Highways & Byways January 2019 The News and Views from Mickle Trafford and District

Hungry Local Resident


Page 2 Highways and Byways

Is it too late to wish you Happy New Year ? ... probably yes, by the time you are reading this. I’ve never been very good at making new year resolutions but this year I have promised myself 3 things and so far, so good.

Firstly I hate food waste, it seems so unnecessary, so I am doing my absolute best to avoid this. Secondly I have bought reusable produce bags to take to the supermarket so no more little plastic bags and, for my health, 2 dry days each week. Do you have plans for 2019. If you want to share them we would be happy to hear from you.

We’ve not seen any really wintry weather yet. If it’s on its way, then stay warm and safe. No broken bones, burst pipes or damaged cars please. Hopefully if February and March are much colder then winter will be over by our next newsletter.

Our next newsletter will come out at the end of March. Please send anything you wish to be included by Friday 8th March to Jenny by email at [email protected]. If you want to chat about anything for the next edition contact Jenny or Roger on 01244 301860.

BIG GARDEN BIRDWATCH What birds do you see in your garden?

26th—28th January

For more information go the rspb.org.uk

The views expressed in Highways and Byways are not necessarily the views

of the Parish Council. The inclusion of any products and services within the newsletter does not imply endorsement by the editorial team. Page 3 WHAT’S ON — at a glance

Weekend 26th—28th January Big Garden Birdwatch, 1 hour in your garden. Wednesday 30th January Village Club Fun Quiz, 8.30pm Village Hall Wednesdays February St Peter’s Toddler group 10.30—12.00 Village Hall Sunday 10th February Book and DVD Sale 10am—2pm Pre-School Com Rm Monday 11th February Parish Council Meeting 6.30pm Village Hall Tuesday 12th February Installation of the Revd Heather Carty 7.30pm St Peters Wednesday 13th February Village Club Fun Quiz, 8.30pm Village Hall Wednesday 27th February Village Club Fun Quiz, 8.30pm Village Hall Wednesdays March St Peter’s Toddler group 10.30—12.00 Village Hall Sunday 10th March Messy Church 9.45am Village Hall Monday 11th March Parish Council Meeting 6.30pm Village Hall Wednesday 13th March Village Club Fun Quiz, 8.30pm Village Hall Wednesday 27th March Village Club Fun Quiz, 8.30pm Village Hall

If you want to make sure your special event is highlighted in this section contact Jenny 01244 301860

Page 4 MICKLE TRAFFORD & DISTRICT PARISH COUNCIL NEWS Based on the Parish Council Meetings held on 10th Dec. and 14th January

Open Forum POLICE UPDATE Monthly report from PCSO Makin Speed Watch: I have been targeting the same roads including – Ince Lane in , A56 in Mickle Trafford, Plough Lane in and Lane and Common Lane in Waverton to name a few.

I have also been out with members of the community speed watch for Mickle Trafford completing some speed awareness on the A56 outside the Village Hall. If anybody would like to join me again for this then please let me know as it is a great way to collectively deter speeding along these roads.

Young People/ASB Anti-Social Behaviour hasn’t been a problem for our communities, but I am talking regularly to some of the youths around the villages and have had mostly positive interactions to date.

My Police Surgery Dates that are held weekly at my Tier 2 Police Base, which is in Mickle Trafford Village Hall . See noticeboards for dates

Constable Rob Boulton Following concerns raised by a member of the public after viewing statistics on the Constabulary website for the Mickle Trafford area, PC Boulton attended the January meeting to give the Parish Council further information. He had viewed the statistics since August 2018 and agreed that the category headings could well be alarming to residents. As an example, two incidents in August 2018 were recorded under “Violence” but neither incident had warranted any lengthy investigation. He explained that each category covered a spectrum of behaviour from mild to severe. If an incident had been resolved at the time of the incident it would be recorded in the statistics but no further action taken. PC Boulton assured those present that the Mickle Trafford had experienced a low level of criminality.

The Chairman then closed the Open Forum.

Names of Councillors present, apologies for absence, and Declarations of Interest were recorded.

Parish Council Minutes. Minutes of the meeting held on 10th December were approved.

