 202. lliree W. SHERIDAN, Th bom) market Par 4.Sc. In t!)M, state fair, Alhii'iuer'iue; stale ex- A lioiiae on a lot, corner with light dealings except in issues Mexican dollars, 37c. VVANTIOIl HteiioKlupher, male or female, ,'ll( ItKNT Modern room, reasonable; 110 position, Itoawell; 101 I'aao 1'ollllry Hlmw, llroadwny and Lead avenue, wort h l;i.fiUQ, Tractlce Mmlled were heavy; railrond lento,, rnev ...III. to .nil ,,f lotvn- anliNV sick. 3:'Q Woulll III hought me on named. Total sales, par value, Ooveinmcnt bonds our Mrds won roriy-uv- nines; Amencm. Cua he from for tl.Knil. terms Gcnito Urinary Diseases and $i,xr,o,noo. ' bonds easy. S7r,. Phone nualneaa Cotleire, ft.VJ. iilO.NT Two rooma furnlahed for pouliry Aaaoelallon $:'o gold medal: (lva to ault purchaser. A (Inn homo for anyone en- caps tweruy-flv- n Blelf. United .States roupon and registered Wl IM ION Mall, i in weekly addreaaltiK llollsekeeplng. 410 8..nth Kd th. silver 'medals, Iwo silver nnd that is I'd) Ii. I. Diseases of the Skin, . 2 s per cent on cull dur- NFAV YOUK COTTON. velopes and mutlinir. circulars nt home, Ftill KKNT Modem sieiiin heated room, other specials; our rllihons. declined whltn A CIOOD four-roo- hmiae and attlo, wllh ing week. apare time. Particulars for stamped envel- with sleeping porch. Milty Fl. Cenlral. Hods, holli roml.s; Oriilnglons. hoth Tha Wussermann and Nogurhl Testa; the cotton ope. Htleoeas Supply Co., 4!lltl Jlellllont and luilTs; While (.egliorns, Ancnas and large yard and garden trucl, on ftoutli "litiii" Atlinlnlsiered. 'losing prices: New York, Feb. 13. Spot Knit lIKNT -- II i Mllll sleeping porch. o Chlt'UKO, Hi. Indian Itiinner ducks. Htoek eggs nnd chicks William street. Ittiproveinetiis cist lo'.nini. Clllmiia J.iu nit Hid- -. (Sold V 2R: (jliiet. Middling uplands, $X.:iu. aitltalde for two ML' Kaat avenue. 711 Will sell properly f,,r tl.'iMi; Alaska I.AllillO knlliliiK mill IiivIIch Torreapondeneo Sll.f for sale. I,. B, Thomaa Poultry Yards, tha entire Albuquerque New Maitna Amalgamated Copper nVi su lea. money, PC) 14 KKNT Two rooms and sloping porch, Kaat llaaeldln avenue. A ll,iliilerililo. easy terms. from women desirous of rflrnlnic 1(71. American Iteet Sugar part or full time. Hood pay. Experience un- furnlahed. i'H South Waller. Vhone 4'iiii:oi!:('ixi.s. MAUKETS; - TWO ('HOICK tols. North Fecund street American C'un 28 LIVESTOCK necessary. International Knitting Mills, FOR UIONT Modern sleeping und houae- 'I'lhi'M1?-''1"!!'!'- 66 rooms, up. nti5 Houih !, noil Mountain Kond. Only ll.'i each; easy Mil. AMI MKM. M. I'. I1AI l American Bmelt. & Uef'ng .... Weat Philadelphia. Pa. keeplng $a and lleUVV. Livestock. W niter. t'OK BAI,Hi Fertiliser. Phone terms. Chiropractors, American Smelt. & Uef'ng, pfd..l02 Chicago $10 weekly address- 42(1 Hold. Receipts WOMEN Make HvVi.10 Tuo iiinoa. one holae and West Phone (II American Sugar Hefining . . . ,102 Chicago. Feb. 13. Cattle Klllt HUNT Nicely furniahrd rooms for t'l.ilt IN'QI'IRK I). K. SFI.I.I'.ltS. noilMsl 7, steers, ing envelopes and mailing circulars I, ,.tiu farm wagon. .'Ill .Norm Arno. 1. & Tel. .120V4 300. Market weak. Native housekeeping; nth, light, phone. I I HaiT NATIIINAI. HANK 111 American Tel. at home, spare time. Stamped envel- g la, till. MASSAIiK. Tobacco ..22 $6.55(8.70; western steers, $4.85 per month np. 614 South Arno street. Foil S A .10 - II "Ufeltold fill nil lite, American ope particulars. Success Supply Not-Il- 70S. . 27 & 10.25. for Phone UISW. etc. M'l ti'T'ond. I'lum" Anaconda. Mining 7.35; calves, $7.00 4910 avenue, Chicago, FOI t ItjW Hwettish luuaangn, vilirutlon, electrlo 4 Co., Relmont HIO.NT Two furnlahed rooms, largo SAI.IO Underwood typnwrller, good oRTi high frequency Atchison . . Sheen Receipts, 4,000. Market FOH Fbit blanket aweot, electricity, ....: lambs, III. , aleonlng porch, wllh use nf kitchen, hath, (HO. 118 Second alreet. Phona 77. FOR QUICK HAI.K iine-tlri- on' on vapor glow. In or & Ohio .. 6!) K steady. Sheep, $i.257.00; order. cash hath, suit yut,r home at Ilaltlmore electric lights, telephone, and fuel for cook In rirwl condi- two houses nnd four lots. a.'4 Kuat Hliver. West Copper, Ppeclal roto Krooklyn Kap'.d Transit .. 87 $li.75'8.25. WANTED Salesmen. HA 1.10 - I'm iiiliiro claas 4:'l l'hone 17'. ing. 110 Soiiih Walnut street. Mia Dlnailiile. H'.'l'i West I'antral. OH PA "creii''Mea r M orTii r M .7 for oourse of treatment. Mrs, F. M. Mundell. ' . 20 Receipts, 16,000. Market tion. P I.Ko' yN Califorriia Petroleum Hogs de- ( av- Suleaman acquainted with HAI.K--'el- with good welt and fenced. P. o. llox . . .1R7j 5c above yesterday's WANTIOH - -. Folt gfcery anadian Pacific i fairly active, Cali- 11)11 IUCNT- DwelUnjf- inniiey-iiitikcr- , R7. IV. I 3(1 $6.50 partment slore trade for tdde. line cetitially located; T. t'l tosi-- ISIMII S. Central Leather .. ft erage. Hulk, $8.75 ibid. 90; heavy, par- fornia Iloaeheada. Hive reference, full North. M. .loiirnal. FUR HA 1,1- 0- Improved ranch; divi- Chesapeake & .. 