Planning/Finance Committee The minutes of the 3rd December 2018 and 7th January 2019 were noted.

Page 5 Co-option of Parish Councillor

It was proposed by Cllr Taylor, seconded by Cllr Harrison and agreed by all that Mr Cameron Robson be co-opted onto the Parish Council

Draft Budget 2019-20 (recommendation from Finance Committee) The recommendation of the Finance Committee that the precept for 2019/20 should be set at £45000 was accepted.

Action Update Dog Control – Gowy Woodland Park It was agreed that the contact number put forward by CWaC to report the breaking of any regulations by dog walkers in the Woodland Park should be advertised. The number given is for Regulatory Services and is 01244 973708. It was noted that the Dog waste bins are now being emptied on a more regular basis. 20mph extension – The Street We have been advised that the survey will be carried out early in the new year but results may not be available till February. Pathway Lighting – A56 to Wells Close It was agreed that Cllr Taylor should purchase equipment up to £50 to trial a method that may alleviate some dark areas of the footpath. Shrubs in the area will be pruned to allow light from the main road to cover the area. Flooding – Road We are awaiting comments from the Highways Engineer for CWaC about the work that has been carried out and their response to a resident’s comments. Drains – Warrington Road We are awaiting comments from Highways Engineer for CWaC about how serious the problem is with the road drains between the Toby Carvery and the Fields. Cllr Woods wished it to be noted that the road drains in Ince Lane were not working properly. Car Park Rental An agreement has been reached with the owner of the land on this matter and the Council is awaiting a new contract before proceeding with further payment.

Website / Social Media Cllr Taylor is being assisted by a member of the public to work through issues relating to the operation of the website. The Domain name for the website will be back under the control of Cllr Taylor in the near future.

Pathway from Meadow Lea Farm to Railway Bridge on Station Lane

CWaC has been asked for suggestions to make this area safer for pedestrians and cyclists.

Page 6 Gowy Liaison Meeting on 6th December.

Soil import continues to enable capping on the North facing side.. A new cell has been completed ahead of schedule. Planning permission has been approved to allow tipping to commence at 7.30am. Some vehicle movements will occur before that time to enable a prompt start. The usual issues around litter picking, odour, and seagulls are being addressed.

Matters raised at the discretion of the Chairman

Cllr Parker expressed the need for a committee to take charge of both the day to day running of the Queens Diamond Jubilee Park and its development for the future. See article on page 9.

Cllr Spence commented on a rumour that the Gowy Landfill site intend to request a further six years life for the site on Ince Lane. The manager of FCC Environmental was immediately asked about this situation and he advised that there were no plans to continue beyond the current timescale.

Date and time of next Parish Council Meeting Monday 11th February at the Village Hall @ 6.30pm


 A friendly church with a warm welcome for all ages  Space to be still and know the love of God  Worship every Sunday  A beautiful setting for weddings and baptisms

For full details of our services see the website or newsletter. Monthly pattern: 1st Sunday 9.30am Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer) 2nd Sunday 11am Family Service 3rd Sunday 9.30am Holy Communion (Common Worship) 4th Sunday 11am Holy Communion (Common Worship) 5th Sunday 11am Holy Communion (Common Worship)

New Vicar Announced We were delighted to announce in late November that the next Rector of St Peter's and St John's will be the Revd. Heather Carty. We heartily congratulate Heather on her appointment. She has been our Curate since 2016 and we very much look forward to the continuation of her ministry among us. Heather's official service of Induction and Installation as Rector will take place on Tuesday 12th February at 7.30pm at St Peter’s Plemstall.

St Peter’s Toddler Group & Community Coffee Bar Open on Wednesday Mornings, 10.30am –12noon, in Mickle Trafford Village Hall. The main hall will be open for babies/toddlers & parents/carers, with many toys available. The lounge will be open for anyone to drop in for tea or coffee. Everyone welcome. Messy Church The next Messy Church is on Sunday 10th March at 9.45am in Mickle Trafford Village Hall. This is an ideal opportunity for all ages to meet together for breakfast, craft and a short service. It usually ends by about 11.30am. Everyone is most welcome. Check the church website, www.stpetersplemstall.org, for details of all services and activities. ‘Like’ our Facebook page to keep up to date: www.facebook.com/ stpetersplemstall. Contact us if you wish to receive our quarterly newsletter (£2 p.a.). We welcome any enquiries about weddings, baptisms or other matters. Contact: Revd Heather Carty, tel. 07484 515812, email: [email protected]


With funds available to develop the Park, it is proposed to form a committee of Councillors and residents to take charge of both the day to day running of the Queens Diamond Jubilee Park and its development for the future.

The group, led by Allan Gardiner, will report to the Parish Council through the Finance Committee. The Clerk has been asked to produce Terms of Reference for the committee.

Persons wishing to volunteer to join this group should contact Allan on 01244 301454.


The club committee would like to wish everybody a very Happy New Year and thank everyone who attended the Christmas Charity Quiz. It was great to see the village club packed out again and a great night was had by all with £260 being donated to the Alzheimer’s Society. The club continues to host all the usual activities and we would like to encourage more people to support the club ,especially the Bingo on Tuesday evenings (eyes down at 8.45).

The dates for the Wednesday Fun Quizzes are 30 Jan, 13 and 27 Feb and 13 and 27 March. We are also putting on a special ‘Big Fun Music Quiz! ‘ on Friday 8th March for all you budding ‘Pop Masters!’ (Look out for the posters).

Please come and support your local club!

Ps. The club committee would like to again apologise to members for the problems experienced with the heating system in the lounge. We have continually expressed our concerns to the Hall Trustees responsible for managing the building and hope the problems will be sorted by the time this article is printed.

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Page 12 Mickle Trafford Preschool receives a makeover

Mickle Trafford Preschool & Community Room has recently undergone an external makeover thanks to a business grant from the Cheshire LEADER Fund supported by EU Funding.

The building has been transformed with better insulation and a whole new look. Kate Linford, Committee Chair said, ‘We are delighted to be awarded this business grant to allow us to improve our community-led Preschool environment. The building improvements mean that its longevity has been vastly improved with the added benefit that it is so much more attractive than previously. It will also be more energy-efficient thanks to the insulation. We could not have achieved this without the Cheshire LEADER Fund’.

The Preschool was also lucky enough to receive a grant from Garfield Weston to allow the installation of a new air-conditioning and heating system, so they are well prepared for any future glorious summers and cold snaps.

In September, a new manager and deputy joined Preschool. Caitlin Phillips (Manager) and Sarah Robson (Deputy) joined the team and have a wealth of childcare experience between them. Caitlin said, ‘Sarah and I are excited to be part of the Mickle Trafford Preschool team and are dedicated to providing an enjoyable, vibrant and educational environment for the children. Our goal is to deliver individual, child-centred learning and ultimately get them ready for moving to Primary School.’.

For more information on Mickle Trafford Preschool which is open 8am-4pm, Monday to Friday (term times) and accepts all types of childcare funding or to hire the Community Room, please call 01244 301711 or email [email protected].

Preschool before makeover Preschool after makeover

Page 13 Mickle Trafford Village School at The Storyhouse

On Tuesday 11th December 58 very excited children from Mickle Trafford Village School arrived at the Storyhouse to perform their nativity play in the Garrett Theatre. After a quick change, the theatre was soon buzzing with angels, shepherds, sheep, camels, innkeepers, wise men and, of course, Mary, Joseph and the baby Jesus. Soon, the theatre was filling up with proud parents and grandparents waiting for the show to begin.

The show followed the traditional nativity story with reception class playing the main parts on the stage supported by their year six buddies who narrated and performed from the side. The singing, speaking and acting was outstanding and the audience showed their appreciation with cheers and applause at the end. All the staff from the school were incredibly proud of everyone. The fantastic venue really lifted the performance and made the occasion extra special. Many thanks to the Storyhouse for this opportunity and for making the young performers feel so welcome.