42 pigs, $5.B0fff 6.80. Com-nan- NOW la Hie time in plant rose Ptiahes. Ohio ?f6.90; of route, ele. Mission Head -- paving property, us tell you ticulars I.. ,i, ua i.e. Ceiille horse. heavy spring dend Hat evar-h- t, Chicago . . 11 FOH ItKNT-- A Mat, eleven furnished rooms, Write today Tor my free of heal (treat Western . l.oa Angeles. Calif. -- .wl Itllltllri lit 4lll HllUlh nliont It. Fred W. Fakes, phone H'laM. . 8fi IilvestcK-k- "opriortiirill.v," Journal "lilting roai-- tiud plants f,,r this climate. Chicago, Mil, & St. Kansas City '1111111,10 specialty man for modern. Address I Paul..,.'. Tte-in- t. u.i .iBiii r.rondway. FOR HAl.K lloilao and grouivla, llliout Also shade trees. Finest truck; lowest Chicago & ,.124 City, Feb. 13. Cattle xt Klnple line on new anil ex- Full KENT House, furnlahed or unfur- iluilerr-'r- Northwestern .... Kansas New Mexlun. A 1.10 wile, liuiiTowa, slioveia acres, of Veneranilit tl. do prices. Francis K, l.ealer, .Meallla Park. ' Hecotld. Fl lit S ton Chino Copper . 35 inn Market steady. Prime Vacancy now. Attractive nished, modern. Cull fill) North j Nor-M- ceptional terms. nnd oak hook iliac. ;I01 Houth on C'tntdelarlas road, weat of N. M. . steers, 1"i weekly for ex- Phone 70S. Colorado Fuel & Iron , . 25 fed steers, $8.00 8.50; western rommlaalon contract, . Fourth, street road. Precinct , P, rim'lllo m-- ? Fdllll Slreet. . 25 $6.50(11,10.75. Miles Hi"1"'' rarl1" HIO.NT - Tliiei'-lilo- flsl. fin iiialied. county. Apply to Niitlvldud Otitlcrrej ami AI,. Colorado & Southern . .. $6.50 8.00; calves, penses. FDR 1, II ly I' IISON CI. .,1.1 . ."egel iri.lll ,i:lllo. il lie . Vj Market 1,1a Cleveland. modem. I':!.'l West Marouelle. InoUire Oflmtnno llitllerres, extent irs. Denver & itio Grande . Snp,,p Receipts, none. I 4 nulomolille. Boulh street. new, Alan llilicll LA Ul K .When delayed or Irregular, use Denver ei Itio pfd. ,. .. 11 steady. Lambs, $7. 75(3 8.15; yearltngSi Salesmen for country Firat ipllek sale. !ll Nol'lll Hixlll es Urande, WANTF.D house, close nea.aonalde for WAfil') Triumph Pills; always dependable. "He-li- Distillers' Securities . . . 11 $6.75 fa 7. HO. $25 weekly salary and $5 Foil KI3NT modern street. IYHI flnusen. National towns. in. Plxlh. Ot), and water paid anil particulars free. Write Frit; . . 22 - Receipts. 1.900. Market expenses when North (0. ' Hoga per day allowed for 1 Weal Hold. OR HAI.IO o It Tit A I'M- - Five-roo- hmtae. Medical Institute, Milwaukee. Wis '. '. ', '. '. '. '. '. '. In. Incintre Frank Trotter, 1j C.eneral Electric . . . .142 Hulk, $.60(ii 6.70; heavy, Co., St. property. steady. traveling. Western Cider 71-- In highlands, for California FOR ItlONT lioiise, Kent III, Great Northern,, "i pigs, $6.00&6.50. -- Must make (pilck deal, llox Journal. pfd ..115 $6.606.70; Louis, Mo avenue, close In. partly furnlahed hv owne- 'anTIOIi clean cotton ruus at Hie Jour-- I T1MH CARDS. Great . . 32 Northern Ore clfs. ... r-, halanee of furniture fur sale; nil new. mil office. I Hit HAI.K California Iiiiuga low, lluye Guggenheim. Kxph.ration . . 51 Livestock. rooms. I, nth nnd aleeping jiorch: retiaoti-ald- e IRozwdl'Catir Mm Denver II - out room collug". Noun WANT Any kind of carpenter work. so Bml 1 Receipts, Folt KN'T (Ulelc H North His h alreet. Illinois Central . .105 Denver Feb. 3. Cattle for ducks or f, for sale. passenger Service leaving Roewgll Dncrl.nrough-Mct- ., WANTKU A (food rellalde man or woman Fourth street. Lots of room Pally pr',i r.t; Reef steers is :t, DO. . . 4 300. Market steady. home community furnished. 10. .f. Hll'ong. gold grid l''uR HA l.K -- ItarKUlu exlrtiordtnary. at 8 m) a. Bi. In represent In their chlekena. Water WANTI0D- We huy old silver. ntod-er- n Ind c:irri,,o Inspiration Copper . . .' . . 19'A cows and . In li, you want o complelely furnlahed one way $6.507.50; heifers our product practically needed on hand Hlfamg'a hook idonv .. Ilennett's. Fourih and Clold. l'hrougli fare, ,.10ll $6.50 - well located In the low- International Harvester . . and feeders, m r II., IV,. frtmrntllee- llH merits ItOS- houie, intermedlalH points, per mile 1( 944 fni(i75; stoekers eveiy 111 " bnulll. WANT 101) A l d. livery WJigo Interested, owner, 4 1". City 22-J- (,i steady low- lands If phone 60 Ihs. haitgage frea Kiceaa Kansas Southern .. 7.40; calves. $ 7.50 9.75 lllvely, osaurliiK'' rlRht persons man Aver, F.tal C'etitral. carrlei. Lehigh. Valley " 600. Market splendid income. Work from your FIJNM.siiiod hrlek close in. mod- FOR HA l.lToiKlil-rooli- l ci nt Idock KllhWKI.I. Alil'll I'tK, ..133 Receipls, liness Willi C'ldOANINH, and atoye Ixoilt-vill- e S,(.p lambs iL e.e full time. iOxnerlenee pot ern. Apply SOS South Seventh street. CAItl'IOT furullura house In hlKltlands; cement, liasement; Owners and Operatora...... Phone 111 ft Nashville Yearlings, $6.75(K'7.2r.; j Homo, r.o o ..117 steadv repairing. W. A. fluff, phone fil. plumhlng; glassed-i- n Mexican $5.0(M;5.05. essential. Applicants Bivn II iON'l' - 'I'D lolliK.ll.-- Mini stenm heat; sanitary Petroleum . 7fi $7.50'fi 8.00; ewes, Ad- - Imy Spin , .i Innolrles ittnorcd. ... i n...... v. v,.,in, fur... I. lo sleeping porch; close In. A bnrgaln if taken M iumi Copper 1ST',-.- . 200. Market 10 sen. n" l",, lili'gll M,- ,....., WANTKU o" . . Receipts, giaaa DM. Hogs Manufacturing Co., 1426 SI 6 50 per 11 V. I'hntte soon. Address M. A. F.. care Joiirnul. Missouri, & Hulk, $6.55. drtaw The Eman nlehed; llnht and water. month. rorsela. Kansas Texas'!! lO'i higher. Top, $6.5. 1 010. . , I s fur- - Missouri Pacific Curtis street, Denver, tna wear com hvhuu-- I jit j V und sell ae, elollii and .. UN nlture. 4(iS South First street, phone titiS. Vim ltlsNT Itamties. National Biscuit . ,120 V lllghlunds. .!!!!! Rooma WUh Hoarcl. -- pisiform scales, NOTICE It)lt It KXT WA.N'l'I'I' T" I'll), small 3 seres, three-roo- National Lead . . 50 ',4 liood ho use, fine sleep- m- -i. Ft ill ItKNT (lunch, FOIt nhoul r.tll) poumlM.. 533 Houin rirov Inquire M. Kussoll, Nevada. Copper 12' North. ing porch, 115.1)0 per nionth. Apply IM ndohe house. F. ATf IIHOV, TOI'J K A & 8A'TA FR BAIL Phoner IMS. 70!) North Fourth street. WAV New Vork Central .. 84 in New room wllh slecpisis Sontll Walter, ilroadway Cenlral to CO. Automobile Users Ftlll KENT Hoard and MOVKI) from und ltfONT Alfnlfa ranch; yields seventy-liv- e YVeatlHiiuid. N. Y., N. II. & Hartford , . , . .. 49 To family; no objection to 1:I0N I' un modern Highland House. Hhull FnR porch, In private FOR building opposite tons. Cheap for cash. Close In. Ad- No. Class. Arrives Departs Norfolk & Western . .101 Weat Xew York. ,...- - u inrr norch. Apply 614 Houth Shop. Arizona, heallhseeker. A Sever Shew dress- "otlod Chance." Journal. 1. California Kxpresa T :ior 8;3np V4 Mexico and street phone KilsW. Northern Pacific - COTTACJIOS Wllh boartl, Arno A.NT'lol) le'ach Spanish. hand, 1 1 :( l3 ROOliia" Ctft t t' slfi hlONTF.iiilily-uor- e ranch, six miles (.California l.lmltcd :0u.i , . iUON T Nicely tuinlalled man I'llll Pacific Mail . . 18 . ,.nh Countrv life, with cltr 7r bookkeeping. Weekly lessons. liy Islcla, 7. Faat Kxpresa II 4Sa lO Ka ! Alvnrado; rent Correspondence from Allitl'iueriiue and Address Peclfic Tel. & Tel . . 26 and we conventencea, airs. V. il. fteed. P. W9. hoitae. Idcck from 1; Hl.r.O a month. Al,iHiiero,ue Alllaon, N. M. 9. Fast Mall II tH'p 12::a Mall us your auto curtains ,...,. nM.l 'Oil noo." on,... Margorlls. Hcarmilllnl, Pennsylvania . .105V4 very low ltioune School. V, o. Hux T.K,. 111. Do I.uxe (Thursdays).., 7:50 8.00 will put in new lights at a ' Booth. Pullman Palace Car ...,... . .152 return same. WANT' 101) Ciood home for my children. TO KXCliAMili Noiilliliuund. price promptly - B 6. 1 want SOU. latSOp Hay . . . 17 and EXCK!.CCVT lold.- lioard and nicely (ilrl aged and hoy tl" not Kl Paso Fixpreas Consolidated Copper'.. . Albuquerque put d;Sfi When you drive to ilh hot and eold water in A. Macpber-a.,- n separated. Can pay $.'! ft month. Ad- - Hel- Sir,. 101 I'aao Kxpresa Heading ' parage In i.amif It 10 NT Offices. Apply U. them WANT Tl) lOXCIIANdlO lleniilne lllue ..144 in Kor her t.1 West Gold avanu. Under FOR care .loilitmK chickens, i;asl hound. Ilepitbllo . . your machine every room. loiirnal office dress "Mother." ton getter dog for good strain Iron & 'Steel 20 ant" 1 ft. 7:Slul l:(IS we keep on hand new management. I. lleds, games or leghorns. No. 814 Atlantic rOxpteas ., Pock Island Co. . .,, .. connection wood- It. Kxpreas 2:K,p supplies, with blacksmithing Highlands U'AXTICK Position. WANTIOI) ItiMims. South Heeond street. lOaslern 8:4il Pock Island Co.,. pfd .. 4. California l.lmtted :4llp 7:0lll m working, trimming and linmciiateiy, St. Louis Han 2nd pfd . I110NT .Nice rooma with boatd, sleep- .ui.oini riookkeep WANTKU Permanent rooma (. K. t Chicago lOxp 7:U.p Fran., 2'4 We are alsoP'"'ndr: FOH frinllly MONKY TO 14AN. Southern .. 84 partments. (14 South Arno street, er'. a dr. Address o. K.. Journal. line people, In private Address Sc. De I.uxe ( Wednesdays). . :t)p :H'I Pacific Ttulck automobiles. ing porchea. hyoimg office. 1ST, for the phone K.lxW stenographer or Mrs. A. N. Shideler. Journal T'O MIAN oil salarlea. household l''nim ?tuith. Southern Hallway .. GARAGE, ANT' 101) - HHiialion as Ml'NIOY Chicago. . 7;00 KOKUFR'S young man of S N'T'IOI' On" or Iwo r,,ms anil aieepioit livestock, without removal (10. Kansas City s Tennessee Copper .. 29V4 Albuquerque. Kdlt IllOXT Modern Runny room, wllh hv an experienced goods and Chicago. (.Sflp ve,rh second St.. no oh- - i!". this jiorcli, furnished for light housekeeping. l.ontl Co.. room 11, over Flrat Na- Sill. Kansas Clly and Texas Company . . 1S1 .j leeoiiir norch: hoard If desired; twenty, of g''d eharncter. bx locality and I'nion reasonahle. rhone Must he In good I enpeclu Lie tional hank. Phone U'SS. I'nion Pacific ..119 War. iectlons to sick.' I'rloca office. W. II. ltlnga- - Shipping 1 lories to fliiullficalions; profes- no aiek people. Iteferencea. Fnion Pacific, pfd .. 81 13.