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Services at 10am: The Chapel at the Crossroads

REV DAVID SPEED [email protected] JENN SIMMONDS Bookings and Questions regarding Chapel and Graveyard: To [email protected]

27th January Janet BATEY Preaching the Word 3rd February Rev David SPEED COVENANT Service with Communion 10th February Jenn SIMMONDS BIBLE Study Isaiah 6: 1-13, Luke 5: 1-11 17th February Mark SMYTH Preaching the Word 24th February Geoff ROBINSON Preaching the Word 3rd March Jon PARRY Living with and through Issues

We cordially invite you to join in fellowship with us at one or more of the services above: different styles for different tastes. Please come and explore your faith through learning conversations or reflection, or be part of a traditional preaching the word service with hymns and readings. Join us for communion, we have an open table. Participate in our Covenant Service and renew your commitment. Please email either David or Jenn for further detail. We can always promise a warm welcome whatever the weather. An additional thank you is in order at this time, as the Chapel at the Crossroads was again the site for the Village Christmas Tree, a beacon which shows an understanding of the significance of the season. This tradition is kindly sponsored by the Parker family and the Parish Council. We are also grateful for the kind donations of Christmas gifts and foodstuffs, given over a three week period, which were used to supplement gifts for families in need. We are a very small fellowship and are extremely grateful for your continued support and generosity.

“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me” Matthew 25:35-36

Einstein said: Learn from yesterday Live for today Hope for tomorrow The important thing is not to stop questioning.

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Nature Notes January 2019

It’s been a relatively quiet time weather wise since the last edition. We’ve had some frosty mornings, but so far it’s mostly been a grey winter. For a few days before Christmas we had a lot of rain, resulting in lying water on the meadows which held some waterfowl, and we could hear widgeon whistling at night. The widgeon is a colourful dabbling duck which feeds on plants and seeds in shallow water, so when the meadows are flooded they are an ideal feeding spot, and when the pools dry up the birds move on. A large number of widgeon visit the UK in winter from Iceland, Scandinavia and Russia. The males are grey with a pink breast, yellow forehead and white patches on the wings. The females, (as usual in the bird world) are dowdier and resemble female mallards. The widgeon is a protected species and classified as amber under the UK conservation status.

On New Year’s Eve we visited a local hostelry in the village and decided to walk home along the main road. Despite the fact it was the early hours of the morning, on every few street lamps sat a robin singing its heart out. I know they sing near lights but I was surprised how many there were. Robins are known to be fiercely territorial, and one of the first birds to start the dawn chorus, but I do wonder when they sleep?

The Big Garden Birdwatch takes place this year on 26th – 28th January so I will be hoping for a good turnout of birds at my feeders. Our latest regular visitors are a pair of collared doves who enjoy the grain in the birdseed that the smaller birds ignore. At least the days are getting longer, there are catkins in the hedgerows and bulbs are appearing. There’s probably wintry weather to come yet, but Spring will come eventually.

The Pink Lady

Fruits of the Web

Did you know? The entire contents of the internet weighs as little as 2 strawberries.

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Page 17 Christmas Lights at the Village Hall

On a crisp, but dry, Friday evening in December the Village Hall Christmas lights were formally switched on. The Chester Town Crier led the proceedings which included carols from Mickle Trafford Village School choir and seasonal items played by the City of Chester Training Band.

The tree at the Cross was particularly impressive this year which, together with the Village Hall lights and decorated houses gave the village a cheery festive feel.

Drinks and mince pies were appreciated during the event and lucky raffle winners took home some impressive prizes donated by local businesses. Thanks go to them for their support of village activities.

The High Sheriff of Chester Cllr Stuart Parker together with his wife Cllr Margaret Parker and Mr David Mitchell, the Chester Town Crier were guests of honour at the Village Hall Lights Switch On event.


Happy New Year 2019 from all at MTMT! We wish you all joy and prosperity.

Please note that if you have donated produce for the community cider project, then we will be in touch over the next few months once we are happy that the cider is worthy of distribution.

Please note that we have no volunteer spaces available as we are fully booked on our community volunteer days.

If you would like to join our Board of Directors, we are always keen to have professional, experienced and knowledgeable people to help us preserve, restore and give purpose to Trafford Water Mill, a Grade 2 Listed Building of Industrial Heritage.

Access to the public outside of national open days is flexible and can be negotiated to suit you. Guided tours are also available with a heritage builder. Please note that there is no parking at Trafford Mill and some areas of the building are unsuitable for people of limited mobility. However, the Directors work very hard to provide visual information in other ways and make the more accessible parts of the mill available at all times.