-- An east- isW. l omoa. N. M., Feb. ; seminary mnn. Motel .. 43 Artesla, sional rertirie-ile- experienced; TWIOWItlTloTlH. I'nited States Steel sent a summer engagement to BttnscntPRns . . . .104 ern horse buyer IJOlt HFNT Ilnanca graduate. wishes et your Morning t I'nlted States Steel, pfd. 0"n city or ranch; after June WW HKI.U rent and repair. Underwood If yoa fall to 53 horses out of Artesla Iron school or family; Co., 1?3 fl. Fourth. Tel. 174. call Vtah Copper .. y'""' KKNT Clood barn, corrunatrd . llOllle-UK- Typewriter Jourtial, they Foil I X. care Morning ...... t.iO.ea din- Mungum. Okln., where ho uaed Address ,.l,.e.-..l....lue - second-hand- , ll.N'inNf TR1.F0HAPIT TO. Wabash, pfd for Into roof; aultahle for garage, or can ""' llftl.r, good l ull An KINDS, hi.lll new and WFHT10RN they can be shippedr' avenue lo hoard nnd room; In shupo. l'hone 116 147. wait until for horses. Apply li West Mo regarding tahle, room, price, bought, sold, rented and repaired. Albu- St. Louis. It was originally particulars Typewriter Kxchange, l'hone ("(, CHICAGO IiOAP.1) OP T1JAOI3. Louis, but the etc., or no reply. Ueori H Tuung, Uodge querque to St. Jour-oa.- bttHT--'i'e- O lialit lor auto. Finder please Bvoolnl to send them dis- Clean cottoc raget t tha City, Kan, 111 Boutll Itleot. collapsed presence of the foot and mouth Wanted notify 319 West Uuld, or jihuti Hi. Chicago, Feb. 13. Wheat a change in the piann. offlc. In price today, 9 lie bushel, the most ease ha caused SIX ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1915.

The rrlday clith w tha oet of iulipr , than. of her Mine, hut Fr'-li-n- were many BABY'S HAPPINESS Mr. It P. There OfJG TUfJIC IS ilinglnfl crinelully to Hie firurp. legislative silent", making lt larl Ktrlp'd lfrta akhia )aikei ouit n hirae one. of m DEPENDS ON HEALTH An Theater" p'rty were the eatlii mali hlnK eome color th. 'After Ktrlpe. I UHcd l Mr. una Mm. Frank K. Nud Voile ntpnlvely. nnl rucf - Inir on Friday evening. At the Hun-l- a WHil.illy trimmed with hand of fa'- . fretful hMe usually F club nln a theater parly w STILL THE VOGUE feta, K.inu-Cdlorc- ,) voile !ilt hfiv-- Cm, given and a number of Ihiwe In the hrown lafreta JaikPl. a make them ' ncil luxalive to mate of Fverywomnn'' were aumct I fy1'-rl- c cnmfiirtnhle, and rotnfmt hwH I.iinelte an Aii)erkai-iiiHl- e the KUet, w h eh Hie U hnpplnea. Conatipatiott i the The Fifteen cluli met Friday after-nno- n ll;ea l.e plc of n crepe, I cause f much diwomfort. Moth- with Mr. K. II. Jlnnnn on WITH PARISIANS which made nhroad nd er ahnnid watch chinch If" con-dltii- n meet, with Mm. V. H. llarru'Ji haa become very avarcs alncp the wnr. of their children.1 bowel preeldina. Mr. Palcn read a paper Wholp dreiwea are made of it, cape-(lull- y on I ee that they nte rculir. on "The Temple of Jerusalem" und for pvenlnjf wear, and it Ik ! "SI A mild. plcaaart inr Mrs. prince irnve a readm. "The New mom Btlr.n llve mid , more durahlp tn h a Caldwell' Pyrin by lmvle. Current the Ir. Catacomb," t'oniin than chiffon. Tbere I an IndeHtrui-lih- le Pepsin, In Ideal fur ihililren be- event iind n,iiiitailiin completed '.he Full Skirls Seem to Have Come . voile which la very much like cause of It natural composition proa-ram- The it Mn nnd ttentle uctlon and bcnti Flitninu, Mr, fccimdiiio rnniTu, to Stay; Colors and Fabrics hlfMit Hint la alan tiaed a gnui deal ll contain no opiate, narnd-I- )' Mr. Mcchrm. Mra Harvev, Mm. Mr-Cn- v, It rnrne In all the heautlfnl or other harmful hit lilt form-In Mm, Hurt h. Mr. lliinlnK, Mra. Continue to Show Military In Dolly Vnrd"n - ilruir. Dr. Caldwell'- fvrul) I!"!iihiir nnd Mix Bryant. In addition and Iireaden delnna, 11 n wi ll a In th" l" ln I ii'iM 9 druititist every l Ihe member of the club. Influence. Ir.riie Huured effecta. where, A ul t lfP'""iU hotltlmf Plnld fahrii a nr havlnv a ri newp 1 will hrlnn env. certain relief. Tin: nnsr. gup A ImiIIIi- - can j my cHocrpent vf In Pari although they ire free iriul he oh. Tlcncth window , $79F. B. FACTORY Mmi eoaaoMMHC to 14, jomham u 0. tallied hy writing to V, H. Pierrot airiKtnir, s n h iim . Ponalil ril novelty rather than ill lr. ' New Keh. ( 4 H' , 1 III.' nlKhl York. U. Full aklna aiaple Inhrlc. la naturally very nldwell. "2 WnahlnRton hoard lhl lulu whole hnvp Ilhick CQMPLETELY EQUIPPED. INCLUDING ELECTRIC Montlcelln, Ilia, llllOIIRh undouldedly coiiip to alav for n. ftlylixh, im would he expei ted, when I'nlil the cnl wa red. hile at leaHt. For all Unit, there I rue think nil, .. In STARTING AND LIGHTING no thai France Ali, Pierrot. riiiHiin why the wotruin with aev- - moiirnliin. Afler hi ack emeu white. I hud no rote for flinuinir eral lonit Innle Kkirl In nrdrohp her White evotiliiK coiila nre conoidereil Overliead-Vulv- g Rear Axle Pure "Suiilram Kmc otii- my for lew r Motor thul li'ara dhoiihl ho for they harp ery 'anhlnmiMe; poal while Ilifort It Icuvrn wm (lend. no of Body Rich Upholstering. not horn diwardei) any manner of afr;e and Kiihunllne for the aepnrxte1 , , - Type of Streamline