For any of the above, please contact Miss Ceris Timms using the details below.

Trafford Mill relies on donations to carry out its charitable aims

and objectives. Thank you for all your support.

Ceris Timms Director: 07587189776 [email protected] Facebook Messenger Mickle Trafford Mill Trust

Are you cutting down on sugar? Do you have fizzy drinks left over from Xmas? Here are some uses for your colas. 1. Rusted on nuts and bolts? Soak a rag in fizzy drink and wrap around the rusted bolt for several minutes. Also use to clean battery terminals. 2. Clean the toilet. Eliminate dirt and smells with a can of soft drink. 3. Make cut flowers last longer. Pour 50mls into your vase. The sugar will make the blooms last longer. Use colourless drinks for clear water. 4. Clean dirty coins by soaking in cola. Don’t apply to rare coins!! 5. Drain emptying slowly? Pour a 2 litre bottle of cola down the drain to help remove the blockage.

Page 19 Plemstall Plants @ Jean' s Garden

First of all I would like to thank all those who support my fundraising throughout the year either by buying plants, bringing along cuttings and plants for me to grow on, donating materials and pots ...or coming along to help with preparing plants, transport when needed and help on stall on sale days. It is very difficult to wrap plants and take money whilst answering questions about performance and care ... so extra hands are much appreciated. I don't know yet when my first 'out of the village' sales will be. I now have space offered each month at the Japanese Market at Dunham Hill , although I don't always manage to get there. Village Produce give me space at their Annual Plant Sale and also at the fair usually held in summer to raise money for Scouts to go to Jamboree. There is the Village School Summer Fete, of course and the Hospice invite me to attend their fund raising events .... sometimes even providing a ' man and a van ' ! Meantime my garden can be seen any time that is mutually convenient ...so that you can see what grows where and why. There are plants in pots ready to buy and take away ... and free pond weed ...maybe with frog or toad spawn in it ...or if you are lucky some newt eggs! All my plants are a lot cheaper than those you see at garden centres and nurseries. Some of them are quite rare or unusual and all the money goes to the Hospice. So I hope even more of you will come and buy or offer help in 2019 .... and a really big ' Thank you ' to all those who helped in 2018. Jean Harley 01244 300967

Page 20 Carrot Soup with Ginger

What you need: 25g/1oz butter or margarine 1 onion, chopped 10ml/2tsps crushed fresh root ginger 1 celery stick 1.2 litres/2 pints chicken stock 1 potato chopped 105ml/7tbsp whipping cream 1 675g/1 /2lbs carrots, chopped pinch freshly grated nutmeg salt & ground black pepper

What you do: 1. Put butter or margarine, onion and celery into a large pan and cook for about 5 minutes until softened. 2. Stir in the potatoes, carrot, ginger and stock and bring to the boil. Reduce the heat to low, cover and simmer for about 20 minutes. 3. Pour the soup into a blender and process until smooth. Return the soup to the pan. Stir in the cream and nutmeg and season to taste. 4. Reheat gently but do not allow to boil. Serve hot.

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Brush Strokes Art Club

Meetings started again in January. We are looking forward to meeting up and spending time with old friends and maybe a few local residents who have been thinking about popping in to see what we do. Lots of us, myself included, have been bedbound/housebound with that nasty virus over the last few weeks but hopefully now have strength to pick up a pen or a brush again, and to change the painting display in the Village Hall and Helsby Library. If you haven't had a look at them ...please do. Not all paintings are for sale but those for sale are priced sensibly ...and don't forget that if you buy one you

have a unique, original painting, not one of thousands on sale commercially.

Locally there are new exhibitions opening on Wednesday at Castle Park Arts Centre in for 6 weeks. So there is plenty of time to pop in to see them.

Remember that, at our Brush Strokes sessions, we are always happy to put down our brushes and make you a cuppa. If you would like to pop in and see what we are doing we’ll be at the Village Hall ...second Tuesday of every month. We are there from 10 until 3pm. If the door is closed just ring the bell. We do hope to see those who came along and chatted to me at the Christmas Fair and said that they were interested or you could get in touch with me if you want any more information . Jean Harley 01244 300967


Thank you to all those who bought a raffle ticket for the Christmas Cake kindly donated by a previous resident and member of our WI who now lives on the edge of the Lake District where she runs a busy cafe and B&B — Middle Holly Cottage, Garstang. Selling only to local residents and Village Hall

users we raised £150 for the Hospice of the Good Shepherd.