Hip lnr-;- p t Santa Fe Society I found II In Iho niPiin. A numher of Freneh coat. lilai-- ami w'hlle eoinhinei dtirkriP, Sjxkilinih-- r Thousands Buyers in lie ' , Now Open to of I klHsod II onip nnd thri-- It: dreaisiiiiiker nre iiNinit them thin year Pitld Note3 acAtli-rpi- TIip fipliila l over him. with itrpat Miirc'HM nnd in auch a way . Creuf CflM Under $1,000. II a riiiik wna ItirtiPd to Joy; lhat thp liiKenioim womun mny fol- And hp will ni'VPr know low their eviimplea with her old Till UMV. (AIiim, tlm one who knew It') ihp mortny ht skirl. InPii icnln. r: The roup tun plucked whpn diiMl wn WONDER- rpptlon (Ivpii at (lie pxeitilivf man-am- n For lnlnnrp, Ihp new tunic aklrt iTERE ARE THE SPECIFICATIONS OF THIS Thurpilay dim very longer thoap rvenlnit In th vlsiilnii Ili ldi- - p ImmhinK hoy. are Innir, much ihun I. hi m proNPd mom A FUL GRANT in rnJuMi. Hun Ti'iihiIhIp in S rliinpr' MnR.i-inp- . of lartt Jenr, allowing; prarrely jnorp hundrnl lfrhrr pa d Ihfir il iluin one or two Inehe of the lower to 1h fitut ladv of iim atnto and kirt heneatli; hut to nnet thla. Three-poin- rear special ini'l Hi liCillor and ihi'ir liidof. KUTItl) tV I'nlt power rinm t true cantilever thr IhMot hpxIkiIiik In lltp iHninif room whleh look rnther difficult when your aunpenKion, ullov steel. ll wit ihp diiy hpfora Hi Vnl nllnp' hint pHnn'a lonit fhowpd ut Uhi-o- i lflfi inches. at thp piim h howl, Flowi'U In - tunic and :h- wprp morp or Motor own six cylinder llae all of Ihpm pink In color, i.nd aocliil nflolm leant lx n he of a lower aklrt.l flnr Tread iiii inches lirt Inch spe- Hlnirilin'', Icon In of Ihla patron Milnt of 'J S Inch bore x 4 -t Inch Iriit nddllionul lovrhiiPB to th honor yoke arp very piueh Hip raKP, and cial for Southern trade Ihp loypm. Tiia rural lpni'h-r- wpm Hlroke- - onai en liloc water Hotly Heautlfnl streamline i"id dinlni! rww nnd Hip l)y allachlnR a tunic to a yoke it will cooled valve Mr. Il:irili'll' New Mpx'io KiMPt of Woman' Hoard of overhead deep, wide, tilted cushions-r- eal Trad Hi lunrhron In I.lhrnry hull. he long enoiiKh n milt (hi aeaaon'a valve concealed Hpherlcal long sprinK oiik, rrnili md ty Ilia 11W cluh of ill" ir upholstery, fp.iturp Ihp hiitunljiv .Micht fiiift rluh wi reiiulremeiila. combustion chambers. Innur-ln- H:inl hmh arhool. n n poxsihle effi- nnd curled hair. T?iprp pra piitprtuiiiPd at thp hmp of Mm. II. 1. If Ihe drcHa you with to remodel I Ihe Rreateat l Heavy stamped crown tiuit rrii'-- iim viaiiura. II.ipii ciency' In an enders wpII polo MIwp and rpfri'phinpnl Of silk, or n fuhrlc, a very to he obtained to aluminum alw torolirpd hy Ihp mirumer. Internal combustion engine. fender, Joined I' IIiiioJim .in I and pioirrnin did not prrmlt almple way of ll la covered running boards. AI'IhIi iio"i, irriill and modernlin; In add Horse-powe- i. I fiirpt in forroi oi.p monipnt that 111' r ixli ioMH hy noindiilln and rnilnr. In for n lower dpition of two or more ruf- Wheels Wood inches Ihp il I y wna di'dloaipil to hi'llt.i, I'll-pi- d TraiiNmUslcm Selective sliding demount-- . toMiiioti In I hope Hirnlloned thtP vnl:nllnp, fle, accordlnif to the width of the iiuick detachable atli'inlnni p Hip r lh ami gear three speed forward ' nldc witp in of r- - rim. .Mprrhnpnl lnin d at the San- ruffle and the ihpih of thp lower an- H hoiird id pilioaiom pfflnTa of Ihp liih nnd reverse mounted on Tiros 32 x 2 nil around nnl 1'p hrld)t I very - homo nnd child wplfnrr tlopurlnipnl ta chili with " auilton skirt which chow. anw n urel- nular hall henrlniis. firaight side type. n nt pxtpniimir Into thp drop-for-ge- Two-piec- of IMP l Woiiinn' rdnh. loui iiiii far ly tnlTeia ilrena the olher day which I'rcmt Axlo WliiiMiichl e rain Therp wcrp -' Tim of a prip of uflprnootia niKhl. 14 Piitrli', the had heen maijp with a llaiinp tunic heat treated steering vision adjustable to any po- third tournament In over Plant nl tiinl Wii jivrn Tlinmdiiy Mr. emend nd n very llRht lower aklrt. The knuckle pin harcfeneil. and sltion. HutiiPiliiy evenlniif, thp pl.t ti " B rou nil. Clcnrnnce 11 inches. Iltlil'tlt lipinu thai hefore thi flimlc pi'Ii owner of the lire nmile the lower Itoml Alr, M. A. t itpro nli'iMajK'd M dln-in- r wide ty n triangular Hear xli Full floating ,'fop Onp man mohair , with will ha pluypd at pot onp aklri pinion one slip. in honor of Mm. Mnvnn' J. riihlipr pverv piece of thp matpriul Into thp hack nml on inohalr lop illi).in. of Puna, Thiimclny with oilier enlrant. carrier fully adjuslahle Lights Electric, two - bull I'ul-nr- The Thirtepn waa tiie kupI t Kpam. hp nuiilrt trip Th filPio hoinp on .' rluh f Two runic of hall nnd roller hearing hendllfjhtH electric tail llghf. K:il .Mm. Kepi I. - H Miii. w i with violp'a, same taflein, wlllt narrow hPina nia- mounting rear inspection init nml l.iffhtlng One; fr.iBii.rl Hnnta f'p I'hnpler of KiMtPril Start whirh lotniPd a atrlUinu c!rtrn 10 the ( hlnc hemstitched. Thee were placed plate. unit generator Ktilr fc tve ll Valentin pnllv Moii'.p-Xiini- ii