Page 22 1st Mickle Trafford Rainbows

Hello from 1st Mickle Trafford Rainbows! Rainbows are the first tier of the Girl Guiding system for girls aged 5-7 years. We run term time only from 4.30-5.30pm on Tuesdays in the Methodist Church on Station Lane in Mickle Trafford. Our New Year has started with getting to know the new Guiding programme which encourages the girls to work independently to gain extra badges – of course it’s all about the badges!! Full support will be given to the Rainbows and their families to help them achieve their best and learn new skills.

1st Mickle Trafford Rainbows was very lucky to be awarded a grant from Cllr Margaret Parker and our Parish Council. These much needed funds have helped keep the cost of attending Rainbows reasonable so that no family in our village should feel that such extra-curricular activities are an extravagance. Therefore we offer our sincere heartfelt thanks to Cllr Parker for her efforts to keep small community groups like ours alive.

We are desperate for female volunteer helpers aged 18 or over and would warmly welcome those who wish to make a difference to a child’s life within their community by giving up an hour a week to help. The benefits are rewarding for career, personal development and enhancing skills. We welcome volunteers from all walks of life as diversity enriches the child. Maybe you are retired and would enjoy working with this wonderful age group, relishing the idea of teaching them something almost lost like baking and sewing? Or maybe you are a student who needs teaching experience with extra-curricular subjects? Or maybe you are a single mother who would like to expand her CV and find ways back into work? Please get in touch if you have the time as I’m quite sure that wherever you are in life you will have something to offer these children. You will also have the opportunity to complete Girl Guiding Accredited Qualifications should you wish to.

The cost is £31 per full school term and you can register your daughter on www.girlguiding.org.uk . We receive a notification that allows us to contact you to offer her a place should there be any available. We are very popular and do have a waiting list but getting your daughter registered is the first step to ensuring her place on the girl guiding system. If you have any queries then please email [email protected] or call Ceris Timms on 07587 189 776 and we will be happy to help.

For all new Rainbows, 1st Mickle Trafford Rainbows are: Miss Ceris Timms – Ariel – Unit Leader Miss Kim Wilday – Rapunzel – Leader

Page 23 Mickle Trafford & District WI

Happy New Year from all at Mickle Trafford & District WI! The end of 2018 and the beginning of 2019 have a marked feeling of ‘all’s quiet on the Western front’, but is it? If you take a look at our events programme for the coming year on the page opposite, I’m sure that you will be enticed to come along as a visitor. For the price of £2 it’s definitely worth a visit…. Because the truth is, without new members our smaller rural WI’s are suffering. Naturally, those long standing members have already given up a lot of their time to help run their local WIs and without new faces, we struggle to fill the roles that are required to survive. So all you ladies of the Parish, come on, stand up and get involved in something of history and heritage that needs a future, a future that only women like you can provide. It is the Cheshire Federation of WI’s Centenary year in 2020 and so for those women of our past who have helped shape our present, let’s put on their old worn shoes and create a future for those women who are to come.

In my day job, I work with young women and I see all around me girls who live in fear, guilt and anxiety. Now think about your WI, its heritage and how it came about that such women became a collective positive force within your community. Then think about how women like you could move this agenda forwards, changing the lives of young women by improving their self worth and creating inner peace. Believe me, what the WI does for all women everywhere can work miracles.

Ceris Timms President: 07587189776 [email protected] Facebook Messenger Mickle Trafford & District Women’s Institute

Mickle Trafford Photoclub

The December meeting was a social evening when members met at the Chester Fields for drinks and the chance to talk about photo opportunities over the festive period and the upcoming winter. Members’ photos were very effectively displayed on the large screen in the Village Hall at the Xmas Fayre. Perhaps you saw them.

The Photoclub meets monthly on the 3rd Monday, 7.30pm at the Village Hall. Contact Roger Brace on 01244 301860 to find out more about the Photoclub

and its activities.