lh, jpIIoiv tol, i mImi In Hip in oMlo and, Ktcerimr starting motor mounted iiwd ''o. loii I. tiio foundation hkirt. off iivnt Irreversible and win-ni- Tl'p wprp Mm worm type. on large bat- or iupi Anipriean were ociume. the piec'lng wa hidden, nml nnd aector motor extra M, .Id, Mif Mr. The Women ho' Control drive cen- tery. l..n P.iln. Ml. Filt on Halurday pvenlnit In cplphrallon Joined he low thP lone tunic. ThedrP Ijiuahiin. Mr llpni'lian, Mr. Hupp. if ter control throttle un- Cowl Mountings Oil i St. Vnletitlnp . was vpry emart and lookpil n thounh ro?el Mi Parki r, Mm, I'rnnk V. t'lan. N', der wheel foot accelerator. pressure fcu'iRC, speedometer, 11 thlsaea-o- n .Mm, fiorirro, Mm, CIpo-to- a mlHht hnve heen denlnned Clutch Cone, fully adjustable. '!Hn nltch, gasoline filler. Itiimcro, Mr Antonl" Linpro, Tin: rni:iTY iimi. Instead of hint. , Isnltioii Atwnter-ken- t auto- Color Hody nnd chassis, black Thp Charity Monday pvpn-In- a Mi. I., r.ia.lforcl Prim p. Mm. V. II. hail on With a little forehoueht mid a matic spark ndvnnce. wheels, rich red equip- Priixp. Mrr,, l!rookp and Mm. In the Frottlnh idle eatliedrnl la fdudyin new dpalRns he Ilrcikr Internal and external in black enamel and to hp the event hp-fo- careful of to ment AVilwm. lnl meat aoety large 11 nd nickel. I ppen in the fanhion mamxlnea or on rear wheels: extra Hip hum Lent for the followlnu day An imprompi'i ilancs at Hhrovp fanhlon ppetiona of the nrwapaper braking surfaceR. Ilduliuiiciit Electric horn of Mr. mid K. C, V!lon Thiir-dii- y TiiPlny nnd then roioe A'l r.nhi'ifutliiii level robe rail foot rail Mr. Wednepdny with It andimnny an dreaa whose atyle i Constant floor rvpnlnir 'tov- a nomt dollKhiful nrkdoth old circulating pump, slcht feed mats extra demountable nnhea. The Charity hall la to ecllpe hi'iepH can hp madp Into nn on cowl hoard. rim nnd rim carrier on rear lilllllaniy all ptPViou eveiiU of garment which will sive a - nrpl (iivollno Syxtcni firavlty tool Jack tire nump I TI...iuIi.l irii.rn.kan t ' HlM kind. ijoveiimr and .ra. Me- deal of pleaiire. tank mounted on dash under license bracket sneednmeter. t , nr '', ,nr,"h' when. M,e PKpect. f apernl the aoi'-n- ,l,,,ul " ' i In mv fir.t illusMratlnn I have cowl tiller cup in cowl Price With electric lighting month, board, starting, nnd all acces- HiedrRl tahlea re to he nrrunired pnown a ilrena wnoae um are aimpie and Mm, K, V- Nudinif av the Senil-elliptl- c as specified. $795. - mot ah.ipe. It help enough to milt Ihe rrmM conservative Swlne front sories eartl pmtv at her honip in the of a heart, the oifok s"iit In Illai-- ami Whlto Kl KnoiiRhlof unci yet are n amiirt that l.ineoln ineime. T'mipday penlng. dav after Valentine'. t!ilcn (lick. ticket have lippn mild to owure a j wherever the gown la aeen the wear I record Kin MttepuancP, Th well-drpp- J s.w Oil r.o i:x position. rrt J"u" lp would pan a u mem ;.! very giiod nnd largely featured j SOUTHWESTERN AUTO CO. tiik ti' will lie of the cbolcpet 1,1 - Nn i liv. ( i ity, too I "I1 her of aoolpty. The model I develop- In It purple and gray i.i itfta unooiiM tn pomroin , , and train Th!i and h'mmel'lnt?, tiern nit tor ... .i,h-. -i - iinirm turret I Pll IM iri.IOO I'Mir ii.-.-- .,.i.ri,.i fai t, jll tlio mourninif and emi- Distributors for New Mexico. Arizona and EI Paso, Texas. V and enjoyment of the gupn. inrtr... i.le )jtniinlp of j oi' jllirht of weight end auited tn the mourning color are having a vogue And ever through thp eolonli.ule give an effect 105-10- A hteathinj! inillnl Ini'l nl myalio inkirt whoae wide tncka which they will probably not hae 7 South Fifth Street Albuquerque. N. M. aininda. ' of deep hem In flounced ek lit. until another war. i coya itahar-din- e The lit Anurliia, Xantippe Dialogues j News from Turi ,that New unltornm have been made lor NOTE Cood proposition for live dealers in open terrilor). Cata- ( i very II r inelndiea irnw o hugp from golden continue to he amart. the French olilier of a new ahade ' logue mailed on request. ' j 11., B'hiiili en. I im-- pipe. HI .....l;iouJ'lUll.l'CT win. 11 ...... lile; naturally that mean It I w hpne Spi-- I ( HOICK IN" M.A Vt. ) 11 A ni'tm Horn olden aea I dear It tn U "American mind, for mediately copied for coytunwa for rj eame. "Well, now. wouldn't Ihla iar you? w . m aerviceaoie pmi iii ei mm women. Thi color, together ith Hn'j A Canielol ! ?0-- I I illy llkeid Pint of A!lllli'l"-- lie HIWI iwtjn Khaki-colore- ! from nav) d cloth, ar j .loon-lnai- and mupie-bu- l It, 'l n""n h:lP. field u".l icl.rrui.ted ivdla abode c thul kImiik .' Mir laiiKuaRp teacher.ntl'nnine, hlack, white, tn all the extensively for tailored coctume. f elpter hy Ihe en, Kin riK I vulgar indlcalea of tan and gray. pecintly If they folio ever so li'n-- l niv aouthein and ' A itieam thou hadnt I poor vocabulary on the part of the Check large nnd check mall I;,- the tendency toward the military. Arid from the tlteam i UMer." are heine shown for the aprlng aulla. Hed, also n military color, but In a dream-'pu- n ! Came lorlh theee nave. "My dear Lydia," aald 8ocrnte. In my I have ehown trig! new brick shade, i being ;ied " ccpeclei, fcunpicloua or lllutrtion Harred window, conllng wlih uravlty, "whether dinitoniil black-and-hi- great deal, while th national color! HE leave ol tropic plant not nl.iiiH i ulnar, if your mother little suit with la mude aomp-wh- of red, yellow and bla.-- i !are tn the eky l w intertill. ue. It, It aurely doe not indicate check. The coat Helfuin Hill-crerl- m, p on Norfolk linea, with a nre lving comtiined attain nnd again f intliH they n no ity of availahle word; in thul purchaaea, particular your (pacher l cut the short ankle into frock and Real esnaio problems And 'el re not. lunminn" klrt suit. "The dealers stand behind bv Hut h'iiidlnM wrought of atubhom aurelv In error." to letiRih all akirta Small hata nre the vogue In Paii.i. ale or trade are eaailv aolved length, whlrh Journal want ada. Read them; uw clay Alexander chuckled, "there isn't a ahnutd he cut in have the proper Ihey pie loved too well hy the Pari- piamond Tires, because Dia- I 'hem. tin it todav. CauKht from the woof f time and thing the matter with maler'a alan, year. of to to be rpjickly discarded. Tli I atylo thi Innlead ahoe. sian good 'a'.jbltlied tlipre. if ii BH4it'l nL-e- tiehiort ihe tlioea. It monds make what the he distinctly up to Furi alyle. hoot little hal of oilcloth tn match cutis liniiKuiailona tiiouolltii, j ahe'd Juki get up lo dale, ahe'd he all ' worn with a walking drej belt or" wnrnextenaively with jealer says. More, too, you A art of heauly drcpt from heaven I Ik ht " ahould he and tailored ault. The small hats en- hrlnk, I "I don't think you'd find ma flow- can now buy Diamond Tires nods, j new phrneea. cull tirely covered with flower are tihed The palae.a of about adopting -- prices see A thing of drew ma Ithem alaiiR or what you will," ami for more elcburale occasion. Tail- at 'Fair List' Toward whuh (lie lofty causeway j Xanlipr e. bridling:, "tf you would only ored hata are be ng trimmed wii below." : Mister Squeegee np'n. introduce any thut I thought worth rihbona of plaid, p.s well a ..n wojd larse A IhniK of dream built out of while. To my mind, theie e lang j I luck nnd white faille ribbon, ortd slang, glad 1 It! I and eiiiiie. and I'm don't fihd .ive riiHnctly new liMik. T. Wiljnn. ' necersary my convprnu- - j theni h Itowaid to interlard a;e slowly creeping !n'o j Hon with tt whole lot of word that hat - j ! pco- - j 'mean in cider m . ' iew, and will no d.mbt hold ihe ' I'lEIOW. ,tloutely ncilinic. . VVO wlf j ; 6S tem-her- i - bad The i!:lng a. hoo were niakc myneif uttderatood.'" pie tor tiimnii-r- espeoimiv me 011- WIlb .swv" enierinltied (it Hihrheon 1'Tidnv after-- i "Hal JunI for emphn-- l. mute,."! time aliape trimmed with flowers and. iiHu hy the Kiinta I'e Woman' cluh f raid Alexander. I velvet nhlion elreamer. -- out of 4000 w 111 j "1 1, I Jvntt Imagine: 'The The repnol aerverl l.iblur) ve. eee. I hill oy a Pomimiiep of wh.ih U blank hoy stood on the blank humlng j I Here's a sample Diamond Tire I'. (". Wilmin wa the thiur'tiun. dei'K, w li Hi e every muiik pernon mil lis himei-l- had fled llow much more run n niiKfj'T rernrd! Out of 4000 Diamond Tires I . 7" .. . . emphatic than. I ... " 1 he boy mood on the burning i II WlllkU UUbUII sola by one Diamond aistriDutor during 'J deck, ! two, WAV " I 1914, two'ysf mind you were y 'TiZ'- -A JOY TO Whence all hut him had fled.' j I I I I I III! I I I II "Hut mater," nd Alexander, 1m- -j returned. Out of 40001 ",l l O'll 1 , iiii-i- - 111 f iimi-- ill LHUbfl 1U man life, when Juet plain evcry-ila- y n average lauguiigp won't fill the bill. He ha This was about the FEET lo nay something ditleienl or burnt"' experience of all Diamond dealers Tlio Xcw Mannirrr SOBEJIKB . "let him stud) the dictionary th-n- IF 'tiSM on.l fin. LiiiiiM 1111, 'lint limn I'tlrinl. CMPATFIli through the year. rtinary holiday language. I'm mire New I Bridge Saloon there mil! he ndjectivea and adverbs I Is it any wonder that the Diamond mother-tonsu- e (or ,'V- - j VTIZ" for aching, burning, enough in the dealer unlike other tire dealers is ready to M. C. SIMMS. Prop. i rv p,Kit .on in life ex ept that of o p I - t ikoo sthf-k-t puffed-u- feet and corns cii-t- editor. 