Page 24 Mickle Trafford & District WI Programme 2019

FEBRUARY 6th UPSTAIRS, DOWNSTAIRS What the butler did or did not see MARCH 6th Amusing anecdotes of tour guide APRIL 3rd The RNLI JUNE 5th The Chester Centre for the Homeless JULY 3rd Natural Luxuries Company demonstration with scarves etc. SEPTEMBER 4th Experiences of a Private Investigator OCTOBER 2nd Comic Verse— the humorous side to everyday life NOVEMBER 6th The Secrets of Handwriting DECEMBER 4th Christmas in Chester


Councillor Contact Details

Cllr T L Bartley 300274 Cllr C Robson Cllr C Charlton 303115 Cllr D K Rowlands 300655 Cllr A Gardiner 301454 Cllr J Spence 07973874835 Cllr B A Harrison 300822 Cllr J Taylor 300759 Cllr I Jones 300300 Cllr J Woods 301334 Cllr A. Munday 300437 Cllr A Youds 07855833896 Cllr M P Parker 300250

Parish Clerk:

Derek Bowker 8, Dixon Drive, Helsby, Frodsham. WA6 0FS Telephone: 07711321455 Email: mickletraffordpc@gmail

Page 25 DIARY DATES Ballet (Village Hall) Keep Fit (Village Hall) Monday 3.45pm— 4.30pm Monday 6.30pm -7.30pm. Tuesday 4pm— 6pm Thursday 3.45pm—5.45pm Pilates for Men (Village Hall) Monday 7.30pm —8.30pm Bridge Club (Village Hall) Pilates (Village Hall) Monday 2pm—4:30pm Tuesday 2pm – 3pm. Wednesday 6pm – 7p.m. Child Minders (Village Hall) Yoga (Village Hall) Tuesday 10am—12pm Thursday 6pm—7.30pm

MT Photoclub (Village Hall) Brush Strokes Art (Village Hall) 3rd Monday monthly 7.30pm 2nd Tuesday 10am - 3pm

Retirement Club (Village Hall) M.T. Rainbows (Methodist Hall) Monday 2pm (fortnightly) Tues 4.30pm—5.30pm (Term time)

Women’s Institute (Village Hall) Mini Maestros (Village Hall) 1st Wednesday monthly 7.30pm Wednesday 4pm—7.30pm

Plemstall Fellowship (Village Hall) Yoga (Pre-school Community Room) 2nd Wednesday monthly 2.30pm Thursday 7pm—8.30pm

St Peters Toddler Group and Community Coffee Bar Sweaty Mammas (Village Hall) Wednesday weekly 10.30—12pm (Village Hall) Thursday 9.30am—10.30am

Mickle Trafford Brownies (MT Village School) French for Adults (Village Hall) Thursday 12.45 pm—2.30pm Thursday 6 -7.30pm

Mickle Trafford Village Club in the Hall LaughterTots (Village Hall) Monday: short mat bowling. Monday 10am—11am Tuesday : bingo, starting 8.15pm for 8.30pm Friday 10am– 12pm Wednesday: fun quiz on alternate weeks. Friday 12.30pm—13,30 Bingo and quiz nights raise funds for local groups N Gauge Railways (Village Hall) Crossroads Cafe Church (Methodist Church) Last Fri. monthly 7.30pm—10.30 3rd Sunday monthly10am

Mickle Trafford Preschool (Preschool & Community Room next to Village School) Mickle Trafford Preschool offers a professional and caring environment for children from 2 years until school age. Older children are able to visit the Village School twice per week. We provide care from 8am until 4pm Monday to Friday (term time only) and shorter sessions (9-3pm, mornings and afternoons) are also available. We endeavour to be as flexible as possible. We claim EYFS funding for 3 and 4 year olds up to 30 hours per week (subject to eligibility) and also accept workplace childcare vouchers. Visit www.mickletraffordpreschool.org.uk for more information or call Caitlin Phillips or Sarah Robson on 01244 301711 to arrange an appointment to look around.

The Village Hall is open every night of the week (except Thursday) for socializing – good company, bar, and no need to drive! Opening time is 8.30pm . Page 26

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