1 am w illing to con- If peevish, feverish and sick recommend and advise you to put on Diamond sonii tiiiwi .cede that I'limtarn must be hard put Squeegee Tread Tires. . Corner llriilgp Street or callouses. m it ti think f aomelhiiig new mi give ''Caiifornia Syrup Hi low South F.lul of South Third i ny about every lduhmg hride nnd j Added Diamond to the wonderful m street f'nr Mno. Hw 'TIZ 1 harming hnete she ha to leamre. of Figs." I I Service, you can now buy Diamond 4om kalp but contend lhat there are 0 audi-- ! W'K SFI.L FOIl LFSS cunt Miml'T "f appropriate wnrua Squeegee Tread Tiret at the following All lira mis of Wliiskey. Wines every j for other situation! Somehow bimI Hers I can't eem to rememhi r hearing 1 Mother1 Your child If n't nutur.illy "FAIR-LIST- " PRICES: I your uxe mratiinglex ex-- j if tongue if Mi Telephone 2:t father tluw crca and pevlh. See you : a HKI, ph'Hve that th'nk o tndlpen thi ia sure its ltttl. , Diamond Diamond l'HFi: F.RY QVICK ' in M)kW? aable." and Xnnlipp panned w ith a stomach, liver and bowels need a u" j Sjuecee slz" Squeege triumphant air. aa l to my that he cleansing at once. g wfi coiKidered that Ut ntatement ouu.' When listip'5. pale, fevprish, full 0' 30 3 $ 9.4S 34 z 4 $20.33 ft Price List ettible. cold, breath bad, throat sore, doosr't 30x3'4 12.20 36 4'i 2S.70 "O. It, muter, il a nn line talk eat, e..p or has e, niGCRST GLASS BEEK tl.ime act naturally, 323 14.00 37 x5 33.90 10c you; t my c t gen-jtl- e Tint Jlottle Beet, each ing tn vou can set point remember, a 33 x 4 20 00 38 S' I 46 00 Mew ul oil." and Alexander rose has- - liver and bowel cleansing should WW?. lilue Kibbon. SchliU. Hudwclser, j tily an1 etnrled for the dour. uiwaya b the rlrt treatment given. PAY NO MORE pints i If l wera I ahould nay I QIAKT BOTTI-- HKF.R.. )ou. Nothing e.iuais 'California Syrup of' n 1 I " -- 'w. i a SI. 30 can V n tortcd Xantippe, Put H ire FMgs " for children's Ilia; Rive a tei-- i mi mjin Ted doiien pints, ll.lle; qt. 1 I . . 35e i white diaw the hue. w It not spoonful, In 11 few all i t'Jallon Host Beer and hours the . ue ungrammaticHl elang." foul waste, tour bile and fermenting WHISKEY, Bill . (iLASS. ...6c ! i ..I . .1 : i,A . . .150 "Well, whitt would you nay, mam . -- 111kii.i.11 - 111 - l.l.wr-ij-l....,.iu Whiskey. pt Oevt-bnir- " VII'K- IIII- ma, w hen one of the ir! naked you C'onervatlto IVik I't. S.V ll.-p- . inn i utr miu Jim if ou come t llclgUn lllne ?ti'iii, imir Qt SK ng fee", would ovi and help ner wen ana pintui cniki aga.n. Ail OooJ.tiye aura feet, burn new embro-iler- Whl-ike- per ... $1.50 to ! , with that titrh love deiictons Kal'ori ft-il- ameUlnit feut, tired htldren thia harmlefs awulleit lii.! "If I not Mitl(ied wish pliiillf Uussian boot they to Port, Angelica. Sherry, qts. 2o fiood-hy- e corn, bunloi.j "fruit Uiatlve." and it never fail . e. I might nay urel cr 'ceruiin-r- e calleil, they button or lace up the aJ ni- - tlallon 0.V No more hoe tuihi-iie- e. effect rood "inside" eleanslne. und iw unit. I! 1 have een known people aide (irnj wrinkle in a nunisouetdire rection tiah'es. all ALL BOTTLE f IN BOND no morn limping with Pain or my. for children of ttV '"t'lZ-- enough to Td he plena. fashion. luge and grown-up- a plr.inly on the WHISKEY. draw 111 up yout fuce III e,1 to'- ' are In 250 o '' Half Pint Bottled Bond n-'- Empire l.nea nre shown in every-Ib- He. net ht oil. "Tl" "Aw. l.yd. 'ynu your KI LL gTS. pxPiIj-lio- !J. bet boots j Kepp it handy In yonr home. A ta OFIt LEADER. iijml,out ill Ihe pniinou I will''" thing. Suits are made shori walsted IX BOND C und Alexander di.iuPtieare.1 'ven p :ck child to- - WOULD quire president to find the BOTTLF.O which puff UP Ihe feel. Ironi n w. full pet'luma hanging from thai'1' l'y AUTHORIZE the total Runnv Brook, S. Qts. b.-l- ....,. but get me genuine, wheat supply on Inst July 1; Tl." and mller hoe. Y,t "Wed, what ri vou nbnut u ask hand the Sunny H. in B., wr know ir.i. 54-ce- Full your drugiilst nt Brook. "TIZ" end forget your fool mlnerv. that'" jiaict Xcnt.ppe. v. aijit.d, '""i for a bottle rf EMBARGO ON quantity tcquired for domeatie pur- fe,-- t.iiwith wide or mvrrow b't, WHEAT Qts .....$1.15 your t iw-- l CaliforBia fyrup Fig." then look pose, already exported esti- Ah' how coinfoi table which i on It upper tt that and Old Taylor, S Qts. . . 9lo now at attached lin and aee that It i made by the "Cali- fis- tiet n 34 flit ho of "TIZ" Increasing nee of thp for- - mated exports durine the current B. in R Full Qts.. I.8S national only nd hang free on lia lower edgu, Fig Syrup Company." Iy howkmi mtm Old Taylor. any drui!it or departttcnt atoiv. t by local fornia jouv ieii uiua cal year, if not enough remains to $1.25 ! farnier and aettlpr to giving a boxed The evening Washington. 1 Yellowstone, Full Qt. lion't ufu r, Have good feet. S "upply effort. Feb. J. A bill to em- meet the average per capita annual rV awi-B- . never their need for timber la rhown aresaiw are made du-li- Hy riiono I'eet. lhat never afler the Puke Clif Cleaner. Hat Urn am power Ihe president to place an em- consumption based on the records of 23 never get Hied. A year fnot in the f t thai mtmll timber P on gown of the Kmpre Jowphine years, hmi. Ihe rycr. otodem equipped aiul wp-t-o. bargo on wheat and flour exports waa the last ten the president would Buarauleed or money fnret numbered S,2 la period, the wtnurta )ut coming below "late, under the terms of the bill proclaim Bridge Saloon , lH.' fa tite brM awl finest work, introduced today by New Jundi-i- inl tb previoua year. buat, fail Representative embargo. in- ,li tha acil the akiru lonor And lo end tlelivt CihxU, of an Jlr. Farr said he f Fair Fenrisjlvanla. .it would, re- - tended to press the bill. ,